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CS 484

CS 484 Designing Parallel Algorithms Designing a parallel algorithm is not easy. There is no recipe or magical ingredient Except creativity We can benefit.

Jan 17, 2016



Raymond Robbins
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Page 1: CS 484 Designing Parallel Algorithms Designing a parallel algorithm is not easy. There is no recipe or magical ingredient Except creativity We can benefit.

CS 484

Page 2: CS 484 Designing Parallel Algorithms Designing a parallel algorithm is not easy. There is no recipe or magical ingredient Except creativity We can benefit.

Designing Parallel Algorithms

Designing a parallel algorithm is not easy.There is no recipe or magical ingredient Except creativity

We can benefit from a methodical approach. Framework for algorithm design

Most problems have several parallel solutions which may be totally different from the best sequential algorithm.

Page 3: CS 484 Designing Parallel Algorithms Designing a parallel algorithm is not easy. There is no recipe or magical ingredient Except creativity We can benefit.

PCAM Algorithm Design

4 Stages to designing a parallel algorithm Partitioning Communication Agglomeration Mapping

P & C focus on concurrency and scalability.A & M focus on locality and performance.

Page 4: CS 484 Designing Parallel Algorithms Designing a parallel algorithm is not easy. There is no recipe or magical ingredient Except creativity We can benefit.

PCAM Algorithm Design

Partitioning Computation and data are


Communication Coordinate task execution

Agglomeration Combining of tasks for performance

Mapping Assignment of tasks to processors

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Page 6: CS 484 Designing Parallel Algorithms Designing a parallel algorithm is not easy. There is no recipe or magical ingredient Except creativity We can benefit.


Ignore the number of processors and the target architecture.Expose opportunities for parallelism.Divide up both the computation and dataCan take two approaches domain decomposition functional decomposition

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Domain Decomposition

Start algorithm design by analyzing the data Divide the data into small pieces Approximately equal in size

Then partition the computation by associating it with the data.Communication issues may arise as one task needs the data from another task.

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Domain Decomposition

Evaluate the definite integral.





0 1

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Split up the domain

0 1

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Split up the domain

0 1

Page 11: CS 484 Designing Parallel Algorithms Designing a parallel algorithm is not easy. There is no recipe or magical ingredient Except creativity We can benefit.

Split up the domain

0 10.50.25 0.75

Now eachtask simplyevaluatesthe integralin their range.

All that is left is to sum up eachtask's answerfor the total.

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Domain Decomposition

Consider dividing up a 3-D grid What issues arise?

Other issues? What if your problem has more

than one data structure? Different problem phases? Replication?

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Page 14: CS 484 Designing Parallel Algorithms Designing a parallel algorithm is not easy. There is no recipe or magical ingredient Except creativity We can benefit.
Page 15: CS 484 Designing Parallel Algorithms Designing a parallel algorithm is not easy. There is no recipe or magical ingredient Except creativity We can benefit.

Functional Decomposition

Focus on the computationDivide the computation into disjoint tasks Avoid data dependency among tasks

After dividing the computation, examine the data requirements of each task.

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Functional Decomposition

Not as natural as domain decompositionConsider search problemsOften functional decomposition is very useful at a higher level. Climate modeling

Ocean simulation Hydrology Atmosphere, etc.

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Partitioning Checklist

Define a LOT of tasks?Avoid redundant computation and storage?Are tasks approximately equal?Does the number of tasks scale with the problem size?Have you identified several alternative partitioning schemes?

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The information flow between tasks is specified in this stage of the design

Remember: Tasks execute concurrently. Data dependencies may limit


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Define Channel Link the producers with the consumers. Consider the costs

Intellectual Physical

Distribute the communication.

Specify the messages that are sent.

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Communication Patterns

Local vs. GlobalStructured vs. UnstructuredStatic vs. DynamicSynchronous vs. Asynchronous

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Local Communication

Communication within a neighborhood.

Algorithm choice determines communication.

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Global Communication

Not localized.Examples All-to-All Master-Worker




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Avoiding Global Communication

Distribute the communication and computation




15 3 7 2 131013

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Divide and Conquer

Partition the problem into two or more subproblemsPartition each subproblem, etc.

15 3



8 3

Results in structured nearest neighbor communication pattern.

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Structured Communication

Each task’s communication resembles each other task’s communicationIs there a pattern?

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Unstructured Communication

No regular pattern that can be exploited.Examples Unstructured Grid Resolution changes

Complicates the next stages of design

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Synchronous Communication

Both consumers and producers are aware when communication is requiredExplicit and simple

t = 1 t = 2 t = 3

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Asynchronous Communication

Timing of send/receive is unknown. No pattern

Consider: very large data structure Distribute among computational tasks

(polling) Define a set of read/write tasks Shared Memory

Page 29: CS 484 Designing Parallel Algorithms Designing a parallel algorithm is not easy. There is no recipe or magical ingredient Except creativity We can benefit.

Problems to Avoid

A centralized algorithm Distribute the computation Distribute the communication

A sequential algorithm Seek for concurrency Divide and conquer

Small, equal sized subproblems

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Communication Design Checklist

Is communication balanced? All tasks about the same

Is communication limited to neighborhoods? Restructure global to local if possible.

Can communications proceed concurrently?Can the algorithm proceed concurrently? Find the algorithm with most concurrency.

Be careful!!!

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Partition and Communication steps were abstractAgglomeration moves to concrete.Combine tasks to execute efficiently on some parallel computer.Consider replication.

Page 32: CS 484 Designing Parallel Algorithms Designing a parallel algorithm is not easy. There is no recipe or magical ingredient Except creativity We can benefit.

Agglomeration Goals

Reduce communication costs by increasing computation decreasing/increasing granularity

Retain flexibility for mapping and scaling.Reduce software engineering costs.

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Changing Granularity

A large number of tasks does not necessarily produce an efficient algorithm.We must consider the communication costs.Reduce communication by having fewer tasks sending less messages (batching)

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Surface to Volume Effects

Communication is proportional to the surface of the subdomain.Computation is proportional to the volume of the subdomain.Increasing computation will often decrease communication.

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How many messages total?How much data is sent?

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How many messages total?How much data is sent?

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Replicating Computation

Trade-off replicated computation for reduced communication.Replication will often reduce execution time as well.

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Summation of N Integers

s = sumb = broadcast

How many steps?

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Using Replication (Butterfly)

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Using Replication

Butterfly to Hypercube

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Avoid Communication

Look for tasks that cannot execute concurrently because of communication requirements.Replication can help accomplish two tasks at the same time, like: Summation Broadcast

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Preserve Flexibility

Create more tasks than processors.Overlap communication and computation.Don't incorporate unnecessary limits on the number of tasks.

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Agglomeration Checklist

Reduce communication costs by increasing locality.Do benefits of replication outweigh costs?Does replication compromise scalability?Does the number of tasks still scale with problem size?Is there still sufficient concurrency?

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Specify where each task is to operate.Mapping may need to change depending on the target architecture.Mapping is NP-complete.

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Goal: Reduce Execution Time Concurrent tasks ---> Different

processors High communication ---> Same


Mapping is a game of trade-offs.

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Many domain-decomposition problems make mapping easy. Grids Arrays etc.

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Unstructured or complex domain decomposition based algorithms are difficult to map.

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Other Mapping Problems

Variable amounts of work per taskUnstructured communicationHeterogeneous processors different speeds different architectures


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Load Balancing

Static Determined a priori Based on work, processor speed, etc.

Probabilistic Random

Dynamic Restructure load during execution

Task Scheduling (functional decomp.)

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Static Load Balancing

Based on a priori knowledge.Goal: Equal WORK on all processorsAlgorithms: Basic Recursive Bisection

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Divide up the work based on Work required Processor speed





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Recursive Bisection

Divide work in half recursively.Based on physical coordinates.

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Dynamic Algorithms

Adjust load when an imbalance is detected.

Local or Global

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Task Scheduling

Many tasks with weak locality requirements.

Manager-Worker model.

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Task Scheduling

Manager-WorkerHierarchical Manager-Worker

Uses submanagers

Decentralized No central manager Task pool on each processor Less bottleneck

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Mapping Checklist

Is the load balanced?Are there communication

bottlenecks?Is it necessary to adjust the load

dynamically?Can you adjust the load if

necessary?Have you evaluated the costs?

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PCAM Algorithm Design

Partition Domain or Functional Decomposition

Communication Link producers and consumers

Agglomeration Combine tasks for efficiency

Mapping Divide up the tasks for balanced


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Example: Atmosphere Model

Simulate atmospheric processes Wind Clouds, etc.

Solves a set of partial differential equations describing the fluid behavior

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Representation of Atmosphere

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Data Dependencies

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Partition & Communication

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