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Daily lives (Vies quotidiennes) Objectifs: - Tourner un Draw My Life - Enregistrer un audioguide pour une peinture de Norman Rockwell - Créer un test de personnalité sur internet Pour cela nous allons apprendre/revoir: - Les adverbes de fréquence - Le présent simple: pour parler des habitudes, des vérités générales - Le vocabulaire du quotidien, des tâches ménagères - Dire l'heure - Les mots de liaison du récit - Les déterminants possessifs - Exprimer le conseil avec SHOULD

Daily lives -

Jun 17, 2022



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Daily lives

( V i e s q u o t i d i e n n e s )

O b j e c t i f s :

- To u r n e r u n D r a w M y L i f e

- E n r e g i s t r e r u n a u d i o g u i d e p o u r u n e

p e i n t u r e d e N o r m a n R o c k w e l l

- C r é e r u n t e s t d e p e r s o n n a l i t é s u r i n t e r n e t

P o u r c e l a n o u s a l l o n s a p p r e n d r e / r e v o i r :

- L e s a d v e r b e s d e f r é q u e n c e

- L e p r é s e n t s i m p l e : p o u r p a r l e r d e s h a b i t u d e s , d e s

v é r i t é s g é n é r a l e s

- L e v o c a b u l a i r e d u q u o t i d i e n , d e s t â c h e s m é n a g è r e s

- D i r e l ' h e u r e

- L e s m o t s d e l i a i s o n d u r é c i t

- L e s d é t e r m i n a n t s p o s s e s s i f s

- E x p r i m e r l e c o n s e i l a v e c S H O U L D

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1) Write about your chores habits. Don’t forget to

use AND/BUT. = Ecris sur tes habitudes à propos des tâches

ménagères. N’oublie pas d’uti l iser AND/BUT.

2) Check out the video on the blog. Invent your own

house robot: describe what it does. You can draw it

too! = Regarde la vidéo sur le blog. Invente ton propre robot de

maison : décris ce qu’ i l fait . Tu peux aussi le dessiner !

3) Describe your typical day. Use linking words,

indicate times and prepare drawings! = Décris ta

journée type. Uti l ise des mots de l iaison, indique les horaires et

prépare des dessins!

4) Fill in the blanks with possessive determinants. = Complète les blancs avec des déterminants possessifs .

a- I love Mohamed but I hate ___ dog. b- Julia always

forgets ___ keys. c- Please put the watch back into ___

box. d- Jenna has two sisters. ___ names are Sara and

Jennifer. e- You are very talented: ___ paintings are

beautiful. f- I speak Spanish very well because ___

mother is Spanish. g- We love ___ new house!

5) Translate.

a- Je suis toujours de bonne humeur. b- Elle n'est jamais

de mauvaise humeur. c- Nous sommes vraiment très

susceptibles. d- Tu fais souvent tes devoirs. e- Ils

portent rarement des couleurs vives. f- Je suis un grand

bavard. g- En général, tu fais de ton mieux. h- Elle se

fait parfois gronder.

6) Translate.

a- Erin fait toujours ses devoirs, et en général elle fait

de son mieux en classe, mais elle est souvent en retard.

b- Je suis assez travail leur (hard-working) et très

serviable (helpful) mais je m'attire souvent des ennuis.

7) Translate.

a- Est-ce que tu fais ton lit ? b- Est-ce qu'elle s'occupe

de sa petite sœur ? c- Est-ce qu'ils s'occupent de leur

chien ? d- Est-ce que tu mets la table ? e- Est-ce qu'il

range sa chambre ? f- Est-ce que tu aides à préparer le

dîner ?

g- Quand est-ce qu'elle fait ses devoirs ? h- Je mets

toujours la table, et je fais parfois la vaisselle, mais je

sors rarement la poubelle. i- Mon frère aide souvent à

préparer le dîner et il fait toujours la vaisselle.

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Friday, December 9th

“The Notebook”

Chores "tchorz": corvées

Cook meals/breakfast/ lunch/dinner: préparer les repas/pet i t-déjeuner/déjeuner/dinner

Wash the dishes: faire la vaissel le

Mop the f loor : passer la serpi l lère sur le sol

Make the beds : faire les l its

Empty the bin: vider la poubel le

Take out the trash : sortir la poubel le

Wash the laundry: faire la less ive

Hang the laundry out to dry: étendre le l inge

Iron: repasser

Water the plants: arroser les plantes

Sweep the stairs: passer le balai dans les escal iers

Feed/brush the dog: nourrir/brosser le chien

Walk the dog : promener le chien

Take out the dog: sortir le chien

Tidy the rooms: ranger les chambres

Hoover / Vacuum: passer l ’aspirateur

Scrub the bathroom: Récurer la sal le de bain

Set the table: mettre la table

Clear the table: débarrasser la table

tortoise: tortue de terre

turt le: tortue de mer

hare: l ièvre

bottle: boutei l le, biberon

scrub: récurer, frotter, laver en frottant fort

wash: laver avec de l 'eau et du savon

load/empty the dishwasher:l remplir/vider le lave -vaisselle

help my parents: aider mes parents

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Les adverbes se placent AVANT

le mot auquel i ls se rapportent.

Monday, December 12th

Chores in 5E2

Adverbes de fréquence:

- always: toujours

- general ly = usual ly " ioujeul i": en général, d'habitude

- often: souvent

- sometimes: parfois, quelquefois, de temps en temps

- rarely = seldom: rarement

- never: jamais

Francis: I general ly fo ld the laundry.

=> She general ly folds the laundry.

Jane: I rarely make my bed.

=> She rarely makes her bed (her: son... à el le)

Jack: I usual ly walk my dog.

=> He usual ly walks his dog. (his: son... à lu i)

En anglais, pour parler des habitudes, on ut i l ise le verbe tout simplement.

SAUF AVEC HE/SHE/IT: on rajoute un S au verbe

Homework 1) Write about your chores habits. Don’t forget to use


- I rarely empty the dishwasher but I often load it .

- I never iron but I general ly water the plants.

- I seldom cook dinner but I usual ly cook breakfast.

- Every morning at the weekends, I mop the f loor.

- I always feed the dog and take her out.

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he has f leas.

- I never brush the cat because he doesn't l ike it.

I haven't got a cat. My mom doesn't l ike cats.

I am al lergic to cat hair.

Homework 2) Check out the video on the blog. Invent your own house

robot: describe what it does. You can draw it too!


- messy: mal rangé, mal organisé, bordél ique (chose ou personne)

- t idy: bien rangé, bien organisé

- a maid: une femme de ménage

- helpful: serviable

- lazy: fainéant

- wheel: roue, volant

- dirty laundry, dirty dishes: l inge sale, vaissel le sale

- My chores robot cooks meals, sets and clears the table. It sweeps the f loor

but it does not mop the f loor.

- My robot's name is Arnaud. It washes the dishes and it t id ies the rooms but it

doesn't water the plants and it doesn't make the beds .

- It 's a cleaning robot. It 's very helpful. It doesn't have legs but it has a wheel

and it has s ix arms. It 's six-feet tal l .

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Friday, January 6th

Happy New Year! Best wishes!


- En anglais, pour l 'heure, on ne met pas de "h" mais un point.

- En anglais, on ne va pas jusqu'à 24h (sauf dans l 'armée) . On compte de 12h

en 12h. Pour faire la différence entre le matin et l 'après -midi, on rajoute AM

pour le matin, et PM pour l 'après-midi.

- 8.00: It 's eight o'clock.

- 12.00 PM: It 's noon. (I l est midi)

- 12.00 AM: At midnight. (À minuit)

- 4.10: - Méthode simple: It 's four ten. (I l est 4h10)

- Méthode plus compliquée: It 's ten past four.

(I l est 10 minutes passées de 4h)

- 5.50: - At f ive f ifty.

- At ten to six. (dix minutes pour arriver à 6h)

(équvalent de: à 6h moins 10)

- 2.15: - It 's two f ifteen.

- It 's a quarter past two. (a quarter: un quart d'heure)

- 9.30: - At nine thirty.

- At half past nine. (half = une demi-heure)

- I l est (3h): It 's (3 o'clock)

- À (16h): At 4 PM

- De 4h à 6h: From 4 to s ix


- It 's a quarter past one: I l est 1h15

- At 7 o'clock in the morning/ in the afternoon: à 7h du matin/de l 'après-midi

- It 's ten to eight: I l est 8h moins dix

- It 's half past ten: I l est dix heures et demi

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Monday, January 9th

Dai ly act iv it ies


1) stand up: se lever (d'une chaise)

get up: se lever (de son l it)

wake up: se révéi l ler

go to bed: al ler se coucher

2) take a shower/bath: prendre une douche/bain

get dressed: s'habi l ler

brush my hair: me brosser les cheveux

do my hair: me coif fer

braid my hair: fa ire une tresse

brush my teeth: me laver les dents

breakfast: prendre son petit -déjeuner

3) eat lunch: prendre son repas du midi

have a snack: prendre un goûter

supper/dinner (US): souper/dîner

tea (UK): prendre son repas du soir

4) leave the house: quitter la maison, part ir de la maison

drive to school: al ler à l 'école en voiture

walk to school: al ler à l 'école à pied

ride my bike to school: al ler à l 'école en vélo

ride the bus to school: al ler à l 'école en bus

drive home, walk home, ride the bus home, ride my bike home

= rentrer à la maison en voiture / à pieds / en bus / en vélo

5) start school: commencer l 'école

go back to school: revenir à l 'école

go back home for lunch: rentrer à la maison pour le repas du midi

have lunch at school: déjeuner au col lège

f in ish school: f in ir l 'école

hang out with my fr iends during recess: traîner avec mes amis pendant la récré

6) workout: faire de l 'exercice

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do my homework: faire mes devoirs

go shopping: faire des courses

watch TV: regarder la télé

read comics/a book: l ire une BD/un l ivre

7) répéter son saxophone: practise my saxophone and drums

sortir avec mes amis: hang out with my fr iends outs ide

survei l ler mon pet it frère: look after my baby brother

play on my tablet / watch my tablet / watch my favourite TV show

feed the goldf ish

play the videogames

garden: jardin, jardiner

go and buy the bread: al ler acheter le pain

rest on the sofa/couch: se reposer sur le canapé

text my fr iends: envoyer des sms à mes amis

vis it my fr iends: al ler voir mes amis

go on social media: al ler sur les réseaux sociaux

go to footbal l practise: al ler à l 'entraînement de foot

spend time with my mother: passer du temps avec ma mère

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Thursday, January 12th

Linking words (Mots de l ia ison)

Tout d'abord: First thing = F irst

Ensuite: Next = After that = Then

Plus tard: Later

Enfin: F inal ly

Avant de prendre le pet it -déjeuner: Before eating breakfast

Après avoir regardé la télé: After watching TV

Le mercredi: on Wednesdays

Le jeudi soir: on Thursday nights

Chaque mercredi (Tous les mercredis): every Wednesday

Le matin: In the morning,

L'après-midi: In the afternoon

Le soir: At night

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Monday, January 16th

Evaluat ion d'Expression orale "Draw My Life"


- Premier dessin: se présenter => nom, âge, residence/famil le, physique,

personal ité, lo is irs

- Annoncer: and I 'm going to draw my l ife.

- Décrire une journée du lever au coucher et dessiner tout ce qu'on dit

soit en général: Everyday...

soit un jour de la semaine: On Tuesdays... .

- Uti l iser tous les adverbes de fréquence: Never, Rarely=Seldom, Sometimes,

Often, Usual ly=General ly, Always

- Donner minimum 3 heures var iées

- Uti l iser tous les mots de l ia ison: First (thing), Next, After that, Then, Final ly

- Parler des tâches ménagères et activ ités quotidiennes et donner des détai ls:

ce que vous mangez, vos matières préférées, ce que vous aimez porter comme

vêtements, etc...

Idées de dessins par Théo:

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Friday, January 27th

American history

1) Thanksgiving

In the 16th century, some English people go to America to pract ise their

rel ig ion freely. But one winter, they don't have a lot of food and they are very

hungry. The Indians help them: they br ing food.

Next winter, the Engl ish people br ing food to the Indians to thank them.

It 's the story of Thanksgiving.

For Thanksgiving, on the fourth Thursday of November , Americans eat turkey,

potatoes, green beans casseroles, pumpkin pie and pecan pie

It 's a very important family hol iday in the USA. It 's not rel ig ious. It 's a symbol

of sol idar ity.

- century: siècle

- their: leur(s)

- freely: l ibrement

- them: eux, el les

- bring: apporter

- turkey: dinde

- bean: haricots

- casserole: ragoût

- pumpkin pie: tarte au potiron

- pecan pie: tarte aux noix de pécan

- hol iday: jour fér ié

2) Ku Klux Klan

It 's a xenophobic organisat ion: they reject other skin colors and rel ig ions.

They wear white dresses with big red crosses and masks. In the 1960s and

1970s , they ki l l a lot of black people.

- other: autre

- skin: peau

- cross: croix, traverser

- 1960s, 1970s: années 60, années 70

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3) Ruby Bridges

She is the f irst Afro-American kid to enter a white-kid school in 1960. Four

pol icemen protect her everyday. Students and teachers refuse to be in her

class except one teacher: Barbara Henry.

- except: sauf, excepté

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Thursday, February 9th

A Day In the Life of a Boy

The Audioguide

The l itt le boy wakes up with his dog in his arms. The boy has brown eyes, big

ears and a small nose. He is sl im and he wears a white T-shirt. His dog has

white hair with a big black spot around his eye. First, the l i tt le boy brushes his

teeth. Next, he has breakfast and he reads comics with his dog at the same

time. Final ly, he walks to school and he carries his books on his back with a

belt. He wears a red and white cap.

At school, he has diff icult ies. He gets distracted easi ly because of a red bird

with dark wings so he gets l ines to copy out. After school, he rushes to

basebal l pract ice with his red cap in his hand.

At basebal l pract ice, he misses the bal l so he is very angry. He gets in a f ight

with his teammate. His teammate wears a red cap and a helmet. On his way

home, he talks with a gir l . She has short straight red hair. After that, they

drink lemonade from the same glass and their foreheads touch. They look in


For dinner, the boy puts on a shirt and a t ie and he combs his hair in front of

the mirror. After that, he eats cake (the dog loves cake!!) and he dr inks a

glass of milk. Next, he does his homework... it looks very diff icult. Then, he

watches TV with his dog. Final ly, he goes to bed with his dog again! He wears

striped pyjamas*. Maybe he dreams about the gir l, or basebal l!

Troisième personne => un S au verbe au présent des habitudes

* pyjamas est toujours au plur ie l

car dans le bas de pyjamas, i l y a deux jambes de pantalon


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Friday, February 10th

Pronoms sujets/compléments et déterminants possessifs

pronoms personnels


(avant le verbe)

pronoms personnels


(après le verbe)



(mon, ton, nos...)

I me my name is

You you your name is

He him his name is

She her her name is

It it its name is

We us our name is

They them their name is

Homework 4) Fill in the blanks with possessive determinants.

a- I love Mohamed but I hate HIS dog.

b- Julia always forgets HER keys.

c- Please put the watch back into ITS box.

d- Jenna has two sisters. THEIR names are Sara and Jennifer.

e- You are very talented: YOUR paintings are beautiful.

f- I speak Spanish very well because MY mother is Spanish.

g- We love OUR new house!

Book p. 23 no. 6

En anglais, quand on donne une information supplémentaire on la place AVANT.

Donc, les adjectifs et les adverbes se placent avant le mot auquel i l se rapporte.

a) You're always grumpy.

= Tu es toujours de mauvaise humeur.

b) My fr iends seldom get into trouble. =

Mes amis ont rarement des problèmes.

c) Do they sometimes work alone?

= Est-ce que parfois i ls travai l lent seuls?

d) We're often late.

= Nous sommes souvent en retard.

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e) Do you usually do your best?

= Est-ce en général tu fais de ton mieux?

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Thursday, February 16th

Compréhension de l 'écr it

Pour manger un poulet, on le découpe en morceaux d'abord.

Pour comprendre un texte, c'est parei l: on va le découper en morceaux.

Un poulet: on le coupe aux art iculat ions.

Un texte: on le coupe aussi aux art iculat ions, c'est -à-dire: sa ponctuat ion, ses

mots de l ia ison et ses préposit ions.

1) Ponctuation: : . ; , .. . ? !

2) Mots de l ia ison: and, or, but, so, because, if, when, where, what, why, how

3) Préposit ions: on/under, in front of/behind, in/out, next to, between,

before/after, with/without, to, at, for, of

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What brother or sister are you?

1. What do you usually do after your homework?

# You fight with your bros/sis for the TV remote

@ You help them with their homework

§ You listen to music alone in your room.

2. What do you do when your bro/sis is in trouble?

# You laugh at them!

§ You don't care. You have problems too!

@ You try to help.

3. How do you look after your bro/sis? § You put them in front of the TV.

@ You play together or go to the movies.

# You provoke them and have fights!

4. How do you react if you bro/sis follows you?

@ You're happy! You l ike spending time with them!

# You scream at them and chase them away.

§ Whatever... you ignore them.

How sporty are you ?

1. What do you usually do after your homework?

# I go outside and ride my bike.

§ I call/text my friends or go on Facebook.

@ I read or listen to music.

2. How do you relax?

§ I play videogames or watch TV.

# I dance or ride my bike.

@ I paint or draw.

3. How well can you climb?

§ Climb?! Why?

@ I can climb, but very slowly.

# I’m a great climber!

4. Can you run 500 yards without stopping?

§ I don’t know, I rarely run.

# Of course I can! No problem!

@ I can, but I must stop a few times.

5. What do your friends say about you?

# They say I am athletic but a bit agitated.

@ They say I’m curious but a bit messy.

§ They say I’m friendly but a bit lazy.

If you have a majority of §: You are a couch-potato. But you must do some exercise too! You should walk to school or go

for walks with your dog!

If you have a majority of @: You’re quiet and not very athletic. You should try swimming, biking, or yoga!

If you have a majority of #: You are sporty and energetic. Athletics is a good choice for you. Or, if you prefer being with friends, you should try team games!

If you have a majority of §: You don't care about your bros/sis. You never pay attention to them. You should spend

more time with them!

If you have a majority of @: You are a perfect bro/sis. You are always there for your family and you love them. You should always stay the same!

If you have a majority of #: You are a trouble-maker. You're never nice and you always look for trouble. You never play with your bros/sis. You should be nice from time to time!

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What kind of job are you made for?

1. What subject do you like at school?

§ You prefer art.

# You like PE.

@ You love mathematics and science.

2. What do you like doing after school?

@ You like reading and listening to music.

# You like riding your bike.

§ You enjoy coloring.

3. What is your favourite sport?

# You like athletics.

§ You prefer gymnastics.

@ You enjoy yoga.

4. Do you like being around people?

# Yes! I like speaking my mind.

§ Yes! I talk very fast.

@ Yes... but I'm calm, and a bit shy.

What kind of student are you ?

1. What do you do after school ?

§ You play video games and then you do your


# You go to the skate-park . You don't do your


@ You do your homework and then you play

video games.

2. How do you behave in class ?

# You play with your school supplies and you

always chat.

§ You try to listen to the teacher but you

easily get distracted .

@ You listen to the teacher and you

participate a lot.

If you have a majority of # , you need a dynamic job. You are

sporty and active. You should do your best in mathematics,

science and PE.

If you have a majority of @ , you need a quiet job. You are

calm, pensive and discreet. You should do your best in French

and History.

If you have a majority of § , you need an artistic job. You like drawing and listening to music. You should do your best in art, music, geometry and French.

If you have a majority of @: You are the teacher's pet. You

always do your homework and you are never late. But you

should have fun sometimes too!

If you have a majority of § : You are an average student. You

sometimes get distracted and you rarely do your homework.

You should focus more !

If you have a majority of # : You are a trouble-maker . You

are chatty and you never listen to your teachers. You should

think about your future !

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Monday, March 6th

Le présent des habitudes

= Le présent simple

1) Le présent des habitudes parle des habitudes

(On verra plus tard qu'en anglais, i l y a un autre présent pour parler de ce

qu'on est en train de faire)

2) Comment le conjuguer:

- Avec I, you , we, they: on la isse le verbe à l ' inf in it i f

ex: They play footbal l every night.

- Avec he, she, it: on rajoute un S au verbe

She goes to basketbal l pract ice every Friday.

3) Les négations

- Règle générale: En anglais, la négation se fait avec NOT

Le NOT ne peut être seul: i l a besoin d'un auxi l ia ire, qui lu i sert de support

Auxi la ires que l 'on connait (pour l ' i nstant) en anglais: CAN, HAVE, MUST, MAY

- S' i l n'y a pas d'auxi l ia ire dans la phrase, on uti l ise DO, l 'auxi l ia ire de secours

They don't play footbal l every night.

- Quand DO est présent, i l vole la conjugaison au verbe (s' i l y en a une!)

She doesn't goes to basketbal l practice every Fr iday.

4) Les questions

- Règle générale: En anglais, dans les quest ions, l 'auxi l ia i re passe avant le sujet

- S' i l n'y a pas d'auxi l ia ire dans la phrase, on uti l ise DO, l 'auxi l ia ire de secours

Where do they play footbal l every night ?

- Quand DO est présent, i l vole la conjugaison au verbe (s' i l y en a une!)

What t ime does she goes to basketbal l pract ice ?

Homework 5) Translate.

a- Je suis toujours de bonne humeur.

=> I am always in a good mood.

b- Elle n'est jamais de mauvaise humeur.

=> She is never in a bad mood.

c- Nous sommes vraiment très susceptibles.

=> We are really very touchy.

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d- Tu fais souvent tes devoirs.

=> You often do your homework.

e- Ils portent rarement des couleurs vives.

=> They rarely wear bright colors.

f- Je suis un grand bavard.

=> I'm very chatty.

g- En général, tu fais de ton mieux.

=> You generally do your best.

h- Elle se fait parfois gronder.

=> She sometimes gets into trouble.

Homework 6) Translate.

a- Erin fait toujours ses devoirs, et en général elle fait de son mieux en classe,

mais elle est souvent en retard.

=> Erin always does her homework and she generally does her best in class but

she is often late.

b- Je suis assez travail leur (hard-working) et très serviable (helpful) mais je

m'attire souvent des ennuis.

=> I am quite=rather hard-working and very helpful but I often get into trouble.

Homework 7) Translate.

a- Est-ce que tu fais ton lit ?

=> Do you make your bed?

b- Est-ce qu'elle s'occupe de sa petite sœur ?

=> Does she look after her little sister?

c- Est-ce qu'ils s'occupent de leur chien ?

=> Do they take care of their dog?

d- Est-ce que tu mets la table ?

=> Do you set the table?

e- Est-ce qu'il range sa chambre ?

=> Does he tidy his room?

f- Est-ce que tu aides à préparer le dîner ?

=> Do you help to cook dinner?

g- Quand est-ce qu'elle fait ses devoirs ?

=> When does she do/complete her homework?

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h- Je mets toujours la table, et je fais parfois la vaisselle, mais je sors rarement

la poubelle.

=> I always set the table and I sometimes do the washing-up / wash the dishes

but I rarely/seldom take out the trash.

i- Mon frère aide souvent à préparer le dîner et il fait toujours la vaisselle.

=> My brother often helps to cook dinner and he always washes the dishes.

he always does the washing-up

Page 23: Daily lives -

Thursday, March 16th


MUST exprime l'obl igat ion:

Ex: You must do your homework = Tu dois fa ire tes devoirs

SHOULD exprime le conseil:

Ex: You should do your homework = Tu devrais fa ire tes devoirs.

1) Comme CAN, MUST et SHOULD sont des auxi l ia ires.

Donc sont invariables (donc pas de S avec he/she/it ).

Et i ls sont suivis d’un verbe à l ’ inf init i f .

Ex: I can do my homework, she should do her homework, we must do our


2) SHOULD est un auxi l ia ire, donc i l porte la négat ion.

Ex: You shouldn’t swim in the r iver because there are crocodi les in it !

3) SHOULD un auxi l ia ire donc i l passe avant le sujet dans les questions.

Ex: Should I stay or should I go ?

Homework - Book p.52 #3

If you want to learn how to juggle:

- You should start with oranges.

- You shouldn't use plates or glasses f irst .

- You must always watch the oranges .

- You must practise every day.

- You shouldn't practise on the sofa / you mustn't practise on the sofa .

- You must practise outside standing but you shouldn't practise walking.

stand ing: en étant debout / walk ing: en marchant

- You should practise with two oranges f irst, and then you can try with three

Page 24: Daily lives -
Page 25: Daily lives -

Thursday, March 30th

Consignes pour l'évaluation d'expression écrite

(travail à faire seul, à deux ou à trois)

Il faut créer un test de personnalité:

1) Trouver, un thème, un titre; par exemple:

- What friend are you?

- What Marvel superhero are you?

- What celebrity are you?

- What One Direction member are you?

- What football player are you?

- What song are you?

2) Trouver les 3 résultats (en bas du quiz, à l'envers)

3) Trouver minimum 3, idéalement 4 (ou plus) questions

4) Pour chaque question, trouver 3 réponses (qui correspondent aux 3 résultats!)

Il faut util iser les points de grammaire vus dans le chapitre:

- présent d'habitude,

- adverbes de fréquence (souvent, jamais...)

- des adverbes d'intensité (un peu, très, vraiment, moyennement...)

- des SHOULD/SHOULDN'T dans les résultats , pour donner des conseils

Page 26: Daily lives -

Name(s): __________________________

Title of the quiz: ________________________________________

Question 1: _________________________________________________________

# __________________________________________________________

@ __________________________________________________________

§ __________________________________________________________

Question 2: _________________________________________________________

@ __________________________________________________________

§ __________________________________________________________

# __________________________________________________________

Question 3: _________________________________________________________

§ __________________________________________________________

# __________________________________________________________

@ __________________________________________________________

Question 4: _________________________________________________________

@ __________________________________________________________

§ __________________________________________________________

# __________________________________________________________

_________________________ #, _____________________________________




_________________________ @, ____________________________________




_________________________ §, _____________________________________


