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Customer Sat is Fiction

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 Customer Sat is Fiction






    CODE# MBA -

    [CUSTOMEAhsanullah Univ

    SATISFICTION SUersity of Science and Tec


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    Table of Contents

    Abstract:........................................................................................................................................................ 3

    Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 4

    Rationale of the Study................................................................................................................................... 5

    Customer Satisfaction Defined...................................................................................................................... 6

    Literature Review.......................................................................................................................................... 6

    Objectives of the Study.................................................................................................................................. 7

    Methodology................................................................................................................................................. 8

    Analysis and Findings .................................................................................................................................... 8

    Results and Discussions................................................................................................................................. 9

    Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 18

    Appendix..................................................................................................................................................... 19

    References................................................................................................................................................... 21

    Table 1: Satisfaction with Quality of Network.............................................................................................. 9

    Table 2: Satisfaction with Network Coverage .............................................................................................. 9

    Table 3: with Call rate at Peak Hours ......................................................................................................... 10

    Table 4: Satisfaction with Call rate at Peak Hours ...................................................................................... 10

    Table 5: Satisfaction with Interconnectivity between operators ............................................................... 11

    Table 6: Satisfaction with Number of FNF .................................................................................................. 11

    Table 7: Satisfaction with Internet Based Service ...................................................................................... 12

    Table 8: Satisfaction with SMS based services ........................................................................................... 12

    Table 9: Satisfaction with Easy bill payment system .................................................................................. 13

    Table 10: Satisfaction with Easy Customer service .................................................................................... 13Table 11: Satisfaction with Overall Satisfaction ......................................................................................... 14

    Table 12: Customer Satisfactions ............................................................................................................... 14

    Table 13: Model Summary ......................................................................................................................... 16

    Table 14: Coefficients of Variables ............................................................................................................. 16

    Table 15: ANOVA Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 17

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    Today, it would be difficult to find a company that doesn't proudly claim to be a customeroriented, customer-focused, or even-customer driven enterprise. Increasing competition

    (whether for-profit or nonprofit) is forcing businesses to pay much more attention to satisfy

    customers. The state of satisfaction depends on a number of both psychological and physical

    variables which correlate with satisfaction behaviors. The level of satisfaction can also vary

    depending on other options the customer may have and other products against which the

    customer can compare the organizations product. Customers satisfaction has now become

    major concern of the mobile service providers in our country. The objective of this study is to

    provide a more comprehensive understanding of the process of customer satisfaction on the

    services provided by the mobile phone operators. To measure the customer satisfaction a

    questionnaire was designed by comprising some important variables. Based on the findings of

    the study some recommendations have been made which may assist the mobile operators to

    increase their customer base through more satisfied customers.


    Customer Satisfaction, retention of customers, customer support, expectations of customers etc.

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    The concept of customer satisfaction has been studied and evaluated in many industries.

    Companies are keen on understanding customer satisfaction in order to cultivate strong

    relationships with their customers. Customer satisfaction is the leading criterion for

    determining the quality that is actually delivered to customers through the product/service and

    by the accompanying servicing (Vavra, 1997). Customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to

    many companies simply for the fact that it is difficult to acquire new customers and hence the

    need to keep and retain existing customers. Simply stated, customer satisfaction is essential for

    corporate survival. Several studies have found that it costs about five times as much in time,

    money and resources to attract a new customer as it does to retain an existing customer

    (Naumann, 1995).

    Awareness of customer expectations from a companys products and services is a challenging

    task for many organizations. Knowledge of customer expectations and requirements, Hayes

    states, is essential for two reasons: it provides understanding of how the customer defines

    quality of service and products, and facilitates the development of a customer satisfaction

    questionnaires (Hayes, 1997, p. 7).Furthermore, customer satisfaction is recognized as of great

    importance to all commercial firms because of its influence on repeat purchases and word-of-

    mouth recommendations (Berkman and Gilson, 1986).

    The study pertains to the expectations and satisfaction that current mobile users are receiving

    from the various mobile operators in the telecommunication sector in Bangladesh. By

    identifying the consumer attitudes and perceptions of the quality of service they are receiving,it gives us an idea as to what extent to which goods or services meet the customers needs and


    The mobile telecommunication sector has been increasing over the past couple of years.

    Enormous technological progress, an increased number of network operators and intense

    competition has become the regular features in the Bangladesh mobile telecommunication

    sector. It has been entering into new phase .It is predicted that this service clearly exhibits the

    trend of reaching maturity (Ibrahim et al).Hence there is the need for holding on to existing

    customers through greater customer satisfaction in the increasing competitive environment of

    this sector.

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    Rationale of the Study

    The governments deregulation process has resulted as a catalyst in the growth of this industry.

    This has turned out to be a very competitive industry with the entry of new operators. At

    present, there are six mobile operators conducting business in Bangladesh.

    They are Grameen Phone (GP), Banglalink, City Cell, Telle Talk, Robi and Airtel. In order to

    differentiate themselves the mobile operators now emphasize their attention towards

    developing wide range of products and services Todays customers are demanding more

    reliable service , product variety and facilities from their mobile operators. Hence it is of

    interest to identify the satisfaction level of mobile phone users and determine whether the

    products and services are meeting the customers needs and the variables which contribute to

    this satisfaction. Because the extent to which goods or services meet the customer's needs and

    requirements is the index by which quality is determined (Pizam, 1999), and ultimately the

    derived customer satisfaction.

    It is seen that the mobile operators are in intense competition regarding the products and

    services provided. Each is trying to outdo the other in order to capture their customers. But

    because of the intense competition, retention of customers is key to their survival, which can

    only be achieved through customer satisfaction.

    In today's competitive environment one of the most important goals of corporate cultures is

    retaining and satisfying current and past customers. Experience shows that only consumer

    oriented'' corporations can achieve this goal. These companies focus on the needs and want of

    specific target groups and then work hard to maximize satisfaction with the product or service

    being offered (Vavra, 1997, p. 12). Instead of waiting for customer complaints to let them know

    when something isn't satisfactory or wrong, a consumer oriented'' corporate culture, seeks

    continuous feedback from its customers through repeated customer satisfaction measurements

    (Vavra, 1997, p. 13).

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    Customer Satisfaction Defined

    Customer satisfaction is a psychological concept that involves the feeling of well-being and

    pleasure that results from obtaining what one hopes for and expects from an appealing product

    and/or service (WTO, 1985).

    Customer satisfaction can also be defined as satisfaction based on an outcome or a process.

    Vavra's (1997, p. 4) outcome definition of customer satisfaction characterizes satisfaction as the

    end-state resulting from the experience of consumption. This end state may be a cognitive

    state of reward, an emotional response to an experience or a comparison of rewards and costs

    to the anticipated consequences. Vavra also puts forth a definition of customer satisfaction

    based as a process, emphasizing the perceptual, evaluative and psychological processes

    contributing to customer satisfaction (1997, p. 4). In this definition, assessment of satisfactions

    made during the service delivery process.

    Satisfaction is not a universal phenomenon and not everyone gets the same satisfaction out of

    the same service experience. The reason is that customers have different needs, objectives and

    past experiences that influence their expectations.(Pizam,1999) Therefore it is important to

    gain a clear idea of the customer needs and objectives that correspond to different kinds of

    satisfactions. This necessitates the segmentation of the market, because no service or product

    can offer everyone the same degree of satisfaction (WTO, 1985).

    Literature Review

    In a study titled Customer loyalty: A study of mobile telecommunication service by Ibrahim,

    Istiaque and Islam (2007), they measured customer satisfaction by taking into consideration

    certain factors including customer care. A comparison between Grameen Phone, Robi,

    Banglalink and Citycell was made. The results of the study were that the mobile operators

    placed considerable importance to the issue of customer support. There is a positive correlation

    between customer satisfaction and customer support.

    When customer support becomes wider the trend of satisfaction becomes stronger. A study

    made by Abraham Pizam and Taylor Ellis (1999) in hospitality enterprises found that if properlydesigned, administered and analyzed, the process of monitoring customer satisfaction can be

    beneficial to any hospitality enterprise and make the difference between offering a mediocre

    product and an excellent, quality product.

    Li, Qi, and Shu (2007) made a study to find out the satisfaction level of the customers in mobile

    telecommunication market in China. They found that the competition between telecom

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    operators became more intense in China. In addition, they discovered that the telecom

    operating management was emphasizing a lot to the customer satisfaction and customer

    services, to improve the ability and for sustainable development in the competitive

    environment. It means that higher level of customer satisfaction lead to greater customer

    loyalty, which in turn has a positive impact on profitability.

    Smith, Bolton, and Wanger (1999), tried to develop a model that describes customer

    satisfaction and the services encounter involving failure and recovery through mixed design

    experiment using survey method. Their study provided a framework for considering how

    service failure context and service recovery attributes influence customer evaluations through

    disconfirmation and perceived justice, thereby influencing satisfaction with the service

    failure/recovery encountered. They found that apology; speedy recovery and compensation of

    the failure had a positive effect on customers perception. Finally, this study also provided

    guidelines to the management for establishing proper fit between service failure and the

    recovery as an effective response to the customers.

    Bolton R.N. (1998) developed a dynamic model of the duration of service provider-customer

    relationship that focuses on the role of customer satisfaction. This study found that there is a

    positive relationship between the customer satisfaction and the duration of the relationship.

    This study also suggested that organizations should focus on customers in the early stages of

    relationship, because customers considered prior cumulative satisfaction heavily and the

    duration of the relationship depended on the satisfactory level. If customers experienced were

    not satisfactory, the relationship was likely to be very short. This study also showed that

    changes in customers satisfaction could have important financial implications for theorganization because lifetime revenues from an individual customer depended on the duration

    of his/her relationship.

    Objectives of the Study

    The objectives of the study can be summarized as follows:

    I. To determine the customer satisfaction of mobile users stemming from the variety ofproducts and services offered by the different mobile operators

    II. To identify the expectations of customers from the mobile operatorsIII. To identify the various variables that influence customer satisfactionIV. To identify the types of complaints andV. To offer some recommendations, which may help mobile operators to retain their share

    of customers through excellent products and services.

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    This study is based on both primary and secondary data. Primary data is collected through a

    questionnaire survey using a five point Likert Scale. Open-ended questions were also used to

    collect the data from the respondents. The secondary data was collected from brochures,

    websites of mobile operators, published articles, books, etc. One sample t-test is used for the

    analysis of data. As this study uses a five point Likert Scale for collecting data, 3 is considered as

    the test value, which indicates any value above 3 will show that customers are satisfied.

    The total sample size of the study was 173 respondents. The variables which are used to

    measure the customer satisfaction includes:

    i) Product attributes (Network access, Product features, Call rate, Network quality,Promotional package);

    ii) Payment Method (Hassle free method, Satisfaction with payment method);iii) Internet (Fees, Speed, Efficiency in dealing problem);iv) Value Added Services (Cost); andv) Customer Care Services (Friendly employees, Efficient employees, Satisfied with

    customer care services).

    Analysis and Findings

    The use of mobile phone has been increased tremendously in our country. This is why the

    mobile operators are trying to increase their market share by providing diverse facilities to the

    new customers as well as the existing one. This study tries to identify the satisfaction level of

    the customers over the performances of mobile phone operators in Bangladesh.

    There are six mobile phone operators operating their activities in our country. It is found that

    the majority of the consumers use Grameen Phone and Banglalink connections, as various

    amenities are provided by these operators. Other operators are also trying to improve their

    services by providing different facilities. It is also found that most of the time consumers are not

    satisfied with the facilities of one specific operator. That is why most consumers get secondary

    connections from another mobile operator (Annexure-01).

    To retain the customers the mobile phone operators are concentrating to provide different

    facilities to their customers. Poor network access and high call rates are the common complaint

    by the customers regarding all the mobile phone operators in our country.

    For that reasons mobile phone operators are continuously trying to make the call rates

    competitive and improve their network quality day by day. They are also trying to attract

    customers by offering different promotional services at different time.

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    Results and Discussions

    The first step of the analysis is to show some descriptive statistics from the data. Descriptive

    statistics for all seven variables are given below.

    Level of Satisfaction of Mobel Operator Customer

    Table 1: Satisfaction with Quality of Network

    Satisfaction level No. of IT employees Percentage (%)

    Extremely Dissatisfied 0 00.0

    Dissatisfied 3 30.0

    Natural 1 10.0

    Satisfied 6 60.0Extremely Satisfied 0 00.0

    Total 10 100.0

    Remarks: In the table 1, it is found that among all the Customer of IT sectors, 60% is satisfied,

    30% is Dissatisfied, 10% is Natural, 00.0% is Extremely dissatisfied and Extremely Satisfied in

    Quality of Network among the Customer.

    Table 2: Satisfaction with Network Coverage

    Satisfaction level No. of IT employees Percentage (%)

    Extremely Dissatisfied 0 00.0

    Dissatisfied 2 20.0

    Natural 2 20.0

    Satisfied 6 60.0

    Extremely Satisfied 0 00.0

    Total 10 100.0

    Remarks: In the table 2, it is found that among all the Customer of IT sectors, 60% is satisfied,

    20% is Dissatisfied, 20% is Natural, 00.0% is Extremely dissatisfied and Extremely Satisfied in

    Network Coverage among the Customer.

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    Table 3: with Call rate at Peak Hours

    Satisfaction level No. of IT employees Percentage (%)

    Extremely Dissatisfied 3 30.0

    Dissatisfied 0 00.0

    Natural 3 30.0

    Satisfied 4 40.0

    Extremely Satisfied 0 00.0

    Total 10 100.0

    Remarks: In the table 3, it is found that among all the Customer of IT sectors, 30% is ExtremelyDissatisfied, 40% is Satisfied, 30% is Natural, 00.0% is dissatisfied and Extremely Satisfied in Call

    rate at Peak Hours among the Customer.

    Table 4: Satisfaction with Call rate at Peak Hours

    Satisfaction level No. of IT

    employees Percentage (%)

    Extremely Dissatisfied 1 10.0

    Dissatisfied 1 10.0

    Neutral 3 30.0

    Satisfied 5 50.0

    Extremely Satisfied 0 00.0

    Total 10 100.0

    Remarks: In the table 4, it is found that among all the Customer of IT sectors, 10% is Extremely

    Dissatisfied, 50% is Satisfied, 30% is Natural, 10.0% is dissatisfied and 00.0% is Extremely

    Satisfied in Call rate at Peak Hours among the Customer.

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    Table 5: Satisfaction with Interconnectivity between operators

    Satisfaction level No. of IT employees Percentage (%)

    Extremely Dissatisfied 0 10.0Dissatisfied 2 20.0

    Neutral 4 40.0

    Satisfied 4 40.0

    Extremely Satisfied 0 00.0

    Total 10 100.0

    Remarks: In the table 5, it is found that among all the Customer of IT sectors, 20% is

    Dissatisfied, 40% is Satisfied, 40% is Natural, 00.0% is Extremely dissatisfied and 00.0% is

    Extremely Satisfied in Interconnectivity between operator among the Customer.

    Table 6: Satisfaction with Number of FNF

    Satisfaction level No. of IT employees Percentage (%)

    Extremely Dissatisfied 1 10.0

    Dissatisfied 3 30.0

    Neutral 3 30.0

    Satisfied 3 30.0

    Extremely Satisfied 0 00.0

    Total 10 100.0

    Remarks: In the table 6, it is found that among all the Customer of IT sectors, 30% is

    Dissatisfied, 30% is Satisfied, 30% is Natural, 10.0% is Extremely dissatisfied and 00.0% is

    Extremely Satisfied in Number of FNF among the Customer.

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    Table 7: Satisfaction with Internet Based Service

    Satisfaction level No. of IT employees Percentage (%)

    Extremely Dissatisfied 2 20.0

    Dissatisfied 4 40.0

    Neutral 3 30.0

    Satisfied 1 10.0

    Extremely Satisfied 0 00.0

    Total 10 100.0

    Remarks: In the table 7, it is found that among all the Customer of IT sectors, 40% is

    Dissatisfied, 10% is Satisfied, 30% is Natural, 20.0% is Extremely dissatisfied and 00.0% is

    Extremely Satisfied in Internet Based Service among the Customer.

    Table 8: Satisfaction with SMS based services

    Satisfaction level No. of IT employees Percentage (%)

    Extremely Dissatisfied 0 00.0

    Dissatisfied 2 20.0

    Neutral 2 20.0

    Satisfied 6 60.0

    Extremely Satisfied 0 00.0

    Total 10 100.0

    Remarks: In the table 7, it is found that among all the Customer of IT sectors, 20% is

    Dissatisfied, 60% is Satisfied, 20% is Natural, 00.0% is Extremely dissatisfied and 00.0% is

    Extremely Satisfied in SMS based services among the Customer.

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    Table 9: Satisfaction with Easy bill payment system

    Satisfaction level No. of IT employees Percentage (%)

    Extremely Dissatisfied 0 00.0

    Dissatisfied 1 10.0

    Neutral 3 30.0

    Satisfied 6 60.0

    Extremely Satisfied 0 00.0

    Total 10 100.0

    Remarks: In the table 8, it is found that among all the Customer of IT sectors, 10% is

    Dissatisfied, 60% is Satisfied, 30% is Natural, 00.0% is Extremely dissatisfied and 00.0% is

    Extremely Satisfied in Easy bill payment system among the Customer.

    Table 10: Satisfaction with Easy Customer service

    Satisfaction level No. of IT employees Percentage (%)

    Extremely Dissatisfied 2 20.0

    Dissatisfied 2 20.0

    Neutral 3 30.0

    Satisfied 3 30.0

    Extremely Satisfied 0 00.0

    Total 10 100.0

    Remarks: In the table 9, it is found that among all the Customer of IT sectors, 20% is

    Dissatisfied, 30% is Satisfied, 30% is Natural, 20.0% is Extremely dissatisfied and 00.0% is

    Extremely Satisfied in Easy bill payment system among the Customer.

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    Table 11: Satisfaction with Overall Satisfaction

    Satisfaction level No. of IT employees Percentage (%)

    Extremely Dissatisfied 0 00.0

    Dissatisfied 0 00.0Neutral 9 90.0

    Satisfied 1 10.0

    Extremely Satisfied 0 00.0

    Total 10 100.0

    Remarks: In the table 10, it is found that among all the Customer of IT sectors 10% is Satisfied,

    90% is Natural, , 00.0% is Dissatisfied, 00.0% is Extremely dissatisfied and 00.0% is Extremely

    Satisfied in Overall Satisfaction among the Customer.

    Table 12: Customer Satisfactions

    Services Mean Median Mode Std.


    Variance Skewness Std. Error of



    Quality of Network 3.3 3.43 4 .949 .9 -.742 .687 2

    Newtork Coverage 3.40 3.5 4 .843 .711 -1.001 .687 2

    Call Rate at Peak Hours 2.8 3.14 4 1.317 1.733 -.643 .687 3

    Call Rate at Off Peak


    3.2 3.38 4 1.033 1.067 -1.241 .687 3


    Between Operators

    3.2 3.25 3 .78881 .622 -.407 .687 2

    Number of FNF 2.8 2.834 2 1.0328 1.067 -.272 .687 3

    Internet Based Service 2.3 2.286 2 .94868 .9 .234 .687 3

    SMS Based Service 3.4 3.5 4 .84327 .711 -1.001 .687 2

    Easy Pament System 3.5 3.56 4 .70711 .5 -1.179 .687 2

    Customer Service 2.7 2.8 3 1.1595


    1.344 -.342 .687 3.00

    Overall Sasficon 3.10 3.10 3 .316 .100 3.162 .687 1

    Remarks: It is also found that the customers were fairly aware about the promotional servicesof mobile phone operators and overall they showed their satisfaction with the network access,

    key features of the products, and with different promotional packages but they were not

    satisfied with the call rates and network quality. However, the customers of Grameen Phone

    and Banglalink were pleased with their call rates and the customers of Robi, City Cell, and

    Grameen Phone are satisfied with their network quality.

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    Mobile operators also launched different bill payment methods to make the payment

    procedure easy for the customers. Most of the customers prefer flexi load/ i-top up to pay their

    bill and the second preference is to pay the bill by using scratch card (Annexure-01). Overall

    they were satisfied with the general payment method of the mobile operators.

    Now a day, use of internet has become a common phenomenon and this facility is also now

    being provided by the mobile operators. The customers of City Cell and Tele Talk are not

    satisfied with the fees and speed of internet services. On the other hand the customers of Robi,

    City Cell, Tele Talk and Airtel think that the employees are not efficient enough in dealing the

    problems of the internet.

    Mobile phone operators also provide different value added services and customer care services

    to their customers. In general the customers show their satisfaction on these services of mobile

    phone sectors (Table-4). But the customers of Tele Talk, City Cell and Robi think that the cost of

    value added services is very high. In addition they are also not satisfied with the customer careservices of these mobile phone operators.

    Next the data were analyzed for factors associated with job satisfaction. A simple

    regression analysis was performed with job satisfaction as the dependent variable. The

    proposed model for job satisfaction is:

    Job Satisfaction = b0 + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + b4X4 + b5X5 + b6X6 + b7X7+ b8X8

    Where the independent variables are:

    X1 = Satisfaction with Salary

    X2 = Conducive environment

    X3 = Satisfaction with supervisors

    X4 = Satisfaction with subordinates

    X5 = Opportunity for personal growth

    X6 = Satisfaction with access for continuous training

    X7 = Satisfaction with promotion

    X8 = Satisfaction with promotion

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    Table 13: Model Summary

    Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

    1 1.000(a) 1.000

    a Predictors: Quality of Network, Newtork Coverage, Call Rate at Peak Hours, Call Rate at Off

    Peak Hours, Interconnecvity Between Operators, Number of FNF, Internet Based Service, SMS

    Based Service, Easy Pament System, Customer Service, Overall Sasficon.

    Table 14: Coefficients of Variables






    t Sig.B Std. Error Beta

    1 (Constant) 4.467 .000 . .

    Network Coverage .647 .000 .808 . .

    Call Rate at Peak Hours -.003 .000 -.006 . .

    Call Rate at Off Peak Hours .524 .000 .801 . .

    Interconnctivity Between Operator .356 .000 .417 . .

    Internet Based Services -.372 .000 -.523 . .

    SMS Based Services .603 .000 .753 . .

    Easy Bill Payment System -.763 .000 -.800 . .

    Customer Service .268 .000 .461 . .

    Overall Satisfiction -1.748 .000 -.819 . .

    a. Dependent Variable: Age Group

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    Table 15: ANOVA Analysis

    Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

    1 Regression 4.100 9 .456 . .a

    Residual .000 0 .Total 4.100 9

    a. Predictors: (Constant), Overall Satisfiction, Interconnctivity Between Operator, Call Rateat Off Peak Hours, SMS Based Services, Call Rate at Peak Hours, Network Coverage, Easy

    Bill Payment System, Customer Service, Internet Based Services

    b. Dependent Variable: Age GroupSince the value of R is 1, it indicates that the relations between the dependent variable and theindependent variables are very strong. It is also seen that the value of Adjusted R

    2is 1, i.e. the

    dependent variable is 100% explained by the independent variable that are included in the


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    Organizations are increasingly interested in retaining existing customers while targeting non-

    customers; measuring customer satisfaction provides an indication of how successful the

    organization is at providing product and/or services to the marketplace. It's widely accepted

    that it is at least five times more profitable to sell to an existing customer than to find a new

    customer. More important, the difference between satisfied customers and very satisfied

    customers can make a big difference in customer repeat business and your profits. This means,

    that measuring client satisfaction is very important, and, second, that distinguishing between

    degrees of satisfaction by using customer surveys is crucial. Customers satisfaction has now

    become major concern of the mobile service providers in our country. Based on our findings

    and objective to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the process of customer

    satisfaction on the services provided by the mobile phone operators, the following

    recommendations have been made:

    I. Network quality needs to be improvedII. Call rates need to be reduced

    III. Reduce the charges of internet fees and improve the speed of internet.IV. Proper training is needed for the staffs to work more efficiently.V. Reduce the cost of value added services

    VI. Employees must also be better trained in personally dealing with customers.

    The study also reveals that most of the mobile users are using products of different mobile

    operators for different benefits, which indicates that mobile users in our country are not

    completely satisfied. In other words there is no one mobile operator that offers a range of

    products and services that fully satisfies its consumers.

    Mobile phone operators should give more consideration to this aspect so that they can design

    their product with the attributes and benefits required by the existing and potential customers.

    Therefore, despite the strong completion between the various mobile operators, there are still

    significant opportunities for the companies to gain a greater share of loyal customers.

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    Customer Satisfaction Survey of Tele-Communication Industry in Bangladesh

    Survey Questionnaire for Mobile Users/ Subscribers

    Part A: Personal Information

    A. Name

    B. Gender1. Male2. Female

    C. Marital Status1. Single2. Married3. Divorced / Widow

    D. Age Group1. 18 212. 22 253. 26 304. 31 455. 46 +

    E. Profession1. Sales / Marketing Executive2. IT Professional3. Engineer4. Doctor5. Govt. Service6. Secretary7. Administrator8. Banker9. Others

    F. In which Industry you belong?1. Service2. Manufacturing3. Engineering4. Information Technology5. Health6. Public Sector7. Banking8. Pharmacy9. Others

    G. Salary Range (Monthly)1. BDT 3,000 10,0002. BDT 10,000 15,0003. BDT 15,000 20,0004. BDT 20,000 25,0005. BDT 25,000 35,0006. BDT 35,000 50,0007. BDT 50,000 +

    H. Used Mobile Operator1. Grameen Phone2. Robi3. Bangla Link4. Airtel5. Teletalk6. Citycell

    I. Which Type of Packages used?1. Post Paid Corporate2. Post Paid Individual3. Pre Paid Corporate4. Pre Paid Individual

    J. Monthly Usages1. BDT 50 5002. BDT 500 1,0003. BDT 1,000 2,0004. BDT 2,000 5,0005. BDT 5,000 10,0006. BDT 10,000 +

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    Part B: Satisfaction Level

    Please define up to what level you are satisfied at the each following criteria --

    Quality of Network

    7. Extremely Dissatisfied8. Dissatisfied9. Neutral10.Satisfied11.Extremely Satisfied

    K. Network Coverage1. Extremely Dissatisfied2. Dissatisfied3. Neutral4. Satisfied5. Extremely Satisfied

    L. Call rate at Peak Hours1. Extremely Dissatisfied2. Dissatisfied3. Neutral4. Satisfied5. Extremely Satisfied

    M. Call rate at off-peak hours1. Extremely Dissatisfied2. Dissatisfied3. Neutral4. Satisfied5. Extremely SatisfiedN. Interconnectivity between operator1. Extremely Dissatisfied2. Dissatisfied3. Neutral4. Satisfied5. Extremely Satisfied

    O. Number of FNF1. Extremely Dissatisfied2. Dissatisfied3. Neutral4. Satisfied5. Extremely Satisfied

    P. Internet based services1.

    Extremely Dissatisfied2. Dissatisfied

    3. Neutral4. Satisfied5. Extremely Satisfied

    Q. SMS based services1. Extremely Dissatisfied2. Dissatisfied3. Neutral4. Satisfied5. Extremely Satisfied

    R. Easy bill payment system1. Extremely Dissatisfied2. Dissatisfied3. Neutral4. Satisfied5. Extremely Satisfied

    S. VAS (Ringtones, logo, etc.)1. Extremely Dissatisfied2. Dissatisfied3. Neutral4. Satisfied5. Extremely Satisfied

    T. Customer service1. Extremely Dissatisfied2. Dissatisfied3. Neutral4. Satisfied5. Extremely Satisfied

    U. Overall Satisfaction1. Extremely Dissatisfied2. Dissatisfied3. Neutral4. Satisfied5. Extremely Satisfied

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