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COURSE DIRECTORY 2015/2016 Synergy Partner Of

COURSE DIRECTORY - Akademi Sinergi• Siri Ibrah 114 – Surah Yusuff • Siri Ibrah 114 – Surah Maryam • Siri Ibrah

May 17, 2019



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COURSE DIRECTORYWorkshop (Inhouse & Public)

1. System Thinking in Education – 2 day program2. Ulul al-Bab Cognitive Research Trust for Islamic Educators – 2 day program 3. Islamic Educators A+ – 2 days program4. Master PIES for Entrepreneurs/ Workers – 3 days program5. Effective Communication/ Negotiation/ Writing (CASIC Model) – 1 day program6. Power of Habit A+ – 3 days program7. Abundant Coach Series 8. 7-Habits of Highly Effective Individuals/ Organization - Reflection from Surah al-Mukminoon – 1 day program 9. Tadabbur & Tazakkur Series for Parent & Leaders – 1 day program10. Conflict Management & Effective Resolution – Reflection through Al-Quran & Al-Sunnah – 2 days porgram11. Train the Trainers including Developing Course Curriculum – Certificated, 3 levels/ 3 days each12. Life Coach & Business Model Canvassing (LIFE Coach A+) – Certificated 3 levels/ 3 days each 13. Project Management including Business Model Canvas ( 3 days program) 14. Team Buidling (Outdoor, 3 days program)15. School Of Urban Leadership - S.O.U.L - 3 days program16. Build Your Legacy (BYL - Leadership/ Parenting) - 3 days program17. Photography, Media and Arts (Ummahmedia Series) – 1 day program each18. Gender Intelligence @ Workplace and Family - 2 days program

Seminar (Public Program)

Permata Al Quran & Siri Ibrah 114

• Permata Al Quran – Surah Al Fatiha, Ikhlas & Ayat Kursi• Siri Ibrah 114 – Surah Yusuff• Siri Ibrah 114 – Surah Maryam• Siri Ibrah 114 – Surah Al Kahfi• Siri Ibrah 114 – 7 Keajaiban Surah Al Baqarah• Siri Ibrah 114 – Ali Imran

Seminar Cinta Rasul

• Sehari Bersama Rasulullah (Ensiklopedia Rasulullah s.a.w) (1 day)

Build Your Legacy – Leadership Masterclass Program (3 days)

Short Courses

• Usul al Fiqh with Assoc Prof, Dr Muhd Nor Manuty • Usul al Dakwah with Mohd Jakfar Hj Embek, M.A• Tamadun dan Pemikiran Islam with Mohd Jakfar Hj Embek• (Tadabbur dan Tazakkur) with Ust Fazrul Ismail/ Ust Syaari Abdul Rahman• Islamic Finance Series

Edu Tour & Cultural Exchange

• Ramadan Youth Experience (M’sia, S’pore, Indonesia)• Inter Civilization Edu Tour Program• Jelajah Tadabbur Al Quran

Research & Writing

• Peranan asatizah dalam penggunaan Bahasa Melayu sebagai medium dakwah di Singapura. (Majlis Bahasa Melayu)

• Peranan dan sumbangan asatizah masyarakat Bawean di Singapura sebelum dan selepas Merdeka. (Persatuan Bawean Singapura)

• Sumbangan pemikiran Kiyai Zuhri Mutammim di Singapura. (Madrasah Irsyad Al Zuhri Al Islamiah)

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Thesis Statement:“O you who have attained to faith! Surrender yourselves wholly (system) unto God, and follow not Satan’s footsteps (disarray), for, verily, he is your open enemy.” (al Baqarah: 208)

Course Overview

The problem with the education system today is the inclination to focus only on academic achievements. Because of this phenomenon, the system only manages to produce a generation with ample test scores but lack of empathy and common sense.

A decent education program must include all aspects of human life in their system. It should be a holistic program. And to do that, proper tools and specific thinking skills are needed to guide the development of any education system. This is where system thinking comes in handy.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this course, participants will be able to formulate and assess system thinking in education program/syllabus.

Course Outline

• What is a system and thinking ?• What is thinking as a system (holistic) ?• 10 principles of systemic thinking in Islam. • How to use 10 principles of systemic thinking in education• The difference between think sytemic and creative or critical• Good Decision Making versus Bad Decision Making• Building a Learning Organization base on Revelation (wahyu).

Target Participants

Educators, teachers, lecturers, and any parties that involve in designing any level of education program

Total Training Hours

12 Training Hours (1 ½ Days)


Course Overview

This course is based on profound studies of the al-Quran and al-Sunnah texts regarding the characteristics of Ulul Albab. All the Muslim scholars of exegesis were almost unanimous in stating that the word Ulul Albab used by al-Quran refers to those who possess the kind of mature mind and comprehension that enables them to make accurate judgments. The climax to it is that they will find the reality of truth that will save their life in this world and Hereafter.

The main idea of this course is to develop educators to be Ulul Albab themselves and also produce Ulul Albab generations in the future. It integrates 16 ayat of Ulul Albab with 58 thinking tools from Cognitive Research Trust (CoRT) from Edward de Bono to equip the participants with handy tools at the end of session.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:

• Identify the characteristics of Ulul Albab and relate them to themselves• Breakdown and assemble education programmes to creating the Ulul Albab generations• Apply tools to have a better way of thinking using CoRT

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Course Outline

Brief attributes from 16 verses of ulul albab in Al Quran

• Ability to think with wisdom (hikmah) and righteousness (taqwa) • Knowledgeable, Think and Amar Maaruf • Quranic Generation and Apprehend of History • Taking lesson and Allah’s blessing • Doing Qiyamulail, critical and think of nature’s fenomena• Having faith, fear of Allah’s murka and plead for hidayah

6 Steps of Cognitive Research Trust

• Breadth • Organization • Interactions • Creativity • Feelings & Emotions • Action

Target Participants

Educators, teachers, lecturers, and any parties that involved in designing any level of education program.

Total Training Hours

16 Training Hours (2 ½ days)



An important aspect of Islamic Education is ‘tarbiyah’. The term ‘tarbiyah’ have no equivalent meaning in English. It derive from an Arabic word that emphasize realization of God Conciousness (Rabb) in total human development through knowledge (cognitive), character development (affective), actions (psychomotor). Therefore as a Muslim educator one should not only able to transfer knowledge, but act to nurture, pastor and coach someone (students) to be God conscious in their physical endeavour, mind, heart and soul.

Course Outline

• Differentiate between attributes of an excellent teacher (A & A+) and less excellent teacher (B,C,D,E).• Understand reward and punishment concept in education so as able to unleash students faith and self potential.• Understand psychological behaviour of the different ages of students in learning ability – thus need different approaches and curriculum planning.

• How to build A+ school system and environment based on examples from history of the prophet, golden eras of the khulafa al rashidin and contemporary education system.

• What is meant by a holistic edcuation system base on physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.• Dialectic thoughts base on tauhidic paradigm – method of systemic thinking that produces excellent teachers either through teaching and interaction with students.• 16 verses of ulul albab in Quran and how to integrate and apply in teaching classroom curriculum and outside activity curriculum.

• Understanding a situational leadership teacher base on Ken Blanchard.

Learning Outcome

• Participants able to understand between (A & A+) excellent teacher and non excellent teacher (B, C, D).• Able to act, apply and integrate attributes of ulul albab and cognitive research trust.• Able to understand a situational leadership type of educator.• Able to think and act holistically (systemic) in decision making and education.

Target Participants

• Teachers and School Administrator.• Anybody with passion in teaching.

Total Training Hours

15 - 18 hours (2.5 to 3 days workshop)

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Course Objective

Every individual hunt for success in the work place, family and social life. There are numerous convetional tools and methods that is used to measure success. Competence in method tadabbur (deep thinking) and tazakkur (deep awareness) could just be another tool using Quranic approach. The technique deep thinking and deep awareness will bring participants to few techniques to leave with al Quran so that it becomes system of life (nizamul hayat).

Course Outline

• Tadabbur & Tazakkur in unleashing potential physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual• Tadabbur & Tazakkur level 1, 3 & 7• Tazakkur – DPRP• Case study

Learning Outcome

• Able to understand relation between tadabbur and tazakkur with legacy of success in life.• Able to understand used of tadabbur and tazakkur specifically in daily living.• Able to apply technique of tadabbur and tazakkur in building legacy.

Target Participants

Anybody whom have passion to make al Quran as a living manual.

Total Training Hours

14 hours (2 days course)



Course Objective

This unique course provides an opportunity for students to unleash their passion of creativity in media arts especially in Animation. This course encourages student’s creativity to the next level.

The main objective of this course is to develop student’s creativity on how to aid them with their da’wah tools in the future. Having the ability to create and utilise the new media in instilling Islamic values thus elevates da’wah to another level for the ummah.

Learning Outcome

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:

• Demonstrate the knowledge of basic animation production and post production.• Produce a portfolio of 3 minutes basic paper animation video.• Able to apply the knowledge as part of their da’wah tools.

Course Outline

• Expose to the early forms of animation.• The process of producing a paper animation.• Stop Motion process.• Animation character building.

Target Participants

Students (primary and secondary level).

Method Used

• Workshop base (20 pax min)• Presentation of work in progress• Group work

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• Construction Papers• Scissors• Bluetacs• Digital Camera + Mini Tripod • Memory card reader• Windows Movie Maker• Laptops

Total Training Hours

15 Training Hours (2 ½ days)


Course Overview

This unique course provides an opportunity for students to unleash their passion of creativity in media arts especially in Animation. This course encourages student’s creativity to the next level.

The main objective of this course is to develop student’s creativity on how to aid them with their da’wah tools in the future. Having the ability to create and utilise the new media in instilling Islamic values thus elevates da’wah to another level for the ummah.

Learning Outcome

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:

• Demonstrate the knowledge of basic animation production and post-production• Produce a portfolio of 3 minutes basic clay animation video.• Able to apply the knowledge as part of da’wah tools.

Target Participants

Students (primary and secondary level).

Method Used

• Plasticine • Black board (A4) x 5pieces• Digital Camera + Mini Tripod • Memory card reader• Windows Movie Maker

Total Training Hours

15 Training Hours (2 ½ days)


Course Overview

This unique course provides an opportunity for students to unleash their passion of creativity in media arts especially in Photography. This course encourages student’s creativity to the next level.

The main objective of this course is to develop student’s creativity on how to aid them with their da’wah tools in the future. Having the ability to create and utilise the new media in instilling Islamic values thus elevates da’wah to another level for the ummah.

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Learning Outcome

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:

• Demonstrate the knowledge of basic photography• Produce a portfolio of various photos of different themes• Apply the knowledge as part of their da’wah tools.

Course Outline

• History of photography• Basic understanding in photography composition and techniques• Basic depth of field control and understanding• Target Participants

Students (primary and secondary level).

Method Used

• Workshop base (20 pax min)• Presentation of work in progress• Critic Sessions• Group work


• Digital Camera (point and shoot) x4pcs• Memory card reader

Total Training Hours

10 Training Hours (2 days)



Course Objective

One of the evocative problems in humanity today is the lack of holistic self-development. To simply put it, in one extreme we can see wealthy but wicked people and on another extreme we can see good people who struggle to provide for his own life. In their minds, they are dictated by the tyranny of ore. And there are many versions of this type of problem, depending on which perspective of life we are looking at.

The problem actually comes down to one question; how do we perceive our life? In this course, we will learn that there are four aspects of life potentials namely, physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual, or P.I.E.S. for short. And we ought to develop all these aspects in our lives to be a successful person in this world and in Hereafter. Each life potential has its own nature and discipline. For example, developing spiritual potential is different than developing physical potential. However, each potential correlates with each other. The lack of physical development, being poor for example, will affect spiritual development, such as we hardly hold tight to our spiritual values when are offered some shady jobs for some quick cash.

This course will train the participants to achieve total success by unleashing their full potentials holistically.

Course Outline

Upon completing this course, audiences will be able to:

• Identify and distinguish the four aspects of life potential (P.I.E.S.)• Employ the self-development way power of each life potentials

Target Participants

Open to adults of various social statuses.

Total Training Hours

12 Training Hours (2 days)

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Thesis Statement

“And show me the path that you bestow, not the extreme path of those who have been condemned and those who have gone astray.”

Course Overview

As humans, we want others to accept our values, no matter the forms, differed opinions or suggestions. Sometimes when conflicts occur between any of us, we will identify the source of the problem as lack of understanding. However, the real challenge is not to make people understand us. Instead, it is to make people want to understand us.

Here, the C.A.S.I.C. model acts as the set of tools and guidelines to help us practice not just an effective communication, but a persuasive one. It will help in making people listen to our opinions and advice. The model is devised from an extensive study on Islamic spiritual texts and modern psychology researches, based on Surah Al-Fatehah in the al-Quran.

Learning Outcome

• Able to employ C.A.S.I.C. communication model on their daily and professional lives• Able to appreciate better relation of al Fatiha with daily communication, negotiation and act of decision making.

Target Participants

Open to adults of various social statuses.

Total Training Hours

12 Training Hours (2 days)


Thesis Statement

“And the servants of the Beneficient Allah are they who walk on the earth in humbleness, and when the ignorant address them, they say Peace.”

Course Overview

This is a full course base on the book by Charles Duhigg, Power of Habit but with an intergrated Quranic and holistic system thinking approach, Master P.I.E.S – Unleashing Human Potentials. Power of Habit studies on how to change negative towards positive behavior and thus build good habit base on Islamic perspective.

This course have been customise with Malay/ Muslim context and suitable for those whose profession dealing more with human personality and behavior – social development officer (SDO), Youth Development Officcer (YDO) and also Mosque Religious Offier (MRO), Marriage Counsellors, Religious Reference Officer, Life Coaches and Prison Volunteers and Aftercare Officers.

Course Outline

• Lesson 1: The Habit Loop• Lesson 2: The Craving Brain• Lesson 3: The Golden Rule of Transformation• Lesson 4: Keystone Habits, Value & Belief• Lesson 5: Willpower• Lesson 6: Crisis and Difficulty• Lesson 7: Predictably Irrational• Lesson 8 : Tribe and Movements• Lesson 9 : Free Will & Responsibility• How to build good habits

Learning Outcome

• Able to comprehend and use application tools with regards to cue, routine, behavior and reward in human psychology.

• Able to integrate Quranic perspectives and worldview on conventional psychology, counselling and social work.

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• Able to apply tools from Master PIES and CASIC with regards to habit change in professions and family living.• Able to apply concept of way power, will power and … .

Target Participants

Counsellors, Life Coaches, Mosque Religious Officers, Social Development Officers, Youth Development Officers, Prison Volunteers & Aftercare Officers and those involve directly with changing of customer/ client behavior.

Total Training Hours

18 hours (3 days) or adaptable to 4 weekly program.



Thesis Statement

“TRULY, to a happy state shall attain the believers. Those who humble themselves in their prayer, and who turn away from all that is frivolous, and who are intent on inner purity, and who are mindful of their chastity..” (al Mukminoon 1 – 5)

Course OverviewThis course employs the Covey’s 7 Habits and Systemic Thinking to produce highly efficient personnel in a working environment. Synergizing the positive habits with holistic thinking approach as the guidelines will not only result in an effective working environment, but it also creates organizations that are self-aware of their responsibilities to the development of social community and the future generations.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this course, audiences will be able to:

• Practice the 7 Habits in their life, especially in the working place• Solve work related issues using the understanding of the systemic thinking approach

Course Outline

• Be Proactive• Begin with The End in Mind• Put First Thing First• Think Win-Win• Seek First to Understand, Than To Be Understood• Synergize• Sharpen The Saw

Target Participants

Executives, managers, directors, board members and anyone at the management level.

Total Training Hours

12 Training Hours (2 days)

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Course Overview

Conflict is inevitable, especially in working environments. Though many people perceive conflict as negative, it can actually produce positive results on any organization’s development. The trick is to manage the conflict strategically and effectively.

Islam, as a way of life and not just a ritualistic religion, also offers guidelines and regulations on managing and avoiding conflict in the teaching. Thus, this course combines the studies from spiritual texts, al-Quran and al-Sunnah, with findings from modern psychological studies on managing conflict by creating realistic and effective modules to the audience.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Change the way they perceive conflict in working environment• Demonstrate strategic and effective conflict management

Course Outline

• Conflict and Tribulations in Al Quran• Tip of The Iceberg and why people in conflict• Human potentials how to deal with conflict• 3rd Alternative in Conflict Management• Jay Hall conflict model• Adab Ikhtilaf in Islam• Managing Anger• Resolution – How to be A+ Habit

Target Participants

Executives, managers, directors, board members and anyone in the management level.

Total Training Hours

12 Training Hours


Course Overview

Theoretically everybody is a leader on their own rights. But not everyone realize of the potentials and resources that God have given. Scholars, like Ibn Taimiyah stipulated two qualities needed – quwwah (hard skills) and amanah (soft skills).

Though there are many western theories on leadership available, however al-Quran provide definite amazing manual to man that raise the mind and soul to achieve something beyond the capability of self.

Facing with diverse challenges, leaders must always find the best source non other from devine knowledge itself. The best leader is the one who is always in servitude to God and submit to the manual He has provided. Thus it is an asset if man capacities (hard skills) work in parallel with the manual provide by the Creator .

The module of this course is an evidence base research by several Islamic scholars, expert in the field of Islamic leadership and management particularly by Assoc Prof Dr Ridhwan Fontaine of UIAM, who worked on findings of several western companies that fails. Impact is not measured by the size or influence, but the ability to touch the hearts of individuals within the leadership.

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Learning Outline

• Understand the amazing resource manual for effective leadership.• Able to enhance high-performance leadership that combined results of the competency and integrity. • Companies able to reduce the risk of failure due to faulty leadership theories and misconceptions• Able to move plan to build legacy base on revelation.• Prepare internal leaders that leverage on value, mission and philosophy of amazing leadership.

Course Outline

• Amazing Manual• Syariatullah and Sunnatullah• System• Infaq• Conflict Management• Decision Making

Target Participants

• CEO and Directors• Senior staff of companies, organizations and institutions

Total Training Hours

3 Day or 18 Hours


Course Overview

Each of us enters the workplace not only as a human being, but as a woman or a man. Men and women have different needs and want to live happily and work productively. We perceived and communicate differently. We face and manage our stress differently. This workshop links the actual science of male/female brain differences to every aspect of life. The two days course presents brain science tools with which participants can look into the brains of men and women to understand themselves and one another. The course also provides tools and tips, which can be used immediately in management at workplace and in parenting at home.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to:

• Discuss the New Science of Gender Intelligence

• Appreciate and Respect How and Why Men Mr-Fix-Problems and Women Mrs-Home-Improvement Act Differently

• Improve the Negotiation Skills with Solving-Problem-Men and Sharing-Problem-Women

• Improve the Conflict Resolution Skills with Objective-Minded-Men and Subjective-Minded-Women.

• Help Women: Retaining, Motivating, and Working with Female Talent

• Help Men: Recognizing Men’s Leadership Strengths and Solving Issues Men Face

• Apply the FIVE LOVE languages at home and at workplace to maximize the individual potential.

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Course Outline

• Self Life Motive • Self test Masculine and Feminine • How the Male and Female Brain Work Differently• How and Why Men and Women Lead Differently• The Communication Skills with Women and Men• The Conflict Resolution Skills with Men and Women• The Negotiation Skills with Both Genders• A gender – balanced meeting• Help Women: Retaining, Motivating, and Working with Female Talent• Help Men: Recognizing Men’s Leadership Strengths and Solving Issues Men Face• Apply the FIVE LOVE languages at home and at workplace to maximize the individual potential.


• Lecture with multimedia powerpoint presentations• Simulations and games• Group discussion and presentation• Self evaluation

Target Participants

The managers, supervisors, and line leaders for the private sectors and head of departments, middle managers, executives and support staff for the government servants.

Total Training Hours

2 Days workshop or 12 Hours minimum



Course OverviewTraining can be new platform for dissemination of Islamic faith and values besides conventional form of Islamic learning. This course aims to train asatizah and those interested to be qualified trainer to be able to explore the development of new training curriculum modules based on Al Quran and Traditions of the prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this course, audiences will be able to:

• Able to deliver and confident in public arena• Able to arrange thoughts before speaking/ delivering• Able to build and produce 3 days training modules incorporating Content, Context and Choice• Able to market training product and clear of the Business Model Canvas.

Target Participants

• Preferably asatizah or others between the ages 25 to 40• Good understanding and reading Arabic Quranic text is an advantage

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Course Level & Content

Level Theme Content

1 - 3 days General TTT • Concept of training• Adult learning• Communication skill• Block and sessions• Story telling• Handling difficult clients• TNA

2 - 3 days Building Modules Clinic

• Level of medicine production in training• Why build modules• Taxonomy bloom• 3C’s - Content, Context, Choice• Gamification, games and activities

3 - 3 days Certification • BMC for Trainer• Branding for Trainer• Presentation of the modules

* Each 3 day program is S$460/ pax (not inclusive of food, lodging & transport for participant and trainers).

** Min of 20 pax for each training.

*** For more than 20 pax, additional facilitator for every 10 pax $400 per day.

**** Participants without ACTA certification, will be needed to take additional certification from Institute of Adult

Learning (Singapore).



Course Overview

As narrated by Hakim bin Hizam from Saheeh al-Bukhari: The Messenger of Allah (salallaahu alayhi wasalaam) said

“The upper hand is better than the lower hand (i.e he who gives in charity is better than him who takes it).One should

start giving first to his dependents. And the best object of charity is that which is given by a wealthy person (from

money which is left after his expenses). And whoever abstains from asking others forsome financial help. Allah will

give him and save him from asking others, Allah will make him self-sufficient.” (nos. 1346)

Coaching in Islam is more than educating. It is about affecting total positive changes in other people’s life until he or

she is self sustaining in terms of physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual needs. The ability to make a big change

in other peoples’ life is thus a lifetime satisfaction, what more a blessing and reward from Allah s.w.t.

Learning Outcomes

• Able to be situational leader and coach

• Able to chart pathway to build legacy

• Able to use tools from Al Quran in coaching

• Able to market and clear of the Business Model Canvass

Target Participants

• Any person preferably from 25 to 45 years with the passion to change other peoples’ life.

• Minimum qualification diploma or degree in all field of sciences, preferably someone who is responsible to

educate, develop & train others in their profession.

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This is a certification course certified by Qualified Certifier/Trainer from US Life Coach Certifier.

Course Level & Content

Level Theme Content

1 - 3 days Concept of Coaching • Situational Leadership• Potential in Human, PIES• CASIC as human skills in coaching• Success & legacy for every individual

2 - 3 days Handling Issues • Business coaching• Life coaching• Challenges & issues in coaching• Tools for coaching• Practical

3 - 3 days Certification • BMC for Coach• Branding for Coach• Practical for participants

* Each 3 day program is S$460/ pax (not inclusive of food, lodging & transport for participant and trainers).** Min of 20 pax for each training.*** For more than 20 pax, additional facilitator for every 10 pax of $400 per day.

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MASTER PIESS$15.00 (S’pore)RM22.00 (M’sia) RM25.00 (Sabah & Sarawak)

PEMIKIRAN SISTEMIKS$15.00 (S’pore)RM25.00 (M’sia) RM28.00 (Sabah & Sarawak)


AMAZING AL QURAN AL KARIMS$54.00 (S’pore)RM135.00 (M’sia) RM138.00 (Sabah, Sarawak & Labuan)

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AKADEMI SINERGI IKHLASB-15-1&2,Bangi Gateway Shopping Complex,Seksyen 15,Bandar Baru Bangi,Selangor Darul Ehsan43650 MalaysiaTel/Fax: 03-8912 0898Tel: 012-223 0782

MADANI INSTITUTEFor more information, please e-mail your enquiries to:[email protected]

Or contact:Mohd Jakfar EmbekE-mail: [email protected]: +65 9783 5825