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Speaker: Dott.ssa Sabrina Fattori Creativity, Innovation and Change

Creativity, Innovation and Change

Feb 09, 2017


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Page 1: Creativity, Innovation and Change

Speaker: Dott.ssa Sabrina Fattori

Creativity, Innovation and Change

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From Global Economy

The term was popularized by Peter Drucker, characterized by:

• Creativity

• Innovation

• New Technologies (ICT)

Globalization, consumer's benefits:

• Lower prices

• Expansion the range of products and services

To Knowledge Economy

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Knowledge Economy

Creativity and


Culture The Italian model of creativity is based on deep-rooted notions of culture and territory

Education 21st century's skill development is not adequately emphasized in the public education system , which often encourages rote learning and memorization

Talent Is based on brainpower and the ability to acquire , deliver, and process effectively the information

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The Knowledge Economy

FORAY D., “L’economia della conoscenza”, Il MULINO, Bologna, Anno 2000, pag. 9

• The predominant employment in an intensive knowledge

• The crucial connection between economic sectors and information

• The supremacy of intangible capital on the physical capital

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Human capital 

Economic capital

VsRaw materials


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“Brainpower has become the ' raw material ' for companies. This human capital , combined with

the social capital of democracy , open markets and the rule of law -

is the basis of a prosperous economy.”

Human capital in the Knowledge economy

- Michael Robert Milken American former financier and


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“For every job… the No. 1 thing we look for is general cognitive ability, and it’s not IQ. It’s learning ability… It’s the ability to pull together disparate bits of information. We assess that using structured behavioral interviews that we validate to make sure they’re predictive.”

- Laszlo Bock, Google’s Senior Vice President of People Operations

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Lifelong Learning

In a rapidly changing world it is crucial that workers must continuously refill their


Everybody needs to be a lifelong learner to stay relevant

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are increasingly a Changeable and Uncontrollable phenomenonTechnological Innovations

Digital Revolution New Skills


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Always Connected

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Internet of Things – IoTthe network of physical objects

embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network

connectivity, that allows these objects the collection and

exchange of data

For promoting the Efficiency and Accuracy with resulting

Economic benefit

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Cloud Computing

The delivery of on-demand computing resources over the Internet on a pay-for-use basis

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From Industrial District


ClusterClusters are geographic concentrations of interconnected

companies and institutions in a particular field

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Italian and European institutions Education

New technologies Society



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INNOVATIONCreativity is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for

“creativity is uniting the preexistent elements in new useful combinations”  - Henri Poincaré 

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Innovation is the

application of a creative

idea that creates value

Innovation is the process that transforms new ideas into new value

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Innovative strategiesProduct Innovation• Improvement of existing products

• New product's creation to meet new customer’s needs in the quality, technological content or services

Maintain a competitive advantage

over competitors

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Innovative strategiesProcess Innovation• The existing productive

process improvement

• the new productive process's creation

• Cost reduction

• Improving of quality

• New product’s achievement

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Innovative strategiesOrganizational Innovation• The enterprise's organizational structure change• Business model's reconfiguration

• The management improving• The adaptation to changes

in the own business• The adaptation to the

reference market

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+ Talent

+ Creativity

+ Empathy

+ Innovation

= Competitive Advantage for the enterprise

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Made in ItalyExports by Product - mln €

Source: Symbola – Unioncamere 2014

Creative Industries Cultural Industries

Luxury, design, wine and food are the most exported products from the creative industries

Cultural industries contribute with audio equipment, publishing and art

Jewellery and Goldsmith Fashion and Leather

Quality Wines Design and Home design


Sound equipment and Images Photography and Publishing

Books Creative Art


5.556 5.351

3.635 2.492


586 543

517 402


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Creative Economy

15,6% National Value Added

+4,3% Increase Exports

+3,2% Turnover of Creative Industries

15,16% Women’s Creative Enterprises Source: Io sono cultura – Symbola- Unioncamere

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Creativity is the driving force for the Quality of Made in Italy

Source: Istat - Eurostat

Report Le PMI e la sfida della qualità - Un'economia a misura d'Italia - Cna e Fondazione Symbola, 2015

European design patents

in 32 classes of design patents, Italy finished on the podium in 22 classes.

Our creative vocation is extremely widespread.

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Source: Istat – 2010 price

trend at constant prices and annual % variation

Billion €

Italian GDP

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The Italian companies have shown “Variety” and “Strength” that are the essence of adaptation

Ambidextrous Organization  enterprise’s ability to be efficient in its management of today’s

business and also adaptable for coping with future’s changing demand

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to facilitate:






Network strengthens the meaning of Membership

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Do More with Less

from Hindi - The enterprises must find out a low-cost solution to any problem, in an intelligent way

Created by Natalie Z.Wang for Jugaad Innovation, LLC.

follow your HEART

seek Opportunity in Adversity

Think and Act


keep it Simple include the Margin

Jugaad Innovation

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“Innovation has never come through bureaucracy and hierarchy. It has

always come from Individuals”

– John Sculley American businessman, entrepreneur and investor in high-tech startups.

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