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Czechoslovakia By Santiago, Benjamín, Rosario, Sybilla and Juana

Czechoslovakia (2)

Feb 10, 2017



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Page 1: Czechoslovakia (2)


By Santiago, Benjamín, Rosario, Sybilla and Juana

Page 2: Czechoslovakia (2)


➢ Keys➢ Czech fears➢ Hitler’s Threats➢ Preparations for war➢ Crisis Talks➢ The Munich Agreement➢ Consequences of the Munich Agreement➢ The end of Appeasement➢ 5 Sources➢ 1 video

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Keys: ➔ Edvard Beneš: Czechoslovakia’s leader➔ Chamberlain: Prime minister of Britain➔ Henlein: Leader of the Nazis in the Sudetenland➔ Mussolini: Leader of Italy➔ Czechoslovakia: Mandate created by the League of Nations (in the Treaty of

Versailles) between Germany, Austria, Hungary and Poland. ➔ Sudetenland: Area in Czechoslovakia that contained industries, forts, railways

and Sudeten Germans because it had belonged to Germany before WW1. ➔ Munich Agreement: The final meeting in which they decided the fate of

Czechoslovakia and signed an agreement.➔ Anschluss: union of Germany and Austria as allies.➔ Appeasement: British policy, mostly associated with Neville Chamberlain, prime

minister of Great Britain.

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Germany Czechoslovakia➔ Czechoslovakia:

Mandate created by the League of Nations (in the Treaty of Versailles) between Germany, Austria, Hungary and Poland.

➔ Sudetenland: Area in Czechoslovakia that contained industries, forts, railways and Sudeten Germans because it had belonged to Germany before WW1.

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Czech fears

★ Benes feared anschluss → realised → C next country to take over★ B and F weren’t prepared to fight. ↓ they accepted helping Czechoslovakia ★ Chamberlain asked Hitler if he was going to attack

➔ Anschluss: political union between Germany and Austria

➔ Edvard Beneš: Czechoslovakia’s leader

➔ Chamberlain: Prime minister of Britain

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“I give you my word of honour that Czechoslovakia has nothing to fear from the


- Hitler

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Hitler’s Threats

★ Hitler had plans on attacking Czechoslovakia ★ German population demanded to be part of Germany★ 1938 → “ready to fight for it”★ German army wasn’t ready★ Europe war alert

➔ Czechoslovakia: Mandate created by the League of Nations (in the Treaty of Versailles) between Germany, Austria, Hungary and Poland.

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Preparations for war

★ Czechoslovakia wouldn’t be easy to take because they had...○ B, F and R’s support.○ a modern army○ Sudetenland

★ Without Sudetenland → defenseless★ Tension in Europe grew.

➔ Sudetenland: Area in Czechoslovakia that contained industries, forts, railways and Sudeten Germans because it had belonged to Germany before WW1.

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Crisis Talks

★ 15 September → Chamberlain met Hitler.★ Hitler interested in Sudetenland → plebiscite★ Chamberlain accepted ★ Hitler would be satisfied★ 22nd of September → Hitler regretted the previous

terms → All the Sudetenland.★ Germans mistreated★ Chamberlain refused.★ Tension

➔ Chamberlain: Prime minister of Britain

➔ Sudetenland: Area in Czechoslovakia that contained industries, forts, railways and Sudeten Germans because it had belonged to Germany before WW1.

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The Munich Agreement

★ 29 of September★ B, G, F and I gave Hitler Sudetenland★ without consulting the Czechs, or the USSR. ★ “Peace for our time”★ Consequences:

○ triumph ○ october 1st → Troops marched to the Sudetenland.○ Hungary and Poland conquered Czech○ Benes resigned○ war was prevented ○ Appeasement would stop Hitler○ “It simply delayed a war, rather than preventing it”

➔ Munich Agreement: The final meeting in which they decided the fate of Czechoslovakia.

➔ Edvard Beneš: Czechoslovakia’s leader

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Or Sell-out?

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The end of Appeasement

● October 1938 → Hitler said he had no territorial ambitions in Europe

● March 1939 → Germany invaded Czechoslovakia

● No resistance● Hitler could not be trusted● Britain and France would declare war

on Germany ● Policy of Appeasement was ended

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Source 1

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Source 2

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Source 3

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