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Create Your Luck

Jul 10, 2015



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10 Simple Steps to Create Your Luck

Age-old secrets that are so simple you’ll

wonder why you didn’t do them before.

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Copyright ©2010 by Erin Hugar. All rights reserved worldwide.

No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author or the terms relayed to you herein.

Erin Hugar

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold under the understanding that the author/publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.

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Dedicated to all of the dreamers out there.

Other people think we’re crazy;

but we’re the ones that will be laughing in the end.


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Table of Contents


Required Materials


Change Your Thoughts

Put on Your Rose Colored Glasses

Chill Out…

Increase Opportunity


Be Thankful

Believe in Yourself

Visual Reminders

Daily Quiet

Plan of Action

Keep Going

Cliff Notes

How to Apply This at Your Current Job

Pearls of Wisdom

Recommended Reading


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I have been studying the mind, the subconscious mind, the law of

attraction, hypnosis, NLP and all facets in this realm for over 20 years.

At first I was amazed. Then, after a few years, it turned to a thirst for more

in depth knowledge. There were a few times, throughout the years, which

I gave up on the notion that any of this could actually work. I then realized

that there was no way I had put so much thought and effort into a subject

for it to mean nothing.

One day, in a fit of desperation, I got out all of my books that meant

something to me. All of the books that I would turn to for answers. All of

the books that have helped to guide me on my journey thus far.

I was on a quest to simplify the process and to untangle the different

practices that are suggested by the great leaders in this field.

With all of these books before me, I went through the table of contents to

refresh myself on all of the guiding principles. From there, I created a

study plan for myself. I read. I took notes. I thought. I experimented. I

condensed knowledge. I figured out what methods of action were very

similar and found how to incorporate more than one method into a single,

simple step. I literally had my “crazy wall” with methods and ideas

written on index cards, linked with different colored yarn.

From that work is where this book came from. It is a compilation of all the

techniques and ideas that have been around for thousands of years.

Why do I call it, “luck”? For two reasons. Number one is because so many

people have tried to manifest things in their life with no success. They are

where I had been several times over the past two decades and are just

looking to increase their luck – somehow, some way. The second reason is

for those people who have never tried any of these techniques or

entertained these thoughts. They are newly searching, or perhaps

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desperately searching for some kind of luck in their lives to help turn things


No matter which group you fall in, these techniques will work. They have

cured several health problems in my family, helped us attain far bigger

things than we ever hoped for, and brought us peace in times of


The only thing you really need to decide to do is to make the time to

implement these steps into your daily life. They won’t take very long.

They are easy. Make that commitment for yourself. You deserve this new

freedom that is waiting for you.

Adopt these techniques. Make them part of your daily routine. Allow

yourself to believe in the unseen. You will be better off because of your


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Required Materials

There are a few materials you will need to help you create your own luck.

Needed Items:

An open mind

Willingness to change

One rubber band

One notebook

Pen or pencil


Index cards

Magazine (or other types) pictures

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Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s Definition of Luck:

“A force that brings good fortune or adversity / the events

or circumstances that operates for or against an individual”

We all have luck. The luck we have is either good, or bad. Which side

does the lady of mystery fall on for you?

Would you believe me if I told you that you create your own luck? You

decide if you are going to be a “lucky” person… you even decide if you are

an “unlucky” person.

We all want luck on our side. We all want to be lucky, even extremely

lucky, right? Why would we “decide” to have bad luck?

It is all mental. That’s right – it’s in your head.

Everybody is attracting things into their life like a magnet. You can either

attract things you WANT, or things you DON’T want.

To understand this, you must understand how your mind works. Not

your brain – your mind. That part of your being that nobody can

physically touch – that part that keeps you alive – that part that helps you

realize when you are not in a safe situation – that part that not many

people understand.

Your mind is stronger, smarter, and more amazing than any piece of

technology that ever has been, or ever will be invented. Your mind is


You, however, control your mind. With your everyday thoughts, you tell

your mind what you want to happen in your life. I know that you are

thinking, “But I want to be rich, and I’m not rich!”, “I want to be thin and

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fit, but I am fat and out of shape.” I hear you. But, there is a stronger force

at work here than what you want. It is what you tell yourself on a daily

basis. You may not even realize what you are saying…

What do you say when you mess up?

What do you say when you stub your toe?

What do you say when you want to buy something

and you “can’t”?

What do you say when you look at yourself in the


What do you say when you are embarrassed?

What do you say when you really look at your life and realize you are not

where you want to be?

It is those answers that your mind lives by. Your mind lives by those

answers because that is what you tell it on a consistent basis. Sure, you

probably want to be healthy, wealthy, and wise; but your mind only

provides what you think about day in and day out; and chances are, you’re

telling it the opposite of what you really want.

Then, there are those people that are always working toward their goals.

They always have that on their mind. So, why aren’t they achieving what is

on their mind/what they’re thinking? It is probably because they are

coming from a place of need and desperation. “I just have to make this work.

It is my only chance!” When you come from a place of need and

desperation, you are feeling that emotion so strongly.

Guess what. Your mind really responds to emotion. Your mind loves

emotion! So when you are feeling needy and desperate, your faithful mind

responds by giving you more of what you are feeling – need and


So your mind reacts (and provides) what you consistently tell yourself, and

what you feel deeply. Is your life starting to make more sense now? Is it

becoming clear why you are in the situation you are in?

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Don’t despair. This can be turned around quickly and easily; and you will

learn how to do that in this book. Plus, you will learn how to make sure

Luck is your new best friend.

There is one, paramount, thing that you must do in order for all of this to

work though. You must decide it is okay for you to step outside the normal

realm of your thinking while you read this book. After all, how you have

been living so far has not gotten you where you desire to be.

You have most likely been living your life with the same thoughts and

feelings, yet wondered why you couldn’t make it to the next level. It is

because you are insane, at least according to Albert Einstein.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting

different results.”

~ Albert Einstein

Shake yourself off, promise yourself you will do the activities in this book,

and prepare to be amazed. You are about to change your life, learn how to

attain your deepest desires and find out exactly what you need to do to

create your own luck!

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Change Your Thoughts

We have already gone over why it is important to change your thoughts.

Now you will learn how to change your thoughts.

We have thought patterns that have been with us since growing up.

Parents, teachers, friends, media, advertisements… they all have at one

time or another filled our minds with negative words – and those words

have turned into our habitual thinking. We took their opinions and made

their opinions our reality. Not anymore. It is time to take control of your


You cannot simply “erase” a thought pattern from your mind. You have to

replace it. So, instead of thinking things like:

“There is no way I am going to be able to run that entire marathon…”

replace it with

“I am so proud of the fact that I even entered a marathon! I can’t wait to see

how well I will do.”

“I will never be able to afford that car I want…”

replace it with

“Somehow, someway, I am going to get that car I want.”

“My kids never listen to me…”

replace it with

“I love and respect my kids.”

Remember that your mind can only think one thought at a time. Fill that

one thought with something positive instead of something negative. You

are the creator of your future. Create positive, life fulfilling thoughts that

will create luck in your life and help you have, literally, anything you want.

Replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts. One thought at a


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Activity: The Rubber Band Method

To help you overcome negative thoughts, and to remind you to turn those

negatives into positives, here is an activity. Remember, you promised you

would do the activities!

Get a rubber band and wear it around your wrist. Every time you notice a

negative thought crossing your mind – STOP the negative thought, SNAP

the rubber band, then replace that negative thought with a positive


Trust me. You will get into the habit of thinking positively very quickly!

“I don’t want to snap that rubber band…”


“I want to think positive!”

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Put on Your Rose Colored Glasses

“The real voyage of discovery consists of not in seeking new landscapes

but in having new eyes.”

~Marcel Proust

Whose reality do you live by? Your spouse’s? Your bosses? Your

neighbor’s? Society’s? Why? Why do you have to live in a reality that is

the “norm” and making everybody the way they are?

It is okay to be different. In fact, think of the great people of the past. If

you were to read their biographies, you would find that they were

nowhere close to being “normal”. They were often times perceived as

being very odd individuals – until they reached their fame. (Even then,

people thought they were “odd”, but then it was okay – they were famous.)

Bottom line: reality is what you make of it. Don’t worry about what society

is doing. Make your reality different from society! The majority of society

is fat, poor, and sad! It is okay (and desirable) to think differently from

“everybody else”.

There is a grocery store, in an undesirable part of town where I used to live.

I really hated going there. I would see thugs on the street, a child being

rude to their parents, teenagers acting like fools… it was a nightmare to

leave my home and go there. Then, I decided to change what I wanted to

see. I sure didn’t want to see all of the nasty scenes that always played out

in front of me. Instead, I decided that I wanted to see hope. I wanted to

see kindness. I wanted to see happiness.

Guess what? It started to change. I started to see of what I actually did

want to see, and less and less of what I didn’t want to see.

All I did to change my reality was to change my mind. I had to take a close

look at why I hated going to that grocery store, and why it made me feel so

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bad inside. Then, I had to decide what I would rather see instead. After I

did that – the change came.

Expect to see wonderful, happy, life fulfilling things in your reality! Why

not? Why would you want to see anything else? Sure – those bad things

will still exist; but it is a matter of seeing the glass half full, and making

lemonade out of lemons. It is expecting to see the best, be the best, and

create the best – isn’t that a reality you can sink your teeth into?

You are in control of your reality. If you don’t like something, change the

way you look at it. It really is as simple as that.

How does this fit into creating your own luck? Simple. Start expecting

your ideas, and your success to be a part of your reality. Decide on

something that you want to happen. Do something every day that will help

you reach that “something”. By continually doing and striving for that

*thing*, you will begin to see it take fruition.

Start seeing your world as you want to see it. Just do it.

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Activity: The Half & Half


1. On a piece of paper, write on the left side everything that you don’t

like about your life. One item per line.

2. Now, on the right side of the paper, write the exact opposite of what

you wrote.

3. Tear the paper between the two sides.

4. Throw away, burn, bury… (whatever) the left side. Just get rid of it!

5. Read the right side every day. The more you read it, the better.

Your perception will begin to change and you will begin to see the life you

want to create. You will change your luck.

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