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Curriculum Vitae Ra´ ul Monroy February 1, 2018 General Information Nationality: Mexican Phone Number: +52 (55) 5864 5316 e-mail: [email protected] URL: University Education and Degrees Awarded 1993-98: PhD in Artificial Intelligence. Thesis: Planning Proofs of Cor- rectness of CCS Systems, under the supervision of Prof. Alan Bundy and Dr. Ian Green, and examined by Prof. Matthew Hennessy and Dr. Alan Smaill. The University of Edinburgh. 1992-1993: MSc in Information Technology. Thesis: The Use of Abduc- tion to Correct Faulty Conjectures, under the supervision of Prof. Alan Bundy, Dr. Jane Hesketh and Dr. Andrew Ireland. The University of Edinburgh. 1987-1990: MSc in Computer Systems. Thesis: TEC-XINU, an Operating System, under the supervision of Dr. Ralf Eder. Instituto Tecnol´ ogico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, at State of M´ exico (Mexico). 1980-1985: BSc in Electronics. Thesis: A VLSI-Based Short Distance Mo- dem, Using Manchester Code, under the supervision of Dr Emmanuel Moya. Universidad Aut´ onoma Metropolitana, Ixtapalapa (Mexico). Additional training The 1994 International Marktoberdorf Summer School: (organised by NATO) 8 courses lectured by Prof. E.W. Dijkstra, Prof. Tony Hoare, Prof. Allain Martin, Dr. Martin Abadi, Prof. Michael Fourman, Prof. Fred- erick Schneider, Prof. Manfred Broy, Prof. David Gries, Prof. Samson Abramsky. 1

Curriculum Vitae - · Curriculum Vitae Raul Monroy February 1, 2018 General Information Nationality: Mexican Phone Number:

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Page 1: Curriculum Vitae - · Curriculum Vitae Raul Monroy February 1, 2018 General Information Nationality: Mexican Phone Number:

Curriculum Vitae

Raul Monroy

February 1, 2018

General Information

Nationality: MexicanPhone Number: +52 (55) 5864 5316e-mail: [email protected]


University Education and Degrees Awarded

1993-98: PhD in Artificial Intelligence. Thesis: Planning Proofs of Cor-rectness of CCS Systems, under the supervision of Prof. Alan Bundy andDr. Ian Green, and examined by Prof. Matthew Hennessy and Dr. AlanSmaill. The University of Edinburgh.

1992-1993: MSc in Information Technology. Thesis: The Use of Abduc-tion to Correct Faulty Conjectures, under the supervision of Prof. AlanBundy, Dr. Jane Hesketh and Dr. Andrew Ireland. The University ofEdinburgh.

1987-1990: MSc in Computer Systems. Thesis: TEC-XINU, an OperatingSystem, under the supervision of Dr. Ralf Eder. Instituto Tecnologico yde Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, at State of Mexico (Mexico).

1980-1985: BSc in Electronics. Thesis: A VLSI-Based Short Distance Mo-dem, Using Manchester Code, under the supervision of Dr EmmanuelMoya. Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Ixtapalapa (Mexico).

Additional training

The 1994 International Marktoberdorf Summer School: (organised byNATO) 8 courses lectured by Prof. E.W. Dijkstra, Prof. Tony Hoare,Prof. Allain Martin, Dr. Martin Abadi, Prof. Michael Fourman, Prof. Fred-erick Schneider, Prof. Manfred Broy, Prof. David Gries, Prof. SamsonAbramsky.


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Parallel Processing: Oklahoma State University at Stillwater. Summer 1990,(50 Hrs), lectured by Dr. K.M. George.

Artificial Intelligence: Oklahoma State University at Stillwater. Summer1990, (50 Hrs), lectured by Dr. B. Mayfield.

Object-Oriented Software Construction: Oklahoma State University atStillwater. Summer 1992, (50 Hrs), lectured by Dr. K.M. George.

Advanced Artificial Intelligence: Oklahoma State University at Stillwater.Summer 1992, (50 Hrs), lectured by Dr. D. Miller.

Object-Oriented Programming: ITESM, 1990, lectured by Dr. BertrandMeyer.

Quality Control: ITESM. Certified as total quality control manager (250 Hrs)


Spanish: Mother tongue

English: Fluent: IELTS score = 8 (1996), TOEFL score = 637 (2008), TOEICscore = 925 (1998)

Career since Graduation

2014-date: Tecnologico de Monterrey, Escuela nacional de ingenierıa y cien-cias, Leader of the Machine Learning Research Group.

2010-date: Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de Mexico, (Full) Pro-fessor in Computer Science.

2007-2009: Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de Mexico, AssociateProfessor in Computer Science.

2007-2007: DFKI, Saarbrucken, Germany, Associate and Visiting Researcher.

2006-2007: University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, Visiting Researcher(on sabbatical leave from ITESM CEM).

2000-2007: Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de Mexico, AssociateProfessor in Computer Science.

1992-1999: Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de Mexico, AssistantProfessor in Computer Science.

1992-1997: Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de Mexico, Leave ofAbscence.

1985-1992: Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de Mexico, Lecturer inComputer Science.


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1984: Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Part time faculty member. Elec-trical Engineering Department.

Teaching Responsibilities

I have been involved in teaching since 1984. I enjoy it that much! Throughout allthese years, I have taught several many courses, including electric circuits, elec-tronics, digital systems, computer organisation, assembly language, computerarchitecture, computer networks, artificial intelligence, knowledge representa-tion, operating systems, common sense reasoning, logic, probability, quantita-tive modelling and simulation, numerical analysis, communication and concur-rency, computer security, and many other more.

During the last five years, I have designed, developed or taught the follow-ing computing courses: undergraduate: Quantitative Methods and Simulation,Formal Methods in Software Engineering, Operating Systems, Introduction toCommunication and Concurrency, Computer Security, and Numerical Analysis;and graduate: Logic and Probability, Formal Methods in Computer Security,Automated Reasoning and Communication and Concurrency.

My workload consists of 40% teaching, 10% administration and 50% re-search. I teach only in two terms out of three offered in an academic year.

Research Interests

I am interested in using machine learning to issues of computer security androbotics. Currently, my research concerns:

• The design of novel machine learning methods;

• The application of these mechanisms to probems of cybersecurity;

• The automated repair of security protocols;

• The discovery and application of general search control strategies for un-covering and correcting errors in either a system or its specification; and

• The design of novel methods for motion planning (sensor-based robotics.)

The main techniques for these lines of investigation have been proof planning,the productive use of failure and process algebras. Quoting Alan Bundy, proofplanning is a method that uses an explicit representation of the overall shape ofa family of similar proofs. The productive use of failure is collecting evidenceof theory misconception and mal-formulation in order to pinpoint flaws andsuggest theory development. Process algebras provides a means for modelling,building and analysing communicating systems in terms of a few primitive ideas;they are well-established, both in Industry and in Academia, and have evolvedinto an ISO-standard, LOTOS.

In 2003, I founded the Computer Networking and Security Group (NET-SEC), a research group based at Tecnologico de Monterrey. NETSEC is a


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group of computer scientists with interests in intrusion detection and security ofcomputer networks and automated analysis (and possibly correction if faulty)of security protocols. This group has now evolved into the Machine Learn-ing Models; it comprehends five principal investigators, five research assistants(post-doctoral participant) and over a dozen of PhD and MSc students. Thegroup receives substantial funding from Tecnologico de Monterrey, from CONA-CYT, and from Industry for covering operation expenses, granting scholarshipsto graduate students and developing infrastructure.

Research Grants Held

I have participated in a number of research founded projects, thriteen out ofwhich I have been Principal Investigator (PI), and as a result Grant Holder:

2017—2018: Redes Dinamicas y Metricas para Evaluar la Eficacia de Anun-cios, Grant Holder, NIC Mexico S.C.; with Miguel A. Medina Perez, LuisA. Trejo and Jose E. Ramırez Marquez.

2017—2018: Estrategas de Proteccion Contra Ataques de Negacion de ServicioDirigidos al Sistema de Nombres de Dominio, Grant Holder, NIC MexicoS.C.; with Miguel A. Medina Perez, Luis A. Trejo and Jose E. RamırezMarquez.

2016—18: Identificacion de Huellas Latentes Palmares y Dactilares, GrantHolder, CONACYT Problemas Nacionales, PN-720; with Miguel A. Med-ina Perez and Luis A. Trejo.

2016—18 Resiliencia Estudiantil: Sistema de Recomendacion Pro-Mejora deDesempeno Academico, Grant Holder, NOVUS; with Miguel A. Medina,Jose E. Ramırez Marquez and Luis A. Trejo.

2014—date: Machine Learning Models, ITESM, School of Science and Engi-neering, Research group grant. Grant Holder.

Completed Projects

2015-16: Formal Verification of Web Applications, Google Faculty ResearchAwards, Grant Holder; with D. Hutter and Victor Ferman.

2007—2013: Aspects of Computer Security, ITESM—Rectorıa Zona Centrodel Sistema ITESM, Grant C-CEM-04/07, Grant Holder.

2010—2013: Aplicacion de Modelos Estadısticos y Tecnicas de Caracteri-zacion a Trafico de Red para la Deteccion de Intrusos, ConvocatoriaSEP Investigacion Basica 2008, Grant 105698, Grant Holder; with ErikaSanchez.

2010—2013: Automated Repair of Industrial-Strength Security Protocols, Con-vocatoria Cooperacion Bilateral 2009, Grant 121596, Grant Holder; withDieter Hutter (also Principal Investigator).


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2010—2012: Planificacion de Movimientos y Percepcion para Robots: MundosTridimensionales y Manejo de Incertidumbre, Convocatoria SEP Investi-gacion Basica 2008, Grant 106475, Associate Investigator; with RafaelMurrieta-Cid.

2010—2012: ELISA - Sistema de Localizacion y Asistencia Inmediata, CUDI-CONACYT, Associate Investigator; with Luis A. Trejo.

2005—10: On the Timely Detection of Mimicry Attacks, CONACyT. Convo-catoria SEP Investigacion basica, Grant 47557, Grant Hoder; with CarlosMex-Perera.

2008: Metodo estadıstico de deteccion de ataques al DNS. Fondo Regional parala Innovacion Digital en America Latina y el Caribe (FRIDA) 2007, As-sociate Investigator; with Carlos Mex-Perera.

2007—8: Pursuit Evasion Problems in 3D Environments. CONACyT — Na-tional Science Foundation (NSF). Grant J110.534/2006, Associate Inves-tigator; with Rafael Murrieta-Cid.

2007: On Automatically Patching Faulty Security Protocols. Consejo Nacionalde Ciencia y Tecnologıa (CONACyT) — Deutscher Akademischer Aus-tausch Dienst (DAAD). Grant J110.382/2006, Grant Holder, with DieterHutter (also Principal Investigator);

2005—6: On the Timely Detection of Mimicry Attacks, Fondo Regional parala Innovacion Digital en America Latina y el Caribe (FRIDA) 2005 GrantVI, Grant Holder; with Carlos Mex-Perera.

2003—6: Aspects of Computer Security, ITESM—Consorcio InterrectorıasGrant CCEM- 0302-05, Research Group Grant, Grant Holder.

2002—4: Computer Security Based on Immune Systems, together with DieterHutter from DFKI, Germany. CONACyT-BMBF Grant J200.1442/2002(Principal Investigator) and Grant Co-holder;

2001—4: The Use of Proof Planning to Automating the Verification of Au-thentication Protocols, CONACyT Grant 33337-A Grant Holder.

1997—2001: The Use of Proof Planning to Automate Theorem Proving toFormal Methods of System Development, together with Francisco Cantuand Santiago Negrete. CONACYT REDII (Principal Investigator andGrant Co-holder).

While doing my PhD, I was associated with the following project:

1992—7: Communication in safety cases: a semantic approach, SERC GrantGR/J/58619.


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Research Supervision

Research Assisstants (Post-doctorates)

1. Dr. Octavio Loyola Gonzalez, graduate from INAOE, is conducting re-search on Contrast Pattern Based Classification. Funded by CONACYT(2018—date).

2. Dr. Octavio Loyola Gonzalez, graduate from INAOE, is conducting re-search on Metrics of Dynamic Networks for Evaluating the Success of ane-Commerce Campaign. Funded by NIC Mexico (2017).

3. Dr. Barbara Cervantes Gonzalez, graduate from ITESM, is conductingresearch on Metrics of Dynamic Networks for Evaluating the Success of ane-Commerce Campaign. Funded by NIC Mexico (January, 2018—date).

4. Dr. Vıctor Hugo Ferman Landa, graduate from ITESM, is conducting re-search on the timely detection of DDoS attacks targetting a non-recursiveDNS server. Funded by NIC Mexico (April, 2017—date).

5. Dr. Jorge Rodrıguez Ruiz, graduate from ITESM, is conducting researchon Latent Fingerprint and Palmprint Detection. Funded by CONACYT(January, 2018—date).

6. Dr. Miguel Angel Medina Perez, graduated from INAOE, is carrying outresearch, following my ideas on Masquerade Detection. Funded by ITESM(2015—2016).

7. Dr. Carlos Arturo Hernandez Gracidas, graduated from INAOE, is car-rying out research, following my ideas on Masquerade Detection. Fundedby CONACYT (2011 — 2012).

PhD Students

1. Barbara Cervantes Gonzalez; “A Study of Feature Uniformity on DecisionTree Ensemble Classifiers”; admitted January 2015; awarded Decem-ber, 2017

2. Jorge Rodrıguez Ruiz; “Enhancing One-Class Classification for Masquer-ade and Personal Risk Detection, Using Clustering and a Cluster ValidityIndex”; admitted January 2014; awarded December 2017

3. Vıctor Hugo Ferman Landa; “WebMC: A Model Checker for the Web”;admitted January 2011; awarded December 2016.

4. Jose Benito Camina Prado; “Towards Building a Masquerade DetectionMethod Based on User File System Navigation Profiling”; admitted Jan-uary 2012; awarded December 2015;


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5. Roberto Alonso Rodrıguez; “A Social Netwrok Based Model to DetectAnomalies on DNS Servers”; admitted January, 2011; awarded May2015;

6. Karen Azurim Garcıa Gamboa; “Deteccion de Intrusiones Forense a NivelComputadora Analizando Bitacoras de LLamadas al Sistema”; admittedMay 2005, examined December 2010; awarded May 2011.

7. Juan Carlos Lopez Pimentel, “On the Automated Correction of FaultySecurity Protocols”: admitted January, 2004; examined April, 2008;awarded May 2008; and

8. Fernando Godınez Delgado, “On an Efficient and Scalable Architecturefor Mimicry Attacks Detection Using Probabilistic Methods”: admittedJuly, 2000; examined November, 2004; awarded May, 2005;

9. Eduardo Aguirre Bermudez; Eduardo is aiming at providing privacy toandroid-based mobile devices; admitted August 2013;

10. Jorge Martınez Munoz; Jorge is working on extending Juan Carlos’s tool,called shrimp, to automatically repair faulty protocols of type group;admitted August 2008;

MSc Students

1. Nicolas Villegas Felix, Mining the File System Navigation Approach toMasquerade Detection for Security Policy Discovery; admitted August,2017.

2. Fernando Gomez Herrera, Visualization and Machine Learning Models toBot Detection in E-Commerce Sites; admitted January, 2017.

3. Rodolfo Andres Ramıırez Valenzuela, Stress Detection Using a One-ClassClassifier; admitted January, 2017.

4. Leonardo Mauricio Canete Sifuentes, Mining contrast patterns from mul-tivariate decision trees; admitted August, 2016.

5. Anabelem Soberanes Martın, Mining Stress Perception Using StandardSurveys; admitted January 2005;

6. Jorge Rodrıguez Ruiz, Deteccion de impostores en la base WUIL-DS;awarded December, 2013.

7. Jose Benito Camina Prado, Hacia la deteccion de intrusiones medianteel analisis del comportamiento del usuario en su sistema de archivos,awarded May 19, 2011.

8. Eduardo Aguirre Bermudez, Modelado de ataques computacionales a“host” utilizando redes de Petri coloreadas, awarded May 19, 2011.


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9. Jose Ernesto Buelna Sanchez, Verificacion de Polıticas de Integridad paraSistemas Distribuidos en Tiempo Real, defended April 28, 2010, awardedMay 2010;

10. Roberto Alonso Rodrıguez, Modelos estadısticos y de IA para la deteccionde intrusiones y caracterizacion de trafico, defended January 2010 (co-supervisor), awarded May 2010;

11. Ricardo Farrera Saldana, ‘Analisis y Caracterizacion de Trafico en In-ternet’, defended November 2009, awarded December 2009 (co-supervisor);

12. Armando Aguayo Mendoza, ‘La Monitorizacion de la Polıtica de Seguridadde Procesos Mediante Correlacion de Eventos’, defended November 2009,awarded December 2009 (co-supervisor);

13. Cuauhtemoc Juan Portas Sanchez, ‘Validacion de Polıticas de Seguri-dad en una Red Financiera Mediante Correlacion de Eventos’, defendedNovember 2009, awarded December 2009 (co-supervisor);

14. Anna Valeska Alvarez Bejar, ‘Administrador de Polıticas de Seguridad:2nda Version’, defended June 2006, awarded December 2006;

15. Vıctor Hugo Garcıa Pichardo, ‘Algoritmo ID3 en la Deteccion de Ataquesen Aplicaciones WEB’, awarded May 2006;

16. Karen Azurim Garcıa Gamboa, ‘Administrador de Polıticas de Seguridad’,awarded January, 2005;

17. Juan Carlos Lopez Pimentel, ‘Verificacion Formal de Protocolos de Se-guridad en HOL usando el Metodo Inductivo’, awarded September,2004;

18. Rosa Saab Asbun, ‘Modelo de un Sistema Inmunologico Natural enAlgebra de Procesos’, awarded September, 2002;

19. Alberto Calixto Simon, ‘Analisis del protocolo TLS’, awarded Septem-ber, 2001;

20. Maya Carrillo Ruiz, ‘Logicas de Autenticacion Aplicadas al Estudio deProtocolos’, awarded September, 2001;

21. Arturo Rodolfo Castro Lloera, ‘Sistema de Monitoreo Experto Aplicado aEquipos de Computo’, awarded December, 2000;

22. Enrique Alejandro Navarrete Paredes, ‘Reconocimiento de Patrones Apli-cado a la Exposicion Fotografica’, awarded December, 1999.


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BSc Students

1. Mauricio Cunille Blando. Deteccion de ataques al DNS, awarded De-cember, 2015.

2. Axel Alejandro Gutierrez Olivo. Deteccion de impostores mediante es-tructuras de navegacion, awarded December, 2015.

3. Leonardo Mauricio Canete Sifuentes. Deteccion de impostores medianteestructuras de navegacion, awarded December, 2014.

4. Eduardo Murillo Gonzalez. Deteccion de impostores mediante estructurasde navegacion, awarded June, 2012.

5. Jorge Rodrıguez Ruiz. Deteccion de DLLs maliciosos. ITESM CEM,awarded May, 2011.

6. Luis Rodolfo Hernandez Guzman. Creacion de un API para MATLABpara soporte en el analisis de matrices de co-ocurrencia. ITESM CEM,awarded December, 2010.

7. Velazquez, Jose Fernando. Caracterizacion de Ataques al DNS para laimplementacion de un IDS en un ambiente GRID. ITESM CEM, awardedNovember, 2008.

8. Garcıa Garcıa, Juan Francisco. Implementacion de un programa reg-istrador de eventos para la elaboracion posterior de un detector de intrusosbasado en el analisis del comportamiento del usuario en su interaccion conel sistema de archivos. ITESM CEM, awarded May, 2009.


2018: Secretary to the National Academy of Computing.

2016: Research grants PN-720, CONACYT, Problemas Nacionales, andNOVUS, ITESM;

2015: Network Security, Summer Course, University of Bremen, Visiting Pro-fessor.

2015: National academy of Computing. Founding member.

2014: Formal Verification of Web Applications, Google Faculty ResearchAwards, (Principal Investigator) with D. Hutter and Victor Ferman.

2013: COMIA 2013 2nd best paper award, SMIA;

2012-date: Associate editor of Journal Computacion y Sistemas

2012-date: Associate editor of Journal Inteligencia Artificial (ISSN 1988-3064);


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2012: COMIA 2012 2nd best paper award, SMIA;

2012: 3rd place for the Romulo Garza Price for Outstanding Achievements inScience, Technology, and Engineering, ITESM 2012;

2012-2013: Coordinator of the CONACYT Research Network on InformationTechnology and Communication, REDTIC, 2012;

2010-2012: President of the Mexican Society for Artificial Intelligence;

2012-date: Member of the External Examination Committee to the NationalResearch Centre for Mathematics, CIMAT, 2012;

2012: Member of IBERAMIA - Inteligencia Artificial Journal Editorial Board- ISSN 1988-3064;

2012: COMIA’12 2nd best paper award, Mexican Society for Artificial Intelli-gence (SMIA);

2011: Fellowship to the Mexican Academy of Sciences;

2010: Professorship at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de Mexico;

2009-2012: Technical Committee Member of “Red Tematica en Tecnologıasde Informacion y Comunicaciones”, CONACYT;

1999-date: National Researcher, rank 2, subject area 7, CONACYT—SNI(12232);

2006: Sabbatical leave to carry out research on the “Automated Correction ofFaulty Security Protocols”, Tecnologico de Monterrey, campus Estado deMexico;

2006: The Golden Ram Award for Investigation 2006, Tecnologico de Monter-rey, campus Estado de Mexico;

2006: Final to the Romulo Garza Award, Sistema Tecnologico de Monterrey;

2000, 2002, 2005: Research Grants 33337-A, J200.1442/2002 and 47557,CONACyT;

2005: Research Grant VI, Fondo Regional para la Innovacion Digital enAmerica Latina y el Caribe (FRIDA);

2005: MICAI’05 best paper award, Mexican Society for Artificial Intelligence(SMIA);

2004: Candidate to best paper award, IBERAMIA’04;

2003—5: ITESM Research Group Grant CCEM- 0302-05, ITESM ConsorcioInter-rectorıas;


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2002: MICAI’02 best paper award, SMIA;

2000: Candidate to best paper award and invited to submit journal version tothe journal of Automated Software Engineering, ASE’00;

1998: Candidate to best paper award and invited to submit journal version tothe journal of Automated Software Engineering, ASE’98;

1994: NATO Scholarship to participate in the 1994 International Marktober-dorf Summer School, in Germany, NATO;

1993-1998: CONACyT scholarship to conduct studies towards a PhD, Artifi-cial Intelligence, at Edinburgh University;

1992: CONACyT scholarship to conduct studies towards a MSc, Artificial In-telligence, at Edinburgh University; and

1987-1991: ITESM scholarship to conduct studies towards a MSc, ComputerSystems, at ITESM.

Administrative Experience andCommittee Membership

University Responsibilities

• 2016-date: Course coordinator of the PhD and MSc Programmes in Com-puter Science;

• 2014-date: Research group grant, machine learning models, group leader;

• 2005-2014: Session Track Organiser at the editions 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41,42 and 43 of the Congreso de Investigacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico delITESM;

• 2004-2005: Member of the team that designed the 2005 BSc Programmein Computer Technology;

• 2003-2013: Leader of the research group called Computer Networking andSecurity;

• 2004-date: Member of the PhD and the MSc Programme Committee inComputer Science;

• 2001: Member of the team that designed the MSc Programme in Com-puter Science;

• 1998, 2005, 7: Organiser of the MSc/PhD Programme Seminar;

• 1997-1999: Organiser of the MSc Programme in Computer Science;


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• 1997: Leader of the team that designed the MSc Programme in ComputerScience;

• 1990-1992: Organiser of three MSc Programmes, one in Computer Sys-tems, one in Information Systems, and one in Manufacturing; and

• 1990: Leader of the team that designed the MSc Programme in ComputerTechnology.

External Responsibilities

• 2018-2021: Secretary of the Mexican Academy of Computing;

• 2016-date: Member of the Technical Academic Committee of the CONA-CYT Research Network on Applied Computational Intelligence, REDICA;

• 2012-2013: Coordinator of the CONACYT Research Network on Informa-tion Technology and Communication, REDTIC, 2012;

• 2012-date: Member of the External Academic Decision Committee to theNational Research Centre for Mathematics, CIMAT, 2012;

• 2012-date: Associate editor of Journal of Computacion y Sistemas - ISSN1405-5546;

• 2012-date: Member of IBERAMIA - Inteligencia Artificial Journal Edi-torial Board - ISSN 1988-3064;

• 2010-2012: President of the Mexican Society for Artificial Intelligence;

• 2009-2012: Technical Committee Member of “Red Tematica en Tec-nologıas de Informacion y Comunicaciones”, CONACYT;

• 2007-date: Joint organiser of the MICAI workshop on computer security(2007, 2008 and 2009);

• 1997-date: Served on the Program Committee of the following confer-ences: ENC’97, ENC’99, ENC’2010, MICAI’00, MICAI’02, MICAI’04,IBERAMIA’04, MICAI’05, MICAI’06, CITA’06, CORE’06, MICAI’07,CORE’07 MICAI’08, MICAI’09, MICAI’10, MICAI’11, and MICAI’12;

• 2000-date: Served on Conference Committee of the following conferences:IJCAI’03, MICAI’00, MICAI’02, MICAI’04, MICAI’05, MICAI’06, MI-CAI’07, MICAI’08 and MICAI’09;

• 1997-date: Served as an external reviewer for Convocatoria para Investi-gacion Basica, organised by CONACyT;

• 2005-date: Served on the CONACyT committee for the evaluation of ap-plications to student scholarship extensions;


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• 1994-date: Served as a paper reviewer for the following journals: ExpertSystems with Applications, Computacion y Sistemas, Systems Man andCybernetics, etc.

• 1994-date: Served as a paper reviewer for the following conferences:CADE, LICS, IBERAMIA, ENC, IJCAI, IROS, ICRA, etc.

• 2008-2010: Vice-president of the Mexican Society for Artificial Intelli-gence;

• 2009: An editor of Springer-Verlag, LNAI series;

• 2009: Conference and Programme co-chairman of the 8th Mexican Inter-national Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI’09), held in Guana-juato City, Mexico;

• 2008: guest editor to “Computacion y sistemas”;

• 2008: Served as external reviewer for Convocatoria Bilateral, CONACyT;

• 2008: MICAI local co-chair;

• 2007: MICAI workshops co-chair;

• 2006: Served on the 4th Seminar for the Development of the NationalCompetitiveness;

• 2005: Programme co-chairman of the 4th Mexican International Con-ference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI’05), to be held in Monterrey,Mexico;

• 2004: An editor of Springer-Verlag, LNAI series;

• 2004: Programme co-chairman of the 3rd Mexican International Confer-ence on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI’04), held in Mexico City, Mexico;

• 2000-2006: Secretary Treasurer of the Mexican Society for Artificial Intel-ligence;

• 2000-date: ACM member (7294044)

• 2002: Joint organiser of the workshop on ‘Logic and Computation’, atTAINA’02;

• 1999-2005: Served as a host researcher for Programa de Verano de Inves-tigacion Cientıfica, organised by the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias. Ihave guided the research of about 15 students.

• 1999: Joint organiser of the workshop on ‘Logic and Computation’, atENC’99;


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Research Visits

1. June 27—July 1, 2016: Stevens Institute of Technology. NJ, USA;

2. May 18 — June 3, 2012: Deutsches Forschungszentrum fur KunstlicheIntelligenz (DFKI). Bremen, Germany;

3. May 29 — June 8, 2010: Deutsches Forschungszentrum fur KunstlicheIntelligenz (DFKI). Bremen, Germany;

4. June, 2009: INAOE. Puebla, Mexico.

5. 2008—date: CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico.

6. December 4—17, 2008: Deutsches Forschungszentrum fur Kunstliche In-telligenz (DFKI). Bremen, Germany;

7. January — March 2007: Deutsches Forschungszentrum fur KunstlicheIntelligenz (DFKI). Saarbrucken, Germany;

8. August — December, 2006 and then April — July, 2007: Centre for Intelli-gent Systems and Applications. The University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh,United Kingdom;

9. December 2005: 1 week at the DFKI, Saarbrucken, Germany;

10. December 2004: 2 weeks at the DFKI, Saarbrucken, Germany;

11. June 2004: 1 week at the University of Nottingham. Nottingham, UnitedKingdom;

12. July 2004: 1 week at the Universiyt of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, UnitedKingdom;

13. December 2003: 2 weeks at the DFKI, Saarbrucken, Germany;

14. December 2002: 2 weeks at the DFKI, Saarbrucken, Germany;

15. November 2002: 1 week at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.Urbana, USA;

16. July 2001: 1 week at the Technological University of Munich at Mu-nich (Germany) and 1 week at the Universiyt of Edinburgh at Edinburgh(United Kingdom);

17. June 1999: 5 weeks at the University of Edinburgh at Edinburgh, UnitedKingdom; and

18. July 1994: 1 week at the Technological University of Darmstad. Darm-stad, Germany.


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Journal Papers (Indexed)

1. J. Rodrıguez, M.-A. Medina-Perez, A.-E. Gutierrez-Rodrıguez, R. Mon-roy and H. Terashima-Marın. Cluster Validation Using an Ensemble ofSupervised Classifiers. Knowledge Based Systems, In Press, 2018. Elsevier

2. B. Cervantes, R. Monroy, M.-A. Medina-Perez, M. Gonzalez-Mendoza andJ. Ramırez-Marquez. Some Features Speak Loud, but Together they allSpeak Louder: A Study on the Correlation Between Classification Errorand Feature Usage in Decision-Tree Classification Ensembles. EngineeringApplications of Artificial Intelligence 67:270-282, 2018. Elsevier

3. A. Lopez-Cuevas, M.-A. Medina-Perez, R. Monroy, J. Ramıırez-Marquezand L.-A. Trejo. FiToViz: A Visualisation Approach for Real-time RiskSituation Awareness. Transactions on Affective Computing, In Press,2017. IEEE

4. C. Del-Valle-Soto, C. Mex-Perera, R. Monroy and J.-A. Nolazco-Flores.MPH-M, AODV-M and DSR-M Performance Evaluation under JammingAttacks. Sensors 17(7):1573, 2017. MDPI

5. V. Ferman, D. Hutter and R. Monroy. WebMC for Browser Based Proto-col Verification. Computacion y Sistemas, 21(1) 2017. CIC - IPN, Mexico

6. J. Rodrıguez, L. Canete, R. Monroy and M.-A. Medina-Prez. Experi-menting with Masquerade Detection via User Task Usage. InternationalJournal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 11(4):771-784, 2017.Springer

7. O. Loyola-Gonzalez, M.-A. Medina Perez, J.-F. Martınez-Trinidad, J.-A. Carrasco-Ochoa, R. Monroy, M. Garcıa-Borroto. PBC4cip: ANew Contrast Pattern-based Classifier for Class Imbalance Problems.Knowledge-Based Systems. 115:100-109, 2016. Elsevier

8. J. Rodrıguez, A. Y. Barrera-Animas, L. A. Trejo, M. A. Medina-Perez andR. Monroy. Ensemble of One-Class Classifiers for Personal Risk DetectionBased on Wearable Sensors Data. Sensors 16(10):1619, 2016. MDPI

9. Roberto Alonso, Raul Monroy and Luis A. Trejo. Mining IP to Do-main Name Interactions to Detect DNS Flood Attacks on Recursive DNSServers. Sensors 16(8):1311, 2016. MDPI

10. A. Y. Barrera-Animas, L.-A. Trejo, M.-A. Medina-Perez, R. Monroy, J.-B Camina, F. Godınez. Online Personal Risk Detection Based on Be-havioural and Physiological Patterns. Information Sciences 384:281-297,2017. Elsevier


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11. M.-A. Medina-Perez, R. Monroy, J.-B. Camina, M. Garcıa-Borroto.Bagging-TPMiner: A classifier ensemble for masquerader detection basedon typical objects. Soft Computing. 21(3): 557-569, 2017. Springer

12. J.-B. Camina,R. Monroy, L.-A. Trejo and M.-A. Medina Perez. Temporaland Spatial Locality, an Abstraction for Masquerade Detection. IEEETransactions on Information Forensics and Security 11(9):2036 - 2051,2016. IEEE Computer Press

13. I. Becerra-Duran, R. Murrieta-Cid, R. Monroy, S. Hutchinson and J.-P. Laumond. Maintaining Strong Mutual Visibility of an Evader Movingover the Reduced Visibility Graph. Autonomous Robots 40(2):395-423.2016. Springer

14. S.-M. Martınez-Monterrubio, J. Frausto-Solıs and R. Monroy. EMRlogmethod for computer security for Electronic Medical Records with logicand data mining. BioMed Research International 2015:1-12, 2015.

15. C. del-Valle-Soto, C. Mex-Perera, R. Monroy, and J.-A. Nolazco-Flores.On the Routing Protocol Influence on the Resilience of Wireless SensorNetworks to Jamming Attacks. Sensors 15(4):7619-7649, MDPI, 2015.

16. J. Benito Camina, C. Hernandez-Gracidas, R. Monroy, and L. Trejo. TheWindows Users and Intrusions Logs Dataset (WUIL-DS): An Experimen-tal Framework for Masquerade Detection Mechanisms. Expert Systemswith Applications, 41(3):919 - 930, Elsevier, 2014.

17. Ernesto Buelna and Raul Monroy. Real-Time Verification of IntegrityPolicies for Distributed Systems. Journal of Applied Research and Tech-nology, 11(6):831 - 843. 2013.

18. R. Alonso and R. Monroy. On the NP-Completeness of Computing theCommonality Amongst the Objects upon which a Collection of Agentshas Performed an Action. Computacion y Sistemas, 17(4):489 - 500. CIC- IPN, 2013.

19. K. A. Garcıa, R. Monroy, L. A. Trejo, C. Mex-Perera, and E. Aguirre. An-alyzing Log Files for Post-mortem Intrusion Detection. Journal of IEEETransactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics — Part C 42(6):1690-1704. IEEE Computer Press, 2012.

20. I. Razo-Zapata, C. Mex-Perera, and R. Monroy. Masquerade AttacksBased on User’s Profile. Journal of Systems and Software 85(11):2640-2651, Elsevier, 2012.

21. R. Monroy. Editorial. Computacion y Sistemas 16(4):379-381, CIC - IPN,2012.

22. R. Monroy. Editorial. Polibits 46:3-4, CIDETEC - IPN, 2012.


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23. R. Monroy, A. Bundy, and I. Green. On process equivalence = equationsolving in CCS. Journal of Automated Reasoning 43(1):53-80, Springer,2009. Springer.

24. R. Monroy and G. Arroyo-Figueroa. Editorial, Special Issue on InnovativeApplications of AI. Computacion y Sistemas 14(1):3-4, CIC del IPN, 2009.

25. J.C.-Lopez P. and R. Monroy. Formal Support to Security Protocol De-velopment: a Survey. Computacion y Sistemas, special volume celebrating50 years of Computing in Mexico, 12(1):89-109, CIC - IPN, 2008.

26. Juan C. Lopez P., Raul Monroy and Dieter Hutter. A method for patchinginterleaving-replay attacks in faulty security protocols. Electronic Notesin Theoretical Computer Science 174(4):117-130, Elsevier, 2007.

27. B. Tovar, L. Munoz-Gomez, R. Murrieta-Cid, M. Alencastre-Miranda,R. Monroy and S. Hutchinson. Planning Exploration Strategies for Si-multaneous Localization and Mapping. Journal Robotics and AutonomousSystems 54(4):314-331, Elsevier, 2006.

28. R. Monroy, R. Saab and F. Godınez. On Modelling an Immune System.Computacion y Sistemas. 7(4):249–259, 2004.

29. Raul Monroy. Predicate Synthesis for the Correction of Faulty Conjec-tures: the Proof Planning Paradigm. Automated Software Engineering,10(3):247–269, 2003.

30. R. Monroy and A. Bundy. On the correction of faulty formulae. Com-putacion y Sistemas, 5(1):25-37, 2001.

31. R. Monroy, A. Bundy, and I. Green. Planning Proofs of Equations inCCS. Journal of Automated Software Engineering 7(3):263–304, 2000.

Edited Books

• A. Hernandez-Aguirre, R. Monroy and C.-A. Reyes-Garcıa, editors, Pro-ceedings of MICAI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 8th MexicanInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI‘09, LNAI Vol.5845, 2009. Springer.

• A. Hernandez-Aguirre, R. Monroy and C.-A. Reyes-Garcıa, editors, Pro-ceedings of the 8th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelli-gence, MICAI‘09, IEEE Computer Science Press.

• R. Monroy, G. Arroyo-Figueroa, E. Sucar and H. Sossa, editors, Advancesin Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the 3rd Mexican InternationalConference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI‘2004, Springer-Verlag, Lec-ture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2972, 2004.


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• A. Gelbukh and R. Monroy, editors: Advances in Artificial IntelligenceTheory, J. Research on Computing Science, Vol. 16, ISSN 1665-9899, IPN,2005, printing 500;

• A. Gelbukh and R. Monroy, editors: Advances in Artificial IntelligenceApplications, J. Research on Computing Science, Vol. 17, ISSN 1665-9899,IPN, 2005, printing 500.

Book Chapters

• M. Gonzalez-Mendoza and R. Monroy. Inteligencia Artificial. Chapter in,Julio Ernesto Rubio Barrios (ed.), Nuevas tendencias tecnologicas, Tec-nologico de Monterrey. 2010. pp: 1-31. (in press)

• A. de Albornoz, P. Escamilla-Velasco, R. Brena-Pinero, R. Monroy,R. Soto Rodrıguez, S. Ceron-Alegre, M. Valenzuela-Rendon, E. Vallejo-Clemente. Inteligencia Artificial. Chapter in Las Megatendencias Tec-nologicas Actuales y su Impacto en la Identificacion de OportunidadesEstrategicas de Negocios. ITESM. Mexico. 2009. Grupo de DesarrolloRegional. pp: 105-117.

• R. Monroy, M. Alvarado and M. Osorio. Logic and Computation, Chapterin, H. Sossa and G. Arroyo, editors, MICAI/TAINA 2002, avances eninteligencia artificial. Centro de Investigacion en Computacion-IPN, 2002.

• A. Aliseda and R. Monroy. Logic and Computation, Chapter in, J. M.-Ahuactzin, editor, Encuentro Nacional de Computacion, ENC‘99. Uni-versidad de las Americas, 1999.

Invited Papers

1. R. Monroy. Some Encounters on the Productive Use of a Failed ProofAttempt or a Counterexample. In, G. Sidorov, A. Hernandez-Aguirre andC.-A. Reyes-Garcıa, editors, Proceedings of the 9th Mexican InternationalConference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI‘10, LNAI Vol. 6437, pp. 1 -12, 2010. Springer.

Conference Papers

1. J. B. Camina, J. Rodrıguez, and R. Monroy. Towards a MasqueradeDetection System based on User’s Tasks. In, A. Stavrou, H. Bos and G.Portokalidis, editors, Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium onResearch in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses, RAID. LNCS vol. 8688,pp. 447 - 465. September, 2014. Springer.

2. J. C. Lopez-Pimentel, V. Ramos Fon Bon and R. Monroy. A Web Servicefor Signing and Authenticating Digital Documents based on SymmetricCryptography Protocol. International Journal of Digital Information and


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Wireless Communications (IJDIWC) 1(2): 434-444. The Society of Digi-tal Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), 2012.

3. B. Camina, R. Monroy, L. Trejo, and E. Sanchez. Towards Building aMasquerade Detection Method Based on User File System Navigation.In, I. Batyrshin, and G. Sidorov, editors, Proceedings of the 2011 Mexi-can International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Part I, MICAI’11,LNCS vol. 7094, pp. 174 - 186, 2011. Springer.

4. J. C.-Lopez-Pimentel, R. Monroy, and V. Ramos. Symmetric Cryp-tographic Protocol for Signing and Authenticating Digital Documents.In, V. Snasel and Y. Imai, editors, Proceedings of the 2011 Interna-tional Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communica-tions, ICDIPC’2011, LNCS (Communications in Computer InformationSciences Series) vol. 188, pp. 9-23, 2011. Springer.

5. Karen Garcıa, E. Aguirre, R. Monroy and C. Mex-Perera. An Architecturefor Forensic Intrusion Detection on System Logs. In, D. He, X. Chen andM. Reza-Abdi, editors, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conferenceon Information Security and Artificial Intelligence, ISAI 2010, pp. toappear, 2010. IEEE Computer Science Press.

6. I. Becerra, R. Murrieta-Cid and R. Monroy. Evader Surveillance underIncomplete Information. In Vijay Kumar, editor, Proceedings of the 2010IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2010,pp: to appear, IEEE Computer Science Press.

7. L.-A. Trejo, R. Alonso, R. Monroy, E. Sanchez, J. Vazquez, and M.Maqueo. Using Cloud Computing MapReduce operations to Detect DDoSAttacks on DNS servers. In Proceedings of 4th Iberian Grid InfrastructureConference, IBERGRID 2010.

8. D. Hutter and R. Monroy. On the automated correction of protocolswith improper message encoding. In, L. Vigan‘o and P. Degano, eds.,Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Automated Reasoning for SecurityProtocol Analysis and Issues in the Theory of Security, ARSPA-WITS’09,LNCS Vol. 5511, pages138-154. Springer, 2009.

9. R. Murrieta-Cid, R. Monroy, S. Hutchinson and J.-P. Laumond. A com-plexity result for the Pursuit-Evasion Game of Maintaining Visibility ofa Moving Evader. In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Con-ference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA’08, pages pages 2657-2664,USA, 2008. IEEE Computer Society Press.

10. Juan C. Lopez P., Raul Monroy and Dieter Hutter. On the AutomatedCorrection of Security Protocols Susceptible to a Replay Attack. In, J.Biskup and J. Lopez, eds., Proceedings of the 12th European SymposiumResearch Computer Security, ESORICS 2007. LNCS Vol. 4734, pages594-609, Germany, 2007. Springer.


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11. C. Mex-Perera, R. Posadas, J.-A. Nolazco, R. Monroy, A. Soberanes andL. Trejo. An improved Non-negative Matrix Factorization Method forMasquerade Detection. In, R. Vazquez and J.-A. Dıaz, eds., Proceedings ofthe 1st Mexican International Conference on Informatics Security, MCIS2006, Mexico, 2006. IEEE Computer Society Press.

12. R. Posadas, C. Mex-Perera, R. Monroy and J. A. Nolazco. Hybrid Methodfor Detecting Masqueraders Using Session Folding and Hidden MarkovModels. In, A. Gelbukh and C. A. Reyes, eds., Proceedings of the 5thMexican International Conference on AI, MICAI 2006, LNAI Vol. 4293,pages 622-631, Mexico, 2006. Springer.

13. Rafael Murrieta and Raul Monroy. A Hybrid Segmentation MethodApplied to Color Images and 3D Information. In, A. Gelbukh andC. A. Reyes, eds., Proceedings of the 5th Mexican International Confer-ence on AI, MICAI 2006, LNAI Vol. 4293, pages 789-799, Mexico, 2006.Springer.

14. Anna A. Alvarez, Karen A. Garcıa, Raul Monroy, Luis A Trejo and JesusVazquez. A Tool for Managing Control Access Policies in Organisations.In, H. Yoshiura, K. Sakurai and K. Rannenberg, eds., Proceedings on the1st International Workshop on Security, IWSEC 2006, LNCS Vol. 4266,pages 378-388, Kyoto Japan, 2006. Springer.

15. Vıctor H. Garcıa-Pichardo, Raul Monroy, Maricela Quintana. Web At-tack Detection Using ID3. In, John Debenham, editor, Proceedings of the2nd IFIP International Symposium on Professional Practice on AI, IFIPVol. 218, pages 323-332, Santiago, Chile, 2006. Springer.

16. Fernando Godınez, Dieter Hutter and Raul Monroy. On the Use of WordNetworks to Mimicry Attack Detection. In, G. Muller and G. Schneider,eds., Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends inInformation and Computer Security, ETRICS’06, LNCS Vol. 3995, pages423-435, Freiburg, Germany, 2006. Springer.

17. L.-A. Dennis, R. Monroy and P. Nogueira. Proof-directed Debugging andRepair. In, H. Nilsson and M. van Eekelen, eds., Proceedings of the SeventhSymposium on Trends in Functional Programming, pages 131-140. 2006.

18. R. Murrieta-Cid, A. Sarmiento, T. Muppirala, S. Hutchinson, R. Monroy,M. Alencastre-Miranda, L. Munoz-Gomez, R. Swain. A framework forreactive motion and sensing planning: a critical events-based approach.In A. Gelbukh, A. de Albornoz and H. Terashima, Proceedings of theFourth Mexican International Conference in Artificial Intelligence, MI-CAI‘05, LNCS Vol. 3789, pages 999-1009, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mex-ico, Springer-Verlag. Best Paper Award Recipient.

19. F. Godınez, D. Hutter and R. Monroy. On the Role of Information Com-paction to Intrusion Detection. In H. Unger, editor, Proceedings of Fifth


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IEEE International Symposium and School on Advance Distributed Sys-tems ISSADS 2005, LNAI Vol. 3563, pages 83-98, Guadalajara, Jalisco,Mexico, 2005. Springer-Verlag.

20. F. Godınez, D. Hutter and R. Monroy. Audit File Reduction Using N-Gram Models. In A. Patrick and M. Yung, eds., Proceedings of the NinthInternational Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security,FC‘05, LNCS Vol. 3570, pages 336-341, Roseau, The Commonwealth OfDominica, 2005. Springer-Verlag.

21. F. Godınez, D. Hutter and R. Monroy. Service Discrimination and Au-dit File Reduction for Effective Intrusion Detection. In C.H. Lim andM. Yung, eds., Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Security Ap-plications, WISA 2005, LNCS Vol. 3325, pages 101-115, Jeju Island, Ko-rea, 2005. Springer-Verlag.

22. J.C. Lopez and R. Monroy. A Rippling-Based Difference Reduction Tech-nique to Automatically Prove Security Protocol Goals. In C. Lemaıtre,C.A. Reyes and J.A. Gonzales, eds., Proceedings of the IX Ibero-AmericanConference on Artificial Intelligence, IBERAMIA 2004, LNAI Vol. 3315,pages 364-374, Puebla, Mexico, 2004. Springer-Verlag. Candidate to BestPaper Award.

23. Raul Monroy. A Process Algebra Model of the Immune System. InM.G. Negoita, editor, Proceedings of the 8th Knowledge-Based IntelligentInformation & Engineering Systems, KES‘04, LNAI Vol. 3214, pages 526-533, Wellington, New Zealand, September 2004. Springer-Verlag.

24. F. Godınez, D. Hutter and R. Monroy. Attribute Reduction for EffectiveIntrusion Detection. In J. Favela, E. Menasalvas, and E. Chavez, eds.,Proceedings of the 2004 Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, AWIC‘04,LNAI Vol. 3034, pages 74-83, Cancun, Mexico, 2004. Springer-Verlag.

25. R. Monroy and M. Carrillo. Automatic Formulation of Security PropertiesUnder the Inductive Approach. In M.H. Hamza, editor, Proceedings ofIASTED‘03, Applied Informatics-Software Engineering, pages 1020-1025,Innsbruck, Austria, 2003. Acta Press.

26. M. Carrillo and R. Monroy, Towards Automating the Use of the InductiveApproach for the Verification of Security Protocols. In H. Sossa and G.Arroyo, eds., Proceedings of MICAI/TAINA‘02, avances en inteligenciaartificial, pages 125-134, Merida, Mexico, 2002. Centro de Investigacionen Computacion-IPN, 2002.

27. R. Saab, R. Monroy and F. Godınez. Towards a Model for an ImmuneSystem. In Coello-Coello, C., de Albornoz, A., Sucar, L.E. and Battistutti,O.C., eds., Proceedings of the 2nd Mexican Internation Conference onArtificial Intelligence, MICAI‘02, LNAI vol. 2313, pages 401-410, Merida,Mexico, 2002. Springer-Verlag. Best Paper Award Recipient.


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28. R. Monroy. Concept Formation via Proof Planning Failure. In R.Nieuwenhuis and A. Voronkov, eds., Proceedings of the 8th InternationalConference in Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reason-ing, LPAR‘01, LNAI Vol. 2250, pages 718-731, La Havana Cuba, 2001.Springer-Verlag.

29. M. Carrillo and R. Monroy. Logicas de autenticacion aplicadas al estudiode protocolos. In Proceedings of the 27th Conferencia Latinoamericana enInformatica, CLEI‘2001. Merida, Venezuela, 2001. CLEI.

30. R. Monroy. The use of Abduction and Recursion-Editor Techniques for theCorrection of Faulty Conjectures. In P. Flenner and P. Alexander, eds.,Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Automated Software Engineering,ASE’00, pages 91-99, Grenoble, Francia, 2000. IEEE Computer SciencePress. Candidate to best paper award.

31. E. Navarrete, E. Garcıa and R. Monroy. Reconocimiento de patronesen la exposicion fotografica. In L.A. Trejo, editor, Proceedings of the26th Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informatica, CLEI 2000, Atizapan,Mexico, 2000. CLEI.

32. R. Monroy, A. Bundy, and I. Green. Searching for a Solution to ProgramVerification = Equation Solving in CCS. In O. Cairo and F. Cantu, eds.,Proceedings of the Mexican Internation Conference on Artificial Intelli-gence, MICAI‘00, LNAI Vol. 1793, pages 1-13, Acapulco, Mexico, 2000.Springer-Verlag.

33. R. Monroy. The Use of Proof Planning Failure for Correcting Faulty Con-jectures. In J.M. Ahuactzin, editor, 2nd Mexican Conference in ComputerScience, ENC’99, pages 1-6, Pachuca, Mexico, 1999. Sociedad Mexicanade Ciencia de la Computacion.

34. R. Monroy. On the Correction of Faulty Formulae. In A. de Albornoz,and M. Alvarado, eds., Taller de Inteligencia Artificial, TAINA‘99, pages56 - 68, D. F., Mexico, 1999. Instituto Politecnico Nacional.

35. R. Monroy, A. Bundy, and I. Green. Planning Equational Verificationin CCS. In D. Redmiles and B. Nuseibeh, eds., Proceedings of the 13thConference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE‘98, pages 43 - 52,Hawaii, USA, 1998. IEEE Computer Society Press. Candidate to BestPaper Award.

36. R. Monroy, A. Bundy, and I. Green. Annotated Term Rewriting for Decid-ing Observation Congruence. In H. Prade, editor, Proceedings of the 13thEuropean Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI‘98, pages 393-397,Brighton, England, 1998. Wiley & Sons.


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37. R. Monroy. Observant: an Annotated Term Rewriting for Deciding Obser-vation Congruence. In S. Negrete, editor, Encuentro Nacional de Com-putacion, ENC’97, pages 40-50, Queretaro, Mexico, 1997. UniversidadAutonoma de Queretaro.

38. R. Monroy, A. Bundy, and A. Ireland. Proof Plans for the Correctionof Faulty Conjectures. In F. Pfenning, editor, Proceedings of the 5th In-ternational Conference on Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning,LPAR’94, LNAI Vol. 822, pages 54-68, Kiev, Ukraine, 1994. Springer-Verlag. Also available from Edinburgh as Research paper 681.

Journal Papers (peer-reviewed)

1. B. Cervantes, M. Gonzalez-Mendoza, R. Monroy, C.-E. Galdamez-Blanco,E.-I. Garcı-Perez. Hacia la construccion de una herramienta para lacreacion de bitacoras para Android. Journal of Research in Computing93:111-120, CIC del IPN, 2015.

2. J. Rodrıguez-Ruiz, R. Monroy and J.-B. Camina-Prado. Hacia la de-teccion de impostores mediante un modelo basado en tareas. Journal ofResearch in Computing 62:45-56, CIC del IPN, 2013. Selected as the 3rdbest paper of the conference, award granted by the Mexican Society forArtificial Intelligence.

3. J.-B. Camina and R. Monroy. WUIL: una base de datos para probarmecanismos de deteccion de intrusos. Journal of Research in Computing62:57-66, CIC del IPN, 2013.

4. R. Alonso, R. Monroy, L. Trejo. Complejidad computacional de un casoespecial del calculo de grupos en las redes de interaccion. Research inComputing Science 55(1):138-154, CIC-IPN, 2012. Selected as the 2ndbest paper of the conference, award granted by the Mexican Society forArtificial Intelligence.

5. J. Vazquez, R. Monroy and L. Trejo. Un Nuevo Esquema para la De-teccion de Ataques en Redes Inalambricas. Research in Computing Sci-ence 55(1):297 - 308, CIC, IPN, 2012.

6. B. Camina, C. Hernandez and R. Monroy. Hacia la deteccion de impo-stores mediante grafos de navegacion. Research in Computing Science55(1):285 - 296, CIC - IPN, 2012.

7. J. C. Lopez-Pimentel, V. Ramos Fon Bon and R. Monroy. A Web Servicefor Signing and Authenticating Digital Documents based on SymmetricCryptography Protocol. International Journal of Digital Information andWireless Communications (IJDIWC) 1(2): 434-444. The Society of Digi-tal Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), 2012.


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8. K. A.-Garcıa-Gamboa, E. Aguirre-Bermudez, R. Monroy and C. Mex-Perera. Forensic Intrusion Detection on System Logs. In, A. Gelbukh(ed.), Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Sociedad Mexicana de In-teligencia Artificial, pp: 231—241, 2009.

9. R. Alonso-Rodrıguez, J.Vazquez-Islas, L. A.-Trejo-Rodrıguez, R. Monroyand E. Sanchez-Velazquez. How Social Networks Can Help to DetectDDoS Attacks on DNS Servers. In, A. Gelbukh (ed.), Artificial Intelli-gence and Applications, Sociedad Mexicana de Inteligencia Artificial, pp:261—270, 2009.

10. E. Aguirre-Bermudez, K. A.-Garcıa-Gamboa and R. Monroy. ColouredPetri Nets for Modelling Host-Based Attacks. In, A. Gelbukh (ed.), Ar-tificial Intelligence and Applications, Sociedad Mexicana de InteligenciaArtificial, pp: 281—290, 2009.

11. Carlos Mex-Perera, Jose Zamora-Elizondo and Raul Monroy. IntrusionDetection for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Based on a Non-Negative MatrixFactorization. Journal of Research in Computing 40:131-140, CIC delIPN, 2008.

12. M. Alencastre-Miranda, L. Munoz-Gomez, R. Murrieta and R. Monroy.Local Reference Frames vs. Global Reference Frame for Mobile RobotLocalization and Planning. In, A. Gelbukh and C. A. Reyes, eds., Journalof , Mexico, 2006. IEEE Computer Society Press.

13. K. Garcıa, R. Monroy and J. Vazquez. An Artificial Manager for SecurityPolicies in Organizations. Journal of Research in Computing Science.17:97–106, 2005.

14. A. Calixto and R. Monroy. TLS Analysis Using CADP. Studia InformaticaUniversalis, 2(2):234-249, 2002.

Doctoral External Examining

• External examiner, Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados delIPN (CINVESTAV), 2018, PhD, Carlos Alberto Martınez Angeles.

• External examiner, Tecnologico de Monterrey, campus Monterrey, 2015,PhD, Carolina del Valle.

• External examiner, Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas, 2015, PhD,Israel Becerra.

• External examiner, Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados delIPN (CINVESTAV), 2015, Lil Marıa Xibai Rodrıguez Henrıquez;

• External examiner, Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados delIPN (CINVESTAV), 2013, Cuauhtemoc Mancillas Lopez;


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• External examiner, Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas (CIMAT),2013, PHD, Ubaldo Ruiz Lopez;

• External examiner, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas Hidalgo, 2011,PhD, Anastacio Antolino Hernandez;

• External examiner, Tecnologico de Monterrey, campus Monterrey, 2009,PhD, Rafael A. Ayala Rodrıguez;

• External examiner, Tecnologico de Monterrey, campus Monterrey, 2008,PhD, Marcelo Fernandez;

• External examiner, Tecnologico de Monterrey, campus Monterrey, 2003,PhD, Jaime Solano; and

• External examiner, Tecnologico de Monterrey, campus Morelos, 2005,PhD, Juan Segura.

MSc External Examining

• External examiner, ESIME — Culhuacan, IPN, 2015, MSc, Ilce BelenRamırez Osnaya.

• External examiner, Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas, 2010, MSc,Israel Becerra.

Book Reviews

1. Long, L. and Long, N. Introduccion a las computadoras y a los sistemasde informacion, 5ta edicion, Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, 1999.

Magazine Papers

1. Raul Monroy. Obituario Tardıo por Donald Michie. La Jornada de Ori-ente, Junio 2, 2008.

2. Paralelismo en Computacion. Soluciones Avanzadas, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp 4– 10, Octubre, 1993.

Guest Lectures

1. ‘Deteccion de impostores basada en navegacion de archivos’, CINVES-TAV, Mayo, 2015.

2. ‘Inteligencia Artificial en la Seguridad Informatica’, Universidad Michoa-cana de San Nicolas Hidalgo, Abril, 2015.

3. ‘Information Flow in Disaster Management Systems’, Intelligent DisasterManagement Workshop. February, 2015.


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4. ‘A model based on social structures to detect traffic anomalies on DNSservers’, 9th Latin American Workshop on Logic/Languages Algorithmsand New Methods of Reasoning 2014 (LANMR‘14). November, 2014.

5. ‘Deteccion oportuna de impostores y la base de datos WUIL-DS’, Univer-sidad Tecnologica de Tlaxcala. Septiembre 2013.

6. ‘Deteccion oportuna de impostores y la base de datos WUIL-DS’, CongresoMexicano de Inteligencia Artificial. Mayo 2013.

7. ‘Deteccion oportuna de impostores y la base de datos WUIL-DS’, Uni-versidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, campus Valle de Mexico. Abril2013.

8. ‘Deteccion oportuna de impostores y la base de datos WUIL-DS’, R-tronics. Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de Mexico. October2012.

9. ‘Deteccion oportuna de impostores y la base de datos WUIL-DS’, Semanaingenierıa. UNAM, FES Aragon. October 2012.

10. ‘Deteccion oportuna de impostores y la base de datos WUIL-DS’, II En-cuentro internacional en ingenierıa de sistemas e informatica, EIISI‘2012.Universidad Pedagogica y Tecnologica de Colombia. October 2012.

11. ‘Aprovechando la adversidad, descubrimientos en la reparacion automaticade protocolos’, 2do Congreso nacional de ciencias basicas. UniversidadAutonoma Juarez Tabasco. August 2012.

12. ‘Descubrimiento sobre el uso productivo del fracaso al intentar verificarun modelo’, II Encuentro internacional en ingenierıa de sistemas e in-formatica, EIISI‘2011. Universidad Pedagogica y Tecnologica de Colom-bia. October 2011.

13. ‘Las redes tematicas de investigacion del CONACYT’, VI Congreso na-cional de investigacion. Universidad Pedagogica y Tecnologica de Colom-bia. Octubre 2011.

14. ‘On Automatically Fixing Security Protocols”, Mexican InternationalConference on Computer Science, ENC‘2011, SMCC. March 2011;

15. ‘Some Encounters on the Productive Use of a Failed Proof Attempt or aCounterexample”, MICAI‘2010, SMIA. Noviembre 2010;

16. ‘Some Encounters on the Productive Use of a Failed Proof Attempt or aCounterexample”, Semana de la investigacion 2010, ITAM. Octubre 2010;

17. ‘Correccion automatica de Protocolos de Seguridad’. Seminario de inves-tigacion. Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, IIE. Septiembre, 2010;


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18. ‘On the Automated Correction of Faulty Security Protocols’, ResearchSeminar at DFKI, Bremen. June 2010;

19. ‘Correccion automatica de Protocolos de Seguridad’. Seminario de in-vestigacion. Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas, CIMAT. Mayo 14,2010;

20. ‘Correccion de Protocolos de Seguridad’. INTROMISION 2008. Facultadde Ciencias de la UNAM. Noviembre 24, 2008;

21. ‘Metodos Formales en el Desarrollo de Software’. 1er Congreso enInteligencia Artificial y Robotica. Universidad Autonoma de Mexico.Noviembre 21, 2008;

22. ‘La Situacion de la Computacion en Mexico (Panelista)’. Congreso Cele-bracion de los 25 anos de los Posgrados en Computacion en el CINVES-TAV. CINVESTAV. Septiembre 4, 2008;

23. ‘On the Automated Correction of Security Protocols Susceptible to a Re-play Attacks’. Seminario del CINVESTAV. CINVESTAV. Mayo 12, 2008;

24. ‘A complexity result for the Pursuit-Evasion Game of Maintaining Visi-bility of a Moving Evader’. Segundo Taller de Robotica y Planificacion deMovimientos. CIMAT. Mexico. Febrero 2008;

25. ‘Mexico ¿Crecimiento o Estagnacion de la Cooperacion en Investigacion enlos Programas Marco de la Comunidad Europea?’. LA-Winds. Diciembre7, 2007;

26. ‘On the Automated Correction of Security Protocols Susceptible to a Re-play Attack’, Seminario Internacional en Sistemas y Computacion de laVI Semana Cientıfica “Ciencia y Vida”, Fundaci’on Universitaria Juan deCastellanos, Tunja, Colombia, Octubre 26, 2007;

27. ‘On Patching Faulty Security Protocols’, Scottish Theorem Proving sem-inar, School of Computer Science at St Andrews University, St Andrews,UK, October 13, 2006;

28. ‘A method for patching interleaving-replay attacks in faulty security pro-tocols’, CISA seminar, Centre for Intelligent Systems and Applicationsof the School of Informatics at Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, UK,August 31, 2006;

29. ‘On Automatically Patching Faulty Security Protocols, seminario de inves-tigacion, Centro de investigacion en Matematicas, CIMAT, Guanajuato,July 6, 2006;

30. ‘Audit File Reduction Using NGram Models’, 36 congreso de investigaciony desarrollo del Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey, N.L., 2006;


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31. ‘Guıa para preparar propuestas de investigacion y artıculos de revista’,36 congreso de investigacion y desarrollo del Tecnologico de Monterrey,Monterrey, N.L., 2006;

32. ‘Seguridad Computacional’, Semana de computacion de la UniversidadAutonoma del Estado de Mexico, Toluca, Mexico, 2005;

33. ‘Errores en el Desarrollo de Sistemas: Amenazas y Soluciones’, Sexto Con-greso Estudiantil de Computacion, CORE’05 at Centro de Investigacionen Computacion del Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico,2005.

34. ‘Predicate Synthesis for the Correction of Faulty Conjectures’, 35 Con-greso de Investigacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico at ITESM, Monterrey,Mexico, 2005.

35. ‘Logica Computacional y Agentes Inteligentes’, Tercer Semana Cientıficaat Fundacion Universitaria Juan Castellanos, Tunja, Colombia, 2004.

36. ‘Automated Formulation of Security Goals under the Inductive Approach’,34 Congreso de Investigacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico at ITESM, Mon-terrey, Mexico, 2004.

37. ‘Modelo Computacional de un Sistema Inmune Humano’, 7o SimposiumInternacional de Sistemas y Computacion at 18th International Joint Con-ference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI, Acapulco, Mexico, 2003.

38. ‘Aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial en Seguridad Computacional’, Ter-cer Seminario de Seguridad Informatica y Tecnologıas de Informacion,organised by Secretarıa de la Defensa Nacional, 2003.

39. ‘Inteligencia Artificial’, Sexta Semana Academica at Tecnologico de Estu-dios Superiores de Coacalco, Coacalco, Mexico, 2003.

40. ‘Towards a Model for an Immune System’, 33 Congreso de Investigaciony Desarrollo Tecnologico at ITESM, Monterrey, Mexico, 2003.

41. ‘Uso productivo del fracaso en la busqueda de una demostracion’, semi-nario de investigacion, consorcio interrectorıas del Tecnologico de Monter-rey, Atizapan, Mexico, 2003.

42. ‘Concept Formation Via Proof Planning Failure’, 32 Congreso de Investi-gacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico at ITESM, Monterrey, Mexico, 2002.

43. ‘Tecnicas de Automatizacion en el Razonamiento para el Desarrollo deSistemas’, Segundo Ciclo de Expoconferencias en Informatica y SistemasComputacionales at Instituto de Educacion Superior de Chiapas, TuxtlaGutierrez, Mexico, 2001.


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44. ‘Analisis de Protocolos de Seguridad’, Ciclo de Conferencias y Seminariosen Seguridad Informatica at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico,Mexico City, Mexico, 2001.

45. ‘The Uses of Abduction and Recursion-Editor Techniques for the Cor-rection of Faulty Conjectures’, 31 Congreso de Investigacion y DesarrolloTecnologico at ITESM, Monterrey, Mexico, 2001.

46. ‘On the Correction of Faulty Conjectures’, Doctoral Research Seminar,Centre for Artificial Intelligence at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey,Mexico, 2000.

47. ‘Desarrollo de Sistemas Automaticos para la Verificacion de Software yHardware’, Semana de Computacion at Universidad Autonoma del Estadode Mexico, Atizapan, Mexico, 2000.

48. ‘Planeacion de Verificacion de Sistemas Concurrentes’, Octava Semana deComputacion at Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Puebla,Mexico, 1999.

49. ‘Correccion de errores en formulaciones incorrectas’, Computo 99, MexicoCity, Mexico, 1999.

50. ‘Logica de Autenticacion’, Seminario en Seguridad Computacional at Rec-torıa de la Universidad Virtual del Tecnologico de Monterrey, Atizapan,Mexico, 1999.

51. ‘Demostracion Automatica por Induccion Matematica y sus Aplicaciones’,Ciclo de Conferencias en Inteligencia Artificial at Tecnologico de Monter-rey, Atizapan, Mexico, 1999.

52. ‘Por que y Para que Estudiar Inteligencia Artificial’, Ciclo de Conferenciasen Inteligencia Artificial at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Atizapan, Mexico,1999.

53. ‘Planning Proofs of Equations’, 29 Congreso de Investigacion y DesarrolloTecnologico at ITESM, Monterrey, Mexico, 1999.

54. ‘Verificacion Automatica de Sistemas de Comunicacion’, Taller de In-teligencia Artificial (TAINA’98), Mexico City, Mexico, 1998.

55. ‘Trends in Operating Systems’, United States Trade Center Conference,Mexico City, Mexico, 1991.

56. ‘La Ensenanza en Telecomunicaciones, Mexico y el Mundo: Expectativas yTecnologıa en ese Instituto’, III Seminario “Banca y Telecomunicaciones”,organised by Asociacion Mexicana de Bancos, Guadalajara, Mexico, 1991.