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CVs - Visiting Professors

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Kusi biografii na nastavnicite na studiskata programa

Page 2: CVs - Visiting Professors


Kusa biografija za akreditacionata dokumentacija

Ime i prezime: Vladimir Dukovski

Data / mesto na ra|awe: 29.11.1945

e-mail, web: [email protected]; Akademska pozicija, nau~en stepen:

Profesor, doktor na tehni~ki nauki

Od koga e na taa pozicija: 1984

Ma{inski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

Institucija na vrabotuvawe i od koga:


Obrazovanie Godina Institucija

Doktor na tehni~ki nauki

1973 - 1975 Univerzitet vo Zagreb, Fakultet za ma{instvo i brodogradba, Hrvatska

Magister na ma{inski nauki

1971 - 1973 Univerzitet vo Zagreb, Tehnika i ekonomika na avtomatizacija, Hrvatska

Dipl. ma{.in`. 1964 - 1969 Fakultet za mehani~ka tehnologija,

Lvovski politehni~ki institut, Ukraina (porane{na USSR)

Vrabotuvawe: 1984- Profesor, Ma{inski fakultet, Skopje

1990-1991 Viziting profesor, Bradford University, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (UK)

1978-1984 Vonreden profesor, Ma{inski fakultet Skopje

1973-1978 Docent, Ma{inski fakultet Skopje

1969-1973 Asistent, Ma{inski fakultet Skopje

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na prv ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa: Nedelni ~asovi

1 Avtomatizirano proizvodstvo Proizvodno in`enerstvo 2 2 Robotika Proizvodno in`enerstvo 2 3 Menaxment na kvalitet Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment 2 4 Razvoj na novi proizvodi i

procesi Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment, Proizvodna informatika, Industriski dizajn


5 Proizvodstvo, proizvodi i uslugi Proizvodna informatika 2 6 Procesi i metrika Proizvodna informatika 2 7 Manufacturing Systems;

Manufacturing Technology Bradford University, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (UK)

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na vtor ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa:

1 Fleksibilna avtomatizacija Proizvodno in`enerstvo 2 Industriski roboti Proizvodno in`enerstvo, Industrisko in`enerstvo 3 Menaxment na kvalitet (TQM) Menaxment i kontrola na kvalitet, Menaxment 4 CAD/CAM/CIM Proizvodno in`enerstvo, Industrisko in`enerstvo 5 Menaxment i razvoj na novi

proizvodi Industrisko in`enertstvo, Menaxment

6 Automation, CAD/CAM; CIM; Design of Manufacturing Systems

Bradford University, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (UK)

7 Production Management MBA, Skopje 8 Avtomatizacija na procesi na

zavaruvawe; Primena na kompjuterite vo ma{instvoto

Elektrotehni~ki fakultet - Skopje

Nau~ni i istra`uva~ki rezultati:

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Relevantni referenci za kompetencii (Lista na selektirani trudovi - 5 do 10)

1. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Dominant error types at parallel kinematics machine tools, Technological Engineering, Number 2/2009, Volume VI, pp.62-64, ISSN 1336-5967.

2. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer aided optimal design of servo drives for CNC machine tools; Journal of Machine Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, 2008, pp.77-83, ISSN 1895-7595

3. Gecevska V., Cus F., Dukovski V., Kuzinovski M.: Modeling of Manufacturing Activities by Process Planning Knowledge Representation, International Journal of Simulation Modelling, Vol.5, No.2, June 2006, pp.69-81, ISSN 1726-4529.

4. Gecevska V., Cus F., Lombardi F., Dukovski V., Kuzinovski M.: Intelligent Approach for Optimal Modeling of Manufacturing Systems, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering,Vol.14, Issue 1-2, January-February 2006, pp.97-104, ISSN 1734-8412.

5. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: CAD of main spindle and feed drives for CNC machine tools, Proceedings of the 19th international conference "Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing", FAIM 2009, July 2009, University of Teesside in Middlesbrough, England, UK, pp.97-104, ISBN 978-0-9562303-3-1.

6. Z.Pandilov, V. Dukovski: Computer aided design of numerically controlled machine tools main spindle drives, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM, June, 2007, Philadelphia, USA, Volume 1, pp.266-273, ISBN: 978-1-4276-2092-7.

7. V. Dukovski: Menaxment na razvojot na novi proizvodi, u~ebnik, UKIM, 2001

8. V. Dukovski: Menaxment na kvalitetot, u~ebnik, UKIM, 2003

9. V. Dukovski: Avtomatizirano proizvodstvo (3 izd.), u~ebnik, UKIM 1991

10. V. Dukovski: Robotika, u~ebnik, UKIM, 1994

Drugi zbirni nau~ni i stru~ni aktivnosti:

Aktivni doma{ni proekti: 2

Aktivni me|unarodni proekti: 2

Stipendirani prestoi, obuki:


Posledoktorski istra`uvawa na Cornell University, Sibey School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Fulbright Schoolar


Viziting profesor Bradford University, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (UK)

1993 Trinedelen prestoj na UMIST – Manchester, UK, British Council

1995 ^etirimese~en prestoj na Arizona State University, USA, za usovr{uvawe vo oblasta na menaxmentot

1998 Ednomese~en prestoj na TU Berlin, Germanija, TEMPUS IMG

Drugi relevantni podatoci (broj na citati, broj na SCI trudovi, pova`ni proekti, drugi pozicii):

I. Lista na selektirani proekti: 1. Dukovski V., Vrtanoski G.: Primena na polimeren beton vo proizvodstvo na pritisna spojka za

avtomobilska industrija, Razvojno-ista`uva~ki proekt sofinansiran od Ministerstvo za obrazovanie i nauka na Republika Makedonija i RAM Internacional DOOEL -Skopje, 2006-2007.

2. Dukovski V., Vrtanoski G.: CAD/CAM integracija vo proizvodstvoto na modeli za pumpi, Razvojno -istra`uva~ki proekt sofinansiran od Ministerstvo za obrazovanie i nauka na Republika Makedonija i MZT Pumpi AD -Skopje, 2008-2009.

3. Vrtanoski G., Dukovski V.: Zgolemuvawe na konkurentnosta preku kvalitetot na proizvodite i procesite, Razvojno-ista`uva~ki proekt sofinansiran od Ministerstvo za nauka na Republika Makedonija i Kvantum DOO-Skopje, 2008-2009.

4. Gecevska V, Radonjanin P, Josifovski Z., Dukovski V.: Development of new acryl bath products”, Development Project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia, Beneficiary company: Luxor Aquamatic-Skopje, 2007-2008.

5. Kandikjan T., Seliger , Dukovski V.: Automated Disassembly Sequence Planning for Product Recycling”, Joint Research project, Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Macedonia and Ministry of Science of Germany, 2005-2007.

6. Lombardi F., Gecevska V., Dukovski V., Vrtanoski G. etc.; Partners: Italy, Slovenia, Macedonia: “Web-Based Multimedia e-Learning for Applied Technologies”, SCM C013B05-2005, TEMPUS Program, financed by the European Commission, 2006-2007.

7. University Business Start-Up Center, financed by ADA (Austrian Development Agency), beneficiary University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Implementation by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2006-2008; Polenakovik R., coordinator, Dukovski V. – Trainer for development and management of new products/services).

8. Dukovski V. (koordinator na proekt), partnerski institucii od MK, UK, FR, TEMPUS Phare

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CM: Quality Assurance System in Higher Education, Macedonia, 1998-1999. II. Drugi pozicii 1. Rakovoditel na Institutot za proizvodno in`enerstvo i menaxment na MF pri UKIM.

2. Predsedatel na nau~niot i programski odbor na: Scientific conference with international participation: MANUFACTURING AND MANAGEMENT IN 21st CENTURY. Production and Industrial Engineering Association, Ohrid 16/17 Sept. 2004.

3. Pretsedatel na komisija za evaluacija na UKIM, 2000-2004.

4. ^len na komisijata za IT pri UKIM, 2004-2008.

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Kusa biografija za akreditacionata dokumentacija Ime i prezime: Del~o Jovanoski

Data / mesto na ra|awe: 01.04.1946, Tetovo

e-mail, web: [email protected] ,

Akademska pozicija, nau~en stepen:

Profesor, doktor na tehni~ki nauki

Od koga e na taa pozicija: 1986

Ma{inski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

Institucija na vrabotuvawe i od koga:

od 1969

Obrazovanie Godina Institucija

D-r na tehni~ki nauki 1980 Ma{inski fakultet, Belgrad, Srbija

M-r na ma{inski nauki 1975 Ma{inski fakultet, Belgrad, Srbija{.in`. 1969 Ma{inski fakultet - Skopje

Vrabotuvawe: 1991 - Profesor, Ma{inski fakultet - Skopje

1989 - 1991 Direktor na Institutot za razvoj pri MZT, Skopje

1969 - 1989 Asistent -predava~ - vi{ predava~ - -

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na prv ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa: Nedelni ~asovi

1 Proizvodni sistemi 1 Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment


2 Menaxment na tehnolo{kiot razvoj Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment


3 Proizvodni sistemi Proizvodno in`enerstvo 2

4 Proizvodstven menaxment Proizvodno in`enerstvo 2

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na vtor ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa:

1 Odbrani poglavja od proizvodnite sistemi Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment

2 Odbrani poglavja od proizvodniot menaxment Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment

3 Sevkupno prestrukturirawe na organizaciite Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment

4 Menaxment na tehnolo{kiot razvoj Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment

Nau~ni i istra`uva~ki rezultati:

Nad 150 nau~no-istra`uva~ki proekti, statii, ekspertizi, stru~ni trudovi, seminari

Relevantni referenci za kompetencii (Lista na selektirani trudovi - 5 do 10)

1. D. Jovanoski (project leader), T. Nakai, L. Nikolovski, A. Pepa, R. Minovski. B. Jovanoski: A Flexible Model for Production Planning and Control in the SMEs of the metalworking industry in Macedonia (Macedonian-Japanese research project), 2010

2. D. Jovanoski (a member of an international project team): Preparation of a Strategy for Sustainable Development in the R. Macedonia (2006-2008), February 2008

3. D. Jovanoski (project leader), R. Minovski, T. Kralev, V. Š.-Todorovska, Z. Narašanov: Repertoire of Methods for Estimation of the industrial capabilities on the example of chosen enterprises of the metalworking industry in Macedonia, research project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science, Skopje, November 2002

4. D. Jovanoski, V. Stojanovska: National Strategy for a Sustainable Development of the Industry in the Republic of Macedonia, Proceedings of XIV Summer School SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: The Role of Industrial Engineering, pp. I.8-I.16, Porto Giardino – Monopoly, Italy, 15-19 September, 2009

5. D. Jovanoski (Coordinator), R. Minovski (Co-coordinator), B. Jovanoski: Quality management in the

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universities in R. Macedonia, TEMPUS project, October 2007 6. L. Geir, R. Minovski, D. Jovanoski, G. Kostovska: Project for optimal Layout of the departments and

manufacturing equipment in FILOS company, Kumanovo, June 2003

7. D. Jovanoski (a member of a project team from Norway): Status analysis and development of a strategy for improvements in RK-Electrical equipment, Skopje, Mai 2003

8. D. Jovanoski (project leader), S. Jordanov, D. Jordanov, B. Jovanoski: Marketing analysis, new product line, technology, needed manufacturing equipment i substitution of electrical energy for TING company, Kočani, February 2003

9. R. Minovski, D. Jovanoski, B. Jovanoski: Quality Management in Universities – an Example from Macedonia, International Journal “Total Quality Management & Excellence”, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 323-329, 2009 (also published in the Proceedings of the 5th International Working Conference “Total Quality Management – Advanced and Intelligent Approaches”, pp. 447-453, Belgrade, 1-4 June, 2009).

10. D. Jovanoski, G. Kostovska: Introduction to Discrete Event Simulation, Journal of Economic, Vol. 5, pp. 393-398, Kyiv (Ukraine), 2008.

Drugi zbirni nau~ni i stru~ni aktivnosti:

Aktivni doma{ni proekti: 1

Aktivni me|unarodni proekti: 1

Stipendirani prestoi, obuki:

2000 Ednomese~en studiski prestoj vo TIC, Tokio, Japonija


3-5 mese~ni prestoi sekoja godina na Univerzitetot vo [tutgart, Germanija, so rabota na mnogu nau~no-istra`uva~ki i industriski proekti

1999 Ednomese~en prestoj na Univerzitetot vo Linc, Avstrija

1998 Ednomese~en prestoj na Univerzitetot vo [tutgart, Germanija i vo Lingbi, Danska

1996 ^etiri-mese~en prestoj na Dr`avniot Univerzitet vo Arizona (dr`ewe na delumna nastava)

1976- 1978

Prestoj so rabota na doktorat na Univerzitetot vo [tutgart, Germanija

Drugi relevantni podatoci (broj na citati, broj na SCI trudovi, pova`ni proekti, drugi pozicii):

I. Lista na selektirani proekti: 1. D. Jovanoski (project leader), T. Nakai, L. Nikolovski, A. Pepa, R. Minovski. B. Jovanoski: A Flexible Model for

Production Planning and Control in the SMEs of the metalworking industry in Macedonia (Macedonian-Japanese research project), 2010

2. D. Jovanoski (a member of an international project team): Preparation of a Strategy for Sustainable Development in the R. Macedonia (2006-2008), February 2008

3. D. Jovanoski (project leader), R. Minovski, T. Kralev, V. Š.-Todorovska, Z. Narašanov: Repertoire of Methods for Estimation of the industrial capabilities on the example of chosen enterprises of the metalworking industry in Macedonia, research project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science, Skopje, November 2002

4. D. Jovanoski (Coordinator), R. Minovski (Co-coordinator), B. Jovanoski: Quality management in the universities in R. Macedonia, TEMPUS project, October 2007

5. L. Geir, R. Minovski, D. Jovanoski, G. Kostovska: Project for optimal Layout of the departments and manufacturing equipment in FILOS company, Kumanovo, June 2003

II. Drugi pozicii

• Rakovoditel na katedrata za industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment pri Institutot za proizvodno in`enerstvo i menaxment na Ma{inskiot fakultet vo Skopje

• Od 2009: ^len na AIM (European Academy of Industrail Management); akademija na profesori vo podra~jeto na Industriskoto in`enerstvo i menaxment

• Od 2010: ~len na Nacionalniot Sovet za odr`liv razvoj na R. Makedonija (pri Vladata na RM)

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Kusa biografija za akreditacionata dokumentacija Ime i prezime: Van~o Donev

Data / mesto na ra|awe: 02.08.1950, [tip, Makedonija

e-mail, web: [email protected];

kademska pozicija, nau~en stepen:

Redoven profesor, Doktor na tehni~ki nauki

Od koga e na taa pozicija: 1997

Ma{inski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

Institucija na vrabotuvawe i od koga:


Obrazovanie Godina Institucija

D-r na tehni~ki nauki 1987 Ma{inski Fakultet, Univerzitet vo Belgrad

M-r na ma{inski nauki 1983 Ma{inski Fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Skopje{.in`. 1976 Ma{inski Fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Skopje

1997- Redoven profesor, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje Vrabotuvawe:

1992-1997 Vonreden profesor, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

1987-1992 Docent, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

1978-1987 Asistent, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

1976-1978 FAS 11 Oktomvri Skopje, Slu`ba za organizacija i EOP

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na prv ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa: Nedelni ~asovi

1 Osnovi na menaxment 1 Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment


2 Osnovi na menaxment 2 Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment


3 Operaciski istra`uvawa 1 Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment


4 Operaciski istra`uvawa 2 Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment


5 Proekten menaxment Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment


6 7

Menaxment na odr`uvawe Menaxment

Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment Proizvodno in`enerstvo



Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na vtor ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa:

1 Sovremeni pristapi vo organizacijata na odr`uvaweto

Industrisko in`enerstvo, Menaxment

2 Odbrani poglavja od proekten menaxment Industrisko in`enerstvo, Menaxment

3 Kvantitativni metodi vo delovnoto odlu~uvawe

Industrisko in`enerstvo, Menaxment

4 Odbrani poglavja od menaxmentot Industrisko in`enerstvo, Menaxment

5 Operativen menaxment Industrisko in`enerstvo, Menaxment

Nau~ni i istra`uva~ki rezultati:

Nad 75 nau~ni trudovi, nau~ni proekti, stru~ni trudovi i ekspertizi, publikuvani vo zemjata i stranstvo

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Relevantni referenci za kompetencii (Lista na selektirani trudovi - 5 do 10)

1. Донев В., Проектирање на експертен систем за оперативно планирање на материјалниот проток во поризводствените претпријатија во Република Македонија,научна тема финансирана од Министерството за наука, Скопје,1995-1997

2. Донев В., Истражување на влијанието на технологијата врз организационата структура во деловно-производствените системи,научно-истражувачки проект, финансиран од Министерството за наука, Скопје,1995-1997 година

3. Донев В., Организација на магацинското работење, главен информатички проект, Машински факултет, 1995 година

4. Материјално работење, главен информатички проект, Машински факултет, 1996

5. Организација на работењето во одделот за механизација при ГП Гранит - Скопје, главен информатички проект, Машински факултет,1996

6. Основи на теротехнологијата - менаџмент на одржувањето, основен учебник, Систем плус, Скопје,1999

7. Donev V., A new paradigm in the Maintenance Management, Proceedings Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, univ. “St.Kiril i Metodij”, 2002, Skopje

8. Donev V., Optimization of the production of Cooper Cable Factory – Negotino, 6th Bolcan Conference on Operational Research, Thessaloniki, May 2002.

9. Polenakovik R., Donev V., Optimization of the Order Fulfilment Process, 6th Bolcan Conference on Operational Research, Thessaloniki, May 2002.

10. Donev V., Simulation Driving Schedule of JSP-Skopje, Scientific Conference with international participation-University “St.Kiril i Metodij”, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2004, Skopje.

Drugi zbirni nau~ni i stru~ni aktivnosti:

Aktivni doma{ni proekti: 1

Aktivni me|unarodni proekti: -

Stipendirani prestoi, obuki:

1998 TEMPUS PHARE , Individual Mobility Grant in Germany

1998 TEMPUS PHARE , Individual Mobility Grant in Danmark

Drugi relevantni podatoci (broj na citati, broj na SCI trudovi, pova`ni proekti, drugi pozicii):

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Kusa biografija za akreditacionata dokumentacija Ime i prezime: Robert Minovski

Data / mesto na ra|awe: 20.11.1964

e-mail, web: [email protected]

Akademska pozicija, nau~en stepen:

Profesor, d-r

Od koga e na taa pozicija: 2009

Ma{inski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

Institucija na vrabotuvawe i od koga:


Obrazovanie Godina Institucija

D-r na tehni~ki nauki 1999 Ma{inski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodij, Sk

M-r na ma{inski nauki 1994 Ma{inski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodij, Sk{.in`. 1989 Ma{inski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodij, Sk

Vrabotuvawe: 2009- Redoven profesor, Ma{inski fakultet, UKIM,Skopje

2004-2009 Vonreden profesor, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

1999-2004 Docent, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

1995-1999 Asistent, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

1989-1995 Pomlad asistent, Ma{inski fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na prv ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa: Nedelni ~asovi

1 Proektirawe na informaciski sistemi Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment 2+2

2 Menaxment informaciski sistemi Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment 2+2

3 Studija na rabotata Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment 2+2

4 Praksa Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment 1

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na vtor ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa:

1 Sistemi za merewe na organizaciskite performansi

Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment (part time)

2 Proektirawe na informaciski sistemi Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment (part time)

3 Menaxment informaciski sistemi Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment (part time)

4 Modelirawe i simulacii Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment (part time)

5 Sevkupno prestrukturirawe na organizaciite

Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment (part time)

6 Biznis informaciski sistemi Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment (full time)

7 Modelirawe i simulacii vo delovnite procesi

Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment (full time)

8 Prestrukturirawe na organizaciite Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment (full time)

9 Sistemi za motivacija i nagraduvawe Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment (full time)

Nau~ni i istra`uva~ki rezultati:

Relevantni referenci za kompetencii (Lista na selektirani trudovi - 5 do 10)

1. R. Minovski (1999): Informaciski sistemi i softver alatki, interna skripta, Ma{inski fakultet, Skopje.

2. D. Jovanoski, R. Minovski (2001): Model for Enterprise restructuring – The Role of the Information System,

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Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium of Industrial Engineering, pp. 66 – 69, Belgrade. 3. R. Minovski (2005): Bazi na podatoci, interna skripta, Ma{inski fakultet, Skopje.

4. R. Minovski, B. Jovanoski (2006): Re{avawe na problemi vo industriskoto in`enerstvo so softver za upravuvawe so bazi na podatoci, interna skripta, Ma{inski fakultet, Skopje.

5. R. Minovski, B. Jovanoski (2006): Re{avawe na problemi vo industriskoto in`enerstvo so softver za rabota so tabeli, interna skripta, Ma{inski fakultet, Skopje.

6. K. Nikolik, R. Minovski, D. Jovanoski (2006): Characteristics of performance measurement systems, Proceedings of the Conference at FDIBA, Sofia.

7. R. Minovski (2007): Proektirawe na informaciski sistemi, interna skripta, Ma{inski f., Sk

8. R. Minovski (2007): Menaxment informaciski sistemi, interna skripta, Ma{inski fakultet, Sk

9. R. Minovski, K. Mitkovska-Trendova, D. Jovanoski (2008): Management of Changes: Utilization of Infinite-

Stage Markov Decision Processes, Conference „Management and Engineering’2008“, Sofija.

10. J. Atanasovski, T. Kralev, R. Minovski (2008): Forecasting Internet Link Utilization using Artificial Neural Networks, Proceedings of the International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development – ICEIRD, 30-39, Ohrid.

Drugi zbirni nau~ni i stru~ni aktivnosti:

Aktivni doma{ni proekti: /

Aktivni me|unarodni proekti: 2

Stipendirani prestoi, obuki:

1992 1997

Studiski prestoj, Fraunhofer Institut IPA (Institut fuer Produktionstechnik und Automatisirung), Stuttgart, Germanija

1993 Studiski prestoj, UMIST University, Manchester, Velika Britanija DAAD stipendija za istra`uvawe na Fraunhofer institutot IPA (Institut fuer Produktions Technik und Automatisirung), Stuttgart, Germanija


DAAD stipendija za istra`uvawe na Fraunhofer institutot IPA (Institut fuer Produktions Technik und Automatisirung) , Stuttgart, Germanija

1998 TEMPUS stipendija za individualna mobilnost na Department of Industrial Engineering, Helsinki University of Technology, Finska

2001 Obuka na obu~uva~i, vo organizacija na GTZ i OWZ-Bayern, Minhen

2004 Production Management for Macedonia, Training Course organized by the Northern Advancement Center for Science & Technology, Sapporo, Japonija

2007 Vienna University of Technology 2007 Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical Technology, Karlsruhe 20072009

University of Technology, Graz

2009 FH Joanneum, Graz Drugi relevantni podatoci (broj na citati, broj na SCI trudovi, pova`ni proekti, drugi pozicii):

I. Lista na selektirani proekti: 1. D. Jovanoski, R. Minovski (2001-2009): Voveduvawe na sistem za menaxment na kvalitetot spored

standardot ISO 9001:2000 vo nekolku organizacii vo R. Makedonija.

2. (2006): Quality Management at the Universities in Macedonia (QUALIMUM), SCM TEMPUS Project No SM_SCM- C016A06-2006, Contractor: Vienna University of Technology, (project co-coordinator).

3. R. Polenakovik, L. Mezghani, R. Minovski (2009): Development of Questionnaire for Evaluation of the Level of Entrepreneurial Activities at the University Level, local expert, European Training Foundation Project on Entrepreneurial Learning on Higher Education.

4. COMPETENCE - Matching competences in higher education and economy: From competence catalogue to strategy and curriculum development, ETF-SM-00013-2008, 145129-TEMPUS-1-2008-1-BATEMPUS-SMHES, Team member, (in progress).

5. D. Jovanoski, R. Minovski et all.: Flexible model for Production Planning and Control in the small and medium enterprises in the metalworking industry in Macedonia, Project sponsored by JICA, Japan (in progress).

III. Drugi pozicii 1. Rakovoditel na laboratorijata za Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxmnent, Ma{inski fakultet,

Univerzitet Sv Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

2. ^len na Senatot na Univerzitetot Sv Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

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Kusa biografija za akreditacionata dokumentacija

Ime i prezime: Valentina Ge~evska

Data / mesto na ra|awe: 09.09.1965, Skopje, Makedonija

e-mail, web: [email protected];

Akademska pozicija, nau~en stepen:

Vonreden profesor, Doktor na tehni~ki nauki

Od koga e na taa pozicija: 2007

Ma{inski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

Institucija na vrabotuvawe i od koga:


Obrazovanie Godina Institucija

D-r na tehni~ki nauki 2002 Ma{inski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Sk

M-r na ma{inski nauki 1995 Ma{inski Fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Sk{.in`. 1989 Ma{inski Fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Sk

Vrabotuvawe: 2007- Vonreden profesor, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

2003-2007 Docent, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

1990-2002 Asistent, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

1989-1990 Rade Kon~ar - Aparatna tehnika Skopje, Sektor za tehnolo{ki razvoj na proizvodi

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na prv ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa: Nedelni ~asovi

1 Proektirawe na tehnolo{ki procesi Proizvodno in`enerstvo 3

2 In`enerska ekonomika Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment, Energetika i ekologija


3 Ma{inska obrabotka i proizvodni sistemi Motorni vozila, Mehanizacija, transport i logistika, Industriski dizajn, Termi~ko in`enerstvo, Fluidno in`enerstvo, Zavaruvawe i konstruktivno in`enerstvo


4 Delovna informatika Proizvodna informatika 2

5 Proizvodstvo, proizvodi i uslugi Proizvodna informatika 2

6 In`enerski analizi na tro{oci Proizvodna informatika 4

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na vtor ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa:

1 Sovremeni proizvodni procesi i tehnologii

Proizvodno in`enerstvo

2 Inteligentni proizvodni sistemi Proizvodno in`enerstvo, Industrisko in`enerstvo

3 Avtomatizirano proektirawe na tehnolo{ki procesi

Proizvodno in`enerstvo, Industrisko in`enerstvo

4 In`enerska ekonomika - odbrani poglavja Industrisko in`enerstvo, Menaxment

Nau~ni i istra`uva~ki rezultati:

Nad 120 nau~ni trudovi, nau~ni proekti, stru~ni trudovi i ekspertizi, publikuvani vo zemjata i stranstvo

Relevantni referenci za kompetencii (Lista na selektirani trudovi - 5 do 10)

1. Gecevska V., Cus F., Lombardi F., Dukovski V., Kuzinovski M.: Intelligent Approach for Optimal Modeling of Manufacturing Systems, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Publishing by Elsevier, ISSN 1734-8412, Vol.14, Issue 1-2, January-February 2006, pp.97-104, COBISS.SI-ID 10525462.

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2. Gecevska V., Cus F., Dukovski V., Kuzinovski M.: Modeling of Manufacturing Activities by Process Planning Knowledge Representation, International Journal of Simulation Modelling, ISSN 1726-4529, Vol.5, No.2, June 2006, pp.69-81, COBISS.SI-ID 10535702.

3. Zuperl U., Cus F., Gecevska V.: Optimization of the Characteristic Parameters in Milling Using the PSO Evolution Techniques; Journal of Mechanical Engineering - Strojnicki vesnik, ISSN 0039-2480, Vol.53, No.6, Jun 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 354-368, COBISS.SI-ID 11573526.

4. Gecevska V., Cus F.: Intelligent Production Systems Way to Competitive and Innovative Engineering, Scientific Monography, Publishers Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia, ISBN 978-9989-2701-7-4, 2009, 277 p.

5. Cus F., Gecevska V.: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Scientific Monography, Publishers Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia, ISBN 978-9989-2701-0-9, 2007, 180 p.

6. Gecevska V.: Cost Management, Chapter VI in Scientific monography (VI-1); Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, 2007, ISSN 978-9989-2701-0-9, pp.151-166, COBISS.SI-ID 11329302.

7. Gecevska V., Cus F., Mulfilner M.: Implementation of Activity Based Costing (ABC) in Small and Medium Companies using Proposed Procedure, International Journal MACHINE ENGINEERING published by STSF, Volume 6, Number 4, 2006, ISSN Y505-5601, pp.128-140, COBISS.SI-ID 10981398.

8. Gecevska V., Anisic Z.; Technology Transfer and Clusters – Opportunity for Regional Development, Annals of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara - Journal of Engineering, Year 2009, Tome VII, Fascicule 2, (ISSN 1584 – 2665), 177-182.

9. Dither-Koch K., Gecevska V.: Development of the methodology for cost management and Implementation of cost reduction methods with improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes; Project final report, SMEDP Project Ref.N.303 EAR, 2008.

10. Gecevska V., Nasov I.: Process Costs Reduction by Implementing of New Technology; Proceedings of MOTSP’2009 Conference: Management of Technology – Sustainable Production, Jun 2009, Croatia.

Drugi zbirni nau~ni i stru~ni aktivnosti:

Aktivni doma{ni proekti: 2

Aktivni me|unarodni proekti: 4

Stipendirani prestoi, obuki: 2009 January – 2 weeks, CEEPUS, Mobility - teacher fellowship, Mobility No.2009-5539-CEEPUS II-RS-0065, Maribor, SLO

2008 July – 2 weeks, CEEPUS, Exchange mobility - teacher fellowship, Network CEEPUS CII-PL-0007-03-0708, Mobility grant No.M-20291, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Material Science and Technology STU, Bratislava and Trnava, Slovakia

2008 June – 2 weeks, CEEPUS, Mobility - teacher fellowship, CEEPUS CII-PL-0007-00-0708, Mobility M-5115, Maribor, SLO

2007 July – 1 month, DISPEA Department, Politecnico di Torino (POLITO), Fellowship - Study of PLM Concept, Torino, Italy

2007 June – 2 weeks, Laboratory for Intelligent Production Systems, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University in Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia

2007 January – 1 month, CEEPUS, Exchange mobility - teacher fellowship, CEEPUS CII-PL-0007-02-0607, Maribor, Slovenia

2006 June / July – 6 weeks, Production Management, Training program, JICA Fellowship, Sapporo JICA Center and Tokyo, Kyoto, Nagoya, Japan

2006 April – 1 week, Study visit, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany

2005 November – 1 week, Study visit, University in Florence, Faculty of Engineering, Florence and Prato, Italy

2005 September / October – 4 weeks, Study stay, University in Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Production Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia

2004 November – 1 week, Study visit, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

2004 June / July – 2 months, TEMPUS, IMG-1304, Dissemination for new education and learning methods in according with BD in manufacturing engineering higher education’s courses, Politehnico di Torino, Turin, Italy

1999 October – 1 month, Research Fellowship, Oregon State University, USA

Drugi relevantni podatoci (broj na citati, broj na SCI trudovi, pova`ni proekti, drugi pozicii):

I. Broj na citati: 6 Broj na SCI trudovi: 3

II. Lista na selektirani proekti: 1. IST-1-502515 SEEMseed Project - Single European Electronic Market and Information Space for SMEs,

European Project with 19th members in FP6, funded by EC, Coordinator UNNINOVA Portugal, 2004-2007. (Gecevska V.- member in group of experts).

2. Cus F.(team leader Slovenian side), Gecevska V.(team leader Macedonian side) etc.: Development of Evolutionary Optimization Methods Applied in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems; International Scientific Project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science in Macedonia and the Ministry of Education and Science in Slovenia, two year period (2005-2006).

3. E. Caporalli–contractor (University of Florence, Italy), Tuneski-coordinator (University Ss.Cyril and

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Methodius), Gecevska V. (co-coordinator for Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), etc: “Development of Environmental and Resources Engineering Curriculum”, Joint European Project (JEP) 19028-2004, TEMPUS Program, financed by the European Commission, 2005-2008.

4. Gecevska V. (coordinator), Dukovski V., Cus F., Vrtanoski G., Pandilov Z., Anisic Z., Cosic P.: Development of Optimization Methodology for NC Machining by Using Heuristics Methods, Scientific Project with International Cooperation financed by the Ministry of Education and Science in Macedonia, three year period (2006-2009).

5. Lombardi F. – contractor (Politehnico di Torino), Gecevska V. – coordinator (University Ss.Cyril and Methodius; Partners: Italy, Slovenia, Macedonia: “Web-Based Multimedia e-Learning for Applied Technologies”, SCM C013B05-2005, TEMPUS Program, financed by the European Commission, 2006-2007, .

6. RES (Renewable Energy Sources) Integration, FP6-INCO Project, Partners: Italy, Germany, Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Serbia,; Gecevska V. member of Macedonian team responsible for Engineering Economical Evaluation, financed by the European Commission, 2005-2008, .

7. Gecevska V. (coordinator), etc: Design, development and implementation of ERP (Enterprises Recourses Planning) system in printing industry; Development and Investigation Project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia, Beneficiary company: Bato&Divajn-Skopje, 2007, ; .

8. University Business Start-Up Center, financed by ADA (Austrian Development Agency), beneficiary University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Implementation by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2006-2008; (Gecevska V. – member of Steering Committee, Evaluator of submitted business plans).

9. Cosic P. PhD (coordinator - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zagreb), Gecevska V. (member of project team) etc.: Virtual Production – Step toward Competitive and Sustainable Development, International Scientific Project financed by the Ministry of Science and Education of Croatia, three years 2007-2010.

10. Gecevska V. Local Consultant and Dither-Koch K. EU Consultant for Direct Enterprise Support, consultancy funded by EU-funded project managed by the EAR (European Agency of Reconstruction), title: “SME Development – Government and Private Sector”, implementation by GFA Consulting Group (German Finance Agency), in several Macedonian companies (SME’s), 2006-2007.

11. Dither-Koch K., Gecevska V.: Development of the methodology for cost management and Implementation of cost reduction methods with improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes; Development of methodology, results implementation; SMEDP Project Ref.N.303 Skopje, funded by EC, managed by EAR, 2006-2007.

12. Dither-Koch K., Gecevska V.: Company strategical planning and new products development; Methodology development, realization, implementation; SMEDP Project Ref.N.410,beneficiary company IZO Staklo,Prilep, funded by EC, managed by EAR,2006-2008.

13. Gecevska V. (coordinator for MK): (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) CEEPUS II Program SR-0065 project: Intelligent Automation for Competitive Advantage, partners: AT, SK, SLO, MK, RS, HR, 2007-2010.

14. Gecevska V. (coordinator), etc: Design and production of new acrylic products; Development and Investigation Project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia, Beneficiary company: Luxor Aquamatic, 2008, .

15. Lombardi F. – contractor (Politehnico di Torino), Gecevska V. – coordinator (University Ss.Cyril and Methodius; Partners: Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia: “Master Studies and Continuing Education Network for Product Lifecycle Management with Sustainable Development”, 144959-Tempus-2008-IT-JPCR, TEMPUS IV Program, financed by the European Commission, 2009-2012.

16. Multiple framework contract EuropeAid/127054/C/SER/Multi in Third Countries benefiting from European Commission External Aid for Private Sector in WB, Gecevska.V-short term expert in the team, funded by EC, Leader - Fineurop Spa, Italy, 2009-2014.

17. BEE FP7 – Biomass Energy Europe, Partners: Germany, Austria, Hungary, Finland, Macedonia, Ukraine, Estonia; Gecevska V. member of Macedonian team responsible for Engineering Economical Evaluation, financed by the European Commission, 2008-2012.

III. Drugi pozicii

1. Vice Dean for Science and International Cooperation, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ss,Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje

2. Head of the CIM Laboratory (CIM-Computer Integrated Manufacturing), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 3. Head of WEBLAB e-Learning Training Center, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 4. Member of ICT Experts Association of MASIT 5. Member of (SME) Society of Manufacturing Engineers, USA 6. Member of DAAAM (President of National DAAAM Organizations for 2009), Austria 7. Member of Scientific Board of 4 International Scientific Journals, Editor of one Int. Scientific Journal Member of Scientific Board and Organizational Board for Several international Conferences Organized in Macedonia, Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia and Serbia

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Kusa biografija za akreditacionata dokumentacija Ime i prezime: Radmil Polenakovi}

Data / mesto na ra|awe: 14.03.1967, Skopje, Makedonija

e-mail, web: [email protected];

Akademska pozicija, nau~en stepen:

Vonreden profesor, Doktor na tehni~ki nauki

Od koga e na taa pozicija: 2006

Ma{inski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

Institucija na vrabotuvawe i od koga:


Obrazovanie Godina Institucija

D-r na tehni~ki nauki 2001 Ma{inski Fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Sk

M-r na ma{inski nauki 1994 Ma{inski Fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Sk{.in`. 1991 Ma{inski Fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Sk

Vrabotuvawe: 2006- Vonreden profesor, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

2002-2006 Docent, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

1991-2002 Asistent, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na prv ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa: Nedelni ~asovi

1 Menaxment na maliot biznis Mehatronika, Motorni vozila Mehanizacija, transport i logistika, Termi~ko in`enerstvo, Fluidno in`enerstvo, Zavaruvawe i konstruktivno in`enerstvo, Energetika i ekologija,


2 Menaxment na ~ove~ki resursi Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment 4

3 Ekolo{ki menaxment Energetika i ekologija 4

4 Ergonomija Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment 2

5 Pretpriema{tvo i mal biznis Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment 4

6 Delovna logistika Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment 2

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na vtor ciklus studii (full – time)

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa:

1 Metodi vo delovnoto odlu~uvawe Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment

2 Razvoj na nov biznis Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment

3 Razvoj na ~ove~kite resursi Industrisko in`enerstvo i menaxment

4 Logistika i menaxment na snabduva~kite sinxiri

Industrisko in`enerstvo, Menaxment

Nau~ni i istra`uva~ki rezultati:

Nad 130 nau~ni trudovi, nau~ni proekti, stru~ni trudovi i ekspertizi, publikuvani vo zemjata i stranstvo

Relevantni referenci za kompetencii (Lista na selektirani trudovi - 5 do 10)

1. Polenakovik R., Pinto R.: "The National Innovation System and its Relation to Small Enterprises – the Case of the Republic of Macedonia", World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development (WJSTSD) Volume 7 Numbers 1/2 2010.

2. Lazarovksa T., Nedanovski L., Mihajlovski G., Polenakovik R., Jovanoski B., Kurciev A., Velkovski B., Jovanovski B.: “Entrepreneurship in Macedonia (GEM Report for Macedonia for 2008)”, MRFP print, Skopje, 2009

3. Polenakovik R: “How can the Indicators and Assessment Process be improved?”, ETF International

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Conference “Entrepreneurship in Higher Education”, 20 November 2009, Bitola, Macedonia 4. Polenakovik R.: “Towards an Innovation Society”, SEE Annual Conference: “Advancing development through

transnational cooperation in South East Europe”, 14-15 October 2009, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 5. Arsovski M., Polenakovik R: “Sale Staff as Competitive Advantage on the Market for Product and Service

Oriented Consumption”, Journal of engineering, Tome VII (year 2009) Fascicule 2, Hundeora, Romania, 2009

6. Ristova E., Polenakovik R: “CRM Case Study from IT Company in Macedonia”, VII International Scientific Conference ”Management and Engineering’09” – ISCME09, 22-24 June, 2009 Sozopol, Bulgaria

7. Mezghani L., Polenakovik R.: “Entrepreneurial Learning Audit Toolkit”, May 2009, Sfax, Tunisia and Skopje, Macedonia, for the needs of European Training Foundation project “Entrepreneurial Learning – phase II” IPA 08-04 and ENPI 08-10, 2009

8. Polenakovik R., Mezghani L.: “Indicators for Evaluating Entrepreneurial Learning in the Higher Education”, International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development 2009 (ICEIRD 2009), 23-24 April, 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece

9. Rizov T., J. Cledenen, A. Kocov, R. Polenakovik: “Advanced Tools for Ultimate Supply Chain Management”, 12th Panhellenic Logistic Conference: Logistics in Southeastern Europe, Crossroads for International Trade, Thessaloniki, Greece, 21-22 November, 2008

10. Sutevski D., Polenakovik R.: “Business Intelligence as Creator of Knowledge that is needed for Organizational Changes”, Proceedings ICEIRD2008, 8-11 May 2008, Skopje/Ohrid, Macedonia

Drugi zbirni nau~ni i stru~ni aktivnosti:

Aktivni doma{ni proekti: /

Aktivni me|unarodni proekti: 6

Stipendirani prestoi, obuki:

2006 September – 1 week, Graz and surroundings Technology parks, Graz, Austria

2004 June–3 weeks City College–Affiliated Institution of Sheffield University, Thessaloniki, Greece, TEMPUS, IMG

1998 July/August - one month at University of Stuttgart, Germany and Denmark Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark. TEMPUS, IMG


Academic year - Arizona State University, Tempe, USA

1992 January/February - Northwestern University - Evanston, University of Illinois - Chicago, Loyola College - Chicago, USA

Drugi relevantni podatoci (broj na citati, broj na SCI trudovi, pova`ni proekti, drugi pozicii):

I. Lista na selektirani proekti: 1. Business Environment Reform and Institutional Strengthening Project (BERIS) Technical Assistance for

preparation of Implementation of European Innovation Scoreboard for the Republic of Macedonia, CONTESTI srl, Project funded by World Bank (R. Polenakovik responsible for SME strategy evaluation and development) (2009-2010)

2. Consultancy services for Procurement of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system for National Agency for Real Estate Cadastre; ICS Consulting DOO and Vialto Consulting Ltd, MK-RECRP-4768MK-CS-09-C2_CS06-5, Project funded by World Bank (R. Polenakovik responsible for Human Resource Management and Logistics issues) (2009)

3. SEE Trans-national Cooperation Programme – Project “South-East European Co-operation of Innovation and Finance Agencies”, Team Leader for Macedonia: Radmil Polenakovik (2009-2012)

4. Ministry of defense of Republic of Macedonia – trainings for staff of Departments for transition to civil life of 6 countries (Albania, Serbia, Moldova, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Macedonia): “Capacity building on the topic: Preparation of Job Fair for ex-military Personnel”, 17.06.2009, Ohrid

5. “Capacity Building Towards Knowledge Based Economy”, Project funded by Austrian Development Agency and implemented by Agency for promotion of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Macedonia (APPRM) (2009-2012), Radmil Polenakovik - Position: Senior advisor

6. European Training Foundation International Expert on Entrepreneurial Learning on Higher Education: Entrepreneurial Learning Audit Toolkit, ETF, Turin (2009)

7. TEMPUS Project, “MAS-PLM Master Studies and Continuing Education Network for Product Lifecycle Management with Sustainable Production”; Coordinator: Politechnical University of Torino”; Radmil Polenakovik Responsible for course PLM Project management (2009-2011)

8. ETF-SM-00066-2008, 145180-TEMPUS-1-2008-1-ATTEMPUS-SMHES, “Creating R&D Capacities and Instruments for boosting Higher Education-Economy Co-operations”; Coordinator: Montanuniversität Leoben”; Team Leader for Macedonia: Radmil Polenakovik (2009-2011)

9. ETF-SM-00013-2008, 145129-TEMPUS-1-2008-1-BATEMPUS-SMHES, “COMPETENCE - Matching

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competences in higher education and economy: From competence catalogue to strategy and curriculum development", Coordinator: University of Zenica, Team Leader for Macedonia: Radmil Polenakovik (2009-2011)

10. Developing project Fiche for Implementation of the European Innovation Scoreboard for Macedonia (short-term expert within an EAR funded project for technical assistance for SME development) (2008)

11. GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) Project for Macedonia – Team Leader (2008) 12. “LEPEZA” project (re-socialization of dismissed army officers) (project funded by Ministry of defence and

Kingdom of Norway and Kingdom of Denmark, 3 month intensive training on Entrepreneurship) (2007-2008)

13. TEMPUS SCM project: “Web Based Multimedia E-Learning for Applied Technologies“, Responsible for course Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (2006-2007)

14. Report on Assessment of the National Innovation System – Status, Impediments, Conclusions and Policy Recommendations in support of SMEs, Small and medium-size Enterprise Development – Government and Private Sector, An EU-funded project managed by the EAR (2006)

15. Skopje University Business Start-Up Centre: Through Networking to Successful Companies (Phase I – Establishment of the Centre) – Austrian Development Agency funded project (2006-2008)

16. Development and Application of Methodology of Supply Chain Management for Export Oriented Companies – project co-sponsored by Macedonian Ministry of Education and Science (2005)

17. Socio-Economic Security: Seeking Distributive Justice - Basic Security for all: 2004 Survey, ILO project (2005)

II. Drugi pozicii 2009 – Претседател на Националниот центар за развој на иновациите и претприемачкото учење 2009 – UNESCO Chair for entrepreneurship, University of Novi Sad, Serbia – Визитинг професор на предметот Менаџмент на човечки ресурси во мали бизниси 2009 – Член на Европската академија на науките и уметностите, Салзбург, Австрија 2008 – Меѓународен експерт на European Training Foundation, Turin, Italy, за претпримачко учење 2006 – Раководител на Центар за развој на нови бизниси, Машински факултет, Универзитет Св. Кирил и Методиј

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Kusa biografija za akreditacionata dokumentacija Ime i prezime: Jasmina ^aloska

Data / mesto na ra|awe: 03.09.1963 god. Vrawe, R Srbija

e-mail, web: [email protected];

Akademska pozicija, nau~en stepen:

Vonreden profesor, Doktor na tehni~ki nauki

Od koga e na taa pozicija: 2007

Ma{inski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

Institucija na vrabotuvawe i od koga:


Obrazovanie Godina Institucija

D-r na tehni~ki nauki 2002 Ma{inski Fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Sk

M-r na ma{inski nauki 1993 Ma{inski Fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Sk{.in`. 1987 Ma{inski Fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Sk

Vrabotuvawe: 2007- Vonreden profesor, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

2003-2007 Docent, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

1993-2003 Asistent, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

1987-1993 Pomlad asistent, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na prv ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa: Nedelni ~asovi

1 Proizvodni u uslu`ni procesi Proizvodna informatika 3

2 Delovna informatika Proizvodna informatika 2

3 Ma{inska obrabotka i proizvodni sistemi Motorni vozila, Mehanizacija, transport i logistika, Industriski dizajn, Termi~ko in`enerstvo, Fluidno in`enerstvo, Zavaruvawe i konstruktivno in`enerstvo


4 Proizvodni tehnologii so oblikuvawe Proizvodno in`enerstvo 4

5 Tehnologii na obrabotka so plasti~na deformacija Proizvodno in`enerstvo 4

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na vtor ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa:

1 Sovremeni tehnologii na plasti~nosta i alati Proizvodno in`enerstvo

2 Modelirawe i simulacija na postapki so oblikuvawe Proizvodno in`enerstvo

3 Konstrukcija na alati za polimeri Proizvodno in`enerstvo

Nau~ni i istra`uva~ki rezultati:

Nad 100 nau~ni trudovi, nau~ni proekti, stru~ni trudovi i ekspertizi, publikuvani vo zemjata i stranstvo

Relevantni referenci za kompetencii (Lista na selektirani trudovi - 5 do 10)

1. J. Caloska, J. Lazarev, K.Kuzman: Analyse of the exit velocities profile in the extrusion process of aluminium complex profile, TECOS, Bled 2003

2. J.^aloska , J. Lazarev: Modelirawe na procesot na ekstruzija na aluminiumski profili so CFD, Proizvodstvo i menaxment vo 21-ot vek, Ohrid, 2004

3. J. Chaloska, J. Lazarev: Numerical Experiment of the Process of Aluminium Extrusion, AMO, Sozopol, 2007

4. J. Caloska, A. Kocov, Lj. Dudeski: CAD model of lower limb prosthese, AMO, Sofija 2008

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5. J. Caloska, D. Karakasev, A. Kocov, B. Stojkov: 3D Ddigitalization in Orthopedics, MESJ, 2008 6. J. Caloska, : Signification of Implementation of System of Occupational Health and Safety for Macedonian

Companies, Cleaner Production, Skopje, 2008 7. A. Kocov, J. Caloska, Z. Spirovski: Creating comprehensive e-library for improving the competitivness of

the Macedonian machine tool industry, TECOS, Ljubljana, 2009 8. J. Caloska, A. Kocov: Signification of implementation of CP concept for Macedonian companies, MOTSP,

Sibenik,2009 Drugi zbirni nau~ni i stru~ni aktivnosti:

Aktivni doma{ni proekti: 3

Aktivni me|unarodni proekti: 4

Stipendirani prestoi, obuki: 2009 June- three days training course, BSI OHSAS 18001:2007, American Quality and Environmental Group, Skopje

2009 February -2 weeks, Study visit, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria

2008 May – 1 week, Study visit, , Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Biomechanical Centre, Budapest University of Technology and Economics , Hungary

2007 April – May, 1 month, CEEPUS, Exchange mobility - teacher fellowship, CEEPUS II Program PL 0033-02-0607 Network: “Development of mechanical engineering (design, technology and production management) as an essential base for progress in the area of small and medium companies` logistics – research, preparation and implementation of joint programs of study”, Sofia, Bulgaria

2005 October – 1 week, Study visit, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

2004 May / July – 6 weeks, Production management For Eastern European countries, Training program, JICA Fellowship, Sapporo JICA Center and Tokyo, Kyoto, Nagoya, Japan

2002 April– 1 weeks, Laboratory for Metal Forming, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Drugi relevantni podatoci (broj na citati, broj na SCI trudovi, pova`ni proekti, drugi pozicii):

I. Lista na selektirani proekti: 1. A. Kocov, J. Caloska : Function of the numerical simulations in the competitive engineering. Scientific-

research project between Ministry of education and sience of Republic of Macedonia and Ministry of education and sience of Republic of Slovenia, 2006-2009

2. A. Kocov, J. Caloska: Function of the reverse engineering in the development of the injection molding tools and sheet metal tools, bilateral project between CIRKO MES CE, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, R. Macedonia and TECOS, R. Slovenia, 2007-2009

3. A. Kocov, J. Caloska, and others: Internships practice between student youth, MAAA project financed byAmerican Embassy of RM, 2007-2008

4. A. Kocov, J. Caloska, V. Dukovski, Z. Spirovski, V. Tevdov. and others: Establishing E-LIBRARY for Macedonian machine tool industry, CIRKO MES CE and Competitiveness Project, jun - sept. 2008

5. A. Kocov, J. Caloska, S. Andonova, M. Ginovska, S. Cundeva and others.: Nacional Centre of Cleaner Production, project financed by UNIDO, 2007-2008

6. J Caloska (project coordinator) I. Nasev, J. Mickovski : Systems for assessment of surface integrity; EUREKA project, E!4133 Partners: Gorenje,Slovenia; TECOS, Slovenia; AITIIP Foundation, Spain; DESARROLLO EMBEL SL, Spain; CIRKO Macedonia, 2007-2010

7. J. Caloska, A. Kocov, I. Lazarev: Metal matrix composite for tools resistant of attrition, Ministry of education and sience and MKMold DOO- Ohrid, 2007-2008

8. S. Bilic, (Ministry of Education and Science of RM), J. Caloska (University Ss.Cyril and Methodius),: “Regional Strategy on Research and Development for the Western Balkans”, Partners: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo, IPA Programme 2010

9. V. Mandic –contractor, University of Kragujevac, Serbia, J. Caloska (University Ss.Cyril and Methodius), external expert for quality control, Partners: Slovenia, Italia, Denmark, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Monte Negro, Croatia:” WBC Virtual Manufacturing Network – Fostering an Integration of the Knowledge Triangle”, 144684-TEMPUS-2008-RS-JPHES, TEMPUS program, financed by the European Commission, 2009-2012

10. Lombardi F. – contractor (Politehnico di Torino), Gecevska V. – coordinator , J. Caloska , member of Macedonian team from University Ss.Cyril and Methodius; Partners: Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia: “Master Studies and Continuing Education Network for Product Lifecycle Management with Sustainable Development”, 144959-Tempus-2008-IT-JPCR, TEMPUS IV Program, financed by the European Commission, 2009-2012.

III. Drugi pozicii 1. Rakovoditel na Katedrata za tehnologii na oblikuvawe so plasti~na deformacija,

2. ^len na Sovet za bezbednost i zdravje pri rabota na RM,

3. ^len na Tehni~ki Komitet za laboratorii za kalibracija pri IARM.

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Kusa biografija za akreditacionata dokumentacija Ime i prezime: Aтанаско Тунески

Data / mesto na ra|awe: 22.01.1965, Prilep, Makedonija

e-mail, web: [email protected],

Akademska pozicija, nau~en stepen:

Redoven profesor, doktor na tehni~ki nauki

Od koga e na taa pozicija: 2007

Ma{inski fakultet - Skopje, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

Institucija na vrabotuvawe i od koga:


Obrazovanie Godina Institucija

D-r na tehni~ki nauki 1997 Ma{inski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodij, Sk

M-r na ma{inski nauki 1993 Ma{inski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodij, Sk{.in`. 1989 Ma{inski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodij, Sk

Vrabotuvawe: 2007- Redoven profesor, Ma{inski fakultet, UKIM,Skopje

2002-2007 Vonreden profesor, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

1997-2002 Docent, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

1993-1997 Asistent, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

1989-1993 Pomlad asistent, Ma{inski fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

Celosni recenziivo Bilten na UKIM

bilten br. 92 (maj 2007-ma), bilten br. 806 (juni 2002-ra), bilten br. 689 (septemvri 2007-ma)

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na prv ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa: Nedelni ~asovi

1 Monitoring i upravuvawe so sistemi za za{tita na `ivotna sredina

Interdisciplinarni studii po In`enerstvo na `ivotna sredina i resursi pri UKIM


2 Monitoring i upravuvawe Hidraulika i avtomatika 4

3 Optimirawe na energetski sistemi Energetika i ekologija 3

4 Avtomatsko upravuvawe Avtomatika i fluidno in`enerstvo, Energetika i ekologija, Termotehnika i termoenergetika


5 Programibilno memorisko upravuvawe Avtomatika i fluidno in`enerstvo, Mehantronika


Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na vtor ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa:

1 Optimalni energetski sistemi Energetika i ekologija

2 Upravuvawe so dinami~ki sistemi Avtomatika i fluidno in`enerstvo

3. Kompjutersko upravuvawe so sistemi i procesi Avtomatika i fluidno in`enerstvo

Nau~ni i istra`uva~ki rezultati:

Relevantni referenci za kompetencii (Lista na selektirani trudovi - 5 do 10)

1. Atanasko Tuneski, George Balafoutas, “Monitoring And Improving The Rivers In Vardar/Axios Watershed”,

paper A-189, Balwois 2006 - International Scientific Conference on Water Observation and Information Systems, May, 2006, Ohrid, Macedonia

2. Atanasko Tuneski, George Balafoutas, “Monitoring for Improving the River Axios”, paper printed by

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UNESCO Chair and Network/ International Network of Water-Environment Centres for the Balkans (INWEB) at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, IV International Symposium on Transboundary Waters Management, Thessaloniki, Greece, 15-16 October, 2008

3. Atanasko Tuneski,, “SCADA Simulation for Monitoring and Control of HPP Using Robust Law”, International Conference organized by IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) and ETAI (Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Automation, Informatics), Ohrid, September, 2009

4. Atanasko Tuneski, “Monitoring and Control of Heavy Metals In Vardar River”, Proceedings of EcoIst Conference, pp. 413-416, Bor, Serbia and Montenegro, 1-4 June 2005.

5. Atanasko Tuneski, Enrica Caporali, “Tempus Derec Project : Expected Outcomes, Achieved Objectives and Future Perspective”, in a book Towards a new curriculum : the DEREC experience, Firenze University Press, ISBN: 978-88-8453-876-5

6. Tuneski A., Vukobratovic M., “Contribution to the Adaptive Control of Multiple Compliant Manipulation on Dynamic Environments”, Robotica, Vol.17, 1999, pp.97

7. Tuneski A., Vukobratovic M.,”Adaptive Control of Multiple Compliant Manipulation on Dynamical Environment”, 14-th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control, Beijing, P.R.China, July 5-9, 1999, pp. 549-555.

8. Vukobratovic, M., Tuneski A., "Adaptive Control of Single Rigid Robotic Manipulators Interacting with Dynamic Environment - An Overview", Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 17, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996., pp. 1-30.

9. 9. Tuneski A., Vukobratovic M, Dimirovski G., “Adaptive Coordinating Control of Multiple Manipulators for Tasks in Contact with Dynamic Environment Situations”, European Control Conference ECC-1999, Seccion AM-11, 31.August-3.September, 1999, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp.645-653

Relevantni referenci za kompetencii (Lista na selektirani proekti - 5 do 10)

1. A.Tuneski (Project Coordinator), et al., “Development of Environmental and Resources Engineering Curriculum (DEREC)”, TEMPUS Joint European Project (JEP) 19028-2004, financed by the European Commission, 2005-2008.

2. A.Tuneski (Project Co-Director), “Monitoring and Improving the Rivers in the VArdar/AXios Watershed (MIRVAX)”, Research and Development project financed by NATO Science for Peace Program, 2006 – 2009.

3. A.Tuneski, et al., “Development of Modern Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System for Small Hydro Power Plants”, International Scientific Project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science in the Republic of Macedonia and the Ministry of Education and Science in Slovenia in two year period (2005, 2006).

4. A.Tuneski, ““Optimal, Robust Control of Nonlinear Systems with External Disturbances”, Scientific project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia, 2003-2006.

5. A. Tuneski, et al, “Development of SCADA Systems for Monitoring and Remote Control of Technological Processes in Printing Industry”, Development Project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia, 2005-2006.

6. A.Tuneski, “Modelling, Control and Stability of Active Systems with Variable Geometry and Dynamics”, International Scientific project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia, 1999-2002.

7. A.Tuneski, “System for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) in the Water Supply Systems and Wastewater Treatment Systems”, Project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia, 2003, 2004.

8. A. Tuneski, “Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System for Monitoring and Remote Control of Technological Processes in Food and Cement Industries”, Development Project co-financed by GTZ Technology Transfer Macedonia, 2003.

Stipendirani prestoi, obuki:

1994 March – June - Fraunhover Institute, Berlin, Germany

Drugi relevantni podatoci 1. Rakovoditel na Kolegiumot na Interdisciplinarnite studii po in`enerstvo na `ivotna sredina i

resursi pri UKIM

2. Rakovoditel na katedrata za avtomatika pri Ma{inski fakultet - Skopje, UKIM

Page 21: CVs - Visiting Professors


Kusa biografija za akreditacionata dokumentacija Ime i prezime: Anita Grozdanov

Data / mesto na ra|awe: 02.07.1965, Radovi{, Makedonija

e-mail, web: [email protected],,

Akademska pozicija, nau~en stepen:

Vonreden profesor, Doktor na tehni~ki nauki

Od koga e na taa pozicija: 2008

Tehnolo{ko-metalur{ki fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

Institucija na vrabotuvawe i od koga:


Obrazovanie Godina Institucija

D-r na tehni~ki nauki 2002 Tehnolo{ko-metalur{ki fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

M-r na ma{inski nauki 1994 Tehnolo{ko-metalur{ki fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje{.in`. 1989 Tehnolo{ko-metalur{ki fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

Vrabotuvawe: 2008- Vonreden profesor, Tehnolo{ko-metalur{ki fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

2003-2008 Docent, Tehnolo{ko-metalur{ki fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

1990-2003 Asistent, Tehnolo{ko-metalur{ki fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na prv ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa: Nedelni ~asovi

1 Za{tita na `ivotnata sredina zadol`itlen za site studiski programi na TMF


2 Primena na polimeri Polimerno i organsko in`enerstvo 2

3 Prerabotka na polimerite II Polimerno i organsko in`enerstvo 3

4 Voved vo naukata za materijali Nauka za materijali 3

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na vtor ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa:

1 Po~isto proizvodstvo In`enerstvo na `ivtona sredina

Nau~ni i istra`uva~ki rezultati:

Relevantni referenci za kompetencii (Lista na selektirani trudovi - 5 do 10)

1. Grozdanov, G. Bogoeva-Gaceva, Carbon fibers/Polyamide 6 Composites based on Hybrid Yarns,

J.Termo.Plast.Comp., SAGE Publications, 23, 99-110 (2010) 2. A.Buzarovska, A. Grozdanov, Avella M,Gentile G, Errico M., Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co- hydroxyvalerate)

/titanium dioxide nanocomposites: A degradation study, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., Wiley Inter Sci., 114, 5, 3118-3124 (2009)

3. B.Dimzoski, G. Bogoeva-Gaceva, G.Gentile, M.Avella, A.Grozdanov, Polypropylene-based Eco- composites Filled with Agricultural Rice Hulls Waste, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, 23/2,225-230 (2009)

4. P.Paunovic, A.T.Dimitrov, O.Popovski, E.Slavcheva, A.Grozdanov, E.Lefterova, Gj.Petrusevski, S.Hadzi Jordanov, ”Effect of activation /purification of multiwalled carbon nanotubes(MWCNTs) on the activity of non-platinum based hypo-hyper d-electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution”,Materials Research Bulletin, 44, 9, 1816-1821 (2009)

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5. M.Avella, A.Buzarovska, M.E.Errico, G.Gentile, A.Grozdanov, Eco-Challenges of Bio-Based Polymer Composites, Materials, 2, 911-925 (2009)

6. T.Obradovic-Grncarovska, A.Grozdanov, A.Dimitorv, V. Dukovski, Determination, Comparison and Characterization of Eco-indiactors of the high environmentally impact metallurgical products, Proceedings of MOTSP’2009 Conference: Management of Technology – Sustainable Production, Jun 2009, Croatia.

7. Buzarovska, A. Grozdanov, Avella M,Gentile G, Errico M., “Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyl valerate) /TiO2 nanocomposites: A degradation study”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 114, 5, 3118-3124 (2009)

8. Buzarovska A*, Bogoeva-Gaceva G, Grozdanov A, Avella M, Gentile G, Errico M., Potential use of rice straw as filler in eco-composite materials, Australian Journal of Crop Science, 1(2):37-42 (2008)

9. Grozdanov, A. Buzarovska, G. Bogoeva-Gaceva, M.Avella,M.E.Errico, G.Gentile, Nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of kenaf fiber/polypropylene Composites, Polym.Eng.Sci., 47, 5, 745-749 (2007)

10. G. Bogoeva-Gaceva, M.Avella, M.Malinconico, A.Buzarovska, A. Grozdanov, G.Gentile, M.E.Errico, Natural fiber eco-composites, Polym.Compos., 28, 1, 98-107 (2007)

Drugi zbirni nau~ni i stru~ni aktivnosti:

Aktivni doma{ni proekti: 1

Aktivni me|unarodni proekti: 2

Stipendirani prestoi, obuki:

1 1995 (May-June, October) - Institute fur Polymerforshung,Dresden, Germany

2 2000/2001 – (NATO-research grant) Istituto Di Ricerca e Tecnologia Delle Materie Plastiche, Napoli, Italy

3 2005 (31.10-18.11.2005 – (JICA grant) Training program on CDM/JI for SEEC

4 2005, (01.10.-01.11.) Istituto Di Ricerca e Tecnologia Delle Materie Plastiche, Napoli, Italy, (research stay and work on the Project FP6-INCO-CT-2004-509185)

5 2006, (01.10.-01.11.) Istituto Di Ricerca e Tecnologia Delle Materie Plastiche, Napoli, Italy, (research stay and work on the Project FP6-INCO-CT-2004-509185)

6 2007 (01.10.-01.11.) Istituto Di Ricerca e Tecnologia Delle Materie Plastiche, Napoli, Italy, (research stay and work on the Project FP6-INCO-CT-2004-509185)

7 2008 (04.10.-01.11.) Istituto Di Ricerca e Tecnologia Delle Materie Plastiche, Napoli, Italy, (research stay and work on the Project FP6-INCO-CT-2004-509185)

Drugi relevantni podatoci (broj na citati, broj na SCI trudovi, pova`ni proekti, drugi pozicii):

I. Broj na citati: 80 (by SCOPUS) Broj na SCI trudovi: 28 II. Lista na selektirani proekti: 1. FP6-INCO-STREP (FP6, INCO-CT-2004-509185) ”Eco-houses based on eco-friendly polymer construction

composite materials”, European Project with 12th members in FP6, funded by EC, Coordinator ICTP-CNR Napoli, Italy (A. Grozdanov was Exploitation manager of the project)

2. E. Caporalli–contractor (University of Florence, Italy), Tuneski-coordinator (University Ss.Cyril and Methodius), A.Grozdanov (co-coordinator for Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, member of the Management Board of the Curriculum), etc: “Development of Environmental and Resources Engineering Curriculum”, Joint European Project (JEP) 19028-2004, TEMPUS Program, financed by the European Commission, 2005-2008,

3. A.Grozdanov (co-coordinator for Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, “Improving Academia-Industry Links in food safety and Quality” JPHES 158714- 2009, TEMPUS Program, financed by the European Commission, 2010-2012.

III. Drugi pozicii 3. Program Committee Member for NMP for FP7 from R. Macedonia 4. NCP SME for FP7 (for R. Macedonia) 5. NCP NMP for FP7 (for R. Macedonia) 6. National and UNIDO expert of Macedonian Cleaner Production Centre 7. General Secretary of “NANOMAK” Association

Page 23: CVs - Visiting Professors


Kusa biografija za akreditacionata dokumentacija Ime i prezime: Nikola Tuneski

Data / mesto na ra|awe: 16.07.1971, Skopje, R. Makedonija

e-mail, web: [email protected]

Akademska pozicija, nau~en stepen:

Vonreden profesor, Doktor na matemati~ki nauki

Od koga e na taa pozicija: 2008

Ma{inski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

Institucija na vrabotuvawe i od koga:


Obrazovanie Godina Institucija

D-r 1999 Matemati~ki fakultet, Univerzitet vo Belgrad, Belgrad, Srbija

M-r 1997 Prirodno-matemati~ki fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Skopje

Dipl.маш.инж. 1994 Ma{inski Fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Skopje

Vrabotuvawe: 2008- Vonreden profesor, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

2006-2008 Docent, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

2003-2006 Nasloven docent, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

1999-2003 Asistent, Ma{inski Fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na prv ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa: Nedelni ~asovi

1 Matematika 1 site akademski nasoki na MFS 3

2 In`enerska matematika site profesionalni nasoki na MFS 3

3 In`enersko programirawe Mehatronika 2

4 Kompjuteri i in`enersko programirawe site akademski nasoki na MFS 3

5 Kompjuteri i aplikativen softver site profesionalni nasoki na MFS 2

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na vtor ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa:

1 Verojatnost i statistika site nasoki na MFS

2 Simulacii so statisti~ki metodi site nasoki na MFS

3 Kompleksna analiza za in`eneri site nasoki na MFS

Nau~ni i istra`uva~ki rezultati:

Preku 40 nau~ni trudovi vo me|unarodni ~asopisi

Relevantni referenci za kompetencii (Lista na selektirani trudovi - 5 do 10)

1. Tuneski N., On starlikeness of an analytic function, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, Vol.34 (2010), 365-370.

2. Tuneski N., The Role of Mathematics in the Environmental and Resources Engineering Studies, Towards a new curriculum: the DEREC experience, Firenze University Press, (2009) 101-106.

3. Hendrikx I., Tuneski N., Emerging Issues in Regulations and Standards - Sampling Considerations Within Market Surveillance Actions, Conformity Vol. 22 (2009), 23-27.

4. Tuneski N., Some simple sufficient conditions for starlikeness and convexity, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol.22 (2009) 693-697.

5. Tuneski N., Some results for univalent functions deffined with respect to N-symmetric points, Novi Sad J. Math., Vol. 38 No.3 (2008), 91-96.

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6. Tuneski N., Irmak H., Starlikeness and Convexity of a Class of Analytic Functions, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, vol. 2006, Article ID 38089, 8 pages, 2006. doi:10.1155/IJMMS/2006/38089.

7. Singh V., Tuneski N., On a Criteria for Starlikeness and Convexity of Analytic Functions, Acta Mathematica Scientia, Vol. 24 No. B4 (2004), 597-602.

8. Tuneski N., On a Criteria for Starlikeness of Analytic Functions, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, Vol. 14 No. 3 (2003), 263-270.

9. Tuneski N., On the Quotient of the Representations of Convexity and Starlikeness, Mathematische Nachrichten, 248-249 (2003), 200-203.

10. Bulboaca T., Tuneski N., New Criteria for Starlikeness and Strongly Starlikeness, Mathematica (Cluj), Vol.43 No.66 (2001), 11-22.

Drugi zbirni nau~ni i stru~ni aktivnosti:

Aktivni doma{ni proekti: /

Aktivni me|unarodni proekti: /

Stipendirani prestoi, obuki: 2009 IEEE Symposium on Product Compliance Engineering, Toronto, Canada, October 26-28, 2009.

- I. Hendrikx, N. Tuneski, Sampling considerations within Market Surveillance actions.

2009 Computational Methods and Function Theory, Ankara, Turkey, June 08-12, 2009.

- N. Tuneski, Simple criteria for starlikeness and convexity.

2008 "18th Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies (WP.6) - UNECE", Geneva, Switzerland, November 03-04, 2008.

- - N. Tuneski: Statistical methods and market surveillance.

2007 6-th Congress of the International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation, Ankara, Turkey, August 13-18, 2007.

- - N. Tuneski, E. Georgieva-Celakoska: Suffıcıent condıtıons for starlıkeness and convexıty of an anlytıc functıon.

Internationale Mathematische Arbeitstagung, Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, June 22-28, 2007.

2006 Seminar of the Institute of mathematics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 4, 2005.

- N. Tuneski, New results and generalizations from the theory of univalent functions.

2002 Congrès de Mathèmatiques Appliquèes à la mèmoire de Jacques-Louis Lions, Collèdge de France, Paris, France, July 1-5, 2002.

2002 International Congress of Mathematicians, Beijing, China, August 20-28, 2002.

Drugi relevantni podatoci (broj na citati, broj na SCI trudovi, pova`ni proekti, drugi pozicii):

I. Broj na citati: преку 100 според google scholar Broj na SCI trudovi: 5 II. Lista na selektirani proekti: 1. Теорија и примена на еднолисните функции, меѓународен научно-истражувачки проект финансиран од Министерство за образование и наука на Р. Македонија и ТУБИТАК - Турција, 2006 - 2008. 2. Геометриска теорија на функциите и нејзина примена, национален научно-истражувачки проект финансиран од Министерство за образование и наука на Р. Македонија, 2001-2004. 3. Неутрикс производи и конволуции на дистрибуции и нивни примени, меѓународен научно-истражувачки проект финансиран од Министерство за образование и наука на Р. Македонија и ТУБИТАК - Турција, 2006 - 2008. 4. Development of Environmental and Resources Engineering Curriculum, TEMPUS Joint European Project, 2005 – 2008. 5. Модлирање, управување и стабилност на активни системи со променлива геометрија и динамика, финансирано од Министерство за образование и наука на Р. Македонија, 1999-2002. III. Drugi pozicii

Rakovoditel na Oddelot za matematika i informatika pri Ma{inski fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

Page 25: CVs - Visiting Professors


Куса биографија за акредитационата документација Име и презиме: Љубомир Дракулевски

Дата / место на раѓање: 05.06.1962, Скопје, Македонија

e-mail, web: [email protected];

Академска позиција, научен степен:

Редовен професор, Доктор по економски науки

Од кога е на таа позиција: 2008

Економски факултет, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје

Институција на вработување и од кога:


Образование Година Институција Д-р на економски науки 1998 Економски факултет, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Ск М-р на економски науки 1995 Економски факултет, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Ск Дипл.економист 1987 Економски факултет, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Ск Вработување: 2008- Редовен професор, Економски Факултет, УКИМ, Скопје 2003-2008 Вонреден професор, Економски факултет, УКИМ, Скопје 1998-2003 Доцент, Економски факултет, УКИМ, Скопје 1995-1998 Асистент, Економски факултет, УКИМ, Скопје 1988-1995 Помлад асистент, Економски факултет, УКИМ, Скопје Список на предмети кои наставникот ги води на прв циклус студии Назив на предметот: 2009/10 Студиска програма: Неделни


1 Стратегиски менаџмент Менаџмент, маркетинг и е-бизнис, Економски факултет, УКИМ


2 Меѓународен менаџмент Менаџмент, Економски факултет, УКИМ 4

3 Меѓународен бизнис Сметководство и ревизија, Економски факултет, УКИМ


4 Организациско однесување Менаџмнет, Сметководство и ревизија, Економски факултет, УКИМ


5 Стратегиски менаџмент Индустриско инженерство, Машински факултет, УКИМ


Список на предмети кои наставникот ги води на втор циклус студии Назив на предметот: Студиска програма:

1 Стратегиски менаџмент Менаџмент, Економски факултет, УКИМ

2 Меѓународен менаџмент Менаџмент, Економски факултет, УКИМ

3 Организациско однесување Менаџмент, Економски факултет, УКИМ

4 Европско бизнис окружување Европски студии, Економски факултет, УКИМ

5 Теорија на организација и однесување Сметководство и ревизија, Економски факултет, УКИМ

6 Стратегиски менаџмент во е-бизнис Е-бизнис менаџмент, Економски факултет, УКИМ

7 Стратегиски менаџмент Деловно право, Правен факултет, УКИМ

8 Менаџмент – функции и процеси Здравствен и фармацевтски менаџмент, Фармацевтски факултет, УКИМ

9 Развој и управување со кадри Здравствен и фармацевтски менаџмент, Фармацевтски факултет, УКИМ

10 Menaџмент на аптекарска и клиничка практика

Здравствен и фармацевтски менаџмент, Фармацевтски факултет, УКИМ

Page 26: CVs - Visiting Professors


Научни и истражувачки резултати:

Над 60 научни трудови, научни проекти, стручни трудови и експертизи, публикувани во земјата и странство

Релевантни референци за компетенции (Листа на селектирани трудови - 5 до 10) 1. Стратегиски менаџмент, (коавтор), учебник, Економски факултет, Скопје, 2001 2. "Managerial Style in Transitional Economies: The Example of The Republic of Macedonia", Eastern European

Economics, November-December 1999, pp. 26-34 3. "Corporate Governance in The Republic of Macedonia", International Conference: “An Enterprise Odyssey:

Economics and Business in the New Millennium” 2002, Graduate School of Economics and Business, Zagreb, 27-29 June 2002

4. "Workers’ Participation: The Case of the Republic of Macedonia", 11th Conference of the International Association for the Economics of Participation (IAFEP), ‘Participation World-Wide, Katholieke Universiteit Brussel – Catholic University of Brussels, Brussels, 4-6 July 2002

5. “Corporate Social Responsibility and Globalization”, International Conference ‘Business and Globalization’, Faculty of Economics, St. Kliment Ohridski University, Prilep, 2007

6. “Strategic Management of Small Businesses – Analysis and Exploitation of Entrepreneurial Opportunities”, International Conference, ICERD, Ohrid, 2008

7. “E-business and globalization”, 4th International Conference “An Enterprise Odyssey: Turizm – Governance and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics&Business, June 11-14, 2008, Cavtat, Croatia,

8. “Action Managing Changes”, International Conference, FON, Belgrade, Serbia, September 2008

Други збирни научни и стручни активности: Активни домашни проекти: - Активни меѓународни проекти: - Стипендирани престои, обуки: 2008 EU Corporate Governance Seminar, European Commision, Global Corporate Governance Forum,

International Finance Corporation (IFC), The European Confederation of Directors’Associations (ecoDa), USAID, 19-21.02.2008, Brisel, Belgium

2007 студиски престој во Ајндховен, Холандија, во рамки на ТЕМПУС проектот МЕМФЕС, одржани предавања на последипломскиот студиум E-business management (18-25.10.2007)

2007 студиски престој на Сорбона 1, Пантеон Универзитет, Париз , Франција, во рамки на ТЕМПУС проектот МЕМФЕС (01.04-07.04.2007)

2007 студиски престој на University College West-Flanders, Brugge, Belgium, во рамки на ТЕМПУС проектот МЕМФЕС, (02.02-05.02.2007)

2005 One month stady stay at the College of Business, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA

2005 Семинар Управување со ризиците на фирмата во турбулентното светско стопанство (Risk management of the firm in the turbulent world economy) na Високата школа за континуирано образование (Endurmenntun Haskola Islands) во Рејкавик, Исланд, јуни 2005, во рамки на програмата на ЕФТА за размена на кадар од областа на економијата

2003 Workshop, Project RIMED in organization of South and East European Development Center (SEED), Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece,

2003 Two weeks study stay within the at the Business College, University of Athens, Athens, Ohio, USA, “Global competitiveness Program – Joint Student Consulting Project” finansed by the State Department

2003 Two weeks study stay within the Project – Postgraduate studies: University of Rennes 2, Rennes, France 2001 еднонеделен престој на Institute of Business Administration, LIUC, Universita Cattaneo Castellanza од

Милано, Италија, во рамки на семинарот: Regional Competitiveness and Industrial Cluster Development, Програма “Improving the Business Climate: Vision, Competitiveness and Clusters” во организација на Institute of World Bank, Вашингтон, САД

2001 Two weeks study stay within the TEMPUS project on "Training Courses for Civil Servants on European Integration" at the Business School, Staffordshire University, Stoke - on - Trent, Great Britain (August 2001)

2000 Two weeks study stay within the TEMPUS Project “Program for Common European Institutions and Economics: Modernization of the Common Programs in European Studies”, at the Panteon University, Athens, R.Greece

1998 A one month study stay at the Wolverhampton Business School, Wolverhampton, Great Britain (November 1998)

1995 One semester stady stay at the College of Business, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA - Program for Development of Business Management in Macedonia

Други релевантни податоци (број на цитати, број на SCI трудови, поважни проекти, други позиции):

Page 27: CVs - Visiting Professors


I. Листа на селектирани проекти: o ТЕМПУС проект на Универзитетот од Стафордшир, Велика Британија и Економскиот факултет од

Скопје насловен “Training Courses for Civil Servants on European Integration”, 1998-2001, (меѓународен апликативен проект);

O ТЕМПУС-ФАРЕ проект на Факултетот за социо-политички науки “Чезаре Алфиери” Фиренца, и Универзитетот во Бари, Италија, 2000, Факулетот Пантеон од Атина и со Правниот и Економскиот факултет од Скопје под наслов: Заедничките европски институции и економија: осовременување на заедничките програми по Европски студии, (меѓународен научно-истражувачки проект);

o Последипломски студии “Странските јазици и меѓународната трговија”, проект финансиран од Владата на Р.Франција, 2003; Во соработка со Универзитетот Рен 2, Правниот и Филошкиот факултет од Скопје

o Глобална компетитивност, заеднички проект на Економскиот факултет – Скопје и Бизнис колеџот од Атхенс, Охајо финансиран од Владата на САД, 2003

o Project RIMED in organization of South and East European Development Center (SEED), Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece, juli 2004

o TEMPUS JEP 40093-2005 - Master of E-Business Management by distance learning at the Faculty of Economics in Skopje –MEMFES (2006-2008)

o Корпоративно управување во Жито Вардар, Велес, проект на International Finance Organization (IFC) – јануари 2007

II. Други позиции - Советник на Минстерот за економија (2007-2008)

Page 28: CVs - Visiting Professors


Kusa biografija za akreditacionata dokumentacija Ime i prezime: Marina Mitrevska

Data / mesto na ra|awe: 26.08.1963. god., Kumanovo

e-mail, web: [email protected] ,

Akademska pozicija, nau~en stepen:

Redoven profesor, Doktor po op{testveni nauki

Od koga e na taa pozicija: 2007

Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij vo Skopje

Institucija na vrabotuvawe i od koga:

03.05.1987 god.

Obrazovanie Godina Institucija

D-r 1998 Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Skopje

M-r 1994 Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Skopje

Dipl. 1987 Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Skopje


Redoven profesor 2007- Filozofski fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

Vonreden profesor 2003-2007 Filozofski fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

Docent 1998-2003 Filozofski fakultet, UKIM, Skopje

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na prv ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa: Nedelni ~asovi

1 Humana bezbednost Mirovni studii 3

2 Krizen menaxment Mirovni studii 3

3 Preventivna diplomatija Mirovni studii 3

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na vtor ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa:

1 Humanitarni aspekti na mirot Mirovni studii

2 Menaxment na civilna odbrana Mirovni studii

3 Humanitarni misii Mirovni studii

Nau~ni i istra`uva~ki rezultati:

Relevantni referenci za kompetencii (Lista na selektirani trudovi - 5 do 10)

1. Tolerancijata treba da se neguva, Kulturna dekontaminacija, Soros, Skopje, str.31-36. 2. Strategiska cel, Odbrana, januari 2004 godina 3. Gradewe na mirot i ~ovekovata bezbednost vo post-konfliktna Makedonija, Fondacija Fridrih Ebert,

Skopje, 2004, str.135-145. 4. Niz prizmata na ~ovekovata bezbednost, Odbrana br.100, str.8-10, Skopje, 2004. 5. Koncept za humana bezbednost, Odbrana br.101, Ministerstvo za odbrana, Skopje, 2004. 6. Humana bezbednost, Zbornik na trudovi, Filozofskiot fakultet, Skopje, 2004 godina, str. 485-497. 7. Macedonia towards the EU: Whether and How Much Prevention Matters?, International Relations Review,

Zagreb, 3 / 4 , 2005, koavtorstvo so prof.d-r Lidija Georgieva. 8. Crisis management: necessity for a stable and secure Republic of Macedonia, Macedonian affairs, MIC, Vol.V,

No.5, 2005. 9. Managing crises in the Republic of Macedonia: from idea to realization, Teorija in praksa, Druzbenoslovna

revija, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 1-2, 2007.

Page 29: CVs - Visiting Professors


10. Parlamentarna kontrola i krizniot menaxment, Centar za evropska perspektiva, Qubqana, Slovenija, 10 Oktomvri 2007.

Drugi zbirni nau~ni i stru~ni aktivnosti:

Aktivni doma{ni proekti: 4

Aktivni me|unarodni proekti: 1

Stipendirani prestoi, obuki:

1 Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes, 6 th Annual Conference, Building a Strategic Community through Education and Research, Berlin, 15-17 June 2003.

2 Arms Control in SEE Countries-an instrument to Foster security, Zagreb, 23-25.02.2004.

3 Megunarodna konferencija: NATO, ESDP-OSCE: Synergy IN PROGRESS, George C.Marshall, European center for security studies, Berlin 15-16.03.2004.

4 Military-Political Security Issues and Possibilities for Regional Cooperation in SEC, Zagreb, 24-26.05.2004.

5 How to win the Peace: Challenges, Concepts and Capabilities of 21 st Centary Crisis Management, 06-08.04.2005, Berlin.

6 Security Sector Reform in South East Europe- from a Necessary Remedy to a Global Concept, 05-08 Oktomvri 2006, Cavtat, Hrvatska.

7 Crisis menagement and Contter-terrorisam in the western balkans, prezenter so nau~en trud na tema: Crisis Management of the Republic Macedonia, 20-21 april 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenija.

8 Neighborhood Cooperation and Bridge-Building Peace Policy: The Role of Slovenia, MPS/DAAD rabotilnica, Ljubljana, 23-30 noemvri, 2008 godina.

Drugi relevantni podatoci (broj na citati, broj na SCI trudovi, pova`ni proekti, drugi pozicii):

I. Lista na selektirani proekti:

1. Jakneweto na me|uetni~kata komunikacija i integracija, Soros, Skopje 2003. 2. Mir preku obrazovanie za mir i prevencija, Fondacija Fridrih Ebert i Inicijativa za gradewe na mir

i demokratija, 2004-2005 godina. 3. Partneri vo mir i prevencija na konflikti, Fondacija Fridrih Ebert i Inicijativa za gradewe na

mir i demokratija, 2004-2005 godina. 4. Evroatlanskite integracii i ulogata na Parlamentot, Centar za evroatlanskite integracii i

demokratija, 2007 godina.(proekt-koordinator)

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Kusa biografija za akreditacionata dokumentacija Ime i prezime: Sawa Popovska - Vasilevska

Data / mesto na ra|awe: 03.10.1968, Skopje

e-mail, web: [email protected],

Akademska pozicija, nau~en stepen:

Docent, Doktor na tehni~ki nauki

Od koga e na taa pozicija: 2008

Tehni~ki fakultet - Bitola, Univerzitet Sv.Kliment Ohridski, Bitola

Institucija na vrabotuvawe i od koga:


Obrazovanie Godina Institucija

D-r 2007 Univerzitet na Oradea, Fakultet za energetika (Oradea, Romanija)

M-r 1996 Univerzitet Sv.Kliment Ohridski, Tehni~ki fakultet - Bitola, Bitola

Dipl. 1991 Univerzitet Sv.Kiril I Metodij, Ma{inski fakultet, Skopje

Vrabotuvawe: 2008- Docent, Univerzitet Sv.Kliment Ohridski, Tehni~ki fakultet - Bitola, Bitola

1997 - 2008 Asistent, Univerzitet Sv.Kliment Ohridski, Tehni~ki fakultet - Bitola, Bitola

1994-1996 INNOSER

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na prv ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa: Nedelni ~asovi

1 Toplinski pumpi Energetsko ma{instvo 3

2 Oran`erii Procesno ma{instvo, PIM 3

3 Industriski ladilnici, Ladilni sistemi Energetsko ma{instvo 1

4 Parogeneratori i postrojki Energetsko ma{instvo 2

5 Toplinski turbini Energetsko ma[instvo 2

6 Magacionirawe i transport na prehrambeni proizvodi

Procesno ma{instvo 5

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na vtor ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa:

1 Sovremeni ladilni postrojki Procesno ma{instvo

2 Sovremeni energetski tehnologii Energetsko ma{instvo

Nau~ni i istra`uva~ki rezultati:

Nad 100 nau~ni trudovi, nau~ni proekti, stru~ni trudovi i ekspertizi, publikuvani vo zemjata i stranstvo

Relevantni referenci za kompetencii (Lista na selektirani trudovi - 5 do 10)

1. Popovska-Vasileska S., Rodrigues A.C., Economical and Environmental Aspects of Waste Heat Utilization from Thermal Plants for Heating Greenhouses - Results and Experiences from the Italian Project Bastardo, International Symposium on Coal Application in Energetic, ZEMAK, Ohrid, 1997

2. Popovska-Vasileska S., Possible Influences of Geothermal Energy Exploitation to the Human Environment, Austrian / Macedonian Workshop on Proposed Technical Solutions for Improving the Reliability of the Geothermal System “Geoterma” in Kocani (Macedonia), Kocani, 16 March, 1999

3. Popovska-Vasileska S., Food Processing Uses of Geothermal Energy, International course on District Heating, Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Uses of Geothermal Energy, International Summer School on Direct Application of Geothermal Energy, International Geothermal Days Greece 2002, Aristotle University,

Page 31: CVs - Visiting Professors


Thessaloniki, Greece, 1 – 4 September, 2002 4. Popovska-Vasileska S., Drying of Agricultural Products with Geothermal Energy, International Summer

School on Direct Application of Geothermal Energy, Doganbey (Izmir), Turkey, 2 -15 June, 2003 5. Popovski K., Popovska-Vasileska S., Sustainability and Economic Feasibility of Combinations of RES and

Fossil Fuels for Production of Heat and Electricity, NATO PROGRAMME SECURITY THROUGH SCIENCE, Advanced Research Workshop on Environmental Security (Energy. Sustainable Development) Modeling Sustainable Consumption (Energy, Environmental Costing) Naples, 4-7 July 2007

6. Popovska-Vasileska S., Preconditions for Solar Energy Use Penetration, Labeling of Solar Components and Systems, Workshop on Possible Applications of Solar Energy, Town Hall, Skopje, 21 May 2007

7. Popovski K., Popovska-Vasileska S., Summary оf Exploration аnd Development оf Geothermal Resources In ECA Region Countries, IGA-International Geothermal Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey, 16-19 February 2009

8. Popovska-Vasileska S., Industrial Uses of Geothermal Energy in Central European Region, International Geothermal Days Slovakia 2009, Conference & Summer School, 26-29 May 2009

Drugi zbirni nau~ni i stru~ni aktivnosti:

Aktivni doma{ni proekti: 1

Aktivni me|unarodni proekti: 3

Stipendirani prestoi, obuki:

Ocenuvawe na istra`uva~ka rabota i univerziteti, EVOLUNIMONT Project, 6-8 juli 2009, Kotor, Crna Gora

Odr`uvawe na veb platforma za e-u~ewe vo ramki na proektot Web Based Multimedia e-Learning for Applied Technologies WEBLAB, TEMPUS Program 2006-2007, Ma{inski fakultet, Skopje, 2007.

Kurs za proizvodstvo na elektri~na energija od geotermalna i kurs za direktna primena na geotermalnata energija vo ramki na kongresot WGC 2005 - Antalija, Turcija, 2005

SimLab kurs za paralelni numeri~ki simulacii, Bitola, 2005

Obuka na obu~uva~i za merki za energetska efikasnost, Regionalen centar za za{tita na `ivotna sredina, Skopje, 2001

Drugi relevantni podatoci (broj na citati, broj na SCI trudovi, pova`ni proekti, drugi pozicii):

I. Broj na citati: 10 Broj na SCI trudovi: 3 II. Lista na selektirani proekti: 1. Rural Sustainable Development through Integration of Renewable Energy Technologies in Poor European

Regions - Acronym: RES INTEGRATION; in the frame of FP6 “Integrating and strengthening the European Research Area, Specific Measures in support of International Cooperation (INCO)” 2004-2007

2. Solar Water Heaters (Training of Experts & Professionals and Improvement of Technology & Production); Development Austrian / Macedonian Project financed by ADA, 2005-2008

3. Post Diploma Course on Renewable Energies of Universities of South Balkan Area (Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia), INTERREG Program 2006-2098

4. Integrated Solar Thermal Systems in Roofs and Facades, coordinator, co-financed by ADA, 2009-2010 5. MAS-PLM, Master Studies and Continuing Education Network in Product Lifecycle Management and Sustainable

Production, Tempus JP, 2009-2012 6. Biomass Energy Europe (BEE), Partners: Germany, Austria, Hungary, Finland, Macedonia, Ukraine, Estonia;

FP7 Project, financed by the European Commission, 2008-2012 III. Drugi pozicii ^len na: IGA-Me|unarodno zdru`enie za geotermalna energija (upraven odbor-komitet za edukacija), MAGA-Makedonsko zdru`enie za geotermalna energija (sekretar), Solar Makedonija-Makedonsko zdru`enie za son~eva energija (pretsedatel), ZEMAK-Zdru`enie na energeti~ari na Makedonija (programski odbor), OPM-Organizacija na potro{uva~i na Makedonija

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Kusa biografija za akreditacionata dokumentacija Ime i prezime: Hamit Aliu

Data / mesto na ra|awe: 27.02.1951, Tetovo, Makedonija

e-mail, web: [email protected]

Akademska pozicija, nau~en stepen:

Docent, Doktor na ekonomski nauki

Od koga e na taa pozicija: 2004

Ekonomski fakultet, Dr`aven Univerzitet vo Tetovo Institucija na vrabotuvawe i od koga:


Obrazovanie Godina Institucija

D-r na ekonomski nauki 2003 Ekonomski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Skopje

M-r na ekonomski nauki 1998 Ekonomski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Skopje

Dipl.ekonomist 1974 Ekonomski fakultet, Univerzitet vo Pri{tina, Kosovo


2004- Docent, Ekonomski fakultet, Dr`aven Univerzitet vo Tetovo

2008-2009 2004-2006


Dekan, Ekonomski fakultet, Dr`aven Univerzitet vo Tetovo (dva mandati)

Pro-dekan, Javna Adminstracija, Univerzitet na jugousto~na Evropa, Tetovo






Pomo{nik generalen direktor, Zavod za platen promet na RM

Koordinator na proektot Nacionalna plate`na karti~ka

Pratenik na parlamentot na RM

Komercijalen direktor na Interpromet OOZT Tetovo

Rakovoditel na nabavka na Interpromet OOZT Tetovo

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na prv ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa: Nedelni ~asovi

1 Osnovi na marketing Ekonomija,Marketing menaxment 2

2 Osnovi na menadzment Ekonomija, marketing menxment 2

3 Strategiski marketing Marketing menxment 2

4 Strategiski menaxment Marketing menxment 2

5 Pazarno istraz`vawe Marketing menxment 2

6 Kontrola i revizija Ekonomija,Marketing menaxment 2

Spisok na predmeti koi nastavnikot gi vodi na vtor ciklus studii

Naziv na predmetot: Studiska programa:

1 Metododlogija na nau~no istra`uva~kata rabota

Ekonomija i biznis, financii i smetkovodstvo, marketing menaxment

2 Me|unaroden marketing Marketing menxment

3 Marketing upravuvawe Marketing menxment

4 Menaxirawe na brendot Marketing menxment

Nau~ni i istra`uva~ki rezultati:

Nad 80 nau~ni trudovi, nau~ni proekti, stru~ni trudovi i ekspertizi, publikuvani vo zemjata i stranstvo

Relevantni referenci za kompetencii (Lista na selektirani trudovi - 5 do 10)

Page 33: CVs - Visiting Professors


1. Hamit Aliu, Makedonsko zdru`enie za Marketing- Skopje, sovetuvawe vo Ohrid 2002, Strategija na marketingot vo uslu`nite pretprijatija, str.133-135, spisanie: Marketing strategii za nastap na pazarot - Skopje 2002.

2. Aliu H., Nau~na debata: Implementacija na Ohridskiot dogovor”-FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG,

IADC Skopje, juni 2003, nau~na tema: Ekonomsko socijalnite pra{awa i nivnata implementacija vo Ohridskiot dogovor, str.187-193.

3. Aliu H., Nau~no spisanie UNIVERSITAS- Viena/Avstrija, Br.4-5, 2004, Funkcionirawe na pazarnoto stopanstvo vo nacionalniot pazar, str. 282-291.

4. Aliu H., nau~no dru{tveno spisanie VIZIONE br.. 1/2004 -Skopje, tema : Su{tinskite pra{awa na marketing menaxmentot”, str.32-40.

5. Aliu H., Strategija na marketingot vo procesot na internacionalizacija na trgovijata, Ohrid, Spisanie na Makedonsko zdru`enie za marketing str..52-60, 2003

6. Aliu H., nau~no dru{tveno spisanie VIZIONE br...2-3/2004, Skopje, tema: Principi-gravitirani modeli i fiskalna decentralizacija vo teritorijalna organizacija, str. 205-213.

7. Aliu H., Xaferi S.: Financiski lekskon na me|unarodna ekonomija, u~ebnik, Skopje 2006

8. Aliu H, Aplikacija na marketingot vo Makedonskoto stopanstvo uslov za integracija vo Evropskata unija - Letna {kola, Ohrid, Tempus, 2007.

9. Aliu H., Ulogata na dizajnot vo proizvodite kako strategija vo doma{niot i me|unarodniot pazar - Letna {kola, Tempus, Ohrid,2008

10. Aliu H, ^epreganov T.: Marketingot vo praktikata, Univerzitetska kniga, oktomvri, 2008.

Drugi zbirni nau~ni i stru~ni aktivnosti:

Aktivni doma{ni proekti: 1

Aktivni me|unarodni proekti: 2

Stipendirani prestoi, obuki:

2005 October, Study stay, in frame of Tempus project JEP-19103-2004, Faculty of Economics, Free University Bruselss, Belgium

2006 September, Study stay, in frame of Tempus project JEP-19103-2004, Faculty of Economics, Staffordshire University, London, England

2007 January-February, Study stay, in frame of Tempus project JEP-19103-2004, Faculty of Economics, Geteborg, Sweeden

2007 March, Study stay, in frame of Tempus project SCM C013B05-2005, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Drugi relevantni podatoci (broj na citati, broj na SCI trudovi, pova`ni proekti, drugi pozicii):

I. Lista na selektirani proekti: 1. Iraj Hashi-contractor, (Staffordshire University).Aliu H.- coordinator (State University of Tetova), Business

and Economics Education in State University of Tetovo, JEP-19103-2004, Tempus Program EC, 2005-2008 Partners: Free University Bruselss, Vexkho Sweeden.

2. Lombardi F. – contractor (Politehnico di Torino), Gecevska V. – coordinator (University Ss.Cyril and Methodius; Partners: Italy, Slovenia, Macedonia Aliu H., (co-coordinator for State University of Tetovo): “Web-Bas ed Multimedia e-Learning for Applied Technologies”, SCM C013B05-2005, TEMPUS Program, financed by the European Commission, 2006-2007.

3. Iraj Hashi-contractor, (Staffordshire University) Aliu H. coordinator (State University of Tetovo), Entrepreneurship and Local Economics Development in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia, JEP-145061-2008, Tempus Program EC, 2009-2012 Partners: UK, AL, XK.

4. Lombardi F. – contractor (Politehnico di Torino), Gecevska V. coordinator (University Ss.Cyril and Methodius), Aliu H., (co-coordinator for State University of Tetovo), Partners: Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia: “Master Studies and Continuing Education Network for Product Lifecycle Management with Sustainable Development”, 144959-Tempus-2008-IT-JPCR, TEMPUS IV Program, financed by the European Commission, 2009-2012.

Page 34: CVs - Visiting Professors


Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Joze Balic

Date / Place of Birth: 16. 03. 1951, Maribor, Slovenia

e-mail, web: [email protected]

Academic position, Sc. degree: Full Professor, PhD

Since at the present position: 1997

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor Institution where he/she is employed and from when:


Education Degree Year Institution PhD 1987 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of

Zagreb, Croatia

MSc 1983 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor BSc 1976 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor Employment: 1997- Full professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor

1992-1997 Associate professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor

1995-1998 Scientific adviser, TECOS Celje

1987-1992 Assistant professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor

1976-1977 Company “TVT Boris Kidrič”, Maribor Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Engineering Management

2 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Mechatronics

3 Engineering Tools II Mechanical Engineering

4 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Mechanical Engineering

5 Manufacturing Systems Mechanical Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Numerical Modelling and Computer Simulations Mechanical Engineering 2 Virtual Manufacturing Systems Mechanical Engineering

3 Advanced Technological Systems Mechanical Engineering

4 Integrated Manufacturing Systems Mechanical Engineering

5 Modelling of Manufacturing and Production Systems Mechanical Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the Doctoral (PhD) studies (third level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Intelligent Manufacturing Systems – Selected Chapters Mechanical Engineering

2 Bionic Manufacturing Systems Mechanical Engineering

Theory of Technical Systems Mechanical Engineering Scientific & Research results:

The bibliography in the COBISS base comprises 1035 units. About 78 scientific papers published in journals,domestic and international projects, scientific monographies, lecture books, work books

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 10) 2. Kostanjevec, T., Balic, J., Rajh, M.: Analysis of product development on large-scale production with

multi-criteria approach. Stroj. vestn., 2009, vol. 55, no. 11, pp. 675-684.

3. Cus, F., Balic, J., Zuperl, U.: Hybrid ANFIS-ants system based optimisation of turning parameters. J.

Page 35: CVs - Visiting Professors


Achiev. Mater. Manuf. Eng., Sep. 2009, vol. 36, iss. 1, pp. 79-86. 4. Balic, J, Klancnik, S., Brezovnik, S.: Feature extraction from CAD model for milling strategy prediction.

Stroj. vestn., 2008, letn. 54, št. 5, pp. 301-307.

5. Ficko, M., Vaupotic, B., Balic, J.: Evolutionary prediction of manufacturing costs in tool manufacturing. Journal of automation, mobile robotics & intelligent systems, Dec. 2007, letn. 1, no. 4, pp. 51-58.

6. Vaupotic, B., Balic, J.: Intelligent motion of mobile robot in the production area. J. Achiev. Mater. Manuf. Eng., Jan.-Feb. 2007, vol. 20, iss. 1/2, pp. 61-68.

7. Balic, J.: Model of automated computer aided NC machine tools programming. J. Achiev. Mater. Manuf. Eng., Jul.-Aug. 2006, vol. 17, iss. 1/2, pp. 309-312.

8. Korosec, A., Balic, J., Kovacic, S.: Optimisation of Al-alloys production process using genetic algorithm. International journal of computational materials science and surface engineering, 2007, vol. 1, no 1, pp. 73-84.

9. Cus, F., Milfelner, M., Balic, J..: An intelligent system for monitoring and optimization of ball-end milling process. J. mater. process. technol.. [Print ed.], June 2006, vol. 175, iss. 1/3, pp. 90-97.

10. Klancnik, S., Balic, J., Planinsic, P.: Obstacle detection with active laser triangulation. Adv produc engineer manag, Jun. 2007, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 79-90.

11. Cus, F., Balic, J.: Optimization of cutting process by GA approach. Robot. comput.-integr. manuf.. [Print ed.], 2003, vol. 19, iss. 1/2, pp. 113-121.

Other scientific and specific activities Active domestique projects : 2 Active international projects : 2 Trainings: 1996 - 2003 1998 - 2001 1999 - 2001 2001 - 2009

Visiting lecturer at UNI of Kielce, Poland Silesian technical uni. Gliwice, Poland Visiting lecturer TU of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Visiting professor TU of Vienna Involved in exchange of professors between TU Vienna; Faculty of Mech. Eng. Uni., Ljubljana; UNI. Rijeka, Croatia, TU Bratislava - Trnava, Slovakia.

Other relevant data (number of citations, number of SCI, SSCI papers, selected projects, other positions):

I. Number of citations: 92 Number of SCI papers: 39 XII. List of selected projects:

• PHARE: "Development of the tool making industry in Slovenia" Danish technology institute (DTi) 1995-96. • Member of Int. Project INERTIA (Int. Network for RTD in Industrial Automation); 13 EU partners. • “Intelligent and Adaptive Techniques for the Measurement of Manufacturing Flexibility”, Department of

Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete, Greece, 1998 - 1999, • “Model of intelligent automated manufacturing system for customer oriented manufacturing- Technical

University of Crete, Greece, 2000 - 2002, • " Development, testing and processing of contemporary functional, constructional and tool materials",

CEEPUS - PL-13 (1998-2005),Silesian Technical University, Gliwice, Poland • "Development and application of environment-oriented technologies in manufacturing", (1998-2005), TU of

Cluj-Napoca, Romania • "Metrology in quality assurance systems", CEEPUS - PL- 01 (1998-2005), TU Kielce, Poland • "Assembley automation in manufacturing engineering", (1999/2000), TU Vienna, Austria, • "Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation", (2001/2005), Technical university of Vienna, Austria • " Process-integrated measurements technique and methods for quality management", CEEPUS - H-78

(1998-2000), Technical University of Budapest, Hungary • Leonardo da Vinci-community action programme on vocational training, Second phase: 2000 –2006, Initial

& continuous vocational ICT education oriented on efficient professional (re)insertion in the moulding industry Integrating high tech rapid tooling technologies in conventional mould development, E-learning hybrid moulds.

• Comparing emerging ethical issues and legal differences impacting on European Clinical Trials, including a training workshop for researchers in New Member States, TWR Project: PL – 016621, 2004-2006.

Page 36: CVs - Visiting Professors



P0-0503-0795 Inteligentni računalniško integrirani obdelovalni sistemi (IRIOS) (Slovene) (University ob Maribor, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Maribor)

1.1.1999 - 31.12.2003

P2-0157 Dynamic, Intelligent, and Integrated Technological Systems and Devices (DIP-TSN) (University ob Maribor, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Maribor)

1.1.2004 - 31.12.2008

P2-0157 Dinamični inteligentni in povezani tehnološki sistemi in naprave DIP-TSN (Slovene) (University ob Maribor, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Maribor)

1.1.2009 - 31.12.2014

Project title


J2-7064 Inovativni produkcijski sistem kot model fleksibilnega tržno usmerjenega orodjarstva (Slovene) (University ob Maribor, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Maribor)

1.1.1995 - 30.6.1998

J2-0650 Integral bionic decision system for sheet metal process planning and production (University ob Maribor, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Maribor)

1.7.1998 - 30.6.2001

L2-8639 Razširitev CNC krmilnika za frezanje zahtevnih oblik (Slovene) (University ob Maribor, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Maribor)

1.1.1997 - 31.12.1998

L2-1605 Izdelava referenčnega modela poslovno tehnološkega sistema RMPTS za orodjarsko dejavnost (Slovene) (University ob Maribor, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Maribor)

1.1.1999 - 30.6.2001


1. BALIČ, Jože. CNC control unit with learning ability for machining centers : United States Patent 7,117,056, October 3 2006 : Appl. No.: 11/120,018, Filed May 2, 2005 : priority date Mar 27, 2002 [SI], P-200200088. [S.l.: s.n.], 2006. 13 f. [COBISS.SI-ID kategorija: 2E (Z1); tipologijo je verificiral OSICT

2. BALIČ, Jože, KOVAČIČ, Simon. Verfahren zur Fräsbearbeitung eines Werkstücks mit einem Fräswerkzeug, und daran angepasste Fräseinrichtung : Patentschrift DE 100 27 526 B4 : Offenlegungstag 18.1.2001,veröffentlichungstag der Patenterteilung: 19.04.2007 : Unionspriorität: 4. Juni 1999, Slowenien, SI P-9900144. Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, 2007. 11 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 45688065] kategorija: 2E (Z1); tipologijo je verificiral OSICT III. Other positions:

Present position: 8. Professor for Intelligent manufacturing systems, machine tools, System theory – University of Maribor 9. Vice Dean for Science and International Cooperation, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor 10. Member National scientific board Tecnology – Ministry of High Education and Science 11. Head: Research group: Intelligent and computer integrated manufacturing systems 12. Head: Laboratory for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems 13. 2000 -2006 ; Head of the Institute for production mechanical engineering 14. National coordinator for CEEPUS 15. Reviewer for several international journals (International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Journal of

Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Computational Materials Science, Engineering application of artificial intelligence, Mechanical journal – Slovenia)

16. Member of Academy of Manufacturing and Material Science, Poland (2005 – present) 17. Member of research program: Dynamic, intelligent and integrated technological systems and devices (2004 -) 18. Vice-President – DAAAM International, Vienna (Danube Adria Association for Automation and Manufacturing)

( 19. Member of Scientific Board and Organizational Board for Several international Conferences Organized in

Slovenia, Poland, Romania, Austria, Croatia and Serbia.

Mentor: 155 graduates, 15 M.Scs. and 9 doctoral candidates.

Page 37: CVs - Visiting Professors


Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Franc Cus

Date / Place of Birth: 14.10.1953, Maribor, Slovenia

e-mail, web: [email protected]

Academic position, Sc. degree: Full Professor, PhD

Since at the present position: 2000

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor Institution where he/she is employed and from when:



Degree Year Institution

PhD 1988 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor

MSc 1985 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor

BSc BSc.Econ

1978 1980

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor

Employment: 2000- Full professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor

1993-2000 Associate professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor

1988-2000 Assistant professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Cutting Processes Engineering Management

2 Technological and Innovations Management Mechatronics

3 Cutting Processes Mechanical Engineering

4 Tools and Devices Mechanical Engineering

5 Technological and Innovations Management Mechanical Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Advanced Machining and Forming Systems Mechanical Engineering

2 Machining Systems – Selected Topics Mechanical Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the Doctoral (PhD) studies (third level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Intelligent Modelling and Optimization of Machining Processes Mechanical Engineering

2 Innovation and technology management with value analysis Faculty of Organisational Sciences Scientific & Research results:

The bibliography in the COBISS base comprises 850 units. About 93 scientific papers published in journals,domestic and international projects, scientific monographies, lecture books, work books

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 10) 1. Cus, F., Zuperl, U.: Particle swarm intelligence based optimisation of high speed end-milling. Archives

of computational materials science and surface engineering, 2009, vol. 1, iss. 3, pp. 148-154. 2. Gecevska V., Cus F.: Intelligent Production Systems Way to Competitive and Innovative Engineering,

Scientific Monography, Publishers Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia, ISBN 978-9989-2701-7-4, 2009, 277 p.

3. Zuperl U., Cus F., Gecevska V.: Optimization of the Characteristic Parameters in Milling Using the PSO Evolution Techniques; Journal of Mechanical Engineering - Strojnicki vesnik, ISSN 0039-2480, Vol.53, No.6, Jun 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 354-368, COBISS.SI-ID 11573526.

4. Cus, F., Balic, J., Zuperl, U.: Hybrid ANFIS-ants system based optimisation of turning parameters. J.

Page 38: CVs - Visiting Professors


Achiev. Mater. Manuf. Eng., Sep. 2009, vol. 36, iss. 1, pp. 79-86. 5. Cus F., Gecevska V.: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Scientific Monography, Publishers Faculty of

Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia, ISBN 978-9989-2701-0-9, 2007, 180 p.

6. Cus, F., Milfelner, M., Balic, J..: An intelligent system for monitoring and optimization of ball-end milling process. J. mater. process. technol.. [Print ed.], June 2006, vol. 175, iss. 1/3, pp. 90-97.

7. Gecevska V., Cus F., Lombardi F., Dukovski V., Kuzinovski M.: Intelligent Approach for Optimal Modeling of Manufacturing Systems, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Publishing by Elsevier, ISSN 1734-8412, Vol.14, Issue 1-2, January-February 2006, pp.97-104, COBISS.SI-ID 10525462.

8. Gecevska V., Cus F., Dukovski V., Kuzinovski M.: Modeling of Manufacturing Activities by Process Planning Knowledge Representation, International Journal of Simulation Modelling, ISSN 1726-4529, Vol.5, No.2, June 2006, pp.69-81, COBISS.SI-ID 10535702.

9. Cus, F., Zuperl, U., Milfelner, M.,: Dynamic neural network approach for tool cutting force modelling of end milling operations. Int. j. gen. syst., October 2006, vol. 35, no 5, pp. 603-618.

10. Cus, F., Balic, J.: Optimization of cutting process by GA approach. Robot. comput.-integr. manuf.. [Print ed.], 2003, vol. 19, iss. 1/2, pp. 113-121.

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 2 Active international projects : 2 Trainings: 1986-1987 1986-1995

1984, 2006 1996

-Postgraduate study and Doctoral study: TU Darmstadt, Germany - Specialized courses in the area of production technologies (INFOS-EXAPT, Aachen), technological measurements (KOMEG, ZEISS), use of computers in technology (D’LOG, ZOLLER, HELLER) etc. - Specialization at the Technical University in Graz and TU Darmstadt - One-month specialization in Japan, Japan International Cooperation Agency in the area of the Japanese industrial policy, JICA Center Tokyo

Other relevant data (number of citations, number of SCI, SSCI papers, selected projects, other positions):

I. Number of citations: 89 Number of SCI papers: 39 II. List of selected projects: Cus F.(team leader Slovenian side), Gecevska V.(team leader Macedonian side) etc.: Development of Evolutionary Optimization Methods Applied in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems; International Scientific Project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science in Macedonia and the Ministry of Education and Science in Slovenia, two year period (2005-2006). Gecevska V. (coordinator), Dukovski V., Cus F., Vrtanoski G., Pandilov Z., Anisic Z., Cosic P.: Development of Optimization Methodology for NC Machining by Using Heuristics Methods, Scientific Project with International Cooperation financed by the Ministry of Education and Science in Macedonia, three year period (2006-2009). Lombardi F. – contractor (Politehnico di Torino), Gecevska V. – coordinator (University Ss.Cyril and Methodius; Partners: Italy, Slovenia (Cus F), Macedonia: “Web-Based Multimedia e-Learning for Applied Technologies”, SCM C013B05-2005, TEMPUS Program, financed by the European Commission, 2006-2007, . Lombardi F. – contractor (Politehnico di Torino), Gecevska V. – coordinator (University Ss.Cyril and Methodius; Partners: Italy, Slovenia (Cus F), Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia: “Master Studies and Continuing Education Network for Product Lifecycle Management with Sustainable Development”, 144959-Tempus-2008-IT-JPCR, TEMPUS IV Program, financed by the European Commission, 2009-2012. Leonardo da Vinci-community action programme on vocational training, Second phase: 2000 –2006, Initial & continuous vocational ICT education oriented on efficient professional (re)insertion in the moulding industry Integrating high tech rapid tooling technologies in conventional mould development, E-learning hybrid moulds. Cus F. (coordinator for SLO): (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) CEEPUS II Program PL-0007 project: Geometrical Product Specifications - a new tendency in the design and realization of technological processes, partners: PL, CH, AT, SK, SLO, MK, HR, 2007-2010.



P0-0503-0795 Inteligentni računalniško integrirani obdelovalni sistemi (IRIOS) (Slovene) (University ob Maribor, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Maribor)

1.1.1999 - 31.12.2003

P2-0157 Dynamic, Intelligent, and Integrated Technological Systems and Devices (DIP-TSN) 1.1.2004 -

Page 39: CVs - Visiting Professors


(University ob Maribor, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Maribor) 31.12.2008

P2-0157 Dinamični inteligentni in povezani tehnološki sistemi in naprave DIP-TSN (Slovene) (University ob Maribor, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Maribor)

1.1.2009 - 31.12.2014

Project title

L2-7678 Ergomed-office: industrijsko pohištvo, razvito in izdelano po ergonomskih in mednarodnih merilih (Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Maribor) 1.1.1996 - 31.12.1998

L2-1606 Sistem zagotavljanja orodij za srednje veliko podjetje (Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Maribor) 1.1.1999 - 30.6.2001

L2-1605 Izdelava referenčnega modela poslovno tehnološkega sistema RMPTS za orodjarsko dejavnost (Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Maribor) 1.1.1999 - 30.6.2001

L2-6445 Raziskave merjenja zahtevnih obdelovancev z laserinterferometrom (Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Maribor) 1.7.2004 - 30.6.2006

L2-0221 Hibridno adaptivni nadzor procesa frezanja z oblikovnim frezalom (Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Maribor) 1.2.2008 - 30.1.2011

III. Other positions: 1990 - 1993 Vice-chairman of executive Council of Municipality Maribor 1993 -1994; Manager of Maribor`s Development Agency. 1994 - Founder of the Stajerski Technology Park 1994 - Founder and head: Laboratory for cutting, research field: Production technology and systems. 1995-1999; General Secretary, University of Maribor, Maribor 1999-2003; Vice rector, Educational activity, University of Maribor 2002-2007; President of the National commission for quality in university education, 2007-2010; President of the Counsil for evaluation of the Slovenia, Ministry for Higner Education, Science and Technology Development, RS. 2006 - present; Head of the Institute for production engineering at the Faculty of mechanical engineering, Maribor. 2006 - present; Head of the chair for production engineering at the Faculty of mechanical engineering, Maribor. 2006 - present; Head of the Laboratory for cutting at the Faculty of mechanical engineering, Maribor. National coordinator for CEEPUS Reviewer for several international journals (International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Computational Materials Science, Engineering application of artificial intelligence, Mechanical journal – Slovenia) Member of Academy of Manufacturing and Material Science, Poland (2005 – present) Member of research program: Dynamic, intelligent and integrated technological systems and devices (2004 -)

Mentor: 49 graduates, 10 M.Scs. and 4 doctoral candidates.

Page 40: CVs - Visiting Professors


Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Borut Buchmeister

Date / Place of Birth: 29.05.1962, Maribor, Slovenia

e-mail, web: [email protected]

Academic position, Sc. degree: Associate Professor, PhD

Since at the present position: 2006

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor (UMB), Slovenia

Institution where he/she is employed and from when:



Degree Year Institution

PhD 1996 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UMB, Maribor, Slovenia MSc 1990 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UMB, Maribor, Slovenia BSc 1986 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UMB, Maribor, Slovenia Employment: 2006- Associate professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UMB, Maribor 1997-2006 Assistant professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UMB, Maribor 1988-1997 Assistant, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UMB, Maribor 1986-1988 Researcher, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UMB, Maribor Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Production Technologies I Mechanical Engineering (Univ. Study), Industrial Engineering (Univ. Study)

2 Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering (Univ. Study), Mechanical Engineering (Profess. Study),

3 Production Planning and Control Mechanical Engineering (Univ. Study), Mechatronics (Univ. Study)

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Production Systems' Design Mechanical Engineering

2 Modelling of Manufacturing and Production Systems Mechanical Engineering

3 Simulation and Stochastic Production Planning Mechanical Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the Doctoral (PhD) studies (third level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Synchronous Production and Theory of Constraints Mechanical Engineering

2 Advanced Simulation Techniques and Production Optimization

Mechanical Engineering

3 Advanced Production Planning and Control Systems Mechanical Engineering Scientific & Research results:

About 120 scientific papers published in journals or proceedings, About 60 domestic and international projects, Scientific monographs, Lecture books, Workbooks

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 10)

1. PALČIČ, Iztok, BALAŽIC, Matej, MILFELNER, Matjaž, BUCHMEISTER, Borut. Potential of laser engineered net shaping (LENS) technology. Mater. manuf. process., 2009, vol. 24, no. 7/8, str. 750-753, doi: 10.1080/10426910902809776. [COBISS.SI-ID 13243670], JCR IF (2008): 0.706.

Page 41: CVs - Visiting Professors


2. LESTAN, Zoran, BREZOČNIK, Miran, BUCHMEISTER, Borut, BREZOVNIK, Simon, BALIČ, Jože. Solving the job-shop scheduling problem with a simple genetic algorithm. Int. j. simul. model., Dec. 2009, vol. 8, no. 4, str. 197-205, doi: 10.2507/IJSIMM08(4)2.138. [COBISS.SI-ID 13623830].

3. BUCHMEISTER, Borut, PAVLINJEK, Jože, PALČIČ, Iztok, POLAJNAR, Andrej. Bullwhip effect problem in supply chains. Adv produc engineer manag, Mar. 2008, vol. 3, no. 1, str. 45-55. [COBISS.SI-ID 12061462].

4. TASIČ, Tadej, BUCHMEISTER, Borut, AČKO, Bojan. The development of advanced methods for scheduling production processes. Stroj. vestn., 2007, letn. 53, št. 12, str. 844-857. [COBISS.SI-ID 12075030], JCR IF: 0.088.

5. PANDŽA, Krsto, POLAJNAR, Andrej, BUCHMEISTER, Borut. Strategic management of advanced manufacturing technology. Int. j. adv. manuf. technol., 2005, vol. 25, 3/4, str. 402-408. [COBISS.SI-ID 9383190], JCR IF: 0.406.

6. KREMLJAK, Zvonko, POLAJNAR, Andrej, BUCHMEISTER, Borut. A heuristic model for the development of production capabilities. Stroj. vestn., 2005, letn. 51, št. 11, str. 674-691. [COBISS.SI-ID 8659739], JCR IF: 0.116.

7. KREMLJAK, Zvonko, BUCHMEISTER, Borut. Uncertainty and development of capabilities, (DAAAM Publishing series, Management Science). Vienna: DAAAM International Publishing, 2006. X, 143 str., ISBN 3-901509-55-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 57398785].

8. POLAJNAR, Andrej, KALPIČ, Branko, LEBER, Marjan, KREMLJAK, Zvonko, BUCHMEISTER, Borut, PIŽMOHT, Petja, VUJICA-HERZOG, Nataša, PALČIČ, Iztok. Advanced problems in production management, (DAAAM publishing series, Production management). Vienna: DAAAM International Publishing, 2009. VI, 280 str., ISBN 3-901509-81-X. ISBN 978-3-901509-81-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 63462657].

9. BUCHMEISTER, Borut, PALČIČ, Iztok, PAVLINJEK, Jože, POLAJNAR, Andrej. Advanced methods for job shop scheduling. V: KATALINIĆ, Branko (ur.). DAAAM International scientific book 2008, (DAAAM International scientific book). Vienna: DAAAM International Publishing, 2008, str. 171-184. [COBISS.SI-ID 13167894].

10. BUCHMEISTER, Borut, PANDŽA, Krsto, PALČIČ, Iztok. Idejna študija o ustanavljanju regionalnega logističnega centra za vzdrževanje in popravila vojaških in namenskih vozil. Maribor: Fakulteta za strojništvo, 2002. 28, 6 f. pril., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 7612438].

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 2 Active international projects : 3 Trainings:

2009 TU Wien, Institut für Fertigungstechnik (A) – June-July 2009 (2 weeks)

2008 CEEPUS II-RS-0065- Network mobility: Mašinski fakultet Skopje (MK) – September 2008 (2 weeks)

2008 CEEPUS II-RS-0065- Network mobility: University of Novi Sad, FTN (SRB) – April-May 2008 (2 weeks)

2008 CEEPUS II-RS-0065- Network mobility: TU Košice, SF (SK) – March-April 2008 (2 weeks)

2007 TU Wien, Institut für Fertigungstechnik (A) – June-July 2007 (2 weeks)

2006 CEEPUS II-RS-0065- Network mobility: TU Wien, ACIN - Automation and Control Institute (A) – June 2006 (1 month)

2006 CEEPUS II-RS-0065- Network mobility: University of Novi Sad, FTN (SCG) – May 2006 (2 weeks)

2005 TU Wien, Institut für Fertigungstechnik (A) – June-July 2005 (2 weeks)

2000-2004 TU Wien, Institut für Fertigungstechnik (A) – June-July (2 weeks), each year

1999 DELTA Industrie Informatik – Fellbach (D) - February 1999 (1 week)

Other relevant data (number of citations, number of SCI, SSCI papers, selected projects, other positions):

I. Number of citations: 26 Number of SCI papers: 10 II. List of selected projects:

1. PALČIČ, Iztok, PANDŽA, Krsto, POLAJNAR, Andrej, BUCHMEISTER, Borut, LEBER, Marjan, PIŽMOHT, Petja. European manufacturing survey (EMS) : poročilo o mednarodnem projektu za obdobje 2004-2009. Maribor: Fakulteta za strojništvo, Laboratorij za načrtovanje proizvodnih sistemov, 2009. 1 mapa (loč. pag.). [COBISS.SI-ID 13102870].

2. BUCHMEISTER, Borut, POLAJNAR, Andrej, AČKO, Bojan, LEBER, Marjan, VUJICA-HERZOG, Nataša, PALČIČ, Iztok. Razvoj izdelka in oblikovanje aerospace proizvodnih sistemov in procesov v družbi Veplas d.d. Poročilo št. 2, Razmeščanje delovnih mest v obratu Veplas - Agusta. Maribor: Fakulteta za strojništvo, Inštitut za proizvodno strojništvo, Laboratorij za načrtovanje proizvodnih sistemov, 2009. 42 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 13373974].

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3. BARSAUSKAS, Petras, PALČIČ, Iztok, POLAJNAR, Andrej, BUCHMEISTER, Borut, LEBER, Marjan. An innovative web-based tool for self-testing, training and assessing competencies of project management professionals (PM CAT) : PM CAT final report, (Leonardo da Vinci, Education and Culture). Maribor: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory for Production and Operations Management, 2007. 1 mapa (loč. pag.). [COBISS.SI-ID 13094934].

4. ARILLA, Cristina, PANDŽA, Krsto, POLAJNAR, Andrej, BUCHMEISTER, Borut, PALČIČ, Iztok, PIŽMOHT, Petja, LEBER, Marjan, VUJICA-HERZOG, Nataša. Manufacturing visions - Integrating diverse perspectives into pan-European foresight : ManVis final report : Delphi interpretation report, (European Commission, 6th Framework programme on research, technological development and demonstration). Maribor: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer Institute for System Innovation Research, 2005. 1 mapa (loč. pag.), graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 10797590].

5. DE TONI, Alberto, PANDŽA, Krsto, POLAJNAR, Andrej, LEBER, Marjan, BUCHMEISTER, Borut, PALČIČ, Iztok, PIŽMOHT, Petja, VUJICA-HERZOG, Nataša, FULDER, Tatjana, FIJAN, Rebeka, SRŠEN, Sašo. Creative processes for enterprise innovation : CREATE project. Maribor; Brussels: Faculty of Machanical Engineering, 2005. 1 zv. (loč. pag.), graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 9598486].

6. PANDŽA, Krsto, BUCHMEISTER, Borut, PALČIČ, Iztok. Razvoj logističnega centra za celovito vzdrževanje zrakoplovov. Maribor: Fakulteta za strojništvo, 2005. 31 f., graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 9432854].

III. Other positions:

1. Strojniški vestnik – Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Buchmeister, Borut (Co-editor 2009, 2010). Ljubljana: Zveza strojnih inženirjev in tehnikov Slovenije [et al.]: = Association of Mechanical Engineers and Technicians of Slovenia [et al.], 1955-. ISSN 0039-2480. [COBISS.SI-ID 762116]

2. International journal of simulation modelling. Buchmeister, Borut (Editor-in-Chief 2002-). Vienna: DAAAM International Vienna, 2002-. ISSN 1726-4529. [COBISS.SI-ID 8008982]

3. International journal of management science and engineering management. Buchmeister, Borut (member of Editorial Board 2009, 2010). Liverpool: World Academic Union, 2006-. ISSN 1750-9653. [COBISS.SI-ID 12907286]

4. Head of Laboratory for Discrete System Simulation, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 5. Member of INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences), USA 6. Member of SCS (Society for Computer Simulation), USA 7. Member of DAAAM Vienna (Tech. Manager – Publishing Dept.) 8. Member of IST World Community 9. Member of The Emerald Literati Network

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Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Iztok Palcic

Date / Place of Birth: 8. 4. 1975

e-mail, web: [email protected]

Academic position, Sc. degree: Assistant Professor

Since at the present position: 2009

University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Institution where he/she is employed and from when:



Degree Year Institution

D. Sc. 2004 University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering M. Sc. 2002 University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering B. Sc. 1999 University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty

of Economics And Business Employment: 1999-2004 research fellow at University of Maribor, Faculty of

Mechanical Engineering 2005-2006 Director of GEA College R&D Institute 2007-… Assistant professor at University of Maribor, Faculty of

Mechanical Engineering Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Engineering Economics Mechanical Engineering

2 Project Management Mechanical Engineering / Mechatronics

3 Value management Industrial Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Managing production and projects Mechanical Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the Doctoral (PhD) studies (third level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Managing network organisations Mechanical Engineering Scientific & Research results:

About 3 scientific papers published in journals or proceedings, About 15 domestic and international projects, Scientific monographies, Lecture books

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 10)

1. PANDŽA, Krsto, BUCHMEISTER, Borut, POLAJNAR, Andrej, PALČIČ, Iztok. Proizvodna strategija, podprta s teorijo proizvodnih virov : študij primera v podjetju Primat = An operations strategy supported with resource-based theory = a case study at the Primat company. Stroj. vestn., 2002, letn. 48, št. 7, str. 379-394. [COBISS.SI-ID 7601430]

2. PALČIČ, Iztok, POLAJNAR, Andrej, PANDŽA, Krsto. Model za učinkovito upravljanje proizvodnje po naročilu = A model for the effective management of order-based production. Stroj. vestn., 2003, letn. 49, št. 7/8, str. 398-412. [COBISS.SI-ID 8491030]

3. FULDER, Tatjana, PALČIČ, Iztok, POLAJNAR, Andrej, PIŽMOHT, Petja. Razvoj proizvodnih zmogljivosti v industrijskih grozdih - primer Slovenski avtomobilski grozd = The process of manufacturing capability development in industrial clusters - a Case study of the automotive cluster of Slovenia. Stroj. vestn., 2005, letn. 51, št. 12, str. 771-785. [COBISS.SI-ID 8782875]

4. PALČIČ, Iztok, BALAŽIC, Matej, MILFELNER, Matjaž, BUCHMEISTER, Borut. Potential of laser engineered

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net shaping (LENS) technology. Mater. manuf. process., 2009, vol. 24, no. 7/8, str. 750-753, doi: 10.1080/10426910902809776. [COBISS.SI-ID 13243670]

5. PALČIČ, Iztok, BUCHMEISTER, Borut, VUJICA-HERZOG, Nataša. Organisational innovation in Slovenian manufacturing companies. V: KATALINIĆ, Branko (ur.). DAAAM International scientific book 2008, (DAAAM International scientific book). Vienna: DAAAM International Publishing, 2008, str. 577-586. [COBISS.SI-ID 13168918]

6. PALČIČ, Iztok, BUCHMEISTER, Borut, VUJICA-HERZOG, Nataša. Off-shoring of production in European countries. V: KATALINIĆ, Branko (ur.). DAAAM International scientific book 2007, (DAAAM International scientific book). Vienna: DAAAM International Publishing, 2007, str. 99-110. [COBISS.SI-ID 12144406]

7. PALČIČ, Iztok. Industrial clusters. Vienna: DAAAM International Publishing, 2007. VIII, 116 str., graf. prikazi. ISBN 3-901509-80-1. ISBN 978-3-901509-80-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 60180993]

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : / Active international projects : 2 Trainings, fellowships:

year institutions

2006 University of Novi Sad, Serbia

2008 Technical University Graz, Austria

2008 University of Novi Sad, Serbia

2009 Technical University Graz, Austria

2001 Technical University Vienna

Other relevant data (number of citation, number of SCI or SSCI papers, trainings, title of same relevant project, other positions…):

I. Number of citations: 3 Number of SCI papers: 4 II. List of selected projects:

1. SEMOLIČ, Brane, ŽLIČAR, Anton, SAGADIN, Tone, STEPIŠNIK, Stanko, KOVAČ, Jure, ZIERER, Janko, ŠOSTAR, Adolf, PALČIČ, Iztok, ŠTRLEKAR, Ivo, KOVAČ, Marjan, PURGAJ, Andrej, FIŠNAR, Avgust. Izvajanje pilotnega projekta razvoja orodjarskega grozda v R Sloveniji : zaključno poročilo o izvajanju projekta razvoja grozda. Maribor: Fakulteta za strojništvo, 2004. 28 f. [COBISS.SI-ID 9090582]

2. DE TONI, Alberto, PANDŽA, Krsto, POLAJNAR, Andrej, LEBER, Marjan, BUCHMEISTER, Borut, PALČIČ, Iztok, PIŽMOHT, Petja, VUJICA-HERZOG, Nataša, FULDER, Tatjana, FIJAN, Rebeka, SRŠEN, Sašo. Creative processes for enterprise innovation : CREATE project. Maribor; Brussels: Faculty of Machanical Engineering, 2005. 1 zv. (loč. pag.), graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 9598486]

3. DE TONI, Alberto, PANDŽA, Krsto, POLAJNAR, Andrej, LEBER, Marjan, BUCHMEISTER, Borut, PALČIČ, Iztok, PIŽMOHT, Petja, VUJICA-HERZOG, Nataša, FULDER, Tatjana, FIJAN, Rebeka, SRŠEN, Sašo. Creative processes for enterprise innovation : CREATE project. Maribor; Brussels: Faculty of Machanical Engineering, 2005. 1 zv. (loč. pag.), graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 9598486]

4. BARSAUSKAS, Petras, PALČIČ, Iztok, POLAJNAR, Andrej, BUCHMEISTER, Borut, LEBER, Marjan. An innovative web-based tool for self-testing, training and assessing competencies of project management professionals (PM CAT) : PM CAT final report, (Leonardo da Vinci, Education and Culture). Maribor: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory for Production and Operations Management, 2007. 1 mapa (loč. pag.). [COBISS.SI-ID 13094934]

5. PALČIČ, Iztok, PANDŽA, Krsto, POLAJNAR, Andrej, BUCHMEISTER, Borut, LEBER, Marjan, PIŽMOHT, Petja. European manufacturing survey (EMS) : poročilo o mednarodnem projektu za obdobje 2004-2009. Maribor: Fakulteta za strojništvo, Laboratorij za načrtovanje proizvodnih sistemov, 2009. 1 mapa (loč. pag.). [COBISS.SI-ID 13102870]

III. Other positions: Director of GEA College of Entrepreneurship R&D institute (2005-2006)

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Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Demos C. Angelides

Date / Place of Birth: 18.06.47, Thessaloniki, Greece

e-mail, web: [email protected] ;

Academic position, Sc. degree: Professor, PhD

Since at the present position: 1998

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh)

Institution where he/she is employed and from when:



Degree Year Institution

PhD 1978 Department of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

MSc 1975 Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts,USA


1970 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, AUTh, Greece

Employment: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece 2008-now Director of the Laboratory of Marine Structures, Department of Civil

Engineering 2005-2009 Chairman of the Department of Civil Engineering 2008 - now Vice-Chairman of the Department of Regional Planning and

Development 2004 - now Member of the Executive Committee of the Department of Regional

Planning and Development 2002- 2004 Director of the Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering Division 1998 - now Professor of Marine Structures 1996 -1998 Associate Professor 1970- 1971 Teaching Assistant McDermott International, Inc.(Corporate Headquarters), New Orleans, USA 1992-1996 Director, Business Process Improvement McDermott International, Inc.(Electronic Information Systems), New Orleans, USA 1990-1992 Manager, Total Quality Management Department 1985-1990 Senior Consulting Engineer Hudson Engineering Corporation, a McDermott company, Houston, USA 1983-1985 Senior Consulting Structural Engineer McDermott Marine Construction (Research and Development Division), New Orleans, USA 1980-1983 Senior Consulting Structural Engineer Brian Watt Associates. Inc., Houston, USA 1978-1980 Supervising Structural Engineer Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Department of Civil Engineering 1973-1978 Research Assistant Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

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1 Coastal Engineering and Port Structures Civil Engineering

2 Analysis, Design and Construction of Port Structures Civil Engineering

3 Marine Structures Civil Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Quality Systems and Reengineering Construction Project Management

2 Strategic Planning Construction Project Management

Responsible for follow list of courses at the Doctoral (PhD) studies (third level): Title of course: Study program:

Applied Informatics Doctoral program of the Departure of Civil Engineering

Scientific & Research results:

About 80 scientific papers published in journals or proceedings, 4 international projects

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 10)

1. Taflanidis, A.A., Angelides, D.C. and Scruggs, J.T., “Simulation-based robust design of mass dampers for response mitigation of tension leg platforms”, Journal of Engineering Structures, Elsevier, 31(2009) 847-857.

2. Patsiadas, P. and Angelides, D.C., “Legislative frameworks for marine infrastructure concession contracts in Greece”, Management, Procurement and Law 161, the Institution of Civil Engineers, Thomas Telford, Issue MP4, November 2008, pp. 157-162.

3. Diamantoulaki, I., Angelides, D.C. and Manolis, G.D., “Performance of pile-restrained flexible floating breakwaters”, Applied Ocean Research, Elsevier, 30 (2008) 243-255.

4. Angelides D.C. and Xenidis, Y. “PPP Infrastructure Investments: Critical Aspects and Prospects” (invited book-chapter), In: Policy, Finance & Management for Public-Private-Partnerships, Edited by Akintoye, A. and Beck, M., p.p. 165-180, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN: 978-1-4051-7791-7, 2008.

5. Angelides D. and Xenidis, Y. “Fuzzy vs. Probabilistic Methods for Risk Assessment of Coastal Areas” In: Environmental Security in Harbors and Coastal Areas: Management using Comparative Risk Assessment and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Edited by Linkov, I., Kiker, G.A. and Wenning, R.J., p.p. 251-266, NATO Security through Science Series (Series C: Environmental Security), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York, ISBN: 978-1-4020-5801-1, 2007.

6. Xenidis, Y., Angelides, D.C., Tziavos, I., Koutitas, C., and Savvaidis P., “An Integrated Framework for Sustainable Coastal Zones Management in Greece”, IASME Transactions, Vol. 2, No.5, July 2005, p.p. 813-822

7. Angelides, D.C. and Loukogeorgaki, E. “A strategic approach for supporting the future of Civil Engineering Education in Europe”, European Journal of Engineering Education, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 30, No. 1, March 2005, pp. 37

8. Xenidis, Y. and Angelides, D., “The Financial risks in build-operate-transfer projects”, Construction Management and Economics, May 2005, 23, pp. 431-441.

9. Xenidis, Y. and Angelides D.C., ““The Legal Risks in Build-Operate-Transfer projects” Journal of Construction Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, September 2005, p.p. 273-292.

10. Angelides, D.C., "Project Management and Good Business and Technical Practices", Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, May/June 1999, pp.78

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestic projects : 0 Active international projects : 2 Trainings: 1985 McDermott, Inc. - Attended management courses on Management of Time, Finance and Accounting for

Non-financial Managers, and Principles in Management.

1985 Dassault Systems - Attended a five-day course on Basic Operations and Wireframe Modeling with CATIA (a two/three dimensional Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing system), June 1985.

1985 Intellicorp - Attended a five-day course on the KEE system (Knowledge-Engineering-Environment), October 1985.

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1986 Symbolics, Inc. - Attended a two-week intensive course on LISP Language, February 1986.

1986 ICAD, Inc. - Attended a two-week intensive course on Intelligent Computer Aided Design system. This is a computer aided design software based on Al technology, October 1986.

1987 Oliver Wight Companies - Attended a one-week course on Manufacturing Resource Planning, May 1987.

1988 Quality Enhancement Seminar, Inc. - Attended a four-day course on Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position taught by Dr. W. Edwards Deming, December 1988.

1988 McDermott Inc. - Attended a four-day course on Quality Improvement in Technical Management, Charlottesville, Virginia, December 1988.

1989 American Supplier Institute, Inc. - Attended a five-day course on Introduction to Quality Engineering - Taguchi Methods, Austin, Texas, April 1989.

1989 Juran Institute, Inc. - Attended a four-day course on Management of Quality, Chicago, Illinois, May 1989.

1990 Qualtec/Florida Power & Light, Inc. - Attended a five-day course on Design Team Implementation Workshop for Quality Improvement, April 1990.

1990 American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC) - Attended a five-day Team Leader/Member Training for Quality Improvement, June 1990.

1990 Qualtec/Florida Power & Light, Inc. - Attended a five-day course on Team Leader Training for Quality Improvement, June 1990.

1990 Qualtec/Florida Power & Light, Inc. - Attended a five-day course on Facilitator Skills Training for Quality Improvement, July 1990.

1990 Qualtec/Florida Power & Light, Inc. - Attended a five-day course on Managing Quality Improvement, August 1990.

1991 Philip Crosby Associates, Inc. - Attended a four-day course on Quality Improvement Process Management, the Quality College, December 1991.

1992 Qualtec/Florida Power & Light, Inc. - Attended a two-day course on Quality in Daily Work, November 1992.

1993 Qualtec/Florida Power & Light, Inc. - Attended a five-day course on Process Management Instructor Training, April 1993. Certification granted.

1993 Hammer and Company. - Attended a three-day course on Reengineering, The Implementation Perspective, May 1993.

1993 Texas Instruments - Attended a three-day course on Business Process Engineering Practitioner's Workshop, October 1993.

1993 American Management Association - Attended a three-day course on Fundamentals in Finance, October 1993.

1993 American Management Association - Attended a three-day course on Activity - Based Costing and Activity - Based Budgeting, November 1993.

1994 Hammer and Company. - Attended a three-day course on Advanced Implementation of Reengineering, April 1994.

1996 Pritchett & Associates, Inc. - Attended a two - day course on New Work Habits for a Radically Changing World for Employees and Managers, March 1996. Instructor certification granted.

1996 Perry Johnson, Inc. - Attended a five - day course on Lead Assessor of Quality Systems ISO 9000, March 1996.

1996 IDS Prof. Scheer - Attended a four - day course on ARIS Basics (an object based process documentation and analysis tool), May 1996.

1996 Hammer and Company. - Attended a two-day course on Reengineering: the Information Systems Perspective, December 1996.

Other relevant data:

List of selected projects: 1. «IRIS: Integrated European Industrial Risk Reduction System », Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,

Department of Civil Engineering, 2008-2012, FP7-NMP-2007-LARGE-1, Collaborative Projects. 2. «Development of an integrated system for controlling the performance of moored floating

breakwaters», General Office of Research and Technology, 2004 – 2007 3. Lombardi F. – contractor (Politehnico di Torino), Angelides D. –coordinator for University Aristotle in

Thessaloniki; Partners: Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia: “Master Studies and Continuing Education Network for Product Lifecycle Management with Sustainable Development”, 144959-Tempus-2008-IT-JPCR, TEMPUS IV Program, financed by the European Commission, 2009-2012.

4. E. Caporali (Project Contractor), Angelides D. (Coordinator for University Aristotle in Thessaloniki: “Development of Environmental and Resources Engineering Curriculum (DEREC)”, TEMPUS Joint European Project (JEP) 19028-2004, financed by the European Commission, 2005-2008.

Honors - Awards Government scholarship to study Civil Engineering in Aristotle University (1965-1970); Honored by the Aristotle University as "the best student" in my class, in my junior year

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(1968); Graduated second in the 1970 Civil Engineering Class of the Aristotle University; M.I.T. Research Assistantship (1973-1978); Awarded a post-doctoral fellowship by the Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research to conduct research on offshore structures at the Norwegian Institute of Technology for one academic year (1978); Award by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) for the best peer reviewed paper, ASCE 2000 Engineering Management. This publication is: Angelides, D.C., "Project Management and Good Business and Technical Practices", Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, May/June 1999. He is included in Who's Who publications of the Marquis Publications Board. Professional and scientific memberships Member, A.S.C.E., ISOPE, Scientific Research Society of North America, Sigma Xi., A.S.M.E., American Geophysical Union, PMI (Project Management Institute), American Society of Quality, AGU, Computer Society of IEEE, Certified Lead Assessor of Quality Systems (ISO 9000), Registered Professional Engineer in Texas and Greece. Personal activities American Petroleum Institute, TLP Platform Design Rules Committee, Representative, McDermott, Inc., 1981-1983; Session Organizer, Offshore Mechanics/Arctic Engineering Symposium, A.S.M.E., 1983-1988; Chairman, Computer Technology Committee of the OMAE Division of A.S.M.E., 1985-1988; Member of the Board of Directors of PMI-Greek Chapter (2006-present); Vice President of Education and Training of PMI-Greek Chapter (2008-2009), Vice President of ASCE-Greek Chapter (2008-present); Member of TPC - ISOPE, 2005-present; Member of the Board of Directors of ISOPE 2008-2010; Member of the Board of Editors of Applied Ocean Research. Reviewer Journal of Construction Management and Economics; Journal of Applied Ocean Research; Journal of Engineering Structures; Ocean Engineering; Sloan Management Review; ISOPE Conference; NSF (USA) research proposal; General Secretariat of Research and Technology (Greece) research proposals and ongoing projects.

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Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Dimitra Vagiona

Date / Place of Birth: 27.03.1977, Thessaloniki, Greece

e-mail, web: [email protected] ;

Academic position, Sc. degree: Lecturer, PhD

Since at the present position: 2009

Department of Spatial Planning and Development, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh)

Institution where he/she is employed and from when:



Degree Year Institution

PhD 2004 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, AUTh, Greece

BSc 2000 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, AUTh, Greece

Employment: 2009- Lecturer, Department of Spatial Planning and Development, Faculty of Engineering, AUTh, Greece

2008-2009 Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Spatial Planning and Development, Faculty of Engineering, AUTh, Greece

2001-2008 Research Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, AUTh, Greece

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection Projects

Spatial Planning and Development

2 Sustainable Development and Natural Resources Management Spatial Planning and Development

3 Environmental Impact Assessment Studies: Theory and applications

Spatial Planning and Development

4 Project and Program Management Spatial Planning and Development

5 Project and Program Management: software and applications Spatial Planning and Development

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection Planning and Development Scientific & Research results:

About 36 scientific papers published in journals or proceedings, 8 domestic and international projects

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 10) 1. M. Arvanitidou, K. Kanellou, D. Vagiona., (2005), “Diversity of Salmonalla spp. and fungi in northern Greek rivers and their correlation to faecal pollution indicators.”, Environmental Research, Volume 99, Issue 2, October 2005, p. 278-284 2. Y. Mylopoulos, Vagiona D., Kolokytha E., (2006), “Demand management aspects of the urban water policy in the industrial sector. The case of the city of Thessaloniki, Greece”, Urban Water, Volume 4, Issue 1 March 2007 , pages 9 – 17 3. Y. Mylopoulos, E.Kolokytha, E. Kampragou, D.Vagiona, (2007), “A Combined Methodology for Transboundary River Basin Management in Europe. Application in The Nestos–Mesta Catchment Area”, Water Resources Management, DOI 10.1007/s11269-007-9214-8 4. Mylopoulos Y., Kolokytha E., Vagiona D., Kampragou E. and Elefteriadou E (2008), "Hydrodiplomacy in practice: Transboundary Water Management in Northern Greece", Global NEST Journal, Vol 10, No 3, pp 287-294, 2008. 5. D. Vagiona and N. Mylopoulos, (2008), “Water price elasticity and public acceptability on conservation options in the city of Volos.”, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol 4, Issue 4

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6. D. Vagiona and N. Mylopoulos, (2007), “Residential water price elasticity in the city of Volos – Greece”, CEMEPE Conference, June 24 – 28, 2007, Skiathos island, Greece, pp. 931-936. 7. C. Fafoutis, D. Vagiona and N. Mylopoulos, (2008), “Assessment of the environmental cost of water services performing the willingness to pay method”, Protection and Restoration of the Environment IX, Kefalonia, Greece, 29 June – 3 July 2008. 8. P.J. Ganoulis and D.G. Vagiona, (2008), “An Integrated water management concept for the transboundary Prespa Lakes”, Protection and Restoration of the Environment IX, Kefalonia, Greece, 29 June – 3 July 2008. 9. D. Bakalianos, A. Loukas, D. Vagiona, (2008), “Emergy analysis as a tool for the evaluation of environmental and economic sustainability of crops in two irrigated agricultural areas”, Protection and Restoration of the Environment IX, Kefalonia, Greece, 29 June – 3 July 2008. 10. M. Lazoglou, N. Karanikolas and D. Vagiona , (2009), “Mapping air pollution: the city of Thessaloniki - Greece case study”, 2nd International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE) and SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, Greece, 21-26 June 2009. Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 0 Active international projects : 2

Other relevant data: List of selected projects:

«IRON CURTAIN: Innovative models of critical key indicators as planning and decision support for sustainable rural development and integrated cross border regional management in former iron curtain areas based on north to south European reference studies», Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Civil Engineering, 2002-2004, FP5 «TRANSCAT: Integrated water management of transboundary catchments», Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Civil Engineering, 2003-2006, FP5 «TRABOREMA: Concepts for integrated transboundary water management and sustainable socio-economic development in the cross border region of Albania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and Greece », Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Civil Engineering, 2004-2007, FP6 «Ecosystem Informatics – Development of Postgraduate Curriculum», Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Civil Engineering, 2007-2009, Tempus Joint European Project. «IRIS: Integrated European Industrial Risk Reduction System », Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Civil Engineering, 2008-2012, FP7-NMP-2007-LARGE-1, Collaborative Projects.

Contractor (Politehnico di Torino), Angelides D. –coordinator for University Aristotle in Thessaloniki; Partners: Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia: “Master Studies and Continuing Education Network for Product Lifecycle Management with Sustainable Development”, 144959-Tempus-2008-IT-JPCR, TEMPUS IV Program, financed by the European Commission, 2009-2012.

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Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Claudio Demartini

Date / Place of Birth: 9th June 1955 Turin, Italy

e-mail, web: [email protected]

Academic position, Sc. degree: Full Professor of Computer Science

Since at the present position: Vice Dean at the Industrial Engineering and Management School – ViceRector of University Special Projects

Politecnico di Torino Institution where he/she is employed and from when:


Education Degree Year Institution PhD 1987 Politecnico di Torino, Computer engineering and systems MSc 1979 Politecnico di Torino, Electronic Engineering Employment: From1994 Full Professor of Computer Science, Politecnico di Torino From 2003 Vice Dean at the Industrial Engineering and Management School,

Politecnico di Torino From 2004 Member of the Scientific Committee for the National Register of

University Students, MIUR From 2005 ViceRector of University Special Projects, Politecnico di Torino From 2007 Technical Assistance member for the realization of territorial

training clusters, CRUI From 2007 Member of a ministerial committee for the reorganization of the

upper education system, MPI From 2007 Administration council member, RGI From 2008 Administration council member, INVALSI

From 2009 Member of the Administration Council of the Research Institute “Mario Boella”

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Management of ICT innovation and product development

Industrial Engineering and Management

2 Engineering Informatics and Finances Engineering Management

3 Object Oriented Programming Computer Engineering

4 Computer networks Computer Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Management of innovation and product development Industrial Engineering and Management

2 Engineering Informatics and Finances Engineering Management

3 Object Oriented Programming Computer Engineering

4 Computer networks Computer Engineering

Scientific & Research results:

Research interests lie in the management of complex systems with specific reference to the life cycle of product / service and project and analysis of costs and benefits. Activities also include processing systems with reference to the semantic web and to formal specification of technology, economic and organization constraints. Author of several publications on international journals and

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conferences, Demartini is also co-author of an international book on standards for communication protocols "Map and Top Communications: Standards and Applications”, Addison Wesley.

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 15)

11. DEMARTINI C. (2006). Verso la costruzione di una VET-Polis nell'area Mediterranea: la Cittadella mediterranea dell'Istruzione e Formazione Professionale. STUDI E DOCUMENTI DEGLI ANNALI DELLA PUBBLICA ISTRUZIONE. vol. 113-114, pp. 82-94.

12. C.CUBILLOS, DEMARTINI C. (2006). National Qualification Systems Integration using Ontologies. In: IFIP INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR INFORMATION PROCESSING. Education for the 21st Century — Impact of ICT and Digital Resources. (vol. 210/2006, pp. 285-289). ISBN: 978-0-387-34627-4. : (UNITED STATES). Springer Boston.

13. DEMARTINI C. (2006). L'istruzione tecnica e professionale: verso un nuovo futuro. STUDI E DOCUMENTI DEGLI ANNALI DELLA PUBBLICA ISTRUZIONE. vol. 115-116, pp. 239-269.

14. DEMARTINI C., S.GAETE, F.GUIDI-POLANCO AND C.DEMARTINI. (2007). Design of a Multiagent Solution for Demand-Responsive Transportation. In: SPRINGER BERLIN. AIIA 2007: Artificial Intelligence and Human-Oriented Computing. (vol. 4733/2007, pp. 797-804). ISBN: 978-3-540-74781-9.

15. F.LAMBERTI, A.SANNA, and C. DEMARTINI, Member IEEE, Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (January 2009), A Relation-Based Page Rank Algorithm for Semantic Web Search Engines, to be published.

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 4 Active international projects : 6 Other relevant data: List of selected projects:

1. Regional research project evaluation (Emilia Romagna) (2005) 2. PRIN (research project of national interest) project evaluation, University - Ministry (2001)

3. Coordination of research projects L. 488/92 (1999-2002) 4. Responsible of local unit of the SESAMO Leonardo da Vinci, international project (2007-2009) 5. Responsible of the Contract - "National Qualification Framework" Greece Project - Greece

Chamber of Commerce (2008) 6. VetPolis technical coordination - Presentation of VetPolis project - International scenarios design

for technical education and training (2006) 7. Local unit responsible of the VETPROFESSIONAL international project (2005-2007) 8. International area management in ECVET Connexion international project (2005-2006) 9. Local unit responsible of the EXPERO international project (2004-2007) 10. HELEN international project coordinator (2004-2006)

-Member of IEEE Computer Society Association -Member of IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology

In international relations sponsored by Columbus (UNESCO), spoke (July / August 2007) as a master of innovation at the Catholic University of Valparaiso, holding the course called "Project Management: management techniques and evaluating the result. "

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Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Paolo CHIABERT

Date / Place of Birth: 28.06.1963 Torino, Italy

e-mail, web: [email protected]

Academic position, Sc. degree: Associate professor

Since at the present position: 29.12.2003

Politecnico di Torino Institution where he/she is employed and from when:


Education Degree Year Institution Engineering PhD 1995 Electronic engineering, Politecnico di Torino Engineering MSc 1988 Electronic engineering, Politecnico di Torino Employment: Associate professor 2003 Politecnico di Torino – Fourth School of Engineering - Management

and Industrial Engineering Researcher 1995 Politecnico di Torino - Second School of Engineering in Vercelli Consultant 1993 IBM / Politecnico di Torino Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Methods for technical communication Industrial Engineering, Logistic Engineering,

2 Production planning and control Industrial Engineering, Engineering Management, Mechanical and Production Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Methods for technical communication Industrial Engineering, Logistic Engineering,

2 Production planning and control Industrial Engineering, Engineering Management, Mechanical and Production Engineering

3 Product Lifecycle Management and Sustainability

Industrial Engineering and Product Lifecycle Management

Responsible for follow list of courses at the Doctoral (PhD) studies (third level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Strategic Development and Planning Industrial Engineering, Engineering Management

Scientific & Research results:

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 15)

1. D. Antonelli, P. Chiabert: "Introducing Collaborative Practices in Small Medium Enterprises", International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, Vol.V pp.8-19, 2010, ISSN:1841-9836.

2. P. Chiabert; M. De Maddis; M. Gandini, F. Lombardi: Discrimination of hidden information in measurement results, Management of Technology. Step to Sustainable Production, MOTSP2009, Sibenik, Croatia 10-12 June 2009.

3. P. Carmellino, P. Chiabert: "Optimization of Tools Availability in Flexible Manufacturing Systems", Proceedings of CIRP ICME ’08 - 6th CIRP International Conference on Intelligent Computation In Manufacturing Engineering, Naples (Italy), 23 - 25 July 2008

4. P. Chiabert, Lombardi F., S. Ruffa: "Shape Partitioning Based on Symmetries Detection", International Journal of Shape Modeling, Vol.14 pp.79-104, June 2008, ISSN:0218-6543

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5. P. Chiabert, M. Demaddis, Lombardi F., S. Ruffa: "Research on feature partitioning: analysis of efficiency and reliability of ISO algorithms", Atti dell'8 Convegno Aitem 2007, Montecatini Terme, 10-12 settembre 2007

6. R. Cavarero, P. Chiabert; "Product Lifecycle Management opportunities in Small Medium Entreprises", Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management PLM07, Milano, Italy, July 11-13 2007

7. P. Chiabert, Lombardi F., E. Vaccarino: Analysis of kinematic methods for invariants based classification in the ISO/TC213 framework, Proceedings of the10th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing (Erlangen, Germany) March 21-23, 2007

8. Antonelli D., Chiabert P.: Product Lifecycle Management in Italian Enterprises, Proceedings of the 5th CIRP Int. Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering - CIRP ICME '06 (Ischia (Naples)), July 2006.

9. P. Chiabert, F. Lombardi, M. Costa: Statistical Modelling of Process Development, JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING, Vol.3/1 March 2003 pp.87-94 ISSN:1530-9827

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 4 Active international projects : 3 Other relevant data:

I. List of selected projects:

1. INDACO – Innovation in support the “Made in Italy” manufacturing enterprises, Ministry iof Economics, Italy.

2. AMICO – Advanced Monitoring and Intelligent Control, Fiat and GM, Torino, Italy. 3. GREAT 2020. GReen Engine for Air Transport in 2020, CIP Project, financed by EC, 2010-2012. 4. MANU M5: Study, design, development and realization of a reconfigurable production system for

aeronautical gears, holistic of methods, fixtures, tools, coolant, measurement and human interaction, FP7 Project, 2008-2011.

5. EUCIP (European Certification of Informatics Professionals) Project leader, POLITO, 2006- (

6. INFOMET – Information technology for industrial engineering, Ministry iof Economics, Italy 7. MAS-PLM, Partners: Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia: “Master Studies and Continuing

Education Network for Product Lifecycle Management with Sustainable Development”, 144959-Tempus-2008-IT-JPCR, TEMPUS IV Program, financed by the European Commission, 2009-2012.

II. Other pocitions:

Since 1997 Italian expert in the ISO Technical Committee 213 - Geometrical Product Specifications and Verification. Member of the GPS Technical commission at UNI. President of PACE PLM Center at the POLITO, Accredited Member at the World level for PACE – Partners for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education, According to the Product Lifecycle Management perspective, the research interests range from Design methods, to Manufacturing technologies, to Production planning and control, to Quality management, industrial design, manufacturing process and logistics, with a specific interest on CAx tools (PDM, PLM) enterprise information systems (MRP, ERP and ERPII systems).

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Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Gian Andrea Blengini

Date / Place of Birth: 20.11.1969 / Mondovì (Italy)

e-mail, web: [email protected] /

Academic position, Sc. degree: Senior Researcher, PhD in Earth Resources from Lisbon Technical University

Since at the present position: 01/10/2001

Politecnico di Torino, Department of production Systems and Business Economics (DISPEA)

Institution where he/she is employed and from when:

Education Degree Year Institution Engineering PhD 2006 IST-Technical University of Lisbon (Portugal) Engineering MSc 1994 Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

Employment: 2001-2008 Senior Researcher at the Politecnico di Torino, Faculty of

Engineering. Department of Land, Environment and Geo-Engineering (DITAG).

1998-2001 Tenured Researcher at the Department of Chemical and Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Bologna University.

1997 SIPI Srl – GRUPPO MINERALI INDUSTRIALI SpA (Novara, Italy). Industrial minerals for the ceramic and glass industry and blast furnace slag recycling. Responsible for Quality, Research and Development.

1996-1997 ASTALDI SpA. Tunneling Engineer for the excavation of the Bolu Tunnel (Istanbul-Ankara motorway) in Turkey.

1994-1996 Drilling Expert and Project Manager in Water Supply Projects in Ethiopia. COOPI (Milan) and LVIA (Cuneo).

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Applied Economics Environmental Engineering

2 Elements of Applied Economy Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management


Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Resources and Environmental Economics Environmental Engineering

2 Elements of Applied Economy Environmental Engineering

2 Environmental Technologies Environmental Engineering


Responsible for follow list of courses at the Doctoral (PhD) studies (third level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Life Cycle Assessment Environment and Territory

Scientific & Research results:

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 15)

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1. 2010 BLENGINI G.A., GARBARINO E . Resources and Waste Management in Turin (Italy): the role of recycled aggregates in the Sustainable Supply Mix. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION

2. 2010 BLENGINI G.A., DI CARLO T. Energy policies and low energy residential buildings: a LCA case study to support decision-makers in Piedmont (Italy). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT

3. 2009 BLENGINI G.A., Life cycle of buildings, demolition and recycling potential: a case study in Turin-Italy, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, pp. 319-330, 2008, Vol. 44(2), ISSN: 0360-1323, DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2008.03.007

4. 2009 BLENGINI G.A.; BUSTO M, The life cycle of rice: LCA of alternative agri-food chain management systems in Vercelli (Italy), JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, pp. 1512-1522, 2008, Vol. 90(3), ISSN: 0301-4797, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2008.10.006

5. 2009 BLENGINI G.A.; DI CARLO T., The changing role of life cycle phases, subsystems and materials in the LCA of low energy buildings, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2009.12.009

6. 2008 BLENGINI G.A., Applying LCA to organic waste management in Piedmont-Italy, MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, pp. 533-549, 2008, Vol. 19(5), ISSN: 1477-7835, DOI: 10.1108/14777830810894229

7. 2008 BLENGINI G.A., Using LCA to evaluate impacts and resources conservation potential of composting: a case study of the Asti District in Italy, RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING, pp. 1373-1381, 2008, Vol. 52(12), ISSN: 0921-3449, DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2008.08.002

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 2 Active international projects : 1 Other relevant data: I. List of selected projects:

1. 2009-11: “INNOVANCE – High efficiency materials for bioclimatic buildings and architecture”. Research project (16 Million €) financed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development under the call Industria 2015, run in partnership between ANCENERGIA, Federlegno, Politecnico di Torino, Politecnico di Milano, Università di Napoli Federico II, ENEA, ITC-CNR. G. A. Blengini: LCA scientific responsible. Use of the LCA methodology for production of eco-efficient building materials and eco-design of the built environment.

2. 2008-10: “LCA of the MISAPOR foam glass”. Research related to the EU Project NOVEDI “No Vetro in Discarica: demonstrating innovative technologies for integral recovery of glass rejects actually landfilled”, financed under the call “LIFE+ 2007” and run by SASIL SpA and Politecnico di Torino (sub-contractor). G. A. Blengini: LCA scientific responsible. Use of the LCA methodology to analyse the life cycle of a recycled foam glass (Misapor) and address eco-design of a low energy office building.

3. 2009-11: “SARMa - Sustainable Aggregates Resource Management”. Research project financed by the European Commission (2 M€) under the call “South East Europe SEE Programme 2007–2013”, run in co-operation with 14 European partners (Project leader: Geological Survey of Slovenia). G. A. Blengini: LCA scientific responsible. Use of the LCA methodology to promote energy and resources efficiency of future minerals sustainable supply mix (SSM) in EU countries.

II. Other positions: CNR-IGAG (Institute of Environmental Geology and Geo-Engineering of the Italian National Research Council) Associate Researcher since 2006. SOMP (Society of Mining Professors) member since 2006. ANIM (National Association of Mining Engineers) member since 1998. GEAM (Geo-resources and Environment Association) member since 1989.

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Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Franco Lombardi

Date / Place of Birth: 10th September 1955 / Genova (Italy)

e-mail, web: [email protected]

Academic position, Sc. degree: Full Professor in “Manufacturing Technologies and Systems”

Since at the present position: 1995

Politecnico di Torino Institution where he/she is employed and from when:


Education Degree Year Institution Engineering PhD 1986 Politecnico di Torino Engineering M.Sc. 1980 Politecnico di Torino Employment: Since 1981 - accredited to the Professional Engineer Society in Turin, Italy 1995- Full Professor, DISPEA Department, Politecnico di Torino 1998-2002 Director of DISPEA Department, Politecnico di Torino Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Mechanical Manufacturing Processes Mechanical Engineering

2 Industrial Management Industrial Engineering, Engineering Management

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Industrial Processing Technologies Mechanical Engineering

2 Product Lifecycle Management Industrial Engineering and PLM

3 Industrial Management Industrial Engineering, Engineering Management

Responsible for follow list of courses at the Doctoral (PhD) studies (third level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Metal Sheet Forming Production Systems & Industrial Design

2 Industrial Management Industrial Engineering and Management

Scientific & Research results:

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 15)

1. F. Cus, F. Lombardi, “Machining parameter optimization using ant colony system” from INTELLIGENT PRODUCTION SYSTEMS - Way To Competitiveness And Innovative Engineering – Chapter 19 – pp.221-225 (ISBN 978-9989-2701-4-7), 2009

2. V. Gecevska, F. Lombardi, “Web-lab e-platform for engineering and business education” from INTELLIGENT PRODUCTION SYSTEMS - Way To Competitiveness And Innovative Engineering – Chapter 22 – pp.247-256 (ISBN 978-9989-2701-4-7), 2009

3. Gecevska V., Lombardi F., Cus F, Gusev M., “Web Based Environment in Engineering and Entrepreneurship Education”, Proc. International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development pp. 81-90 - ICEIRD2008, Ohrid, 2008

4. P. Chiabert, M. De Maddis, R. Levi, F. Lombardi, M. Orlando, S.Ruffa, F.Vaccarino, “Shape partitioning based on symmetries detection”, Proc. of the Italy-Israel Bilateral Conference, Haifa 2007


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ENGINEERING, pp. 97-103, 2006, Vol. 14, ISSN: 1734-8412

6. Y. BELLAN; M. COSTA; G. FERRIGNO; LOMBARDI F.; L. MACCHIARULO; A. MONTUORI; E. PASERO; C. RIGOTTI, Artificial Neural Networks for Motion Emulation in Virtual Environments, Modelling and Motion Capture Techniques for Virtual Environments (CAPTECH '06) Geneva (CH), November 26-27, pp. 83-99, 20068, Vol. 1537, ISBN: 3-540-65353-8

7. P. Chiabert, M. Demaddis, Lombardi F., S. Ruffa: "Research on feature partitioning: analysis of efficiency and reliability of ISO algorithms", Atti dell'8 Convegno Aitem 2007, Montecatini Terme, 10-12 settembre 2007

8. R. Cavarero, P. Chiabert, F. Lombardi; "Product Lifecycle Management opportunities in Small Medium Entreprises", Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management PLM07, Milano, Italy, July 11-13 2007

9. P. Chiabert, Lombardi F., E. Vaccarino: Analysis of kinematic methods for invariants based classification in the ISO/TC213 framework, Proceedings of the10th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing (Erlangen, Germany) March 21-23, 2007

10. E MADDIS M.; BASUC D.; LOMBARDI F., A data driven methodology for supporting the design phase of new products, 18th International Conference on Production Research, August 2005, ISBN: 88-87030-96-0.

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 4 Active international projects : 3 Other relevant data:

I. List of selected projects:

1. INDACO – Innovation in support the “Made in Italy” manufacturing enterprises, Ministry of Economics, Italy.

2. AMICO – Advanced Monitoring and Intelligent Control, Fiat and GM, Torino, Italy.

3. Lombardi F. – contractor (Politehnico di Torino), Gecevska V. – coordinator (University Ss.Cyril and Methodius); Partners: Italy, Slovenia, Macedonia: “Web-Based Multimedia e-Learning for Applied Technologies”, SCM C013B05-2005, TEMPUS Program, financed by the European Commission, 2006-2007

4. GREAT 2020. GReen Engine for Air Transport in 2020, CIP Project, financed by EC, 2010-2012.

5. MANU M5: Study, design, development and realization of a reconfigurable production system for aeronautical gears, holistic of methods, fixtures, tools, coolant, measurement and human interaction, FP7 Project, 2008-2011.

6. INFOMET – Information technology for industrial engineering, Ministry iof Economics, Italy (2008-2011).

7. Lombardi F. – contractor (Politehnico di Torino), Gecevska V. – coordinator (University Ss.Cyril and Methodius) MAS-PLM, Partners: Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia: “Master Studies and Continuing Education Network for Product Lifecycle Management with Sustainable Development”, 144959-Tempus-2008-IT-JPCR, TEMPUS IV Program, financed by the European Commission, 2009-2012.

II. Other possition:

1998-2002 Director of the DISPEA Department (Department for Production Systems and Business Economics) at the POLITO (Politecnico di Torino) 2000 - present Program Coordinator of the PhD course on "Production Systems & Industrial Design" at the Scuola di Dottorato of the Politecnico di Torino. 2006 – present Program Coordinator of the Master studies on “Product Lifecycle Management” at the Politecnico di Torino 2007 – present Program Coordinator for Politecnico di Torino site in Interuniversities Doctoral Program – SCUDO, Partners: Politecnico di Torino, Politecnico di Milano, Politecnico di Bari, Politecnico di Romma. 2008 – present Member of Steering Committee of the DISPEA Deprtment at POLITO 2010 – present Dean od the Faculty of Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Italy / Usbekistan

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Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Patrizia Ebrille

Date / Place of Birth: 18/06/1958 Asti

e-mail, web: [email protected],

Academic position, Sc. degree: Contract Professor; Ph.D.

Since at the present position: 2007

Politecnico di Torino / Free University of Bozen Institution where he/she is employed and from when:


Education Degree Year Institution Social Sciences

PhD 1990 Università di Torino

Languages MSc 1982 Università di Torino Employment: Contract professor 2007- Politecnico di Torino / Free University of Bozen Consultant/Ceo Since 1999 Initiative Srl. Manager 1990-1996 Praxi – Formazione&Sviluppo Spa Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Marketing Industrial Engineering and Management, Engineering Management

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Marketing Industrial Engineering and Management, Engineering Management

Scientific & Research results:

Development of human resources potentialities, Analysis of business strategies, Development of management in mid-large companies

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 15)

1. P.Ebrille, "Hai un secondo?", Dirigente - Manager Italia, Luglio 2009 2. P.Ebrille, "Quello sguardo diverso dei giovani americani", Dirigente - Manager Italia, Aprile 2009 3. P.Ebrille, "Made in China I perché di un fenomeno", Dirigente - Manager Italia, Maggio 2006

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 2 Active international projects : 2 Other relevant data: I. List of selected projects:

1. Marketing strategies in Piemmonte Region of North Italy, Financed by the Ministry of Economic Development of Italy, 2008-2011.

1. Reorganization of networked European plants for corporation Bormioli Rocco, co-financed by the EC, 2009-2010.

2. Development of human resources in manufacturing area, for company Saati Group, European found EUNI, 2009-2010.

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Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Maurizio Morisio

Date / Place of Birth: Torino Italy, 13 05 1960

e-mail, web: [email protected]

Academic position, Sc. degree: Associate professor, PhD

Since at the present position: 2005

Politecnico di Torino Institution where he/she is employed and from when:

since 1991

Education Degree Year Institution Engineering BSc+MSc 1986 Politecnico di Torino Engineering PhD 1989 Politecnico di Torino Employment: 1989-1991 IGL technology, Paris 1991-present Politecnico di Torino 1998-2000 University of Maryland (on sabbatical leave) Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Idustrial Informatics Engineering Management

2 Design Information Systems Industrial Engineering and Management

3 Object oriented programming Computer engineering

4 Software Engineering Computer engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Object oriented programming Computer engineering

2 Software Engineering Computer engineering

3 Information Systems Industrial Engineering and Management, Engineering Management

Scientific & Research results:

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 15)

1. Yu J., Quan Z., Sheng F., Morisio M.: Weaving Business Processes and Rules: a Petri Net Approach, Proceedings of the 8 th International Conference on Information Systems Technology and its Applications, Springer (DEU), ISTA 09 (Sydney (Australia))

2. Ergova E., Torchiano M., Morisio M.: Evaluating the Perceived Effect of Software Engineering Practices in the Italian Industry, Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Process, Springer, ICSP 2009 (Vancouver, Canada) May 16-17 2009.

3. Yu J., Han J., Morisio M.: Synthesizing Service Composition Models on the Basis of Temporal Business Rules, JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, pp.885-894, ISSN:1000-9000 .

4. J. LI; R. CONRADI; O. P. N. SLYNGSTAD; M. TORCHIANO; MORISIO M.; C.BUNSE, A State-of-the-Practice Survey on Risk Management in Development with Off-The-Shelf Software Components, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, March 2008, pp 271 286, ISSN: 0098-5589

5. Torchiano M., Morisio M., Overlooked Facts on COTS-Based Development, IEEE Software, March/April, 2004, pp. 88-93.

6. Stamelos I., Angelis L., Morisio M., Sakellaris E., Bleris G.L., Estimating the development cost of custom software, Information and Management, 40(8), September 2003, pp. 729-741.

7. Morisio M., Stamelos I., Tsoukias A., Software Product and Process Assessment Through Profile-Based

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Evaluation, Int. Journal Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 13(5), October 2003, pp 495-512. 8. Morisio M., Romano D., Stamelos I., Quality, Productivity and Learning in Framework-based Development:

an Exploratory Case Study IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, August 2002, 28(8). 9. Morisio M., Seaman C., Parra A., Basili V., Kraft S., Condon S., COTS-Based Software Development:

Process and Open Issues, Journal of Systems and Software, 61 (3) (2002) pp. 189-199. 10. Morisio M., Ezran M., Tully C., Success and Failure Factors in Software Reuse, IEEE Transactions on

Software Engineering, April 2002, 28(4), pp. 340-357. 11. Morisio M., Applying the PSPSM in Industry, IEEE Software, pp. 90-95, November/December 2000.

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 1 Active international projects : 2 Other relevant data: I. List of selected projects:

1. PICO Firb, Funded by Italian Ministry of Research, 2008-2010.




5. ESERNET - EXPERIMENTAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING NETWORK, FP4 Project, 2001-2003. II. Other positions: H-index (Harzing Publish or Perish based on Google Scholar) : 19 Associate editor in chief, IEEE Software Associate editor, Journal Empirical Software Engineering Program Chair ICSR9 (International Conference Software Reuse), Torino 2006 Program Chair Esem 2010 (Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement) Bolzano 2010 Project manager of IST WISE project (2001 2004), FP4 project, total funding 2.5MEuro

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Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Maria Franca Norese

Date / Place of Birth: April, 20, 1952/ Novi Ligure, Italy

e-mail, web: [email protected],

Academic position, Sc. degree: Professor of Operations Research

Since at the present position: 1981

Politecnico di Torino Institution where he/she is employed and from when:


Education Degree Year Institution Engineering PhD 1984 Politecnico di Torino Civil Engineer

MSc 1977 Politecnico di Torino

Employment: 1996 - Professor of Operations Research, at the Politecnico di Torino Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Decision support systems

Industrial Engineering and Management, Engineering Management

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Decision methods for the enterprise Industrial Engineering and Management, Engineering Management

2 Sustainability Approach Environmental Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the Doctoral (PhD) studies (third level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Multicriteria decision analysis Industrial Engineering and Management, Engineering Management

Scientific & Research results:

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 15)

1. M.F. NORESE, 2010, An application of MACRAME to support communication and decisions in a multi-unit project, Accepted for publication in Group decision and negotiation

2. M.F. NORESE, 2009, A Multi-Criteria Decision Aiding System to support monitoring in a Public Administration, International Journal of Decision Support System Technology, 1, 59-71.

3. F. MONTAGNA, M. F. NORESE, 2008, A Hybrid Approach to Model Design and Development Processes and Evaluate Innovation Opportunities, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 14, 3/4, 379-395,

4. M.F.NORESE, F.MONTAGNA, S. RIVA, 2008, A multicriteria approach to support the design of complex systems, Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, 33, 1, 53-70

5. M.F.NORESE, F.TOSO, 2004, Group decision and distributed technical support, International Transactions in Operational Research, 11, 395 – 417.

6. M.F.NORESE, P. MELES, G. MOLLEA, 2001, From a data base to a reference for workplace accident prevention, in Koksalan and Zionts (eds.) Multiple Criteria Decision Making in the New

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Millennium, Lectures Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol.507, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 447 – 457.

7. E. FRANCARDI, M.F.NORESE, 1996, Change process implementation: a collective analysis and management procedure, in Humphreys et alii, eds., Implementing Systems for Supporting Management Decisions, Chapman and Hall, London, 182-194.

8. M.F.NORESE, 1996, A process perspective and multicriteria approach in Decision-Aiding contexts, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 5, 133-144.

9. M.F.NORESE, 1995, MACRAME: a problem formulation and model structuring assistant in multiactorial contexts, Eur.J.Opl.Res., 84, 25-34.

10. B.KAJMAKOSKA, M.F. NORESE, E.DALMASSO, 2009, Modelling and mapping tools to help communication and knowledge sharing in new hospital projects, 10th ECKM pp.417-424 ISBN:978-1-906638-40-5.

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 1 Active international projects : 1 Other relevant data:

I. List of selected projects:

SMAT-F1, “Progetti strategici su tematiche di interesse regionale o sovra regionale” Misura Ri.7-LR 34/2004, Asse 1 “Ricerca e Innovazione” F.E.S.R. 2007/2013 II. Other positions: Member of the Euro Working Group on Multicriteria Decision Aid (MCDA) Consultant of different enterprises (Alenia) and public bodies (Regione Piemonte, Italy) 2005 - present ; Expert in the Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM), managed by WMO (World meteorological organization), which published in 2006 the “Environmental Aspects of Integrated Flood Management”,

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Short CV for Accreditation documentation Name and Surname: Carlo Rafele

Date / Place of Birth: 26/04/1959, Torino

e-mail, web: [email protected],,

Academic position, Sc. degree: Associate professor

Since at the present position: 2002

Politecnico di Torino Institution where he/she is employed and from when:


Education Degree

Year Institution

Engineering PhD 1991 Politecnico di Torino Mechanical engineering

MSc 1984 Politecnico di Torino

Employment: Project Manager 1988-1992 Pianelli & Traversa Plant Designer 1986-1987 Rosotex Production Engineer 1984-1985 Carello Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Industrial plants Industrial Engineering and Management, Engineering Management

2 Mechanical Plants Industrial Engineering and Management, Engineering Management; Production Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Project management Industrial Engineering and Management, Computer Engineering

2 Logistics management Industrial Engineering and Management, Engineering Management

Responsible for follow list of courses at the Doctoral (PhD) studies (third level): Title of course: Study program: 1 Manufacturing Management and Service

Organizations Industrial Engineering, Management, Production Engineering

2 Complexity in organized systems Industrial Engineering Scientific & Research results:

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 15)

A. BATTINI D; PERSONA A; RAFELE C., The Hospital Efficient Management:Just in Time and Kanban Tecnique, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, pp. 373-391, 2008, Vol. Vol. 9, No. 4, ISSN: 1368-2156

B. S. GRIMALDI; RAFELE C., Current applications of a reference framework for the supply chain performance measurement, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT, pp.206-225, 2007, ISSN: 1368-4892

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C. CANTAMESSA M; COBOS E; RAFELE C., Il Project Management. Un approccio sistemico alla gestione dei progetti., ISEDI De Agostini (ITA), 2007, ISBN: 978-88-8008-329-0


E. CAGLIANO A; RAFELE C., A tool for managing Complexity in Logistic Systems under Mass Customization, In: Innovative Processes and Product for Mass Customization (DEU), International Mass Customization Meeting 2007 (MCM'07), Hamburg June 21-22, pp. 293-308, 2007, Vol. 03, ISBN: 978-3-940019-03-5

F. D.HILLSON; S.GRIMALDI; RAFELE C., Managing Project Risks Using a Cross Risk Breakdown Matrix, RISK MANAGEMENT, pp. 61-76, 2006, Vol. 8, ISSN: 0035-5593

G. CAGLIANO A; RAFELE C., (2006). Performance Measurement in Supply Chain By System Dynamics., In: In: A.DOLGUI, G.MOREL, C.PEREIRA. Prints Incom 2006. (vol. 2, pp. 271-276). SAINT ETIENNE: IFAC (FRANCE), EMSE.SE (FRA), Incom 2006, SAINT ETIENNE 17-19 may, pp. 559-564, 2006, Vol. 02, ISBN: 978-0-08-044654-7

H. A.DE MARCO; RAFELE C., Programme Management of the 2006 Olympic Winter Games, PMI Global Congress Europe PMI, Edinburgh 23-25 May, 2005

I. RAFELE C., Logistics Service Performance: a reference framework, INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS, 2004, pp.280-290 , Vol. 15-n.3, ISSN: 0957-6061

J. FRANCESCHINI F.; RAFELE C., Quality evaluation in logistics services, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGILE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, pp. 49-53, 2000, Vol. 2, ISSN: 1465-4652

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 6 Projects in healthcare sector, organization analysis, supply chain flows, risk

assessment, logistics network.

Active international projects : Other relevant data: Number of citation 34 Coordinator of a Leonardo Project in the period 2005-2008 Coordinator of 28 domestique projects since 2002

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Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Luca Settineri

Date / Place of Birth: 1965/10/03 / Palermo, Italy

e-mail, web: [email protected],

Academic position, Sc. degree: Associate professor

Since at the present position: 2000

Politecnico di Torino Institution where he/she is employed and from when:


Education Degree

Year Institution

Industrial engineering

PhD 1994 University of Palermo

Mechanical engineering

MSc 1988 University of Palermo

Employment: Associate professor 2000 Politecnico di Torino –First School of Engineering Researcher 1994 Politecnico di Torino Researcher 1990 Institute for Metal Machining – National Research Council Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Mechanics and Technology Production engineering, Industrial Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Mechanical manufacturing of biomedical devices

Production engineering, Industrial Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the Doctoral (PhD) studies (third level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Advanced manufacturing processes Production engineering, Industrial Engineering Scientific & Research results:

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 15)

1. CONTORNO D; FAGA M.G; FRATINI L; SETTINERI L.; GAUTIER DI CONFIENGO G, Wear analysis during Friction Stir Processing of A359+20%SiC MMC, KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS, pp. 235-244, 2009, Vol. 410-411, ISSN: 1013-9826

2. ATZENI E; IPPOLITO R; SETTINERI L., Experimental and Numerical Appraisal of Self-Piercing Riveting, CIRP ANNALS, 2009, Vol. 58/1, ISSN: 0007-8506

3. SETTINERI L.; RESTELLI D, La lavorabilità delle leghe di interesse aeronautico, UTENSILI E ATTREZZATURE, pp. 46-55, 2009, Vol. 9, ISSN: 1123-1092

4. UMBRELLO D; BUCCIOTTI F; SALMI A; FILICE L; SETTINERI L., Modellazione e simulazione agli elementi finiti dei processi per asportazione di truciolo - Parte 2, MACCHINE UTENSILI, pp. 36-41, 2008, Vol. 1, ISSN: 1126-3377

5. SETTINERI L.; FAGA M.G, Nanostructured Cutting Tools Coatings for Machining of Titanium, MACHINING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, pp. 158-169, 2008, Vol. 12/2, ISSN: 1091-0344, DOI: 10.1080/10910340802067239

6. SETTINERI L.; FAGA M.G.; LERGA B, Properties and Performances of Innovative Coated Tools for Turning Inconel, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE TOOLS & MANUFACTURE, pp. 815-823, 2008, Vol.

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48/7-8, ISSN: 0890-6955

7. SETTINERI L.; M.G. FAGA; G. GAUTIER; M. PERUCCA, Evaluation of Wear Resistance of AlSiTiN and AlSiCrN Nanocomposite Coatings for Cutting Tools, CIRP ANNALS, pp. 575-578, 2008, Vol. 57/1, ISSN: 0007-8506

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 3

Active international projects : 3

Other relevant data:

I. List of selected projects: 1. 2007-2010: “Micromachining: Advanced Manufacturing Systems for Miniaturized Products with Combined

Flexible Processes (Multitasking)”. Funding of the research unit: € 138.034,00. 2. 2009-2012: “Developing of a new concept for optimal production and machining of aerospace components

in gamma TiAl” (ProTiAl). Funding of the research unit: € 270.000,00. 3. 2009-2011: “Ecocompatible Advanced Production Technologies Laboratory” (ECOPROLAB). Funding of the

research unit: € 130.000,00. 4. 2010-2013: “LAVOECO” (Ecological Machining). Funding of the research unit: € 270.000,00. 5. 2008-2011: “APPLICMA” (Development of wear resistant coatings based on complex metallic alloys for

functional applications). Funding of the research unit: € 280.360,00. 6. 2009-2011: “NANOTOOLGA” (Nanocoating tools for Gamma titanium aluminide alloys machining). Funding

of the research unit: € 90.000,00.

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Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Ilija Ćosić

Date / Place of Birth: 5th September 1948.

e-mail, web: e-mail [email protected] web

Academic position, Sc. Degree:

Professor, PhD

Since at the present position: 1993

Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad Institution where he/she is employed and from when:



Degree Year Institution

Basic Bs 1972 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Novi Sad Master MSc 1979 Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad Doctoral PhD 1983 Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad Employment: Research assistant 1972 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Novi Sad Teaching I 1974 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Novi Sad Assistant professor 1983 Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad Associate Professor 1988 Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad Full-time professor 1993 Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad Dean 1998- Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Basic theory of industrial systems Industrial Engineering and management

2 Assembly technology Industrial Engineering and management

Production systems Design Industrial Enginering and Management

3 Production and service systems Industrial Enginering and Management

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Intelligent Economy and Effective Management Industrial Enginering and Management

2 Production systems Graphic Engineering and Design

Responsible for follow list of courses at the Doctoral (PhD) studies (third level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Effective Production and Service Systems Industrial Enginering and Management

2 Science on Industrial Engineering and Management

Industrial Enginering and Management

Scientific & Research results:

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 – max 10)

1. Zelenović, D.M., Ćosić, P. I., Šormaz, D.N.: An approach to the design of more effective production systems, International Journal of Production Research, 1987. Volume 25, No 1, Pages 3-15 DOI: 10.1080/00207548708919819

2. Ostojić, G., Lazarević, M., Stankovski, S., Ćosić, I., Radosavljević, Z.: Radio Frequency Identifikacion Technology Application in Disassembly Systems, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2008, Vol. 54, No. 11, str. 759- 767, UDK: UDC 658.5, ISSN 0039-2480

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3. Stankovski, S., Lazarevic, M., Ostojic, G., Puric, R., Ćosic, I.: RFID Technology in Product/part Tracking During the Whole Life Cycle, Assembly Automation – The International Journal of Assembly Technology and Management, 2009. Vol. 29, No 3. Page 364-370 ISSN 0144-5154

4. Pecujlija, M., Ćosić, I., Ivanišević, V.: A Professor`s moral thinking at the abstracts level v.s. the Pofessor`s moral thinking in the real life situation (Consistency problem), Sciences and Education Ethics, 2009, DOI: 10.1007/s11948-009-9190-x

5. Čubrilo, T., Uzelac, Z., Ćosić, I.: Researching indicators of organizational intellectual capital in Serbia, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2009, Vol. 10, Issue 4, Pages 573-587, DOI 10.1108/14691930910996652

6. Zelenović, D., Ćosić, I., Maksimović, R.: Design/reengineering of production systems, Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing: State University of New York Buffalo, NY, USA, pg. 517-534; Kluwer Academic Publishers, A.C.I.P. Printed in the USA 1998.

7. Ćosić, I., Anišić, Z.: Methodology for assembly suitability enhancement as a part of integrated product development, DAAAM International Scientific Book 2003, ISBN 3-901509-30-5 ISSN 1726-9687, Editor B. Katalinić, Published by DAAAM International Viena, Vienna 2003.

8. Ostojic, G., Jovanovic, V., Stevanov, B., Stankovski, S., Ćosic, I.: Collaborative Design in the Assembly Systems, USA, Springer US, Part of Springer Science+Business Media, 2007, Pages 217- 224, ISBN 978-0-387-49863-8.

9. Anišic, Z., Tudjarov, B., Firstner, I., Ćosić, I.: Intelligent Production Systems waz to Competitivenesss and Innovative Engineering, Chapter 3.: Intelligent product configurators as a competitive advantage for companies, Published by EME Skopje and FME Maribor, 2009. Pages 41-50 ISBN 978-9989-2701-4-7

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 1. European Index of Competitiveness of Serbia

Active international projects : 1. Conversion Courses for Unemployed University Graduates in Serbia 2. Master Studies and Continuing Education Network in Product Lifecycle

Management with Sustainable Production 3. Intelligent Automation for Competitive Advantage, CII-SR-0065-0207

Trainings, fellowships: year institutions

1976 Goethe Institute, Freiburg, Germany,

1978 Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA in Stuttgart, Germany

1978 ETH Zirich, Switzerland

1981 University of Stuttgart, Germany

1989/90 Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA in Stuttgart, Germany

2005 TU Wien, Austria

2009 Tomas Bata University, Zlin, Czech Republic

Other relevant data:

I. Number of citations: 4 Number of SCI papers: 4 II. List of selected projects:

1. Training of Institutions in Modern Environmental Approaches and Technologies - TIMEA, TEMPUS

2. Education and Training of Institutions in Quality Management and Metrology - ETIQUM, TEMPUS 3. Research and Development NC Machining Optimization Methodology by Heuristic Methods

III. Other positions:

Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Advanced Robotics Systems - TU Wien Member of the Scientific Committee DAAAM association based in Vienna Member of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences (IHEAS), Moscow, Russia Member of International Management Academy (IMA), Novi Sad Member of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences (IHEAS), Moscow, Russia Member of the Serbian Academy of Education Member of the Patronage of the Humanitarian Society "Merchant" Member of the Engineering Academy of Serbia

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Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Zoran Anisic

Date / Place of Birth: 04.01.1969. Subotica, Serbia

e-mail, web: [email protected],

Academic position, Sc. degree: Associate Professor, PhD

Since at the present position: 2008

Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia Institution where he/she is employed and from when:



Degree Year Institution

PhD 2002 Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia MSc 1997 Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia BSc 1993 Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia Employment: 2008 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad 2003-2008 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad 1993-2003 Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad 1997- Professor at Politechnical Engineering College, Subotica Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Assembly Technologies Industrial Engineering and Management

2 Technology Transfer Industrial Engineering and Management

3 Decision Theory and Quantitative Methods Industrial Engineering and Management

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Technological and Business Forecasting Industrial Engineering and Management

2 Product Management Industrial Engineering and Management

Responsible for follow list of courses at the Doctoral (PhD) studies (third level): Title of course: Study program:

1 New product development Industrial Engineering and Management

Scientific & Research results:

About 100 scientific papers published in journals or proceedings, About 10 domestic and international projects, Scientific monographies, Lecture books, Work books

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 10)

10. Firstner, I., Anišić, Z., Ćosić, I.: MASS CUSTOMIZATION: SOME TRENDS AND RESEARCH DAAAM international Scientific Book 2009, VOL.8, Chapter 52, pp. 521-530 ISBN 978-3-901509-69-8, ISSN 1726-9687, VIENNA, 2009

11. Firstner, I., Anišić, Z., Ćosić, I.: INTEGRATED PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT IN INTERNET SURROUNDINGS, DAAAM international Scientific Book 2005, Chapter 16, p.p. 179-192, ISBN:3-901509-43-7, ISSN:1726-9687, Editor B.Katalinić, Published by DAAAM International Vienna, Vienna 2005.

12. Anišić, Z., Krsmanović, C.: ASSEMBLY INITIATED PRODUCTION AS A PREREQUISITE FOR MASS CUSTOMIZATION AND EFFECTIVE MANUFACTURING, Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 54(2008)9, 607-618, UDC 658.5.

13. Anišić, Z. Gečevska, V.: PRODUCT CONFIGURATORS AS A TOOL FOR INCREASING COMPETITIVNESS OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES, Mechanical Engineering -Scientific Journal Skopje, 2007, Vol. 26, No. 1, str.25-32, UDK: 621.65, ISSN 1857 - 5293.

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14. Ćosić, I. Anišić, Z., Lazarevic, M. :RFID TECHNOLOGIES IN PRODUCT DISASSEMBLY PROCES, Annals of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara 2006, 2006, Vol. 4, No. 2, str. 109- 116, ISSN 1584-2665.

15. Gecevska, V., Anišić, Z.: USING OF ACTIVITY BASED COSTING (ABC) IN SMALL AND MEDIUM COMPANIES, Annals of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara 2006, 2006, Vol. 4, No. 2, str. 141- 150, ISSN 1584-2665.

16. Anišić, Z.: SOME RESULTS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MC CONCEPT IN SMALL COMPANIES, Annals of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara 2006, 2006, Vol. 4, No. 2, str. 127- 136, ISSN 1584-2665.

17. Anišić, Z. i Ćosić, I.: ASSEMBLY INITIATED PRODUCTION AS A PREREQUISITE FOR MASS CUSTOMIZATION AND EFFECTIVE MANUFACTURING, Proceedings of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Skopje, 2005, Vol. 24, No. 1, str. 33- 46, UDK: 621, ISSN 0351-6067.

18. Firstner, I., Anišić, Z.: DESIGN FOR ENVIRONMENT AS A PART OF THE IPS-DFX METHODOLOGY FOR INTEGRATED PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT, Annals of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara 2005, Vol. 3, No. 2, str. 117- 124, ISSN 1584-2673.

19. Lalić, B., Ćosić I., Anišić, Z.: SIMULATION BASED DESIGN AND RECONFIGURATION OF PRODUCTION SYSTEMS Vienna, Austria,, International journal of Simulation Modelling-IJSIMM, 2005, Vol. Volume 4, No. Number 4, str. 173- 183, ISSN 1726-4529.

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 1 Active international projects : 1 Trainings, fellowships:

year institutions

2005 2 weeks, CEEPUS, Mobility - teacher fellowship, Mobility No. CII-PL-0033-02Rijeka, Croatia

2006 2 weeks, CEEPUS, Mobility - teacher fellowship, Mobility No. CII-SR-0065-01-0506,, Maribor, SLO

2006 2 weeks, CEEPUS, Mobility - teacher fellowship, Mobility No. CII-PL-0033-02, Rijeka, Croatia

2007 2 weeks, CEEPUS, Mobility - teacher fellowship, Mobility No. CII-PL-0033-02, Bratislava, Slovakaia

2008 2 weeks, CEEPUS, Mobility - teacher fellowship, Mobility No. CII-SR-0065-02-0708, Maribor, SLO

2009 2 weeks, CEEPUS, Mobility - teacher fellowship, Mobility No. College of Nyiregyhaza, Hungary,

2009 2 weeks, CEEPUS, Mobility - teacher fellowship, Mobility No. Baia Mare, CII-PL-0033-02, Romania

Other relevant data (number of citation, number of SCI or SSCI papers, trainings, title of same relevant project, other positions…): I. Number of citations: 0 Number of SCI papers: 1 II. List of selected projects: 1. Research and Development NC Machining Optimization Methodology by Heuristic Methods,

Multilateralni projekat, No. project: 096005 Ministarstvo obrazovanja R.Makedonije, 2006 - 2009. Coordinator for the FTN: Anišić, Z.

2. Feasibility Study and Supporting Project Documentation Elaboration for Subotica Industrial Park, INTERREG, br. projekta: 04SER02/01/013, Period: 2007 - 2008. Municipality of Subotica – Key Expert

3. RELOAD - Regional Elements of Logistic Opportunuties Assesment and Development, INTERREG, br. projekta: 05SER03/03/010, Period: 2007 - 2008. Open University, Subotica, Key expert


5. MC-OI Network, Mass Customization and Open Innovation Netowk, Multilateral Porject, Coordinator for the FTN: Anišić, Z.

III. Other positions: Educational and Research Center for Product Development and Management, Faculty of Technical Sciences Director of the Center

Page 72: CVs - Visiting Professors


Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Dragan Šešlija

Date / Place of Birth: 12.09.1955, Kikinda, Serbia

e-mail, web: [email protected];

Academic position, Sc. degree: Full Professor, PhD

Since at the present position: 2005

Faculty of Technical Sciences, University in Novi Sad Institution where he/she is employed and from when:

June 1985


Degree Year Institution

PhD 1997 Faculty of Technical Sciences, University in Novi Sad MSc 1987 Faculty of Technical Sciences, University in Novi Sad BSc 1980 Faculty of Technical Sciences, University in Novi Sad Employment: 2005- Full Professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University in Novi Sad 2002-2005 Associate Professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University in Novi

Sad 1997-2002 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University in Novi

Sad 1985-1997 Assistant, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University in Novi Sad 1982-1985 The Novi Sad Cable Factory, Novi Sad Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Material Handling Technologies Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics

2 Factory Automation Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics

3 Components of Technological Systems Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics

4 Automation of Working Processes Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics

5 Basics of Theory of Industrial Systems Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Computer Integrated Production Systems Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics

2 Automation of continual Process Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics

3 Implementation of Automated Processes Production Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the Doctoral (PhD) studies (third level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Science of Industrial Engineering and Management Industrial Engineering and Management and Mechatronics

Scientific & Research results:

About 100 scientific papers published in journals or proceedings, About 20 domestic and international projects, Scientific monographies, Lecture books, Work books

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 10)


ENERGETSKE EFIKASNOSTI, Centar za automatizaciju i mehatroniku, Novi Sad, 2006 3. Tomović, R., Zelenović, D., Šešlija, D.: THE ROLE OF INTELLIGENT ROBOTS IN FLEXIBLE ASSEMBLY;

Computers in Industry, ISSN: 0166-3615, 15, pp. 131 - 139, Jan 1990., Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.1990 4. Šešlija, D., Vukobratović, M: ON THE ENVIRONMENT DYNAMICS PARAMETERS IN ROBOTIC CONTACT

Page 73: CVs - Visiting Professors


TASKS, PART 1: IDENTIFICATION OF FORCES, STIFFNESS AND DAMPING; Int. Jour. of Engineering and Automation, No 4, pp. 26-44, Moscow, Rusia, 1998.

5. Šešlija, D., Vukobratović, M: ON THE ENVIRONMENT DYNAMICS PARAMETERS IN ROBOTIC CONTACT TASKS, PART 2: ON THE INERTIALITY OF DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENT; Int. Jour. of Engineering and Automation, Vol. 1, No 1, pp. 20-36, Moscow, Rusia, 1999.



8. Stojiljković, M., Vujić, D., Šešlija, D., Stankovski S.: HIPNEF TEHNOLOGIJE I TRENDOVI RAZVOJA, 29. Konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem HIPNEF 2004, Vrnjačka Banja, pp. 3 – 18, 19 – 21 maj 2004.

9. Šešlija, D.: IDENTIFICATION OF THE INTERACTIVE MASS IN ROBOTIC CONTACT TASKS, Proceedings of the PAMM – Conference PC-147-148/2005, pp 150-162, May, Balatonalmady, Hungary, 2005.

10. Šešlija, D., Odri, S., Tešić, Z., Stankovski S.: ON THE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN MACHINE AND PRODUCTION CONTROL SYSTEM, International Scientific Conference UNITECH-04, Gabrovo, Bugarska, pp. II 18 – 19 novembar 2004.

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 2 Active international projects : 0 Trainings:

1991 January - May – 5 months, Exchange mobility, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA

1986 October – 1 month, Robot programming training, Milton Keynes, UK

1985 July – 1 month, Professional training, FESTO PNEUMATIC, Vienna, Austria

Other relevant data (number of citations, number of SCI, SSCI papers, selected projects, other positions):

I. Number of citations: 10 Number of SCI papers: 2 II. List of selected projects:

1. Object identification and tracking with the use of wireless technologies in production and service systems, Project financed by Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological Development, No. 12008, two years project (2008-2010)

2. Increasing of Energy Efficiency of Compressed Air Systems in Industry, Project financed by Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological Development, No. EE 323-016, three years project (2005-2008)

III. Other positions:

1. Editor of one Int. Scientific Journal 2. Member of University of Novi Sad Comitee for Quality Assesment and Internal Evaluation 3. Member of Managing Board of the Section for Automation of Serbian Sociaty of Electrical and Mechanical

Engineers 4. Head of the Bachelor study program of Industrial Engineering – Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad,

Serbia 5. Head of the Master study program of Industrial Engineering – Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad,

Serbia 6. Head of the Doctoral study program of Industrial Engineering/Engineering Management – Faculty of

Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia

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Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Goran Vujic

Date / Place of Birth: 14.06.1972. Zrenjanin, Serbia

e-mail, web: [email protected];

Academic position, Sc. degree: Assistant Professor, PhD

Since at the present position: 2007

Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad Institution where he/she is employed and from when:



Degree Year Institution

PhD 2007 Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad MSc 2003 Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad Dipl.eng 1998 Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad Employement: 2007- Assistant Professor, PhD; Head of the Department of Environmental

Engineering, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad 1998-2007 Assistant, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Environmental monitoring Environmental Engineering

2 Sustainable use of natural resources and environmental protection system

Environmental Engineering

3 Solid waste management Environmental Engineering

4 Environmental projects Environmental Engineering

5 Hazardous waste management and recycling technologies

Environmental Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Specific planning conditions to protect the environment

Environmental Engineering

2 Hazardous materials and hazardous waste Environmental Engineering

Responsible for follow list of courses at the Doctoral (PhD) studies (third level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Analysis of material flows in urban systems Environmental Engineering

2 Models of economic valuation of environmental projects

Environmental Engineering

3 Remediation of contaminated sites Environmental Engineering Scientific & Research results:

About 20 scientific papers published in journals or proceedings, About 50 domestic and international projects, Scientific monographies, Lecture books, Work books

Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 10)

1. Vujić, G , Mihajlovic, V., Ubavin, D.:Possibilities for Landfill Gas Usage at Novi Sad Landfill, PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and Environment - ICEE-2007, Phuket May10-11, 2007.

2. A. Jovović, M. Pavlović, G. Vujić, M. Stanojević: Low temperature oxidation of municipal solid waste, Second International Simposium of Energy from biomass and waste, Venice, Italy: 17. - 20. Novembar, 2008

3. Djapic N., Pavlovic M., Arsovski S. , Vujic G .CHLOROPHYLL BIODEGRADATION PRODUCT FROM Hamamelis virgianana AUTUMNAL LEAVES. Revista de Chimie, Syscom 18 s.r.l., Bucharest, Romania, ISSN: 0034 - 7752, IF= 0.287 (2006.), nr. 3, 2009.

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4. M.V. Miloradov, G.Vujić, J. Radonić, M. Đogo, A. Dvornić, D. Ubavin, D. Milovanović; A field investigation of the quality of gas and piezometric water from municipal solid waste landfills in Vojvodina area, ISWA BEACON Conference, 10.-11. December 2009. ISBN: 978-86-7892-244-2

5. N. Jovičić, G. Bošković, G. Jovičić, G. Vujić, Improving Municipal system for solid waste management using GIS-Techniques and route optimization; ISWA BEACON Conference, 10.-11. December 2009. ISBN: 978-86-7892-244-2

6. M. Stanković, J. Manić, G. Vujić, D. Ubavin; Planning and procedure in closure of existing dumps; ISWA BEACON Conference, 10.-11. December 2009. ISBN: 978-86-7892-244-2

7. Goran Vujić, Milan Pavlović, Tijana Stajić, Nikola Karanović, Zoran Čepić; Development of integrated and sustainable system in recycling of motor vehicles at the end of the life cycle in Serbia ;PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering Technologies - ICET-2009, Novi Sad April 28-30, 2009. Proceedings </eng>ISBN:978-86-7892-227-5

8. Nemanja Stanisavljević, Goran Vujić , Dejan Ubavin , Bojan Batinić; MODELING OF WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS USING MFA;PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering Technologies - ICET-2009, Novi Sad April 28-30, 2009. Proceedings </eng>ISBN:978-86-7892-227-5

9. Ubavin Dejan, Milovanović Dušan, Vujić Goran, Nemanja Stanisavljević, Bojan Batinić; SMALL LANDFILL IDENTIFICATION IN VOJVODINA USING GPS TECHNOLOGY; PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering Technologies - ICET-2009, Novi Sad April 28-30, 2009. Proceedings </eng>ISBN:978-86-7892-227-5

10. Bojan Batinić, Goran Vujić, Dejan Ubavin, Nemanja Stanisavljević; PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering Technologies - ICEE-2009, Novi Sad April 28-30, 2009. Proceedings </eng>ISBN:978-86-7892-227-5

Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 5 Active international projects : 1 Trainings, fellowships:


2004 Netherland, two weeks, Amesfort, DHV, Waste Management Project i PPP

2006 Tajland, two month, University Prince of Songhkla, Hat Yai, Mobility - teacher fellowship

Other relevant data (number of citation, number of SCI or SSCI papers, trainings, title of same relevant project, other positions…):

I. Number of citations: 0 Number of SCI papers: 1 II. List of selected projects: 1. Goran V.(Landfill expert) etc.: Final design project of sanitation, recultivation and closing landfill in Futog,

Serbia, 2004. 2. Goran V. (Project leader): Project of identification and determining air pollution in the refinery of Novi Sad, with

technical data for measurement equipment for those polluter, Serbia, 2004. 3. Goran V. (Local team leader) etc.: FIDECO, Planning and Regulatory Capacity Building for Solid Waste

Management for the City of Belgrade, Serbia, 2004. 4. Goran V. (Team leader): The Study of Establishing Air Pollution Status in Pančevo BTEX and Suspended

Particles, Serbia, 2004-2005. 5. Goran V. (Project leader): Strategic Environment assessment for south part of Pancevo including Oil refinery

Pancevo, petrochemical company Pancevo and fertilizers company Pancevo, Serbia, 2004-2005. 6. Goran V. (Team leader): Supervision of Rafinery gas use in energy system of Rafinery of Novi Sad and

Pancevo and possibilitiy of use Rafinery gas on market, Serbia, 2005. 7. Goran V. (Landfill expert) : Final design project of sanitation, recultivation and closing landfill in Ivanovo and

Starcevo, Serbia, 2005. 8. Goran V. (Team leader) : Final desing project of sanitation, recultivation and closing landfill and design of new

landfill in Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia, 2005. 9. Goran V. (EIA expert) etc.: Strategic environment impact assessment for river port and storehouse system,

Serbia, 2005. 10. Goran V. (Project leader): Pre-feasibility study and General Project of the Pančevo Oil Refinery Modernization,

Serbia, 2006. 11. Goran V. (Environment expert): Environment due diligence of Serbian Oil Company, 2006. 12. Goran V. (Landfill expert): Final design project of sanitation, recultivation and closing landfill in Backa Topola,

Serbia, 2006.

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13. Goran V. (Project leader): Feasibility Study for closure and remediation of old landfill and design of new sanitary landfill, Bosnia and Hercegovina, 2006.

14. Goran V. (SWM expert): Preparation of TOR for design of Regional sanitary landfill and remediation of old deposit at the Brijesnica location in Bijeljina municipality , Bosnia and Hercegovina, 2006.

15. Goran V. (SWM expert): Regional Waste Management Plan for the Municipalities Zrenjanin, Titel, Kovačica and Sečanj, Serbia, 2006-2007.

16. Goran V. (SWM expert): Regional Waste Management Plan for the Municipalities Subotica, Senta, Kanjiza, Coka, Mali Idjos and Backa Topola , Serbia, 2007.

17. Goran V. (Project leader): Strategic Environmental Assessment of the General Regulation Plan of the South Industrial Zone in Pančevo, Serbia, 2006-2008.

18. Goran V. (Environment infrastructure expert): SAFEGE, Study of Municipal Infrastructure Support Requirements under IPA 2007, Serbia, 2007-2008.

19. Goran V. (Project leader): Regional Waste Management Plan for the Municipalities of Inđija, Irig, Ruma, Sremski Karlovci, Šid and Stara Pazova, Serbia, 2007.

20. Goran V. (Project leader): The Map of Novi Sad Hazards – Final Stage, Serbia, 2007. 21. Goran V. (Project leader).: Project of Identifying and Classifying Wild Dump Sites, Assessment of Necessary

Financial Resources for their Remediation at the Territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia, 2007-2008.

22. Goran V. (Project leader): Establishing the Composition and Quantities of Wastes at the Territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia, 2007-2008.

23. Goran V. (Project leader).: Preliminary and final design of Region Sanitary Landfill in Indjija, Serbia, 2007-2008. 24. Goran V. (Project leader): Study of risk management in case od accidents with hazardous materials in the area

of Novi Sad, Serbia, 2007-2008. 25. Goran V. (Project leader).: Regional Waste Management Plan for the Municipalities of Šabac and Sremska

Mitrovica, Serbia, 2008. 26. Goran V. (Project leader): Study of Opportunities to Use Municipal Waste for Energy Purposes (WASTE TO

ENERGY) at the Territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the Republic of Serbia, 2008. 27. Goran V. (Project leader): Environmental Impact Assessment of Alternative Fuels Inclusion in the Cement

Production Process in the Factory Lafarge Beočin, Serbia, 2008. 28. Goran V. (Project leader) etc.: Analysis of the regional landfill potential in the clean development mechanism

(CDM) Project leader, Serbia, 2008. 29. Goran V. (Team member): The Project of the Construction of Regional Landfill “Halovo” in Zaječar for the

Municipalities of Zaječar, Kladovo, Majdanpek, Boljevac, Sokobanja and Knjaževac, Serbia, 2009. 30. Goran V. (Project leader): Project of Identifying Waste Composition and Evaluation of Quantities with an Aim to

Define the Strategy for Secondary Raw Materials Management within the Sustainable Growth of the Republic of Serbia, 2009.

31. Goran V. (Team member): Environmental Impact Assessment of Regional Landfill in Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia, 2009.

32. Goran V. (Project leader): Final design project of sanitation, remediation and closing landfill in Zrenjanin, Serbia, 2009.

33. Goran V. (Project leader): Regional Waste Management Plan for the Municipalities of Zajecar, Bor, Majdanpek, Kladovo, Boljevac, Negotin i Knjazevac, Serbia, 2009.

34. Goran V. (Project leader): Local Waste Management Plan for Municipality of Kladovo, Serbia, 2009. 35. Goran V. (Project leader): Local Waste Management Plan for Municipality of Boljevac, Serbia, 2009. 36. Goran V. (Project leader): Local Waste Management Plan for Municipality of Knjazevac, Serbia, 2009. 37. Goran V. (Project leader): Final design project of sanitation, remediation and closing landfill in Majdanpek,

Serbia, 2009. 38. Goran V. (Project leader): Preliminary Feasibility Study of Regional Landfill in Zajecar, Serbia, 2009. 39. Goran V. (Project leader): General Design Project of Regional Landfill in Zajecar, Serbia, 2009. 40. Goran V. (Project leader): Strategic assessment of environmental impact plan for detailed regulation of regional

landfill "Halovo", Serbia, 2009. III. Other positions:

1. Head of The Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia

2. Member of ISWA – International Solid Waste Association 3. Executive director of Seswa – Serbian Solid Waste Association, Belgrade Serbia

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Short CV for Acreditation documentation Name and Surname: Predrag Cosic

Date / Place of Birth: 30/12/1953, Belgrade, Serbia

e-mail, web: [email protected];;

Academic position, Sc. degree: Associate Professor, PhD

Since at the present position: 2005

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb

Institution where he/she is employed and from when:



Degree Year Institution

PhD 1994 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb

MsC 1986 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb

BSc 1978 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb

Employment: 2005- Associate professor ,Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb

2000-2005 Asistant professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb

1981- 2000 Assistant,Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb

1978-1981 SOUR Rade Koncar – a) RZ Improvement of Business- Management of Production; b) RO Improvement of Produstion and Product, OUR Engineering for investment building, Management of Quality

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic bachelor studies (first level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Process planning Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering

2 Production planning and control Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering

3 Industrial engineering Aerospace Engineering

4 Intelligent process planning Mechanical Engineering (all programs)

Responsible for follow list of courses at the academic master (Sc) studies (second level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Intelligent process planning Mechanical Engineering (all programs)



Responsible for follow list of courses at the Doctoral (PhD) studies (third level): Title of course: Study program:

1 Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering and Management

2 Optimization of process planning Industrial Engineering and Management

3 Process planning Industrial Engineering and Management Scientific & Research results:

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Representative references (List of selected references, min 5 - max 10) 1. Cosic P., ''Decision Support for the Fault Diagnosis-Possibility of Deep Drawing Reengineering'', 17th

International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, 10th-12th July 2001, Durban, South Africa, pp 137-144.

2. Cosic, P. Sever, D.; Milinovic, S.: Process Planning Application and Internet Connection, AMST'02 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY, Kuljanic, Elso (ur.). Wien New York : SpringerWienNewYork, 2002. pp 283-290.

3. Cosic, P, Cvjeticanin, A.: Production improvement as a result of the reengineering process, 14TH DAAAM 2003 Sarajevo, 22-25 October 2003, BiH, pp 101 – 102.

4. Predrag Cosic, Andrija Levanic:’Web Oriented Database System for Process Planning, Pacific Congress on Manufacturing and Management (PCMM) 2004, 8 - 10 December 2004 - Gold Coast, Australia, pp 922 – 928, ISBN 0-9578296-1-2.

5. N. Volarevic, P. Cosic, Improving Process Planning Through Sequencing the Operation, 7th International conference on AMST '05(Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology), Udine (Italy), 9-10. June 2005, pp. 337-345.

6. P. Cosic, N. Volarevic, Variants of Production – Improvement of Process Planning, 9th International Research/Expert Conference (Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology’’, TMT 2005, Antalya, Turkey, 26 – 30 September, pp 457-460.

7. N. Volarevic, P. Cosic, Shape Complexity Measure Study, DAAAM 2005, Opatija, Croatia, pp 375-376. 8. P. Cosic, D. Antolic, I. Milic, Web Oriented Sequence Operations, 19th International Conference on

Production Research, ICPR-19, July 29-August 2, 2007, Valparaiso, Chile, na CD. 9. P. Cosic, D. Antolic, T. Staroveski, Production Time Estimation as the Part of Distributed Manufacturing,

CISM, AMST’08, Udine , Italy, June , pp. 315-326. 10. Cosic, P., Milcic, D., Primary process selection – step to intelligent manufacturing, 20th ICPR, Shangai, 2-6

August 2009, CD Other scientific and specific activities : Active domestique projects : 1 Active international projects : 1 Trainings, fellowships: 2004 Hyperwave, ''The Power of WISDOM, management of documents and knowledge, e-Learning, e-

Conferencing, SAP portal, Ljubljana, 2004. 2004 CARNET, Edupoint, ''Advanced WebCT- Online course' -, application in e-learning, 2004

2004 CARNET, Edupoint, ''e-Tutoring '', Simon Atkinson - Head of e-learning, University of Hull, Centre for Learning Development, Institut for Learning, 03/12/2004.

2005 CARNET, Edupoint, Online course, ''Design and publish web site by help FrontPage 2003'' (04/05-01/06/2005)

2005 CARNET, Edupoint, ''Evaluation of e-learning courses'', University of Liège, The Distance Learning Centre at Ulg (LabSET), director Marianne Poumay, (09.06.2005).,

2005 CARNET, Edupount: successfully completed the module‘’Assessment online’’, University of Dundee, Centre for Learning and Teaching, tutors online and lecturers face to face: David Walker & Nicolas Part, December 2005.

2008 E-Learning Academy, CroatianAcademicResearchNET (CARNET), 2007/2008, 2 semesters, 7 courses, field Tutoring, finished on July, 7, 2008. (

2009 CARNET, E-mentor

Other relevant data (number of citation, number of SCI or SSCI papers, trainings, title of same relevant project, other positions…):

I. Number of citations: Number of CC papers 5 ; Number of SCI papers: 2 II. List of selected projects:

1. ’Modelling of technological database’’, Informatical-project, IP 171, '/00-240/01.11.2000. -01.11.2001.,MZT (, Head of project Predrag Cosic, Mech.Eng, Ph.D.;,

2. ’’Base of planning technological processes-WEB Textbook" Informatical project, MZTH (, IT 2002-131, 01.11.2002.-05.11.2003., Head of project Predrag Cosic, Mech.Eng, Ph.D.;

3. Scientific project named: ’’Intelligent planning of processes and reengineering’’, 0120-029, 2002-2005, MZTH (,), Head of project Predrag Cosic, Mech.Eng, Ph.D. (2004- 2006).

4. Scientific project titled Process Production Impacts t to the Competitive and Sustainable Development (2007-2009), 120-1521781-3116, Head of project Assoc .prof. Predrag Cosic, Mech.Eng, Ph.D. , MZOŠ,

5. Bilateral Slovenian-Croatian project (2007-2008), Virtual Manufacturing – Step to Competivity and Sustainable

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Development; project supported by Slovenia-Croatia Cooperation in Science and financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia (MZOŠ) ( and Slovenian Research Agency (ARSS), Head of Croatian part of project : Assoc .prof. Predrag Cosic, Mech.Eng, Ph.D.

6. TEMPUS IV JPCR_144959, Master Studies and Continuing Education Network for Product Lifecycle Management with Sustainable Production.(2009-2011), coordinator Cosic P.(University for Zagreb)

III. Other positions:

1. Head of Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb

2. Head of Chair of Production Design, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb

3. Head of Process Planning Laboratoty, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb,

4. Chairman of International Conference MOTSP2009, Sibenik, Croatia, MOTSP2010, Rovinj, Croatia(http://motsp2010. info)

5. Editor-Chief, Proceedings, International Conference, MOTSP2009, MOTSP2010 6. Guest_Editor, Journal Strojarstvo (CC), Thematic issue, Selected papers from MOTSP2009, 2009