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IN SPIRE D ERRY H ILL AND S TUDLEY MATTERS 2013 The Parish Magazine of Christ Church Derry Hill The Marden Vale Team Ministry

D HILL AND S MATTERS - The Marden Vale Team … contact Mike Jarvis 01249 815840. BAKED @ BOWOOD - TEMPLE GATE CAFÉ Melting Moments 350g unsalted butter 85g icing sugar ...

May 13, 2018



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The Parish Magazine of

Christ Church Derry Hill

The Marden Vale Team Ministry

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MAGAZINE PRODUCTION TEAM Editor Richard Boyd 01249 817844

Advertising Coordinator Richard Aylen 01249 814632

Distribution Coordinator Ian Willox 01249 811653

Webmaster Dave Massey 01249 817926

Please send all articles to the


Mr Richard Boyd

8 Chapel Street

Derry Hill


SN11 9JT

Tel: 01249 817844

email: [email protected]

Please direct all other

correspondence to:

Mr Richard Aylen

1 Redhill Close

Derry Hill


SN11 9NY

Tel: 01249 814632

email: [email protected]

EDITORIAL POLICY Any opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual

writers and are not necessarily the policy of this publication or its editor.

All articles submitted for publication are subject to editing. Deadline for

inclusion of material in next month’s magazine is the 10th of this month.

ADVERTISING RATES All rates are for insertion in 12 consecutive issues of inSPIRE.

Cost Approximate size of advert

(width by height) (cm)

⅛ page £30.00 6 by 4

¼ page £60.00 6 by 8

½ page £120.00 12 by 8 or

6 by 16

Full page £240.00 12 by 16


01249 823950

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‘SUMER IS ICUMEN IN’ And the churchyard grass is a-growing! Our team of mowers is looking for

a helping hand now and then. If you would like to help, we would love

you to! Please contact Mike Jarvis 01249 815840.


Melting Moments

350g unsalted butter

85g icing sugar

½ tsp. vanilla essence

300g plain flour

50g cornflour

Beat butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.

Beat in vanilla essence.

Sift flour and cornflour and mix into butter and sugar thoroughly.

Spoon into a piping bag, using a large star nozzle pipe 32 cookies onto a

greased baking sheet spaced well apart.

Bake in a preheated oven 180˚c for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

Why not drizzle with melted chocolate to make these simple biscuits

slightly fancier.

CALLING ALL BUDDING FLOWER ARRANGERS! Christ Church, Derry Hill is holding a flower/ miniature Dolls House

festival in June and would love some new faces to help us decorate the

church with flora and fauna. It doesn't matter if you've never so much a

snipped a stem before, all you need is a bucketful of enthusiasm and a

spare hour. Feel free to contact me, Claire Satchell, on 07968 091217 or email

[email protected].

GARDENING STEVE Hi to all gardeners. Well I think Summer is now upon us. Your gardens

should be looking really nice now with plenty of colour.

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Keep deadheading the roses as soon as the flowers fade as this will produce

a lot more blooms. Most people, when deadheading roses, just snap the old

flowering heads off. But if you want to continue flowering into the

Autumn you have to prune back to a bud in a leaf axil lower down the

stem. After this give the roses a good fertilizer to boost growth. Continue

to spray roses fortnightly with a good chemical.

As we are in mid-Summer, water containers and vegetables and hanging

baskets and other plants daily.

It is now time to cut your box hedges - make sure your shears or hedge

cutters are very sharp. Strim down the browned leaves of daffodils and

tulips that have been growing in the grass.

Keep up the good work in all your gardens. See you next month.

Stephen Starr - Bowood gardener.

DERRY H ILL DEFIBRILLATOR The refurbishment of the Phone Box near the

shop is underway. We are really looking

forward to installing the two defibrillators, one

in the above mentioned Phone Box and one

outside the Village Hall after all the hard work

and generosity of the local community.

Any further fundraising efforts or ideas will be

most welcome.

The fete is almost upon us – fingers crossed for good weather on the day!

Paula Edwards [email protected] 01249 816364

CALNE W ITHOUT PARISH COUNCIL NEWS (Derry Hill and Studley are a part of the Calne Without Parish)

The last meeting was held on 3rd June.

Progress reports on works throughout the parish were made by ward


The revised planning request by Hills Waste Refuse Facility and the

Councils response was discussed in detail. Concern was raised over the

location, size and the amount of refuse coming from outside Wiltshire. The

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number of larger articulated lorries on our local roads, air pollution and

road safety considerations were all a cause for concern. It was decided that

a letter of objection be sent by the Council to the Planning Authority,

Wiltshire Council.

Notification of proposed new speed limits within the parish was made but

regrettably did not include the A4 at Derry Hill.

A full list of Councillors and minutes of previous meetings are available on

the web site,

Please note these are just my jottings. Full official minutes are available at

Richard French, Parish Councillor

PARISH STEERING GROUP - CALNE W ITHOUT The Parish of Calne Without includes Calstone, Lower Compton, Ratford,

Derry Hill, Pewsham, Studley, Sandy Lane, Stockley and Mile Elm.

The Parish Council is setting up a Steering Group to initiate the revision of

the Parish Plan and look into the possibility of creating a Neighbourhood


A Parish Plan sets out where the Parish is at the moment in terms of

Transport, Economy, Environment, Recreation, Tourism, Crime and

Housing and what its residents aspire to happen in the future.

A Neighbourhood Plan sets out what the Parish would like to see in any

development taking place, for example:

• choose where new homes, shops and offices should be built

• have a say on what those new buildings should look like

Such a Plan would have to conform to Wiltshire Council’s Plan.

The Steering Group will consist of Parish Councillors and local residents.

Anyone who would like to join the Steering Group should contact the

Parish Clerk Geoff Turner by email: [email protected].

A copy of the Parish Plan can be found at

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Lansdowne Hall Derry Hill, 14:50 - 16:00 Tuesdays: 9 July, 23 July 2013.

Kingston House Derry Hill, 10:05 - 10:45 Mondays: 15 July, 12 August, 9 September, 7 October 2013.

DERRY H ILL AND D ISTRICT WI The talk for May was on ‘Digging into Family History’ and

was given by two speakers, Diane McClaren and Margaret

Smith, and it was quite fascinating. They must have spent

hours and hours researching their families and not always

with the anticipated results! There are always some

skeletons in the family cupboard. For the first time we had joint winners of

our competition, an old family photograph, and the winners were Brenda

and Paula.

Dates for Diaries: The next knitting evening will be on Thursday the 11th

July at Janet Baumber’s home. The July walk will be on the 5th and will be

in Bathampton, followed by lunch, more details to follow. The next coffee

morning will be at Sally’s, on the 17th July at 10.30 am, and the topic will

be ‘Share your Garden Hints and Tips’. After the dramatics at my Dolls

House Coffee morning, when I managed to set fire to my flower

arrangement, we shall have to see what Sally comes up with!

Don’t forget the Summer Fete on the 13th July – we need donations of

chocolates and sweets and lots of goodies to put in our Lucky Gift Bags.

We shall also be grateful for books, puzzles and DVDs.

Our speaker in July will be Dorothy Whittle who will give advice on

‘Coping with Gluts - What to do with your Excess Garden Produce’. Very

useful stuff for those with too much fruit. The competition with be for a

Recipe using Fruit.

If you are interested in coming to any of the above, or would like to come to

a meeting, please phone Sally on 01249 817945 or Tina on 01249 814145, or

just pop in, we’d love to see you. Our Meetings are held on the fourth

Wednesday of every month, at The Lansdowne Hall, Derry Hill, starting at

7.30 pm. Sheila

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DERRY H ILL AND STUDLEY V ILLAGE FETE So, the fete is upon us, 13th July, gates open at 13:30. I always say that the

more you put into things the more you get out of them, so how will you

make the best out of your day.

At 10:30 drop off your entries at the Lansdowne Hall for the PSP Insurance

and Financial Solutions Arts & Crafts Show, please support this new

initiative, you can find the schedule of classes on the fete pages of It’s cheap and easy and its fun. Then back to your

house to conclude last minute work on your decorated barrow for the

opening ceremony. It’s free of charge to enter, open to anyone and there

are cash prizes for 1st and 2nd barrows. Remember, the theme is “your

favourite memory of 2012”.

Armed with your favourite teddy bear, at 13:30 pay your modest entry fee

and wheel your barrow to the barrow park. Have a quick wander around

the grounds to check out the variety of stalls and then line up with the

other barrows ready for the procession. At the given signal, wheel your

barrow into the main arena with a swagger and a jaunty gait to attract the

notice of the judges.

Form an honour guard in the main arena for the presentation of the Derry

Hill and Studley Community Award and then process away to the show

ground barrow park where your entry can be judged alongside those of the

Guides, Brownies, and Mothers’ Union etc.

After all that work and effort I would head to the Dick Willows Cider bar

to take a swift half of real cider and then perhaps down to the Active

Plumbing Refreshment Zone for a burger – onions or cheese, Sir? Now,

off to the bottle stall before they sell out and browse some of the other


Got your bear? Good, now it’s time for the Church’s Bear on a Zip Wire

stall, solo flights for the seasoned bear or tandem glides for the less


Around now you will want to take in a bit of main arena action, how about

watching the Cubs take on the Brownies for bragging rights in the new

challenge shield competition, or perhaps it’s Morphew School of Dance for


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After a light cream tea (or perhaps another cider) take a look around the

Arts & Crafts Village, we have 7 stalls selling a range of products for those

special gifts for loved ones. On the subject of Arts & Crafts, it’s now 15:00

so head to the Lansdowne Hall for the prize giving to see whether your

“Theme is green” photo or your child’s decorated pebble has won a prize.

Perhaps you even got the cup for best in show!

Be sure to secure your raffle tickets for the Grand Summer Draw before

they sell out, there are some really great prizes again this year including a

year’s membership at St Mary’s Sports Centre; a silver bracelet from

Watlings of Lacock; £200 of vouchers for Curves of Chippenham, back

massages and other treatments or tickets to several local attractions.

The afternoon is racing on now, enjoy the go karts at the Straker’s

Entertainment Zone and Dad, come on, get on the rodeo bull you know

you always wanted to. Make sure your kids get to see our favourite

entertainer Dave Hickory, he’s always great value. Maybe there’s time for

another visit to the bar or the refreshment zone while you wait?

Finally, make sure you fill in your lucky programme details and hand it to

Colin at the PA tent, and then, at 16:40 it’s the Grand Summer and Lucky

Programme Draws and the presentation of the Barrow prizes.

After the event check out, our

official fete photographers, they will make many photos available for

purchase on-line and all profits will go to the fete to be ploughed back into

our local community groups and to lay on another great fete experience in


I wish you a very great day out!

For more information follow the Fete organising committee on Facebook

and Twitter.

Details are:

Derry Hill and Studley Fete


Peter Prater

Chair, Derry Hill & Studley Fete Organising Committee

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07912 466453

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ARTICLE FROM THE PAST ….for Derry Hill, July 1953…..

The Coronation Sunday Service at

the Parish Church was a very

inspiring occasion, and gave the

proper atmosphere for the

festivities on the day of the Queen’s

Coronation. Several people said

how they wished that it could be as

inspiring every Sunday.

It could be inspiring too, to the

Vicar, and also to the Queen, if

Derry Hill Church had as large a

congregation each Sunday.

It is sheer humbug just to come on

such an occasion as that, and expect

the Queen to carry her heavy load year after year, without bothering to

enter God’s House with the rest of the congregation to join with them in the

regular prayers for Her Majesty’s weal.

People who use condiments too lavishly find that they cannot enjoy meals

which are not highly spiced; they lose their sense of taste, and can no longer

appreciate the more delicate flavours of good cooking. People who only

honour the church and Almighty God with their presence on “special”

Sundays, of which there are far too many, are in the same state, spiritually.

Too many for the parish’s health are suffering from a sort of spiritual

dyspepsia – they find attendance at church on special occasions too much

of a shock for them, and cannot get over it until the next festival comes


The true cure, both for the spiritual and the physical malady, is a regular

diet of plain wholesome food. Then “special events” become, not ticklers of

jaded appetites, but highlights – joyous events – inspirations. The solution

is in your hands – feed your soul each Sunday in church with the food

which the church offers in the name of God.

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On the morning of the 19th The Ven. C. A. Plaxton, Archdeacon of Wilts,

will be preaching at the Parish Church. Members of the Mothers’ Union are

reminded that at the garden meeting at Rumsey House on the 16th,

deanery branches will be giving dramatic presentations of some of the

parables of Our Lord. The Sunday School outing this year will be on

Wednesday, July 22nd, starting off at 8.30 a.m. for Weymouth. All bona

fide pupils will go free. Adults will be 8s. 6d., other children, of school age,

5s. 8d. Registering day will be Friday the 10th, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the

Vicarage. There will be room for other than those connected with the

Sunday School. This also applies to the choir outing, tentatively fixed for

August 15th. To Southsea. Adults 9s 6d., children 6s. 4d.

L. W. G. Hudson, Vicar.

FRIENDS OF CHRIST CHURCH DERRY HILL The Friends are an organisation that raises funds for the church. We hold

social events in the church and village hall, coffee mornings in the church,

Christmas/Summer draws, concerts in the church and many other events.

If you would like to become a Friend of Christ Church the rates are as


Single member £10 per annum

Couple/family £15 per annum

Life single member £100

Life couple member £150

Each member receives 10% discount on any event we put on, a yearly

newsletter and a membership card. If you would like to become a member

or join our fundraising committee please contact the chairman Graham

Mulholland on 01249 812870 or email: [email protected] or

[email protected]

The Friends next Coffee Morning at the church is on Saturday 27th July

10am - 12pm. There will be bacon rolls, coffee, tea and a selection of

homemade cakes for sale, also a raffle and a plant stall. Everyone is


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PCC REPORT The Parochial Church Council of Christ Church Derry Hill met on Tuesday

11 June 2013. What follows are edited highlights of the proceedings.

The services held since the previous PCC meeting were discussed.

All agreed that Lent and Easter had gone well and that it was lovely to have

so many families join in the Easter celebrations. The ‘Passover Meal’ had

been particularly enjoyable as were the Lent Courses. The Lent Lunches in

the church had raised £250 for The Wiltshire Blind Association. The

Easter Cross made from the Christmas tree was considered to be a lovely

idea which will be repeated next year, perhaps on a bigger scale. The only

low spot was clearing up after Francis the donkey who, on Palm Sunday,

had left a rather smelly deposit on the church carpet!

Although the visitors to the Annual Meeting were up on previous years it

was felt more could have attended. The possible reasons were discussed

and one slightly disturbing point that was made was that people felt they

may get pushed into an extra job if they turned up!! Oh, so cynical!! No,

that will not happen – the whole idea is to celebrate what people have

given through finances and energy in the previous year – not to press gang

them into something extra! So please come along next year to let the PCC

thank you and ask you for your views on the plans for the following year!

Future services were discussed. The newly confirmed will be taking their

first communion as part of the Praise@4 service on 7 July, with barbecue

afterwards. There will be a Pet Service on 21 July. The Harvest Service

will be on 6 October this year.

The new Parish Magazine was considered to have been well received.

Currently it is breaking even financially. More advertisers are needed and

all donations would be very gratefully accepted.

The rescheduled Bath Choir Concert will be on 14 December. The

traditional MASK Concert will be on 8 December. It was suggested that

the MASK Concert might have a Dickensian theme.

Changes to the interior (as discussed at the Annual Meeting) are being

costed. The “Share” that the PCC pay to Salisbury Diocese to fund ministry

at Christ Church is £25,000 per annum for Derry Hill. It looks like we will

have about a £10,000 shortfall by the end of 2013. Ideas anyone?

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Children Know Best…..

“You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like if you like sports,

she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep them chips and

dip coming.” [Allan, age 10]

“No person really decides before they grow up who they’re going to marry.

God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you’re

stuck with.” [Kirsten, age 10]

“Twenty-three is the best age to get married because you know the person

FOREVER by then.” [Cam, age 10]

“No age is good to be married at… You’ve got to be a fool to get married!”

[Freddie, age 6]

“Married people usually look happy to talk to other people.” [Eddie, age 6]

“You might have to guess if two people are married based on whether they

seem to be yelling at the same kids.” [Derrick, age 8]

“Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each

other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough.”

[Lynette, age 8]

“On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets them

interested enough to go for a second date.” [Martin, age 10]

“The law says you have to be 18 to kiss someone, so I wouldn’t want to

mess with that.” [Curt, age 7]

“It’s better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to

clean up after them.” [Anita, age 9]

“The first thing I’d say to them is: ‘Listen up, youngsters… I got something

to say to you. Why the heck do you wanna get married anyway?’” [Craig,

age 9]

“When they get married, a man and a woman promise to go through

sickness and illness and diseases together.” [Marion, age 10]

“Tell your wife she looks pretty even if she looks like a truck.” [Ricky,

age 7]

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Derry Hill C of E (VA) Primary School News This year has flown by and we are now starting term 6, our final term of

this academic year. Our children have been really busy working hard and

having fun.

Our year 5 children went on their first residential school trip on Wednesday

15th May for three nights staying at Braeside, an Outdoor Education

Centre, near Devizes. The children thoroughly enjoyed their stay, the

weather was very kind to us and we even saw the sun..!

Year 6 children have been working really hard in preparation for the SATS

week which took place week commencing, Monday 13th May. This is a

very important time and we know that they all did their very best. As a

reward the whole class spent Friday of that week taking part in a ‘Kwik

Cricket Festival’ at John Bentley School, Calne.

We enjoy hosting student teachers from Bath Spa University at the school

as we believe that we can learn as much from the students as they learn

from the teaching staff at Derry Hill School. We have had three very lovely

students: Mair, Laura and Becky, working across Key Stage 1 and Key Stage

2, who have proved very popular with the children.

Our Year 3 and Year 4 children recently held a ‘Cake Bake’ event which is

always very well attended. I don’t think I have ever seen so many delicious

cakes in one place before.

We try to include a number of school trips during the academic year to

support areas of learning in the National Curriculum. Our Year 1 pupils

recently visited Westonbirt-Arboretum and had a thoroughly enjoyable

time. Year 3 will be visiting Bowood as part of their study of local history

and the history of Bowood. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity

to spend time at Bowood which is so close to the school.

The majority of our Year 6 children headed off to France in the early hours

of Sunday morning 16th June for a five night residential trip.

We are also starting preparations for our summer production of ‘The Jungle

Book’. This will take place on Wednesday 10th July and Thursday 11th

July at 6.30pm. We are lucky to have some very talented and enthusiastic

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children who are all stars in the making. We are all looking forward to the

‘opening night’.

During the summer holidays work will begin to refurbish the washrooms

and cloakroom used by pupils in Key Stage 1. We are really excited and

feel that the renovations will provide a much needed facelift in this area of

the school building. We can’t wait to see the results!

Sheryl Staton


MOTHERS ’ UNION – DERRY HILL On Wednesday June 5th 35 Mothers

Union members and guests met in Church

for "A Great Lunch". This is a

countrywide venture to publicise the work of the Mothers Union. After the

grace, given by Reverend Ann, everyone enjoyed a sumptuous meal which

consisted of ham and quiche and various salads followed by tea and coffee

and a wonderful array of cakes, all provided by members directed by


Following the meal our guest speaker Iris Parker gave a talk on various

projects being carried out in our local area. These include providing

refreshments and a sympathetic ear for visitors at Erlestoke prison. Also a

programme of advice to help fathers bond with their children whilst they

are seperated. Iris also explained the vision behind behind the "virtual

babies" - a project to educate children about the difficulties of dealing with

a baby while still a teenager. these babies can be programmed to act as a

newborn would and are very realistic. The Mothers Union are also

launching a befriending scheme called "Journeying Alone" which we were

asked to think about. Iris was thanked by Deirdre and presented with a

rose bush. During the meal the new publicity banner was displayed and

much admired. It's first outing will be the village fete on July 13th.

Members agreed that the "Great Lunch" had been a huge success and all

the hard work had been worthwhile. The next meeting is at 2.30pm on

July 3rd in Church.

For more information please contact Deirdre on 01249 822157.

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MUSICIANS! The Praise @ 4 team would warmly welcome extra musicians of any age to

play at this new style, relaxed service on the first Sunday of each month at

4pm. All instruments welcome!!

Contact: [email protected] or ring 01249 814632.

CALNE SPRINGS FORWARD This is a new enterprise for the Calne Community Area (of which we are

part). A Community Interest Company (Not for profit) has been set up to

promote the area’s organisations and businesses. The directors are drawn

from local businesses and organisations including church, Parish and Town

councils. The first two initiatives are promoting the monthly Saturday

Market in Calne (next one 7th July) and a website. Local charities and

locally based community groups can advertise on the website for free and

local business can buy space for a very reasonable cost. The idea is to

promote all that is good in our community area, encouraging people to

shop locally and draw tourists into this lovely area of ours. More details

can be found on www.calnewiltshire or contact me. Richard Aylen

([email protected])

THE PRAYER TREE The Prayer Tree is an ancient and anonymous way of sharing

Prayer Concerns.

Please email, or telephone, your request and we will attach a

Prayer Leaf to our Tree for you. Alternatively, you may go

into church and hang a Prayer Leaf on to the tree yourself or

ask a friend to do it. You do not need to give your name, only

as much detail as you wish on the situation you would like to

be prayed for.

We will offer prayers in our time of Prayer on Thursday 4th and 18th July at

at 2.15pm in Christ Church, Derry Hill. Tea and coffee will be available

after school pick-up at 3pm for anyone who would like to come in for a chat

or would like to wait for children to come out of School Clubs. Children

will be invited to use the facilities in the Children’s Area during this time.

All are welcome.

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PARISH REGISTERS – ALL AT CHRIST CHURCH We welcomed into the Christian faith through Baptism

Beatrice Lee on the 16th June 2013

We congratulate on their marriages

Catherine McCombie and Callum Hutchings on 1 June 2013

Georgina West and William Bain on 15th June 2013

Gemma Moth and Craig Day on 22nd June 2013

We remember:

23rd May 2013 – Shirley Carr

May she rest in God’s peace

LAY PASTORAL ASSISTANTS I have been asked to explain what an LPA is, so here goes:

A Lay Pastoral Assistant is a person who is trained and authorised to

engage in pastoral ministry on behalf of the local church, working as part of

a team of clergy and laity.

The focus of all LPA Ministry is pastoral care, but an individual’s ministry

will vary according to their gifts and skills, and the local situation. In all

cases the ministry calls for a loving and compassionate heart, and a

willingness to listen and support those in need.

LPAs may be involved in

• Welcoming newcomers to both our churches and our communities.

• Visiting families before and after baptism.

• Work with children and young people.

• Marriage preparation.

• Hospital visiting.

• Visiting people in their homes [not just the elderly and housebound].

• Supporting the bereaved.

• Prayer and healing.

• Hospitality.

• Training and nurture, including confirmation preparation and home


• Evangelism, including Alpha groups.

• Participating in worship.

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At present our LPAs do not work in all these areas. There is only so much

anyone can do at any one time, and it is very dependent upon the time that

each LPA has to give to their ministry. Together we try to cover everything

in this list, so if you would like to be involved and feel you have a ministry

to offer then please do get in touch me – Reverend Ann – my details are at

the back of this magazine. If you would like a visit then either call me or

one of the LPAs also listed at the back of this magazine. Reverend Ann.

ADVANCE NOTICE OF AUGUST SERVICES 4th August 11am Mattins – Book of Common Prayer (BCP)

4th August 4pm Praise@4 – Transfiguration!!

11th August 11am Holy Communion (CW)

18th August 11am Family Service

25th August 6pm To be confirmed!

REVEREND ANN WRITES You know, I am really looking forward to the Fete! It all sounds very

exciting and I do hope lots of people enter the various competitions. There

is nothing like a bit of good old fashioned competition and fun!

Now, I also hope that there will be lots of teddies coming to the church to

have an exhilarating time zip wiring from the Spire. The views from the

top are absolutely amazing – as long as you don’t have a fear of heights! So

do check that your teddies are okay with heights before you send them up

to the top for a ‘zip down’.

I do hope and pray that the weather will match the mood!

But just before all this takes place we will have the First Communion

Service in Derry Hill for the newly confirmed at the Praise@4 service. Now,

I have heard, there is a rumour that this service is ‘Happy Clappy’! It is

said in that rather detrimental way too!!! Well, it isn’t what I would call

‘Happy Clappy’ though occasionally when there is a good beat to a song

such as ‘Shine, Jesus, Shine’ there may be a couple of claps. It is all very

‘normal’ in fact! A few songs are sung, there is a Bible Reading, and a talk

for about 10 minutes followed by prayers and a reflection on a ‘Youtube’

video. In April we had a really moving Twitter reflection!

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Well, the July service would be a really good time to give it a try. There

will be Holy Communion to welcome the newly confirmed from Year 6,

and then we will have a great time as we eat and drink together.

One of the fundamentals of Christianity is hospitality – caring for each

other’s needs, so this is what we will be trying to do. Not only at the Praise

service but at the Fete too. This is what community is about, supporting

each other and building one another up so that all can feel the benefit of

knowing each other.

We look forward to seeing you at the service, or if I don’t see you there I

hope I will see you at the Fete!

With love to you all.


SOME ERUDITE THOUGHTS Humour cannot be prevented from spreading; it has a way of slipping

through the patterns of thought which are imposed upon mankind by habit

and design. [Idris Shah]

In many matters, profound seriousness can only be expressed in words

which are light-hearted, amusing and detached; such a conversation as you

may expect to hear from someone who, while deeply concerned for all

things human, has nothing he is trying to gain or defend.

[Dag Hammarskjöld]

Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible, and suddenly you

are doing the impossible. [Saint Francis of Assisi]

Puns are for children; not groan readers. A good pun is its own reword.

We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness.

God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in

silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence...

We need silence to be able to touch souls. [Mother Theresa]

There’s nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right keys

at the right time and the instrument plays itself. [J.S. Bach]

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POETRY CORNER This amusing love poem by “The Bard of Salford”, John Cooper-Clarke

(1948-) has become a popular reading at weddings:

I Wanna Be Yours

I wanna be your vacuum cleaner

breathing in your dust

I wanna be your Ford Cortina

I will never rust

If you like your coffee hot

let me be your coffee pot

You call the shots

I wanna be yours

I wanna be your raincoat

for those frequent rainy days

I wanna be your dreamboat

when you want to sail away

Let me be your teddy bear

take me with you anywhere

I don’t care

I wanna be yours

I wanna be your electric meter

I will not run out

I wanna be the electric heater

you’ll get cold without

I wanna be your setting lotion

hold your hair in deep devotion

Deep as the deep Atlantic ocean

that’s how deep is my devotion.

Deep deep deep deep de deep deep

I don’t wanna be hers

I wanna be yours

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Kate Hayes Personal Travel Counsellor

Tel: 0845 058 7608

Mob: 07746 730833

Fax: 01249 815379

[email protected]


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Available for Hire

Large Hall, 2 Meeting Rooms

and Kitchen

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Derry Hill, Studley and Sandy Lane

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01249 822670

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since 1987

OFSTED rated as OUTSTANDING in ALL areas

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Friday ‘Rising Stars’ for those starting school the following September 9am – 12pm

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Or even better, why not call us and arrange a visit?

Contact: 01249 818974 / 07535 062649

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Member of the Association of Tax Technicians

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Casa Pequena Ave is a modern

3 bedroom, 2 bathroom single storey villa

about 10 miles from Faro Airport, in the

Algarve countryside. There is a 8m x 4m

pool, satellite TV and outside BBQ.

Go to and click on photographs.

Contact Geoff or Carol Symonds on

[email protected]

or call 07850 994473 for further details.

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To Let

Please see contact details

inside front cover.

THE VILLAGE STORES Church Road, Derry Hill

Tel: 01249 812376

Your friendly local Post Office here to help you


We are able to supply you with:

Foreign currency and Travel Insurance

Deposit and Withdrawal facilities for Lloyds TSB, Co-op, Barclays,

Alliance and Leicester Giro. Most bills paid free of charge, including

Telephone, Rent, Gas and many more

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hardwood logs

Most tree work


Ring James on

07970 781828

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21ST JULY 2013

AT 11 AM

Owners and their pets welcome!

If you don’t have a pet bring a Pet Toy!

Inside if wet!

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FLOODLIGHTING THE SPIRE This is a lovely thing to do to remember loved ones and to celebrate

special anniversaries and birthdays. The Spire is currently lit

between 8pm and midnight, though this varies with the time of year.

Floodlighting the Spire can be arranged through Dave Massey

Tel. 01249 817926 or [email protected]. A donation to the

church for the cost of the powerful halogen lighting is welcome.

ALTAR GUILD Flowers in Church: The Flower Guild are inviting flower sponsorship

for the single pedestal in Christ Church, Derry Hill each week. If

you would like to do this or sponsor part of a pedestal, in memory of

a special occasion then, to find out more contact Claire Satchell, on

07968 091217 or email [email protected]

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THE DERRY HILL STORY a child of Studley and Stanley.

From the first mention of Studley in ancient deeds of 1175 (as

Stodleia) to the present day, this is a fascinating history of the local

area. Lovingly researched and re-written, (this is the third edition

from the 1979 original by Mrs P Gough), in 2011 by C J Baumber, this

is a must for anyone who lives here.

The book costs £5.00, with all proceeds going to Christ Church,

Derry Hill and copies are available from Mrs Barbara Barnard

Tel: 01249 814206, or from Christ Church or the Village Stores.



01249 812422


MON-THURS 12.00 - 3.00

6.00 - 11.00

FRI-SAT 12.00 - 12.00

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Tuition Experienced primary school

teacher able to give tuition in the

SATs, 11+ and common entrance

exams. Limited places available.

Contact: Tina Wheelwright on

01249 760645

To Let

Please see contact details

inside front cover.

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CHURCH CONTACTS Christ Church - Derry Hill

St Martin’s Church – Bremhill

St John the Baptist – Foxham

Vicar Reverend Ann Massey 01249 817926

[email protected]

Retired Priest Reverend Jim Scott 01249 813114

Lay Pastoral Assistants (LPAs) –

Please call if you would like a visit or chat. All in strictest


Derry Hill Averil Davis

Pat Day

Anita Uttley

01249 814411

01249 814167

01380 859433

Church Wardens

Derry Hill Mr Stephen Starr 01249 821325

Bremhill Mrs Nancy Kyte 01249 815073

Mr William Wyldbore-Smith 01249 814969

Foxham Mrs Elizabeth Hannah 01249 740619

Mrs Mary Kellond 01249 740633

PCC Treasurers (Tr) & Secretaries (Sec)

Derry Hill Mr Simon Strange (Tr) 01249 821376

Mrs Lucinda Prater (Sec) 01249 823252

Bremhill Dr David Stevens (Tr) 01249 815337

Vacancy (Sec)

Foxham Mr Robert Pegler (Tr) 01249 740253

Mrs Jenny Wilton (Sec) 01249 740279

If you wish to discuss arrangements for

Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals

or would like a pastoral visit or meeting arranged then

please contact Reverend Ann Massey as above.

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7th July 8.00am Bremhill Holy Communion (BCP)

8.00am St. Marys, Calne Holy Communion (CW)

9.30am Foxham Holy Communion (CW)

10.00am St. Marys, Calne Holy Communion (CW)

9.30am St. Peters, Blacklands Family Service

10.45am Holy Trinity, Calne Family Service

11.00am Derry Hill Mattins

4.00pm Derry Hill Praise@4 – 1st Communion

6.00pm Bremhill Evensong

14th July 8.00am St. Mary, Calne Holy Communion (CW)

9.30am Foxham Family Service

9.30am St. Peters, Blacklands Holy Communion (BCP) Ext

10.00am St. Marys, Calne Holy Communion (CW)

10.45am Holy Trinity, Calne Holy Communion (CW) Ext

11.00am Bremhill Holy Communion (CW)

11.00am Derry Hill Holy Communion (CW)

6.00pm St. Marys, Calne Evensong

21st July 8.00am St. Marys, Calne Holy Communion (CW)

8.00am Derry Hill Holy Communion (BCP)

9.30am Foxham Holy Communion (CW)

9.30am St. Peters, Blacklands Mattins

10.00am St. Marys, Calne Family Communion (CW)

10.45am Holy Trinity, Calne Holy Communion (CW)

11.00am Derry Hill Family PET Service

6.00pm Bremhill Evensong

28th July 8.00am St. Marys, Calne Holy Communion

9.30am Bremhill SoW – Mary Martha Lazarus

9.30am St. Peters, Blacklands Holy Communion (BCP)

10.00am St. Marys, Calne Holy Communion (CW)

10.45am Holy Trinity Holy Communion (CW)

11.00am Derry Hill Holy Communion (CW)

6.00pm Foxham Evensong

6.00pm St. Marys, Calne Meditation or Healing