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DA Weld Studs

Mar 25, 2016



DA Weld Studs brochure showing the full range of types and sizes of drawn arc weld studs stocked by Studfast Studwelding.
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Page 1: DA Weld Studs
Page 2: DA Weld Studs

Techn ico l Doto :During the Drawn Arc ( D n I srudwelding proe ess tlzere is a reduction irtstud length and studs are matrufaffured witlt the appropriate weldingallowance. This allovance varies according to stud diameter andrnaterial., as does the amount afflux deposited on the specially shapedweldend. The pe$ect weld is only achieved when enough power is ttsed to givethe correct Length N-te, Welcl "IRlll".

TIze D A weld studs shown in the main tableare self colour, tlreaded reduced base.Unthreaded studs, full base studs andtappecl bosses are not stocked but can bemade to order. Minimum order quantitieswill apply.

f f i in imsm Ordar euont i t iesr Tlrcminimum order qaentity for stockD A weldsrads is 100 pieces.

Ceromic Ferrulel:. Each DA stud i.s suppliedwith a ceramic ferrule (arc shield), the function ofwhich fs to contain the u,eld rtHet and drawintpurities from the welcl zone. The fercule can onlybe used once. The outside diameter of this ferrulemalt l2r used for template trocation purposes, seebelou'.

Ploted Studl: D H sruds can be supplied with a Zinc Di-Chromete,Cafuniurn or Copper plating. Plated studs are not stocked & minimumorder qatrntities rvfl/ apply. Weld ends are left tmplated as Zinc andCadndum are weld contaminants.

Stud illotsriolr: Weld studs are menufactured flom the followingmaterials:

Mild Sreel: 85970 Part I 040 A04 (Resrricted specffication)Stainless Sreel: 85970 rype 30451 I

lhreod f it: All DA weld stud rhreads are rolled ro a 69 free fitro B-5 3643 part 2 ISO Metric Screw Threads.

To facilitate speedt processlng af your order or enqutry please indicatequantity, diameter, 'f fiUl', ntaterial andfinislt required"

lcmplalel: For accurate stud location templates should beused. Templates r??dy be manufaetured from either Tufirol., or for lzarderwear, from sheet m"etal-

When welding D S sruds tlte holes in tlrc templates slwuld be big enoughto accept the outside diameter (OD) of the ceramic ferrules sltown in tableopposite (note tolerances ).

Templates slrculd be spaced away frr^ the parent material to allow theferrule vents to draw impurities trom the weld zone. This space should notallow the ferrule shoulder ta fit ander the template.

Farther free adviee is available on the manufacture of these templates

Iro* oar sales ffice or local representative.

Data sheets covertng weld strengths, weldability and safe tighteningtorques are available upon request.

Soles Contoct:

Technicol (ontoct:

Drerun RrcR srymbol in the toble indicotEs o stock I

flletric Thrcoded * = fnild

OD = (Ferrulc) Outside Diometer H = Height to

Bctth Zintec & Plastic

c:oated are available.

With a -lSnrlrr oatside

diarneter t.hese are

stockecl tct suit 3mm


ec Breo*r Occur f , l The Fol lour

Ferru le Dlmanr

S tud 6

Tel: 01604 790901

Page 3: DA Weld Studs

R" tUeld Studs Sorne Speciols: Mode to Order

om, thc colour denotes thc

A = Stoinless Steel tfitlt

rnotEriEl os follours:

= tength Rfter Weld

tnt0 x 1.5 Rnf ! r I.?5 |lfll6 x 2.0

rder Ouont i t ier Fcr t tock l ludr Ool

ry vgur ouJndesign

Tolersnces OD+/-0.5 H+-0,4

Prujertion Weletr Bo[tsto Rot er Engineerin;1srnnelurrl 06.A2. I 05 Issue2 Apri l 1990.

L = Length ere'irrdlrr,g


Milcl Stee{ Squure v,eld

nltts are stocked in M5,

M6 & M8, Ile.t vtelcl

f?rrlJ dre speciuls ttnd

su.ffictent deliver:,, tinre

sltrtuld be nllowed.

Condltions of Sole: Our stuntlctrc! tanns und c'onditiotts ofsule upytlt,to all transurtir;trs, u t'op\' r4f llrcse ls rnc'loscd v'ith this lituuture.Further urpies of thcse unuilfirms are uyuilttble upon recluest.

Minimum Order (harger t20.0() p tus('urrcnl rule.

(orriogez All prircs quorul i lre e.\ rlor('.r,


Cartlf lcote s of (onfcrmityl cre availcthle Jor all goacls. These erechargeahle und, if retguireel, flu,ts! he rrcguestec{ at time of orcler.

turriugr: turd VAT at the

utrriage vr,ill be c'harged

Fqx: 01604 4E2cl46

Page 4: DA Weld Studs

Studfost Studurelding ttd.r*


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Tel ! 0I 694 790901