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Cuc m Training

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/2/2019 Cuc m Training


    Hi Guys hope you doing well, so here is the doc that I have promised you to write regarding

    the configuration of some features:

    Hunt Group Call Park/ Call Pick up Attendant console IP Manager assistant or IPMABefore we start lets talk a bit about the PHONE STATES

    As you can guess, the phone has different states :

    On Hook: the phone is idle (its the normal state of the phone or au repos) Off Hook : the phone goes to this state when pick up the handset Ring In: when someone Call ya Ring out: When you dial someone and its ringing Connected: when you are connected to a phone call

    many others but we dont care about since we only need those states

    So to setup our feature we must add theire Softkey and to do this we have to add Softkey

    Template and then apply it to our phone (phone by phone, or even by phone type under

    device ==>device defaults or even more to our Device Pool.

    Step 1: go to Device SoftKeys Templates

    Step 2 : click on find

    Step 3 : Click on copy on the right the SoftKey Template of Standard user

    Step 4: Rename It and save and then select Go to Configure SoftKey Layout (on the button on

    the button at your right )

    Step 5: select for example On Hook and then add the following buttons:

    Repeat eh same for Off Hook, Ring out and Ring in.

    Step 6: Go to Device Find and select the device you wanna associate the template to it

    Step 7: Under softkey Template field select the template we have cretae then save then reset

    Step 8: ITS DONE

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    Guess:Features Definition

    DND: Do not disturb: when someone Call ya you can select this button the phone turn on

    silent mode without answering the phone.

    CallBack: Be carefull with this since it can create trouble between persons, this features

    allow a user to put a WATCHER on they Called party so when this person will be available

    the Calling party would receive a message tell him that theire Called party are now available.

    Pack: when we receive a phone call we can park to a park slot or number, so another one can

    retreive the call just by dialing the parking Number.

    Meet Me conf: We have two types of conference using CCM Ad Hoc and Meet me :

    The Ad hoc one doesnt need any further configuration just the user press Confrence

    and then put his Called number in hold and select another number to dial then press

    conference to join the 2 Calls

    The meet me conf need to have a range of number for example 55XX, so the intiator press the

    softkey Meet Me and then dial one number example: 5500 and the other user just dial then themeet me number.

    Call Pick up/ Group Pick Up: When a phone is ringing on other phones that belongs to your

    group (hunt group) you can by pressing the Gpickup and then the Hunt Group number answer

    the Call.

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    Configurations steps:

    Meet Me: Go to Call RoutingMeet Me Number Plan then Add New Give it a pattern example 55XX Partion Lobby Then SaveNote that you have to define Media Ressource Group List before and affect it to your Phones.

    User now select the button MeetMe then type in one number, the others who are going to join

    the conference just Dial this number.

    Park: Go to Call Routing Call Park then Add New Give it a pattern example 66XX Select the Appropriate Cisco CallManager Group Partion Lobby Then SaveCall Pickup

    Step 1: Define the Call Pick Group Go to Call Routing Call Group Pickup Add New Give it a name Give it an extension exp: 3300 Partion Lobby Then SaveStep 2: Associate Phone to the Pick Group Go to Device Phone and select the appropriate Phone device Select the line Then under the Field Call Forward and Call Pickup Settings select the appropriateCall Pick up Group

    Then SaveOther Best partice will be discussed live regarding the Pick (the Other Pick or Opickup)

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    The Attendant Console:

    Configurations Steps:

    Step 1: Activate CTI Manager services, Cisco CallManager Attendant Console Server

    Step 2: Add The Attendant Console User (Create standard user and then Check the CTI box)

    User id : test

    Password: test123


    Add the contorolled device or even associate a phone to this user.

    Please note that you have to associate the righ device to this user unde Controlled profiles or

    either controlled devices so using the Attendant console he can monitor his phone.

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    Step 3: Create the Users ac and associate the devices

    Username ac, password use 12345, pin 12345

    And Associate the user To the following group

    Step 4: Add the User to Use the Attendant Console: user Id Test, password test123 confirm

    password test123

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    And then add the user to the Fowwloing Groups Too

    Step 5: Add the directory using Notepad ++

    Using this format:

    Last Name, First Name, Telephone number, Department


    Tlili, Seifeddine, 98000111,Voice

    Step6: You are ready to go but before go to Plugin and dowload the Attendant Console for

    Windows (there is a version for linux based)

    Application Plugin

  • 8/2/2019 Cuc m Training


    Then you have to use go Online to add a watcher on your phone

    Just practise and tell me whats working and what it doesnt

    Email: [email protected]

    Best of luck dude

    Coming up in the Next Seif Nuggets :

    Media Ressource group Configuration IPMA Configuration with Shared Line Mode Unity Connection integration with CallManager

  • 8/2/2019 Cuc m Training


    Setting UP the integration of CallManager And Cisco Unity Connection:

    Part I CallManager configuration SIDE

    Part 1:

    Step 1:

    Step 2:In Cisco CM Admin Page go to Voice MailCisco Voice Mail Port Wizard

    Step 3: On what to do clickCreate New Mail Server And Ports To IT then Next

    Step 4: Accpets the default Names DO NOT CHANGE IT

    Step 5:Enter The number of Ports (U must go back to ur license to see how much ports u


    Step 6:On the Voice Mail Port Inoformation do the same as Phone congiguration (Device


    Step 7:Next

    Step 8:On the Cisco Voice Mail Directory Number (its the ports) enter a range of number:Exp 6001 to 6002 if you have two ports and the fill in the other setting

    Step9: NextStep 10:select I Want Add those DN to a line Group SELECT later

    Part 2:Adding the Ports to a Hunt Group using a pilot number as the Voice Mail DN

    Step 1:Call Routing Route hunt Line Group

    Step 2: Add NewStep 3: fill in the infortion

    Step 4: Under line group information add the lobby Partition

    Step 5: clickFindStep 6:In the available DN/route then select the first DN and add it to the line group

    Remember: The Add Must be from the lowest number to the higher One or Else its

    swcrewed Up Step 7:Repeat for the remaining DN

    Step 8:Save

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    Part 3:Add line Group to a Hunt List:

    Step 1: Call RoutingRoute/Hunt Hunt List

    Step 2 : Add new

    Step 3: Enter the required informations blablablablabla

    Step 4:Save

    Step 5:under Hunt List Member information Add Line GroupStep 6:When the line group are added click Save

    Step 7: Select Reset

    Step 8:Its Done

    Part 4:Adding the hunt Pilot Finally

    Step 1:Call routingroute/Hunthunt Pilot

    Step 2:Add New

    Step 3:enter the hunt pilot wich will be used as the pilot number of the UC

    Step 4: Fill in the rest of the information its simple

    Step 5:Save

    Part 5: the Magic MWI or Message Waiting indicator:

    Step 1:Voice MailMessage Waiting

    Step 2:Add new

    Step 3: enter the information for MWI On (number,partition)

    Step 4:SaveStep5: The same as for the MWI Off

    Step 6:Save

    Part 6:The Voice Mail Pilot

    Dont you remember the Pilot number that we have add its the Voice Mail pilot point ;)

    Step 1:Voice mail Voice Mail pilot

    Step 2:Add new

    Step 3:Add the required informations with the number that we have defined

    Step 4:Save

    Part 7: Voice Mail Profile

    Step 1:Voice Mail Voice Mail Profile

    Step 2: Add NewStep 3:Add the required information and check the boxes Default voice mail Profile for the


    Step 4: Save

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    Part 8: Tune in the CCM

    Step 1:Go to system Service paramter CallManager service

    Step 2:Search MWI and then select True

    Step 3:Save

    Part 9: Take A break the configuration in CallManager is Done

    Part II Unity Connection Side

    Part 1:

    Step 1: Go to Telephony system Integration and then select Phone system

    Step 2: Select Add New Phone System

    Step 3:Select Cisco system and follow the steps by steps guide of Unity Connection until



    Part 2: Integration with the Axl Server in order to import Users

    Step 1: Go to Telephony system Integration and then select Phone system

    Step 2:Select the phone system tha we had configured

    Step 3: On the Edit Menu select: Setting the AXL Server (or something like that I dont

    have Unity Connection running right now )

    Step 4:ClickAdd New then fill in with the right information:

    IP Address of the Publisher (where Axl is running)

    Port: 8443

    Username of the Administrator et passwork or EVEN create a new user an assign it to

    the group of the Axl Admin on CCMThen Click saveStep5 :Fill In the TFTP Fields

    Step 6: Check the integration

    Step 7:On Telephony system integration go to port GroupStep 8: check the configuration and that it will use not the Default Switch but the Phone

    system that we have add if the Port group doesnt exists ADD IT

    Step 9:Under Edit select Servers then Add

    Step 10: fill In with the right information

    Step 11:In telephony interation expand port and do the same as for Port Group

    Step 12:NB: Check the box Enabled

    Step 13:Click Save

    Part 2: Restarting the services

    Step 1: Go to Cisco Unity connection Serviceability and then restart the Connection


    Step 2 Take A BREAK

    Part 3: Adding user:

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    Step 1: Go to import userjust on the end of the page

    Step 2:Select the required users to create for them a voice mail box

    Step 3:Click on import

    Step 4: go to the Top of the page and select User

    Step 5:configure user by user Mail box by defining the password (Note that this page is

    accessible using CallManager when we select a user and then in the related links select CreateUnity Mail Box.

    NB: There is a way to configure users with BAT like CCM however you must pratise a

    lot before doing those steps

    Part 4: Define the Handler

    Step 1:Go to Call Routing

    Step 2:there are two field one for direct Calls (Calls that are made directly to Unity using

    6000) and transferred Calls

    Step3: select Directed Call and the go conversation and selectSign In

    Coming up Soon Call Handler definition and configuration and



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    MGCP The rest of the Story:

    Router Side:

    Step 1: Enabling the MGCP protocol

    Conf# MGCP

    Step 2:Connecting the CallManager

    Conf#mgcp call-agent @IP of The Publisher

    Step 3: Defining the DTMF Relay

    Conf#Mgcp dtmf-relay codec all mode out-of-band

    Step 4:Defining the type the protocol used to conenct to theCCM

    Conf#ccm-manager mgcp

    Step 5:Configuring E1:

  • 8/2/2019 Cuc m Training


    First you will have to activate the E1 controller

    Type in : Conf# network-clock-participate wic 1 (emplacement de la carte E1)

    Conf# card type e1 0 1 Slot number

    Configuration de la E1 : Dfinition des paramtres ISDN

    Conf#isdn switch-type primary-net5 (Pour la tunisie)


    Controller E1 0/0/0

    pri-group timeslots 1-20



    interface Serial0/1/0:15no ip address

    isdn switch-type primary-net5isdn bind-l3 ccm-managerisdn incoming-voice voice

    no cdp enable!

    Configuration of the Dial Peer:

    Dial-peer voice 4 pots

    Port 0/0/0 E1 Ports

    Service MGCPAPP or Application MGCPAPP

    Dial-peer voice 5 pots

    Destinatination-pattern 92.T

    Port 0/0/1 Fxo Port

    Service MGCPAPP or Application MGCPAPP

    Dial-peer voice 6 potsDestinatination-pattern 200

    Port 0/1/0

    Service MGCPAPP or Application MGCPAPP


    Please can yiu define for me the connection plar opx Well its the plar (private line automatic

    Ring chait pas koi) , the main purpose of this is that in the event of a signal in that port it will

    directly send the call to the number predifined after the OPX

    This was H323 configuration, in MGCP configuration we specify this from CallManager

    under Devicegatewaythe select a Port

  • 8/2/2019 Cuc m Training


    Then under the port select the appropriate type of the Port LoopStart or ground start

    For the FXS port do the following:

    Devicegatewaythen under port Specify the information regarding FXS port

    Remember Port type is POTS

    For the E1 card do the following:

    Specify the parameter as provided by ur service provider:

    Then specify the others paramet:

    When you will implement the E1 Gimme a Call and we will do it


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    Degugging MGCP:

    Just type in show mgcp to see the status of the MGCP protocol

    If The State is Down so check the conf of the MGCP

    Issue: check if u have typed conf#mgcp

    Check your configuration:

    You Can see that the endpoints are rejistred witht the CallManager



    Check from the router : show ccm-manager and check the highlihted

  • 8/2/2019 Cuc m Training


    Step 6:Create a Dial peer for the E1 Connection

    dial-peer voice 1023 pots

    application mgcpapp

    port 1/0:23

    CallManager Side:

    Step 1: One: go to DeviceGeteway then click on Add new

    Step 2: Then define the following:

    The Domain Name is the HOSTNAME of the router

    Step 3: Defining the Vic or Vwic Cards

    Step 4:We Will Define the best practice regarding the Dial Plan inbound and outband Calls

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    Access and leaving a msg:

    After we have a create and import user do the following so when the user

    dial the 6000 he will be prompted to enter his pin and hear to his voice msg,

    or even when a user Do the CallForward All to the voice msg, when

    someone callhim he will prompted to leave a msg

    Part 1: Defining the Normal Call Routing rules

    Step 1:Go to Call RoutingDirect Routing Rules

    Step 2:under Direct Routing Rules select Attempt sign In

    Step 3:Under Send Call To select ConversationSign In

    Step 4: click Save

    Now when someone dial 6000 he will prompted to enter his identifier or Phone Number

    then the PIN Number

  • 8/2/2019 Cuc m Training


    Leaving a message:

    Step 1:Go to Call RoutingDirect Routing Rules

    Step 2:under Forwareded Rules select Attempt Forward

    Step 3: Under send call to select User With voice MailBox then Operator

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    Step 4: you have to defign an extension for the operator Example: The receptionist

    Step 5: Go to User Operator then assign to it an alternative extension

    Step 6: issue Add new then type the extension


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    CallHandleror Auto


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    Cisco unity Side

    Part 1

    Step 1: Go to CallManagementSystem Call HandlersAdd New

    Step 2:Select the template System CallHandler TemplateStep3:Select the appropriate Phone System

    Step4:Add the extension that will be used to reach the Handler in our case its the 2424

    Step5: Save

  • 8/2/2019 Cuc m Training


    Part 2

    Step 1: Go to EditTransfer Option

    Step2:Select Standard

    Step 3: If You are going to play a recording then transfert the call do those steps else

    skip to the Part 3

    Step 4: Select transfert Action Transfert Calls To Extension

  • 8/2/2019 Cuc m Training


    Part 4 Defining The Key Input

    Step 1:Go Edit Caller Inut then select the appropriate Key

    Exp if caller press 1 it will be redirected to the CallHandler Test2

    Step2:Select the key and then in Action choose the Call Handler with Attempt Transfer

  • 8/2/2019 Cuc m Training


    Part 5 Defining the Greeting for Each CallHandler

    Step 1:Go to EditGreetings

    Step 2: Select Standard

    Step3: Verify to check Greeting Enabled with No end Date and time

    Step4:under Callers Hear Check My personal Recording

    Step5:After Greeting select Hang Up

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    Step6:To record your personnal message select Play/Record then select The Red Button


    Step 7:Under EditMessages Setting Check the following

  • 8/2/2019 Cuc m Training


    Part 6 : Defining the Rule under CallManagement

    Step 1: Go to CallRouting

    Step 2: Select Forworded Rules then Add NewStep 3 Fill in loike the example:

    Call Handler : The main CallHandler and Attempt to transfert

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    CallManager Side:

    SO now we have add a pilot number for the Handler the 2424 where we can reach the IVR ,

    here is the Point we gonna add a CTI Route Point with the number of the 2424

    Step 1:Go to DeviceCTI route Point Add new

    Step 2: Add the required information (CSS, name, Cisco Unified CallManager Group)

    Step 3:Click Save then WOOWW Magic FIELD just at the End u will find add Directory


    Step4: Click on the directory number and add the pilot number 2424

    Step 5: Add the partition,CSSStep 6: Go to Call ForwardAll and in the fiel Callforward All add the Number of Unity


    Step 7: Select the appropriate CSS as show in the pics.

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