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* #few*M 5rf|»'»*,|^T'r ' ' , ' " Vt* "«?.« ™K©?3 -W ; l ' .aM. W** ^ - - '"'^^"W^Wr ' - "0ttb * * f > ' >'* \ /- "h> •»/*''' i\+\ a K)v^a,|i , . * * * /' I -W vM VMMl * ?,t »; >*• 'i"> ^ *A-;• <*.-4' .> ^4WJ^MSKX, < & ' «r ^ v< *&$» 1 \ * ^ ilTV .' S !&** *; y ^1* *'•"•' if''. " •:' I §,\. V wjw(V It Uriik a Dream try our Soda Water. It is all that money, experience, skill and cranky ideas as to parity and cleanliness can make it. Sparkling water rightly charged— pure fruit syrupa—plenty of ice —glasses of ample size—these are a few of the features that ac- count for its excellence. Try our perfect and daintily served soda once and you'll need no second urging. I. M. HELMEY & CO. ~ THE CORNER 0RU6 SHORE, , ISAAC M. HELMEY, Mgr. Phone 75. Canton, S. D. \ . S. W. Bentley recently found a bead- ed collarette, which the owner can have by calling at his house. —Save $1. per bbl., by buying your floor of Canton Grain Co., every sack guaranteed. The workmen who are laying the new cement walk on the east side of the school house, found a good pair of boys sksMLpnder the sidewalk. The owner caraave them by calling at this thi;$ffice. —If you are looking for an old out of date suit you cant find that kind at Laxon Bioa.'—they have nothing but the up to date late styles. The Sioux City—Canton train on the Milwaukee came around by the way of Yankton, Scotland, and Marion June tion Saturday, owing to the big wash out near Akron Friday. Three feet of water dropped out of a cloud and swept away several hundred Jeet of track. _X —When hi need of prompt dray ser •toe—delivery or by contract work— telephone 123, and your wants will be attended to at once. H ANK W ILLIAMS. —Laxon Broe. sell up to date cloth ing. —— S. Haw, isoneof the LEADER'S new subscribers this week. Mr. Haw has returned to Canton from Lodi. Wiscon sin, with his daughter, Mrs. Brereton, who has just had the fine new residence completed out near the college. Mr. Haw is a very pleasant gentleman and was one of the Wisconsin boys who did faithful duty during the civil war in a Wisconsin regiment. Mrs. Kenni son is a sister Mrs. Brereton. ; —Laxon Bros have the largest stock of new spring clothing in the city. —All the latest styles in spring cloth ing at Laxon Bros.' one price up to date clothing store. Mrs. Captain VanHouten and son Linn, came up from Akron to attend memorial services in Canton, and dec orate the grave of her gallant husband who sleeps in beautiful Forest Hill cem- etery, surrounded by graves of those who knew him so well in life. Mrs. Van Houten has been granted a widow's pension of $18, and also receives $2 a month for her son Linn. She was ac- companied by her sister, Mrs. Walter Hannah. —First class dressmaking by lady with years of experience. > Up stairs Syndicate Block. 49- —Use the beet paint. It is the cheap- est. You will find the best paint at Noid's drug store. O. A. Rudolph has moved his office from the Lincoln County bank trailding to the former law office of his brother over the post office. The busi- ness of the State Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of which Mr. Rudolph is president, is increasing in volume rapidly and more office room is neces- sary. Mr. Rudolph, in bis new quart- ers, will have ample room for addition- al clerks, as he intends to engage in the real estate business, and expects to have as an associate one of the ablest lawyers in Iowa. —Be sure to see Pnckett Bros., line of ladies tailor made suits before you buy. —Before buying that spring suit drop into Laxon Bros.'store and see the latest and how well their clothes fit. —See Laxon Bros.' boys' suits. —For fine job work call at the L EAD- ER office. It can't be beat. John Cederstrom of Dayton was in town Friday and renewed his subscrip- tion. John says crops, inoluding corn, are looking well up his way. —Try Barker's Cough, Catarrh, Con- sumption Remedy at Helmey'b. —Are you going to paint? See Dr. Noid's big stock and make your 1 ' selec tion. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Blake and son, were recently at the Rudolph. Mr. Blake is one of the original stockhold- ers in the First National Bank and be- came president with Mr. Judd as cash- ier years ago, and has been identified with the bank and its success ever since. He is a prominent lawyer and capital^ 1st at Rockford, 111., and is now on his way home from a winter sojourn on the Pacific coast, where. Mrs. Blake and her son have been for something over a year and a half. Mr. Blake has great faith in the future of Canton. Mrs. Fredrich Gerber Dead. Mrs. Augusta Gerber, one of the Lynn township pioneers, and wife of Hon. Fred Gerber, died at her home in Worthing last Saturday night at 0.30, after suffering for some years with stomach troubles. Augusta Neiheisel was born in Batavia, Germany 60 years ago, and came to the United States when six years old with her {Barents who located at Burlington, Wis., and then moved to Spring Green, Wis., where she was married to Fredrich Gerber in 1858. With her husband she came to Lincoln county in 1872, settling on a homestead, partot which is included in the town of Worthing. She leaves a devoted husband and « family of six to mourn her departure from this life. The family consists of Mrs. James Madden, Mrs. Roman Ger- ber, George, Henry and Fred. fJr, and Miss Clara. The funeral was held at Worth ing Monday at 11, Rev. Father Boley officiating. A rose colored velvet cask- et contained all that was earthly of the beloved wife and mother and it was a said farewell when Undertaker Woerz closed the casket and the pro cession started for the cemetery south of town. The bereaved husband and family have the sincere sympathy of friends all over the county in their deep sorrow. The deceased was loved and honored toy all, and was a member of the Rebekab lodge of Worthing. Another Pioneer Gone. Jerry Woodley died at his home in Worthing Thursday at 8 o'clock after suffering for a long time with cancer of the stomach and liver. He was a whole souled, genial gentlemen, always look- ing on the bright side of life and ever ready to cheer or offer consolation to a friend in trouble. He came to Lincoln county in 1870 taking a homestead in Lincoln township and afterwards be- came head miller for James Carpenter at Beloit. Ot late years he made his home at Worthing and was engaged in the flour and feed business until a few days before the end. He died last Thursday at 8, and the day before he said: "Well, Comrade Madden. I think I will be able to be with you on Decor- ation Day as usual." Yes, good kind hearted Jerry was with his comrades on Decoration Day, not as he planned —not as he hoped, but he was with them for the last time, but the cheery voice was stilled, and the flowers he had in mind a few days before for other graves, were lovingly placed upon his grave in Forest Hill cemetery on Decoration Day. Towards the last he suffered greatly from the cancer, but bore up manfully to the end. He serv- ed in the 42nd Wisconsin Infantry dur- ing the civil war and came home with an honorable record as a soldier. The funeral service was held in the Metho- dist church at Worthing, after which the body was escorted by comrades and friends to Forest Hill cemetery, when relatives and friends and members of the Grand Army, and Company E., Stale Guardsmen, gave the grand old veteran a military funeral a fitting mark of respect for one who was honor- ed and respected by all. —200 bushels of good Millett seed for sale. 47- CLOUD BROS. & JOHNSON. The World's Best Show Will arrive at Canton on June 12, for two exhibitions and performances pre ceeded by an unusually brilliant street pageant in the forenoon displaying a portion of the vast resources of the most popular of tented amusements, 'the Great Campbell Bros.' Shows. It is conceded on every hand throughout the length and breadth of the land that the above is-head and shoulders in ad' vance of all others as a modern up-to- date family field show presenting many times more that is new and novel and in greater variety and abundance than any contemporary of the past or present and bears the proud distinction ot be- ing the most elaborate and entertaining exhibition ever organized. Its vast and comprehensive menagerie is replete with nature's rarest treasures from forest, plain and jungle. Its aviary a chattering babel of tropical birds. Its aquarium with beeporting amphibia and monster denizens of the dual circus and Hippodrome together with the marvelous ethnological collections must be seen to seem possible so unlike and superior to ail other shows. '•?, —Yon feel mean, cross, ugly down in the month, nothing goes right Bad liver. Better take Rocky Mountain Tea. Drives away the blues. 35 cents I. M.'Helmey & Co. Ice Cream Social. ; ^ f ;• There will be an ice cream social at the home of Joseph Ellis in Highland township on Wednesday evening June 10,1903. There will be singing and recitations and a general good time for all. The intention of Mr. Ellis is .to have a regular old fashioned ice cream social and reunion of friends for the purpose of making a donation to Rev. C. H. Oliver of the Baptist church, who preaches at the Kinsely school house. Mr. Ellis extends a general invitation and hopes for a large attendance. FPoot Tjtjp ; W hat you pay for shoes. Compare the cost of each pair with the cost of a simi- lar pair here. Yes. the saving is about 25 per cent in the price alone. The Men's Oxfords at $1.50 to $3.50.* Which we are now offering are remark- able value. They are made of excellent stock,' will retain their shape until worn out—which will not be until they give a full return for their cost. t ! 0. H. Lybarger. —"I have been troubled for some time with indigestion and sour stom- ach," says Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis, of Lee, Mass.. "and having been taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- lets which have helped me very much so that now I can eat many things that before I could not." If you have any trouble with your stomach why not take these tablets and get well? Sold by I M. Helmey & Co. Dr. J. C. Moore who is located in the Syndicate block opposite the Rudolph hotel asks and gives a free invita- tion to all who may be ailing in any way, to call at his office and receive one week's treatment free of charge no matter what your ailment is. Come and consult about your ailment and re- deye one weeks free treatment. Yours for good, DB J. C. MOORE. A Serious Mistake. E C. DeWitt & Co. is the name of the firm who make the genuine Witch Hazel Salve. DeWitt's is the Witch Hazel Salve that heals without leaving a scar. It is a serious mistake to use any other. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures blind, bleeding,. itching and protruding piles, burns, bruises, eczema and all skin diseases. Sold by I. M. Helmey & Co. x Milling Wheat. Wanted immediately the best grade milling wheat at Beloit mill. Highest price paid. Commissioners Proceedings. v - Canton, S. D., , May 25,1903. The Commissioners met tbis day as per adjournment, with all members present. Whereas it appears from the tax list of Lincoln County that the berth- east quarter of section thirty-three township ninety-six range 50 (ex. ten acres) was assessed for the year 1902 to L. O. Skotvold ct al and whereas the said land was at the time of said assessment the property of the Beth- esta Orphan Home of Houge's Luther- an church, a charitable institution and according to law is exempt from taxation as shown by the affidavit of G. O. Yik and others. Therefore on motion be it resolved that said north- east quarter of section thirty-three (33) township ninety-six (96) range fifty (50) be stricken from the tax list for the year 1902 and tax assessed against said property be cancelled. Balance ol* day was spent in discuss- ing bridges throughout the county. Adjourned to meet May 26,1903. Tuesday, May 26. Whereas it appears from the record that lots 13 to 18 inclusive of block 12 in the town of Worthing was wrong- fully sold for the taxes for the year 1901. Therefore on motion it was voted that the sum of 91.40 of said taxes beand the same is hereby re- bated, the same being the property of James Madden. Whereas on the 7th day of January 1903, the Board of County Commissi loners of Lincoln County passed a reso- lution fixing the salaries of the county superintendent at $1376, coun- ty treasurer at $1500 and county judge at $500 and whereas the legislature passed a law for determining the pop- ulation of counties with an emergency clause attached and whereas under said law the population of Lincoln County increased to over 15,000 and whereas under the laws relating to salaries of said officers within the counties having over 15,000 population the said officers are entitled to the following salaries: Treasurer, $2000, superintendent, $1,500; county judge, $700 to July 1 and $900 thereafter Therefore be it resolved that said salaries be fixed at said sums. Balance of day spent in checking up the school book accounts with agents throughout the county. Wednesday, May 27. The contract for doing work in basement as advertised was awarded as follows: the plumbing work for closet to J. P. Hawn and Charles Swanson; the carpenter and mason work to Geo. M. Gunderson. It appearing from the affidavit of C. C. Haas that the Sioux Valley Bank of Hudson has paid an excess of $51.23 over their just and proper taxes for the year 1901. And this fact also appears on the tax list. Therefore on motion it is voted that the auditor is hereby authorized and instructed to issue to the said Sioux Valley Bank a refunding order ia the said amount of $51.23. Attest: G. P. SCHIAGEB, CHAS. KUNDERT, Chairman. Co. Auditor. Ladies and Children Invited. All ladies and children who cannot stand the shocking strain of laxative syrups, cathartics, etc., are invited to try the famous Little Early Risers. They are different from all other pills. They do not purge the system. Even a double dose will not gripe, weaken or sicken; many people call them the Easy Pill. W- H. Howell, Housten, Tex., says nothing better can be used for constipation, siek headache, etc. Bob Moore, Lafayette, Ind.,says all others gripe and sicken, while DeWitt's Little Early Risers do their work well and easy. Sold by I. M. Helmey & Co. The X-Bays. Recent experiments, by practical tests and examination with the aid of the X-Rays, establish it as fact that Catarrh of the Stomach ia not a disease of itself, but that it results from re- peated attacks of indegestion. "How can I cure My Indigestion?" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is curing thousands. It will cure you of indigestion and dys- pepsia, and prevent or cure Catarrh of the Stomach Kodol digests what you eat—makes the stomach sweet. Sold by I, M. Helmey & Co. Bis Last Hope Bullied. : [From the Sentinel, Gebo, Mont.] ' > In the first opening of Oklahoma to settlers in 1889, the editor of this paper was among the many seekers after for- tune who made* the big race one fine day in April. During his traveling about and afterward! his camping upon his olaim, he encountered much bad water.- which, together with the severe heat, gave him a very severe diarrhoea which it seemed almost Impossible to check, and along in June the case be- came so bad he expected to die. One day one of his neighbors brought him one small bottle ofChamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a last hope. A big dose was given him while he was rolling about on the ground in great agony, and in a few minutes the dose was repeated. The good effect of the medicine was soon noticed and within an hour the patient was taking his first sound sleep for a fortnight That one little battle work- ed a complete cure, and he cannot help but feel grateful. The season for bowel disorders being at hand suggests this item. Sold by I .M. Helmey ft Co. : DANDRUFF WON'T WASH OUT. $27.10 To California. To 8an Francisco, to Los Angeles, or to most any of the principal points in California. Every day nntil June 15, 1903. Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Also low rates to hundreds of other points, Weqt and Northwest. Ask nearest Agent of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway for. ad- ditional information Colonist folder free on request. F. A. MILLER, General Passenger Agents Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way, Chicago. . •'Carry a Big Stick." President Roosevelt says: "Carry a bigstick and yon will go far." We carry a big stock of groceries, which goes far and in every direction in and around Canton. •. A OPLAND BROS. ' WANTED—Several industrious per- sons in each state to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profita- ble line. Permanent engagement. Weekly cash salary of |18 and all trav- eling expenses and hotel bills advanced in cash each week. Experience not es- sential. Mention reference and enclose self-addressed envelope. THE NATIONAL, 834 Dearborn St.. Chicago. v 45-09 Want Good Milling Wheat. Wears always in the market for good milling wheat at a little more than marketprioe. HENDERSON & J OHNSON. The Germ that Causes It Has to Be Destroyed to Cure Dandrtti!. Many a woman spends an hour twice a week scouring her scalp, thinking scrubbing qff the scurf will cure the dandruff. Two hours a week, at the age of 40 years she has spent 260 days of twelve hours each, or two-thirds of a year of her life, in ttyt vain hope: vain because you can't cure dandruff with- out killing the dandruff germ, and the only hair preparation on earth that will do that is "Noid's Dandruff Cure"— also a delightful hair dressing, and thoroughly antiseptic against all conta- gion from use of other's hair brushes Call at Dr. Noil's drug store Canton and procure a bottle at once, or order by mail. U Have SOME MONEY] Need MORE MONEY I nvest YOUR MONEY twill MAKE MONEY In Land, Oil, Gold, Coal, Railroads Stocks or Bonds. Write to E. E. CARPENTER, Canton, S. D. THE i REGISTERED M0R6AN i HORSE (lie distil, Will stand during the season of 1903 at my farm, one mile north of Canton. Service 910.00 with usual return priv< ilage. 45- WM, H. MILLER JR. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH llli MIIM ia KED m>4 M4 meUUie with blue ribbon. Take «ther. DnifNH HaMtitlMi wi . Unii of jour Dragglst, or wad XMBM!for PtrtftMlav*, TWHMHIIII MD "BelfoffWr IMMP, by *». f«ra Mall* HMMM Twtlmonlali. Sold by all Druggists. CbtcfcMterCbMilMlC*! Unties this paper. Jflallan 0«mni PAULA* A*As The Wastes of the Body - ; Every seven days the blood, muscles and bones of a man of average size loses two pounds of worn out tissue. This waste cannot be replenished and the health and strength kept up with- out perfect digestion. When the sto- mach and digestive organs fail to per- form their functions, the strength lets down, health gives way, and disefse sets up, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enalnee the stomach and digestive organs to digest snd assimilate all of the whole- some food that may be eaten into the kind of blood that rebuilds the tissues and protects the health and strength of the mind and body. Kodol cures Indigestion. Dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. It is an ideal spring tonic. I. M. Helmey ft Co. A Weak Stomach Indigestion Is often caused by over- eating. An eminent authority aay» the harm done thus exceeds that from the excessive use of alcohol. Alt all the good food you want but don't ovsr- load the stomach. weak stomach nay refuse to digest what 70a eat. Than 70a need 1 good digestant like Kodol, which digests your food with- out the stomach's aid. This rest and the wholeeome tonics Kodol contains aoon restorehealth. Dieting unneces- sary. Kodol quickly relieves the teal* Ing of fulness and bloating (ram which soma people suffer after meala. Absolutely cures indigestion. _ _ _ Sold by I. M. Helmey & Co. CDMMG TO CANTON ONE ONLY wm GREAT CONSOLIDATED I. SHOWS Established 1879 Nationalised li The First National Bank OF CANTON, S. D Capital Surplus and UiidivMid Profits *12 000. )| BOARD OF DIRECTORS: THOS. THORSON, President. J. V. CONKLIN, Vice President. <*' O. 8. GIFFORD, E. S. O'NEIL, J.F.FERGUSON. Transact all kinds of business connected with banking. Money to loan at lowest rates. We sell exchange on all parts of the world. Safety Deposit Boxes to rent. Come and see ns. DR. NOID'S DANDRUFF CURE This ftuwHN Aati Septic DutolT Cm Wins Approval froi All. The Court Passes Judgement. Those who know Jndge Jones of the Second Judical Circuit know that no man appreciates a good thing better than be does. Here is what he has to say of Dr. Noid's Dandruff Cure: I cheerfully recommend Dr. Noid's Dandruff Cure. A very few applica tions I found sufficient to cure s troublesome case of dandruff . J. W. J ONES. ' .A Minister Bears Testimony. Rev. M. A. Martin, Bector of the Episcopal church of this city, writes Dr. Noid under date of Jan. 14,1008: "I purchased one bottle of your Dand- ruff Cure and hair tonic eight weeks ago and use it continually. It is the very bMt hair tonic on the market. M. A. MARTIN. A leading Barber Indorses It. T. K. 8jarring., proprietor of the Cataract barber ehop, Sionx Falls, a famous tonsorial resort, writes Dr. Noid under date of Jan. 12,1008.. "I would like to have you send me at once one dozen bottles of your Hair Tonic, as I am nearly oat. lam nsing a good deal. It is, no donbt, the lead- ing Tonio of the day. T. K. SJARRING. A Cold Today, Means Consumption To- Morrow. Consumption is more often caused by a neglected cold than any other way.— It is poor judgment to buy a common cough syrup when it is so easy to get Dr. Geo. Leininger's For-mal de-hyde Cough Cure the best cough remedy in the world for all serious and stubborn coughs and colds. It never fails. Sold at 24 cents on a guarantee by I. M. Hel- mey & Co. —White Rose flour, the best by any teat, $1 per sack, CANTON GRAIN CO. Do You Enjoy What Yon Eat? 'If you don't your food does not do you much good Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the remedy that every one should take when there is anything wrong with the stomach. There is no way tomainiain the health and strength of the mind and body except by nour- ishment. There is no way to nourish except through the stomach. The stomach must be kept healthy, pure and sweet or the strength will let doWn and disease will Sst up. No ap- petite, loss of strength, nervousness, headache, constipation, bad breath, sour risings, rifting, indigestion, dys- pepsia and all stomnoh troubles are quickly cured by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure; Sold by 1. M. Hel- mey & Co. B rown County, Mi PflLflGE LIMY 'ssSfij iiSTAPUB, ' 'i <p!f BROS., r «ps. W Corner of 4th and' Main StreJTl We do a general livery busi- ness and invite your patronage. Single or double rigs at a _ moments notice. CHASSWENSON *4 I i ; if r* 4 ( 4 steam and Hot water. Bath Room CHAS. SWENSON, Corner Cedar and Sth Street. i S •Vs Veterinary Surewt) L v- . a. •. v., > Graduate of MeKillip Vitiriiary Collage, Chicago. Office at Palace Livery Stable, Canton. Calls answered day or night. McPliorson County. EUROPE'S GREATEST SONTRIBOTIOH FOR THE AMUSEMENT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. UNQUESTIONABLY THE GRANDEST ARENIC FEATURE EVER INTRODUCED IN AMERICA. TV/ICE AS BIG AS BEFORE TK!i0U6H0UT KOW DOUBLED II CIRCUS MUSEUM / AQUAR31W :< SI, 000,000 R3E1ASE2E REAL ROMAN HIPPODROME , The Foremost Show of the World.- IOU CAN NEVER AFFORD TO MISST FREE STREET PARADE YOU CAN NEVER AFFORD TO MISS THE UMPPMMCIMKEl* WEALTH ADD OBAHDEUB:::: IN THE FORENOON WELL WORTH A JOURNEY OF 100 MILES TO INSPECT. TWO SHOWS DAIL.V AT 1 AND 1 P. M. An Hour given to Witness the Animal and Museum Curios before the Commencement of the Circus and Hippodrome Performance. These two counties contain the best land in South Dakota which is for sale at low prices. Rich, black soil to a great'depth, heavy growth of grass, free from stone or gravel. Land level as a floor. Rainfall average for past eight years (See Government report) from 25 to 30 inches. Young man, if you wish to get a start in life with the great advantage of cheap land, which gradqally grows very valuable and at the same time yields good crops, go up to Aberdeen, South Dakota, and the Meyer Land Company will show you just such a chance. Carnegie says: "The quickest and surest way of becoming rich is in buying land." ' a Run Right Row. FARM LANDS, CHEAP FARMS. RICH SOILI r-1 r~| jrnj (~| ACTM of the beat term Lands in the famous Jim River ^£LJjLJ LJU Valley, in Dickey and adjoining counties, north oP Aber- deen and around Oakes in North Dakota. No better place on earth than the James River Valley. Improved farms and unimproved farm lands, within the reach of all. Don't wait until prices climb ont of reach. Lincoln County farms bought and sold. ' For terms and location of land, call on o>r address. sN.. N. ROMMEREIM. Route 2 Hudson, South Dakota. ISJffitS J;/

Dakota farmers' leader (Canton, S.D.). (Canton, S.D.) …...—Be sure to see Pnckett Bros., line of ladies tailor made suits before you buy. —Before buying that spring suit drop

Aug 07, 2020



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Page 1: Dakota farmers' leader (Canton, S.D.). (Canton, S.D.) …...—Be sure to see Pnckett Bros., line of ladies tailor made suits before you buy. —Before buying that spring suit drop

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a Dream try our Soda Water. It is all that money, experience, skill and cranky ideas as to parity and cleanliness can make it. Sparkling water rightly charged— pure fruit syrupa—plenty of ice —glasses of ample size—these are a few of the features that ac­count for its excellence.

Try our perfect and daintily served soda once and you'll need no second urging.




ISAAC M. HELMEY, Mgr. Phone 75. Canton, S. D.

\ .

S. W. Bentley recently found a bead­ed collarette, which the owner can have by calling at his house.

—Save $1. per bbl., by buying your floor of Canton Grain Co., every sack guaranteed.

The workmen who are laying the new cement walk on the east side of the school house, found a good pair of boys sksMLpnder the sidewalk. The owner caraave them by calling at this thi;$ffice.

—If you are looking for an old out of date suit you cant find that kind at Laxon Bioa.'—they have nothing but the up to date late styles.

The Sioux City—Canton train on the Milwaukee came around by the way of Yankton, Scotland, and Marion June tion Saturday, owing to the big wash out near Akron Friday. Three feet of water dropped out of a cloud and swept away several hundred Jeet of track. _X

—When hi need of prompt dray ser •toe—delivery or by contract work— telephone 123, and your wants will be attended to at once.

H ANK W ILLIAMS. —Laxon Broe. sell up to date cloth

ing. ——

S. Haw, isoneof the LEADER'S new subscribers this week. Mr. Haw has returned to Canton from Lodi. Wiscon sin, with his daughter, Mrs. Brereton, who has just had the fine new residence completed out near the college. Mr. Haw is a very pleasant gentleman and was one of the Wisconsin boys who did faithful duty during the civil war in a Wisconsin regiment. Mrs. Kenni son is a sister Mrs. Brereton. ;

—Laxon Bros have the largest stock of new spring clothing in the city.

—All the latest styles in spring cloth ing at Laxon Bros.' one price up to date clothing store.

Mrs. Captain VanHouten and son Linn, came up from Akron to attend memorial services in Canton, and dec orate the grave of her gallant husband who sleeps in beautiful Forest Hill cem­etery, surrounded by graves of those who knew him so well in life. Mrs. Van Houten has been granted a widow's pension of $18, and also receives $2 a month for her son Linn. She was ac­companied by her sister, Mrs. Walter Hannah.

—First class dressmaking by lady with years of experience. > Up stairs Syndicate Block. 49-

—Use the beet paint. It is the cheap­est. You will find the best paint at Noid's drug store.

O. A. Rudolph has moved his office from the Lincoln County bank trailding to the former law office of his brother over the post office. The busi­ness of the State Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of which Mr. Rudolph is president, is increasing in volume rapidly and more office room is neces­sary. Mr. Rudolph, in bis new quart­ers, will have ample room for addition­al clerks, as he intends to engage in the real estate business, and expects to have as an associate one of the ablest lawyers in Iowa.

—Be sure to see Pnckett Bros., line of ladies tailor made suits before you buy.

—Before buying that spring suit drop into Laxon Bros.'store and see the latest and how well their clothes fit.

—See Laxon Bros.' boys' suits.

—For fine job work call at the L EAD­ER office. It can't be beat.

John Cederstrom of Dayton was in town Friday and renewed his subscrip­tion. John says crops, inoluding corn, are looking well up his way.

—Try Barker's Cough, Catarrh, Con­sumption Remedy at Helmey'b.

—Are you going to paint? See Dr. Noid's big stock and make your1' selec tion.

Mr. and Mrs. G . M. Blake and son, were recently at the Rudolph. Mr. Blake is one of the original stockhold­ers in the First National Bank and be­came president with Mr. Judd as cash­ier years ago, and has been identified with the bank and its success ever since. He is a prominent lawyer and capital^ 1st at Rockford, 111., and is now on his way home from a winter sojourn on the Pacific coast, where. Mrs. Blake and her son have been for something over a year and a half. Mr. Blake has great faith in the future of Canton.

Mrs. Fredrich Gerber Dead. Mrs. Augusta Gerber, one of the

Lynn township pioneers, and wife of Hon. Fred Gerber, died at her home in Worthing last Saturday night at 0.30, after suffering for some years with stomach troubles. Augusta Neiheisel was born in Batavia, Germany 60 years ago, and came to the United States when six years old with her {Barents who located at Burlington, Wis., and then moved to Spring Green, Wis., where she was married to Fredrich Gerber in 1858. With her husband she came to Lincoln county in 1872, settling on a homestead, partot which is included in the town of Worthing. She leaves a devoted husband and « family of six to mourn her departure from this life. The family consists of Mrs. James Madden, Mrs. Roman Ger­ber, George, Henry and Fred. fJr, and Miss Clara.

The funeral was held at Worth ing Monday at 11, Rev. Father Boley officiating. A rose colored velvet cask­et contained all that was earthly of the beloved wife and mother and it was a said farewell when Undertaker Woerz closed the casket and the pro cession started for the cemetery south of town. The bereaved husband and family have the sincere sympathy of friends all over the county in their deep sorrow. The deceased was loved and honored toy all, and was a member of the Rebekab lodge of Worthing.

Another Pioneer Gone.

Jerry Woodley died at his home in Worthing Thursday at 8 o'clock after suffering for a long time with cancer of the stomach and liver. He was a whole souled, genial gentlemen, always look­ing on the bright side of life and ever ready to cheer or offer consolation to a friend in trouble. He came to Lincoln county in 1870 taking a homestead in Lincoln township and afterwards be­came head miller for James Carpenter at Beloit. Ot late years he made his home at Worthing and was engaged in the flour and feed business until a few days before the end. He died last Thursday at 8, and the day before he said: "Well, Comrade Madden. I think I will be able to be with you on Decor­ation Day as usual." Yes, good kind hearted Jerry was with his comrades on Decoration Day, not as he planned —not as he hoped, but he was with them for the last time, but the cheery voice was stilled, and the flowers he had in mind a few days before for other graves, were lovingly placed upon his grave in Forest Hill cemetery on Decoration Day. Towards the last he suffered greatly from the cancer, but bore up manfully to the end. He serv­ed in the 42nd Wisconsin Infantry dur­ing the civil war and came home with an honorable record as a soldier. The funeral service was held in the Metho­dist church at Worthing, after which the body was escorted by comrades and friends to Forest Hill cemetery, when relatives and friends and members of the Grand Army, and Company E., Stale Guardsmen, gave the grand old veteran a military funeral a fitting mark of respect for one who was honor­ed and respected by all.

—200 bushels of good Millett seed for sale. 47- CLOUD BROS. & JOHNSON.

The World's Best Show

Will arrive at Canton on June 12, for two exhibitions and performances pre ceeded by an unusually brilliant street pageant in the forenoon displaying a portion of the vast resources of the most popular of tented amusements, 'the Great Campbell Bros.' Shows. It is conceded on every hand throughout the length and breadth of the land that the above is-head and shoulders in ad' vance of all others as a modern up-to-date family field show presenting many times more that is new and novel and in greater variety and abundance than any contemporary of the past or present and bears the proud distinction ot be­ing the most elaborate and entertaining exhibition ever organized. Its vast and comprehensive menagerie is replete with nature's rarest treasures from forest, plain and jungle. Its aviary a chattering babel of tropical birds. Its aquarium with beeporting amphibia and monster denizens of the dual circus and Hippodrome together with the marvelous ethnological collections must be seen to seem possible so unlike and superior to ail other shows. '•?,

—Yon feel mean, cross, ugly down in the month, nothing goes right Bad liver. Better take Rocky Mountain Tea. Drives away the blues. 35 cents

I. M.'Helmey & Co.

Ice Cream Social. ; ^ f ;•

There will be an ice cream social at the home of Joseph Ellis in Highland township on Wednesday evening June 10,1903. There will be singing and recitations and a general good time for all. The intention of Mr. Ellis is .to have a regular old fashioned ice cream social and reunion of friends for the purpose of making a donation to Rev. C. H. Oliver of the Baptist church, who preaches at the Kinsely school house. Mr. Ellis extends a general invitation and hopes for a large attendance.

FPoot Tjtjp ; W hat you pay for shoes. Compare the cost of each pair with the cost of a simi­lar pair here. Yes. the saving is about 25 per cent in the price alone.

The Men's Oxfords at $1.50 to $3.50.*

Which we are now offering are remark­able value. They are made of excellent stock,' will retain their shape until worn out—which will not be until they give a full return for their cost.

t! 0. H. Lybarger.

—"I have been troubled for some time with indigestion and sour stom­ach," says Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis, of Lee, Mass.. "and having been taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab­lets which have helped me very much so that now I can eat many things that before I could not." If you have any trouble with your stomach why not take these tablets and get well? Sold by I M. Helmey & Co.

Dr. J. C. Moore who is located in the Syndicate block opposite the Rudolph hotel asks and gives a free invita­tion to all who may be ailing in any way, to call at his office and receive one week's treatment free of charge no matter what your ailment is. Come and consult about your ailment and re­deye one weeks free treatment.

Yours for good, DB J. C. MOORE.

A Serious Mistake.

E C. DeWitt & Co. is the name of the firm who make the genuine Witch Hazel Salve. DeWitt's is the Witch Hazel Salve that heals without leaving a scar. It is a serious mistake to use any other. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures blind, bleeding,. itching and protruding piles, burns, bruises, eczema and all skin diseases. Sold by I. M. Helmey & Co.

x Milling Wheat. Wanted immediately the best grade milling wheat at Beloit mill. Highest price paid.

Commissioners Proceedings. v - Canton, S. D.,

, May 25,1903. The Commissioners met tbis day as

per adjournment, with all members present.

Whereas it appears from the tax list of Lincoln County that the berth-east quarter of section thirty-three township ninety-six range 50 (ex. ten acres) was assessed for the year 1902 to L. O. Skotvold ct al and whereas the said land was at the time of said assessment the property of the Beth-esta Orphan Home of Houge's Luther­an church, a charitable institution and according to law is exempt from taxation as shown by the affidavit of G. O. Yik and others. Therefore on motion be it resolved that said north­east quarter of section thirty-three (33) township ninety-six (96) range fifty (50) be stricken from the tax list for the year 1902 and tax assessed against said property be cancelled.

Balance ol* day was spent in discuss­ing bridges throughout the county. Adjourned to meet May 26,1903.

Tuesday, May 26. Whereas it appears from the record

that lots 13 to 18 inclusive of block 12 in the town of Worthing was wrong­fully sold for the taxes for the year 1901. Therefore on motion it was voted that the sum of 91.40 of said taxes beand the same is hereby re­bated, the same being the property of James Madden.

Whereas on the 7th day of January 1903, the Board of County Commissi loners of Lincoln County passed a reso­lution fixing the salaries of the county superintendent at $1376, coun­ty treasurer at $1500 and county judge at $500 and whereas the legislature passed a law for determining the pop­ulation of counties with an emergency clause attached and whereas under said law the population of Lincoln County increased to over 15,000 and whereas under the laws relating to salaries of said officers within the counties having over 15,000 population the said officers are entitled to the following salaries: Treasurer, $2000, superintendent, $1,500; county judge, $700 to July 1 and $900 thereafter Therefore be it resolved that said salaries be fixed at said sums.

Balance of day spent in checking up the school book accounts with agents throughout the county.

Wednesday, May 27. The contract for doing work in

basement as advertised was awarded as follows: the plumbing work for closet to J. P. Hawn and Charles Swanson; the carpenter and mason work to Geo. M. Gunderson.

It appearing from the affidavit of C. C. Haas that the Sioux Valley Bank of Hudson has paid an excess of $51.23 over their just and proper taxes for the year 1901. And this fact also appears on the tax list.

Therefore on motion it is voted that the auditor is hereby authorized and instructed to issue to the said Sioux Valley Bank a refunding order ia the said amount of $51.23. Attest: G. P. SCHIAGEB,

CHAS. KUNDERT, Chairman. Co. Auditor.

Ladies and Children Invited.

All ladies and children who cannot stand the shocking strain of laxative syrups, cathartics, etc., are invited to try the famous Little Early Risers. They are different from all other pills. They do not purge the system. Even a double dose will not gripe, weaken or sicken; many people call them the Easy Pill. W- H. Howell, Housten, Tex., says nothing better can be used for constipation, siek headache, etc. Bob Moore, Lafayette, Ind.,says all others gripe and sicken, while DeWitt's Little Early Risers do their work well and easy. Sold by I. M. Helmey & Co.

The X-Bays.

Recent experiments, by practical tests and examination with the aid of the X-Rays, establish it as fact that Catarrh of the Stomach ia not a disease of itself, but that it results from re­peated attacks of indegestion. "How can I cure My Indigestion?" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is curing thousands. It will cure you of indigestion and dys­pepsia, and prevent or cure Catarrh of the Stomach Kodol digests what you eat—makes the stomach sweet. Sold by I, M. Helmey & Co.

Bis Last Hope Bullied. : [From the Sentinel, Gebo, Mont.] ' >

In the first opening of Oklahoma to settlers in 1889, the editor of this paper was among the many seekers after for­tune who made* the big race one fine day in April. During his traveling about and afterward! his camping upon his olaim, he encountered much bad water.- which, together with the severe heat, gave him a very severe diarrhoea which it seemed almost Impossible to check, and along in June the case be­came so bad he expected to die. One day one of his neighbors brought him one small bottle ofChamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a last hope. A big dose was given him while he was rolling about on the ground in great agony, and in a few minutes the dose was repeated. The good effect of the medicine was soon noticed and within an hour the patient was taking his first sound sleep for a fortnight That one little battle work­ed a complete cure, and he cannot help but feel grateful. The season for bowel disorders being at hand suggests this item. Sold by I .M. Helmey ft Co. :


$27.10 To California. To 8an Francisco, to Los Angeles, or

to most any of the principal points in California.

Every day nntil June 15, 1903. Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.

Paul Railway. Also low rates to hundreds of other

points, Weqt and Northwest. Ask nearest Agent of the Chicago.

Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway for. ad­ditional information Colonist folder free on request. F. A. MILLER,

General Passenger Agents Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail­

way, Chicago.

. •'Carry a Big Stick." President Roosevelt says: "Carry a

bigstick and yon will go far." We carry a big stock of groceries, which goes far and in every direction in and around Canton. •.


' WANTED—Several industrious per­sons in each state to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profita­ble line. Permanent engagement. Weekly cash salary of |18 and all trav­eling expenses and hotel bills advanced in cash each week. Experience not es­sential. Mention reference and enclose self-addressed envelope.

THE NATIONAL, 834 Dearborn St.. Chicago. v 45-09

Want Good Milling Wheat.

Wears always in the market for good milling wheat at a little more than marketprioe.


The Germ that Causes It Has to Be Destroyed to Cure Dandrtti!.

Many a woman spends an hour twice a week scouring her scalp, thinking scrubbing qff the scurf will cure the dandruff. Two hours a week, at the age of 40 years she has spent 260 days of twelve hours each, or two-thirds of a year of her life, in ttyt vain hope: vain because you can't cure dandruff with­out killing the dandruff germ, and the only hair preparation on earth that will do that is "Noid's Dandruff Cure"— also a delightful hair dressing, and thoroughly antiseptic against all conta­gion from use of other's hair brushes Call at Dr. Noil's drug store Canton and procure a bottle at once, or order by mail.



In Land, Oil, Gold, Coal, Railroads Stocks or Bonds. Write to

E. E. CARPENTER, Canton, S. D.



(lie distil, Will stand during the season of 1903 at my farm, one mile north of Canton. Service 910.00 with usual return priv< ilage. 45- WM, H. MILLER JR.


llli MIIM ia KED m>4 M4 meUUie with blue ribbon. Take «ther. DnifNH HaMtitlMi wi . Unii of jour Dragglst, or wad XMBM!for PtrtftMlav*, TWHMHIIII MD "BelfoffWr IMMP, by *». f«ra Mall* HMMM Twtlmonlali. Sold by

all Druggists. CbtcfcMterCbMilMlC*! Unties this paper. Jflallan 0«mni PAULA* A*As

The Wastes of the Body - ;

Every seven days the blood, muscles and bones of a man of average size loses two pounds of worn out tissue. This waste cannot be replenished and the health and strength kept up with­out perfect digestion. When the sto­mach and digestive organs fail to per­form their functions, the strength lets down, health gives way, and disefse sets up, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enalnee the stomach and digestive organs to digest snd assimilate all of the whole­some food that may be eaten into the kind of blood that rebuilds the tissues and protects the health and strength of the mind and body. Kodol cures Indigestion. Dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. It is an ideal spring tonic. I. M. Helmey ft Co.

A Weak Stomach

Indigestion Is often caused by over­eating. An eminent authority aay» the harm done thus exceeds that from the excessive use of alcohol. Alt all the good food you want but don't ovsr-load the stomach. • weak stomach nay refuse to digest what 70a eat. Than 70a need 1 good digestant like Kodol, which digests your food with­out the stomach's aid. This rest and the wholeeome tonics Kodol contains aoon restorehealth. Dieting unneces­sary. Kodol quickly relieves the teal* Ing of fulness and bloating (ram which soma people suffer after meala. Absolutely cures indigestion.

_ _ _

Sold by I. M. Helmey & Co.




Established 1879 Nationalised li

The First National Bank OF CANTON, S. D

Capital Surplus and UiidivMid Profits *12 000. )| BOARD OF DIRECTORS:

THOS. THORSON, President. J. V. CONKLIN, Vice President. <*' O. 8. GIFFORD, E. S. O'NEIL, J.F.FERGUSON.

Transact all kinds of business connected with banking. Money to loan at lowest rates. We sell exchange on all parts of the world. Safety Deposit Boxes to rent. Come and see ns.


This ftuwHN Aati Septic DutolT Cm Wins Approval

froi All.

The Court Passes Judgement.

Those who know Jndge Jones of the Second Judical Circuit know that no man appreciates a good thing better than be does. Here is what he has to say of Dr. Noid's Dandruff Cure:

I cheerfully recommend Dr. Noid's Dandruff Cure. A very few applica tions I found sufficient to cure s troublesome case of dandruff .


' • .A Minister Bears Testimony.

Rev. M. A. Martin, Bector of the Episcopal church of this city, writes Dr. Noid under date of Jan. 14,1008:

"I purchased one bottle of your Dand­ruff Cure and hair tonic eight weeks ago and use it continually. It is the very bMt hair tonic on the market.


A leading Barber Indorses It.

T. K. 8jarring., proprietor of the Cataract barber ehop, Sionx Falls, a famous tonsorial resort, writes Dr. Noid under date of Jan. 12,1008..

"I would like to have you send me at once one dozen bottles of your Hair Tonic, as I am nearly oat. lam nsing a good deal. It is, no donbt, the lead­ing Tonio of the day.


A Cold Today, Means Consumption To-Morrow.

Consumption is more often caused by a neglected cold than any other way.— It is poor judgment to buy a common cough syrup when it is so easy to get Dr. Geo. Leininger's For-mal de-hyde Cough Cure the best cough remedy in the world for all serious and stubborn coughs and colds. It never fails. Sold at 24 cents on a guarantee by I. M. Hel­mey & Co.

—White Rose flour, the best by any teat, $1 per sack, CANTON GRAIN CO.

Do You Enjoy What Yon Eat?

'If you don't your food does not do you much good Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the remedy that every one should take when there is anything wrong with the stomach. There is no way tomainiain the health and strength of the mind and body except by nour­ishment. There is no way to nourish except through the stomach. The stomach must be kept healthy, pure and sweet or the strength will let doWn and disease will Sst up. No ap­petite, loss of strength, nervousness, headache, constipation, bad breath, sour risings, rifting, indigestion, dys­pepsia and all stomnoh troubles are quickly cured by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure; Sold by 1. M. Hel­mey & Co.

Brown County, Mi

PflLflGE LIMY 'ssSfij iiSTAPUB, ' 'i

<p!f BROS., r«ps. W Corner of 4th and' Main StreJTl

We do a general livery busi­ness and invite your

patronage. Single or double rigs at a

_ moments notice.


I i

; if r* 4 ( 4

steam and Hot water.

Bath Room

CHAS. SWENSON, Corner Cedar and Sth Street.

i • S

• V s

Veterinary Surewt) L v-

. a. •. v., > Graduate of

MeKillip Vitiriiary Collage, Chicago. Office at Palace Livery Stable, Canton. Calls answered day or night.

McPliorson County.






/ AQUAR31W :< SI,000,000 R3E1ASE2E

REAL ROMAN HIPPODROME , The Foremost Show of the World.-





TWO SHOWS DAIL.V AT 1 AND 1 P. M. An Hour given to Witness the Animal and Museum Curios before the

Commencement of the Circus and Hippodrome Performance.

These two counties contain the best land in South Dakota which is for sale at low prices.

Rich, black soil to a great'depth, heavy growth of grass, free from stone or gravel. Land level as a floor.

Rainfall average for past eight years (See Government report) from 25 to 30 inches.

Young man, if you wish to get a start in life with the great advantage of cheap land, which gradqally grows very valuable and at the same time yields good crops, go up to Aberdeen, South Dakota, and the Meyer Land Company will show you just such a chance.

Carnegie says: "The quickest and surest way of becoming rich is in buying land." '

a Run Right Row. FARM LANDS,


r-1 r~| jrnj (~| ACTM of the beat term Lands in the famous Jim River ^£LJjLJ LJU Valley, in Dickey and adjoining counties, north oP Aber­deen and around Oakes in North Dakota. No better place on earth than the James River Valley. Improved farms and unimproved farm lands, within the reach of all. Don't wait until prices climb ont of reach.

Lincoln County farms bought and sold. ' For terms and location of land, call on o>r address.

sN.. N. ROMMEREIM. Route 2 Hudson, South Dakota.

