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Disentangling the Alien and Anarchic Hand Clelia Marchetti `` S. Maugeri ’’ Foundation, Rehabilitation Institute of Veruno, Italy Sergio Della Sala University of Aberdeen, UK ``Anarchic hand’’ is the term by which we propose to identify complex goal- directed movements of a hand, which are performed against the patient’s will, and that cannot be voluntarily inhibited. This phenomenon should be differentiated from the feeling of nonbelonging of a hand, known in the literature since the report of Brion and Jedinak (1972), to which the term ``alien hand’’ should be retained. Anarchic hand, which is linked with anterior lesions of the corpus callosum and the supplementary motor area contralateral to the wayward hand, should be conceived as s ``frontal’’ sign. Alien hand, which has been reported after posterior lesions of the corpus callosum, probably encroaching upon the parietal cortex, should be thought of as a partial hemisomatognosia, that is, a unilateral ``loss of the knowledge or sense of one’s own body and bodily condition’’ (Beaumont, Kenealy, & Rogers, 1996, p. 108). This distinction will ease the description and the interpretation of new cases of alien and anarchic hand and will avoid some of the confusion currently present in the field. SOME ORDER IN THE ANARCHY Alien hand is one of the most intriguing phenomena in neurology. Its interpretation is still debated, and some of the disagreement is due to blurred definitions of the symptom. Clinical pictures quite different from one another, caused by lesions to different regions of the brain and due to different aetiologies, are subsumed under the label of ``alien hand’’. The term, which underlines the ``alien’’ characteristics of the symptom, dates back to Brion and Jedynak (1972), who defined `` main trangeÁ re ’’ (foreign Correspondence and request for reprints should be sent to Professor Sergio Della Sala, Department of Psychology, University of Aberdeen, AB24 2UB Aberdeen, Scotland; e-mail: [email protected]. We thank George Watson who introduced us to Le Fanu’s novels. This paper draws extensively from previous collaborative work with Hans Spinnler. Ó 1998 Psychology Press Ltd COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHIATRY, 1998, 3 (3), 191±207

D isentangling the A lien and A narchic H and

Dec 09, 2022



Sehrish Rafiq
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Disentangling the Alien and Anarchic HandD isentangling the A lien and A narch ic H and
C lelia M a rche tti
``S . M augeri’ ’ F oundation, R ehab ilita tion Institu te o f V eruno , Ita ly
S ergio D ella S ala
U niversity o f A berdeen , U K
``A na rch ic hand’ ’ is the te rm by w hich w e propo se to iden tify com p lex goa l-
direc ted m ovem en ts o f a hand , w h ich a re pe rfo rm ed aga ins t the patien t’ s w ill, and
that canno t b e volun tar ily inh ib ited . T h is phenom enon shou ld be d ifferen tia ted
from the fee ling o f nonbelong ing o f a hand, know n in the lite ra ture since the repo rt
of B rion and Jed inak (1972) , to w h ich th e term ``a lien hand ’ ’ sh ou ld be re ta ined.
A na rch ic hand, w hich is linked w ith an te r io r les ion s o f the corpus ca llo su m and the
su pp lem en ta ry m oto r a rea contra la tera l to the w ayw ard hand, sh ou ld be conceived
as s ``f ron ta l’ ’ sign. A lien hand , w h ich has been repo rted a fter po ster io r les ion s of
the co rpus ca llo su m , p robab ly enc ro ach ing upon the pa rie ta l co rtex , shou ld be
thought o f a s a pa rtia l h em iso m a tognos ia , th at is, a un ila te ral ``loss o f the
know ledge o r sen se o f one’ s ow n body and bod ily cond ition ’ ’ (B eaum on t,
K enealy, & R ogers , 1996 , p . 108 ) . T his d istin ction w ill ease th e desc rip tion and the
in te rp retation o f new case s o f alien and ana rch ic hand and w ill avo id so m e o f the
con fu sion cu rren tly p re sen t in the fie ld .
Alien han d is one of the m ost in trigu ing phenom ena in neuro logy . Its
in terp re ta tion is still debated , and som e of the d isagreem ent is due to b lurred
definitions of the sym ptom . C lin ica l p ictu res quite d iffe ren t from one ano ther,
caused by lesions to d ifferent reg ions of the bra in and due to d iffe ren t
ae tio log ies, a re subsum ed under the labe l o f ``a lien hand ’ ’ .
The term , w hich underlines the ``a lien ’ ’ characteristics of the sym ptom , dates
back to B rion and Jedynak (1972), w ho defined ``main eÂtrangeÁ re ’ ’ (fo reign
C or resp on den ce an d re q ue s t fo r re prin ts sh ou ld be sen t to P ro f es so r S e rg io D e lla Sa la,
D ep a rtm en t o f P sy cho log y , U n iv e rsi ty of A be rd een , A B 2 4 2U B A b e rd ee n , S co tla nd ; e -m a il :
se rg io @ ab erd een .ac .uk .
W e th an k G eorg e W a tso n w h o in t rod uced u s to L e Fan u ’ s n ov e ls . T h is p ape r d ra w s ex ten sive ly
from p re v iou s co llab o ra tive w o rk w i th H an s Sp inn le r.
Ó 1 9 98 Psych o log y P re ss L td
C O G N IT IV E N E U R O PS Y C H IA T R Y , 19 98 , 3 (3 ), 19 1±2 07
hand , o r strange hand, as the au thors them se lves transla ted the sign in the
E ng lish abstrac t o f the ir paper) as the failu re to recogn ise the ow nership of one ’ s
left lim b , w hen this is held by the right ou t of v isua l con trol. T hey reported the
sign of the m ain eÂtrangeÁ re in four pa tien ts: three affec ted by a tum our in the
posterior part o f the corpus callosum (CC ) and the four th presen ting a left
posterior paracallosal ang iom a 1
(see F ig. 1 ).
T he pa tien ts reported by Brion and Jedynak (1972 , p. 262 , 1974) d id not
p resen t w ith any invo lun tary m ovem ent: they fe lt the ir left hand as a fore ign
body w hich they failed to reco gn ise. T heir desc rip tion of the sym ptom is
com pelling :
L e pa tient qui se tient se s m a ins l’ u n e dan s l’ autre derrieÂre le do s, ne reconna õÁ t pa s
l ’ appa rten ance de la m ain gauche . . . le d eÂfic it n e po rte pas su r la reconnaissance
tac tile de la m a in, m a is sur la re conna issance de so n appa rtenance .
(Tran sla tion : T he pa tient w ho holds h is h and s one w ith in th e oth er b ehind his back
does no t recogn ise the lef t hand as h is ow n . . . T he s ign does no t con sist in th e lack
o f tac tile recogn ition o f the hand as su ch , bu t in the lack o f re cogn ition o f the hand
a s one ’ s own .)
1 A rte ro v eno us m a lfo rm at ion con s is ting of a tan g le of d ila ted v es se ls .
FIG. 1. R edra w in g of o n e o f the sk e tch es re p ort ed b y B r io n an d Jed yn ak (19 72 ) in th e ir
p os tm o rtem stu dy of fo ur p a tie n ts sh ow ing al ien h an d . It a p pea rs c le a r tha t the an g iom a en c ro ac h e s
u po n the p o ste rio r p a rt o f th e corp us c a llo sum , inv ad ing th e su rrou n d ing pa rie ta l co rtex .
There fo re , the sign of the a lien hand , as the au thors acknow ledged , can be
considered a circum scribed hem isom atognosia , possib ly due to the invo lvem ent
of the parie tal co rtex as w ell as to the lesion of the C C.
C linical p ic tures sim ilar to those observed by B rion and Jedynak have been
reported in pa tien ts a ffec ted by d iffe ren t diseases. For exam ple , V en tu ra,
Goldm an , and H ildebrand (1995) desc ribed the fee ling of nonbe long ing of her
le ft a rm in a p a t ien t w i th a righ t cap su lo th a lam ic h aem orrh ag e w ith
m esencefa lic ex tension, and recen tly K aufer, M endez, M ische l, Verity , &
Benson (1996) repor ted the case of a m an presen ting fea tures o f a d iffuse
dysm yelina ting d isease show ing left a lien arm .
In 1979, B ogen , d iscussing the seque lae of ca llosa l lesions, translated Brion
and Jedynak ’ s sign as ``a lien hand’ ’ . 2
H ow ever, in his definition , he added the
term ``ac tive m otor m isbehav iour’ ’ to the experience of nonbe long ing of the
pa tien ts’ left ``a lien’ ’ hand . Bogen (1985 , p . 313) la ter desc ribed alien hand as
an autonom ous hand w hich ``behaves in a way w hich the patien t finds fore ign ,
alien , o r a t least uncooperative ’ ’ . G oldberg , M ayer, and T oglia (1981) gave to
the term ``a lien hand’ ’ ye t another m ean ing. In their defin ition, the fee ling of no t
be long ing of the hand , and the pa tients’ lack of recogn ition of the ir hand ,
assum ed by Brion and Jedinak to be the key fea ture of alien hand , was no t
m en tioned . O n the con trary , the presence of au tonom ous, w ayw ard m ovem ents
tha t the ``a lien ’ ’ hand perfo rm ed against the pa tien t’ s w ill w as du ly stressed .
They reported (1981 , p. 685) the case of two pa tien ts w ith infarc tion invo lving
the ante rio r portion of the CC and the left m ed ial fronta l co rtex , and refe rred to
the presence of com plex and co-ordina ted m ovem ents ``that appeared to be
dissocia ted from consc ious vo lition ’ ’ . Bo th patien ts com plained tha t the ir hand
had a w ill of its ow n, bu t never denied tha t the bizarre hand was their own. A
sim ilar case , pa tien t H M , had been reported as early as 1908 by G oldstein , w ho
nam ed the phenom enon Spontanbew engungenÐ spontaneous m ovem ents (see
F ig . 2 ), and in terpre ted it as the effec t o f the lesion of the gyrus fo rn ica tus
(curren tly c ingu late gyrus) of the hem isphere contra latera l to the patho log ica l
hand .
From our d iscussion, it is c lea r that the tw o signs have on ly the nam e in
com m on. The abrup t m odifica tion of the defin ition of alien hand , the m ean ing of
which w as lost in transla tion, is partly reponsib le fo r the taxonom ic confusion.
In turn , th is term ino logical tang le underm ined the possib ility o f p rovid ing a
sound in terp reta tion of eithe r o f these tw o phenom ena . W e suggest lim iting the
term ``a lien hand ’ ’ , w h ich w ell desc ribes the feeling of the hand no t being
recogn ised as one ’ s ow n, to the partia l hem iso m atogno sia reported by B rion and
Jedynak . W e propose instead the term ``anarchic hand’ ’ (D e lla Sa la, M ache tti,
& Spinn le r, 1991 , 1994) fo r the phenom enon firstly desc ribed by Goldste in
2 In a re c en t te lev is io n in te rv iew (A .A h u jia : D isco v er y C h ann e l, 1 9 97 ), B og en ack no w led ged th at
th is cho ice w as u nfo rtu n at e .
(G oldste in , 1908 , 1909 ; see D ella Sala e t a l., 1994 for a histor ical review ), and
recen tly resta ted by Bogen (1985) and by G oldberg et a l. (1981). T h is te rm
em phasises be tter the apparen t se lf-governm ent o f the hand w hich acts at c ross
purposes to the w ill of the patien t, who , however, pe rce ive it as part o f his/he r
ow n body .
It a lso occurs to us tha t in m any instances the term ``a lien hand ’ ’ has been
used as a m isnom er to iden tify c lin ica l signs tha t have little in com m on w ith
e ither o f the tw o phenom ena as defined in the foregoing . For instance , alien
hand has been used to describe invo lun tary m ovem ents show n by pa tients
su ffering from corticobasa l degenera tion 3
(G ibb , Lu thert, & M arsden, 1989;
D oody & Jankov ic, 1992 ; R inne, L ee , Thom son , & M arsden , 1994) or o ther
FIG. 2. G o ld ste in ’ s (1 90 9 ) co ron a l ou tl in e o f th e p o stm ort em stu dy of th e br ain of the p a tie n t H M ,
w h ose an a rc h ic h and h e re po rted a yea r be fo re . T h e so ften ing (H erd ) en c roach e s u po n th e righ t
m ed ia l fro n tal a re a and in clud e s the an te rio r p a rt o f the corp u s c a llo sum . In h is p ape r, G o ld ste in
l ink ed th e le sion o f the rig h t c ing u la te g yru s (i .e . gy ru s fo rn ica tus ) to th e le ft a n a rc h ic h an d s ig n
sh ow n b y H M .
3 S low ly p rog re ssive bra in d ise as e cha ra c te ri sed b y ap ra x ia , b a lan ce p rob lem s, m y clon u s,
o cu lom o to r d iso rd er s, a k in e tic -r ig id syn d rom e , v isu oco ns truc tiv e de fi c its , a n d a tend ency of th e
p a tie n ts ’ a rm s and h an d s to lev i ta te an d o f the ir fin ge rs to w and e r like ten tac le s (G ib b , L u th e rt, &
M ar sd en , 19 89 ).
degenerative d iseases like A lzheim er’ s dem entia (Ba ll e t al., 1993). The
pa tholog ica l hand of these pa tien ts is seen to w ander invo lunta rily and to
perform purpose less m ovem ents. O f ten , the arm lev itates spon taneously ,
som etim es w ith tentacula r m ovem ents o f the fingers. Furtherm ore , add ing to
the chaos of defin itions and term ino logy , M agnan i, M azzucchi, Pole tti, Scoditti,
and Parm a, (1987) m isinte rpre ted as alien hand , a grasp ing reac tion 4
shown by a
pa tien t w ith a stroke in the left m ed iofronta l reg ion . In fact, their patien t R V
never showed unw anted purposefu l actions, bu t on ly pursu it m ovem ents
fo llow ing ob jec ts in space , end ing w ith a final grip , w hich he had d ifficu lty in
re leasing. M oreover, Lev ine and R inn (1986) ca lled a lien hand the defic it show n
by a pa tien t affected by optic ataxia (the fa ilu re to reach or grasp an ob jec t in
sigh t) w ho w as unab le to exert vo lunta ry con trol on uncoordina ted m ovem ents
fo llow ing an in farc tion in the te rrito ry of the righ t poste rio r ce rebra l arte ry . A ll
these la tte r signs are d ifferen t from eithe r alien or anarch ic hand , and should be
kep t separa te in the taxonom ies of invo lunta ry m ovem ents.
The m isuse of the te rm alien hand as a m isnom er is even m ore ev ident in the
popu lar science press and in the m edia. For instance O liver Sacks in a recen t
pub lica tion ca lls ``alien ’ ’ a phan tom lim b (1995, p . 149); and in a television
docum entary (The M ind Trave ller , B BC 2, 31 O ctober 1996) he described as a
typ ica l alien hand the invo lun tary m ovem ents show ed by a patien t a ffec ted by
the Park inson-dem entia-m otorneuron d isease com plex of Guam (see R eed and
Brody, 1975).
M oreo ver, o ther signs, sim ilar to anarch ic hand , bu t due to d iffe ren t lesions,
are reported in the lite ratu re. A m ong these it is worth m ention ing the
in term anua l conflic t (B ogen , 1985 ; T anaka , Y osh ida , K aw ahata, H ash im oto,
& O bayash i, 1996) often repor ted in sp lit-b ra in patien ts, and first observed by
Akelaitis (1944), w ho labe lled it ``d iagon istic dysparx ia ’ ’ , and in terp re ted it as a
psych ia tric m an ifesta tion accom pan ied by ``sch izo id pattern on the Rorschach
test’ ’ , o r a lte rnative ly as a varien t o f the ep ilep tic fits b rough t on as a resu lt o f
surgery. T h is phenom enon consists of co-ordinated com plex actions perfo rm ed…