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SCERT, A.P, Hyderabad Curricular and Evaluation Reforms Dr. N. Upender Reddy Professor
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Curricular and

Evaluation Reforms

Dr. N. Upender Reddy


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State Curricular Reforms

• Developed State Curriculum Framework and 18

Position Papers on various curricular and other

areas based on NCF-2005, RTE-2009 and


• Revised the syllabus from class I to X and

developed textbooks from class I to X in a phased


• Evolved academic standards – class wise and

subject wise along with learning indicators.


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• Developed appropriate teaching learning

strategies and steps for effective transaction of

subjects reflecting the nature of the subject.

• Revised and improved the annual and lesson

plans with a focus on common core standards.

• Development of standard based assessment tools

and strategies with a focus on Formative


• Development of standard based means of

reporting students progress to parents and others.


State Curricular Reforms (Contd..)

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• Development of subject specific teacher

handbooks on new textbooks, methodologies,

assessment procedures, planning etc.

• Designed the training programmes to the in-

service teachers and conducted the orientation in

collaboration with SSA and RMSA through face to

face and teleconference mode.

• Undertaken studies on curriculum implementation

and programme evaluation.


State Curricular Reforms (Contd..)

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• the shift in approach to subjects and ways of

teaching and learning.

• the shift in academic standards.

• the shift in classroom process.

• the shift in assessment.

• the shift in the role of the teacher, learner and the


• the shift in the Pre-service teacher training

The curricular reforms not only ended with

revision of textbooks but a major shift in the nature of

understanding and practices in the following areas:

What did it mean by curriculum change?

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What is quality in education? – Quality


• Quality curriculum and textbooks.

• Quality of teaching learning process.

• Quality classroom environment and support.

• Clarity on the expected outcomes i.e. AcademicStandards and improving children learning outcomes.

• Teacher preparation and professional development.

• Appropriate pupil assessment procedures.

• Inspiring the children for acquiring knowledge and for selflearning, create interest towards learning and schooling.

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• The new textbooks provides opportunities to thechildren to learn in a variety of ways throughexperience, making and doing things, experimenting,reading, discussion, asking, thinking and reflecting andexperiencing, writing etc. both individually and withothers.

• The curriculum now enables the children to find theirvoice, their creativity to do things, ask questions, topursue investigations, sharing and integrating theirexperiences with school knowledge rather than abilityto reproduce textual knowledge. Thus, the textbooksreflects active pedagogy.

Quality of textbooks

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Effective Teaching Learning Process

• Education is the manifestation of the perfection

already present in the man.

• Education is not received. It is achieved.

• A teacher can never teach truly unless he is still

learning himself.

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• Focus on making children to think and express

creatively. Less teaching and more production

from the children.

• Engage children in dialogue, discussion,

reading and reflection, observation and

reflection, thinking on a given issue and

reflection, field visits, group work, sharing

experiences, experimentation, project works


Effective Teaching Learning Process (Contd..)

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• More opportunity for the children to participate

through activities, discussions, exploration,

experimentation, questioning etc.

• Construction of knowledge through mutual

interaction, active engagement, collaborative work

and sharing etc.

• Preparation of lessons from the experiential orbit of

the children and their surroundings.

• Scope for clarification of doubts and construction of

new knowledge through free talk and questioning.

Effective Teaching Learning Process (Contd..)

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• Learning by doing individually and in groups while

during field visits and experiments.

• Activities and exercises are open-ended giving

scope for the children to learn individually and in

groups promoting critical thinking.

• Getting opportunities to participate and to find

solutions to various problems in the subjects.

• Exercises/activities have a lot of scope for the

children to express themselves.

Effective Teaching Learning Process (Contd..)

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Teacher Preparation

• Teacher preparation – value addition to the textual

material in terms of new examples, activities,

questions etc. Teacher regular reading of reference

books and making notes helps for expert teaching and

value addition to the textbooks.

• Resources for teaching new textbooks – Teacher

must collect/ develop required teaching learning

material for effective teaching and learning.

• Preparation of annual and unit cum lesson plans.

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Annual Plan


1. Class:

2. Subject:

3. Total periods:

4. Expected competencies at the end of

the year:




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of the


No. of







s to be

taken up






5. Month wise planning

6. Reflections of teacher on bimonthly basis:

7. HM/ Principal’s remarks and suggestions:

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Lesson Plan

1.Name of the lesson:2.No. of periods required:

3.Expected competencies through the lesson:







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4. Period wise details:
















5. Teaching notes:(Addl. Information, examples, activities, questions etc. From

reference books & other sources)

6. Teacher reflections:(What went well, children learning, feelings, gaps, learnings to the

teacher, impact etc.)

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Steps to improve quality

• Focus on the implementation of new textbooks.

• Ensuing teacher preparation and development of

annual plans and lesson plans – Focus on

teaching notes.

• Focus on professional preparation for HMs,

MEOs and Dy.EOs – Perspective development.

• Utilization of library books and development of

reading habits.

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Steps to improve quality (Contd..)

• Utilizing available material in schools i.e. TLM, kits,

self learning material, Science and Maths

equipment etc.

• Monitoring children written works, projects and

other FA activities – Focus on implementation.

• Appreciation teachers, HM, MEO efforts in public


• Improving the quality of in-service training

programmes – selection of good subject teachers

as RPs and focus on delivery.

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Steps to improve quality (Contd..)

• Developing subject forums @30 per subject who in

turn undertake trainings, monitor schools and

participate in material development.

• Make schools as learning organizations – Book

reviews, read and reflect sessions; using teacher

reference books (38) provided to schools.

• Implementation of co-curricular activities.

• Encouraging innovations.

• Quality audit and accountability.

• Review the work of HMs, MEOs and Dy.EOs.

• HM performance – Daily schedule for academic


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Why the reforms- context cond.

• The curriculum reforms and revisedtextbooks reflects the spirit of NCF-2005,RTE-2009.

• The new textbooks aim at achieving the classwise, subject wise, targeted competenciesand developing multifaceted personality andcompetencies such as thinking, selfexpression, analysis, judgment, logicalrepresentation etc.


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• The assessment reforms at elementary level i.e.

• CCE for classes I to VIII is being implemented in theState since 2012-13 onwards with a focus onprojects, self expression, change in the nature ofquestions, assessment of co-curricular activitiesetc.

• A shift in the nature of teaching learning processesand engagement of the children in learning processwith activities, dialogue and discussions, projects,experiments etc. The very process of experiencingand knowledge construction have been changed.Therefore this need to be reflected in theexamination process too.


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• The existing practices of preparing children donot reflect the spirit of education and preparingthem to face the future challenges.

• The process reveals that learning by rote andmechanical completion of the syllabus beforeDecember, reading and re-reading the questionanswers and memorizing.

• Teaching is mostly aimed at examinations andchildren refer guides and study materials alone.

• There is no opportunity and space for childrento think on their own and construct answersapplying their knowledge and experience.


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• There is stress and anxiety in the entire preparationfor class X on the part of the children and teachers.The schools are confined as coaching centres withoutmuch focus on developing analytical and logicalthinking on the part of the children and developknowledge and wisdom.

• The entire process of education and examinationsshould aim at developing, thinking, analytical andcommunication skills among the children in ademocratic climate.

• Therefore the proposed reform is a step towardspractices of education to achieve the intended goalsand objectives of the education.


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Reforms 1. Number of papers

Language subjects:

• Two papers for First Language and English andeach paper carries 50 marks and single paperfor Second Language i.e. Hindi/ Telugu etc.(Total 5 papers)

Non Language subjects:

• Two papers for non-language subjects i.e.Maths, Science, and Social Studies and eachpaper carries 50 marks (total 6 papers).


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2. Weightage to internal marks in the PublicExaminations.

• Public examination will be conducted for 80marks and 20 marks for internals in eachsubject.

• The areas for internals includes formativesubjects i.e.


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Items for internals (formative assessment) Marks

1 Children’s reading and reflection for languages

and doing experiments in Science; Reading the

text and interpretation and reflections on

contemporary social issues in Social Studies;

Generating Mathematical problems under

various concepts in Mathematics.


2 Children’s written work in their notebooks (self

writing to the questions/ tasks given in the

exercise part under each unit/ lesson).


3 Project works 5

4 Slip test 5

Total 20


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• Each student can place one notebook of 100pages for the three formative tests i.e. “Readand reflection/ Experiments/ Social issues/Maths problems, Projects and Slip tests (Sl. No.1, 3 and 4) and 200 page notebook for thewritten works.

• Most of the written work shall be completed inthe classroom only and children suppose toread the textbooks at home.

• Children can keep FA notebooks in the schoolitself to the extent possible.


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• The average marks of 4 formative assessment asabove will be furnished to Director, Govt. Examsthrough online by concerned Headmaster.

• Before submitting the internal marks through onlinethe HM should verify all the records and reportsbased on which marks awarded by the teachers andkeep ready for the verification by the concernedDy.EO/ other officers

• The Dy.EO shall constitute the subject-wise expertteam to visit the schools and verify the internalmarks.

• The Headmaster is responsible for proper conduct ofinternals through formative assessment.


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Pass Marks

• 35% of marks both in external public

examinations (80 marks) and internals (20

marks) is a must. Thus pass marks are 28 in

external public examinations.

• The Pass marks in second language i.e. Hindiand Telugu will be 35% as in case of otherlanguage subjects.


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Grade Marks in Languages

(100 M)

Marks in

Non Languages

(50 M)



A1 91 to 100 marks 46 to 50 marks 10

A2 81 to 90 marks 41 to 45 marks 9

B1 71 to 80 marks 36 to 40 marks 8

B2 61 to 70 marks 31 to 35 marks 7

C1 51 to 60 marks 26 to 30 marks 6

C2 41 to 50 marks 21 to 25 marks 5

D1 35 to 40 marks 18 to 20 marks 4

D2 0 to 34 marks 0 to 17 marks 3


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• The present system of grades at class X i.e.from A1 to D2, a eight point grade isconsidered as shown above.

• Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)will be calculated by taking the arithmeticaverage of grade points.


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Evaluation of co-curricular activities

• Following are the co-curricular areas beingimplemented in schools. These areas have beenshown in the school timetable with allocation ofspecific periods in school academic calendar.These areas forms the part of assessment forclasses I to VIII under CCE.

• Physical & Health Education.

• Art & Cultural Education.

• Work Education & Computer Education.

• Value Education & Life Skills 32

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• At present evaluation of co-curricular activitiesis being conducted for classes I to VIII underCCE. The same is being extended to for classesIX & X.

• Each area will have 50 marks and there is nowritten test. The concerned teachers observeand give marks based grading i.e. 5-point scaleA+, A, B, C and D, as a part of summative exams.

• Necessary grades may be shown against eacharea with qualitative description (is beingpracticed in CBSE).


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Exam schedule and timings• Public exam will be conducted @ one paper on

each day except on Sundays and generalholidays.

• Each exam for language papers and nonlanguages except Second Language is 2 ½ hoursfor 40 marks paper. In case of Hindi, the time is3.00 hours with 80 marks .

• 15 minutes will be allotted in addition toall the subject papers to read and understandthe question papers (as in case of CBSE).


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Nature of questions• The nature of questions must be open ending,

descriptive, analytic which tests children abilities ofthinking, critical analysis, judgments and selfexpression and a move away from rote methods.

• The questions should make the children to thinkcritically and express.

• The questions once appeared in public exams shouldnot be repeated.

• The questions given in the exercises of the textbookunder each unit and lesson must not be given assuch. Questions must reflect the academic standards.


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Type of questions

Following are the nature of questionsproposed as given here under.

• Essay type questions.

• Short answer questions.

• Very short questions/ objective type questions (MCQs).


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Cont. • Essay type questions- Answers to these must be

written in 3 to 4 paragraphs or 10 to 15sentences.

• Short answer questions- Answers to these mustbe written in a paragraph or 5 to 6 sentences.

• Very short answer questions- Answers to thesemust be written in two or three sentences.

• Objective type questions – Multiple ChoiceQuestions (MCQs).

• There is choice in the essay type questionswhich is internal.


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Single Answer Booklet

• As being practiced in case of CBSE, it is

proposed to give one answer booklet to the

students to write the answers since

suggestion given for the extent of answer in

the form of paras/ sentences/ words for

each type of question. No additional answer

papers will be entertained.


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Valuation of answer scripts• A teacher must correct 20 papers in the

morning and 20 papers in the afternoon i.e.only 40 papers must be corrected per day.

• As the questions are thought provoking andopen ended, correction must be donecarefully. Appropriate guidelines must begiven to the teachers along with key forundertaking proper correction of answerscripts.


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Training and Capacity building of teachers and supervisory staff

• Training to the teachers and supervisorystaff on the nature of questions and theprocess and criteria for assessment.

• 1st and 2nd Summative Assessment papersmust be on the lines of public exams.

• Teachers and officials must be trained onnature of question papers in 10th classpublic exam and the methods of evaluation.


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Strengthening of DCEB and made it more resourceful

• D.C.E.B. should take up the responsibility of preparingquestion papers for classes IX and X (except publicexam paper) and also sending them to schools.

• One Headmaster with sound academic backgroundand commitment must be made as in-charge ofD.C.E.B.

• Subject wise district teams under DCEB @ 10 to 15must be formed with expert teachers to prepare thequestion papers and take up studies.

• The team members should include the textbookswriters from the district, SRG members, subjectexperts, teacher educators, experienced teachers,teachers from private school etc.


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Cont.• SCERT should conduct orientations and

trainings to the DCEB Secretaries and subjectgroups at regular intervals and build theircapacity and also monitor the functionalaspects of DCEBs.

• The SCERT shall develops necessary teacherhandbooks, model papers, roles andresponsibilities for institutions and individualsfor effective implementation of examinationreforms and design the districts in undertakingthe training programmes.


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Head Masters

• Headmaster is the first level supervisoryofficer to ensure proper implementation ofcurricular and co-curricular activities,teacher preparation, lesson plans, teachinglearning process and conduct of examsproperly by all the teachers.

• Identify and encourage teachers andchildren for their best efforts and talent andtake it to the notice of higher officials andSCERT.

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• Using of guides and study material by thechildren and memorizing the finishedanswers will damage the children’sthinking capacities and self expression.Therefore, guides and study material shallnot be used. HM should ensure this.

• Allotment curricular and co-curricularsubjects to the teachers available and seethat all these areas must be transacted.


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• Headmaster must check the evidences forinternal exams i.e. proper conduct of formativeand summative assessments at school level andoffer suggestions on the records and registersprepared by teachers and children. He shouldverify all the children and teacher records on FAand SA and satisfy himself before placing it tothe moderation committee.

• HM to furnish internal (FA) marks and grades onco-curricular activities to the Director,Government Examinations through on-line asper the schedule from Director, Govt. Exams.


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• The HM should follow the schedule for theconduct of internals and other exams andmaintenance children cumulative records andcommunicating the progress to the parents atregular intervals.

• The HM must ensure for quality classroomtransaction by utilizing available TLM,equipment and library books in the schools.

• The HM should conduct monthly review on theperformance of the teachers and children andrecord in the minutes book along withsuggestions for each teacher and review followup action on the minutes of the earlier meeting.


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• Arrangements for proper feedback to thechildren and their parents on childrenperformance and school activities.

• The HM is the first teacher and must be sound inacademic knowledge by way of reading teacherhandbooks, new textbooks and other sourcebooks and conduct frequent sharing workshopswithin the school on teacher readings and otheracademic issues and concepts.

• The HM should observe the classroomtransactions of each teacher and offer furthersuggestions and guidance for improvement.


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TEACHERS• The teachers are responsible for the proper

implementation of new textbooks i.e. activities,projects, experiments, field investigations,information tasks etc.

• The exercises given under each unit/ lesson areanalytical and thought provoking in nature andchildren should think and write on their own. Thereshall not copying of answers from the guides, studymaterials, copying from other children notebooksetc. This is one of the items under formativeassessment with appropriate interest and care.Teachers should not encourage purchasing and usingof guides, study materials etc.

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• The questions in the box items aremeant for discussions in the classroomswhere children express and share theirthinking and ideas. The box items are onthe contemporary issues and situationswhere children are expected to reflecttheir experiences and prior ideas. This ishelpful for application of textbookknowledge in their daily life situations.


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• Prepare and implement curricular andco-curricular subjects assigned to themand transact in a qualitative way with afocus on interactive teaching, discussionswith active participation of children.Read resource books and additionalreference material to get more clarity onconcepts and develop teaching notes oneach lesson. Thus, add value to thetextbooks.


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• Teachers conduct formative assessments

(internals) and summative assessments and

value the children notebooks and other records

on regular basis. Give marks and grades based on

children performance and maintain evidences of

children performances in the form of children

notebooks, records and keep ready for the

observations of headmaster and moderation

committee. The teachers shall take up remedial

teaching and support children based on the gaps

identified through formative and summative



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• Keep and read the teacher handbook,modules provided during trainingprogrammes and take up follow up action.Teaching is a profession and teacher is aprofessional and constant updation ofknowledge and skills is a must for anyprofession. Therefore, the teachers efforts forself development through reading resourcebooks, magazines, journals, attendingseminars/ trainings, visiting subject specificwebsites, sharing in teacher meetings etc.


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• Develop and use annual and lesson/unitplans and improve over time.

• Furnish children and teacher recordspertaining to FA and SA to HM for hisverification and for further guidance andsuggestions.

• Encourage children for their initiativesand attempts to improve and supportthem

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