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Crossways Camping Ministries 2012 Annual Meeting February 23, 2013 at 10:00 am Registration & Coffee at 9:30 am Trinity Lutheran Church 709 W Beckert Rd, New London, WI 54961 We gather each year not only to do the business of the Association, but also to celebrate Crossways Camping Ministries. We gather to celebrate the ministry and the mission by recognizing the work done by your Staff, your Board, your volunteers and your families. We will review the past year and look forward to the year to come. We will lift up the ministry of Crossways at Imago Dei Village, Pine Lake Camp, and Waypost Camp and the thousands who pass through these places each year. The Board of Directors and Staff wish to thank you for your commitment to Crossways and the support of your Camps. We look forward to celebrating with you! Crossways Camping Ministries Administrative Office, Appleton, WI 920-882-0023 [email protected]

Crossways Camping Ministries 2012 Annual Meeting

Apr 17, 2022



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Page 1: Crossways Camping Ministries 2012 Annual Meeting

Crossways Camping Ministries

2012 Annual Meeting

February 23, 2013 at 10:00 am Registration & Coffee at 9:30 am

Trinity Lutheran Church 709 W Beckert Rd, New London, WI 54961

We gather each year not only to do the business of the Association, but also to celebrate Crossways Camping Ministries. We gather to celebrate the ministry and the mission by recognizing the work done by your Staff, your Board, your volunteers and your families. We will review the past year and look forward to the year to come. We will lift up the ministry of Crossways at Imago Dei Village, Pine Lake Camp, and Waypost Camp and the thousands who pass through these places each year.

The Board of Directors and Staff wish to thank you for your commitment to Crossways and the support of your Camps. We look forward to celebrating with you!

Crossways Camping Ministries Administrative Office, Appleton, WI

920-882-0023 [email protected]

Page 2: Crossways Camping Ministries 2012 Annual Meeting

Table of Contents


Agenda ........................................................................................................ 3

Important Dates Coming Up ....................................................................... 3

Crossways’ Mission Statement & Major Goals ........................................... 4

Board of Directors & Year-Round Staff ....................................................... 4


President’s Report ...................................................................................... 5

Executive Director’s Report ........................................................................ 6


Program Committee ................................................................................... 7

Church Relations Committee ...................................................................... 8

Property Committee ................................................................................... 8

Restructuring Task Force ............................................................................ 9

Waypost Camp - Site Report ..................................................................... 10

Pine Lake Camp – Site Report ................................................................... 11

Imago Dei Village – Site Report................................................................. 11


Imago Dei Village Land Sale Background .................................................. 13

2011 Annual Meeting Minutes (2-18-12) ............................................ 15-16

2013 Proposed Budget ......................................................................... 17-21


Summer Youth Campers History ............................................................... 23

Summer Family Campers History .............................................................. 24

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Crossways Camping Ministries Annual Meeting

February 23, 2013 – 10:00 am to noon

Registration & Coffee – 9:30 am


1. Welcome

2. Devotions

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Secretary’s Report – Pr Ben Sheets

5. Treasurer’s Report – Sue Brown

6. President’s Report – Steve Olson

7. Executive Director’s Report – John Meachen

8. Committee Reports

9. Site Reports

10. Old Business

11. New Business

a. Imago Dei Village Land Sale

b. Nominations and Elections

c. 2013 Budget

d. Election Results & Announcements

12. Prayer, Lunch and Conversation

Important 2013 Dates Coming Up

Feb 26-28 Quilting Retreat - Waypost Camp, Hatley

Mar 1-3 Scrapbooking Retreat - Waypost Camp, Hatley

Mar 1-3 Men’s Retreat - Imago Dei Village, Clintonville

Mar 15 Summer Camp Early Registration Deadline

Mar 15-17 Crafting Retreat - Waypost Camp, Hatley

Mar 22-24 Men's Retreat - Pine Lake Camp, Waupaca

Apr 12-14 BYG - Imago Dei Village, Clintonville

Apr 14-16 Clergy Theological Retreat - Pine Lake, Waupaca

Apr 26-28 Men's Retreat - Waypost Camp, Hatley

May 4 Camp Work Day (All Sites)

May 10-11 Mother/Daughter Retreat - Pine Lake, Waupaca

May 27 Summer Staff Training Begins

June 9 First Day of Summer Camp

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Crossways’ Mission Statement

Crossways Camping Ministries brings people together in Christ so that lives are changed and communities enhanced.

Crossways’ Major Goals

Crossways nurtures faith through: Christ centered programming, positive Christian role modeling, exploration and

affirmation of gifts, building relationships with small groups/faith communities, care of creation, hospitality, wholistic

safety, and fun.

Board of Directors 2012

President – Steve Olson – First English Lutheran, Appleton – 2015

Vice President – Pastor Frank Kauzlarich – Good Shepherd Lutheran, Green Bay - 2014

Treasurer – Sue Brown, Mt Calvary Lutheran, Rothschild – 2013 */**

Secretary – Pastor Ben Sheets - Good Shepherd Lutheran, Plover – 2013 **

Amanda Burke - Emmanuel Lutheran, Seymour – 2014

Robbie Denis - Cross Lutheran, Burlington – 2014***

Donna Ginzl-Hicks – Good Shepherd Lutheran, Plover – 2015

John Kauth - Ascension Lutheran, Green Bay – 2014

Pastor Paul Mittermaier, St John Lutheran, Jackson – 2013 */**

Pastor Nancy Richmond – St John Lutheran, Antigo – 2015 ***

Ellie Schmidtke - Holy Cross Lutheran, Menomonee Falls – 2013 **

Troy Taylor – First English Lutheran, Oshkosh – 2012***

*Filled un-expired term **Term complete (up for re-election) ***Resigned in 2012

Year-Round Staff 2012

Administrative Staff

John Meachen, Executive Director

Mackenzie Kauth, Business Manager

Mary Miller, Bookkeeper

Patty Dyreson, Temp Admin Assistant

Donna Havemann, PT Bookkeeper *

Emily Kiefer, Seasonal Registrar

Permanent Site Staff

Sara Damrow, Director – Waypost Camp

Mike Henning, Director – Imago Dei Village *

Erika Page, Director – Pine Lake Camp, Day Camp *

Dara Stull, Interim Director/Director – Imago Dei Village

Dana Isaacson, Program Director – Pine Lake Camp *

Steve Kosmer, Property Manager – Waypost Camp

Al Betz, Property Manager – Pine Lake Camp

Michael Lechterman, Property Manager – Imago Dei Village

*Employment ended in 2012

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Report from Steven Olson, President of the Board

“Bringing people together in Christ so lives are changed and communities enhanced.”

Crossways Camping Ministries brings people together in the name of Jesus so that individual lives may be positively

impacted grow in faith and Christian service, and so that communities of faith might be strengthened for service

wherever God has placed them. We are a Christ-centered community that deepens faith and nurtures respectful,

caring, life-giving relationships. The three camps of Crossways have been, are now, and will continue to be holy ground

and a safe haven for all who come—a place apart for the growing of faith.

Nearly 3,000 young people, family members and adults participated in one of our camp programs this past summer. In

total, more than 5,800 people participated in Crossways programs and used Crossways facilities throughout the year.

Outdoor ministry is one of the best investments parents and congregations can make in their children and young people.

Studies consistently show that children and youth who have Bible camp as part of their faith development are up to

three times more likely to stay active in the life of the church throughout their lives than those who don’t. Children in

families who attend family camp or do Christ-based service projects as families are very likely to stay active as church

leaders for the rest of their lives.

We continue our partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in South Africa, Western Diocese. This past summer

three international counselors joined nearly 75 talented, gifted Christian young men and women who answered the call

to do ministry through our summer camping programs. We emphasize that serving at a Crossways camp is not a

“summer job” but an opportunity to do ministry and help shape the faith lives of hundreds of young people. These are

the young adult “role models” you want your children looking up to and rubbing shoulders with. In July, Crossways

hosted the 3rd Global Village event which brings Christian people together in a celebration of international resources,

prayer, understanding, and dialog.

In 2012 we welcomed Pastor John Meachen as Executive Director and give thanks for his leadership and talents. It was a

year of restructuring for the future, staff changes, developing and implementing new financial policies, and dealing with

financial challenges in a difficult economic climate. Thanks to the outstanding contributions of staff and the support of

our 180 partnering congregations and individuals throughout Wisconsin, we continue to provide quality Christ-based

programming to youth, adults and families at sites that truly reflect the beauty and splendor of God’s creation.

On behalf of the Board, thank you for your continued prayers and support of this vital ministry.


Steven H. Olson, President

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From Pastor John Meachen, Executive Director

Three Clay Jars

“But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and

does not come from us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7

I had a long dinner with Dick Iverson the other night. Dick recently retired as the Executive Director of Sugar Creek Bible

Camp and after a lifetime in outdoor ministry. He asked me, “What do you want do see happen at Crossways?” I said, “I

want to see these three camps functioning well.” He said, “I don’t know what you mean by that but I can tell you what

that means for me.” “It means that every kid, in fact everyone who comes to camp leaves knowing that Jesus loves

them without question, without any conditions and without end.” “The other part is that they learn how to pray, to be

in touch with God in their daily life to know he is there for them always.”

That is the treasure that Crossways and all outdoor ministries have to share. It is the treasure of Christ held up in the

three clay jars of our camps. Sometimes, in fact most of the time, we focus on the jars and not the treasure within. We

fuss about the condition of the vessel to the point that we forget the power of God that lives in these camps to change

lives and communities. Too often you and I are caught staring at what is the condition of the “jars” and not seeing what

can be.

At Crossways we have much to do. The challenges that face us are not easily accomplished. These jars, our camps, have

their fair share of nicks and cracks. The enormity of what is needed can drown out the possibilities of what can be.

As we enter into a new year together, my challenge to you and also to me is to look first at the treasure, the power of

God that is ours. If we do that, then we have the power to shape these camps, these three jars into strong vessels lifting

up Christ to everyone we serve. If we look first at the treasure, the extraordinary power of God, there is nothing that we

cannot do to.

For you see, “this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.”

Thank God for that!

Pastor John Meachen

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Committee Reports

Program Committee

The Program Committee provides general leadership and guidance in the ministry of Crossways Ministries. It is broad in

scope and works closely with full time staff in the development of new ministries and the evaluations and maintenance

of on-going programs. The committee holds 3-4 meetings each year.

In December of 2011, staff created a comprehensive list of current Programmed Retreats, including elements of

programming to be included, descriptions, and historical information. In early 2012, the committee used this document

to identify programs to enhance, discontinue, or launch and to gain a better understanding of the current program

trends of Crossways. This document and review of enrollment numbers directly led to the cancellation, as well as the

enhancement of retreat programs for 2013-14.

One of the major programs identified by the Program Committee for enhancement was the Crossways Men’s Retreat, a

long-standing retreat program offered at Imago Dei Village. The Program Committee saw the potential to expand and

enhance the program. In 2013, the retreat will be offered at all three sites of Crossways, incorporating a progressive

curriculum in the hopes to encourage men to attend more than one retreat, while also including hands-on, site-based

service components.

Following the summer, Dara Stull wrote – Sermon on the Mount - a fall, winter, spring curriculum for BYG, JrHigh Blast,

and SrHigh Blast Retreats. The Program Committee approved the purchase of the Lutheran Outdoor Ministries

curriculum for 2013– the purchase of which directly supports future curriculum writing endeavors. Dara Stull is working

diligently to review the curriculum – Faith Alive - while implementing the learning style format that has been adopted

and used by Crossways since 2009. The Program Committee is scheduled to reconvene in early February to review the


The staff of Crossways desired to adopt a consistent faith development model to utilize both for the purpose of staff

training, and to aid in the development of future programs. Several faith development models were discussed; the

Program Committee and staff chose to adopt Vibrant Faith Ministries 4 Keys – service, devotion, ritual, & caring

conversations – from Frogs Without Legs Can’t Hear by Paul Hill & David W. Anderson. The adoption of this model, will

help Crossways communicate how the various program elements offered at camp equip people of all age levels to be

disciples in their church and community. The staff incorporated the 4 Keys into the Summer and Retreat Program

Description document. In addition, summer staff will be trained on the 4 Keys during staff training, including faith

development that is age-specific.

The adoption of the 4 Keys led directly to discussion on revisions of summer camper evaluation forms. The Program

Committee strives to understand if the programs of Crossways are meeting the Major Goals of Crossways and the 4

Keys. The creation of a standardized evaluation form used at each site of Crossways will also provide quantitative data

for marketing purposes and program evaluation. The first goal in this process is to complete an evaluation form for each

of the following - Pioneer, Pathfinder, Maverick, Settler, and Family Programs – by summer 2013.

Committee Members: Amanda Burke (Board liaison),Molly Haggerty-Brewster, John Kauth, Todd Lewis, Rev Rich Block

Staff Members: Sara Damrow (staff liaison), Dara Stull, Dana Isaacson, erika page, Mike Henning, Rev John Meachen

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Church Relations Committee

The purpose of this team is the following:

1. Design and implement a plan for Crossways to congregation and congregation to Crossways communication.

2. Work with the Development Committee to coordinate direct contacts of representatives of Crossways in

communicating both the opportunities for greater participation by congregations in Crossways programs and

the need for financial support in order for programs to continue to address the needs of the church.

3. Review annual plans/calendar to market the programs of Crossways through newsletters, brochures and flyers,

parish mailings, video material, and camper recruitment programs.

4. Devise strategies for increasing the potential for partnership between Crossways and other ecumenical partners.

This team had two meetings in 2011 where we focused on the main goal to organize & implement church council visits

that would take place during the fall & winter of 2011. The purpose of these visits is to:

Express gratitude for their partnership with congregations from around Wisconsin who are part of the

Crossways association.

Thank them for their support (financial and camper participation, and if known, the staff from their

congregation who have been ministers in the program).

Share what's happening at camp through video & stories about camp.

Ask for their financial support through regular budgeted funds.

Encourage members to utilize the camps' programs to grow in faith and service.

Answer any questions they may have about our shared ministry.

This is the third year of our visiting and we are getting closer to our goal of visiting all our Crossways Church councils.

Our deep thanks go to Pr. Jim Gerth for his organizational skills and Pr. Dick Warber for his tireless phone calling, and

encouragement. We thank all the volunteers who have and are making council visits and we thank our congregations

for the wonderful receptions we have received.

Property & Facilities Committee

The Property Committee manages and plans for the care of the buildings, furnishings, equipment, and grounds of

Crossways. It serves as an advocate for the stewardship of the natural and physical resources and provides general

oversight of the 3 sites. In addition to the Property Committee, each of the sites has a Site Team, which manages the

daily and annual maintenance needs of its affiliated site, helping to complete inventories and annual reviews of facilities.

The Site Team provides information and feedback to the Property Committee. The Property Committee holds 3-4

meetings each year.

Through the strategic plan process in 2011 the Property Committee was charged with completing accurate inventories

of property, infrastructure, and equipment, and creating a list of expected property needs for the next 10 years. In

2011, each site completed an inventory of watercraft, vehicles, and buildings. In 2012, equipment and tools were

inventoried, and needed items were added to the Crossways Amazon Wishlist.

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In light of the new land purchase at Waypost in 2011, Ron Jones, was asked to do a timber cruise at Waypost and

provide insight into proper land management. Following the timber cruise, Ron made recommendations to the Property

Committee discussing active land management at all three sites. Per his recommendation, paperwork was submitted

and accepted putting 80 acres of land at Imago Dei Village and 40 acres of land at Waypost under MFL (Pine Lake Camp

is currently in MFL). This action will be a cost savings to Crossways in regards to taxes. In addition, trees have been

marked for anticipated logging at Waypost in the winter of 2013.

With the inventories complete and a new understanding of land management, the Site Teams prioritized a list of

projects and projected needs forecasting 1, 3, 5, and 10 years for each site. The Property Committee reviewed,

discussed, and evaluated the needs of each site and compiled a list of 13 Property Items for Crossways in 2013 in priority

order to include in the new Capital Budget established by the Finance Committee.

Brief Summary of Site Projects in 2012

Imago Dei Village

Siding of Birch Replaced

Chalet Deck Spindles Replaced

120 Road Filled with Gravel

Back doors of Duplexes Replaced/Eaves Troughs Added

Gas Line Disconnected to Cottage, Well Abandoned

Residence Well Abandoned and Water Connected to


Pine Lake Camp

New Roof on Ponderosa, Electric House, Little Egypt

Fireplace Insert in Scotch

Sunset Sing Benches Reconstructed

Waypost Camp

Cattails Quadplex – Interior & Exterior Complete

Chapel Wall Reconstructed

Railing to Parking Lot Installed

Electric and Booster Heater for Dishwasher


Timber Cruise Underway

Property Committee Members: Len Place, Randy Cleveland, Bob Henning, Terry Schuett (Chairperson), Roger Thorpe,

Darrell Stetzer, Rob Abraham, Ron Jones. Staff Present: erika Page, Sara Damrow, Mike Henning, Dara Stull, Rev John


Special Task Force & Committee Reports

Restructuring Task Force

The Restructuring Task Force met at the request of the Executive Director and the Board to finish the work of the

restructuring plan passed by the Board of Directors in 2011. Through their work a plan of restructuring was presented

and the Board gave approval for the Executive Director to implement the plan. This plan eliminated two full time

Program Director positions while creating Seasonal Program Directors at each site, Retreat Hosts and a strengthened

office operation.

Our thanks go to the Board members of the task force: Amanda Burke, Ellie Schmidtke, Ben Sheets, Frank Kauzlaurich,

Sue Brown and Steve Olson.

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Site Report – Waypost Camp

K oinonia. This Greek word translates to fellowship or shared participation in something common. Acts 2:42-47 reads “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the communion, to the breaking of bread and to prayer...All the believers were together and had everything in common…They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.” Koinonia. Life in community with others.

O ut of the ordinary projects! Waypost was bustling in the Spring, as volunteers labored to prepare camp for the upcoming summer. The retaining wall outside of the chapel was given a facelift. With stairs cracking, and rocks crumbling, a group of volunteers came to the rescue, reshaping the wall & moving the stairs, creating an inviting and safe space for campers to gather during Tuck Shop. A group of volunteers from First English Lutheran Church, Wausau helped to welcome people to camp by funding and installing a railing for the staircase from the parking lot to the field. Forester and volunteer, Ron Jones conducted a timber cruise of the land at Waypost and marked trees, in an effort to actively manage the land and encourage tree growth. Logging will begin in the Winter of 2013. The largest undertaking in the Spring was the completion of the Cattails – a quadplex housing unit at Waypost. In the Fall of 2011, the exterior work to excavate, repair, and waterproof the exterior of the foundation was complete. In the spring, Stetzer Construction continued work by tearing out the concrete floor, installing drain tile to correct a moisture problem, installing insulation and drywall, and other finishing work. A tremendous outpouring of time and skills was also given by volunteers who helped with various stages of the process: hauling sand & cement, taping & mudding of drywall, installation of bunks, exterior grading & landscaping. Koinonia. God’s work, our hands.

I mmersed in retreat. Waypost continues to be a second home for groups who escape from a busy life at home to build group unity, quilt, scrapbook, and study God’s Word. Groups return year after year, and breathe a sigh of relief when they step out of their vehicles. Sunsets over Mission Lake, hikes in the woods, conversation around a warm fireplace, and delicious meals are highlights of each retreat experience. Koinonia. A gift from God.

N on-stop summer fun! Youth, adults, and families who came to live in community at Waypost this summer experienced a variety of programs. With a continued focus on Sustainability, Waypost campers continued to work in the Garden of Hope, turn over the compost piles, and make bread during 8 weeks of the summer. Koinonia. A week or weekend at camp full of activity, prayer, and Holy play in God’s Creation.

O utstanding staff! I was in awe of the 18 young adults and several alumni staff, who heard and responded to the call to serve in ministry at Waypost this summer. They were diverse, self-less, humble, compassionate, and gifted individuals who led camp activities with enthusiasm, taught God’s Word daily, and lifted up the joys and sorrows of campers in prayer! Koinonia. How we care for one another and the love we share with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

N eighbors from South Africa. This summer, the Madikwe Circuit in the Western Diocese of South Africa, the companion to the Wisconsin River Valley Conference in the East Central Synod of Wisconsin brought a group of 60+ individuals to Wisconsin. Several visitors from the group spent time at Waypost, which gave Waypost the opportunity to lift up and celebrate the blessing of our South African counselors and witness Christianity in a global context. Koinonia. Walking together side by side.

I nvitation to celebrate! In October, Waypost celebrated 70 years of life-changing ministry. It was a cold, blustery Autumn day, for a bike event, yet several brave souls took to the road for 15 or 32 miles of cycling. Koinonia. 70 years of faith formation at Waypost.

A nswering the call. So many volunteers – both groups and individuals have answered the call in 2012 to serve the ministry of Crossways and to share their gifts with Waypost. An outpouring of love and support is found in the shared labor during monthly volunteer days and annual Spring/Fall Work Days. Our year-round staff members continue to answer the call as well. Sandy Borth, Kristin Gueldenzopf, and Tiffany Totzke, our food service staff, prepare delicious, healthy meals with joy, and are always up for the challenge of incorporating vegetables from the Garden of Hope into meals at camp or trying new recipes. Steve Kosmer, Property Manager keeps us in good spirits with his gentle sense of humor and his attention to detail as he provides stewardship of the grounds and facilities at Waypost. I give thanks for the gifts and skills of these faithful servants. Koinonia. A community built on faith and a family formed by God.

KOINONIA The way in which the ministry of Crossways Camping Ministries and Waypost is lived out each and every day.

Join us in the breaking of bread, the praising of God, and the celebration of community in 2013!

Respectfully submitted, Sara Damrow, Director of Waypost Camp

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Site Report – Pine Lake Camp

This year was filled with all sorts of activity at Pine Lake Camp.

Property - We were blessed to have the Mini Mission Team from First English and Peace Lutheran churches come to Pine

Lake. Metal roofs were put on, cabinets for the kitchen and dining room were given and installed, Sunset Sing seating

was rebuilt and much was accomplished through their efforts, contributions and the hard work of all of our volunteers.

Summer Staff - We were blessed with a dedicated and talented summer staff once again this year. The heart and soul of

our summer program is our college age counseling staff.

Year Round Programs - We again provided creative programming for all ages and through all seasons. The Day Camp

program continues to be a strong part of Crossway’s ministry facilitated through Pine Lake.

Year Round Staff - We are so very thankful for the hard work and dedication of our Food Service Manager Janice

Robbins, our Property Manager Al Betz and our housekeeper Judy Kusch.

Our special thanks and appreciation go to erika Page and Dana Isaacson for all that they have done and shared at Pine

Lake during their years of service.

Site Report – Imago Dei Village

The seasons of 2012 have come and gone and we find ourselves marveling at the year of mission we had at Imago Dei

Village. This past year brought a transition that played out relatively smoothly thanks to the support of close friends of

Crossways, supportive board members, a committed site team, and a strong summer staff.

Retreat programs, both private and programmed, got off to a solid start then held strong through the year. In February

we opened our doors for our first programmed Scrapbooking retreat which was received very well, then in March we

celebrated a successful men’s retreat that put emphasis on doing service work at the site. Later that month we

welcomed 70 third through fifth graders for our Spring BYG, which up to that point was one of the largest youth retreats

we had seen at Village in quite some time. Strength in our youth retreats then shined through again in November when

we welcomed nearly 100 middle school students for a Jr. High Blast.

Despite the changes in full-time staffing that took place late in the Spring, our summer staff pulled off yet another

incredible summer of ministry. I am continually amazed at the energy and willingness of our summer staff to openly

share their passion of serving God with so many people. With the elimination of one week of confirmation camp our

remaining three weeks of confirmation programs were at full or nearly full capacity. Additionally our family programs

brought a significant amount of hustle and bustle as the family weekend brought in 23 families (we can hold 20), and the

week-long family program brought in 20 families. Piece Together, our program for families with children on the autism

spectrum, also went very smoothly and we are excited to see there is a core group of families who have formed strong

bonds through that program.

Both our summer and retreat programs at Village have taken on a service emphasis in the last couple years. This

emphasis has taught countless lessons to youth and adults on what it means to live out God’s mission in this world. Over

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the past year our campers have sent out 60 soup mix jars to Shawano area congregations (of multiple denominations)

for distribution to those who come in seeking food vouchers, built 24 bat houses which now hang throughout camp,

baked around 80 loaves of sweet breads which are distributed by the local domestic abuse shelter, braided hundreds of

prayer bracelets for children in South Africa, and baked thousands of dog treats for the humane society. Through the

work they do on site, our campers are able to make a large impact and share the love of warmth of God with others

both near and far.

When we set the summer 2012 calendar we purposely left one week open to be able to rent the site out for an outside

group to use. As a result, during Week 3 we welcomed a Young Muslims (an organization who supports young Muslim

men) group from Chicago. This week brought with it an incredible learning experience for the staff who remained on

site, along with the beautiful sounds of Salah filling the air.

On the facilities side of things, the buildings at Village are still going strong but some are starting to show some signs of

aging. All of the major projects that were done this year were to repair and restore things that were showing significant

signs of aging. The biggest project of those was the filling in of the entrance road to the 120. After years of campers

walking in and out of the trail, and camp vehicles going in and out of the property the road was beginning to be worn

down. We were able to fix this issue through filling in the road with gravel, which was made possible through a large

donation that was made early in the summer.

Other projects that happened at Village were the installation of new back doors and gutters for the duplexes, as years of

not having gutters had caused the doors to rot out. Additionally a new water pump was purchased and installed in to the

residence as the old one which was still connected to an individual well ceased to work. The well was properly

abandoned and the new pumped has been hooked in to the water system that runs through the rest of camp.

In the fall work was begun to remove the Cottage, which is the old building that sits next to the Welcome Center. This

building had been in the plans to remove for many years, however a leaky roof in an inconvenient spot has pushed the

necessity of that building’s removal to the forefront. Once the snow clears in 2013 the rest of the work will be

completed and that building should be gone by the beginning of the summer. It is the vision of the site team to fill in

that space with a perennial garden and gazebo.

The ministry that happens at Imago Dei Village would not be possible without dedicated people to carry out the mission.

We are incredibly grateful for our faithful volunteers, especially Don and Jeff Johnson, and the faithful men’s group from

Emmanuel, Seymour. Our year-round staff continue to bless all who enter through sharing each of their gifts and

passions. Mike Lechtermann diligently serves as our Property Manager to make sure all guests are welcomed to a

comforting and hospitable site, while Brenda Krause and Jen Rozga nourish our guests with their incredible foods. We

look back with thankful reflection for the work of Mike Henning, as his spirit of humor and lessons in energy efficiency

have left a lasting impact on this place.

2012 was a good year for Village. We look forward to continuing our momentum into 2013 so that we can truly fulfill the

mission of Crossways through building relationships and providing space for all to live out their identity as a child of God.

Respectfully submitted,

Dara Stull

Director, Imago Dei Village

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Imago Dei Village Land Sale Background

At the January 25 Board Meeting of Crossways Camping Ministries a motion was made and approved to bring the sale of

land to Ken Meinhardt the land owner adjacent to what is known as the Lion’s Point land at the extreme east boundary

of the camp boundary to a meeting of the association. The sale or purchase of property requires an affirmative vote at a

duly called meeting of the corporation.

The purpose of the sale is to allow the home owner the ability to add on to his existing home. He petitioned the

township and was denied a variance. His request is to purchase a strip of camp land which is 15’ wide totaling .93 acres

for $12,000. This price was determined by the appraised value of lakeshore property on Long Lake.

It was determined by the staff and site team that this sale of land would not impact program or any future property

issues with required setbacks or utility assessments. Mr. Meinhardt would make available his private boat landing for

camp use as there are no public landings on Long Lake.

The survey below shows Mr. Meinhardt’s existing property with old property line and proposed new property line


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Crossways Camping Ministries

ANNUAL MEETING February 18, 2012 – 10:00 a.m.

St. Mark Lutheran Church, Neenah, WI


1) Welcome – Steve Olson

2) Opening Devotions –Pr John Meachen – Crossways Executive Director – since all Crossways Program Staff are

busy with retreats or ill/injured, praises were sung about Crossways in the form of testimonials of the impact

our camping ministry has had on the lives of constituents.

3) Approval of the agenda – Steve Olson – Camp Songs will be camp stories camp songs to stories. Switch items 9

& 10 around so that the budget can be discussed immediately after the treasurer’s report. Motion to approve

the agenda by Len Place. Second by Don Johnson. Carried.

4) Secretary’s Report - Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 2/9/2011 were approved as printed. Motion to

approve by Randy Cleveland. Second by Roger Thorpe. Motion carried. Temporary secretary was assigned for

today’s meeting due to the birth of Pr Ben Sheet’s daughter, Eliza Joy, born 2/13/2012.

5) President’s Report – Steve Olson - Highlights of 2011 include: Waypost land acquisition of 9.5 acres with no

debt incurred. Hired a new Executive Director – Pr John Meachen – thank you to the call committee of Art Loos,

Donna Ginzl-Hicks, Patty Filak, Rev Eric Jones, Rev Paul Mittermaier, Sharon Fox-Bogen and Steve Olson. Staff

achievement of “positive ministry outcomes” despite a difficult transition period. Reviewed Strategic Plan that

was developed at the April retreat @ Waypost.

6) Nominations Committee – Pr Frank Kauzlarich – There are 4 vacancies with 4 candidates. Donna Ginzl-Hicks –

Good Shepherd in Plover, Steve Olson – First English in Appleton, Pr Nancy Richmond – St John in Polar &

Arbutus in Antigo and Troy Taylor – Youth Director at First English & Peace in Oshkosh. Motion by Len Place to

close nominations & cast a unanimous ballot. Second by Kira James. Carried.

7) Treasurer’s report – Sue Brown – Presented Treasurer’s report using slides projected. Question from the floor

in regards to multiple figures for total debt being used in reports. Answer: one figure included line of credit


8) Presentation and Adoption of the Budget for 2012 Fiscal year - Sue Brown – Presented proposed budget using

slides projected. Question as to how we intend to pay for the approx $75,000 budget deficit? Response that it

will need to come from increased giving and budget savings (reduced spending). Question as to the large

increase in special events? Response that much is hoped to come from the Golf Outing planned for August 2012.

Motion made by Blaine Aschenbrenner to accept the budget as presented. Second by Gary Konrad. Carried.

9) Report on Waypost Land Acquisition – Pr John Meachen - See page 11 of the written annual report outlining

activity. A gazebo and bluebird houses are already on the new land. The effort were a model of “how to do

things” – a need was clearly laid out and Waypost constituents were asked directly – the response is

documented. An issue remains of “what to do” with the leftover funds. Donors will have an option of receiving

their $ back or allowing us to re-direct the $ to a current need to be determined.

Page 16: Crossways Camping Ministries 2012 Annual Meeting


10) Executive Director’s Report – Pr John Meachen - Power point presentation was shown that had been developed

by Kenzie Kauth & narrated by Pr John Meachen. One church demonstrating great support of Camp is Faith,

Valders that has challenge their congregation to raise $ in order to change Pr Jim Rasmus’ hair pink – need $800

total & our loose change resulted in over $3000. To summarize, Pr John has observed that we have amazing

people in this organization. We have a fear of the future. We will become THE model camp program in the

Midwest. We do not walk down this path alone.

11) Questions/Concerns/Suggestions at large

a) Have we considered a couple’s retreat?

b) Can we evaluate Day Camp programming and consider developing a component that we could sell to local

churches complete with training/support? For churches who would not necessarily use our staff but

would use our programming

c) Have we ever considered a retreat for families with members with developmental disabilities as well as an

experience for those family members with disabilities?

d) Explore expansion of mid-week offerings – elder hostel or (lir) learning in retirement as examples

e) Focus on local service work & don’t forget 5/5 work day at camps

f) Confirmation requirement for many churches to attend camp – all?

g) Have we considered a singles retreat?

h) Revive the “adopt a counselor” program

i) Develop “grant parents” to support camperships for all programs

j) Plan a “blitz build” weekend at all camps for major repairs

k) Bible Camp handout by Pr Jim Gerth promoting Church Relations Committee

l) Thank You & recognition to all Crossways constituents

Motion to adjourn made @ 11:45 by Roger Thorpe. Second by Carl Grisar. Carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Kauth, Acting Secretary

Voting delegates present: 84 Churches represented: 54 Non-voting guests, staff, Board, etc: 5

Page 17: Crossways Camping Ministries 2012 Annual Meeting

Crossways Camping Ministries

2013 Proposed Budget







Summary RecapGeneral Fund Income Summary

Program Income 976,500$ 885,178$ 906,300$ 21,122$ 2.2%

Contributions 282,900 265,874 277,500 11,626$ 4.1%

Special Events 14,500 2,348 5,000 2,652$ 18.3%

Total Other Income 15,275 14,040 18,436 4,396$ 28.8%

Total General Fund Income 1,289,175 1,167,440 1,207,236 39,796 3.1%

Operating Expense SummaryProgram Expense 592,390 568,468 567,196 (1,272)$ -0.2%

Property Expense 382,374 343,407 357,398 13,990$ 3.7%

Administrative Expense 273,236 243,553 275,502 31,949$ 11.7%

Total Operating Expense 1,248,000 1,155,428 1,200,095 44,667 3.6%

Income Before Dereciation 41,175 12,012 7,141 (4,872) -11.8%

Depreciation Expense 137,740 116,062 113,781 (2,281) -1.7%

Operating Income- General Fund (96,565) (104,050) (106,640) (2,591) 2.7%

2012 actual to 2013 budget $$

variance % of change

Page 17

Page 18: Crossways Camping Ministries 2012 Annual Meeting

Crossways Camping Ministries

2013 Proposed Budget









Program RevenueYouth Camping Fees 623,500 558,516 623,700 65,184 10.5%

Retreat Fees - General 135,000 127,865 106,000 (21,865) -16.2%

Retreat Fees - Crossways Programs 37,000 46,522 43,000 (3,522) -9.5%

Family Camping Fees 55,000 52,499 52,000 (499) -0.9%

Day Camp Fees 30,000 32,652 30,000 (2,652) -8.8%

Other :Global VLG & Special Events 46,500 22,373 5,000 (17,373) -37.4%

Canteen Sales 49,500 44,752 46,600 1,848 3.7%

TOTAL Program Revenue 976,500 885,178 906,300 21,122 2.2%

ContributionsCongregations 170,000 168,871 170,000 1,129

Synods - - - -

Contributions Directed toVG 10,000 8,380 10,000 1,620

Contributions Directed toWP 55,000 45,379 45,000 (379) -0.7%

Contributions Directed toPL 22,000 24,534 28,500 3,966 18.0%

Matching Gifts-Other 100 - - - 0.0%

Contributions Directed to VG - - 3,000 3,000

Contributions Directed to WP - - 3,000 3,000

Contributions Directed to PL - - 3,000 3,000

Memorials-Funds 1,000 3,860 - (3,860) -386.0%

Memorials-Design.-Funds Trans - 70 - (70)

Camperships-Contrib-Funds Tran 7,000 300 7,000 6,700

Program Gifts/Grants-Funds Tra 2,000 6,460 - (6,460) -323.0%

Join Hands Day Grants 1,000 - - - 0.0%

Non-Capital Designated Gifts-Funds Trans 6,500 275 - (275) -4.2%

South Africa Counselor Partnership 8,300 7,745 8,000 255 3.1%

TOTAL Contributions & Grants Totals 282,900 265,874 277,500 11,626 4.1%

Special Event Income 14,500 2,348 5,000 2,652 18.3%

Other IncomeEndowment Earnings-Funds Trans 2,000 - 936 936 46.8%

Interest Income 25 9 - (9) -35.9%

Disposal of Fixed Assets 1,000 300 - (300) -30.0%

Milk Reimbursement 2,250 1,817 2,500 683 30.4%

Gain/(Loss) on Sale of Stock - (1,286) - 1,286

Miscellaneous Income 10,000 12,080 15,000 2,920 29.2%

Non-Cash Donated Items - - - -

Leased Services - 1,120 - (1,120)

TOTAL Other Income 15,275 14,040 18,436 4,396 28.8%

Total General Fund Income 1,289,175 1,167,440 1,207,236 39,796 3.1%

2012 actual to 2013 budget $$

variance % of change

Page 18

Page 19: Crossways Camping Ministries 2012 Annual Meeting

Crossways Camping Ministries

2013 Proposed Budget

Expense: General Fund

Program Expense







Permanent Program StaffSalaries & FICA 172,041 160,443 172,994 12,551

Medical & Dental 38,824 33,105 21,294 (11,811) -30.4%

Pension 16,011 14,002 10,250 (3,752) -23.4%

Education & Training 2,900 1,596 3,150 1,554 53.6%

Travel 800 526 800 274

Meals While Traveling 300 343 320 (23) -7.5%

TOTAL Permanent Program Staff 230,877 210,015 208,808 (1,207) -0.5%

Seasonal Program Staff Salaries & FICA 190,063 193,365 192,388 (978) -0.5%

Program/Food Service/Canteen SuppliesProgram Supplies On-Site, Day Camp Sp Pr 13,600 7,835 10,050 2,215 16.3%

Raising Up Leaders 250 288 - (288) -115.2%

Food Purchases 93,000 86,088 91,000 4,912 5.3%

Canteen Purchases 31,500 34,169 33,000 (1,169) -3.7%

Sales Tax Expense 3,000 3,077 2,800 (277) -9.2%

TOTAL Program Supplies 141,350 131,456 136,850 5,394 3.8%

Program Svcs (Office supplies, phone, 13,700 13,991 15,050 1,059

Program EquipmentOffice Equipment 1,500 290 1,500 1,210

Climbing Wall 2,200 2,545 2,500 (45) -2.1%

Vehicle Leases - Program 1,300 1,271 1,500 229 17.6%

TOTAL Program Equipment 5,000 4,107 5,500 1,393

Other Prog Exp + International Staff 11,400 15,534 8,600 (6,934) -60.8%

Total Program Expense 592,390 568,468 567,196 (1,272) -0.2%

2012 actual to 2013 budget $$

variance % of change

Page 19

Page 20: Crossways Camping Ministries 2012 Annual Meeting

Crossways Camping Ministries

2013 Proposed Budget

Expense: General Fund

Property Expense







Permanent Property StaffSalary & FICA 88,300 89,535 89,888 353 0.4%

Medical & Dental 19,510 10,566 17,710 7,144 36.6%

Pension 8,285 8,037 8,550 513 6.2%

Education & Training 435 135 500 365 83.9%

Total Permanent Property Staff 116,530 108,273 116,648 8,375 7.2%

Seasonal Property Staff 9,200 8,680 - (8,680) -94.4%

Supplies - Maintenance & Repair 44,500 41,343 40,500 (843) -1.9%

Property ServicesOffice Equip Maint & Repair 300 258 400 142 47.3%

Utilities 72,000 63,064 70,000 6,936 9.6%

Property Taxes 8,500 6,666 6,550 (116) -1.4%

TOTAL Property Services 80,800 69,988 76,950 6,962 8.6%

Property EquipmentTools & Equipment Purchases 600 347 600 253

Equipment Repair 2,600 2,037 2,800 763

Vehicle Operating 15,800 17,212 16,000 (1,212)

TOTAL Property Equipment 19,000 19,596 19,400 (196)

Other Property ExpenseMiscellaneous 1,750 1,389 1,750 361

Interest Expense-Mortgage 38,400 28,656 28,000 (656)

Insurance-Multi-Peril 27,121 25,154 28,600 3,446 12.7%

Insurance-Workers Commp 27,116 20,431 31,700 11,269 41.6%

Insurance-Automobile 7,034 6,790 7,650 860 12.2%

Insurance-Umbrella 7,923 6,100 6,200 100 1.3%

Designated Purchases 3,000 7,007 - (7,007) -233.6%

TOTAL Other Property Expense 112,344 95,527 103,900 8,373 7.5%

Total Property Expense 382,374 343,407 357,398 13,990 3.7%

2012 actual to 2013 budget $$

variance % of change

Page 20

Page 21: Crossways Camping Ministries 2012 Annual Meeting

Crossways Camping Ministries

2013 Proposed Budget

Expense: General Fund

Administrative Expense







Permanent Administrative StaffPermanent Staff Salary & FICA 148,591 123,621 157,351 33,730 22.7%

Medical & Dental 30,851 25,449 30,597 5,149 16.7%

Pension 13,318 10,463 14,848 4,385 32.9%

Education, Training & Conferences 600 1,705 1,000 (705) -117.5%

Staff Travel-Administration 400 - 1,000 1,000 250.0%

Staff Meals 600 - 150 150 25.0%

Interim Housing Expense - - - -

TOTAL Permanent Administrative Staff 194,361 161,238 204,946 43,708 22.5%

Seasonal Administrative Staff 3,800 4,034 - (4,034) -106.2%

Marketing & RecruitmentAdvertising & Public Relations 9,000 11,251 8,200 (3,051) -33.9%

Postage 9,000 6,480 8,000 1,520 16.9%

Summer Staff Recruitment 125 86 100 14 11.2%

TOTAL Marketing & Recruitment 18,125 17,817 16,300 (1,517) -8.4%

Administrative SuppliesOffice Supplies-Corporate 5,500 2,896 4,776 1,880 34.2%

Office Rent-Corporate 9,000 9,976 10,000 24 0.3%

TOTAL Administrative Supplies 14,500 12,872 14,776 1,904 13.1%

Administrative ServicesTelephone 3,000 2,362 2,400 38 1.3%

Professional Fees 3,500 3,609 3,500 (109)

Bookkeeping Services - 12,428 3,500 (8,928)

Fees & Supplies 1,250 685 630 (55) -4.4%

Computer Software & Support 3,000 3,032 3,100 68 2.3%

TOTAL Administrative Services 10,750 22,115 13,130 (8,985) -83.6%

Administrative EquipmentOffice Equipment-Corporate 1,000 253 - (253) -25.3%

Equipment Leases-Corporate - - - -

Vehicle Operating-Corporate 5,000 3,497 4,800 1,303 26.1%

TOTAL Administrative Equipment 6,000 3,750 4,800 1,050 17.5%

Other Administrative ExpenseMisc Expense-Corporate 300 151 200 49 16.3%

Board & Committee Expense 3,000 2,042 3,000 958

LOM Membership Fees 900 850 850 - 0.0%

Campership - - - -

Bad Debt Expense - 1,935 - (1,935)

Interest Expense 10,000 6,128 6,500 372 3.7%

Bank Charges 11,000 10,345 11,000 655

Other - - - -

Designated Purchases-Administrative 500 275 - (275) -55.0%

TOTAL Other Administrative Expense 25,700 21,726 21,550 (176) -0.7%

Total Administrative Expense 273,236 243,553 275,502 31,949 11.7%

Depreciation Expense CalculationLand Depreciation Expense 5,125 1,138 1,120 (18) -0.4%

Building Depreciation Expense 97,995 95,649 100,000 4,351 4.4%

Equipment Depreciation Expense 22,730 17,876 4,600 (13,276) -58.4%

Vehicle Depreciation Expense 11,760 8,083 7,931 (152) -1.3%

Leasehold Impr Depr Expense 130 (6,683) 130 6,813

Total Depreciation 137,740 116,062 113,781 (2,281) -1.7%

Total Operating Expense 1,385,740$ 1,271,490$ 1,313,876$ 42,386$ 3.1%

2012 actual to 2013 budget $$

variance % of change

Page 21

Page 22: Crossways Camping Ministries 2012 Annual Meeting
Page 23: Crossways Camping Ministries 2012 Annual Meeting

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

PineLake 1,191 1,082 857 965 876 779 808

Village 969 928 939 796 694 745 665

Waypost 457 429 331 284 311 384 302









l Cam



Summer Youth Campers (BY SITE) 2006-2012

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

TOTAL 2,617 2,439 2,127 2,045 1,881 1,908 1,775









l Cam



Summer Youth Campers (TOTAL) 2006-2012

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Page 24: Crossways Camping Ministries 2012 Annual Meeting

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

PineLake 41 42 27 18 34 30 34

Village 37 56 33 45 63 44 56

Waypost 37 44 47 44 38 27 27










l Fam



Summer Family Camp Families (BY SITE) 2006-2012

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

TOTAL 115 142 107 107 135 101 117










l Cam



Summer Family Camp Families (TOTAL) 2006-2012