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Criminalistics Manual(Booklet)

Jun 02, 2018



Clarito Lopez
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  • 8/10/2019 Criminalistics Manual(Booklet)


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    PART I


    1. What is fingerprint impression?Answer: Fingerprint impression is refers to a pattern or designed formed by the ridges onthe end joint of the fingers or thumb.

    2. When fingerprint is formed in the human being?Answer: Fingerprint is formed three to four months (!"# in the mother$s womb.

    . What are the %omposite of the end joint of the fingers or thumb whi%h form the impression?Answer: &nd joint of the fingers or thumb is made up of papi''ary ridges and furrows.

    Papi''ary ridges or sometimes referred to as fri%tion ridges or epiderma' ridges areraised strips of the s)in by whi%h fingerprint are made* whi'e

    Furrows are the depressions or %ana's between the ridges.

    ". What are the )inds of fingerprint impression?Answer: +here are two )inds of fingerprint impression:

    ,ea' impression it is intentiona''y made impression with the use of any printingmateria's.

    -han%e impression these are imprinted impression by mere %han%e or withoutintention to produ%e the print.

    . What are the ways of ta)ing rea' fingerprint impressions?Answer: Fingerprints are made by:

    ,o''ed impression this is printed by ro''ing the fingers or thumb away from the%enter of the subje%t$s body.

    P'ain impressions this is printed without ro''ing the fingers or thumb.

    /. What are the %'assifi%ations of %han%e impression?Answer: -han%e impression is either 0isib'e or 'atent print.

    t is 0isib'e impression when the print is apparent e0en without %hemi%a' treatment*

    t is 'atent print impression howe0er if the print is in0isib'e but made 0isib'eif some substan%es are app'ied.

    . What ma)es different between 3A-+4567,AP84 and 3A-+4569-6P4?Answer: oth are art of studying fingerprint as a means of persona' identifi%ation but in3a%ty'ography it refers to the re%ording of fingerprint* whi'e in 3A-+4569-6P4 it refers

    to the %omparison of fingerprint.

    ;. What are the %hara%teristi%s of fingerprint?Answer: Fingerprints ha0e the %hara%ter of:

    ndi0idua'ity no two peop'e ha0e fingerprint that are e

    an inner s%arf or dermis.n %ase of temporary impairment the outer s%arf re0ert to their natura' a'ignment

    and fingerprint wi'' not %hanged or destroy but if the inner s%arf wi'' impaired the

    fingerprint wi'' be destroyed and wi'' not be restored.

    1. When fingerprint e0iden%e warrant %on0i%tion?Answer: +o warrant a %on0i%tion the fingerprints %orresponding to those of the a%%usedmust ha0e been found in the %rime s%ene whi%h they %ou'd ha0e been impressed at the timewhen the %rime is %ommitted.

    11. 8ow 'atent impressions are made?Answer: +hey are made by the perspiration on top of the ridges of the fingers.

    12. What was the first Appe''ate -ourt to pass upon the admissibi'ity of fingerprint as e0iden%e?Answer: n 1=11 an ''inois -ourt in the %ase of Peop'e 0s. @ennings was the firstAppe''ate -ourt to pass upon the admissibi'ity of fingerprint as e0iden%e.

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    1. s fingerprint$s photograph suffi%ient in %ourt to support %on0i%tion?Answer: 4es. n the %ase of 9tate 0s. -onners the %ourt was he'd %ompetent to show by aphotograph the fingerprint upon the post without produ%ing the post in %ourt.

    1". What is the first judi%ia' de%ision in the Phi'ippine jurispruden%e on the s%ien%e offingerprinting?

    Answer: Peop'e 0s. edina = Phi'. .

    1. What are the different fingerprint patterns?Answer: A'' fingerprints are di0ided into three %'asses on the basis of their genera'patterns name'y:

    A. Ar%h (B#. 5oops (/B#-. Whor' (B#

    1/. What is ar%h pattern?Answer: Ar%h is the 'east %ommon of the three genera' patterns and is subdi0ided into twodistin%t groups P'ain and +ented.

    +he P'ain Ar%h is the simp'est of a'' fingerprint patterns and is formed by ridgesentering from one side of the print and e

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    2". n summary how many fingerprint patterns? What are they and gi0e their %orresponding symbo's?Answer: +here are eight fingerprint patterns name'y:

    P'ain ar%h (A#

    +ented ar%h(+#

    C'nar 'oop(C#

    ,adia' 'oop(,#

    P'ain whor'(W#

    -entra' po%)et 'oop whor'(-#

    3oub'e 'oop whor'(3# A%%identa' whor'(D#

    2. What is pattern area?Answer: +he pattern area is that part of the 'oop or whor' in whi%h appear the %oresde'tas and ridges whi%h are en%'osed by type 'ines.

    2/. What is a type 'ine?Answer: +ype 'ines may be defined as the two innermost ridges whi%h start para''e'di0erge and surround or tend to surround the pattern area.

    2. What is the distin%tion between a di0ergen%e and a bifur%ation?Answer: A di0ergen%e is the spreading apart of two 'ines whi%h ha0e been running para''e'or near'y para''e'* whi'e a bifur%ation is the for)ing or di0iding of one 'ine into two ormore bran%hes.

    2;. -an we use as a type 'ines the for) of the bifur%ation?Answer: Eo e

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    Answer: +he shou'ders of the 'oop are the points whi%h the re%ur0ing ridge definite'y turnsinward or %ur0es.

    . What are the different )inds of ridges that are 0a'uab'e for %omparison purposes?Answer: +hey are:

    ifur%ation. +he point where a ridge di0ides or for)s to be%ome two and run eitherpara''e' or di0erge*

    s'and ,idge. A short ridge 'o%ated within the temporary di0ergen%e of para''e'ridges running para''e' to the ridge on either side.

    &n%'osure. ,efers to a ridge for)s and then turns to a sing'e para''e' ridge withina re'ati0e'y short distan%e.

    3ot. A 0ery short se%tion of a ridge usua''y round in %ontour with probab'y on'yone pore showing.

    9hort ridge. ,efers to a ,idge that has an open area at either end.

    &nding ridge. ,idge that has abrupt ending and has pre0ious'y %ontinued for a uitedistan%e.

    ro)en ridge. ,efers to a ridge that is bro)en up into segment.

    -rosso0erGbridge. +his is 9hort ridges that inter%onne%t two another para''e'ridges.

    9pur. +his is a 0ery short ridge jutting out from a free!f'owing ridge.

    3i0ergen%e. +hese are ridges running together in para''e' fashion tend to separateand %ontinue on another %ourse.

    ;. What is the standard number of simi'arity of ridges to arri0e at the %on%'usion that two

    fingerprint are the same from the other?Answer: ost e

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    "". What is ridge %ount?Answer: Hnowing the number of ridges inter0ening between the de'ta and the %ore is referredto as Jridge %ountingK.

    ". What are the ru'es of ridge %ounting?Answer: +hey are:

    Eeither de'ta nor %ore is %ounted

    n the e0ent there is a ridge e

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    . What is the %'assifi%ation if one finger is amputated?Answer: t is the %'assifi%ation identi%a' with that of the opposite finger in%'udingpattern and ridge %ount or tra%ing and referen%ed to e0ery other possib'e %'assifi%ation.

    ". What is the %'assifi%ation if two or more fingers are amputated?Answer: +hey are gi0en %'assifi%ation identi%a' with the fingers opposite with noadditiona' referen%es.

    . What is the %'assifi%ation if two amputated fingers are opposite ea%h other?Answer: oth are gi0en the %'assifi%ation of whor's with meeting tra%ing.

    /. What is the %'assifi%ation if the fingerprint %ard bearing a notation of fingers missing atbirth or missing from pre!nata' %ause?

    Answer: +he missing fingers shou'd be treated as amputations in that they are gi0en theidenti%a' %'assifi%ations of the opposite fingers and are fi'ed in the amputation group.

    . f a'' 1 fingers are amputated or missing at birth what wi'' be the %'assifi%ation?Answer: t shou'd be: 2 W

    2 W n those %ases where a'' of the fingers are amputated the in)ed footprints shou'd

    be obtained.




    1. What is Po'ygraphy?Answer: (5ie dete%tion test or 3e%eptography# is defined as the s%ientifi% dete%tion ofde%eption through the use or aid of a po'ygraph.

    2. What is Po'ygraph?Answer: deri0ed from two 7ree) words JPo'yK whi%h means any or more* and J7raphosK whi%hmeans Writings. A de0i%e or instrument %apab'e of re%ording %hanges in b'ood pressureGpu'sebeats respiration and ga'0ano!s)in!ref'e< (79,# as indi%ati0e of emotiona' e

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    Answer: refers to any person undergoing po'ygraph e

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    Wi''iam arston (1=1# ! 8e dea't with the sphygmomanometer whi%h was used toobtain periodi% dis%ontinuous b'ood pressure readings during the %ourse of ane

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    1. What are the -6E-&P+9 6F P6547,AP8 &DAEA+6E?Answer: they are:

    Csed to test an indi0idua' for the purpose of dete%ting de%eption or 0erify thetruth of statement*

    ,e%ords identifiab'e physio'ogi%a' rea%tions of the subje%t su%h as high b'oodpressure pu'se rate respiration and s)in resistan%e* and

    2. +he effe%ti0eness of the po'ygraph in re%ording symptoms of de%eption is based on thetheory. What are the 6@&-+M&9 6F P6547,AP8 &DAEA+6E? Answer: they are:

    6btain additiona' in0estigati0e 'eads to the fa%ts of the %aseGoffenses* As%ertain if the person is te''ing the truth*

    5o%ate the fruits or the too's of the %rime of the whereabouts of a wanted person*

    dentify other persons in0o'0ed*

    6btain 0a'uab'e information from re'u%tant witnesses* and

    &'iminates inno%ent suspe%ts.

    . What are the P,E-PA5 C9&9 6F P6547,AP8?Answer: they are:

    Aids in in0estigation*

    9peeds up pro%essing of in0estigation*

    &'iminates inno%ent suspe%ts*

    Pre!emp'oyment s%reening* and

    8onesty test.

    ". What are the 5+A+6E9 6F P6547,AP8?Answer: they are:

    t is an in0a'uab'e in0estigati0e aid* but ne0er a substitute for in0estigation.

    t is not a 'ie dete%tor* it is a s%ientifi% diagnosti% instrument.

    t does not determine fa%ts* it re%ords on'y responses of the subje%t.

    t is on'y as a%%urate as the e

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    -omp'ete )now'edge of the most modern po'ygraph te%hniue*

    Profi%ient in the %ondu%t of the e

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    +hese atta%hments are set as re%ei0ers to the %hanges in the body and %ondu%t those %hangese'e%tri%a''y e'e%troni%a''y and pneumati%a''y to the instrument whi%h are fina''yre%orded on %harts and graphs. +hese re%ei0ers are:

    Pneumograph ! +he first re%ei0er is the Pneumograph tube (a rubberiIed %orrugated tube# whi%his atta%hed to the subje%t$s %hest or stoma%h. +hese atta%hments are part of the po'ygraph thatdete%ts the air 0o'ume %hanges of the %hest through the breathing %y%'es.

    -ardiograph andGor -ardio!9phygmograph ! +he se%ond re%ei0er is a b'ood pressure %uff wrappedaround subje%t$s upper arm or wrist and inf'ated to a suitab'e air pressure. -hanges in b'oodpressure and pu'se rate are dete%ted.

    7a'0anograph andGor 7a'0o!graph (79,# ! +he third re%ei0er is a set of e'e%trodes atta%hedeither between the pa'mer and dorsa' surfa%es of the subje%t$s hands or on the adja%ent orre'ati0e fingers of the same hand of the subje%t 6perating e'e%tri%a''y and e'e%troni%a''yphysio'ogi%a' %hanges are measured through an e'e%trode p'a%ed on the ina%ti0e portion (a$!method# andGor through the f'ow of %urrent between two e'e%trodes (b$!method#.

    Hymograph (-hart!dri0e# ! Another essentia' part of the po'ygraph a'though not a dire%tre%ei0er of interna' responses. +he )ymograph is the %hart dri0e or paper!fed me%hanism whi%his powered by a syn%hronous e'e%tri% motor or dynamo.

    ". What are the 3A7E69+- +&-8ENC& in +he Pre!+est nter0iew and Preparation of +est NuestionsAnswer: the are:

    a Eo test shou'd be e0er %ondu%ted without a pretest inter0iew during whi%h the subje%t is%onditioned for the test and the uestions to be as)ed ha0e been %arefu''y formu'ated bythe e

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    h A'' uestions must refer to on'y one e'ement of an offense.i +hey must not %ontain inferen%e to one$s re'igion ra%e or be'ief.

    "=. What are the 3FF&,&E+ +4P&9 6F +&9+ NC&9+6E9?Answer: n e0ery %rimina' in0estigation there is pres%ribed standard operationa'uestioning of subje%ts in any gi0en %ase. n order to a%uire )now'edge of the %ase fu''appre%iation andGor study 0arious types of uestions is a must for e0ery in0estigator ore

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    @oan$s wristwat%h?(H# 3o you )now for sure who sto'e @oan$s wristwat%h? (4# 3id you stea'@oan$s wristwat%h?

    . What are the -656, O6E&Answer: they are:

    a ,ed Oone L 9trong ,e'e0antb 7reen Oone L Probab'e 5ie (-ontro'#% 'a%) Oone L 9ymptomati% (6utside ssue#d 4e''ow Oone L rre'e0ant and 9a%rifi%e ,e'e0ant

    e 4e''ow or ,ed Oone L Wea) ,e'e0ant




    1. What is Photography?Answer: an art and %ertain'y is a s%ien%e of produ%ing an image by the a%tion of 'ight on'ight L sensiti0e substan%es (si'0er ha'ides# and by the app'i%ation of se0era' %hemi%a'sand physi%a' 'aws.

    2. What is 0ita' to photography?Answer: 5ight for it is the physi%a' means used to produ%e the image. without 'ight therewi'' be no image.

    . What are the -5A99F-A+6E9 6F 578+?Answer: 5ight as a form of radiant energy is %'assified a%%ording to wa0e'ength andfreuen%y.

    ". What is WAM&5&E7+8?Answer: Wa0e'ength is the distan%e between any two su%h identi%a' points in a gi0en instantof time. 9in%e the e'e%tromagneti% spe%trum is arranged a%%ording to wa0e'ength there mustbe measurement of this 'ength. +he 'ength of 'ight wa0es is measured from a point on one%rest to an identi%a' point on the ne

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    probab'y undergone some %hanges* they ha0e been bent. +he bending or def'e%tion iswhat is termed as refra%tion.

    =. What is the 5AW 6F ,&F,A-+6E?Answer: Jf a 'ight rays hit perpendi%u'ar to the surfa%e between two mediums of differentdensity the ray is not bent. f the 'ight stri)es the surfa%e at an ang'e the ray wi'' bebent. +he dire%tion in whi%h the 'ight is bent is dependent upon the density of its mediumsthe 'ight is tra0e'ing toK.

    1. What is E3&D 6F ,&F,A-+6E?Answer: 5ight tra0e's at 0arying speeds. +he speed of 'ight in air or 0a%uum isappro

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    tra0e'ing on para''e' paths for a'' pra%ti%a' purposes when they rea%h the 'ens. 9o thedefinition of fo%a' 'ength is often gi0en as the distan%e between the 'ens and the fi'mwhen the 'ens is fo%used at infinity. +he photographer se'dom or need no measure the fo%a''ength of a 'ens for this %hara%teristi% is a'most a'ways mar)ed on the front of the 'ensmount in mi''imeters or in in%hes.

    1=. What is the importan%e of Fo%a' 5ength of a 'ens?Answer: +he fo%a' 'ength of a 'ens %ontro's the image brightness speed of the 'ens andthe image siIe at the fo%a' p'ane. t is a fi

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    Answer: the JK setting stands for Jbu'bK L a word that goes far ba%) into %amera history.Csed for e

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    3ar) 9ubje%t. 3ar) subje%ts ref'e%ts on'y about = per%ent of the 'ight stri)ing itand absorbs the remainder. n%'uded in this %ategory are 0ehi%'es and weaponspeop'e in dar)!toned %'othing et%.

    A0erage 9ubje%t. s one that ref'e%ts appro

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    eye a fi'ter is used to %hange the sensiti0ity of the fi'm ma)ing it moreresponsi0e to ye''ow and greens. Csua''y %orre%tion fi'ters are ye''ow.

    -ontrast Fi'ters. A'though two %o'ors may be different if their brightness 0a'ue isthe same they wi'' reprodu%e as a'most the same shade of the gray in the print. +o%rate the needed %ontrast a fi'ter is used. +he fi'ter se'e%ted shou'd transmit oneof the %o'ors and absorb the other more or 'ess %omp'ete'y thus %ontrast betweengreen and red %an be affe%ted by using a green or red fi'ter. +he green fi'ter ma)esgreen 'ighter than the red whereas the red fi'ter e'iminate green entire'y andyie'ds a print that represents green as b'a%) and the red as white.

    ";. What is the 9pe%ia' Purpose Fi'ters?Answer: in Eeutra' 3ensity fi'ter used to redu%ed the amount of 'ight transmitted t o thefi'm without se'e%ti0e fi'tering of any parti%u'ar wa0e'ength. n C'tra0io'et or s)y'ightuse to fi'ter out unwanted b'ue whi%h often appears in pi%tures of subje%ts in open shaderainy or o0er%ast days in distant s%eni% 0iews et%.

    "=. What are the basi% stru%tures of a b'a%) and white fi'm?Answer: the basi% stru%tures of a b'a%) and white fi'm are the fo''owing:

    +op -oating is an o0er%oming of a thin 'ayer of hard ge'atin whi%h he'ps prote%tthe si'0er ha'ide emu'tion from s%rat%hes and abrasions.

    &mu'tion 5ayer %omposed of si'0er %ompounds whi%h are 'ight sensiti0e but forphotographi% purposes ha'ogens su%h as bromide* %h'oride* and iodine (used insma'' amounts se'dom more than B with si'0er bromide in fast fi'm emu'sion# isadded to si'0er ha'ides

    Antiha'ation a%)ing a b'a%) dye app'ied on the rear surfa%e of the fi'm itsfun%tion is to absorb 'ight that may penetrate the emu'sion 'ayer thus pre0entingit to ref'e%t ba%) to the emu'sion. +he dye remo0ed during the pro%essing by one ofthe %hemi%a' in the de0e'oper. ts se%ond fun%tion is to %ontro' the fi'm %ur'ingtowards the emu'sion 'ayer.

    . What are the basi% stru%tures of -656, F5?Answer: asi%a''y the stru%ture of %o'or fi'm is a'most the same as b'a%) and white fi'me

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    . What are the uses of fi'm under 0arying %ondition?Answer: Any fi'm abo0e 96!1 %an be %onsidered high speed and anything 'ess is usua''ys'ow speed and +ine!green. +he suggested uses of the fo''owing fi'm under 0arying %onditionare:

    96!2 or 'owest the %ondition wi'' permit for best %o'or and sharpness.

    96!1 or 2 for genera' purpose.

    96!" for dim 'ight or with mo0ing obje%t.

    96!1 and up for e

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    -h'oride Papers. 8a0e a s'ow speed emu'sion %ontaining si'0er %h'oride are finegrain and produ%e deep b'an)s used for %onta%t printing.

    romide Papers. 8a0e a faster emu'sion speed than %h'oride paper a%hie0esensiti0ity through the use of bromide ha'ides. e%ause of the re'ati0e'y highsensiti0ity to 'ight these emu'sion are parti%u'ar'y suitab'e for proje%tingprinting.

    -h'orobromide Papers. -ontain both si'0er %h'oride and si'0er bromide ha'ides.&mu'sion 9peed 'ies between that of %h'orine and bromide papers used both for%onta%t and proje%tion printing.

    Mariab'e -ontrast Paper. -ombines the %ontrast range in one paper this 0ersati'ityis a%hie0ed with a spe%ia' %h'orobromide emu'sion that produ%es 0arying %ontrastresponses upon e

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    Answer: ,eti%u'ation of the emu'sion is a networ) of 'ines ha0ing a grainy 'eather!'i)eappearan%e. +his a%tion o%%urs when fi'm is subje%ted to sudden temperature %hanges intransferring from one so'ution to another.

    . What is ,eso'0ing Power?Answer: ,eso'0ing power refers to the abi'ity of an emu'sion to re%ord fine subje%t detai'distinguishab'y.

    ". What is 9i'0er 8a'ides?

    Answer: Are meta''i% si'0er %ompound that dar)ens on e

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    Answer: refers to the eua' and opposite rea%tion of the gun against the forward mo0ementof the bu''et during e

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    Answer: the power of the bu''et that put out the 0i%tim out of a%tion instant'y. 9o itshou'd be understood that stopping power is not ne%essari'y the same thing as )i''ingpower.

    2=. What is Oero range?Answer: the farthest distan%e at whi%h the 'ine of sight and the bu''et$s path interse%t.

    . What is +&,EA5 A559+-9?Answer: study of the effe%t of the impa%t of the bu''et on the target.

    1. What are in0o'0es in +&,EA5 A559+-9?Answer: they are:

    a +ermina' A%%ura%y L siIe of the bu''et grouping on the targetb +ermina' energy L energy of the proje%ti'e when it stri)es the target. A'so )nown as

    stri)ing energy.% +ermina' Penetration L depth of entry of the bu''et in the target.d +ermina' 0e'o%ity L speed of the bu''et upon stri)ing the target.

    2. What is 986+9 A559+-9?Answer: dea's with the attributes and properties of shots and pe''ets.

    . What is W6CE3 A559+-9?Answer: study of the effe%ts of proje%ti'e to human body. .

    ". What is 'a%)ening?

    Answer: wound %aused by the deposition of smo)e parti%'es by a'' types of powders at %'oseranges.

    . What is +attooing?Answer: embedding of unburned and semi L burned powder parti%'es into the surfa%e of thetarget.

    /. Why the b'asted tissues are %herry red in %o'or?Answer: the b'asted tissues are %herry red in %o'or be%ause of the presen%e of %arbonmono

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    e f the distan%e is four yards a sma'' group of pe''ets may penetrate the tissuesprodu%ing a %entra' %ore.

    ". What is F6,&E9- A559+-9?Answer: dentifi%ation of firearms by means of ammunition fired through them. +his is therea' bran%h of the s%ien%e whi%h the po'i%e use as their guide in fie'd in0estigations.

    "1. What is meant by the term JF6,&E9-KAnswer: As app'ied to ba''isti%s or to any other subje%t suggest a re'ationship to

    %ourts of @usti%e and 'ega' pro%eedings.

    "2. What is the te%hni%a' definition of Firearm?Answer: instrument that is used for the propu'sion of proje%ti'e by means of the e

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    Answer: Father of the per%ussion ignition.

    ". Who designed and in0ented the semi!automati% C9 ,iff'e -a'iber . ?Answer: @ohn -. 7arand

    . Who pioneered the ma)ing of +hompson 9ub!ma%hine gun?Answer: @ohn +. +hompson

    /. What is firearm$s %a'iber?

    Answer: +he %a'iber of the firearm is the diameter of the bore of the barre' measured form'and to 'and. -a'iber in rif'ed firearm e

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    Answer: -a'iper

    . What %hara%teristi%s that wou'd be %ommon to a parti%u'ar group or fami'y of items?Answer: %'ass %hara%teristi%s

    ". n %omparing bu''ets most positi0e identifi%ations are made on striations that are found:Answer: on 'and impressions near the base of the bu''et

    . What 'imits the forward tra0e' of re0o'0er ammunition into the %hamber?

    Answer: rim

    /. 3eath or serious injury may or may not ha0e been %aused by a%%identa' dis%harge of a firearm.n this situation a uestioned gun is submitted at the %rime 'aboratory to undergo:

    Answer: firearm fun%tiona'ity testing

    . What for%e opposes forward motion of the proje%ti'e in f'ight?Answer: gra0ity

    ;. 7unshot residues that a''ow a firearm e thetarget?

    Answer: forensi% e

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    Answer: the she'' in most %ases wi'' be found at the s%ene offiring


    PART V


    -6E-&P+ 6F 36-C&E+

    1. What is do%ument?Answer: genera''y defined as any materia' %ontaining mar)s symbo's or signs either0isib'e or partia''y 0isib'e that may present or u'timate'y %on0ey a meaning to someonemaybe in the form of pen%i' in) writing typewriting or printing on paper.

    2. What are the 'ega' definitions of do%ument?Answer: they are:

    Any written do%ument by whi%h a right is estab'ished or an ob'igation ise

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    11. What is meant by the term J&,A9C,&K?Answer: +he remo0a' of writings typewriting or printing maybe %hemi%a' eradi%ation and orby an abrasi0e erasure.

    12. What is meant by E9&,+6E 6, E+&,5E&A+6E?Answer: the addition of writing and other materia' between 'ines or paragraphs or theaddition of who'e page to a do%ument.

    1. What are the 3M96E9 6F NC&9+6E&3 36-C&E+ &DAEA+6E?Answer: they are:

    -rimina'isti% &

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    +,AE9++&3 578+ &DAEA+6E! the do%ument is 0iewed with the sour%e ofi''umination behind it and the 'ight passing through the paper to determine thepresen%e of erasures mat%hing of serrations and some other types ofa'terations.

    65NC& 578+ &DAEA+6E! the i''umination so %ontro''ed that it gaIes or stri)esthe surfa%e of the do%ument from one side at a 0ery 'ow ang'e. 3e%ipherment of fadedhandwriting determination of out'ine in tra%ed forgery embossed impression et%.

    P86+67,AP8- &DAEA+6E! A%tua' obser0ations are re%orded in the photographs.

    C5+,A!M65&+ &DAEA+6E! C'tra0io'et radiation is in0isib'e and o%%urs in the

    wa0e 'engths just be'ow the 0isib'e b'ue!0io'et end of the spe%trum(rainbow#. +hese 0isib'e rays rea%t on some substan%es so that 0isib'e 'ight isref'e%ted a phenomenon )nown as F56C,&9-&E-&. +he e

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    Photographi% p'ates maybe uti'iIed by a''owing the %harred paper to remain in%onta%t with emu'sion sides in tota' dar)ness from one to two wee)s.

    -A,& 8AE35E7 AE3 P,&9&,MA+6E 6F NC&9+6E&3 36-C&E+9

    2". 8ow to %are and hand'e 39PC+&3 36-C&E+9 AE3 36-C&E+A,4 &M3&E-&?Answer: the fo''owing shou'd be obser0ed:

    t shou'd be )ept CEF653&3 AE3 E A 9&PA,A+& P,6P&, 9O& &EM&56P& 6, F653&,.

    t is a'so ad0isab'e that right after the do%ument be%omes disputed or uestioned

    it is important to ma)e not on'y the usua' photo stati% %opy (Dero

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    Answer: nforma' handwriting e

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    do%ument e

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    36ET+ re'y e

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    Answer: stro)es that 'oo) 'i)e ar%hes rounded on the top and open at the bottom.

    1. What is -8A,A-+&,9+-9?Answer: any property or mar) whi%h is %ommon'y %a''ed the identifying detai's.

    2. What is -655A+6E?Answer: %riti%a' %omparison on side by side e

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    1. What is P&E 8653?Answer: ! +he p'a%e where the writer grasps the barre' of the pen and the ang'e at whi%h heho'ds it.

    2. What is P&E P69+6E?Answer: ! re'ationship between the pen point and the paper.

    . What is P&E P,&99C,&?

    Answer: the a0erage for%e with whi%h the pen %onta%ts the paper.

    ". What is P,E+9-,P+Answer: ! A %reati0e %ombination of printing and %ursi0e writing.

    . What is P,6P6,+6E or ,A+6Answer: L the re'ation between the ta'' and the short 'etter

    /. What is NCA5+4Answer: ! A distin%t or pe%u'iar %hara%ter. A'so Jua'ityK is used in des%ribibghandwriting to refer to any identifying fa%tor that is re'ated to the writing mo0ementitse'f.

    . What is ,84+8?Answer: +he e'ement of the writing mo0ement whi%h is mar)ed by regu'ar or periodi%re%urren%es: maybe smooth intermittent or jer)y in its ua'ity* the f'ourishingsu%%ession of motion whi%h are re%orded in a written re%ord.

    ;. What is 98A3E7?Answer: widening of the in) stro)es due to the added pressure on a f'e

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    ;=. What are the %hara%teristi%s of FAC5+4 -66,3EA+6E?Answer: (1# Wa0ering and 0ery irregu'ar 'ine or stro)es with un%ertain and unsteadyprogress. +here is no freedom of mo0ement a'ong the stro)es of the 'etter!forms* and (2#Angu'ar 5ine a 0ery %ommon fau't of %oordination. -ur0es 'arge and sma'' are not smooth'yrounded and there is no gradua' %hange of dire%tion.

    =. W8A+ 9 ,84+8 E 8AE3W,+E7?AE9W&,: ,hythm is su%%ession of %onne%ted uniform stro)es in fu'' %oordination. +his is

    manifested by %'ear!%ut a%%entuated stro)es whi%h in%rease and de%rease in whi%h 'i)eperfe%t %ones.

    =1. What is %hara%teriIed by su%%ession of aw)ward independent poor'y dire%ted and dis%onne%tedmotions?

    Answer: 5A-H 6F ,84+8

    =2. Why rhythm is important?Answer: important be%ause one %an determine if the writer norma''y and spontaneous'y writewith hesitation as if he is attempting to for another signature.

    =. What is 7ar'and?Answer: 5in)s the downward stro)e to the upstro)es with a f'owing %ur0e swinging from 'eftright. t is an easy effort'ess mode of %onne%tion written with speed.

    =". What is Angu'ar %onne%ti0e form?Answer: %hara%teriIed by an abrupt stop and start in ea%h turning point.

    =. What is 9+,6H&?Answer: Path tra%e by the pen on the paper.

    +&,E6567&9 -6E-&,EE7 9+,6H&9

    =/. What is A,9+,6H&?Answer: +he mo0ement of the pen as it is raised from the paper and %ontinues in the samedire%tion in the air.

    =. What is -6M&,E7 9+,6H&?Answer: A stro)e that is unne%essari'y %o0ers another stro)e.

    =;. What is FEA5 sto)e?Answer: +he ending stro)e on a 'etter.

    ==. What is CP9+,6H&?Answer: o0ement of the pen away from the writer.

    1. What is 9&NC&E-& 6F 9+,6H&?Answer: +he order in whi%h writing stro)es are p'a%ed on the paper.

    11. What is 9CPP6,+&3 9+,6H&9?Answer: Cpstro)es partia''y %o0ering the pre0ious down stro)es.

    12. What is +,A+ 9+,6H&?Answer: A s%hoo' of handwriting ana'ysis that assigns persona'ity trait manners toindi0idua' writing stro)es.

    NCA5+&9 6F +8& 9+,6H&9

    1. What is &

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    1. What is 3ire%tion?Answer: 5eft ward and right ward trend of the mo0ement and its upward and downward rea%h.

    1;. What is 7&E&,A5 (-5A99# -8A,A-+&,9+-9?Answer: those habits are part of basi% writing system or whi%h are modifi%ations of thesystem of writing found among so 'arge a group of writes that ha0e on'y s'ightidentifi%ation 0a'ue.

    1=. What is E3M3CA5 -8A,A-+&,9+-9?

    Answer: the resu't of the writerSs mus%u'ar %ontro' %oordination age hea'th and ner0oustemperament freuen%y of writing persona'ity and %hara%ter found in writing.

    11. What are the ndi%ations of speed (speedy# writing?Answer: they are:

    9mooth unbro)en stro)es and rounded forms.

    Freuent signs or tenden%ies to the right.

    ar)ed un%ertain as to the 'o%ation of the dots of sma'' 'etters JK JjK > %rossesof sma'' 'etter JtK.

    n%reased spontaneity of words or sma'' 'etter JtK %onne%ted with the fo''owingwords.

    5etters %urtai'ed or degenerated a'most to i''egibi'ity towards the end of words.

    Wide writing! width of 'etters is greater than the %onne%ting spa%es adjoining it.

    7reat differen%e in emphasis between upstro)es and down stro)es.

    ar)ed simp'ifi%ation of 'etters espe%ia''y %apita' 'etters.

    ,ising 'ine.

    n%reased pen pressure.

    n%rease in the margin to 'eft at the beginning of the 'ine.

    111. What are the ndi%ations of s'ow writing?Answer: they are:

    Wa0ering forms and bro)en stro)es.

    Freuent signs or tenden%ies to the 'eft.

    -onspi%uous %ertain'y as to the 'o%ation of the dots of sma'' 'etters JK JjK orJtK %rosses with s%ar%e'y per%eptib'e de0iation from the intended dire%tion.

    Freuent pauses by meaning'ess b'obs ang'es di0ided 'etters and retou%hes.

    -arefu' e

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    11. What are the FCE3A&E+A5 5AW W8-8 76M&,E9 +8& -6E-5C96E E 8AE3W,+E7 3&E+F-A+6EP,65&9?

    Answer: they are

    A signatureGhandwriting natura''y and genuine'y written under norma' %ondition %ontain a''of the indi0idua' habits of the writerSs signature whi%h are put into it in a way that is%onsistent with his writing abi'ity and the writing ua'ity of his signature.

    A signatureGhandwriting is fraudu'ent if it %ontains habits ua'ities or e'ements whi%hare signifi%ant'y different from genuine signatures written under simi'ar %onditions.

    . 97EA+C,&

    11/. What is 97EA+C,&?Answer: is the name of a person written by himGher in a do%ument as a sign ofa%)now'edgement. 6r it is a name or mar) that a person puts at the end of a do%ument toattest that he is its author or that he ratifies its %ontests.

    11. What is 63&5 97EA+C,&?Answer: A genuine signature that has been used to prepare an imitated or tra%ed forgery

    11;. Why +8& &DAEA+6E 6F 97EA+C,&9 9 -6E93&,&3 A 9P&-A5O&3 ,AE-8 6F 8AE3W,+E73&E+F-A+6E F6, +8& F6556WE7 ,&A96E9?

    Answer: be%ause:

    t is a word most pra%ti%ed by many peop'e and therefore most f'uent'y written.

    t is a means to identify a person and ha0e a great persona' signifi%an%e.

    t is written with a 'itt'e attention to spe''ing and some other detai's.

    t is a word written with %ons%ious thought about the me%hani%s of its produ%tionand is written automati%a''y.

    t is the on'y word the i''iterate %an write with %onfiden%e.

    11=. What are the +4P&9 6F 97EA+C,&9?Answer: they are

    F6,A5 (-6EM&E+6EA5 or -6P466H F6,# L %omp'ete %orre%t signature for an importantdo%ument su%h as wi''.

    EF6,A5 (-C,96,4# L usua''y for routine do%uments and persona' %orresponden%e.a Persona'iIedb 9emi!persona'iIed

    -A,&5&99 9-,5& L for the mai' %arrier de'i0ery boy or the autograph %o''e%tor.

    12. What are the 9C77&9+&3 9+&P9 E +8& &DAEA+6E 6F 97EA+C,&?

    Answer: they are: 9+&P 1! P'a%e the uestioned and the standard signatures in the ju

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    &3-6!5&7A5 A9P&-+9 6F 3&A+8

    1. What is Forensi% edi%ine?Answer: app'i%ation of medi%ine in the so'ution of 0arious prob'ems in %ourt.

    2. What is medi%ine?Answer: dea's with the pre0ention and treatment of diseases.

    . What is patho'ogy?Answer: study of disease affe%ting the body.

    ". What is gyne%o'ogy?Answer: bran%h of medi%ine pertaining to disease of woman.

    . What stage of mus%u'ar %hange whi%h o%%urs 2!/ hrs after death and is %hara%teriIed by

    hardening of the mus%'es.Answer: post!mortem rigidity (rigor mortis#

    /. When the dead body was seen by the in0estigator there was a hardening of the mus%'es in thefa%e what is the appro

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    =. What refers to the death that o%%urs due to a disease or ai'ment in the body?Answer: Eatura' death

    ". What is referred to the death due to injuries by some forms of outside for%e wherein thephysi%a' injuries inf'i%ted is the pro

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    &3-6!5&7A5 A9P&-+9 6F P849-A5 E@C,4

    =. What is injury?Answer: spe%ifi% impairment of the body stru%ture or fun%tion %aused by an outside for%e oragent.

    /. What is wound?Answer: wound is a brea) or so'ution in the %ontinuity of the s)in or tissues of the body.

    /1. What )ind of wound when inf'e%ted to the body is immediate'y fo''owed by death or is so seriousthat it wi'' endanger the 'ife of the 0i%tim?

    Answer: morta' wound

    /2. What are e

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    =. t is the obstru%tion of the respiratory tra%t by foreign bodies whi%h may be a bo'us foodb'ood fa'se teeth or any hard materia'. t is usua''y a%%identa'.

    Answer: %ho)ing

    ;. A form of traumati% %rush asphy

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    2014 Re!e"e# !$



    ! is the forensi% s%ien%e of ana'yIing and interpreting e0iden%e using the natura's%ien%es. Forensi% s%ien%e pertains to a'' s%ien%es app'ied to 'ega' prob'ems.

    ! app'i%ation of s%ientifi% te%hniues in %o''e%ting and ana'yIing physi%a' e0iden%e in %rimina'%ases.

    H&$ G#+ ! (1;"!1=1# An Austrian %rimina'ist who in 1;=1 first used the term %rimina'isti%s.Father of forensi% pub'i%ations. Wrote the boo) on app'ying a'' the different s%ien%e dis%ip'inesto the fie'd of %rimina' in0estigation.

    S!# A#,# C+$&$ D+.'e ! s%i!fi author in 'ate 1;. Popu'ariIed s%ientifi% %rimedete%tion methods through his fi%tiona' %hara%ter 9her'o%)e 8o'mes.

    M&,!e" O#/!'& ! (1;!1;# father of to

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    1. &0ery %onta%t 'ea0es a tra%e2. &0ery %rimina' %an be %onne%ted to a %rime by parti%'es %arried from the %rime s%ene. When a %rimina' %omes in %onta%t with an obje%t or person a %ross transfer of e0iden%e


    67 E5 H++er ! father of the F. 3ire%tor of the F during the 1=s. 8is 'eadership spanned"; years and ; presidentia' administration. 6rganiIed a nationa' 'aboratory to offer forensi%

    ser0i%es to a'' 'aw enfor%ement agen%ies in the C9.

    G+&' +/ F+#e$!* S*!e$*e! to determine the %ause 'o%ation and time of death.

    F+#e$!* ,++5#&,.! sometimes referred to as po'i%e photography forensi% imaging or %rimes%enephotography. ! is the art of produ%ing an a%%urate reprodu%tion f a %rime s%eneor ana%%ident using photography for the benefit of a %ourt or to aid in an in0estigation.


    ! is the art s%ien%e and pra%ti%e of %reating durab'e images by re%ording 'ight. +he wordphotography was deri0ed from the 7ree) word phos ! 'ight and graphe ! drawing.

    P,++5#&, ! is an image %reated by 'ight fa''ing on a 'ight!sensiti0e surfa%e usua''y photographi%

    fi'm or e'e%troni% imager.

    S!# 6+,$ He#*,e'! made the word photography )nown to the wor'd in a 'e%ture before the roya'so%iety of 5ondon on 1;=.

    C&%e#&! is a de0i%e that re%ords and stores images.

    H!+#. +/ *&%e#&

    M+ T!! th %entury - -hinese phi'osopher who noted that a pin ho'e %an form an in0ertedand fo%used image when 'ight passes through the ho'e and into a dar) area. 8e is the firstre%orded person to ha0e e

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    6+,&$$ :&,$! in 1/; bui't the first %amera obs%ura that was sma'' enough for pra%ti%a'use as a portab'e drawing aid be%ause the on'y way to preser0e the images produ%ed by the%amera was to manua''y tra%e them.

    6+e, N!*e,+#e N!e*e! was a fren%h in0entor who is noted for produ%ing the first )nownphotographs in 1;2 by using a s'iding wooden bo

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    ! Cser -ontro'

    E+#e! tota' amount of 'ight a''owed to fa'' on the photographi% medium during thepro%ess the of ta)ing photograph.

    F!'% See! is the measure of a photographi% fi'ms sensiti0ity to 'ight.

    S,e# C.*'e ! is the pro%ess of the shutter opening %'osing and resetting to where it is

    ready to open again.

    S,e#! is a de0i%e that a''ows 'ight to pass for a determined period of time for thepurpose of e

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    rampant repudiation of signatures and he registered go0ernment pensioners fingerprint topre0ent the %o''e%tion of money by re'ati0es after a pensioners death.

    ". He$#. F&'! a 9%ottish surgeon who in 1;; in a +o)yo hospita' pub'ished his firstpaper on the subje%t in the s%ientifi% journa' nature. 8e too) up the study of s)infurrows after noti%ing finger mar)s on spe%imens of prehistori% pottery.

    . 6&$ V*e!*,! an Argentine %hief of po'i%ewho %reated the first method of re%ording thefingerprint of indi0idua's on fi'e asso%iating this these fingerprints to theanthropometri% system of A'phonse erti''on.

    /. A',+$e Be#!''+$! %reated in 1;= a system to identify indi0idua's by anthropometri%photographs and asso%iated uantitati0e des%riptions.

    . E" R!*, He$#.! CH home se%retary who %ondu%ted an inuiry into identifi%ation of%rimina's by measurements and fingerprints. +he 8enry -'assifi%ation 9ystem of %'assifyingfingerprint was named after him.

    ;. A8!8' H&5e &$ He% C,&$#& B+e! ndian fingerprint e

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    L&e$ P#!$ ! ()nown as da%ty'os%opy or hand print identifi%ation# ! is the pro%ess of %omparingtwo instan%es of fri%tion ridge s)in impressions from human fingers pa'm of the hand or e0en toesto determine whether these impressions %ou'd ha0e %ome from the same indi0idua'.

    T,e M+ P+' Te$ P#!$ C'&!/!*&!+$ S.e%7

    ! R+*,e# S.e%! de0e'oped in 7ermany. mp'emented in 7ermany and @apan.

    ! 6&$ V*e!*, S.e%! de0e'oped in Argentina. mp'emented through out 9outh Ameri%a.!! He$#. C'&!/!*&!+$ S.e%! de0e'oped in ndia. mp'emented in most &ng'ish spea)ing


    I$ ,e He$#. S.e% +/ C'&!/!*&!+$7 T,e#e e < &!* /!$5e##!$ &e#$7

    17 L++ ! %onstitute /B to /B of a'' fingerprint.

    9!$ +/ L++

    1#u'nar 5oop 2#radia' 5oop

    27 3,+#'! %onstitute B to B of a'' fingerprints.

    9!$ +/ 3,+#'

    1#p'ain Whor'2#a%%identa' Whor'#doub'e 5oop whor'"#%entra' Po%)et 5oop Whor'.

    1. Permanen%e ! fingerprints ne0er %hange.

    2. ndi0idua'ity ! no two fingerprints are a'i)e.

    C,&*e#!!* +/ & R!5e (%!$!& Fee)

    1. ,idge &nding ! the end of a ridge.

    2. ifur%ation ! the 4!shaped sp'it of one ridge into two.

    . 3ot ! is a 0ery short ridge that 'oo)s 'i)e a dot.

    3,e$ ! /!$5e##!$ #!5e /+#%eans. formed during the third to fourth month of feta'de0e'opment.

    A+%&e F!$5e##!$ Ie$!/!*&!+$ S.e% (AFIS)! is the pro%ess of automati%a''y mat%hing oneof many un)nown fingerprints against a database of )nown and un)nown prints.

    3,& ! & L++ ans. the ridges enter from one side of the finger form a %ur0e and then e

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    3,& ! & ",+#'ans. ridges form %ir%u'ar'y around a %entra' point on the finger.

    3,& ! &$ A#*, ans. the ridges enter from one side of the finger rise in the %enter forming anar%h and then e

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    B&''!!* /!$5e##!$!$5! in0o'0es ana'yIing firearm ammunition and too' mar) e0iden%e in orderto estab'ish whether a %ertain firearm or too' was used in the %ommission of a %rime.

    G$ &''!!*! is the wor) of proje%ti'e from the time of shooting to the time of impa%t with thetarget.

    F+# *&e5+#!e +/ 5$ &''!!*

    1. nterna'Ginterior ba''isti% ! the study of the pro%esses origina''y a%%e'erating theproje%ti'e. e

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    note: 0e'o%ities of bu''ets are in%reased with the use of a ja%)et of a meta' su%h as%opper or %opper a''oys that %o0ers a 'ead %ore and a''ow the bu''et to g'ide down thebarre' more easi'y than e

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    17 u''et27 %aseGshe''

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    'e ! represents the ta%ti'e arteria' pa'pitation of the heartbeat by trained fingertips.t %an a'so be measured by 'istening to the heart dire%t'y using a stethos%ope.

    #e!#&!+$! the transport of o

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    2. +he 3ire%ted 5ie +est (35+# ! this test tries to dete%t 'ying by %omparing physio'ogi%a'responses when the subje%t is to'd to de'iberate'y 'ie to responses when they te'' thetruth.

    . +he 7ui'ty Hnow'edge +est (7H+# ! this test %ompares physio'ogi%a' responses to mu'tip'e%hoi%e type uestions about the %rime one %hoi%e of whi%h %ontains information on'ythe %rime in0estigators and the %rimina' wou'd )now about.

    ".< P,&e O/ A P+'.5#&, E&%!$&!+$

    . Pre!+est Phase ! the e

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    F+#e$!* %e!*!$e

    F+#e$!* %e!*!$e! the s%ien%e that dea's with the app'i%ation of medi%a' )now'edge to 'ega'uestion.

    C'!$!*&' F+#e$!* Me!*!$e! in0o'0es an app'i%ation of %'ini%a' methods for the administration ofjusti%e.

    P&' :&**,!& ! father of 'ega' medi%ine as we'' as father of forensi% psy%hiatry.

    Me!*&' E,!*! dea's with the mora' prin%ip'es whi%h shou'd guide members of the medi%a'profession in their dea'ings with ea%h other their patients and the state.

    Me!*&' E!ee ! dea's with the %on0entiona' 'aws of %ourtesy obser0ed between members ofthe medi%a' profession.A do%tor shou'd beha0e with his %o''eagues as he wou'd ha0e them beha0e withhimse'f.

    H!+*#&e! father of medi%ine dis%ussed 'etha'ity of wounds and formu'ated medi%a' ethi%s.

    F+#e$!* P&,+'+5.! dea's with the study and app'i%ation of the effe%ts of 0io'en%e orunnatura' diseasein its 0arious forms in or on thehuman body in determining the %ause and mannerof death in %ase of 0io'en%e suspi%ious une

  • 8/10/2019 Criminalistics Manual(Booklet)


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    C'&!/!*&!+$C&e5+#!e +/ +e$ "+$

    1. !$*!e "+$ ! %aused by a %'ean sharp edged obje%t su%h as a )nife raIor or a g'asssp'inter.

    2. '&*e#&!+$! irregu'ar tear 'i)e wound %aused by some b'unt trauma.. &!+$! (graIes# ! superfi%ia' wound in whi%h the top most 'ayer of the s)in is s%raped

    off. Are often %aused by a s'iding fa''". into a rough surfa%e.

    . $*#e "+$! %aused by an obje%t pun%turing the s)in su%h as nai'./. e$e#&!+$ "+$! %aused by an obje%t su%h as a )nife entering and %oming out from the

    s)in.. 5$,+ "+$! %aused by a bu''et or simi'ar proje%ti'e dri0ing into or through the body.

    +here may be two wounds one at the site of entry and one at the site of e

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    C&e +/ e&,

    1. o'd age2. predation ! bio'ogi%a' intera%tion where a predator (organism that is hunting# feeds on its

    prey (the organism that is atta%)ed#.. ma'nutrition". disease. a%%idents/. injury

    S!5$ +/ e&,

    1. %essation of breathing2. %ardia% arrest ! no pu'se. 'i0or mortis ! sett'ing of the b'ood in the 'ower dependents of the body.". a'gor mortis ! redu%tion in body temperature fo''owing death.. rigor mortis ! the 'imbs of the %orpse be%ome stiff and diffi%u't to mo0e./. de%omposition ! redu%tion into simp'e form of matter a%%ompanied by strong unp'easant odor.

    C&&e#!* S&% ! sudden rigidity of the mus%'e immediate'y after death. A rare form of mus%u'arstiffening that o%%urs at the moment of deathpersists into the period of rigor mortis and %an bemista)en for rigor mortis.

    O,e# N&%e +/ *&&e#!* S&%1. nstantaneous rigor2. -ata'epti% rigidity. nstantaneous rigidity". 3eath grip. Post orten spasm

    3,e$ +e ,e !//$e +/ e&, e5!$ + !&eafter / hours.

    3,& ! ,e #&e +/ e%e#e *,&$5e + & +. &/e# e&,after one hour body temperaturedrops 1 to 1 1G2 degrees per hour.

    D.!$5 De*'&!+$! is a testimony that wou'd norma''y barred as hearsay but may nonethe'ess beadmitted as e0iden%e in %ertain )inds of %ases be%ause it %onstituted the 'ast words of a dyingperson.

    Ne%+ M+#!#+ P#&e%!# Me$!#!! a dying person is not presumed to 'ie.

    :+%!e! an animated %orpse brought ba%) to 'ife by mysti%a' means su%h as wit%h%raft.

    C+//!$ B!#, ! (post orten feta' e

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    2. 5ar0ae. Prepupae". Pupae. Adu't f'y

    Re!e$*e !%e! this defines how 'ong an inse%t %o'ony has been at a %orpse.

    T,e +. /%! used for entomo'ogi%a' e

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    anagen phase begins again when this phase is %omp'ete. +he root is %'ub shaped.

    S,e!$5 ! the pro%ess of norma' hair 'oss.

    A'+e*!& ! a hair 'oss diseasethat %auses the hair to spontaneous'y fa'' out. t is main'y%hara%teriIed by ba'd pat%hes on the s%a'p or other parts of the body and %an u'timate'y%ause ba'dness a%ross the entire body.

    Me''&! inner most 'ayer of the hair shaft.

    F#+% ",!*, +/ ,e +. e %+ +/e$ e /+# ,&!# *+%!+$&ither head or pubi%.

    H+" + ee#%!$e ,e '!?e'. #&*e +/ ,e e#+$ /#+% ",!*, & ,&!# +#!5!$&e

    1. -au%asian ! e0en'y distributed fine pigmentationWa0y with round %ross se%tion.

    2. ongo'oid ! -ontinuous medu''ation.. Eegroid ! dense une0en pigmentation.

    R&e +/ ee +/ ,&!# 5#+",! 1.2 %m or . in%hes per month or about / in%hes or 1 %m.per year.

    3,& &e* +/ ,e ,&!# ! ,e *#!%!$&'! !$e#ee !$ %&*,!$5

    1. mat%hing %o'or2. 5ength

    . 3iameter". presen%e or absen%e of medu''a. distribution shape and %o'or intensity of the pigment granu'es in the %orte

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    to %'assify p'ants a%%ording to their to