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Cultivating a Positive Mindset By Diane King

Cultivating a Positive Mindset

Feb 20, 2017


Self Improvement

Diane King
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Cultivating a Positive MindsetBy Diane King

Welcome to this Free Teaching Segment of the Happiness Formula Boot Camp curtesy of The World Transformation Summit 2016

I am Diane King your Life Coach, Creative Therapist, Poet and Author of the Happiness Formula, born in Jamaica and living in London UK for over 25 years with my family, I invite you to share this journey to discovering some pearls of wisdom to cultivating a Positive Mindset; which is an integral part of The Happiness Formula.


Thought PatternsTypes of ThoughtsStilling The MindHappy Thoughtscovering

Thought Patters Everything Is Energy and it is said that Where Attention Goes Energy Flows

This Presentation will explore the following 4 Aspects, 1) Understanding Thought Patterns, 2) The Types of Thoughts that we have,3) Benefits and Strategies for Stilling the Mind,4) Cultivation and Sustaining Happy Thoughts. 2

Thought PatternsNeurological Energy Circuits70,000 Thoughts A DayImpact of thoughts on the Body, mind, soul

Our Brain is made up of intricate patterns of neurological energy circuits, or pathways through which messages travel between regions of the brain and throughout the rest of the human body.

Thought is a force--a manifestation of energy, having a magnetic impact - like the power of attraction and or repulsion

A Thought Pattern = noun = A habit of thinking in a particular way or making certain assumptions, usually. positive or negative.

Research into thought Patterns indicate that we have approximately 70, 000 + thoughts per day.

If that be the case then let us examine the types of thoughts that we may be having, and how these thoughts may be making us feel.


Types of ThoughtsWaste ThoughtsOrdinary ThoughtsNegative ThoughtsPositive Thoughts

Thoughts are Like Seeds, producing positive or negative results depending on how it is being nurtured, watered, fed, and or influenced.

Do you know that Most of us spend the majority of our time 40% thinking about the past, replaying things that we cannot change, worrying unnecessarily about x,y,z. Living with regret, self-blame, with negative self-talk, which robs us of vital healing energy frequencies.

Studies indicate that most people spend up to 30% on their time Thinking about The Future, and about 40% on the past and 20% in the Here and Now, with 10% not thinking at all.

NOW Examine your own Thought Habits and See if a Pattern is emerging, and if any of your thought pattern need adjusting.

Examples of Waste Thoughts, Ordinary Thoughts, Negative Thoughts, and Positive Thoughts include..An Activity To Do In Your Own Time.4

Napoleon Hill said that Thoughts which are mixed with any of the feelings of emotions, constitute a magnetic force which attracts, from the Vibrations of the Ether, other similar or related Thoughts.A thought thus Magnetised with Emotion may be compared to a seed which, when planted in fertile soil, germinates, grows, and multiplies itself over and over again,Until that which was originally one small seed, becomes countless millions of seeds of the same BRAND.5

Power of Thought

The most potent form of energy is thought because thought-waves are cosmic waves penetrating all time and space.Be Mindful of Your Powerful Thoughts.

Each soul carries with it a Personal Energy that Manifest itself through our thoughts, words, beliefs and actions.


The Power of Thoughts is incredible.

We have to be aware of our thoughts - they are powerful cosmic waves in the universal sea of energy we live in.

Watch your thoughts they become words; watch your words they become actions, Watch your Actions they become Habits. Watch your Habits they become Character; Watch your Character it becomes your Destiny7

Thoughts are energy and they are real and they have power.

The cells in our body reacts to everything that our mind says.Negativity brings down our immune system.

The aim of this session is to enable you to cultivate a more relaxed and calmer mindAllowing you to release yourself from the chronic state of business and the excessive state of thinkingSo that you may positively benefit in all ways for mind, body and spiritual / soul wealth.

Firstly let us understand that the mental personality is made up of the conscious and sub-conscious mindSometimes our thoughts can build up so much into constant mind chatter, to analyze and over evaluate things , and constantly re-playing certain life eventsOver and over again.

When this happens to us it can feel like we are becoming trapped into a spiral of unhelpful mental activity that can often lead to anxiety and even depression.

Thankfully there are solutions to tackling these habits, as we explore the possibilities of the universe that is ready to serve us

Next let us explore that constructs of the mental personality the conscious and sub-conscious mind.8

Our mind is like a (computer), it is open to the public, allowing others to place information on it (media, music, family, friends, mentors, etc).Some of the information is empowering and will assist you as you move towards the things you want in life.Then there are the viruses that will slow down your computer. The good news is you have the ability to delete, add, rewrite any and all of the data shared.You just have to look at your life. If you dont have peace of mind, balanced thoughts, and feeling stressed about your life, then the data has a virus.If you are attracting the things you want where your life is aligned in harmony with positive energy and or your Reality is Your Dream, then your computer is fine tuned. Looking closer now at the browser of your computer (what you are thinking about at the moment), this will bring up the files in your mind relating to that subject. The subject in the browser is the conscious mind. Why? Because it is what you are consciously thinking about. It is the subject you are focused on at the moment.Everything else is unconscious/ sub-conscious. Why? Because it is not what you are thinking about and it is not in the browser. It is submerged deep within your memory bank. For example let us look at relationships on your computer, everything else that is playing in the background that you dont see is not trying to sabotage the computer, etc. The other information is stored on the computer and is unconscious (for this illustration).If you switch subjects and pull up money, then it will become what you are focused on and the files about money will pop up. Everything else (including relationships now) are in the unconscious arena. Everything that is stored in your unconscious mind was put there by your conscious mind (Esther Hicks).So dont fall into the trap of thinking your mind is attacking you with thoughts

. It is not. It is just full of files that were programmed into YOU. You get to decide on what to use or not. You are in control

So how then do we maintain a Bug Free Mind??


In my journey I also subscribe to other Personal Development Coaches like Andy Shaw the creator of A Bug Free Mind Success Secrets, who suggested I share in one of his free home study program module on Achieving Harmony. This is what he has to say.10

Mind and Body LightConsciousnessAlign with Higher Universal Energetic FrequenciesExploring the Inner-verse of Peace and StillnessMeditation as a Means of Mind Mastery and Pain Relief.

Remember that the forces of the Universe is always ready willing and able to serve us according to ones energy frequency, yet many people have forgotten about their ability to align energetically with the innerverse of stillness through practicing stillness for example Meditation as the means of mastering the Domain of Thought and Mindand for manifesting Healing Intentions..


Stilling the Mind

The Practice of Mindfullness Meditation The following example of simple mind-stilling techniques that I am about to share, you will find that we can powerfully train ones every-day conscious mind to automatically move towards the more productive thoughts, and comfortably felt art of detachment as we get comfortable now,

Once you have found your most comfortable positionNext focus on this a focal point of light colours and detatch from all external stimulus, and distractions as you begin to observe your thoughts focus your attention on the central point and breathe in deeply and exhale slowly on the count of four, repeat twice, whilst concentrating on the flow of your breath, and the rise and fall of your diaphram notice as your mind begin to slow down and allow calmness to wash over you. As we prepare to go deeper into our sub-conscious realms to remove all limiting beliefs, worries of the past or concerns about the future.. All we have is this moment Now, and all I want us to have is a Peaceful and Happy Mind, Body and Soul.


I am made of energy and I will always existWhatever happens in this life, is a vehicle to move me alongNot a beginning or an endNo matter what the ego tells me, No matter what the Body feelsThese are merely experiences that I need to feel to achieveWhat I came here to do, be and experience that needs to be knownI may not remember it all right now because it would prevent me fromThe experiences of the here and nowWhen I seek my truth it will be reflected back back to meThere is nothing to fear, There is infinite Love hereAll that is Glows Divinely within me.13

Cultivating Happy Thoughts

If you think PositivelySound becomes MusicMovement Becomes DanceSmile becomes LaughterMind Becomes MeditationAnd Life Becomes a Celebration.14

Thank you for participating in this Free Cultivating A Positive Mindset Bootcamp

To Explore More Peaceful Pathways to A Happy Destination Please

Send your contact details to Diane King at

[email protected]

Thank You for participating in this Positive Mindset Bootcamp curtesy of the World Transformation Summit 2016

I am happy that you were able to participate in this teaching segment of The Happiness Formula, and look forward to engaging with you again in the near future.

In the meantime do enjoy your journey to happiness with support from the practice activities found in The Soul U Taking Action for Happiness Toolkit, some of which are outlined in my Best Seller Book The Happiness Formula with its proven methods for dissolving pain into joy.

Feel free to link me on Facebook Diane King, and stay tuned for more updates on the Summit and Beyond at www.worldtranformationsummit


Super Mind Music Sampler MixSuper Mind MusicSuper Mind MusicMeditative1645057.2Super Mind Music Sampler MixSuper Mind MusicSuper Mind MusicMeditative1645057.2Super Mind Music Sampler MixSuper Mind MusicSuper Mind MusicMeditative1645057.2