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Environmental Best Practices

Costa Navarino ECO e-brochure ENG.PDF

Jan 26, 2017



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Environmental Best Practices

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At the heart of our business philosophy lies a strong commitment to environmental and social responsibility, aiming at a sustainable tourism development in harmony with the natural environment and local communities of Messinia.

TEMES adheres to strict environmental management guidelines, having environmental protection as a top priority at Costa Navarino from construction through to operation.

The building footprint at Costa Navarino will be less than half of the percentage permitted, while more than 90% of the total land area will be dedicated to indigenous and planted greenery.

Our facilities at Navarino Dunes, the first Costa Navarino development, are in the process of obtaining Environmental Certification according to ISO 14001.

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The design of Navarino Dunes is based on the principles of bioclimatic architecture and is fully aligned with the region’s traditional architectural patterns in terms of form, volume and scale, safeguarding the integrity of the local landscape, horizon and ridgeline.

Special design features include:

• free-standingopenroofs• over5,000m²ofplantedroofs• optimaluseofsunlightthrough orientation of buildings, landscaping, artificial and natural shading• externalwallinsulationsystemthat

wraps the building in a thermally resistant envelope• artificialpondsthatimprove thelocalmicro-climate.

Navarino Dunes Bioclimatic Architecture

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Envisioning a balanced synthesis of architecture and landscape, the majority of buildings at Navarino Baywillbeearth-sheltered,fullyintegrated into the natural contours of the land.

The amphitheatrically arranged facilities will have “living roofs” planted with native vegetation to enhance biodiversity and habitat creation.

Building design and orientation will optimize the use of natural elements, leading to an overall reduction of energy consumption.

Navarino Bay The First Earth-Sheltered Mixed-Use Resort in Europe

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Messinia is a region with one of the highest biodiversity levels in Europe.

The preservation of this biodiversity and the protection of the important habitats, in the vicinity of Costa Navarino, is a key element of the development.

Preserving the Landscape and Biodiversity of Messinia

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The Biggest Olive-Tree Transplanting Program in Europe

TEMES has embarked on a challenging program to uproot olive and other trees and temporarily plant them in a specially prepared reception area.

As construction progresses, these trees are replanted in their final locationon-site,inanefforttopreserve what has been part of the landscape for hundreds of years.

With a success rate so far approaching 100%, upon program completion at least 16,000 olive trees and more than

8,000 citrus and other trees will have been replanted. Additionally, in the first phase of the Costa Navarino development, at Navarino Dunes, TEMES has planted approximately6,000newindigenoustrees and 200,000 endemic shrubs ofdifferentspecies.

With this tree planting program, TEMES has joined the Billion Tree Campaign coordinated by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

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Gialova lagoon is home to a unique and diverse birdpopulationcomprising271differentspecies.

TEMESisfundinganextensiveresearchprogramonthelagoon’savifauna,includingfull-yearmonitoring and recording of bird populations, species identification, mapping of important habitats, as well as design and implementation of habitat protection strategies.

The program is being run by the Hellenic Ornithological Society (the Greek partner of BirdLife International).

271 Species of Birds, Many Rare

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TEMES is sponsoring a pioneering program to protect the habitat of the only European population of the African chameleon in Gialova lagoon.

The program, managed by the Hellenic Ornithological Society (the Greek partner of BirdLife International) includes nest recording and protection, monitoring of the hatching process, transportation of the hatchlings to nearby shrubs, population recording and campaigns to raise public awareness about this fascinating species.

Preserving Caretta Caretta The Only Population of the African Chameleon in Europe

TEMEShaslaunchedanextensivemonitoring and protection program for the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) in cooperation with Archelon, the Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece. The program annually records the Caretta caretta population while mapping, monitoring and protecting the nests using GPS technology.

A detailed action plan ensures that eggs and hatchlings are protected until their final journey to the sea.The lighting of facilities close to the beach has been specially designed (low intensity lights with special covers), while peripheral planting of selected shrubs provides a natural light barrier in order to mitigate any disturbance of the sea turtles that could discourage females from nesting or cause hatchlings to become disoriented.

TEMES, in cooperation with the Hellenic Ornithological Society (the Greek partner of BirdLife International), has initiated an ambitious project to upgrade the river Sellas wetlands by removing thenon-nativereedbedsthatburdenthe river’s ecosystem, planting indigenous trees such as Platanus orientalisandSalixalbaandseedingnative plants to enrich the local flora.

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Sustainable Water Management

Committed to the sustainable use of water resources, TEMES has conductedanextensivewaterresource management study for the area of western Messinia.

The purpose of this study was to:

• identifythearea’savailablewaterresources

• exploretheimpactofclimatechange on the quality and

availability of water resources • designasustainablewater management system for Costa Navarino which will use only water that is naturally replaced• providedetailedhydro-geological

data to local authorities, so that they can develop a sustainable water management system at

a regional level.

As a result of this study, the irrigation needs of Costa Navarino, including the golf courses, will be met by water fromtworeservoirsofapproximatetotal capacity 700,000 m³, specifically designed and constructed by TEMES for this purpose.

The reservoirs, fully integrated into the surrounding landscape, are filled during the winter months by utilizing only a very small percentage (approximately2%)oftheexcessrunofffromthelocalrivers,justbefore flowing into the sea.

This water, together with highly treated recycled water from our wastewater treatment plant, is more than enough to cover the irrigation needs of Costa Navarino for the whole season.

Additionally,aseriesofwater-savingmeasures are being applied, based on best available practices that focus on consumption monitoring (e.g. leak control, improved efficiency), including educational programs for visitors.

The quantity and quality of underground and surface water is continuously monitored using state-of-the-arttechnology,throughanextensivenetworkofmonitoringstations and sampling points.

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Reducing Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions

TEMES plans to invest in the development of a 22 MW photovoltaic system, under permit from the Greek Regulatory Authority for Energy.

The system, which will be connected to the national grid, will have the capacity to produce enough renewable energy to fully cover the electricity needs of Costa Navarino and feed back to the grid the surplus energy produced, contributing to the national effortforgreenerenergyproduction.

By installing the biggest geothermal system of its kind in Europe with 123 km of underground pipes – the first on such a large scale worldwide to be placed underneath a golf course – TEMES will achieve significant reductions in energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

Advanced materials and systems are installed in the buildings of Costa Navarino to further reduce energy consumption.

These include:

• energy-efficientwindowpanes• high-quality,externalwall insulation system that significantly reduces energy losses by wrapping the building in a thermally resistant envelope• energy-efficientlighting• electroniclightingballasts• centrallightingcontrolsystems• centralBuildingManagement

System (BMS).

The energy consumption from the operation of the resort is monitored and recorded according to ISO 14064, using advanced electronic measuring systems. The comparative analysis of the results will reveal possibilities for further reduction of our carbon footprint, so that we can continuously improve our performance.

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Waste Reduction, Reuse and Recycling

The integrated solid and liquid waste management system of Costa Navarino is based on waste reduction, reuse and recycling.In cooperation with hotel operators, anextensiverecyclingprogramforpaper, plastics, glass, used oil, batteries and organic waste will be set in motion, resulting in a significant reduction of the waste ending up in landfills.

Part of the waste management system involves the operation ofalarge-scalewastewater-treatment facility within the premises of Costa Navarino.

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Environmental Best Practices on the Green

At the forefront of sustainable golf course management, TEMES has applied a series of environmental practices:

• thecourseshavebeenplantedwith a special type of grass that requiresapproximately30%lesswater than average varieties

• asnotedpreviously,thecoursesare irrigated from two constructed water reservoirs, while a

significant proportion of their irrigation needs is met by highly treated wastewater from our own facility

• TEMEShasinstalleda sophisticated electronic system for course irrigation, which utilizes climatic data from weather-monitoringstations, installed on the courses, to

calculate the optimum amount of water required for irrigation, resulting in significant savings

• organicfertilizerswillbeusedinall green areas, including the golf courses, to reduce the chemicals entering the soil

• anintegratedpestmanagementsystem,basedonanextensivemonitoring program and proven practices, will minimize the use of pesticides.

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The Bert Bolin Centre for Climate Research of Stockholm University, the Centre of Environmental Health and Biophysics of the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens and TEMES have joined forces to establish an environmental research station at Costa Navarino.

The Navarino Environmental Observatory (N.E.O.) is dedicated to the study of climate change and its impacts on the natural environment and human activities in the Mediterranean region.

Our vision sees N.E.O. becoming a dynamic hub for environmental research, where scientists from all over the world can meet to exchangeknow-howanddevelopnew research ideas.

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The Bert Bolin Centre for Climate Research of Stockholm University together with the Academy of Athens, the Hellenic Ornithological Society (the Greek partner of BirdLife International) and the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association (HELMEPA) will operate theNavarinoNaturaHallexhibitioncenter of Costa Navarino in 2011.

The center will combine modern, interactive technologies, slide shows and films about the local habitats withon-lineupdatesoncurrentNavarino Environmental Observatory projects and information about how the research is carried out.

The purpose of the center is to inform visitors and locals about the uniqueness and beauty of Messinia’s natural habitats.

At the Navarino Natura Hall, visitors will learn more about environmental issues and the significant contribution that each one of us can make to the greening of our planet through small changes in our everyday life.

The center will also run special programs for children, providing afunlearningexperiencethrough games.



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