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CSU Perspective - Fall/Winter 2010

Mar 15, 2016



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Page 1: CSU Perspective - Fall/Winter 2010


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C S U P E R S P E C T I V E 1

EdIToR/WRITERBarbara Chudzik

dEsIgNJo-Ann Dontenville-Ranallo

PhoTogRAPhyWilliam Rieter, ’88

PREsIdENTDr. Ronald M. Berkman

PRovosTDr. Mary Jane Saunders

vIcE PREsIdENT FoR UNIvERsITy AdvANcEmENT/ ExEcUTIvE dIREcToR, csU FoUNdATIoNPeter K. Anagnostos

AssIsTANT vIcE PREsIdENT, mARkETINg ANd AdmIssIoNsRob A. Spademan

dIREcToR, mARkETINg ANd PUBLIc AFFAIRsBrian Johnston

dIREcToR, ALUmNI AFFAIRsCarolyn Champion-Sloan

Perspective, a publication for alumni and friends of Cleveland State University, is produced by the Division of University Advancement. Perspective offices are located in the Keith Building, 1621 Euclid Ave., KB 300, Cleveland, Ohio 44115. The telephone number is 216-875-9693; the fax number is 216-687-9278. Third-class postage is paid at Cleveland, Ohio.

Cleveland State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and especially encourages applications from minorities andwomen, persons with handicaps or disabilities,and disabled and Vietnam era veterans.

Perspective #21/90,000 © 2009 Cleveland State University Division of University Advancement Re ad Perspect ive on l i ne a t w w w.c s uoh io .edu / m ag a z ine

CONTENTS fall 09/winter10

On the cover: President ronald M. BerkMan leads CsU into the fUtUre

F E A T U R E s

PERFEcT mATchPresident Ronald Berkman's passion for education and cities finds an ideal home in CSU and Cleveland. 6

cENTERs oF ExcELLENcECSU defines health and sustainable communities as signature themes. 11

ENgINEERs WIThoUT BoRdERsStudents practice engaged learning in Belize. 12 coNsTRUcTIoN ZoNEOpening soon: College of Education and Human Services, Student Center, residence hall. 14

LEARNINg ThRoUgh PLAyClinic/lab serves community's disabled for more than 30 years. 16

goINg gREENCampus initiatives save money and the environment. 2 5

d E P A R T m E N T s

oUR coLLEgEs 2


ALUmNI Q&AGraphic designer/entrepreneur Katie Calhoon 2 2

FAcULTy EmERITUs sPoTLIghTChet Jain, Industrial Engineering 2 4

cLAss NoTEs 26

CSU has worked to keep tuition low. But, like all great institutions, we rely on donations from alumni and friends to make up the difference. $1,500 funds a President’s Opportunity Award

for one student, which covers money lost due to state budget cuts.

Some 70 percent of CSU students are the first in their family to attend college. These students are often at the highest risk of giving up on their education for financial reasons. $500 can make a huge difference by supplying a single student with books for an entire semester.

Over 90 percent of CSU students receive some sort of financial aid. When combined with other gifts, $100 can help create new scholarships across the University.

A $3,000 Access to Excellence award provides the pathway to CSU so students can build their futures in Northeast Ohio.

Donate online at or call 216-687-5513.

Gifts to the Cleveland State University Foundation are tax deductible.

CSU is pleased to recognize its supporters in the 2009 Honor Roll of Donors at

PRoviDe ACCeSS to exCellenCeYour support for Csu is an investment that paYs dividends

engage todaY!

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OUR colleges

parks and one that examines the poten-tial for redeveloping vacant/abandoned properties to restore and enhance eco-system services within the urban core.

The West Creek Reservation Study will investigate the effects of household management choices, such as waste disposal, landscaping and gardening practices, and pet care, within neigh-borhoods surrounding an urban park on the ecological integrity of the park.

The Va ca nt/A ba ndoned L a nd s Project wil l monitor and assess the ecological and socioeconomic charac-teristics of vacant/abandoned land sites throughout Cuyahoga County, and then work with community development organizations and regional decision-makers to implement ecologically moti-vated redevelopment projects. to learn More aBoUt the College, visit www.CsUohio.edU/sCienCes


CSU has received a grant from the Gen-erations Foundation to begin a new Center for Energ y Policy and Urban Change (CEPUC).

The center will serve as a center-piece to and catalyst for Northern Ohio’s ongoing development as a world leader in advanced energy research, manufac-turing, and commercial deployment. CEPUC will play a role in fulfilling CSU’s mission to provide leadership for the development of sustainable communi-ties and next generation economies in Northeast Ohio.

CEPUC anticipates deploying fac-ulty and graduate students to research barriers to the adoption of advanced energ y t ech nolog ie s . I n a dd it ion ,

CEPUC will help policy decision-makers better understand the legal and busi-ness issues and opportunities associ-ated with the transition to an advanced energy economy.

CEPUC came about through the research of Professor Bill Bowen and former President Michael Schwartz.

For yea rs , Dr. B o w e n , d i r e c t or of Levin College’s P h . D . p r o g r a m , has been examin-i n g t he ne e d for America to change the ways it gener-ates and consumes energy, not only for sustainability but for national secu-rity. He concluded that the nationwide race to invest in advanced energy tech-nologies is too often unaccompanied by enough serious investigation into insti-tutional and social impediments that prevent these technologies from being adopted.

Former President Schwartz was at the same time pondering a different problem: if these technologies are finally brought on line, how disruptive will that be to the economy of Northeast Ohio, and what can be done to prepare for this disruption?

Drs. Bowen and Schwartz learned from their investigations that social and institutional impediments, ranging from regulatory laws to consumer behavior, have as much to do with the adoption of advanced energy as the technology itself.

Through CEPUC, the Levin College will build on its substantial urban pol-icy expertise to include a more focused look at energy policy. to learn More aBoUt the College, visit httP://UrBan.CsUohio.edU

Cleveland State is the lead partner in the new Northeast Ohio Ecosystem Consortium (NEOECO), which brings together ecological and social scientists, urban landscape designers and natural resource managers to study the ecologi-cal and social dynamics of parks and vacant/abandoned lands on the Cleve-land urban ecosystem.

N EOECO has received $272 ,075 in funding from the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the initial 30 months of study. B. Michael Walton, director of CSU’s Environmental Institute and associate professor of biological, geo-logical and environmental sciences, is the principal investigator.

NEOECO’s 24 partners include the GreenCityBlueLake Institute of the Cleveland Natural History Museum, The Ohio State University, Cleveland Metroparks, Kent State University, and many others.

NEOECO is based on the assump-tion that urban green spaces promote societal well-being through encourag-ing pride-of-place, environmental stew-ardship values, and imparting social and economic resilience to urban com-munities.

N E OE C O w a s for me d t o mor e strongly focus the region’s considerable, but dispersed, intel lectual assets in urban ecology, land management, and planning to provide the necessary sci-entific support needed for the region to progress toward ecological and social revitalization goals.

Two interrelated projects form the research agenda — one that addresses the need for greater understanding of socio-ecological dynamics of urban

COLLEGE OF Business Administration


The Nance College of Business has been awarded a fourth consecutive Title VI-B grant in the amount of $189,449 from the U.S. Department of Education to integrate the principles of sustain-ability across all international business programs, partnerships, and alliances.

With this award, the College has received over $720,000 in highly com-petitive grants for international busi-ness programs since 2003. CSU is one of only a few universities nationwide to receive four consecutive Title VI-B grants.

The College will use these funds to develop new international business programs and resources that bring stu-dents, faculty and companies together to actively engage in sustainability- focused global business activities.

The award will enable the College of Business to:• Design and deliver a graduate-level

concentration in Global Sustainable Management with an international study abroad component, in part-nership with Groupe ESC Clermont Graduate School of Management, France.

• Leverage CSU’s partnership with the University of Concepcion, Chile and Groupe ESC Cler-mont to establish a portfo-lio of overseas internships for international business st udents in French a nd Spanish.

• Establish a Net Impact stu-


The Fenn Col lege of Eng ineer ing ’s already-strong partnership with indus-try will be further enhanced through the newly created Fenn Research and Development Institute (FRDI).

FRDI is structured to be a one-stop engineering research and development support entity engaging the College’s expert faculty, students, staff and physi-cal facilities. Its mission is to develop partnerships to help industry in North-east Ohio and beyond acqu ire and maintain a competitive edge.

The institute has four major units: Industry Joint Research Projects, led by Associate Professor George Chatzi-mavroudis; Service Learning, led by Professor Paul Lin; Industry Services and Contracts, led by Professor Orhan Talu; and Industry Outreach, led by Development Director Todd Gagyi.

In other engineering news, Profes-sor Majid Rashidi’s wind amplification turbine system continues to turn heads as it generates power.

The unique wind turbine, atop CSU’s Physical Plant building, has received national news coverage, including The New York Times, Reuters and Business Week.

Designed by Dr. Rashidi to test the viability of cost-effective wind power in urban areas, the turbine is beating all expectations. While initial computer simulations predicted a three- to four-fold wind energy conversion increase, the turbine is actually showing a four- to five-fold increase in the conversion of wind energy to electricity compared to a conventionally installed turbine oper-ating under the same wind conditions.

dent chapter to provide access to an international business network of students, faculty and professionals; engage in projects and conferences; and access educational materials and career and internship opportunities in the global marketplace.

• Establish the Global Leaders in Sus-tainability Forum in collaboration with Corporate Sustainability Net-work for Northeast Ohio business leaders and CSU faculty.

• Partner with the North American Small Business International Trade E duc a t or s (N A S BI T E) A s s o c i a -tion and Professional Examination Ser v ices to est abl ish a su st a i n-able business model to advance the NASBITE-certified Global Business Professional certification.

The grant will help prepare a new generation of leaders, educators and practitioners with the skills and tools necessary to lead competitive busi-nesses in terms of f inancial success, social value and environmental quality in today’s global marketplace. to learn More aBoUt the College, visit www.CsUohio.edU/BUsiness

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OUR colleges

Anne Galletta, assistant professor of curriculum and foundations, has been na med a 20 0 9 -10 Dick Boyd Fel low in Ohio by the Education Policy Fel-lowship Program (EPFP).

A social psychologist, Dr. Gal letta has been a member of the CSU fac-

CLEVELAND-MARSHALL COLLEGE OF LawLearning the law while serving the pub-lic — that’s been the hallmark of the College of Law for 112 years. A perfect example is its new Community Health Advocacy Law Clinic (CHALC).

CHALC combines the expertise and talents of three public institutions with strong commitments to community service: Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, the MetroHealth System and the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland. CHALC students will work throughout the city alongside law faculty, practicing attor-neys, physicians, nurses and socia l workers in an effort to broaden access to health care for low-income families.

I n add it ion to hea lt h ca re law, CHALC’s curriculum includes the areas of special education, public benefits, and elder, disability, housing and immi-gration law. In addition, the law school has added to its roster of student orga-nizations the Health Care Law Society.

CH A LC is part of the Center for Health Law and Policy, which offers a comprehensive curriculum for students aspiring to careers in health care law and serves as a think-tank for schol-ars and policy makers grappling with issues arising at the crossroads of law and medicine.

The center builds on the strengths of the law school’s accomplished health care law faculty, its well-regarded Jour-nal of Law and Health , and the Uni-versity’s commitment to fostering the region’s growing health care and bio-medical industries.

Its curriculum includes founda-tional courses in health care law, law and medicine, and biomedical ethics

COLLEGE OF Education and Human Services

ulty for five years. As a Fellow, she will study educational policy, particularly the nuances of federal anti-poverty and educational equity initiatives.

Her select ion was based on her compelling and scholarly position paper raising the question, “How do districts support schools toward innovation and academic rigor with the intent of strengthening neighborhood schools and bringing bordering, often racially and economically isolated, communi-ties together?”

Hav ing spent considerable t ime teaching and researching this topic, Dr. Galletta says she is honored to be a Fel-low, working under the leadership and mentorship of Dick Boyd.

Now a prom inent f ig u re on the national education scene, Dr. Boyd served as superintendent of the Lake-wood Public Schools for almost 10 years. He also served as executive director of the Martha Holden Jennings Founda-tion and as deputy state superintendent.

Founded in 1964, EPFP equips lead-ers in public and private organizations to create and implement sound public policy in education and related fields. The Ohio EPFP site is co-sponsored by CSU’s Center for Educational Leader-ship and the Lake County Education Service Center and is housed in the Col-lege of Education and Human Services.

Ohio EPFP provides mid-level lead-ers with seminars, lectures, literature reviews, travel and other interactive professional development to take them to the next level in their knowledge and practice, and impact their work organi-zations in substantial learn More aBoUt the College, visit www.CsUohio.edU/Cehs

COLLEGE OF Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Graduate students comprise one-third of CSU’s student body. This fall, gradu-ate enrollments peaked at 4,541 domes-tic students and 587 international stu-dents, increases of 41 and 54 percent over last fall.

To provide these students, spread out over seven Colleges and several campus locations, with an opportunity to network and socialize, a new group — Graduate Student Life — was formed this fall. Founded by graduate student Vanicsa Ford, Graduate Student Life welcomes students from all graduate degree, certif icate and licensure pro-grams and seeks to build a sense of com-munity among students and faculty.

Social events began with fall semes-ter's Weeks of Welcome and continue throughout the academic year with First Fridays, held every month at a popular eatery. See for information.

In addition, the College is develop-ing a five-year strategic plan, “We are Cleveland’s Graduate School: Trans-forming Lives and Livelihoods, Prepar-ing for the Next Generation Economy.” Dean Vera Vogelsang-Coombs wel-comes learn More aBoUt the College, visit www.CsUohio.edU/gradCollege

The data supports Dr. Rashidi ’s theory that it is possible to harness wind energy in urban areas where con-ventional windmills are not possible. His research is being supported by a $1.1 million grant from the U.S. Depart-ment of Energ y, $4 00,000 f rom the state of Ohio, and a $1 million gift from private donor Betty L. Gordon. Through her gift, she created the Betty L. Gordon Alternative Energy Research Endowment and the Betty L. Gordon Distinguished Professorship, which Dr. Rashidi now learn More aBoUt the College, visit www.CsUohio.edU/engineering

Samantha Baskind, associate profes-sor of art history, h a s r e c e i v e d a yearlong National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow-ship to research five seminal artists who have explored their own Jewish identi-ties through biblical imagery.

Her scholarship will result in her fourth book, Reimagining the Book: Jew-ish Artists and the Bible in Twentieth-Century America , an interdisciplinary work expected to have special appeal to art historians and those interested in Jewish, American and religious studies.

The renowned subjects of Dr. Bas-kind’s book are painters Jack Levine, Larry Rivers and R.B. Kitaj, sculptor George Segal , and painter/sculptor Audrey Flack. She has already inter-viewed the two living artists, spending a day with Levine at his New York home soon after his 90th birthday, and inter-viewing Flack by telephone on several

occasions. Dr. Baskind is making plans with Flack for a spring v isit to v iew some of her unpublished art.

An art historian, Dr. Baskind has spent considerable time researching her subject at the Archives of American Art in Washington, D.C. She has visited the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, and in December, will travel to the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. Her research includes exploring imagery in original artworks as well as repro-ductions, reading the artists’ personal papers, and more.

Dr. Baskind is one of just 74 indi-viduals to receive an NEH Fellowship and Faculty Research Award this year. Winning the prestigious fellowship is an honor, privilege and thrill, she says.

In addit ion to her $50,4 00 N EH award, over the past few years Dr. Bas-k ind a lso received g rants f rom the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture and the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute for this project. She has been a member of CSU’s art faculty since 2004 and will be back on campus in August 2010. to learn More aBoUt the College, visit www.CsUohio.edU/Class

Dr. Anne Galletta wins Dick Boyd Fellowship

Dr. Anne Galletta RT 941

216-802-3044 [email protected]

Dr. Anne Galletta was awarded a Dick Boyd Fellowship to participate in Ohioí s Education Policy Fellowship Program. This 10-month program promotes leadership among academics and individuals from the public and private sectors committed to improving education. Dr. Galletta is among four selected for the 2009-2010 fellowship class. The Ohio co-sponsors are the Center for Educational Leadership in the College of Education and Human Service and the Lake County Educational Service Center. Dr. Gallettaí s selection was based in part on a position paper she wrote on the topic ì How do districts support schools toward innovation and academic rigor with the intent of strengthening neighborhood schools and bringing bordering, often racially and economically isolated, communities together?î The fellowship is named after Dr. Dick Boyd, a highly-esteemed Ohio educator whose career included positions as Superintendent of Schools in Warren and Lakewood, Ohio, executive director of the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation, deputy state school superintendent in Ohio, and state school superintendent in Mississippi. This annual award was established by Dean Jay McLoughlin in generous support of the Education Policy Fellowship Program and in respect for Dr. Dick Boyd, who is also a contributor to the award.

with concentrations in health law regu-lation, health law policy and ethics, and health law business and regulation. The center will forge alliances with local health care attorneys and providers and with the 10,000-member Association of Health Care Lawyers, the nation’s larg-est, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) educational organization. to learn More aBoUt the College, visit

COLLEGE OF Graduate Studies

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These phrases not only apply to the majority of Cleveland State students, they apply to President Ronald M. Berkman as well.

“I’m one of them,” says Dr. Berkman of CSU’s 16,000-plus student body. “I understand the challenges they face because I faced them myself.”

Dr. Berkman was unanimously selected by the Board of Trustees as CSU’s sixth president in April, took office in July, and was officially inaugurated in October.

“I am honored to be president. I have spent my entire pro-fessional life preparing for this opportunity,” he says. And while he describes his 40-plus-year career as “working the food chain of higher education” by steadily advancing through teaching and administrative ranks, his early days were less than auspicious.

Born in New Jersey but spending the majority of his life in New York City, Dr. Berkman was the product of a “very working-class” family. Dad Sidney held various jobs — at the Brooklyn Navy yards, at a gas station, driving a truck — while mom Hannah was a homemaker. A self-described “mediocre-minus” student, he lacked any real direction until enrolling in William Paterson College.

Only the second in his family to attend college (following older brother Robert), he took night classes for a while before enrolling full time, financing his education by waiting tables, driving a beer truck, and working in a liquor store and gyp-sum factory.

After earning a bachelor’s degree in political science in 1973 from William Paterson, he received a full scholarship to Princeton University. “I was the first student from the New Jersey public college system to be admitted to Princeton and receive a scholarship,” he proudly notes.

An excellent student in college, President Berkman’s lifelong passion for cities was sparked by one of his earliest classes in urban sociology.

“I didn’t like the professor but I liked the subject matter,” he says. “Except for my time at Princeton, I’ve lived in major

cities my entire life. Cities are living organisms; they are complex, change quickly, and have a dynamic. They are an extraordinarily important part of defining our nation. Cities are repositories of art and culture and provide mobility plat-forms for immigrants and minorities. They are a very impor-tant part of the American experience.”

In col lege, President Berkman decided that “ learn-ing about, watching, and understanding cities would be an interesting phenomenon.” Through the years, he has found that “being in a position to have some ability to shape cities is a gift.”

Career PathWhile earning his Ph.D. in political science at Princeton, Dr. Berkman began his teaching career at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School. From there, he moved to faculty positions at Brooklyn College (part of the City University of New York – CUNY – system) and the CUNY Graduate Cen-ter, and visiting professorships at the University of California, Berkeley, New York University, and the University of Puerto Rico.

“I loved teaching and still do,” he says. “I felt an affinity for my students and was able to communicate with them because I, too, was the product of a public urban education. Teaching, if done well, is a demanding, difficult job that requires a lot of creativity. I miss it but it’s difficult to teach and be an admin-istrator.”

Dr. Berkman’s official move to administration came in 1990 at CUNY. As University Dean for Urban Affairs in the Chancellor’s Office, he was able to focus the academic and research agenda on collaborations to address economic development and other issues of interest to the city, state and region.

After two years, he became University Dean for Academic Affairs, where he was responsible for the academic program-ming, planning and research for CUNY’s 21 colleges and schools. His final position with CUNY was Founding Dean

ronald M. BerkManPa s s i o n at e a B o U t e d U C at i o n a n d C i t i e s

working-Class faMily . . . jUggling joBs with Classes and stUdying . . .

seek ing higher edUC at ion t hat w il l l e ad to C ar eer sUCC e s s .

C S U P E R S P E C T I V E 7

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of the School of Urban Affairs at Baruch College.

In 1997, Dr. Berkman left New York and headed to Miami, as Executive Dean of the College of Urban Affairs at Florida International University. Instru-mental in helping FIU create a large, interdiscipl inar y Col lege of Health and Urban Affairs — a coalition of its Schools of Nursing, Social Work, Pub-lic Management and Public Health — he served as Executive Dean for eight years.

From 2005 until joining CSU, Dr. Berkman served as FIU’s Provost, Execu-tive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. His accomplishments include directing FIU’s successful efforts to open a College of Law and a College of Medicine and expanding the sponsored research program from $30 million to $113 million in grants per year.

“I’m grateful for the trajectory of my career,” he ref lects. “I have an under-standing of the challenges universities face and a deep appreciation for what makes a great university.”

Choosing CsUDr. Berkman believes the presidency br i ngs a l l h is pa st ex per iences a s teacher and administrator together into one “incredible” opportunity.

“I came to CSU to support the con-tinued growth and evolution of this expanding University — increasing its

academic quality and reputation, building up research and philan-thropy, growing and modernizing the physical campus, and playing

a leadership role in the economic recovery of the city and the region,” he says. “We are an urban university poised to have a transformational effect on the social, economic, cultural, and political life of the city, the region, the state, and most importantly, on the personal lives of thousands of students.

“Urban affairs is in my blood. I love cities, and I love the energy that radi-ates from being part of the city. I look forward to CSU being a major player in driving the renewal of the city’s urban core and collaborating with the area’s health care powerhouses and our cor-porate-industrial, community, civic and cultural partners. The fate of the nation is inextricably linked to the fate of its cities, and both are dependent on edu-cated citizens and workers,” he continues.

During his first months on the job, President Berkman has devoted most of his time to meeting everyone he can — business and foundation leaders, leg-islators, donors, alumni, members of the arts community, and of course, stu-dents, faculty and staff. Everywhere, the reception has been welcoming.

“There is a very tangible sense of the community reaching out in support of the University, a wealth of good feeling. People recognize CSU as a significant player in the community they live in and love. Their hopes and aspirations are invested in CSU’s future success, and they are willing to work with us to make it happen,” he notes.

“Everywhere, there seems to be the sense that the University is poised to take its next big steps,” he says. Under his watch, those steps w i l l include building up the core of the city.

Cleveland and CsU“Cleveland State is in and of the city. And urban universities can be very sig-nificant instruments for the develop-ment and redevelopment of cities and neighborhoods,” the president notes.

In fact, Cleveland is already rein-venting itself, he says, through such improvements as the Euclid Corridor which links University Circle and Public Square. As redevelopment occurs along the route, Cleveland State finds itself in a prime location.

“We will continue to focus on build-ing a neighborhood along the corridor,” he says. “Our new residence halls now

underway are just one element in build-ing a stronger sense of community and attracting more students. Our 27-acre north campus offers tremendous oppor-tunity, especially to private developers and investors.

“When our campus is complete, it will be one of the most attractive urban campuses in the nation. We have a tre-mendous opportunity to be instrumen-tal in the redevelopment of this quad-rant of the city.”

President Berkman believes Cleve-land offers a diverse and rich learning laborator y. Expanded partnerships (including bringing a K-12 Cleveland school to campus), internships, cooper-ative education experiences, field place-ments, and the opportunity to tap com-munity talent and expertise provide students with “value-added ” educa-tion, he says. And he intends for CSU to make the most of this lab and the tools it offers by growing its engaged learning mission.

“Cleveland is a major health care and biomedical center with diversified industrial, service, and cultural sectors. The goal of engaged learning is to build bridges between the University and the city that will provide environments for students to apply and expand what they are learning in classrooms and labora-tories,” he notes.

“Many students choose CSU because of its downtown location and the oppor-tunity to engage with the business, arts, philanthropic and nonprofit communi-ties,” he adds. “Helping them find path-ways to careers in Cleveland will help them stay in Cleveland.”

In his short time here, President Berkman has found businesses and organizations anxious to bring CSU students into their fold.

“They have discovered that they can find the same talent pool at CSU as at more well-known schools,” he says. “And they get dividends with CSU students — a great work ethic and commitment to the city. Most of our graduates want to stay here and they do. Our ability to provide a skilled, trained and commit-ted work force is a tremendous asset.”

Through his long career, Dr. Berk-man has seen many changes in higher education. He believes the recent call for more accountability is reasonable, and the goal of getting col leges and universities to align their priorities and produce talented, more competitive graduates is understandable “but not at the expense of good analytical thinking and writing skills.

“Higher education is part of the magic of our American democracy,” he adds. It’s a magic that has served him well and that he’s now sharing with Cleveland State University.

Faculty – “one of the reasons i came to CsU was the faculty. they are exceptionally qualified and creative, and they engage with students in a real way. the number of new faculty choosing to come to CsU from some of the best universities in the world makes me ecstatic.”

StudentS — “no other ohio university comes close to matching our mix of 10,000 undergraduates and 6,000 graduate students. Continuing to improve our student services to help them be successful is one of my top goals. students are our best ambassadors.”

UrBan affa ir s is in My Blood. i love C i t ies, and i love the energy that r adi ate s froM Be ing Part of the C i t y.

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President ronald BerkMan with forMer fiU President Modesto MaidiqUe (l) and CUrrent fiU President Mark rosenBerg

Chatting with CoUnCilMan joe CiMPerMan at CsU's farMers Market

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Funding – “higher education in ohio is not state supported, it’s state subsidized. increasing private support, especially for scholarships, is our mandate. the higher education market-place is highly competitive, and students in northeast ohio have a wealth of opportunities and choices. they make decisions on where to attend college based on the financial aid they are offered. our quest is to grow the student body, compete for the best and brightest students, and offer them attractive financial packages that are competitive with other schools. fund raising from every sector is essential. an investment in CsU and its students pays great returns.”

UP Close and Personal

Dr. Berkman and his wife, Patsy, live in Shaker Heights. In Florida, she was the southern region admissions director for the University of New Mexico.

The couple has four adult children, al l in col lege — Cameron at Brooklyn College, Veronica at Florida Interna-tional University Law School, Patricia at FIU, and Mikhaila at Palm Beach Community College.

The new president enjoys golf and reading. He and his wife are avid movie buffs and look forward to exploring Cleveland’s theater and music scene.

t o r e a d P r e s i d e n t B e r k M a n ' s i n a U g U r at i o n s P e e C h , v i s i t w w w.C s U o h io. e d U/o f f iC e s/ P r e s i d e n t/ M e s s ag e /

Cleveland state University has identified two signature themes, encompassing three centers of excellence, that represent its great-est academic strengths.

the themes – health and sustainable communities – are niche areas which differentiate CsU from other public universities in ohio. like engaged learning, they are areas in which CsU excels and impacts northeast ohio. the two themes were identified in response to a request by the ohio Board of regents and Chancellor eric fingerhut that all institutions identify their distinctive strengths within the University system of ohio.

“our Centers of excellence respond directly to the state’s eco-nomic priorities and societal needs, will advance the state’s eco-nomic prosperity and quality of life, and provide strong mission dif-ferentiation for CsU,” says Provost Mary jane saunders.

Under the health signature theme, CsU currently has two Cen-ters of excellence: the Center for gene regulation in health and disease and the Center for 21st Century health Professions.

the Center for gene regulation in health and disease focuses on exploring the genetic and molecular causes, prevention, and treatment of disease. the research being conducted by the Center’s academically outstanding and nationally funded staff has significant potential to improve understanding of the mechanisms and specific molecules that control reproductive health and the aging process, as well as implications for the diagnosis and treatment of many of the most common diseases, including cardiovascular disease, neurological disease, infectious disease, and cancer.

the Center for 21st Century health Professions is a formal

structuring of work that has been going on at CsU for decades – preparing high-quality health care and bioscience industry profes-sionals for northeast ohio to ensure excellent care for its citizens.

the Center will encompass such programs as the physician assistant track in the master of health sciences degree and CsU’s partnership with the northeastern ohio Universities Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy that focuses on primary medical care, reducing health disparities, and promoting health care efficiencies.

the sustainable communities theme places CsU at the heart of the region’s economic and civic life and defines CsU’s commitment to, and stewardship of, Cleveland and northeast ohio. Under this theme, CsU currently has one Center of excellence: the next gen-eration economy Center.

this Center combines the scholarship and practice of economic development public policy, business development and entrepreneur-ship. it exists to foster a competitive economic climate in the state and to improve entrepreneurship and business development by providing national thought leadership on the connections between business strategy and management, and the economics of regional development.

the Center’s aim is to improve ohio’s economic climate, change the entrepreneurial climate of northeast ohio, and educate the peo-ple who will generate the new economy.

“our signature themes embrace the expertise found throughout this University,” notes dr. saunders. “these are areas in which we now have, and will continue to have, enormous impact on the educa-tion of our students and the life of northeast ohio.”

C e n t e r s o f e x C e l l e n C e

Patsy BilBao BerkMan

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C s U d e f i n e s h e a lt h , s U s ta i n a B l e C o M M U n i t i e s a s n i C h e a r e a s

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a trip to Belize isn’t a typical spring vacation for most students. But for members of the CSU chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB), this year’s trip was the first of many designed to make the world, or at least a corner of Belize, a better place.

The CSU chapter has made a five-year commitment to help improve the quality of life for the farming community of August Pine Ridge in Belize. Students will travel to Belize twice a year to help the community address its most pressing needs, which have been identified by the Village Council as additional classroom space, hurricane shelters, improved hospital facili-ties, and a water distribution and treatment system.

CSU-EWB’s 70 members represent all engineering majors as well as business, accounting and health sciences. In spring, six students and faculty advisor Mark Tumeo traveled to August Pine Ridge for five days to meet with residents and the Village Council, assess needs, and gather data for designing classrooms and hurricane shelters.

“The school does not have enough classroom space and the village lacks adequate hurricane shelters,” says Matt Winters, a junior majoring in civil engineering and president of CSU-EWB. “Our goal is to design and help construct a new school that can double as a hurricane shelter. It will be concrete, and have run-ning water, restrooms and utilities which the current school does not have.”

The CSU team also took water samples which are being analyzed. “August Pine Ridge is in the middle of nowhere and the river is four miles away,” says Winters. “There is no pipeline so most people get their water from wells which are right next to the outhouses. We will work with the Village Council on a new water distribution system and educate villagers on health concerns.”

In addition, the team will renovate the village hospital, which is in such disrepair and so bug infested, the sole doctor refuses to set foot inside.

Already, the CSU-EWB design team of some 15 students has completed a plan for the school and is awaiting approval from the Village Council. The school/hurricane shelter, expected to cost $150,000, has six classrooms for some 350 students in grades one through 12.

EWB-USA is providing oversight and technical review of the design and construction of all projects while the Village Council is providing local oversight. Belize Open Source, a non-profit organization that supports environmentally and socially sustainable development, will assist CSU-EWB in identifying local resources, labor and support. Construction of the school by local contractors is expected to begin in March.

CSU-EWB has received small grants from EWB-USA and the University, but additional support is being sought, includ-ing foundation grants and contributions of materials and equipment from engineering and construction firms.

CSU students plan to travel to Belize twice a year through 2013 to see each project to completion.

“We have made a significant commitment to the 2,000 residents of August Pine Ridge,” notes Winters. “Our projects will have a permanent and positive impact on the community, and we are getting the chance to apply what we’re learning in school in a professional way.

“We’re also meeting great people, making friends, and expe-riencing a new culture. The people of Belize have been very wel-coming and are extremely grateful. They’re also very interested in what we’re doing — our equipment is totally foreign to them. For example, where we use a level, they use tubes of water. By our presence, I think we are showing the residents of August Pine Ridge a better life.”

To support the CSU-EWB project in Belize, contact develop-ment officer Todd Gagyi at [email protected] or 216-875-9754.

engineeers withoUt Borders

froM ClassrooM to Central aMeriCaengaged learning in aCtion

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excitement is growing for the new buildings opening on campus in 2010.

The f i rst-ever home for the Col lege of Education and Human Services, the Student Center, and additional residence halls are slated for completion and occupancy in the coming months.

They’re all part of CSU’s continuing plan to create a residential neighborhood that will transform the heart of downtown Cleveland.

Jack Boyle, vice president for business affairs and f inance, notes that even among private developers, “CSU is a hot topic. They understand that CSU is a part of the community that will be here years from now. Building in the University neighborhood and developing the areas sur-rounding CSU are good investments.”

Both the Education building and Student Center are spectacular structures, respectively destined to become the eastern gateway and heart of CSU’s bustling metropolitan campus.

Both are contemporary and forward-look-ing, featuring an abundant use of glass that affords majestic views of downtown Cleveland and the growing campus.

The Education building, which will also serve the School of Nursing, is located on Euclid Avenue near East 24th Street and is on target for a mid-March move-in. The $36 million, three-story structure provides innovative teaching and learning space. The halls are wide, with sky- lit gathering spots where students and faculty can interact. Classrooms, department offices and state-of-the-art education and nursing labs are interspersed. A soaring atrium, equipped with the latest in advanced technology, serves as a central forum. A green roof, rain garden, terrace overlooking Euclid Avenue, and other inviting outdoor spaces link the new building to neighboring Fenn Tower and the Health Sci-ences building.

The 97,000-square-foot building will bring together 3,000 students, 200 full- and part-time faculty, and 100 staff members from eight campus locations, creating an innovative, collaborative engaged learning environment.

The St udent Center, on Eucl id Avenue between East 21st and 22nd streets, is on target for a May move-in. The $50 million, three-story structure was created for students, with their unique needs in mind.

One of the final masterpieces designed by the late Charles Gwathmey, an award-winning New York architect who died this summer, the build-ing features a multi-level atrium and central public forum with scrolling LED message boards; wireless interconnectivity, access to the Internet, digital displays, and cable f lat screen televisions; two indoor/outdoor fireplaces; conference and meeting rooms; a 6,000-square-foot ballroom – the largest single assembly space on campus; multiple patios; a food court, convenience store, pub and coffee shop; the CSU bookstore; a game room; a cyber/computer lounge; and more.

The 150,000-square-foot building will be home to all student activities, organizations and governance, providing a place for social interac-tion and engaged learning beyond the boundaries of the classroom wall.

To accommodate CSU’s growing student population, work has begun on phase one of additional residence halls at East 24th Street between Euclid and Prospect avenues. The first phase of the project is slated for completion in August, just in time for fall semester 2010. Three four-story buildings will provide 325 additional beds, primarily in units featuring four single bedrooms, a kitchen and a common space.

Phase two of the project, due for completion in August 2011, will add 275 more beds in an L-shaped building replacing the present bookstore.

As part of the residence hall expansion, East 24th Street will be extended south to Prospect Avenue, with landscaping and other develop-ment creating an atmosphere similar to down-town’s East Fourth Street.

A lso in 2010, CSU wil l remove the aban-doned Best Steakhouse building at 1910 Euclid Avenue to create a landscaped walkway between Eucl id and Prospect avenues, prov iding an unobstructed view of the Wolstein Center from Euclid Avenue.

sense of PlaCenew buildings will be "home" for students and College of education

Naming opportunities are available in the new Student Center, College of Education and Human Services building, and residence halls. If you would like to permanently place your name within one of these buildings, or provide scholarship support for the students who will use these facilities, contact David Baggs, assistant vice president for advancement, at [email protected] or call 216-687-5513.























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ll week long, Chad Gadison looks forward to Monday evening, when he “attends college.” But unlike other

young men and women, 28-year-old Chad, who is autistic, attends Cleveland State University to

participate in a Special/Adapted Physical Education Clinic/Laboratory.

Part of the College of Education and Human Services, the clinic/lab serves families that have children, youth and young adults with physical, learning, sensory, behavioral and intel-lectual disabilities.

Now in its 31st year, the clinic/lab is directed by its founder, E. Michael Loovis, professor of health, physical edu-cation, recreation and dance. Chad has been participating for more than 20 years.

“The clinic/lab provides him with physical activity and allows him to meet new people and work on communication skills,” says Chad’s mother, Gayle Gadison, who earned an art history degree from CSU in 1970 and is now a K-8 social studies curriculum manager for the Cleveland Metropolitan School District.

“For parents and caregivers, it offers support. It’s a place to talk, network, get answers and be reassured that having a child with disabilities is not the end of the world.”

The clinic/lab has two purposes — to provide clients with movement and aquatic programs that meet their unique needs, and to provide hands-on training to CSU students majoring in physical education or special education.

Each Monday evening for an hour and 45 minutes, partici-pants are involved in aquatic and large motor/leisure activi-ties. Each works one-on-one with a CSU student assigned to him or her for the entire semester. CSU students assess their client’s fitness and motor skill abilities, plan and conduct an individualized program designed to help their client achieve increased proficiency and skills, and then assess the results at the end of the semester.

Activities in Busbey Natatorium and Woodling Gym are self-paced and include swimming, bowling, weight training, golf, racquetball, and even rollerblading. The idea is to help clients develop eye-hand coordination, motor skills and com-munication through fun activities they might encounter in their own lives.

Nick Lanese, a CSU senior majoring in multi-age physical education, works with 13-year-old Jamie Whitford, who has Down’s Syndrome. “I’ve never had the opportunity to work

Learning Through

with individuals with disabilities,” he says. “This is a great way to prepare for a

career as a physical education teacher.”Jessie Zielinski, a CSU senior major-

ing in sports management , works w ith eight-year-old Chad Curie, who also has

Down’s Syndrome. She hopes to attend gradu-ate school for a degree in sports psychology;

although teaching is not in her career plans, the clinic/lab has been an invaluable learning expe-

rience.In its 31 years, the cl inic/lab has assisted

countless numbers of clients ranging in age from less than a year to 40-plus. Referrals come from

doctors, teachers, support groups, and participating families, and the waiting list can be long. Families pay

just $25 per semester.“A program like ours is not as prolific in the commu-

nity as we might hope,” says Dr. Loovis. “If we can help families and their disabled children, even if it’s just taking the pressure off for a short time on Monday evenings, we’re happy to do so.”

Dr. Loovis calls the clinic/lab a win-win situation for both CSU and the families.

“We provide a valuable service to each other,” he notes. “Parents and their children benefit from the program and our students get a real engaged learning experience, putting into action the lessons they’ve learned in the classroom, and confronting any doubts or fears they may have about working with the disabled.”

Margaret Chesler agrees. The social worker has seen CSU students go on to successful careers, including one clinic/lab alumnus who began an adapted physical education program in the Shaker Heights schools.

Chesler's autistic son, 24-year-old Michael, has attended the clinic/lab for 15 years. Although he does not speak, his socialization and non-verbal communication skills have improved, she says.

“Dr. Loovis is an outstanding educator and advocate for the disabled and their families,” she says. “CSU is to be com-mended for this great service.”

Professor Mike loovis

jessie Zielinski and Chad CUrie

Bryan kover and Chad gadisonA

jaMie whitford and niCk lanese

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experiments fly high with NASA

research by CsU's surendra tewari was among six experiments launched into space, placing the chemical and biomedical engineer-ing professor at the forefront of U.s. scientific experimentation.

after several cancelled starts due to weather, in late august the nasa space shuttle discovery blasted off, taking six experiments to the international space station freedom’s U.s. laboratory Module destiny for low-gravity experiments to be conducted by astronauts aboard.

the nasa expedition is part of a collaborative research program with the european space agency. in this first series of six materials science experiments, two are U.s.-based and four are european. the U.s. team, con-sisting of dr. tewari and three others, is studying vari-ances in the crystallization of metals in space and on earth.

these experiments seek to understand to what extent convection (the transfer of heat by movement of fluid), which is always present on earth, is responsible for cre-ating defects in castings, and what happens to these defects when solidification is allowed to occur in the sig-nificantly reduced convection environment of space. the experiments will examine how single-crystal dendritic castings solidify differently in space, and how growth speed changes influence their grain structure. single-

crystal castings are critical components in high-temperature gas-turbine engines that are used in high-speed aircraft and land-based power turbines. the knowledge generated will be helpful for the casting industry in improving the processing behavior and eliminat-ing defects, thus reducing the number of manufactured items that have to be rejected.

destiny is the primary research laboratory for U.s. payloads, supporting a wide range of experiments and studies contributing to the health, safety and quality of life for people all over the world.

csU — FALL 2009 enrollment is at a 15-year high with nearly 16,500 students overall enrollment increases 4.2 percent over fall 2008 new first-time student enrollment is up 18.5 percent over fall 2008 with new admissions standards in place, undergraduate enrollment is up 1,000 students since fall 2007 new graduate student enrollment climbs 41 percent for domestic students and 54 percent for international students since fall 2008 400-plus new freshmen receive President's opportunity award, created to help offset reductions to the state's ohio College opportunity grant Program enrollment in the Project serv program for military veterans increases dramatically to 279 students

deAN updatethe Maxine goodman levin College of Urban affairs has a new dean, while the College of education and human services will soon lose its dean to retirement.

after serving as interim dean for close to two years, edward (ned) hill was named dean of the levin College in june. dr. hill joined the University in the levin College in 1985 and has been a professor and distinguished scholar of economic development since 2001. in addition, he served as CsU’s vice president for economic development for the past four years, a position he relinquished in order to devote full attention to the deanship. he continues to teach both undergraduate and graduate classes.

dr. hill is nationally and internationally known for his expertise in urban affairs and economic development.

in the College of education and human services, james “jay” Mcloughlin has announced that this academic year will be his 15th and final as dean.

when he retires in june, the College’s new build-ing — its first-ever “home of its own” — will be complete and occupied, and the College’s seven-year accreditation cycle will be complete.

dr. Mcloughlin has been dean since 1995 with the exception of a year and a half when he served as the University’s interim provost.

new truSteet h o m a s w. ad l e r h a s b e e n appointed by the governor to the CsU board of trustees for a term ending in april 2013. he replaces former trustee sam Miller.

adler, of shaker heights, is a past member of the visiting committee for CsU’s Maxine goodman levin College of Urban affairs and has a keen interest in the redevelopment of downtown Cleveland. his many civic affiliations include serving as immediate past chairman of the Playhousesquare foundation and as current member of the downtown Cleveland alliance board and executive committee.






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reSeArch horizons to expandgeorge e. walker, a national leader in research and graduate education, has been appointed vice president of research and graduate studies at CsU, effec-tive january 1, 2010.

“we are extremely fortunate to have attracted a person of dr. walker’s prominence and

distinction to CsU. his experience and high regard in the national research community will immediately elevate our efforts to become a thought leader among urban public research institutions,” said President ronald Berkman.

dr. walker served for 12 years as vice president for research and dean of the graduate school at indiana University. he also served as director of the Carnegie initiative on the doctorate at the Carnegie foundation, where his work provided a foundation for understanding the needs and goals of doctoral education. since 2006, dr. walker has served as senior vice president for research devel-opment and graduate education at florida international University.

$3,000 freshman scholarship availableCleveland state has announced a new freshman scholars Program that will award qualifying students with a $3,000 scholarship that is renewable up to $12,000 over four years, regardless of their per-sonal financial situation.

the scholarship will be awarded to new full-time freshmen who enter in fall 2010 with a minimum 3.0 cumulative gPa and an aCt score of 23 or a combined 1060 sat total score. incoming fresh-men can apply online at; the deadline is february 1.

the $3,000 scholarship is renewable by maintaining a 3.0 cumula-tive gPa for full-time students. with CsU tuition at about $8,000 per year, the freshman scholars Program reduces annual tuition by 36 percent.

this new award helps incoming freshmen and their families who are looking for an outstanding education at a reasonable price and is further evidence of CsU’s commitment to growing its scholarship program.

information about the freshman scholars Program can be found at information on donating to this scholarship initiative and funding an access to excellence award can be found at


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collAborAtioN to benefit cityCsU, the city of Cleveland and the Cleveland foundation are joining forces on a Cleveland Management academy that links higher edu-cation and the delivery of exceptional public service within the city.

in october, an initial group of 30 mid-level city administrators began a one-year concentrated study in public management development at the Maxine goodman levin College of Urban affairs. another group of 30 city employees will begin the program in 2010. it is anticipated that as many as 2,000 city employees will eventually be eligible to participate.

the Cleveland foundation has funded the program with a $181,500 grant. the curriculum was developed by the Center for leadership development at the levin College and is specialized to address city needs.

Participants represent a cross section of departments, includ-ing Public Utilities, Public health, Port Control, Personnel, aging, Building and housing, and Public safety. they will learn improved managerial efficiency and effectiveness, innovative approaches to everyday problems, and methods of intergovernmental communica-tion. the project transforms the workplace into a real-life labora-tor y, in tegrat-ing theory and practice over the course of 25 all-day workshops.

Courtesy of nasa

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diStiNGuiShed alumni awardsCelebrate the 20th anniversary of the distin-guished alumni awards! this very special event will be held on a new day and at a new time — saturday, june 5, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the interContinental hotel, 9801 Carnegie ave.

eight outstanding graduates — seven who were nominated by their individual Colleges and one recipient of the george B. davis award for service to the University — will be recognized.

the program includes dinner, the awards pre-sentation and lots of surprises. all former award recipients and presidents of the alumni associa-tion will be invited back.

t ickets are $65 and include valet park ing. f o r s p o n s o r s h i p s o r r e s e r v a t i o n s , c a l l 216-687-2078 or email [email protected]

Photo collectioN donatedrenowned photographer jennie jones has donated her collec-tion of some 24,000 images to the Michael schwartz library. known for her color portraits of Cleveland, jones’ body of work also includes black and white silver gelatin prints.

jones established her own studio in 1983 and specializes in architectural and urban landscape photography. she has documented the changing face of Cleveland through photos of tower City Center, gateway, the Cleveland Public library, the flats, the Cuyahoga river, whiskey island, the lakefront, and

more. her work resides in private and major corporate collections and has been shown in solo exhibitions. she published her photos in Cleveland: a Celebration in Color, which sold out two editions, and Celebration ii: Cleveland in Color.

jones and her husband, trevor, a former member of the CsU board of trustees, are long-time supporters of the University.

engaged learning

faculty choose cSu

More and more tenure-track faculty members are choosing to begin or advance their careers at Cleveland state, a trend that speaks to the Univer-sity’s growing national reputation.

this year, 22 men and women joined the faculty. all hold a Ph.d. or other terminal degree in their field, many earned at the nation’s top universities, including harvard, johns hopkins, Columbia, emory, duke and georgetown.

impressed by the student body, departmental colleagues, opportunities to teach and conduct research, and CsU’s engaged learning mission, these faculty are investing in their futures as well as the University’s.


boating for A cAuSe

talk about engaged learning! an alumnus and current student are having the adventure of a lifetime by combining skills and knowledge from their engineering classes with brawn developed as members of the CsU rowing team.

tom kotula, BsMe ’06, assisted by pal jon hauserman (above left and right), a mechanical engineering major who will graduate in May, converted a 19-foot 1972 sailboat into a solar-powered rowboat and plotted a 14-week, 2,000-mile journey from Cleveland to key west, fla. their route goes from lake erie to Buffalo, along the erie Canal to the hudson river and new york City, and along the atlantic ocean to the intercoastal waterway and key west.

their refurbished boat includes a sleeping cabin, a canopy for bad weather, and a solar panel that allows them to operate lights, fans, cell phones, laptops, a marine radio and a global-positioning device.

after months of preparation, they embarked on their trek in june, stopping along the way to lend their engineering skills at habitat for humanity building sites. and while hauserman returned to campus in august for his final year, he plans to rejoin his friend for some remaining portions of the journey.

from the start, both kotula and hauserman were determined that their adventure would benefit others. their trek has received national media coverage, including the CBs evening news with katie Couric. Progress can be tracked at

bridGe booK availablethe veterans Memorial Bridge, also known as the detroit-superior or high level Bridge, is the subject of a new book available at CsU’s Michael schwartz library.

the history of the veterans Memorial Bridge: 90th anniversary edition, by william Beyer, documents the history of the original construction and two major rehabilitations in 1967-69 and 1995-97. filled with hundreds of photos, the 612-page, hard-cover book provides a glimpse at an outstanding example of early 20th century engineering.

Copies are $30 plus $10 for postage. for details, call 216-687-6998.

located in the base-m e n t o f M a t h e r Mansion, the cav-ernous facility was a student hangout and venue for dances, concerts, lectures, and movies during CsU’s early years. recently, dennis jolluck, BBa ’75 and MBa ’79, and his brother, robert, donated to the University archives the 6-by-2.5-foot fat glenn’s sign that hung over the annex parking lot entrance. dennis, who now lives in California, was part of the fat glenn’s staff during its last year of operation and saved the sign from being discarded. it has been stored in robert’s Parma home for some 35 years. fat glenn’s was named for glenn esch, Ba ’66, CsU’s first student activities manager in the department of student life.

do you remember fAt GleNN'S?

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alumni Q&A

why did yoU Choose CsU? I am originally from Mans-field, Ohio. I lived and breathed volleyball from age 11, so it was natural for me to want to play in college. In high school, I got a call from Chuck Voss, CSU’s head volleyball coach, asking if I’d like to come up for a visit. I wasn’t really interested in moving to the big city, but my dad talked me into it. I visited Cleveland, met with the coaches, hung out with the girls, walked around the campus, and fell in love with the place. I signed an early letter of intent without visiting any other schools.

what’s yoUr degree? I graduated in May 2006 with a major in studio art with a concentration in graphic design, a communications minor, and a certificate in multimedia advertising. I graduated with a 3.77 GPA, was on the Dean’s List every semester, and received the Provost’s Award and Athletic Academic Honors from both the Horizon League and the American Volleyball Coaches Association. I also have my master’s degree and teaching license in early childhood edu-cation from CSU.

involveMent at CsU? Balancing athletics, work, and school did not leave much additional time, but I was fortu-nate to be chosen as a CSU Ambassador for a year. Student-athletes are involved in numerous community projects, such as tutoring Cleveland school children, do-gooder days, and raising money or collecting goods for local charities. I also coached volleyball camps.

stUdent work exPerienCes? In my junior year, I began thinking about finding an internship in graphic design so I could get some real-world experience and maybe make a few connections. I saw a sign posted on the bulletin board in the art building about a party prop and rental business needing someone to paint background scenes. The next week, I was in my painting gear, working on huge banners. It was the best feeling to get paid doing something that is so fun! The man who hired me also owned a trucking company and asked if I’d like to go along when he moved some items for a big photog-raphy studio. I did, and they sat me down at a computer and put me to work doing graphic design.

CUrrent Position? I am a freelance graphic designer and am building a client base so I can start my own graphic design business. I spend most of my time working in one of Cleve-land’s largest commercial photography studios, TRG Reality. The most exciting project I’ve been involved with is the brand-ing and development of a new coffee shop, Erie Island Coffee Company. Two clients came to me needing a logo for a cof-fee shop they wanted to open on Kelleys Island. A logo turned into menus, signs, t-shirts, coffee mugs, travel mugs, coffee

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labels and more. The success of the shop led to a second loca-tion in downtown Cleveland on East Fourth Street — which meant more work for me. This assignment has been an enor-mous learning experience and so much fun. It is very reward-ing to walk into a shop and see my artwork all around!

how did CsU PrePare yoU for life? By the time I grad-uated, I had a full-time job doing exactly what I always wanted to do. Had I gone to another school, I probably would have had a much more difficult time finding my way in the graphic design world. I can’t imagine I would be thinking about starting my own business at age 25 had I gone to a school in a small town. I love being creative and thinking out of the box. I love com-ing up with solutions to problems. Being a graphic designer allows me to do these things on a daily basis. Every day is a different experience. I can’t imagine I will ever grow tired of my profession.

iMPortanCe of CsU in yoUr life? I was very fortu-nate to be involved in sports. My 15 teammates were instant friends, my coach was my father away from home, and it was comforting to know that I had the whole athletic staff to help me with whatever I needed.

Best thing aBoUt CsU? Cleveland State is in an amaz-ing location. Looking back, I think I made a very smart deci-sion to come to Cleveland for school. CSU is surrounded by so many businesses, restaurants, and entertainment venues, I always had something to do, great places to eat, and was able to find a job in my field as a junior in college. I like to drive by CSU or walk around campus every few months to see what has changed. The campus is taking huge strides forward. The improvements that have been made are great.

adviCe to today’s stUdents? Get out and explore the city. Talk to people. Meet new people. Tell them about your-self and what you want to do with your future. Look for work that is related to your field of study. Networking is huge!

Personal info? I reside in Lakewood with a one-year-old husky named Scoonie. We frequent the Metroparks and the local dog parks. I will always have a love for the game of volley-ball and all other sports. Being active is a priority and a hobby in my life.

ProUdest aChieveMents? I am proud of where I am today — in a profession I love and meeting new and interest-ing people every day. I’ve come so far and have grown so much since I left Mansfield seven years ago. My life would be totally different had I not ventured into the city to attend Cleveland State.

Calhoon, now 25, is ready to start her own graPhiC

design BUsiness. she Credits Cleveland state for

giving her the knowledge and skills to sUCCeed.

her Passion for volleyBall led katie Calhoon to

Cleveland state University. BUt her foUr years on

CaMPUs Consisted of More than Being a toP-notCh

Player and exeMPlary stUdent.

n e t r e s U l t — o w n i n g a B U s i n e s s i s h e r g a M e P l a n

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Going green to save green, as in the environment and money, is a way of life at Cleveland State.

In fact, the CSU E3 campaign (edu-cation, env ironment , energ y) pu l ls together a growing number of green ini-tiatives in four areas: decreasing energy consumption, building compliance, implementation of alternative ener-gies, and corporate responsibility and sustainability.

For i t s g re en ef for t s , C S U w a s recently recognized with Crain’s Cleve-land Business’ Emerald Award. Here’s a look at some of the initiatives underway.

Decreasing energy consumption

Science and Science Research Renova-

tions — An $8.3 million renovation and modernization includes conversion of 87 laboratories and 121 fume hoods to conform to “Labs for the 21st Century” standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Energy, and International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories. This initia-tive improves student and faculty safety and comfort, upgrades lab facilities and building infrastructure, reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emis-sions, and has guaranteed energy sav-ings of $10 million over a 10-year period.

Campus-Wide Energ y Conser vat ion —

This $42.8 million program will be com-pleted in 2011 and will save the Univer-sity $62.9 million over a 10-year period, including $36 million in energy/utility savings. LED and solar power lighting, mechanical system upgrades, water conser vation, a lternative fuel vehi-cles, print/fax/scan management, and recycling are all part of the project.

BuilDing compliance Design Standards — All new construction will be designed to LEED standards (U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). The Student Center and College of Educa-tion and Human Services building (both opening in 2010) are excellent examples of CSU’s commitment to green design and construction. So, too, are the Recre-ation Center, CSU’s first LEED-certified building, and the green roof garden atop the Recreation Center.

alternative energies Wind Turbine — Professor Majid Rashidi developed and patented a wind ampli-f ication turbine system that is cost effective and commercially viable. CSU installed the wind turbine atop its Plant Services Building at Chester Avenue and East 24th Street. There are plans for additional systems in downtown Cleve-land and Northeast Ohio. See story on page three.

LED and Solar Power Lighting — In the courtyard between Rhodes Tower and the Student Center, CSU will construct a solar array that will generate suff i-cient electricity to power all the light-ing in the courtyard and visually display how much energy is being generated by harnessing the power of the sun.

reflect on your years at csu – i am grateful to cleve-land state university and the city of cleveland for giving me a very fulfilling professional and personal family life. i was born in india but my entire academic career was spent at the fenn college of engineering. shortly after earning my ph.D. from the university of michigan in 1970, i was hired as an assistant professor in the newly cre-ated industrial engineering department. there were only three other faculty members; they embraced and encour-aged me as we developed the program, the labs and the curriculum.

over 36 years, i served as a full professor, associate dean for 10 years, and university ombudsman for five years. i was active in faculty governance and committee work. i even got to know and work with every csu president since 1970.

i formally retired in 2005 but continued to teach until this year when the ie undergraduate degree program was suspended and the department merged with mechanical engineering — a decision by the ie faculty that i find pain-ful and most disappointing.

favorite part of working at csu – Being in front of the class, teaching and guiding students at the under-graduate and graduate levels. no matter how many times

i taught a subject, it was always challenging to face a new class. i miss the “high” that comes with teaching.

Best thing aBout csu – it’s a good place to get a qual-ity education and a very good value. csu classes, smaller than at larger universities and private institutions, allow faculty to know their students as individuals and help them succeed. if students show an interest, faculty go out of their way to guide them and help them learn and understand the subject matter.

how’s retirement – my wife, nisha, and i live in willoughby hills. she’s a csu alumna in speech pathol-ogy and is retired from metrohealth medical center. our son, vineet, is a radiologist in new york, our daughter, charu, is a patent attorney in chicago, and our three grandchildren are the joys of our lives. nisha and i enjoy traveling the world and i’ve rediscovered my passion for competitive (duplicate) bridge.

how i’D like to Be rememBereD – as a fair individual and a friend to students. i was tough and demanding in the classroom but i was always there to help my students with whatever problems they were having. i still get calls from students i had 20-25 years ago, want-ing to discuss career moves or seeking other advice. that’s so exhilarating and satisfying!

CHET JaInprofessor emeritus, inDustrial engineering

Parker Hannifin Administration Center and

Hall — Both buildings are served by a geothermal heat pump system that will save CSU nearly $41,000 in energy costs per year. Further energy designs include l ighting systems w ith programmed controls and occupancy sensors, and demand-control ventilation that moni-tors CO₂ levels.

South Parking Garage — This recently built garage for 600 cars features solar roof panels which produce about 10 per-cent of the structure’s power needs. The annual energy cost savings attributable to the solar panels is nearly $3,000.

corporate responsiBility

Farmers Market — In partnership with the North Union Farmers Market, CSU sponsored a late -su m mer ca mpus market featuring Ohio vendors. The market will return in the spring, offer-ing local produce, food products, crafts and more at reasonable prices.

Sustainability Coalition — Through a Sus-tainability Coalition, the campus will become a laboratory where students, faculty and administrators are actively engaged in research, teaching and learning to advance knowledge about urban sustainability and its practice.

Center of E xcellence: Nex t Generat ion

Economy Center — This Center com-bines economic development public policy with business development and entrepreneurship to change the entre-preneurial climate in Northeast Ohio. See story on page 11.


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Roger Mastroianni, BBA ’83, is the princi-pal photographer for the Cleveland Orchestra.

Linda Cencic Boehm, BS ’83, lives in Aurora and is an analyst for KeyBank.

anthony a. Miller, MEd ’83, was promoted to professor at Shenandoah University in Virginia. He also serves as director of the division of physician assistant studies and is the co-editor of the fifth edition of Lange Q&A: Physician Assistant Examination.

Mike Br ickner, BBA ’86 and MS ’09, received the Volunteer of the Year award at Greater Cleveland Community Shares’ annual Power Lunch. The director of com-munications for the ACLU of Ohio serves on Community Shares’ public relations and young professionals advisory committees.

Zenon Zyga, MAFIS ’89, lives in Hinckley and is self-employed in the field of medical equipment financing.

1990sSteve Vargo, JD ’90, placed first in his age group at the 2009 Buzzard Duathlon.

andrew Gyekenyesi, BSME ’90, MSME ’93 and DrEng ’97, received the prestigious Fulrath Award from the American Ceramic Society in recognition of his excellence in research and development of ceramic sci-ences and materials. He is a principal scien-tist and manager of the turbomachinery and propulsion systems team at the Ohio Aero-space Institute.

Hugh B. Shannon, BA ’92, is the assistant director of the Cuyahoga County Department of Justice Affairs. For the past seven years, he worked for the county as executive assis-tant to Commissioner Peter Lawson Jones and government and public affairs manager in the Office of the Administrator.

Jennifer Jacquemain, BA ' 93, joined the Cleveland office of Weston Hurd LLP as an associate.

Sandra R. Williams, BA ’94, was the spring commencement speaker at Tiffin University. She is serving her second term in the Ohio House of Representatives. She earned a master’s degree in criminal justice adminis-tration at Tiffin.

D a n i e l R . M o r d a r s k i , JD ’9 4 , was appointed to the alumni board of directors at Bowling Green State University for a four-year term. He graduated from BGSU in 1991 before continuing his education at CSU’s Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. He is a Columbus attorney.

Patricia a. Leebove, BA ’94, MA ’96 and MBA ’06, is Eaton Corporation’s project management office manager for the Asia Pacific region (India to New Zealand).

Michelle Shay, BA ’95 and MA ’97, has been a speech - language pathologist at Southwest General Health Center for 12 years.

Jennifer Karaffa Pae, MPA ’96, and two friends are the co-founders of Friends of Kib-era, an organization that provides resources to promising programs and established non-profits in the Kibera slum of Nairobi, Kenya.

Pietro a. DiFranco, BCE ’97, is the North Olmsted city engineer and the director of civil engineering for Richard L. Bowen & Associates, Inc.

Michelle Lee Miller, BA ’98, lives in War-ren and is a disabled rights activist.

Colleen Garcia Sherman, BBA ’98, is the business manager for the Cleveland Jazz Orchestra and runs CGS Accounting. She lives in Bedford.

Heather C. Terry, BSEd ’99 and MPA ’06, joined Cleveland Saves as program direc-tor, following a 20-month fellowship with the Saint Luke’s Foundation.

2000sLynette Walker, BA urban studies ’00, is executive assistant to the CEO of the Alco-hol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Ser-vices Board of Cuyahoga County. She is also pursuing a master’s degree in CSU's College of Science.

Maureen G. Kelly, MPA ’01, was elected clerk of the Lake County Courts of Common Pleas.

Monique McCarthy, BA ’01 and JD/MPA ’05, is the assistant dean of admissions at Ave Maria School of Law in Naples, Fla. Pre-viously, she was assistant director of admis-sions and recruiting at the University of St. Thomas School of Law-Minneapolis, where she received the 2009 Faculty/Staff Mem-ber of the Year from the Black Law Students Association.

class NOTES

See Class notes online at See Class notes online at

H. Martin Huge, BSEE ’38, in September 2009; Seymour Hofstetter, BBA ’39, in May 2009; Leon Brover, JD ’39, in Octo-ber 2009; California Macarthur, BBA ’39, in September 2009; Knox Spencer, BBA ’41, in June 2008; Louis Gaiduk, JD ’43, in September 2009; Wyatt C. Brownlee, JD ’44, in May 2009; Robert Fiegelist, BS ’48, in July 2009; nicholas Popil, BS ’49, in March 2009; Richard D. McCord, BS ’50, in August 2009; Harold Baldini, BSCE ’50, in September 2009; anthony Carr, JD ’50, in May 2009; Francis Samerdyke, BBA ’51, in October 2008; William Pilot, BS ’52, in April 2009; nelson Karl , JD ’53, in September 2009; Ira Rodgers, JD ’54, in April 2008; Chester Ozog, BBA ’54, in Januar y 2009; Thomas C. Richmond, BS ’54, in January 2009; Henry E. Figgie Jr., JD ’54, in July 2009; John M. Miller, BBA

in MEM



Chester Fennell, BS ’64, retired as vice president of research and development at Tekelec, Inc. He lives in Tucson, Ariz., where he is a docent at Kitt Peak Observatory.

1970sJames McMonagle, JD ’70, was named to the 2010 edition of Best Lawyers in America. He is an attorney in the Cleveland office of Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP.

Rick Kalister, BA ’73 and MA ’89, recently retired after 32 years as an English teacher. He lives in Parma.

Edward P. Richards Jr., BS ’78, is the p resident and CEO of EPR Consul t ing Services, LLC, a firm that he recently started to accelerate small business growth and innovation. He lives in Concord Twp.

Joseph Pease, BBA ’79, is the president of Pease & Associates Inc. in Cleveland, which was selected by Goldline Research as one of the most dependable accounting firms in the central United States. The honor was featured in Fortune magazine. Pease was president of the CSU Alumni Association in 1997-98.

Steve Kirk, MBA ’79, received the Distin-guished Eagle Scout Award from the regional Boy Scouts. The senior vice president and CEO of Lubrizol Corporation was recognized by CSU in 2007 with a Distinguished Alumni Award and an honorary degree.

1980sGregory F. Clifford, JD ’80, received the 2009 Trustee Award of Achievement from the Ohio Library Council. As president of the board of trustees of the East Cleveland Library, he spearheaded a successful $4 million capital campaign. Clifford is Chief Magistrate of the Cleveland Municipal Court.

Deforia Lane, Master of Music ’81, was named the Ohio Hospital Association’s 2009 Albert E. Dyckes Health Care Worker of the Year. Dr. Lane is the associate direc-tor of the Ireland Cancer Center and direc-tor of music therapy at University Hospitals. She has grown the music therapy program from a single, part-time, volunteer position in 1984 to a fully staffed department that is a model for institutions across the country. In 2002, CSU honored her with a Distinguished Alumni Award.

’54, in April 2009; Ray Berman, BS ’54, in December 2008; Mark Woodruff, BS ’56, in September 2008; Ed Redmond, JD ’56, in August 2009; Howard Frost, BSCE ’56, in May 2009; Robert Chorman, BS ’56, in March 2009; Edward Kopec, BBA ’57, in August 2009; Sheldon Kaye, JD ’57, in August 2009; Richard Fink, JD ’57, in January 2008; Richard Rankin, BBA ’58, in April 2009; James Woerne, BBA ’59, i n M a r ch 20 0 9; D o n a l d Gu rn ick , BSCE ’59, in May 2009; G. Richard Smealie, BSEE ’59, in Octo-ber 2008; Paul Holowczak, BS ’60, in March 2009; Richard Malin, BBA ’62, in December 2008; Joan Botnick Smith, BSEd ’63, in September 2009; Philip Mesi, JD ’63, in July 2009; Joseph Vukovich Jr., JD ’66, in June 2009; Keith Richards, BS ’69, in January 2009; John Czaplicki, BS ’71 and MS ’79, in May

Rodney Leisure, MBA ’02, lives in Prosper, Texas, and works at Transplace, which pro-vides logistics technology and transporta-tion management services.

Gary Rozanc, BA ’04, is an assistant pro-fessor at Columbia University in Chicago.

adele Raiz, MOT ’06, lives in Baltimore and works as an occupational therapy clinical specialist at Johns Hopkins Hospital. She also serves as secretary to the Maryland Occupational Therapy Association.

John Clochesy, MA ’06, is the faculty diversity officer for Case Western Reserve University’s Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing.

Janelle Wanton Bouda, MEd ’06, lives in New York City and teaches computer liter-acy, GED basic education, and ESL/ESOL at the Mid-Manhattan Adult Learning Center.

Kendra n. Smith, MS urban studies ’07, is assistant project manager/real estate devel-opment for Lawndale Christian Development Corporation in Chicago.

Steve Skowron, BA ’08, is pursuing a mas-ter of fine arts degree in printmaking at Kent State University.

Gary Meacher, BA ’08, is a par t - t ime instructor of technology at Cuyahoga Com-munity College.

Brittany neal, BSEd ’08, lives in Cleveland and is pursuing a master’s degree in educa-tion at CSU.

Diana Lynn Thompson neal, MSEd ’09, lives in Cleveland and is an intervention spe-cialist at Wiley Middle School in Cleveland Heights.

anthony Gutowski, MS urban studies ’09, was awarded an internship with the Ohio Legislative Service Commission.

Ryan Riggs, BA ’09, is pursuing a master’s degree in education at Heidelberg College in Tiffin, Ohio.

anna Tararova, BA ’09, is pursuing a mas-ter of fine arts degree in painting at Ohio University.

Peter Jennings, BA ’09, is pursuing a grad-uate degree in library sciences at Kent State University.

Sarah Minshall, BA ’09, is pursuing a mas-ter of fine arts degree in visual communica-tion design at Kent State University. sp

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A number of alumni are authors of recently published books. Keith n. Ward, BS ’68, authored The Cactus Flower, a book of short stories, poetry and personal memoirs. Ramesh Gulati, MSIE ’79, authored Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices. He is the asset management and reliability planning manager with Aerospace Testing Alliance at Arnold Engineering Develop-ment Center in Tennessee. Rosa Maria DelVecchio, BA ’82 and MA ’84, had a poetry chapbook, Voices From the Castle Dungeon, published in India. The administrative secretary in the Office of the Dean at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law also has four poems forthcoming in FreeXpression magazine in Aus-tralia. Mark Metz, BA ’84, a former college development officer who lives in Auburn Township, Ohio, authored Arch to Freedom. Ben Shaberman, BS ’85, had his first book published — The Vegan Monologues, a collection of humorous essays. Frank R. Villafaña, DrEng ’90, spent nine years traveling and conduct-ing research on Cubans in Congo before writing Cold War in the Congo — The Confrontation of Cuban Military Forces, 1960-67. He lives in Lakeland, Fla. Elizabeth Lansky (Lisa Black), BS ’93, lives in Cape Coral, Fla., and authored her fourth novel, Evidence of Murder. Gary L. Rockey, MACTM ’93, authored From the Back of the House, Memories of a Steak House Clan. Rockey grew up in an apartment above the infamous Jim’s Steak House in The Flats; the book is a personal recollection with eatery photos, reviews, articles and menus.

continued on page 28

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Matthew Hazelrig, associate profes-sor of English, in April 2009. He retired in 1985 after 30 years with Fenn College and Cleveland State.

Bernadette Marczely, professor of edu-cation, in May 2009. Dr. Marczely earned a JD from the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law in 1994 and was a CSU faculty member for 21 years before her sudden death.

Barton Friedman, professor of English, in May 2009. Dr. Friedman was a CSU fac-ulty member for 19 years, and served as chair of the English department for seven years.

Karl J. Casper, professor emeritus of physics, in May 2009. Dr. Casper joined CSU in 1967 and retired in 2001.

Merle Levin, sports information director at CSU and its predecessor, Fenn College, for 38 years, in June 2009. Levin retired in 1992 and was inducted into the CSU Athletic Hall of Fame the following year. He also was an inductee in the Greater Cleveland Sports Hall of Fame and was a founder and past president of the Sports Media Association of Cleveland and Ohio.

Lorry J. Brenner, professor emeritus of biology, in July 2009. Dr. Brenner taught at CSU from 1976 to 1988.






snancy Patton, professor of heal th sciences, in July 2009. Dr. Patton taught at CSU from 1981 to 1997 and served as department chair for 10 years.

Robert Burgess, purchasing agent, in July 2009. He was a 30-year employee of CSU.

Gloria Freire, assistant professor of social work, in September 2009. A social worker and civic leader, Freire taught at CSU from 1995 to 1999. She also led the Cleveland Chapter of the National Associ-ation of Social Workers and the Cuyahoga County Library board of directors.

Rosemary Saas, MEd ’88, in September 2009. A CSU employee from 1989 to 1996, she served as associate director of alumni development and annual fund appeals.

Ethel Schlenkerman in October 2009. She joined CSU in 1967 as an accountant and during her 24-year career, served as manager of grant accounting and manager of administrative programs. She was awarded Associate of the University status upon her retirement in 1991.

Leo Johnson Jr., BBA ’71, in November 2009. A soccer and basketball player, Johnson was inducted into the CSU Athletic Hall of Fame in 1981. He also served on the Alumni Association board of directors.


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2009; Mary Ellen Herczog archacki, BSEd ’72, in August 2009; James O’Brien Jr., JD ’72, in April 2008; Linda Mastrodonato, BSEd ’75, in June 2009; Helen McLean, BS ’76, in August 2009; Lee Bober, BSEd ’76, in August 2008; Richard Kuepper, BA ’76 and JD ’80, in July 2009; Martha norman, MBA ’78, in June 2009; Gary Liston, BA ’80, in October 2008; Jeffrey Kay, BS ’80, in October 2009; Iris Wells Russell, BA ’80, in October 2009; Frederick Roth, JD ’81, in August 2009; albert Chrow, JD ’81, in April 2009; Michael Thomas, BA ’82, in July 2009; Eunice Levitt Manders, BA ’82 and MA ’88, in June 2009; William MacPherson, BBA ’83, in September 2009; David J. Roberts, BBA ’83, in July 2008; Judy Beth Hurwitz, BA ’84, in May 2009; James B. Wagner Jr., MBA ’84, in April 2009; Susan Merkel nemecek, BA ’84, in May 2009; Jovechan Desphy, BSME ’84, in October 2009; Robert Witbeck, BA ’85, in July 2009; Joanne M. nader, BS ’85, in August 2009; norman Ganz, JD ’87, in April 2008; Carrie E. Jamison, MEd ’87, in July 2009; Virgil Harris, BS ’88, in July 2009; allan Kraft, MBA ’89, in January 2009; Constance Morgan Falasco, BA ’91, in September 2009; Melissa Joyce, BA ’92, in January 2009; Edward Prudic, BS ’95, in October 2009; Rita Clement, MEd ’97, in March 2009; Brian Giltinan, MSCE ’01, in April 2008; Jennifer Lee Jones, BSEE '03, in October 2009

class NOTES

Let your classmates know what you’ve been doing!Send information about new jobs, promotions, awards, educational or professional accomplishments, and death notices to: Perspective, Cleveland State University, 2121 Euclid Ave., KB 304, Cleveland OH 44115, fax to 216-687-9278, or e-mail [email protected]


t’s ne

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See Class notes online at


chAmPIoNs PLAy

season and individual game ticketsfor both the men and women are available at 216-687-4848. And for everything you’ve ever wanted to know about viking basketball,visit


And both the men’s and women’s teams are looking to continue the success of the past two seasons when:

• The men posted back-to-back 20-win seasons, won the 2009 horizon League championship and were again the cinderella story of the NcAA Tournament’s “march madness”

• The women posted back-to-back 19-win seasons, won the 2008 horizon League championship and advanced to the NcAA Tournament

gET oN BoARd ThE vIkINg shIP IN 2009-10!• Eighteen men’s home games, including match-ups against 2009

NcAA participants West virginia, Butler and Robert morris

• Fifteen women’s home games, including match-ups against 2009 postseason participants green Bay, Butler and Indiana

• Three doubleheaders — women vs. Indiana and men vs. West virginia on dec. 19; both teams vs. detroit on Feb. 25; both teams vs. Wright state on Feb. 27

• CSU season ticket holders get presale access to postseason play, including the 2011 NcAA Tournament games at the Q!

go vIkINgs!

Page 17: CSU Perspective - Fall/Winter 2010

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