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CRJ336: Criminal Investigation Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: This is a 3-credit course, offered in accelerated format. This means that 16 weeks of material is covered in 8 weeks. The exact number of hours per week that you can expect to spend on each course will vary based upon the weekly coursework, as well as your study style and preferences. You should plan to spend 10-25 hours per week in each course reading material, interacting on the discussion boards, writing papers, completing projects, and doing research. Course Description and Outcomes This course explores the theory and practice of modern criminal investigation techniques. Topics include techniques and procedures for evidence collection, preservation, and presentation, as well as investigation resources, including crime laboratory and databases. Students explore current investigative techniques and tools applied in criminal investigations. In this course, real case studies are used to illustrate the investigative methods used by law enforcement agencies. The techniques and procedures for evidence collection are enhanced with photographs from crime scenes. You will have the opportunity to work on two cases. In one case, you will review and interpret evidence found at a crime scene. A case report is filed with a viable conclusion and motive for probable cause leading to the arrest of an offender. In the second case, you will investigate and analyze a real-word criminal case where legal procedures and protocols are examined. SAMPLE

CRJ336: Criminal Investigation SAMPLE - CSU-Global review and interpret evidence found at a crime scene. ... Documenting the Crime Scene: Note Taking, Photographing, and Sketching

May 17, 2018



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Page 1: CRJ336: Criminal Investigation SAMPLE - CSU-Global review and interpret evidence found at a crime scene. ... Documenting the Crime Scene: Note Taking, Photographing, and Sketching

CRJ336: Criminal Investigation

Credit Hours: 3

Contact Hours:

This is a 3-credit course, offered in accelerated format. This means that 16 weeks of material is covered in 8 weeks. The exact number of hours per week that you can expect to spend on each course will vary based upon the weekly coursework, as well as your study style and preferences. You should plan to spend 10-25 hours per week in each course reading material, interacting on the discussion boards, writing papers, completing projects, and doing research.

Course Description and Outcomes

This course explores the theory and practice of modern criminal investigation techniques. Topics include techniques and procedures for evidence collection, preservation, and presentation, as well as investigation resources, including crime laboratory and databases. Students explore current investigative techniques and tools applied in criminal investigations. In this course, real case studies are used to illustrate the investigative methods used by law enforcement agencies. The techniques and procedures for evidence collection are enhanced with photographs from crime scenes. You will have the opportunity to work on two cases. In one case, you will review and interpret evidence found at a crime scene. A case report is filed with a viable conclusion and motive for probable cause leading to the arrest of an offender. In the second case, you will investigate and analyze a real-word criminal case where legal procedures and protocols are examined.


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Program Specialization Outcomes:

1. Assess the importance of criminal investigative procedures. 2. Describe investigative techniques and tools applied in criminal investigations. 3. Understand legal requirements for activities in criminal investigation. 4. Describe steps and procedures used in crime scene investigations. 5. Explore various categories of criminal investigation and understand the differences

in criminal investigative processes.

Participation & Attendance

Prompt and consistent attendance in your online courses is essential for your success at CSU-Global Campus. Failure to verify your attendance within the first 7 days of this course may result in your withdrawal. If for some reason you would like to drop a course, please contact your advisor.

Online classes have deadlines, assignments, and participation requirements just like on-campus classes. Budget your time carefully and keep an open line of communication with your instructor. If you are having technical problems, problems with your assignments, or other problems that are impeding your progress, let your instructor know as soon as possible.

Course Materials

Textbook Information is located in the CSU-Global Booklist on the Student Portal.

Course Schedule

Due Dates The Academic Week at CSU-Global begins on Monday and ends the following Sunday.

• Discussion Boards: The original post must be completed by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. MT and Peer Responses posted by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT. Late posts may not be awarded points.

• Mastery Exercises: Students may access and retake mastery exercises through the last day of class until they achieve the scores they desire.

• Critical Thinking: Assignments are due Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT.

Week # Readings Assignments

1 • Chapter 1 in Criminal Investigation • PowerPoint for Chapter 1: Criminal Investigation: An

Overview from Criminal Investigation. • Julian, R., Kelty, S., & Robertson, J. (2012). "Get it right the

• Discussion (25 points) • Mastery (10 points) SAMPLE

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first time": Critical issues at the crime scene. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 24(1), 25-37.

2 • Chapters 2 & 3 in Criminal Investigation • PowerPoint for Chapter 2: Documenting the Crime Scene:

Note Taking, Photographing, and Sketching in Criminal Investigations.

• Colorado State University-Global Campus. (2013). Module 2 – Report writing [Schoology ecourse]. In CRJ336 Criminal Investigations. Greenwood Village, CO: Suboch, G. Retrieved from content/CRJ336/winter2013b/crj336_2/media/PDF_Mod2_reportwriting.pdf

• Discussion (25 points) • Mastery (10 points) • Critical Thinking (90


3 • Chapters 4 & 5 in Criminal Investigation • Colorado State University-Global Campus. (2013). Module 3

– The Fourth Amendment: What are your rights? [Schoology ecourse]. In CRJ336 Criminal Investigations. Greenwood Village, CO: Author. Retrieved from

• Colorado State University-Global Campus. (n.d.). Module 3 – The Fourth Amendment: Search and seizure [Schoology ecourse]. In CRJ336 Criminal Investigations. Greenwood Village, CO: Author. Retrieved from

• Discussion (25 points) • Mastery (10 points) • Critical Thinking (90

points) • Portfolio Deliverable

(100 points toward the final Portfolio grade.)

4 • Chapters 6 & 7 in Criminal Investigation • PowerPoint for Chapter 6: Obtaining information and

intelligence from Criminal Investigation. • Heuback, J. (2010). Suspect interrogation: Communication

strategies and key personality constructs. Advances in Communication Theory and Research, 3. Retrieved from

• Ury, A. B. (2009, June 8). Modern police interrogation techniques use subtle psychological manipulation. Retrieved from

• Discussion (25 points) • Mastery (10 points) • Critical Thinking (90


5 • Chapters 13 & 14 in Criminal Investigation • PowerPoint for Chapter 13: Burglary from Criminal


• Discussion (25 points) • Mastery (10 points) • Critical Thinking (95


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• PowerPoint for Chapter 14: Larceny/theft, fraud and white-collar crime from Criminal Investigation

• Colorado State University-Global Campus (n.d.). Module 5 – Burglary vs. robbery [Schoology ecourse]. In CRJ336 Criminal Investigations. Greenwood Village, CO: Suboch, G. Retrieved from


6 • Chapters 8 & 12 in Criminal Investigation • PowerPoint for Chapter 8: Death investigations from

Criminal Investigation. • Jain, N. (2013). Ante-Mortem dental records and forensic

significance. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 7(1), 42-44.

• Discussion (25 points) • Mastery (10 points) • Critical Thinking (95


7 • Chapters 18 & 20 in Criminal Investigation • PowerPoint for Chapter 20: Terrorism and homeland

security from Criminal Investigation. • National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United

States (2004). The 911 commission report. Retrieved from

• Discussion (25 points) • Mastery (10 points)

8 • Chapter 21 in Criminal Investigation • PowerPoint for Chapter 21: Preparing for and Presenting

Cases in Court from Criminal Investigation. • Wells, D. (n.d.). Law 101: Legal guide for the forensic expert.

Retrieved from

• Discussion (25 points) • Mastery (10 points) • Portfolio Project (350


Assignment Details

This course includes the following assignments/projects:

Module 1


There are two options available for your Portfolio Project. Go to the Module 8 folder, read both Portfolio Project descriptions, review the Portfolio Project Rubric, and then choose which project you want to work on as your Project Portfolio. Please do not do both projects; you only have to do one.

Module 2

CRITICAL THINKING ASSIGNMENT (90 points) Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission. When you are ready to submit, go to the Module 2 folder to upload the document.


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Assignment Option #1: Documentation of Evidence via Photography Crime scene photographs are very valuable in providing an overview of the layout of the scene and the location of physical evidence. Crime scene photos provide the most accurate depiction of the scene. Currently, there are two options for crime scene photography: 35mm film and digital photography. In 35mm photography the image is stored in film, whereas in digital photography, the image is stored on digital storage media and then downloaded into computer databases or stored on CDs or DVDs. Digital photography has been criticized because the images can be easily manipulated with computer software programs. Since crime scene photographs are introduced in court as evidence, the authenticity of digital images has become an issue of admissibility.

• Compare and contrast the admissibility of digital photographs to film-based photographs when introduced as evidence in criminal cases. Support your argument with peer-reviewed literature.

• What procedures can be implemented to ensure the authenticity and admissibility of digital images in court?

Your 2- to 3-page paper must use at least two outside sources besides the textbook and be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Your paper must also include a cover page and references page. Use the CSU-Global library to find references. Assignment Option #2: Effective Report Writing Report writing is a critical skill for all criminal justice professionals. Reports from accidents, crime scenes, and statements are a vital portion of an investigation. Cases can be won or lost based on reports; therefore, it behooves investigators to develop writing skills in order to be able to communicate clearly and effectively. In this critical thinking activity, you will delve into this vital portion of the criminal investigations process. You will take on the role of a police sergeant who is in charge of reviewing and approving reports before they become permanent record. You have been asked by your captain to provide training to new recruits on effective report writing based on a 6-slide PowerPoint presentation. You will analyze an actual police report and then make recommendations on what could be modified in the report. You will develop a 6-slide PowerPoint presentation as outlined below. This activity involves the following:

• Click on the link below to an actual police report from an incident that former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was involved in near Anchorage Alaska. Based on the material in this week’s module, perform a critical analysis and evaluate the officer’s documentation in the report.

• Develop 6 PowerPoint slides that show the relative strengths and weaknesses of this report. • Illustrate what areas are strong and what areas could be modified to make the report more

effective. Remember, your audience is new recruits, so be sure to develop your PowerPoint presentation accordingly. In your 6-slide PowerPoint presentation, you must support your claims with at least two references in addition to your textbook. Include a cover slide and references slide in addition to your other 6 slides. Your submission must be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Use the CSU-Global library to find references. SAMPLE

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Module 3

PORTFOLIO MILESTONE (worth 100 points toward the final Portfolio Project grade) Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission. Assignment Option #1: Search Warrant and Outline of Investigation

In this module, create a search warrant and outline as part of your Portfolio Project. To do this, read the Landfill Murder case in the Case Details document and each related PDF document. Then, download the template for the search warrant and fill in the provided information from the second document.

• Search warrant template • Information for the search warrant

Create an outline for your investigation using the case report template. Consider the following questions:

• What steps should be taken to identify the victim? • What forensic disciplines, databases, or other agencies can assist in the identification? • What can you learn from the evidence found in the landfill? • Who do you interview? • What can you learn from a neighborhood canvass? • What additional forensic testing do you request for which items of evidence? • How do you develop motive for the crime? • What information can you obtain from the projectile from the body?

Submit the assignment at the end of Module 3 for feedback. NOTE: The search warrant and outline component will be worth 100 points of the total 350 points for the Portfolio Project. Although you will not earn points in Module 3 for this deliverable, it is a required component of the Portfolio Project. You will lose points on your final project grade if you fail to submit this assignment as required by the end of this week. See the Portfolio Project grading rubric in the Module 8 folder for details. Assignment Option #2: Case Profile and Summary This week, you will choose and summarize a case that will be the focus of your investigation. Search the internet and locate a case on which you can obtain detailed investigative information. The websites below will give you some general places to start.

• •

Create a summary of the legal and investigative procedures that were followed in the case that you selected and provide techniques that you would recommend. Your instructor MUST approve your case prior to beginning any work on this for your Portfolio Project. For this deliverable, provide a 3- to 4-slide PowerPoint presentation of your case, including basic facts such as SAMPLE

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the crime committed, charges, sentencing, etc. Submit the assignment at the end of Module 3 for approval and feedback. NOTE: The case profile and summary component will be worth 100 points of the total 350 points for the Portfolio Project. Although you will not earn points in Module 3 for this deliverable, it is a required component of the Portfolio Project. You will lose points on your final project grade if you fail to submit this assignment as required by the end of this week. See the Portfolio Project grading rubric in the Module 8 folder for details.

Module 4

CRITICAL THINKING ASSIGNMENT (90 points) Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission. When you are ready to submit, go to the Module 4 folder to upload the document. Assignment Option #1: Should There Be Limits to Intelligence Gathering? Looking at the recent Boston Marathon bombings of April 15, 2013, the terrorists were identified through the camera footage from private businesses and the 911 call from the public. In a 2- to 3-page paper, please address the following questions:

• Do you think that more public surveillance cameras such as the ring of steel, a security and surveillance cordon surrounding the city of London, England, could prevent future arracks? Evaluate the effectiveness of this approach and create a list of pros and cons of implementing this strategy.

• Argue and defend what balance needs to be maintained between an individual’s right to privacy and the public interest when using surveillance? Support your argument with peer-reviewed literature. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find these resources.

Your 2- to 3-page paper must support your claims by at least two references in addition to your textbook. Your paper must also include a cover page and references page. Your submission must be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Use the CSU-Global library to find references. Assignment Option #2: International Interviewing and Interrogation: Creating Cultural Intelligence As you have learned in this module, interviews and interrogations are part science and part art. An effective investigator must be able to alter tactics and be “culturally intelligent” toward the particular subject he or she is focusing on. Having a thorough understanding of different cultural norms and beliefs will help the investigator build rapport, establish a connection, and better understand the individual subject, which will lead to more effective and successful interviews and interrogations. Click on the link below to the view the FBI’s Interrogation Manual on Cross-Cultural Interrogation. Focus on Chapter 5: Cultural and Motivational Issues, which outlines specific strategies for interviewing individuals of Arabic identity. Supervisory Special Agent of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division (2010). Cross Cultural, Rapport-Based Interrogation. Retrieved from fbi_interrogation_manual_cross-cultural_interrogation_2012.pdf SAMPLE

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Research and develop another set of dos and don’ts (similar to the FBI manual in Chapter 5) for another ethnic or religious group. In a 6-slide PowerPoint presentation, present your findings. Include a cover slide and references slide in addition to your other 6 slides. In your presentation, you must support your claims with at least two references in addition to your textbook. Your submission must be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Use the CSU-Global library to find references.

Module 5

CRITICAL THINKING ASSIGNMENT (95 points) Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission. When you are ready to submit, go to the Module 5 folder to upload the document. Assignment Option #1: The Dinnerset Burglaries Task Force In the last two months, numerous burglaries have been reported between the hours of 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights. The homes being burglarized are in an upscale community with river access. The burglars pried open the rear sliding glass doors to gain entry to the residence. Only expensive jewelry and perfumes were taken, while expensive electronic equipment remained untouched. You are assigned to join the task force called Dinnerset Burglaries. In a 2- to 3-page paper please answer the following questions:

• As the investigator in this case, what you can learn from analyzing the burglar’s modus operandi (MO)?

• Consider this MO and formulate an investigative opinion as to whether this MO can lead to a solid suspect identification. Why or why not?

Your 2- to 3-page paper must support your claims with at least two references in addition to your textbook. Your paper must also include a cover page and references page. Your submission must be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Use the CSU-Global library to find references. Assignment Option #2: The Challenges of Investigating Insurance Fraud Insurance fraud is a unique form of white collar crime that has been growing at an alarming rate. Current research suggests that this crime is the favored method of drug dealers, organized crime rings, and terrorists due to the high-reward, low-punishment structure. It is important for the effective investigator to have a keen understanding of the challenges that these investigations bring in order to increase the success rate of prosecution in these cases.

• Review the articles below, which summarize the recent indictment of a Connecticut-based attorney in an insurance fraud scam. Federal Bureau of Investigation (2014). Attorney admits role in extensive insurance fraud conspiracy. Retrieved from


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Wilson, J. (2013, July 31). Lawyer charged in accident injury ring. Hartford Courant. Retrieved from

• Compare investigative techniques and the tools needed in these contemporary insurance fraud cases as opposed to a “more traditional” burglary case. Be sure to include current technology and how this can be leveraged as part of an effective insurance fraud investigation.

• Compose a 6-slide PowerPoint presentation comparing and contrasting these two types of investigations and then design an investigative protocol (outlining the steps needed) for handling insurance fraud cases. Include a cover slide and references slide in addition to your other 6 slides.

Support your claims with at least two references in addition to your textbook. Your submission must be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Use the CSU-Global library to find references.

Module 6

CRITICAL THINKING ASSIGNMENT (95 points) Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission. When you are ready to submit, go to the Module 6 folder to upload the document. Assignment Option #1: Death Investigations Death investigations are difficult to conduct. There is a fine line between a homicide and a suicide, and the investigator needs to examine the evidence at the crime scene carefully. The final determination between homicide and suicide is made by the Medical Examiner after the autopsy. The Medical Examiner determines the cause and manner of death and the estimated time of death. Write a 2- to 3-page essay to include the following:

• Compare and contrast cause and manner of death and construct a list of the main differences between them.

• Describe the different mortis levels and what they reveal about the estimated time of death. • Formulate a strategy for other forensic methods that can be used to determine the time of

death. Your 2- to 3-page paper must support your claims by at least two references in addition to your textbook. Your paper must also include a cover page and references page. Your submission must be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements Use the CSU-Global library to find references. Assignment Option #2: Digital Breadcrumbs: How to Leverage Computers in Death Investigations In this module, we explored methods to conduct death investigations. In today’s computer era, many keen investigators need to be aware of and utilize technology as an investigative tool. Many criminals leave digital clues or breadcrumbs that often reveal information vital to the development of a case. View the videos and read the accompanying articles regarding the death of 22-month-old Cooper Harris in June of 2014. As lead investigator in this case, you need to present the pertinent digital evidence to the SAMPLE

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District Attorney. Conduct further research on this significant case and create a PowerPoint presentation outlining these key pieces of digital evidence. Be sure to consider the legal aspects of search and seizure in regard to this electronic evidence (do you have enough evidence to support a subpoena?). Karimi, F. & Pearson, M. (2014). Georgia toddler death: Who is Justin Ross Harris? Retrieved from Pearson, M. (2014). Hot-car death highlights key role of digital evidence (2014). Retrieved from In your 6-slide PowerPoint presentation, you must support your claims with at least two references in addition to your textbook. Include a cover slide and references slide in addition to your other 6 slides. Your submission must be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Use the CSU-Global library to find references.

Module 8

PORTFOLIO PROJECT (350 points) You have a choice between two Portfolio Projects. Do not do both projects. Identify your Portfolio Project choice in the title of your document. When you are ready to submit, go to the Module 8 folder to upload your Portfolio Project. The milestones in Weeks 3 and 4 apply to both assignments. Portfolio Project Option #1: Landfill Murder Case Portfolio Project Option #1 requires that you study the Landfill Murder Case and, in the role of leading investigator, solve the case using the criminal investigation procedures learned in this course and the forms and links provided in this document. There are several components to this project and one preliminary deliverable is due at the end of Week 3.

• Search Warrant and Outline (Week 3; 100 points toward your final Portfolio Project grade) Please read this entire description carefully before you begin.

• To access the details of the Landfill Murder Case, click here: CASE DETAILS Because writing a full case report is a very detailed and involved process, you will be working on it systematically throughout the course. Pay attention to the Portfolio Project milestone listed in Module 3. No points will be assigned for this milestone at the time of delivery, but points will be deducted from your final grade on the Portfolio Project if you fail to submit it in the module in which it is due (see the Portfolio Project Rubric). Additionally, pay attention to your instructor’s feedback on this deliverable because what you learn will help you fill out your final case report. In the conclusion portion of the case report, you should include a paragraph showing why you think Miller is guilty of the crime. If you require more direction, please contact your instructor for clarification. Use the tools provided in this document and information from the readings and lectures, as well as your common sense, to solve this case. Use this case report template and fill in the remaining sections using the information from the suspect, victim and witness and from the PDFs linked in this description. SAMPLE

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Please meet the following requirements in the final draft of your case report:

• The case report should be written in past tense and in chronological order. • Begin with the crime scene at the landfill and continue through your investigation. • In the conclusion section of the case report, write one paragraph about the motive and

the probable cause that led to the arrest of the offender. • Interpret the physical evidence and the lab test results (from Module 5) and include

your findings in the case report. • It should turn out to be about 5 pages with all required information included.

Your report is due by the end of Week 8. Ensure it is well crafted, free of errors, and clearly organized. Week 3 Deliverable (100 points applied toward your final portfolio grade) A search warrant and outline is due in Week 3. Submit your search warrant and be sure to touch base with your instructor early in the week if you have any questions or concerns about this assignment. NOTE: Although you will not earn points in Week 3 for this deliverable, it is a required component of the Portfolio Project, and you will lose points on your final project grade if you fail to submit this assignment as required by the end of Week 3. Portfolio Project Option #2: Real World Criminal Case Investigation and Analysis For Portfolio Project Option 2, you will choose a real-world criminal case that has been investigated and prosecuted. There are several components to this project and one preliminary deliverable is due by the end of Week 3. In this project, you will conduct a thorough review of the investigative and legal procedures that were performed and critically analyze these procedures and protocols. Feel free to choose from a variety of cases (murder, cybercrime, white collar crime, etc.), but keep in mind that your instructor must approve your case prior to starting work. Based on the investigative and legal principles reviewed in this course, make an assessment and provide recommendations as to whether proper procedure was followed. Furthermore, indicate specific investigative techniques that you would recommend that were not utilized at all or were performed ineffectively. Finally, you will analyze the role that the media plays in criminal investigations. Studies have revealed that the “CSI effect” is a legitimate concern for those in the criminal investigations field. Specifically, this phenomenon explores how the media helps to shape, both positively and negatively, public opinion concerning a criminal case. As a second component of your final project, you will be analyzing the media’s influence on the investigation and outcome of the case. You will present your findings in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. Utilize all of the skills and techniques that are presented in all eight class modules. Review the following two articles, which present specifics pertaining to the “CSI effect” and how the media can affect real-world courtroom decisions. Use the elements in these articles as a foundation for this final project. SAMPLE

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Rath, A. (2011, February 5). Is the ‘CSI effect’ influencing courtrooms? Retrieved from Shelton, D. E. (2008). The ‘CSI effect’: Does it really exist? National Institute of Justice, 29. Retrieved from There are six main areas that must be addressed in this final project and in the final PowerPoint.

1) CASE PROFILE: 1-2 PowerPoint slides. Choose a case that will be the focus of your investigation. This is delivered in Module 3. Search the internet and locate a case on which you can obtain detailed investigative information. Your profile should include facts such as the crime committed, charges, sentencing, etc. The websites below will give you some general places to start. NOTE: Your instructor MUST approve your case prior to beginning any work on this project.

2) INVESTIGATIVE ANALYSIS: 3 PowerPoint Slides In this section critically examine the investigative techniques and tools utilized by the investigators in your case. Be sure to use all of the concepts discussed in the course as the foundation of your analysis. The following course topics should be considered in your analysis: first responders, securing the scene, note taking, crime scene photography, crime scene sketching, report writing, evidence documentation, witnesses, interview and interrogations, and intelligence collection.

3) LEGAL ANALYSIS: 3 PowerPoint Slides Analyze and evaluate the legal issues pertaining to the case. Research and critically analyze the legal procedures that were followed in your case and then assess their effectiveness. In your analysis, be sure to address such legal topics as search and seizure, warrants, searches, physical evidence, chain of custody, Miranda rights and identification and arrest of the suspect.

4) CONTEMPORARY CASE ANALYSIS: 3 PowerPoint Slides Consider new forensic technology since your case was investigated and recommend several new techniques that could have affected the outcome of the case. Be sure to consider contemporary approaches such as social media searching and investigations; DNA; digital forensics in the form of ATM, credit card, and smartphone tracking; forensic visualization and the use of 3D animation; data mining; GPS locators; new fingerprint databases and procedures; and new camera technology.

5) MEDIA ANALYSIS: 3 PowerPoint Slides Review the two articles on the “CSI effect” in these instructions and research and evaluate if the media played a role in the outcome of your case. Make sure you consider the balance between the media’s First Amendment guarantee to free speech and the police department’s right to conduct a thorough investigation.

6) RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION: 2 PowerPoint Slides This is where you get to show off your skills! In this final section, provide a summary evaluation of the investigative and legal procedures that were followed in your case and then list what new procedures you would recommend. Be sure to use course concepts in your answer. Your project should be approximately 16 PowerPoint slides in length and be supported by at least 5 outside sources. It must also include cover and references slides. Content must be well written and


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formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find resources. Your final PowerPoint is due by the end of Module 8. Ensure it is well crafted, free of errors, and clearly organized. Week 3 Deliverable (100 points applied toward your final portfolio grade) A case profile and summary of the investigative procedures used in the case is due in Module 3. Submit your profile selection in 3-4 PowerPoint slides, and be sure to touch base with your instructor early in the week if you have any questions or concerns about this assignment. Your instructor MUST approve your case prior to beginning any work on this project. NOTE: Although you will not earn points in Week 3 for this deliverable, it is a required component of the Portfolio Project, and you will lose points on your final project grade if you fail to submit this assignment as required by the end of Week 3.

Course Policies

Course Grading

Course Grading 20% Discussion Participation 0% Opening Exercises 0% Live Classroom 8% Mastery Exercises 37% Critical Thinking Assignments 35% Final Portfolio Paper

Grading Scale and Policies

A 95.0 – 100

A- 90.0 – 94.9

B+ 86.7 – 89.9

B 83.3 – 86.6

B- 80.0 – 83.2

C+ 75.0 – 79.9

C 70.0 – 74.9

D 60.0 – 69.9

F 59.9 or below

In-Classroom Policies For information on late work and incomplete grade policies, please refer to our In-Classroom Student Policies and Guidelines or the Academic Catalog for comprehensive documentation of CSU-Global institutional policies. Academic Integrity SAMPLE

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Students must assume responsibility for maintaining honesty in all work submitted for credit and in any other work designated by the instructor of the course. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, plagiarism, reusing /re-purposing your own work (see CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements for percentage of repurposed work that can be used in an assignment), unauthorized possession of academic materials, and unauthorized collaboration. The CSU-Global Library provides information on how students can avoid plagiarism by understanding what it is and how to use the Library and Internet resources. Citing Sources with APA Style All students are expected to follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements when citing in APA (based on the APA Style Manual, 6th edition) for all assignments. For details on CSU-Global APA style, please review the APA resources within the CSU-Global Library under the “APA Guide & Resources” link. A link to this document should also be provided within most assignment descriptions on your course’s Assignments page. Disability Services Statement

CSU–Global is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. Any student with a documented disability requesting academic accommodations should contact the Disability Resource Coordinator at 720-279-0650 and/or email [email protected] for additional information to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.

Netiquette Respect the diversity of opinions among the instructor and classmates and engage with them in a courteous, respectful, and professional manner. All posts and classroom communication must be conducted in accordance with the student code of conduct. Think before you push the Send button. Did you say just what you meant? How will the person on the other end read the words? Maintain an environment free of harassment, stalking, threats, abuse, insults or humiliation toward the instructor and classmates. This includes, but is not limited to, demeaning written or oral comments of an ethnic, religious, age, disability, sexist (or sexual orientation), or racist nature; and the unwanted sexual advances or intimidations by email, or on discussion boards and other postings within or connected to the online classroom. If you have concerns about something that has been said, please let your instructor know.