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Dana Fusek’s Mini-Portfolio

Jan 07, 2022



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Page 1: Dana Fusek’s Mini-Portfolio

Dana Fusek’sMini-PortfolioW H A T I L E A R N E D I N P R I N C I P L E S


Page 2: Dana Fusek’s Mini-Portfolio

The TaskModule 1: Design Thinking Overview

The Process

Blog Link:

You will be paired with a partner from class. Together, watch a video demonstrating the process of design thinking through an exercise related to gift giving. Interview each other and fill out the worksheet. The goal is to create a solution that fits your partner's needs.

I was partnered with fellow graduate student Lejun Ding to complete the design thinking crash course.

Lejun is a mother of two and described an event where she gave her young daughter an architecture book as a birthday present. She expected her daughter (who loves to craft) would be excited to receive the gift but seem initially uninterested.

After a second round of interviewing, I found that Lejun enjoys bonding with her daughter through a love of art and learning.

After some crucial feedback from Lejun, I sketched an app that helps parents find creative activities for them and their children.

Final thoughts from Lejun (2020)- Dana Fusek

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Module 1: Design Thinking Overview

I learned how important it is to actively listen to users. I was surprised that in a few short minutes you can learn a lot about a person's needs and motivations. This is an important way to connect a company to the users.

It was great to learn about someone else's culture and personal experiences.

What I Learned

Finalized problem statement and sketch for Design Think Crash Course (2020)- Dana Fusek

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The TaskModule 2:UserPsychology

The Process

Blog Link:

From your knowledge of UI (user interface) and UX (user experience) design, use 10 FEEL and NEED statements to create analysis for two websites.

From your knowledge of UI (user interface) and UX (user experience) design, use 10 FEEL and NEED statements to create analysis for two websites.

Mubi Logo Letterboxd logo

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Module 2: User Psychology

What I Learned

Of course functionality and accessibility are important when designing a website. But I never realized how much the look of a website could determine my choices.

Finalized User Interface thoughts for Letterboxd Homepage (2020)- Dana Fusek

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The TaskModule 3:User Empathy

The Process

Blog Link:

Watch an episode of "Undercover Boss" and draw empathy maps for the boss and an employee.

I chose an episode that followed Moe's Southwest Grille President, Paul Damico. An engaging employee from this episode was Angelisa, a manager from a Moe's branch in South Carolina.

I found that while their roles were different, they were connected to each other by deep roots in family and education.

Angelisa and Paul stills from Undercover Boss episode

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Module 3: User Empathy

What I Learned

This is a great lesson in listening. It is important to pay attention to users' needs.

I paid close attention to the what Paul and Angelisa were saying and doing.

It was rewarding to be able to drawn human connections between two different people.

Empathy Map of Paul President of Moe’s Southwest Grille (2020)- Dana Fusek

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The TaskModule 4: Creating Personas

The Process

Blog Link:

Based on the websites analyzed from Module 3, create two comprehensive personas based on yourself and a fictional person.

From your knowledge of UI (user interface) and UX (user experience) design, use 10 FEEL and NEED statements to create analysis for two websites.

Motivation vs. Ability for “Chris Ryder” (2020)- Dana Fusek

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What I Learned

Trying to compile a lot of research can be overwhelming. But creating personas is a great way to compile all the information into a creative form (and it's fun too!)

Creating Chris was a great way to bring my love of analytics and research to life.

Module 4: Creating Personas

Finalized Persona “Chris Ryder” (2020)- Dana Fusek

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The TaskModule 5:Problem Definition

The Process

Blog Link:

Choose 3 different apps and scan user reviews to find 3 positive, 3 negative and 3 constructive reviews. From the information gathered, create two point of view statements for each app.

For this assignment, I wanted to choose 3 apps that fit a general desire: playing games. I chose 3 apps that I have downloaded on my phone and play regularly: Candy Crush Saga, Trivia Crack and Words with Friends.

Realizing that while these are all used for entertainment, I focused on the fact that each may appeal to a certain type of gamer. Therefore, I described the typical user as "Puzzle gamers" for Candy Crush, "Trivia gamers" for Trivia Crack and "Word gamers" for Words with Friends 2.Intro slide Gaming Apps POV Statements (2020)- Dana Fusek

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Module 5: Problem Definition

What I Learned

I learned that research is essential when creating POV statements. If I hadn't gone through many positive and negative reviews, I wouldn’t have been able to identify areas of growth for each website.

Finalized POV Statements Gaming Apps (2020)- Dana Fusek

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The TaskModule 6:Ideation Methods

The Process

Blog Link:

Based on the apps chosen from Module 5, use at least two different ideation methods to create solutions for each POV (point of view) statement.

For this assignment I was focused on the 3 gaming apps used from my previous assignment.

I choose a few methods that I found most interesting: Sketching a solution, writing the Worst Possible Idea, Mindmapping (writing a problem statement on the center of the page, then having volunteers build off ofthe idea) and SCAMPER (an acronym standing for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate and Reverse).

Sketching Ideation Method Gaming Apps (2020)- Dana Fusek

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Module 6: Ideation Methods

What I Learned

While it is common for people to hit roadblocks when solving difficult problems, there are creative solutions to help fuel new approaches or ideas.

Mindmapping Ideation Method Gaming Apps (2020)- Dana Fusek

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The TaskModule 7: Journey Maps

The Process

Blog Link:

Create a customer journey map

complete with personas, emotions, touchpoints, a timeline and an action key.

I choose one of the most important transaction I have ever made-adopting a pet.

I built a customer journey map with a persona I created named "Julia". She had a relatable backstory, relevant emotions to what I and others have experienced and a timeline

pinpointing actions throughout the adopting process.

Pet Adoption Journey Map (2020)- Dana Fusek

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Module 7: Journey Maps

What I Learned

It is important for businesses to understand their users' emotions throughout the buying process. This helps pinpoint areas of improvement and connect to their customers.

Additionally, it helped me emotionally connect to a buying process.

Pet Adoption Journey Map (2020)- Dana Fusek