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\ 2:;'nr. ■PEUIAL BUTIOS. MM. MTOWK'N MBIT. WHAT BROKE *H0AOKMKNT. They were en >ag id to bn married and called each other tXthelr first namee; Tom and Fanny, it be wan telling her how he had alwJIS lilted the name of Fanny and bow^ Hounded like mimic in hie ear. I like the name no an a sort of olinoher to the argument, "that when sister asked me to name her |mt terrier I at once called it Fanny, after you dearest."I dont think that was very nice,” said he fair girl. How would yon like to have a dog named after you?Why, that's nothing,said Tom, airly. Half he cats in the country are named alter me." They don't speak niMhlUM. '' oj * ti l. •« r:'K Q * t Dr.Minniirwti It* Pa luionle Balsam the perfectiou of Lang Medicines, ho endorsed by thousands now. We use it always successfully in pueumonia, coughs, croup, hoarseness, blood spit- ting, &c., and it is our sure stand by in consumption, in this disease it has proved the best of all remedies. Sold ->y leading dealers. Main depot at 4th and King streets. Philadelphia depot, 002 Arch street, Johnston, Holloway & & Co. J>UBUG SALE LANCASTER COUNTY 01 WS, CALVES AND SPR1NGEK8. A i the party assembled to celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the birth- day of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes read the follow- ing poem : If every tomrue that speak* her praise, For whom 1 shape my thinking phrase, V* ere eumm >red to the table, The vocal chorus that would meet Of mingling accents, harBh or sweet, From ev*ry land the tribe would he 1 he polyglots ol babel. Hriton and Frenchman, Swede and Dane, Turk. Spaniard, Tartar at Ukraine, Hidalgo, Onuack, Cadi, nigh ' utchman, end Low Dutchman, too, The Kussian serf, the Polish .lew, Arab, AnnonUn and Maut'hoo, Would thout: We know the lady.'• OF ItSAhh. I 1 f ,.„ws a springers. t k'^'LnimMlyon hand froth £ 1,111''J^ ers selected wl ho»™Sjj , rS ^ which 1 will ; The subscriber will sell »t pnblio sale, at W luce near * he purchased unywboro , u,e uimdd*Ford Hotel, Delaware IJounty, i.n.flinh. IP,, on " lol-dk*'*' ________________ vJi-i NOW- he added, > fA CL -J Cures Islfclisl If ,kj H X fc.j SYPHILIS IS i'll F, THURSDAY, JUNK XI, IS82. at loolook, P. M., Forty Lancaster county oows end A credit of no d»yi will be No MostiKinement on accountof AMOS W. HOUSK. mlt-tf St) H SALE. wAv»10»bl*5,*nVn Mt°ahlll»hod,rba»lnos« | springers. .-Jdw.l'lo^; w h JJtondlmt throuuh the „S7en. <'jo»rc. in any stage Catarrah, m Si sj £ H 7) «r O 9#* m lbs Latest Nears. Holland will make one large photo- graph with frame for $1.25, retouched in the finest style, no liner made in the city ; 3 fine retouched cabinets for $1 ; 8 cards finely retouched forfl, pictures copied and enlarged in same style at the very lowest prices. The only cheap first-class gallery in the city, No. 4 East 3rd street, betweeu Market and King streets. wttM her L. W. Stidham ASon.auct. Eozciua 1 a. MoU.\ULLEY, * * 806 Markot rtroot. rTliHEE MTCKY HllIOK rtlOK No 707 Monroe street, oou- H dwe B muo-il ropalr; will he noli fcBsah#a*w*« Uupcblioan offloo. Old ftorcM, Pimples, BOII.V, or any SKIN jpUHLIO SALE. Will he sold at public sale, at the hotel of Jacob H. Hyatt, in Newport, New Castle To. flfl-tf O Stylish i.rid I Hiable gar- ments f o r Men, Youths, Boysand Children„at prices which can be had at no other House. While maintaining the uniform standard of qual- ity in excellence of work and material and being content with small margins we have revised the standa rd of ready made clothing in ,inr city and our citizens have learned that the best place to buy clothing is at home and of the y\rilmington Clothing House at Fourth and Market streets where reliable goods have been manufactured and are being distributed among our citizens who have learn- ed the value of our goods, which are well made and trimmed and cut in the most fashionable styles. Just step in during this week and learn the prices of our goods nothing more, you cannot help but be pleased and If you do not want to buy you will tell your friends it is the place to patronize when in want of clothing;for this sea* son they have just what they advertise and even more; we will treat you politely if you stop in at the Wilmington Clothing House, Fourth and Market streets. 1 < *1 now. Know her! Who known not Uncle Tom, And her bo lcarted bin gospel from, Has neyer heard of Moses ! Full well the brtve black hand That gave to Freedoms grasp the ho., That killed (ho weed that mod to grow Among tho Southern hoses. Dch : it ' ~ c/i r WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21st, 1882, oloci, p. m., sharp. Forty head f fresh cows, springers, feeders and hulls. Tt'aNo postponement on account of the w er, If stormy will sell In the dry. This stock was selected with care, by JOSEPH H (HIULD. L W. Slid ham A Sod. Auctioneers, itino 13 ltw-Oul irr SIGNS OF TUB TIMKS. As the suns rays begin to fall more directly upon the earth, warming up the soil and Htarting up early vegeta- tion, a new and brilliant agony ap pears. A young lady beautifully deco- rates a miniature spade and acids it by a district telegraph boy to a young gentleman frieud. This signifies: Iain about to set out my plants. Come this evening and spade up the frout yard for ine." The agony is that the young mans sole knowledge of the use of a spado comes from the ant©room. At t (kprW-tl *■ „,i,onliai><uhe to**" MZeh streot i el»w Suomi, » lot drift#* koWM. mam-ti .„ ,Ca THREEVroKY HlllUK 704 Wollaston streot. . rooDH ,'"888Sn °UCej5u" #lJpr»18'____ 1 IN lMKFKKbN r •ca«onable t6rms ML. T. POOLE, 711 Monroo streot. know is® DINf AH E. |j«4bM Al(«iiic ion. The attention of the ladies of this city and vicinity is called to the fact that Mrs. Kirby, 202 King street, has received a new invoice of goods in new styles of hats and bounets in leading shapes, also new material. Examine her very large stock of feathers, rib- bons and flowers. A heavy stock of trimmed goods. A Laborer of Mine. Was Cared of a violent Blood Disease in a short time by S. S. S. after other treatment had failed. D. M. Hughes. Jefferson- ville, Ga. Price $1 and $1.75 per bottle of all druggists. H Do' . ai. i When Archimedes, long ag *. Spake out so icrandly, * Dos pou sto Hive me a place to stand on. your planet for you, nowdreamed or fancied how Jit of Vi-l-ri Ui 11 Ill move He little The sto at last should find its pou For womans faith to land on. UK - K < pUBLIC SALE. Will he lold at Public Sale, at Practical Farmor, Brandywine Hd , on MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1*82, at 1 oclock, p. m., -Dirty head it froth cows and spring- No postponemoot on account of weather, if stormy will sell in the dry. KOHcJtl'S A TYSON. L. W. * tldhsm A Son, Auct. )ul4-ltw-3td 1 \ IX pw r- rSi.ik-Houst L'n-..fineolty on Her lever was tho wand of art, Uor fulcrum Whence all unfalllnic aid Is. nhe moved the eanh, Its thunders pealed, Its mountains shook, its temples reeled, The blood red fountain were unsealed, And Moio h sunk to Hades. tho human hea t, Cures when Hot Springs Fail. , [i ..ui--NbW HOI'S* S FKimi E&5,Tfir:,,BOieyA^ir V .UJ- SEYF.HAL Yuttm - < iin of (let r^o W. * orcon.Kcar 00 Uie Tbomsn Ilooten. alJ-dAwvt THE COBONEIlS JUHT. Wede uudersigtied beina coroners jury to aet on de body of Sambo, now dead and gone afore, had been sittinon de said nigger aforesaid, and find dat de same did on do 14 day of Jiner- wary come to death by failinfrom de bridge ober de riber and broken his neck whar we And he was subsequent- ly drowned and afterwards washed to do riber side whar we supposed he was froze to death. Malveun, Auk., May 2, 18sl. We have oases in our town, who lived at Hot Springs, and were finally cured with S. MoO m All through the conflict, up and down, Marched Uncle Tom and old John Brown. form ldeiftl, 01 F ioasiderable s. s. n & Murphy . One ghost. And wnlch was false and which was true, And which was mlgutier of the two, The wisest sibyl never knew, For both alike were real. if not more hickory interspersed in Richardson's kindling wood. Deliv- ered in cellars opening on pavement without extra charge. Oysters. FOK RENT. wntn If you doubt come to see u«. and we will CUKE YOU, or charuo nothing '.! Write for particulars, and a o opy of a littlo book Message to the Unfortunaio Suderinji.Ask any prominent Druggist an to our standiug. rtr, j... fOB KENT. 7n':\ny>-A T1!:u\K,V1 rlT't n. e I'haTKB "I an e Hit 1150 ol11* rlui, ", oneliara) i.r nmry. U. jJtiliilNS'iM „a li«UluK»»«rtk^l*rio, on HU Cm !• maJ .......................... A SI IVAT ON AS HOUSE- woman who has a tho*- V tho business. Apjdy at ju6-tf S-, Paul's Circle Hoarding table. to<eth with cook tent three sleeping tent . chairs d forks, NlPtcr, the holy maid does well Who counts her beads In convent cell Where pale Devotion lingers; Hut tho who serves the sufferersneeds, Who e prayers are spelt lu loving doeds, May trust the L id will count her beads human fingers. When Truth herself with slavery s slave J suppliant gave wings ol fiction : And Truth who soared descends to-day, Hearing an angels wreath away, Its lilies at thy lect to lay \V ith Heavens II you want to got tbeb«<a aau Xoaii d»t oysters iu the market go > Vm- scows, 711 Shiplo; street. 20. JC aud 40ctsper quart; and. a:-r. wiiolesalc .staved, dishes, knlv d all the neee sary thinirs for desir- fur gl 13 i the sott ng of fie table iug to rent Camp follvwlng c mmlttee who will glvfurtiior information desired: James C. I lek cl J .Hies V Mor-ow, John Green.Levi (Isr- rottaud William Hrlght. A'l bids must be tn by the 30th of June. |u7-0t Any porsi during the tiiu tooling at Brandy wine Summit next will make tnetr bid* to either of tho any REWARD wil be paid to any Chemist who will find on analysis of loo bottles of S. S. S, ono particle of Mercury, Iodide of Potlsbum.or any uiinoral substance SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Props. (PUR BOTTLU) Price ofSmall Kize Large «*S1,OUO of > W AhThV Ifi oper by n ou^h l*r0 Wedding Hells. The West Chester Record of Thurs- day Buys:Tho wedding of Rev. J. B. Clemson, of Claymoui, Del., aud Hannah Gibbons, took place at the Church of the Holy Trinity, West, dies ter, this noou. Tue ouly decorations in the church were white flowers in the front. The ushers were George aud John C. Washington, of Claywont, G. Lodge ami W. 1*. Brown, of Philadelphia, it , of Wilmington, and li. Crowell, Westchester. They met the wedding party at the north door aud preceded them up the middle aisle, the groom escorting Miss Gibbons, and Win. Gib- bons the bride. The party- arranged themselves before the altar and the wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. John Bolton, assisted bX the Rev. Mr. Jefferis, of Newark, Del., and Rev. Win. Murphey, ofCiayoiont, Del. Tne bride was dressed In white satin, with a handsome lace veil and white flowers aud carried a bouquet. Tue p b urch ed in and out to the strains of Mendell- sohus Wedding March, J. M. Meuller, Mus. Doc., presiding at the organ. The church was crowded to its utmost ca- pacity with the friends to witness the ceremony. The wedding party and the invited guests proceeded from the church to the house of the bride, cor- ner of Chestnut and Matlack streets, where a reception was held from half past twelve till half past two oclock. The beautiful yard about the house is surrounded with canvas to shiL out the curious. The house is elaborately decor- ated with greens and flowers. The re ireshment tables were set in the yard, the catering being done by Jacob Kugel and with a soft bright day, this out door feature added a charm to the occa siou. The presents to the bride w numerous and elegant, while the groom himself received numerous testimonials of affection and esteem from his friends. The newly married pair will settle down at once in-their home. and refail Ah well ledge Headquarters for water coolers, Cheap Johns, 313 Mar- ket street. 20 per cent, less than the lowest, tjaW.Mhst. Tho hand tho t»r The rain _ m.AUiiSMiTli FINISHER \1TA>!. !! , Smvrr . 1*1. Apply to rl i ,:nN'ft II MfDWAKEOO Atlanta, Ga 9l.oo - 1.75 Rutter. Tweny firkins of butter tor sale at stalls 51 aud 52 Third streot market. N. B. Appleton. MAKKET will ♦. snail fam'ly requtr- M. At. CHIL.DS, 7 4 >3 ai koi street. lit KENT-11. MiSE N»>. strjet. bonoillctlon. 1heb.iard "f tho EN EKAL WWKL IwrcM hevhensaj. rSi!.il'K. cl' ",l nearly pay ti e rent. vd. Apply to ;el.') 6: winchMM. MOLD BY ALL DKIJOULSTN. I'aliitf ;«X aud Graining. Tilghman Danner is re;nly to do all kinds of painting aud graining, 510 Market street SIuinoroiin ItoadioK Mailer Col* keeled by our Ifeporlera. )L. THE HJGHE-1 luC-lMdM v Pi A TURK HKIUK S «i W 8th st. ator. ken r irilUKD - W( .... W rjHrket prices pni>l for jBTHWaGK Stanton. Del. A .1. ith 8 rooms, Apply to TH» LM m!9-tf No. .1 Mild ■M bath, hot AS u. Ij'YLLY, isi'/i .ilirkot st. RAISING III: THRU GARDNER ON HUTS. If I had a boy to bring up I wouldnt bring him up too softly. Every day of my life I meet men who are biimg up toflly. As boys doy are kissed and netted and stuffed wid sweet cake and cried ober. As young men dey hah nuffin to do but spend money, dress like monkeys, loaf on de street aud look down on honest labor. As men dey am a failure. People who hate em auavoid em feel to pity em andats just as bad. When i sees a man who ebery body dislikes, I realize dat he was was bruug upon de goody-good plan as a boy. If I had a hoy Id rub him agin de world; Id put responsibility on bis shoulders. If he got sugar hed aim it. If he got time for loafln, it would only he after his work wuz done. If he wuz ugly or obstinate I'd tau it out ob him iustid of buyinhim off. If you want to make a selfish man, humor de whim eb de boy. If you want to make a coward, forbid him to stand up fur his rights. Id teach my boy dat all boys hab no business to trample on de rights ob odder boys, no boy hab de privilege to take him by de nose. Lasuight an ole man libinup my way wan turn- ed out ob doors by bis boy. He has been tryin the goody-good plan on dat youth for the lastweniy years, andis am de legiruate result. He didnt want him to work too hard. He didnt want him to dress plain,for fear people would look down on him. De boy am to-day a loafer, neither greatful for what has been done in de past, uor carinwhat happens in fucher. Ten years ago he was cried c her, run arter and coaxed and bought off, and his mudder libbed to see him a loafer anhis father has founhim an ingrate. MRS. SIMPSON'S NEW HAT. The other day a colored lady of stand- ing, Mrs. Simpson, purchased a Gains- borough and visited Mrs. Fennel. It was evident that Mm. Simpson pos- sessed a few airs wbioh she wished to display to Mrs. Fennel. My husband,* said Mrs. SimpsoD, wanted me ter get a finer hat den dis but reflecting dat de$20 bills in de bot- tom of de drawer was getting sorter scarce like I concluded to content my- self wid a $5 hat.Well, yer was savin,remarked Mrs. Fennel, and theu, steppiug to the door exclaimed: •Tildy, take dat $1,000 bill away from dat chile. He tore up two yester day. Dar aint no sense in allowiuchillun to stroy money in dat way.Mrs. Simpson retired realizing that her hat was a failure. SELF ACCUSATION. I aint got enough sense to vote at a ward election,remarked old Isom, yesterday. Why?asked a bystander. Yer see, a nigger what keeps a ba- con store at de udder end ob town give fifty cents premium on a silver dollar made last year. I tuk a dollar wid de correct dato, angoiuto de store, han- ded it ter him, and tole him ter gin me de premium. He looked at de dollar, handed me fifty cents and dropped it in dedrawr. I tuck de fifty cents anoome on up town. I have just diskiv- ered dat Ise out fifty cents. I repeats dat I aint got souse enough ter wote, and de Newnited Stat- s can hab my freedom back at any time de Sec- retary of War will notify me ob dat fack.UH - IllU1 E MEN TO Neut aud Potafoen are higher than ever, bur, my prices for tlour are lower. W. D. Pickets, 407 Kiug streot. vy HarMc« - SECOND STORY h'lllUHEK. .mi King streets. A Bn ]ul4 31 ".wily at i/avid KENT* TWO Iron rooms Ap •ri: , 1 iidi ft Fh ILM HAL VODtll St antkp-a GLKL FOR liousQKork. .No. 4 last Front oH-.'tf W t iaunei. 401 aud 303 King street,is headquarters atood potatoes. New Tobaccocream chocolateat Chapmans. (Delicious.) GUP ,r, r/OK KENTH«>U8E NO. 106 E. "rn Si., dern improvements, will rent to one Ap ply tj E. A. Harrison, jeM-flt* i-at* ; cr two families. No. 413 King st. noAllWNU1'1.KAS\NT KOUSISAT R il-ratc price. i'll Twilttli ttreet. jeir-Jt* R ooms to rkn o anii BUteJ at Ull Harrison t'SDF.RTA»ir.K(li OIBON (JUTHKIJK. 0E«'L FtlKNISIUNU UNDSHTAKKK (0. **# E. *>T»- Wlt*IK9T0», TLKMS-. per c.ont. 1j A VKFY iiesihahle room at Wt Market hKNT Kind story fr street,over uleiands shoe utore. JOHN MKKK11K. t. F1 HGAUDEKS 8t. 1016 6tf Delaware Hirer Kxcnrsiuu Boats, The Ledger this morning has the fol- lowing of local interest iu reference to tbe'runniog of excursion boats south from Philadelphia: The Delaware river excursiou boats are about to commence their usual daily summer excursions to popnlar points down the river. The John A. Warner made her first excur- sion to Sea Breeze on Sunday, leaving Chestnut street wharf at 8.15 A. M., returning early in the evening. She will also run on the 14th and 18th insts., and daily thereafter for tho season. The Republic will open the Cape May excursion season to-morrow, leaving Race street wharf at 10 A. M., and return the next day, leaving Cape May at 10 A. M. She will commence her regular dally trips on Saturday, the 17th inst., leav- ing Race street wharf at 7.15 a. m., auJ Cape May at 3.15 p. m It is under- stood that the steamboat Thomas Clyde will commence her excursions from Arch street wharf to CollinsBeaoli and Bombay llook, or Wood- land Beach on or about tho 20th inst. The Major Reybold and the Delaware form a twice a day line between Arch street wharf, Pennsgrove, Chester and Salem, the Reybold leaving here at 3 p. m.. aud the Delaware at 8 a m. The S. M. Felton leaves Chestnut street wharf at 5 p. m., for Wilming- ton,and the new steamer Wilmington leaves Pier 8, above Walnu street, at 4.30 p. in., also (or Wilmington. The Wilmington also makes daily ex- cursions to Cluster aud Marcus Hook, leaving Water Works wharf at 10.30, and Pier 8 at 10.45 A. M. The steamer Artisan having been sold to Baltimore parties, the John S. Ido runs in her place betweeu Pier 11 north wharves Bridgeton, leaving here on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1 P. M., and Satur- days at noou. The Jersey Blue runs daily between Arch street wharf and Bridgeport, New Jersey, leaviug here early iu the afternoon. The Maid of Kent leaves Pier 17 north wharves on Tuesdays and Fridays for Leipsic ami Dover, Delaware, at 11 A. M. OF COFFEE. jo'3-fltf rr OK RENT-ROOMS, HOT AND COLD water, «as anti all modern improve- jel6-3i TjlOB KENTSTO< * CELLAR IN r trood location; inquire a* 106 E. Second r.reet. *1° H uicntfl, at 220 French street Wo will have on exhibi- tion and trial on Friday and Saturday tho celebrated Ideal Cottbo Pot,an ex- amination of which will con- vince anyone of its superior- ity over any and all other coffee pots.Stop in and try a cup of good coffee. R Dmlaw NOTICE*. HEWABo-Stolonlrom tho stable LP-iSO if John Williams, Brandywine Hd on June 7th, a bay mare and a set of harness nearly new. The in are has the vole-evil and seems to be sick. When well hols very active. The above reward will bo pall for tho arrest of the thief. ju8-5tf CENTS KEWARD - LUST ON Wednesday, a pair of spectacles In Return lo oil W st ' eventh je 6-at !1 uni nr than nBEi.\ A BR«., cabinet makeus* undertakers. SHOP.8. E. or. Fifth Wilmington. ■>*>• RESIDENCES, dCrange 8td. Jno. W. Diefexdorit & Co. 50 V. J. Ukksn, 1115 We provod patent oerp e pre- re 22-3in J.F.(1ks*n, 701 Madison St Tayiors latest Ii lerver used. 3rd tt. u ;]• morocco case, street. ADAMS & BRO., K Jl iKUN rplIEGllEAT RAPE. 85 reward will bo Riven fort lie faste t »»no the Schuetzen Park, P S. BLAKE, J. rUKNWHINO UNIJKItrAKiili, ;o. oo7 ft stkkei 504 Market Street, 504 Largest, cheapest and boat assortment o! DRY GOODS, BOUTS, SHOES aud KUB- BEKS in the city. OIL CLOTHS, CAHPETS, TIN, CROCKERY A WOODEN ORNAMENTS* LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS. TOYS, DOLLS, DOLL CARRIAGES, EXPRESS WAOONS, VELOCIPEDES ,DOLL COACHES. BABY CARRIAGES, FIRE WORKS, FLAGS. L ANTERNS AND DRUMS, Come and examine our goods and prices. Agent for the HARPERS CELEBRATED AZAK PATTERN* mile walkor or July .rd, open racs for all lSu erintendent, 2212 4 rout street. jel4.6t* Etffffi Food. Eggs, at average pricen,are among tho cheapest and most nutritious articles of diet. Like milk an egg is a complete food iu itself, containing everything neces- sary for the development of a perfect ani- mal, as is manifest from the fact that a chick is formed from it. It seems a mystery how muscles, bones, feathers and every thing that a chicken requires for its development are made from the yolk and white of an egg; but such is the fact, and it shows how complete a food an egg is. It is alsoeasily digested, if not damaged in cooking. Indeed, the**© is no more concentrated and nour- ishing food than egg. The albumen, oil aud saline matter are, as in milk, in the right proportion for sustaining ani- mal life. Two or three boiled eggs, with theaddition of a slice or two of toast, will make a breakfast sufficient for a man, and good enough for a king. According to Dr. Edward Bmith, in his treatise on food, au egg weighing an ounce aud three-quaters contains 120 grains of oarbon and seventeen and three-quater grains of nitrogen, or 15 25 per cent of carbon and two per cent of nitrogen. Tho value of oue pound of lean beef as 1584 to 000. As a flesh pro- ducer, one pound of eggs is about equal to one pound of beef. A lieu may bo calculated to consume ono bushel of corn yearly, and to lay ten dozen or fifteen pounds of eggs. This is equivalent to saying that three aud one teuth pounds of coru will pro- duce, when fed to a hen, five-sixths of a pound of eggs; but five-sixths of a pound of pork requires about five pounds of coru for its production. Tak- ing into account the nutriment in each, and the comparative prices of the two on an average, the pork is about three times as costly a food as the eggs, while it is certainly less healthful.[Journal of Chemistry. CRIPPENS, G- fc.NlU-i'i GALLS attended to promptly i it HULL A BECK, FURNISHING UNDEKTjvK EKN NO. 412 KING SI'HEEI Wilmington, Dklawak* rfluMAS MlTOUBLL. 101 »v Sovonth s TEA, COFFEE A MEED STORE, No. 6 East Second street, Wilmington, 1«1. M Summer Goods, AT THE- BEE 111YE,3(K) Makkkt Stukkt. 300 HAkt:, VASE*, THE CHEAPEST PLACE a liana 204 L Finn Jo TO BUY YOUR WALL PAPER -AND- WINDOW SHADES IS AT HARK Y D. HOLTS, 313 W. SECOND SfREET. Rooms paperelcheap attheBbortent notice by experienced men. Satisfaction guaranteed. Practical men always ready to bang paper and shades in tho city or country. Country work done at city prices. HARRY D. HOLT, Practical Paper Hangor and Window Shade Maker 213 W. 2nd street, Wilmington, Del. Formerly with my father the late J. K. Holt. Owing to the lateness of the season wc are able to place before our customers EXTRAORDI- S ii, 6 T A A T ft. No. 405 Market St., some NARY bargains in Dress Fabrics for warm weather. Thin all wool dress goods from 18c. to 1.50 a yard, in great variety. Linen i fedacker, M u 11 Delreland, Swiss, Extra val- nc in Victoria Lawns, Pretty Printed Lawns, Ginghams and Zanzabar Stripes. An stock of Black, HAS OPENED THIS DAY HIS Spnng&SummerStock HOSIERY, H Dr. SimmsVegetable Liver Pidv, Tho perfection of pills; Mankindll rarer Pills, (sugar ooated) Now endorsed by tb.< sands. They move the bowels easily by acting directly on tno liver, restore the lost energies by promoting tho hoalthy aotlon of the ltv-aiY in doing this headache, neuralgia, paint in the right or left side or through tue litno«, indigestion, oostiveness, suk stomach, wsah back, dizziness, bad feelings through .lie body, aching limbs, biliousness,ague,gen weakness and other bodily Infirmities If OFGLOVES JAOU M E R I N 0 UNDERWEAR -FOR- Ladies. Gents 4 Misses’. -AND- WALL PAPER -i lreildents Future Hoyonion in. The President has made no pro- gramme whatever for the Hummer as yet. The Htatement. that he has en- gaged a cottage at Long Branch is in- correct, although it is probable he will spend a day or two at that resort dur- ing the summer. The President, will ttot leave the Capital until the adjourn- ment of Congress, except, perhaps, to attend the Grand Army encampment in Baltimore on the 21st and 22d instant. art cured They positively oderate without ra- ping, sickening, weakening, bowels costive. A splenule and perfect liver euro, boxes (six In one,) $1, sent by mail. Sold V all leading medicine dealers. Main dey ' Fourth and King streets, Wilmington, I>' Philadelphia depot, flOi Arch Direct. JchP: 2- Hollowav & Co. AlsiopouiDg a largo and well so- leote t stork of AN D, cr leaving .no easy purga.f r 2& cents; WINDOW SHADES. BE A D liD GIMPS. immense Creme and White Silk Lace, and most every kind of Cot- ton Laces and Edging for Wash Goods. Last but not least, a very DESIRABLE stock of SILKS in COLORS, BLACK BROCADES and WATERED, Black Dam- Ilernaninas for R. L. Russell. Plain and Fancy Buttons in great variety *HUK AND CREAM SPANISH. OKI EN. lAL,TOitCH( )N AN 1) IM1T ATI UN IjAOLS,TIES, RUFFLING, &C., AiO. Algo a choice assortment of A HUN UffUKKUAN JOSEPH II GKEENMAN 417 KING STREET, M.MtKBl 8T1UIBT.) norfi-tr (FORMERLY 1 TRANSPORT !TIOX ! Has and will continue to keep In stock an entire new lino of the latest P liiladelphla, and New York design inwall papers, bor- ders, binders, centre pieces, window shades and shade trimmings. MRMOiJi When you ship goods to and from Wirning- ton order them by Jokukeam. It*jj*v* Lr year; foil >wed the ico cream to snjijiiy customer* with pure gi®(!a*teralo4 l°e cream. Special attention •wtotopplyliiir weddings, picnic parties, fi,. ®ns ttud entertainments of all klDd*. feni L?a!lwi11 be promptly and satis- ® Also on hau l a full lino of ch°lo® fruio, eto. Give mo mil l win insure satisfaction. OHAKlES KYLE, Election of Olllcem. At a meeting of Temple Lodge No. 11, A. F. A. M.held on Wednesday,the fol- lowing officers wore elected to serve for the ensuing year: W. M., Archie B. Iteed; S. W., Albert O. Griggs; junior warden, J. Eldridge Pierce; secretary, Eugene C. Dawson; treasurer, Isaac 0. Pyle. JOSEPH H. GREENM 4N, 417 KING STREET. m2-2mt d have mado all the necessary BUSH S LINE, UKUKKU. Pier 2, South Wharves, PHIL.ADEL.HHIA, lo Pap Hla Father's Marirage. R. R. ROBINSON & CO. despatch from Kansas City, Mo., says: The woman who was arrested with the Brookfield Bank robbers is a comely blonde, petite in form, and as cool as any of her companions. She claims to be the wife of Frank Mason, oue of the three Mason brothers, who to be the leader of the band. over llSScl dross HANKERS AND BROKERS, Have removed to NO. 418 MARKET STREET, lid FLOOR front room, during rebuilding. Wilmington, Del. Wantod1,800 Masonic Hall Honda. Boy and soil uovemment, State, mty Mono. Stooki bongnt and sold In ilie Row York Philadelphia and Hoston market, on oommla lion. Letters ot credit given, avnllahle In an parts of the world, and drafts cu England Inland, Franoe. Germany and Swltierland Issued. FRENCH SB. WHARF, ^rthowt corner Sixth and firaBge streets. Bur^t 8 Wo-88 anJ 88 Second Street _ m5-tf MAKES Looking \Glasses A LUCKY FATHER. An Austiu father complained bitterly of the way his childreu destroyed their clothing. He said: When I was a boy I only had one suit of clothes and I had to take care of it. I was only allowed one pair of shoes a year in those days.There was a pause and then the old- est boy Bpoke up and said: l say, dad, you have a much easier time of it nowwhile you are living with us WILMINGTON. OLD WHAT IT IN AND WHY I* W. What makes so many people go To 12 East Fourth street, Id like It is because they sell so low UAPP* ANBfOU UEMNNT ** CAME AT LAST. 0,1^DOW the pure Liqulfid Nitrous Bit a ii 8 (,r **traotlng teeth, tho safest in trv'i,.rf-,erat10118 'pertaiDing to Dentls- ofteU^Jn a first-class manner. Sets from ^hdings gold and plas ten eiptriJjJJ;work suarauteed; over 20 *«• 70# MARKET NTKEET, Delaware '•nieodl GILLESPIE & CO. PLUMBERS, Gas & Steam Fitters appears She says that she and her husband came from Ellsworth, Vigo county, In- diana, a little over a month ago. She clings to Masou and insists upon being by his side to share all of his perils. She has surrendered all of the money that remained unrecovered. Where the horses were concealed the Sheriffs posse found $450 in silver. The rest of the money, it is understood,was buried about 8 miles from Brookfield. Frank Masou says that his only incentive for committing the robbery was to relieve his aged father, who is living in Cali- fornia, upon a farm so heavily mort- gaged that he cannot save it. Masou says that every letter he has received from his father has been full of the story ofhis misfortunes,and told how he was being slowly dragged to the grave. With the present care weighing upon him, Mason says that he was convinc- ed that his father could not live ten I determined to relieve him,MADE to know NEW at .Marr'i OF Why Is It that so many buy At T8 East fourth street, Ill toll you why HfoauBO to lilaasa they always try at Marts tut WITH >1 (7 So il you wish to got your foot Shod up In Boots and Shoos quite neat Just buy at 12 on East Fourth street oiirHi.ciuiiiiJWdi no. E DENTAL OFFICE Bit. JAS. H. HCJOTT, Dentist. TEKUA COTTA PIPEHAN FIX. TCBEH. at Marts ELECTRIC Scouring i m 1,EMCEE MARK, Healer In all kinds o Hoots, Shoos and Rubbers, No. 12 E. Fourth street, (two doors above King.) Wllmlng. ton, Del. nov22-tf NO. 105 SHIPLEY STREET. A FATALIST MES A. KELLY, & SPIRIT DEALER, An Austin colored preacher, belug called upon to make a lew remarka at the grave of a boy, said: Deahlv belubbed bredderln and sis- terln, de day an' de hour when each and every one ob us musvield up our sperets am done sot,but ef a kind Prov. idence had not made de cowcumbere late dis heah season, dis beah promisinboy would hab clomb de golden stair seberal weeks ago. Praise be to de Lord for His goodness and mussy.ASK POLISH JOBBING WELL and CHEAPLY DOME ■Urn YOUR NO. 718 MARKET STREET L. t ipl. v'PU obtained,and all business it rAl rjR lo the U, S. Patent Office, or te the oourt. attended to for moderate few. When model or drawing Is sent we adrls. to patentability free of oharge ; and we uiako no charge unless we obtain patent. We refer, here, to the Post Master, tne Snpt. of the Money Order Dlv..and to offl- Dials of the U. S. Patent Office. For olronlu, advice, Unas and refarenoo to actual client/ In your own State or oounty. address O, A. SNOW fcOO., Washington, D.O >1|.|mhI.8 Ht MAIff | Beat In the World. '•'Film. MADEIRA, OLAKET 84tfpUML.°ATAWHASHERRIES, «nia,KUfiGtNMES,BRANDIES "BISaIES, ALES, BUM. ««4RN1 4'Igars 1 GIU.VK4M Winningtou, Del Wo odor unusual facuities York, Phlla., Boston, Balt, and Washington, for tho puronaae of stooks an.l honda, boll .nneeted by private wire wit1 hose oltles. Local securities bought an W. G. TALLEY Mechanical Engineer TENTH * OUANUC m iSSJ'd in NSW PHILIPS PATENT PEACH LADDERS, Marls Building. In 0.7, 8 and 10 foot lengths. The ouly ohoau good fruit ladder In the mar years. adds Mason, no matter how desperate a game I played for the purpose so long as I did not take life. I thought that by robbing the bank I could enough money to pay my fathers in- debtedness, and he would not suspect but that I loaned it out of my earnings.The robbers are looked up at Linneus. WILLIAM H. SALISBURY, VETERINARY SERGEANT, 207 East Fifth street. KnriBBNOi:Mr. Lobdell, MoLear A Ken- dall, J. Weldln, (1. Mahan, J . Heal. ju0-3m || P^LtUHd. *«»«Odt»AOTOB sireei; reeiuence, Ordere left will be •olleitM""Mm to Your Upposlto Potent Dffloo, fMention this Conor. 1 Wilmington, Del ! A HOPEFUL SON. 10 1W. SIXTH ST., OHANDLEK, kot, Get through your breokfoet quick tonny. You will be late ot oohool,■old on Austin mother to her hopeful. Im not going to school until I get a dime.“I wont give you any dime. Well, then i'll J not keep on eating. I will tee for onoe If I oant oure yon of your obstinacy,” replied the hopeful taking a fresh hotter-oake. Manufactured by A. J. WILLIAMd, Greenback, Delaware Address oil commuslootlons to WARREN HARPER A UO., Genorol Agents. Wllmlng ton, Del. mlT-Std w $1.75 EW FLOUR STORE. W. •. TOWNSEND. Floor and Food Dealerj No. But Feuth tr Hu eoastoatly en hood the but Floor reed, Seeds, Beau, fco-, at Uojowon pries oosmo* secure N FOR A LARGE LOAD 0-1 KINDLING WOOD, oak aud pine mixed. Ordere oon be left at the followtngpUcoa: John H. Huey, grocer, N. W. cor. Ninth and Madison su.. James O’Uonnall, grooar, oor. Eighth and Orange streets, Well A Hlngwalt, bar- nsss /tore, N. E. oor. Booond and Market its. Ordsrs ssnt by mill to fbetory oor. Union st. andnGUp.n.r..a^Mromfitatt..- 18 patronage fJIELTH FOR ALL THE PEOPLE. ntlfUl tooth at $3, «5. «S and (10MM set. Teeth extracted without ptlnN^HS bythe ase of gu. Oror 20 years experience, DR. GALLAGHER, No. tst Market strut SjulS* OTHER libra* I-Jk it. aw*<a- uau at No. 4 **' dtaa balfq>tio» °°<A bm-ii ,#r S UPTURN.CURE GUARANTEED , by J.B. Mayors Msthod wbars others Send stamp for Metimonlsls, MI Arab Phlladalbbla r K I AUGUST ULOTH1NG HOUSE IN Philadelphia, JOHN WANAMAKKK rand Dapot. Uth and Market street/. a ;t8;l mie-lydhw true Ol vf. iti-Sl •"•ft. |ij| .

Daily Republican ([Wilmington, Del.]), 1882-06-16, [p ] · 2017. 12. 12. · graphwithframefor $1.25, retouched in the finest style, no liner made in the city ; 3rTliHEE fine retouched

Sep 28, 2020



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Page 1: Daily Republican ([Wilmington, Del.]), 1882-06-16, [p ] · 2017. 12. 12. · graphwithframefor $1.25, retouched in the finest style, no liner made in the city ; 3rTliHEE fine retouched

\ 2:;'“ ‘

nr.■PEUIAL BUTIOS.MM. MTOWK'N MBIT. WHAT BROKE *H0AOKMKNT. They were en >ag id to bn married and

called each other tXthelr first namee; Tom and Fanny, it be wan telling her how he had alwJIS lilted the name of Fanny and bow^ Hounded like mimic in hie ear.

“I like the name no an a sort of olinoher to the argument, "that when sister asked me to name her |mt terrier I at once called it Fanny, after you dearest.”

"I don’t think that was very nice,” said ‘he fair girl.

How would yon like to have a dog named after you?”

“Why, that's nothing,” said Tom, airly.

“Half he cats in the country are named alter me." They don't speak

niMhlUM. ''oj* ti l. •«r:'K Q * tDr.Minniirwti It* Pa luionle Balsamthe perfectiou of Lang Medicines, ho endorsed by thousands now. We use it always successfully in pueumonia, coughs, croup, hoarseness, blood spit­ting, &c., and it is our sure stand by in consumption, in this disease it has proved the best of all remedies. Sold ->y leading dealers. Main depot at 4th and King streets. Philadelphia depot, 002 Arch street, Johnston, Holloway & & Co.




A i the party assembled to celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the birth­day of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes read the follow­ing poem :If every tomrue that speak* her praise,For whom 1 shape my thinking phrase,

V* ere eumm >red to the table,The vocal chorus that would meet Of mingling accents, harBh or sweet,From ev*ry land the tribe would he

1 he polyglots ol babel.

Hriton and Frenchman, Swede and Dane, Turk. Spaniard, Tartar at Ukraine,

Hidalgo, Onuack, Cadi, nigh ' utchman, end Low Dutchman, too, The Kussian serf, the Polish .lew,Arab, AnnonUn and Maut'hoo,

Would thout: “We know the lady.”

• '•OFItSAhh. I 1f ■„ ,.„ws a springers.

t k'^'LnimMlyon hand froth £1,111''“J^ ers selected wl ho»™ Sj—j ,

rS ^ which 1 will ; The subscriber will sell »t pnblio sale, at

W luce near * he purchased unywboro , u,e uimdd*’ Ford Hotel, Delaware IJounty, i.n.flinh. IP,, on

" lol-dk*'*' ________________


NOW-he added,> fA


Cures IslfclislIf ,kj


at lo’olook, P. M.,Forty Lancaster county oows end

A credit of no d»yi will be No MostiKinement on accountof

AMOS W. HOUSK.mlt-tf


wAv»10»bl*5,*nVn Mt°ahlll»hod,rba»lnos« | springers.

.-Jdw.l'lo^; w h JJtondlmt throuuh the „S7en.


in any stage


mSi sj

£ H 7)«r O9#*

mlbs Latest Nears.Holland will make one large photo­

graph with frame for $1.25, retouched in the finest style, no liner made in the city ; 3 fine retouched cabinets for $1 ; 8 cards finely retouched forfl, pictures copied and enlarged in same style at the very lowest prices. The only cheap first-class gallery in the city, No. 4 East 3rd street, betweeu Market and King streets.

wttM her L. W. Stidham ASon.auct.

Eozciua1 a. MoU.\ULLEY,

* * 806 Markot rtroot.

rTliHEE MTCKY HllIOK rtlOK No 707 Monroe street, oou-H dwe B muo-il ropalr; will he nolifcBsah#a*w*«

Uupcblioan offloo.

Old ftorcM,



or any SKIN


Will he sold at public sale, at the hotel of Jacob H. Hyatt, in Newport, New Castle To.

flfl-tf O Stylish i.rid I Hiable gar­

ments f o r Men, Youths’, Boys’ and Children„at prices

which can be had at no other House. While maintaining

the uniform standard of qual­

ity in excellence of work and

material and being content

with small margins we have

revised the standa rd of ready

made clothing in ,inr city and

our citizens have learned

that the best place to buy

clothing is at home and of

the y\rilmington Clothing

House at Fourth and Market

streets where reliable goods have been manufactured and

are being distributed among

our citizens who have learn­

ed the value of our goods,

which are well made and

trimmed and cut in the most

fashionable styles. Just step

in during this week and learn

the prices of our goods

nothing more, you cannot

help but be pleased and If

you do not want to buy you

will tell your friends it is the

place to patronize when in

want of clothing;for this sea* son they have just what they

advertise and even more; we

will treat you politely if you

stop in at the Wilmington

Clothing House, Fourth and

Market streets.

1 < *1now.Know her! Who known not Uncle Tom,

And her bo lcarted bin gospel from, Has neyer heard of Moses !

Full well the brtve black hand That gave to Freedom’s grasp the ho., That killed (ho weed that mod to grow

Among tho Southern hoses.

Dch : it '~ c/i rWEDNESDAY, JUNE 21st, 1882,

’oloci, p. m., sharp.

Forty head f fresh cows, springers, feeders and hulls. Tt'a—

No postponement on account of the w er, If stormy will sell In the dry. This stock was selected with care, by

JOSEPH H (HIULD.L W. Slid ham A Sod. Auctioneers,

itino 13 ltw-Oul


As the sun’s rays begin to fall more directly upon the earth, warming up the soil and Htarting up early vegeta­tion, a new and brilliant agony ap pears. A young lady beautifully deco­rates a miniature spade and acids it by a district telegraph boy to a young gentleman frieud. This signifies:

“Iain about to set out my plants. Come this evening and spade up the frout yard for ine."

The agony is that the young man’s sole knowledge of the use of a spado comes from the “ant©” room.

At t(kprW-tl

*■ „,i,onliai><‘'»uhe to**" MZeh streot i el»w Suomi, » lot

drift#* koWM. mam-ti

.„ ,Ca THREE VroKY HlllUK 704 Wollaston streot. . rooDH

,’'"888S'°n °UCej5u‘"#lJpr»“1“8'____

1 IN lMKFKKbN r •ca«onable t6rms

ML. T. POOLE,711 Monroo streot.

knowis® DINf AH E.

|j«4bM Al(«iiic ion.The attention of the ladies of this

city and vicinity is called to the fact that Mrs. Kirby, 202 King street, has received a new invoice of goods in new styles of hats and bounets in leading shapes, also new material. Examine her very large stock of feathers, rib­bons and flowers. A heavy stock of trimmed goods.

A Laborer of Mine. Was Cared

of a violent Blood Disease in a short time by S. S. S. after other treatment had failed. D. M. Hughes. Jefferson­ville, Ga. Price $1 and $1.75 per bottle of all druggists.


. ai.i

When Archimedes, long ag *.Spake out so icrandly, * Dos pou sto

Hive me a place to stand on. your planet for you, now”— dreamed or fancied how

Jitof h»


Ui11I’ll move

He littleThe sto at last should find its pou

For woman’s faith to land on.


Will he lold at Public Sale, at Practical Farmor, Brandywine Hd , on

MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1*82,

at 1 o’clock, p. m.,

-Dirty head it froth cows and spring-

No postpone moot on account of weather, if stormy will sell in the dry.

KOHcJtl'S A TYSON.L. W. * tldhsm A Son, Auct. )ul4-ltw-3td

1 \IXpw r-

rSi.ik-HoustL'n-..fineolty on Her lever was tho wand of art,

Uor fulcrumWhence all unfalllnic aid Is.

nhe moved the eanh, Its thunders pealed, Its mountains shook, its temples reeled, The blood red fountain were unsealed,

And Moio h sunk to Hades.

tho human hea t,

Cures when Hot Springs Fail.

, [i..ui--NbW HOI'S* S FKimi

E&5,Tfir:,,BOieyA^irV .UJ- SEYF.HAL Yuttm

- < iin of (let r^o W. * orcon.Kcar00 Uie Tbomsn Ilooten. al’J-dAwvt


Wede uudersigtied bein’ a coroner’s jury to aet on de body of Sambo, now dead and gone afore, had been sittin’ on de said nigger aforesaid, and find dat de same did on do 14 day of Jiner- wary come to death by failin’ from de bridge ober de riber and broken his neck whar we And he was subsequent­ly drowned and afterwards washed to do riber side whar we supposed he was froze to death.

Malveun, Auk., May 2, 18sl. We have oases in our town, who lived at

Hot Springs, and were finally cured with S. MoO

mAll through the conflict, up and down, Marched Uncle Tom and old John Brown.

form ldeiftl,01F ioasiderable s. s. n & Murphy .One ghost.And wnlch was false and which was true, And which was mlgutier of the two,The wisest sibyl never knew,

For both alike were real.

if not more hickory interspersed in Richardson's kindling wood. Deliv­ered in cellars opening on pavement without extra charge.


FOK RENT.wntnIf you doubt come to see u«. and we will CUKE YOU, or charuo nothing '.! Write for particulars, and a o opy of a littlo book “Message to the Unfortunaio Suderinji.”

Ask any prominent Druggist an to our standiug.

rtr, j... fOB KENT.

7n':\ny>-A T1!:u‘ \K,V1rlT't n. e I'haTKB "I an e Hit 1150 ol11* rlui, ", oneliara) i.r nmry. U.

jJtiliilNS'iM „a li«UluK»»«rtk^l*rio, onHU Cm !• maJ ..........................

A SI IV AT ON AS HOUSE- woman who has a tho*-

V tho business. Apjdy at ju6-tf

S-, Paul's Circle Hoarding table. to<eth with cook tent three sleeping tent . chairs

d forks,

NlPtcr, the holy maid does well Who counts her beads In convent cell

Where pale Devotion lingers;Hut tho who serves the sufferers’ needs, Who e prayers are spelt lu loving doeds, May trust the L id will count her beads

human fingers.

When Truth herself with slavery s slave J suppliant gave

wings ol fiction :And Truth who soared descends to-day, Hearing an angel’s wreath away,Its lilies at thy lect to lay

\V ith Heaven’s

II you want to got tbeb«<a aau Xoaii d»t oysters iu the market go > • Vm- scow’s, 711 Shiplo; street. 20. JC aud 40cts• per quart; and. a:-r. wiiolesalc

.staved, dishes, knlvd all the neee sary thinirs for


furgl 13 ithe sott ng of fie table iug to rent Camp

follvwlng c mmlttee who will glv’ furtiior information desired: James C. I lek cl J .Hies V Mor-ow, John Green.Levi (Isr- rottaud William Hrlght. A'l bids must be tn by the 30th of June. |u7-0t

Any porsi during the tiiu

tooling at Brandy wine Summit next will make tnetr bid* to either of tho


REWARD wilbe paid to any

Chemist who will find on analysis of loo

bottles of S. S. S, ono particle of Mercury,

Iodide of Potlsbum.or any uiinoral substance



Price ofSmall Kize Large “


WAhThV Ifi oper by n

ou^h l*r0

Wedding Hells.The West Chester Record of Thurs­

day Buys:— Tho wedding of Rev. J. B. Clemson, of Claymoui, Del., aud Hannah Gibbons, took place at the Church of the Holy Trinity, West, dies ter, this noou. Tue ouly decorations in the church were white flowers in the front. The ushers were George aud John C. Washington, of Clay wont, G. Lodge ami W. 1*. Brown, of Philadelphia, it

, of Wilmington, and li. Crowell, Westchester. They met the wedding party at the north door aud preceded them up the middle aisle, the groom escorting Miss Gibbons, and Win. Gib­bons the bride. The party- arranged themselves before the altar and the wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. John Bolton, assisted bX the Rev. Mr. Jefferis, of Newark, Del., and Rev. Win. Murphey, ofCiayoiont, Del. Tne bride was dressed In white satin, with a handsome lace veil and white flowers aud carried a bouquet. Tue p b urch ed in and out to the strains of Mendell- sohu’s Wedding March, J. M. Meuller, Mus. Doc., presiding at the organ. The church was crowded to its utmost ca­pacity with the friends to witness the ceremony. The wedding party and the invited guests proceeded from the church to the house of the bride, cor­ner of Chestnut and Matlack streets, where a reception was held from half past twelve till half past two o’clock. The beautiful yard about the house is surrounded with canvas to shiL out the curious. The house is elaborately decor­ated with greens and flowers. The re ireshment tables were set in the yard, the catering being done by Jacob Kugel and with a soft bright day, this out door feature added a charm to the occa siou. The presents to the bride w numerous and elegant, while the groom himself received numerous testimonials of affection and esteem from his friends. The newly married pair will settle down at once in-their home.

and re failAh well

ledge Headquarters forwater coolers, Cheap John’s, 313 Mar­ket street. 20 per cent, less than the lowest,

tjaW.Mhst. Tho hand tho t»r The rain_ m.AUiiSMiTli FINISHER

\1TA>!. !! , Smvrr ’. 1*1. Apply to

rl i ,:nN'ft II MfDWAKEOOAtlanta, Ga

• 9l.oo - 1.75

Rutter.Tweny firkins of butter tor sale at

stalls 51 aud 52 Third streot market. N. B. Appleton.


♦. snail fam'ly requtr- M. At. CHIL.DS,7 4 >3 ai koi street.

lit KENT-11. MiSE N»>. strjet.

bonoillctlon.1’heb.iard "f thoEN EKALWWKL ‘IwrcM hevhensaj.

rSi!.“il'' ",lnearly pay ti e rent.vd. Apply to


I'aliitf ;«X aud Graining.Tilghman Danner is re;nly to do all

kinds of painting aud graining, 510 Market street

SIuinoroiin ItoadioK Mailer Col* keeled by our Ifeporlera.


luC-lMdM v

PiA TURK HKIUKS «i W 8th st.


• ken ririlUKD - W( ....W rjHrket prices pni>l for

jBTHWaG’K Stanton. Del.

A.1. ith 8 rooms,

Apply to TH» LM m!9-tf

No..1 Mild ■Mbath, hot

AS u. Ij'YLLY, isi'/i .ilirkot st.RAISINGIII: THRU GARDNER ON

HUTS.“If I had a boy to bring up I wouldn’t

bring him up too softly. Every day of my life I meet men who are biimg up toflly. As boys doy are kissed and netted and stuffed wid sweet cake and cried ober. As young men dey hah nuffin to do but spend money, dress like monkeys, loaf on de street aud look down on honest labor. As men dey am a failure. People who hate ’em au’ avoid ’em feel to pity ’em an’ dat’s just as bad. When i sees a man who ebery body dislikes, I realize dat he was was bruug upon de goody-good plan as a boy.

If I had a hoy I’d rub him agin de world; I’d put responsibility on bis shoulders. If he got sugar he’d aim it. If he got time for loafln, it would only he after his work wuz done. If he wuz ugly or obstinate I'd tau it out ob him iustid of buyin’ him off. If you want to make a selfish man, humor de whim eb de boy. If you want to make a coward, forbid him to stand up fur his rights. I’d teach my boy dat all boys hab no business to trample on de rights ob odder boys, no boy hab de privilege to take him by de nose. Las’ uight an ole man libin’ up my way wan turn­ed out ob doors by bis boy. He has been tryin the goody-good plan on dat youth for the las’ tweniy years, an’ dis am de legiruate result. He didn’t want him to work too hard. He didn’t want him to dress plain,for fear people would look down on him. De boy am to-day a loafer, neither greatful for what has been done in de past, uor carin’ what happens in fucher. Ten years ago he was cried c her, run arter and coaxed and bought off, and his mudder libbed to see him a loafer an’ his father has foun’ him an ingrate.


The other day a colored lady of stand­ing, Mrs. Simpson, purchased a Gains­borough and visited Mrs. Fennel. It was evident that Mm. Simpson pos­sessed a few airs wbioh she wished to display to Mrs. Fennel.

“My husband,’* said Mrs. SimpsoD, “ wanted me ter get a finer hat den dis but reflecting dat de$20 bills in de bot­tom of de drawer was getting sorter scarce like I concluded to content my­self wid a $5 hat.”

“Well, yer was savin,” remarked Mrs. Fennel, and theu, steppiug to the door exclaimed:

‘•Tildy, take dat $1,000 bill away from dat chile. He tore up two yester day. Dar ain’t no sense in allowiu’ chillun to ‘stroy money in dat way.”

Mrs. Simpson retired realizing that her hat was a failure.


“I ain’t got enough sense to vote at a ward election,” remarked old Isom, yesterday.

“Why?” asked a bystander.“Yer see, a nigger what keeps a ba­

con store at de udder end ob town give fifty cents premium on a silver dollar made last year. I tuk a dollar wid de correct dato, an’ goiu’ to de store, han­ded it ter him, and tole him ter gin me de premium. He looked at de dollar, handed me fifty cents and dropped it in dedraw’r. I tuck de fifty cents an’ oome on up town. I have just diskiv- ered dat Is’e out fifty cents. I repeats dat I ain’t got souse enough ter wote, and de Newnited Stat- s can hab my freedom back at any time de Sec­retary of War will notify me ob dat fack.”

UH- IllU1 E MEN TO Neut aud Potafoenare higher than ever, bur, my prices for tlour are lower. W. D. Pickets, 407 Kiug streot.

vy ‘« -


.mi King streets.

A Bn ]ul4 31

".wily at i/avid KENT* TWO Iron rooms Ap•ri: , 1 iidi ft


antkp-a GLKL FOR liousQKork. .No. 4 last

FrontoH-’.'tfW tiaunei.

401 aud 303 ’King street,is headquarters atood potatoes.New Tobacco—cream chocolate—at

Chapman’s. (Delicious.)

GUP ,r,r/OK KENT—H«>U8E NO. 106 E. "rn Si., dern improvements, will rent to one

Ap ply tj E. A. Harrison, jeM-flt*

i-at*; ■cr two families. No. 413 King st.

noAllWNU—1'1.KAS\NT KOUSISATR il-ratc price. i'll Twilttli ttreet. jeir-Jt*

Rooms to rkn o anii

BUteJ at Ull Harrison




(0. **# E. *>T»‘ -

Wlt*IK9T0»,TLKMS-. per c.ont. 1‘j

A VKFY iiesihahle room at Wt Market

hKNT Kind story fr

street,over uleiand’s shoe utore.JOHN MKKK11K.

• t.F1HGAUDEKS 8t. 1016 6tf Delaware Hirer Kxcnrsiuu Boats,

The Ledger this morning has the fol­lowing of local interest iu reference to tbe'runniog of excursion boats south from Philadelphia: The Delaware river excursiou boats are about to commence their usual daily summer excursions to popnlar points down the river. The John A. Warner made her first excur­sion to Sea Breeze on Sunday, leaving Chestnut street wharf at 8.15 A. M., returning early in the evening. She will also run on the 14th and 18th insts., and daily thereafter for tho season. The Republic will open the Cape May excursion season to-morrow, leaving Race street wharf at 10 A. M., and return the next day, leaving Cape May at 10 A. M.

She will commence her regular dally trips on Saturday, the 17th inst., leav­ing Race street wharf at 7.15 a. m., auJ Cape May at 3.15 p. m It is under­stood that the steamboat Thomas Clyde will commence her excursions from Arch street wharf to Collins’ Beaoli and Bombay llook, or Wood­land Beach on or about tho 20th inst. The Major Reybold and the Delaware form a twice a day line between Arch street wharf, Pennsgrove, Chester and Salem, the Reybold leaving here at 3 p. m.. aud the Delaware at 8 a m. The S. M. Felton leaves Chestnut street wharf at 5 p. m., for Wilming­ton,and the new steamer Wilmington leaves Pier 8, above Walnu street, at 4.30 p. in., also (or Wilmington.

The Wilmington also makes daily ex­cursions to Cluster aud Marcus Hook, leaving Water Works wharf at 10.30, and Pier 8 at 10.45 A. M. The steamer Artisan having been sold to Baltimore parties, the John S. Ido runs in her place betweeu Pier 11 north wharves Bridgeton, leaving here on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1 P. M., and Satur­days at noou. The Jersey Blue runs daily between Arch street wharf and Bridgeport, New Jersey, leaviug here early iu the afternoon. The Maid of Kent leaves Pier 17 north wharves on Tuesdays and Fridays for Leipsic ami Dover, Delaware, at 11 A. M.


rr OK RENT-ROOMS, HOT AND COLD water, «as anti all modern improve-


TjlOB KENT—STO< ’* CELLAR IN r trood location; inquire a* 106 E. Second r.reet. *1° H

uicntfl, at 220 French street

Wo will have on exhibi­

tion and trial on Friday and

Saturday tho celebrated

“Ideal Cottbo Pot,” an ex­

amination of which will con­

vince anyone of its superior­

ity over any and all other

coffee pots.” Stop in and

try a cup of good coffee.


Dmlaw NOTICE*.

HEWABo-Stolonlrom tho stable LP-iSO if John Williams, Brandywine Hd on June 7th, a bay mare and a set of harness nearly new. The in are has the vole-evil and seems to be sick. When well hols very active. The above reward will bo pall for tho arrest of the thief. ju8-5tf

CENT’S KEWARD - LUST ON Wednesday, a pair of spectacles In

Return lo oil W st ' eventh je 6-at

!1uni nrthan

nBEi.\ A BR«.,

cabinet makeus* undertakers.

SHOP.—8. E. or. FifthWilmington. ■>*>•


dCrange 8td. Jno. W. Diefexdorit & Co.

50V. J. Ukksn, 1115 We

provod patent oerp e pre- re 22-3in

J.F.(1ks*n,701 Madison St

Tayior’s latest Ii lerver used.

3rd tt. u ;]•morocco case, street.


85 reward will bo Riven fort lie faste t »»no the Schuetzen Park,


J.rUKNWHINO UNIJKItrAKiili,;o. oo7 ft stk kei 504 Market Street, 504

Largest, cheapest and boat assortment o! DRY GOODS, BOUTS, SHOES aud KUB- BEKS in the city.






Come and examine our goods and prices.


mile walkor or July .rd, open racs for all

lSu erintendent, 2212 4 rout street.jel4.6t*

Etffffi Food.Eggs, at average pricen,are among tho

cheapest and most nutritious articles of diet. Like milk an egg is a complete food iu itself, containing everything neces­sary for the development of a perfect ani­mal, as is manifest from the fact that a chick is formed from it. It seems a mystery how muscles, bones, feathers and every thing that a chicken requires for its development are made from the yolk and white of an egg; but such is the fact, and it shows how complete a food an egg is. It is alsoeasily digested, if not damaged in cooking. Indeed, the**© is no more concentrated and nour­ishing food than egg. The albumen, oil aud saline matter are, as in milk, in the right proportion for sustaining ani­mal life. Two or three boiled eggs, with theaddition of a slice or two of toast, will make a breakfast sufficient for a man, and good enough for a king.

According to Dr. Edward Bmith, in his treatise on “ food, ” au egg weighing an ounce aud three-quaters contains 120 grains of oarbon and seventeen and three-quater grains of nitrogen, or 15 25 per cent of carbon and two per cent of nitrogen. Tho value of oue pound of lean beef as 1584 to 000. As a flesh pro­ducer, one pound of eggs is about equal to one pound of beef.

A lieu may bo calculated to consume ono bushel of corn yearly, and to lay ten dozen or fifteen pounds of eggs.

This is equivalent to saying that three aud one teuth pounds of coru will pro­duce, when fed to a hen, five-sixths of a pound of eggs; but five-sixths of a pound of pork requires about five pounds of coru for its production. Tak­ing into account the nutriment in each, and the comparative prices of the two on an average, the pork is about three times as costly a food as the eggs, while it is certainly less healthful.—[Journal of Chemistry.

CRIPPEN’S,G-fc.NlU-i'i GALLS attended to promptly



NO. 412 KING SI'HEEIWilmington, Dklawak*

rfluMAS MlTOUBLL.101 »v Sovonth s


No. 6 East Second street, Wilmington, 1«1.M Summer Goods,—AT THE-

“BEE 111 YE,”

3(K) Makkkt Stukkt. 300

HAkt:, VASE*,

THE CHEAPEST PLACEa liana 204 L FinnJo






313 W. SECOND SfREET.Rooms paperelcheap attheBbortent notice

by experienced men. Satisfaction guaranteed.Practical men always ready to bang paper

and shades in tho city or country. Country work done at city prices.

HARRY D. HOLT,Practical Paper Hangor and Window Shade Maker 213 W. 2nd street, Wilmington, Del.

Formerly with my father the late J. K. Holt.

Owing to the lateness of the season wc are able to place before our customers


S ii, 6 T A A T ft.

No. 405 Market St.,

someNARY bargains in Dress Fabrics for warm weather.

Thin all wool dress goods from 18c. to 1.50 a yard, in great variety.

Linen i fedacker, M u 11 Delreland, Swiss, Extra val- nc in Victoria Lawns, Pretty Printed Lawns, Ginghams and Zanzabar Stripes. An

stock of Black,





Dr. Simms’ Vegetable Liver Pidv, Tho perfection of pills; Mankind’ll rarer

Pills, (sugar ooated) Now endorsed by tb.< sands. They move the bowels easily by acting directly on tno liver, restore the lost energies by promoting tho hoalthy aotlon of the ltv-aiY in doing this headache, neuralgia, paint in the right or left side or through tue litno«, indigestion, oostiveness, suk stomach, wsah back, dizziness, bad feelings through .lie body, aching limbs, biliousness,ague,gen weakness and other bodily Infirmities




Ladies. Gents 4 Misses’.


WALL PAPER -il’reildent’s Future Hoy onion in.

The President has made no pro­gramme whatever for the Hummer as yet. The Htatement. that he has en­gaged a cottage at Long Branch is in­correct, although it is probable he will spend a day or two at that resort dur­ing the summer. The President, will ttot leave the Capital until the adjourn­ment of Congress, except, perhaps, to attend the Grand Army encampment in Baltimore on the 21st and 22d instant.

artcured They positively oderate without ra­ping, sickening, weakening, bowels costive. A splenule and perfect liver euro, boxes (six In one,) $1, sent by mail. Sold V all leading medicine dealers. Main dey ' Fourth and King streets, Wilmington, I’ >' Philadelphia depot, flOi Arch Direct. JchP: 2- Hollowav & Co.

AlsiopouiDg a largo and well so- leote t stork of

—AN D—, cr leaving .no

easy purga.f r 2& cents;WINDOW SHADES.BE A D liD GIMPS.

immense Creme and White Silk Lace, and most every kind of Cot­ton Laces and Edging for Wash Goods.

Last but not least, a very DESIRABLE stock of SILKS in COLORS, BLACK BROCADES and WATERED, Black Dam-

Ilernaninas for R. L. Russell.

Plain and Fancy Buttons in great variety *HUK AND CREAM SPANISH. OKI EN.


&C., AiO.

Algo a choice assortment ofA HUN UffUKKUAN



M.MtKBl 8T1UIBT.)norfi-tr


TRANSPORT !TIOX !Has and will continue to keep In stock an entire new lino of the latest P liiladelphla, and New York design inwall papers, bor­ders, binders, centre pieces, window shades and shade trimmings.


When you ship goods to and from Wirning- ton order them byJokukeam.

It*jj*v* Lr year; foil >wed the ico cream

to snjijiiy customer* with pure gi®(!a*teralo4 l°e cream. Special attention •wtotopplyliiir weddings, picnic parties, fi,. ®ns ttud entertainments of all klDd*. feni L?a!lwi11 be promptly and satis-

® Also on hau l a full lino of ch°lo® fruio, eto. Give mo

mil l win insure satisfaction.OHAKlES KYLE,

Election of Olllcem.At a meeting of Temple Lodge No. 11,

A. F. A. M.held on Wednesday,the fol­lowing officers wore elected to serve for the ensuing year: W. M., Archie B. Iteed; S. W., Albert O. Griggs; junior warden, J. Eldridge Pierce; secretary, Eugene C. Dawson; treasurer, Isaac 0. Pyle.


417 KING STREET.m2-2mtd have mado all the necessary BUSH S LINE,UKUKKU.

Pier 2, South Wharves,


lo Pap Hla Father's Marirage. R. R. ROBINSON & CO.▲ despatch from Kansas City, Mo.,

says: The woman who was arrested with the Brookfield Bank robbers is a comely blonde, petite in form, and as cool as any of her companions. She claims to be the wife of Frank Mason, oue of the three Mason brothers, who

to be the leader of the band.



Have removed toNO. 418 MARKET STREET, lid FLOOR

front room, during rebuilding.

Wilmington, Del.Wantod— 1,800 Masonic Hall Honda.

Boy and soil uovemment, State, mty Mono.Stooki bongnt and sold In ilie Row York

Philadelphia and Hoston market, on oommla lion.

Letters ot credit given, avnllahle In an parts of the world, and drafts cu England Inland, Franoe. Germany and Swltierland Issued.

FRENCH SB. WHARF,^rthowt corner Sixth and firaBge streets.

Bur^t 8 Wo-88 anJ 88 Second Street

_ m5-tfMAKES

Looking \Glasses


An Austiu father com plained bitterly of the way his childreu destroyed their clothing. He said:

“When I was a boy I only had one suit of clothes and I had to take care of it. I was only allowed one pair of shoes a year in those days.”

There was a pause and then the old­est boy Bpoke up and said:

“l say, dad, you have a much easier time of it now—while you are living with us ”


What makes so many people go To 12 East Fourth street, I’d like

It is because they sell so low

UAPP* ANBfOU UEMNNT** CAME AT LAST.0,1^DOW the pure Liqulfi’d Nitrous Bit a ii 8 (,r **traotlng teeth, tho safest in trv'i,.rf-,erat 10118 'pertaiDing to Dentls- ofteU’^Jn a first-class manner. Sets

from ^hdings gold and plas ten eiptriJjJJ;work suarauteed; over 20

*«• 70# MARKET NTKEET,Delaware



Gas & Steam Fitters

appearsShe says that she and her husband came from Ellsworth, Vigo county, In­diana, a little over a month ago. She clings to Masou and insists upon being by his side to share all of his perils. She has surrendered all of the money that remained unrecovered. Where the horses were concealed the Sheriffs posse found $450 in silver. The rest of the money, it is understood,was buried about 8 miles from Brookfield. Frank Masou says that his only incentive for committing the robbery was to relieve his aged father, who is living in Cali­fornia, upon a farm so heavily mort­gaged that he cannot save it. Masou says that every letter he has received from his father has been full of the story ofhis misfortunes,and told how he was being slowly dragged to the grave. With the present care weighing upon him, Mason says that he was convinc­ed that his father could not live ten

“I determined to relieve him,”

MADEto know

NEWat .Marr'iOF

Why Is It that so many buy At T8 East fourth street, I’ll toll you why

HfoauBO to lilaasa they always tryat Mart’s


>1 (7So il you wish to got your foot

Shod up In Boots and Shoos quite neat Just buy at 12 on East Fourth street

oiirHi.ciuiiiiJWdi no.EDENTAL OFFICE


Scouringim1,EMCEE MARK, Healer In all kinds o

Hoots, Shoos and Rubbers, No. 12 E. Fourth street, (two doors above King.) Wllmlng. ton, Del. nov22-tf



An Austin colored preacher, belug called upon to make a lew remarka at the grave of a boy, said:

“Deahlv belubbed bredderln and sis- terln, de day an' de hour when each and every one ob us mus’ vield up our sperets am done sot,but ef a kind Prov. idence had not made de cowcumbere late dis heah season, dis beah promisin’ boy would hab clomb de golden stair seberal weeks ago. Praise be to de Lord for His goodness and mussy.”



■UrnYOUR NO. 718 MARKET STREETL. t ipl. v'PU obtained,and all business it rAl rjR lo the U, S. Patent Office, or te

the oourt. attended to for moderate few.When model or drawing Is sent we adrls. to patentability free of oharge ; and we

uiako no charge unless we obtain patent.We refer, here, to the Post Master, tne

Snpt. of the Money Order Dlv..and to offl- Dials of the U. S. Patent Office. For olronlu, advice, Unas and refarenoo to actual client/ In your own State or oounty. address

O, A. SNOW fcOO., Washington, D.O


Ht MAIff |Beat In the World.




««4RN1 4'Igars 1 GIU.VK4M

Winning to u, Del

Wo odor unusual facuities York, Phlla., Boston, Balt, and Washington, for tho puronaae of stooks an.l honda, boll .nneeted by private wire wit1 hose oltles.

Local securities bought an


Mechanical EngineerTENTH * OUANUC m


PEACH LADDERS,■Marls Building.In 0.7, 8 and 10 foot lengths.

The ouly ohoau good fruit ladder In the maryears.adds Mason, “no matter how desperate a game I played for the purpose so long as I did not take life. I thought that by robbing the bank I could enough money to pay my father’s in­debtedness, and he would not suspect but that I loaned it out of my earnings.” The robbers are looked up at Linneus.


207 East Fifth street. KnriBBNOi:—Mr. Lobdell, MoLear A Ken­

dall, J. Weldln, (1. Mahan, J . Heal. ju0-3m


*«»«Odt»AOTOB sireei; reeiuence,

Ordere left will be•olleitM""Mm to Your

Upposlto Potent Dffloo, fMention this Conor. 1

Wilmington, Del !A HOPEFUL SON. 10 1W. SIXTH ST.,OHANDLEK, kot,

“Get through your breokfoet quick tonny. You will be late ot oohool,” ■old on Austin mother to her hopeful.

“I’m not going to school until I get a dime.’’

“I won’t give you any dime.“Well, then i'll J not keep on eating.

I will tee for onoe If I oan’t oure yon of your obstinacy,” replied the hopeful taking a fresh hotter-oake.

Manufactured byA. J. WILLIAMd, Greenback, Delaware

Address oil commuslootlons to WARREN HARPER A UO., Genorol Agents. Wllmlng ton, Del. mlT-Std w


W. •. TOWNSEND.Floor and Food Dealer j

No. ■ But Feuth tr Hu eoastoatly en hood the but Floor reed, Seeds, Beau, fco-, at Uojowon pries


secure NFOR A LARGE LOAD 0-1 KINDLING WOOD, oak aud pine mixed. Ordere oon be left at the followtngpUcoa: John H.

Huey, grocer, N. W. cor. Ninth and Madison su.. James O’Uonnall, grooar, oor. Eighth and Orange streets, Well A Hlngwalt, bar- nsss /tore, N. E. oor. Booond and Market its. Ordsrs ssnt by mill to fbetory oor. Union st.andnGUp.n.r..a^Mromfitatt..-


ntlfUl tooth at $3, «5. «S and (10MM set. Teeth extracted without ptlnN^HS

by the ase of gu. Oror 20 years experience, DR. GALLAGHER, No. tst Market strut

SjulS* OTHER libra*

I-Jk it. aw*<a- uau at No. 4**' dtaa balfq>tio» °°<A bm-ii ,#r S UPTURN.—CURE GUARANTEED

, by J.B. Mayor’s Msthod wbars others Send stamp for Metimonlsls, MI Arab PhlladalbblarK I AUGUST ULOTH1NG HOUSE IN

Philadelphia, JOHN WANAMAKKK rand Dapot. Uth and Market street/.


mie-lydhwtrue Olvf.



