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t Dlni1u VOL. XIX-NEW SERIES VOL. IV IOWA CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1919 DOPE REVERSED IN POLITICAL POLLS SHOULD BE fREE FROM BOSSES SAY COMMITTEEMEN Harold Chamberlin, Chairman of Executive Committee, Makes Statement on Election VOTERS' NAMES CHECKED Oommittee Will ReooUDts on Elections much a.,a Contested Any Time Before Saturday Even· i ug-No Boom Could Be Ob· tained to Hold ElectiOJl Harold Chamberlin. chairman of the executive committee represent- ing A. F . I. and Staff and Circle In promoting th e elections of All-Uni- versit y day. ha s Issued a statement in r eo g-a rd to the elections held Wed- nesday. His s tat ement follows: To A. F. I., Staff and Circle, and the student body of the college of llb!'ral arts: lInasmuch as responsibility for class elections this year In lhe col- lege of liberal arts rested with the members of A. F. I. and Staff and Circle, the followlnlg report by the commlttee In charge Is made to these organizations and to the stUdent body. It was the plan of the committee In charge of elections to use the women's drawing room for ballot- Ing. to put the voting tables well within the room, and to admit voters through the main door at some dis- tance from the actual polling places. This would have confined election- eering to the halls and gIven , the voters freedom withIn the room. However. this was found Impossible because the drawIng room Is being refinished. OwlD'g to the crowded condition of the building no other room was available for all day use. lt was necessary to hold the election In the ball. Uniform Ballots Provided Uniform ballots for all classes were provided. Lists of freshman students were secured from tbe dean of men and the dean of women. The University catal'Ogue was usoo as a guIde to sophomore. junior. and se- nIor students. If tbe name of an upper classman did not appear In the catalogue It was taken upon pa- per and the record of those who voted In this fashion ha s been kept. Any student who claimed member- ship in another class trom the one t'o which be belongs may come before the fncu,lty on a charge of dishon- est y and the lIsts are available for challenge. As the names of the voters were checlced off each was Itlven a ballot for the election of officers In the class to which he belonlted. In or- der that the danger of unclasslfled students going from one polling pla('(\ to another might be lImlnated AS much as possible. classes voted at one table. WIth the election held In the halls It was very dlf'fl('u)( ('0 ('\1rh elc>c - lIoneerlllg. Sevprol ('annldalpA and their supporters Wl'rl' WIlI'n cl Ilway from the polls. but no I)ollco force WIlS avnflable to keep thom away, How the Electorate Voted SENIOR CLASS PRESIDENT ·Donald Nasby (Asterisk denotes election) ·Margaret Dolliver 52 ·Grace Haring 303 Mary Moss 41 COLLEGE OF MEDICINE VIOE PRESIDENT *Flor ence Strub SEORETARY·TREASURER · Leo Nicolaus STUDENT OOUNon. "Maflgaret Hayes ·Edward Chamberlin Mary Rice "Mable Turner "J. Mel Hickerson "Kathryn Dayton Adele Klmm Helen Shoesmlth Clarice Knudson Constance Chapman JUNIOR CLASS PRESIDENT ·W. S. Kelly VICE PRESIDENT Helen Peterson ·E dgar P. Hoffman Mary Swift SECRETARY· TREASURER 75 Marian Dyer 74 SOPHOMORE CLASS PRESIDENT 71 Paul R. Olson John Heldt 61 "Alvin H. Ehresman 71 Lucile Everett VICE PRESIDENT 70 Regina Des Jardlns 32 Virginia Boyd 26 "Frank Howes 27 Edna Price 16 SEORETARY.TREASURER 17 Emmett Harney 161 ·John Hutchins HA Wl{EYE TRUSTEES ·Davld Mitchell ·Wlnson Crary H. M. Barnes 60 J. II. Van Law 61 Luella Wilson 44 "Althea McGrath "Olive Yetter · Helen Rolleston 142 FRESHMAN CLASS u 6% 73 127 39 62 73 118 39 68 224 208 160 137 141 130 167 182 (Incomplete) SENIOR CLASS ·Presldent. Fred C. Greaves ·Vice president. H. H. Barlow • SecretarY. Bonneybel Artis ·Class representative. C. H. Cords ·Student council. Harry Dahl ·Delegate-at-large to stUdent coun- cil. C. W. Baldridge COLLEGE OF PHARMACY SENIOR CLASS ·Presldent. Lynus V. Carter ·Vice president. Howard A. Watters • Secretary. Carl A. Moser ·Class Delegate. Mllton P. WIlkInson • Athletic delegate. Harold M. Carl- ton "Student council. EdwIn A. NIxon JUNIOR OLASS · Presldent. George A. Hull "Vice president . Frank R. Graham · Secretary. Helen ClIne · Cl ass delegate. Robert Hilliard COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY JUNIOR CLASS -PresIdent. Leo Clifford STUDENT OOUNon. Henry E. Ruwe. Jr. *Robel't Kaufmllnn <l< Arthur F. Rosenbaugh Thelma Graves 47 PRESIDENT 66 Ernest Henderson ·Vlce president, Esther Heffner 38 "Secretary. H. RlIey '72 Lawrence C. Organ 61 ·Student council. W. E. Nye 43 Louis P. Best. Jr. 82 ENGINEERS Ben F. Martinsen 26 James Overholt 47 SENIORS "Happy" Evans Paul K. Lovegren ·Marlon C. Smith Frank K. Shuttleworth 61 ·James Van Epps 36 VICE PRESIDENT 96 ·Presldent. J. F. Sproatt "Vice president. Tse Sien Lee *Sec.-Treas .• Donald Magowan Student Council. Ira Stamon 66 ·ElIzabeth EnsIgn 296 51 SECRETARY·TREASURER SEATS FOR AMES GAME RESERVED NOW One Reserved Seat With Each 'I' Ticket is Plan in Order to Avoid Confusion Holders of "I" tickets may pur- cbase one extra reserved seat ticket. and only one. for the Ames game. November 22. This restriction is necessitated. the management explained. by I the limited number of seats In the west stand . If each of the 2400 owners of year tickets Is allowed one ex- tra ticket the 4koo purchasers wlll more than fill the west stand. which seats only 3160. Favor East Side .. In spite of the apparent possibil- Ity of congestion the athletic board expects to s at the Immense crowd GIVE THE TJlAM A SEND-OFF TODAY The football team will leave f'Or Ohicago at 10:0IS o'clock this m...un.,;. Students who do n'Ot have clL\sses at that hour are urged to be present at the depot to give the varsity a ro1l81n& send- ofT. Get behind tbe team. IOWA SQUAD DEPARTS fOR SCENE or PURPLE BATTLE THIS MORNING Coach Jones to Take Twenty-Two Pla,yers to Evanston for the Third Crucial Game without trouble. The two preceding NO SCRIMMAGE LAST NIGHT games on Iowa field have evidenced II. growIng sentiment In favor of the east stand. due In lar ge part. It Is supposed. to the genIal warmth of the afternoon sun which falls to favor the onlookers from the west, ]\(ay Use &sobll11 Seats In addition to the south bleachers FInal Work'Out Oonsists in Signal DrlUs Becauso 'Of Rain-Heldt Is Forced 10 G'O Home Because 'Of His FaUlel"s mness But Will Re- joIn Toom at Ohicago which are always nvallable. the base- Tho Hawkeye football squad ball se ats at the north of the field leaves this morning for Evanston ('an be 'pressed Into service. They I twen ty-two strong. Tomorrow the ha ve been Inspected and pronounced team w1l1 face Northwestern in a Rare by Major B. J. Lambert. pro- game of vital Importance for both fessor of structurlll engineering. In elevens. If llle Purple goes down In on ' emergency the management plans defeat. It will be tho fourth time to ut1l1ze also the pr'Ovlslonal bas- that Bachman's men have suffered ketball seats from the gymnasium. disaster from the hands of a con- Applications tor seats by holders terence aggregation this year, Should of "I" tickets must be In by Novem. (he Old Gold pe forced to accept ber 8 to receive consideration. the short rnel of the score. it w11I ATHLETIC BOARD GETS WIRE TO EVANSTON Features of Northwestern Game Will Come Play by Play to N. S, Auditorium Detailed. play by play a.ccounts of the Northwestern game will come to the natural science auditorium Sat- urday. Reports by Telegraph As in the Minnesota game. the re- ports will be telegraphic over direct wire connection with Evanston se- cured by the board In control of ath- letics. Leon H. BrI'gbam. sports 001- tor of the Dally Iowan. w111 dictate reports to the operator at Evanston and they will be taken from the wire by a Western Union operator at the auditorium. Start at 2 O'clock The play by play game at , the Nat- ural science auditorium wfll start promptly at 2 o·clock. Prof. LouIs Pelzer. In charge of arrangements. announced yesterday. A miniature flcld w1ll be Bet up on the stage and the ball will be kept In play on the canvas by Prof. E. H. Lauer; Dr. B. J. Lambert wlll read the reports taken by the operator. The price or admissIon to the audi- torium Saturday afternoon will be twenty-five cents. BAND GETS BIG SEND·OFF Athletic Board Gives Big SUlD to Boost C'hkugo Trip The persistent ODOS retllrnen. It STATE COMMITTEE was Impossible to d'O more than ask mean tho flnal bow to any llngerln'g hopes or ending In the championship class. However. Coach Jones' bat- tl ers have no Intention of bowing to the Evanston crew although the Hawkeyes have sufficient respect for the NOI'thwestern team to ward off overconfidence. "The Athletic board has donated $100 toward sending the band to Chicago. all make the trip In unl!orm," stated Clarence W. Reilly. chairman of a commIttee con- sist ing of fifteen members ()f the bnnd wbose purpose for the next week Is to raise enough money to send their fenow-muslclans to Chi- cago, th m to r main at a cllstanc from VISITS UNIVERSITY the voUng place s. Th re was nO way of compelling them to do SO. Polls were open from 9 o'clocl, In the m'Ornlng until 12 and from 2 In tho, ,afternoon untH 6, Members of Staft' and CIrcle and A. F. I. worked at the polllng place throughout the day checking names .s the voterl appeared. t 6 'O'clock the polls wer closed and the ballots taken tD Room 11 anel lock ed up. Dwight rnnsign. Ralph Overholser. and th chairman of the lectlon committee were the only ones who knew where the bal· (Oontlnued on 'PlI.le 4) A commltt e composed of memo bers of the state board of education and or the state legIslatUre appro- priations committee visited the Uni- versity Tuesday and Wednesday. The ir pvrpose was to l earn the needs of the school ,arising from the heavy registration. Ri\ RBA DOES PT(Y.rURFlR SHOWN A large and enthuRlastic audience IfRtened attentively to Prof. C, C. Nuttln'g d'Urlng his Illu st rated lec- ture at the natural scIence audi - torium Wednesday evenin g. Heldt Not in Suit Last night saw the last drill for the Iowa squad ' before Its departure. No scrimmaging too)c place. and for the gl' ater part of the time the var- si ty went methodically through its vnrlous formations. Aubrey Devine and Parker wero drtlled on punts and manruged to get their kicks oft for good distances in spite of a st rong Wind, JohnnY Heldt did not (Continued on page 4) In order to raise the required sum Immediately. Monday. November 10 bas been 'Officially declared "Tag Day. II and 'On this date tags will be sold on the campus and on the streets of Iowa members of the ' band. Chairman Weber stated that the following phrase .bas been adopted for the tag: "Boost the band." NUMBER SO ARENA ' CLASS ELEC'! IONS IN L. A. COLLEGE SHOW UNEXPECTED RESULTS Dope is Upset When Ehresman .and Van Epps Win in Presi- dential Race OTHER COLLEGES ALSO VOTE LiveIJest Scrap Occw's tOl' Positions on Student Oouncll and Hawkeye Board. of and Nasby Have N'O Oompetiti'On- Seniors QuJet "Tbe best laid plans of mIce and men-" The last vestige of the battle has been swept up from the corridors; the campus has listed to the tale of the politicians. has voted and now awaits tbe coming of the allbi. Al- ready the school has settled back into the less strenuous dIversions and the elections are history. Wednesday was a day of things exclttn'g from the standpoInt of the casual observer. for It smacked with the hubbub and hurry that Is always carrIed with the election tide. To explain just what chanced to elect anyone Individual over any other Individual would need be a long an d tedious tale. filled. In all probability. with things that are now guarded and saved to be brought forth at some future date when a stimulus may be needed again. But it is well known that the dope was upset In more than one InCident and' a. dark horse changed the bIg vote 'before the polls closed. Frosh Lively The election among the fresh- men f'Or presIdent was at best but a toss up for the winner. Nothing was conceded by any faction in fav- or of any other facUon. and It be- came a matter of how many of the newcomers could be induced to vote. or not to vote. as the case may bave 'been. by some one group of backers. Lawrence Organ was, during the fore part of the week. generaJl y consld- erOid to be the stron1gest and most logical freshman for the position. Then came the split In the fac- tions and a jangling about petty af- fairs. Consequently new ha.ts were soon In the ring , taking advantage of the breach and tbe lamb became the ]fon while others continued the old spite fest. The finals showed Van Epps leading by a margin of thirteen votes over the n('arest op- ponent l and safely holding the hIgh honors along with Elizabeth En· sign and Grace Harlnl g. Hutchins Run s Well The sophomore class was charac- terized by the same conditions. At first there was no doubt as to the way things were and all was conceded to be faring fllmously In the lavor of Paul R. Olson. Just who cauRed tbe damage In this sec- tion no one will state . but It remains that the damage was done. While tho squabble waR raging 8R to just who was doing the double-crossing along came election day wJth the diAsenters A til 1 holdln'g out in face of certain defeat. Wednesday morn- Ing saw an even break In the way thin gs might be swung before the voting was done. but the counting saw Ehresman with the long end of the ballots, In his favor and the solid backing that had pledged him BUPP'Ort. elated at the results. A similar case may be pOinted to In the r,ace for th e vIce presidency of the soph'Omores, but the finals were cl early In the favor of Frank Howes with John Hutchins as secre- tary-treasurer. In the flna.l list for Hawkeye trusteE's. David Mitchell topped the column followed In the 'Order of their elections by OlIve Yet- ter. Winson Crary. and AI hea Mc- Grath. Clollely following came How· ard Barnes and .Tamrs Van Law. leaving the trusteeship to three woo (Conthlued on p&,. .)

Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1919-11-0761 ·James Van Epps 36 VICE PRESIDENT 96 ·Presldent. J. F. Sproatt "Vice president. Tse Sien Lee *Sec.-Treas .• Donald Magowan Student Council.

Feb 01, 2021



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    Harold Chamberlin, Chairman of Executive Committee, Makes

    Statement on Election


    Oommittee Will ~fuke ReooUDts on Elections much a.,a Contested Any Time Before Saturday Even· iug-No Boom Could Be Ob· tained to Hold ElectiOJl

    Harold Chamberlin. chairman of the executive committee r epresent-ing A. F . I. and Staff and Circle In promoting the elections of All-Uni-versity day. has Issued a statement in r eo g-a rd to the elections held Wed-nesday.

    His statement follows: To A. F. I., Staff and Circle, and

    the student body of the college of llb!'ral arts:

    lInasmuch as responsibility for class elections this year In lhe col-lege of liberal arts rested with the members of A. F. I. and Staff and Circle, the followlnlg report by the commlttee In charge Is made to these organizations and to the stUdent body.

    It was the plan of the committee In charge of elections to use the women's drawing room for ballot-Ing. to put the voting tables well within the room, and to admit voters through the main door at some dis-tance from the actual polling places. This would have confined election-eering to the halls and gIven ,the voters freedom withIn the room. However. this was found Impossible because the drawIng room Is being refinished. OwlD'g to the crowded condition of the building no other room was available for all day use. lt was necessary to hold the election In the ball.

    Uniform Ballots Provided Uniform ballots for all classes

    were provided. Lists of freshman students were secured from tbe dean of men and the dean of women. The University catal'Ogue was usoo as a guIde to sophomore. junior. and se-nIor students. If tbe name of an upper classman did not appear In the catalogue It was taken upon pa-per and the record of those who voted In this fashion has been kept. Any student who claimed member-ship in another class trom the one t'o which be belongs may come before the fncu,lty on a charge of dishon-est y and the lIsts are available for challenge.

    As the names of the voters were checlced off each was Itlven a ballot for the election of officers In the class to which he belonlted. In or-der that the danger of unclasslfled students going from one polling pla('(\ to another might be lImlnated AS much as possible. al~ classes voted at one table.

    WIth the election held In the halls It was very dlf'fl('u)( ('0 ('\1rh elc>c-lIoneerlllg. Sevprol ('annldalpA and their supporters Wl'rl' WIlI'n cl Ilway from the polls. but no I)ollco force WIlS avnflable to keep thom away,

    How the Electorate Voted


    ·Donald Nasby

    (Asterisk denotes election)

    ·Margaret Dolliver 52 ·Grace Haring 303 Mary Moss 41 COLLEGE OF MEDICINE

    VIOE PRESIDENT *Florence Strub


    STUDENT OOUNon. "Maflgaret Hayes ·Edward Chamberlin Mary Rice "Mable Turner "J. Mel Hickerson "Kathryn Dayton Adele Klmm Helen Shoesmlth Clarice Knudson Constance Chapman



    Helen Peterson ·Edgar P. Hoffman Mary Swift


    75 Marian Dyer


    71 Paul R. Olson John Heldt

    61 "Alvin H. Ehresman 71 Lucile Everett ;~ VICE PRESIDENT 70 Regina Des Jardlns 32 Virginia Boyd 26 "Frank Howes 27 Edna Price 16 SEORETARY.TREASURER 17 Emmett Harney


    ·John Hutchins HA Wl{EYE TRUSTEES

    ·Davld Mitchell ·Wlnson Crary H. M. Barnes

    60 J. II. Van Law 61 Luella Wilson 44 "Althea McGrath

    "Olive Yetter

    · Helen Rolleston 142 FRESHMAN CLASS


    6% 73

    127 39

    62 73

    118 39

    68 224

    208 160 137 141 130 167 182

    (Incomplete) SENIOR CLASS

    ·Presldent. Fred C. Greaves ·Vice president. H. H. Barlow • SecretarY. Bonneybel Artis ·Class representative. C. H. Cords ·Student council. Harry Dahl ·Delegate-at-large to stUdent coun-

    cil. C. W. Baldridge


    ·Presldent. Lynus V. Carter ·Vice president. Howard A. Watters • Secretary. Carl A. Moser ·Class Delegate. Mllton P. WIlkInson • Athletic delegate. Harold M. Carl-

    ton "Student council. EdwIn A. NIxon

    JUNIOR OLASS · Presldent. George A. Hull "Vice president. Frank R. Graham · Secretary. Helen ClIne · Class delegate. Robert Hilliard


    -PresIdent. Leo Clifford STUDENT OOUNon. Henry E. Ruwe. Jr. *Robel't Kaufmllnn


    THE DAILY IOWAN I A morn ing paper publi8hed five IIme8 a week

    - Tuesday, Wedn~8d,,)' . Friday, Snturday. lind flundny-by Tbe Dally 10'll'ltD

    Publl8hing Oompany al 108, Iowa Avenue, 10W8 Oily, low.


    Sixty members of the University band want to go to Chicago with the football team for the Iowa-Chicago

    ·f~ THE LISTENING POST + .~~------------~.~~--------~------~~----~~

    -----MEMBER IOWA OOLLEGE PRESS game a week from Saturday. They Entered 88 second clnu matter lit the POlt can ,go, It every student wfll help a

    office of Iowa Oity, 10"'& little. It doesn't take much from Subscription rate ........... _ ........... 'S.OO per year each one to make a fair-sized Single copy 6 rents amount.

    BOARD OF TRUSTEES Certain designated members of the O. H. Weller, chairman: E. K . K clhl'eJI ; E. S. Smith; Dorothy Lingbam: Mary Ander· band are busy about the campus, Ion ; Marian Dyer; Enrl Wella.

    EDITORIAL l'lTAFF now, endeavoring to raise sufficient RAI.PIT FJ . (IVlilRTTOLSlm Edltor·ln·chlef funds by solicitation; a dance at the

    armory Saturday evening is also be-

    "Davenport Is out of the running fol' the state championship because of its defeat at the battle of Iowa City," ilays the Ves Moines 'Tribune. You remember the battle of low,\ City, of course. The S. A. T. C. st9Jged it here last fall.

    A reafler rf'marks that his Idea of 1\ non-essential citizen is the guy that starts malclng terpsichorean movempnts whenever he hears the sound of music.

    Telepbone Rlnck 1757 ; Office Hours 9·11; 2·4 (lolly, Room 14 L. A. BuildIng

    .T. 1\IE'1 nll'kprson Kf'llnptb C. Nobl!' Lf'on H. flrl~h/lm 111 11 tlrl r (> "\'nn ,{ptrl' Rpntrl ~(' B1nckmRr FIRip K~ tl

    Mannglng Editor ASRorlnte Eclltor

    Sports Editor lIumorous Editor

    Fpntllrp Eclltor

    ing planned, the proceeds from The election didn't meet with uni-versal satisfaction, it seems. We


  • Cleaners



    ·1 -1- BANQUET TONIGHT class of the Baptist church, pledged ~:!~d~l;'~e~!, D~~:tionai SOT- twelve girls Wednesday evening. Open for Clinical Service beginning Oct 1, 1919 orlty, held a dinner at the women's Recount of votes is now in order. Hours 1-5 daily, 9-5 Saturdays gymnasium Wednesday evening. Af- University Professors Appear On Nasby and Kelly stuffed the ballot ter the dinner an important business State Teachers Association box. meetln.g was held. Helene Blattner Program ______ -=~_=~-_=~=========~_::::::_:::=_--~__:::::":'~_:__=.==========~==== '20, who is assisting in the public ~ - - ~

    speahlng depactment, addre~ed the ~==================~~====~============~========~==~==~============~ girls on "Speech Training." University of Iowa alumni who :--0-- are attending the state teachers'

    Prof. and Mrs. W. E. Hays, Mr. convention in Des MOines will hold and Mrs. W. S. Miller, and an Iowa dinner this evening at the Mrs. O. E. Van Doren wlll chaperon Youllkers' tea room. at the band benefit dance to be Old Grads Speak given In the men's armory Sa.turday Pres. Walter A. Jessup will de-evening, November 8. I liver the main address of the even-

    M d M -CO--F H b d lng, on the subject, "The University T. an TS. .. ue ner an f T "Oth f t M d M C C RI ill h 1

    0 omorrow. er ormer s u-r. an rs.. . es w c aper- d t f h U i I h

    o th SUI d nc at the Maj tl en sot e n vers ty w 0 are on n e . . . a e es c the program and will speak are C.

    hall Friday, November 7. F . Kuehnle 'Sl, "The Glory of Old

    Al h X' D~~ th Gold;" Romola Latchem '19, "Alma pal e a announces e Mater, the Beloved;" Vernice

    pledging of Myra Hess of Sioux City. Weems '15 , "Iowa Fights;" Myra


    Bloom Sheuerman '00, "Behind the Firing Line."

    A number of heads of depart-ments and Instructors from the Uni-versity have dismissed their classes and have gone to Des Moines. Prof.

    Pastor of the Free Synagogue F. C. Ensign, of the education de-Church of New York City partment, Is president.

    to be Here Sunday Weller to Speak Prof. C. H. Weller will speak on

    Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, pastor of "The Acropolis before Pericles," 'be-the Free Synagogue of New York fore the Greek group this afternoon. City, will lecture at University Ves- W. F. nussell, dean ()f t~~ college of per services In the natural science education, will speak on The Teach-auditorium Sunday at 4 o'clock. Hts er Organizations of the Future" be-subject w11l be, "The Adventure of fore the main session of the conven-Life and Liberty." tlon this afternoon. Others who w1I1

    I P~~E Saturday, Sunday, Monday , I I



    "THE WAY OF A WOMAN" "the truest way the finest way, "

    Also a HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY-Topics of the Day. Admission for this high class show-Children 15c; Adults 25c. Attend the matinee if possible, avoid waiting. Continuous show from

    1. :30 to 10 :45. (SPECIAL MUSIC)

    THE HA W AllAN BOYS will play Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

    Last time today to see the best picture CON S TA N CE T A LM ADGE

    ever made A VIRTUOUS VAMP

    DON'T MIS IT ADMISSION 25c Rabbi Wise was born in Buda- speak are Pro!. Edwin D. Starbuck pest, and came to this country when Dean George F. Kay, Prof. E. E. a sm.ll bo~ and h~prov~ himsclf Horn, Prot Carl E. Se~hore, Prot ~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a real patriot. His religious views P. A. Bond, Prot. O. H. Olin, Prof. have always been libera1. In 1907 H. L. Reetz, Prof. L. P. Sleg, E. G. he founded the Free Synagogue of Schroeder, physical director, ~nd Dr. Madison Avenue, New York City, Arthur Stelndler. @)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@ @)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@) which he now conducts according to ®@). his own Ideas. Most national move-ments for social Improvement have DILL LECTURES AT @) @)

    ~~~el;~~eh~u~~a~~I:~~~~:at~~~d~~ BACONIANTONIGHT~ Only For1y ntene Days @)@)~ ~~~hCOIr;!~~~~!~:n:l~s n~O~I~~~:,ec~:~ . Regular meeting of the Baconlan @) = . @ American Association of Labor Leg- .club wlIl be hel~ on Friday evening @) @) islatlon, and many other worthy Nov. 7 at 7 : 30 0 clock In physics leC-@) @). causes for public betterment. tUre room. Prof. Homer R. Dill will ~

    read a paper on the northwestern ex- @I t -, @) SIGMA DELTA 'CHI pedition of the museum of the Unl- @) un I @)

    HOLDS INITIATION ve~~it~f11 be fIIu strated with s lides ~ ® 81 D It Chi j Ii tI f showing th e sea lion rooke,(ies of @) C H R 1ST MAS @ . gma e a ,ourna S c ra- Jagged Rock, the numerous sea- @) '0'

    tel nity held Initiation for Prof. Wil- (birds, and the country In this out-of- '0' ~ Ham S. Maulsby, head of the depart- the-way part of the United States . '& @) ment of journalism, J. Mel Hlcker- The meeting will be open to the pub- @) ® Bon, managing editor of the Daily lIc @) '0' [owan, and Fred A. Steiner, editor . ~ p ERHAPS 't' t ly ~ In chief of the Hawkeye, Wednes- @I 1 S 00 ear @) day afternoon at the Alpha Tau @) t o think a bout Xmas @) Omega house. Following the cere- La sons Given in @) 1 ~ mony the members of the fraternity ~ h • b t 't 'sn 't \8' held a hanquet at the Jefferson hotel. CHIN A PAI N T ING @I s oppmg, u II @)

    also @) too early to think about savin g @) ELECTED ERO VICE PBESIDEIIo",[ F" D '0' ~

    Pauline Pickard, Alpha Chi ome-I Inng one ~0: some of the money to do it @)~ ga, was elected vice-presldsnt of Ero-' Let me teach you how to '& ~ delphian literary society to fm the · make some attractive @) with. ® vacancy made by the resi gnation Of) Christmas Presents @) @) Nancy Lamb, Delta Gamma. Paul- MRS. TOM EPENET'ER@)It'sgoingtocostusatleast@). Ine Pickard, although a graduate Phone 663 @) @) student, received her Broclelph\an 1 0 $10 or $15 more a garment to 0 pin as a reward fol' two years of @) @)

    a_c_tl_v_e_s_er_v_lc_e_. __ :-:==--::-:-=_~=-~:.:.:.:.-:.-=.:-;-=.:-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-:..- @)replaceeverysuitandovercoat@)

    A man is judged by the pencil he Imps.

    A well-sharpened Dixon's Eldorado is a friend to be proud of.

    JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO. l>"Dell Dept. J"ney City, N. J.

    aa....J"", D"Irl".., .... A. .. IlMD=:: 00., L\4.

    - - --- @) we are now showing. @) @) @)

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    @) benefit of that saving, as well @) @) @ @) a s the comfort of the suit or ® @) • overcoat for the complete sea- @) @) @)

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    •••••••• sa •••••••••


    (Continued from page 1)

    men and one lone man. Watch Ballots Oounted

    William S. Kelly won the junior election for president by a majority of some 151 votes, collaring the sum total ot all votes cast for that posi-tion. In the other departments , however, it was not such a safe bet. Ed'gar P. Hoffman was an unknown Quantity until the last votes were counted and finally won by a mar-gin of some 11 ballots over the near-est competitor.

    liard; student council, Edwin A. ectlons. Nixon. Harold Cha.mberlln,

    Chairman committee on cond'uct-Ing the election.

    Dentistry-Senior: President, Leo Clifford; vice president, Esther Heff-ner; secretary, H. Riley; student council, W. E. Nye. ~'I------------~+

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