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Curso Rapido de File-Aid

Apr 14, 2018



Ricardo Cortes
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  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Mainframe Academy

    File-AID Basic Screens

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.


    Document Confidentiality.

    All rights reserved. The contents of this document are property of Softtek, and are confidential and copyrighted. Any

    reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written permission of Softtek .

    This document is subject to change. Comments, corrections or questions should be directed to the author.

    File-AID Basic ScreensMainframe Academy

    Revision Chart

    The following chart list the revisions made to this document. Use this to describe the changes and additions

    each time this document is re-published. The description should include as many detail as possible, as well as,

    the reviewers who request the changes.

    Version No. Version Date Types of Changes



    Date of Review /


    1.0 8/19/2008 Initial revision


    Melndez N/A

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.


    What is File-AID?

    Accessing File-AIDScreen Format

    Types of ScreensOption Selection

    Dataset Specification

    Member List

    Scrollable Data Display

    Unscrollable Data Display


    Split Screen

    Command EntriesPrimary Commands

    Jump Commands

    Line CommandsTerminal Keys

    Program Access Keys

    Program Function Keys

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.


    Browse/Edit Conversation Flow

    File-AID BROWSEBrowsing a Data FileEDIT / BROWSE Dataset Specification

    Accessing the Browse Function (Option 1)

    Selecting Records to Browse

    Selecting the Browse Input Dataset

    More About the Catalog Utility Dataset List

    Specifying Temporary Selection Criteria

    More About Temporary Selection CriteriaSpecifying the Selection Criteria Options

    More About Selection Criteria Options

    Formatted Selection Criteria Screen

    Viewing Layout in Column Location Order

    Suppressing the Display of Field Redefinitions

    Defining Formatted Field Selection Criteria

    More About Selection Criteria

    Defining a Compound AND ConditionDefining Unformatted Field Selection Criteria

    Processing Your Selection

    BROWSE Character and Vertical Display Modes

    BROWSE Formated Display Mode

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.


    File-AID EDIT

    Common Edit Primary CommandsFull-Screen Editing

    Accessing the Edit Function (Option 2)

    Copying Data Into a File With the COPY Command

    More About the COPY Command

    Specifying the "Copy From" Dataset

    Removing Informational Flags from the Display.

    Protecting KeysP99 result

    Invoking Formatted Mode

    Controlling the Display of Redefines Fields

    More About the REDEFINES Command

    EDIT Formated Display Mode

    Print File

    General Information

    XREF Utility

    View Record Layout

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    VSAM Allocation

    Allocating a VSAM ClusterChoosing a VSAM Utility Option

    Using an Existing Datasets Allocation Attributes

    Allocating a Cluster

    Verifying Allocation Parameters

    Specifying Extended Allocation Parameters

    Generating the Batch JCL InformationExecuting the JCL

    Exit the VSAM Utility

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    What is File-AID?

    File-AID/MVS is designed to be accessed from an ISPF menu such as the ISPF/PDF

    PRIMARY OPTION MENU. The option code is usually F. A special logon PROC orallocation CLIST may be required at your site in order to define the File-AID libraries

    to your TSO session. Your site may choose its own logon method and ISPF menu for

    access to File-AID.

    NOTE: you will find this option for the Wal-Mart installation within the Wal-Mart (W)

    option on the menu.

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    Accessing File-AID

    1. Log on to TSO using the appropriate logon PROC or allocation CLIST for File-AID.

    2. Use the appropriate option code (for example, ISPF option F) or execution CLIST(for example, TSO FASTART) to display the File-AID Primary Option Menu. After you

    select option F from the ISPF/PDF PRIMARY OPTION MENU (or the option code on

    another ISPF menu as defined at your site), or you execute the correct CLIST, the

    File-AID Primary Option Menu is displayed as shown in Figure 1-2. Use the following

    space to note the method of access at your installation:

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    File-AID for IMS/ISPF Primary Options

    Option 0 The Parameters option screen allows you to view and/or change the common File-AID for IMS/ISPF system, print, and IMSparameters currently in effect for your File-AID for IMS/ISPF session. It includes the administration option where authorized

    administrators can define IMS system and application environments.

    Option 1 The Browse option is used to display but not change the contents of databases using any of three display modes:Formatted, Unformatted, and Character.

    Option 2 The Edit option is used to display, change, insert, and delete the contents of databases using the Formatted, Unformatted,and Character display modes.

    Option 3 The Utilities option is used to initialize a newly allocated database and all its related databases.

    Option 4 The Extract/Load option is used to extract segments from a database into a file and to load records from a file into adatabase.

    Option 5 The Print option is used to print audit trail datasets created while editing a database in Option 2 or in the Batch Componentof File-AID for IMS/ISPF.

    Option 6 The Selection option is used to create and maintain existing selection criteria for use in the Extract function.

    Option 7 The Xref option is used to create and maintain segment/layout cross-references for use in other File-AID for IMS functions.

    Option 9 The Relationship option is used to create and maintain application relationships for use in the Selection Criteria and Extractfunctions.

    Option F The FLEX option is used to access the FLEX ISPF interface to create/edit FLEX commands and generate JCL to executethe FLEX batch job.

    Option C The Change option documents changes made in the various releases of File-AID for IMS/ISPF.

    Option T The Tutorial option provides online documentation about the use of File-AID for IMS/ISPF. You can select the tutorial byentering Option T on the Primary Option Menu or by entering the HELP command on any screen in the system.

    Option L The Legal option contains the copyright and trade secret notices associated with File-AID for IMS.

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Screen Format




    Title Identifies the function that is being performed and, where

    appropriate, library or dataset information.

    Short Message Indicates current line or column positions, successful completion ofa processing function, or error conditions (accompanied by audible


    Command/Option Used to enter commands or option selections.

    Scroll Contains the current scroll amount on screens where scrolling


    Long Message Displays an expanded explanation of error conditions upon request

    (this line is normally blank or contains display-only fields). Long

    messages also appear in pop-up windows.

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Types of Screens

    File-AID for IMS displays thefollowing screen types:

    Option Selection

    Dataset SpecificationMember List

    Scrollable Data Display

    Unscrollable Data Display

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Option Selection

    An option selection screen enables you to select an option from a list. The

    Primary Option Menu, This is an example of this type of screen.

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Dataset Specification Screen

    A dataset specification screen enables you to enter dataset names, member names,

    and other parameters. Many of the fields are pre-formatted with the last valueentered. The presence of a highlighted plus (+) or minus (-) sign preceding a dataset

    input field indicates dataset concatenations. The EDITData Base Specification

    screen, is an example of this type of screen.

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Member List Screen

    A member list screen displays a list of members in a partitioned dataset.

    Up/down and left/right scrolling is available. The left/right display variesdepending upon the type of library for which the member list is displayed.

    Enter S next to the desired member name to select it. The Segment/Layout

    XREF Member List screen, is an example of this type of screen.

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Scrollable Data Display

    A scrollable data display screen shows database contents or segment

    layouts. Up/down and, in some cases, left/right scrolling is available. TheEDIT - Formatted screen is an example of this type of screen.

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Unscrollable Data Display

    An unscrollable data display screen shows non-repeating information that

    fits on a single screen. The EDIT XREFLogical Child screen is an exampleof this type of screen.

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.


    In many File-AID for IMS/ISPF functions, the information displayed exceeds

    the screen size. The scrolling commands enable you to move theinformation up or down, right or left to view all the displayable data. In

    addition, the LOCATE command can be used on some screens to scroll to

    a specified line number or data-name.

    Command Scrolling Function

    UP Scrolls toward the top of a segment, database, segment layout, or memberlist by the specified scroll amount.

    DOWN Scrolls toward the end of a segment, database, segment layout, or memberlist by the specified scroll amount.

    LEFT Scrolls toward the left margin of the displayed segments. Left scrolling is

    available on the Browse/Edit Character screen only.

    RIGHT Scrolls toward the right margin of the displayed segments. Right scrolling isavailable on the Browse/Edit Character screen only.

    LOCATE Scrolls directly to a specified line number, segment layout data-name, ormember name.

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Split Screen

    You can enter split screen mode and use the SWAP primary

    command in File-AID for IMS/ISPF exactly as you do in ISPF/PDF.

    These features are described in the ISPF/PDF Program Reference

    Manual. File-AID for IMS/ISPF allows only one active browse or edit

    database conversation per user.

    If you are in split screen mode and browsing or editing a database

    on one logical screen, you cannot enter Option 1 or 2 on the otherlogical screen.

    When you are in Option 1 or 2 on one logical screen, you can enter

    another File-AID for IMS/ISPF option (other than Option 1 or 2) or

    an ISPF option on the other logical screen.

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    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Command Entries

    All File-AID for IMS/ISPF primary and line

    commands are summarized ahead, Primary

    Commands and Chapter 12, Line Commands,

    respectively. In addition, commands specific to a

    File-AID for IMS/ISPF function are fullydescribed in the chapter describing that function.

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Primary Commands

    Primary commands can be entered in one of the following ways:

    By typing the command in the Command field and pressing Enter.By pressing a PF key that is assigned a command.

    You can assign commands to PF keys using the KEYS command. Whenyou press a PF key, the processing is the same as if you typed thecommand in the Command field and pressed ENTER.

    Before you press a PF key, you can enter information in the Command field.

    The PF key definition is concatenated ahead of the contents of theCommand field.

    For example, suppose you assign the DOWN command to PF1. If you type6 in the Command field and press PF1, the results are the same as if youhad typed DOWN 6 in the Command field and pressed ENTER.

    You can stack multiple commands for execution in one interaction by

    entering a special delimiter between the commands. The default delimiter isa semicolon. For example:


    In this example, the DOWN and LEFT commands have been stacked.

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Jump and Line Commands

    Jump commands enable you to switch from one option to another withoutgoing through the File-AID for IMS/ISPF Primary Option Menu. A jump

    command consists of an equal sign, followed by a primary option (and sub-

    option if desired) entered in any prompt field (fields preceded by ===>). For


    COMMAND ===> =0.2

    Line commands are entered in the two-position line command column next

    to the appropriate item. Line commands enable you to insert, delete, and

    repeat segments, to change your current position in a database, and to

    select items.

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Program Access Keys


    Normally, the PA1 key is not used while you are in File-AID for

    IMS/ISPF full-screen mode. Refer to the information below for


    PA2 (RESHOW)

    The PA2 key displays the contents of the screen again. PA2 isuseful if you pressed the ERASE INPUT or CLEAR key

    accidentally or if you typed unwanted information but have not

    yet pressed ENTER or a PF key.

    Note: The PA keys cannot be changed.

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Program Function Keys

    The default PF key assignments are shown below. You

    can change these assignments with the KEYS

    command.PF1/13 HELP

    PF2/14 SPLIT

    PF3/15 END

    PF4/16 NEXT

    PF5/17 RFIND

    PF6/18 RCHANGE

    PF7/19 UP

    PF8/20 DOWNPF9/21 SWAP

    PF10/22 PARENT

    PF11/23 ROOT

    PF12/24 RETURN

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Browse/Edit Conversation Flow

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Browse/Edit Conversation Flow

    Database Specification

    When doing a browse or edit, you can use either a static PSB or dynamicPSB. The following general description of the conversation flow assumes

    the use of a dynamic PSB.

    The process is similar when using a static PSB.

    The first step in the conversation requires that you specify the database

    information, which includes the following:The IMS region type DL/I or BMP.

    The name of the DBD that describes the database you want to edit.

    The name of the DBD load module library where the DBD resides.

    Whether you want to use secondary indexing.

    Whether you want to exclude any segment types (DL/I and BMP modes only).

    Whether you want an audit trail of your edit session created (edit mode only).

    Whether you want to use an IMS log dataset during your edit session (DL/I

    region type only).

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.


    File-AID Browse allows full-screen browse access to any standard dataset

    type with record lengths of up to 32,767 bytes.The following topics are presented in sequence or may be selected by


    0 - General introduction

    1 - Browse entry panel

    2 - PDS processing3 - Selection criteria processing

    4 - Character (C) and Vertical (V) display modes

    5 - Formatted (F) display mode

    6 - Browse commands

    7 - Additional information about browse

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.


    File-AID lets you display record data stored in most DASD datasets without

    restrictions on file type, file size, or record size.Three data display modes are provided to make it easy for you to work with

    your data:

    Full screen character ISPF-like display of data permitting standard scrolling and

    FIND commands.

    Formatted using COBOL or PL/I record layouts to display records by field.

    Vertical. A full screen ISPF-like display using COBOL or PL/I record layouts to

    format the data in columns with column headings.

    Display modes 2 and 3 require that you supply source record layouts by

    completing information in the Specify Record Layout and XREF

    Information section of the Dataset Specification entry screen.Standard File-AID selection criteria lets you efficiently process data as you

    need only look at those records you want to see.

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    EDIT / BROWSE Dataset Specification

    The Dataset Specification panels for File-AID Browse and Edit are

    nearly identical. Edit provides additional prompts for Disposition(OLD or SHR) and Create audit trail (to support the generation of a

    report of changes made with File-AID). The Dataset Specification

    screen is composed of several areas. Each area is described in

    detail in the next tutorial sections as follows:

    The following topics are presented in sequence or may be selectedby number:

    Browse/Edit Mode - Initial data display format (C, F, V)

    Browse/Edit Information section - Identify the dataset to be processed

    Record layout usage section - Identify source library usage

    Selection criteria usage section - Optional record selection

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    EDIT / BROWSE Dataset Specification

    Three styles of data display are available when viewing the records

    of your data file: C (Character), F (Formatted), V (Vertical format).The MODE field is provided to let you choose the style you want to

    see first. After the initial display, you use commands (CHAR, FMT,

    VFMT) to switch your display mode as often as you like. Valid

    MODE values, switching commands and restrictions are as follows:

    C CHARACTER - Full screen ISPF-like display of records, one recordper line. Overtype data to make changes. Use HEX command to view

    hex values. Use FMT command to switch to formatted mode. Use

    VFMT command to switch to vertical mode. Use line commands and

    primary commands to work with data.

    V VERTICAL - Requires a single record layout only. Like character, a

    full screen display of data, one record per line, but data is normalized

    and arranged in columns underneath DATASET INFORMATION


  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    EDIT / BROWSE Dataset Specification

    The Specify Browse/Edit Information section o the screen is where you

    identify the dataset you want to access. The last dataset you referencedwith any File-AID function appears as a default. If the dataset is partitionedyou may specify a member name. If the dataset is partitioned and you don'tspecify a member, PDS Processing Options (PPO) are activated to let yougenerate a member list based on member names, ISPF statistics, and(optionally) selection criteria. If the dataset is not cataloged, enter theVolume serial number. (Edit only) You may indicate a Disposition of SHR

    for allocating the dataset (OLD is the default). You may ask to Create audittrail (Y or N).

    The following topics will be presented only if selected by number:1 - General File-AID information about datasets

    2 - PDS member list generation - Processing Options

    3 - Disposition of dataset (OLD/SHR)

    4 - Create audit trail (Edit only)

    5 - Edit operational notes

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    EDIT / BROWSE Dataset Specification

    The Specify Record Layout and XREF Information section of the screen is

    where you indicate your usage of record layouts and supply source librarydataset and member names and an optional XREF member.

    "RECORD LAYOUT USAGE" indicates whether a single record layout

    (usage "S"), an XREF (usage "X"), or no layout (usage "N") is to be used to

    format record data.

    If you intend to use the Formatted (or Vertical) display modes, you must

    specify RECORD LAYOUT USAGE of "S" or "X". You must also supply a

    RECORD LAYOUT DATASET and either a layout member (Usage=S) or an

    XREF DATASET and MEMBER (Usage=X, built with function 7 XREF).

    Note: XREF is not allowed with Vertical mode.

    If you are going to use the Character mode only, you may specify RECORD

    LAYOUT USAGE of "N". If you specify "N" for LAYOUT USAGE, novalidation of the record layout or XREF datasets or members is performed.

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    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    EDIT / BROWSE Dataset Specification

    In the lower section of the screen, you indicate selection criteria

    usage:N - None. Process all records. Do not validate Selection dataset.

    E - Existing. Process selected records based on the specified selection

    criteria dataset member. Use option 6, Selection, to create criteria.

    T - Temporary. Dynamically access the selection criteria utility screens

    to define conditions for record selection. Temporary criteria may besaved by issuing the SAVE command from the criteria menu.

    M - Modify. Dynamically access the selection criteria utility screens to

    review or change a specified selection criteria dataset member.

    Q - Quick. Dynamically access the selection criteria utility unformatted

    field criteria screen to define temporary conditions for record selection.

    END command processes your selection immediately.

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    EDIT / BROWSE Dataset Specification

    The Dataset Specification panels for File-AID Browse and Edit are nearly identical.Edit provides additional prompts for Disposition (OLD or SHR) and Create audit trail(to support the generation of a report of changes made with File-AID). The DatasetSpecification screen is composed of several areas. Each area is described in detail inthe next tutorial sections as follows:

    The following topics are presented in sequence or may be selected by number:1. Browse/Edit Mode - Initial data display format (C, F, V)

    2. Browse/Edit Information section - Identify the dataset to beprocessed

    3. Record layout usage section - Identify source library usage

    4. Selection criteria usage section - Optional record selection

    When the dataset to be processed is partitioned (PDS), File-AID provides specialprocessing options and capabilities to give you better control over the list of membersto be accessed. Members can be listed by name mask, name range, last modifieduserID range, last changed date range, and create date range.

    If selection criteria is specified, only members matching both the PDS processingranges and the selection criteria are listed. When you then S (Select) a member fromthe member list your Copy/Edit Entire member default is examined to determinewhich records of the PDS member are displayed. Either all records in the member(Edit Entire member=YES), or only the records matching your selection criteria (EditEntire Member=NO) are presented.

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    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    EDIT / BROWSE Dataset Specification

    If a member name of * (asterisk) is specified, (Ex. DSN=FROM.PDS(*)) the

    PDS processing options screen is not shown and all members areconsidered for processing.

    Many of the PDS options available may be set to default values in option

    0.4 Processing Parameters.

    When the Selection Criteria Usage is specified (not N (None)), "selective" record

    processing is performed.

    When the browse/edit dataset you specify is a PDS, PPO options are applied to

    filter the list of members to be scanned. Then your selection criteria is applied to

    list just those members whose records match your selection criteria.

    If you use existing (E) criteria, processing is immediate.

    Otherwise, you will be taken thru the appropriate Selection utility screens to

    create temporary (T), create quick (Q), or modify (M) your selection criteria

    before applying it.

    The following topic is presented only if selected:

    1 - Defining Selection Criteria with the Selection Utility

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Browsing a Data File

    File-AID enables you to browse a file created through any standard MVS access

    method (including IAM files). You can display the entire dataset or a selected subsetof records.

    You can supply record layouts and view your data in four display modes:



    Vertical formatted.


    This part of the presentation discusses several of the primary commands that you

    can use in the Browse function. Refer to the File-AID/MVS Online Reference Manual

    (SPF and XE) for a complete list of the primary and line commands that are

    supported in the Browse and Edit functions.

    Character Mode

    The character browse mode provides a full-screen view of the data. From character mode,

    you can use the FMT primary command to redisplay the data in formatted mode, the VFMTprimary command to redisplay the data in Vertical Formatted mode, or UNFMT primary

    command to redisplay the data in Unformatted mode.

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    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    Browsing a Data File

    Formatted Mode

    The formatted browse mode lets you view data using a record layout. This mode presentsdata one record at a time and formats each record field-by-field. Record layouts can beeither COBOL (FD: 01 level) or PL/I (Declare). Cross references (XREFs) are used to defineautomatic selection of record layouts for datasets with multiple record types.

    From Formatted mode, you can use the CHAR primary command to redisplay the data inCharacter mode, the VFMT primary command to redisplay the data in Vertical Formattedmode, or UNFMT primary command to redisplay the data in Unformatted mode.

    Vertical Formatted Mode

    The vertical formatted browse mode also provides a full-screen view of the data. This mode,however, uses the record layout fields as column headers.

    From Vertical Formatted mode, you can use the CHAR primary command to redisplay thedata in Character mode, the FMT primary command to redisplay the data in Formattedmode, or the UNFMT primary command to redisplay the data in Unformatted mode.

    Unformatted Mode

    The unformatted browse mode provides a full-screen display of your data one record at atime without record layout formatting. File-AID displays 70 characters of data per line until alldata for the record is shown or the screen is filled.

    Access Unformatted mode by selecting Browse or Edit mode U (Unformatted) or entering theUNFMT primary command from Character, Formatted, or Vertical Formatted mode ofBrowse or Edit. From Unformatted mode, use the CHAR primary command to redisplay thedata in Character mode, the FMT primary command to redisplay the data in Formattedmode, or VFMT primary command to redisplay the data in Vertical Formatted mode.

    Note: If your double byte character spans the boundary of the display line, it will not display in Unformatted mode. Toview this data, switch to Character mode and scroll the record to the desired position, then return to Unformatted

    mode to view the character in Unformatted mode.

    A i th B F ti

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    Accessing the Browse Function(Option 1)

    The Browse function is shown as option 1 on the File-AID Primary Option


    1. Enter a 1 in the OPTION field on the File-AID Primary Option Menu (not shown


    2. Press Enter. File-AID displays the Browse - Dataset Specification screen.

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    Selecting Records to Browse

    Use the Browse - Dataset Specification screen to define your browse request, whichconsists of:

    Browse Mode

    Browse Dataset

    Record Layout and XREF Information

    Selection Criteria Usage Information.

    In this exercise, you create temporary selection criteria to view a subset of records.You supply a record layout to view the data in formatted and vertical formatted

    display modes.Steps:

    1. Type an F in the Browse Mode field to request the Formatted mode for viewing your datarecords.

    2. Type the dataset name and pattern character FASAMP.* in the Dataset name or HFS pathfield. The asterisk is a pattern character. It represents any single-level qualifier, or partia-level qualifier when it is preceded by 1 to 7 characters. When you use a pattern character ina dataset name, File-AID displays a list of dataset names that match the pattern you

    specified. You can then use the S line command to select a dataset from this list. Other validpattern characters include question mark (?) and percent (%) (single character), as well asplus (+) and slash (/). Refer to the File-AID/MVS Online Reference Manual (SPF and XE) formore information on pattern dataset names.

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    Selecting Records to Browse

    3. Type an S in the Record layout usage field to indicate that you are using a singlelayout member to describe your data records.

    4. Type the dataset name FASAMP.LAYOUTS in the Record layout dataset field. Therecord layout dataset is a dataset containing the source code for one or more recordlayouts. You can use a layout that is embedded in a source program. An XREFmember is used to extract an embedded layout from a source member. A recordlayout dataset can be a sequential, partitioned, PANVALET, or LIBRARIAN dataset.File-AID Release 6 map libraries are fully supported. The record layout must be avalid COBOL or PL/I declaration. Otherwise, the displayed data may be invalid.

    5. Type the member name EMPLOYEE in the layout Member name field. If you donot specify a member, File-AID displays a list of members. You can then select amember from this list.

    6. Type a T in the Selection criteria usage field to indicate that you want to create anew temporary selection criteria specification. Selection criteria enables you to selectspecific records in a data file for processing. Usage option T (Temporary) dynamicallyinvokes the Selection Criteria function and presents the Selection Criteria Menu.When you specify either T or Q in the Selection criteria usage field on the Browse -Dataset Specification screen, File-AID permits you to save your temporary selectioncriteria by issuing the SAVE command. File-AID displays a screen to give you theopportunity to save your criteria permanently in a selection criteria dataset. Yoursample training file, userid.FASAMP.SELCRIT, may be used to save selection criteriayou create.

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    Selecting Records to Browse

    7. Press Enter. File-AID displays the Dataset List.

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    Selecting the Browse Input Dataset

    Since you entered an asterisk pattern character as part of the dataset name in the

    Dataset name field on the Browse - Dataset Specification screen, File-AID displays alist of datasets that match the pattern you specified. Select the dataset you want to

    use from this list.


    1. Enter the S (select) line command next to the dataset userid.FASAMP.EMPMAST.In the

    figure below, userid is shown as USERID9. Your TSO ID should appear on your list.

    2. Press Enter. File-AID displays the Selection Criteria Menu screen.

    More About the Catalog Utility Dataset

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    More About the Catalog Utility DatasetList

    S is the only valid line command and may be

    specified for only one dataset.

    The Dataset List of matching names is displayed

    whenever you use a pattern character to specify

    a dataset name on any File-AID screen.

    Specifying Temporary Selection

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    Specifying Temporary SelectionCriteria

    Use the Selection Criteria Menu screen to access facilities for defining selection conditions based on formatted or

    unformatted field selection criteria and/or options for reading records.

    Option 1 (Enter selection criteria options) displays the Selection Criteria Options screen.

    Here you can tell File-AID where you want to begin selecting records, establish a random read pattern, and set

    limits on the number of records processed.


    1. Enter a 1 in the OPTION field.

    2. Enter the description SC FOR EMPMAST in the Member list description field. Since this is temporary selection criteria the description

    is optional. However, if you decide to SAVE this criteria permanently, File-AID displays this description on the Member List screen.


    CODES 404, 408, OR 415 in the Long Description field. Once again, since this is temporary criteria, descriptions are not needed

    unless you SAVE your temporary criteria.

    4. Press Enter. File-AID displays the Selection Criteria Options screen.

    More About Temporary Selection

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    More About Temporary SelectionCriteria

    From the criteria menu you can access selection options or either of the two

    types of field selection criteria: formatted and unformatted.Formatted selection criteria allow you to select records based on data within

    a field as specified by a record layout.

    Unformatted selection criteria allow you to select records based on freeform

    data specifications without using a record layout.

    Processing of your temporary selection criteria occurs when you END from

    the menu.

    If you specify usage option Q (Quick) on the Browse - Dataset Specification

    screen, File-AID creates temporary criteria but bypasses the Selection

    criteria menu screen and takes you directly to the unformatted selection

    criteria screen. When you END from the unformatted screen, your selection

    criteria is applied immediately. With usage Q, default options are used andall records are read and selected based on the defaults you establish in

    your 0.2 Selection Parameters for number of records to search and select.

    Specifying the Selection Criteria

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    Specifying the Selection CriteriaOptions

    The Selection Criteria Options screen allows you to control the selection of records based on a starting record key,

    RBA or RRN, and record counts. File-AID reads and selects records in a file based on the values you specify on

    this screen. File-AID then compares the selected records to any formatted and unformatted selection criteria todetermine if any of the selected records match the selection criteria.

    In this example, you limit the number of selected matching records to 12.


    1. Type a value of 12 in the Number of records to select field. The value you specify in this field sets the limit for the total number of

    records that File-AID selects from the dataset. Valid values are ALL (the default), 0 (means all), and 1 through 999999.

    2. Type FMT in the COMMAND field. The FMT primary command invokes the Formatted Selection Criteria screen.

    3. Press Enter. File-AID displays the EMPLOYEE record layout.

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    More About Selection Criteria Options

    If no command is issued, both END or ENTER produce the same result: you arereturned to the selection criteria menu.

    The "Starting record key" field enables you to specify a random starting point for File-AID to begin selecting records. You can specify this field for VSAM KSDS, keyedBDAM, and ISAM files. All records before the starting record key are not selected,regardless of matching formatted or unformatted field selection criteria.

    The "Starting RBA or RRN" field enables you to specify a random starting point forrecord selection in a VSAM or BDAM dataset. All records before the specified startingRBA or RRN are not selected, regardless of matching formatted or unformatted fieldselection criteria.

    The "Initial records to skip" field tells File-AID how many records to skip beforeprocessing the dataset. Valid values are 0 through 999999. A value of 0 (zero) tellsFile-AID to process all records in the dataset.

    The Subsequent Selection Interval: "Records to select" field tells File-AID how manyrecords to retrieve from the dataset per interval. Valid values are 1 through 999999.

    The default value is 1. File-AID applies all field selection criteria after it retrieves eachrecord. The Subsequent Selection Interval: "Records to skip" field tells File-AID howmany records to skip after it reaches the value you specified in the "Records toselect" field. A value greater than 0 (zero) establishes the selection interval. Validvalues are 0 through 999999. A value of 0 (zero) tells File-AID to ignore the "IntervalRecords to select" value.

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    More About Selection Criteria Options

    The "Number of records to search" field tells File-AID the maximum number

    of records to read from the dataset. This parameter can prevent excessiveI/O processing when searching large files. Valid values are ALL and 0

    through 999999. The default for the field is ALL. Both ALL and 0 (zero)

    indicate to search the entire file.

    The "Number of records to select" field tells File-AID the maximum number

    of records to select if the records match the selection criteria. Valid values

    are ALL and 0 through 999999. The default for the field is ALL. Both ALLand 0 (zero) indicate no limit on the number of records selected. You may

    establish your own default value for these fields by using option 0.2

    (Selection Criteria Parameters).

    The "SEQ/VSAM processing direction" field indicates the direction in which

    File-AID is to read the file (sequential or VSAM). Valid values are F

    (forward) and B (backward). If you specify a value of B when processing a

    file other than a sequential or VSAM file, File-AID ignores the value and

    starts processing at the beginning of the file.

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    Formatted Selection Criteria Screen

    On initial entry to the formatted screen, a message is displayed on line 3

    and lists some of the valid commands you can use. In addition to thecommands listed, valid commands include:

    CAPS Use CAPS OFF to establish exact case testing for character fields.

    Default CAPS ON provides tests for any case and translates entered lowercase

    characters to uppercase.

    DISPLAY Control fields displayed and format of fields.

    END Return to the Selection Criteria Menu screen.SHOW Control information displayed in center column (OFFSET, FORMAT,


    OFFSET Control format of offset shown (COLUMNS, RELATIVE, HEX).

    OPTIONS Jump to Selection Criteria Options screen.

    UNFMT Jump to Unformatted Selection Criteria screen.

    ZERO Control zero suppress for numeric fields.

    Viewing Layout in Column Location

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    Viewing Layout in Column LocationOrder

    Issue the SHOW OFFSET command to see the offset of each layout field. (To define unformatted

    field criteria later in this example, you need to know the offset of the EMP-CON-HOME-PHONE



    1. Type SHOW OFFSET in the COMMAND field.2. Press Enter. File-AID redisplays the Formatted Selection Criteria screen displaying the column position of the

    first byte of each field.

    Suppressing the Display of Field

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    Suppressing the Display of FieldRedefinitions

    Issue the REDEFINES OFF command to suppress the display of field redefinitions. REDEFINES can be

    abbreviated REDEF.

    Note: The REDEFINES profile setting command issued during selection criteria definition is temporary and does not affect the browse/editformatted display profile setting. Most other profile setting commands will affect the browse/edit profile. Upon initial entry to the formatted

    selection criteria screen, File-AID temporarily sets REDEFINES ON.

    Steps:1. Type REDEF OFF in the COMMAND field.

    2. Press Enter. File-AID redisplays the Formatted Selection Criteria screen and suppresses the EMP-DOB redefinitions of EMP-DATE-


    Defining Formatted Field Selection

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    Defining Formatted Field SelectionCriteria

    You can selectively choose records for processing by defining one or more conditions that a record must meet in

    order to be selected. With formatted selection criteria, you can select records based on the value of a specified

    field within the record layout. To search for a specific field value, you must define a test condition for that field. Thetest condition consists of the field name, a relational operator (RO), and the value for which you want to test.

    The relational operator is entered under the RO column on the screen and can be specified in a letter or symbolic

    format (for example, "equal to" can be specified as EQ or =). The field value is entered to the right of the relational

    operator. Numeric field data is always entered as a decimal value (digits 0-9) with a decimal point if needed.


    1. Type EQ in the RO column next to the field name EMP-MARITAL-STATUS.

    2. Type an S in the data area (to the right of the EQ you just typed) to define the test "MARITAL-STATUS EQUAL TO S".

    3. Type DOWN in the COMMAND field and press Enter (or use PF8) to view more layout fields. File-AID scrolls the Formatted

    Selection Criteria screen down one full page.

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    More About Selection Criteria

    Other relational operators (RO) supported include:

    NE Not equal

    LE Less than or equal

    LT Less than

    GT Greater than

    GE Greater than or equal

    EQ Equal

    CO Contains

    NC Not contains

    BT Between (specify value1:value2 - endpoints inclusive)

    NB Not between (specify value1:value2 - endpoints exclusive)

    VA Valid

    NV Not Valid

    To specify a search argument that contains case-sensitive data, you must enter theCAPS OFF primary command.

    Multiple values can be tested in non-numeric fields using the CO and EQ operators byseparating the values with commas. For example: EQ ABC,DEF,GHI

    You can use the REPEAT or INSERT command to add a new selection criteria set. Sets areORed together and only one of the test sets must be true. If a record fails to matchCRITERIA NUMBER 1 in an ORed condition, File-AID tests the record to see if CRITERIANUMBER 2 matches. As soon as a record matches any set, File-AID selects it. If a recordfails to match any formatted set, it is checked against each unformatted set. If the record failsall tests, it is not selected.

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    Defining a Compound AND Condition

    When you specify test conditions for more than one field in a criteria set, File-AID links the teststogether (the tests are ANDed) and requires that all the conditions be true before it selects a

    record. You can use the REPEAT or INSERT command to add a new selection criteria set. Setsare ORed.

    Steps:1. Type LE in the RO column next to the field name EMP-LOCAL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT.

    2. Type a 7 in data area to define the test. You have now created a compound criteria set matching recordswith MARITALSTATUS EQUAL TO S and EMP-LOCAL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO7.

    3. Notice the column offset (189) of the EMP-CON-HOME-PHONE field. In Figure 2-12 on page 2-14 you

    define a test to select records based on the value of the area code (first three characters of the PHONEfield) using unformatted selection criteria.

    4. Type UNFMT in the COMMAND field. Instead of entering the UNFMT command, you could enter the ENDprimary command to return to the Selection Criteria Menu and then select option 3 (Unformatted). Or, youcould have entered the 3 command. 3 is an alias for UNFMT.

    5. Press Enter to display the Unformatted Selection Criteria screen.

    Defining Unformatted Field Selection

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    Defining Unformatted Field SelectionCriteria

    Without using a record layout, you can define a test condition based on the known position of a field or you can scan for a data valuecontained within the record. Japanese Data: DBCS and single byte Katakana data is accepted as selection criteria data values for datatypes C (Character) and T (Text). With unformatted selection criteria, File-AID removes leading or trailing shift characters from DBCS

    data unless the value is enclosed in double quotes. When KANA is specified for the Character Set option on the System Parametersscreen (option 0.1), C (Character) and T (Text) identifiers are both treated as case-sensitive C (Character) data. In this example, youwant to select records that have area code 404, 408, or 415 in the EMP-CON-HOME-PHONE field, which starts at column position 189.You can test for data matching any one of a list of values by separating each test value with a comma.


    1. Type 189 on the first entry line under the Position column. The Position tells File-AID where in the record to begin the search.

    2. Verify that the value of the relational operator is "equal to" (either EQ or =). The relational operator default value is EQ. Use option 0.2 SelectionDefaults if you want to change the default.

    3. Type 404,408,415 in the Data Value column. File-AID interprets a comma in the search argument as an OR condition within the current set. Tosearch for a comma as data, you must enclose the comma in double quotes (for example, "data,contains,commas").

    4. Type END in the COMMAND field.

    5. Press Enter. File-AID returns to the Selection Criteria Menu screen.

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    Processing Your Selection

    Use the END primary command from the Selection Criteria Menu to indicate that youhave finished creating and reviewing your temporary selection criteria and are now

    ready to see the results. Before processing, you may optionally use the VIEWcommand to review your selection criteria.

    Steps:1. Type END in the OPTION field.

    2. Press Enter. File-AID displays the Browse formatted screen for the first selected record inthe dataset USERID9.FASAMP.EMPMAST.

    BROWSE Character and Vertical

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    BROWSE Character and VerticalDisplay Modes

    The following topics are presented in sequence,

    or may be selected by number:

    1 - General information

    2 - Scrolling data

    3 - Vertically formatted display4 - Display of non-selected records

    5 - Display of excluded records

    6 - Browse character/vertical primary


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    BROWSE Formatted Display Mode

    The File-AID FORMATTED mode displays a magnified view of a singlerecord, breaking out individual fields based on a COBOL or PL/I recordlayout.

    The following topics are presented in sequence, or may be selected bynumber:1 - General information

    2 - Formatted display format

    3 - Browse formatted primary commands

    The following topics are presented in sequence, or may be selected bynumber:1 - Browse CHARACTER/VERTICAL primary commands

    2 - Browse FORMATTED primary commands

    The following topics are presented in sequence, or may be selected by

    number:1 - Types of datasets you can browse2 - Scrolling data

    3 - Terminating browse

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


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    BROWSE Formatted Display Mode

    The Dataset Specification panels for File-AID Browse and Edit are

    nearly identical. Edit provides additional prompts for Disposition(OLD or SHR) and Create audit trail (to support the generation of a

    report of changes made with File-AID). The Dataset Specification

    screen is composed of several areas. Each area is described in

    detail in the next tutorial sections as follows:

    The following topics are presented in sequence or may be selectedby number:1. Browse/Edit Mode - Initial data display format (C, F, V)

    2. Browse/Edit Information section - Identify the dataset to be


    3. Record layout usage section - Identify source library usage

    4. Selection criteria usage section - Optional record selection

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


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    File-AID Edit

    File-AID edit allows full-screen editor access to any standard dataset type

    with record lengths of up to 32,767 bytes.The following topics are presented in sequence or may be selected by


    0 - General introduction

    1 - Edit entry panel

    2 - PDS processing

    3 - Selection criteria processing

    4 - Character (C) and Vertical (V) display modes

    5 - Formatted (F) display mode

    6 - Audit trail feature

    7 - Edit commands

    8 - Additional information about edit

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    File-AID Edit

    File-AID extended utilities give you powerful dataset management capabilitiesincluding: defining, copying, browsing, and on-line updating for all types of datasets.

    Also provided are enhanced library maintenance facilities, enhanced catalogprocessing, a VTOC utility for finding files and DASD management, and interactiveaccess to the capabilities of File-AID/Batch.

    The utilities are presented in sequence or may be selected by number:1 - LIBRARY.......Display load module info; browse, delete, rename


    2 - DATASET.......Allocate any non-VSAM dataset or GDG; displayinformation; catalog, uncatalog, rename, delete datasets; free space

    3 - COPY..........Copy any type of dataset, selectively or non-selectively

    4 - CATALOG.......Display catalog dataset lists, support commands for:browse, edit, delete, rename, info displays, etc.

    5 - VSAM..........Allocate, delete, display, modify, rename VSAM

    clusters paths, alternate indexes; manage IAM files and data spaces6 - SEARCH/UPDATE.PDS FIND/CHANGE. Globally search/update any dataset.

    7 - VTOC..........List VTOC entries in dataset or physical order

    8 - INTERACTIVE...Execute File-AID/Batch functions on-line

    9 - BATCH SUBMIT..Generate JCL for File-AID/Batch or other backgroundjobs

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


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    Common Edit Primary Commands

    You can use the following primary commands in any of the three editing modes:

    Formatted, Unformatted, or Character. Each of these commands operates the samein all three editing modes. Except where noted, each command is also valid inbrowse mode.

    CAPS Sets or changes caps mode.

    CHANGE/RCHANGE Changes one or more occurrences of string-1 to string-2.

    CHAR Switches to character editing mode.

    END Returns to the Data Base Location screen.

    FIND/RFIND Searches for one or more occurrences of a specified string.

    FORMAT Switches to formatted editing mode.GOH/GOT, GOM Retrieves the segment at a bookmarked location.

    HEX Displays data in either hexadecimal or character format.

    HIERARCHY Displays the Hierarchy Display screen.

    KEY Displays the Key Specification screen.

    MARK Creates or lists names for database locations.

    PARENT Retrieves the parent of the current segment.

    RECOVERY Forces a DL/I checkpoint call at a specified interval (edit only).

    REFRESH Retrieves the current version of a segment (edit BMP only).RETURN Returns to the Primary Option Menu.

    ROOT Retrieves the specified root segment.

    SAVE Forces a DL/I checkpoint call (edit only).

    UNFORMAT Switches to unformatted editing mode.

    DBCS Changes display format to DBCS (Double-Byte Character Set).

    EBCDIC Changes display format to EBCDIC (Single-Byte Character Set).

    MIXED Changes display format to mixture of DBCS and EBCDIC strings.

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    Full-Screen Editing

    File-AID enables you to edit a file created through any standard MVS access method

    (including IAM files). You can edit the entire dataset or a selected subset of records.

    You can supply record layouts and edit your data in four display modes:



    Vertical formatted


    This chapter discusses several of the primary commands and line commands that

    you can use in the Edit function. Refer to the File-AID/MVS Online Reference Manual(SPF and XE) for a complete list of the primary and line commands that are

    supported in the Edit function.

    Character Mode

    The character edit mode provides full-screen editing of the data. You can use line

    commands, similar to ISPF line commands, to move (M), copy (C), insert (I), delete (D),

    repeat (R), and exclude (X) records. From character mode, you can use the FMT primarycommand to redisplay the data in formatted mode, the VFMT primary command to redisplay

    the data in Vertical Formatted mode, or UNFMT primary command to redisplay the data in

    Unformatted mode.

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    Full-Screen Editing

    Formatted Mode

    The formatted edit mode lets you edit data using a record layout. This mode presents data

    one record at a time and formats each record field-by-field. Record layouts can be eitherCOBOL (FD: 01 level) or PL/I (Declare). Cross references (XREFs) are used to definemultiple record layouts for datasets with varying record types. From formatted mode, you canuse the CHAR primary command to redisplay the data in character mode, the VFMT primarycommand to redisplay the data in Vertical Formatted mode, or UNFMT primary command toredisplay the data in Unformatted mode.

    Vertical Formatted Mode

    The vertical formatted edit mode also provides a full-screen view of the data. This mode,however, uses the record layout fields as column headers. From vertical formatted mode,you can use the CHAR primary command to redisplay the data in character mode, the FMTprimary command to redisplay the data in Formatted mode, or UNFMT primary command toredisplay the data in Unformatted mode.

    Unformatted Mode

    The unformatted browse mode provides a full-screen display of your data one record at atime without record layout formatting. File-AID displays 70 characters of data per line until all

    data for the record is shown or the screen is filled. Access Unformatted mode by selectingBrowse or Edit mode U (Unformatted) or entering the UNFMT primary command fromCharacter, Formatted, or Vertical Formatted mode of Browse or Edit. From Unformattedmode, use the CHAR primary command to redisplay the data in Character mode, the FMTprimary command to redisplay the data in Formatted mode, or VFMT primary command toredisplay the data in Vertical Formatted mode.

    Note: If your double byte character spans the boundary of the display line, it will not display in Unformatted mode. To view this data,switch to Character mode and scroll the record to the desired position, then return to Unformatted mode to view the character inUnformatted mode.

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    Accessing the Edit Function (Option 2)


    1. To access the Edit function, enter a 2 in the OPTION field on the File-AID Primary Option Menu (not shown

    here).2. Press Enter. File-AID displays the Edit - Dataset Specification screen as illustrated in Figure 4-1.

    Specifying the Dataset to Edit

    Use the Edit - Dataset Specification screen to define your edit request, which consists of:

    Edit Mode

    Edit Dataset

    Audit trail usage

    Record Layout and XREF Information

    Selection Criteria Usage Information.

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    Accessing the Edit Function (Option 2)


    1. Type a C in the Edit Mode field.

    2. Type FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 in the Edit dataset name field.3. Type OLD in the Disposition field. The value of OLD prevents other users from accessing the dataset while you are editing it.

    4. Type a Y in the Create audit trail f ield. File-AID lets you specify whether or not you want to create an audit trail dataset, which

    stores the before and after images of any changed, new, and deleted records. File-AID provides the opportunity for you to print the

    audit trail report at the end of the Edit session. For information on audit trail dataset allocation, naming conventions, and how to

    print the dataset.

    5. Type an S in the Record layout usage field. The S value tells File-AID to use a single record layout dataset to describe the edit


    6. Type FASAMP.LAYOUTS in the Record layout dataset field and EMPLOYEE in the Member name field.

    7. Type an N in the Selection criteria usage field.

    8. Press Enter. If you specified your new cluster, USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1, File-AID displays the Edit screen.Note: If you did not create a new VSAM cluster, and specified dataset FASAMP.EMPLOYEE

    Copying Data Into a File With the COPY

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    py gCommand

    If you did not create a new VSAM cluster, FASAMP.EMPLOYE1, in Chapter 3, Allocating a

    VSAM Cluster, skip this step and resume with Invoking Formatted Mode.

    Since the dataset is empty you are shown a full screen of input lines just like ISPF. Use the COPYprimary command to display the Edit COPY screen where you specify the source dataset.


    1. Type COPY in the COMMAND field.

    2. Press Enter. File-AID displays the Edit COPY screen as shown.

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    More About the COPY Command

    Usually, when using the external file command COPY, you must specify a

    destination using the A (After) or B (Before) line commands. In this case,since the file is empty, no destination marker is needed.

    If you know the name of the dataset you want to copy, you may specify the

    dataset name with the COPY command by using the following syntax:

    COPY dataset name. Pattern dataset names are permitted with the COPY


    When copying records into a keyed file, the file being copied from musthave records in key sequence.

    For keyed files, the MERGE command is similar to the COPY command

    except records are automatically inserted in key sequence and no

    destination marker (A, B) is needed.

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    Specifying the "Copy From" Dataset

    Use the Edit COPY screen to specify the name of the dataset from which

    you want to copy records for the new dataset.Steps:

    1. Type FASAMP.EMPLOYEE in the Dataset name field.

    2. Press Enter. File-AID executes the copy process, reads the records of your

    FASAMP.EMPLOYEE file into your current edit session, and displays the Edit


    Removing Informational Flags from the

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    File-AID adds the newly copied records to the display and flags each new

    record with a ==NEW> marker. File-AID also displays the messageDATASET COPIED in the upper right corner of the screen to indicate that

    the copy process was successful.

    To clear the NEW flags from the display, use the RESET primary command.


    1. Type RESET in the COMMAND field.

    2. Press Enter. File-AID redisplays the Edit screen with the sequence number field

    column replacing the NEW flags.

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    Protecting Keys

    Since this is a keyed file, all newly inserted records have the key fieldunprotected to let you enter a new key value. Once you have set new keyvalues, you can use the P (Protect) line command to lock the key fields.

    The P (Protect) line command sets key protection on for keyed recordspreventing the inadvertent overtyping of key values.

    To protect all the new keys, use the P99 (Protect 99 lines) line command.


    1. Type P99 in the line command area for line 1.

    2. Press Enter. File-AID redisplays the Edit screen with keys protected.

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    P99 result

    After the P99 line command you can see that the keys (first five characters

    of each record) are highlighted and protected.

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    Invoking Formatted Mode

    To view each record alongside its layout, you invoke the formatted mode using the FMT line command.

    The S (Select) line command is an alias for FMT. Another method is to use the FMT primary command.


    1. Type FMT in line 1.

    2. Press Enter. File-AID redisplays the record in the formatted display mode.

    Controlling the Display of RedefinesFi ld

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    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.


    When the source language is COBOL, the REDEFINES ON/OFF command

    gives you control of the appearance of fields which redefine other fields.REDEFINES is a profile option and remains set from session to session

    until you change it.

    To suppress the display of fields which redefine other fields, use the

    REDEFINES (REDEF) OFF command.


    1. Type REDEF OFF in the COMMAND field.

    2. Press Enter. File-AID redisplays the screen and suppresses the display of the

    EMPDOB-REDEF group and elementary subordinate items.

    M Ab t th REDEFINES C d

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


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    More About the REDEFINES Command

    You can specify the command as REDEFINES, REDEF, or RED. Refer to

    the primary commands section of the File-AID/MVS Online ReferenceManual (SPF and XE) for more information on the REDEFINES command


    The REDEFINES setting is part of your user profile.

    Use the PROFILE command to display the current REDEFINES value.

    If REDEFINES is set to OFF, you may issue the DISPLAY REDEFINES n

    command (where n is a field number or name of a redefined or redefining

    data structure that is not currently visible because REDEFINES are

    suppressed). The DISPLAY REDEFINES n command displays the hidden

    structure while hiding the currently displayed definition of the data area. For

    example DISPLAY REDEF 11, redisplays the hidden redefines structure

    EMP-DOB-REDEF and suppresses the display of the redefined field EMP-


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    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    EDIT Formated Display Mode

    The Formatted screen enables you to edit the segment occurrences in a

    database in formatted mode using segment layouts as masks over the datain a three-line vertical HEX or Character mode. You can switch from one

    mode to another using the HEX ON/OFF command.Note: By default segments are displayed in Character mode.

    In Character mode, one segment occurrence per screen and one field per

    line are displayed in the Formatted screen.

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    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    EDIT Formated Display Mode

    You can enter this screen from the Data Base Location, Unformatted,

    Character, or Key Specification screen. The segment occurrence shown onthis screen is always the current segment occurrence in the database.

    The UP and DOWN primary commands enable you to scroll through the

    segment layout while staying fixed on the current segment. The database

    movement commands (CHILD, KEY, NEXT, PARENT, ROOT, and TWIN)

    enable you to change your current segment position to another segment

    occurrence in the database. The HIERARCHY command displays yourlocation in the hierarchical structure and provides detailed information about

    the segment.

    The Formatted screen displays five heading lines in Character mode. The

    top line displays the mode you are in (Browse/Edit), primary DBD name,

    and line number of the first segment layout line. The second line displays

    the Command and Scroll fields. The scroll amount in the Scroll field enablesUP/DOWN scrolling. The third (Parent), fourth (Segment), and fifth (Screen

    Body) heading lines are explained below.

    P i t Fil

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    Print File

    The following topics are presented in sequence,

    or may be selected by number:0 - General information

    1 - Print data file

    2 - Print rcd/layout XREF

    3 - Print selection criteria

    4 - Print interpreted layout

    5 - Print audit trail

    EDIT F tt d Di l M d

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    EDIT Formatted Display Mode

    The File-AID FORMATTED mode displays a magnified view of a singlerecord, breaking out individual fields based on a COBOL or PL/I record


    The following topics are presented in sequence, or may be selected bynumber:1 - General information

    2 - Formatted display format

    3 - Browse formatted primary commands

    The following topics are presented in sequence, or may be selected bynumber:1 - Browse CHARACTER/VERTICAL primary commands

    2 - Browse FORMATTED primary commands

    The following topics are presented in sequence, or may be selected bynumber:1 - Types of datasets you can browse

    2 - Scrolling data

    3 - Terminating browse

    G l I f ti

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    General Information

    The purpose of selection criteria is to allow you to selectively process asubset of the records in a data file, using a set of rules (or, criteria) to create

    the subset. There are two kinds of selection criteria supported in File-AID:existing and temporary. Each kind may be applied in the browse, edit, copy,print, and compare functions.

    Permanent re-usable (existing) selection criteria members are created andmaintained using File-AID option 6. Temporary selection criteria are createdfrom within the browse, edit, copy, print, or compare function where the

    criteria are applied.Selection criteria consists of a combination of record selection rules (startat, select every Nth, max limits) and field selection rules.

    Field selection can be specified with or without record layouts.

    The following topics are presented in sequence, or may be selected bynumber:

    1 - Selection Criteria - Dataset Specification

    2 - Selection Criteria - Definition screens

    XREF Utilit

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    SOFTTEK INTERNAL Copyright 2000-2008. All rights reserved. Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V.

    XREF Utility

    This function creates or maintains record layout cross reference (XREF)

    members in a special File-AID PDS library. XREFs are used to

    automatically match record layouts to data records in File-AID functions

    which use layouts to format data. An XREF is needed whenever the data

    being formatted requires more than a single layout in a single source library


    The following topics are presented in sequence, or may be selected by

    number:0 - General Information about XREFs

    1 - XREF - Record Layout Cross Reference - Specify Datasets

    2 - XREF - Definition Screen

    3 - Layout selection conditions - formatted

    4 - Layout selection conditions - unformatted

    View Record Layout

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    View Record Layout

    The following topics are presented in sequence, or may be selected by


    0 - General information

    1 - View record layout - dataset specification

    2 - View layout screen

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    VSAM Allocation

    Allocating a VSAM Cluster

  • 7/29/2019 Curso Rapido de File-Aid


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    Allocating a VSAM Cluster

    The VSAM utility is located on the File-AID Extended Utilities menu (option3) as utility number 5.


    1. From the File-AID Primary Option Menu (not shown here), select option 3.5.

    2. Press Enter. File-AID displays the VSAM Utility screen.

    Choosing a VSAM Utility Option

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    Choosing a VSAM Utility Option

    The VSAM utility screen (Figure 3-1) is where you specify which VSAM

    option you want to perform and the necessary background information

    needed to process the request. The selected option is typed in the OPTION

    field near the top of the screen. Options for processing include:

    A - Allocate VSAM or IAM file

    D - Delete any dataset

    DR - Delete/Define any VSAM dataset

    X - Allocate alternate indexP - Allocate path

    B - Build index

    R - Rename clusters

    M - Modify cluster attributes

    blank - Display information on any dataset

    Using an Existing Datasets AllocationAttributes

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    Processing information you supply includes:

    Name of the dataset to act onHow to process the option (online or batch)

    Name of a dataset to use as a model for allocation attributes (optional)

    If you want to model a new VSAM cluster after a specific existingdataset, you can enter the name of the existing dataset in the ModelDataset Information area. You may use a pattern in the name field

    to get a list of matching dataset names to select from (for example,FASAMP.*). File-AID copies the allocation attributes of the existingdataset to the new dataset. The existing dataset must be catalogedand accessible through a normal catalog search. Any type ofdataset can be used as a model including sequential files. If you donot select a dataset as a model, File-AID uses allocation attributes

    of the most recently allocated or displayed dataset to define a newcluster.

    Allocating a Cluster

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    Allocating a Cluster

    The Allocate cluster option (A) lets you allocate new VSAM clusters and IAM datasetsonline or in batch. All VSAM dataset types (KSDS, ESDS, RRDS, and LINEAR) are


    Steps:1. Type an A in the OPTION field.

    2. Type FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 in the Dataset name field under the Specify Dataset Information section.

    3. Type a B in the Process Online or Batch field to request batch processing which generates IDCAMS controlstatements.

    4. Type FASAMP.EMPLOYEE in the Dataset name field under the Specify Model Dataset Information section.

    5. Press Enter. File-AID displays the Allocate New VSAM Cluster screen as illustrated in the screen.

    Verifying Allocation Parameters

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    Verifying Allocation Parameters

    You can type over any of the fields to customize your cluster attributes. A second screen ofattributes is available by specifying a value of YES in the "Extended allocate" field located at the

    bottom of the screen.

    Steps:1. Verify that the value in the "Extended allocate" field is YES. If it is not, type YES in the field.

    2. Press Enter. Since you specified a value of YES in the Extended allocate field, File-AID displays anadditional allocation attributes screen.

    Note: The value displayed in the Volume serial field will not be the same value shown in this example. Thevalue you see is unique to your installation and is the same as the model dataset (FASAMP.EMPLOYEE).

    Specifying Extended AllocationParameters

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    The second allocation screen contains additional attributes for defining a

    VSAM cluster that you may want to specify to customize your cluster


    1. Press Enter. File-AID displays the JCL Specification screen.

    Generating the Batch JCL Information

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    Generating the Batch JCL Information

    Use the JCL Specification screen to specify the JCL information for batch processing. As

    illustrated in this step, enter the JCL primary command to generate and display the JCL before

    you submit it for processing.Steps:

    1. Type JCL in the COMMAND field.

    2. Type an asterisk (*) in the SYSOUT class field.

    3. If necessary, change information in the JOB statement information fields to represent a valid JOB

    statement for you at your site: Your JOB statement information stays set from function to function and

    session to session until you change it on any JCL Specification screen in File-AID.

    4. Press Enter. File-AID generates the JCL and displays it on the ISPF/EDIT screen.

    Executing the JCL

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    Executing the JCL

    Use the SUBMIT primary command to submit the batch job. SUB is a valid abbreviation for the SUBMITcommand.

    Steps:1. Type SUB in the COMMAND field.

    2. Press Enter. File-AID submits the JCL for background execution and redisplays the ISPF/EDIT screen. A message at thebottom of the display indicates that File-AID has successfully submitted the job.

    3. (optional) Use your sites job output display facilities to review the results of the VSAM allocation job.

    Saving the JCL - Since you are in an Edit session, you can use the primary commands CREATE or REPLACE

    with the "C999" line command to save the JCL to a PDS of your choice.

    Exit the VSAM Utility

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    Exit the VSAM Utility

    Use the END command several times to exit the VSAM utility and return to

    the File-AID Primary Option Menu now.


    1. Enter the END command (press PF3) TWO OR THREE TIMES until the

    File-AID Primary Option Menu reappears.