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CTS-ircdeploy Documentation Release 0.2 International Rescue Committee Sep 29, 2017

CTS-ircdeploy Documentation · CTS-ircdeploy Documentation, Release 0.2 environment: staging domain: repo: url: [email protected]:theirc/CTS.git branch: origin/develop

Aug 19, 2020



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CTS-ircdeploy DocumentationRelease 0.2

International Rescue Committee

Sep 29, 2017

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1 Overview 3

2 Server Setup Reference 7

3 Getting Started 9

4 Common Administration Tasks 11

5 Provisioning Servers and Environments 13

6 Ona Support 17

7 CTS backups 19

8 Releases 23

9 Indices and tables 25


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CTS-ircdeploy Documentation, Release 0.2

This project contains the deployment architecture used by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) for the CTSproject. While this repository is specific to IRC’s instance of CTS, the architecture may be used as an example orreference for alternative deployments. To explore other open source IRC projects, please see IRC’s GitHub account.

The purpose of this documentation is to help system administrators deploy and maintain CTS. A certain level ofknowledge of Linux is assumed.


Contents 1

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CTS-ircdeploy Documentation, Release 0.2

2 Contents

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This is an overview of how CTS is deployed.

Server Architecture

CTS is deployed on the following stack using Fabric and SaltStack:

• OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

• Python: 2.7

• Database: Postgres 9.1

• Application Server: Gunicorn

• Frontend Server: Nginx

• Cache: Memcached

Deploys are done to a single server, which will serve all the CTS instances under one domain name using URLprefixing.

For development and test purposes, CTS can be deployed to servers other than production. These are called environ-ments, and there are two defined initially:

• staging

• production

The fab commands used to deploy and provision a server always take an environment name as the first argument, e.g.fab staging do_something.

When deploying to a server, the code is deployed from a branch of the code repository on GitHub. Which branch isused is controlled by a setting in the local file conf/pillar/<ENVIRONMENT>/env.sls, e.g. conf/pillar/staging/env.sls might contain:


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CTS-ircdeploy Documentation, Release 0.2

environment: staging


repo:url: [email protected]:theirc/CTS.gitbranch: origin/develop

This indicates that the staging server will use the code from the origin/develop branch.

Country Instances

On a server, there can be multiple copies of CTS running, each with completely independent data. Each copy is calledan instance.

All the instances on a server are running the same code, but they run in different processes and use different databases.

An Nginx server receives incoming requests and routes them to the appropriate instance based on the first part ofthe URL path. E.g. might go to an instance for Iraq, while might go to an instance for Turkey.

The instances are defined in the file conf/pillar/project.sls and are the same for all environments. Here’sa sample excerpt from that file:

instances:turkey:name: Turkeyprefix: /TRcurrency: TRYport: 8001

iraq:name: Iraqprefix: /IQcurrency: IQDport: 8002

jordan:name: Jordanprefix: /JOcurrency: JODport: 8003

Note that this file defines for each instance a human-readable name, a URL prefix, the international code for theinstance’s currency, and an internal port where the instance will listen.

Logs for each instance are in /var/www/cts/log/<INSTANCE>/ on the server, where <INSTANCE> is the keyof the instance in the configuration, e.g. iraq or turkey.

Some fab commands require an instance to be specified. Here’s an example of how that is done:

fab staging instance:iraq manage_shell

For each instance, there’s a file cts/settings/<INSTANCE>.py with the settings that are unique for that in-stance. See the existing files, such as cts/settings/, to see what needs to be in the instance’ssettings file. (Actually, very little needs to be in there.)

4 Chapter 1. Overview

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Local Development

When running locally (e.g. runserver), the environment name is dev and there’s only oneinstance, local, with no URL prefix. Since there’s no prefix, it should work the way developers are used to.

1.3. Local Development 5

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6 Chapter 1. Overview

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Server Setup Reference

This is a detailed description of how a server ends up configured by the CTS provisioning process.


Below is the server layout created by this provisioning process:




source contains the source code of the project, checked out from git. env is the virtualenv for Python requirements.log stores the Nginx, Gunicorn and other logs used by the project. public holds the static resources (css/js) for theproject and the uploaded user media. public/static/ and public/media/ map to the STATIC_ROOT andMEDIA_ROOT settings. ssl contains the SSL key and certificate pair.

Configuration files are updated in:



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Incoming HTTP requests are received by the Nginx web server. /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/cts.conf hasthe specific configuration for CTS.

Nginx serves static files itself, and routes dynamic requests to the appropriate backend processes. It uses the requestURL path to determine how to handle each request.

Nginx is started by an init.d script. There is only one logical nginx running on a server, though it might consist of amaster process and multiple worker processes.


Gunicorn is a Python WSGI server. It is used to run processes with the Django code that can handle HTTP requestsrouted from Nginx.

Gunicorn processes are managed by Supervisord.

For each CTS instance, there will be one or more Gunicorn processes running on the server.


Celery is a Python library allowing tasks to be scheduled for later execution. In CTS, Celery tasks are used to poll fornew package scans.

There are two kinds of celery processes. Worker processes do the work. There can be many worker processes for aninstance. A beat process is like cron: it schedules tasks at certain times. An instance only has one beat process.

Celery processes are managed by Supervisord.


Supervisor is a daemon that manages background processes. Each process is configured by a file in /etc/supervisor/conf.d, and supervisor ensures that each process is started and continues to run.

CTS uses Supervisor to manage long-running Python processes, like Gunicorn and Celery.

Supervisor itself is started by an init.d script.

Only one logical Supervisor process runs on a server.

Rabbit MQ

Rabbit MQ provides reliable asynchronous message queuing among Celery’s processes.

Rabbit MQ is started by an init.d script.

Only one logical Rabbit MQ runs on a server.


Postgres is our primary database server. We use a PostgreSQL instance hosted on Amazon RDS.

8 Chapter 2. Server Setup Reference

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Getting Started

This is a step-by-step guide to start administering IRC’s CTS servers.

1. Clone the git repository:

git clone CTS-ircdeploy/

Or if you’ll be contributing to the repository:

git clone [email protected]:theirc/CTS-ircdeploy.gitcd CTS-ircdeploy/

1. To setup your local environment you should create a virtualenv and install the necessary requirements:

mkvirtualenv cts-ircdeploy$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/pip install -r $PWD/requirements.txt

2. Add a developer user to the configuration.

Edit conf/pillar/devs.sls and add a username and SSH public key. This will be used to grant accessto the servers later.

Each user record should match the format:

<username>:public_key:- ssh-rsa <Full SSH Public Key would go here>




• ssh-rsa AAAAB...XXXX [email protected]


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Additional developers can be added later, but you will need to create at least one user for yourself.

Submit a pull request to the repository and get the change merged.

3. Ask someone who already has access to the server to deploy.

This will apply your changes, so you’ll have an account on the server with ssh access and sudo privileges.

If you need to administer multiple environments, ask to have the changes deployed to all of them.

4. Fetch the latest secrets.

The secrets files are not in git, so you’ll need to download them from the server. Each environment has its ownsecrets file, so you’ll need to run the appropriate command for each. Suppose you’re working with the stagingserver, then you’d run:

fab staging get_secrets

After running this, you should have a local file conf/pillar/staging/secrets.sls with the pass-words, keys, etc that aren’t kept in git.

At this point, you should be able to do any of the needed administration tasks.

10 Chapter 3. Getting Started

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Common Administration Tasks

Here are some common tasks and how to perform them.

Get secrets

Since the secrets aren’t stored in Git, it’s a good idea, before doing any server administration, to fetch the currentsecrets from the servers:

fab staging get_secretsfab production get_secrets

Update secrets

If you need to update any secrets, be sure to first get the latest secrets file from the relevant server (see above). Thenyou can edit your local copy (e.g. conf/pillar/production/secrets.sls or conf/pillar/staging/secrets.sls) and deploy (see next item).

Deploy new code

Running a deploy does several things:

1. If the local secrets files are different from the ones on the server, display the differences and ask whether toupdate the server files from the local ones. If you answer “no” at this point, the deploy is aborted.

2. Ensure system and Python packages are installed, configuration files are correct, and generally check and updatethe provisioning on the server. This uses Salt.

3. Sync all the configuration files under conf from your local system to the server. This makes it easier to testdeploy changes without having to continually commit possibly broken code first.


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4. Checkout the source code from github. It’ll use whatever branch name is set in the local conf/pillar/<environment>/env.sls file, so you can test by editing that file locally and deploying. But the actualsource code you want to test has to be pushed to github. (By “source code” here, we basically mean everythingin the git repository that is outside of the conf directory.)

5. Run the usual Django deploy-time commands such as collectstatic and syncdb --migrate.

6. Restart the servers

To do a deploy, the command is just “deploy”, e.g.:

fab production deploy

Run arbitrary Django management commands

If you want to run an arbitrary Django management command, like “syncdb” or “dbshell”, you can use a commandfrom your local system like:

fab staging instance:iraq manage_run:syncdb

Note that you have to pick an instance.

SSH to the server

There’s a shortcut for this:

fab staging ssh

12 Chapter 4. Common Administration Tasks

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Provisioning Servers and Environments

New EC2 Servers

These are instructions for creating and deploying a new server. Production servers are typically deployed on AmazonEC2 servers, but most of these instructions would apply to any server.

For the purposes of this documentation, we’ll assume we’re adding a new server, to be referred to as the testingenvironment.

1. Create a new EC2 server. Some tips:

• Put it in a region close to where most users will be, e.g. Ireland (eu-west-1). (To switch regions in the AWSEC2 console, look near the top-right of the window for a light-gray selector on a black background.)

• Use an AMI (image) of Ubuntu 12.04 server, 64-bit, EBS - e.g. ubuntu-precise-12.04-amd64-server-20140408(ami-d1f308a6)

• Be sure to save the private key that is created, or use an existing one you already own. (Caktus: key pairs arestored in LastPass, search for CTS.) The AWS private key is only needed until CTS has been deployed the firsttime, but it is essential until then.

1. If needed, follow the New Environments to add a new environment.

2. Add the new server’s ssh key to your ssh-agent, e.g.:

ssh-add /path/to/newserver.pem

This will allow you to ssh into the new server as root initially. After we’ve finished our deploy, you’ll have yourown userid on the server that you can use to ssh in.

3. Create a minion:

fab -u root testing setup_minion

4. Initial deploy:


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fab -u root testing deploy

After that, developer accounts will exist on the server with ssh access, so “-u root” will no longer be needed. You’ll beable to update the server with:

fab testing deploy

New Environments

(You should rarely need to do this.)

An environment defines a server where CTS will run, e.g. “production” or “staging”.

Creating a new environment requires adding parts of its configuration to multiple places in the CTS configuration files.

For the purposes of this documentation, we’ll assume we’re adding a new environment named testing, which willbe accessed at

1. Edit the fabfile ( in the top directory). Create a new task near the top, modeled on the existingtasks like ‘production’. Fill in the new server’s hostname or IP address. Like this:

@taskdef testing():

env.environment = 'testing'env.hosts = ['']env.master = env.hosts[0]

2. In the fabfile, add the new environment to SERVER_ENVIRONMENTS near the top:

SERVER_ENVIRONMENTS = ['staging', 'production', 'testing']

3. In conf/pillar/top.sls, add the new environment to the list:

{% for env in ['staging', 'production', 'testing'] %}

4. Under the conf/pillar directory, create a new directory with the same name as your new environment. Copythe env.sls and secrets.sls files from an existing directory, such as production. Add the env.slsfile to git, but DO NOT add the secrets.sls file to git. Edit both as seems appropriate. The environmentand domain names should match those in


environment: testing


repo:url: [email protected]:theirc/CTS.gitbranch: origin/develop

# Additional public environment variables to set for the projectenv:FOO: BAR

The repo will also need a deployment key generated so that the Salt minion can access the repository. Or if therepository already has a deployment key, you’ll need access to the private key. See the Github docs on managingdeploy keys

14 Chapter 5. Provisioning Servers and Environments

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The private key should be added to conf/pillar/<environment>/secrets.sls under the labelgithub_deploy_key:

github_deploy_key: |-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----foobar-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

You may choose to include the public SSH key in the repo as well, but this is not strictly required.

The project_name and python_version are set in conf/pillar/project.sls. Currently wesupport using Python 2.7 on this project.

The secrets.sls can also contain a section to enable HTTP basic authentication. This is useful for stagingenvironments where you want to limit who can see the site before it is ready. This will also prevent bots fromcrawling and indexing the pages. To enable basic auth simply add a section called http_auth in the relevantconf/pillar/<environment>/secrets.sls:

http_auth:admin: 123456

This should be a list of key/value pairs. The keys will serve as the usernames and the values will be the password.As with all password usage please pick a strong password.

Here’s what conf/pillar/testing/secrets.sls might look like:

secrets:DB_PASSWORD: xxxxxxBROKER_PASSWORD: yyyyynewrelic_license_key: zzzzz

# Iraq:ONA_DOMAIN_IQ: ona-staging.caktusgroup.comONA_API_ACCESS_TOKEN_IQ: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxONA_FORM_IDS_IQ: 4ONA_DEVICEID_VERIFICATION_FORM_ID_IQ: 52

# Jordan:ONA_DOMAIN_JO: ona-staging.caktusgroup.comONA_API_ACCESS_TOKEN_JO: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxONA_FORM_IDS_JO: 3;14ONA_DEVICEID_VERIFICATION_FORM_ID_JO: 35

# Turkey:ONA_DOMAIN_TR: ona-staging.caktusgroup.comONA_API_ACCESS_TOKEN_TR: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxONA_FORM_IDS_TR: 5;6;23ONA_DEVICEID_VERIFICATION_FORM_ID_TR: 65

# Uncomment and update username/password to enable HTTP basic auth# Comment out to enable access to the public to the sitehttp_auth:

caktus: abc123

github_deploy_key: |-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----xxxxxxxx....xxxxxxxxx-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

5.2. New Environments 15

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# Key and cert are optional; if either is missing, self-signed cert will be→˓generatedssl_certificate: |



5. Edit conf/salt/project/new_relic_webmon/newrelic.ini. At the end, add a new New Relicenvironment:

[newrelic:testing]monitor_mode = false

6. Commit changes to git and push them. Merge to master if this is going to be a production server, or to whateverbranch env.sls is configured to pull from.

If you want to test without merging the changes to master yet, then push the changes to some other branch, andedit your local copy of conf/pillar/testing/env.sls to change the branch name to the one you’reusing.

16 Chapter 5. Provisioning Servers and Environments

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Ona Support


CTS utilizes Ona to capture mobile form data. The web application communicates with Ona via its REST API.

Ona Secrets

Here is the data that should be in conf/pillar/<environment>/secrets.sls to access an Ona server, forthe IQ instance:

secrets:ONA_DOMAIN_IQ: # domain of your Ona instanceONA_API_ACCESS_TOKEN_IQ: changeme # API access token of a valid Ona UserONA_FORM_IDS_IQ: 23;5 # Semicolon-separated Form IDs for package/voucher tracking

→˓for this instance of the web applicationONA_DEVICEID_VERIFICATION_FORM_ID_IQ: changeme # Form ID for binding a device to a

→˓user for this instance of the web application

Additional Forms

If additional form support is required, a few code changes will be necessary. The components needed are:

• an environment variable and/or Django setting to define the form id to capture

• a celery task to poll and consume form submissions

Here is a made-up example:

# Django settingONA_MY_FORM_ID = os.environ.get('ONA_MY_FORM_ID', '')


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# Celery [email protected] update_package_locations():

"""Updates the local database with new package tracking form submissions"""form_id = settings.ONA_MY_FORM_IDclient = OnaApiClient()submissions = client.get_form_submissions(form_id)for data in submissions:

submission = PackageLocationFormSubmission(data)if not FormSubmission.objects.filter(uuid=submission._uuid).exists():


The above task uses a helper object, PackageLocationFormSubmission to parse the data. For many forms, itis possible to utilize the OnaItemBase base class. Dependent on your specific needs for the form, you may want toauthor a custom object based on OnaItemBase to process your form submissions.

If you need to query submissions for a specific form utilize the form_id field to filter with:


18 Chapter 6. Ona Support

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CTS backups

Backups are taken regularly and stored on the Caktus backup server. This document explains how to access and usethose backups.

Getting a backup dump and restoring it locally

Steps you can do ahead of time:

• Get access to the Caktus backup server (open a tech support request).

When you need to restore a backup:

• Make sure you are in your CTS-IRCDeploy directory, and not in the CTS project directory:

$ git config --get [email protected]:theirc/CTS-ircdeploy.git

• List the files in the latest backup directory and find the most recent backup file for each instance (i.e. “iraq”,“jordan”, and “turkey”):

$ backup_path=/mnt/rsnapshot/cts/daily.0/home/caktus-backup$ ssh [email protected] ls $backup_path/cts_iraq* | tail$ ssh [email protected] ls $backup_path/cts_jordan* | tail$ ssh [email protected] ls $backup_path/cts_turkey* | tail

• Copy those files your local directory:

$ scp [email protected]:${backup_path}/→˓bz2 cts_iraq.bz2$ scp [email protected]:${backup_path}/→˓20170927.bz2 cts_jordan.bz2$ scp [email protected]:${backup_path}/→˓20170927.bz2 cts_turkey.bz2


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The iraq file is about 3MB, and the others are about 5MB each, as of Sept 2017.

• Decompress the file using the -k flag which keeps the compressed version around (since we’ll be SCP’ing thatto staging in a few steps):

$ bunzip2 -k cts_iraq.bz2$ bunzip2 -k cts_jordan.bz2$ bunzip2 -k cts_turkey.bz2

• Drop your existing local database and restore from the backup:

$ dropdb cts$ createdb --template=template0 cts$ psql --quiet cts -f cts_iraq > sql-import.log 2>&1

You can look through sql-import.log to view the output from that command. There will be a bunch of errorsabout missing relations and roles. It’s OK to ignore them.

• Change to the CTS project directory:

$ cd ../CTS$ git config --get [email protected]:theirc/CTS.git

• Migrate the database:

$ workon cts$ python migrate --noinput$ python createsuperuser$ python runserver

Check out localhost:8000 and poke around.

• Repeat the above process with the ‘jordan’ and ‘turkey’ dumps.

Bringing up a new site using the backup dump

• Change back to the CTS project directory:

$ cd ../CTS-ircdeploy$ git config --get [email protected]:theirc/CTS-ircdeploy.git

• Copy the three compressed dump files to staging:

$ fab staging put_file:cts_iraq.bz2$ fab staging put_file:cts_jordan.bz2$ fab staging put_file:cts_turkey.bz2

• SSH into staging and unzip the files:

$ fab staging sshuser@cts-staging$ cd /tmpuser@cts-staging$ bunzip2 cts_iraq.bz2user@cts-staging$ bunzip2 cts_jordan.bz2user@cts-staging$ bunzip2 cts_turkey.bz2

20 Chapter 7. CTS backups

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• Stop the web and celery processes:

user@cts-staging$ sudo supervisorctl stop all

• Switch to the cts user and set up the environment to allow you to access RDS:

user@cts-staging$ sudo -u cts -icts@cts-staging$ . /var/www/cts/$ export PGHOST=$DB_HOST PGPASSWORD=$DB_PASSWORD PGUSER=$DB_→˓USER(env)cts@cts-staging$ dropdb cts_iraq(env)cts@cts-staging$ createdb cts_iraq(env)cts@cts-staging$ psql --quiet cts_iraq -f /tmp/cts_iraq > /tmp/sql-import.→˓log 2>&1

• Review the sql-import.log. There will be lots of errors about missing roles, tables, etc, but that is OK. Now, runmigrations:

(env)cts@cts-staging$ INSTANCE=iraq migrate --noinput

• Repeat this process for the other 2 instances: ‘jordan’, and ‘turkey’.

• After completing all 3 instances, switch back to your user and restart the servers:

(env)cts@cts-staging$ logoutuser@cts-staging$ sudo supervisorctl start allcts-celery-jordan: startedcts-turkey-server: startedcts-celery-turkey: startedcts-celery-beat-jordan: startedcts-celery-iraq: startedcts-celery-beat-iraq: startedcts-jordan-server: startedcts-iraq-server: startedcts-celery-beat-turkey: started

• Give the load balancer a few minutes to realize we’re healthy, then poke around the staging servers to make sureeverything looks good.

• Finally clean up the dumps from the staging server and locally:

user@cts-staging$ cd /tmp/user@cts-staging$ sudo rm -f cts_** sql-import.loguser@cts-staging$ logoutConnection to closed.

Done.$ rm -f cts_** sql-import.log

7.2. Bringing up a new site using the backup dump 21

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22 Chapter 7. CTS backups

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0.4 on Sep. 29, 2017

• Add ssh keys for maintenance and backup.

• Document how to restore from backup (#16).

0.3 on Jan. 12, 2016

• Update Ona docs (#11)

• Update for voucher support (#12)

• Restart celery nightly (#13)

• Separate celery queues (#14). Requires CTS v0.7.0

0.2 on Nov. 13, 2015

• Move to Amazon RDS (#6)

• Move logs to syslog (#8)

• Stop using dbbackup script (#10)

0.1 on Jun. 9, 2015

• Initial release


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24 Chapter 8. Releases

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Indices and tables

• genindex

• modindex

• search