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Credit Receivables Mngt

Apr 06, 2018



Chetana Asbe
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  • 8/3/2019 Credit Receivables Mngt


    Receivables Management

    Semester II

  • 8/3/2019 Credit Receivables Mngt


  • 8/3/2019 Credit Receivables Mngt


    Objective of Credit Policy

    The objective of credit policy is to promotesales up to that point where profit is

    maximized There will be net increase in operating

    profit only when the cost of extendedcredit period is less than the incrementaloperating profit/residual income

  • 8/3/2019 Credit Receivables Mngt


    Credit Policy Variables

    In establishing an optimum credit policy,the financial manager must consider thefollowing important decision variables

    which influence the level of receivables:1. Credit Standards

    2. Credit Terms

    Cash DiscountCredit Period

    3. Collection Efforts

  • 8/3/2019 Credit Receivables Mngt


    Role of Credit Standards

    Credit standards are criteria to decide towhom credit sales can be made and howmuch

    Credit standards influence the quality offirms customers

    time taken by customers to repay credit

    obligationdefault rate

  • 8/3/2019 Credit Receivables Mngt


    The time taken by customers to repay

    debt can be determined by comparingaverage collection period (ACP) withaverage payment period of the customer

    Default risk can be measured in terms of

    bad-debt losses ratio the proportion ofuncollected receivable. The estimate ofprobability of default can be determinedby evaluating the character, i.e.,

    willingness of customer to pay; customersability to pay and prevailing economicand other conditions

  • 8/3/2019 Credit Receivables Mngt


    Types of customers

    Firm may categorize customers into threekinds:

    good accounts

    bad accounts

    moderate accounts

  • 8/3/2019 Credit Receivables Mngt


    Role of Credit Terms The conditions for extending credit sales are

    called credit terms Credit terms include:cash discountcredit period Cash discounts are given for receiving

    payments earlier than the normal creditperiod

    The length of time for which credit isextended to customers is called the creditperiod

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    Factors Determining Credit Period

    Industry Norms

    Objective of the Firm

    Default Ratio and Bad-debt Losses

  • 8/3/2019 Credit Receivables Mngt


    Objectives of Collection Policy

    Cause increase in sales

    Prompt and regular collection

    Speed up the collection of dues Keep down collection costs and bad

    debts within limits

    Maintain collection efficiency

  • 8/3/2019 Credit Receivables Mngt


    Firm should lay-down clear cut collection

    procedures for past dues or delinquentaccounts

    The collection procedure should be clearly

    defined in such a manner that theresponsibility to collect and follow upshould be clearly defined

    A firm needs to continuously monitor

    and control its receivables to ensure thesuccess of collection efforts

  • 8/3/2019 Credit Receivables Mngt


    Factoring Factoring involves an outright sale of

    receivables of an organization to a financialinstitution or private agency, called factor

    A factor specializes in management of tradecredit

    Factors collect receivables and also advancecash against receivables to solve the client

    firms liquidity problem For providing their services, they charge

    interest on advance and commission forother services.

  • 8/3/2019 Credit Receivables Mngt


    Functions of Factor

    1. Financial Assistance: Factors providefinancial assistance to the client byextending advance cash against book

    debts.2. Credit Administration: Sales ledger

    administration and credit management

    services to his clients, by maintaining theledger of customers of clients, taking allfollow-up actions, etc.

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    3. Protection: Protection against default in

    payment by debtors, by initializing legalactions at an early time.

    4. Credit collection: When individual book

    debts become due from the customer, thefactor undertakes all collection activitythat is necessary. He guards the interestof his client, by developing better

    strategy against possible defaults bycustomers of his client; etc.