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Chair Fred Dong Vice Chair Jeffrey Wilson Secretary, Publicity Marlene Plummer Treasurer Jerry Burnham Programs Wayne Fisher ExCom Representative John Lajeuness Membership, Outings Silvia Darie Newsletter, Conservation Bettie Pearson Webmaster Chuck Gooley Crescenta Valley View VOLUME IV, ISSUE X In This Issue Channel Islands 1 Programs & Outings 2 Chapter elections 2 Zimbabwe 3 Mountain Lions 4 Management Committee The Crescenta Valley Sierra Club will present, Joan Holtz' Touring Channel Islands, Tuesday, October 10 th , at 7:30 pm at the Los Angeles County Public Library in La Crescenta, located at 2809 Foothill Blvd, La Crescenta, 91214. Joan Holtz is a Political Committee person with the Sierra Club and long-time member of this Chapter. Her many trips to Channel Islands over the years has been as fundraising efforts for the Chapter. It has proved to be a popular event. We will look at this interesting cluster of offshore is- lands. From the coastal cities of Santa Barba- ra and Oxnard across the Santa Barbara Channel, go south and there will be the Channel Islands National Park. Our program begins following news of Conservation and Outings. This is a free program and everyone is welcome. Refreshments will be served. Please contact Wayne Fisher at 818 353-4181 or at [email protected] for fur- ther information. VOLUME IV, ISSUE X Crescenta Valley Group of The Sierra Club Monthly Newsletter October 2017 October Program: Joan Holtz' Touring Channel Islands

Crescenta Valley View - Sierra Club · 2017. 10. 1. · t, Joan Holtz' Touring Channel Tuesday, October 10th at 7:30 pm lvd, La Crescenta, 91214. n with the Sierra Club and long-time

Sep 09, 2021



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Page 1: Crescenta Valley View - Sierra Club · 2017. 10. 1. · t, Joan Holtz' Touring Channel Tuesday, October 10th at 7:30 pm lvd, La Crescenta, 91214. n with the Sierra Club and long-time

Chair Fred Dong

Vice Chair Jeffrey Wilson

Secretary, Publicity Marlene Plummer

Treasurer Jerry Burnham

Programs Wayne Fisher

ExCom Representative John Lajeuness

Membership, Outings Silvia Darie

Newsletter, Conservation Bettie Pearson

Webmaster Chuck Gooley

Crescenta Valley View


In This Issue

• Channel Islands 1

• Programs & Outings 2

• Chapter elections 2

• Zimbabwe 3

• Mountain Lions 4

Management Committee

The Crescenta Valley Sierra Club will

present, Joan Holtz' Touring Channel

Islands, Tuesday, October 10th, at 7:30 pm

at the Los Angeles County Public Library

in La Crescenta, located at 2809 Foothill

Blvd, La Crescenta, 91214.

Joan Holtz is a Political Committee

person with the Sierra Club and long-time

member of this Chapter. Her many trips to

Channel Islands over the years has been as

fundraising efforts for the Chapter. It has

proved to be a popular event. We will look

at this interesting cluster of offshore is-


From the coastal cities of Santa Barba-

ra and Oxnard across the Santa Barbara

Channel, go south and there will be the

Channel Islands National Park.

Our program begins following news of Conservation and

Outings. This is a free program and everyone is welcome.

Refreshments will be served. Please contact Wayne Fisher

at 818 353-4181 or at [email protected] for fur-

ther information.


Crescenta Valley Group of The Sierra Club Monthly Newsletter

October 2017

October Program:

Joan Holtz' Touring

Channel Islands

Page 2: Crescenta Valley View - Sierra Club · 2017. 10. 1. · t, Joan Holtz' Touring Channel Tuesday, October 10th at 7:30 pm lvd, La Crescenta, 91214. n with the Sierra Club and long-time

Programs, Outings, Announcements

Date and Time

Los Angeles Chapter chapter and group elections

Sunday, 10/8/2017 to Friday, 11/17/2017

Conservation Open House 3250 Wilshire Blvd Suite 1507 Los Angeles, CA 90010

For more information [email protected] and


Saturday, 10/21/2017 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Sierra Club California - 2017 Summit and CNRCC Rancho El Chorro, 2450 Pennington Creek Rd, San Luis Obispo Register online at:

Friday, 10/27/2017 to Sunday, 10/29/2017

Nepal Sightseeing and Mountain Hiking Adventure Fred Dong - 818-545-3878, [email protected] Stephanie Gross - 818-409-0015, madelinesmoth-

[email protected]

Friday, 10/27/2017 to Wednesday, 11/15/ 2017

PAGE 2 October 2017

Take that first step and become a Leader!

The Election Committee is now intensely engaged in

preparing the ballots. Election information will go out

SoCal Now and by email on 10/8/2017. Voting will run

from 8 October through 17 November 2017. Mark your

calendars and be sure to cast your vote. Every vote is

important. You have a voice in the operation of the An-

geles Chapter Executive Committee and its Regional

Offered just twice a year, the next Sierra Club Ange-

les Chapter's Leadership Training Seminar is scheduled

for Saturday, October 7, 2017, at the Eaton Canyon Na-

ture Center, Altadena, CA. Register by September 23rd.

Obtain more information by e-mail LTC Registrar:

[email protected]

This all-day (7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.) event covers group

management, our ratings system, rules of conduct, safety

and much more, from presentations, breakout groups and


• Time: Arrive at 7:30 a.m., done by 4 pm

• Register by Sept. 23

E-mail LTC Registrar for information NEW -- Pay-

Pal option is now available - see LTP Application for de-

tails. Note: Paypal does not give us your identity or con-

tact information. Be sure to let the Registrar know (by

email) that you are using Paypal when you pay.

Groups. Make your voice heard.

There are five at-large representative positions to

the Angeles Chapter Executive Committee up for elec-

tion. The candidates are Yvonne Watson, Lynne

Plambeck, Bettie Pearson, Dennis Loya, Jason Islas,

Debbie Drezner, Joy Cernac, Murray Aronson.

Chapter Elections are just around the corner – Remember to Cast Your Vote!

From Jerry’s Blog – Part I

See Zimbabwe Blog, Page 3

Victoria Falls, located in southern Africa on the Zambezi

River at the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe

Photo by Jerry Burnham

Page 3: Crescenta Valley View - Sierra Club · 2017. 10. 1. · t, Joan Holtz' Touring Channel Tuesday, October 10th at 7:30 pm lvd, La Crescenta, 91214. n with the Sierra Club and long-time

October 2017



Zimbabwe Blog, From 2

I remember years ago reading

about how a proper Englishman

who was sent to Africa to work at

an isolated outpost during colonial

times maintained his structured

lifestyle. Having a set personal

routine with specified times to get

up, to eat breakfast and to begin

his workday helped him maintain

his composure when unexpected

or difficult situations occurred

related to his work. He even had

a neatly folded newspaper deliv-

ered at breakfast and although it

was old and the same one every

day, it still maintained the struc-

ture pending the future arrival of a

new one.

You may wonder how this sit-

uation could be related in any way

to Imvelo, the company that man-

ages lodges, water holes, a rail-

road car and a ranger station in

the northwest portion of Zimba-

bwe. The answer is the care,

structure, and attention to detail in

a calm and unimposing way that

was very evident when my son

and I enjoyed a twelve-day father-

son safari with stays at five of

Imvelo’s safari camps. The own-

ers and staff understood what

makes guests feel comfortable and

excited to be staying there. The

lodges varied from a virtually

four-star property through rustic

to one that was very rustic. How-

ever, the basic amenities were al-

ways there including hot showers,

quality dishes and silverware,

good food, clean linens, comfort-

able beds with the bedding tucked

in equal to any fine hotel and flush

toilets. On the colder nights, a hot-

water bottle in a furry bag would be

found in each bed.

“Three very long flights”

The order that we stayed is the

various lodges did not seem signifi-

cant to me at the time but looking

back, it certainly made sense. After

three very long airplane flights we

landed in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

and were met by a representative

who took us to the Gorges Lodge

on the edge of Zambezi River

Gorge several miles east of the

town. This was the best place to

wind down and get some needed

rest after the flights from Los An-

geles. After plenty of time to settle

in and rest, we went on a short hike

to the east side of the property

where a table was set with snacks

and the bar was open. Here we en-

joyed a nature talk about the resi-

dent eagle pair that soars over the

canyon every afternoon. After

dark, the evening included a buffet

dinner enjoyed at a long table with

the other guests outside under the

stars. Finally, we were treated to a

native dance troop that performed

traditional African dances that in-

volved our participation.

Departed for Victoria Falls

After a good night’s sleep, we

enjoyed a buffet breakfast, then

departed for Victoria Falls to hike

and photograph the mile-wide nat-

ural wonder. Toward the end of

the hike, we were accosted by an

angry baboon that was deflected by

our guide as it came toward us. I

could not help but wonder if a ba-

boon could be this aggressive, how

would we fare with lions, hippos

and cheetahs. Following lunch and

a visit to the local snake zoo, we

departed for a seven-hour ride to

our next lodge.

Next up, we go to Nehimba

Lodge in the next blog.


Jerry Burnham shares his

recent Travel Adventure with

his son, Jon, in Zimbabwe

August 3 – 13, 2017

Elephants near Nehimba Lodge, Zimbabwe - Photo by Jerry Burnham

First of a five-part series

Page 4: Crescenta Valley View - Sierra Club · 2017. 10. 1. · t, Joan Holtz' Touring Channel Tuesday, October 10th at 7:30 pm lvd, La Crescenta, 91214. n with the Sierra Club and long-time


October 2017

Robin Parks speaks to law en-

forcement, to teach them what to do

and not to when confronting a moun-

tain lion. He calls is program Moun-

tain Lion 101 and came the second

Tuesday this September to share with


A volunteer with the Mountain

Lion Foundation, Parks traveled from

his home in San Diego to distill fears

and myths, share anecdotes and edu-

cate us anew – he was here three

years ago – about mountain lions (aka

puma, cougars).

“Mountain Lions are protected” “There is no mountain lion hunt-

ing in California,” he noted. And one

of the premier politicians to advocate

for banning hunting of the big cats in

this State was President Ronald

Reagan. You can’t be a good republi-

can if you want to hunt mountain li-

ons, he said adding: if it’s good

enough for Ronald Reagan, it’s good

enough for me.”

In Half Moon Bay, CA, two baby

mountain lions took shelter under a

woman’s porch, they were cold and

hungry. Those who came with skills

were threatened with arrest. Fish &

Wild Life killed the two cats claim-

ing they were a threat to public ser-

vice. The public outrage that fol-

lowed led to SB 132, The Mountain

Lion Protection Law, which states

that you can’t kill a mountain lion

that is not a threat and not acting ag-

gressively (i.e., in response to aggres-

sive human behavior). Authorities are

to use non-lethal means to handle the

big cats.

“Taking their habitats will kill them…”

The cubs are dependent on the

mother until 18 months, so if the

mother is killed the cubs will die.

You cannot distinguish a male from a

female unless the lion has cubs, then

it’s a female – of course. Usually

males are little larger, but you can’t

tell the difference without lifting its


They are living among us and

have been seen in the diverse areas of

Hawthorne and Eaton Canyon.

Average weight is around 110 lbs.

Males can jump vertically 22 feet;

they have a lot of power in the rear

end. They can leap 45 feet and can

carry a 100-lb deer. They can spring

along at 50 miles per hour in short

sprints. They can swim; and further-

more, like a house cat, sleep all day


Deer is the number one thing on

the menu. Mess with the deer popula-

tion, chase away deer, then mountains

lions would have to go because that’s

what they feed on.

A thought-provoking statistic is

that since 1895, there have been 19

human fatalities from mountain lions

(one source said 22) three of those

children – in all of North America,

which includes Canada, one was in



“Cats (mountain lions) will disappear in LA in 10 years.” —Robin Parks

Robin Parks with CV member Ali De Vera

Post program Q & A with audience member