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Crafty Cash

Nov 11, 2015




About Crafting

All types of leisure activities can be turned into a viable business should the individual decide to make it an income earning venture. With this in mind, anyone wanting to venture into the business field should be well equipped with the various connecting dos and don’ts of doing business.

All crafts can and usually are categorized into a few major areas, which include paper crafts, textile based crafts, decorative crafts, and fashion focused crafts and crafts that also serve as functional piece. Besides these more obvious and areas there are also other lesser known yet fairly popular arts and crafts styles. Basically anything that has some features of being handmade can be classified under these categories.

If the crafts business is to make an impact and produce the desired revenue then there should be a plan in place to eventually bring this to reality.
For some starting out on a part time basis is a better option that to go into it full time, as there is no assurance that the particular art or craft will be well received as a business entity.

Perhaps taking some lessons to fine tune the individual’s capabilities would be a wise step to take if one is serious about converting the hobby to becoming an actual business.

These classes will help to expose the individual to elements that would perhaps not be already known thus creating the opportunity for the individual to be savvier when it comes to the art and craft work.

Part of the process for planning the business, should also include checking out the competition in the particular art and craft field the individual is intending to be a part of. Armed with this knowledge the individual will be able to decide if the choice made is the right one.

Get all the info you need today to be a success.
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    Terms and Conditions


    The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible

    in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does

    not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are

    accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet.

    While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in

    this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors,

    omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.

    Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations

    are unintentional.

    In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no

    guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their

    own judgment about their individual circumstances to act


    This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business,

    accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services

    of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting and finance


    You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.

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    Table Of Contents


    Chapter 1:

    Arts And Crafts Basics

    Chapter 2:

    Main Types Of Crafts

    Chapter 3:

    Creating A Concept

    Chapter 4:

    Supplies And Skills

    Chapter 5:

    Marketing For An Arts And Crafts Business

    Chapter 6:

    Arts And Crafts Fairs

    Chapter 7:

    Successful Business Mindset

    Wrapping Up

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    All types of leisure activities can be turned into a viable business

    should the individual decide to make it an income earning venture.

    With this in mind, anyone wanting to venture into the business field

    should be well equipped with the various connecting dos and donts of

    doing business. Get all the info you need here.

    Crafty Cash

    Turn Your Arts And Crafts Skills Into Cash

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    Chapter 1: Arts And Crafts Basics


    All crafts can and usually are categorized into a few major areas,

    which include paper crafts, textile based crafts, decorative crafts, and

    fashion focused crafts and crafts that also serve as functional piece.

    Besides these more obvious and areas there are also other lesser

    known yet fairly popular arts and crafts styles. Basically anything that

    has some features of being handmade can be classified under these


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    The Basics

    The following are some elements that can be connected to the arts

    and crafts business entity:

    If the crafts business is to make an impact and produce the desired

    revenue then there should be a plan in place to eventually bring this

    to reality.

    For some starting out on a part time basis is a better option that to go

    into it full time, as there is no assurance that the particular art or craft

    will be well received as a business entity.

    Perhaps taking some lessons to fine tune the individuals capabilities

    would be a wise step to take if one is serious about converting the

    hobby to becoming an actual business.

    These classes will help to expose the individual to elements that

    would perhaps not be already known thus creating the opportunity

    for the individual to be savvier when it comes to the art and craft


    Part of the process for planning the business, should also include

    checking out the competition in the particular art and craft field the

    individual is intending to be a part of. Armed with this knowledge the

    individual will be able to decide if the choice made is the right one.

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    Chapter 2: Main Types Of Crafts


    The arts and crafts field is quite vast and diversified, but it can be

    broken down into a few main areas based on the materials being used

    to create the intended item. Therefore if the individual is

    contemplating venturing into the arts and crafts business platform,

    some knowledge on the different types of crafts should be


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    A Quick Look

    The following is a short description of the main different areas that

    are usually associated with crafts:

    Textile crafts this type of craft would include the use of fabrics,

    yarn and any type of surface design which may include knitting,

    weaving, dyeing and appliqu. Although some of these end

    products can also be regarded as fashion crafts in it still basically

    textile based.

    Paper crafts as the name implies the basis of this craft is the use

    of paper to make the items. This is a very basic style craft and is

    usually introduced at a very young age which is usually as part of a

    classroom project.

    It is mainly a favorite for childrens projects to be made as gifts

    and mementos. As for the more experienced creations the paper

    crafts would include paper mache, calligraphy and paper making.

    Certain wood engravings are sometimes categorized as paper crafts


    Decorative crafts this particular category does not really focus on

    the use of any particular material and is basically just creations

    that are meant to be appreciated as decorative items.

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    Anything from furniture to stained glass fixtures come under this

    very creative category, which normally requires a high amount of

    skilled labor.

    Fashion crafts for some this is the most popular and rewarding

    category to venture into as it involved the dressing or decorating

    of the human body as a palate. This area knows no bound in the

    name of creativity and individualism. It is also the most highly

    featured and prized category as fashion.

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    Chapter 3: Creating A Concept


    This creation of concepts requires a little planning and thought.

    Previously the idea of creating a concept was usually done when the

    services of an advertising company was sought. However of late

    anyone and everyone intending to go into business, where the

    visibility element is pivotal and needed while maintaining the

    recognition in an individualistic way, the idea of concept creation

    becomes a vital.

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    The following are some points that can shed some ideas on the

    issue of concepts:

    Concept ideas in the form of proposals this is mostly where the

    consumers view are taken into consideration and any adjustments

    made to the business, products or service is very much dictated by

    the customers input.

    The information can be gotten through the various different levels

    of the business engine and not necessarily only from the consumer.

    Any feedback that can be enlightening is highly valued.

    Concept ideas selection process here a whole bunch of ideas are

    discussed and categorized according to its merits and then the

    process of elimination begins where the eventual pick is imagined

    to be the best concept to go with.

    This exercise usually involves the powers that be and all others

    who have important contributing thoughts on the eventual pick


    Concept marketing strategy at this point the concept becomes

    more detailed and a lot more thought and planning is exercised.

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    Mistakes or wrong assumptions made at this stage would not bear

    well on the overall success of the business endeavor as this

    planning stage is the backbone of eventual promotions tagged to

    the business engine.

    Concept physical development and testing this stage required

    the actual reaching out process where the target customer base is

    used as a guideline to gauge the eventual reception the business,

    product or service will receive. This exercise is usually carried out

    as a launching pad for the business.

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    Chapter 4: Supplies And Skills


    Every business requires certain basic elements in order to ensure its

    success, and supplies and skill usually rank quite highly on the

    requirements platform. Therefore before the individual even decides

    to actually get into the serious procedures of starting up a business,

    there should be some basic understanding of the needs and

    importance of these two elements.

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    What You Need

    Supplies will be the basis of the business to start with and without the

    supplies there really is no business to speak of. Getting all the

    information such as what is required and how this requirement can

    be fulfilled in a professional and timely manner is important to the

    eventual smooth running of the business engine.

    There is also the need to look into the kind of supplies needed and

    whether there are any legal implications tagged to the use of such


    If there is a need to get legal approval to use the item then the

    necessary documentations should be files with the relevant governing

    bodies before such item can be included for use in making the

    products intended.

    If it is not possible to use such items based on the rejections of the

    governing bodies than immediate steps would be taken to find

    suitable alternative which are both acceptable and easy to acquire.

    Skills are also another very important element that should get serious

    consideration when starting up the business endeavor. Art and crafts

    is nothing without the ever important presence of the skills element.

    Not just anyone can churn out such items without the knowledge and

    skill it would have taken to master such a production.

    Often this particular aspect is taken for granted and when the

    business starts to earn some serious revenue and there is a need to

    expand, not having the skilled labor to help churn out the necessary

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    amounts to meet the demands will eventually jeopardize the entire

    business entity, causing the customers to look elsewhere to satisfy

    their needs.

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    Chapter 5: Marketing For An Arts And Crafts Business


    Marketing for arts and crafts is quite similar to marketing any other

    products with only a few distinctive different. These differences are

    due to the fact that the market for such items are quite niche and such

    items cannot be successfully touted by the masses as it lose its

    originality in the selling tactic.

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    The following are some recommendations on how to understand and

    plan the marketing tactics for arts and crafts businesses:

    Doing some research is the first thing to exercise in the quest to

    understand the market requirements of the time and the general likes

    and dislikes of the intended customer base.

    With this in mind the individual intending to launch an art and craft

    business will be able to gauge if the intended product is suitable as a

    revenue earning tool or if there is a need to redesign or even rethink

    the entire concept of the item to be made for sales.

    Pricing the items reasonable is also another marketing strategy that

    should be looked into. After the market research the individual

    should be able to gauge just how much a customer is willing to pay for

    such items.

    Correct and compatible pricing is very important to ensure that the

    available market for the product in actually induced to making the

    product a revenue earning platform.

    Marketing strategies that direct focus to the ideal pricing for the

    product, will successfully garner the desired interests which will lead

    to the desired [projected earnings.

    Building a strong mailing list is also another effective marketing

    strategy when it comes to creating visibility and bringing the product

    to the customer. Making the customer aware of the existence of the

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    item and creating the platform for easy and quick purchases to be

    made will encourage the intended customer base to excitedly make


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    Chapter 6: Arts And Crafts Fairs


    The main idea behind these arts and crafts fair is to being to attention

    the works of those participating in the exercise to the viewing public.

    However there are also many other reasons why this particular

    platform is both useful and exciting for those so inclined.

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    The following are just some of the reasons why arts and crafts fairs

    have become very popular entities of late:

    A lot of the participants of the arts and crafts fair get involved in this

    type of event for the convenience it facilitates. The locations and

    times chosen to organize such events are usually very convenient and


    Product exposure this is a splendid platform to display the

    individuals creations with the sole intention of gaining revenue

    through the potential purchase of the items on display.

    The fairs are usually organized periodically to ensure those in the

    industry have a suitable venue that is not exorbitantly costly to

    display their wares for business purposes.

    The fairs are patronized by like minded individuals who share the

    same affinity to the products on display, thus making it an ideal one

    stop location to find anything and everything one may be looking for.

    Buying opportunities some of these fairs can also function as

    displaying platforms for future business opportunities. It is not

    uncommon for established business owners to browse through such

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    fairs looking for opportunities to further expand their already

    successfully preexisting businesses.

    Forming new partnerships and expansion programs can be quite

    common an exercise at an arts and crafts fair.

    As most of the participants in such fairs are considered cottage

    industry style businesses, larger companies looking for new ideas also

    visit such fairs to form business liaisons which could be rather

    successful especially for the individual displaying specialized and

    unique style goods.

    This becomes even more lucrative if the owner of the said item or

    design has had the foresight to have the elements patented.

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    Chapter 7: Successful Business Mindset


    The following are some tips on the successful business mindset that is

    well worth following in order to generate successful revenue earning


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    Final Thoughts

    Perhaps the most effective and motivating tool would be to actually

    visualize the business engine and its definite accompanying

    success. This is different from simply visualizing the possibilities,

    as this exercise requires the actual visualization of the already

    successful entity.

    Keeping this visual picture prominent in the individual minds eye,

    will help to ensure there are enough motivational thoughts and

    actions that will eventually contribute to the business success

    becoming a reality and no longer just a vision.

    Maintaining a successful business mindset also requires the actual

    conscious effort made on the part of the potential business owner

    to avoid all contact with negative thinking individuals. By avoiding

    pessimistic people the new business owner will effectively keep

    possible negative thoughts at bay.

    These negative elements can sometimes cause even the strongest

    and focused mindsets to stumble, thus avoidance is better than

    having to struggle with mostly unfounded doubts.

    Being willing to make sacrifices when necessary is also another

    element that should be well understood by the new business


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    Most successful entrepreneurs have attested to the fact that all

    initial sacrifices have proven to be well worth it in the long run.

    This will help the individual refrain from feeling bitter from having

    to make such sacrifices. It will also help others around the

    individual; better understand the reasons for such commitment

    the individual is focused on simulating.

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    Wrapping Up

    Starting any business usually has the same common goal, which is to

    make the business into a money making endeavor. Therefore in order

    to ensure this ideal scenario becomes a reality, there is a need to have

    the accompanying mindset that will keep the individual focused

    towards the end goal of creating a successful business entity.

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