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Curriculum Infants

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  • 7/29/2019 Curriculum Infants




    Pedagogical guidelines for the

    infant stage of the OfficialIntegrated Curriculum (BOE May2002)

    Orientaciones pedaggicas para el

    desarrollo del CurrculumIntegrado (B.O.E. 2 De Mayo20002)en el nivel de Educacin Infantil.

    Mayte Agudo: CP Flix de la Fuente, Coslada, MadridRosa Gonzalez: CP Jos Bergamn, Boadilla del Monte, MadridEsther Hill: CP Jos Bergamn, Boadilla del Monte, MadridMaria Antonia Juste, CP San Juan Bautista, MadridRachel Kelly, CP Julio Pinto Gmez, Tres Cantos, MadridMargaret Locke, CP Julio Pinto Gmez, Tres Cantos MadridPilar Medrano, Asesora Tcnico Docente, Instituto Superior de Formacin del

    Profesorado, M.E.C.D.Teresa Reilly, Bi-lingual Project Manager, British Council, Madrid

    The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational and cultural relations. Registered inEngland as a charity.

  • 7/29/2019 Curriculum Infants


    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    1. El objetivo primordial de estas orientaciones pedaggicas es

    proporcionar unas pautas comunes para unificar los objetivos,

    contenidos y criterios de evaluacin en los 44 centros que participan en

    el proyecto.

    2. Las orientaciones pedaggicas han sido elaboradas siguiendo las

    normas del Curriculum Espaol actual para Educacin Infantil.

    Cualquier cambio efectuado en este curriculum oficial necesitar una

    revisin de las orientaciones para que se adapten a los nuevos

    desarrollos del mismo.

    3. La introduccin en espaol a las orientaciones pedaggicas no

    constituye una traduccin completa del documento: su objetivo es

    dotar a los directores y profesores de los 44 centros de un resumen de

    los objetivos principales, los contenidos y los niveles de consecucin en

    los tres aos de Educacin Infantil.


  • 7/29/2019 Curriculum Infants


    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.


    Pgina/page 4 Aspectos del curiculum: (espaol)

    Pgina/page 17 Curriculum guidelines: (English)

    Pgina/page 60 Annex 1: Topic Resources


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.


    1.Pgina 5 INTRODUCCIN.

    1.1.- Historia y objetivos del proyecto.1.2.- Fundamentacin del documento.1.3.- Marco-enfoque adoptado por el equipo de trabajo.1.4.- Enfoque a lo largo del nivel de Educacin Infantil.1.5.- Funcin de los profesores en el proyecto.1.6.- El desarrollo lingstico en los nios.1.7.- Introduccin a las habilidades de lectura y escritura.1.8.- Evaluacin formal e informal.1.9.- Conclusiones y recomendaciones.


    2.1.- La enseanza a travs de temas.

    2.2.- El desarrollo de las habilidades sociales.2.3.- El desarrollo de la lectura y la escritura en el nivel de EducacinInfantil.2.4.- Objetivos y contenidos de habilidades numricas.2.5.- Objetivos y contenidos del rea de Conocimiento del entorno social ynatural.2.6.- La unidad temtica en el nivel de Educacin Infantil: una propuesta.2.7.- Grado de consecucin de los objetivo en el nivel de EducacinInfantil.2.8.- Recursos para los contenidos.


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    1.- Introduccin

    1.1.-Historia y objetivos del proyecto

    El proyecto bilinge del MECD/B.Council, nacido en 1996 como unexperimento nico dentro del sistema educativo estatal espaol, est yabien establecido. Los primeros grupos de nios, que ahora tienen 10 y11aos, estn en quinto de primaria y ste es su sptimo ao en el proyecto.

    El acuerdo formal entre el MECD y el BC plantea como objetivo delproyecto proporcionar a nios desde los 3 hasta los 16 aos unaeducacin bilinge y bicultural a travs de un currculum integradoespaol/ingls, basado en el Currculum Espaol. Dicho curriculum goza dereconocimiento oficial (BOE 2 Mayo 2000). La implantacin de uncurrculum como ste implica una actitud en el aula muy distinta a la de laclase de ingls como lengua extranjera (EFL) tradicional, centrada en elaprendizaje de ingls, en vez del aprendizaje a travs del ingls. Esteenfoque integrado coincide plenamente con el espritu de las directivas delConsejo Europeo, que insiste en la necesidad de que los nios hayanadquirido competencia lingstica en tres idiomas europeos al finalizar laeducacin secundaria obligatoria, y que el aprendizaje de la primeralengua extranjera comience en los primeros aos de la educacin formal.

    Los objetivos especficos del proyecto son los siguientes:

    - Fomentar la adquisicin y el aprendizaje de ambos idiomas atravs de un currculum integrado basado en contenidos

    - Crear conciencia de la diversidad de las dos culturas- Facilitar el intercambio de profesores y alumnos

    - Fomentar la utilizacin de las nuevas tecnologas en elaprendizaje de otras lenguas

    - En los casos que sea necesario, fomentar la certificacin deestudios bajo ambos sistemas educativos

    1.2.- Fundamentacin del documento.

    En febrero de 2001, la Comisin de Seguimiento, mxima autoridad delproyecto, puso en marcha un equipo mixto de expertos ("Joint Study

    Review Team, JSRT), cuya funcin era evaluar los progresos del programa


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.obtenidos hasta la fecha. El equipo lleg a las conclusiones de que para elproyecto eran necesarias:

    - Una clara definicin de los contenidos y materias que han deimpartirse en ingls, as como especificacin de en qu momentohabran de ser impartidos dichos contenidos.

    - Una definicin de los criterios de evaluacin al final del nivel deEducacin Infantil, as como al final de cada uno de los ciclos dePrimaria ( segundo, cuarto y sexto curso de Primaria) que, portanto, determinen el paso de un nivel al siguiente.

    Esto condujo a la JRST a emitir las siguientes recomendaciones:

    Recomendacin 4: Currculum y evaluacin:El equipo de expertos recomienda la designacin de un grupo de trabajomixto hispano-britnico que elabore y defina una propuesta realista parael currculum bsico, describiendo qu reas y contenidos debenimpartirse en cada lengua, en los niveles de Educacin Infantil y Primaria.Ese mismo grupo de trabajo debera tambin establecer los criterios ydirectrices para la evaluacin. Sera conveniente que el grupo estuvieraformado por profesores britnicos y espaoles con experiencia en este

    proyecto, as como por expertos del Ministerio y del British Council.

    Esto llev al siguiente Plan de Accin aprobado por la Comisin deSeguimiento:

    Actuacin 6:La Comisin de Seguimiento ratificar la designacin de un grupo detrabajo encargado de estudiar los contenidos del currculum bsico (BOEMayo 2002) y decidir cules deben impartirse en lengua inglesa en losdistintos niveles de Educacin Infantil y Primaria, as como los criteriosde evaluacin. Se debern incluir tambin directrices e instruccionessobre el papel de los tutoresy de los profesores, recomendaciones

    para un enfoque metodolgico conjunto y sugerencias para un enfoquelgico en la distribucin del tiempo. Este documento deber incluir

    tambin una lista completa de recursos (libros, materiales,equipamiento) para cada nivel.

    1.3.-Marco - enfoque adoptado por el equipo de trabajo

    - El equipo est formado por seis profesores del proyecto, tresespaoles y tres britnicos: los seis han trabajado en el proyectodurante ms de tres aos. Los otros dos miembros del equipo sonlos responsables de dirigir el proyecto, uno por parte del MECD yotro por parte del British Council.


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    - El grupo de trabajo se constituy en octubre de 2001 con elobjetivo de producir un documento con directrices para eldesarrollo del currculum de Infantil y criterios de evaluacin paraeste nivel (tal y como se detalla ms arriba) que fuera ratificado

    por la Comisin de Seguimiento en junio de 2002: a esto seguirael desarrollo de un currculum para el nivel de Primaria enseptiembre de 2002.

    - El grupo de trabajo examin los contenidos, enfoques, niveles delogro, modos de evaluar a los nios, recursos a utilizar,organizacin del tiempo, coordinacin y roles de los profesores,con 29 de los 42 colegios que forman parte del proyecto .

    - Adems, en el periodo de noviembre 2001 a marzo 2002 elequipo visit 10 colegios del proyecto con una lista de puntos a

    examinar relacionados con lo anterior.- El resultado del anlisis de todas las informaciones,

    documentaciones y observaciones prcticas recopiladas forma labase de este marco.

    - El marco del nivel de Educacin Infantil se ha desarrollado a partirde las siguientes directrices:

    Objetivos y contenidos:- Comprensin y expresin oral.- Lectura y escritura.- Habilidades numricas

    - Conocimiento del entorno social y natural.Enseanza a travs de temas.Desarrollo de habilidades socialesPropuesta de desarrollo de una unidad temtica.Niveles de consecucin al final de Infantil.Recursos tiles

    1.4.-Enfoque a lo largo del nivel de E. Infantil

    El marco curricular en ingls para la totalidad de los tres aos del nivel de

    Infantil est ntimamente relacionado con el currculum en espaol paraeste nivel. El enfoque est dirigido al desarrollo integral del nio a travsde un currculum que tiene en cuenta su desarrollo fsico, intelectual,afectivo, social y moral, tanto como individuo como en el contexto de suentorno inmediato. La adquisicin de la lengua, las habilidades numricas,la lectura, la escritura etc., ya sea en la lengua materna o en ingls sehace, sobre todo, a travs de un enfoque basado en temas, teniendo encuenta lo tratado anteriormente dentro de cada tema y a lo largo de lostres aos.

    1.5.-Funcin de los profesores en el proyecto


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    Aunque los temas de trabajo y el enfoque global de la enseanza delidioma, reflejan con bastante exactitud los contenidos y el enfoque delcurrculum espaol para estos tres aos, esto no significa en absoluto quese tengan que cubrir conceptos idnticos al mismo tiempo en ambosidiomas. Claramente, el tutor espaol y el profesor del proyecto debernplanificar las clases conjuntamente para asegurarse de que se imparten yse comprenden los conceptos en ambos idiomas.

    Es importante que tanto el profesor de ingls como el tutor espaolentiendan que el profesor del proyecto hablar en ingls con los nios yque no es necesario que el profesor espaol traduzca lo que se dice, o"explique" en espaol lo que se ha dicho. Sin embargo, como el profesorespaol normalmente estar presente en el aula al menos durante el

    primer ao de Educacin Infantil, el profesor de ingls debera aprovecharla circunstancia para explicarle de antemano en qu consiste la clase yqu dificultades podran presentarse. De esta manera, el profesor espaolpuede ayudar a los nios que estn teniendo dificultades, que seannuevos o que hayan estado ausentes y necesiten ayuda especial de formatemporal. Cuando los nios estn trabajando en grupos, particularmentedurante las clases de educacin plstica, el profesor tutor espaol deberaestar disponible para apoyar en lo que sea necesario a su compaero deingls: disponer de dos adultos en un aula es un lujo que se deberaaprovechar al mximo. Adems, el profesor del proyecto deber observarlas rutinas de clase establecidas por el tutor, porque ,de este modo,

    contribuir a que los nios se sientan ms seguros, as como a crearsituaciones comunicativas positivas.

    1.6.-El desarrollo lingstico en los nios

    En los primeros aos, los nios demostrarn su comprensin en inglsfundamentalmente a travs de respuestas no verbales (respuestas fsicasa canciones, juegos, cuentos, respuestas creativas a travs de lasactividades artsticas manuales, expresiones de alegra provocadas por

    cuentos, canciones, etc). La comprensin se demostrar tambin a travsde la respuesta verbal en espaol y a travs de la repeticin en ingls desencillas expresiones de uso cotidiano, especialmente de las que tenganque ver con las rutinas del aula. Gradualmente, hacia el final del nivel , losnios empezarn a experimentar con una mezcla de ingls y espaol y autilizar esta mezcla junto con respuestas no verbales para hacerseentender. Aunque no debera subestimarse el tiempo requerido para quelos nios asimilen el idioma, es recomendable tambin animar a losalumnos a que respondan oralmente y "produzcan" lenguaje ya en el nivelde Infantil. Sin embargo, es importante recalcar que no debera ejercerseuna presin excesiva sobre ellos para que hablen y que debera respetarsela madurez y el ritmo de desarrollo de cada nio individualmente.


  • 7/29/2019 Curriculum Infants


    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    1.7.-Introduccin a las habilidades de lectura yescritura.

    En el nivel de E. Infantil se inicia el aprendizaje de las tcnicas de lalectura y la escritura. Este aprendizaje se realiza en situaciones decomunicacin. La introduccin de la lecto-escritura en lengua inglesa seapoya en los siguientes puntos:

    - Aprender a leer y a escribir en ingls es un proceso ms largo yms complicado en ingls que en espaol: empezar pronto esesencial para dejar tiempo a que los nios se conviertan enlectores capaces y en escritores creativos

    - Las ventajas de empezar pronto a adquirir el idioma oralmenteson mayores si se acompaan de una introduccin informal de lapalabra escrita a travs de un contexto significativo, utilizandoBig Books (de ficcin y de no ficcin), carteles en el aula,exposiciones de clase y una introduccin temprana a fonemassencillos

    - el lenguaje oral y el lenguaje escrito varan mucho y se hademostrado que exponer a los nios a los dos a la vez les ayuda apercibir estas diferencias de forma positiva desde el principio.

    La pregunta acerca de qu tipo de letra usar (cursiva en espaol o print

    en ingls) la decidir cada colegio, y no suele ser un problema. Los niosparecen adaptarse satisfactoriamente a cualquier sistema que se utilice.

    1.8.-Evaluacin formal e informal

    Los colegios, profesores y padres tienen necesidad de saber qu tipo deprogresos hacen los nios, de manera que debera tenderse hacia unaevaluacin continua no discriminatoria.

    En muchos colegios se ha observado que las evaluaciones informales y losinformes enviados a los padres se basan sobre todo en el grado deadquisicin de vocabulario, correccin lingstica y afirmaciones acerca delo que los nios "pueden decir" (por ejemplo, el nio A puede decir trescolores en ingls; el nio B puede decir los nombres de 5 colores eningls). Se entiende que la evaluacin informal es ms informativa si secentra en los objetivos que este documento incluye. Esto se relaciona conlos objetivos y contenidos que resumen lo que la mayora de los nios hanlogrado o adquirido al final del nivel.

    La evaluacin continua informal debera centrarse tambin en el desarrollo

    de las habilidades sociales del nio tal y como detalla este documento.


  • 7/29/2019 Curriculum Infants


    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    1.9.-Conclusiones y recomendaciones

    1. El proyecto funciona mucho mejor en aquellos centros en los que no se

    considera un proyecto "ingls" dentro de un colegio espaol, sino comoun proyecto integrado en todos los sentidos del trmino: esto significaque la planificacin y la coordinacin entre los profesoresespaoles y los ingleses de cada clase son esenciales. Cuandoambos trabajan juntos, se ha demostrado claramente que los nios sebenefician de la experiencia en ambos idiomas.

    2. Lo que tambin es esencial es la planificacin entre los cursos yentre los niveles de Infantil y Primaria. Sin este nfasis en lacontinuidad los nios progresarn a un ritmo ms lento y ser msdifcil medir sus progresos.

    3. Es importante haber cubierto todas las materias y conceptos dehabilidades numricas, lecto-escritura y Conocimiento delentorno social y natural ( Knowledge and Understanding of theWorld) al final del nivel de Infantil segn los requisitos descritos en estedocumento.

    4. Todos los nios debern ser evaluados segn los objetivosdescritos en este documento al final del nivel. Si estos objetivos no seestuvieran logrando, esto debera llevar al centro a examinar lossiguientes puntos:

    a) Nmero de horas dedicadas al ingls cada semanab) Enfoque y utilizacin de los recursosc) Coordinacin del proyectod) Necesidad de enfrentar a los nios a retos mayores y

    de subir el nivel y las expectativas.

    5. Aunque este documento insiste en que se cubran los contenidosbsicos, no hay necesidad de que los colegios/grupos se cianexclusivamente a ste. Los profesores que ya estn logrando estosobjetivos podran extender el marco bsico para que se adapte a las

    circunstancias particulares de su colegio o de su aula.

    2.- El currculum integrado en el nivel de E.Infantil.

    2.1.- La enseanza a travs de temas.

    Es esencial valorar la importancia del desarrollo integral del nio, es decir:- desarrollo cognitivo


  • 7/29/2019 Curriculum Infants


    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    - desarrollo fsico- desarrollo emocional- desarrollo social

    Del mismo modo que los educadores en su lengua materna planifican,imparten y evalan la docencia y el aprendizaje en relacin con eldesarrollo total del nio, nosotros tambin debemos hacerlo. Pararesponder a las necesidades de los nios es por tanto vital queplanifiquemos y desarrollemos actividades de aprendizaje que permitan alnio desarrollarse en todos estos aspectos.

    Es importante recordar que estamos enseando en ingls, y n oenseando ingls. Los nios de este proyecto bilinge entran en unentorno donde se utilizan el espaol y el ingls y se van acostumbrando aescuchar la lengua inglesa de manera natural empezando a adquirir

    comprensin de este idioma. De la misma manera que adquirieron sulengua materna, a medida que avanza su entendimiento, empiezan autilizar el idioma; al principio con palabras sueltas, luego un grupo depalabras hasta que, pasado un tiempo, empiezan a construir frasescompletas. Esto lleva tiempo, pero para lograrlo debemos utilizar el idiomaingls de una forma natural, de este modo nos aseguramos de que losnios no aprenden slo listas de vocabulario, sino que aprenden a manejarun lenguaje real con un significado.

    Para hacer esto de forma eficaz debemos crear un entorno estimulante

    relacionado con sus propios intereses y necesidades en el que los niosaprendan. Este entorno debera proporcionar oportunidades para que sedesarrollen en todos los aspectos.

    Los temas (topics) proporcionan un medio ideal desde el cual trabajar,dado que proporcionan oportunidades para que los nios:

    - desarrollen su conocimiento y comprensin del mundo;- comprendan nuevos conceptos en un contexto significativo:- se desarrollen social, emocional, fsica y cognitivamente a travs

    del aprendizaje de todos los mbitos de conocimiento yexperiencia.

    Los temas que parecen ms significativos y estimulantes para los niospequeos son:

    - Yo mismo.- Voy al colegio.- Nuestras casas y nuestras familias.- La gente que nos ayuda.- Vamos a comprar comida.- Transporte.- Festividades.- Las estaciones- Animales.


  • 7/29/2019 Curriculum Infants


    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    - Cuentos tradicionales.

    Los nios pueden aprender trabajando con estos temas y centrndose enaspectos diferentes cada vez ms amplios dentro del nivel de Infantil. De

    esta forma se desarrolla el conocimiento y la comprensin del mundo queles rodea. (La versin completa y original de este documento incluyeinformacin detallada sobre cada uno de estos temas).

    2.2.-El desarrollo de las habilidades sociales

    El desarrollo de las habilidades sociales es una parte integral de la rutinadiaria de los nios en el nivel de Educacin Infantil. stas ya se hanestudiado como parte del currculum espaol y deberan incluirse en laplanificacin de las actividades docentes y de las actividades en ingls.Aspectos particulares se tratan a travs de las diferentes reas decontenidos. ( La versin completa y original del documento incluye aquuna lista de habilidades sociales y su desarrollo.)

    2.3.-El desarrollo de la lectura y la escritura en el nivelde Educacin Infantil

    En el nivel de Educacin Infantil el nfasis a la hora de leer y escribirse pondr siempre en ayudar a los nios a convertirse en lectores y

    escritores entusiastas, ayudndoles a leer y a disfrutar de libros "deverdad". Al mismo tiempo, se introduce a los nios desde el principioa una serie de estrategias de pre-lectura y primera lectura que lesayuden a entender lo que leen para que gradualmente puedan leercon fluidez, correccin y comprensin, pero sobre todo disfrutando.

    La capacidad de leer y escribir es mucho ms que haber aprendidola mecnica de la lectura y la escritura: estas capacidadesproporcionan mayores posibilidades de sobrevivir en el idioma y sonfuente de autoestima, identidad y empata emocional e intelectual.

    Leer y escribir permite el acceso a cuentos y otros materiales queforman y desarrollan el pensamiento y ayudan a los nios adesarrollar conceptos. La capacidad de leer y escribir en dos idiomasles da acceso a mundos culturales y sociales diferentes y variados.Adems, a medida que crece la confianza de los nios en sucapacidad de leer sus conocimientos de y su control sobre ellenguaje se hace cada vez ms individual y personal.

    Ser capaz de leer y escribir con fluidez y disfrute en ingls es unahabilidad que necesita desarrollarse a lo largo de todas los nivelesde Educacin Infantil y Primaria y hacia la Educacin Secundaria, y

    las estrategias de xito deben establecerse como parte delcurrculum desde el principio. La enseanza de la lecto-escritura


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    debera asegurar que el trabajo de hablar, escuchar, leer y escribirse haga de forma integrada, y que la adquisicin de habilidadesorales sea la base de la lectura y la escritura, especialmente enestos primeros aos. Libros y materiales de ficcin e informacindeberan adaptarse a partir de las reas de contenidos .

    Los nios pequeos necesitan saber que se puede extraerinformacin y placer de los libros. Hay que crear un rincn delectura (book corner) cmodo y atractivo donde:- El profesor lee y cuenta cuentos a los nios desde el principio;

    elije libros que llamen la atencin visualmente, o libros conilustraciones troqueladas y/o libros que tengan un final divertido oinesperado. Hay que utilizar tambin, desde el principio, libros deinformacin

    adems de los de ficcin. Tambin habra que utilizar libros detemas conocidos.

    - Se anima a los nios a hablar de los textos, de autores conocidoso favoritos, de los componentes del texto y de las ilustraciones .

    - Los nios participan en la lectura del texto, en contar la historia orepresentarla con marionetas y otras ayudas.

    - Los nios pueden mirar los textos individualmente o concompaeros.

    Hay que leer y contar cuentos todos los das, seleccionando libros

    con rimas, ritmo y repeticiones. Se deben dejar estos libros en elrincn de lectura para que los nios puedan leerlos por su cuenta.

    Es importante :- Utilizar libros que incluyan canciones y poemas rimados para

    desarrollar habilidades secuenciales y para predecir la rima anivel oral.

    - Involucrar a los nios en la creacin de libros de clase paratenerlos en el rincn de lectura o para llevarlos a casa.

    - Ensear a los nios a tratar los libros con cuidado, respeto ycario.

    - Demostrar al leer con los alumnos que leemos las letras deizquierda a derecha sealando la palabra especfica que se estleyendo para que sepan cundo empieza una palabra y cundotermina.

    - Animarles a sealar palabras del texto para controlar sucomprensin.

    Es necesario que los nios estn rodeados de textos escritos paraayudarles a relacionar texto con significado:- Sealizar zonas del aula con texto y con dibujos ( nuestro rincn

    de arte, nuestro rincn de lectura, biblioteca...).


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    - Carteles, tarjetas con los nombres y anuncios pueden escribirse yleerse en alto mientras los nios miran.

    - Las tablas (de asistencia, cumpleaos, familias, informacinpersonal) proporcionan oportunidades a los nios de identificar y

    reconocer sus propios nombres y los nombres de suscompaeros.- Involucrar a los nios, todos los das, en el proceso de registrar y

    representar el tiempo que hace y el da de la semana que es.- Hacer muestras del trabajo de los nios con ttulos y

    explicaciones.- Poner en clase fotografas de los nios participando en

    actividades junto con un sencillo texto. Si es posible, crear untexto con repeticiones y rima, leerlo con los nios y utilizarlocomo un punto de partida para hablar.

    - Asegurarse de que los carteles estn colgados a una alturaadecuada para ellos.

    Debemos proporcionar oportunidades para que los nios desarrollensu conciencia de los fonemas. Introducir los sonidos consonantesiniciales y luego el sonido consonante final. En este nivel el nfasisdebera recaer sobre el sonido de la letra, no sobre el nombre quela letra tiene en el alfabeto. Los fonemas deberan presentarse de unmodo atractivo.

    Actividades de aprendizaje apropiadas podran ser las siguientes:- tener cajas de sonidos con las que los nios puedan descubrir

    objetos que empiecen por ese sonido;- elegir un cuento que est relacionado con un objeto de la caja de

    sonidos,- crear tarjetas lavables de letras para calcar;- ofrecer juegos de ordenar y buscar parejas;- crear una caja de sonidos de clase con palabras y dibujos;- inventar un cuento y pedir a los nios que escuchen para

    reconocer palabras que comiencen con el sonido y respondanadecuadamente;- utilizar trabalenguas o rimas que contengan una letra o un sonido

    que se repita;- aumentar en los nios la conciencia del mundo de sonidos que

    hay a su alrededor escuchando instrumentos y distinguiendoentre los sonidos que hacen: aadir percusin corporal a lascanciones y las rimas, cambiando el sonido con cada frase yoracin nueva;

    - explorar distintas formas de hablar (rugiendo, susurrando) ycundo es apropiada cada manera de hablar;

    - explorar sonidos extraos que los nios hacen dependiendo de lasituacin , por ejemplo bajando por un tobogn: WHEEEE!;


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    - trabajar con rimas, jugar a encontrar el elemento extrao ocambiar el final de una rima tradicional para ver si los nios sedan cuenta.

    El profesor animar a los alumnos a experimentar con la escrituracreativa en ingls, incluso si los primeros esfuerzos son difciles deentender, pidindoles que lean el texto que han escrito. Usar lo quelos nios escriben como forma de diagnosticar el desarrolloindividual de su lectura/escritura y para ayudarles a "corregir" sutrabajo. Usar la estrategia del "profesor como escriba" tanto comomodelo en sesiones con toda la clase como modelo para que losnios copien en sus dibujos, carteles, etc.

    2.4.-Objetivos y contenidos en habilidades numricas

    El objetivo global de los tres aos de Educacin Infantil es desarrollar enlos nios el conocimiento y la comprensin de las habilidades numricas yayudar a los nios a entender su relevancia para la vida diaria, tanto eningls como en espaol.

    El desarrollo de las habilidades numricas en el aula infantil se considerageneralmente parte del desarrollo global del nio. Como tal, se introducen,practican y repasan conceptos a lo largo del ao, y luego se reciclan y se

    fortalecen durante los tres aos del nivel. Los objetivos y contenidos seincluirn por tanto en los distintos temas y se ensearn a travs deactividades continuadas de TPR, canciones, rimas, cuentos, juegos deencontrar pareja y de secuencia, y otras tareas de lenguaje y lectura yescritura.( La versin completa y original del documento incluyeinformacin detallada para este punto)

    2.5.-Objetivos y contenidos en el rea de Conocimientodel entorno social y natural.

    El objetivo global del nivel de Infantil es ayudar a los nios a observar,explorar y comenzar a hacer preguntas acerca de las cosas vivas, losmateriales y los fenmenos.

    Estos conceptos e ideas deberan desarrollarse a travs de rutinas diarias,actividades cotidianas y a travs de las distintas reas temticas.Deberamos tener en cuenta que los nios estn adquiriendo el idioma alutilizarse de forma natural en el entorno escolar y que su comprensin eningls ser con frecuencia mayor de lo que se detalla aqu. ( La versincompleta y original del documento incluye informacin detallada para este



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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    2.6.- La unidad temtica en el nivel de Infantil: unapropuesta.

    Hemos seleccionado una de las reas temticas (primavera) y demostradocmo los cuatro aspectos (habilidades sociales, desarrollo de la lectura yla escritura, matemticas y conocimiento y comprensin del mundo) sevinculan en las programaciones. Lo que sigue es una propuesta dedesarrollo segn los objetivos de cada curso controlando cuidadosamentequ se imparte para asegurar la continuidad dentro del nivel y lainformacin para futuros profesores. El rea de Educacin Artstica se haincorporado a las programaciones a travs de las actividades adecuadas.(La versin completa y original del documento incluye tresprogramaciones).

    2.7.- Grado de consecucin de los objetivos en el nivelde Educacin Infantil.

    Los objetivos descritos para el final del nivel de Infantil pertenecen a lassiguientes reas:

    - Comprensin y expresin oral

    - Lectura y escritura.- Habilidades numricas- Conocimiento del entorno social y natural.

    Se han descrito tres grados para la consecucin de los objetivospropuestos al finalizar este nivel. Una estimacin aproximada de cmo losalumnos dentro del grupo-clase podran distribuirse sera:

    - Banda o grado 1: 10%- Banda o grado 2: 70%- Banda o grado 3: 20%

    Si de 25 nios que hayan participado en el proyecto durante 2/3 aos hay

    ms de 2 o 3 en el nivel 1, y menos de 7/8 en el nivel 3, esto podraindicar la necesidad de examinar:a) horas a la semana que se dedican a ensear contenidos a travs

    del inglsb) enfoque/metodologa y utilizacin de los recursosc) coordinacin y continuidad del proyectod) necesidad de ofrecer a los nios mayores retos y subir los niveles

    y las expectativas

    2.8.-Recursos para los contenidos


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.Los recursos para los contenidos incluyen varias colecciones de cancionesy rimas tradicionales disponibles comercialmente. stas son buenas paraque los profesores aprendan canciones nuevas, ya que la meloda, lasletras y las acciones necesitan ser estudiadas bien antes de ser utilizadaseficazmente con una clase. La mayora de las cintas van demasiadorpidas para cantarlas con los nios, aparte de algunas excepciones como"Super Songs" (editadas por la OUP). Muchos profesores se inventan lascanciones y las rimas para utilizarlas con cuentos y con rutinas de aulacotidianas y tienen una cancin para cada ocasin, por ejemplo, paradescribir el tiempo que hace o la ropa que los nios llevan. Tambin sepueden usar para dar instrucciones de forma alegre, como por ejemplo:ordenad vuestras cosas, lavaos las manos o tirad el papel en el papelera.Estas canciones se adaptan a melodas conocidas, como por ejemplo lainstruccin "todos a sentarse" puede ir acompaada de la meloda de"London Bridge". Como las canciones y las rimas a menudo son

    inventadas, no se incluyen en la seccin de recursos. Son sin embargo unaparte importante de cualquier sesin en este nivel.

    Finalmente, es importante mantener los recursos al da, y sta es unaresponsabilidad tanto individual como colectiva..( La versin completa yoriginal del documento incluye un listado de recursos tiles para elprofesorado organizado por temas.)


    1. Page18 - Introduction1.1- Project background and objectives1.2- Curriculum document - rationale1.3- Constitution of the Working Party1.4- Approach adopted by Working Party1.5- Methodological Approach throughout the infant cycle1.6- Roles of teachers1.7- Children's Language Development1.8- Introducing Literacy Skills1.9- Informal and Formal Assessment1.10- Conclusions and Recommendations2. Page 25 - Teaching through Topics3. Page 33 - Developing Social Skills4. Page 36 - Literacy Skills4.1- The development of Literacy Skills in the Infant years4.2- Choosing Books and Involving the children in reading and writing4.3- Development of decoding skills4.4- Development of creative writing

    5. Page 39 - Contents and targets for Understanding andSpeaking


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.6. Page 40 - Contents and Targets for Reading and Writing7. Page 42 - Contents and targets for number skills and maths

    skills8. Page 45 - Contents and Targets for Knowledge and

    Understanding of

    the World9. Page 47 - Drawing the strands together9.1- Spring topic web for infant 19.2- Spring topic web for infant 29.3- Spring topic web for infant 3s9.4- Sample lesson on Spring for infant 210. Page 55 - Attainment Targets ( ATs) end of the infant stage10.1- ATs: Understanding and speaking10.2- ATs: Reading and Writing10.3- ATs Numbers and maths10.4- ATs: Knowledge and Understanding of the World11 Page 60 Resources for Topics


    1.1 Project background and objectives

    The MECD / BC bi-lingual project, initiated in 1996 as a unique experimentwithin the Spanish state education system, is now well established: thefirst groups of children aged 10-11 are in their fourth / year of primaryeducation and their seventh year in the project.

    The formal agreement between the MECD/ BC states that the aim of theproject is to provide children from the age of three to sixteen with a bi-

    lingual, bi-cultural education through an integrated Spanish /English


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.curriculum based on the Spanish National Curriculum. This integratedcurriculum has official recognition (BOE May 2000).

    The implantation of such a curriculum requires a very different classroomapproach from the traditional EFL classroom where the focus is on learningEnglish as a foreign language as opposed to learning content of theinfant /primary curriculum through English. This integrated approach sitsvery positively within the Directives of the Council Of Europe which insistson the need for children to be competent in three European languages bythe end of the obligatory period of secondary education and that thelearning of the first foreign language should begin in the early years offormal education.

    The specific objectives of the project are: To promote the acquisition and learning of both languages through an

    integrated content -based curriculum

    +To encourage awareness of the diversity of both cultures To facilitate the exchange of teachers and children

    To encourage the use of modern technologies in learning otherlanguages

    Where appropriate, to promote the certification of studies under botheducational systems.

    1.2 Rationale : curriculum document

    In February 2001 a Joint Study Review Team (JSRT) was set up by theComision de Seguimiento, Project Board of Directors, to evaluate theprogress of the project to date. The following conclusions on curriculumcontent and assessment were reached by the JSRT. There is a need for: a clear delineation in the subjects and contents to be taught in English

    and the levels at which these will be taught a definition of assessment criteria at the end of each stage of education

    (infant, primaries two, four and six) which will define the attainmenttargets for each level within the project

    This led to the JSRT making the following recommendation:

    Recommendation 4: Curriculum and Assessment:The joint team recommend that a mixed Spanish working party beformed to work on a realistic development of the core curriculum in

    English describing which subject areas and contents should betaught in English in the infant and primary stages. In conjunction,


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    the working party would be responsible for establishing criteria andguidelines for assessment. It would be advisable to have bothSpanish and UK teachers who have been involved in the project forsome time on the team in addition to experts in primary educationfrom the MECD and BC.

    This led to the following Action Point agreed by the Comision deSeguimiento:

    Action Point Six:The Comisin de Seguimiento to ratify the appointment of a working

    party to study the present curriculum (BOE 2002)with a view tospecifying content and assessment criteria for the differentlevels in infant and primary. This should also include guidelinesand strong

    recommendations on therole of class teachers and projectteachers for a joint methodological approach and suggestions for alogical approach to time allocation. This document should alsoincludea comprehensive list of resources (books, materials,equipment) which are recommended for the success of the project ateach stage.

    1.3 Constitution of the working party

    - The working party was constituted in October 2001 with theobjective of producing a document on guidelines for an infantcurriculum and assessment criteria for this level to be ratified bythe Comisin de Seguimiento by June 2002: to be followed by acurriculum for primaries 1-4 by September 2002 and primaries 5-6by June 2003.

    - The team consists of six teachers in the project, three Spanish,three British: all six of them have worked in the project for morethan three years. The other two members of the team have the

    responsibility for the management of the project and are membersof the Comisin de Seguimiento.

    1.4 Approach adopted by the working party

    - The members of the working party consulted 29 infant schools inthe project on contents, approaches, attainment levels, ways ofassessing the children, resources, time allocation, project co-ordination and roles of teachers.


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.- In addition, in the period November 2001 to March 2002 the team

    visited 10 project schools with a check list of points relating to theabove.

    - The observable results of "best practice" were at all timesconsidered to be what we should be aiming towards. Thesecompiled from the documentation and visits are what form thebasis of the curriculum guidelines

    - The guidelines for the infant stage have been developed along thefollowing lines:

    Teaching through topics Development of social skills Concepts and targets:

    understanding and speaking literacy: reading and writing mathematical concepts knowledge and understanding of the world

    Drawing the strands together in a topic web A sample lesson from the topic web Attainment levels at the end of the infant cycle Useful resources

    1.5 Methodological approach to teaching throughoutthe infant cycle

    The guidelines in English for the 3 years of the Infant cycle are closelyrelated to the curriculum in Spanish for this cycle.

    The focus is on the development of the whole child through a curriculumwhich considers his/her physical, cognitive, social, emotional and cultural


    both as an individual and in the context of the immediate society inwhich the child lives - the school and his/her environment. The acquisitionof language, number skills, literacy skills and science skills, whether inSpanish or English is largely through a topic-based approach taking thedevelopment of the whole child into account within each topic andthroughout the three years.

    These guidelines are intended to provide a working document for allteachers of English involved in the project. Any changes to the SpanishNational Curriculum will inevitably be reflected in changes to theguidelines.


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    1.6 Roles of teachers in the project

    Though the topics described below and the global approach to teaching inEnglish, reflect the topics and approach in the Spanish curriculum forthese three years, this does not mean that identical concepts arenecessarily covered at the same time in both languages. Clearly, Spanishclass teacher and project teacher must plan closely together to ensurethat the concepts are covered and understood in both languages.

    It is essential that both the English project teacher and the Spanish classteacher understand that the project teacher will speak in English to thechildren and that there is no need for the Spanish teacher to provide atranslation of what is being said, or to "explain" in Spanish what has beensaid. However, as the Spanish teacher will normally be present at leastduring the first year ofinfantil the English teacher should take advantage,where possible, of his/her presence to explain beforehand what the lessoninvolves and any perceived difficulties. In this way, the Spanish teachercan quietly support children who are having difficulties, who may be newto the class, or have been absent and who may require some extratemporary help. This support does not necessarily need to be given inEnglish.

    When the children are working in groups, particularly in art and craft

    sessions, the Spanish teacher should be available to support the Englishteacher as necessary: two adults in a class is a luxury which should bemaximised as much as possible.

    The project teacher should observe class routines established by the classteacher, as following these will help the children feel more secure and willcreate opportunities for positive communication.

    1.7 Children's language development

    In the initial stages, the children's understanding of English will largely bedemonstrated through non-verbal response to the language input(physical response to songs, games, stories, creative response through artand craft activities, expressions of pleasure arising from stories, songsetc.).

    Understanding will also be demonstrated through verbal response inSpanish, through repetition in English of "chunks" of familiar language,especially language involving classroom routines.


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.Gradually, towards the end of the three years the children will begin toexperiment with a mixture of English and Spanish and use this with non-verbal response to get their message across.

    While the time required for children to assimilate the language should notbe underestimated, it is also advisable to encourage pupils to respondorally and "create" language while still in the infant stage. However,undue pressureto produce language should not be put on the children andthe maturity and pace of development of each individual child should berespected.

    1.8 Introducing literacy skills -"real" reading andwriting

    There are good reasons for introducing pre-reading, reading and writingskills in English while the children are still in the infant class:

    - learning to read and write in English is a longer more complexprocess than in Spanish - an early start is essential to allow time forthe children to become fluent readers and creative writers

    - the advantages to an early start to acquiring the language orallyare greater if this is accompanied by an informal introduction to thewritten word through a meaningful context. The use of Big Books,

    (fiction and non-fiction) classroom labels, classroom exhibitions anda focus on basic phonics is to be encouraged.

    - the spoken language and the written language vary enormously andit has been demonstrated that exposure to both together helps thechildren perceive these differences positively from the start.

    The question of which script to use (Spanish cursive or English print) is onewhich has been left to each school to resolve and is rarely an issue. Thechildren seem to be able to adapt satisfactorily to whichever system isused.

    1.9 Informal and Formal Assessment

    Schools, teachers and parents are anxious to know what kind of progressthe children are making. Throughout the three years there should be afocus on on-going non-evaluative assessment.

    Evidence collected from many of the schools suggests that informal

    assessments and reports sent to parents are based mainly on vocabularyacquisition, language accuracy and "can do" statements (e.g child A can


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.say the name of 3 colours in English. Child B can say the name of 5 coloursin English). However informal assessment is more informative if it focuseson the concepts and targets for each area as described in thisdocument (pages XXXX-XXX) These summarise what the majority of thechildren have achieved or acquired by the end of the cycle. More formalassessment should focus on the Attainment Targets for the end of thethree year cycle (page XXX)

    Informal on-going assessment should also focus on the development of thechildren's social skills as detailed in this document on pages XXXX

    2 Conclusions and Recommendations

    1. The project is far less successful where it is regarded as an "English"

    project in a Spanish school. It is an integrated project in every sense ofthe word: this means that planning and co-ordination between theSpanish teachers and theEnglish teachers within each class isessential. Where the two work together, it has clearly beendemonstrated that the children are benefiting from the experience inboth languages.

    2. What is also essential is the planning between years and betweenthe transition stage of infantand primary. Without this focus oncontinuity the children will progress at a slower rate and their rate of

    progress will be more difficult to measure.3. It is essential to have covered all topics detailed here as well asconcepts in mathematics, literacyand knowledge and of the worldby the end of the infant cycle to the standards as described in theguidelines.

    4. All children at the end of the cycle should be assessed on theattainment targets as described in these guidelines and unlessthere are extenuating circumstances there should be a clear picture foreach class of

    10% at band 1,70%at band 220% at band 3

    for each of the attainment targets. If these targets are not being achievedthen this should lead the school to examine:

    a) the number of hours being spent on English per weekb) approach, use of resourcesc) co-ordination and continuity in the projectd) the need to challenge children more and raise standards and



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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.5. Though the guidelines insist on core contents being covered and

    objectives met, there is no need for schools /groups to remain solelywithin these guidelines. Teachers who are already achieving thesetargets may wish to extend the core contents to suit their individualschool/class circumstances.

    2 Teaching through Topics

    It is essential to value the importance of the development of the wholechild. i.e.


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    - cognitive development- physical development- emotional development- social development

    Just as their teachers in their mother tongue plan, implement and evaluatethe teaching and learning in relation to the development of the wholechild, so must the teachers in the project. To meet the needs of thechildren it is therefore vital to plan and implement learning activities whichallow each child to develop in all these aspects.

    It is important to remember that we are teaching Contents in Englishas opposed to teaching English as a Modern Foreign Language (MFL). Thechildren in the bilingual project enter an environment where Spanish andEnglish are used, and although they may not have encountered English

    before coming to school they become accustomed to hearing English usedin a natural way and begin to acquire an understanding of the language.Just as they acquired their mother tongue so as their understandingdevelops, they begin to use English; first with single words, then a fewwords together until over time they begin to create complete phrases. Thistakes time, but to achieve this we must use the English language in anatural way to ensure that children are not just learning lists ofvocabulary, but learning to cope with chunks of language.

    To do this effectively we must create a motivating environment in whichthe children learn. This environment should provide opportunities for themto develop in all aspects of the whole child. Providing a stimulating contextrelated to the childs interests and needs is important for motivation.

    Topicsgive an ideal context from which to work as they provide anopportunity for children to

    - develop their knowledge andunderstanding of the world.

    - understand new concepts in ameaningful context.

    - develop socially, emotionally, physically

    and cognitively through the teaching ofall curricular areas.

    Topics that would appear to be meaningful and motivating for youngchildren are:

    - Myself- I go to school- Our homes and families

    - People who help us- We go shopping for food


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    - Transport- Festivals- Summer- Autumn- Winter- Spring- Animals- Traditional Fairytales

    The children may learn in the context of some of these topics every yearin the infant cycle, focussing on different aspects each time, so as todevelop a knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Thefollowing information details the concepts that the children should havegrasped and the awareness and understanding that they should havegained by the end of the Infant cycle.

    By the end of the Infant cycle the majority of the children shouldhave developed an awareness and understanding of the following:


    The main parts of their body and how they can use them The change in their body and abilities from birth until now The similarities and differences between boys and girls The five senses

    The basic needs of the human body and how the daily routine catersfor these

    Their emotions and how these can be expressed


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    I go to school

    The different areas within the school and their purposes The people who work in the school and their function The sequence of the daily school routines Positive behaviour patterns appropriate to the school environment The importance of shared and individual responsibilities in the class

    and school environment The cultural similarities and differences in traditional playground and

    classroom games

    Our homes and Families

    The similarities and differences of family units Similarities and differences of roles adopted by different family

    members, avoiding stereotypes The different types of homes that families live in How we use different parts of our home for daily routines of family

    life Their own emotions in different family situations

    Safety in the home


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    People who help us

    The people in their environment who play an important role inhelping them and others

    The types of clothing associated with different occupations and thereasons for different dress codes i.e. safety / recognition / hygiene

    The work places associated with different occupations Procedures of how to contact the emergency services

    I go shopping for food

    The similarities and differences between different types of places toshop i.e. supermarket / market / small specialist shops

    The sequence of events to select and buy products in a variety ofshopping environments

    Classification of foods i.e. fruit / vegetable / meat The source of different foods

    Good personal hygiene before, during and after eating Healthy eating habits


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.


    The principal modes of transport The similarities and differences between the different kinds of

    transport i.e. air / road / rail / watersize / speed / comparison of the cost of travel Our purposes and appropriateness for using specific transport The significance of some traffic signs in the environment Road safety rules


    Festivals as special days celebrated in their own culture and othercultures.

    How certain festivals are celebrated in another culture.e.g. Christmas, Halloween, Diwali, Ramadan

    The images associated with different festivals. e.g. Santa Claus withChristmas.

    At what times of the year certain festivals occur.


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.


    The position of Summer in the calendar The months that make up Summer The type of weather expected in Summer Activities unique to Summer The benefits and dangers of the sun How to keep healthy in Summer i.e. dressing appropriately, eating

    and drinking to prevent dehydration, protecting our skin Warm colours


    The position of Autumn in the calendar The months that make up Autumn

    The variety of weather patterns in Autumn The habits of woodland animals in Autumn The lifecycle of a tree Colours associated with Autumn


    The position of Winter in the calendar

    The months that make up winter


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    The types of weather expected in Winter Activities unique to winter How to keep healthy in winter i.e dressing appropriately, eating

    well, protecting our skin The colours associated with the cold


    The position of Spring in the calendar The months that make up Spring The typical weather patterns in Spring The lifecycles of plants The lifecycles of animals i.e. caterpillar to butterfly, tadpole to frog


    The classification of the main groups of animals The similarities and differences between domestic and wild animals The habitats of different types of animals Basic characteristics of animals which adapt them to their habitats Lifecycles of some animals i.e. tadpole to frog, caterpillar to butterfly How to handle and care for domestic animals Personal hygiene when handling animals


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    Traditional Stories and Fairytales

    The different ways in which a fairytale can be told i.e. book, puppets,acting out

    The stages of a story The difference between reality and fantasy The similarities and differences between characters in the stories The feelings and emotions of characters and how we can empathise

    with them The cultural similarities and differences in traditional fairytales and

    stories (e.g. The Gingerbread Man / El nio de mazapn) Reading is enjoyable


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    3 Developing Social Skills

    Desirable outcomes

    The development of social skills is an essential part of the daily routine in Infants.These are already taught as an integral part of the Spanish curriculum and shouldbe included in classroom planning for the English part of the curriculum.Particular aspects are concentrated on through different topic areas. Theobjectives here are expressed as desirable outcomes and should form part of theteacher's ongoing assessment of each child.By the end of Infants the children should be aware of, or be able to do thefollowing:

    Class routines

    Enjoy participating in a story Enjoy listening to each other in the group situation. Show a willingness to tidy up and pleasure in helping. Not shout in class. Realise the importance of switching off lights, turning off taps,

    flushing the toilet, putting paper in the bin, etc.

    Greetings and goodbyes

    Say good morning, good afternoon, hello and goodbye. How are you? Fine, thank you.


    Express feelings: happy, sad, cross, angry, hungry, frightened,scared, surprised, shy.

    Express love for family and affection.

    Value the friendship and help of others. Have positive self-esteem, actively participate in class and enjoyseeing displays of their own work and that of their peers. Play different roles and express emotions using dramatisation( puppets, soft toys) Participate with pleasure at parties and celebrations.

    Personal hygiene and health

    Understand and respect dining -room rules like: "Wash your handsbefore you eat", "Brush your teeth after eating"

    Understand that sweets cause tooth decay.


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    Have an awareness of the importance of a balanced diet.

    Enjoy eating fruit. Realise the importance of protection from the sun in summer and the

    cold in winter. Understand daily routines related to hygiene and dress. Be able to dress and undress themselves.

    Behaviour patterns

    Understand and respect dining-room rules like "Dont throw food","Dont annoy your friends when they are eating" Take pleasure in listening. Learn to choose, make thoughtful decisions.

    Say "please", "thank you" and "sorry" Promote positive behaviour patterns in the school, in the classroomand in the playground. Accept the concept of losing/winning when playing a game

    Recognise difference between people, avoid discrimination. Have developed a helpful and co-operative attitude during playing

    time. Promote basic organisational habits: constancy, attention, effort,

    initiative... Be aware of the importance of a job well done, and be able to take

    on board the idea that correcting errors is part of "doing somethingbetter" Appreciate clean and tidy surroundings.

    Sharing and participating

    Realise that the classroom equipment belongs to everyone. Share classroom equipment, and take turns to use things.

    Enjoy tidying up, and know where to put things. Help in class and in the home, i.e. set the table at home, have class

    monitors. Be interested in contributing towards a frieze, decorating the classfor Festivals, collecting items for a display, bringing things from home. Take pleasure in giving presents (birthday, Christmas) and givingthanks. Take turns and follow the rules in a game. Enjoy celebrations and parties

    Showing respect

    For people:


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project. Respect the equality of boys and girls, understand the importance ofavoiding sexist stereotypes in games, songs, classroom activities, storiesand use of language.

    Realise the importance of taking it in turns to speak. Have an appreciation of people who help us in our daily lives. Show an interest in other places, cultures and people speaking otherlanguages. Have respect for other peoples personal space.

    For things: Take care of classroom equipment. Use different areas of the class correctly

    For the environment: Appreciate plants and animals. Be interested in looking after plants and animals. Show curiosity about the immediate environment. Know about traditions such as Christmas and other festivities Have an awareness of road safety.


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    The development of Literacy Skills inthe Infant years

    In the three years of infants the focus in reading and writing willalways be on helping children to become enthusiastic readers andwriters through the understanding and enjoyment of "real" books. At

    the same time children will be introduced from the start to a range ofpre-reading and early reading strategies to help them make sense ofwhat they read so that they will gradually be able to read with fluency,accuracy, and understanding but above all with pleasure.

    Literacy is much more than the teaching of the mechanics of readingand writing: literacy provides a greater chance of survival in thelanguage and encourages self-esteem, self-identity and intellectualand emotional empathy. Literacy enables access to stories and othermaterials that shape and develop thinking and help children developconcepts. Bi-literacy gives access to different and varied social and

    cultural worlds. In addition, as children become confident readers theirknowledge of and control over the language becomes increasinglymore individual and personalised.

    .Being able to read and write with fluency and enjoyment in English areskills which need to be developed all through the infant / primarystages and into secondary and the strategies for success must beestablished as part of the curriculum from an early stage. The teachingof literacy skills should ensure that work in speaking and listening,reading and writing is integrated and that the focus on acquiring oralskills should provide the basis for reading and writing particularly inthese early years.

    4.1 Choosing Books and Involving Children in ReadingandWriting

    Fiction and non-fiction books and resources should be based on the

    topic areas in the curriculum framework.


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project. Young children need to know that information and pleasure can be

    derived from books. In the classroom there should be an attractive,comfortable book corner where the teacher reads and tells stories tothe children right from the start.

    Choose eye-catching books or pop-up books and /or books which havean exciting, funny or unexpected ending. Also use fact as well as fictionright

    from the start to show children that books can be about extractinginformation. Use books on familiar topics.

    the children should be encouraged to observe features of text and talkabout texts - familiar/favourite authors, components of text - fictionand non-fiction and illustrations

    the children should participate in reading the text or telling the story

    the children can look at texts individually and with peers and act outstories with puppets and other prompts

    Read and tell stories on a daily basis, selecting books with rhyme,rhythm and repetition. Leave these books in the book corner forchildren to read independently.

    Use texts including songs and nursery rhymes to develop sequencingskills and to predict rhyme

    Involve the children in the creation of class books to have in the bookcorner

    Provide opportunities for the children to create their own books to takehome

    Teach the children to treat the books and wall displays with care,respect and love

    Demonstrate when reading with children that we read print from left toright and involve them in activities which develop this awareness

    When reading to the children, point to the specific word you are sayingto let the children know where a word starts and finishes

    Encourage the children to point to words in the text to help check theirunderstanding

    Ensure that the children are surrounded by print to help childrenbecome aware of written text and meaning: - for example


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    - label classroom areas with text and pictures (our art area, our bookcorner,putthe scissors here)

    - read notices and prints on packets to the children- labels, name cards and notices can be written and read aloud by

    the teacher as children watch.- Charts, ( for attendance, birthdays, families, personal information)

    provide the children with opportunities to identify and recognisetheir own names and names of their peers.

    - Involve the children in the process of recording and displaying theweather, day of the week on a daily basis

    - Display children's work with titles and captions- Display photographs of the children participating in activities along

    with text. If possible create a text with repetition and rhyme. Readthe text together with the children and use the display as a talking

    point.- Ensure that displays are at an appropriate height for children

    4.3 Development of decoding skills : teaching phonics

    Provide opportunities for the children to develop an awareness ofphonics.Introduce the initial consonant sounds then the end consonant sound Atthis stage there should be a focus on the letter sound not thealphabet name.

    Phonics should be presented in a stimulating attractive way.Appropriate learning activities may include some of the following:- have a sound box from which children can discover objects

    beginning with the sound- choose a story relating to an object from the sound box- create a display of objects, name cards and letters with the same

    initial sounds- create washable letter tracing cards- provide sorting and matching games- create a class sound book with words and pictures

    - invent a story and ask the children to listen for the words beginningwith the sound and respond appropriately

    - use tongue twisters or rhymes which feature a repeated letter orsound

    - increase children's awareness of the world of sound around them bylistening to instruments and distinguishing between the sounds theymake: add body percussion sounds to songs and rhymes, changingthe sound with each new phrase or sentence

    - explore different ways of speaking (roaring, whispering,) and when theseare appropriate

    - explore strange sounds children can make according to a situation- goingdown a slide - WHEEEE!


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    - Work on rhymes. Play odd one out or change the end of a nursery rhymeto see if the children can spot the intruder.

    4.4 Development of creative writing

    Encourage children to experiment with writing creatively in English even if theinitial attempts are difficult for you to understand. Ask the children to read back"their" written text to you. Use the children's writing as a means of diagnosingthe stage of the individual child's reading/writing development and for helpingthem "correct" their work. Use the "teacher as scribe" approach both as a modelin the whole class sessions and as a model for children to copy in theirdrawings /labels etc.

    5. Understanding and speaking targetsInfants 1:3-4


    Infants 2:4.5 years Infants 3: 5-6 years


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    Be able to sitcomfortablyand payattention for

    up to 10minutes.

    Begin to show aninterest in what isbeing said inEnglish.

    Show an interest instories.

    Begin to join inwith dramatisation.

    Show an interest insinging actionsongs and join inphysically.

    Regularly listen tolanguage withplenty ofrepetitions,rhythms andrhymes.

    Begin to learn notto interrupt.

    Begin to show anunderstanding ofsimple instructionsand give physicalresponses andverbal responses inSpanish.

    Be able to pay attention forlonger periods.

    Listen with interest.

    Enjoy listening to storiesand start to join in with re-telling them.

    Remember short dialogues.Start to act out stories withpuppets.

    Participate actively insinging sessions.

    Begin to join in andexperiment with the sounds

    of the language.

    Take turns in speaking andbegin to listen to eachother.

    Demonstrate anunderstanding ofinstructions, topicvocabulary, and routinelanguage. Begin to use setphrases to ask forpermission.Give short answers toexpress preferences andfeelings.

    Sustain attention and interactduring each activitythroughout the lesson.

    Show pleasure in listening(e.g. smiling andanticipating)and listenconfidently to more complexlanguage.

    .Be able to help re-tell a storyand remember chunks oflanguage

    Remember chunks of dialogue.Enjoy dramatising stories withpuppets and masks usingdifferent actions and voices.

    Know by heart a large numberof songs, rhymes and chants.

    Identify and respond to sound

    patterns in language. (e.g.onset and rhyme.)

    Take turns to speak and listento the other children. Relatewhat they say to what hasgone before.

    Show a good understanding ofclassroom instructions.

    Confidently use set phrases toask for help and permission,and other classroom routines.Begin to use familiar languagein new contexts. Start toexperiment with combininglanguage.


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    6. Literacy: reading and writing targets

    Infants 1 3-4


    Infants 2 4-5


    Infants 3 5-6 years

    Show an interest inlistening to stories

    Look at books witha teacher andrespondappropriately

    Understand the waybooks work fromtop to bottom, fromleft to right, followinstructions such asturn the pagenext page

    Be aware of print inthe classroomenvironment

    Be able todistinguish printfrom writing

    Develop a furtherinterest in stories

    Recognise that print isbroken up into wordsand be aware of wherewords start and finish

    Begin to matchwords/short everydayphrases in signs,labels and classroomdisplays.

    Begin to read thewalls with theteacher (memoryreading)

    Begin to recognisesome high frequencywords such as is, a, to,the.

    Recognise their own

    names and many oftheir classmates.Begin to write theirnames.

    Be able to understandthat words are madeup of letters.

    Be able to form easierletters of the alphabet

    with plasticine and saytheir sound.

    Understand the distinction betweenstory books and fact books andhave a developing understanding ofthe more important conventions infact books (index, contents)

    Understand how books work: cover,title, author. Be able to identifyfavourite authors (Eric Carle, JohnBurningham, Spot books by EricHill, Maisy books by Lucy Cousins,etc.)

    Recognise the common"grammatical" conventions andtheir purpose in books and walldisplays:- capital letters, full stops,question marks

    Recognise with growing ease alarge number of commonwords/phrases in Big Books andclass readers and worksheets

    Be able to recognise between 10and. 30 of the most common highfrequency words.

    Read the names of other children.Write their own names clearly,

    starting with a capital letter.

    Be able to recognise the letters ofthe alphabet. Say the lettersounds, notthe letter names.

    Be able to write the letters of thealphabet using the correctsequence of movements.


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    Children should have acomfortable pencilgrip.

    Begin to focus on thebeginning sounds ofwords.

    Begin to hear the endsounds of words.

    To work intensively on thebeginning sounds of words.

    To read and identifyvowel/consonant combinations atthe ends of words.Be able to identify the sounds ofrhymes (e.g . Bug in a rug, cat onthe mat etc.)

    Have a beginning awareness of theconcept of family clusters (groupsof consonants commonly occurringin words) and begin to use thecluster attack skills to decipherwords (e.g.r clusters br/fr/ tr/cr/gr/dr/pr)

    Begin to develop word attack skillsusing: known words, phoneticalawareness , and other cues( e.g.

    the context and pictures.)

    Use a few simple resources such asword walls and key lists to writetheir own sentences.

    Begin experimental writing insimple texts even though thewriting of these may be erratic.

    Show pleasure and confidence in

    the development of reading andwriting skills.


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    7. Mathematical Concepts and Targets

    The development of mathematical skills in the infant classroom isgenerally regarded as part of the global development of the whole child.As such, concepts will be introduced, practised and re-visited throughoutthe year and then re-cycled and built on through the whole 3 year cycle.The conceptsand targets described below should therefore be included inyour plans for each topic web and taught through on-going TPR activities,songs, rhymes, stories, matching and sequencing games and otherlanguage and literacy work.The overall aim in the three years of infants is to develop the children'sknowledge and understanding of mathematics and to help children seetheir relevance to everyday life in English as well as Spanish

    7.1 number skills- Counting and recognising numbers in familiar contexts such as

    numberrhymes, songs, stories, counting games and activities

    - Adding and subtracting, sorting, sequencing and matching- making simple number predictions

    Infant 1: 3 - 4 year-olds

    Infant 2: 4 -5 year-olds Infant 3: 5 -6 year-olds

    Say the numbers 1-10 in familiar contextsfrom the topic areasSing songs, chants,rhymes with numbers upto 10 in topic areas

    Count reliably up to 3everyday objects

    Recognise numbers 1-3and match numbers andobjects 1-3Sort similar familiarobjects/pictures intosets pictures or childrenthemselves (boys andgirls)

    Say and use thenumbers up to 5, then10 and show anawareness up to 20 infamiliar contexts

    Count reliably up to 10objects and begin tocount in other contexts

    such as clapping soundsor jumps etc

    Recognise numbers 1-10 and match numbersand objects 1-5

    Make simple estimatesand predictions, forexample the number ofcubes that will fit in a

    box, or strides across aroom

    Show awareness ofnumbers beyond 20 infamiliar contexts e.gnumber of children inclass, days in the month

    Match numbers andobjects 1-20 and matchnumber names 1-10

    Understand and beginto use the vocabularyinvolved in adding andsubtracting (more, less,and, add, how many,

    take away, leave, howmany are left, lots of,


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    nothing none, greater,smaller) to compare twonumbers

    Find one more or oneless than a numberbetween 1-10

    Begin to relate additionto combining two andextend to three groupsof objects

    Begin to relatesubtraction to takingaway and counting howmany are left

    7.2 maths skills :measurement, shape, time, positionandmovement

    3-4 years 4-5 years 5-6 years

    - Name shapes ofcircle and squarethrough topic areasand creating displays

    - sort shapes into sets- identify shape books

    - Show an

    understanding ofthe concepts of big,small and littlethrough topic areas

    and displays

    - Show anUnderstanding ofconcepts in/out:

    up/down open/close

    - Name shapes circle,square, triangle- Select and sort

    shapes into sets

    - show an

    understanding of theconcepts of big(large)medium (middle-sized)little (small)

    - on/under- at the top-

    in the middle- at the bottom

    - Name shapes circle,square, triangle,rectangle; usethe shapes to makemodels, pictures andpatterns and namethem

    - Size concepts as

    for previous level + anawareness of conceptsenormous, tiny, long(er)/

    short(er): short(er)/tall(er);bigger/smaller

    - opposite- right/left- beside/behind/

    between /next (to)


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.- day/night- morning- daily school routine

    - sequencing 2 itemse.g colours, shapessizes, fruit, etc

    - daily routine(sequence familiarevents)

    - days of the week in

    order- morning/afternoon/

    night- awareness of the

    seasons- own birthdays

    -sequencing 3 items

    - schooldays/weekends

    - before/after- months of the year

    - begin to read o'clocktime

    sequencing 4 items andchanging patterns


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    8. Knowledge and Understanding of the World:Concepts and Targets

    Overall aim: to help the children observe, explore and begin to

    ask questions about living things, materials and phenomenon.

    These concepts and ideas should be developed through daily routines,everyday activities and through the various topic areas. By the end ofeach year, the children should have developed a global knowledge andunderstanding of the following areas in English. We should keep in mindthat the children are acquiring the language so as a result of hearing thenatural use of the English language in the school environment, theirunderstanding in English will frequently go beyond what is detailedbelow.

    3-4 years 4-5 years 5-6 years

    Observe andexplore colours inthe environment- primary colours,

    red, yellow, blue- secondary colour:

    green- Autumn and

    winter colours

    - Black (hallow'een)- Sequence 2


    Explore materialsin the environment- use, explore and

    experiment freelywith a range ofbasic materials(crayons, paints,water, sand,

    plasticine, paper,card, etc)

    Explore theproperties ofsound and pitch


    loud /quiet- free use of a

    range of

    Observe andexplore colours inthe environment- wide spectrum of

    primary andsecondarycolours

    - cold colours- sequence 3


    Explore materialsin theenvironment- Use explore andexperiment with anincreasingly widerrange of basicmaterials and their


    Explore theproperties ofsound and pitch

    - loud /soft- slow/fast

    Observe and explore coloursin the environment- wide spectrum of primary

    and secondary colours- cold /warm colours- dark/light- sequence 4 colours- read and match colour


    Explore materials in theenvironment- hot/cold- push/pull- hard(er)/soft(er)- rough /smooth- the same/different- sweet/savoury

    - sort basic materials by their- properties and

    characteristics (wood,bricks, straw, wool, paper,card, plasticine, differentkinds of cloth)

    Explore the properties ofsound and pitch

    - louder/softer


  • 7/29/2019 Curriculum Infants


    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.


    Develop anawareness ofourselves- the importance of

    personal hygienein the schoolenvironment

    Develop anawareness ofourselves andothers in theenvironment- awareness of the

    family and theclassenvironments andthe roles of the

    people in theseplaces- awareness of a

    few customs andways ofcelebrating

    Observe andexplore livingthings in theenvironment

    - awareness andunderstanding ofdomestic animals inthe environment(pets /zoo/ farm)

    - use of a range ofpercussioninstruments to

    - accompanysongs

    Develop anawareness ofourselves

    - the importanceofbasic hygiene

    on adaily basis

    - how we dress toprotect our

    bodiesand keep healthy

    Develop anawareness ofourselves andothers in theenvironment- awareness of the

    home and schoolenvironments

    and the roles ofpeople in these- awareness of

    differentcustoms andways ofcelebrating

    Observe andexplore livingthings in theenvironment

    - awareness andunderstanding ofthe basic needsof wild anddomesticanimals indifferentenvironments


    - high/low- use a range of percussion

    instruments to representsounds in the environment

    Develop an awareness ofourselves

    - how we use our 5 senses- the importance of correct

    eating and dental hygiene- the importance of personal

    hygiene and how we useand care for items used tokeep our bodies clean andhealthy


    Develop an awareness ofourselves and others in theenvironment- awareness of the wider

    community and the roles ofpeople in it.

    - A broader awareness ofdifferent customs and ways

    of celebrating

    Observe and explore livingthings in the environment

    - a greater awareness ofdomestic and wild animals,their characteristics, habitsand habitats

    - a broader awareness andunderstanding of animallifecycles and observing theprocess of growth andchange e-g silkworms/caterpillars /tadpoles

    - observing plant life cyclesand process of growth e.g

    growing beans and seeds


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    - awareness andunderstanding ofthe cycles ofplants andanimals

    9. Drawing the strands together in a topic


    We have selected one of the topic areas (Spring) and demonstrated howall four strands (social skills, literacy development, maths and

    understanding and knowledge of the world) are weaved into the overallplanning of a topic web at each year of the infant cycle.

    These are suggested developments of the topic web in keeping with thetargets for each stage: each school will want to develop their own web foreach topic and each level, keeping careful records of what iscovered to ensure continuity both for the next level and for incomingteachers.

    Notice that art and craft /music and rhymes /drama have beenincorporated into the topic webs at the appropriate point and through theappropriate activity.

    Directly afterwards, there is a sample lesson for a class of four year-oldsshowing how one lesson could be developed bringing in different strandsfrom the topic web.


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    3 year olds


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    4 year olds


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    5 year-olds


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    Sample lesson page 1


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    Sample lesson page 2


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    Sample lesson page 3


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    Sample lesson page 4


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    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    10. Attainment Targets : end of the Infantcycle.

    The attainment targets described for the end of the infant cycle are in thefollowing areas:- Understanding and speaking- Literacy- reading and writing- Number work- Knowledge and understanding of the world

    Three levels for each target have been described: each child finishing thethird year of the infant cycle should broadly fit into one of the three levelsfor each target. Approximate estimations will be- Band 1 - 10%- Band 2 - 70%- Band 3 - 20%

    If out of 25 children who have been in the project for 2/3 years there aremore than 2 or 3 at band one, and fewer than 7/8 at band 3 then this mayindicate a need to look at

    a) number of hours being dedicated per week on teachingcontents through Englishb) approach/ methodology and use of resourcesc) co-ordination and continuity in the project

    d) the need to challenge children more and raise standards andexpectations

    10.1 Attainment Targets: understanding andspeaking

    Band 1

    - Children can demonstrate through appropriate non-verbal responsethat they understand basic classroom language, topic vocabulary andfamiliar chunks of language, songs, rhymes, appropriate short fictionand non-fiction texts

    - Children can follow sometimes with help, simple instructions for PE,music, art and craft activities.

    - They may need considerable help in the way of slower speech,repetition, gesture and individual assistance .

    Band 2:


  • 7/29/2019 Curriculum Infants


    Pedagogical Guidelines for the infant stage (3-6 year-olds) ofMECD/ BC bilingual Project.

    - Children can demonstrate through appropriate non-verbal responsethat they understand a wide range of classroom language, statementsand

    questions, longerfiction and non-fiction texts which includepresent,past and futureevents and include familiar language in unfamiliarcontexts.