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April 2007 News and inspiration from Three Angels Broadcasting Network COVER STORY James Rafferty God Loves a Good Challenge page 6 Testimony Betty’s Song page 18 Recipe Fast ’n’ Easy “Mock Chicken” Penne Pasta page 22 Devotional Refreshing the Weary page 44 Enjoy 3ABN video and audio streams online at James Rafferty, Co-Director/Speaker Light Bearers Ministry

COVER STORY God Loves a Good · April 2007 News and inspiration from Three Angels Broadcasting Network COVER STORY

May 20, 2018



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Page 1: COVER STORY God Loves a Good · April 2007 News and inspiration from Three Angels Broadcasting Network COVER STORY

April 2007

News and inspirat ion f rom Three Angel s Broadcast ing Network


James Rafferty

God Loves a Good Challengepage 6


Betty’s Songpage 18


Fast ’n’ Easy “Mock Chicken” Penne Pastapage 22


Refreshing the Wearypage 44

Enjoy 3ABN v ideo and audio s t reams onl ine at

James Rafferty, Co-Director/SpeakerLight Bearers Ministry

Page 2: COVER STORY God Loves a Good · April 2007 News and inspiration from Three Angels Broadcasting Network COVER STORY

Have you felt challenged lately? Does life seem to be going so fast you can’t keep up, or have you ground to a halt and

wondered if the Lord has forgotten about you? Well, cheer up—this month’s 3ABN World is for you! Be inspired by James Rafferty’s story, “God Loves a Good Challenge” (p. 6). Rejoice with Betty Lloyd as she shares how the Lord worked through 3ABN to bring her happiness in “Betty’s Song” (p. 18). If you’re feeling a bit tired, check out this month’s devotional by Roi Ewing, “Refreshing the Weary” (p. 44). A special recipe from Teresa Wilson, great reports from 3ABN Radio and 3ABN Latino Networks, your TV and radio listings—it’s all packed into this month’s 3ABN World magazine. And remember, share it with a friend when you’re done!

ISSN 1552-4140

Executive Editor Mollie SteensonManaging Editor Bobby DavisCreative Director Michael PrewittDesign Assistant Adam DeanPhotographer Kenton RogersProofreaders Barbara Nolen J. D. Quinn Grace Yost

About 3ABN World

3ABN World is a monthly publication. Subscriptions are free.

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We would love to hear your feedback about 3ABN and 3ABN World. We would especially enjoy learning how 3ABN has blessed you and your family or commu-nity. Please write to:

3ABN WorldPO Box 220West Frankfort, IL 62896-0220E-mail: [email protected]:

Office hours (Central Time): Mon–Thu: 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fri: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Copyright © 2007, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Inc. “Three Angels Broadcasting Network,” “3ABN,” “3ABN Books,” “3ABN Latino,” “3ABN Music,” “3ABN Radio,” “3ABN Television,” and the respective logos are regis-tered trademarks of Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Inc.

From the President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4God Loves a Good Challenge. . . . . . . . 6God’s Word Will Not Be Overpowered . . 12Something’s Cooking! . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Kids Korner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Betty’s Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Fast ’n’ Easy “Mock Chicken” Penne Pasta 22Television Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Radio Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Latino Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Refreshing the Weary . . . . . . . . . . . . 44Recharge Your Spirit. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47



Let him who receives instruction in the Word [of God] share all good things with his teacher [contributing to his support].

Galatians 6:6 (AMP)

Dear Family,Considering all of God’s miracles at 3ABN, there is no doubt

this is a network of divine origin. This network is His. He increases our success, not in light of who we are, but in spite of us.

Many recognize 3ABN as one of the greatest weapons of war-fare in the Lord’s hands today. How He has used this network is astounding—what more He wants to do is staggering! Time is short. He is increasing our sense of urgency.

We praise the Lord for you who have been rich toward God through your offerings to 3ABN. The systematic giving of a few thousand people has been the backbone of our financial support.

Still, many more of you have enjoyed our programming, but haven’t shared in supporting the work financially. Perhaps you felt a small monthly contribution would make little difference, or possibly you didn’t recognize our need.

I would like to appeal directly to all who are receiving a blessing through 3ABN. Please, won’t you consider sharing in our support? Our need is great—God is calling us to do a greater work! As the Holy Spirit impresses you, won’t you consider becoming a monthly supporter of 3ABN?

We need you! Your monthly support is vital to the work He has called us to do. God is calling all of us as co-laborers to broadcast His message of redemption to a lost and dying world—before it’s too late.

May God richly bless you,


Danny Shelton is the president and founder of 3ABN.

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LETTERSThank you for

your comments,


prayers, and

financial support

as we seek to

reach the world

for Jesus Christ!

Letters and other

materials sent

to 3ABN may be

used in whole

or in part, and

edited for content,

grammar, and


unless otherwise


Have you been blessed by 3ABN? Or have you come to know the Lord Jesus Christ by watching or listening? We’d love to know!

Your testimony can make a difference in our read-ers’ lives, so why not sit down and drop us a line? You can write to us at: 3ABN World, PO Box 220, West Frankfort, IL 62896. E-mail us at: [email protected].

Have you been blessed?


“Please accept my gift to sup-port the ministry. I have been blessed by it, and so has my mother, who watches your programs on the island of Dominica. She could not go to church for a few years because of a painful hip, but now she is attending once more, after following the exercise program on 3ABN. Thank you for that. May God bless you as you serve Him.”


“I am in prison, serving a 22 year sentence. I believe in God with all my heart and soul… but when I read His Word I was given the wrong impres-sion about it. Last week I came across a little booklet called, Does God Love Sinners For-ever? It was written by Danny

Shelton, and that little booklet opened my eyes. It proved to me just how much God loves us. I’m here with guys who have lots of questions I can’t answer. Most of their questions are about death, or as some here would say, ‘the hereafter.’ No one knows where the book-let came from, but I thank God for it. Because of it, several of us now have a more solid foun-dation. If you wouldn’t mind, please send more literature so the rest of the guys and I can grow stronger in the faith, waiting on the Lord. I don’t have any money right now, but I will keep praying that God will continually bless you as you reach out to those that are lost. We need to hear from God through you.”


“Thank you for the book, Ten Commandments Twice Removed. It taught me a lot about the Sabbath, and I am going to respect and follow the Ten Commandment Law of our God. I would enjoy as much information as you can send me on the Sabbath and how it relates to end-time events and Bible prophecies.

Also, do you know of a church that follows 3ABN’s teachings in Las Vegas, Nevada? After I am paroled I would like to attend a church that teaches Bible truths, so I will be able to be used by God for the glory of Jesus Christ. It’s my desire to help our Father, in these last days, to prepare others for the harvest.”

Editor’s note: To find a Seventh-day Adventist church, visit or call us and ask to talk to our Pastoral Ministries Department.


“My name is Samuel, and I am 6 years old. I am sending you all my savings to help spread the gospel to the whole world. May God bless you.” [Origi-nally written in Spanish.]


“I came to the U.S. f rom Ghana, West Africa, simply to find Jesus Christ. Although I was a Christian, I never had a personal relationship with Jesus. I embarked on a relent-less pursuit for biblical truth and God’s purpose for my life. I took several Bible courses,

and joined many churches. However, I was still empty spiritually until I heard of 3ABN. I started viewing and listening to 3ABN’s simple biblical teachings every day for almost a year. Needless to say, I came to understand without a doubt the love of God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ, who I have professed as my personal Lord and Savior. I have since taken another Bible course with Pastor Doug Batchelor’s Amazing Facts Bible School. . . . I now feel the calling of God into the ministry. . . . Thanks to 3ABN—the gateway to biblical truth and teachings. I love your selfless ambition to win souls for the Kingdom of God.”


“I wanted you to know that the 3ABN dish you’ve donated to our institution has paid off once more. Someone pointed a man my way who has been watching 3ABN for the past two years. Now he has become a regular at our Wednesday night Bible study program. He is scheduled to be baptized as a Seventh-day Adventist next summer. Praise God for all He is doing here at this prison.”

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James Rafferty and his twin sister Siobahn were born on a Marine Corps

base in California to an African American father and an Irish mother. They lived there for the first ten months of their life, but

sadly, their parents separated and the children went to Eng-land to live with their mother.

“We were raised in the Cath-olic faith,” James says. “Each day I said my ‘Hail Mary’s,’ attended Catholic school, and even became an altar boy. But when we were 11 years old we

came back to the States and lived in Hawaii with our dad. My parents had separated when we were born, and now they wanted to see if things would work out. But a lot had hap-pened during those years, and in six months we were back on the mainland.”

As his mother went through this heartbreak, things weren’t good at home. “We discon-nected from church, God, and religion,” he says. “Those weren’t part of our life at all during our teenage years.”

Soon the heartache and problems at home led James to start drinking alcohol. “There was alcoholism in my family,” he says, “and I began to drink when I was only 14. By age 16 I was on my own. My mom

and sister went back to England, and I finished high school and got a job; but by the age of 21 my life was a mess. I began to drink a lot. I had blackouts, and spats of trouble with the law. It was then that I began to feel the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart, although I didn’t recognize Him at the time.

“My coworker Dan had just become a ‘born-again’ Chris-tian, and he was always talking about Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,” James continues. “He made me extremely uncomfortable! It was okay to talk about Jesus in church, but not at work. Christianity was something you talked about with a priest, but you didn’t bring it up with your friends.”

But his life continued to worsen. “I was surrounded by friends, drugs, and alco-hol, but I found myself saying, ‘There must be something more than this to life!’ ” James says. Remembering the simple prayer

In addition to their work with Light Bear-ers Ministry in Jasper, Oregon, James and Risë Rafferty appear regu-larly on 3ABN. Their new series, based on the 28 fundamental beliefs of Seventh-day Adven-tists, is currently in pre-production.

“Christianity was something

you talked about with a

priest, but you didn’t bring

it up with your friends.”

Dan had taught him, he finally surrendered and asked God to take away the alcohol and the drugs. “Then I challenged God to make me a Christian!” he adds, “and God loves a good challenge!”

That evening he met a young lady at work who told him she was a Christian. “She told me she didn’t drink, smoke, or go to bars, and my response was, ‘I’m a Christian, too!’ I told

GODLoves a GoodChal enge

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her about my prayer.” For six weeks he attended her youth group gatherings at the Pente-costal church and didn’t drink or drug. “The fellowship with the other young people was immensely helpful,” he says, “and it set my foundation.”

In the meantime, Siobahn had come back from England, and began taking a Voice of Prophecy Bible study course. It wasn’t long before a Bible worker came by to study with her, but as she grew spiritually, Siobahn had become increas-ingly uncomfortable with her brother’s party lifestyle.

“But when I told her I had become a Christian, my sis-ter came right over and began sharing what she was learning. One day she said, ‘You know,

t h e B i b l e s ay s we’re supposed to worship on Sat-urday—the true Sabbath.’ ”

“ ‘That’s ridicu-lous,’ I answered. ‘Everyone knows to worship on Sun-day!’ ”

O n a n o t h e r o c c a s i o n s h e noticed his tapes

and his drum set. “Do you still listen to rock and roll?” she asked.

“Of course I do,” James responded, defensively, “and God doesn’t care what kind of music I listen to!”

Then one day she came for lunch and told him that she had decided to become a vegetarian.

“That did it! My mother had called me about Siobahn’s long letters because all she wrote about was Jesus. I didn’t think anything was wrong,” James says, “but my Mom was worried that she was in a cult or some-thing. Now I was convinced she was in a cult, and decided the best way to get her out of it was to talk to her pastor.”

Marching down to the Sev-

enth-day Adventist church, he spoke with the pastor, who immediately sensed his worries and offered to study those topics with him. But as they studied, James began to understand new truth from the Bible! Now he was not only attending the Calvary Chapel with his friend Dan, and fellowshipping with his friend Linda’s Pentecos-tal youth group, but he began studying with the Bible worker from the Seventh-day Adventist church!

“I was hungry,” he says, “but my mother and friends were alarmed! My mother was send-ing me books on cults, my friend Linda warned me to not go to that church any more, Calvary Chapel had a seminar on cults, and Dan told me he was afraid I’d become an Adventist!

“I told him, ‘Dan, I’m only going to follow the Word of God.’ ”

James pauses for a moment. “I want people to know that the Word of God can overcome every influence—our motives, the inf luences of friends, churches, and theologians—if we simply open our hearts to follow what it teaches. I’m not a Seventh-day Adventist because

I believe in Adventist doctrines. I believe and follow the Bible, therefore I’m a Seventh-day Adventist. The reason I’m an Adventist is because I follow what the Bible teaches. The rea-son I’m an Adventist is because this is the church that follows what the Bible teaches.”

James became a Christian in May of 1984. His sister was bap-tized in July of that year, and he

was baptized in November.Shortly after this, he met a

young man named Ty Gibson, and they began studying the Bible together. They became close friends, and through-out the week they worked together doing outreach and Bible studies. Soon a small group of believers gathered for an informal camp meeting in Malo, Washington. From those humble beginnings, Ty and James became part of a nonprofit ministry they called Light Bearers, which officially incorporated in 1986. Begin-ning with a copier, and then a small press, God continued

“I believe and follow the

Bible , therefore I ’m a

Seventh-day Adventist.”

Light Bearers Ministry’s presses have printed over 520 million Bible tracts in over 30 languages. They have just moved to Jasper, Oregon.


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to bless their efforts and grow their ministry. To date they have printed over 520 million Bible tracts in over 30 languages that have been distributed around the world!

But how God brought his wife Risë into his life is another wonderful story!

James first met her while she was attending one of his Bible study courses in Malo. Risë had experienced a wonderful

conversion and now she longed to know her Bible better. Disil-lusioned with her career path and the dating scene, Risë took a long walk into the woods one day, weeping and begging God to take charge of her life. That day she promised Him she would not date anyone and challenged Him to bring the right man into her life. And God loves a good challenge!

“I was impressed by James

as a person,” she says. “Coming from southern California, life for me was all about making it, driving a BMW, living the high life. Now here I was in nowhere land, and here’s James, who totally bucked the system! Flannel shirt, baggy pants—he could care less what he looked like and was not at all preoc-cupied with himself. Instead, he was into what he was doing and had a passion for God!”

When she got home Risë found she had picked up some-one else’s Bible inadvertently. There was no name in it, just “From: James Rafferty.” Hoping he’d know whose it was, Risë mailed it back to him with a short note, “But I never thought I’d hear from him,” she says.

Upon receiving the Bible, James wondered what to do. He knew whom the Bible belonged to and wanted to thank her for sending it back. But he thought she surely had a boyfriend and wondered whether he should be writing her at all. So he asked his friend Ty for help. What he didn’t know was that Ty had talked to Risë several times while she was in Malo and thought she would make a good wife for James. But since

his previous attempts at match-making had ended in disaster, he told the Lord he’d keep this to himself—unless James men-tioned her name!

Ty recognized God’s sign. He encouraged James to write to Risë and tell her that he had serious intentions. James

resisted this straightforward approach, but finally he fol-lowed his friend’s suggestion. When Risë received his letter, she was amazed. “He wrote that he was interested in getting to know me to see if it was God’s will for us to get married! But what amazed me the most was that some of the phrases he wrote in his letter were exactly the same ones I’d used in my prayer!

“I knew that this letter took a lot of courage to write, and I realized he wasn’t asking me to

James and Risë, and their children Jeiel, 14, and Kierra, 9, enjoy boating and camping. Family time together is a priority since James is so often on the road.

“Flannel shirt, baggy pants—

[James] could care less what

he looked like.... Instead,

he was into what he was

doing and had a passion

for God!”

▶ continued on page 46...


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The Erie Canal is a network of 57 locks along 363 miles of a waterway connecting

Albany to Buffalo, New York. Its main purpose is to transport crops to a larger population. Erie, Pennsylvania, is not part of the Erie Canal network. It is, however, part of God’s network. WXNM-LP, 95.9 FM, in Erie is one of many low-power FM radio stations “transporting” God’s Word to those who would not otherwise hear it.

In June 2001, Pastor Tom Cusack agreed to let a represen-tative of a radio network submit an application to the Federal Communications Commission for a low-power FM radio sta-tion. The pastor asked church member George Dickey to head up the project. George, a long-time ham radio operator, agreed, but on one condition: that the station air 3ABN Radio pro-gramming. The pastor approved, so Erie Christian Broadcasting was established.

Pastor Cusack announced to the Erie Seventh-day Adventist Church that the application had been filed and the cost for the station would be around $20,000. In September the pastor received a cashier’s check for $20,000 from an anonymous donor, designated for the station. Thank you, Lord, and thank you, faithful servant!

George discovered that a 480,000-watt station from Can-ada was blanketing Erie on the same frequency. Being quite con-cerned that the Canadian station would greatly overpower their station, George consulted Attor-ney Don Martin, who advised getting on the air, then request-ing another frequency.

Their permit was awarded in December 2003; then came the dreaded tower challenge! The owner of the first site they chose said he would not charge any fees, but later changed his mind and wanted $600 rent per month. The group filed a petition to change the antenna location,

by Nikki Anderson

Nikki Anderson is the administrative assistant for 3ABN Radio.

which took another 18 months to process, so the FCC extended their construction period to three years. They decided to put the tower at the church school, but local ordinances allowed only a 50-foot tower. No problem! George and five other church members installed a 17-foot tower on top of the 30-foot school roof, then added a 3-foot mast for the antenna—and no city permit or inspection was needed!

Over several months, the members did a lot of waiting and praying. George and his wife Cherie attended a 3ABN Radio training school, the tower was erected, equipment was purchased and installed, and WXNM-LP went on the air December 8, 2006. George is grateful to have church member Earl Borland to help with the programming at the station. Earl has wanted to get more involved with church projects and is happy to say that, “I’ve found something I can do!”

Wondering about that sta-tion from Canada? Well, it was feared that the LPFM station would be limited to a distance of a mile or two, but, in fact, the signal reaches out as much as

ten miles in some directions. It actually covers a 15-mile section of I-90! God’s message will not be overpowered and it will go where He wants it to go! A few residents have complained they can’t hear their favorite rock station any-more. A disappointed reporter wrote a newspaper article about the LPFM station: “Rock vs. Rock of Ages.” But the LPFM board has no plans to apply for a different frequency. George and the pastor figure that, “The people who are looking for their rock music just might tune in and hear something worthwhile, then keep listening!”

I asked George what they’ve learned about working for God in a faith ministry. This group feels the same as many others. George said, “God can do what-ever He wants; we just have to get out of His way!”

God’s Word

Oops! Last month we inadvertently identified the location of the Gott-fried family’s radio sta-tion, WJOF-LP 97.9 FM, as being in Erie, Pennsyl-vania. Their station is, in fact, in Liberty, North Carolina. We regret the mistake.

Will Not Be Overpowered

George Dickey sits at the controls of WXNM-LP in Erie, Pennsylvania, a 3ABN Radio affiliate station.


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3ABn LATinO nEWSreceivers to cable companies in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. What a joy it was to see them sign contracts in order to put 3ABN Latino on their cable systems. One cable manager in particular said, “You know, I don’t watch much television, but I watch your channel quite often. You have fine programs, and even though I really don’t spend much time watching TV, when I do watch, it’s either 3ABN Latino or the Discovery Channel.”

Amazing! He can watch any channel he wants, but we are in his top two favorites! Praise the Lord! Please pray that this man and his family give their hearts to the Lord.

You know, when someone’s ready to cook something, they prepare the utensils. Then ingredients are gathered, and the peeling, cutting, and mix-ing takes place. The ingredients are poured into a pot or baking dish, and soon the wonderful aroma of food pervades the air. Of course, when that aroma reaches those who are waiting, they know that soon they’ll be enjoying that dish!

In the same way, concern-

ing the spreading of the gospel through 3ABN Latino, I can tell you that things are in the process of cooking! We can already smell the aroma, and soon we’ll be able to report some of the great and mighty things that the Lord is doing to help us spread the gospel more quickly. These miracles will be reported one by one, but each of them will mean that hundred of thousands—and in some cases millions—will have the oppor-tunity to watch life-changing programs of 3ABN Latino!

But we don’t have to wait. Since last month, I’m thrilled to report that hundreds of thou-sands of new viewers can now watch 3ABN Latino because it has been added to two more cable companies in Colombia, one in Costa Rica, two in Hon-duras, and twelve in Mexico!

In closing, I have to repeat myself: “Praise Him for His mighty acts: praise Him accord-ing to His excellent greatness.” (Psalm 150:2.) I urge you to pray for those who, for the first time, can watch 3ABN and 3ABN Latino in their homes. Pray that the Holy Spirit will draw them to the life-changing programming this ministry offers!

As I write this article, I marvel at how God is opening doors for

3ABN Latino’s ministry. I feel compelled to join David, the psalmist, in saying, “Praise Him

for His mighty acts: praise Him according to His excellent great-ness.” (Psalm 150:2.)

It’s incredible! Just moments before I sat down to write this, I received a phone call from Hon-duras—another radio station

interested in rebroadcasting our Spanish television pro-gramming! I just had to pause a moment and say, “Praise God!”

Consider the typical cable company—they have to adver-tise to get more customers. Some cable companies spend thousands of dollars, and others hundreds of thousands of dol-lars, on advertising so they can get into more homes. The more homes they can get their cable service into, the more money they make.

Strangely, even though I’m sure it’s not their plan or goal, their efforts are providing a way for the gospel to get into more homes! God works in mysteri-ous ways.

Recently, I had the privi-lege of taking several satellite

by John Dinzey

Something’s Cooking!

John Dinzey is the gen-eral manager for 3ABN Latino Network. He also works in Pastoral Ministries.

Each of these miracles

will mean that hundred

of thousands—and in some

cases millions—will have

the opportunity to watch

life-changing programs of

3ABN Latino!

in Central and South America

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“And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed.” Genesis 2:8 (KJV)

Hey Kids, spring is a time of new life, growth, and beauty. I love to see the flowers start to bloom, the trees come alive with their tiny green leaves, and the fields made ready for planting. Maybe you can ask your mom and dad to help you plant something this spring. I hope you enjoy the Spring Planting word search puzzle!


Build a Spud Spot!Hey kids, here’s a really neat way to grow your own tasty “taters”! You can grow a Spud Spot in a container, or just grow them in a potato mound. You can even harvest a few “tater tots” as they’re growing! Check it out:

Spring Planting










Memory verse




Word Find

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Betty Lloyd sat on the couch, quietly wait-ing for her chance to

change the channels. But it didn’t look like there would be any channel-changing very soon. Her oldest son Freddy

had the remote control in his hands, and he had a strange look on his face.

“I can’t believe you can actu-ally get 3ABN on cable here in Murphy!” he kept saying over and over. “It’s the same TV sta-tion that I had in Knoxville!”

As she continued to watch and listen, Betty found herself

wondering about this new sta-tion and about her son’s interest in it. Freddy had run a mission in Tennessee for several years and chose not to have cable in his home. One day he had stumbled upon 3ABN’s affiliate station* while channel surfing, and now here it was again—on cable—and in his mother’s liv-ing room in North Carolina!

As they watched 3ABN together, Betty and Freddy found themselves drawn to this channel. It seemed like so many of their questions were coming up and being answered. Betty listened intently as her son told her that he had actu-ally attended a Seventh-day Adventist church in Knoxville for quite awhile after hearing about the Sabbath on 3ABN.

“I had searched for Bible

truth for a long time,” she says. “I had visited many different churches with my children. But this was different! I was learning about things I’d never heard before.”

Life has not been easy for Betty. “I grew up in Murphy,” she tells us, “and my father was a Baptist deacon. I left home at an early age, and stayed away for 25 years, mostly as a wait-ress and a cook.

“I raised my two sons and two daughters in Knoxville,” she says, “but after several bad car wrecks, I ended up with three herniated disks and severe arthritis in my back and neck.

I’ve been homebound now for several years and became dis-abled at 58 years of age. When my mother passed away in 1991 I decided to come back to Mur-phy, where I’d grown up. Most of my children moved out here with me, but one of my sons stayed behind.”

She pauses for a moment, trying to find the right words. “I’m sad to say that I lived a very self-centered life,” she confides. “I would have given anything if I had found the Lord while my kids were grow-ing up. But… they’re learning, and since I’ve found God, it’s all different.”

Betty Lloyd’s old life was buried in the waters of Lake Chatuge in May 2005, as Pastor Richard Perkins baptized her.

“Today I know my God is

so loving. He’s not that

angry God of hellfire

and damnation I used

to believe in.”


∗ 3ABN can be seen in Knoxville, Tennes-

see, on UHF channel 14.


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Betty says she’s soaked up the Christ-centered programming like a sponge.

“I remember them talking about what happens after a per-son dies, and that they remain in the grave, sort of asleep in Jesus. They told me that God’s saints await the resurrection at His Second Coming.

“At the time of my mother’s death everybody kept saying, ‘Oh, she’s in heaven now, and she’s watchin’ us all down here.’ But I kept thinking to myself, ‘If she’s seein’ us down here, she’s not gonna be very happy!’ ”

Betty pauses for a moment to consider how she feels about this today.

“I have such a peace of mind about it, now that I know what the Bible says about death. I’ve never felt this peaceful before!”

Betty says she’s learned a lot about healthy living since then, too.

“I grew up eatin’ pork. In fact, my father raised ten kids and would kill two hogs a year. Pork was a major part of our diet! But when Freddy pointed out in the Bible where the Lord told us not to eat pigs because they’re unhealthy, I

said, ‘Shoot, I’ve been eatin’ that!’ And I never ate any pork again!”

It wasn’t long before Betty found her way to the Mur-phy, Tennessee, Seventh-day Adventist Church. Coinci-dentally, the pastor was just starting to hold a series of evangelistic meetings!

Betty was ecstatic. “My son Jeff and I were both baptized in May of 2005 in Lake Chatuge,” she says. “Everything they preached about was so easy to understand, because we had heard it all before on 3ABN!”

Despite her health problems, she’s been on fire for the Lord ever since, eagerly buying 100 copies of Amazing Facts’ Final Events DVD and passing them out to everyone she knows.

“The Lord even provided for that, too,” she adds. “I’m on disability, and sometimes it’s difficult to make ends meet, but I knew that I had to step out in faith. Then I got a check in the mail from Social Security. They said they owed this money to me from a long time ago, and it came just when I needed it to pay for the DVDs!”

There have been a lot of changes along the way. “I sent

off and got several of the reci-pes I saw on 3ABN,” she says, “and I’ve changed my diet. In fact, I feel better than ever.” Her view of God has changed as well. “Today I know my God is so loving. He’s not that angry God of hellfire and damnation I used to believe in. My family thinks I’m crazy sometimes and tells me they just don’t think I ought to get into all that ‘deep stuff.’ ”

But it’s the way she relates to others that Betty says has changed the most. “I’m much more understanding and com-passionate today,” she notes. “Satan sti l ls tries to keep throwing things in my face, but I’ve made up a little song for when he tries to discourage me that says, ‘Get behind me, Satan!’”

Well, Betty, that’s a song God loves to hear!

Top: Betty Lloyd (far left) and her children (L to R): Jeff, Sabrina, Freddy, and grand-daughters, Chelsey and Emma (front).

Bottom: Jeff Lloyd’s joy in Jesus shines from his face after he is baptized by Pas-tor B. J. Bowles.

“Everything they preached

about was so easy to

understand, because we

had heard it all before on


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By Teresa Wilson

12 oz penne pasta noodles1–2 sm pkgs frozen Italian herb-seasoned “summer mix” vegetables1 stick soy margarine1 tsp Italian seasoning1½ tsp onion powder½ tsp garlic powder1–2 Tbsp Bill’s Best Chik’nish seasoning1 pkg Morning Star Farms Meal Starters Chik’n Strips2 Tbsp vegan Parmesan cheese

Optional:1 pkg vegan mozzarella cheese, grated1 sm can pineapple tidbits, drained

Cook pasta according to directions. Set aside. In microwave oven, defrost frozen vegetables. In small skillet, lightly brown Chik’n

Strips, then cut them into smaller pieces. In microwave, melt soy margarine in bowl, then add Italian seasoning, onion and garlic pow-der, chicken seasoning, and Parmesan cheese, and mix with whip. In large bowl combine cooked pasta, vegetables, and Chik’n Strips. Add soy margarine mixture. Mix well. (Add optional grated mozzarella cheese and pineapple tidbits if desired.) Serve and enjoy!




Fast ’n’ Easy

Penne Pasta“Mock Chicken”

People appreciate it. Chickens appreciate it. You can’t go wrong with Theresa’s Fast ’n’ Easy “Mock Chicken” Penne Pasta entry. It’s sure to be a hit every time you serve!

Teresa Wilson owns Earth’s Harvest Natural Foods and Restaurant in Thompsonville, Illinois.

22 3ABN World April 2007 3ABN World April 2007 23

Page 13: COVER STORY God Loves a Good · April 2007 News and inspiration from Three Angels Broadcasting Network COVER STORY

É Choose your t ime zoneESTCSTMSTPST gMT

Janice’s Attic (Janice Smith)Exalting His Word (Shelley Quinn) Amazing Facts Presents... Battles of Faith (Ivor & Atonte Myers)Digging Up the Past (David Down)It Is Written (Shawn Boonstra) Kenneth Cox Ministries Presents...

...continuedBody & Spirit (Dick Nunez)His Words Are Life/Rags to RichesVarietyFaith Chapel3ABN Today

...continuedGrandma’s House/Back to NatureExploring the Word (Lonnie Melashenko)Worship Hour

...continuedRevelation Insights (Lyle Albrecht)

...continuedMelody From My HeartMarriage in God’s Hands (Waters)3ABN On the Road

...continuedBody & Spirit Aerobics (Dick Nunez)Abundant Living (Curtis & Paula Eakins)3ABN Today LIVE (repeat)



...continuedThe Carter Report (John Carter)

...continuedAdventures in Missions In Search of Truth (Charles Byrd)Celebrating Life in Recovery (Cheri Peters)

...continuedIssues & Answers (Summers/Thomas)In the Footsteps of Paul (Tony Moore)3ABN Today

...continuedWhite Horse Media Presents... (Wohlberg)

...continuedBattles of Faith (Ivor & Atonte Myers)Wonderfully Made Special Feature

...continued3ABN Today









SPECiALSApr 13 – Apr 14

3ABn Rally, Leila Patterson Center, Fletcher Academy, Fletcher, North Carolina. Fri. 7:00–8:30 p.m.; Sat. 9:30–10:45 a.m., 11:00–12:30 noon, 2:30–4:00 p.m. EDT.

May 5 – May 6

3ABn’s Ten Commandments Weekend. Arie Crown Theater, McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois. Sat. 9:00 a.m.–Sun. 1:00 p.m. CDT.

May 23 – May 26

3ABn Spring Camp Meeting, Thompsonville, Illinois. Wed. 7:00–9:00 p.m.; Thu. 8:00–10:00 p.m.; Fri. 7:00–9:00 p.m.; Sat. 9:30–10:45 a.m., 11:00–12:30 noon; 2:30–4:00 p.m., 7:00–9:00 p.m. CDT.

These preempt our regular weekly programs

This schedule is an overview of the program lineup for North American and website broadcasts. Check out the “Programming” section of our website,, for more detailed weekly schedules and program changes.

Abbreviations and symbols: PT = Pacific Daylight Saving (UTC–7); MT = Mountain Daylight Saving (UTC–6); CT = Central Daylight Saving (UTC–5); ET = Eastern Daylight Saving (UTC–4). GMT = Green-wich Mean Time (UTC, the standard international time zone). = Closed captioned. = Live program.

= New series. = Repeat of live program. Programs in red are changes from the previous month.

t Guest/topic

Apr 5 John Dinzey, John Lomacang, C. A. Murray: “Bible Question and Answer”

Apr 12 Robert Folkenberg, Sr.; Robert Folkenberg, Jr.: “The Great Commission”

Apr 19 Behind the Scenes at 3ABN

Apr 26 Frank Gonzalez: “The Invincibility and Infallibility of Faith”

t Date Time: Thursday at 8:00 p.m. Central

Thursday LIVE April 2007

Celebrating Life in Recovery • Cheri Peters deals with addictions of every sort in this series based on the book Steps to Christ. The themes are real, the conversations are frank, so please be aware that these programs may not be appropriate for younger audiences. Don’t miss a moment of these powerful interviews. Begins April 1, 7:00 p.m. CDT.

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Kids Time PraiseBy My Spirit (Ed Reid)The Carter Report (John Carter)

...continuedDiscover (David Asscherick)

...continuedEverlasting Gospel

...continuedBody & Spirit (Dick Nunez)In Search of Truth (Charles Byrd)Revelation Insights (Lyle Albrecht)

...continued3ABN Today LIVE (repeat)



...continuedHelp Yourself to Health (Agatha Thrash)So Send I You (May Chung)Revelation Speaks Hope (McMahon)

...continued3ABN On the Road

...continuedHeaven’s Point of View (Hal Steenson)Food for ThoughtBody & Spirit Aerobics (Dick Nunez)Amazing Facts Presents... 3ABN Today

...continuedKids Time PraiseKids Time (Brenda Walsh)Grandma’s House/His Words Are LifeWonderfully Made Melody From My HeartExalting His Word (Shelley Quinn) Secrets Unsealed Presents...

...continuedFaith Factor (Cynthia Prime)Global Mission Frontline (Mike Ryan)3ABN Today

...continuedLift Him Up (Ty Gibson, James Rafferty)Health for a Lifetime (Don Mackintosh)Ten Commandments

...continuedRevelation Speaks Hope (McMahon)

...continued3ABN Today








Kids Time (Brenda Walsh)Laymen Ministries (Jeff Reich)Revelation Speaks Hope (McMahon)

...continuedCelebrating Life in Recovery (Cheri Peters)

...continuedFaith ChapelHeaven’s Point of View (Hal Steenson)Body & Spirit Aerobics (Dick Nunez)World Prophecy News/Health HeadlinesJanice’s Attic (Janice Smith)Food for Thought3ABN Today

...continuedHouse Calls (live) (John Lomacang)

...continuedThinking About Home (Kathy Matthews)ASI Video Magazine (Dan Houghton)White Horse Media Presents... (Wohlberg)

...continuedDigging Up the Past (David Down)Breath of Life (Walter Pearson)Grandma’s House/Rags to RichesLet’s Cook TogetherBody & Spirit (Dick Nunez)Lift Him Up (Ty Gibson, James Rafferty)3ABN Today

...continuedTiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson)Kids Time (Brenda Walsh)General Youth Conference

...continuedHealth for a Lifetime (Don Mackintosh)Melody From My HeartHouse Calls (repeat) (John Lomacang)

...continuedExploring the Word (Lonnie Melashenko)Liberty Insider (James Standish)3ABN Today

...continuedThe Carter Report (John Carter)

...continuedThe Most Amazing Prophecies (Doug Batchelor)


...continuedASI Video Magazine (Dan Houghton)3ABN Today







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É Choose your t ime zoneESTCSTMSTPST gMT É Choose your t ime zoneESTCSTMSTPST gMT


Kids Time (Brenda Walsh)In Search of Truth (Charles Byrd)House Calls (repeat) (John Lomacang)

...continuedLiberty Insider (James Standish)Exploring the Word (Lonnie Melashenko)Amazing Facts Presents... Adventist Frontier MissionsBody & Spirit (Dick Nunez)So Send I You (May Chung)The Presence (Shawn Boonstra)

...continued3ABN Today

...continuedLift Him Up (Ty Gibson, James Rafferty)Heaven’s Point of View (Hal Steenson)Faith Factor (Cynthia Prime)Laymen Ministries (Jeff Reich)Keepers of the FlameHealth Headlines/World Prophecy NewsSecrets Unsealed Presents...

...continuedMelody From My HeartLet’s Cook TogetherBody & Spirit Aerobics (Dick Nunez)Exalting His Word (Shelley Quinn) 3ABN Today

...continuedKids Time PraiseKids Time (Brenda Walsh)Grandma’s House/His Words Are LifeFaith ChapelThe Carter Report (John Carter)

...continuedCentral Study Hour

...continued3ABN Today LIVE



...continuedKenneth Cox Ministries Presents...

...continuedCelebrating Life in Recovery (Cheri Peters)

...continuedHeaven’s Point of View (Hal Steenson)Faith Factor (Cynthia Prime)3ABN Today LIVE (repeat)








Tiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson)Issues & AnswersThe Carter Report (John Carter)

...continuedBattles of Faith (Ivor & Atonte Myers)Laymen Ministries (Jeff Reich)General Youth Conference

...continuedBody & Spirit Aerobics (Dick Nunez)His Words Are Life/Rags to RichesGrandma’s House/Back to NatureMaranatha Mission Stories3ABN Today

...continuedIn the Footsteps of Paul (Tony Moore)Adventist SE Asian ProjectsMarriage in God’s Hands (Waters)Adventist Frontier MissionsRevelation Now (Jac Colon)

...continuedIn Search of Truth (Charles Byrd)Liberty Insider (James Standish)By My Spirit (Ed Reid)Abundant Living (Curtis & Paula Eakins)Body & Spirit (Dick Nunez)Left Behind: Fact or Fiction? (Finley)3ABN Today

...continuedTiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson)Kids Time (Brenda Walsh)Teen PathwaysExploring the Word (Lonnie Melashenko)Battles of Faith (Ivor & Atonte Myers)Issues & AnswersWhite Horse Media Presents... (Wohlberg)

...continuedIt Is Written (Shawn Boonstra) Amazing Facts Presents... 3ABN Today

...continued3ABN On the Road

...continuedRevelation Insights (Lyle Albrecht)

...continuedSecrets Unsealed Presents...

...continued3ABN Today







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White Horse Media Presents... (Wohlberg)...continued

3ABN On the Road...continued

Breath of Life (Walter Pearson)In the Footsteps of Paul (Tony Moore)Ten Commandments

...continuedHis Words Are Life/Back to NatureKids Time PraiseTiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson)Kids Time (Brenda Walsh)3ABN Today

...continuedCentral Study Hour

...continuedWorship Hour

...continuedSecrets Unsealed Presents...

...continuedThe Most Amazing Prophecies (Doug Batchelor)


...continuedMelody From My HeartLift Him Up (Ty Gibson, James Rafferty)Faith Factor (Cynthia Prime)3ABN Today

...continuedExalting His Word (Shelley Quinn) Kids Time (Brenda Walsh)Kids Time PraiseTiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson)Laymen Ministries (Jeff Reich)Global Mission Frontline (Mike Ryan)Discover (David Asscherick)

...continuedIt Is Written (Shawn Boonstra) Wonderfully Made3ABN Today

...continuedSpecial Feature

...continuedLeft Behind: Fact or Fiction? (Finley)Faith Factor (Cynthia Prime)3ABN On the Road

...continued3ABN Today








3ABn today LiVe (cont.)...continued

The Carter Report (John Carter)...continued

Central Study Hour ...continued

Revelation Now (Jac Colon)...continued

Faith ChapelExalting His Word (Shelley Quinn) By My Spirit (Ed Reid)Left Behind: Fact or Fiction? (Finley)3ABN Today

...continuedSpecial Feature

...continuedHealth for a Lifetime (Don Mackintosh)Adventures in Missions (Dan Matthews)Ten Commandments

...continuedUp Close

...continuedASI Video Magazine (Dan Houghton)Food for ThoughtDiscover (David Asscherick)

...continued3ABN Today

...continuedTiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson)Kids Time (Brenda Walsh)Teen PathwaysVarietyBreath of Life (Walter Pearson)In the Footsteps of Paul (Tony Moore)House Calls (repeat) (John Lomacang)

...continuedIt Is Written (Shawn Boonstra) Heaven’s Point of View (Hal Steenson)3ABN Today

...continuedEverlasting Gospel

...continuedIn Search of Truth (Charles Byrd)Marriage in God’s Hands (Waters)Faith ChapelASI Video Magazine (Dan Houghton)3ABN Today







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Health for a LifetimeHis Words Are Life/Rags to RichesVoice of Prophecy/Between the LinesMelody From My Heart/The StoryHouseKids TimeLift Him UpMusical Meditations

...continuedMarriage in God’s HandsChristian ConcernsWonderfully MadeFaith Chapel3ABN Today

...continuedCrossroads on 3ABN Radio

...continuedBible AnswersHealth Headlines/Your Family Health3ABN On the Road

...continuedYour Story HourYour Health News/Freedom’s RingHealth for a LifetimeHis Words Are Life/Rags to RichesKids TimeLift Him UpVoice of Prophecy/Between the LinesIt Is WrittenRevelation Speaks Hope

...continuedMusical Meditations

...continued3ABN On the Road

...continuedChristian ConcernsMarriage in God’s HandsHeaven’s Point of ViewFaith Chapel3ABN Today

...continuedYour Story HourIt Is WrittenCrossroads on 3ABN Radio

...continuedRevelation Speaks Hope

...continued3ABN Today



Bible Answers LIVE (repeat)...continued

Voice of Prophecy/Between the LinesBible AnswersKids TimeIssues & AnswersMusical Meditations

...continuedHelp Yourself to HealthFreedom’s Ring/Endtime InsightsThinking About HomeFaith Chapel3ABN Today

...continuedCrossroads on 3ABN Radio

...continuedMelody From My Heart/The StoryHouseHomeschool of Health3ABN On the Road

...continuedYour Story HourAbundant Living/Growing in GraceBy My SpiritDynamics in the Science of PrayerKids TimeIssues & AnswersVoice of Prophecy/Between the LinesIt Is WrittenRevelation Speaks Hope

...continuedMusical Meditations

...continued3ABN On the Road

...continuedHomeschool of HealthThinking About HomeHelp Yourself to HealthFaith Chapel3ABN Today

...continuedYour Story HourIt Is WrittenCrossroads on 3ABN Radio

...continuedRevelation Speaks Hope

...continued3ABN Today





Thinking About HomeDynamics in the Science of PrayerThe Prophecy Code

...continuedHeaven’s Point of ViewFaith ChapelMusical Meditations

...continuedRags to Riches/Growing in GraceFreedom’s Ring/Abundant LivingYour Story HourBible Answers3ABN Today

...continuedEndtime Insights/The StoryHouseJanice’s AtticCentral Study Hour

...continuedWorship Hour

...continuedThinking About HomeChristian ConcernsThe Prophecy Code

...continuedIt Is WrittenWomen at the Well3ABN Today LIVE (repeat)



...continuedMusical Meditations

...continued3ABN On the Road: Prophecy

...continuedMore Abundant LifeRags to Riches/Growing in Grace3ABN Today

...continuedBible Answers LIVE

...continuedYour Story HourChristian ConcernsEndtime Insights/Health HeadlinesFreedom’s Ring/Abundant LivingRevelation Speaks Hope

...continued3ABN Today



Enjoy 3ABN Radio programs 24 hours a day! Visit our website,, and follow the links to our online radio broadcasts. And remember to tell your friends and family all about it!

TunE in OnLinE!

What do you say when some-one comes to you with a perplexing question of a

spiritual nature? When praying isn’t enough, or their own wisdom fails, where should they turn? The guests on Issues & Answers have turned to the Bible for guidance, and now they share those difficult questions and the direction they received from their study of God’ Word.

This schedule begins April 1.

Issues & Answers

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3ABn today LiVe (cont.)...continued

Voice of Prophecy/Between the LinesBy My SpiritKids TimeIssues & AnswersMusical Meditations

...continuedHelp Yourself to HealthMore Abundant LifeWonderfully MadeFaith Chapel3ABN Today

...continuedCrossroads on 3ABN Radio

...continuedBible AnswersHealth Headlines/Your Family Health3ABN On the Road

...continuedYour Story HourWhen God’s People PrayHealth for a LifetimeHis Words Are Life/Rags to RichesKids TimeIssues & AnswersVoice of Prophecy/Between the LinesBreath of LifeRevelation Speaks Hope

...continuedMusical Meditations

...continued3ABN On the Road

...continuedMore Abundant LifeThinking About HomeHelp Yourself to HealthFaith Chapel3ABN Today

...continuedYour Story HourStop Smoking ClinicCrossroads on 3ABN Radio

...continued3ABN On the Road: Prophecy

...continued3ABN Today


Thinking About HomeGenesis to Revelation SeminarThe Prophecy Code

...continued3ABN On the Road

...continuedMusical Meditations

...continuedRags to Riches/Growing in GraceMore Abundant LifeYour Story HourBible Answers3ABN Today

...continuedFreedom’s Ring/His Words Are LifeMarriage in God’s HandsCentral Study Hour

...continuedWorship Hour

...continuedThinking About HomeBy My SpiritThe Prophecy Code

...continuedIssues & AnswersFaith ChapelHouse Calls Endtime Insights/Melody From My H.3ABN On the Road

...continuedMusical Meditations

...continued3ABN On the Road: Prophecy

...continuedHeaven’s Point of ViewRags to Riches/Growing in Grace3ABN Today

...continuedBible AnswersMarriage in God’s HandsYour Story HourWomen at the WellFaith ChapelBy My Spirit3ABN On the Road: Prophecy

...continued3ABN Today


3ABN RADIO: APRiL (continued)



Health for a LifetimeHis Words Are Life/Rags to RichesVoice of Prophecy/Between the LinesBy My SpiritKids TimeIssues & AnswersMusical Meditations

...continuedHelp Yourself to HealthChristian ConcernsWonderfully MadeFaith Chapel3ABN Today

...continuedCrossroads on 3ABN Radio

...continuedWomen at the WellIt’s Your Money!3ABN On the Road

...continuedYour Story HourWhen God’s People PrayHealth for a LifetimeHis Words Are Life/Rags to RichesKids TimeIssues & AnswersVoice of Prophecy/Between the LinesIt Is WrittenRevelation Speaks Hope

...continuedMusical Meditations

...continued3ABN On the Road

...continuedChristian ConcernsYour Family Health/Freedom’s RingHelp Yourself to HealthFaith Chapel3ABN Today

...continuedYour Story HourIt Is WrittenCrossroads on 3ABN Radio

...continuedRevelation Speaks Hope

...continued3ABN Today



Health for a LifetimeHis Words Are Life/Rags to RichesVoice of Prophecy/Between the LinesBible AnswersKids TimeIssues & AnswersMusical Meditations

...continuedMarriage in God’s HandsYour Family Health/Endtime InsightsThinking About HomeFaith Chapel3ABN Today

...continuedCrossroads on 3ABN Radio

...continuedHeaven’s Point of ViewHomeschool of Health3ABN On the Road

...continuedYour Story HourLeft Behind: Fact or Fiction?By My SpiritGenesis to Revelation SeminarKids TimeIssues & AnswersVoice of Prophecy/Between the LinesIt Is WrittenRevelation Speaks Hope

...continuedMusical Meditations

...continued3ABN On the Road

...continuedHomeschool of HealthMarriage in God’s Hands3ABN Today LIVE



...continuedYour Story HourIt Is WrittenCrossroads on 3ABN Radio

...continuedRevelation Speaks Hope

...continued3ABN Today LIVE (repeat)



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ÉeL ijA su zonA De t iempoESTCSTMSTPST gMT







Volvamos a la Naturaleza/Patriarcas da Fé Está Escrito (Mark Finley) Educando Para a Eternidade (Shirley G.) Saúde e Você 3ABN VisitaEl Jóven de HoyLa Fe de Jesús (Enrique Campillo)Crónicas del Anticristo (Steve Wohlberg)Descubra – Houston (Frank González)Cuerpo y Espíritu – AeróbicosTemas de ActualidadCapilla de Fe3ABN Hoy

...continúaDescubriendo las Señales (Shawn B.)

...continúaHogar Dulce HogarEstá EscritoCon Mi EspírituBatallas de Fé (Cesar y Carmen Carmona) Las Profecías más Asombrosas (Doug B.)


...continúaCocinemos JuntosAlabanzas InfantilesAmiguitos de Jesús3ABN Hoy En Vivo



...continúaEstá Escrito (Mark Finley) Saúde e Você 3ABN Visita

...continúaMaravillosa CreaciónVariedadDescubriendo los Misterios de Génesis

...continúa (Esteban Bohr)3ABN Hoy

...continúaDiez Mandamientos

...continúaRevive, Hay Esperanza (José Rojas)

...continúaCapilla de FeLas Profecías más Asombrosas (Doug B.)



Guía de Programación Mensual

Este horario es un repaso de la programación alineada para la transmisión de Norteamérica y de la Página Web. Revise la sección “Programación” de nuestra Página Web, Vaya a “Latino” para un informe más detallado acerca del horario semanal y cambios en la programación.

En las zonas de Estados Unidos: PT= Cambio de Tiempo en la Zona del Pacífico (UTC–7) MT= Cambio de Tiempo en la Zona Montaña (UTC–6) CT= Cambio de Tiempo en la Zona Central (UTC–5); ET= Cambio de Tiempo en la Zona Este (UTC–4). GMT= Greenwich quiere decir (UTC), la hora standard en la zona internacional. Los programas en rojo son los cambios ocurridos desde el mes anterior. = programas en Portugués. ( = programas em Português.) = programas nuevos. = repíte.

La Red 2007 • 3ABN Latino se complace en informarles que en los meses de marzo y abril tendremos el privilegio de traerles en vivo La Red 2007 desde Bridgeton, New Jersey. El orador de La Red será el Pr. José Cortés quien durante los días de marzo 30 hasta abril 8 nos traerá mensajes de la Santa palabra de Dios bajo el lema Dilo a Tu Mundo, El Rey Viene. Cada tema nos aclarará el lugar de Jesús dentro de las profecías. ¡No se pierda esta programa-ción especial! 6:30–8:00 p.m. Se repite: 10:00–11:30 p.m. hora central.

Para 3ABN Latino es un privilegio servir—servir a aquellos que están necesitados. Reconocemos que la mejor manera de proveer producciones con un contenido que supla sus necesidades es el que ustedes, los televidentes, envíen sugerencias acerca del tipo de programas que desearían ver por medio de este canal. Les extendemos una cordial invitación para que nos envíen sus ideas en cuanto a programación nueva. Escríbanos a: 3ABN Latino, Atn: Ideas Nuevas, P.O. Box 220, West Frankfort, IL 62896, USA. Correo electrónico a: [email protected]. Gracias por ayudarnos a servirles mejor. ¡Que Dios les bendiga!

¿IdeaS NuevaS? ¡BIeNveNIdaS!

Pr. José Cortés

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Profecías Maravilhosas (Doug B.) ...continúa...continúa

Capela de Fé Melodías del CorazónBatallas de Fé (Cesar y Carmen Carmona) La Dieta Ideal (Carlos Canales)Capilla de Fe3ABN VisitaCuerpo y Espíritu – AeróbicosAmiguitos de JesúsEstá Escrito3ABN Hoy En Vivo



...continúaLas Profecías más Asombrosas (Doug B.)


...continúaA Punto de Amanecer (Rubén Arn)Melodías del CorazónLa Fe de JesúsCuerpo y Espíritu – AeróbicosSalud TotalAlabanzas InfantilesAmiguitos de JesúsLa Presencia (Shawn Boonstra)

...continúa Capela de Fé Saúde e Você Está Escrito (Bill Santos) Con Mi EspírituCocinemos JuntosTemas de ActualidadDiez Mandamientos

...continúaEstá EscritoEducando Para La Eternidad (Yolanda S.)Hay Esperanza (Alejandro Bullón)

...continúaGuardianes de la Llama (Allan Lindsay)Volvamos a la Naturaleza/Patriarcas da Fé Una Nueva Revelación (Doug Batchelor)

...continúaVolvamos a la Naturaleza/Sus Palabras de VidaEstá Escrito3ABN Hoy ...continúa







Está Escrito (Henry Feyerabend) Espaço Jovem Saúde e Você Patriarcas da Fe /Seminario do Apocalipse Jesús Es la Esperanza (Alejandro Bullón)

...continúaTemas de ActualidadMaravillosa CreaciónHogar Dulce HogarCuerpo y Espíritu – AeróbicosAmiguitos de JesúsAlabanzas InfantilesCrónicas del Anticristo (Steve Wohlberg)El Jóven de HoyRespuestas Bíblicas

...continúaDescubriendo los Misterios de Génesis

...continúa(Esteban Bohr)3ABN Visita

...continúaMelodías del CorazónLa Dieta Ideal (Carlos Canales)Cuerpo y Espíritu – AeróbicosCocinemos JuntosAlabanzas InfantilesAmiguitos de JesúsCapilla de FeEstá EscritoEstá Escrito (Henry Feyerabend) 3ABN Gravando Seminario do Apocalipse /Patriarcas da Fe Felicidad Sin Límites (Esteban Bohr)

...continúaHogar Dulce HogarExtrema Transformación de Vida

...continúaEducando Para La Eternidad (Yolanda S.)Salud TotalDescubra – Houston (Frank González) El Jóven de HoyDescubriendo las Señales (Shawn B.)

...continúaA Los Pies de JesúsLa Fé de Jesús (Peru) (Melchor Ferreyra)Respuestas Bíblicas

...continúaDescubriendo los Misterios de Génesis

...continúa (Esteban Bohr)

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Educando Para a Eternidade (Shirley G.) Espaço Jovem (Gislaine Westphal) Capela de Fé 3ABN Gravando Descubriendo las Señales (Shawn B.)

...continúaSalud Total3ABN VisitaA Punto de Amanecer (Rubén Arn)Cuerpo y Espíritu – AeróbicosAmiguitos de JesúsAlabanzas Infantiles3ABN Hoy

...continúaA Los Pies de JesúsTemas de ActualidadHay Esperanza (Alejandro Bullón)

...continúaGuardianes de la Llama (Allan Lindsay)Volvamos a la Naturaleza/Sus Palabras de VidaMelodías del CorazónDescubra – Houston (Frank González) Cuerpo y Espíritu – AeróbicosCocinemos JuntosAlabanzas InfantilesAmiguitos de Jesús3ABN Hoy

...continúaSeminario do Apocalipse /Patriarcas da Fé Saúde e Você Capela de Fé La Fe de JesúsA Los Pies de JesúsSalud TotalDescubriendo los Misterios de Génesis

...continúa (Esteban Bohr)3ABN Hoy En Vivo



...continúaDiez Mandamientos

...continúaRespuestas Bíblicas

...continúaHogar Dulce HogarCrónicas del Anticristo (Steve Wohlberg)Respuestas Bíblicas








Seminario do Apocalipse /Patriarcas da Fe Espaço Jovem (Gislaine Westphal) Saúde e Você Está Escrito (Alejandro Bullón) Extrema Transformación de Vida

...continúaLa Fé de Jesús (Peru) (Melchor Ferreyra)Cocinemos JuntosCapilla de FeCuerpo y Espíritu – AeróbicosAmiguitos de JesúsHogar Dulce Hogar3ABN Hoy

...continúaCuerpo y Espíritu – Aeróbicos Salud TotalDescubriendo los Misterios de Génesis

...continúa (Esteban Bohr)Respuestas Bíblicas

...continúa3ABN VisitaCocinemos JuntosCuerpo y Espíritu – Aeróbicos El Jóven de HoyAlabanzas InfantilesAmiguitos de Jesús3ABN Hoy

...continúaProfecías Maravilhosas (Doug B.)


...continúaMaravillosa CreaciónMelodías del CorazónBatallas de Fé (Cesar y Carmen Carmona) Jesús Es la Esperanza (Alejandro Bullón)

...continúaLa Fé de Jesús (Perú) (Melchor Ferreyra)Con Mi Espíritu3ABN Hoy

...continúaHogar Dulce HogarEducando Para La Eternidad (Yolanda S.)Crónicas del Anticristo (Steve Wohlberg)Descubra – Houston (Frank González)Volvamos a la Naturaleza/Sus Palabras de VidaVariedad3ABN Hoy


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3ABN Gravando Reavivamento ’05 (Doug Batchelor)


...continuaHogar Dulce HogarEl Jóven de HoyDescubra – Houston (Frank González) A Punto de Amanecer (Rubén Arn)La Presencia (Shawn Boonstra)

...continúa3ABN Visita

...continúa3ABN Hoy

...continúaA Los Pies de JesúsAlabanzas InfantilesHora de Alabanza y Adoración

...continuaEstá EscritoCapilla de FeMelodías del CorazónLa Fe de Jesús (Peru) (Melchor Ferreyra)Hogar Dulce HogarEl Jóven de HoyAlabanzas InfantilesAmiguitos de Jesús3ABN Hoy

...continúaEstá Escrito (Bill Santos) Capela de Fé Espaço Jovem (Gislaine Westphal) Con Mi Espíritu3ABN Visita

...continúaDiez Mandamientos

...continúaDescubriendo los Misterios de Génesis

...continúa (Esteban Bohr)3ABN Hoy

...continúaTemas de ActualidadLa Presencia (Shawn Boonstra)

...continúaA Los Pies de JesúsGuardianes de la Llama (Allan Lindsay)Volvamos a la Naturaleza/Sus Palabras de Vida3ABN Hoy








3ABN Hoy En Vivo...continúa...continúa...continúa

Felicidad Sin Límites (Esteban Bohr)...continúa

Alabanzas InfantilesLa Fe de JesúsRevive, Hay Esperanza (José Rojas)

...continúaAmiguitos de JesúsLa Dieta Ideal (Carlos Canale)3ABN Hoy

...continúa3ABN Visita

...continúaLa Presencia (Shawn Boonstra)

...continúaUn Nuevo Amanecer (Eduardo Gallardo)Está EscritoMelodías del CorazónVariedadPalabras de Vida y Esperanza

...continúaAlabanzas InfantilesAmiguitos de Jesús3ABN Hoy

...continúaProfecías Maravilhosas (Doug B.)


...continúaEducando Para La Eternidad (Yolanda S.)Respuestas Bíblicas

...continúaJesús Es la Esperanza (Alejandro Bullón)

...continúaGuardianes de la Llama (Allan Lindsay)Sus Palabras de Vida/Volvamos a la Naturaleza3ABN Hoy

...continúaBatallas de Fé (Cesar y Carmen Carmona) Maravillosa CreaciónHay Esperanza (Alejandro Bullón)

...continúaSalud TotalMelodías del Corazón3ABN Hoy


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Roi Ewing enjoyed her vacation with her husband Larry, and children, Raena and Norman.

by Roi Ewing

As I walked into my office the other day, I caught myself saying, “I can’t

believe this!” “This” was the growing

mountain of work threatening to spill off my desk. When was the last time I could see the brown, wood-grain finish of my desktop? What’s going on?

Then I thought about my coworkers saying similar things. They meet themselves coming and going. When someone inquires about their work, they describe it using sayings like, “going a mile a minute” or, “always in high gear.” As I picked up the pace of being more productive in the Lord’s vineyard, I noticed that I, too, was pushing the enve-lope. Faster and faster, busier and busier, I sometimes forget how to slow down because

I’m so focused on the task in front of me. That was when I recalled Jeremiah 31:25, “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”

What a beautiful promise. Yes, even Your laborers can have tunnel vision seeing only what is before them. I also remembered a scripture that I often share with callers seeking prayer. “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I wil l give you rest .” (Matthew 11:28.)

I found myself remembering that Jesus Himself was weary at times and needed rest. Often when weary and thirsting for human fellowship He would escape to the peaceful house-hold of Lazarus. Here He found a warm welcome, true friend-ship, and interested listeners.

Understanding that even

Jesus tired, I turned it over to Him. Jesus invites us to make Him our strength, our sup-port, our shadowing rock in a fatigued land. “You know that I’m weary Lord, but not of You. I think I am trying to do things in my own power instead of letting You work through me.”

I don’t remember exactly how long it was before I received a telephone call from my dear friend Marge. She and her husband were impressed to call and invite my entire fam-ily to spend a week with them at their timeshare in Florida. Tears welled up as I thought of how Jesus doesn’t miss a thing. He, too, knew I needed to recharge my batteries.

After discussing it with my family and checking our schedules, we first thanked Jesus for being sensitive to my needs, and then I called Marge to accept. What an awesome God—friends, fam-ily, all together for a week in Florida.

An entire week in Florida—I knew Jesus had set all this up especially for me. Everything was perfect. The weather was beautiful as I inhaled the fresh

ocean air, spent time basking in the sunshine, and walked miles on the warm, clean sand. The best part was the spiritual food we received as a family. Pastor Bill refreshed us daily with a constant supply of God’s trans-forming words. As with any vacation, it was over too soon. Nevertheless, memories are

forever, and I am still moved when I think of how God takes care of His children.

I came back refreshed, eager to return to God’s harvest fields. I had missed it—missed the everyday busyness of help-ing to mend broken people by pointing them to Jesus. Before long, I noticed my desk was cleaned off.

Refreshing the Weary

“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”

Jeremiah 31:25


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Our Video of the Month features Dr. Tim Jennings and a wonder-ful program entitled, “Healing the Mind God’s Way.” Find out the principles that can bring true forgiveness and healing to your rela-tionships. Discover how you can be rid of unresolved guilt! This program is available on DVD or VHS for a suggested donation of only US$10 postpaid! Call us at 618-627-4651 during regular business hours.

Video of the Month

marry him. He just wanted to know if it was God’s will.”

She responded that she was not looking for a relationship, but that she was earnestly seek-ing God’s will for her life.

Risë laughs. “James said it was an encouraging and dis-couraging response, but he followed up, and we wrote back and forth a lot. We studied the subject of Christian courtship,

and after reading that young people considering marriage should begin praying double, we did. We also began to fast on Thursdays, spending the time we would normally be eating for prayer and searching the Bible. Then we’d write what we had been impressed to read, and it was incredible to realize that many times God had led us to the same Bible texts!”

James and Risë were married, and now have two beautiful children, Jeiel, 14, and Kierra, 9. Although his travel schedule is demanding, they spend qual-

ity time together camping and boating when James is home. Risë says she’s enjoyed home-schooling her children and keeps a busy schedule research-ing and writing on health top-ics. Somehow she even finds time to record Health News for 3ABN!

Light Bearers Ministry has just moved their headquarters to Jasper, Oregon, where they have better access to personnel and supplies. “Our focus is to get more literature out the door and faster,” James says, adding that they have just received a huge order for literature from Africa. “We want to get more of these tracts on our website so individuals can download them and print them anywhere in the world.”

God clearly has important work for this couple to do, but life continues to bring on challenges. Several years ago James was struck with cancer, but by God’s grace, good doc-tors, a healthy lifestyle, and the support and prayers of God’s people around the world, he has made a complete recovery!

But we’re not surprised. God loves a good challenge,

you know….

You’re sure to be blessed this year at our 3ABN Spring Camp Meeting with Pastors Kenneth Cox and Wintley Phipps! It all

starts Wednesday, May 23, at 7:00 p.m., and runs through Saturday, the 26th. Visit our website for a list of local motels, or call us for your free RV site. We even have a bathhouse for those who want to camp in tents. But hurry! Motel rooms and RV sites go quickly.

God has a special blessing for you at camp meeting, so don’t miss it!

God clearly has important

work for this couple to

do, but life continues to

bring on challenges.

▶ “God Loves a Good Challenge,” from page 11POSTSCRiPT

Recharge Your Spirit

Here are five good reasons to develop a Charitable Gift Annuity with 3ABN:

1. Your gift provides you with a fixed income for life and helps 3ABN evangelize the world!

2. You may fund a Gift Annuity for as little as $5,000 per individual or $10,000 per couple, provided you are 55 or older.

3. You receive an immediate tax deduction, and much of the interest is tax free.

4. To gain a higher rate with greater income, you may develop a Deferred Gift Annuity with a future payout, provided you are 45 or older.

5. You may fund a Charitable Gift Annuity for another person and claim the tax deduction yourself.

A Gift Annuity is unique in that while the gift is irrevocable, the investment may earn you more than your initial gift—depending on your age.

For more information, contact our Stewardship and Trust Services:

Dr. Leonard WestphalPO Box 7148Loma Linda, CA 92354 Telephone: 800-886-4800E-mail: [email protected]

Investing In Eternity

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