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Cultura popular i societat de masses Cristina Sánchez Carretero (Universitat d'Alcala-CSIC) Qualsevol recopilació bibliogdfica mai no és completa i resta limitada per factors que tenen a veure amb I'access~b~l~tat a les fonts per part de les persones que la fan, amb la seva preparació -en termes de llengües que usen I d'orientació disciplini- ria- i, per tant, amb la forma d'entendre el tema que s'ha escollit. En el cas de la cul- tura popular i la societat de consum o de masses la bibliografia que es pot recopilar és doblement limitada per I'ambigijitatdel terme "cultura populai'. Aquí presento una llista de les fonts que em semblen més rellevants per a I'estudi de la cultura expressiva popular; prenent com a centre els processos comunicatius que a hores d'ara es donen en la nostra societat. Així, s'ha donat una importancia especial als nous m~tjans que s'usen com a canals de comun~cació en que s'escoita ;a veu "folk" de I'actual~tat, com, per exemple, lnternet i els mitjans de comunicació de masses, tot Incloent també temes transversals que tenen a veure amb la re:nvenció de les tradicions, la comercialització de la cul- tura, les relaclons de podel; qüestions de genere i la g~obalitzaciÓ.Tots aquests te- mes resten acotats per I'aspecte que aquí he anomenat com "cukura expressiva", seguint, en part, la class~ca definició de Dan Ben-Amos de folldore com aHcomu- nicació artística en el si de petits grups". I. ABRAHAMS, Roger D. 1964: Deep Down in thelungle. Hatboro, Pa.:Fol- klore Associates. 2. ABRAHAMS, Roger D., 1968: "A Rhetoric of Everyday Life:Traditional Conversational Genres". Southern Folklore Quorterly 32: 44-59. 3. ABRAHAMS,Roger D., I98 1 :"Shou- tlng Match at the Border:The Fol- klore of D~splay Events". A: 'And Ot- her Neighborly Nomes .. .': Sociol Pra- cess ond Culturol lmoge in Texos Fol- klore. Ed. R~chard Bauman y Roger Abrahams. Austin: University of Te- xas Press. 303-2 l . 4. ADAMS, Robert McC., i996 Poths of Fire:An Anthropologist's lnquiry into Western Technology. Princeton: Prin- ceton Univers~ty Press. 5. ALEGR~A de la COLINA, Margarita, Carlos G~MEZ CARRO y Elsa MUÑIZ GARC~A (ed.), 1995: Nue- vas ideos; viejos creencios: Lo culturo mexicano hacia el siglo XXI. Azcapot- zalco, México: Universidad Autóno- ma Metropolitana. ALLEN, Ray y Lois WILCKEN (ed.), 1998: lsland Sounds in the Global City: Coribbean Popular Music ond ldentity in New York. New York : New York Folklore Sociev lnstitute for Studies In American Music, Brooklyn Colle- ge. ALTER,J.S., 1994:"Somatic Nationa- lism: lndian Wrestling and Militant Hinduism". Modern Asion Studies 28: 557-88. ANTTONEN, Pertti J. y Reimund KVIDELAND (ed.), 1993: Nordic Frontiers:Recent lssues in the Study of Modern Troditional Culture in the Nor- dic Countries.Turku: Nordic Institute of Folklore. APPADURAI,Arjun, 1996: Modernity ot Lorge: Culturol Dimensions of Glo- balization. Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press. APPADURAI, A qun, 2000: "Grassro- ots Globalization and the Research Imagination". Public Cuhure 12.1 : 1 - 19. APPADURAI, Aqun, 1986 (ed.): The Sociol Life of Things: Cornmodities in Cultural Perspeaive. Cambr~dge: Cambridge University Press. APPADURAI, Arjun, E J. KOROM y M. MILLS (ed.), 199 1 : Gender, Genre and Power in South Asion Expressive Troditions. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. APTE, Mahadev L., 1978:Moss Cultu- re, Longuoge, ond Arts in Indio. Bom- bay: Popular Prakashan. ARAKI, Hiroyuko, 1978: "The Wan- dering Infant-Noble Theme In Japa- nese Legends and Mass Media". A: Folklore in the Modern World. Ed. Ri- chard Dorson.The Hague: Mouton. 147-54. AUG~, Marc, 1993: Los ((no lugores)) espocios del ononimoto: una ontropa- logio de 10 modernidod. Barcelona: Gedisa. 16. AUGE, Marc. 1998: Hocio una ontrc- pologia de 10s mundos contemporane- os. Barcelona: Ged~sa. 17. AYATS, Jaume, 1998:"Como mode- lar la imagen sonora del grupo: 10s eslóganes de manifestación". Antra- pologio 16: 243-267. 18. BAER, Florence E., 1982: "'Give me.. . Your Huddled Masses': Anti- Vietnamese Refugee Lore and the 'Image of Limited Good"', Western Folklore 4 1.4: 275-29 I. 19. BAKER Ronald L., 1976: "The In- fluence of Mass Culture on Modern Legends", Southern Folklore Quorterly 40: 367-376. 20. BARON, Robert y Nicholas R. SPIT- ZER (ed.), 1992: Public Folklore. Was- hington, D.C.:Smithsonian Institution Press. 21. BAUMAN, Richard. 1984 [1977]: Verbal Art as Performance. Prospect Heights, 111.: Waveland Press. 22. BAUMAN. Richard, 1986: Story, Per- formance, ond Evenr Contextuol Stu- dies in Oro1 Norrotive. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 23. BAUMAN, kchard (ed.), 1992: FOC klore, Cuhural Performonces, ond Pa- pular Entertainments. NewYork Ox- ford University Press. 24. BAUMAN, Richard y Joel SHERZER, 1989:Explorations in the Ethnogrophy of Speoking. New York Cambridge University Press. 25. BAUMAN, Richard y Roger D. ABRAHAMS (ed.), 198 I : 'And Other Neighborly Nomes . . .': Sociol Process and Cultural lmoge in Texos Folklore. Austin: University ofTexas Press. 26. BAUSINGER Hermann, 1966: "Zur Krit~k der Folklorismuskritik". A: Pa- pulus Revisus. Ed. Hermann Bausin- ger 6 1-72, 27. BAUSINGER, Hermann, 1990 [1961]: Folk Culture in o World of Technology.Trad.Elke Dettmer Bloo- mington: lndiana University Press, 28. BAUSINGER, Hermann, 1999 [ I 97 I]: Volkskunde: von der Alter- tumsforschung zur Kuhuronolyse.Tü- b~ngen: Tübinger Vereinigung fur Volkkunde. 29. BAUSINGER, Hermann y Elfriede MOSER-RATH, 1976: Direkte Kom- munikotion und Mossenkornmuniko- tion. Scholss:Tübingen. 30. BEARDSLEY Richard K, y Rosalie HANKEY 1942: "The Vanishing Hitchhikei'. Colifornio Folklore Quor- terly 1 : 303-3s. 3 1. BEARDSLEY Richard K. y Rosalie HANKEY 1943: 'A Hstory of the Vanishing H~tchhikei'. Colifornio FOC klore Quorterly 2: 13-35. BECK, Ulrich, 1998: ¿Que es 10 globa- lizoción? Folocios del glabolismo, res- puestos o la globolizoción. Barcelona: Paidós. BECKER Jane S. y Barbara FRAN- CO, 1988:Folk Roots, New Roots: FOC klore in Americon Life. Lexington, Mass.:Museum of Our Natlonal He- ritage. BELL, David y Barbara M. KENNEDY (ed.), 2000: The Cybercuhures Reo- der. London: Routledge. BELLVER AMARE, Fernando. 1999: Lo cep0 mediterranea: Del Mediterrá- neo al Pacifico, del Neolitico a 10 glo- bolizoción.Madrid: Noesis. BEN-AMOS, Dan, 1984:"The Seven Strands of Tradition:Varieties in Its Meaning In American Folklore Stu- dies",]ournol of Folklore Reseorch 2 1 : 97.131 BEN-AMOS, Dan, 1990: "Fore- word". A: Folk Culture in o World of Technology. Hermann Baus~nger Blo- omingon: Indiana Univers'ity Press. vii-xv. BENDIX, Regina, 1993: "Of Moh- renkopfe and loponesen: Swiss Ima- ges of the Foreign". journol of Folkla- re Reseorch 30.1: 15-28. BENDIX, Regina, 1997: In Search of Authenticity.The Formotion of Folklore Studies. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press. BENDIZ, Regina y Barbro KLElN (ed.), 1993:"foreigners and Foreign- ness in Europe:Express~ve Culture in Transcukural Encounters"]ournol of Folklore Reseorch (número mono- grafico). 30. l BENDIX, Regina y Gisela WELZ, 1999:"Cuitural Brokerage: Forms of lnteilectual Practice in Society",]our- no1 of Folklore Reseorch 362-3. BENJAMIN, Waker; 1973: "La obra de arte en la época de su reproduc- tibilidad técn~ca". A: Discursos Inte- rrumpidos. Trad. Jesús Aguirre. Ma- drid:Taurus.[1968:"TheWork ofArt In the Age of Mechan~cal Reproduc- tion". A: Illuminotions. New York Schocken.219-2531, BENNEn, G~llian, 1884:"The Phan- tom Hitchhiker: Neither Modem, Urban, nor Legend". A: Perspectives on Contemporory Legend: Proceedings of the Conference on Contemporory Legend, Sheffield, july 1982. Ed. Paul Sm~th. Shefield:CECTAL. BENNETT, Gillian, 1985: "What's 'Modern' about the Modern Le- gend?', Fobulo 26: 2 19-229. B E N N U L Giilian, 1987.Troditions of

Cultura popular societat de massesThe Honest Urban Legends Going. NewYork Norton. BRUNVAND, Jan Harold, 1993: The Baby Train.And Other Lusty Urbon Le- tors-in-the-Sewers: A Journalistic

Oct 06, 2020



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Page 1: Cultura popular societat de massesThe Honest Urban Legends Going. NewYork Norton. BRUNVAND, Jan Harold, 1993: The Baby Train.And Other Lusty Urbon Le- tors-in-the-Sewers: A Journalistic

Cultura popular i societat de masses

Cristina Sánchez Carretero (Universitat d'Alcala-CSIC)

Qualsevol recopilació bibliogdfica mai no

és completa i resta limitada per factors

que tenen a veure amb I'access~b~l~tat a les

fonts per part de les persones que la fan,

amb la seva preparació -en termes de

llengües que usen I d'orientació disciplini-

ria- i, per tant, amb la forma d'entendre el

tema que s'ha escollit. En el cas de la cul-

tura popular i la societat de consum o de

masses la bibliografia que es pot recopilar

és doblement limitada per I'ambigijitat del

terme "cultura populai'. Aquí presento

una llista de les fonts que em semblen

més rellevants per a I'estudi de la cultura

expressiva popular; prenent com a centre

els processos comunicatius que a hores

d'ara es donen en la nostra societat. Així,

s'ha donat una importancia especial als

nous m~tjans que s'usen com a canals de

comun~cació en que s'escoita ;a veu "folk"

de I'actual~tat, com, per exemple, lnternet

i els mitjans de comunicació de masses,

to t Incloent també temes transversals

que tenen a veure amb la re:nvenció de

les tradicions, la comercialització de la cul-

tura, les relaclons de podel; qüestions de

genere i la g~obalitzaciÓ.Tots aquests te-

mes resten acotats per I'aspecte que aquí

he anomenat com "cukura expressiva",

seguint, en part, la class~ca definició de

Dan Ben-Amos de folldore com aHcomu-

nicació artística en el si de petits grups".

I . ABRAHAMS, Roger D. 1964: Deep

Down in thelungle. Hatboro, Pa.: Fol-

klore Associates.

2. ABRAHAMS, Roger D., 1968: "A

Rhetoric of Everyday Life:Traditional

Conversational Genres". Southern

Folklore Quorterly 32: 44-59.

3. ABRAHAMS, Roger D., I98 1 :"Shou-

tlng Match at the Border:The Fol-

klore of D~splay Events". A: 'And Ot-

her Neighborly Nomes . . .': Sociol Pra-

cess ond Culturol lmoge in Texos Fol-

klore. Ed. R~chard Bauman y Roger

Abrahams. Austin: University of Te-

xas Press. 303-2 l .

4. ADAMS, Robert McC., i996 Poths

of Fire:An Anthropologist 's lnquiry into

Western Technology. Princeton: Prin-

ceton Univers~ty Press. 5. ALEGR~A de la COLINA, Margarita,

Carlos G ~ M E Z CARRO y Elsa

MUÑIZ GARC~A (ed.), 1995: Nue-

vas ideos; viejos creencios: Lo culturo

mexicano hacia el siglo XXI. Azcapot-

zalco, México: Universidad Autóno-

ma Metropolitana.

ALLEN, Ray y Lois WILCKEN (ed.),

1998: lsland Sounds in the Global City:

Coribbean Popular Music ond ldentity

in New York. New York : New York

Folklore Sociev lnstitute for Studies

In American Music, Brooklyn Colle-

ge. ALTER, J. S., 1994:"Somatic Nationa-

lism: lndian Wrestling and Militant

Hinduism". Modern Asion Studies 28:


ANTTONEN, Pertti J. y Reimund

KVIDELAND (ed.), 1993: Nordic

Frontiers:Recent lssues in the Study of

Modern Troditional Culture in the Nor-

dic Countries.Turku: Nordic Institute

of Folklore.

APPADURAI, Arjun, 1996: Modernity

ot Lorge: Culturol Dimensions of Glo-

balization. Minneapolis: University of

Minnesota Press.

APPADURAI, A qun, 2000: "Grassro-

ots Globalization and the Research

Imagination". Public Cuhure 12.1 : 1 - 19.

APPADURAI, Aqun, 1986 (ed.): The

Sociol Life of Things: Cornmodities in

Cultural Perspeaive. Cambr~dge:

Cambridge University Press.


M. MILLS (ed.), 199 1 : Gender, Genre

and Power in South Asion Expressive

Troditions. Philadelphia: University of

Pennsylvania Press.

APTE, Mahadev L., 1978: Moss Cultu-

re, Longuoge, ond Arts in Indio. Bom-

bay: Popular Prakashan.

ARAKI, Hiroyuko, 1978: "The Wan-

dering Infant-Noble Theme In Japa-

nese Legends and Mass Media". A:

Folklore in the Modern World. Ed. Ri-

chard Dorson.The Hague: Mouton.


AUG~, Marc, 1993: Los ((no lugores))

espocios del ononimoto: una ontropa- logio de 10 modernidod. Barcelona:


16. AUGE, Marc. 1998: Hocio una ontrc-

pologia de 10s mundos contemporane-

os. Barcelona: Ged~sa.

17. AYATS, Jaume, 1998: "Como mode-

lar la imagen sonora del grupo: 10s

eslóganes de manifestación". Antra-

pologio 16: 243-267.

18. BAER, Florence E., 1982: "'Give

me.. . Your Huddled Masses': Anti-

Vietnamese Refugee Lore and the

'Image of Limited Good"', Western

Folklore 4 1.4: 275-29 I.

19. BAKER Ronald L., 1976: "The In-

fluence of Mass Culture on Modern

Legends", Southern Folklore Quorterly

40: 367-376.

20. BARON, Robert y Nicholas R. SPIT-

ZER (ed.), 1992: Public Folklore. Was-

hington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution


21. BAUMAN, Richard. 1984 [1977]:

Verbal Art as Performance. Prospect

Heights, 111.: Waveland Press.

22. BAUMAN. Richard, 1986: Story, Per- formance, ond Evenr Contextuol Stu-

dies in Oro1 Norrotive. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

23. BAUMAN, kchard (ed.), 1992: FOC

klore, Cuhural Performonces, ond Pa-

pular Entertainments. NewYork Ox-

ford University Press.

24. BAUMAN, Richard y Joel SHERZER,

1989: Explorations in the Ethnogrophy

of Speoking. New York Cambridge

University Press.

25. BAUMAN, Richard y Roger D.

ABRAHAMS (ed.), 198 I : 'And Other

Neighborly Nomes . . .': Sociol Process

and Cultural lmoge in Texos Folklore.

Austin: University ofTexas Press.

26. BAUSINGER Hermann, 1966: "Zur

Krit~k der Folklorismuskritik". A: Pa-

pulus Revisus. Ed. Hermann Bausin-

ger 6 1-72,

27. BAUSINGER, Hermann, 1990

[1961]: Folk Culture in o World of

Technology.Trad. Elke Dettmer Bloo-

mington: lndiana University Press,

28. BAUSINGER, Hermann, 1999

[ I 97 I]: Volkskunde: von der Alter-

tumsforschung zur Kuhuronolyse. Tü-

b~ngen: Tübinger Vereinigung fur


29. BAUSINGER, Hermann y Elfriede

MOSER-RATH, 1976: Direkte Kom-

munikotion und Mossenkornmuniko-

tion. Scholss:Tübingen.

30. BEARDSLEY Richard K, y Rosalie HANKEY 1942: "The Vanishing

Hitchhikei'. Colifornio Folklore Quor-

terly 1 : 303-3s.

3 1 . BEARDSLEY Richard K. y Rosalie HANKEY 1943: 'A Hstory of the

Vanishing H~tchhikei'. Colifornio FOC

klore Quorterly 2: 13-35.

BECK, Ulrich, 1998: ¿Que es 10 globa-

lizoción? Folocios del glabolismo, res-

puestos o la globolizoción. Barcelona:


BECKER Jane S. y Barbara FRAN-

CO, 1988: Folk Roots, New Roots: FOC

klore in Americon Life. Lexington,

Mass.: Museum of Our Natlonal He-


BELL, David y Barbara M. KENNEDY

(ed.), 2000: The Cybercuhures Reo-

der. London: Routledge.

BELLVER AMARE, Fernando. 1999:

Lo cep0 mediterranea: Del Mediterrá-

neo al Pacifico, del Neolitico a 10 glo-

bolizoción. Madrid: Noesis.

BEN-AMOS, Dan, 1984: "The Seven

Strands of Tradition: Varieties in Its

Meaning In American Folklore Stu-

dies",]ournol of Folklore Reseorch 2 1 : 97.131

BEN-AMOS, Dan, 1990: "Fore-

word". A: Folk Culture in o World of

Technology. Hermann Baus~nger Blo-

omingon: Indiana Univers'ity Press.


BENDIX, Regina, 1993: "Of Moh-

renkopfe and loponesen: Swiss Ima-

ges of the Foreign". journol of Folkla-

re Reseorch 30.1: 15-28.

BENDIX, Regina, 1997: In Search of

Authenticity.The Formotion of Folklore

Studies. Madison: The University of

Wisconsin Press.

BENDIZ, Regina y Barbro KLElN

(ed.), 1993:"foreigners and Foreign-

ness in Europe: Express~ve Culture in

Transcukural Encounters"]ournol of

Folklore Reseorch (número mono-

grafico). 30. l

BENDIX, Regina y Gisela WELZ,

1999: "Cuitural Brokerage: Forms of

lnteilectual Practice in Society",]our-

no1 of Folklore Reseorch 362-3. BENJAMIN, Waker; 1973: "La obra

de arte en la época de su reproduc-

tibilidad técn~ca". A: Discursos Inte-

rrumpidos. Trad. Jesús Aguirre. Ma- drid:Taurus. [1968:"TheWork ofArt

In the Age of Mechan~cal Reproduc-

tion". A: Illuminotions. New York

Schocken. 219-2531,

BENNEn, G~llian, 1884: "The Phan-

tom Hitchhiker: Neither Modem,

Urban, nor Legend". A: Perspectives

on Contemporory Legend: Proceedings of the Conference on Contemporory

Legend, Sheffield, july 1982. Ed. Paul

Sm~th. Shefield: CECTAL.

BENNETT, Gillian, 1985: "What's

'Modern' about the Modern Le-

gend?', Fobulo 26: 2 19-229.

BENNUL Giilian, 1987. Troditions of

Page 2: Cultura popular societat de massesThe Honest Urban Legends Going. NewYork Norton. BRUNVAND, Jan Harold, 1993: The Baby Train.And Other Lusty Urbon Le- tors-in-the-Sewers: A Journalistic

Belief: Wornen ond the Supernatural. BLACHE, Martha (ed.), 1994: Narra-

tiva Folklorica. Vol. I. Buenos Aires:

York W W Norton.

BRUNVAND, jan Hamld, 1989: Cur-

Nord Nyn 74: 17-37.

90. COLEMAN, Loren, 1979: "Alliga- Harmondsworth: Pelican.

46. BENNET, Gillian, 1995: "'lf I knew

You Were Comlng I'd Have Baked a

Cake': The Folklore of the Forek-

nowledge in a Neighborhood

Group". A: Out of the Ordinary: FOC

klore and the Supernatural. Ed. Baha-

Centro Editor de America Latina.

BLACHE, Martha (ed.), 1995: Narra-

ses! Broiled Again. The Honest Urban

Legends Going. NewYork Norton.

BRUNVAND, Jan Harold, 1993: The

Baby Train.And Other Lusty Urbon Le-

tors-in-the-Sewers: A Journalistic

Origin". Journa1 af American Folklore

92: 335-38.

9 1 . CONDRY; lan, 1999: "Japanese Rap

Mus1c:An Ethnography of Globaliza-

tiva Folklorica.Vol.ll. Buenos Aires: FA-


BLACHE, Martha (ed.), 1999: Folklc-

re urbono.Vigencia de 10 leyendo y 10s

gends: NewYork, London.

BRUNVAND, Jan Harold, 1986: The

Mexicon Pet. New York, London:

tion in Popular Culture".Tes~s Doc-

toral.Yale University

92. CONTRERAS, Pau, 1999: "Internet i ra Walket: Logan: Utah State Univer-

sity Press. 47. BENNElT, Gillian, 1999: "Alas, Poor

Ghost!" Traditions of Belief in Stary

relatos tradicionales. Buenos Aires:

Ediclones Collhue.

BLANCH, Antonio, 2000: Luces y


BUELL, Frederick. 1998: "Nationallst la societat de la informacio. Revista

d'Etnologia de Catdunya 14: 76-83.

93. COOMBE. Rosemary J., 1997: "The

Demonic Place of the 'Not There':

Trademark Rumors ~n the Postin-

sornbras de la globalizaci6n. Madrid :

Universldad Pontlficia Comillas.

BOOTH, Gregory D., 1990: "Brass

Bands: Tradit~on, Change, and the

Mass Media in lndlan Wedding Mu-

sic", Ethnornusicology 34.2: 245-262.

BORLAND, Katherlne, 199 I :"'That's

Not What I Said': lnterpretive Con-

flict in Oral Narrative Re8earch.A :

Women's Words:The Ferninist Practice

af Oral Histary. Ed. S. B. Gluck and D.

Patai. NewYork Routledge. 63-75.

BORN, Glorgina. "La materialitat

Postnationalism: Globallst Discourse

ond Discourse. Logan: Utah State in Contemporary American Cultu-

re". Arnerican Quorterly 50.3: 548-9 I.

BURNS,Tom, 1969: "Folklore in the

Mass Medla: Television", Folklore Fc-

rurn 2: 90- 106.

BUXÓ, Maria Jesús, I999a:"Cultures

en el clberespa!: envers una sociedat

University Pwss.

48. BENNETT, Gillian y Paul SMITH

(ed.), 1988: Monsters with lron Teeth: dustrial Imaginary". A: Culture, Power,

Ploce: Explorations in Critical Anthm-

pology. Ed. AWlil Gupta y James Fer- Perspectives on Contemporary Le-

gend. Vol. I . Shefield: Shefield Aca-

demic Press.

49. B E N N m , Gillian y Paul SMITH,

1993: Conternporary 1egend.A Folklo-

re Bibliagraphy. NewYork Garland.

50. BENNET, Gillian y Paul SMITH

(ed.), 1996: Contemporary Legend. A

guson. Durham: Duke University

Press. 249-74.

94. CORD, Xenia, 1969: "Department

Store Snakes". Indiana Foíklore 2: 110-15.

95. CORDEIRO, Albano y Marie-Antoi-

nette HILY, 2000:"La fGte des Portu-

gais: hefitage et invention". Revue Eu-

digitalitzada", Revista d'Etnologio de

Catalunya 14: 5-7.

BUXÓ, Man'a Jesús, I999b:"Tecnolo-

gies intel-lectuals: suports interactius,

extensius i vlrtuals de la cognició i la

Reoder. New York Garland.

51. BERLAND, jody, 1996: "Mapping

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1993:"Demonologies in Contempo-

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BOTTOMLEY; Gillian, 2000: "Nego-

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96. CORN, Joseph J., 1996:"Object Les- ond Cyberculture. Ed. S. Aronowitz.

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52. BERMANI, Cesare, 199 1 : 11 barnbino

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53. BERNIER Bemard, 1990: "Le Japon.

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BRANCH, Roger G. y Richard PER-

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55. BEST, Joel, 199 I :"Bad Guys and Ran- dom Violence: Folklore and Media

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Mitjans de comunicació de masses i fol-


13, 14, 19,29,50,51,55,57,58,63,97, 112, 115, 117, 120, 121, 129, 163, 174,

182, 186, 193, 21 6, 228, 232, 235, 239,

243, 246, 250, 253, 254, 258, 269, 276,

277, 302, 308, 311, 312, 314, 316, 317,


Tecnologia i cultura expressiva

4,27,29. 34. 37,42,5 1,56,65,78,79,80,

92, 103, 104, 122, 130, 131, 133, 136, 139,

177- 180, 197, 234, 261, 266, 272, 280,

283,294,3 19,324,340,344,346,352

Globalització i cultura

10, 15, 16,32,38,40,62,77,87, 1 11, 136-

138, 156, 158, 17 1, 188, 190, 204. 207, 219. 220, 240, 247, 257, 270, 285-287,


Cultura com a bé de consum

I I , 20, 26, 35, 41, 53. 67, 154-158, 162,

168, 223, 224, 225. 255, 265, 3 15, 326,


Poder i cuitura expressiva 7, 12. 18,25,28,41, 69,70, 84, 126, 134.

1 35, 140, 142, 154, 206, 2 1 5, 267, 274,

Noves tradicions i invenció de la tradició

6.7,8,33,34,36,37,39,45,47, 124, 125,

153, 19 1 . 193, 194, 241, 242. 252, 277,


Llegendes urbanes

14. 18, 19,30,3 1,43,44,48,49,50,52,55.

61, 71-76, 81, 82, 83, 89, 90, 93, 94, 108,

109, 110, 113, 118, 123, 127, 145-149,

152. 1 69, 170, 229, 230, 244, 245, 273,

276, 284, 300, 302, 304, 3 13, 321, 327,

330,33 1,333,337,345,35 1,353,357

Festes, rituals i societat de consum

La pol;tica de la cultura

67,69,84,95, 134, 142, 162, 164, 168, 176,

181, 183, 184, 185, 191, 198, 218, 223,

225, 242, 248, 249, 27 1 , 274, 275, 288,



6, 17,63,9 1 , 1 32, 144, 159,226,268,282

Cultura expressiva en ciutats

1, 8, 27, 33, 37, 119, 125, 128. 141, 150,

151, 172, '73, 187, 208, 209, 210, 217,

22 1,222,238,259,278,292,296,297

Dones i cultura expressiva

1 2,45,64, 195,2 1 3,2 14,280, 30 1 , 347
