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xw II KILL THE COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH Dr Kings New DiscoveryF- OR V 1fooOLDS AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED r grralA For Saleij Tux receipts 1910 model guaranteed to last 12 months Pricey range from 150 to several hundred dollars Call in and I H1BI r tnOD SI I 1 J DRHJBOONE Permanent Dentist Dr Owens Office Main Street Hours 8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 p m Cloverport Ky A Picture of Father and Mother How it would delight your children how it would please your friends Brabandt Studio Cloverport Ky At Irvington Ky livery 1st and 3rd Tuesday and Wednesday J IliveEStable i 0 I Stephensport Ky r j New Rigs k- i New Horses j 1 jj New Stable m i fi f i i X If you have any riding or Jjfl i g 5j furnish 11Y i We will handle Ice also Your patronage will 4 at I he appreciated ft j ti j fW f Proprietorj A- Sj Stephensport Ky f + + Our ClubbingOffer Homo and Farn 1 yr 50 Undo Remus Monte Maga ¬ due i JCIlIunnu i 00 Good Housekeeping 1 yr 1 50 Daily Evening Post il mos 1 25 Brcckonridgo News 1 yr 1 00 Total 5 25 All of the above for only 225S- end money to The Breckenridge News Clomport KyifI This offer will be withdrawn after Nov 1 1910 If you want ti to get in onit8ond mony at 1once 1 ROAD NEGLECT BY GOVERNMENT Railway Man Shows Money Is Wasted on Highways WILL SAVE FARMERS MILLIONS B F Yoakum talks to National Con- vention ¬ on Development of Country as Proof That Highways Should Be Improved by National Appropriation One of the most Interesting addresses delivered before the National Good Roads association nt Niagara Falls recently wns that of B F Yoakum chairman of the St Louis and San Francisco Railroad company The key- note of his address wns that the gov- ernment wastes enough to build all highways and the saving to farmers of millions of dollars The salient points of his speech were Your organization stands for n duty sadly neglected by the government Good roads mean more for the people nt large thou any other public work and add more to the comfort and up ¬ building of the country They are of national importance Government statistics tell us that It costs our farmers 15 cents more to haul one ton one mile in this country than it costs in European countries The products of the farms of the Unit ¬ ed States last year amounted to ap ¬ proximately 20000000 tons The gov- ernment ¬ shows the average haul of a ton was nine miles This difference of 15 cents a ton per mile represents an additional cost of 135 a ton for an average haul of nine miles Estimat ¬ ing that twothirds of the agricultural products of Inst year were hauled nwny from the farms there would have been n saving to the American farmers of 225000000 If our roads had been up to the standard of Euro penn roads not including their hack haul of supplies from the stations to the farms They would also have saved large sums In the cost of repine ¬ ing land repairing harness wagons etc and In the Investment and care of extra draft stock It took threequarters of a century to Valid up the American railroads During the same time little attention has been given to the building up of American country roods Yet the val ¬ ue of the two to the public goes hatul in hand Food and clothing must he handled between the producers rind tho consumers over both the country toad and the railroad It Is Important that the country roads approach the high standard of the railroads The greatest value of good roads will be to the farmers who have not as yet become Interested You have not yet found n way to reach them to properly place your arguments mill statistics before them They need to I fit shown that the poorest roads are the most expensive roads They lave not been shown that their broken wag Ions broken harness and blacksmith bills cost them snore than the cost of having good roads They have not been shown that a four dollar n day team caw do twice tic work over good roads which snakes that team worth to them S a lily The way to get good nmds Is to make nil the people know them and keep them constantly in mind The transportation system which carries our food and clothing from maker to users Is part railroad and part country road One part Is ns necessary as the other Your organi zation in its support of time lIeU < IlIlln of our public highways should talk li millions instead of thousands We have 2100000 miles of puhll roads From the best information oh tafnnblc there are about 44000 miles or two miles out of each 100 under a high standard of Improvement Thero are not more than 175000 miles or eight miles out of each 100 under any kind of Improvement In other words we have 1025000 napes of public roads which are in its pour condition now as they were when they were laid out by our early settlers and pioneers If we build 100000 miles of public highways annually for ten years and give to this country I 1000000 tulles of good public roads at an average cost of 3000 a mile or 00000000 annual ¬ I ly wo will be engaging In a national development the advantages of which in economies commerce comforts and enhanced land values none can fore- tell We will be accomplishing some ¬ thing worth while This work of ear vied on by counties tumid townships as at present will be very slow It should bo encouraged under a broad compre ¬ pensive plan outlined by the federal 1 government cooperating with the states Time agricultural department of time government Is in sympathy with ail things that tend t to Improve our public road system Your association should havo ag- gressive ¬ organizations in every state and have working relations with all commercial manufacturing and agri ¬ cultural Institutions While I can speak but for one system of railroads I feel confident that every railroad of the country Will be IN sympathy and work In harmony to aid In the develop- ment ¬ of time countrys public highways with a view of upbuilding and increas ¬ ing the production of existing culti- vated ¬ Holds and adding new acres that ire now lying idle for lack of rnl4 i ransportatjon or Rood public roads to i Kourage their cultivation i hERPIIYSICIAN PHYSICIANAPPROVES Taking Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Sabattus ralncYou told mo to tako Lydia E Pinkhama Vegetable compound and Liver Pills before childbirth and we aro all surprised to seo how much good llhysiclan ¬ doubt it was tho Compound that helped 1 you I thank you for your advlslnffme nermlssTon to use my name in your testimonials Mrs II W MITCHELL Box 3 Sabattus Me Another Woman Helped passingthroughthoCluangeof from nervousness and other annoying VegetableCompound ¬ strength and proved worth mountains of gold to me For the sake of other suffering women I arn willing you should publish my letterMrs CILVIILICS BARCLAY RFD Granite ¬ ville Vt- Women who aro passing through this critical period or who are suffer- ing from any of those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E Plnkhams Vegetable Com ¬ pound which is made from roots and herbs has been the standard remedy for female ills In almost every com ¬ munit will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia T T > nlchams Vegetable Compound WEDDINGS STRIPPED OF FUSS In Brittany Matrimonial Candidates Are Herded Together and Mar ¬ red In a Bunch Over in France they have a way of getting rid of all the undesirable features which in the United States go with getting married They have the scheme in operation in Brittany- In Brittany they do away with the best man and bridesmaids and ushers and other such impedimenta strewn In the path of the American celebrants of the matrimonial ceremony Even the dressmaker and the milliner and tho florist uro given the laugh Their goods arent needed The caterer is tho only tradesman who profits About the middle of January every year there is a general round up of all the men and women who have been engaged within tho twelve ¬ month They are herded together In one place and on the appointed morn ¬ ing along comes the priest and mar ¬ rios them in a bunch No fuss no feathers no Lohengrin or Robin Hood stuff no ushers or bridesmaids to carry away your stickpins and your brooches And everyone wears the national costume simple In construc ¬ tion though gaudy There were 27 couples married at Plougastel January 11 54 people 61 count them Among the 54 were only four names Everyone married was a Legall a Jeseuquel a Thomas or a Kazeneuff Fifteen of the brides were named Marie and three were named Marie Legall The caterer got his rake off from the barbecue which followed the cere- mony He served 27 sheep and six cows at the wedding breakfast Its The Worlds Best No one hits ever made H salve oint iient or balm to compare with Ituckleui Arnica Salve Its the one perfect he tier of f Cuts Corns Burns Bruises Sores jcnUK Boils Ulcers Eczema Stilt vhtMun For Sore Eyes Ctld Sores Chapped Hand or Sprains its supreme iifliilllble for Piles Only25 at Severs Drug Co Another Panacea A physician of some note has Just announced another panacea for all tho ills humanity Is heir to It consists simply of sunshine It must however fall upon the bare skin Among tho afflictions which it is said to havo cured by this means are tubercular ul corations skin diseases old cuts and sores and obesity An abdomen triple plated with adipose tissue will melt like snow under the caresses of the sun it Is declared To tako a sun bath the doctor explains It suf- fIces simply to stretch ones self com ¬ pletely unclothed In tho direct rays of tho sun taking care always to pro ¬ tect tho head and above all tho back of tho neck There must bo no inter ¬ mediary between the skin and the sunlight for the chemical power of the solar rays Is completely nullified by clothing and by glass Tho inclina- tion ¬ of the rays is also important when they fall perpendicularly their action is much greater oblique rays glance on tho contrary from the sur faco of tho skin and are without ef ¬ feet Gk Ucirh Cry FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA NOTICE Please do n9t askls to publish card of thanks resolutions or obituaries free i ANTIQUITY OF FAKED FOODS Pliny Tell of the Adulterations Prao tiled In Ancient RomeWine Often Were Doctored So much Is heard of pure food laws and food adulteration these days that one Is prone to assume that the abuse in question Isa result of modern con ¬ dltlons of trade and competition Such however is not the case for the Greeks and Romans complained as bitterly as the man of today of the adultera ¬ tion of their food In Pliny is found an account Rotting forth how the bakers of Rome wore wont to mix with their dough a white earth soft to the touch and sweet to the taste thus turning out a foodstuff that had weight and fine appearance but little food value Pliny also touches upon wine adul ¬ teratlon He assures us that not even the rich Roman noble could be sure that the wine he purchased was pure Moreover the famous wines of Faler no were doctored and wines from Gaul generally esteemed to bo the best were as a matter of fact artificially colored by aloes and other drugsI Much complaint was made in Athens touching wine adulteration so that in time it became necessary to appoint special inspectors with a view to put ting an end to the evil There was one wine merchant named Canthare who was so skillful In the matter of adulteration that his name actually became a synonym for the expression clover deceit Can hares long suit was in Imparting tho flavors of old ago to new wine And so on Throughout Europe from the tenth century onward aro found numerous Instances of food adulteration in general practise by bakers brewers vintners etc Tho tricks of the trade were originated more than 1000 years ago Reaching The Top iti any calling of life demands a vigor- ous body and a keen brain Without health there is no success limit Electric Bitters is the greitert Health Builder the world has ever known It compels perfect action of stomach liver kidnavs bowels purifies and enriches the blood tones and invigorates time whole system and enables you to stand the wear ana tear of your dally work After months of suffering from kidneytrouhle writ ¬ es W M Sherman of dishing Me three bottles of electric Bitters made me feel like a new man II fOe at Severs Drug Co Paint Made of Smoke Take a small quantity of Pittsburg air wash thoroughly and turn loose I again advises a writer in Success Magazine Strain the wash water and add certain ingredients which a Penn ¬ sylvania man claims to know about The result Is a paint which Is said to be durable and cheap and especially adapted to tin roofs and iron wdrk The same air maybe recaptured and used again but the smoke is ruined foreverThe system is said to be in success ¬ ful operation in a Pennsylvania fac- tory ¬ where the smoke is passed through an atomizing spray Six tons of coal of the nice smudgy kind will if properly treated yield five barrels of paint besides doing its regular work An Interesting possibility in this dis ¬ covery is a byproduct in the way of sweet smelling fresh laundered air excellent for breathing and unexcelled for hanging clothes in A Double Advantage- It rarely happens In everyday life that any one lids tho privilege of test ¬ ing the old adage of killing two birds with one stone so thoroughly as the hero of the following anecdote Charles Godfrey Leland is responsible for it I once knew a gentleman named Stewart ho wrote While camping out en route and In a tent with him it chanced that among the other gen- tlemen ¬ who had tented with us there were two terrible snorers Now Mr Stowart had heard that you may stop a mans snoring by whistling and here was a wonderful opportunity SoI waited until one man was coming down with his snore diminuendo and the other was rising crescendo and at the exact point of intersection moderato I blew my car whistle and so got both birds at one shot I stopped them bothYouths Companion Regulates the bowels promotes easy natural movements cures constipation Doanks Rugulets Ask your druggist for them 25c a box Women In the Wrong Place The anomaly of this island the center of the British empire crowded to overflowing while millions of acres of the richest land in One climates lie undeveloped has at last struck the national imagination We cannot open a paper without seeing articles about the wheat fields of Canada tho fruit farms of British Columbia or Rhodesia tho offers of work for Brit- Ish ¬ men and women in Australia New Zealand and last but not least South Africa But in large movements of gerry kind it is exceedingly difficult to preserve the regular oven progres ¬ sion of parts Some portions of the mass will always move slower others faster han tho rest thereby causing u distortion and dislocation of the whole That section of tho community known as the betterclass woman has lagged behind the rest and by her scarcity in the one place and hot su ¬ perfluity in the other is creating a danger to society London Times > > Ik r iII Louisville Henderson St Louis Ry TIME TABLE Corrected to May 1 1910 E I 145 I H6 I I 144 I Ills El Dally I DailyI I ISTATIO5 EL Ii Dally Daty 9 24 40pm tI iOam LvLOUIiVILL6Ar 7 barn 12 60 Pili 7 40W 14 to STHAWUJoUUy 1I2 aJ h lUtlUU1 t1 J r5 00 t9 09 MEUOKA fb a2 fl2 13 tT 08 Y f5 11 f9 14 STITEH fll3ll 1217 t111 L hf5 17 huIAll1HYN mfJ2 em 10 01 521 B 21 WEST POINT 0291o1 iss 4 f523 fll3 HOWARD fll8ini fu o4 f3 31 380 HAUTLE3 til 50 to 4u J J f3 37 III 34 ROCK HAVKN tit 45 fu 41M f 5 43 W 40 LONG BRANCH fll 37 ru 3i I 5 53 949 t + RANDENnU1U11 J 62 b 59 tO 50 010UUSTUN 0 03 UO 0 < l I 13I IRVING TON It 41 11 05 e01 j I Whn IEHn tin fr f3 42 le 39 flO 27 LODIilUltU t048 f551 t i fHO MYSTIC tie 4t I mi51 flO 37 SAMPLE til 87 fa a 0 58 10 44 STEPHENSlORT 1027 614 J i f702 MO 48 ADUIdUN flOKJ f510 t f704 flu 50 HOLT flO 10 f1 OS 0 ft tn 11 Stt 715 11 00 ULOVERlORT 4 57 1007 4 57i 815 1 I SHOPS I t 12 f12d SKtLLMAN i r9 63 f8 odt fa1 Il 45 7 37 1118 IIAWESVILLE 438 1143 4 15f t 021 f745 IElIUE to 31 3J t1 4- 3fuai 11 50 c ADAIR 1932 1737 I fO 40 r 7 59 fll 37 LEWIHPORT 923 1417 7 SJ- o r 4S fa 05 WAITilAN III 17 t1 o 53 a 14 fll 40 MAOEO 9 U9 t4 I r ist t7 03 f8 24 PVlES to 6 t7 01 113 i235ini T351 isibpnj O v nn 811iif 150- tl 1845 345 NI 6 56t 40 CONWAY 127 f8 41 w MATT1NULY t8 SU f641t t13L H 53 GHI1 IITllr fSrj 7 M f8 57 f2 27 STANLV 18 Si f3 28 B 3i t f7 40 f9 03 NEWMAN to 15 ftl Sa 7 1u Ifl 10 REED 1807 f03t < fl63 f0 10 HEALS rs 01 10 ie t 7 58 I lIB SlOTTSVILLE 7 53 f3 11 tl131J 8 40 f9 21 MASKETT 7 52 13 07 II 23 1 30 P 42 1 05 HENDERSON 300 739 a 55 5 66pmt a 1 5S 10 15 1341 s EVANSVILLE Is S3 710 am 2 30t 74Oam14opm ST LOUIS 900pm 8 34 am US f Stops on Signal Where no time shown trains IX xOTsroPV Trains 143 and 146 curry free reclining chair cars Louis Pullman Local sleeper between Louisville and Evansville Through Pull man sleeper between Louisville and St Louis A No 141 will stop at stations west of Cloverport to discharge passengers from oast of Cloverport No 144 will stop at stations east of Cloverport to discharge passengers froms west of Cloverport IIo Hartford Line West Bound Between Irvington and Fordsville Hast Boundti Second Class 1st Plus 1st Class Second Cleud 9 i 113 112 10n Mixed Mixed Passen STATIONSM- 7 Sed Mlzedtc Dully ox Dally ex ger ser Dally ex Daily erw Sundav Sunday Dally Dully Sunday Sunday m- 645pm 5 30am 11 lOam Lv Irvington Ar 10 Warn 4 15pm 11 Opm hJ- f655 5 40 Ell 10 Basin Spring f9 54 f320 10 60 C 170D 555 sll35 Garfield sD38s2 57 10 30 It f720 607 f1146 Horned f9 20 f237 1015pI s723 019 s114U Junction s922s225 8731 610 Il54fm HardlnsburgsD 17s210 w s741 027 1201pm Junction S911s200 f 1010h1 f750 637 fl208 Kirk 19 03 145 1001m 757 0 45 f2 15 McQuady 18 fO f120 9 54 s8 m0 0 59 s2 27 Glendeane s845s100 m 5810 701 81236 Dempster o836s124S 9 43 th- i8 24 7 13 f2 40 Rockvale f8 33 912 40 9 36 Pt 18300 719 f245 Vanzant fS27 f1232 931en 1250 Asklns f824 thi842 foB 49 7 36 si PUI EImltchsb 15 s2 05 9 15 8 s5pm 75U Fordsville 1201pm 9 10 J 30 EARLINGTON 5 45 g OJco BOUND WEST Between Dempster and FallsofRou2h 11 WOUND secondi ti Second bIrst loirstTIME TABLEFirst HIrFt Class Class I ClassI 31 27 25 Into effect Sunday Juno CaMixed col riEWedn thyand and i> idy inn Only t0T 1215p ml2SOum S4Oam DEdPSTER 835am li33pmn I 1 npm t0- IOSp m1256pm I I 900am FALLS OK ROUGH a15am 1 1213pn IQipmTt Tb Real Estate Department i for galI may just you you are interest- ed ¬ ta in any of tIe 1 following proprieties write us at once for owners Jon name and address If none of these places suit you write us at once vo telling us what you want and where you want It and letam us introduce you to the man who has the very property youot are looking for grc We recommend the following properties as being productiveng hUI and fair in price 1 wb Do You Want to Sell your farm or business If you but want cash for your property send price and description at oncerlv and let us show you how we bring buyer and seller togetherf f This department is conducted solely for the purpose of enablingAct buyers and sellers of farms or business proprieties to make quick alesoT1 Jno D Babbage 950 07 acres 3M miles north of Hard insuurc neur the Brandenburg road Well watered plenty of timber for Improvements Double Log house small stable Good rich lundIfine for Barley to bacco Terms further Intorma tlon prlto Jno D Uabbago Cloverport Ky 140 aerie 2 miles from Guston 3 r 300 S miles from well watered lays well good young orchard good timber on rural routesc moollousofewyards Iron house Improvements i good four room dwelling kitchen on back porch two good barns barn and tenenthouse andcis tern back In tutu field most and hen house wood shed will sell on easy payments plenty- of small fruit Further particulars address Jab D nabbago Oloverport Ky 2 nOO For 160 acres four miles west of tp fjwu Qloudcane 3 miles from brunch railroad nil fresh land 100 acres In cultiva- tion ¬ 50 acres In grass will produce the best neighborhoodlonty ¬ mug log dwelling V rooms and side room ood stable 3 tobacco burns 3 tenant houses tent good timber for farm purposes I good land to clear 1rlco 2000 3 H cash Limited Vision Thoro was a man oncea poet Ho went wandering through tho streets of the city and ho met a disciple Como out with mo said the poet for a walk in the sand dunes And they went But ere they had prog ¬ ressed many stages said the disciple There Js nothing here but sand To what did I invite youasked the poet To walk in the sand dunes Then do not complain said the poet Yet even so your words aro untrue There Isavon above Do you not see It The fault la not heavens nor the sands MatTtenMaart M l T FOR SALEStorm house and dwelling con cou corner First and Ulgh Streets wholelength 1 orexchange AvenueWell andall yeL5 wttlta rnllone i peachtrees moatall nicevlnyard balance In woods 125 acres In grass I sever A tad thew EroOtbe on L H Is 15000 long andea yLpaymentsprlc2 urbaC1 FOR SALE A splendid stand for a drug LaneSE physician In a good town surrounded uOW BItheplace Into a good practlco and a Rood drug business betis I quitulars port KvLold Cloycu1uey sad of b- rmlms nssethem IS Electric slase thenof l PreFgi5v rJIn Drweaknesses Whoremedy rouFORK anySTOMACH1ROUBLE l It ii iTover f cu

COUCH ROAD NEGLECT Henderson St Ry CURE LUNGS ii kill the couch and cure the lungs with dr kings new discoveryf-or v 1fooolds and all

Aug 16, 2019



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Page 1: COUCH ROAD NEGLECT Henderson St Ry CURE LUNGS ii kill the couch and cure the lungs with dr kings new discoveryf-or v 1fooolds and all

xw II


WITH Dr KingsNew DiscoveryF-




For SaleijTux receipts 1910 model

guaranteed to last 12 monthsPricey range from 150 toseveral hundred dollars

Call in and




Dr Owens Office Main StreetHours 8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 p m

Cloverport Ky

A Picture of

Father andMotherHow it would delight your

children how it would pleaseyour friends

Brabandt StudioCloverport Ky

At Irvington Ky

livery 1st and 3rd Tuesday and





Stephensport Ky

rj New Rigs k-

ii New Horses j1

jj New Stablem

ififi iX If you have any riding orJjfli g

5j furnish 11Yi

We will handle Ice also

Your patronage will4

at Ihe appreciated ft

j ti

jfWfProprietorj A-

Sj Stephensport Ky f

+ +


Homo and Farn 1 yr 50

Undo Remus Monte Maga ¬

due i JCIlIunnu i 00Good Housekeeping 1 yr 1 50

Daily Evening Post il mos 1 25

Brcckonridgo News 1 yr 1 00

Total 5 25

All of the above for only

225S-end money to

The Breckenridge NewsClomport KyifI

This offer will be withdrawnafter Nov 1 1910 If you want

ti to get in onit8ond mony at




Railway Man Shows Money Is

Wasted on Highways


B F Yoakum talks to National Con-



on Development of Countryas Proof That Highways Should Be

Improved by National Appropriation

One of the most Interesting addressesdelivered before the National Good

Roads association nt Niagara Fallsrecently wns that of B F Yoakumchairman of the St Louis and SanFrancisco Railroad company The key-note of his address wns that the gov-ernment wastes enough to build allhighways and the saving to farmersof millions of dollars The salientpoints of his speech were

Your organization stands for n dutysadly neglected by the governmentGood roads mean more for the peoplent large thou any other public workand add more to the comfort and up ¬

building of the country They are ofnational importance

Government statistics tell us that Itcosts our farmers 15 cents more tohaul one ton one mile in this countrythan it costs in European countriesThe products of the farms of the Unit ¬

ed States last year amounted to ap ¬

proximately 20000000 tons The gov-ernment


shows the average haul of aton was nine miles This difference of15 cents a ton per mile represents anadditional cost of 135 a ton for anaverage haul of nine miles Estimat ¬

ing that twothirds of the agriculturalproducts of Inst year were haulednwny from the farms there wouldhave been n saving to the Americanfarmers of 225000000 If our roadshad been up to the standard of Europenn roads not including their hackhaul of supplies from the stations tothe farms They would also havesaved large sums In the cost of repine ¬

ing land repairing harness wagonsetc and In the Investment and care ofextra draft stock

It took threequarters of a centuryto Valid up the American railroadsDuring the same time little attentionhas been given to the building up ofAmerican country roods Yet the val ¬

ue of the two to the public goes hatulin hand Food and clothing must hehandled between the producers rindtho consumers over both the countrytoad and the railroad It Is Importantthat the country roads approach thehigh standard of the railroads

The greatest value of good roadswill be to the farmers who have notas yet become Interested You havenot yet found n way to reach them toproperly place your arguments millstatistics before them They need toIfit shown that the poorest roads arethe most expensive roads They lavenot been shown that their broken wag

Ions broken harness and blacksmithbills cost them snore than the cost ofhaving good roads They have notbeen shown that a four dollar n dayteam caw do twice tic work over goodroads which snakes that team worthto them S a lily The way to get goodnmds Is to make nil the people knowthem and keep them constantly inmind The transportation systemwhich carries our food and clothingfrom maker to users Is part railroadand part country road One part Is nsnecessary as the other Your organization in its support of time lIeU <IlIllnof our public highways should talk limillions instead of thousands

We have 2100000 miles of puhllroads From the best information ohtafnnblc there are about 44000 milesor two miles out of each 100 under ahigh standard of Improvement Theroare not more than 175000 miles oreight miles out of each 100 under anykind of Improvement In other wordswe have 1025000 napes of public roadswhich are in its pour condition now asthey were when they were laid out byour early settlers and pioneers

If we build 100000 miles of publichighways annually for ten years andgive to this countryI 1000000 tulles ofgood public roads at an average costof 3000 a mile or 00000000 annual ¬

Ily wo will be engaging In a nationaldevelopment the advantages of whichin economies commerce comforts andenhanced land values none can fore-tell We will be accomplishing some ¬

thing worth while This work of earvied on by counties tumid townships asat present will be very slow It shouldbo encouraged under a broad compre ¬

pensive plan outlined by the federal1

government cooperating with thestates Time agricultural departmentof time government Is in sympathy withail things that tendt to Improve ourpublic road system

Your association should havo ag-


organizations in every stateand have working relations with allcommercial manufacturing and agri ¬

cultural Institutions While I canspeak but for one system of railroadsI feel confident that every railroad ofthe country Will be IN sympathy andwork In harmony to aid In the develop-ment


of time countrys public highwayswith a view of upbuilding and increas ¬

ing the production of existing culti-vated


Holds and adding new acres thatire now lying idle for lack of rnl4iransportatjon or Rood public roads to

i Kourage their cultivation




Taking Lydia E PinkhamsVegetable Compound

Sabattus ralncYou told mo totako Lydia E Pinkhama Vegetable

compound andLiver Pills beforechildbirth and wearo all surprised toseo how much good

llhysiclan ¬

doubt it was thoCompound thathelped1 you Ithank you for your

advlslnffmenermlssTon to use

my name in your testimonials MrsII W MITCHELL Box 3 Sabattus Me

Another Woman HelpedpassingthroughthoCluangeoffrom nervousness and other annoying

VegetableCompound ¬

strength and proved worth mountainsof gold to me For the sake of othersuffering women I arn willing youshould publish my letterMrsCILVIILICS BARCLAY RFD Granite ¬

ville Vt-Women who aro passing through

this critical period or who are suffer-ing from any of those distressing illspeculiar to their sex should not losesight of the fact that for thirty yearsLydia E Plnkhams Vegetable Com ¬

pound which is made from roots andherbs has been the standard remedyfor female ills In almost every com ¬

munit will find women whohave been restored to health by LydiaT T > nlchams Vegetable Compound


In Brittany Matrimonial CandidatesAre Herded Together and Mar¬

red In a Bunch

Over in France they have a wayof getting rid of all the undesirablefeatures which in the United Statesgo with getting married They havethe scheme in operation in Brittany-

In Brittany they do away with thebest man and bridesmaids and ushersand other such impedimenta strewn Inthe path of the American celebrantsof the matrimonial ceremony Eventhe dressmaker and the milliner andtho florist uro given the laugh Theirgoods arent needed The caterer istho only tradesman who profits

About the middle of January everyyear there is a general round up ofall the men and women who havebeen engaged within tho twelve ¬

month They are herded together Inone place and on the appointed morn ¬

ing along comes the priest and mar ¬

rios them in a bunch No fuss nofeathers no Lohengrin or RobinHood stuff no ushers or bridesmaidsto carry away your stickpins and yourbrooches And everyone wears thenational costume simple In construc ¬

tion though gaudyThere were 27 couples married at

Plougastel January 11 54 people 61count them Among the 54 wereonly four names Everyone marriedwas a Legall a Jeseuquel a Thomasor a Kazeneuff Fifteen of the brideswere named Marie and three werenamed Marie Legall

The caterer got his rake off fromthe barbecue which followed the cere-mony He served 27 sheep and sixcows at the wedding breakfast

Its The Worlds BestNo one hits ever made H salve oint

iient or balm to compare with ItuckleuiArnica Salve Its the one perfect he tieroff Cuts Corns Burns Bruises SoresjcnUK Boils Ulcers Eczema Stilt

vhtMun For Sore Eyes Ctld SoresChapped Hand or Sprains its supremeiifliilllble for Piles Only25 at SeversDrug Co

Another Panacea

A physician of some note has Justannounced another panacea for all thoills humanity Is heir to It consistssimply of sunshine It must howeverfall upon the bare skin Among thoafflictions which it is said to havocured by this means are tubercular ulcorations skin diseases old cuts andsores and obesity An abdomentriple plated with adipose tissue willmelt like snow under the caresses ofthe sun it Is declared To tako asun bath the doctor explains It suf-

fIces simply to stretch ones self com¬

pletely unclothed In tho direct raysof tho sun taking care always to pro ¬

tect tho head and above all tho backof tho neck There must bo no inter ¬

mediary between the skin and thesunlight for the chemical power ofthe solar rays Is completely nullifiedby clothing and by glass Tho inclina-tion


of the rays is also importantwhen they fall perpendicularly theiraction is much greater oblique raysglance on tho contrary from the surfaco of tho skin and are without ef¬




Please do n9t askls to publish cardof thanks resolutions or obituaries free



Pliny Tell of the Adulterations Praotiled In Ancient RomeWine

Often Were Doctored

So much Is heard of pure food lawsand food adulteration these days thatone Is prone to assume that the abusein question Isa result of modern con¬

dltlons of trade and competition Suchhowever is not the case for the Greeksand Romans complained as bitterlyas the man of today of the adultera ¬

tion of their foodIn Pliny is found an account Rotting

forth how the bakers of Rome worewont to mix with their dough a whiteearth soft to the touch and sweet tothe taste thus turning out a foodstuffthat had weight and fine appearancebut little food value

Pliny also touches upon wine adul ¬

teratlon He assures us that not eventhe rich Roman noble could be surethat the wine he purchased was pureMoreover the famous wines of Falerno were doctored and wines from Gaulgenerally esteemed to bo the bestwere as a matter of fact artificiallycolored by aloes and other drugsI

Much complaint was made in Athenstouching wine adulteration so that intime it became necessary to appointspecial inspectors with a view to putting an end to the evil

There was one wine merchantnamed Canthare who was so skillfulIn the matter of adulteration that hisname actually became a synonym forthe expression clover deceit Canhares long suit was in Imparting thoflavors of old ago to new wine

And so on Throughout Europefrom the tenth century onward arofound numerous Instances of foodadulteration in general practise bybakers brewers vintners etc Thotricks of the trade were originatedmore than 1000 years ago

Reaching The Topiti any calling of life demands a vigor-

ous body and a keen brain Withouthealth there is no success limit ElectricBitters is the greitert Health Builderthe world has ever known It compelsperfect action of stomach liver kidnavsbowels purifies and enriches the bloodtones and invigorates time whole systemand enables you to stand the wear anatear of your dally work After monthsof suffering from kidneytrouhle writ ¬

es W M Sherman of dishing Methree bottles of electric Bitters made

me feel like a new man II fOe at SeversDrug Co

Paint Made of SmokeTake a small quantity of Pittsburg

air wash thoroughly and turn looseI

again advises a writer in SuccessMagazine Strain the wash water andadd certain ingredients which a Penn ¬

sylvania man claims to know aboutThe result Is a paint which Is said tobe durable and cheap and especiallyadapted to tin roofs and iron wdrkThe same air maybe recaptured andused again but the smoke is ruinedforeverThesystem is said to be in success ¬

ful operation in a Pennsylvania fac-tory


where the smoke is passedthrough an atomizing spray Six tonsof coal of the nice smudgy kind willif properly treated yield five barrelsof paint besides doing its regularwork

An Interesting possibility in this dis ¬

covery is a byproduct in the way ofsweet smelling fresh laundered airexcellent for breathing and unexcelledfor hanging clothes in

A Double Advantage-It rarely happens In everyday life

that any one lids tho privilege of test ¬

ing the old adage of killing twobirds with one stone so thoroughlyas the hero of the following anecdoteCharles Godfrey Leland is responsiblefor it

I once knew a gentleman namedStewart ho wrote While campingout en route and In a tent with himit chanced that among the other gen-


who had tented with us therewere two terrible snorers

Now Mr Stowart had heard thatyou may stop a mans snoring bywhistling and here was a wonderfulopportunity SoI waited until oneman was coming down with his snorediminuendo and the other was risingcrescendo and at the exact point ofintersection moderato I blew my carwhistle and so got both birds at oneshot I stopped them bothYouthsCompanion

Regulates the bowels promotes easynatural movements cures constipation

Doanks Rugulets Ask your druggistfor them 25c a box

Women In the Wrong PlaceThe anomaly of this island the

center of the British empire crowdedto overflowing while millions of acresof the richest land in One climates lieundeveloped has at last struck thenational imagination We cannotopen a paper without seeing articlesabout the wheat fields of Canada thofruit farms of British Columbia orRhodesia tho offers of work for Brit-Ish


men and women in Australia NewZealand and last but not least SouthAfrica But in large movements ofgerry kind it is exceedingly difficultto preserve the regular oven progres ¬

sion of parts Some portions of themass will always move slower othersfaster han tho rest thereby causingu distortion and dislocation of thewhole That section of tho communityknown as the betterclass woman haslagged behind the rest and by herscarcity in the one place and hot su ¬

perfluity in the other is creating adanger to society London Times

> > Ik riII

Louisville Henderson St Louis RyTIME TABLE

Corrected to May 1 1910

E I 145 I H6 I I 144 I Ills

El DallyI DailyI IISTATIO5 ELIi Dally Daty

9 24 40pm tI iOam LvLOUIiVILL6Ar 7 barn 12 60 Pili 7 40W14 to STHAWUJoUUy 1I2 aJ hlUtlUU1 t1 Jr5 00 t9 09 MEUOKA fb a2 fl2 13 tT 08

Y f5 11 f9 14 STITEH fll3ll 1217 t111L hf5 17 huIAll1HYN mfJ2 em

10 01 521 B 21 WEST POINT 0291o1 iss 4f523 fll3 HOWARD fll8ini fu o4f3 31 380 HAUTLE3 til 50 to 4u JJf3 37 III 34 ROCK HAVKN tit 45 fu 41Mf5 43 W 40 LONG BRANCH fll 37 ru 3i I

5 53 949 t+ RANDENnU1U11 J 62b 59 tO 50 010UUSTUN0 03 UO 0 < l I13I IRVING TON It 41 11 05 e01 jI Whn IEHn tin fr f3 42

le 39 flO 27 LODIilUltU t048 f551 t

i fHO MYSTIC tie 4tI mi51 flO 37 SAMPLE til 87 fa a

0 58 10 44 STEPHENSlORT 1027 614 Ji f702 MO 48 ADUIdUN flOKJ f510 t

f704 flu 50 HOLT flO 10 f1 OS

0 ft tn 11 Stt 715 11 00 ULOVERlORT 4 57 1007 4 57i 815 1


t 12 f12d SKtLLMAN i r9 63 f8odtfa1 Il 45 7 37 1118 IIAWESVILLE 438 1143 4 15f t021 f745 IElIUE to 31 3J t1 4-

3fuai 11 50 c ADAIR 1932 1737 IfO 40 r 7 59 fll 37 LEWIHPORT 923 1417 7 SJ-o

r4S fa 05 WAITilAN III 17 t1

o 53 a 14 fll 40 MAOEO 9 U9 t4 I ristt7 03 f8 24 PVlES to6 t7 01

113 i235ini T351 isibpnj O vnn 811iif 150-

tl1845 345 NI 656t40 CONWAY

127 f8 41 w MATT1NULY t8 SU f641tt13L H 53 GHI1 IITllr fSrj7 M f8 57 f2 27 STANLV 18 Si f3 28 B 3i t

f7 40 f9 03 NEWMAN to 15 ftl Sa7 1u Ifl 10 REED 1807 f03t <

fl63 f0 10 HEALS rs 01 10 ie t7 58 IlIB SlOTTSVILLE 7 53 f3 11 tl131J8 40 f9 21 MASKETT 7 52 13 07II 23 1 30 P 42 1 05 HENDERSON 300 739 a 55 5 66pmt a

1 5S 10 15 1341 s EVANSVILLE Is S3 710 am 230t74Oam14opm ST LOUIS 900pm 8 34 amUS

f Stops on Signal Where no time shown trains IX xOTsroPVTrains 143 and 146 curry free reclining chair carsLouis Pullman Local sleeper between Louisville and Evansville Through Pullman sleeper between Louisville and St Louis A

No 141 will stop at stations west of Cloverport to discharge passengers fromoast of Cloverport

No 144 will stop at stations east of Cloverport to discharge passengers fromswest of CloverportIIo

Hartford LineWest Bound Between Irvington and Fordsville Hast Boundti

Second Class 1st Plus 1st Class Second Cleud9 i 113 112 10nMixed Mixed Passen STATIONSM-7

Sed MlzedtcDully ox Dally ex ger ser Dally ex Daily erwSundav Sunday Dally Dully Sunday Sunday m-

645pm 5 30am 11 lOam Lv Irvington Ar 10 Warn 4 15pm 11 Opm hJ-

f655 5 40 Ell 10 Basin Spring f9 54 f320 10 60 C

170D 555 sll35 Garfield sD38s2 57 10 30 Itf720 607 f1146 Horned f9 20 f237 1015pIs723 019 s114U Junction s922s2258731 610 Il54fm HardlnsburgsD 17s210 w

s741 027 1201pm Junction S911s200f 1010h1f750 637 fl208 Kirk 19 03 145 1001m757 0 45 f2 15 McQuady 18 fO f120 9 54s8 m0 0 59 s2 27 Glendeane s845s100 m5810 701 81236 Dempster o836s124S 9 43 th-

i8 24 7 13 f2 40 Rockvale f8 33 912 40 9 36 Pt18300 719 f245 Vanzant fS27 f1232 931en1250 Asklns f824thi842foB 49 7 36 si PUI EImltchsb 15 s2 05 9 158 s5pm 75U Fordsville 1201pm 9 10

J 30 EARLINGTON 5 45 g OJcoBOUNDWEST Between Dempster and FallsofRou2h 11


secondi tiSecond bIrst loirstTIME TABLEFirst HIrFtClass Class

IClassI31 27 25 Into effect Sunday JunoCaMixedcolriEWednthyand and i> idy innOnlyt0T1215p ml2SOum S4Oam DEdPSTER 835am li33pmnI 1 npm t0-

IOSp m1256pmI I 900am FALLS OK ROUGH a15am 11213pn IQipmTtTb

Real Estate Department iforgalImay just you you are interest-


tain any of tIe1 following proprieties write us at once for owners Jon

name and address If none of these places suit you write us at once votelling us what you want and where you want It and letamus introduce you to the man who has the very property youotare looking for grc

We recommend the following properties as being productivenghUIand fair in price1


Do You Want to Sell your farm or business If you but

want cash for your property send price and description at oncerlvand let us show you how we bring buyer and seller togetherff

This department is conducted solely for the purpose of enablingActbuyers and sellers of farms or business proprieties to make quick alesoT1

Jno D Babbage

950 07 acres 3M miles north of Hardinsuurc neur the Brandenburg

road Well watered plenty of timber forImprovements Double Log house smallstable Good rich lundIfine for Barley tobacco Terms further Intormatlon prlto Jno D Uabbago Cloverport Ky

140 aerie 2 miles from Guston3 r 300 S miles from wellwatered lays well good young orchard goodtimber on rural routesc moollousofewyardsIron house Improvements i good four roomdwelling kitchen on back porch twogood barns barn and tenenthouse andcistern back In tutu field most and hen housewood shed will sell on easy payments plenty-of small fruit Further particulars addressJab D nabbago Oloverport Ky

2 nOO For 160 acres four miles west oftp fjwu Qloudcane 3 miles from brunchrailroad nil fresh land 100 acres In cultiva-tion


50 acres In grass will produce the bestneighborhoodlonty ¬

mug log dwelling V rooms and side roomood stable 3 tobacco burns 3 tenant housestent good timber for farm purposes I

good land to clear 1rlco 2000 3H cash

Limited VisionThoro was a man oncea poet Ho

went wandering through tho streetsof the city and ho met a disciple

Como out with mo said the poetfor a walk in the sand dunes And

they went But ere they had prog ¬

ressed many stages said the discipleThere Js nothing here but sand To

what did I invite youasked thepoet To walk in the sand dunesThen do not complain said the poetYet even so your words aro untrue

There Isavon above Do you notsee It The fault la not heavens northe sands MatTtenMaart M


TFOR SALEStorm house and dwelling con cou

corner First and Ulgh Streetswholelength 1orexchangeAvenueWellandallyeL5wttltarnllone ipeachtreesmoatallnicevlnyardbalance In woods 125 acres In grass I sever A tadthewEroOtbeon L H Is 15000long andea yLpaymentsprlc2 urbaC1FOR SALE A splendid stand for a drug LaneSEphysician In a good town surrounded uOWBItheplaceInto a good practlco and a Rood drug businessbetisIquitularsport KvLoldCloycu1uey

sadof b-

rmlms nssethemIS

Electric slasethenof


PreFgi5vrJInDrweaknessesWhoremedyrouFORKanySTOMACH1ROUBLE l

It iiiToverfcu