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,. ,- < also recommend the village' investigate vices. with other . entities, especiaUytl1e ·couiJt.& _-_ and privatiZation uf(ielivei-y:::- of various municipal services. -< . The proposed budget"shows estimated revenues of $15.528,484 in all funds com- bined with $6.269,693 of those "restricted" or dedicated to': < various projects; an4 expendi- tures of all funds combined. of I $1.9.3 Al are' . ''restrltted'" . funds. The proposed budget shows $10.340,643 in begin- ning cash balance and estimated ending cash balance as of June 30. 1998. Copies of the proposed bud- get may be viewed at village hall during regular buSiness hours. The public is invited to the budget meetings. Capitan Board of Education member Tom Trost wants to rename the baseball field located north of Highway 380. the "Herbert Lee Traylor Memorial Field" in honor of the now deceased long-time educator. Currently the park bears the name "Don Dose' Memori- al Park" in honor of the de- ceased Lincoln County (SEE PAGE 2) Does Capitan Baseball Field Need New Name? Budget Ruidoso Sched,ules Workshops' by Doris Cherry Ruidoso Village Council will hold two special workshops to review its proposed 1997-98 , budget at 5:30. p.m. today (Thursday) May 15 and at 1:30 p.m. Friday. May 16. The public is· invited to attend the workshops being held in the village council meeting room in the village administration building on Cree Meadows Drive. public bearing wiJI",be held during the regtilar meet-- ing of May 27, when council· ors will take action to adopt the budget. The prc;>posed 1997-98 bud- get shows a decrease of $7.6 million in revenues. and a $787,000 overall decrease in expenditures. In the budget package provided village coun- cilors during their regular meeting Tuesday. village manager Gary Jackson states that gross receipt taxes are the single largest source of income for the village General Fund. and the next fiscal year will be the first in recent history that the village will have gross receipt taxes from Wal-Mart for only a portion of the year. In the introduction to the proposed budget, Jackson concludes that sigoificant reductions in expenditures are proposed, "which is the finan- cially prudent approach to take." In addition to the bud- getary reductions in the pro- posed budget, Jackson will CARRIZOZO GREATEST GRIZZL V awards were presented to seniors Kerl Shafer and Willie Silva during the GriZZly Athletic awards banquet Tuesday. Silva also received the Golden Helmet award for defensive and offensive player of the year. Count I •.••....•.•.• ..,. . •. -.. ; ... ... i=$v .....:c.. •• .. .... 4;;••;':' f "Located in The County Seat" -, "NNO........,"""" w __......... ..,., ••• '" """"'. ,,' __ ,.. _"..'" ... _ " J cal services providers are volunteers. this includes emergency physicians. nurses. medical technicians. paramed- ics, fire fighters. educators. administrators. and others. Trustee Ruth Armstrong stated that ''They are the reason people can live in Carrizozo. " Carrizozo resident Mary Lu Nickels asked the trustees for information and help in the (SEE PAGE 2) Odd/Even Watering ReqUired In Ruidoso The village of Ruidoso is still in Phase 1 of its water contingency plan. This means the village has sufficient water for residents to water outdoor landscaping. But residents need to know that Phase 1 still requires the odd/even system of watering. With the odd/even system, residents who live at address- es with odd numbers may water on odd numbered days and residents with addresses with even numbers may water .on even numbered days. " During the regular Ruidoso council meeting Tuesday. village deputy manager Alan Briley said as he drives about the village now he sees that most residents are not aware of the odd/even requireJ1.lent. Under the water contingency plan. residents who violate the plan win be given verbal warning on the first offense. and could be fined on the second or subsequent offense. For more information about the water contingency plan. call village hall. -m attend every other town coun- cil meeting to give the trust- ees an update and to gather more data for the study. Lorang says he wants to expe- dite the process as much as possible but to do it right.' He welcomes citizen input and feels that the citizens of Carrizozo and Professional Engineers, Inc. have a com- mon goal in improving the city and its economics. During discussion. some of the items he said he will be investigating are: the poten- tial of the induStrial park. looking at the recent traffic study, fire protection system, how public buildings meet the fire code, and compliance with the safe drinking water act. The trustees approved two proclamations. May 22-30 was proclaimed Veterans Appreci- ation Week to pay homQge and give recognition to the men and women who served our country and gave special contributions to the security of our nation. This year is the 52nd year since the end of World War II. It was the largest and most costly war in the history of mankind result- ing in the 10ss of 50 million human lives and was fought all around the world. There will be a combined Merchant Marine and Mili- tary Memorial Service Satur- day. May 24 at the Fort Stanton Memorial Cemetery. Trustee Eileen Lovelace asked Carrizozo Chief of Po- lice Duane Vinson to see if the Rotary flags could be placed out every day during Veterans Appreciation Week. The week of May 18-24 was proclaimed as Emergency Medical Services Week. Two- thirds of all emergency medi- t THE OTERO COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. electrical safety program was presented for Carrizozo School May 8 for students grades K-8. Director of Member Services Wayne McGee demonstrates. the unseen dangers of electricity and how to be safe. Each student attending the prog- ram received a certifICate of recognition tor successfully participating in the electrical safety program. Carrizozo Wants Airport Grants, Not Drag Racing by Barbara Culler The Carrizozo Board of Trustees on May 13 held their regular meeting. Professional Engineers, Inc., from Socorro was a warded the Community Development Block Grant planning grant. They will receive the $25,000 for conducting the study for the town. . Bill Lorang, project manag- er for Professional Engineers, Inc., discussed at the public hearing right after the award- ing of the of the grant how he will be gathering information for the Infrastructure Master Plan, which will be a ten-year plan. The study is to identify infrastructure improvement needs, which include streets. water, and sewer. The goal of the plan is to improve the economics of Carrizozo. The public hearing was the first of three public hearings to be held for this study. The tentative dates for the other two public hearings are June 11 and July 8. Lorang stated he will be gathering information and recommendations from the town staff, police chief. fire chief, state engineer, New Mexico State Highway De- partment, and from the pub- lic. The recommendations and information he receives on the needs of Carrizozo will then be prioritized and used in making application for funds to meet these needs. He said it usually takes eleven months for a study, but he hopes to have September 1 as the date by which to have the prioritized list finished and to have the fund grant in around November 12. During this study Profes- Engineers, Inc. hopes to $ 7 Sheriff's Office Seeks Identity Of Burned Body Aqrerican Marine Institute the bid for- operating a "boot camp" at Camp Sierra Blanca. reported Capitan board of education president Beverly Payne Calaway during the recent county commission meeting. Calaway said she was, one of ·an, which iiiermsr in querque at the office of Chil- dren Youth and Families secretary Heather Wilson to review the proposals for' the juvenile camp. Calaway said American Marine Institute. out of Flori- da. wants to send representa- tives to the county commis- sion to discuss their plans for the juvenile camp which will have up to 50' male juveniles. "Public safety is their number one concern," Calaway said. American Marine Institute plans <to open the camp by July 1 and will be bringing about three kids a week to the facility, Calaway said. Commission chairman Monroy Montes said Secretary Wilson called each of the c«;>mmissioners personally about the contract, and "bragged on" the abilities and input Calaway brought to the <lommittee. Calaway said the institute plans to have a community advisory board, and brings a great deal of experience with such juvenile camp programs. "I'he institute has had great success with its "Last Chance Camps," for juvenile offenders. : The institute plans to bring only non-violent juveniles to the camp. American 'Marine Institute Wins ,Bid < , For Camp At CSB A Ruidoso wood cutter found the charred body of in a vehicle at Hale near Ruidoso Downs on Thursday, May 8. . According to Lincoln County Sheriff Torn Sullivan, by late Wednesday his office had not received confirmation of den- tal records which would pro- vide a positive identification of the body found in the burned out vehicle last week. (SEE PA GlE 2) 7 -- -

Count ~GW.; · lOA. (606) 648-118116 • 2-BR. 1 Bath, $22,000.00 • P.O. Box 637 CARRIZOZO. NEW MEXICO 88301 • C>'5lDm WMclc:us

Jun 02, 2020



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Page 1: Count ~GW.; · lOA. (606) 648-118116 • 2-BR. 1 Bath, $22,000.00 • P.O. Box 637 CARRIZOZO. NEW MEXICO 88301 • C>'5lDm WMclc:us


<also recommend the village'investigate consolidating;~.ser­

vices.with other go~~#lU;1'~ntal.entities, especiaUytl1e·couiJt.& _ - _and privatiZation uf(ielivei-y:::­of various municipal services. -< .

The proposed budget"showsestimated revenues of$15.528,484 in all funds com­bined with $6.269,693 of those"restricted" or dedicated to': <various projects; an4 expendi-tures of all funds combined. of I$1.9.3 ~f .4§~1~~q"tA1,w,J\!~b:;:1" Al$9,421,~~1 are' . ''restrltted'" .funds. The proposed budgetshows $10.340,643 in begin-ning cash balance and$6.513.67~ estimated endingcash balance as of June 30.1998.

Copies of the proposed bud­get may be viewed at villagehall during regular buSinesshours.

The public is invited to thebudget meetings.

Capitan Board of Educationmember Tom Trost wants torename the baseball fieldlocated north of Highway 380.the "Herbert Lee TraylorMemorial Field" in honor ofthe now deceased long-timeeducator.

Currently the park bearsthe name "Don Dose' Memori-al Park" in honor of the de­ceased Lincoln County


Does Capitan BaseballField Need New Name?

BudgetRuidoso Sched,ules

Workshops'by Doris Cherry

Ruidoso Village Council willhold two special workshops toreview its proposed 1997-98

,budget at 5:30. p.m. today(Thursday) May 15 and at1:30 p.m. Friday. May 16.

The public is· invited toattend the workshops beingheld in the village councilmeeting room in the villageadministration building onCree Meadows Drive.~~~al public bearing wiJI",beheld during the regtilar meet-­ing of May 27, when council·ors will take action to adoptthe budget.

The prc;>posed 1997-98 bud­get shows a decrease of $7.6million in revenues. and a$787,000 overall decrease inexpenditures. In the budgetpackage provided village coun­cilors during their regularmeeting Tuesday. villagemanager Gary Jackson statesthat gross receipt taxes arethe single largest source ofincome for the village GeneralFund. and the next fiscal yearwill be the first in recenthistory that the village willhave gross receipt taxes fromWal-Mart for only a portion ofthe year.

In the introduction to theproposed budget, Jacksonconcludes that sigoificantreductions in expenditures areproposed, "which is the finan­cially prudent approach totake." In addition to the bud­getary reductions in the pro­posed budget, Jackson will

CARRIZOZO GREATEST GRIZZLV awards were presented toseniors Kerl Shafer and Willie Silva during the GriZZly Athleticawards banquet Tuesday. Silva also received the Golden Helmetaward for defensive and offensive player of the year.

Count _~GW.; I•.••....•.•.•:?::-~S::•..,. ..;-:.:~•. -.. ;...~...~s~ i=$v .....:c..~:•• w:'·.::r{:~.-::-=:?::: ..-::c-:~<~::;-x~.~?:::· .:.:-:~:=:$&-e1~"*=~ .... 4;;••;':' f

"Located in The County Seat" -,"NNO........,"""" w__.........~,.~ ..,., • ••• '" """"'. ~ ,,' __,.. _"..'" ~ ..._ " J

cal services providers arevolunteers. this includesemergency physicians. nurses.medical technicians. paramed­ics, fire fighters. educators.administrators. and others.Trustee Ruth Armstrongstated that ''They are thereason people can live inCarrizozo."

Carrizozo resident Mary LuNickels asked the trustees forinformation and help in the


Odd/Even WateringReqUired In Ruidoso

The village of Ruidoso isstill in Phase 1 of its watercontingency plan.

This means the village hassufficient water for residentsto water outdoor landscaping.But residents need to knowthat Phase 1 still requires theodd/even system of watering.

With the odd/even system,residents who live at address­es with odd numbers maywater on odd numbered daysand residents with addresseswith even numbers may water.on even numbered days. "

During the regular Ruidosocouncil meeting Tuesday.village deputy manager AlanBriley said as he drives aboutthe village now he sees thatmost residents are not awareof the odd/even requireJ1.lent.Under the water contingencyplan. residents who violatethe plan win be given verbalwarning on the first offense.and could be fined on thesecond or subsequent offense.

For more information aboutthe water contingency village hall.


attend every other town coun­cil meeting to give the trust­ees an update and to gathermore data for the study.Lorang says he wants to expe­dite the process as much aspossible but to do it right.'

He welcomes citizen inputand feels that the citizens ofCarrizozo and ProfessionalEngineers, Inc. have a com­mon goal in improving thecity and its economics.

During discussion. some ofthe items he said he will beinvestigating are: the poten­tial of the induStrial park.looking at the recent trafficstudy, fire protection system,how public buildings meet thefire code, and compliance withthe safe drinking water act.

The trustees approved twoproclamations. May 22-30 wasproclaimed Veterans Appreci­ation Week to pay homQgeand give recognition to themen and women who servedour country and gave specialcontributions to the securityof our nation. This year is the52nd year since the end ofWorld War II. It was thelargest and most costly war inthe history of mankind result­ing in the 10ss of 50 millionhuman lives and was foughtall around the world.

There will be a combinedMerchant Marine and Mili­tary Memorial Service Satur­day. May 24 at the FortStanton Memorial Cemetery.

Trustee Eileen Lovelaceasked Carrizozo Chief of Po­lice Duane Vinson to see if theRotary flags could be placedout every day during VeteransAppreciation Week.

The week of May 18-24 wasproclaimed as EmergencyMedical Services Week. Two­thirds of all emergency medi-


THE OTERO COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. electrical safety program was presentedfor Carrizozo School May 8 for students grades K-8. Director of Member Services Wayne McGeedemonstrates. the unseen dangers of electricity and how to be safe. Each student attending the prog­ram received a certifICate of recognition tor successfully participating in the electrical safety program.

Carrizozo Wants Airport Grants, Not Drag Racingby Barbara Culler

The Carrizozo Board ofTrustees on May 13 held theirregular meeting.

Professional Engineers, Inc.,from Socorro was a warded theCommunity DevelopmentBlock Grant planning grant.They will receive the $25,000for conducting the study forthe town. .

Bill Lorang, project manag­er for Professional Engineers,Inc., discussed at the publichearing right after the award­ing of the of the grant how hewill be gathering informationfor the Infrastructure MasterPlan, which will be a ten-yearplan. The study is to identifyinfrastructure improvementneeds, which include streets.water, and sewer. The goal ofthe plan is to improve theeconomics of Carrizozo.

The public hearing was thefirst of three public hearingsto be held for this study. Thetentative dates for the othertwo public hearings are June11 and July 8.

Lorang stated he will begathering information andrecommendations from thetown staff, police chief. firechief, state engineer, NewMexico State Highway De­partment, and from the pub­lic. The recommendations andinformation he receives on theneeds of Carrizozo will thenbe prioritized and used inmaking application for fundsto meet these needs.

He said it usually takeseleven months for a study, buthe hopes to have September 1as the date by which to havethe prioritized list finishedand to have the fund grant inaround November 12.

During this study Profes­siona~ Engineers, Inc. hopes to


Sheriff's OfficeSeeks IdentityOf Burned Body

Aqrerican Marine InstituteWO~i the bid for- operating ajuv~nile "boot camp" at CampSierra Blanca. reportedCapitan board of educationpresident Beverly PayneCalaway during the recentcounty commission meeting.

Calaway said she was, oneof ·an, .:e~n""CQ~;:which iiiermsr~eek in Aib~­querque at the office of Chil­dren Youth and Familiessecretary Heather Wilson toreview the proposals for' thejuvenile camp.

Calaway said AmericanMarine Institute. out of Flori­da. wants to send representa­tives to the county commis­sion to discuss their plans forthe juvenile camp which willhave up to 50' male juveniles."Public safety is their numberone concern," Calaway said.

American Marine Instituteplans <to open the camp byJuly 1 and will be bringingabout three kids a week to thefacility, Calaway said.

Commission chairmanMonroy Montes said SecretaryWilson called each of thec«;>mmissioners personallyabout the contract, and"bragged on" the abilities andinput Calaway brought to the<lommittee.

Calaway said the instituteplans to have a communityadvisory board, and brings agreat deal of experience withsuch juvenile camp programs."I'he institute has had greatsuccess with its "Last ChanceCamps," for juvenile offenders.: The institute plans to bringonly non-violent juveniles tothe camp.

American 'MarineInstitute Wins ,Bid

< ,

For Camp At CSB

A Ruidoso wood cutterfound the charred body ofw~man in a vehicle at HaleL~e near Ruidoso Downs onThursday, May 8.

. According to Lincoln CountySheriff Torn Sullivan, by lateWednesday his office had notreceived confirmation of den­tal records which would pro­vide a positive identificationof the body found in theburned out vehicle last week.

(SEE PA GlE 2)


-- -

Page 2: Count ~GW.; · lOA. (606) 648-118116 • 2-BR. 1 Bath, $22,000.00 • P.O. Box 637 CARRIZOZO. NEW MEXICO 88301 • C>'5lDm WMclc:us

lOA. (606) 648-118116

• 2-BR. 1 Bath, $22,000.00 •


• C>'5lDm WMclc:us._~

• Capoo'lS'-"'"• SIDlower Doors"'__IFAX:__

1001 Mec:hem I:lrWe---

tneDmeJCIUwil_~""'I"'lWU-n._~_trum~....,...w• ..,..-,..,..~ till .-buad atraIIg_ lPIal_ help .,.... YGY' _,_. _ •.....,. II' -,au -0 _ ., reDrB. eonT wa:r ., -. -.rig. c.ll .... Dr -..,.


FRIDAY, MAY 9 :10 a.m.• 7:00 p',m. •LEAGUE SIGN-UPS


Pool Tables. Video GamesCable TV. Reading Room.

Bowling & More__ RDDIIS .VAlUBtE RHlIEIIT

For Mof. InfD Ph. 848-4220nNA or JOHNNY


The family of Lucille Porter. wishes tothank everyone for the cards. food. phonecalls. flowers. prayers and hospitality.

Charles 8< Clara Porter, Pete 8< Helen Porter,Luther 8< Carol Porter, Johnny 8< Nancy Por- 'ter, Wes 8< CharlineScrimshire, Charlie 8<Vivian Buxton. Dorothy Simmons, Mannon8< Lila Clements

Arts & CraffShow* May 24th 10:00 to 5:00

* May 25th 11 :00 to 4:30


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Over 60 fine artists and crafimen from aU over t1ulUnited States. Lots 0( FREE door prizes. .

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and Your Family!!!



For You

FRIDAY, 7:00 - 8:30 PM: "Amazing Grace. God's Power to Be".

SATURDAY, 9:30 AM: "How To Get A Balance On Change And Church Issues",

SATURDAY, 10:45 AM: "How The Holy Spirit Works In The Ufe Of A ChristianToday".

SATURDAY, 7:00 PM: "How To Stay Married And Love Every Minute Of If'. ­

SUNDAY, 10:00 AM: (4th Grade and Up) "How To Handle Your Parents".

SUNDAY, 11 :00 AM: "The Grace of Giving".


MAY 16 •17 •18Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Carrizozo -Church of ChristCorner of ·C· & 12th I carrIzozo. NY

\, (

Page 3: Count ~GW.; · lOA. (606) 648-118116 • 2-BR. 1 Bath, $22,000.00 • P.O. Box 637 CARRIZOZO. NEW MEXICO 88301 • C>'5lDm WMclc:us





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Page 4: Count ~GW.; · lOA. (606) 648-118116 • 2-BR. 1 Bath, $22,000.00 • P.O. Box 637 CARRIZOZO. NEW MEXICO 88301 • C>'5lDm WMclc:us



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DIAL648.. 2333

The Lincoln County Newswelcomes letters to the editor.

Letters Will be the wrtter'spersonaJOplnlon and wdl notneccasartly n:fIeet. the editor-­ial Op1nJon of the LincolnCounty News.

AU letters must be origi­nal. no copies or form lettersWill be used. PRference isgwen to typewritten letters.Hand.-wr1tten letters must beleglbIc.

Letters must be signed bythe Writer with the author"afull 1)aJIle. address. and tele­phone number. Only the WI1­ter'& name ,and city of reai­dence wUJ be published.'1'bank you letters WiD not be,accepted as letters to theeditor.

. Letters of any 1.CQi!th willbe coneidenxl for publicationWIth prIor1~--. to letters ofno DlOft: t:hibi 300 words. Allletters are subject to editingfor length. gn;unmar. spelhng.and reader kltereet.

Letters to the edltorshould ~ hand dellvcred ormailed to:

Lelten to the EditorL......ln Ceun~ N....

".a. Dcawa ts9~NM_

'1992. when the jail had apopulation made up of in­mates convicted of simplemisdemeanors and inmates&om TularoBa, and OteroCounty, untr.1 March 1997. thejail population has increased50 percent for both males andfemales.

Key said other countieshave been fbrced to build newjail space because they man­aged by crisis. He suggestedLincoln Gounty look at itsproblems with its jail andbegin to plan now. Tct relievethe current crowding. Keysaid he analyzed the COUDf\yjail inmates to deteTmine ifhecould release any misdemean­ant at" nonviolent prisoners to

(SEE PAGE 411)

.8IlIIIe OfG_

The Ntmt Mexico"CiVil Warnatemuchofthe ......lyhistory C ti C .of the CathoHc Church in the oinmemOTa ve OJlgI'esa m-. co'li~ _ the Museum .New World. ....he Vatican de Las GolondriDas invites' ~ ;.requested to be kept ad.vised. th~ public to attend a Iiviilgor the excavation·s progress bi&t9ry Civil. War 'weekend toand to .have a representative .comllleJDorate the. f'amousQn site while items are Civil" War Battle of Glorietarecovered. May 17 and Ill. The ..bedale '.

.. Gov. Johnson replied that includes living history activi­New Mexico has no jurisdie- ties. daily battles at 2 p.m..tion in the matter other than authentic 18608 camp sites.­envirooIDental. This is a wea!c: and demonstration'" of infan-position in light of" previous lie ._1__ .state Qffi.cials who have mai.n- try.~ ry. and e,y.... ,7.

-;'ij;aj ..:I ..1.._•.•'1.._ JJta.t9 ~ ';~H; ,.,. ... • ~~ •;;" nc..............." - . ...... ' • ......U--"-;""-r ...~uclimorethanenvironmen- ~ _un..,.....'_.tal rights when it gives up ("·""'IJ.eDCeJlUmt at Eastern"land for use. by the federal New MexicO University ingovernment. ~rtales will be F:ridaY. May

The battle isn·t over yet. 16 at 8 p.m. There are 380. Charges and countercharges can~datesfor gradoption.of the.past year mean that it Th8 day"s activities begin atwill take more than just 9 a.m. with·a meeting of themoney for ONFP to return to board of regents. At 1 p.m. the .the peak. De10nas has begun. ROTC will hold a commiBBion- .going to the press with accu- mg. The nurse's pinning C81'&-,

sationa against. the Army that .moQy will be at 2 p.m. a stu- ,be kept quiet for years while de_..-..d baccalaureate·seeking cooperation. He's Will be at 3 p.m. and theworking the congressional alumni reception win be at "" ;angle~ And if' relations p.rn. The public is invited to­get bad enough. it eventually attend.could end up in court.


DA Says Lincoln CountyNeeds More Jail Space

~ ..


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- ~ ,

:SANTA' ~TL.e trea- had paid the base oversurehun'tat-VictorioPeakhaa $800.000. for~ on hold f'or over a year unneedad senrices and that itnow. with DO signs that we"JI would make no further pay­learn anytiJne stkm. whether .menta wttil it received .item­-.ooc- NOBB reaDy found. thoa- iz8d bibs SO those servicesssndsofgoldbarS'andbistori- could be' tracked. WSMRcal artifaeta stashed in denied further access until

! caverns beneath :the hill bNFP deposited anotherNoaa claim.ed to have $100.000. '

found 'the.fabIed caverna in During the ensuing year.lIis?. IndianandSp8nish lore little bas happened to resalve

: told of such' a place thet!>ad the Lssuo>. Rep. Skeen'. Officebeen used by various groups • baa .-equeeted. an accounting>QVel\' hide of 'the··,eh4'I'1fes 4objit.r.tl1(s'then- wealth. 'N""" .claimed tli iec8ived only: an aasurance~vebrc:i'UB"htapasmaJlnum- that ari..-bi~ audit '!'eVe­barofgold bars;but since they aled no problems. .were ill8ga1 to posses or sen... Shortly ·before the, shut­he lIl:oulcln't use ,them to down. a large collapselbiance ~ recovery operation. occurred in which an area

Hiat:roubJeagrewwhenhe suddenly dropped 60 feet intotried dynamiting ,. narrow a large void Cmnd thiS havepassage 80 Bovernment been one of the caverns, nbcagentsand ])OSS1ole financiers talked about?could traverse the treacher- Recently the VaticanOUB descent. The blast sealed Museum.wrotePrea.BillClin-.the passage with tons of dirt ton and Gov. Gary Johnsonand rock. stating that it 'had haard

But the biggest blow came enough stories about 'thewhen the f'ederal government recoVery of'religious artifactsbegan using the area for a fiootnthepeakthatitf'eelsanybombing range in World War relics recovered would' illumi­n. Follo"nngthe war. theareabecame White Sands MU:sIleRange and remained c)osed tofUrther excavation by Noas.

Over the years. many sto-.rles of unautho~ entry.some by individuals and someby the military. were added tothe fable. In 1987 some 'of the by Doris Chen:yN""" heirs. led by grandson Scot Key. the 12th JU<licla1Terry Delonas. formed a cor- District ,Attorney. told theporation to get back on the Lincoln County CommisBion­peak and Put the stories to er:s during theiJ' meetingrest one way or the other. Tuesday in the eo.u1;house

. When they received. no that they must plan to expandcooperation trom WSMR. they. the ~8ting jail. or plan fOr awent to Washington and con- new jail. to meet the needs ofvinced Rep. Joe Skeen to future inmate populations insponsor legislation directing this time of toughened penal­the Army, to allow the Ova ti


Noss Family Partnership. Key presented hi•. recot;Jl.(ONFP) to hunt for the - mendations to the Lincolntreasure. County Commissioners during

According to Delonas. the their 1'Bgi11ar meeting T1ieBdaysecretaryoftheA.rn\ylenthis in- the courthouse inIWl Bnpport, fl<~lpg.thai; it ~, ~o.

would aid~eAriq'ys tni~' h Lincoln County Detentionto put the uu:--tter1;p~~;~4::enter administra torWSMR offiC1a1~. ap~liil;"'lW<wlandHill said the jail hadsaw th~ operation on1jr- 'liS.a .043 - inmates that day. onlyd,:traction from the base s nirie less than capacity. Sincetnlsaion. That meant chargesat least as high as ""those

.charged commercial contrac­tors rather than much lowerprices originally quoted toONFP.

De10naa claims that sub­sequent years were filled withdelays. lack of cooperation.refusal to itemize charges.and Uilreasonable restric­tions. There'alao are stories ofWSMR officials using the­exeessive charges forimprovement19 to base recrea""tional facilities. ,

A 'year ago ~NFP said it

','.' ....,

EDITOR: ThiJI spring. 52 years after hia death. our coun­try has finally dedicated a memorial to PresidentFranklinDelano Roosevelt. .

He now oftieially joins the other great onea. Washing­ton. JefFerson and Lincoln in our nation's capitot

Born Into an aristocratic NewYorkf'amily ofDu:tch ori­gin. Rooae.velt would haveall the advantages ofwealth andposition.. Butat Harvardhe was diamiased as a lightweightby his peers.

Then at age 39. this powerful and athletic man suffereda blow from fate that would have destroyed many a lesserman. Strlelcen by polio. he would never again walk unaidedand would be confined to a wheelchair f'ortherest ofhis IHe~

Told thathis political career was over. Roosevelt wouldhave none arit and he rose first to be governor ofNew Yorkand then to be elected to four terms as President of theUmted States.

When Roosevelt entered office in 1933. at the peak ofthe Great Depresaion. he beeaJ:ne leader of a demoralizednation. where millions of desperate people were withoutwork or hope. Many were on the verge of starvation. Themost powerful industrial natio~ on earth had virtuallyground to a halt.

With his iron will, unquenchable spirit and great soul.Roosevelt rallied our nation. He assembled a brain tn.lstthat would. in the beat American tradition. try a numpe:r ofmeasures to lift:. our nation out of the Depression. Somewere undeniably Socialistic. some worked. some didn·t.Some were knocked down by the Supreme Court.

With the help afhis compassionate and intelligent wife.Eleanor. (considered by many Ipstoriana to be America'sgreatest. First Lady). the aged. the ill. the poor and hungryand the downtrodden minorities would at last see a ray oflight enter their otherwise dismal livea. Just as he hadri.-en above his own personal, misfortune. Roosevelt withhis courageandjaunty self-confidence. inspiredAmerica torise up out Ofthe work depression in our history. And nonetoo soon. Roosevelt would soon face an even greaterchallenge.

In Germany. AdoICHitter. with stunning and barbaricgenius. had turned that country into the Bloat powerlulmilitary nation on earth. with the ultimate aim of' worlddomination and the enslavement or annihilation of theJews. Slavs and all peoples of color. ,

In Asia. the Japanese warlords saw this as an oppor­tUnity to castoffthe chains orEuropean imperialism and totake over all of' Asia for themselves. 53 million peoplewould perish before this madness came to an end Theallied victory ttl World War II was largely due toRoosevelt"s leadership.

"., ..•.•



Page 5: Count ~GW.; · lOA. (606) 648-118116 • 2-BR. 1 Bath, $22,000.00 • P.O. Box 637 CARRIZOZO. NEW MEXICO 88301 • C>'5lDm WMclc:us


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Letters to ......( (\f1111111 r1 '[1)111 1 ',lq, :


~A Says(Colllinued from Page 4)

boUse arrest. He was unable ·ment to l l'8lease more ,than .two. CcmimilBioaerI.aid tbe;y''We're about at our limit," he naac\ed tlma to stUllY the·laid.. information. CODimilsio~er

';r don't want to a1ann any. Rax W"1IaOn jokingly asked,on••" Key said. "I just stigeBt Warren t,f' he'd ever done- ,8the 'COUDty look at the prall-- rodeo aren....tem."· . Montos d ths P<iYa1i4l jail

J![e.y than _.tod the wae a con_tuaI idea and •codnty. consider ,8xpanaion, posBible fUture need. TIn notcontracting 'with another gwJB8lug that we'll. Bay to docounty to prov;de jail epaoe or anytIring about _, otherconsider a privateaontractor than to schedule more ti'lll8 toto construct and operate a jail. move forWard."

Key flaid the currento~ WlUTen said his infbnnatiOatlon at the county jaU hue packet inoIudeethe nama of apotential Jialn1ity "problems- private jail operatOr. which he

· only one jailer on duty during ._.tod get involved Withweekends and other time. ,arid the disaussion.other compliance problems

.. such as sepaJ'Q.tion of inmates""'acoorc:Ung to'crime. "For a. 'nunlber 01 yeah the local

attorneys have helped the· county to P....tect it 'from Iia·bili~.'" Key said.

e ' •• "As a publie servant I wantto let you know the probleni."Key continued. "In two yearsyou could be eo crowded in the (C;:Onl. from P. 2)jail, it wou1~ be too costly to on Highway 380. and returnBcontract --for outside jail to RuidosO on" Printed ,on tan paper using

Than, stepped in former brown and bIad< Ink. theAttorney General and fOrmer brochure lists IdtractionB onNew Mmdco ll'.!~~ ..the?BIII.i''tII.''~8_~".

· An...,... and'-'Toia ~I' way''''' WeD il. LlnBj)in county"• An...,... represented Warren S Side Trip.. The Bide trip.

company which constructs include BOnito Lake Nopl. ~private jails. _ Commission CaiTizozo and the Valley' ofChairinan Monroy Montes Fires recreation ~ Whitesaid the. co'Unty'. $300,000 Oak.. Ancho and Corona.remodeling of the jaU three The brochure also' Itsteyears~ was a' '~daid" He events throughout the year insaid the. aggreSSIve law en- Lincoln County includingfbrcement by the new judge winter and BU~ eventsand district attorney will pu~ the Memorial Day services atthe jail at full capacit¥. He Fort Stanton Cemetery tire­said Anaya and Warren were works in Carrizozo J..d,. 4at the meeting to provide Smokey Bear Stampede and"possible answers" to the Old West Rodeo in Capitan incounWs space problems. July Santa Rita Fiesta in

But the remodeling three carrizozo in July Old Lincolnyears ago ~c1uded expan~ion Dqs· in Linco"; .in August,an(l ~elmgof the sheriff's ·and the luminaria display inoftlce, which Montes muttered Lincoln. and Carrizozo on"tliat was a mistake:' Christmas Eve. .~aya. who was governor • • • • •

during the 1980 riot at the IIemDdBJ Setvlc:es~ penitenti~ in Santa A memorial service will be beIdFe; gave three recommenda- Mon,day. May 26 at 10 a.m. attiO(ls-don't rush to over-build Forest Lawn Cemetery in Ruidoso.and make sure any building. is . The service 'Will be conducted bydone for the various stages of the American Legion Robert J;inmates; protect the county's Hagee Post 79 and AwtiHary Unit~eral fund by financing a 79. Disabled American Vetenmsne" facility construction with Coe-Curry Chapter 23. The MIl­pot;ential review from the jail riDe CoJps Leagues Zia Detach~beaause this may not happen., ment, Vetemns of Foreign WarsIn$tead Anaya suggested Jerome Dca Klein Post 1a12 andlooking at dJffilrant option. AwtiHary Unit 7002. and thesudh as privatization. And Women Marine Associatioo Desertle~g from, the mistakes of' Chapter. New Mexico 2.other counties. The publk is invited 10 auend.

Warren BBid his company is • • • • •the bigge.t designer of county SCho_",. AIIBIIabI8jails in the country. He recom- The Uncoln County Associ~

mended the cOunty conduct a stion tbt Family aI1d Commu­needs assessment for the jail nit¥ Education (li'CE). js o8'er-to 'determine how many men ing two scholarships to contln­and women's beds are needed uiDg college or' unlversit¥ stu~

(there may be an increase of dents or a high school gradu­women from the state prison ate who plans to attend aat Fort Stanton). whether trade schoolthere will bs a work release The recipient must be aprogram (those inma~ are resident of' Lincoln Count¥kept .eparately from the rest): and have actlvel:v been in­rehabilitation, county admin~ volved with 4-1Lietration at the facilit¥, prl- Application f'orms qan bevate operation and .if so what obtained at the LIncoln Conn.type, length of ,stay :and other ty Cooperative Extension Ser­needs. Then the county needs vice Office. P.O. Box 23.7,to con~er the co.t of the Cerrizozo, NM 88301. Theprqject and liabilities. 'deadline for application. is

Warren left a packet from JuJ,y 1.bis company with o£her "pro- • • • • •peganda" as be called It about Ple~e IIHIiI news releasespriliOD constructions.. Warten to P.· O. Dl'awer 469.sald hi. CDntIl'\tlY c8II _- (larrizolto, NM 88301 Dr oaRstruci a jail for '26 'to SO per. Bnth at 648 2_ with your.·cent less than itJPst.s govem.~ news items.



• 7 ·.....·•• .._ro

_.__-----_._._...~ .. _-

Page 6: Count ~GW.; · lOA. (606) 648-118116 • 2-BR. 1 Bath, $22,000.00 • P.O. Box 637 CARRIZOZO. NEW MEXICO 88301 • C>'5lDm WMclc:us

"";';" ',> __ "' .• $P' $; t14i b,1i 2. ! Ql Zc.1i ,dE.. 2 _:. .! t.kL bE, - .j .utI. ,iUS



Any comments or sugges­tione A>r projcoto A>r CDBGcan bs token to villop hall.


" .•




ACE HARDWARE & "rfERCANnUE108 E. SmOkey Bear BlVd. I Capitan, NM 88316

Mon. thru Sat. I 8:00 8.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Ph. (505) 354-4260

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'_.ibn.# !35W257 . 354-22SlS !

smokey Bear Bouillvard In Mid Capltlln !IISSTIWRAt./T HOURS: 8:00 ••~ 10. 8:00 ~.~. ..

;". ".,•, '"


Irf Capitan


Memorial'services will beheld at. a later date for £lea­nor Lorraine Schwarz, -;ga. of'Nogal. She died May 6, '"'Lin­coln County Medicel eontor'in Ruidoao. She was bOrD Sep­tember 23. i918 in New:~orkCity.

Sbe married Arthur- Wil­liam SchW8rZ on December10, 1938 In New York CU;y andhe preceded her in death onJanuary 28. 1983.

She is survived by a·daughter. Carol Hattenbachof Nogal and a eon, ~herd"William Schwarz ofBrooklyn.NY; tlp-ee sisters. Helen Sedi­bey. "Annet.te Sinisi' andMadaline Bruns. four grand­children and two greatgrandcbildren. "'!Ii

: , ... '.,:"',

Permit Is Needed ToCut. Curbs


Iqr DorIa CIuIn7 June 1-7; EMS Week of~Capitan _ort;y Owners 1844 ....d Ve_a Approela­

whe W8D/; to cut J;he new curl>- ,"on Week of Moy lIll-l\!1 withiDe in order to put :ill a drive- invitation for alI to attend thewe,y, must ftrst get.a permit Merchant Marine!Veterans&om viIJ_ baH. Memorial Ceremony at 10

Capitan viIJ_. _a a.m. Saturdoy, Moy 24. <>t tho'during their mootiDB Fort Stanton Cemetery_Monde,y; approved cmIi- ~proved Resolution 97-4;naneo _Iisbfag gulclellnoo whIch pledgoo aupport AIr thoA>r residlmts who w....t to cut Copitan LIbrary eIfortd, with

.~ ~•.,on. '~~!'~~~-d.~~u1tod·'~et8: PJoJ*rty Q'W#6nl must·· - ~?_..... 8ai : ,...8Y'.WU '·1Iiof a .permit &Oirf'flJI_ hall ,•.p~ $1,01l0 in'~''re''''''befbre any cutting ..... toke af3onmoney AIr the IibrQry In1'_. They must aIso'provide the __ 1997-98 bU<!set.in_ en why. they want -Diocusoed tho need toto cut the ClUb, and deoillne of improve. villop haIL Recentaily proposed driveways. wiod~ have damage the· "'!lld

The ordinance came about ,West .t"$cade on the buildme-­because propertY owners in Mayot" Jlform lI.eo&o solicitsthe downtown area, where comments whether tho viIIogeatreeto were ourbod and re- ohould reb,,;Id tho ·OldWest"poved cIuriDg tho Iaot two filcede to keeP that look, or;years. have :requested permfs- should do sOIDe other improve-

. slon to cut the _ in order monts. Some ot the _,"ng ,. to install drivewoyo to previ_ liked the "Old Woot" look anden~ ....ant Ioto. Villago clerk wished all the buildings InDeborah Ctlmmin. sald vil- Capitan had the look. v-mageJage staff made eftbrts to talk maintenance. superv:isor. Terryto proport;y ownero in order to Cox Bald regardlo.. wllat 10allow fOr as many clrivew8,Y8 don,. it needs to be ''fastas pOsBible heA>rs the projeeto tracked" hece..... the woodbegan. ,The onJjnBDCe alBo planks which cover the 'metalprovidea penalties A>r unau- b,,;Iding hove dry _'. ReBi­thorized curl> cute. dent Lonnlo Lippman said he

Inlbrmatlon about the per- has Been many tourists ,stopmit appIIcotion is avai10ble at at village boll to toke pi_reaviIJage hall. -, bsceuee .they like the "old

For the &ret time ever weat" look. "I think it is ap­Capitan police ofticerll have':' propriate to continue with thehandbook of procedures to Western -ralse front." he said.gufde their response to vari- Trustee Leroy Montes said0U8 situations. Trustees ap- they should determine howl'- the menusl during tho mucb the v1l1oge can afford InmeotlDe' Mondey. Previou~ repoirine village hall thenOtIieers had to rely upon gen: continue with plans.eral procedures listed In thepersonnel policy. The manualbJcorpcn-ates those proceduresand adds more spec:iftcs. ''Themanual is Part of our saf"etyprog1'Bm." said Cummins.

The manual was drafted byRoUce . chief Carroll DurbinWith. help &om Cummins andreview by attorney RobertBeauvais.

Trustee Connie Hopper oaIdshe Bleed the manual. excepttor a "couple of typos.n

Trustees also updated theirpersonnel policies concerningampIoyee drug and alcoholuse, and sexual harassmentwith passage of tWo ordinanc­e..

In other business, trustees:--Approved beer and wine

f;n· 1I";OSpIulk3"tI Cal\>. . .I .' , • -Accepted the propOSal forI auditor from Ronnie

ffamphlll, CPA floom Ruidoso,on a Bve year contract" renew-'abls annually.

--Accepted proclamationsfor: SilIalt Business Week




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Page 8: Count ~GW.; · lOA. (606) 648-118116 • 2-BR. 1 Bath, $22,000.00 • P.O. Box 637 CARRIZOZO. NEW MEXICO 88301 • C>'5lDm WMclc:us

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';i '~;;{:';' ,\ ~ ••~••'A~ P••·'i!"<.l':~'·~J~~«r"~ .I"""~\ ,w,.,....~ t~ 'mt=IiI...~ .• YAP~~ a~tQ '''"'.Mr ...~',:'" ';' .. ." ·._k· •. a ~.,I# ."" ;.. :;; ';'. boIIiIId a'lIlllId ill Rl\IdoIo.

.~ tbIlowillll ~'_""~""'.• fb;.;at ........iia;~;~,\·i··,~ii3;it~;5~~;;~i~~,;,;t :: ::~;~!.. lZ@~~;:~;~,w-~llom .u_,.h .-.Ie ID ... SIIodOW. 0iPlI!1l> " '. 'Woi\l ~N.$)=-:"':"""{k:iJ"~ .~~ llorh\lll_·.1IiiCt ld\ld !b .d~M.:1ilB.aIMiio~.' m_ 11111~ .* III '-lit>il iltl'ii........ -..-- 0 ID . . ..•• "J S '~•.c." ,'''. "·1It wllit·...- ~ . ~'1if'A'" '.8onlIo_ Ca_ wI_ ........,.".advised .::.:.=,ty':=:-1Iloo no::1i"';" a1!11'~~leiJ~~:·!~Jj.~7.:ea~."",.. ..~=~~~_..~~~?JO.~.~:~

May lie eel an~ lit 4' /Ql1IIlIliloI 9ft ~. 1li ......,.. .\~~ . .al$·lIim,·. '~"'IIUlItled fD ...~:"'l.'~ : •. .~_-~.,!"M_ m. • . ' ,.p.m. a !III caUar ropotled IflPW8l' 37 ,Mil> ~'!lDd Dc/Wnll. ~.". blut':.~.. !lI!'O!O~l!Ii'" ' ....... ,/;;apIUin .j!OIloo IlIO Ilsbmll!if~..•Ol'f...... II1IIrQL"'1lIlll.lIlIIdho.waa BliII~ ••

'. 'v.·, '. . rutUlIg .. ~,~WW. ~iiaOl$lef_!t!>tlfjed.·. " Ilr$$ "'1lI;~' aJilbUJa,n"" "I!lI<!ll ho laIkecI willi ..... cIIspOh!llfl~''~•. , .. ,:.;~,/.,.;, 4:53 p.m.....~- .advii,ed.!Ilatl!\OY.-"at~1lIir- :,.-n:.a""""~.;~~!,~

3;13 p.m. a ~~IM.;llll. lIdud!"-: lnW>IviJIlI .two vtIJ\Iilea gro~ l.n~ IiJIIl hed''''''' . one. . . 0WJ1;, ,:j.-_ lQ, .......iIl< • ~.w...~ot~ lit_lion of pullen' \lO bIItU\I"~ _ fD '~ilclJ".:.~WI'" soa. 100'liom a Joc:allo!> !n..~fD._."""""~1IlIIld.3~.,,,,.~ ...~ . '.' . RUOWOII1i>_1Il mall.' .... ~"'LinIloln CoP/l'll;~ ..,,~:,.~@~~,.lIv; " .12:36 p.m. a caD... "'1JO?"d an on."~·_ wi'" "'01"(LCMC) InR~""~"'''' '. , .....; AlfD~ ""'-.Jed -- al...... in_ of ~,wllo ins 000'> r

7:49p.m.a!lllcallorreq.....,.. IiJIIl~ .... ll\iurod 10 lllahways 54. 1iJIIl3~ In Of .... l>Ofs.wlJlloon ambu\llou:o for an 8:1.y~ old t.CMC. $lalepollco, also roopond- e-.......~ poIIco.... 4:04 p.m. dis"""", _ fD _, Inot fooling IlO"d al a looalion ID ocL.. spondccI and edvisocl ............ CapIIan poIIco wi'" 'no COII8l SQ' ieam.ozo. CarrI2i>zO. ambolanco ..6;57, p.m. """'aD!'" dlaIod!lll were no hVurid. four~ ooaponcIacI. <,.._ned .... podout fD LCMC. and hung up :II dit1\>mn1 1lmos. :1:44 p.m; Capitan _bulan"" .. '_,. 7:S6 p.m. a caJlor;.~ an .J;>ispl!tdt was able ID _ fD a OIOW _ Iboy were on """" . 5:4!1 !Lm. a. caller~ f ••on-going dom_"'~..... \iUIo sUI <HI 000 of die caUs. She ID LCMC _ an in~ _ two .elUcIo accIdont~ fllghwlll[, itween a modIor-in·law·/lnd was at ..... llIIUIdmodlor'a and jusl from ..... Illira.-.ds In CapI_ 48 jusl.\nsldo .... Ruidoso vUIascIhllaw. 'DIn:e cIoputios IUJIClluIod. w""'"'" 10 _ No .... was al 4: '8 p.m. a calIor "",...Ied a limits. S_ poIIco wen> nodfled.

10:29 p.m. a !III calIor ""I..... ...... bot·..... dad wIIo was asIoop. deputy 10 .- a .- of cJamase 11:55 p.m. a !III c:allor __1.,cd a deputy 81.'.~ .in San AU OIber eaIIs DO one respoaq6d. to a~ at a locadon in 1he eel an am.'buIanc:e in CapitaD for d 5 rPalrieio. Ihc son tQOk. Ihe vehicle 'bqt dispatch was. able to hear Alamo C8ny0n area. A deputy - IIUUl who was· UneonscioLlli"; tw_ permission.. A cIoputy young cII0_ IaIking In dIo ruponcIed. CaPitan _co msponded and ;. JooaponcIacI. .,', background. A cIoputy "'"lJOIIdod 7:32p.m. a c:aIIor ............ a ~ ..... man 10 LCMC. ,.j

H:06 p.m. a !Ill <;811... IIl(JOJted to .... - and edvisocl all was c:iv!I incident ID Hondo. a man ,.,disonIerly~ criminal okay. . bollllhl aas and his cIIecI: wouldn" • JcIarnQe at a ...... in AmbcUa. 7~ p.m. an unbbwn caJlu cIOar. bill the man bad no m.oney. '·1where there was a possible tiIeak- reported. a possJbJe .....- driver A dcpoty was 8s.Paucd. but IBt« (' :ing and cnteJin&. A subject b8d in a vehicle headed east 011. Hish~ dte call was canceled because -the ' 'I.

driven a InIck tJuoush a gate and way 10. Two$panded ailUBtioo had beenmdved. ) •Iof'e it down. Two~ re- but made DO COIlIaCCo May II" 71!!/NE~sponded. met with the Hondo 7:44 p.m. a caDer:~ted an 4:29 a.m. R~ Downs po. ROOMSsehoul superintenclepl and later office< for '"""'" keopIng .. a. n"" ndvisocl of a cIomosIIC _...., - a .ubjOCL Iocatioa eaat .of Capitan. S_ violation .. a mobIlo ...... park. RV P A ~K

May-7: police were DOdficd. , and a domasdc Incident was 'In ...c:a.&'-8:08 a.m. " c:aI1F reponed a '0:09 p.m. a c:a1Ior reponed a --. for aIio., two bOUl'lL A Be' MOTEL

domoslic--.iollllion at a )ocution oIf loud -~ In .... Lama Oranc\. dopaty n:sponded, and _ wi'" S. Highway 54~ghway 48. Th.·calIor edvlsod area, a I>w1!'b of ldds weze cIriJ!k- ..... owner of .... _ pu& Tho CARRIZOZO. NMthoY saw a subject who was nOl .Ins: and 'being loud.~~ owner was advised of dte situa.

\ • ..".,. • He.rbs s.~<o be IIloIe. Th.... _dod bot ndvlsod .... report don, and dial' all .... noighbon DAy' WEEKLY' MONntLY\ GS~'9"It. • Books spondlllg deJ?u'Y ndvls!;d .... ...-- was, unfounded. ., weze ••1lOIIlOIy _ Th. ownor . RATES FOR,',,: va.ttl .DO llOntacl wa'" .~ .uk'eeL ..-.. '._d k -_... _... all of .k_• • Cosmetics - ... ._ '0: ady~ ...W~ - to - RV and MOTEL ..• _Te.. 11:29 &:ID.;, 8 911 caller reportcd. 1:178-!D. a 911~ reporfed parIies involved; t

~ .. NATuRAL NUlRInONAL~ • Foods a domestic. incldont between a a ope vehiclel"'roDover on Righway 5:23 un. an ambulance was CLEAN REFURBISHED' t'~ SUPPLBIIEN1'S mother and son at a 100000oa, on 380 west of. Carrizozo. State po;: ;requostecl . at a resideReo hi ROOMS ~r 0aviIan ,.............. Road Stale _u_ I'.~-, ~ Mlorowaves and Small ~~ , -..,.,.. • ~ 'lice. \..lUDZUZO police,. mid.. two Carrizozo. C8Irimzo ambll'pnoe Refrigerators Available .:.l ~dod. dop''';'''' "'!Iponded. 1Il!lP<Jllded _ ~ .... ~'.',:: 4.45 p.m. a. caller r;epcrted. ' 9:51 a.m. a docrrir lP.nucsted an pullent 10 LCMC. RESERVAnON LINE t"' threats at Carrizozo school.. A ._~ . (505) 648~29~9 110

, officer deliver a messsge' to an 10;33 a.m. a deputy advisedbc 1".00-81 SA"'D~ ~J:) 'reI- 01_ .- .-...... _. 'nlllvldaato it"l/a .- jn _"'':<bol"et' a - la Cadsr I_"';o;ij;,,;,;;';;~_~"_"J.,'~... ~ .•. BMfIa&DlckOehring.Owners the"~.:Jli:bhJ~"--W ~.~,__' ".,':'.

l.J,r~·_'_9_1_5_New Y_O:rk~~A:v=e=. ~/~A~I..~",~pg__o_rc:t_o_._l'I_""__J"'~ ~-.'.c...- )llllk:c'IIl8jlOIId-. ~"•••' .'iI·Iii'•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I 505 434-1670 _ •4:53 p.m. Ruidoso poIIco ad-

vised of a report of vandalism atthe Eagle Creek ban parks men·sroom. A doputy n>BJiondod.

,:07 p.m. a c;:aUer repottcdliveslOCk on a eounty road. a blackcow and a Ian and wbite horso.TIle bfIIDd. inspector was contaet­Cd.

8:45 p.... Ruidoso poIico ad­vised of a report of a loud partyoff _"'. Canyon. A cIoputyIUJIClluIod.

9:08 p.m. • c:a1Ior IIlP<>lled kidsthrowing rocks at a business inCBIrizozo. Carrizozo police re­sponded.

11:50 p.m. a caller reportedvehicles racing up and down D.Ave. in Carrizozo. A depuly re­spondod.

May 8: .11:45 a.m. a caller~ 10

grass fires along the taiIroadtracks Dear Highway 54 oonb ofCanizozo. .llIrtcd &om sparksfrom the train. Carrizozo. WhiteOaks and Nogal Vohm...... ~Depanm.... respondod.

11:46 a.m. a caDer IIlP<>lled fourdogs at large at a lcication offHighWay 70. A de__dod.

1:24 p.m. a caller reported theft.of his coin collection and valuablejewelry at a locali.OR east ofRuidoso Downs. A deputy Jeo.

spondod.2:25 p.m. a cell phone caller

reportcd. an obandnnod burnedvehicle and a possible deaCh. ThecaUer advised it looked like abumed body in the burnt om Car.The sheriff and five dePutiesresponded. Tho _ Senriceofficer was notified.. and an officerfrom the Medical Investigator wascallocl.

6:59 p.m. a 911 caller teported8 gt8SS fire near the interseCtion ofHighway 380 and 70 in Hondo.Hot1do Fire Department respond­od.

May 9:10:28 a.m. a caller repiarle4 a

broken cable on the uamc want­ing light at the intersection ofHighways 380 and 54 inCatrizozo. Stale hlgbway depart­ment was notified.

'2:38 pm. Ruidoso pollee nd·vised of 8 report. of·criminal IC)X.D~

aI penWaIloo of a 1:1 nod a IlaJf



Page 9: Count ~GW.; · lOA. (606) 648-118116 • 2-BR. 1 Bath, $22,000.00 • P.O. Box 637 CARRIZOZO. NEW MEXICO 88301 • C>'5lDm WMclc:us




I r


""""'... '-......••••••,••,•

. ~.



<... Tinting ... Sletwo*Alal7nS

PH. &0&-434-8348

423 White Sands BlVd.ALAMOGORDO. NM

: , .•

ROGE" FIGueROA. FlOnr find. ·BnIke·SpIIOW/tIt,

,~, ,.

Come see us at our NEVV location!

141 E. Hwy. 70 I Next to E,Z TV 1378·1200

Sierra 'Blainca.MotorCo.p~,Your ~111eSupe.m~.Ii#b' ,

ChevroIO\-Geo. chryai~PIYmClu"~,Oedl~.~,Ponllac~v:Di;dg~eep-EIllI"" SUlok'O~".!""'. ':;B:JllNTA,I. CAftSAV~' ;

300 West tNry 70. "'Ul_. Ne';; MIoIilco il834$.(S05) 267-4081 • 1-800·626·!l~' ..

FIGUEROA'S, Allgnmenf." & /Brakes, .

.. Domestio-Forelgn .. Ca....Truck~4x4 .. Guaran"ee-Woflc',. Free Estimates" Tire Balancing" Aflgnments" Brak••.. Shocks & Struts" CV Joints· Front End Aepalts



(505) 257 4147.#. . •

427 Sudderth Drive I Ruidoso. NM 88345

Carpet - Vinyf - Ceramic TileFormfca Cabinet Tope


1500 'Sudderth DriveRUlDOSO. __

_ BmiIh . Chad BmiIh


-~..~,-----~ --~ - --C & L LUMBER

and SUPPL Y INC,-Servtng All qf'Lincoln Count:yw :

378-4488 I 378-4322 . " Ie: .RUIDOSO DOWNS. NM 88346 i

... ·_H_o;,;me__ow-.n_ed_/...E_.;;ta;;:b;::IIS~hed::;_.:';;968;;;p·----_ !

• •

.. '.

Alto EMS.(Con·l. from P, 7)

Stover said it would go tomanpower. with Ruidoso EMSpossibly adding another full orpart-time paramedic. Stoversaid Ruidoso EMS gets noreimbursement 'from the coun­ty now for the calls made intOthe county.

Howw Puckett from Altosaid the county needs to studythe aha"",B from RAUl be­caUSB there may be hiddencharges. which eould make Ithigher cost than the countyservioe•

Montes said he beHevedRuidoso EMS would provide abetter service, than the countyEMS. "we think.n

Stover said. the RuidosoEMS services are not based onabi~ to P'IY. lUld. they havenever refused any patient.

Commissioner WiltonHowell directed a B81'YiceBgreBJllent fbr review at theMIq 29 Bpeclal meot!ng. Witha target date fbr Ruldooo EMS

, to begin service to the countyby July 1.

Stover oald. t1>e goal ofRuidoso EMS and LOMe iB toglve t1>e hlgheBt level of c......avallablo.



ALLAN M. MIll.ER. pastOr209 Lincoln Ave. C8p1tan. NM354-2025

TuesdS)" Bible StucIy 7:00 pmSUfJ:CI8y School....••...................... ,.. 10:00 am

Sunday evening , 6:00 pm.

LESLIE EARWOOD. minister5th & Lincoln I 33&4627

Sunday Bible Study 10:00 am.Worship Service.•••....•....•.•......•••:. 11:00 a.m.Evening Worship••..••.••••••......••.•..••• 8:00 p.m.Wednesday Bible SlUeIy••,........". 7:00 p.m.

Oplrlt of ute ~DB" .__Ta_

--cAPITA1f- '/\dIM SUnday School.., ,,,,,., 8:30 am

.to WOrahbJi.J)'ie9o<o1hioDo,,.ti ,,~""~ .dtt5atnt~~)' .,Cfi'kliEih"Ts-SUnday SchooL 9:3e amFe!1ows1l1p 11me , 10:15 emAduR SUnday School 11:00 emChoir Practice (Tuesday) "" 7:00 pmFellowship DlImer Every Third Sunday

. Handmaidens (Ea,unenical Womun's Group)181 llI1lI 3m TUBllday ' , p:ao am,........---.,. ."'Rlpnca~·

ED VINSON. pastor514 Smokey Bear BMI.JCapilanInter-denomlnational

SUndsy SchooL 9:30 am.Sunday Morning WOrshlp........••.• 10:30 am.

capitan 'Cbllftlll of aa-'

DON & MARJORIE DANIELS. co-pastOrs648-2650

Noglil Presbyterian C"u",":

Worsllip .••, " , 11:00 am,AnchD Community Prasbyter"'n CIIun:ll:

Worship , , , , 9:00 a,m,SUnday School , 10:00 am.

Corona Presbyterian Cllu""':Sunday SChool.~••.•.•.•••••••••••••... 10:00 am.Worship .•••••••..••••••.•••••••.••••••..•.• 11:00 a.m.AduR Bible Study & Youlh .Fellowslllp , Wednesdays 6:00 p.m.

ChrIR~tr FeI\lnNhIp

FLOYD GOODLOE. pestorCapRan (South on Highway 48)354-31'9 .

Sunday 8oooof•............................9:45 8.m.Morning Worship..................•..........11 a.m.AWANA Wednesday 6:30 p.m•.





PInt IIIIpU!t CIiwcla.. SMInt. . '... !' j ft

PAUL WETZEL.. ministerAve, C at '2111, CsrrlzDzo. NM. 846-2996

SUndS)" School '0:00 amWorship Service "" , , 1:00 amEvening Worship_ 6:00 pmWednesdS)" Bible 61Udy 7:00 pm

St. Matthias Eplscppal Church

WARREN K: SCHOENECKER." pastOrTrinity - Carrizozo .1000 D. Ave.• 646-2893 I 257-561'

SundS)" School (All Ages) 10:00 amWorship Service.., 11:10 amChoir Practice (WednesdS)") 6:30 pmun/ted Methodist Men Breakfast

2nd SUnday...•...•••...........,.._ , 8:30 amUnited Metho~1st ·Women Every

3m Wednesday 2:00 pm.Fellowship Dinner Last Sunday of Month

.................................................... 12:30 pm

~ ComDuin1Q' Chllftlll (AJGIJOHNIE L JOHNSON; pastOrCorner Of C Ave. & Thirteenth, 648-2188

SundS)" SchooL , 10:00 amWorship Service "" 1':00 emThursdS)" Bible S1udy••: , 7:00 pm

Rev. CYNTHIA WORTHINGTONComer of EAve. & Sixth, Carrizozo, NM258-3226

Holy Euchartst 9:30 a.m. SUnday

Unlted··iIIethedist Churchelo

Sante RIta Cldbo1lc, Communi;':

FA. DAVE BERGS. pastor213 Blreh. Csrrlzozo. NM. 846-2853SA1"URDAY:

ClfPllap Sacred Heart , 5:00 pmC'zozc Santa RRa ...•••••••..••..•...•.•.... 6:30 pm

SUNDAY:Capitan Sacred Heart 9:00 amC'ZOZO Santa Rita , 11 :00 amCorona St. Theresa•....................... 4:00 pm

..IfA EIII· -, -.;1H"5UH:1 ',;:_.. 1.II.ou..:-;"., _.... ..u...........• 314 10th Ave. C8nfz02n. NM

848-2968 (churell) or 648-2'07SUndS)" School, , 9:45 amWOrslllp Service ,••, ""••••,.. '0:55 emSun. Evening , Trslnlng at 6:15 pmEvening WOtShlp.., 7:16 pmWednesday Blbls 61UeIy , 7:00 pm


. ,






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:t~~~ =~~"::f,·it~..~~~~~ ~s:;~r,,~~.7.f:'t1>e _ grade school, t1>.... 11m .ad and uni '. '.,,' , •• • ...,.... p"!'er... , •op~inAncho.AaayOungster •~- 'ver,v q~ . ..~ ,. .1lI..... .. • HstedmanylD:diim.Qi1d.~ek

I didn't_dwhy Billy Be ",,, "oriel!. ,83. Allie .' ,Thurlldtl,y ,brought about soore.o that 'were ",:coJ:.i:ledw......'t exactly like us or why Snodgr B,,4,andJ....eStra-' another event that rm lltill ~hen they bed" !lytdentlyheacted difterent. Only yea.... ley (also olose to 80) were . "tryJns' to figu,re out. Leaving Jolned the C8-wdJ'Y on 18li9.later after working at Fort thz:ee women who now' are· work at tel) I." hurried to Fort 'IW(II Captains n.... were atStanton and being IU'DWld each dependent on, oanee to Stanton to piok up ..ome the top ofthe lillt and then allretanIed people did I realiae helpthem walk andwere aUa st! I needed for 1D)o- the Indians· u.nderneath.their hlJruticaps, potential to big p- of the ........1 Antlho .....eiillatlon on FricItI.v. I vi.... Another. of the' pa~· hll<!- "i""'_08 othe..... and their community in the late 40:.. /ted With Willie lbr .. little pri_ of""!"'" ofclothingthatinf,e\\igence. end60'... Moth....cookedatthe whlleandfeltthecoolnessof, had been .....""Iito!"""" of

Sundaywas the first some . lunchrcromi AIDe's husband the Irort wi,th the pri. thesesuneIndiansWith a:CewofuaknewwhyBfllywaaborn drovethescho·~buaandJUne onersthere.lti880closedup other ~e8liated fI1so.retarded and. the story was helpSd her husband nmthe ,and makes you feQ! as it)'(tu While we were talkingthat hi.. moth.... died at hi.. ..tore and _ office. ...... the one enclosed. Just about.all thie another "ladyI::iidh and they were 8ure that Myself,· June'8 two can't believe the governor has ~ in and~ llateningandhe would not Bve more than a daUBhtenl,Jo Ann allowed thie beaut;;tu\ place to talking to thie man. I thoughtweek either. As l\Ie1 said, or (SweetPea)aild Mel. AJlie"s become the home ofthis kind. "hewas his traveling CODlpan­th~eameasparkoflifethat son had not been together Anyway back tb the Capi- ion. but come to find. out shewt: make this person want -since .lQ.&ny yeaJ':S. either. The· tanpoat oft'ice to pick up other ~as .&om Qklahoma~ wasto ve, and he did for over 60 other_ towo fioom our area pre- things and asl was fixing to Jus~mtorentabox..Themter- .y - a r s. . A v e r y big sent were Sara JaclaJon and leave a customer cmne in and esting thing she told US was_Iiehment. ' . Janice and Mel'.. ssked if the p-""- """" hew one ofthe Indian.. got hie

The influence he had on ·wife. Lou. and, avo children in. Mike had left earlier and. name. Looking at theU~~y lives will never be Chance and Stephanie. . we said no may we h·e1p you? asked 'the Georsfa~ If'he

lu\pwn butit was a big one. In . Memories of 80 many Heasked.iftheonewbowork- had ever heard .of Short'Bull". She proceeded to.tell usthet thie Indian got his name .by goinghunting when he wallat the age they were to J91l abuffalo and bring back letthetribe know theyweremen. Thie one mot a big bull 0.." . Lincoln County Abstrticcalfinliteedofabull'aloand ..o & Ti.tle Company '. r, 'she said this was the way ~got his name.

It neVer fells to amaze me 1007 Mechem I P.O, Dr/ilWer 1979 ,that people happen to be in Bus: 258-5959' 1-800-635-4692 • FAX (50S) 258·9010the same place at a certain RUIDOSO. NEW MEXICO 88345 .time like this and live nearlycleer across the USA &em 406 12111 SI. I P .0, Box 311 •each other. PIlDne: (505) 648·2382 • FAX (50s) 648·2820

~:r1ll!!!Jflotp..TRJw. Whi......... ..... CA_R...!'..1Z...0..ZO......N...E..W...ME_X...I..CO",.•8...8..30..'__'__.-.tOr aending -the num.""dowft to ", ,-see me. A few of the otherIndian names were: '"Hides" ... ·Sitting:e...le" ••. "Bull Dog"..• ·Old Elk" ... "Two WhiteMen'" •.• and '"Even'".

Beautiful hand writinghad recorded these scoresunder the listing of a papercalled the Report of theRevolver Firing of Troop I.Frazier A Bontelle . .. Capt.and 1st .and. 2nd Lts. wereEdward S. Wright (lot. Lt.)and Robert H~ Wiluams (2ndLt.) .. , MIq 26, 1895 w ....many of "the dates on thesePapers·

Isn"t i"tstrangethat on thisday one year ago I came to·thepost office here? These paperswere 'written 102 years ago ·on

. this day. WouldnOt you know"that tIrls man was in a hurryand we ran out of copy paperand the copy maehine quit


Page 10: Count ~GW.; · lOA. (606) 648-118116 • 2-BR. 1 Bath, $22,000.00 • P.O. Box 637 CARRIZOZO. NEW MEXICO 88301 • C>'5lDm WMclc:us


.... I;. , , Ii


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v.AE. McGLASHAN. IfHvtna; it doceBHd,bis lInkhDWn. heirs;HARRlETSHERBURNB,if living; if deceued,her unknownheirs; SR. DANIELVIGIL. if living~if decoased, blaunknown helra;MANUEL VIGIL. if





No. CV·87.Q01DIY. m



y ......M ng







SBRJES II1D'l' • $1&0,000 .

~"". . NOTlCII: IS HEREBY GIVEN that the

, ' • Itd'aCCikjJh' o't~:Rdtufa VelroyPilb1ic SChOol" Dis-· ct No. :20(the "'Boud"'). govendDg bodyorBondo Val- ..1i1v Public School DIstrict No. 20. Lincoln County. NewMmdco wiU on""'20. 1997,_the honrof3:00 p.m.,loc-, time. ate the olIices,of8oDthwest Securit:iea" Im:., Two

k Square. 6&65 Americ_ Parkw8y. N.E.. SuIte no. 'buquerque. New Maxim. recetveaealed.bida and publ­yopen theeome for tho purduweoftha D:ietrlc:t"aGen­

Obligation~ Building Bonde. SerieB 1997<thends'"). iD the81fB1'8pte prindpal amountof$15O.000.Board will hold an open regular meeting at the DIs­s School Administration Building, Hlgbwa,y 701880

Mile :Marker 286. Hondo. New Mexico, at 6:00m •• local time, on May 20, 1897. after receipt ofsuchdB,. andwill alBO award the Bonda, sdopt • bond reaolu­n and consider any other mattenr.

The B(lIIda will be iuued as fully registered bondsII mature on May 1 of esch year as follows:

ff; Any JI&I'IIOIlo firm or_ .....ation or other entityoI:dtictiOll' that the granting~,t,he application wiD ba:Uktmental to the oIUectortsW4" right shall have'~ngtome oldectionsarPJr611J8ta. Arty person, firmIQI' eqrporation or ottwrenti·ty objeednlr that the grant­inBorthe application will beeontrary to the c:DlI8B1"Vatlon

ofWJllIier within the statlB or

£ taI to ~ public. re of the &tate .nd

8M' that the objector, ~, ,

~ .• ;~~-"'~'__'_"~ ,.. ;1'!!....,.~t't. ,. ..' ,..... " ". .

...;..,.......;.__.........,.,...,.................;.;....,"':.-.......... ~V/..,Ii._;:· i·1 ....r=~ii:ioiooct~.d;,I'~~~9i·:'t, ~~ .~- ·.:is.;'';~Q~''~ will ...~_ 1:Im'l'lilD'.'"" ••.•~••..•;.•. ' .,:.,'; ••.f~~~:,>J:::~'i::;r:··.·m-~::·.:,:.:~~:r.';~~;:~~'"..••' i'l··.~I)'hL"..·.' .I£B••~ Ih.·.~I••"""""aU" ..lJ'oOtei/1>y lho _~~:). ),'. ~~ •. .J ·.~lid",¥:;;(1JIiI_ a .' J".;.. rIlf"lIl .. .., ~'" : ~

~_ ...__•. graQtI"lloOho.pJ'l!c_~~. .'., ,)" _p,,) .~fl\,. ,iltliOli ~ . . .I\I.~ .. '. " '............ ' L,• ~II',o.D... 7. _.h_ II""nl....1!I~ljlI4lIt···:.·) .............. ': ) .. "*!,~nlhll n>I!IIt~ '. !,' ."., W... CV lll1 ",,.,,,,,,,,,01l!, ~

, .. NIl 88848. =:00. or ""... Pro- ".•••. ,:'.:.,.. ., ".~;. c' .) ~';el-W, ~"~!I '~"'''''=Il1~' ,'.;, m","~ I ' ...~.~ ·tt....IIl8Jr~":J: of~~=':,~.:; =~..f~. ~ ~Ii .. ~,;:n'~~_1m'; ·=vl...~:.tI~:·~·:lIl!b"":~ai ': . +·~~O

~. ~'liU~lfG_for of br agall_ POX\lI(jlll$e"') QF", e 1 .•_lltOl'~ \ ,'c, " ".. "¥Iii c.. • ) ....6>.~. ""Ii!n-'

• eIu\i>go poInt.r d.p.r boordo. 0AliII1W'@11!NC. .' ) IN'.'>,. ,,' \11;"/"_1iOl\lIM'. will' .""" 'f:.,;:::1i~.:s·, ~.~.l'X ) dfWi·. Ql!!iJ~' .......on ..dp....or or ~~..e~~l..::'..I· arpol=i ~~,,~ ~ m~,M!~...):"...."'l._...~JI!.P,et;. =.'="""IY ~ .. .. ll4!l'1AA" ) • If'........h~''...1la4:4i1i<e-__ onnu or ••- - . .Q,tIIo.~) W''l!'.lm''/'. >:" ·).e~.q~~l'_ 1I1il_'_'to lll ~o.. · .,. ·t.....~:r ..i ..·• :.=.t:.w:;wa..:tot::";:: :::~.;:~:~:.-.= _.Ql'ID"'e'~"'. ~41i;.~J:;" lee :~lJl~"':(lIl~!,,,"jIf. nood.IlU,U..'"......~: '.' .lD1Jl~. jj,AiljI'. 'C'''Ii''!''• lI\lll' .,.

di_of_w_nvlo -maJltI odlnotl....... .~'PF,~ e' ;.' • orUiii>iii ="~.""'l<:;0lnll ,. Q4.J"""lI,t_••~.~·· ."m.:llit<h"""Ch- ...... h odinlf" IU·,,··,· ....,' . _CJII...'~' ~·""'1!.H~· ~."",~"'!l"oIl:r, .""".'~./llei$~":I'I:0I''''' ~'11\<>..' ...' .~:::::!t· ~~';; =:=:=-"':'.r.u O~.~~JJE= lcJ"l't~?~~· ~==~',! r~A""":-:'="'if;=,InJ="'A.:u"':.·=~~ .•~.,t$'WKNEK ofS tlon hefnwritinlrandrdaaUaet ~',,N.eter\'ril" ~l -'1"\-" GRi!:JC""" -, ~, , '.' ,~,~- ~recqvp;yN1:eOf""e C......~'UIlCOInCoun'U'i· TJi -01:.... tptt

,._1'invIlll)dP 11 &uth. foRb~ ...,..1\_ :why otI-J*p.~';~'-;1._,.,a,J.();()() yo; '~},~riP~ ~."l-" " ':".':,;': ,:whbexp8rJ~.Q~tl ... , N.\Y~.lwlnoft"errq; . ..,.~~ ,: .,,It,... 14 East.. N.M.P.M., the application ahouJd not :':'L~!~~ten~eeofdlat'1he atmv."namecf,~~~':'--'~' neBS ~ I",uty"~ iiale '. and. 1lIB11 ,'the below.. ,> oAVD:'JM~~S ~ ,and.ceulqtholnilJBtlon at be appnwed and must be r..~~ unt.v ~:.'!!'" P1cIlnttffiJ h~ m.c:t .,,,~I _' , #- ' ,Whereu 8IIle~C7~ ~bed p~perty to 1bQ, ':A.ttOr'n8JI' at La*.' P.e. ...~.O,.orea or land 10cated In filed" In triplicate. with~ hoa_. ,IIlIi~Now _x- QCtion ...neli ,YQG in tJw ' ",' ,.. ,t;IDI;e; AoJf': ~p" Qf ··~al·~.~ have .hJ.Bh8Bt biddor for' c8l8h ,01" P.o.; Q.:'8S

l)lM of the~ S\W. of naas C. Turney. State Engi- ~~~.:~~.:bC:ti above-:entltled O(KQ"t'" iIfld :::r~~~C:t.Yth: treditiopalb'_rvBCI·.. th8 .. '. Alto, Jlfftw Me:decJ&eclUoo Ie. Township 11 :::~~=-~Ne~e::: tberiBht.tltlelPldfnterest eaUl... *~eaener",Q1:lied' ri~t'~'~ec& ady'br alt .afety ,net of"Amel1c". :D~~:'';.~~~ S88U!.=,}~~aar:;p:r~:~ k:a88201. noUaterthan ten of the above-named. defen· theroanJelnll'~quietttt1,eto PnJp~l" and ''''lIive aU b.-Itb.. ~~tem; and C:: ot salearewill al&obe ~:7077file... ."~~ of Section 1lIi. (10) days after the date of dantelnandtothefol1ow1JlB' eer~treu~l:~ftlea t.Qhtljcal~ tie 8 and WhareaJi. IIIII~ meeD- added to am01Ult. -tdve pte....:;01' ..iodOn~~hlp 11 Soutb. Range the last publication of this deacribed real eatate i "pi dl ~tlQ.. c"~te",coDIIIlltof'.. Saldl(l81eta purauantto said caUR within the tUDt.~ N.M.P.M. Applfc. Notice. Ifno valid oltjeetion. 1oca~ in aaid Countyaad :::=~v:a1d:UEl8n:il': No ~dclDr, may withdraw emersenc,. phyil!lelans. aJUdgm8ilthi the eapticmOd -. requlfed"JDdgment orotJiDinBJiJR'OpoIIeB to commence orp~ ia filed, the atate Btatl8. before the 6th clay OrJune. htsbtd 1Yitldn" tbtn.Y (SO) e me rg 8 II CY n u rs ,e 8. 'eouse CV-9&-l19 Bled in the appropriate relier wiD ,.tJwgeeoftheRioRllidoHoat engl....r will evaluate the Lot4-"Bloek ~of~ne- 199'1 judgment by dot.ult ~~*boae~~dat;eor ~mel1J8llcym.~techrd- Twelfth , Judicial DIStrict rendel'fO'd in ·.ald cause~~o!nt located in the application for impairment cUff" Uait 4. Ruidoso, will be entered alllIIt GU' the opeDlng tliereot m. ~dic .. ftreBch· Court of Lincoln County. asal_,)'OU by deriwlL. ~ ~, "NWH NEK of See- to "i"dBting water rights. LilUloln County. New DAVID llI. .., y. AtteJition of BWDIjlRS Is te ed~a~~bd,~. Wew Mexico wherein the ~SS the'~~ TOWIUIhtp 11 South. pubUc welfare of the state :Mexico. aa shown on the STJ!WBNS. ESQ particUlarly call8d to the ton. and othe.... and following ~rop"J;'ty wal!l able Karen L. Panorut. J)Lii,.IMQre 17 East. N.M.P.M.. ,and oonaervat:lon of water Amended Plat thereOf DENNIGIIA.USEN I'\8!QUlnunen.t& _to condi.: Whoreaa. approXimately ._ed under • Writ 01. trict .rD. Of the Twelfthfor the purpose ordiverting within the etate. ~.d in ~a:':a::: OLSEN a tiOna of elQlplO)'lllent to be twc,t-thirda of all emergency , :E:xecutioa by ,th. Liracct!n Judtolal Diatrict Court oJup to 9.6 acre-feet per ec: Santa Fe ~RecorderofLi' L.L.P. obal;trved and, minimuiq, lIledical 88~" provIdera County Sheriff s the State of New~~n::~~a::,r:. ClRRR No.: P 067 635 679 eoln :;01JDty. NewMe::P.o. BGIC • ~.. rates~be paid~ ~ volunteera; and Depaa:tment: and the Seal of the~~.Iocated In part or die Publlehed lD the LiDcOln ieo. onA'ligust 7 19G? I AIto. New MezIco thit contraet. wm,r:eaa. the·' IDQmbe... or 1;) RuidOSo Jockey Club. Ooo.-t or Ltneo1n' <?ouuty,

of th i. • n 88S1JI4MJ8II JOE P. MOORR emetBeDCY medlcaI,eemce. lilt:. ' this 2nd day of Ma,y. 1997.

~NWK ~~a~cti • Co.... New. on~ .. Tube No. ~. SUB· (SOlS) 888-1J077 CotwtruCtkm teamtl. whether eueer or OnaShareoftheCapital BLIZAIIBTK J.,UBRtlil

UlWllh' b • S DOh 11 and :a. 1997. JEeT TO: All outatand- WitDe88. the .i1orable Pftdect ..... ~ volunf,eer. enpp iii thou. Stock of' Ruidoso Jockey Deputy Ct.k~• owne ip 11 out, iOll' eaaements. riBhtB- SIRoben M. Douirhty. n. a yo.of AJ8~Bnager .lJBIldsofhDureol'apecialized OJ.ub. lne. Rights and PrI- ~ :DIetrlo& Co"l?

Range 17 East, N.M.P.M. of-wa,y. mineral lease... Dieterict .Judge of the . ty piogordo training and eontlnuing vile.... thereor. (SEAL) ,TWBLPTB JUDICIAL mineralreservati.ons Twelfth J~cial District; PubUeliedIa. theLInc:Jobl edueatlon to.en.cluiDe. their 2' Cree :Meadows Coon . Pub......Mq1S,

DISTRICT COURT andmlqeral restrictions Court of the S~te of New CoUiU;y New8 op~ l5. HftiBBVinS' akiUs. 'and 01 hI' " try:llD &bd Jv.ue IS. 1887. ~,C01JNTY' OF of rec:ord Mexleo and the Seal of tho 1887. " . U. De. ' ,~.

LINCOLN The addrusa of the real DiBtrict Court of Lincoln' Whereas. Amerkaa. bene- One Share (Share Num--STA'J'BOP properl;y is 108 Cardinal C tdli 17th day or' . fitdaUy~theknowledp ber978)outofIiOOSh.n:a S' .. II'

NBW MBXICO DrJVe. RUlcloao, New:Mex- Apo:.t Yi997 s TWELFTH JUDICIAL and aIdlIs of. theee highly luned. Rt~M. and P...• Ft·. ta,nto'n .,.No. CV....UI ico. ·Said Bale will be made ~ 0.. VEGA ~c:aT trRiluHi incIIvklual.a; and vii.....the~. .';

put'Bi1aDt to the Decree of ' Clerk'of the LINCOLN WhereaJJ. it la appropriate Pursuant 'to New Mex-- ~

UNITED STATES OF ) Foreclosure entered on Dutriat Court STATE OF to reeogniae the value and Jco.StatutaeSSNMSAI9'78. Facts & .,AMERICA. ACTING ) December So. 1996,. in.thQ (SEAL) NEW MEXICO the accllJmpHshmenw of n.ftlDdant m.,.. rodeem .• • 'I;"THROUGH 1ll1RAL ) abOVlP: entitled and num- By. Bll_beth Lu.... emerpncy m.edkte,1 IIBJ"'Viees ownerahip of IIIbove HetedECONOMIC AND ) bered cause. which woa a Deputy No. DR 87-87 prOVider. by deRaaaUq propel'tle8! b31;fu.D pByll)en. (Con'. from P. 9) : ~ .COMMUNITY ) mttoforedoae'anoteand ....bUahedin.theLineoln Div. E~ Uedical Bar- ofJullgmlumtand e;oatB up 1'"'-' A ~--t 'tDEVELOPMENT, ) mort:aage·heldbytbeabove VERONlCAS.·) vlCeaWeek:and ' , totlmeot..... •......e. '&aDD. J: WIUf'fIkIa FAR!dERS ) plaintiffand wherein plain- andCo~.~1"".8_~~~ WOODRUFF. ).o "I'OM SULLIVAN wJtb BBQ chicken•.HOME ) ~was aqJudpd to have a ~ --.....,. <; 'P9dtioner. ) Where~ ir:dnl')" prevention . LIaoola County ribs. brisket,. pot;a.tzo,ADJDNISTRATION. ) hen againet the above- VL ) and the approprate use of 8""------"- salad macaronl-

desulbed real eatate in the the EMS system wtll help UAM"U&.. ......

sum or $&1.4-54.46. plus NOTICE OP FRED L. ) reduce national. health care Pub1l8b8d 1D. the LtDOOln beans. rolls and c:aIt&,-in....... from Oetober Is.. SPRCIAL B1JDGET WOO~::'~':=mt.' ~ ClJ8W; and CoulltyNewaoaB/laylS, Cindy ~ivingston.1996 to the date of sale at INCJtEASB Now, therefore, :r. Cedlia ".and:llD· aDd June" Pauline zamora., Ingethe rate of 8.00% per NOTICE IS HEREBY .NOTICE OF SUIT Kuhnel. :Mayor of Cerriz. 1807. Sedillo heIped Debra~num. the costs ,or sale, GIVEN. that the Board of TIlE STATE OF NEW ozo. In recognition at this with the good m~lIlClodlng the SpeCIal Mea- Education of Carrizozo MEXICO TO: Fred L. event do beraby proclaim NOTICE OF lI'INAL Deb ounced thter's fee. publication coats, SchOol Distrlct #7. County WoodrUfF ,theweekof'l!4ay:I8-24-.1997 RTtnnIi'!'P IIJLUUNG ra ann @'and plalntiff'e eoetB of Lincoln" State of New .. YOU. AJltI: lIR:REJHIFt.6ffi,.Q ' -~....~!t. :J:~---=---=':"'~.. '" ~ 1IJI'08J"P8ebe~"MC'"expended for taxes. inaur.. MexIco. wiD on Tuesday, WOTI~D that there -ill' . . ' NOTJ.(::Ji:' I~· 'HE'REbY 'With license tOr Smo·aIiee or keepliW;t1le pJ'oper. Malty.2D,,:J.9$7. _t '7{(J9 p,m.. 1io\v"jt8iu:U1'lII' in the 12th :BMBItGIl:NCY'ft1m!oroA:t. OlVEN, that the Govemlnt ' key and that she willty In good :repair. Plaintiff at the Admini.tration} JadUrialDlstrlctCourt,Lin- SERVICES WEEK Bod,yortheTownofCarrb:~ bemovingthecounti-yhaa the riBbt to bid at BUC'h ,Board Room. 800 D. coin County Court Roo_. andtmCourage'therealdenta azo will on -Tuesday.~ tore th road'al. and submit ita bid ver- Avenue" present and public:- Carriz<Jzo, New Mexico, a ofCarrizozo to observe this 27. 1987.t 8:00 p.m. ate the s. across e ,bally or in writing. The Jy review an increaaeto the lawsuit in which Veronica week wit" a roprlate City Ball Conf8renee Room. from the grade scbopl,Plaintiff may apply all or 1996-1997 Fiacal Schqql S. Woodruflis the Petition- cerem.ontell pp Carrizozo. New MexIco con~ and hopes to reCeive. aany part of Ita judgment to Bu~ er and you are the Respon- • duct. the final budget h...... grant to help her getthe pUreh888 prlee in lieu of Thiais,.pubJic:hearingclentc.ThegoneralobjectoC DATE: May lS.1997· Ing for the 1997-1998 this'done by Defendants and all school patnIna are tbesuitmadivon:e.lnelucl- Signed by: Budget. Governing Bod,y D 't tho k _1' ;

Foxworth-Galbraith, Inc. invitec:l to attend. Ing,1m equitable division of CBCILIA. KlJIINEL.. ~Ucon"dertheapprovalof on. In peol"C!:and Buc:kner Electric h,ave DONE at Carrizozo, eommunity property and ~ DE ~lIlOZO BudgQ1; Resolution 1997-08 reabze how much she:,valid liens agaInat the Prop- New Mexico. tbla 1st day of ClOIDmunttydebts.costa. and for 1997-1998 Fiscal Year has helped OW youth.erty. eulUectonly to the lien May. ,1997~ attorney'. feu to b. Attested by: Budget. We do appreciate.itof the Plaintiff., STEVE IlARKEY awarded osai,ast you~ CAROL~ Agenda will be pasted in Debbie.

At the date and time Pre.ldcmi YOUR ARE FURTHER (SEAL) acconianee with ReaolutioD ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ~ ,stated above th. Special ATTBSTI ,NOTIFIED that unI~s you PublLIhed In the Idnooln 86-12. Twenty-Four "001'8' The ~rt in R:IIV,Master mBY' postpone the PATRICIA VEGA ft1e a respone1Ve pleadingor prior to meeting date and --J'

sale to 8UC:b later date and -.notion before June 15. Coaaty New8 on Ma,y 150 made available to die envelopes tell abouttime as the Speclal MaBtAlr 8eorebu'y 199'1. judgment will be 18D7. public kindergarden thrll'may specifY. PubIs.hedintheLlaeoJn i'endered in thla cauae cAROL SCIlLAlUl \:Ilfth grade dAMes. It

NOTICE IS FURTHER CodD.. N~ OD May 8 agalllIIt you by default., LBQAl. CMClAAE also 'has a little info.GIVEN that the real prop- aDd us. 1897. Th. ~y fbI' Petf.. ToWII. CJedr...Treaaunu-er&yandimprovemeotaCOll. doner ia: Patrieia S. Ortiz. JobnP.PenninstOnintenda Town of Carrizozo about many of thec:erned with herein will be 801 Mechem .6, Ruidoso. to apply to the Fedfrai businesses. ,We witIaulUecttoan,y and aU patent SECTION 1 New Mexico. 88845•. ReServe Bank for permia-- PubUshedlntheLlneoln. havethem.atthepoStreservations" easements. all A.DVKl\TIBBMBNT 605-257-85215. stan to ac:qulre 21.41'" Or CountyNeweonMlQ"lG, oftice for one month.record.ed and unrecorded POR BIDS Allee Baaa:sa.te.. RuidOBo Bank Corporatton 1997. Please come by aridli.ns not foieclosed herein, Sealed btda will be received. Court AdmInistrator and Sul;taidiary Ruidoso ask fur one.and all recorded and UIU"B- State Barik. 1710 Suclderth ,NOTICE OFeorded special aSBOSBmenta by the Citoy of Alamogordo, IIyJ ElIsabeth Lu__ Drive. Ruidoso" New Mexico PUBLIC BEAlUNGS • ... ... • ... ... ... ...and taxea thote may be due, as agent for the Otercil ,Deputy pursuant to the Chance in The LORe had

NOTICE IS FURTHER Lincoln CounIiY SaUd WB&te 'D..."-u-"-ed In ..... Llnooln Bank Control Act of 1978 Notice ia hereby .Biven thatAuthori--. at 1878 E. Ninth ......;....... the Lincoln Cou.tyB---> or many partlcipat'n inGIVEN that the purchaser s'~ "::.. ~_ New Coun.....NlnVllon----..... (12 USC 1817 (j»). ......-v.._....--... ~........ "Y ~ - CommissionerS aball bold the playday on a.,tur-

at sueh sale shall take title Mexico, 88810. for the COD- IS' aDd 22. 1997. You are invited to submit PublIc Hearlnp begtl1Jltng day. Went down the above-de8Cribed real structloo of the ,~vt comments in writing of this at 10:00 a.m., OD Thursday. ..PI'OPOrty aubject to rights of known as~;:' "i4BE'r1NG NOTICB' appHeation to the Federal MS;V 29" 1997, at the Rutd- little while and:redemption. .. County ~.,' ~ .~, ReserY8 Bank of Dallas. D80 Civic Events Center, watched as many of':

Dated:: :May 7th,. 1997. tillPa~ . I.., ' ~ Lincoln County Board Banking Supervision. P.O. 111 Sierra Blanca ,DriVe. -the riders were dQing:NICK VEGA ioWorbBld' >c. ': of' Commissioners haa Box 666908. Dallas. Texa8 Ruidoso, New Mexico. to very good. Wanted to:

Speo!al Master lUlU) 2IOP ....;,A!I:it,y .;. caneelad regular 76266-6906. The c:omment c:onsider the following' two go on to the roping:P.o. Box: S88 1997. at Wbli:h &linD thl) Board meetiq 8C'heduled period will not end before items: "

Carrtzozo.NM88S01 opeulng.~_''N'.. '1Of:tbe fbJ'Junelo.l997andinita "June 5. 1997 and D18¥be 1.) Prop..... Llnc.ln ~:.. athRa1ld~h anctth

;SOS/8oI84:117 bids recIi ., ~' "'in ••ace will hold a special somewhat longer. The ......&W,,7 S e .lor e-

. the Engfn .. , ....{, ?tli!e ,; cOmmiallion me.eting on Board's procedurea fbr pro- County Classi8cation P1an. Odyssey kids but. WQI{:PubDlilhed in the Lincoln room at 1878 E. Ninth "l"huradB)". May 29. 1997. c:easlng applications maybe 2.) Flnal' Preliminary just too tired to make: "'•.County Newa OD. Ma¥ 8" S1:n!et, 'lbe tabulation of beglnni..- at 9:00 Bom. The found at 12'C.P.R•• pan 282 Bud.-et - FUcal YearUI. 22 and 29. 1997. bids will be considered by m_ting Ie open to tho publ- (as ,rOYlsed, 49 Federal 1997-1998. the other mile. Under.. :

the OterolUncoin CounIiY teo and will be held at the Register&60S(FebruaryI4, All partiea and Interested staind the fiesta was~Solid Waste Authority for Ruidoso Cl'rie Events Cen- 1984»~ Proc:edures for pro- cltlzena will have the oJtPm'o going on at Hondo. .:final ac:eeptance. tel'. 111 Sierra Blanca cessing proteated appUca- tunttytobehoard.Copiesof Receiving two':

Drive. Ruidosoo New Mex- tioDa may be fbund at 12 the propoeed dlasaification roses. a IiWe cowgir}:The work wi.1I COJIBist of leo. The purpose of this C.FoR. 262.25 (1084). To Plan and Prelimln.ry d II ~ . T d"placing and compacting meet1--iato hold two Publ. obtaina .........Yofth.Board's 0 ,u-om eresa ail ·1-... -. Budget ma,y be obtained R Id •approxlmatolyG.900square Ie Hearings and consider .............duna or.if __• need .1:..__ ona • a magne~

PI M BIr--.I- UV.IIJ the County :Manager's ))

yardaof ant ix tumin· other proper buBine8D that more information about OfI'IceattbeLincoh;1County from onna and Jer-:aua Pavement (PMBP> on a comea before the Board. how to Bubmit yoW' com- . Courthouse· In Carrizozo. ry, and Jots of 10vEtprepared roadbed (Bub- Agenda is aVRiiable 24 menta on the notiee, contact twonty..fbur(24)hoursprior from everyone else .tgrade preparation by hours prior to the meeting. :Mr. Rob Jolley. Director- to the meeting,others), a small parkin. lot Auxiliary aidea an avail- Applications. at the Federal felt this past week was::~

~ and apron. The prqJect is able upon requeat; .pleB8B Reaerve Bank of Dallas, at MO~..~f'= one to be~eD1bered.:·l) located at the OteroILtncoln ClOntBct; :Martha Guevara at (214) 9aa.801L The Feder- Hope. you aU had a:) County Regional LandOU. 648-2385 at least 4-8 hours al Reserve wih consider COIUl.t)" Commta.loD nice Mother's day ancJ:.' ,I) appro



Nile8 inadvanceoftbemeettngto your COIDment8 and any Publt.hecllntheLlnooln hope the rest of the:f

) sout a amupP..... ~ make any necessary reqnesttorapubltcmeetlng CounCjyNowaOQMa71S,MoJrlco. arrangement.&. at formal hearing on tha 1887. year brings everyone-

) Copiea oftbe plans~ Spe- MONRoY MONTES" applieation ,If they are good health and Iota of) cdfteations are avoilable to Chal...... received by the Reserve TWBLFTH JUDICIAL happiness. :) Btdders from the Chief Liaeola. County Bank on or befbre tho lut) Engineer. CityofAlamogol"- Board of Co8Unla.loae... day of the comment period. ~~p :'~) do, 1376 E. Ninth Street" PubUehed In the Liaeoln PubUa~In th. LIIle01n. LINCOLN O' , .j) Alamogordo. New Mexico. Cowa9 NewII on Mq us. County New. on Ma,y 111, .TAm OF :1') 88310. Telephone 1887. 1887. QW ME:IQCO .) '(&05) 439-4220 upon ~J

) receipt of a $&0.00 refund. No. '-78 •) abiefee."ft1e$BO.OOdeposit NORWEST BANk. ) .,J) wOl be returhGc:l prcMded N.A, Jbnnorbr known ) "~) tha plans andspee1~lItlona .a UNITED MEw ) >~,4

~;~ Said issue constitutea a ~OrtfOD of the bonds which: ere authorized at an elecdon held on February", 199'1• will eonBtilute general obHgation bonda or the Dis­" ct;, payable from general taxes wbtch may be levied

81nat all taxable property within the DistrlctwithouttBtion 88 to rate or amount.The maximum net efTeettve inte1"eBt rate permitted

said Bonds is twelve percent (12%); provided. howev-• that If the net effective intersilt rate on'auch bonds is

ter than ten percent (10'5) per annum Cbaeed on the1price to be paid to the Diatrletfor said honda, eal­

ated to maturity acc:ording to the standard tables ofvaluos). such rate must be approved in writing by

e New :MexieoStaie Board ofFinance. and the DistrietBY' not issue the Bonde before such approval is given,

Bidders are required to submit an Oft'Iciai BidFormng the lowest rate or rates of Interest and pre­

lum, if any. at which auch bidder will pU1'(!hase 8UChonds. Further limitations and information concerning

interest rates whk:h may be bid for the Bonda andherwise concerning bidding are BOt forth tn the OfficialOtlc:e of Bond Sale. orwhic:h this notice is a C!Ondensa­

All blcba most eomp~with the term. t4 the......... Notice 01 Meeting and Doad Sale. Bids

DId beenelosed in a sealedenvelope endorsed "'Bid forneraI O~ltlJBtionSchool BuildingBonds ofHondo VaI­Public School District No. 20, CountyofLincoln, New

co." addressed ss follow.: Hondo Valley PublicDistrict No, 20. clo Southwest Socurities, Ine.•

Park Square, 656& Americas Parkway. N ,E,. Suite• Albuquerque, New ~exico 87110, Attention: Sec:­

tary. Board or Education, Only unconditl(lllal bidsaU beoonBklered. The District reeorves the privilege of

BiVInI' any irregularity or informality (except time ofing) in any bid.

The ORlFtal Notice of Bond Salo. the Officl.l Bidand the Preliminary Official Statement may be

tained from tho Districl'a financial advisor, South­t Socur:Iti08, Inc., Two. Park SquBre, 6565 Amoricaskway. N.E., Suite 950, Albuquorque. Now :Mexic:o

110. (Telephone (608) 888-0006),The validity and eofDreeability orthe Bonds will be

d by the New Mexico Attorney' Goneral andona. Cuddy & FrIedman, LLP. Attorneys at Law.ta Fe. New Mexico and McCan, Parkhllnt: '" Horton.P.• Attorneys at Law, AuDtln. Taus.


I ~~ BoDl'd of Education: . Rondo Valle7 PubUc School Dtstl":lot No. 20

. . bUshed In &he I.fD....1l County News OD May 8".... .... 19117,="


! '


Page 11: Count ~GW.; · lOA. (606) 648-118116 • 2-BR. 1 Bath, $22,000.00 • P.O. Box 637 CARRIZOZO. NEW MEXICO 88301 • C>'5lDm WMclc:us



' . .'.ol'!' .

. ,,' .

PREV/~W: 24 Hrs. Prior to Each SessionFRIDAY:' MAY 16th STARTING 10:00 A.M. tll/ 3:00 P.M.

Seiling Guns, Western and Indian Collectibles. Native AmericanJewelry, Rugs. Art. Western Sculptures Jewelry Set wlEmeraJds. Dia­monds. sapphires. Rubies. etc.,SATURDAY: MAY 17th STARTING 10:00 A.M. till 3:00 P.M.

Selling Household Furnishings. Antiques. Art. Oriental HandmadeRugs. Ufe Size Bronze Sculptures~Patio and Garden Furniture. BronzeFountains. 1959 Ford Sport Custom and This Magnificent 3.600 Sq. Ft,Cedar Home wf2,500 Sq. Ft. of Outside Decking (Partially Covered).

SUNDAY: MAY 18th STARTING 1:00 P.M. tll/ 5:00 P.M.Seiling Remainder of Antiques. ColleCliblel;. Rugs, Jewelry.

Household Items. Plus Contents of A Double Car Garage Packed sotight there will be no previewuntU Sunday mo.rning at 11:00 A.M. Also aGol1 Cart.

MONDAY: MAY 19th STARTING 10:00 A.M. UII ?? .Selling Remainder of All Items left which coord include Jewelry.

Art. Antiques. Rugs. and S1ore<l Items in Ruidoso S10ragel






ABOUTTHE HOME: 3.600 sq. ft. Cedarwf2.500 Sq. ft. ofdeck.. partiallycovered. 3 bedrooms. 3 bath. and magnificent great room encompass­ing formal living, grand dinIng divided with bar from kitchen area.' fino- .p'ace near entry. deck entrance at rear. master bedroom and handl-<:apequipped bedroom with entrances to deck. Golf cart ramp from deckthrough rear gardens..


FOR MORE INFO. PLEASE CALL505-257-5510 I FA,X: S05-;!57-2684



, ...., J,

MAIL or BRING TO:UNCOLN COUNTY NIIl'WSP.O. Drawer 459 I 309 CeRlFeI AvePlio'" (505) 84..2ASCARRIZozo. N_ MEXICO 883D.


CALL TODAY 1~720-1004

Albuquerque 291-151510028 central Ave.SE

.Albuquerque, .NaM. 87123


, '


New Palm Harbor livEH>edroom. 2.,100 sq. ft. $399per monlh. 10"1.. down - 8,25% APR-Var, 360monlhs, five year pro1eclion plan.

Palm HarborFactory Direc;t. Freecolor brochures. 2,3, 4 & 5 bedrooms. Call for free CollSlruclion f1tera­ture and floor plans.


" ,

,,.... ,;


.;, .



,.------- IIERE'S WIIAT "0 I.IKE TO- SAY ------_

'Cost per ad f 2D wonIs ",. IeIIs f per ..-

LU W l.iI ~$11.00 $9.&0 ••9.&0 $17..&0


cosrOF AO _TAX 1.05875) _


HAYl"OR~:Three ftiv.ersBanchG4&-_,_Apr."


; NAME: _

I\I.)DnF.9S: ~ _

, CITY: _, _




-' ,~RSALE: GMC 371 Dieselll!!iIWine clutch. :engine. fnune.r:adiator. hydraulic putnp.

, teoo.oo. Call 849-7'777.Jtp/Ma>o" lIS



1__ 15

FOR SALE: 1986 Alpha Gold4D-ft. fifth wheel travel trailer.$8.000.00~ Call 848 1I1ll1l1 or648-_.


FOR~ $111,0OO.00 orRENT:ll1dOMohiIeonlarge~ h>tin SALE S1l7.000 orRENT: 14>r80MobUeon large&meed COI'nerlot in Carrizozo.Coll648 _ or write P.O.»OX 678,. Carrizo.....

, lItcIMaT sa lIS

""" '.tAKING ORDERS for"), annuals, perennials. herbs.ii Imuae plants'. etc. Handi\ Picked directly from ~e

i.,: ~house. Free delivery to,} Yi>or door. Call Karen Hobbs

849-10'13.lItcIMay 16 & l!2


Page 12: Count ~GW.; · lOA. (606) 648-118116 • 2-BR. 1 Bath, $22,000.00 • P.O. Box 637 CARRIZOZO. NEW MEXICO 88301 • C>'5lDm WMclc:us


Monday to Saturday:8:00am - 7:00pm

Suit: 9:00am - 3:00pm


MAY 18· MAY 25, 1997








* ibft-H·" 7• r•. m.r




.PORK & BEANS 15.5-0Z. .

SHURFINE Hickory Smoke & Req. 69¢B-B-Q SAUCE : :18-0Z. . .

DEC~F & REG. $2. 39NESTEA 3·..0UN~E •

SHURFINE· • z 79¢KETCHUP 280 .


4th & Central Ave. I CARRIZOZO I Ph. 648-2125

WE HONOR EST CARDS 'or FOOD·'tA•..•.•iI.H•.••••••••••••••••••liiiiiil••••••••••





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''':'. SUPER SWEET /$1."ie, FLORIDA CORN 4.~< TEXAS 1015. 39~..':': SWEET ONIONS LB..~":. .;.". SHURFINE HEAVY DUTY $~~~.PAPER PLATES .......40-9" 1.99..~

.~REyNOLDS COLOR· $,iPLASTIC WRAP.... 100-FT. 2.59... . .

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~~;,;:: KRAFT Hot FUdge & Caramel $

i~ SQUEEZE TOPPiNG .... 12-0Z. 1.59;~~~.?;r,. .

~..: SHURFINE $!:~> PEANUT BUTTER.. 28-0UNCE 2.49


~.l, \

