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The project is funded under Socioeconomic Sciences & Humanities grant agreement no. 224516 and is led by the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP) at the University of Dundee and includes the following partners: University of Dundee, Clingendael International Energy Programme, Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, ENERDATA, Raw Materials Group, University of Westminster, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Gulf Research Centre Foundation, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Osrodek Studiow Wschodnich. POLINARES is a project designed to help identify the main global challenges relating to competition for access to resources, and to propose new approaches to collaborative solutions POLINARES working paper n. 31 March 2012 Critical minerals for the EU By Henrike Sievers, Bram Buijs and Luis Tercero

Critical minerals for the EU - Fraunhofer ISI€¦ · considered bauxite, chromium and platinum as critical to the U.S. economy. The report Strategic Critical Nonfuel Minerals: Problems

Jun 05, 2020



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Page 1: Critical minerals for the EU - Fraunhofer ISI€¦ · considered bauxite, chromium and platinum as critical to the U.S. economy. The report Strategic Critical Nonfuel Minerals: Problems

The project is funded under Socio‐economic Sciences & Humanities grant agreement no. 224516 and is led by the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP) at the University of Dundee and includes the following partners: University of Dundee, Clingendael International Energy Programme, Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, ENERDATA, Raw Materials Group, University of Westminster, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Gulf Research Centre Foundation, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Osrodek Studiow Wschodnich. 

POLINARES is a project designed to help identify the main global challenges relating to competition for access to resources, and to propose new approaches to collaborative solutions

POLINARES working paper n. 31 March 2012

Critical minerals for the EU

By Henrike Sievers, Bram Buijs and Luis Tercero

Page 2: Critical minerals for the EU - Fraunhofer ISI€¦ · considered bauxite, chromium and platinum as critical to the U.S. economy. The report Strategic Critical Nonfuel Minerals: Problems

POLINARES D2.1 – Potential sources of competition, tension and conflict and potential solutions

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© POLINARES Consortium 2012

19 Critical minerals for the EU

Henrike Sievers, Bram Buijs, Luis Tercero

Even if geological constraints do not account for future supply shortages and no physical

scarcity is foreseeable, there might be supply risks in the future, possibly leading to a

relative scarcity. The main risks for EU’s future raw materials supply originate from

other factors than the natural abundance of resources. The availability of natural

resources needed for the European economy might be linked to geopolitical factors, such

as the political stability of the producing countries, company and country concentration,

social issues, trade distortions and lack of investments in exploration, mining and


The European Commission published a study on “Critical raw materials for the EU”1.

In the report “geological scarcity is not considered as an issue for determining criticality

of raw materials within the considered time horizon of the study”. Changes in the

geopolitical-economic framework impact on the global raw material supply and demand

are regarded as the most important.

The next chapter will summarize and evaluate the main aspects of the EU study, which

is the most recent one in a row of several criticality assessments from different countries

(USA, UK etc.).

19.1 Historical background and introduction to resource criticality studies

In recent times concerns are running high again with regard to possible scarcities of natural

resources. Faced with the current concerns about supply shortages, it is important to realize

that such concerns are a recurring theme throughout history, resurfacing mostly in response to

tight market conditions and increasingly high prices.

For an important part, the fundamental cause for this recurrence lies in the characteristics of

the resource extraction industry. The high investment costs and long lead times for new

supplies to come on stream - typical of most of the energy and mineral mining sector - means

that there is a slow and inelastic response to changes in demand and price, often leading to a

pattern of ‘hog cycles’ of market slumps and price spikes.

Looking into the history of the energy and mineral mining sectors illustrates such market

cycles and the corresponding political cycles of attention, concern and tension over resource

1 ”Critical raw materials for the EU”. European Commission, Enterprise and Industry Directorate General, June


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availability. In addition, such cycles also cause shifts in the balance of bargaining power

between consumer and producer countries, as well as host governments and companies

involved in resource extraction, denoted by the obsolescing bargain principle. Related to this,

these industry cycles also go quite some way in explaining the periodic resurgence of resource

nationalism, as the increasing monetary value of extracted resources inherently has led to a

greater politicization of control over them.

The essential concerns have mostly remained the same throughout history, focusing on the

(potential) impact of accidental or intended supply disruptions on the economy, as far as its

dependency upon certain imported materials is concerned.

Energy resources have always attracted a specific strategic interest, due to their very clear and

huge impact on the functioning of the general economy, high value and the lack of

substitutability in even the medium or long term. Specifically, oil and gas have been treated

with much concern, due the (perceived) limitations of expanding and diversifying supplies,

whereas coal and uranium have led to less political tensions due to a wider resource base and

a diversified field of producers.

Concerning mineral resources, concerns about specific raw materials have fluctuated very

much with market circumstances and have seen changing sets of raw materials that were

thought be critical at certain times in history, by certain countries. A couple of examples can

serve as an illustration:

1975 the European Community published a communication on the security of the

community’s raw material supply [1]. It states that, though a geological scarcity is not

foreseeable, the supply with raw materials is of high importance for the future. Risks for

supply bottlenecks were seen in Europe’s import dependence, the concentration of production

in unstable countries, the nationalization of mining companies and the increasing tendency to

process raw materials in the producer countries. Several measures are proposed to counteract

possible supply shortages: stockpiling of raw materials, long term supply contracts and the

exploitation of European resources. Recycling, substitution, efficiency, longer product

lifetime and supporting research activities are mentioned as supporting measures.

The Commission states that the problem exceeds the national frame of the member states and

that therefore a common solution of all European states should be aimed at. It suggests

creating a body within the Community that pools knowledge and information on raw

materials. It emphasizes that only with a systematically organized, close collaboration of all

relevant disciplines the knowledge base can be created, which is needed to shape a European

resource policy. 1975 raw materials of concern for European countries were aluminum,

chromium, copper, tin, iron ore, manganese, platinum, tungsten, zinc and phosphates.

The Study of Ad Hoc Group Established by NSSM 197 / CIEPSM 33 in the mid 1970s also

considered bauxite, chromium and platinum as critical to the U.S. economy.

The report Strategic Critical Nonfuel Minerals: Problems and Policy Alternatives (1983) by

the U.S. Congressional Budget Office states in that the US dependence on raw material

imports might be a problem. The study on strategic and critical minerals identified chromium,

cobalt, manganese and platinum-group metals (PGMs) as critical to the US economy.

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According to Humphreys (1995) the end of the Cold War changed the political perception of

resource security in the 80s and 90s. After the end of the Cold War concerns over the security

of resource supply became less important. The notion that a free, globalized market will

provide sufficient raw materials and that an active resource policy is not needed anymore

prevailed. Instead of discussions on supply security environmental and social aspects gained

attention and were included in laws.

During the Cold War the thinking in blocks (spheres of influence) prevailed and there was a

tendency towards raw material subsistence within these blocks.

While centrally planned economies were more or less self sufficient, the western countries already in those days were heavily reliant on imported metals from the developing economies. Interregional raw material flows were restricted by the political

conditions. After the Cold War had ended interregional trade flows increased and a real

globalization of the raw material supply took place. The changes also led to the end of local

price regimes and were replaced especially by the trade of metallic raw materials at the LME.

States increasingly withdraw their activities from the resource sector and a number of former

state companies were privatized in the 90s (CVRD in Brazil; Cerro Verde and Tintaya in Peru

etc.). Exploration activities of the mining companies, for a long time focused on Australia,

Canada and the USA, now were directed to other regions, especially South America.

During this period China becomes a major raw material exporting country. Partly raw

materials formerly produced in western industrialized countries, were now produced in China

(e.g. RE).

Since the turn of the millennium China’s demand for resources increased sharply. While the

demand for e.g. the internationally traded iron ore grew at 2.2% between 1980 and 2000, an

annual increase of 8.2% between 2000 and 2008 [3].

The increase in demand for nickel and copper from 2000 to 2008 was driven nearly entirely

by China. China also accounted for about two-thirds of the global increase in demand for

aluminium and steel during that period2.

As another example, in 1997 China consumed about 10% of the global iron ore and zinc

production. Ten years later, in 2007, the country’s consumption had increased to about 45%

of the global iron ore production and about 40% of the zinc production. It is obviously a key

imperative for China to supply its domestic industries with the resources it needs, and Chinese

companies have stepped up their global investment in mining projects. These activities are

supported by the Chinese government and are partly undertaken by state-controlled

companies. In the new millennium China became the biggest raw material consuming

country. To supply its domestic industries with the resources needed, China imposes export

quotas, duties and subsidies. Chinese companies invest globally in mining projects. Those

activities are supported by the Chinese government, if they are not state controlled companies

anyway. From 2005 on the increasing demand for raw materials led to a sharp increasing of

prices, which only came to an end by the global financial crisis in 2008 when the raw material

prices crashed. Since 2009 the prices recovered again and partly reached new record highs.

2 David Humphreys, “The Great Metals Boom: A Retrospective”, Resources Policy, Volume 35, No. 1. ISSN


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The increasing demands of China for raw materials, coupled with protectionist measures and

securing the access to resources in foreign countries, evoke concerns over the security of the

supply with resources in the EU and other industrialized countries. The EU as well as it’s the

member states are paying attention to the topic of raw material supply security (publishing

studies, resource strategies, programs to increase the resource efficiency etc.). In 2010 the

European Commission published a report on critical raw materials, which classifies 14.

From state engagement in the resource sector in the 70s as a result of the discussion on supply

security against the background of the political conditions of the Cold War, and a company

dominated free, globalized market in the 90s, at the end of the 2000s the pendulum seems to

swing back towards increasing state engagement at least in the discussion raw material needs

and supply. This might at the end lead to an increasing state control or influence on the

resource sector.

The development of the cyclical periods of state involvement in and withdrawal from the

resource sector was also described in detail in Work Package 1 of the EU FP7 POLINARES

project, described as the ‘regime approach’ (see Figure 1).

Since contemporary concerns show such strong similarities with earlier periods, it is

worthwhile to briefly analyse the historical development of the thinking about critical


An explanation of the change in the political attention to resource policy between the 1970s

and late 2000s is given in various accounts3. First, the end of the Cold War changed the

political perception of resource security in the 1980s and 1990s. After the Cold War, with the

hope of more markets opening, concerns about the security of resource supply became less

urgent. The notion that a free, globalised market would provide sufficient raw materials and

that an active resource policy was no longer necessary, prevailed. Instead of supply security,

discussions on environmental and social aspects gained attention and were included in laws.

During the Cold War, regions were divided into blocs (spheres of influence). Inter-regional

raw material flows were restricted by the political conditions, and as such there was a

tendency towards raw materials independence within these blocs. After the Cold War ended,

inter-regional trade flows increased and a true globalisation of the raw materials supply took

place4. The changes also led to the end of local price regimes, which were replaced by the

trade of metallic raw materials at the London Metal Exchange. States increasingly withdrew

their activities from the resource sector, and a number of former state companies were

privatised in the ‘90s5. Exploration activities of the mining companies, for a long time focused

on Australia, Canada and the US, were now directed to other regions, especially South

America. For new energy investments, Russia and Central Asia were favoured destinations.

3 See, for instance: David Humphreys, “Whatever Happened to Security of Supply? Minerals Policy in the Post-

Cold War World”, Resources Policy, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 91-97. 1995; David Humphreys, “Minerals: Industry

History and Fault Lines of Conflict”, September 2010, Briefing Paper part of Work Package 1 of the

POLINARES project. Available online at: 4 David Humphreys, “Whatever Happened to Security of Supply? Minerals Policy in the Post-Cold War World”,

Resources Policy, Vol. 21, No. 2, 1995, pp. 91-97. 5 E.g. CVRD in Brazil, Cerro Verde and Tintaya in Peru.

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Another major shift that began at this time was the growth of China into a key raw materials

consuming and producing country. Some raw materials formerly produced in Western

industrialised countries were now produced in China (including, for instance, rare earths).

China’s increasing demand for raw materials, the country’s protectionist measures and steps

toward securing access to foreign resources, has recently evoked concerns in other countries

about the security of their own resource supplies. The EU and its member states are paying

attention to the topic through studies, resource strategies and programmes which have the goal

of increasing resource efficiency. In 2010 the European Commission published a report on

critical raw materials, which classifies 14 materials as critical6. Furthermore, in 2011 the

Commission published a communication on raw materials that states: “The EU will actively

pursue a ‘raw materials diplomacy’ with a view to securing access to raw materials, in

particular the critical ones, through strategic partnerships and policy dialogues”. 7


countries, such as Japan and South Korea, are also looking for ways to address their resource

dependence and support their industries in order to secure their access to raw materials

sources abroad.

Overarching regimePolitical regimes Minerals

Great powers North-South relations Minerals regimes Mineral conflict


Imperial Liberalism British hegemony

Imperialism& colonialism

Colonial Colonial impostition, inter-imperial rivalry








Mercantalism/war economy

European rivalry







Interventionism & socialism

US-Soviet Rivalry

Decolonialism, South resurgence

Decolonialisation, Cold War


W-E, N-S conflict







Liberal capitalism Neolib./S.retreat

Liberalism MNCs rise1985


US hegemony1995


economies, resource


Emerging state companies


2010State capitalism Rise of Brics

South & Emerging countries rise2015


6 European Commission, Critical raw materials for the EU, Report of the Ad-hoc Working Group on defining

critical raw materials, 30 July 2010. Available online at:

materials/files/docs/report-b_en.pdf. 7 Communication by the European Commission, “Tackling the Challenges in the Commodity Markets and in

Raw Materials”. COM(2011) 25 final, Brussels, 2 February 2011.

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Figure 1: Regimes relevant to the resource sector and overarching regimes according to POLINARES

WP1 (POLINARES, 2010).8

State engagement in the resource sector, set against the background of the political conditions

of the Cold War and the concern about supply security in the ‘70s, was followed by a

company-dominated, free, globalised market in the ‘90s. Yet at the end of the 2000s the

pendulum seems to be swinging back towards increasing state engagement, at least in the

discussions about raw material needs and supply. This might lead to an increasing state

control or influence over the resource sector. The development of the cyclical periods of state

involvement in and withdrawal from the resource sector was also described in detail in Work

Package 1 of the EU FP7 POLINARES project, described as the ‘regime approach’ (see

Figure 1).

In recent years there has been an increasing trend towards trying to quantify the supply risks

and (economic) impact of supply disruptions of certain materials. This has led to the use of

indicators, for instance the Human Development Index or World Bank’s Worldwide

Governance Indicator as a measure of political stability and the potential for supply

disruptions. As for the economic impact of certain minerals, estimates are often made by

means of calculating the value of the products or overall industry sectors dependent upon a

certain material, adjusting for the potential of substitution or increased resource efficiency.

Material Security. Ensuring resource availability for the UK economy (2008):

Critical minerals: Gold, rhodium, platinum, strontium, silver, antimony and tin.

Methodology: selected out of 69 ‘insecure materials’ – mainly metals on the basis of 8 criteria

involving global consumption levels, lack of substitutability, global warming potential (due to

extraction), total material requirement (indicating environmental impact), scarcity

(physical/absolute), monopoly supply, political instability (of major producers) and climate

change vulnerability (of producer regions).

Minerals, Critical Minerals, and the U.S. Economy (2007):

Critical Minerals: Indium, Manganese, Niobium, Platinum-Group Metals (PGMs), Rare

Earths (RE).

Methodology: These 4 most critical minerals are shortlisted out of a selection of 11 minerals

(including also: copper, gallium, indium, lithium, tantalum, titanium and vanadium), on the

basis of two criteria: the impact of supply restriction (based on the fundamental importance of

the material in certain industry sector and the difficulty, expense and time of finding a suitable

substitute) and the supply risk (based strong import dependency on a dominant supplier).

Critical Materials Strategy (2010) by the U.S. Department of Energy:

Critical Minerals: Five Rare Earth elements (Dysprosium, Neodymium, Terbium, Europium

and Yttrium) and Indium.

Methodology: selected out of 14 minerals on the basis of two criteria: supply risk and

importance to clean energy technologies.

Critical Raw Materials for the EU (2010) by Ad-hoc Working Group on Defining Critical

Raw Materials and European Commission:

8 POLINARES, “Framework for understanding the sources of conflict and tension”, Work Package 1, internal

project document, April 2010. For POLINARES related research and document, see:

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Critical minerals: antimony, beryllium, cobalt, fluorspar, gallium, germanium, graphite,

indium, magnesium, niobium, platinum-group metals (PGMs), rare earths (REs), tantalum,


Methodology: selected out of 41 minerals on the basis of two criteria: risks of supply

shortages and the economic impact. Two types of risk are considered: ‘supply risk’ (based on

political-economic stability of producer countries, level of concentration of production in

certain countries, potential for substitution and recycling rate) and ‘environmental country

risk’ (based on risks due to weak environmental performance of producer countries that might

endanger the supply of raw materials).

It is important to make a few observations here on these methodologies.

First, the quantification methods for determining a certain shortlist of ‘critical minerals’

depend very much on the specific calculation methods and thresholds that are being used, as

illustrated by the examples listed above. For instance, both the EU and the US reports use the

aspects ‘supply risk’ and ‘economic importance’ to classify the raw materials. The EU report

on defining critical raw materials defines a material as critical when “the risks of supply

shortage and their impacts on the economy are higher than for most of the other raw

materials”9: i.e. a relative ranking. A threshold was then selected to define a criticality region,

in which the raw materials exhibit comparatively high supply risks and economic importance.

Note that there is no unambiguous procedure to set the thresholds, which in fact are the

product of a decision rather than a calculation.

Secondly, the methods used rely on a set of indicators which were chosen to describe the

potential problems related to certain raw materials, such as the concentration of production,

political stability, import dependence, environmental issues, etc. Analysing such resource

criticality is usually based on annual data for the indicators used and thus only represents the

situation for the reference year. Since values can change in a relatively short time (e.g.

declining political stability) or gradually over decades (e.g. by concentration tendencies),

these models might give hints to possible short-term supply bottlenecks but cannot be used for

long-term scenarios. An illustrative example can be seen in Figure 2, which shows the

changes in producing country concentration (measured by the Herfindahl-Hirschmann-Index)

and in political and economic stability (measured by production-weighted World Governance

Indicators) for tantalum and other selected metals between 1996 and 2009.

Studies from the ‘70s and ‘80s in fact followed a similar approach to recent studies. When

comparing old and new criticality studies it becomes clear that although the raw materials

regarded as critical have changed over the past decades according to technological and

economic development trends, the way of looking at the problem has remained the same.

Over the long term the minerals identified as critical have almost never caused severe supply

shortages, and in recent studies most of them are no longer regarded as critical. Employing

this indicator-based method implies that the resulting lists of critical raw materials represent

only a snapshot of a dynamic system. These results can thus hardly serve as predictive


Consequently, the resulting list might not capture all the potential problems. Whereas the

generally accepted indicators certainly give some idea about potential risks, they may

9 European Commission, Critical raw materials for the EU, Report of the Ad-hoc Working Group on defining

critical raw materials, 30 July 2010, p. 23.

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highlight some materials which are in fact not likely to cause any great problems that the

market is not able to solve in the short or medium term, whereas they might miss some other

issues that could eventually become major sources of political or economic tension.

Figure 2: Evolution of tantalum, highlighted among some other minerals, in terms of producing country

concentration (measured by the Herfindahl-Hirschmann-Index) and the political and economic stability of

producer countries (measured by production-weighted World Governance Indicators) between 1996 and

2009, (Source: Fraunhofer ISI / based on data from the BGR database and World Bank (data)).10

19.2 Criticality assessment for the European Union

Diverse nations and regions have conducted assessments into how “critical” non-energy raw

materials are for their respective economies. Critical raw materials are generally identified by

using a simultaneous assessment of economic importance of the raw materials and perceived

risks arising from the use/dependence on these raw materials. Because of the direct relevance

to the POLINARES project, the recent criticality assessment conducted for the European

Union is briefly described in the following sections. This assessment was conducted by an

Ad-hoc Working Group within the framework of the EU Raw Materials Initiative with

participation of BGR and Fraunhofer ISI, parallel to the work for POLINARES.

19.2.1 Defining criticality The Ad hoc Working Group on defining critical raw materials defines a material as critical

when “the risks of supply shortage and their impacts on the economy are higher than for most

of the other raw materials.”2In practice, this means that a relative ranking of non-energy raw


This graph has been prepared by Luis Tercero Espinoza from Fraunhofer ISI, and has been used in the

presentation ‘Defining Critical Raw Materials’by the authors at the POLINARES WP 2 Thematic Workshop in

Paris, 1 June 2011. Available online at: .

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materials in the two selected dimensions (economic importance and supply risk)11


prepared. A threshold was then selected to define a criticality region, as shown in Figure 3,

where the raw materials exhibit comparatively high supply risks and economic importance.

Note that there is no unambiguous procedure to set the thresholds, which in fact are the

product of a decision and not of calculation.

Figure 3: Schematic representation of the criticality concept as used by the Ad-hoc Working Group on

defining critical raw materials for the EU using the indicators “economic importance” and “supply risks”

(including substitutability and recycling).

19.2.2 Methodology Economic importance

Because the value of a raw material to the economy far surpasses the value of the raw material

itself, the working group assessed the economic importance of non-energy raw materials by

the value of the products that depend on these. In order to do this, the end uses for each raw

material were identified along with the corresponding percent of net demand. In a second

step, each end-use was assigned to a “megasector”, defined by a collection of related NACE

sectors at the three and four digit level, as outlined in table 1. The assignment was done as far

down the value chain as possible. The value of each megasector was accounted for in terms of

gross value added as published by Eurostat in the Structural Business Statistics database.


We note that the assessment also included an indicator of the environmental performance of the producing

countries, but the inclusion of this indicator did not change the results of the exercise because of the strong

correlation with the indicators of supply risk (see Methodology, below).

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Table 1: Summary of “megasectors” as used in the calculation of economic importance (as used in the EU

study “Critical Raw materials to the EU”)

Megasector Short description

Aeronautics, trains,


Ships and boats, railway, tramway locomotives, rolling stock, aircraft and spacecraft.

Beverages Beverage industry in general (not agriculture).

Chemicals Production of organic and inorganic chemicals.

Construction material Ceramic tiles, bricks, concrete, cement, plaster, building stone, metal structures and

parts of structures, builders' carpentry and joinery of metal, ceramic household and

ornamental articles, etc.

Electrical equipment Electric motors, generators and transformers, electricity distribution and control

apparatus, insulated wire and cable, lighting equipment and electric lamps, household

electrical equipment.

Electronics & ICT Office machinery and computers, accumulators, primary cells and batteries,

electronic components, television, radio transmitters and sound or video equipment,

telephony, medical equipment, industrial process control equipment, optical

instruments, etc.

Food Food processing in general (not agriculture).

Mechanical equipment Mechanical power equipment (except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines) including

e.g. engines and turbines, pumps and compressors, taps and valves, driving elements,

non-domestic cooling and ventilation equipment, machine tools, machinery for

diverse purposes and non-electric domestic appliances.

Metals Smelting and refining of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, including casting and

shaping into containers, wiring, etc.; powder metallurgy; treatment and coating of

metals; recycling of metal waste and scrap.

Mining of metal


Ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

Other final

consumer goods

Furniture, cutlery, tools and general hardware, tools, locks and hinges, musical

instruments, sports goods, games and toys, jewellery and related articles, coins.

Paper Pulp, paper and paperboard, corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of

paper and paperboard, household and sanitary goods, paper stationary, wall paper,


Pastic, glass, rubber Rubber tyres and tubes, other rubber products plastic plates, sheets, tubes and

profiles, plastic packing goods, flat & hollow glass, glass fibres, technical glassware,

abrasive products.

Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals in general, including preparations for dentistry.

Refining Refining of petroleum and processing of nuclear fuel.

Road transport Agricultural tractors, electrical equipment for engines and vehicles, motor vehicles,

trailers and semitrailers, parts and accessories for motor vehicles, motorcycles and


The aggregation of the values was done as follows: let the share of net use of raw material i

be denoted isA, and let the value of the corresponding using megasector be denoted by sQ


then the relative economic importance of the raw material, iEI, can be aggregated by the


1i is s



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where the gross domestic product of the EU is taken as a common denominator. Note that

1isiA . In words, the economic importance is the weighted sum of the gross value added

of the megasectors consuming a given raw material, using the share of net consumption in

each megasector as the weight of the megasector in the sum; this sum is then divided by the

European GDP. Therefore, the quantity iEI seeks to characterize the economic impact of a

sudden supply stop, assuming this leads to a complete stop of production in the affected

megasectors. While this is an overestimation, the Working Group deemed this to be the most

pragmatic way of assessing economic impact in face of the data limitations.

19.2.3 Supply risks The risks in supply were considered to arise from a combination of several factors, namely:

1. lack of substitutes,

2. low recycling rates,

3. high concentration of producing countries, and

4. poor governance of the producing countries.

These four risks are brought together into a single indicator, denoted iSR, calculated as


1i i i WGISR HHI

where i accounts for the substitutability of the raw material, i is the fraction of demand

that is currently met by recycling, and WGIHHI simultaneously characterizes the concentration

of production at the country level and the governance in those countries. These three

components are explained in more detail below. Notice that, according to this methodology,

low substitutability and recycling rates as well as concentration of production in few countries

with poor governance all increase the supply risks. Thus, it is not possible to see which

combination of factors led to a particular result without considering the components of the

equation separately. Concentration of production at the level of countries

The last term in the equation above characterizes both the concentration of production at the

country level and the governance in those countries. This is done by modifying the

Herfindahl-Hirschmann-Index in two ways: (1) by performing the calculations using

production at a country level instead of at a company level, and (2) by multiplying the share

of production of each country by its score in the World Governance Index, published

regularly by the World Bank.12

This index includes six categories: voice and accountability,

political stability, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law, and control of

corruption. The calculation of this index then takes the form:


WGI ic cc


where cWGI is the World Governance Index score of country c and icS

is the percent share

of country c in world production of raw material i .


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© POLINARES Consortium 2012 Import dependence

Note that the approach described above excludes the degree of import dependence of the EU.

Nevertheless, this indicator was calculated on the basis of EU production data and official

trade statistics obtained from Eurostat and the United Nations (UN comtrade).

The trade codes used for this were selected as close to the raw material as possible, i.e. ores

and concentrates instead of semi-finished products. The list of codes was then expanded

according to the input from experts from within the Working Group or contacted by members

of the Working Group. Despite these efforts, it was not possible to establish a homogeneous

data quality across all raw materials, especially for those traded in small quantities such as

gallium or tantalum.

Nevertheless, the collected data on import dependence is useful because different measures

can be applied by the European Commission inside the EU than outside of it, where

alternatives are more restricted. Thus, import dependence was included in the report though it

was not used to measure supply risks. The role of recycling

The risks assigned to the producing countries do not apply to material recycled within the EU.

Assuming this production to be riskless, the factor 1 i serves to scale the risk of primary

production to account for recycling. At the extreme, if the recycling rate is zero, the risks of

primary production apply to the entire supply of raw material i . The higher the fractional

recycling rate, the smaller the term 1 i becomes, reflecting that the risks associated with

primary production do not affect the entire supply of the raw material considered. This

relation is presented schematically in figure 4. Notice that this assessment only considered

recycling from old scrap in the calculation of supply risk.

Figure 4: Schematic representation (not to scale) of recycling as included in the EU criticality exercise: only

recycling from old scrap was considered in the calculation of supply risk. Accounting for substitutability of raw materials

Raw materials are used in products to provide a function. Thus, it is possible to substitute one

raw material for another provided the intended function is adequately performed by the

substitute. This potential for substitution is captured by the term is, which is the estimated

European consumption of raw material i

Primary (mining) Secondary (recycling)

New scrap Old scrap

European consumption of raw material i

Primary (mining) Secondary (recycling)

New scrap Old scrap

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substitution potential for raw material i for a particular end-use sector s . Thus, a weighted

sum may be constructed as

i is is



to characterize the overall substitutability of a raw material. As before, isA is the share of net

consumption of raw material i in end-use sector s , and is the corresponding

substitutability index. This index was estimated by expert judgement and subject to review by

experts internal and external to the Working Group. Possible values are:

0,0 Easily and completely substitutable at no additional cost

0,3 Substitutable at low cost

0,7 Substitutable at high cost and/or loss of performance

1,0 Not substitutable

In the context of the supply risk equation, this means that if a raw material is not substitutable,

the risks of production (after recycling is accounted for) fully apply to the value of the raw

material, as expressed by its economic importance. In contrast, if a raw material was

immediately and fully substitutable at no additional costs, the risk associated with primary

production would not apply to the economy because the same function could be performed by

a different raw material, leading to no supply risk.

Notice that this approach does not explicitly include the supply risks associated with the

substitute. These are included in the estimates of is on the basis of expert judgment.

19.2.4 Environmental risks The report also considers the risk of a supply stop due to environmental concerns, e.g. the

closing of mines due to the adoption of stricter environmental regulation. It is argued that this

risk is higher in countries with poor environmental management, which may enter a process

of modernization of their environmental regulations. To assess the quality and effectiveness of

environmental regulation, the Environmental Performance Index13

was selected. The

calculation of environmental risk was fully analogous to that described above, but substituting

cWGI by the Environmental Performance Index. Results of the criticality assessment of the European Commission

A total of 41 raw materials were considered in the assessment. The evaluation of the 41 raw

materials led to the 2D distribution shown below. The subset of raw materials classified as

critical are contained in the upper right of Figure 3. These are (in alphabetical order):

antimony, beryllium, cobalt, fluorspar, gallium, germanium, graphite, indium, magnesium,

niobium, the platinum group metals, rare earths, tantalum and tungsten.


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China major producer


Figure 5: Correlation of results of the EU report (2010) and the US study on criticality (2008). Critical

minerals (EU definition) for which China is the biggest primary producer are also indicated. Source

(adapted from): European Commission, Critical raw materials for the EU, Report of the Ad-hoc Working

Group on defining critical raw materials, 2010.

19.3 Different modes of criticality

Although short lists of critical raw materials are well suited for focusing the attention of

policy makers and highlighting current issues, the lumping together of a variety of very

different factors can in fact obscure the nature of the underlying challenges. Moreover, the

necessity of a common data base for the comparison of different raw materials prevents many

relevant issues from being considered in the analysis. Finally, the heavy reliance on historical

data and the dynamic nature of raw material markets preclude the exclusive use of criticality

studies to guide long-term policy.

Instead, when thinking about a time frame of several decades, we argue that it is more useful

to step back and separately consider the different aspects that are hidden behind the lists or

rankings of critical raw materials. These are for example:

The criticality of supply is the central part of all existing studies and discussion on raw

material supply security. This includes aspects such as the import dependence of consumer

countries, the concentration of production in certain countries or companies, the availability

of secondary raw materials and substitutes, price volatility, success of exploration and new

projects coming into production. Included in this definition are the (geo)political risks

associated with concentrated production taking place in countries of ‘strategic distrust’ (which

could be termed ‘political criticality’) or in unstable countries.

Social and environmental risks associated with raw materials production can be termed

‘environmental/social criticality’. Also included are conflict-area-related mineral production.

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The ‘physical criticality’ dealing with the question of whether the earth can provide the

resources for future global demand.

Various aspects of criticality (and there might be more than mentioned above) play a role with

regard to the supply of raw materials. Integrating all the different aspects into one single

criticality value can make it more difficult to distinguish and assess the diverse sources of

possible conflicts and might not point to relevant questions with respect to supply security.

This leads us to question whether it might not be better to examine the fundamental concerns

which underlie the various aspects of criticality – concerns that are not so much related to a

specific raw material but that are more general or ‘generic’. We offer such an analysis in the

section below.

19.3.1 Resource security: an analysis of concerns To move forward from the discussion about which resources should be considered critical and

why, we will take a step back to reflect upon what are actually our concerns and objectives

related to resource security. This is in fact essential to be able to evaluate any approach to

resource security and it will also allow us to verify what role criticality studies can play in

identifying major risks related to access to resources. In this analysis, we also will distinguish

between short-term concerns, dealing with our capacity to handle a sudden supply disruption,

and more long-term strategic concerns.

The basic objective regarding resource security, whether it concerns energy or non-fuel

minerals, is commonly defined as “ensuring an adequate supply at a reasonable cost”, since a

functioning supply chain is the basis of any economy.

Consequently, the primary concerns focus on the potential impact of supply disruptions and

extreme price increases, caused either accidentally or intentionally14


(1) Accidental supply disruptions or price hikes

A first concern is that a supply disruption (and ensuing price hike) might be the result of

events such as a natural disaster, technical failures, strikes or political instability in a major

producing country.

(2) Intentional supply disruptions by the use of exports or pricing as a political instrument

Secondly, raw materials could be used as a deliberate instrument by some actors. Those in

control of production or exports could use raw materials to gain political or economic power,


Based upon work by Kalicki and Goldwyn (2005) and Le Billon (2005), the EU FP7 Polinares project

identifies the following variety of sources that give rise to tensions and conflicts: “(1) Fears concerning the

current or future availability of a resource: (1a) based on well-documented technical evidence of the availability

of the resource; (1b) based on poor information or inadequate understanding of the available technical

information; (1c) based on the actions of key actors, or based on interpretations of behaviour and perceptions of

intent of key actors (i.e. the organisational structure of the market); (2) Fears relating to the current or possible

future price of commodities; (3) Fears of insecure supply within the entire delivery chain; (4) Different

perceptions of threats to human rights and environmental security relating to natural resources; (5) Legitimate

commercial competition between corporations from different nations for access to energy and mineral resources;

(6) Asymmetry in crisis mechanisms or unequal access to crisis mechanisms in case of a supply disruption; (7)

Illegitimate rivalry between private parties for access to energy and mineral resources; (8) Illegal trade of

mineral resources as a revenue source for rebel groups, terrorism, and organised crime” (EU FP7 Polinares,

Description of Work, p. 6).

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e.g. by issuing embargoes, restricting exports or price gouging15

. In such cases an artificial

supply crisis (either real or feared) could place political pressure on other countries and cause

disadvantages for the industries of countries depending on raw materials imports.

The first two concerns, supply disruptions and political (economic) dependence, reflect the

fear of non-functioning markets. This non-functionality can have physical or political causes.

In the first case unforeseen events or developments lead to a market failure, resulting in

physical supply shortages. In the second case this malfunction is caused by the non-market-

conform behaviour of a stakeholder (or a group of stakeholders). For such events to be

problematic, a precondition is that there is a (group of) producer(s) with such a dominant

position in the market that it can significantly influence total supply.16

Both concerns focus more on the short-term impact of a supply disruption or price hike.

Probably the most well-known example of a politically motivated action related to energy

resources is the oil embargo of 1973. An example in which political and economic aspects

came together is the Russian-Ukrainian dispute over gas prices, which impaired the delivery

of gas to Europe in 2006 and 2009 and which affected mostly south-eastern Europe. On the

minerals side, there is the cobalt supply crisis caused by the civil war in Angola in 1978,

which halted the export of cobalt coming from Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the

Congo) – then accounting for 63% of the world’s supply17

– and the temporary halt of rare

earth exports from China to Japan following a dispute in the East China Sea in 2010.

Historically there have also been repeated attempts at establishing producer cartels in the

mineral sector18


Typical measures taken to guard against sudden supply disruptions are the creation of

strategic stockpiles or reserves, e.g. strategic petroleum reserves such as held by the member

states to the International Energy Agency and strategic stockpiles of selected minerals and

raw materials such as held in the United States by the National Defense Stockpile.

In addition, there are concerns about problems that do not influence the stable supply of raw

materials (at a reasonable cost) directly in the short term, but which are nonetheless related to

the question of resource availability and access. Main themes in this second category of more

long-term and strategic concerns are the following:

(3) Unequal market conditions, causing an uneven economic playing field

Tensions can arise when market conditions for the participating stakeholders vary. This need

not lead to supply shortages but can cause unequal opportunities for countries, influencing

economic competitiveness. Examples include:

Different internal/external pricing of resources for different countries,

Unequal access to crisis mechanisms in case of a supply disruption or


The Study on Critical Imported Materials issued during the US Nixon Administration in 1974 includes an

excellent summary of potential problems regarding the adequate supply of critical imported materials at

reasonable cost. The potential problems listed are: Embargoes, Cartels, Greater Processing in Exporting

Countries (i.e., a shift in the value chain), Supply Disruptions from events other than embargoes and Exorbitant

Short-term Price Increases. 16

This aspect is taken into account in criticality studies by analyzing the concentration of production.


“[A]ssociations of producers and exporters were set up during late 1960s and early 1970s for all kinds of

commodities including copper, iron ore, bauxite, phosphates, mercury, tungsten and silver”. David Humphreys,

“Minerals: Industry History and Fault Lines of Conflict”, Polinares Working Paper, September 2010, p. 9.

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unequal impact of a price hike (price asymmetries), and

unequal market access or investment opportunities.

All these might cause severe political tension. Regarding investment, conditions might not be

equal for all companies. Resource sector investments have come under greater scrutiny in

recent years. Particularly Chinese investment in resource-rich countries in Africa, Latin

America and elsewhere is attracting attention despite its modest extent. Also, Chinese

investment and merger and acquisition attempts towards Western firms operating in the

resource sector are closely watched, as several politically tense cases have illustrated. Related

to the future development of resource markets and international trade and investment regimes,

this is also an important theme.19

(4) Governance issues related to the resource sector

Finally, a concern related to the supply of raw materials is that extraction and production

activities could be responsible for regional environmental and social problems and contribute

to conflicts. An example is the concern about the role of the resource sector in some of the

resource-rich countries, particularly in Africa. Examples of measures taken in this field are the

Kimberley Process (dealing with so-called ‘blood diamonds’) and the current legislation on

Conflict Minerals that is part of the Dodd-Frank Act (Section 1502) in the United States,

which imposes the responsibility upon companies to ensure their mineral supplies are not

related to any conflict zone.

19.4 Conclusion: The case for a new approach to criticality

Studies of critical minerals are intended to be tools in helping to identify problems or tensions

that might arise over the access to resources. Yet we have seen that criticality studies carry

certain important limitations especially with regard to long-term criticality. The approaches to

assess criticality as described above have their strength with regard to possible short-term

shortages and can give useful hints to companies and also countries for securing their resource

supply over the next years. Those short-term criticality analyses will point to existing risks in

the supply chain or in producing countries and point to specific measures that can be taken to

ensure a continuous raw material supply. Those options might include the diversification of

supply sources or research for substitution. They will always aim at lowering the risk of

supply shortages in the near, foreseeable future.

In particular, much of the concern about minerals is driven by fears about the availability of

‘technology minerals’ such as rare earths (or, historically, cobalt and platinum group metals),

coupled with a concern about meeting future high demand levels. Other triggers for alarm are

high import dependency levels coupled with strongly concentrated reserves or actual

production in certain countries or companies. These concerns have not changed over the past

decades, but the raw materials identified as critical have changed according to the demand and

supply structure of the industry sector and to the political conditions at the time of the


This implies that the definition of critical raw materials might be helpful especially the

industry and for some shorter term political actions, but is not suitable for long- term

predictions. To assess the criticality Europe’s raw material supply some underlying key


All issues mentioned here are elaborated in the second briefing paper, Resource Security Risks in Perspective,


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concern with regard to raw material security have to be identified. These will contribute to

monitor future developments on the resource markets against political, economic and

technical developments.

Looking at the key issues persisting over the last decades, we have identified four

fundamental concerns:

Accidental supply disruptions or price hikes,

Intentional supply disruptions by the use of exports or pricing as a political


Unequal market conditions causing an uneven economic playing field, and

Governance issues related to the resource sector.

Other resource sector risks will directly or indirectly impact these four basic concerns. Of

course, different materials will be the subject of different concerns. Some minerals run very

low risks of suffering from accidental or intentional supply disruptions, but they might

nonetheless cause serious concern because of governance issues (e.g. conflict minerals or

resources with a high environmental impact). Others might be very important from the

viewpoint of economic competitiveness. In general, criticality studies are well-suited to

identifying risks related to short-term supply disruptions (both accidental and intentional) but

miss out on the longer-term strategic concerns. They are also focused very much on the risks

related to resource extraction rather than potential risks that might be present in the value

chain as a whole.

It is therefore important to study the fundamental concerns with regard to Europe’s long-term

raw materials supply security. Understanding what type of conflicts, political conditions or

developments in the resource market might influence the raw materials supply, including

mining, refining and transport, is a necessary basis to discussing possible critical materials.

Further reading

The aspects discussed above were further elaborated in two recently published studies.

The papers entitled “Critical thinking about critical minerals – assessing risks related to

resource scarcity” and “Resource security risks in perspective - complexity and nuance”

where jointly written and published by CIEP (Clingendael International Energy Program) and

BGR (Bundesanstalt für Geowissenshcaften und Rohstoffe) as Clingendael Briefing Papers in

November 2011 and represent a cooperative work of the work packages 2 and 3 of the

POLINARES project. Both studies can be found in Annex 1 of this project report.