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Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2

Feb 17, 2018



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  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    Nombre ________________________________________

    1. Incident Management has a value to the business by?a) Helping to control infrastructure cost of adding new technologyb) nabling users to resolve !roblemsc) Helping to align people and process for the delivery of service

    d) "ontributing to the reduction of impact

    #. $he main ob%ective of &vailability Management is?a) $o monitor and report availability of services and componentsb) $o ensure that all targets in 'ervice (evel &greements '(&s) are metc) $o guarantee availability levels for services and componentsd) $o ensure that service availability matches or e*ceeds the agreed needs of thebusiness

    +. ,hich of the following are the three main types of metrics as defined in "ontinual'ervice Improvement "'I)?

    1. !rocess Metrics

    #. 'upplier Metrics+. 'ervice Metrics-. $echnology Metrics. /usiness Metrics

    a) 10 # and +b) #0 - and c) 10 + and -d) 10 # and -

    -. ,hich of the following are the three main types of metrics as defined in "ontinual'ervice Improvement "'I)?

    1. !rocess Metrics#. 'upplier Metrics+. 'ervice Metrics-. $echnology Metrics. /usiness Metrics

    a) 10 # and +b) #0 - and c) 10 + and -d) 10 # and -

    . ,hich of the following /'$ describes a (ocal 'ervice es2 structure?a) & 'ervice es2 that also provides onsite technical support to its usersb) & 'ervice es2 where analysts only spea2 one languagec) & 'ervice es2 that is situated in the same location as the users it servesd) & 'ervice es2 that could be in any physical location but usestelecommunications and I$ systems to ma2e it appear that they are in thesame location

    3. ,hich of the following is N4$ an e*ample of a 'ervice 5e6uest?a) & user calls the 'ervice es2 to order a toner cartridgeb) & user calls the 'ervice es2 because they would li2e to change the

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    functionality of an applicationc) & Manager submits a re6uest for a new employee to be given access to anapplicationd) & user logs onto an internal web site to download a licensed copy of softwarefrom a list of approved options

    7. ,hich of the following statements is "455"$ for all processes?

    a) $hey define activities0 roles0 responsibilities0 functions and metricsb) $hey create value for sta2eholdersc) $hey are carried out by a 'ervice !rovider in support of a "ustomerd) $hey are units of organisations responsible for specific outcomes

    8. /usiness drivers and re6uirements for a new service should be considered during?a) 5eview of the router operating system patchesb) 5eview of the current capabilities of I$ service deliveryc) $he !ost Implementation 5eview !I5) of a changed) ecommissioning legacy servers

    9. ,hich of the following statements are "455"$ about :unctions?

    1. $hey provide structure and stability to organi;ations#. $hey are self

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    whether the change should be approvedd) $o assist the "hange Manager in speeding up the emergency change processso that no unacceptable delays occur

    1-. $he goal of 'ervice &sset and "onfiguration Management is to?a) &ccount for all the financial assets of the organisationb) !rovide a logical model of the I$ infrastructure0 correlating I$ services and

    different I$ components needed to deliver the servicesc) /uild service models to %ustify I$I( implementationsd) Implement I$I( across the organisation

    1. ,hich of the following is a characteristic of every process?1. It is measurable#. It is timely+. It delivers a specific result-. It responds to a specific event. It delivers its primary results to a customer or sta2eholder

    a) 10 #0 + and - only

    b) 10 #0 - and onlyc) 10 +0 - and onlyd) &ll of the above

    13. ,hich of the following /'$ describes the purpose of vent Management?a) $he ability to detect events0 ma2e sense of them and determine the appropriatecontrol actionb) $he ability to implement monitoring toolsc) $he ability to monitor and control the activities of technical staffd) $he ability to report on the successful delivery of services by chec2ing theuptime of infrastructure devices

    17. ,hich is the correct se6uence of events in the selection of a technology tool?a) 'elect !roduct0 5e6uirements0 'election "riteria0 valuate !roductb) 'election "riteria0 5e6uirements0 valuate !roduct0 'elect !roductc) 5e6uirements0 'election "riteria0 'elect !roduct0 valuate !roductd) 5e6uirements0 'election "riteria0 valuate !roduct0 'elect !roduct

    18. 'etting policies and ob%ectives is the primary concern of which of the followingelements of the 'ervice (ifecycle?

    a) 'ervice 'trategyb) 'ervice 'trategy and "ontinual 'ervice Improvementc) 'ervice 'trategy0 'ervice $ransition and 'ervice 4perationd) 'ervice 'trategy0 'ervice esign0 'ervice $ransition0 'ervice 4peration and"ontinual 'ervice Improvement

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    19. & 'ervice owner is responsible for which of the following?a) 5ecommending improvementsb) esigning and documenting a 'ervicec) "arrying out the 'ervice 4perations activities needed to support a 'erviced) !roducing a balanced scorecard showing the overall status of all 'ervices

    #=. ,hich of the following is N4$ a step in the "ontinual 'ervice Improvement "'I)

    model?a) ,hat is the vision?b) id we get there?c) Is there budget?d) ,here are we now?

    #1. :unctions are best described as?a) ,ithout their own body of 2nowledgeb) "losed loop systemsc) 'elf1. 'ervice $ransition provides guidance on moving new and changed services intoproduction#. 'ervice $ransition provides guidance on testing+. 'ervice $ransition provides guidance on the transfer of services to or from ane*ternal service provider

    ,hich of the above statements is "455"$?a) 1 and # onlyb) 1 onlyc) &ll of the aboved) 1 and + only

    #+. (earning and improvement is the primary concern of which of the followingelements of the 'ervice (ifecycle?

    a) 'ervice 'trategy0 'ervice esign0 'ervice $ransition0 'ervice 4peration0 and"ontinual 'ervice Improvementb) 'ervice 'trategy0 'ervice $ransition0 and 'ervice 4perationc) 'ervice 4peration and "ontinual 'ervice Improvementd) "ontinual 'ervice Improvement

    #-. &n Incident occurs when>1. & user is unable to access a service during service hours#. &n authorised I$ staff member is unable to access a service during service hours+. & redundant networ2 segment fails0 and the user is not aware of any disruptionto service-. & user contacts the 'ervice es2 about slow performance of an application

    ,hich of the above statements is "455"$?a) &ll of the aboveb) 1 and - onlyc) # and + onlyd) None of the above

    #. How does an organi;ations use 5esources and "apabilities in creating value?

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    a) $hey are used to create value in the form of output for productionmanagementb) $hey are used to create value in the form of goods and servicesc) $hey are used to create value to the I$ organi;ation for 'ervice 'upportd) $hey are used to create value to the I$ organi;ation for 'ervice elivery

    #3. $he I$I( + core is best described as?

    a) &n 4perations (ifecycleb) &n I$ Management (ifecyclec) & 'ervice (ifecycled) &n Infrastructure (ifecycle

    #7. If something cannot be measured0 it should not be documented within which of thefollowing?

    a) $he @lossary of $ermsb) & 'ervice (evel &greementc) &n Incident Management recordd) & "onfiguration Item "I)

    #8. ,hich of the following statements is "455"$ about Agood practiceA?a) It can be used to drive an organisation forwardb) It is something that is in wide industry usec) It is always documented in international standardsd) It is always based on I$I(

    #9. $he Information 'ecurity !olicy should be available to which groups of people?a) 'enior business managers and all I$ staffb) 'enior business managers0 I$ e*ecutives and the 'ecurity Managerc) &ll customers0 users and I$ staffd) Information 'ecurity Management staff only

    +=. $he ob%ective of 'ervice &sset and "onfiguration Management is most accuratelydescribed as?

    a) $o understand the performance characteristics of assets and "onfigurationItems "Is) in order to ma*imise their contribution to service levelsb) $o manage service assets and "Is from an operational perspectivec) $o ensure that assets and "Is deliver the business outcomes they weredesigned to achieved) $o define and control the components of services and infrastructure andmaintain accurate configuration records

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    1. Which of the following is NOT a step in the Continual ServiceImprovement (CSI) modela) What is the vision?b) Did we get there?c) Is there !udgetd) Where are we now?

    ". What is the #$CI model used fora) %ocumenting the roles and relationships of sta&eholders in aprocess or activit'b) Defning requirements or a new service or processc) Analyzing the business impact o an incidentd) Creating a balanced scorecard showing the overall status o ervice!anagement

    . What is the main reason for esta!lishing a !aselinea) "o standardize operation

    b) #or $nowing the cost o services providedc) #or roles and responsibility to be cleard) or later comparison

    *. Which of the following is NOT an o!+ective of ServiceOperationa) Through testing, to ensure that services are designed to meet!usiness needsb) "o deliver and support %" servicesc) "o manage the technology used to deliver servicesd) "o monitor the perormance o technology and processes

    -. Which of the following statements is CO##CT a!out patternsof demand generated !' the customer/sbusiness?a) The' are driven !' patterns of !usiness activit'b) %t is impossible to predict how they behavec) %t is impossible to in&uence demand patternsd) "hey are driven by the delivery schedule generated by capacitymanagement

    0. Which of the following is NOT one of the ITI corepu!lications

    a) Service Optimi2ationb) ervice "ransitionc) ervice Designd) ervice trategy

    3. Which of the following statements is CO##CT'( nly one person can be responsible or an activity*( nly one person can be accountable or an activitya) All o the above

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    b) ' onlyc) " onl'd) +one o the above

    4. Which is the correct se5uence of events in the selection of atechnolog' tool

    a) elect ,roduct- .equirements- election Criteria- /valuate ,roductb) election Criteria- .equirements- /valuate ,roduct- elect ,roductc) .equirements- election Criteria- elect ,roduct- /valuate ,roductd) #e5uirements, Selection Criteria, valuate 6roduct, Select6roduct

    7. Which of the following are the three main t'pes of metrics asde8ned in Continual Service Improvement0C%)?'( ,rocess !etrics*( upplier !etrics1( ervice !etrics

    2( "echnology !etrics3( 4usiness !etricsa) '- * and 1b) *- 2 and 3c) 1, and *d) '- * and 2

    19. The priorit' of an Incident refers toa) The relative importance of the Incident !ased on impact andurgenc'b) "he speed with which the %ncident needs to be resolved

    c) "he number o sta5 that will be assigned to wor$ on the %ncident sothat it is resolved in timed) "he escalation path that will be ollowed to ensure resolution o theincident

    11. The goal of Service $sset and Con8guration :anagement istoa) Account or all fnancial assets o the organization!) 6rovide a logical model of the IT infrastructure, correlating ITservices and di;erent IT components needed to deliver theservices

    c) 4uild service models to 6ustiy the %"%7 implementationsd) %mplement %"%7 across the organization

    1". Which are the missing Service Operation processes from thefollowing'( %ncident !anagement*( ,roblem !anagement1( Access !anagement2( ?

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    3( ?a) vent management and #e5uest ul8llmentb) /vent !anagement and ervice Des$c) #acilities !anagement and /vent !anagementd) Change !anagement and ervice 7evel !anagement

    1. Which of the following identi8es two Service 6ortfoliocomponents within the Service ifec'clea) #e5uirements 6ortfolio and Service Catalogueb) ervice 8nowledge !anagement ystem and ervice Cataloguec) ervice 8nowledge !anagement ystem and .equirements ,ortoliod) .equirements ,ortolio and Confguration !anagement ystem

    1*. Which of the following areas would technolog' help tosupport during the Service %esign phase of the7iecycle?'( 9ardware and otware design*( /nvironmental design

    1( ,rocess design2( Data designa) '- 1 and 2 onlyb) '- * and 1 onlyc) $ll of the a!oved) *- 1 and 2 only


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    d) "he business perspective as perceived by the customer and the usero services

    14. Technical :anagement is NOT responsi!le fora) !aintenance o the technical inrastructureb) Documenting and maintaining the technical s$ills required to manage

    and support the %" inrastructurec) %e8ning the Operational evel $greements for the technicalteamsd) Diagnosis o- and recovery rom- technical ailures

    17. The following options are considered within which process'( 4ig bang vs( ,hased*( ,ush and ,ull1( Automated vs( !anuala) %ncident !anagement!) #elease and %eplo'ment :anagement

    c) ervice Asset and Confguration !anagementd) ervice Catalogue !anagement

    "9. Which of the following activities is Service evel:anagement responsi!le fora) Design the confguration management system rom a businessperspectiveb) Create technology metrics to align with customer needsc) Create a customer facing service catalogued) "rain service des$ on how to deal with customer complaints aboutservice

    "1. When anal'2ing an outcome for creation of value forcustomers, what attri!utes of the service should !e considereda) b6ectives- !etric- Desired outcome!)

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    b) "he ability to implement monitoring toolsc) "he ability to monitor and control the activities o technical sta5d) "he ability to report on the successul delivery o services by chec$ingthe uptime o inrastructure devices

    "*. Consider the following statements?

    '( C% provides guidance on how to improve process e;ciency ande5ectiveness*( C% provides guidance on how to improve services1( C% provides guidance on the improvement o all phases o the serviceliecycle2( C% provides guidance on the measurement o processes and servicesWhich o the above statements is C../C"?

    a) ' and * onlyb) * onlyc) '- * and 1 onlyd) $ll of the a!ove

    "-. Which of the following statements are CO##CT a!outunctions'( "hey provide structure and stability to organizations*( "hey are sel

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    "4. Which of the following

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    2( %t responds to a specifc event3( %t delivers its primary result to a customer or sta$eholdera) '- *- 1 and 2 onlyb) '- *- 2 and 3 onlyc) 1, , * and - onl'd) All o the above

    *. Which of the following is NOT an e@ample of a Service#e5uesta) A user calls the ervice Des$ to order a toner cartridge!) $ user calls the Service %es& !ecause the' would li&e tochange the functionalit' of an applicationc) A !anager submits a request or a new employee to be given accessto an applicationd) A user logs onto an internal website to download a licensed copy osotware rom a list o approved options

    -. $ Service evel 6ac&age is !est descri!ed asa) $ de8nite level of utilit' and warrant' associated with a coreservice pac&ageb) A description o customer requirements used to negotiate a ervice7evel Agreementc) A description o the value that the customer wants and or which theyare willing to payd) A document showing the ervice 7evels achieved during an agreedreporting period

    0. Incident :anagement has a value to the !usiness !'

    a) 9elping to control inrastructure cost o adding new technologyb) /nabling users to resolve ,roblemsc) 9elping to align people and process or the delivery o serviced) Contri!uting to the reduction of impact

    3. $ Service owner is responsi!le for which of the followinga) #ecommending improvementsb) Designing and documenting a ervicec) Carrying out the ervice perations activities needed to support aerviced) ,roducing a balanced scorecard showing the overall status o all


    4. The four stages of the %eming C'cle area) ,lan- !easure- !onitor- .eportb) ,lan- Chec$- .e

  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    7. What is the CO##CT order of the 8rst four activities in the 3Step Improvement 6rocessa) %e8ne what 'ou should measure, de8ne what 'ou canmeasure, gather data and process datab) =ather data- process data- analyze data and present datac) What is the vision- where are we now- what do we want to be- how do

    we get there?d) =ather data- process data- defne what you should measure anddefne what you can measure

    *9. Which of the following statements is CO##CT for allprocessesa) "hey defne activities- roles- responsibilities- unctions and metrics!) The' create value for sta&eholdersc) "hey are carried out by a ervice ,rovider in support o a Customerd) "hey are units o organizations responsible or specifc outcomes

  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    Sample ITIL v3 Service Certification Exam - Paper 4

    1. Which of the following !est means Com!ination of Internal A@ternal SourcingA( %nternal ourcing

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    Which o the above statements are C../C"?A( ' nly4( 4oth o the aboveC( +either o the above%. " onl'

    3. Which of the following is the process rather than adepartmentA( Application !anagement4( perations !anagementC( ervice Des$%. $vaila!ilit' :anagement

    4. Which of the following statements full' descri!es the aim of#elease and %eplo'ment :anagement$. To !uild, test and deliver the capa!ilit' to provide theservices speci8ed !' Service %esign and that will accomplish the

    sta&eholders/ re5uirements and deliver the Intended o!+ectives4( "o ensure that each release pac$age specifed by ervice Designconsists o a set o related assets and service components that arecompatible with each otherC( "o ensure that all release and deployment pac$ages can be trac$ed-installed- tested- verifed- andor uninstalled or bac$ed out i appropriateD( "o record and manage deviations- ris$s- and issues related to the newor changed service

    7. Which of the following ma' !e de8ned in a process'( .oles

    *( Activities1( #unctions2( =uidelines3( tandardsB( =overnance #ramewor$A( '- *- 1 and 3 only4( All o the aboveC( '( *- 3 and B only%. 1, ", *, and - onl'

    19. $ Service 6rovider is

    A( An organization supplying services to one or more e:ternal customers

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    A( Capacity !anagement4( Change !anagementC. Con8guration :anagementD( #inancial !anagement or %" services1". The %esign :anager Is responsi!le for the overallcoordination and deplo'ment of 5ualit' solution designs for

    services and processes. Which of the following are NOTresponsi!ilities included In this roleA( ,roduce and maintain all necessary ervice "ransition ,ac$ages

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    13. What is the di;erence !etween a process and a pro+ect$. $ process is continuous and has no end date, whereas apro+ect has a 8nite lifespan.4( A pro6ect is continuous and has no end date- whereas a process has afnite liespan(

    C( A process stops when the ob6ective has been achieved- whereas apro6ect does not stop when the ob6ective is met(D( %n a pro6ect the ocus is not on the result- whereas with a process theresult is important14. Which of the following is the correct set of steps for theContinual Service improvement (CSI) :odelA( Devise a strategy Design the solution "ransition into productionperate the olution continually improve4( Where do we want to be? 9ow do we get there? 9ow do we chec$we arrived 9ow do we $eep the momentum going?

    C( identifes the required business outcomes ,lan how to achieve theoutcomes %mplement the plan Chec$ the plan has been properlyimplemented improve the solution%. What is the visionD Where are we nowD Where do we wantto !eD ow do we get thereD %id we get thereD ow do we&eep the momentum going17. What is the meaning of the term Servicea!ilit'A( "he degree o availability o the %" services that can be o5ered4( "he degree o support that the ervice Des$ provides to the customerC. The degree to which the provision of IT services can !e

    supported !' maintenance contractsD( "he degree to which the services agreed in the ervice 7evelAgreement 07A) are complied with

    "9. $ user reports a 6C pro!lem to the Service %es&. $ Service%es& representative determines that the 6C is defective andindicates that according to the services catalogue, the 6C will !ereplaced within three hours. Which ITI process is responsi!lefor having this userEs 6C replaced within three hoursA( Availability !anagement

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    D( "he C! is parto the Confguration !anagement Data 4ase 0C!D4)

    "". Information is regularl' e@changed !etween 6ro!lem:anagement and Change :anagement. What information isthisA( 8nown /rrors rom ,roblem !anagement- on the basis o which

    Change !anagement can generate .equests or Change 0.#Cs)

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    C( .equest or .eleaseD( ervice .equest

    "4. Which ITI process manager re5uires a report specif'ing theduration of an interruption of a Con8guration Item$. $vaila!ilit' :anager

    4( %ncident !anagerC( ,roblem !anagerD( ervice 7evel !anager

    "7. Which of the following steps from the continualimprovement :odel is missing'( What %s the vision?*( Where are we now?1( Where do we want to be?2( 9ow do we get there?3( Did we get there?

    B(?A( What is the .%4( 9ow much did it cost(C. ow do we &eep the momentum going.D( What is the F%?

    9. Which of the following !est descri!es the goal of InformationSecurit' :anagement 6rocess$. To align IT securit' with !usiness securit' and ensure thatinformation securit' is e;ectivel' managed in all service andService :anagement activities/.

    4( "o ensure that that the inormation security ris$s are appropriatelymanaged and enterprise inormation resources are used responsibly(C( "o provide a ocus or all aspects o %" security and manage all %"security activities(D( "o provide the strategic direction or security activities and ensuresob6ectives are achieved1. Which of the following statements a!out Supplier andContract %ata!ase (SC%) are correct'( A database or structured Document used to manage upplierContracts throughout their 7iecycle(

    *( "he CD contains $ey Attributes o all Contracts with uppliers1( %ts never part o the ervice 8nowledge !anagement ystem(2( !aintaining it is responsibility o upplier management processA( ' G * only4( '- * G 1C. 1, " A *D( All o above

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    ". Which of the following will complete the our 6Es of Service%esign'( ,erspectives*( ,ositioning1( ,lan2( ???

    A( ,eople4( ,roductC. 6atternsD( ,artners

    . What does :ean Time to #epair (:TT#) meanA( Average uptime o a service

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    $. The a!ilit' of an IT Service or Con8guration Item to continueto operate correctl' after ailure of a Component part.4( "he ability o a third

  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    Wednesday, January 21, 2009Sample ITIL v3 Service Certification !am " Sample

    Gou might also li&e? ample %"%7 v1 ervice Certifcation /:am < ,aper *

    ample %"%7 v1 ervice Certifcation /:am < ,aper 1 ample %"%7 v1 ervice Certifcation /:am < ,aper 2


    To the relevant readers interested in ITIL version 3 Foundations Certification, here's a

    sample exam paper.

    I recently cleared ITIL with a 1! and thou"ht I would share some of the sample exam


    #ope you would find it useful.

    #lease su$scri$e to t%e $lo& and visit often as t%ere 'ill $e more sample papers posted

    $%&TI() *1 +hich of the followin" uestions does "uidance in ervice trate"y help


    1* +hat services should we offer and to whom-

    * #ow do we differentiate ourselves from competin" alternatives-

    3* #ow do we truly create value for our customers-

    /.1 only0. only

    C.3 only

    ./ll of the a2ove


    $%&TI() *. +hich of the followin" is )(T a responsi2ility of the ervice esi"n


    /.esi"n and maintain all necessary ervice Transition pac4a"es

    0.5roduce uality, secure and resilient desi"ns for new or improved services, technolo"yarchitecture, processes

    or measurement systems that meet all the a"reed current and future IT reuirements of the


    C.Ta4e the overall ervice trate"ies and ensure they are reflected in the ervice esi"n

    process and the service

    desi"ns that are produced

    .easurin" the effectiveness and efficiency of ervice esi"n and the supportin"
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    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *3. +hich of the followin" are valid examples of 2usiness value measures-

    1* Customer retention

    * Time to mar4et

    3* ervice /rchitecture

    6* ar4et share

    /.1 and only

    0. and 6 only

    C./ll of the a2ove

    .1, and 6 only


    $%&TI() *6. %nderstandin" customer usa"e of services and how this varies over time is

    part of which process-

    TestInside &7811

    /.ervice 5ortfolio ana"ement

    0.ervice Level ana"ement

    C.Component Capacity ana"ement

    .emand ana"ement


    $%&TI() *9. The /I) o2:ective of ervice Level ana"ement is*

    /.To carry out the ervice (perations activities needed to support current IT services

    0.To ensure that sufficient capacity is provided to deliver the a"reed performance of


    C.To create and populate a ervice Catalo"ue

    .To ensure that an a"reed level of IT service is provided for all current IT services


    $%&TI() *;. +hich of the followin" are responsi2ilities of a ervice Level ana"er-1* /"reein" tar"ets in ervice Level /"reements

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    .1 and 3 only


    $%&TI() *>. +hich of the followin" is a "ood metric for measurin" the effectiveness of

    ervice Level ana"ement-

    /.Customer satisfaction score

    0./vera"e num2er of daily Incidents mana"ed 2y each service a"ent

    C.)um2er of services in the ervice 5ortfolio

    .)um2er of services deployed within a"reed times

    /nswer* /

    TestInside &7811

    $%&TI() *?. a:or Incidents reuire*

    /.eparate procedures

    0.Less ur"ency

    C.Lon"er timescales

    .Less documentation

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *@. +hich of the followin" should 2e done when closin" an Incident-

    1* Chec4 the Incident cate"oriAation and correct it if necessary* ecide whether a 5ro2lem needs to 2e lo""ed

    /.1 only

    0.0oth of the a2ove

    C. only

    .)one of the a2ove

    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *1. +hich of the followin" is )(T a valid o2:ective of Beuest Fulfilment-/.To provide information to users a2out what services are availa2le and how to reuest


    0.To update the ervice Catalo"ue with services that may 2e reuested throu"h the ervice


    C.To provide a channel for users to reuest and receive standard services

    .To source and deliver the components of standard services that have 2een reuested

    /nswer* 0

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    $%&TI() *11. +hich of the followin" would )(T 2e a tas4 carried out 2y the Beuest

    Fulfilment process-

    /.The sourcin" and deliverin" of the components of reuested standard services

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    1* Eerification of Confi"uration ana"ement ystem

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    0.Customer and %ser satisfaction

    C.%nderstandin" ervice Beuirements and +arranty

    .%tility and +arranty


    $%&TI() *. +hat is the ervice 5ipeline-

    /./ll services that are at a conceptual or development sta"e, or are under"oin" testin"

    0./ll services except those that have 2een retired

    C./ll services that are contained within the ervice Level /"reement

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    /.0usiness 5rocess ana"ement

    0.0usiness Function (utsourcin"

    C.0usiness 5rocess (utsourcin"

    .nowled"e 5rocess (utsourcin"

    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *9. +hich ervice esi"n process ma4es the most use of data supplied 2y

    emand ana"ement-

    /.ervice Catalo"ue ana"ement

    0.ervice Level ana"ement

    C.IT ervice Continuity ana"ement

    .Capacity ana"ement


    $%&TI() *;. +hat is the 0&T description of the purpose of ervice (peration-

    /.To decide how IT will en"a"e with suppliers durin" the ervice ana"ement Lifecycle0.To proactively prevent all outa"es to IT ervices

    C.To desi"n and 2uild processes that will meet 2usiness needs

    .To deliver and mana"e IT ervices at a"reed levels to 2usiness users and customers


    $%&TI() *>. /vaila2ility ana"ement is responsi2le for availa2ility the of*

    /.ervices and Components

    0.ervices and 0usiness 5rocesses

    C.Components and 0usiness 5rocesses.ervices, Components and 0usiness 5rocesses

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *?. +hich of the followin" is a su28process of Capacity ana"ement-

    /.Component Capacity ana"ement

    0.5rocess Capacity ana"ement

    C.Technolo"y Capacity ana"ement

    .Capa2ility Capacity ana"ement

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *@. The "roup that authorises Chan"es that must 2e installed faster than the

    normal process is called the*

    /.Technical ana"ement

    0.&mer"ency Chan"e /dvisory 0oard

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    .%r"ent Chan"e /uthority

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    1* Lo""in" details of Incidents and service reuests

    * 5rovidin" first8line investi"ation and dia"nosis

    3* Bestorin" service

    6* ia"nosin" the root8cause of pro2lems

    /./ll of the a2ove

    0.1, and 3 only

    C.1, and 6 only

    ., 3 and 6 only

    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *39. +hich of the followin" functions would 2e responsi2le for mana"ement

    of a data centre-

    /.Technical ana"ement

    0.ervice es4C.IT (perations Control

    .Facilities ana"ement


    $%&TI() *3;. Governance is concerned with*

    /.easurin" and improvin" the efficiency and effectiveness of processes

    0.&nsurin" that defined strate"y is actually followed

    C.Beducin" the total cost of providin" services

    .&nsurin" that a"reed ervice Level Beuirements are met

    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *3>. / ris4 is*

    /.omethin" that won't happen

    0.omethin" that will happen

    C.omethin" that has happened

    .omethin" that mi"ht happen


    $%&TI() *3?. +hich of the followin" 0&T descri2es when a nown &rror record

    should 2e raised-

    /./ nown &rror should not 2e raised until a temporary resolution or wor4around has 2een


    0./ nown &rror should 2e raised at any time that it would 2e useful to do so

    C./s soon as it 2ecomes o2vious that a uic4 resolution of the 5ro2lem will not 2e found

    .Immediately followin" the 5ro2lem resolution, so a permanent historical record of all

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    actions is retained in case

    of a recurrence

    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *3@. IT (perations ana"ement have 2een as4ed 2y a customer to carry out a

    non8standard activity,

    that will cause them to miss an a"reed service level tar"et. #ow should they respond-

    /.Befuse the reuest 2ecause they must operate the service to meet the a"reed service


    0.a4e a decision 2ased on 2alancin" sta2ility and responsiveness

    C./ccept the reuest as they must support customer 2usiness outcomes

    .They should escalate this decision to ervice trate"y

    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *6. +hich process is responsi2le for recordin" relationships 2etween service


    /.ervice Level ana"ement

    0.ervice 5ortfolio ana"ement

    C.ervice /sset and Confi"uration ana"ement

    .Incident ana"ement

    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *61. / sin"le Belease unit, or a structured set of Belease units can 2e definedwithin*

    /.The B/CI odel

    0./ Belease 5ac4a"e

    C./ Beuest odel

    .The 5lan, o, Chec4, /ct

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    $%&TI() *63. +hich process is responsi2le for low ris4, freuently occurrin", low cost


    /.emand ana"ement

    0.Incident ana"ement

    C.Belease and eployment ana"ement

    .Beuest Fulfilment


    $%&TI() *66. +hich role is accounta2le for a specific service within an or"anisation-

    /.The ervice Level ana"er

    0.The 0usiness Belationship ana"er

    C.The ervice (wner

    .The ervice Continuity ana"er

    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *69. +hich of the followin" is )(T an aim of the Chan"e ana"ement


    /.(verall 2usiness ris4 is optimised

    0.tandardised methods and procedures are used for efficient and prompt handlin" of all


    C./ll chan"es to ervice /ssets and Confi"uration Items . (ne of the five ma:or aspects of ervice esi"n is the desi"n of service

    solutions. +hich of the

    followin" does this include-

    /.(nly capa2ilities needed and a"reed

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    0.(nly resources and capa2ilities needed

    C.(nly reuirements needed and a"reed

    .Beuirements, resources and capa2ilities needed and a"reed


    $%&TI() *6?. +hich of the followin" is a valid role in the B/CI /uthority atrix-





    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *6@. +hat is a B/CI model used for-

    /.5erformance analysis

    0.Becordin" Confi"uration ItemsC.onitorin" services

    .efinin" roles and responsi2ilities


    $%&TI() *9. +hich of the followin" models would 2e most useful in helpin" to define

    an or"anisational structure-

    /.B/CI odel

    0.ervice odel

    C.Continual ervice Improvement

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    andDor support IT servicesH-


    0./pplication ervice 5rovision


    .nowled"e 5rocess (utsourcin"

    TestInside &7811

    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *93. To add value to the 2usiness, what are the four reasons to monitor and


    /.Ealidate irect Justify Intervene

    0.Beport ana"e Improve &xtend

    C.ana"e onitor ia"nose Intervene

    .5lan 5redict Beport Justify

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *96. +hich of the followin" provides resources to resolve operational and

    support issues durin"

    Belease and eployment-

    /.&arly Life upport

    0.ervice Test ana"er


    .Belease 5ac4a"in" and 0uild ana"er

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *99. +hat does a service always deliver to customers-





    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *9;. +ho owns the specific costs and ris4s associated with providin" a


    /.The ervice 5rovider

    0.The ervice Level ana"er

    C.The Customer


    /nswer* /

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    $%&TI() *9>. +hich sta"e of the ervice Lifecycle is (T concerned with definin"

    policies and o2:ectives-

    /.ervice esi"n

    0.ervice Transition

    C.ervice trate"y

    .ervice (peration

    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *9?. +hich of the followin" is (T concerned with the desi"n of new or

    chan"ed services-

    /.Chan"e ana"ement

    0.ervice Transition

    C.ervice trate"y

    .ervice esi"n/nswer*

    $%&TI() *9@. +hich of the followin" are 2enefits that implementin" ervice Transition

    could provide to the 2usiness-

    1* /2ility to adapt uic4ly to new reuirements

    * Beduced cost to desi"n new services

    3* Improved success in implementin" chan"es

    /.1 and only

    0. and 3 onlyC.1 and 3 only

    ./ll the a2ove

    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *;. +hich of the followin" sentences 0&T descri2es a tandard Chan"e-

    /./ Chan"e to the service provider's esta2lished policies and "uidelines

    0./ Chan"e that correctly follows the reuired Chan"e process

    C./ pre8authorised Chan"e that has an accepted and esta2lished procedure

    ./ Chan"e that is made as the result of an audit/nswer* C

    $%&TI() *;1. +hich of the followin" are activities that would 2e carried out 2y

    upplier ana"ement-

    1* ana"ement and review of (r"anisational Level /"reements

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    /.1 and only

    0.1 and 3 only

    C. and 3 only

    ./ll of the a2ove

    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *;. +hich sta"es of the ervice Lifecycle does the > tep Improvement

    5rocess apply to-

    /.ervice (peration

    0.ervice Transition and ervice (peration

    C.ervice esi"n, ervice Transition and ervice (peration

    .ervice trate"y, ervice esi"n, ervice Transition, ervice (peration and Continual

    ervice Improvement


    $%&TI() *;3. +hich of the followin" is the C(BB&CT description of the even B's of

    Chan"e ana"ement-

    /./ set of

    $%&TI()s that should 2e as4ed to help understand the impact of Chan"es

    0./ seven step process for releasin" Chan"es into production

    C./ set of

    $%&TI()s that should 2e as4ed when reviewin" the success of a recent Chan"e./ definition of the roles and responsi2ilities reuired for Chan"e ana"ement

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *;6. +hich of the followin" statements is C(BB&CT- /n &vent could 2e

    caused 2y*

    1* /n exception to normal operation, such as a device exceedin" a threshold or an

    unauthoriAed Confi"uration


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    $%&TI() *;9. +hich of the followin" is the 0&T definition of the term ervice


    /./ set of specialised or"anisational capa2ilities for providin" value to customers in the

    form of services

    0./ "roup of interactin", interrelated, or independent components that form a unified

    whole, operatin" to"ether

    for a common purpose

    C.The mana"ement of functions within an or"anisation to perform certain activities

    .%nits of or"anisations with roles to perform certain activities

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *;;. Implementation of ITIL ervice ana"ement reuires preparin" and

    plannin" the effective and

    efficient use of*

    /.5eople, 5rocess, 5artners, uppliers0.5eople, 5rocess, 5roducts, Technolo"y

    C.5eople, 5rocess, 5roducts, 5artners

    .5eople, 5roducts, Technolo"y, 5artners

    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *;>. Hervice ana"ement is a set of specialised or"anisational capa2ilities for

    providin" value to

    customers in the form of servicesH.

    These specialised or"anisational capa2ilities include which of the followin"-/./pplications and Infrastructure

    0.Functions and 5rocesses

    C.ervice 5ipeline and ervice Catalo"ue

    .ar4ets and Customers

    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *;?. The left8hand side of the ervice E odel represents reuirements and


    +hat does the ri"ht8hand side of the ervice E odel represent-/.Ealidation and Testin"

    0.The 2usiness value that can 2e expected from a "iven service

    C.5erformance and capacity reuirements of services and IT infrastructure

    .Boles and responsi2ilities reuired for an effective ervice ana"ement implementation

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *;@. /n IT department is under pressure to cut costs. /s a result, the uality of

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    services has started

    to suffer. +hat im2alance does this represent-

    /.&xtreme focus on cost

    0.&xtreme focus on uality

    C.&xcessively proactive

    .&xcessively reactive

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *>. +hat would 2e the next step in the Continual ervice Improvement

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    0./li"nin" the 2usiness and IT strate"ies

    C.Creatin" a 2aseline

    .efinin" measura2le tar"ets


    (elated #ostscerti8cation

    ample %"%7 v1 ervice Certifcation /:am < ,aper 2 ample %"%7 v1 ervice Certifcation /:am < ,aper 1 ample %"%7 v1 ervice Certifcation /:am < ,aper *

    e@am ample %"%7 v1 ervice Certifcation /:am < ,aper 2 ample %"%7 v1 ervice Certifcation /:am < ,aper 1 ample %"%7 v1 ervice Certifcation /:am < ,aper *
  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    1. The ITI = core is !est descri!ed as

    a) An perations 7iecycle

    b) An %" !anagement 7iecycle

    c) $ Service ifec'cle

    d) An %nrastructure 7iecycle

    ". Which aspect of Service %esign is missing from the list !elow'( "he design o services

    *( "he design o ervice !anagement systems and tools

    1( "he design o technology architecture and management systems

    2( "he design o the processes required

    3( ?

    a) "he design o #unctions

    b) "he design o ervice 7evel Agreements

    c) "he design o applications

    d) The design of measurement s'stems, methods and metrics

    . Which of the following #oles is responsi!le for identif'ing

    opportunities for improvement

    '( ervice wner

    *( Continual ervice %mprovement 0C%) !anager

    1( ,rocess wner

    a) ' and * only

    b) ' and 1 only

    c) $ll of the a!ove

    d) * and 1 only

    *. earning and improvement is the primar' concern of which of thefollowing elements of the Service ifec'cle

    a) ervice trategy- ervice Design- ervice "ransition- ervice peration and

    Continual ervice %mprovement

    b) ervice trategy- ervice "ransition and ervice peration

    c) ervice peration and Continual ervice %mprovement

    d) Continual Service Improvement

    -. Which of the following is the most appropriate approach to carr'ing

    out Service Operations

    a) "he internal %" view is most important as ervice perations has to monitorand manage the inrastructure

    !) Service Operations should maintain a !alance !etween an internal

    IT view and an e@ternal !usiness view

    c) "he e:ternal business view is most important as ervice perations is the

    place where value is realized and the customer obtains the beneft o the


    d) %" perations does not ta$e an internal or e:ternal view as they e:ecute

    processes defned by ervice Design

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    0. Which of the following statements a!out the Service %es& are


    '( "he ervice Des$ is a unction that provides a means o communication

    between %" and its users or all operational issues

    *( "he ervice Des$ is always the owner o the %ncident !anagement process

    a) * only!) 1 onl'

    c) All o the above

    d) +one o the above

    3. ow does an organi2ation use #esources and Capa!ilities in

    creating value

    a) "hey are used to create value in the orm o output or production


    !) The' are used to create value in the form of goods and services

    c) "hey are used to create value to the %" organization or ervice upport

    d) "hey are used to create value to the %" organization or ervice Delivery

    4. In which core pu!lication can 'ou 8nd detailed descriptions of the


    '( ervice ,ortolio !anagement

    *( Demand !anagement

    1( #inancial !anagement

    a) ervice perations

    !) Service Strateg'

    c) ervice "ransition

    d) Continual ervice %mprovement

    7. Which of the following statements

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    !) liminate e@cess capacit' needs

    c) %ncrease the value o %"

    d) Align business with %" cost

    1". Which of the following is NOT an advantage of organi2ing

    Continual Service Improvement (CSI) using the #$CI model

    a) #acilitates clear communication and wor$&ow practice across all parties

    involved in the C% programb) Clarifes the roles and responsibilities o individual in the C% program which

    could otherwise be overlapping and conusing

    c) %dentifes where internal ervice 7evel Agreements 07As) can be established

    to implement C%

    d) 6rovides a clear focus for matching the CSI processes to 8nancial


    1. Which of the following are o!+ectives of the #elease and

    %eplo'ment :anagement process

    '( "o ensure there are clear release and deployment plans

    *( "o ensure that s$ills and $nowledge are transerred to operations and

    support sta5

    1( "o ensure there is minimal unpredicted impact on production services

    2( "o provide cost 6ustifable %" capacity that is matched to the needs o the


    a) 1, " and onl'

    b) All o the above

    c) ' and 1 only

    d) '- 1 and 2 only

    1*. Which of the following 5uestions is NOT answered !' Service

    6ortfolio :anagement

    a) 9ow should our resources and capabilities be allocated?!) What opportunities are there in the mar&et

    c) Why should a customer buy these services?

    d) What are the pricing or chargebac$ models?

    1-. Which of the following statements are NOT included in $ccess


    '( Feriying the identity o users requesting access to services

    *( etting the rights or privileges o systems to allow access to authorized


    1( Defning security policies or system access

    2( !onitoring the availability o systems that users should have access toa) and * onl'

    b) ' and 1 only

    c) * and 1 only

    d) ' and * only

    10. $pplication :anagement is NOT responsi!le for

    a) Documenting and maintaining the technical s$ills required to manage and

    support Applications

    b) !anaging applications through their liecycle

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    c) Assisting in the decision to build or buy new sotware

    d) %eveloping operational functionalit' re5uired !' the !usiness

    13. If something cannot !e measured, it should not !e documented

    within which of the following

    a) "he =lossary o "erms

    !) $ Service evel $greement

    c) An %ncident !anagement recordd) A Confguration %tem 0C%)

    14. What is the purpose of the #e5uest ul8llment 6rocess

    a) %ealing with Service #e5uests from the users

    b) !a$ing sure all requests within an %" rganization is ulflled

    c) /nsuring ulfllment o Change .equests

    d) !a$ing sure the ervice 7evel Agreement is met

    17. Which of the following areas would technolog' help to support

    during the Service Transition phase of the lifec'cle

    '( Data mining and wor$&ow tools

    *( !easurement and reporting systems

    1( .elease and Deployment technology

    2( ,rocess Design

    a) 1, " and onl'

    b) '- 1 and 2 only

    c) *- 1 and 2 only

    d) All o the above

    "9. Which of the following statements is CO##CT a!out good


    a) %t can be used to drive an organization orward

    !) It is something that is in wide industr' use

    c) %t is always documented in international standardsd) %t is always based on %"%7

    "1. Consider the following statements?

    '( A ,rocess should be traceable to a specifc trigger

    *( A characteristic o the ,rocess@ is that it is perormance driven and able to

    be measured

    Which o the above statements are C../C"?

    a) ' only

    !) $ll of the a!ove

    c) +one o the above

    d) * only"". JWarrant' of a serviceK means which of the following

    a) "he service is ft or purpose

    b) "here will be no ailures in applications and inrastructure associated with

    the service

    c) All service

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    ". The o!+ective of Service $sset and Con8guration :anagement is

    most accuratel' descri!ed as

    a) "o understand the perormance characteristics o assets and Confguration

    %tems 0C%s) in order to ma:imize their contribution to service levels

    b) "o manage service assets and C%s rom an operational perspective

    c) "o ensure that assets and C%s deliver the business outcomes they were

    designed to achieved) To de8ne and control the components of services and infrastructure

    and maintain accurate con8guration records

    "*. $ Service Catalogue should contain which of the following

    a) "he version inormation o all sotware

    b) "he organizational structure o the company

    c) Asset inormation

    d) %etails of all operational services

    "-. acilities :anagement refers to

    a) "he !anagement o %" services that are viewed as utilities@- such as

    printers or networ$ access

    b) "he !anagement o an outsourcing contract

    c) The :anagement of the ph'sical IT environment, such as a %ata


    d) "he procurement and maintenance o tools that are used by %" operations

    sta5 to maintain the inrastructure

    "0. When planning and implementing a Continual Service

    Improvement (CSI) initiative, which of the following !ene8ts is $ST

    useful in supporting a !usiness case

    a) .educe technology investment by H3m due to more accurate capacity and

    perormance modeling processes

    b) .educe support manpower demand by 1I> due to automated incident andproblem management processes

    c) Improve emplo'ee morale and therefore create !etter relationships

    !etween IT and !usiness units

    d) .educe ,roblem resolution by 3I> and minimize critical system outages

    "3. Which of the following would NOT !e stored in the %e8nitive :edia

    i!rar' (%:)

    a) !aster copies o sotware


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    d) ,rotecting services by not allowing changes to be made

    "7. unctions are !est descri!ed as

    a) Without their own body o $nowledge

    b) Closed loop systems

    c) SelfBContained units of organi2ations

    d) #ocusing on transormation to a goal

    9. What is the !est de8nition of an Incident :odela) "he template used to defne the %ncident logging orm used to report


    b) A type o %ncident involving a standard 0or model) type o Confguration %tem


    c) $ set of preBde8ned steps to !e followed when dealing with a

    &nown t'pe of Incident

    d) An %ncident that is easy to solve

    1. Which of the following statements CO##CTG de8nes Insourcing

    and Outsourcing deliver' model options

    a) Insourcing relies on internal resourcesD outsourcing relies on

    e@ternal organi2ation(s) resources

    b) %nsourcing relies on e:ternal organization0s) resources outsourcing relies on

    internal resources

    c) %nsourcing relies on co

  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    1( ervice "ransition provides guidance on the transer o services to or rom an

    e:ternal service provider

    Which o the above statements is C../C"?

    a) ' and * only

    b) ' only

    c) $ll of the a!ove

    d) ' and 1 only

    0. Which is the 8rst activit' of the Continual Service Improvement

    (CSI) model

    a) Assess the current business situation

    !) Lnderstand highBlevel !usiness re5uirements

    c) Agree on priorities or improvement

    d) Create and veriy a plan

    3. $n Incident occurs when?

    '( A user is unable to access a service during service hours

    *( An authorized %" sta5 member is unable to access a service during service


    1( A redundant networ$ segment ails- and the user is not aware o any

    disruption to service

    2( A user contacts the ervice Des$ about slow perormance o an application

    Which o the above statements is C../C"?

    a) $ll of the a!ove

    b) ' and 2 only

    c) * and 1 only

    d) +one o the above

    4. Which process reviews Operational evel $greements (O$s) on a

    regular !asis

    a) upplier !anagement

    !) Service evel :anagement

    c) ervice ,ortolio !anagement

    d) Contract !anagement

    7. The 3 Step Improvement 6rocess can most accuratel' !e descri!ed


    a) "he even ,Js o Continual ervice %mprovement 0C%)b) A service improvement methodology based on the Deming Cycle

    c) A set o roles and responsibilities or managing service improvements

    d) $ process for de8ning what is to !e measured, gathering the data,

    processing the data and using it to ta&e corrective action

    *9. The Information Securit' 6olic' should !e availa!le to which

    groups of people

    a) enior business managers and all %" sta5

  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    b) enior business managers- %" e:ecutives and the ecurity !anager

    c) $ll customers, users and IT sta;

    d) %normation ecurity !anagement sta5 only

    (elated #ostscerti8cation

    ample %"%7 v1 ervice Certifcation /:am < ,aper 2

    ample %"%7 v1 ervice Certifcation /:am < ,aper *

    ample %"%7 v1 ervice Certifcation /:am < ample


    ample %"%7 v1 ervice Certifcation /:am < ,aper 2

    ample %"%7 v1 ervice Certifcation /:am < ,aper *

    ample %"%7 v1 ervice Certifcation /:am < ample
  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    $%&TI() *1 +hich of the followin"

    $%&TI()s does "uidance in ervice trate"y help answer-

    1* +hat services should we offer and to whom-

    * #ow do we differentiate ourselves from competin" alternatives-

    3* #ow do we truly create value for our customers-

    /.1 only

    0. only

    C.3 only

    ./ll of the a2ove


    $%&TI() *. +hich of the followin" is )(T a responsi2ility of the ervice esi"n


    /.esi"n and maintain all necessary ervice Transition pac4a"es

    0.5roduce uality, secure and resilient desi"ns for new or improved services, technolo"y

    architecture, processes

    or measurement systems that meet all the a"reed current and future IT reuirements of the


    C.Ta4e the overall ervice trate"ies and ensure they are reflected in the ervice esi"n

    process and the service

    desi"ns that are produced

    .easurin" the effectiveness and efficiency of ervice esi"n and the supportin"processes

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *3. +hich of the followin" are valid examples of 2usiness value measures-

    1* Customer retention

    * Time to mar4et

    3* ervice /rchitecture

    6* ar4et share

    /.1 and only0. and 6 only

    C./ll of the a2ove

    .1, and 6 only


  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    $%&TI() *6. %nderstandin" customer usa"e of services and how this varies over time is

    part of which process-

    TestInside &7811

    /.ervice 5ortfolio ana"ement

    0.ervice Level ana"ement

    C.Component Capacity ana"ement

    .emand ana"ement


    $%&TI() *9. The /I) o2:ective of ervice Level ana"ement is*

    /.To carry out the ervice (perations activities needed to support current IT services

    0.To ensure that sufficient capacity is provided to deliver the a"reed performance of


    C.To create and populate a ervice Catalo"ue

    .To ensure that an a"reed level of IT service is provided for all current IT services/nswer*

    $%&TI() *;. +hich of the followin" are responsi2ilities of a ervice Level ana"er-

    1* /"reein" tar"ets in ervice Level /"reements

  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    C.Lon"er timescales

    .Less documentation

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *@. +hich of the followin" should 2e done when closin" an Incident-

    1* Chec4 the Incident cate"oriAation and correct it if necessary

    * ecide whether a 5ro2lem needs to 2e lo""ed

    /.1 only

    0.0oth of the a2ove

    C. only

    .)one of the a2ove

    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *1. +hich of the followin" is )(T a valid o2:ective of Beuest Fulfilment-

    /.To provide information to users a2out what services are availa2le and how to reuest


    0.To update the ervice Catalo"ue with services that may 2e reuested throu"h the ervice


    C.To provide a channel for users to reuest and receive standard services

    .To source and deliver the components of standard services that have 2een reuested

    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *11. +hich of the followin" would )(T 2e a tas4 carried out 2y the BeuestFulfilment process-

    /.The sourcin" and deliverin" of the components of reuested standard services

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    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *13. +hich Functions are included in IT (perations ana"ement-

    /.)etwor4 ana"ement and /pplication ana"ement

    0.Technical ana"ement and /pplication ana"ement

    C.IT (perations Control and Facilities ana"ement

    .Facilities ana"ement and Technical ana"ement

    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *16. The ITIL C(B& pu2lications are structured around the ervice Lifecycle.

    +hich of the followin"

    statements a2out the ITIL C(5L&&)T/B "uidance is C(BB&CT-

    /.It is also structured around the ervice Lifecycle

    0.It provides "uidance to specific industry sectors and types of or"aniAation

    C.It consists of five pu2lications

    .It provides the "uidance necessary for an inte"rated approach as reuired 2y I(DI&C

    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *19. +hich of the followin" should 2e supported 2y technolo"y-1* Eerification of Confi"uration ana"ement ystem

  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *1>. The 0&T 5rocesses to automate are those that are*

    /.Carried out 2y ervice (perations

    0.Carried out 2y lots of people

    C.Critical to the success of the 2usiness mission

    .imple and well understood


    $%&TI() *1?. +hich of the followin" areas would technolo"y help to support durin" the

    ervice (peration

    phase of the Lifecycle-

    1* Identifyin" confi"uration of user des4top 5Cs when Incidents are lo""ed

    * Control of user des48top 5Cs

    3* Create and use dia"nostic scripts

    6* ash2oard type technolo"y

    /.1, and 3 only

    0./ll of the a2ove

    C.1, 3 and 6 only

    ., 3 and 6 only

    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *1@. +hich of the followin" are the two primary elements that create value forcustomers-

    /.Ealue on Investment

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    $%&TI() *1. +hat are the types of activity within emand ana"ement-

    /./ctivity 2ased, /ccess ana"ement

    0./ctivity 2ased, 0usiness activity patterns and user profiles

    C./nalytical 2ased, 0usiness activity patterns and user profiles

    ./nalytical 2ased, hapin" user 2ehaviour

    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *. +hich of the followin" is )(T a purpose of ervice Transition-

    /.To ensure that a service can 2e mana"ed, operated and supported

    0.To provide trainin" and certification in pro:ect mana"ement

    C.To provide uality 4nowled"e of Chan"e, Belease and eployment ana"ement

    .To plan and mana"e the capacity and resource reuirements to mana"e a Belease

    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *3. +hich of the followin" statements 0&T descri2es a efinitive edia


  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    C.IT ervice Continuity ana"ement

    .Capacity ana"ement


    $%&TI() *;. +hat is the 0&T description of the purpose of ervice (peration-

    /.To decide how IT will en"a"e with suppliers durin" the ervice ana"ement Lifecycle

    0.To proactively prevent all outa"es to IT ervices

    C.To desi"n and 2uild processes that will meet 2usiness needs

    .To deliver and mana"e IT ervices at a"reed levels to 2usiness users and customers


    $%&TI() *>. /vaila2ility ana"ement is responsi2le for availa2ility the of*

    /.ervices and Components

    0.ervices and 0usiness 5rocesses

    C.Components and 0usiness 5rocesses

    .ervices, Components and 0usiness 5rocesses

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *?. +hich of the followin" is a su28process of Capacity ana"ement-

    /.Component Capacity ana"ement

    0.5rocess Capacity ana"ement

    C.Technolo"y Capacity ana"ement.Capa2ility Capacity ana"ement

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *@. The "roup that authorises Chan"es that must 2e installed faster than the

    normal process is called the*

    /.Technical ana"ement

    0.&mer"ency Chan"e /dvisory 0oard

  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    accomplish the sta4eholders reuirements and deliver the intended o2:ectives

    0.To ensure that each Belease pac4a"e specified 2y ervice esi"n consists of a set of

    related assets and service

    components that are compati2le with each other

    C.To ensure that all Belease and eployment pac4a"es can 2e trac4ed, installed, tested,

    verified andDor uninstalled

    or 2ac4ed out if appropriate

    .To record and mana"e deviations, ris4s and issues related to the new or chan"ed service

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *31. +hich of the followin" is step 1 in the > tep Improvement 5rocess-

    /.5repare for action

    0.efine what you should measure

    C.+here are we now-

    .Identify "aps in ervice Level /"reement

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    6* ia"nosin" the root8cause of pro2lems

    /./ll of the a2ove

    0.1, and 3 only

    C.1, and 6 only

    ., 3 and 6 only

    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *39. +hich of the followin" functions would 2e responsi2le for mana"ement

    of a data centre-

    /.Technical ana"ement

    0.ervice es4

    C.IT (perations Control

    .Facilities ana"ement


    $%&TI() *3;. Governance is concerned with*

    /.easurin" and improvin" the efficiency and effectiveness of processes

    0.&nsurin" that defined strate"y is actually followed

    C.Beducin" the total cost of providin" services

    .&nsurin" that a"reed ervice Level Beuirements are met

    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *3>. / ris4 is*

    /.omethin" that won't happen

    0.omethin" that will happen

    C.omethin" that has happened

    .omethin" that mi"ht happen


    $%&TI() *3?. +hich of the followin" 0&T descri2es when a nown &rror record

    should 2e raised-/./ nown &rror should not 2e raised until a temporary resolution or wor4around has 2een


    0./ nown &rror should 2e raised at any time that it would 2e useful to do so

    C./s soon as it 2ecomes o2vious that a uic4 resolution of the 5ro2lem will not 2e found

    .Immediately followin" the 5ro2lem resolution, so a permanent historical record of all

    actions is retained in case

    of a recurrence

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    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *3@. IT (perations ana"ement have 2een as4ed 2y a customer to carry out a

    non8standard activity,

    that will cause them to miss an a"reed service level tar"et. #ow should they respond-

    /.Befuse the reuest 2ecause they must operate the service to meet the a"reed service


    0.a4e a decision 2ased on 2alancin" sta2ility and responsiveness

    C./ccept the reuest as they must support customer 2usiness outcomes

    .They should escalate this decision to ervice trate"y

    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *6. +hich process is responsi2le for recordin" relationships 2etween service


    /.ervice Level ana"ement

    0.ervice 5ortfolio ana"ement

    C.ervice /sset and Confi"uration ana"ement

    .Incident ana"ement

    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *61. / sin"le Belease unit, or a structured set of Belease units can 2e defined

    within*/.The B/CI odel

    0./ Belease 5ac4a"e

    C./ Beuest odel

    .The 5lan, o, Chec4, /ct

  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    $%&TI() *63. +hich process is responsi2le for low ris4, freuently occurrin", low cost


    /.emand ana"ement

    0.Incident ana"ement

    C.Belease and eployment ana"ement

    .Beuest Fulfilment


    $%&TI() *66. +hich role is accounta2le for a specific service within an or"anisation-

    /.The ervice Level ana"er

    0.The 0usiness Belationship ana"er

    C.The ervice (wner

    .The ervice Continuity ana"er

    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *69. +hich of the followin" is )(T an aim of the Chan"e ana"ement


    /.(verall 2usiness ris4 is optimised

    0.tandardised methods and procedures are used for efficient and prompt handlin" of all


    C./ll chan"es to ervice /ssets and Confi"uration Items . (ne of the five ma:or aspects of ervice esi"n is the desi"n of service

    solutions. +hich of the

    followin" does this include-

    /.(nly capa2ilities needed and a"reed

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    0.(nly resources and capa2ilities needed

    C.(nly reuirements needed and a"reed

    .Beuirements, resources and capa2ilities needed and a"reed


    $%&TI() *6?. +hich of the followin" is a valid role in the B/CI /uthority atrix-





    /nswer* 0

    $%&TI() *6@. +hat is a B/CI model used for-

    /.5erformance analysis

    0.Becordin" Confi"uration Items

    C.onitorin" services

    .efinin" roles and responsi2ilities


    $%&TI() *9. +hich of the followin" models would 2e most useful in helpin" to define

    an or"anisational structure-

    /.B/CI odel0.ervice odel

    C.Continual ervice Improvement

  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    $%&TI() *9. +hich of the followin" delivery strate"ies is descri2ed as, HFormal

    arran"ements 2etween two

    or more or"anisations to wor4 to"ether to desi"n, develop, transition, maintain, operate

    andDor support IT servicesH-


    0./pplication ervice 5rovision


    .nowled"e 5rocess (utsourcin"

    TestInside &7811

    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *93. To add value to the 2usiness, what are the four reasons to monitor and


    /.Ealidate irect Justify Intervene

    0.Beport ana"e Improve &xtendC.ana"e onitor ia"nose Intervene

    .5lan 5redict Beport Justify

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *96. +hich of the followin" provides resources to resolve operational and

    support issues durin"

    Belease and eployment-

    /.&arly Life upport

    0.ervice Test ana"erC.&valuation

    .Belease 5ac4a"in" and 0uild ana"er

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *99. +hat does a service always deliver to customers-




    .Besources/nswer* C

    $%&TI() *9;. +ho owns the specific costs and ris4s associated with providin" a


    /.The ervice 5rovider

    0.The ervice Level ana"er

  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    C.The Customer


    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *9>. +hich sta"e of the ervice Lifecycle is (T concerned with definin"

    policies and o2:ectives-

    /.ervice esi"n

    0.ervice Transition

    C.ervice trate"y

    .ervice (peration

    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *9?. +hich of the followin" is (T concerned with the desi"n of new or

    chan"ed services-

    /.Chan"e ana"ement

    0.ervice Transition

    C.ervice trate"y

    .ervice esi"n


    $%&TI() *9@. +hich of the followin" are 2enefits that implementin" ervice Transitioncould provide to the 2usiness-

    1* /2ility to adapt uic4ly to new reuirements

    * Beduced cost to desi"n new services

    3* Improved success in implementin" chan"es

    /.1 and only

    0. and 3 only

    C.1 and 3 only

    ./ll the a2ove

    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *;. +hich of the followin" sentences 0&T descri2es a tandard Chan"e-

    /./ Chan"e to the service provider's esta2lished policies and "uidelines

    0./ Chan"e that correctly follows the reuired Chan"e process

    C./ pre8authorised Chan"e that has an accepted and esta2lished procedure

    ./ Chan"e that is made as the result of an audit

    /nswer* C

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    $%&TI() *;1. +hich of the followin" are activities that would 2e carried out 2y

    upplier ana"ement-

    1* ana"ement and review of (r"anisational Level /"reements tep Improvement

    5rocess apply to-

    /.ervice (peration

    0.ervice Transition and ervice (peration

    C.ervice esi"n, ervice Transition and ervice (peration

    .ervice trate"y, ervice esi"n, ervice Transition, ervice (peration and Continual

    ervice Improvement


    $%&TI() *;3. +hich of the followin" is the C(BB&CT description of the even B's ofChan"e ana"ement-

    /./ set of

    $%&TI()s that should 2e as4ed to help understand the impact of Chan"es

    0./ seven step process for releasin" Chan"es into production

    C./ set of

    $%&TI()s that should 2e as4ed when reviewin" the success of a recent Chan"e

    ./ definition of the roles and responsi2ilities reuired for Chan"e ana"ement

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *;6. +hich of the followin" statements is C(BB&CT- /n &vent could 2e

    caused 2y*

    1* /n exception to normal operation, such as a device exceedin" a threshold or an

    unauthoriAed Confi"uration


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    * )ormal operation, such as a user lo""in" into an application or an email reachin" its

    intended recipient

    /. only

    0.1 only

    C.0oth of the a2ove

    .)either of the a2ove

    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *;9. +hich of the followin" is the 0&T definition of the term ervice


    /./ set of specialised or"anisational capa2ilities for providin" value to customers in the

    form of services

    0./ "roup of interactin", interrelated, or independent components that form a unified

    whole, operatin" to"etherfor a common purpose

    C.The mana"ement of functions within an or"anisation to perform certain activities

    .%nits of or"anisations with roles to perform certain activities

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *;;. Implementation of ITIL ervice ana"ement reuires preparin" and

    plannin" the effective and

    efficient use of*

    /.5eople, 5rocess, 5artners, uppliers0.5eople, 5rocess, 5roducts, Technolo"y

    C.5eople, 5rocess, 5roducts, 5artners

    .5eople, 5roducts, Technolo"y, 5artners

    /nswer* C

    $%&TI() *;>. Hervice ana"ement is a set of specialised or"anisational capa2ilities for

    providin" value to

    customers in the form of servicesH.

    These specialised or"anisational capa2ilities include which of the followin"-/./pplications and Infrastructure

    0.Functions and 5rocesses

    C.ervice 5ipeline and ervice Catalo"ue

    .ar4ets and Customers

    /nswer* 0

  • 7/23/2019 Cuestionario_ITIL_V3 y Respuestas (Recuperado)2


    $%&TI() *;?. The left8hand side of the ervice E odel represents reuirements and


    +hat does the ri"ht8hand side of the ervice E odel represent-

    /.Ealidation and Testin"

    0.The 2usiness value that can 2e expected from a "iven service

    C.5erformance and capacity reuirements of services and IT infrastructure

    .Boles and responsi2ilities reuired for an effective ervice ana"ement implementation

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *;@. /n IT department is under pressure to cut costs. /s a result, the uality of

    services has started

    to suffer. +hat im2alance does this represent-

    /.&xtreme focus on cost

    0.&xtreme focus on ualityC.&xcessively proactive

    .&xcessively reactive

    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *>. +hat would 2e the next step in the Continual ervice Improvement

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    3* Identify the scope, o2:ectives and reuirements for CI

    6* Implement CI enhancement





    /nswer* /

    $%&TI() *>. +hich activities are carried out in the H+here do we want to 2e-H step of

    the Continual ervice
