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·.o . lilt 20)(6) Sec. 10 - tl&.n.t 0..2 SlMM 1 R!V' r f J i Regraded Unclassified

daily intelligence report

Jan 12, 2017



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ClD ll>formatiC>rl NU!ved-­ From: 1201 Z, 30 March~~~ To : 1200 Z, Sl March 19-14
No. 36G.
War and Nsvy Dej>&rtmants, v, 25, o. c., Sl March IG41.
I. NORTH AMERlCL··NothiJii to r•port
2. LATIN AMERICA.--Notlllni to report.
3. E..sTERN EUROPE.--No we;w,or enanges wert reported along th6
Nort.'l<rn or C.ntral lrOJJts F011 &nd frost wera re110ned on t11ot SQuL..,.,rn
Front. Nortnarn and Central Fronts: Tno Sovleta neva reaew.d their
attacks sE or Vttebik aad E o~ev. Strons Soviet
attl!CU continue at Kovel and Brody. romatna en -
circi..S oy lile Sovurts. Nortllw•st o! Chtrnovitsy (C.rnutl) tne So"llets
h8.118 punctr>ted into toe IOQ<.,llla ol tb> CarpaL"'" Mo--ttains. ..Mr C3P·
turtllit Chernov,tsy tho Soviets contmuad thdlr PenE-trallo.n Sat tM c.ty
to the up;.er Sa re t Rwer. Th• Gorman sahont E cl Mmenets - .?odol&<
~• -• llq, !'Jon& tnt rest ol tho SouL'lern Froal from Beltsy to
Nl<ohyev the Sovl, ta have "''intatn...'>d th•lf advanc• u th., 0< rmans coa-
ttnue to Wothllr:lW. en 29 M>rc.'l operat.ons by tr,, GhF aocl
the S/ F ware on a scale a len.& tne East-. rn FToct. T"nc: .3 .F
support~<! Sovltt attacks E ol M011llev and attacked German shtp,'lng tn
\be GuU o! F'u>land
4. WESTERN EUROi'E.--O.l:lyed reports st:lt. tn.<t U.S. on
tile 29 March mt181on to Brunawlc• <ncountur'd about 90 German !Jgnl.ra.
TnG U.S. ftgbt.. r oacort obaorvocl 2l0 O..rmllD llghwra ln th" air and 145
on the cr amd. Germsa loss..a w<re 6d ~bnos, 13 o1 wnten wor" destroyi!d
C>rl t. .... cround by atrallntf. 0> ~Marcil, R.-..F ptan.s seorocl h.ts
on 5 o! a c:onvoy o! 16 Garmo.n v.sse!s olf Bor.cun (N:>r.,.y). 0> the
n~ght ol .ii-30 March, R.'·F p!Jines attnc•vd roll yards near r'>.rts 2nd an
alrcr llf\ wagmo works at Lyon. Thoro wna n"gllglblo AA llrv nt »arts, M<l
s lew 0. rman llght<rs w.:ra o.ctlv~. RI'IF light oomb<!ro attack...<! Ill• I.
Krd.:l41 aDd • ..:o..ctwn, I.A firl wu U(ht to modaratw:.
5. MEOrrERRIJ.IEAN ;,R£;,, •• ~: .0> 30 Marcil tnere wss little
ac:tiVily. Palrola weru oetlv• 6 mii.OSW ol C.rtoll3., a patrol clash occurr d
5 mllea N-NE o! Csutno. Th• O.,rm&M occupied 2 positions on Mcmst ry
Hlll oftu an AUitcl ••tn<1nwtl o.rt tailed In 2 auac .. in, sulld'lni
Regraded Unclassified
, CUilalttwl. 'I'M lowft Clui(ll>no .. ctor romolnod '""'rally qu1ot. In
tbe Au.lo be•chhead pa.troll Wdra 'lctlvv; t.rtiU~;:ry ftto caatsn­
.,..t. (arm411 !Ol'CU h~v.. been cl~or.od from L"' West. n> U1ree-
141>nd (sc..otllorn Dlllm•t.un uou,>). Atr •• c:tl•1.!y: C11 tile
ntcnt at 28-<9 Mara!, R•\F pl.onca m:tdw a 104-tcn aiiac& co th. ro. I yards
3.t Mllan; ln the Ver01'14 aroll tho RAF formt.~.uon met lnt~na,a AJ. flrtl, co .. ordU>atod with oboot eo ••t.rchltjlbta. Many Gcrmlln alrcratt w~r. obaer·­ v.Jd but" r.a z:.o u::wruptloo. CJn 2& l.hrch, U.S. h.c3vy bomo .. u•e dropped 300 tana oauw '1'\lr~n rat; ywe, encou.'lt.fiCC about zo G.rmU>
tl"ht.;rs, Sot wh~dl W\;T!.. dJstroyad. :. UO-tcc\ci( 9.'39 madr cr. th.o rnll yards n1 BOIZ!IIIC by ottl..r he~vy bombers, about &0 G.rm•.tl ICrtl ·s
wura !lown In opposttlon to th1s attack, o.nd 10 G .... rmM pl'lnos w\JrD d.Js­ ttoy.:d. At Mll:ul, 326 tone w<ro dropp.>d by aU S. hwavy bemb>r !orml­
ttOG wit." oppo$JtlC."1. 1n ~ntr:J .t.'\ly, u.s. m~aam to.onbErs d &trcyed
8 Gar~ p~llltiS ac Ul.l.: l(ro.wd .n t.n t.tttt.c~< an tn- V.t..rbo !.~rjrcm
Otl\or lUlled plAnes bomb.<! rnll lind motor tr...nspcrt, con pos.tlons, 'lJld
aupply d..:pota, :.>ncou.ntc:.rt~ ®cut 40 Wrml.n dcfvna\vo 'l.lrera..n. ,..nCJth.,;r 40 Oerm".n torti~JS w~r..,. flown ovor the b:'\tU~ n.r .ft.f b ... tow Rom .... Durin' tl\.., d.:1y 23 0 rmsn ilicrl\tt w'-r"' d...slrey Jd.
o. J.S!J\ -·Chl:U: 01 47 Mlrch, Z j P'"-"" phn 1 bo::1b."'<l K nrw.
and on 29 M:trch ..:.n ur.mcwn numbtr of ]lp'llk:S ... pL"..NI ti:omb..::d k'lO"ftO. On a? and 29 M>roh suoocu!ul atho•a w.r~ m'ld.> by U 8. tt; on tno
!.;3Jich:ulg •lrdromJ lind roll ynr<ls; 18 tons woN droppvd, o.:>d I o! 16
J:tpen.:s.;s fii:Jt ... ra "'tt~o~mpt.vd lnt..:re..,.ptton W:la shot down. Brldg~s
~t ~~y!, i>ucl'h, ':UJ!1 k.iancn.'l.ftl ~o w r d'lm~ cy Allied !urcr:llt Sur­
Ill>: Q:2Sand2~Marchlbe)"pc..~-•• ecntuw .d t~ ed'l"lllo• ..,......r.! lmpnat
rrC'm u-mz.w d4SpltO a...tcrmln .. '<l &ritian r..,a.snnC!\ hon.vy ~S'.J~h .. a Wt.r..!
Sllt1or~<! by I )OP')liOSo bata>llon 15 mil. aN-N£ o! lmph\l wtwn •ub;.oted
to both artlllory '\lld elr nttlleks; some prncr "ss nu b •• n mlde In BrUlGh
,fforta to cl .,r w'li··TlddJ.m ro!14 blocAS "!;pproxtmaU.lY !)() mU..:s
N cf Tid.d1rn . .;n to.: a~"W':11 Vell-Y, J.,,p..v .... s .. ccunt'-~r'\lt'lCD N cf Sh.'\d:.lzup cor.tln'.l-.;d; J~p::n._ s.,~ r~lnflltC r:n-._nts arr.~lnc from th_ acutta
wor .. lllt~wre.:pt.l.:d. by U.S. troops, r..nd 3~6]'lp"':.D ... $ci w r.o b...t.Uuv .. d Klfl~ ln
• rorul bloc< ••i"s•m,nt 3 mllos 8 at,IJI'Idutup. 'Fa rth.r<hst 9 l'P'lll·•~
w..:ro kllkd In"" nmbusn SO miles Nr: o! ~!ylt&ylM. In tll<r .r•kon, l'P'· n'-se J'.Q-SJUons 3 mlli:S SE of Sin:w .. 'J'~ •·'~'r' r~-d.1c .. d 1n t'ln.(·SUppcrt4-d:
•tt>.ells by uw BrotUit>, r.nd a )>P"""'"' eou.nt.r.ttoe< aplnst K""oy,n (I
mil, SW ct Bu\blcl""") wu d.s.,.,rs.<l by •rt,!Lry fiT•. ln ta. "'d..,
Dlrbol (Aas,m) on 'in M'ren, U.S. f~&nL ra lntorc..ptt.>d 13 Japan'"' bomb·
vre with M ••eort of ZO !tgllt"rs IUid shot down I! and 13 ! tght,rs.
Cn 28 Mor en .secrtod )'JI'U)..c .. bomo, u •ttoe~.d lJBnd !ore.s Jn Ill• Tamu
...... ::.rul tomb..<!"" • .,JJJ,<! l· !; a l•P<oD·•· plsn • .,,., d .• stroy.d.
01 Z7 ~eh, ~'P"'•$.: eone.;ntrlt•ana, ... ,....,_ bl.llldiaca, and torw U'd
poatt u>ca >lq t1w Chll>dwln and tn til.. low.r !LLa.,n( VJlll-,7 w.r ~ttOC<-'<1
by JBed tllhlors and !l(nt.r boml>.ora. Four at tno )op>n.s• P~"""mpt·
tcc lnwreopllon woro shot down; mora than 30 tons wur• droppl.d wtth good
Regraded Unclassified
' r.taulta on thl: or.vtou.s tn.rl ... ts v•u. whtch w•r .. w .. U cov.or-.:d.
7 ;>ACIFIC.--C.:,ctnl P,cJ1c AN'= Cn 2' ~.Ureh"" hlll~ orQllld pr.trol L'Ul([:<l CD E'O«> AtcUi'!lllaF.aua, -rcxtm.,dy GO m1t..s S-SW of Juo.t), <lUln,ll6 w:l cptar • ., 3J:ljnll.t..J. Four )opltlOSJ w.rv e..ptur.'d ~t ..... n .a\,.d fcrC-4 land~ co t~unu Atoll ( 150 mlks t~·t.WI of j'\JJit). en l91.1ucll, J">l>llt llld W<l,o w,r oombod toy ,.!h>d e1reraJ\ wo:J.c / ..• f1r-. W&S ~count.;r.:d. In tl\..1 Cuollnta on 23 t3rc.a, 10 JtpM-&e tn~re-J)Ud 'JJl Al11 .. 4 r ... cor.nats~ ov~r 5:-t::.\\-u (Nomotuoup). iJI>od M'nl un11S bomoo:r4.d J>l>:>n!Sc lnst'\L.l'.t.ncs oo or . nwlcn "'lond (500 mUlls s.s;;: of Tl'\lk), d,strcytlli m31!1 butldmgs. no i.A flr,j W!\.8 er.eounwr~d. /J.ll>Jd commW1~qu.wl stat .. t.h:!.t on Z9 M:uc.t\ CW,st Long.tud> tlmo) Alli~d atreraJ\ ;ll•ckod Et n 11nd Mo.n l$luxls (Trux S"t oup), do straying 45 gro•nd-d japan· •• pl'\1\ca. "ccord~ to > N"! vy '\Moune.3mi;nt AU\od n~va.l units bulr.'.n ~ ~UI\Cf. on lhi;: jay~~<l bas.J "-\ i'a.l::u.a (wcs.torn Ca.roltn~a). Solomons ·\t'l.!a: C.n 23: March lhl)tD w. t iJ lndlcltlons tMt }:lp!ln.J&.J torcva w&N wltndro.wlng from tho :-Jll.ld p. rlmetor at Toroklm. In tho.Empr.aa Aur~at~ Bay aro~. JJ\od plllnJs bomb;d 'Uid straf\l.d J~p'lll.:&J supply ~nd b~vounc ar•;f\s; Alll\.:d n'lval unltG Sh"Uad and Sl>rt..."(! llrus In jnp'UlJS.. COI\st•l positions c.o ZB M:lrch o.nd during tho n!JIII of 23-29 M:trcn. Now Ouln ~- -N.w Bn~·,n .~·ct.: Cn 29 M.ucn, t>.lhc-d bomburs ~ tlibt:ri h _ w1ly ~tbc'ic~d tn~ 5\lpp!y ...,. n, t.>-' town, and l!L.Id tt R'lb<>•l .lh-<1 llsht bomb<.r5 oem:oed 'fid lltr"'Jcd l'i'J.'l-S<l olvou,cs l.lld oulld\JICS n-~er Opon B~y and ]"cquLCo\ B'Y· en 29 ).urcil m N.W G\lln ~. ,llJI d •~ror-,!t !!.ctlv•l;i bomood J'lp.'ln~&-~ 8borc ::.t 0'\iUl r..nd V." \lo~IC comma.n:q-.1:. ~tJs thtt tn :'.ll Alllad .;u..r ~tt.:u:Jt oo i!on"l.nd~'· 10 l"l)'\&.l~ • w..r.: Gh~ down, -u-.1i 103 iTO.lnd..;.d pl"l.Dus 'll.r d.ttroy~ or s V~.;r :y d:un"!t.:1i.
9. "'CT'ON ;...GlJNST .~-J,..l..IED SHI;l';U~O.··I~t!O\~ to Nport.. U· bont S=fb.t!Cgs in ,..m ... r1c:.n w~t. rs: Cn 30 M rch on-l v."ta r.wport.:.:d lO .::ntL::s ot tn ... ~hwY-. ccnst.
For thO fl, c. of s., o-2: For tho Dlrwctor of N'V'lllnwlllgcneu:
r'/"'; r _j vfm~J.>nviA:-: ( ti·J~ I\. " =1+- ~ot!N WECtu:RL!NO, v\ •. E. scHR,.OER,
Colonel, O.S.C., C'pnln, U.S.N., O..puty for l.ntclli&!C', C·2:. Aaat. Olr. , lnt .. Utg~nc.:! Group.
On lnform::~tion rocolved-­ From: 1201 Z, 2ll March 1944 To : 1200 Z, 30 Mcu-cb lll44
No. 369.
W':lr and No.vy Departments, Washington (t5, 0. C., 30 March lll44.
1. NORTH AMERlCA.--Notblng to report.
2. LATU:J ~RICA.--Notlunc to report.
3. EASTERN E:trROPE.--Along the entire Enst.rn Front no sh!!rp w~ath~r cllangeswereNported. Northern 3Jld C..ntral Fronts: Cnly local flgbtlng too~ plac;;: . Southern Front: lritense !lghtrn& f()r the towns of Koval and To.rnopol contlnues."""N"'rihwest of Ch~rnovitsy (Carnnutt) the Sov1cts thrust forw'lrd 10 m!I<;;S to cut the Lvov--Ch~rnolrltsy rnllllne, whllo N of Ch·~rnovltsy tts.,lf Soviet advanca el .. mcnts eross~d tho .Pruth Rlv~r :llld reaeh.,d tho cutsk:rts of that city. Th .. b:!l>o of tha G~rman snJl~nt E of Kam~nets - Podolsk was raduced to ':l width of 12 mtlus by Sovlo::t p.:nctro.tlon from the scuth .. :~st. There was n slight Sov1 ... t adV:lllce
SE of B.:.ltsy, but official reports of thr. Soviets cross~ng the Pruth Rtvar In this ~ren are lacking. The Balt::t--PorvOJmtlsk r ::tllllna has boon cleared; on thll r umalnder of the! Southern Front the Sovtvts conttnued to ndvanc.,, as the Germ:ms appear to b<; withdrawlngf Air Activity: On 28 M3.rch th<J GAF op,>os::d Sovl.;;t '\lr-S'Jp;>ort.:d attacks Oii'1lerm:m posttlons n.:ar
Viwbsi<; the .SAF sup~rted att:t~ks on Te:rnopol. en .29 Mzr,ch thv SAF llttack<.:d G.:rm':ln stllpptng In Narva Harbor and n 60-plano·o~rman lllrb:~s.a
far b..)hi'!d the llnos on the Baltic Front. , On th..J L'ltt!lr, m!sslon tho:> SAB:, en­ counte red Germ 'Ill alkl opposltl9n nnd claim d~struct ~Qn· ~ G~rmM planes In tb~ ,air and 'on the ground. ·
-t. WESTERN EUROPE.-·0128 M!lretr; U.S. ll.:llV7 botnbl/!'11 :1tt:u:lred ::~lrflelds at Cll.'\rtr,s, Cb:lte:l.Udun, and DtJOO (Fr"UUc..,). About 930 tons dropped without nlr opposition. AA fiN was g~n<~r?.Uy modurat-J In
tho targd :1reliS. Escorting U.S. fighters destroyed 30 G.:.rmnn planes on th-' ground In strtlltng attacks iUid damaged anoth~r SO. U.S. m-.<llum, Ught , and flght.:r bombers ! military t::lri~ts in tho Chl\1\001 coast lltO!I.. 01 29 M:uoch, U.S. he:~.vy bomb<.: r s ajpln r~tt:lck~<l Br.mswlcl< and the Calais 'll'e!l.
6. MEDITERRANEAN AREA.--Aa!y: On 2ll March th~ sltu!ltlon re- matnad generally unchang.:ld. A Germnn patrol wn driven off 1-1/2 mllvs
Regraded Unclassified
.&I:~ NE crt Orsogna. Mont .... no.rodomo and Colledlmaclnq"'" rJport~ clcu of Germans A German p1trol was ropuls•d 9 mila NE ol Caoslno. In the town Gorm:m snlpcrs were neUve; near the Continental Hotel, Garmtu1 tanlcB waro •DC"ied by artillery. linmccilatcly S ol CMs!no • O.;rm:u. petrol waa repulsed. In tho Antlo, 2 German rqlds wor-> r"· pulsod 3 mll<s lfW ol Carroceto. Ql tho night ol28-2ll Mllch, O.;rmo.n movtJmant was roportad S oa till road$ N of Rom.:;. o¥e.:pt the coast road.
G.:rm~ pr-.ssur& oo Partisan unlt.s ln the Mnjt.vlca art~a La resl8t.Jd, and the Partisans ar-.~ Wlnehlng :1 counternttael.<.
Gro.Mvo mU.s E oltha Dalmatian port ol Ilubrovnl•) h3S be<n cnp- turod by the Pa.rtlsons. Air Actlv!T Cn 28 M>rch, u.s. n~QVY bombers m.Bd>! strong a.unc.~ nga.lnst £hi rat yards nt Verona and at Mcst:r..! (nev Ventce). AA flro was lntcns.:~; about 125 G ... rm:t..n sortli:S ~rv flown ln oppostllon to ~ the bombers. Twelve Gurman plrules wor.:~ <fus­ troyed. In centrnllt.!lly. U. S. med1um bombers attnclt .. d rnll brtde..,s W. lines at 4 pQints, llght.:>r a!rcra!t atnckod gun and troop positions and supply dumps ln tho b:lttla ar!las. Thcr~ was no O..!rmcn elr 9PPOSitlon to thaac opornttons, but nbCllt 40 German cff..;nsiva sortl\15 ~·arv flown In the ""tllo zone du.rlng tho day.
6. ASlA.· · Burn!A! O>.:Z7 and 38 Mru"ch tho spoarho"'" o12 )apanos. forc-3s directed :tgatbst Koh1ma wor~ r~pul$...-d '\t Je$S..'\ml aDd Kba.rasom (25 mUas to the sOuth ... l' J!!.p:!n..:Sol pr~ssurc tow~ lttlphal from th.: nortbosst forced tha Srltish tvneuatlon of &ngSht.k at P. c:ost a! 135 Japa· nJse easualt~s. Th.\J 'Tamu··lmph:tl road is now bloek.~d about 9 mtlos SE o1 Pa1c1; thts ls Lhll first lnt.G-rfo;:r~nca w1th this r o.'ld stnco ~ Jap:mes ... oUcnslvo b•pn. 1n· the iiuk:lwng Villoy 25 miles E of Sh:lduzup, )npanc"" reln!orcumcnts ::u-~ said to b..) arriving probably from the S:tlw~en Front. They also are re:port..:d movlng t~?W~d Mn.n'pln (10 mili.:S Not Ramaing)~ Con· ·· tact has bOlD lhado with the Jnpanese at Warong.ond M<mpln (tl ol l<amalng). In tho !itlndaw"tunnel area (Aral<OJl} bitter tl'-bilng e011tlmies; E ol tho Kala· penzln Rlvor a Japeneoe force (e$'\lma!OO at l comoo.-zy) wn!ch h:ul ln!Utrated S miles E o1 Taung Bazar baa been engaged by British forces. French lndo­ Chlnn: Ql 28 March, U.s. medium bombers artaclrod the V!nh Yen barracks, ~bits on 4 buildings. China: Q\ 27 March, u.s. flgblers attaolced tro"'s •1!11 bulldlng3 In tbe Anyl end Slennlng ~rcas. •
7. PACIFIC.--Centrnl PaCific Aroa: In tho Mru"sh:>lls, prior to 22 M~rch, Allied ground lorcCs""Eiiiil.A"Oii Alhngt•p~l•p Atoll (65 mtlcs NV/ ol ]nlult Atoll), killing 38 end clpturlng 3 Japoncs • . en 27 and 28 Mll"Cll, Alll• d pl..,es attnckcd ]aluit, WotJe, nnd M~lool•p. 'Uid on 28 Mru"ch !\ISO bombed Mlllil. AA fir..:! wn.s nbsant at MWD ::uul mJ'l6er elsuwh~re. 1n tht.: C~.rollnca on 29 March, Ponapa ~ bombad; 9 of 16 intc.rccptlng J>pan.;se wore shot down. p,g~n Atoll (20 mLlos NW ol PonsP.,) w(LS also bombed. On tho n~Cht o1 28- 29 Mttroh, Wo!Jnl f wostorn Cru-o­ llnJs 3pproxlmatsly 550 miles W of TruK) was bomt»d; mony explosions
Regraded Unclassified
~'fa,. 1\1111 !\rea '"re ot,.,.too, on4 lnwnao M !lro " '" oacGW>terod. Solcmons Are" CD 27 ~.brcb ln th.t Ernprdl fiUCUatll &y orn, Allled<:rii!i liOiiiE<ld J'I"Ul•IOe sup,ly4wnpa ~>o~ar the R<.llll Rlv•r ~ a fuel d-J.rnp nea.r tOt TalC~ sst Rwer. S'LU'tlzl& flr.te. New 0Jln..:!L•·New Br ltaln Area; Ql ?.8 ~ Ul !h.> .Mmlnltlts, Alllod ,.~. ccc..p;ecn;o.;,:J (t..,L'IOrest coast <>! Los Necr oa); Allied cro.llld pctrols, odv:>nclllg S !rom lombNm to Loo~u.• no w'th J~P"~se forcas. OJ ~w OU!Iw~. Allied cr<:und !orc.cs N&Chod tne ~01 Rt""r (41> mU.s VI of Satdcr) and ropcrt>d the ar~a clenr al J:lJ"Ul•""· en Now Br .t3\n b<tW<cn 18 t..nd 2a M:t.rc:h, ruor-e than 3,000 jl\p&D~u trQC94 •· ... ro~ r~pcrted to h:lv• pusad costw"..rd thr<Ugh th4 C>po Hoa•lliS """'· Ql 27 A!srcb, U.S. p!..,,a h•avlly bomoed supply ar.aa at Rllbaul, starting ltri!• firoo and racolvlng lnt.:ns• AA !lro jap1ll 01 p041ttlc..- at Ovovo Island, Ullf3ll, and tho 0\po Me»m ~roa (Wcwak) woro ~U,ck"d by U.S. Ugfitbomb<.r s. On 28 M .. vc.h, )!lp.ancse posltlona on lho north eo."\St of N~w v.•; re att~c.od by Allied !lghtor s. Auatr-11~--Sond!l S.n Ar<~: Cn 28 M41'th, Alll~d !!ircr!'.tt 1 a\rfkld ('tfti\Or)~l'irtg mJJly small !Ir es. ll3bo alrlleld (w"st"rn Dutch l>l.w O..ln.o) wns nlso bomtcd W1th r.::sult!lnt lllrgo cxplcslone Md tlr"a.
8. ACTION AOAINST ALLIEP SHL?Pll'lO.-·No<hlng to r eport. U·boo.t Slt<htlniS in Amo.rlc'ln Waters: Nothlne: to r~port.
For th. A. C. ot S., 0 -2: For tn~o Olr ctor of ~hval~ntt:lltg'
-3- .cu&ll71D
On tn!orm~tton rt.e lv..O- ­ Fr om: IZCII Z, 28 M~rch 1944
To • 1200 z, 29 lohrc.b 11144
No. ~a?.
Wu •.n<~N •vy r.ta,\nijton 25, o. C., 29M~ 1944.
I. NORTH AMER1CA.--Noth!ni to r .port.
2, LATIN AMElUCA.-·Noth!n, t• NP< rt.
S. EAS"r"":-.R.N EURQP£ ...... A1onr tt_ c.;r.ttr-.: £ .-.."t~rn Front'r..-t::r .. l
t U shnrply w\th a. r.Jaulumt M.rcl'"'nlng oft~ IJ4't.-.Jnl, T<im~r"cur .. e oy
lrOilts v, :u !oUowa: F'Lnnto:, Frcnt, • 3l0 (F), NO"tn,rn Front • 40 (F),
""""""' "• +5° t.o .. 11° .. .nd m U\... Crlm .i!, tr • .;:'UT.I •~"'·t:...ur "'.r.1 he..,_vy
_ o.;o=:;r..!!..J!!: :1""7;:,;rr~~='f...'Cnly !oe'll fi~nhng t ooi< phc". d 1.n tho~ K~1 1 3..Dd Brody u.o .. .e.
'ntcc.nt;,~rltli atronc G .... rm-..n count ... r-tt.-"\OICS. 'l"b.
Sovi(.LS ~V" :!.pproxim~toly li:J mtlcos NW o1 Cn .rno1fltsy (CJrn1utl).
N~rt.~ Lito! k.'un.;~ta .. .?odolu t& Wrm::.n a•tlt~..nt h'l.S ~ .n rdduc_.Q tur­
th ... r t bllt n lO'-mll..: wtdo3 .et:lp; corrtdor as st 1. op n SE ct UN t('wn.
From &l>ltsy E to Purvom'\11~ Sovlvt prwssur .. to'N"\r.J th" Iouth r sultt!d
'n abort .. s. Tb~ Sov~ ... ts '1.dv:u1M ~pr(;X.Illt..-t lY 20 rnlks '.ft.1r
croostns l ha !;11.( R\V\.i.r N of VcUI ... a ... NtiC:Chy .. 'l tna C'lptar ... -d t.y to.
SovLt•. ~ /lctlv.a: !n 1.n UJl\1S.anlly hj'1'/}' t·.hJ, dO O .. rm n bombc.•r s
~lUC!:~ l'll'6. \.1 LC • S:::rDy '!\1'.., '"a LV ... J""U chya :l40 '.l,nli -nCCJU.nt .r_.d
.strong SAF CS)POStUon. Or\ A3 U~teh, 0 rm"ln t:omb...ra :mel f•rtrt...ra w ... N
opposed by SAF 1n lb. wn~ngr'd "'-'·
4. WESTERN EURO?c:.·-Cn 27 ~en, U.S. l><'vy ::tmci<.>d 9
Wid ly ""por-a..-d w rm'Ul ft.rfkldo IJl Fr'\llc.>. A tohl d 1 ,~65 t ons of
bombs.,~ d.ropp-;d, ,.; G~ rm·..n .1lrcr.ft w .. r d ... ztr<17iA, moatly on t..~
grNnd, u th\) r Jsult of u.~~ fign~r ~n:.c:.cs. a rm,.-.n lll' oppoaltton W':l:S
:W:lost nU, AA f.rc w;&.~ c ... n ... r~ mod ... r"!.l .... u.;;,. m .. dl.u.m bomb..tra
-'tuc.c ... d \Ui -tl ~ar.4 lna Cn.:.nn,JI CD th ... n~att d 21·Z3 lkrc:h
:Lbout 100 G..rm'Ul pl!ln ... s bombed vvloul t~l' Ul ln w.~st ~d aoothw~st
£ncClld.1t o1""' "" c.ciJii pllll•• •·:r lbct d...,
~. ICDlTERRANEAN AREA.-·ItYU ~ 28 M=h tlw altu,tton rv·
mtt.ln.:d WlCh"l\1.24. A G-r tl'l"Ul p!.tro ;, mu_ S gf C'tiO(§tl' w:1a diiP:.,l'l cl
by dtNct !lro. Th- O..rm>nl nr. otlll holdl!ll """'"'"' (1·1/2 mtl•• sw
Regraded Unclassified
• of c rao,n,). U\ th~ Cnsstno ttre'l !l <A:rmiln petrol W"tl dtiV..:n oJt rn ttL: Adrk~Ue kCtor lhu wc:1t~r ~"'3.6 eo.ld W1ln OCC'\1\on"'.l ahowo.~ra, 8-nd sr.ow t"lf\D th.J c"ntr" .• mOJnt'\ln s_ctcr. ln t..~ bo.. •cr .. , .. l.\4 '\ G..rm~ coOIP"..liY tormll1gfor an =6 w~ dlspvra.-d 3·1/Z mil a W at C1st~nn ty o.rtllLry flr .. Air Act\11\'7: <.n <M n\it.t of U-27 !.! c~h. R'-F m1i\ a HO-toc .n.:.c:~ oa t..'W rail rJds l.t V~~a&).. Cn 1:1!t U ~­ m;dlll.m ...t llet>t =<-"'<~ r»l""" rood <rld("e .n e,jn\nl, 8\t•~\nl 't PCil\bonat, Gross.;.to, Rome, " oth~r po<nlS P.AF f1Cht ... r1 ~t ftra to 12 G~rm.=.n pb.n~a on W &ro.J.nd "\t Rtmtc\ .. .nd Forl~ (N£ o! RtmtaO Aocut 60 G.lrnnn. scrtl.JI w t<~ flO'Ntl O't .. r tn..1 b"~.\tl, 1\f~ft.
e. AS!A.··Chlno: Cn 25 M~ch, tP.S. ~ ,rvy bamb,rs oous•d aov.r~ d'Jti"C• tofu l'iiiO'tro.nsport~tlon l>rg.ts In 'UI ~tttck nt M'n~aluh on tho Burm~ Hond. Borm~· -lndl" (n ~? M..reh thw jopon.a ... mou.ntcd n strono •tuck AJnlnat Brltisn posllions 3 t &utgsh>l< (lS mll.s NE ollmph>IJ. ond 250 )OJ>'Uiut~ eesunltlus reSil!WI from howy lllfhtlnS Q\ J...nlkct (2< mile s N·NS of Tlddlm). P.ddttlonnl )OJ>"ln•S-' rolntorc.,m nts "" r•port.dly eroaslng the Chlndwln o.t Poun""yln. ln tn.. A"41n tho J,p,nos. conc.n· tr'\Ucn S mtLs C£ o! Slnzw~y'l b.:w b.:o\iD di31)-Jra .d; ln , ... nJr'll, how ... v ... r, thu J'PMJSu In tho Ar~mn .,. _ thJlr lonnrd pool lions •• long '\1 poaa\'bl~. No stgnlltc~t ch'lllio h:-.s oceurr .. d ln tn. lhak."\u.---ng V-sll~y; tho j'p'll\.~l '<• still NSLStlng 3 mlk.s N c! Sn•d•t•-. On 25 M·.rch o­ bo.t o]';>Oll·•· pl"Uti!S bomD<:d "'" ChU'ir""' s.r!.ld. Cn _a J.hrch, 11 J•pnn 1 "rcr"ll\ • tnc,_<l Allie-d pos.uoca oo Ill T.d~1m r0'1d. On 2? Much. lS J"!.p'Ul,_a..:. "ttt~e..t..d OliCJo. (r.o.rt.n.:rn"lm), 1.. "ll.ts w N drop,>XIIJ1 IJIII ntd. AULd pbn.e - U-cttv.ty ·u"c~.'<l dump •.r<a.s Ul t."a. Mopmc V-:.1: y troop eone-ntrltlooa ~n thJ' .,..,PJr Ctnndwtn, ltl Md1Uon, up1 ~y v ... ~ ':t ;>rom .. w~r..;r tlombtld. 0'1 .. ~ • ~".r<:h,Allh.ii ~hr~ ecmu.n~~; .. d t.nt ... nstv support of frClUnd troops, m'\~~:.~ •.tt "CJCS tnrOLlih<lb:t ill \.h., ~ttl ... V. 'l4 Wttnoa.t .::..;.rhl opposiUCil. Tr .... : ~ .t~ln~, Mog"':U."l&, ··Dd k<tm"'.lf\& .r '18 (liuJr.wng V!tU...y) w ... r .J r·.ld d, ...nd d'\m'\C.J ~.s C'lUSvd to crldil;o op,-r e>en.s, rrods, niiW'\y tnsLUouone,•.nd ll>. Myll<Y'"~ 'U'· U _old. Tht M.'\yu··K"ll'\d-..n s ... ctors 1n tbl3 t.r'\Kl.n w ... r 'IU. .. "!.C~t .. -d; rwcr cr'\tt nnd bu1ld•nus w .. r .J d,jstroy..:d. tn lh· ... K'll ... myo·-1\<~'~l w1 :.r<oJ'\ dwnps 'lnd occupt.Jd ton ... s w ... r~ ~,: t!a:ctlv~ly bomb .. d.
7. PACIFIC.--C.ntr'll J,cltlc ArJ'O Cn U M•reh, Ml lo.l,p, WotJo, "lnd J .. b.alt w ' '"' 'lthck .. d b~d ':'!(rcrllft, AA fir., b... In( vncount .. r .. d at \; \Ch -:toll. In th..: C"trolln'-'s, j"':.p::n .. a., lnst"llhtlona en ron1pw w .. r ... h~wlly bomb d, •...t 4 of ll&ht>U w.,r anot down by AUI.d pl'lJl..ol, i'u!'.lu< !shod (120 aHlos SW of Trui) wu 'Jso bombed. ()'1. tn nucnt of 2tS-~ Mf\r<:h~ AllLd s_r'l'\1 r.Jconr • .~. • .::is .n~ r .. pon.:.d mer.: Ul'U\ 300,0C() tor.a o.f J~p1.n .. w $i1ipptni .n r.h• P'U'11l t r _ "l. Solomons Ar.,'l: On th. ••cnt al 2~·<6 M'U'dl 1n tho Zmpr.u A•.r•m &.y -u- '• AI!...r-
Regraded Unclassified
~'ifr, n\Vft.l W\ltl bom~d J~Sl: ln&t'\lht\onl "U\d 1'\l'l.k or d'l.m'\g.:..cJ i 1'~"'-ftt~ t~Ci.l•· Co 26 M.:Lrch, AU1Ld pbn 1 c:onUr.:J.d ~tf .ct.v., ~n.,ca oo J'\PN'l-s..s po,a:tuon.s ot £mpNN A!.lCUfl' 8"'1 tuXI bombed Moooltll M\aalan (soutnwcst. Bol~u.v\..Uirl). N ... w CJU:w ··N-• Bn~lft. AN>: On 2? ICrch Ll\ ~ Admlr :Utl I, 'tcifoU"~ J'lp;;;•k d:.O ~ counl..."<ii- C.!f the & cout of N..~w &r,t\.lft, ~Ion. l"'P"'~S<.. l.<>'t pl:l.o. WllP•<=•slullJ bo:nl>.>4 Alllocl PT·bo<ta. On 2d lbrell, Alh~d pbnel b-".vtly "Ut-'lCJC,_d J\.:lVtiOC :"l:Jd J!p-'AG Ullt'\U-.:tum.s tnt.~ R'S.b'!Ul V'"'\; th! BllliUb. 83y a.r-.:.~ (northw.:lt ~ t . .. w Bnt'\Lal r....a ~lao bOtnbod. ~ N~w GJi.llC&, c;lQ l1 ).brc.'l, All ltd p~.'\G-:1 botn~ IUlrlru l.a~ (W.:~, surtin& l:.ri~ ftN* ~tilt bivo~ u ... "" J>ptn·.-•• .-..a·~i""s an }.bl3m iol,.S :1.lld lnlbo NJl>l> " • (H:.ns:> B>yl w.,r.., ~lbo .. U.;e:ttv .. ly bo-m':>ad by Al.U .. d 3.1rcrl!\ . Non.nw ... at Allstr~m- ­ B".Dd& !:.:.' r.r~"!: On 27 Muen, AUl~.~IJ pl:Lnta bomb-d 'Ritm~ (sCiith· 'Wci'i\':" r~tCJi"'l: .. 'll.• Gu~.:'\) Qlld. L!.n(io.;.f and f'\."'.n in th~o~ 'k'!-\ isl.!lndS (S o! lluteh I\I~W Ol;lnc>).
8. ACTION AGAU<ST ALLIED S!UPi>lNO,··I'IOlhl"' to r.pon. V-boM S1Bhtlnga ln American~: Not.h\nS to r.,.port .
For tlW A. C. o! 3., G-2: For the 0\r..,ctor of N!\V"\1 lntillltgJnee:
) o1rn I!--rl /" ~ ,-; .-.._JC!!N WE~ I ~ " --:.7 SC:;:;;,
1 '"'--
Colen ·1. G.s.c., . J C'Pt~..n. U.S.N .• t) lor li:1 .. U1g~c.:, G- 2. AU\ o.r., ""L1Ull; .. c~ Gr«lp.
·3· ~JI.Ua.
On lnlor m:ttlon racelved- ­ From: 1201 Z, 27 March 1944 To : 1200 z, 28 March 1944
Wnr 3lld N:1vy o.apnrtments, Wnshlngton 25, .o. C., 28 Mllrch 1944.
No. 366.
2. LATIN AMEiueA.--Venezuela: The governm(;nt ha:S ordered th,. dts­
s'olutlon of'105 labdr unions and the Nationnl Labor Conventlon, accus.;d of
Comtntinlst '\!filiati-ons. Cosh lit~a: Discovery of a plot to iisslisslnnte
Teodoro Plcru:to, P re:sldent-elect of Ccsta Rlcct, has b<:en reported from
3. EASTERN EUROPE.--Northern and Central Fronts: Small-scnle
Soviet attaCKS were report.xl at Narv:l and C.strov. Southern Front: Sooth
of Tarnopol the Soviets extended their lines n d lst.:mca of 10 miL:: up the
lett bank of the Dnestr Rive r. At Chornovltz (Cern::utl) the Soviets h:tvt!
advan1:2d to within 4 miles of the city and may be expected to push on
across the Pruth Rlv.:lr in an attempt to re:~ch their 1941 boundary along
the Carpathians. South of Proskur ov the Germans 'U'O withdrawing across
the Dnestr River. Sotith of &lltl the Soviets advanced to within 10 miles of
Jassy. There ts no Indication th~t they have crossed the Pruth Rtver in
this vlcinlty. West of Per vomalsk the Soviets h:tvc m!!de slight progr.:ss.
At Nikolaye v they have advanced to the outskirts of tha city, which the
Germans are expect..od to ab'llldoo shortly. Air Act tv~~ On 26 Mer en the
GAF supportud ground operations m the N:u-vc are:~ attack~d troop
c.oncontratlons in the Prlpet Marshes a r«a of old Poland between thG Styr
:!.nd Horyn r lvurs. In the Middle- Dnastr lll'M the GAF strongly r-ttnckt!d
Soviet conct ntrs tlons. 0
4. WESTERN EUROPE.- -0126 Ml\rch, U.S. he:~vy bomoors made strong
• atULcks on targt!ts ·along:the Channol coast from Abbeville t o Cherbourg;
l,S50 tons of bombs we re dropp.:d. AA fire was iol<:nse, t>ut there was no
• a1r opposition, although German flgnt .. rs woN :lctlv;;;Ln the ·fll'~a. Allied
fighters and light bomb(:r s attack.;)d tha rail yards at Crl.el and Beauvais.
At Ijlmulden (Neth'cr hnds) U.S. medium bombors m:!de a 720-ton:attack on
U. port arel~ AA fire was LDtensa; the re w:u; no O.. rman f tglrter opposition
Ql the 111(11~ of·26-27 March, RAP planes dtopped 3,035 tons of bomb,s on
Esson. I.A. fire wns light to moder:~te, and moder!!tG fighter e.otlon was en­
counte red. Two Ger man plan.s were shot down, and n Ju-88 was damaged.
Regraded Unclassified
- OU>er R/\F pl!lnOS bombed l!Movor :>nd made 1 520-ton attock on the ron yards ~t Ccurtrol (Belg•um). Thoro wu no opposition ~t the btter torret.
5. MEDITERRANEAN AA!;;A.--ltllg: Q1 2'1 M!lrcb ther e waa little or no c.hana:a In tha sltuntloo. BetwHn •ocn"' and thJ: sa-:"1 :l small G.Jrmfln r'ltd and aov4r~ p~trol c l'\Shes occurr..,d. Twelva mU~s NE o! C:o.aalno tlkro woa • potrol cbh, >nd ~""i thJ rood from Taro:la to Cualno o <Nr· man nuaclc W'\.5 retpulsad by 3.ttlllery tire. P':".trols cominuecl -:cttv ... tn tn. lower G"\ sac:tor. 1n the Anzto bc:tcn~..d. 3 Gv.rm,"lD! w~ r~pulM W of the: m'l!n r<Od runolnc N from Anz~o. Cn tn.a '!lt.:rnoco at 26 M."\rch lla tht ~.;~ sw c1, 3 Germ'\11 pl'UOCI:l J.U:lco ••r rep.Uood. Naval 1\ctlvlry : . CD tho nl&ht of U-2'1 ~~ncO. Allied motor tor­ pedo boeta int<Jr Cl<ptcil 4 Germllll F -boata w lnntet_-d dl!m'JiO by runtlr•. Air /\etlvlt5: C.. 26 Moreb, U.S. b•avy 'ooml> rs ~uack:!d ~1a11o airdrome l'C'a'lnQ ar~:t. , e-ncountering 14 Germs.n flii'lt<lra. Ctn~r hea·.ry bombora ottaclcod the ran y<>rds nt.Jflmlnl '.lid Flumo, enc....,toring 10 Gorman air-
· craft. oTho U.$. l j£!llllr """"rt ob~er11"d oboot 90 Ge rman !lghU>rs, bul onl)l 26'1ii\¥otM !lr combnt; 5 w,y. •bOt down. In eentnlltaly, U.S. m-.~dlum bornbera ttnd Hghkrs bOmlkrd 0Grman troop concentrnuon.s n.nd rall .. Urwt a.od m:.lntlllned patrols Two Oorm.a.n plane-s were sbat down by AA·lt:r.J ln a bomblnC.D;ttac:~ at Alizlo. AboUt 10 Gcrnnn plAnes w .. r.., acttv• -r the Anzlo 0..•-~.n& w d1y 1\UI<oil !tgnt.r!O-cootill\\lld to at\4ci< ahiO'PUlC Mel <:>ri<LS aiM& tba YllroalavL'Ill coast. •
5. 1\S!A.--B;trma: en 25 M1t<:b, UutM v~re d.moy..S .nan ~etlan on.Ulo> Jmphii •• 'I'.d<l!m rood, noor 'l'onzar.c (18 mU.s Not. Tlddln'i) Some 60 m.!.a qo>.ro~. !mphal, '2 ]'!»MU comP" v~ dekndU.. ~· _... «llll1 doatroyed ~ridge-at-mil> s\ono ?2·. •A ]tpanose column, ustun:>t..d
• nt b!IM.Ilon rtr"!',ith, Is moylng frord Khhni'DC tow>rd- Koillmn (35 mll>a to .tha NW). ln lh~ Al'akan,'450·590 ]nponoJt, c'U'rylrok.rurtltankmln"s, who hnd Infiltrated Into tho Sinzwoy•·nr•o N ol l!tind~w on the e.ast aldo ot tho Mayu ranco, w..:ra driven b!lCki tho r ... mnlndJJI•\s Iorcv 11 now 3 mllee SE: ol Sinzw'lyn. In tno HuknW!Ii Valloy h~•vy light ing le iOlnr on N a.nd S ol Sh.•\duzup, tl.nd the ]~Jso r.,Lr.,ltlnc from Su.m:prnbu.m nr~ u .. poc:t.od to d.lood l;sopzup (40 m!l.a No! MyltJ<y!m.). Cn 25 March 'pproxl­ mt.tely 3~ ]'P.~ a~ cOilduc:tJd ntucka en Al!.oo alr11ai4s.&t Ch)tU\· ronc Mel Coxa B"'·" "'"' an 1\iht r lv•r v.aoola tl: tho ~ AIUO!I nc~ttora do..lltroy,<l 9 J> ..... .es.> plabos. ov.r th6 A&l.......,:llrdrom~ (NE cf M:>ndalay). en '' !Uill 2S M:lrcll th6 1\lii.Jd Ti.ctiOl /\a !'are.. earrlocl c>Jt
.attacltl ap!Mt rlv, r &id r o..>d lr>naportlUon In trlo·Ar"""" on<! Cnllldwin, 'l!.lltrOJIJlc Of d•m~Jflng over 85 ~IVwr cr:\!t , rrlocomotiYOS, 28 ploCOI Of .rolllnr r<ock, """ 6 trUCk$. fn lddltloo, ec•tlored tar0.ts In tho I!Ukownr Val­ Joy and Chin HI Us woro llttnckOd wtthoot ••rll\l epposltlon. Chino: Crt 20 March, u.s. medium bombilra u nk ono 200-loOt and on> ISO:roctv•osol In BAkll Boy (Gull of Tongltlng) .
8.fh'ft,. . 7. PACIFJC ... C.:ntr'OI Pnclllc Arwo: On 2~ Mvch, All\ed &lrcrnll bomb•d aDd strc1~1o \nauiiiiilon• on Ptt.c.lop, Ar.t Io!Md, and PooaQo~;~ r.Dd &"Ullt 2 •null tr~lchura J14..U Por.~. M f\r• wu modG:rMd. 1ft 1M Mvs.nalls, ).'1pano:M lnSUIIAtlona on Wet, • J.Uloolllp.Md J31utt w... t u bgml)..'"'Ci. Solem ems Araa: Cn 26 Y.lrCh \ft U'...-. a.r..;a, All .. "-d n&nl and air =ts cccdnu""'i4ihoo bcmbudm,r.t <! !'I"""•• croond poi&UQil.S, a&rtil:i C3ll1 nr ... a. t;<lW c;u,~ .... r: ..... Br~hin Arc;a: (b 28 lo!.reb Ill t1w A~tt;.s, Alli.d'ifciiiiil"llrc."i'T' •.ec:dd a~ yat<b So! Rcssun (1 miL> So! Lor • .,..,); oc l..ooi'.~<CS, AuL:.d sround forcoa;~hib hold ;1 lin ... 2 :ntlza W of .P:\p~Ul!\1 •.r.J 2,400 J""..rdS 3 of Lcmbr .un ?c\r.t, advan~d !iOO yurda w~ot'lnl'd ~ r"" sl~iht !,.,..,_" oppoe~tlGn. All~ r..:1val1rou.nc1 p~rolt r .. c!'\¢d U\n ~mo ptru:t:· • .ucn (20 m\1<.8 SE of 'J'ab&;:!.), ~llllro( 1$ l>P>IIO .. , an~ at 1.1~ Uno& Pl!lnt:rtlon (30 miles SW d 1'a.l.nsq&) c; 28 ]!\pt.n~o~f.:. Clll5 M_'U'eh, Ali:kd· crm ana-eked K&v!cng Md tlJilln t.o:wlly 'bomb..d tatg .... ts m thJ RabtWl are~, starting mnn,y flrtJa. ()1 2& ud U Much, J"".pe.n~a.u bue.S at Pondo r.>Qlnt end C~p.3 Bosklns (northwuSt cot.Gt N. w Srlta~n) w~ra df..:etlvcty attack~d. On 26 t-.ruch on N .. w Ou\n-..&, All1~d phn ... s bombed A\tllpc :u1d In >ttt.c:CS on But one! Dnll\l> alwnc,'<l e ho•vy ~~"""and starl.d !Argo tir..ll!l Ln fllol ~ supply d11.1npa. CAh-.>t ttlr t\.l1ACkS wvN ml\do on ~panJ$0 c:ocstll positlons o.nd shtpp\J\C b"'tw "-'"' Hr'U\11"1. S~y find At\apct.
8. o\CTION AGAlNST A!.!.IED SKli'Pli:O.··NOil\lq to ropcrt. U·bMI Slchtln§s In Am.rt= W>l.ra: N<Mlro( 10 r .pert --
Fer tM A. C. c:r S., G-2:
...,...Ylul.ll .. I!CR\!.,
Regraded Unclassified
To ; 1200 Z, 27 'March 1944
War and Navy Department:!, Washln6ton 25, D. C., · 27 March 1944.
No. 365.
2. LATI.N AMERICA.- -Cblle; .several .high-ranking Chilean Army
ot!icers have been lmpllcate<nii the recently disclosed Naz1 espionage
rmg, and the Foreign N\tnister has assured the u.s. Ambassador they will
Pe relieved !rom active d..tty. '
S. EASTERN EUROPE.--Muddy roods continue to namper operations in
the ~uth. Northern and Central Fronts; Soviet pressure SE of Vltebsk
bas decreased. SOUthern Front; German coanter:lttacks in the Kovel uea
have forced the Soviets to r etire slightly, but the Gormans rl)port that the
Soviets are concentrating troops in this area. At Brody the Soviets are
again renewing their effort with .stron~ atto.clts. ·Tne Soviets extended their
lines Wand SW of Tarnopol, encircling the town. The Germans have with­
drawn S of Pr oskurov. The Soviets.have reached the city of Kamenets ­
Podolsk and are exerting pressure to the east. South of Mogllov - Podolsk
the Soviets h'ive·reac:hed the Pruth River on a 50-mUe front. There Is no
substantial change on the rest of the front, altho.1gh the Soviets are vigor­
ously attacking Nikolayev against stubborn. German resistance. Air
Act1vlty; On 26 March tne SAF' conUnued attacks on German shipping in tte
Bailie--Gulf of Finland ar ea.
4. WESTERN EUROPE.- - On the night of 24-25 Much, 120 German
bombers aDd f ighter bombers, in 2 phases, attacked London and points in
southeast England. Five German air craft were shot down over England,
and 2 -re destroyed over the e»ntinent. A strong force of RAF pianos
attaclred Berlin; heevy AA !ire wns moderate, but llgnt was lptense.
Adverse weather hamper ed air activity on 25 Marcn.
5. MEDITERRANEAN AREA.- -llal,y; Orr 26 March there was no change
in the situation. The main front cOiiffiiued quiet. A German patrol att<?mpt­
ing to force a penetration 13 miles NE ,.! Cassino w:ts driven off. The
Anzlo beachhead remained generally quiet, altho:Jgh the re was considerable
movemem behind the G.1rman lines and an tbe roads In the area. There
. . i
Regraded Unclassified
..mr4i'M't oerrnu o.rtiUery activity In tno ooetor SW "' Carr oeeto. Air
tne niCht'of 24-2!> March, Alllocl plAnes m•d• • 107-ton­ Sotlt. sea.rchllghts wer~ tnc.OI1Dtere<1 at the ta.rcct. In central
ll&ly, U.S. IIcht bombers oaack<e<l motor v•hlcl .. In t11o Cu•!no area and flantoro patrolled tha battle linea. Gn 26 March, u.s. llcnt bombers ottaci<.od Loahorn l!vbor, and ltgii\Ors bo~ O•rmAD CUft pOSition> oppoolt• the Anzlo beachhe:lll a.ocl ma!ntalnod p&trot. In the beacl!Mad area.
&. ASJA.--Bur mo; tn the Clllndw!n front thlr• wtr~ no a~&nlfu:ant 'devolopmenta, tna Japanes> cant!n~e their anempU to W1ltnte behind &rltlab poaltlon• ~or.g the l!no of tho M>wlid~"'··B•thld•:U>C road. Four miles N of SMduz.~p (llukawng V&lley) httvy fiChUnr 11 In pr'ogreas. Cn 23 Much tho B>ntKok- -Mculmtln RR w>.l h•3V•l)/lttaextd lor thb 1\rst ttrne; 2 bridges w-are destt'oyed, 6 athou w~ro probably r\:-ndered unser ­ vlccablo, o.nd 1 tr-!.1n was derailed. CXhnr rallvtr' ~ Wdre htt at Ye .. u, Pylntr'lng, and Sllwebo (central Bur ma). On 23 Md 21 March, japanese Hnea ot eommunlC'\ltOn, stor3ge dumps, and warohous~ s on tho Chlndwln MCI Arnl\an fronts wera ropeatodly a tt"-cked by Alllod IIJhtors and llghter bomb~re: S4 river craft were sunk, at!.d truck convoy• wort auccessfull.y strnlJJd; \l,•nrehou.~s and'Storngtt In 1\'!l.lctwl'l. and olJ dumpS e.t lndnw were set \on fire. ·
~. 1 PACIFiC.--C.,tnl Pru:il!<: Are." en 24 M'fch, U.S. alrcrilfl bombed
Wnke ISL~ ,.,neountorfug ~Mlire. II> th• M"ah'llo, Rongtl"!>, Wo!J• , t,bloelap, 1.1111 J&M< were'eff,<:tlv<\)1 'boml>od. In tno-~ollnes, 'llld Alii 1$br.d.s were =•ked oy U.S. pi~s. T!loro was DO )apo- 1\o:l• c..... rial opposit"ac to atty cf·J.Dese SOlomOM Ar~: 8 and 24 Maron In tho Toroitlnl ar i>3, a total o! •184 ) p-.m-.. <load ~._.. b<oun ecur.ted. en M M>re.~. Allied bomt>ors btlolctiV•It ~ttatlcad ~E&e cun positions one! so.>P!'IY """"_. in·tht Empr .. a Aorust• B•y .,..,_ New Ouln•~··New Br!,ll> Area: 0> 2!> Morch In tho Adm<,...•llos, AU tea-gr<lUDOI loreos tore;! J>P''""a:trOops b•ck to n point 200 y•r4a S Ol Rossun (I mil~ S of Lor.!li".u). AUWd ~round p·trola ol K>ll B•y 1.1111 Amor lsL'Ind (west ond MMus!nd) raport;>d no J•P'I""•• eont>ctl; '>4dltl"""lls1Mds S one! E of M·.n~s wera occupied by Alllocl!ll'CUr><f pwrola without )>pane"" opposition. A!llod tllval ant ... deslr oy.d L.ollu Md M,t:u>n vlllngos (soutn­ woet coast L.os N<ll"OS) ond·bombt\rdod J.,.,nkn\1 viii"C• (acuthwost Up R~mbutyo I.SI~d). In the T•ias3a area no )nponue· worv vncountor ;><l by Alllod ground patr ols wlllcl1 reached N'•mundo Plo.h"tiOQ Md Kulu Rtvor (~pproxlmntel)l 16 mllos S of Tnhsen). Cn 24 Ml\rch, Alltu<l p!Mos bombod Ovov< ~1"-lld (40 mh>s NW of Wlll~umet l'•nlnsuln) and henv!ly ft tt&ck•<l the R>baul ntrfl~lds, !SI-trting liNI. Oh 25 M.rch thl Wawak· • Bor'1m arw:l W'\.1 hc3.vlly bomb..-ct, nnd • xplostona and ftr .. e VhlrC m.rtOO In the eupply w blvou~e are:l.S. Nortnw•ll Auotr\11!\--B:uld• Sen Aroo: Oh 25 ~i"ch, AU led atrcr:>ft oom&ea th• killm""' ·41i! BlilioiiiM!ali!S ('t.t~storn f>.lteh N::w Gu.ln.)l).
Regraded Unclassified
Regraded Unclassified
0 0 . , ARMY-NAVY ~ -
On lnf-:>rmatlon received-­ From: 1201 Z, 25 March 1944 To : 1200 Z, 26 March 1944
War and Navy Departments. Washln-gtori·l'-6, D. C., 26 Maz:~i1:1911. ·-·· .
No.3~. ·.
. . 1. NORTH AMERICA.--Nothlng to rep'ort.
2. LATIN .AMERICA.--Accordlng to press rep-:>rts, the Buenos Aires office 'Jf f.ll-Amerlca Cables 11as been closca for 24 hours' and f1,ne4 500 pesos by the Argentine e <hernment tor delivering uncensored cables to the United P'ress, and i>an-1 merlcan Airways has been tined 1,000 pesos for transmittl'hg private messages through Its airport radio. •
3. EASTERN EOROPE.- -There was no significant change In the weather on the entire front. Northern and Central Fronts: Southeast or Vltebsk continued Soviet attacks failiclto change the situation. Southern F,ront: At Kovel, German counterattacks cdntlnued to neutralize SoV1et pressure. The Soviets mad~ ·substantial g!rlns SW of Tarnppol andi .In a break- through SE of that city, reached the · •·
Dnestr River on a 50-mile ir6nt, penetratln& to the outskirts of Kamenets - .?odolsk at the most eastern point. Following the capture of Pr9skurov the Soviets advanced~' cl~arlng all of the Proskurov - · Zhm11r!nka rallllne. The Soviets advapcad W and SW of Mog1lov - Podolski to the SW they reached a polnr about 10 miles from the Pruth River, and advance elements cut the Balti--Yassl rail line S of BalU. The Sov1ets extended their lines W of _:>ervomaisk and continued to close In on Nlkolayev, small gains being made SE of
that cl~y. Air Activit~: On 20 March the SA'f attacked a Ger man convoy ill theGUit ol Inland and shipping and harbor Installations at Azerl (Estonia~ between Narva and Tallinn.
4. WESTERN EUROPE.--On the night of 23-24 March, 17 German planes attacked scattered points In southeast England; 1 was de'slroyed.
On 24 March, tJ. S. heavy bombers attacked Schwelnfurt and Frank­ furt, dropping 512 tons. German air opposition was very weak, only 34 ai.rcra.ft being observed by U. S. crews; '/'.A fire was' ·meager to modera~. Other U. S. bombers attacked alrdr:>mes at St. Dlzler, Nancy, and s'ernay (near Le Havre); there was no Qlr oppositiOn. · ·
!ll!"eR P!'1" Regraded Unclassified
5. MEDITERRANEAN AREA.--Italy: On 25 March the sii\IAllon remain,ed generally qulot. German patrols were acttve 4 miles N\1/ and 2 .. 112 m1les W of Ortona. German troop movement was observ~ 7 miles fNJ of Ortona. Germans clashed wlth Allied units 2 miles S of Orsogna. 0\Jrlng the night of 24-25 March the Germans occupied 2 heights lmmed!atelyW-SW of Cassino after the withdrawal of Allied elements. The An•lo beachhead conllnued g·lnerally quiet. Naval AoUvlty: On 24 March, Allied destroyers pro•Jlded fire support al the Anzlo beachhead. On the night of 24-25 M~h an Allied destroyer sank an E·.bO'it, taklng 6 prisoners. Air ;.ctivlty: On the night of 23- 24 March, RAF planes again bombe<rffie rail yards at Padua. On 2~ March, l). S. heavy bombers made 2 J35-ton attack on rail targets at Rimfnt: About 28 German planes of 4 types, including Ju-88's, were em::ount.erecl; 10 were shot down. Allied medium bombe"rs·aw:t fighters attacked rail larflela In central Italy and the harbors at Leghorn and at Falconara (above Pescara) •
. Fighters also bombed German troop an<i gun positloll$ on ·Ill<! Cassino battle front. Allled air patrols destroyed 7 of some 75 German planes over the battle areas, 30 ot which were opcrraUng 1n the Cassino ;u-ea . . Oil Bougie (Algeria) a ]u-88 bomber-"'"'oMalssan~e plano was shot down by an RAF Ilghter. · •·
6. ASIA. - -BurrruJ: On 24 March the ]apanosc ~netr>Uoii at various points In the Chin Hills sill! coctlqued. A puTty of about 10 jap­ anese · has lhllltrate<t to within ~ miles of lmphal, .and.¢ontact bas been made 20 miles \o the NE with a Japanese force estimated as I batl4llon. Near Tamu beavy (lghtlng Is In proeress, and a deter­ mined japanese assault W of the town has "been repulsed, but the nearby landlng'lleld has been evacuated by t~e Britis h. Five mtles SE of Maungdaw, 2bo ]al"!l\CSC attempting to ln!Ltrate forth! r north were driven 6ack approzimately 2 miles. In thll: HU.::a'nns Valley lighting continues 4 mlles N of 5haduzup, and to th·. E a Japanese
.platoon was suecessfu.lly ambushed 15 miles S-SW or Sumprabum. On 20, 21, and ' 22 March, Japanese supply dumps, warehouses,
,and barracks areas In the Myltl<ytna--Mogsung ares wore heavily attacked by Allted lighter bombers. Many bulldlng3 were <lestroyed, large fires were·startect,and the f!opln raU bridge was put out of commission: Kuriles: On the night of 25-28 March target a.reas In Sblmushu, P;ramushiru, and Onokotan wero bombed.
?. PACJ.f'IC.--Central Pncllic ~: On 21 March In the Carollnes, Allied aircrnft altiiClroa Ant fsla,\ir(8 miles SW of Ponapc). On 23 March In the Marshalls, japanese Installations on Wotje, 1\o!Jlloelap, Jalult, and Mille were ef!eeuvely bombed by Allied planes. There
Regraded Unclassified
was no aer\&1 oppOSition to "'Y at 11\eoe ati&Ci<s, and no AA fin
waa ~lwd at L!llla, SolomCII>8 Area: On 24 Mar<:h In 11\e Toroklrul
area, "" &Wek by J-u rr~s en tba northweSt sector
at the Allied ))Orlmotar was repuiM(I; an tatlmatad 300 japaneat
doad """ left IMide Allled liMa. Japaneae ruoa ahelled AUled
poaltiOM, e&UIIDC no dama(e. On 23 Mar<:h, AUI..d alr<:ra!t
effectively ottacked japaneaa IIW1 poaltlona r-ear tho Allied perlm<ter
and wo heavily bombed tho Buke ond KabUl areas. New Oulnea-­
New Britain A"'a: On 2-1 !.Larch, on Mao.a l.sland (Adiiilralttcs),
X!!Iiid cT<>Unc! forcea, advwlng to within 100 yards ol Roamm
(1 milo Sot Lorengau), encou.nterod proparod Japonose poaltlona.
AUied rrou.od patrola, advancing from Lorenpu vll Salesla
Plantation (l-1/2lnllu E or Rossunl, ruched Ora""' (2 miles 8
of RoUWl). Allied groWld patrols alao reached Dnno (13 mllos
SW ot Lorencau). To elate, 11\ere aro 2,323 .mown J•paneae dead In
the Admll'llltloa area. AU!ed . .uval sur!ece unlta dfeetlwly shelled
)apaneae ln81411M!ons en ?ltyllu Islan<l (4 miles U·NW ot Loreneau)
and also destroyed a fuel dump on Mussou Island (3L MnUh13s
(roup, 80 miL.olJ !o.-y Kav1<118). On tho nleht ol 22-l:.'l Muc:h, Alll,od
Urcrafl bombed Knvlong ond Namotnna!. On 23 M.-.rch, Allied planes
heavUy bombod the R&taval aupply area (NW of Rob>ul) and bombed
and stratod 111"'""'"" blvouaca and lnotalleUQil$ at
(northwest c<> New Brltnln). ~:
On 24 March a lone Japanese (northwest Australis),
~ SIJhtlnc! Ill American~ NothiJ>i to r,port.
!"or tho A. C. of S., 0· 2:
A. E. SC!m/.DER, Coptain, U.S.N.,
Asst. Dlr ., lnt....ulitnct;J 0~.
s~ft,. Regraded Unclassified
On lnformat~on received-­ From: 1201 Z, 24 March 1944 To . ~ 1200 Z, 25 March 19H
No. 363.
War and Navy Departments, Washington 25, D. C., 25 March 1944. ~
1. NORTH AMERICA:--Nothing to report.
2. LATIN AMERICA.--Argentlna: Twenty-one leading Argentine gener­ als called on President Farrell and acting War Mlntster ?eron on 22 March and presented a written statement signed by 16 of them recommend-. lng Immediate free elections, re-establishment of constitutional guarantees, relief of officers from civilian positions, and return of the army to garr i­ sons. According to press reports, all army and civilian avlatlon,ln Argen­ tina was Incorporated Into an independent military air !orce under the direct superv<slon of the Mlnister of War on March 23. Colombia: · CC.23 March the Colombian Government Interned a~out 50'Germans at 'Fusa­ gasaga.
3. EASTERN EUROPE.--Although rather !Ulfavorable weather is cur~ tailing air operations to some extent, groun<\ conditions are Improving in the northern part o! the Southern Front. Northern and Central Fronts: Southeast of 'llitebsk unabated Soviet attacks eont ln:.~ed without changing the situation. Southern Front: German countera\tac.-.s have cheeked Soviet Initiative at Kovel. In a rapid advance S of 'l'anwpol, Soviet forces reached the Dnestr River at another point; Germarl,'troops in the salient to the northeast In this area are threatened. ln' '~he l~og!1ov' - Podolsk area the Soviets have substantially extended thetr lines NYi''and southeast. The city of Voznesensk (on the Novo-Ukralnka--Odessa RR) has fallen to the Red Army, which now has a small bridgehead on the'rlght bank of the Bug River , N of the city. Soviet forces are clos!ng In ori Nlkolayev from 3 directions, with tne strongest ef!ort being made from· the north. ln the Crimea, Soviet pressure continues near the Slvash crossmgs and against Kerch, without producing any chango In the situation. Air Activity: On 23 March the SAF attacked a convoy ln the !ar north of! F inlarid and on 24 March attacked German transports In the Baltic and shipping In the Black &a. ·•
4. WESTERN EUROPE.-- cn 23 MarCh, U.S. heavy bombers made widespread attacks on Industrial installiitlons and airdromes at Brunswick, Hamm, Osnabruck,and other points In nqrthwest Germany:?" /'.A fire was moderate to Intense; German fighter opposition was gener'ally moderate, although the Germans lost 61 aircraft. U.S. mediUm bombers attacked rail
Regraded Unclassified
yarda at Crlol and Halne St. >'Ierro and 2 airdromes In northern France; thtre wae no German air opposltlon, &ad AA fire wae weak.
6. • MEDrrERRANEJ.N J..RE:A.--aatx: ()> 24 March w cener&l situa­ tion remained unell!Jlied. '!'Mre were patrol cla.ahea and German artll­ lory hre z miles w of Ortona. Tt• area 7 mlloa s-sw of Or<ona ...-.. reported noovlly mlr.ed by t.oe FlihUOC c.-r~ln••• In the cas­ elno ar... There was an easterly German movement. to the rMd JUDctton 3 mllea NW of C&sstno and tr.enoe northward. O.rma.n activity ..u Clb· Hrved at Aquino (7 mUes NW of Ca&stno). Seven miles S of Carroceto (In the Anzlo beacnheatl), German artillery wu active. Sever&l O.rman ' tan~ were reported destroyed 2 miles S-SW and S ml!u Nl!! of Carroeeto.
During the 18-19 March commando raid on ~Ita Lsland O.lmatlan croup) the entire German garrleon wu either killed
or >:apt~rod. By 22 March, Hvar Island Ill tho same group waa largely evacuated by the Germans , and tho rema!nlnf carrlacn Ia being liquidated. Air Ql the night of 22-23 March, RAF planu bombed the i'liT\ Padua.:: On'23 March, U.S. medium bOmbers attacked raU · Witts at Florence•end Pontassleve. Allied flghtors attacked German 1111n -an<ltroop po$1tlons In the Cassino area end maintained pst:rol.s ow• the battle fronts. German shipping and doe• facilities alofoo! the east coast ot !Ia!¥ end the C<>&Bt of Yugoslavia were bombed and atra!ed oy u.s: IIV,tera. ()> tl'.a night ol 22- 23 March, 9 O.rman bombers anae<ed the laland of VII (S of Split, Dalmatian coast). ()> 23 March, Allied lighters deatreyod 2 Italian-type transport aircraft and a O<>rtrWI atna!e-ecglne plan;o at tr.e Z.monlco airfield {E <>! Zara).
e. ASIA.--Burma: 01 23 !!.arch, japanese pi'OII'Jre forced tn. 5r,11sh t~ withdraw fr~lng (30 mllu NE a! !rnpbal). t:•ar Tar.l•, 2 Japa­ nese tand were destreyad, end N oll',ddlm tr.e·J•poc.eae still baoe Loe roa<lto lmphal blocked. In tile 1-iulcawng Valley, Allied troops hn-. occu­ ple4 Sha.duz:~p and are llquldatln0 Japanese real~~tanco • miles N of that village. Strong patrol act!cn continues both In 1M Aral<&n end Ka!adan Netora. Col 22 and 23 Ma.r ch, Japanese rCCld, rail, and river transporta­ tion !acllltlel, storage dumps, and warehCU!l4S In tho Huawna Valley, on the Chlndwlnl and In t~e Aratta.n were under constant ottack by Allled IlChter bombers; 13·Tiver bbat~ and 4 trucks wero daetroyed, and more than 50 river c roft were damaged. ileavlesl clthne raids on a particular tarfltt wu eli 2d lol&teh, wheri 14 tcns,wero d'roppod In the Myltkyina atorage ar~ll'; C$~&!Jlg large &ploslonl and several ammunition flrcs .
. • I
7. On 23 March, Jlpan•ae cround forces In conalderablo by All1ed 11round patrols on the eut and northwest sectors cf tne Tcrok!na perimeter. 01 22 March, Allied atrcralt ~· l:!!avy attaci<S on JapaneH poe.tlons end a-oppl¥ are3S Mar 1M Laruma and Relnl r iver&. }ll,>aneae alrfltld3 en Bu~ end swthern
Regraded Unclassified
/ / ~~'"Wft,. ~ Boucalnvlllil wore &lao bombed. On L'>e eut eout of Fauro Island (all
southern Bcucalnvlllil), 50 J._so barglls ware sighted by Allied air- . cratt. On the ntrht of 22-23 MAre~>, Allied naval units shellild s Japanesa SUJ1 poaltlon near the mouth of tho Tekessl River (Empreu Augusta Bay area). New Guinea--New Britain Area: On 23 March In the Admiralties, Japanese gr0iii3"1'0rce8on lAi"Rei?'O'S were reported completely sur. rounded; on Manus laland, Japuese resistance contlmled. tn the Rossun area (S of Lorengau). Allied ground patrols landed on Ndrova and Ram­ butyo lslaoda (SE of Maous Island). In the st. Matthias group (80 miles NW of Kavleng), AWed neva! units bombarded Japanese positions at Nal Plantation (southeaat Up ol Mussau Island) and nn Eloaue Island (olf southwest cout Mussau Island). On New Gumea, Allied ground patrols reported no contact with Japanese forces at BOglldJim Plantation (15 mlles Sol Madang). On 22 March, AWed alrcratt bombed and strafed Japanese poaltlons on the BogedJim Road and at AJex!shafen and also heavily bombed the Rabaul a!rilelds, stnrtlng llres and explosions. en 23 March, Allied planes el!eotlvely bombed Japanese lnstalla!lons In the Wewak area., at Hansa Bay, and oJong tho northwest coast of New Britain. Northwest Australia--Banda Sea Area: On 23 March, Babo air­ drome (northwest butch New Gu1'iit3a) was .rn:iiCI(ed by Allied planes.
8. AC'l'lON AGAINST ALLIED SH!PPJNG.--On 21 March a medium- sized Norwegian tanker was torpedoed and sunk In tne Indian Ocean near the Gulf of Oman. U-boat Slghtlngs ln Amerleon ~! On 24 March ono wa• reported off Ha1ilai7
For the A. C. of S., G-2 : For the Director of Naval lnte!Ugence:
~~~~ (J/c)~if.- Doputy l or lnteUl8'1nc:e, G-2. J Asst. Dlr., lntelligenes Group.
Regraded Unclassified
On Information rece'lved-­ From: 1201 Z, 23 March 1944 To : 1200 Z, 24 March 1944
No. 362.
V.'ar and Navy Departments, Washington 25, D. C., 24 W.arch 1944.
1. NORTH AMERICA. --Nothlng to reporL
2. LATllll AMERICA.--Nothlng to report.
3. EASTERN EUROPE.--Winter conditions prevaU on the Northern Finnish Front. V.!th temperatures ranging from freezing to +2'7° (F),
Lake Pskov Is still firmly covered w1th Ice. IJi the south, tempetatures
remain near + 50° (F); despite occasional rain, the period of deep mud
Is ending. Northern and Central Fronts: Renewed Soviet attacks sw of
Vltebsk have resulted In no change fr\ the situation. Southern Front: ,
Soviet attacks continue N and S of Kovel. Soviet penetrations Sii'nd SE
of Tl.lmopol, which resulted In capture of 30 mUes of the Tarnopol--Cher­
novltsy (Cemautl) RR, cut the last raU connections o! the Proskurov--Bar­
Kamenets Podolsk sallenl. West and SW of Vlnnltsa the German salient
has been reduced by a 6-mUe withdrawal. South of MogUov- .?odolsk the
Soviet penetration has been deepened to within 18 mUes of the Pruth River.
Southwest of Uman the Soviets have pressed forward on a 40-mUe front E
of Kodyma to within 8 mUes of the Kotovsk--Pervomalsk RR, the only re­
maining l uie of com'm'unlcatlon N of the Odessa--Voznesensk ra ilroad. Soviet pressure continues at Voznesensk and Nlkolayev. ·
4. WESTERN EUROPE.--On 22 March a strong force of U.S. bombers
made a 1,430-toll attac~ on Berlin. AA !Ire enroute and at the target was
Intense, but alr opposition was negligible. Only 45 German aircraft were
observed, and 30 of these avoided combat; 1 German plane was destroyed.
On the night of 22-23 March strong formations of RAF bombers attacked
Frankfurt. Twenty Gorman planes attacked southeast England; 1 was
destroyed). and 4 reached London.
5. MEDITERRANEAN AREA.--I'llly: On 23 March the situation re- mained generally unchanged. Patro lng In the Adrla tlc sector was normal.
In the central mountaltl sector activity was hampered by bad weather. On
the morning of 22 MArch an unsuccessful German attack was launched on
the southwestern edge of Cassino. Very severe flghting In the town con­
tinued on 23 March. There was little activity In the Anzlo beachhead; at
a point 2- 1/2 mUes SV..' of Carroceto a German raid was repulsed.
Regraded Unclassified
CS ~\:~~'f' llli&D4: Durln; a commando ntd on tho ntcht of 18·1• March the town ot Oroh:ote (on the Dalmatlan Island of Soltl} was captured, and 82 Otr· were taken prtaone.t. A.Lt A c;t\yirv; On 22 March, U.S. heavy bombers
t.ttael<ed rail JUdO in northern 11aly, drcpp1n( 2114 10r.s <>!bomb& ot
Verona &lid 2:20 tons at Bolorna. A Ucttt W3.$ also made at Rlmbt. About 15 Gertnl.n pla.nea wert oncoumer«l at Veror.1, 4 of whlch Wttl
el\ot down. AA tlre was aDd accurate at Verona and Bologna.
U.~. medium bomboro and !Lihttrs attacked bridges at Poulbonsl,
Are:.zo, and the harbor Ill L4Ci".orn. FLahtera patrolled the battle t.nc1 anaclted OtrllUJl gun poaltl<>M t.nc1 depot.~ at Cualno, Oaeu, and::
of Rome. the day about eo German aortles wer• O.O'.vn O\!'er the 'battle &re ... 50 'balr.c over Cualn.o. Allied plones attacked •n!pp!q,
tra.n.port, and troops alone t.ho Yugo.slavt&.n cout and enlpplr4 a..'ld
transport ln t.ho Aegean eea.
&. .M'.IA.-·b':¥ On 2:2 March, )ap&nf.'al Corces estimated at 1 reclment ww•loc:ated at U'.chrul (33 ,u., Nl! o! !c:p!W), on 31 March
\he forwud clements o! a.nother JaPanese for,ce were on Kht.n· Jana (3S mUea s.: o! Kohlma). Tho lmp!W--Tiddlm rood Is blocked St
2 points, '9 a:>4 H mUe• NW o! Tonzans tee~tlvely. The)apaneso oro
strongly reslallnll Ghlnese preo•ure 4 mUoa N of $hadtu\ll> (Hul!awng
Valley). No atcnlflear.t ~· occ:n-rod In either tho Aralwi or KBJ~ Melero. Frrnc:t iq!p-s:JWa; On 32 and 231~arcll. U-". medium bombon
&U&okod rt.U tu&ets am bride .. In north....,! Indo-Chino, 0 locoi!!Oilv ..
a.t-d 13 car~ wer• destroyed, and 3 u:5~toot etea.mers were dam.aged.
7, PACIF'IC.·-totomons ~ On 22 March ln the TorokLna area,
Allied. gra.ux:l patrols m the ea.atern seetor ltUled 33 !apanue. ]apanNt po.attlons C: of r;.m;ress AUCUSt.a. B3.y were bombu'de9 by Allltd naval untta:. On 21 March. All led aircraft bombed tte Na.:n.s t-:wna area. (Nat
coaat of SoucalnvWoJ and Monoltu (sout.'lwoat SoucolnvWo), atartlng
Urea. J:iil!L<l!WwL- -Iilm' liJ:ll&li1 AJ:D: On a1 Morch unoppoaed Allied
crourl.d forces completed the occupation of lmlra.u Jslam:S (4't. Matthlu Oro\lj)). On 22 Mt.rch in the Admiralties, a CO\l!lteran.oek by )apiUle ..
crO'J.'lCI fore'!' s of Lon:brum Point (*"torn Loa Negroo) wu re;>'Jlstd,
lncreaslnc 1~9&1 was eneounttr~ S of\111 (Ml.r.~ ISland). On 21 Much, Allied alrcrall attacked alrfleldo at Raboul, on­
COW>terlng lnto1111• AA !Ire. J•paneso B"" pooltto .. N or Dt.umo!no (
Valley area) wore ellectlvoly atw:ked by AU!od planes. On 22 March,
All led plan~s h.oavUy bombed the Wewa.k ar•• and. 1n a sweep alollg the cout l><r.w""" \'lr.nk ond AI""", AJll< 2 small rrei;;M.ra t.ncl more than 20
we .. at:d lucc•r•- r;orth«W A!!SJGll1- -.e.wa ;;n ..u.~; On 22 1/.arcn, 2 airCtl.l.ft were teported near K& and l onr Prf.Dcesa Mo.ri&Mo Strait (eouth coast ot Dutch Now Ou!noa}.
Regraded Unclassified
8. ACTION MJAIN~ ALJ..lZD SI!Il'~!N().· ·Notllln& lo report. \l:laL Sfe:bal•e JD. Amert,sap \:li11U: Nothin.C Ul teport.
For the A. c. ol s .. 0·2: For the Olrector of NaVJ.l lnteUtaenct~
Regraded Unclassified
On Information received-­ From: lZOl Z, 2.! March 1944 To ; 1200 Z, 23 March H,l44
No. 361.
War and Navy Departments, Waslllngton 25, D. c., Z3 March 1944.
1. •
NORTH AMERICA.--Nothlng to report. .. 2. LATI.N AMERICA.--Bollvla: The junta has aMounced elections for
2 July, granted amnesty to poUUcal pri soners, an.i ailthorlz.ed press free ­
dom. La Razon, suppressed by the junta, has resumed publication.
I.,ettlstPJJ!:leader Jose Antonio Area and other polltlcal pr isoners have
~en released. ParagUay; Vle!lk but pro-Allied figureheads have been
aopointed to the fuag~o~ayan cabinet posts o! Forei6n Affairs and Educa­
3. EASTERN EUROPE.--H~avy rains and mud prevaJlin the south,
where continued Soviet progress is explained by ,the use of wooden 1sledges
for hauling supplies, by extensive employment oi h()rse cavalry, arid by
the fact that Soviet tanks !lave eltceptlonally wide tracl.s and high gro..and
c learance. Nortqern and Central Fronts: Renewed small-scale SoViet
attacks SE of VttebsK falledTci'Cliaiiie the situation. Southern Front: The
Soviets attacked N and S of Kovel after having been Jrlven out Oitliat city.
Tile Soviets reached the outskirts of Brody from the NW and northeast.
Southeast of Tar nopol the Soviets renewed strong t:mk attacks in a westerly
direction. North of Mog!lov- Podolak the Soviets advanced westward,
clearing the RR and securing direct rail communlc•ltions from Kiev to the
Dnestr R.fver. The Germans have withdrawn across the Bug River, except
for small areas a round Voznesensk and Nikolayev, ooth on the east .barut.
ln the Crimea a Soviet landing attempt at the Slvash cr ossing failed, while
at Kerch a small Soviet penetration was made fr om the nor th . Air
Activit~: According to a Flnn!SI'I communique, the F innish Alr Force
attacke an unldentlfled Soviet base on 22 March. 'rhe SAF att~cked Ger­
man sltipplng ln the Gulf of Flnhnd.
4. WESTERN EUROPE.--On 21 March, U.S. heavy bombers dropped 214
tans on military targets at Watten (near Calais) . Meager to moderate AA
fir" was encountered,,put there was no air opposition. U.S. fighters In a
sweep over the Bordeaux area destroyed 12 of 14 German f ighters en­
gaged; 9 other German planes were destroyed on the gro..tnd. RAF planes
ln a sweep over, "lrdromes ln northern France al\(l the Netl'ler lands des-
Regraded Unclassified
troytd 3 ~rmnn planes In combat and 3 on the s r011111.1; 21 on the ground Vltrt d•m•itd Cn the night o! 21- 22 March, RAP liS'•t bomber s >:taclald Colosnt, encounter!ni moderate M !Ire coordinated with searchllgn.s. Q'Uy aHcnl AA fire was at Aachen, where •earcilltJh:tl were tr.ef:f!!C ­ tlve In spite of clear -...ather. At Cberhausen lr.tei>M AA fire and alx>ot 50 H&rchi!Chts were encountered. About g5 Otrmm pl..,.• of sever >l types made a 2-p~ aP9roach to sOlltneast Enclan:l Lcnclon as t..e apparent tarset- A lar ge p.reportlon o! Ule bomb& wert Incendiary. At I• ut 8 o! tne a ttac.,ing planes were anot do•m by RAF f!ihters.
5. MEDITERRANEAN AREA.- -Italy( On 22 '.larch tner e was little on Ute maln tr• nt desphe considerable actlvtty. New German posltlona were constrJcted 3 miles !NI of 0:1ona. At other points In the Adriatic sector both German snd Allied patrols wert ~ctlve. A Ger man patrol withdrew after a clash 4 miles NE of Capracot,tl> in t ho central mOUJ1\aln .. c tor. The AJ!edena area wu foW'ld clear of Otrmans : bridges In thot area hnd been destr O';C<!. In the Cosslno a ren Oormon artillery flro was concentrated on Portella, Vnlloro\ondo, IUld San Michele (N of Coulno). Two strong Germ"" art~cks on Mt. Castellon• (3 miles NW of Cualno) were repulsed. Thoro was little prO(l'esa In bitter hiluse-to· houao flch\106 In Casstno. The lower OutsHano sector waa generally qu,let. There w"ls no r eport of German activity tn lh• Anzlo tMachhead. ~ talt
1 1tf On 21 March, despit e adver .. weatMr, U.S. modll.lm bomb­
ers ~i ters attac~.ed German (t'ound. poalttor.a \n the Anzlo and CUslno .,.., .. and tnD.SpOrt In the Rome arte. and bombed rail tar¢$ at Atez:o, Tar<:"tn~. ar.d ?oalboosl. AbOllt 40 GtrrnM pi&Ms were act\Yt over UW oatt!e areas dur ing the d:ly; 4 wert ehct down. Jill led
tt1c<t<1 shlp~tns and tronsport o.lq Ule lt&llan •"'t eo>ut and tile Yugo­ slavlm •"""· Ne1r s-..n;a Luka (Yugoslavia, SE of Zu,nb) a GErmsn place was allOt d6.,'1l by Part!s:u> forces. Alll<td airCt eft eontlr.ot to •tt>e< ahlpp!ni In t.'>t Aegean on an almost c!ally ach '<!•Jlo.
8. ASIA.- -~: Cn 18 !.brch, U.S. fiShter a dO'Wnt<ll of 8 to 8 lntereopttns J•p!UI••• fighters over Klu•lang. At S.lehwan an atta.cklns Japaneao plano was destroyed by U.S. aircraft. On 19 Much, U.S. air· e ra!\ (!Qmaged 5 sm>ll r iver cr aft In a swoop alons tho middle YMi'"'· On 21 M~ch, U.S. heavy bombors destroyed onoth~r 4 ·onglne flylr.g bont ol! PormosA. Two Japonese planes bombed Wlllyeung. Burma: On 20 Morch, tn U\e K:lllaw Valley, 4 Japanese tnnka w•rd destroyed at Mrulmaw (6 miles S of Tnmo). Japanese Infiltration continue• W from llom•lln and Tamonthl, ant! contact with their forwar d elements hes be<!n made allcct 45 miles SE of Kohlma (near Ukhrul). F\ihtlnll Is In progreos &t Hvenl points en tne lmphal--Tlddlm r osd, whtcn IS still bltckC<!, In th• Ara.luln, J:tpanese reln!o.rcemer.ts are r•ported t be arrlvlrtg E of the loU.yu Rania, but action aloni tr.e Kal>dan Rivet 111\mlttd to pottr ol activity. C.n 19, 20, am 21 ~.13l'ch, Allied phneo ~Jpporttd rrOllnd troops
Regraded Unclassified
J&lft,. Ill .-tw -..slht..,P'"'t tbe --Va11At1, upper Chlndwln, &Qd
Ill tbe AralWI. 11111&11 r iver craft, CWI poaltlOM, troop conc:entratlOM,
IU!lPlJ du.mpa, aDd tn&laportatlon wolta cmatltuled aome ol the tarS•"·
Ill putiCI.IIar, tile~ Aft& wu oltectlvoly attacad; tbe rail
brldce wu he&vllf <lamagocl,aDd aevoral du111p areu .,.., ott en lire. Kalha, u.s. llc~Uro clamapcl rolllllg ttock and motor trucks. In K•Jtclen..,.Ramret ana, 24 lawachea &ad &mall rtver vea.sels were
dettroyed by Alllocl aircraft. Thrl>l(hout co=aJ BW'm& addltlcnal traM•
portatlce lacUIU•a were attaekocl and moro Ulan 200 river craft, truclao,
aDd Wllta of roll lAg stock wro damagocl. Oo 18 Marcb, I & oscortocl
japaneoo bombers attackocl tho Broadwar mlp (SE o1 Hopll>),and on 19
Much woldantl11ocl aircraft were seen near SUc:hQr ; no Alllod contact
wu made qatut eltiler ol tile.., sorties.
? . PACIFIC.··Central Pacllle Area: Oo 20 Mllrch, In the CoroUnes,
]&pa~~eM IJistallatfciii SiEiWiD tiiii.d (Nomoi or ... p, s.e ol 'I'rWt) were
tltoctiw\7 bombocl by Alliocl places. Oo 21 March, Maloelap, WOlle,
]~lull, and 141Ue(tn the MarsheUe) were bombed. There wu no ]apoln.eo,.
AA 1\re at l411lAI and It waa m .. ger or moderate elaawhera.
Area: Oo 21 Uarcb Ill the Toroldna area, Japanese cround
iiii"aen!IA Ioree 011 tho northern sector ol tho Allied perimeter. On 20
Mud>, japaneoo ground poaltlcna near the AIUed perimeter wers bombed.
New Gllnoa--New Britain Area: Oo 21 t.lllrch, tn the Admlralttea, )apa­
iiiie poelllons Tinlliii"SW ort'Ombrum Point (westom Loa Ncgros) and on
tho s ... lheut tip of Maou.a Jaland were shelled by Allied neva! unite. )apa.
noso grOUDC! lorc.s ccntlllued to resist ne!U' RcsSWI (I milt S ol Lorenpu)
and S ol Lombrum Point. Allied lf'"'nd loreu oec:upied Rara !$lAnd
(Seeadler llatt>or. N·NE ol Lorenpu). Oo New Gulllea, 200 daa.d )apanose
were IOUDCI by Allied ground patrola In 1M SlJxbman •• Yep Yep aroa
(JIW o1 Saldor). Oo 20 Much, AIUed pl&nea effectively bombed 1•-.. SUft posltlOM, a IUjlply ar<ta, and 2 airdromes at Rabaul and sank l ]apa·
..... .Uttroyer aDd 2 amau frol(llters of! w .... ak. Oo the ota:ht of 20- 21
M.uch, Allied planes bombed Kavienc and N•matana\ and on 21 Much
oltoctlvelf bombod the barge depot and a supply dump at Wewak, causlnr
ftres and eapl .. l....,_
8. ACTION AOAINS'l' ALLIED SHlPPJNQ ••• Ql 18 Mareh a sm'lll
Brltlsb lretcbUr trU torpocloocl aDd IW>lt 300 mUeo SW ol Ceylon. Q1 22
Mud> a amall Brltlsb troiCIIUr sank follow lAg an .. plosloo oil Hautu.
l/;t.;t~~.'!a:•riean !!!!!!= Cll 22 March cnc .., .. N>ported In
For the A. C. ol S., 0·2: For the Director ol Na\101 lntelllgeneo:
_ \,;1~~..._ (;.J"4~ ... 5 If A {(va.Jl '=/JinftftcxEIU.lNO, V vr Q~~ ~HRADER,
ColOMI, O.S.C., Captntn, U.S N.,
DeJIIIIiJ lor Jatelllc..,.., ~~~ Olr., lntelllgenco Oroup.
Regraded Unclassified
ext Information received-­ Fr om : 1201 Z, 21 March 1944 • To : 1200 Z, l2 March 1944
Wr.r nod Nwy O..partments, Washington ~5. D. C., 2l !.i:lrch ltfot4.
No. 360. I • l
l. NORTH AMERIC A.--Nothlng t o r eport .
2. LATlN '.MERICA.--!n an apparently pro-.'u-~nun.,- move, t.~e Para-
gu:lyan MiniSters o! Foreign A!!c.lrs, E:ctJc:l\lon, and Fln:lnce bavc been ·
S. Ef,srERN EUROPE.- -Weath~r nod ground conditions in tile Nlkolayev
Sf.!Clor are r eported as un!avorab!e; no 'other deWfs available. Field Mvslla. von Kleist Is now In command of Cerman forces on the ·!;.outhem
Front. Northern and Central Fronts: NothlllJ of i'mpor tance' was reported.
Southern Front: Soutn of kovel stran& Sovlvt pres sur~ r esulted In only ·
SUt~ht galns.-'l'he Red Army mnde st1bstnnllcU pr~gNSS to the west'betwcen Vlnnlt s:t and Mo~llov • ?odolsk. It appears that the O..rmans are wtth­ drawln6 from tnls area. South o! Mogl!ov • Podols" and w of the Dnestr '
Rlvor the Soviets rul~ced to within 30 mllo:.s of th~ ~th River P.nd ll:1ve
cut the RR running NW from S!ll\1. Northw"st of Nl"ob.yev tile Germans
continua their slow withdrawal tq the flug River; .Sovlot pressure In \his sector does not appear· t d oo heavy. The city of Ni" und~r s trong
Sovl~t but rematn!l tn Germ~ hands . . Ncr Jl.ctivtty: On' 20 M1\rch
strong formations of Genns.n fighters nnd ~ttack.:d- 3Qvl"t colwnnt ndvanclng tow:u-d the Dnl!str River near Zllme'rtn~-.'. The SAF lude<l In
the capture of Vlnnitsa. . · · · •· • I I ~ J.
4. W.ES'n:RN .::UROPE.--Cn tll~Dli!U of 19'- 20 ·M<trch, RAP light bomb- ers atUcked a .. rl!n, Duesseldorf, :md /1ach..n, enCCWlta.rlng sllglit to mod~
er~t'-' AA fire; m'.lny searchlights wer~ tn opo;r:.tion Including s over::.l hun­ dr .:d In the Berlin area. o, 20 March, u.s. he:x,Y bombers attaclted Fnnk·
furl, Mannnelm, and near by U.rgets of oppottuntty :· Adver se·weat11er con­
ditions prevall<~d; only 35 German flghtor s wJre soen. A!h·fir.,'ilt ine Abbevllla are'\ was Intense.' U.S. medium Md dtve bombers attlckcd tne
Crt, I raU yards, 3 airdromes In France, and t:u-gets along the Clunn<.!l · ·
coast. No O..rm:ln alren !t wer.. encountered, r.ut thor a W'\S loc:tltz...d In·
tense Al\ ! Ir e. R/.F' light~r bombers attack..,d Gnm:u~ shipPing along tha
Nethe r lands coast, damaging 'a 7,000-ton mor chant vesstJI and 4 oth~r craft
stl! e'R'E"T'·"
Regraded Unclassified
I '
S. MEDITERIV!NE/1N AREA. -- ltaly; On 21 M~roh th• Situation remninod gene rally unchc.nged. ln the hdriatlc sector tank movumer.t ls now possible
·on roads and trnck.s. The Gormans repulsed a pl.toon att>ek 3-1/2 miles W- SW ol Ortona. O< movamwtts 5 miles SVl of Orton..'\ and th ... s3mo 'dist·.nce sw of Orsogna worJ subjected to artlUcry ftr.;. Near L..anclano thor o was !n~rm!ttont German shelling d11r ln.g the day end potrolllng nt night. German pntrol actlvlty contln'!led Ln the ccntr!l.l mountain s.ectcr. In the Cassino a.rec house-to· fighting in the town cantinue;s, wtth heavy Gorrnnn ortlllory Mrl mortar !Ir a holding up /Jll•d progress and compelling a slight w!thdrowal of Allied tanks supporting the lnlontry. em the w .... storn edgo o1 tho town Gernu.n lnflltratlon !ore.xl a. slight Auted wlthdrowal. The ~.nzlo boaehh•a.d wos gonerlllly quiet . Balkans: Fighting between the P:lrtlsnns and •ti l!.'U'gc Gor man for~ 70 mU;:?s E Ol Zagreb corr­ tlnucd. Ns val Aetlvl~: On the night ct f9-20 Jk;rch a Gorman E-boat na!ll' /.nzlowasdrlvon ofrya U.S.'deStrey~r. Ai r Activoty : On th• night of 19- 20 W.reh, RAP plands attnck<Ml the sUbnurlnu base nl ~\1oo.falcon.a (nCIC.r Trieste), artd U.S. Hg:ht bomb~rs struek at motor trP.nsport S of Rome . On 20 March, U.S. modtwn bombers 11ttackJd r~ll ta.rguts c.t Pogg'Jbonsl , 'T\.-rnt, and Ot v1cto; d,oc:d.nst'\llat!on& o.t Plomblno and San St...!ano.we:re rJso bombed. Ol the Cnsslno nnd Anzlo bo>cnhoad tronts, Alll<d !tght,rs stroogly nnockod Ger rilan troop-~ gun postUons and patrolled th~ bettl ... o.reas, d .. strOytng 4 Gorman pbnas. During tho <by about 50 G~r'O).an pl2.n&S-w?r< actlY.:~ ov~r the battJa '-r.:as, \nclud.tng o.bout 40 dtve bornb,rs wnleh 'ltl:J.ekcd Anz.lo. Ol the night o! 19-20 Mnrch olf Boogie about 26 C:Lrmo.n bomber s unsucc, sslully Rttackod illlled ·shipping'.
. . .. ") . 6. 1\Sli' .. --Burma : .~ 19 onrl20 Jk;rch tho ]"l>anasQ sust>!n.:d heavy cnsu .. ltlcs In reslstlhg'BrH!sh ~tt.lmpts \<> re-.staollsn the .lmpl\al--Tiddlm llnc· ol commUl\IClHon; 135 }'lpanos" ~~ad w"r .• ;·~"'"~ lollowlng 1 ong~go­ mont 1\bout 40 miles N of!Tiddlm; this ro~ Is still blC>C<ad.o Tank-oupport<d )oponosci ln!Mtry havQ oeeuplod Witok I~ i'niU.s S- SVI,o! Tamu ahd nro ad­ vanclhg northward .. The I<WlnJSO strength w o(tho Cn!ndwln b.twO,n Th:lung­ dut 'Uld 'l">manthl IS ostlmatod ot 2 rcgim.nts. In the. Hu""wng V~lloy the Japanese arc r::trc=ttltlg on Shruiuwp; to tho .; &lmpr;Wum has bcun OC· cupled by the BrltLsh. In the /u"abn tbe J•P"!leso :>ro r.slstlng stuobornly 1n th~ tunnel area SW of Htinde.w, a~d thdr prG$o.!nt disposition en th1s front indicates that llttle opportunity rom11lns for ti)Lln to 1'1.11ncn a eountcr-off~nslvii actlon without r-4Snforcamcnt.s. {)] l'l and ta'March, jl'!.p3.n~s.l supply dumps, conccntratton points, :lnti tr!ltlsport !acmttas .ln tba K.3.1<. W:t.··Kalcmyo o.r~a on the Cblndwin w,. r..; re-pe3Wdly ntto.cked by AUlOd. {igotor bomb..: rs; 81 tons were dropped. JUmalng, to tlu:! north, w'ls :Uso bqm~c.d, wtth sevoral !ires betng stf.l.rt~d ln th-a targ,;t a.rcas. Cn 19 M.3l'cn suost:ntll't.l Allh,:d alr S\lpport was givt!n ground opdratlons lo thll Chindwin Md Ari\k'Ul. and r:ulw:o.y ta.rgots ""'" M>nd:llny, >I K!>thn, and nt Wuntho (on the m~ln I !no to Myitkylnn) wore suoc,ssfully bom'ocd. Froncn Indo-China: On 18 " "d ~0 M:>rch, U.S. lighte r bombo)rs c..'U"rled out ofi~..nsivo "'SW;"t;psngainst .light shipping untts and oth<lr
• Regraded Unclassified
w'dllly a.:par~t~ t!lrS..:ts n.lonc th., north.J"'Il CO.'\Sto bultd.lngtS, br\dg~..s, '\nd rallllcUitlcs wor, ottnc&o<l •Nitllout oppooltion. £n rulli!Ucn, n !50-loot v~s~l. a 200·foot bt:.rc ... , nnd 2 lOO·fOCK w r JUnk; 5 sm~~~oJtu b>,rCOS :u>d j.l!WI WCN dtuna&od·
7. &>t.CIF!C.·-C...ntr'\1 ?\elite .rva; On lSI ~.~·.re.l.,]lp~so.; i.nst:JJ.L'l· t\OI'lS on] w .. r~ fl:CiTv-:1Y"liimb• rd .'<l by ¥.11\00 :u:rc.r'"'..ft ".n1 nW'\l surlec- :mlto. CD 20 M:>.rcb, Allied a.rcr"Jt .<mb.d I~•­ lruMihllons ':1 'Notje, )shit, Malo...l>p, :>tid Mlh;. W'll<e lsi~ W3B 'WIO .. :.:d by AlBed Tb~.,;r-.~ w u no t o :lilY oi tb tt•cics en 19 >n<1 20 M"ch. 19 'llld 20 M-.rcll In !he
Tor cKln:'1 are~ Allied ground COM'lct with l '.Po.D¥3- forc. ... s, p•..rtlC'.ll"..rly on th~o~ north.rn aloelcr t~f t~~ /.Ulu.d p..rimct .. r. On 19 M:!l'ch, Al!Jt.d olrcr:llt bomb,d )1p"..los. poslt iOI.S nc'\r tho /illkd ~r1m\Jt-r. NJw G!.lirMl.--N...:w Brlto.Ln Ar..,;l; Crl 20 M"lrCh, Al.hud ground forces ma.d ... o.n unoppos:Jd Mildln.s on Em!r'!u lal"'.nd in tho St. M·~ttllt'ls Oroup (80 mllos NW or K~vlong). A l'ncllng W'l '\!so m>d. on Elomuslo Lslnnd (oU southe:asroro eo::ta-t of Emlr a.u) ~".lnat slight )1p'\nOSJ opposl· tlon. l•ll!Jd OP'ound lorc.s on M""us !al1111d ( ,dmlr~lllcs} w<ro In conl1ct with J>p'lltGSo:! units ' t points 3 milo:• SW •.Jid 1-1/l miles S of Lor-nr-u. Cl! Los Nogros 1si'Uld, Allkd ground P'trols r•.ld .d Lonlu Vllli.go (sC'Jth c:o'lst. 6 mL!..;s W of !domot,.~ llrft ... Jd), d .. etroylr.-' co·~st:'ll cr:Jt, nmiTI.u.n.i · uon. !lnd stor..::s. Allt~d n"!.v:l.l untta, tn eup.,.,ort of t::rou.nd forc~s. sh..:U .. d t.n ... Lonli.l J ... l!, d~stroylng n.mmwlltlon dumps. C.n 19 Mvcb, hllt.-..d ~lrenlt ~In ;,tue~od lO'Jpply and d11mp ......... " R'lblo.ul >.nd l>-~vily bombed ~:u!,.dd (){:>}. ClD 20 l!.:.rt., "·- T!ICIJI •.ir!•tld (/.•I>Pc)W>S ·.tt:.ek..'d by Alllod pl'ln.!l which d '<lrcrJ,-d s.;.v • . "\1 grounded )"P"'..nCSI} ~irc:r\fl. C'tbo.:r J~~ .. s~ poettloas cot:. c! nort.i::K.:•st N ~• Oui.n .. ~ w .... r...: ~o t.omb~
8. ".CTION AO:JNST / .LLIED S!UPPJNO,•·CI! 9 .!.ucll•. m->d•wn- sizcd U .S. tr .ignt.Jr bro~~:"' ln two 'l.nd S!U\it <U't .. r ttrldng '\mill ... ofi 1\lnlsl•. CD ~() Much' smoll British t'\01<-. r W'IS tr,rpudo.;od >nd &unK off Ntc ... rt'\. U-boat Slghtinss ln 1 mu rlC"".n ~: Nothing to r c.port.
For tho A. C. ol S., G-2 : Forth, Olr ... ctor of N'wal Intollit;\onc.;:
• sst Dlr ., i.nk!Hg ... nc.- Croup.
5~~-·· Regraded Unclassified
On ln!orm:~tlcn r<.c.:lved-­ Fr om: 1201 Z, 20 March 1914
To : 1.!00 Z, .ll Ma~ch 1914
War :lnd N .vy Dep'lrtm~nts,
Wasnlngton Z5, D. C., 21 Mtrch 1944.
No. 359.
,, LATIN AME:RlCA.--Notlling to r"port ..
. .
3. E:,.STE:RN EURO.PE.--Sovlet :J.dvanc .. s tn th"' s outh bav~ slow.::d
down. TheN gro no ch3nges In weather. Northern Front: ,\tNo.rv.:J.
local fighting Is In progress. Central FTont: Th.: situation r .. mtans un­
cb:Ulg~. Southern Front: The SOviets~ enlar~'-d their pen~tratton
S of Kovel, ndvaocing 14 miles toward Lvov on,tn~ Zdolbunov-.Lvov
raliroad. Northwest oi Vlnnlts:~ tho? Gormnn s:J.ll~nt h3S belln r educ.;:d
following Soviet capturil of the town. Tnll loss of M~<gilov- - Podols« 'Uld
thtt ... nl3r6ilrnent of th., Sovid brldgehe:J.d W of the Diiestr have seriously
affucted German communications ln tho Knmcn ... ts-Podolsk--Proskurov-­
Zhmerlnlm sall~nt. Th£: nenest rail crossing of the Dnestr th~t ram'llns
intact Is e.t Zatash9hlkl (100 miles to the west) . r.t Voznes,nsi<, G-:rman
withdrawal toward the Bug River continues. i.t Nlkolay.,v, Gcrmo.n
def .. nsas have. Checked further Soviet advances. 'I'n~ situation at K"rcn
Is Air Activity: Ql 20 M:u-ch the. S .. F '\tt:J.cked a l!\rge,
Crimea-bound ~rmtlD convoy in the BlacK ~l.
4. WESTERN EUROPE. - -On 19 March, 'U.S. l') ... avy :Uld medtum bornb-
c: rs attacked tarof<Jts In the C:~lais ar,.n, and !i!lht<or oombers att'\ck"d 3
alrdrom~s in no.rthern Franc" and 8{;lgium. Thvr..: was no Germnn
opposition, but tntense I•A f ir<! was encomtar~d. Cn the mght of 19-~
March, nbout 50 Ge rman plnnes nttack;;d points in the ea~rn ca'lstal
6. MED!TERRf.NEAN ARE:A.--lt:lly: tn 20 Ma.rcn th~ Slt..atlon re -
mained unchanged. ln th.: Adriatic aNo. patrolling was actlv.;., the G"r ­
mans rvpuls.,d an Al11ed raid 3 mll~s SW of Orton:~. The G rmans w~r~
still holding Coll.,dlmaclne (15 miles S of Orsognl ). ln the Cassino
sector Ger man pockvts N sisted t-.naciously SW and NW of the toVo(n.
T'nree strang G.rm:ln countcro.tbcks on !I hill on thv northwest.:rri out ­
skirts of!no war ... Npulsud, but the G~rm•ns g"lned a height slightly
NW of the tc:>Wil. Monast<.~ry Hill is still In GC?rman possession. Therd arc
:r.o ~(c)
Regraded Unclassified
'lllloAIIrftD ••• tlitlii.oft-1! T • no lncllc>tlon.o o! Oerm:u~ wltb!lr1w~l!rom proa.nt poalllcns In the Guat3v
lln11. How...-v ... r, 'liN~r~llmpNsslct'l pr.;v,ua Uvu tn. .... Ptodlmont~-­ t"tt~l.llno- -Por.t .. eorvo.-Ptco seetcr ct \b._. Adolf Hltl~r Hn" Is new belng tnlt.N't.:<l by tha G-rmz.n.s. ln thu nntlO boi"lebi\o.;;ld h.,~1vy ~rrn'\11 C'U'.la:t.~ts rdU!Lid !l'om au Allled r:tld 8 miLls !NI of The g<n_rsJ dtl­ tu4o o1 tn~ O.::rm~' In th1.s ar .. s ccntln:l_,l d ... !~Unatv .• ,e,-~v...s: Figntilll o._ tw~ .. n ,_ StrOCi Ger-mr.n tor-.e.;. and Partta3n el" mer.t:s too.< phe, in the ar.r~ 7~ mll"s E c! Z36r<t. Air Actlvl~: 01111<. nl,ht cJ 18-19 March, It .. ,F pl'Ules att~c.<~ tha rt:-~1 yards ato-ldtv (70 m .... s ~c.! Sa!i~, on th• maln rollro>d to 'lllr<ey). 01 Ill M.'"ch, U.S. hJ>vy bomt> nn:>C<·-d th" nil yU'ds, alr.dron::~. :tnd f!.Ctor1ce :ll Kl~ ... nlurt Md a factory at G