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Corporate Culture and Leadership

Nov 04, 2015




Culture Leadership
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  • 5/18/2018 Corporate Culture and Leadership



    Corporate CultureCorporate Culture

    and Leadershipand Leadership



  • 5/18/2018 Corporate Culture and Leadership



    Chapter RoadmapChapter Roadmap

    Building a Corporate Culture that Promotes Good StrategyExecution What to Look for in Identifying a Companys Culture

    Culture !lly or "#stacle to Strategy Execution$

    %ypes of Cultures

    Creating a Strong &it Bet'een Strategy and Culture

    Grounding the Culture in Core (alues and Ethics

    Esta#lishing a Strategy)Culture &it in *ultinational Companies

    Leading the Strategy Execution Process

    Staying on %op of +o' Well %hings !re Going Pushing Company to !chie,e Good -esults

    .eeping Internal "rgani/ation &ocused on "perating Excellence

    Exercising Ethics Leadership

    *aking Correcti,e !d0ustments

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    The Defning CharacteristicsThe Defning Characteristicso a Companys Cultureo a Companys Culture

    Its core values, beliefs, and business principles

    Patterns of how we do things around hereits style ofoperating and ingrained behaviors of copany personnel

    !ft-told stories illustrating copany"s values

    Its approach to people anageent

    #thical standards

    Internal politics


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    Features o the CorporateFeatures o the CorporateCulture at Wal-MartCulture at Wal-Mart

    &edication to custoer satisfaction

    'ealous pursuit of low costs

    (rugal operating practices

    )trong wor* ethic

    +itualistic )aturday orning eetings

    #ecutive coitent to

    isit stores

    .isten to custoers

    )olicit eployees" suggestions

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    Features o the CorporateFeatures o the CorporateCulture at NordstromsCulture at Nordstroms

    &eliver eceptional custoer service to custoers

    0opany otto

    +espond to nreasonable

    0ustoer +euests

    !ut-of-the-ordinary custoer reuests

    viewed as opportunities for heroic acts

    Prootions based on outstanding service

    )alaries based entirely on coission

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    Features o the CorporateFeatures o the CorporateCulture at MicrosotCulture at Microsot

    .ong wor* hours of prograers

    #otional pea*s and valleys in

    encountering and overcoing coding probles

    #hilaration of copleting a cople progra onschedule

    )atisfaction of wor*ing on cutting-edge pro4ects

    +ewards of being part of a tea responsiblefor a popular new software progra

    $radition of copeting aggressively

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    What to Loo or inWhat to Loo or in!dentiying Corporate Culture!dentiying Corporate Culture

    6 companys cultureis manifestedin 7 7 7 alues, beliefs, and business principles

    anageent preaches and practices

    !fficial policies and procedures

    Its revered traditions and oft-repeated stories

    6ttitudes and behaviors of eployees

    Peer pressures that eist to display core values

    Its politics

    6pproaches to people anageent and proble solving

    Its relationships with eternal sta*eholders

    0heistry and personality pereating wor* environent

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    Where Does CorporateWhere Does CorporateCulture Come From"Culture Come From"

    (ounder or early leader

    Influential individual or wor* group

    Policies, vision, or strategies

    $raditions, supervisory practices,eployee attitudes

    $he peer pressures that eist

    !rgani9ational politics +elationships with sta*eholders

    0opany"s approach to people anageent

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    #o$ !s a Companys#o$ !s a CompanysCulture %erpetuated"Culture %erpetuated"

    )electing new eployees who will fit in

    )ysteatic indoctrination of new eployees

    )enior anageent efforts to reinforce core values,

    beliefs, principles, *ey operating practices

    )tory-telling of copany legends

    0ereonies honoring eployees

    who display cultural ideals

    isibly rewarding thosewho follow cultural nors

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    Forces and FactorsForces and FactorsCausing Culture to &'ol'eCausing Culture to &'ol'e

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    Culture( )lly or *+stacleCulture( )lly or *+stacleto ,trategy &ecution"to ,trategy &ecution"

    6 copany"s culture can contribute to> or hinder>successful strategy eecution

    6 culturethat prootesattitudes and

    behaviors that are well-suited to

    first-rate strategy execution is a

    valuable ally in the strategy

    eecution process

    6 culture that ebraces attitudes and

    behaviors which ipede good

    strategy eecution is a huge obstacle

    to be overcoe

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    Why Culture Matters( .eneftsWhy Culture Matters( .eneftso a Tight Culture-,trategy Fito a Tight Culture-,trategy Fit

    6 culture that encourages actions and behaviorssupportiveofgood strategy execution Provides eployees with clear guidance regarding what

    behaviors and results constitute good 4ob perforance

    0reates significant peer pressure aong cowor*ers toconfor to culturally acceptable nors

    6 culture ibedded with valuesand behaviors

    thatfacilitate strategy executionprootes

    strong eployee coitent to the copany"s ision

    Perforance targets


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    *ptimal *utcome o a*ptimal *utcome o aTight Culture-,trategy FitTight Culture-,trategy Fit

    6good jobof culture-buildingby anagers Prootes can-do attitudes

    #ncourages acceptance of change

    Instills strong peer pressure for strategy-supportive


    #nlists enthusias and dedicated effort to achieve

    copany ob4ectives

    Closely aligning corporate culture 'ithClosely aligning corporate culture 'ith

    the re1uirements for proficient strategy executionthe re1uirements for proficient strategy execution

    merits the full attention of senior executi,es2merits the full attention of senior executi,es2

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    The %erils oThe %erils o,trategy-Culture Con/ict,trategy-Culture Con/ict

    0onflicts between culturally-approvedbehaviors and behaviors needed for good

    strategy eecution send ied signals

    Shouldeployees by loyal to the culture and copany

    traditions and resist actions and behaviors prootingbetter strategy eecution?

    Orshould they support the strategy by engaging in

    behaviors that run counter to the culture?

    When a companys culture is out of sync 'ith 'hatWhen a companys culture is out of sync 'ith 'hat

    is needed for strategic success3 the culture has tois needed for strategic success3 the culture has to

    #e changed as rapidly as can #e managed2#e changed as rapidly as can #e managed2

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    Types o CorporateTypes o CorporateCulturesCultures

    Strong vs. Weak Cultures

    4nhealthy Cultures

    !dapti,e Cultures

    Ch i i

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    Characteristics oCharacteristics o,trong Culture Companies,trong Culture Companies

    0onduct business according to a clear, widely-understoodphilosophy

    0onsiderable tie spent by anageent counicating

    and reinforcing values alues are widely shared and deeply rooted

    @ave a well-defined corporate character,

    reinforced by a creed or values stateent 0areful screeningAselection of new

    eployees to be sure they will fit in

    Ch i i

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    Characteristics oCharacteristics oWea Culture CompaniesWea Culture Companies

    .ac* of a widely-shared core set of values

    (ew behavioral nors evident in operating practices

    (ew strong traditions

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    Characteristics oCharacteristics o0nhealthy Cultures0nhealthy Cultures

    @ighly politici9ed internal environent Issues resolved on basis of political clout

    @ostility to change

    6void ris*s and don"t screw up

    #perientation and efforts to

    alter status uo discouraged


    personnel discount need to loo* outside for Cest practices

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    #allmars o#allmars o)dapti'e Cultures)dapti'e Cultures

    Billingness to accept change and ebrace challenge ofintroducing new strategies

    +is*-ta*ing, eperientation, and innovation to satisfy


    #ntrepreneurship is encouragedand rewarded

    (unds provided for new products

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    Dominant TraitsDominant Traitso )dapti'e Cultureso )dapti'e Cultures

    Any changesin operating practices and behaviors

    Must notcoproise core values and long-standing

    business principles

    Must satisfylegitiate interests of *ey sta*eholders






    C ti ,t FitC ti ,t Fit

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    Creating a ,trong FitCreating a ,trong$een ,trategy and$een ,trategy and Culture

    Responsibility of Strategy MakerResponsibility of Strategy Maker>>

    )elect a strategy copatible with the)elect a strategy copatible with the

    sacred or unchangeable parts of organi9ation"ssacred or unchangeable parts of organi9ation"s

    prevailing corporate cultureprevailing corporate culture

    Responsibility of Strategy ImplementerResponsibility of Strategy Implementer>>

    !nce strategy is chosen, change!nce strategy is chosen, changewhatever facets of the corporatewhatever facets of the corporate

    culture hinder effective eecutionculture hinder effective eecution

    Menu o CultureMenu o Culture

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    Menu o Culture-Menu o Culture-Changing )ctionsChanging )ctions

    =a*e a copelling case why a new cultural atosphereis in best interests of both copany and eployees

    0hallenge status uo

    0reate events where eployeesust listen to angry *ey sta*eholders

    0ontinuously repeat essages of why

    cultural change is good for sta*eholders

    isibly praise and reward people

    who display new cultural nors

    M C ltMenu o Culture

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    Menu o Culture-Menu o Culture-Changing )ctionsChanging )ctions (continued)(continued)

    6lter incentive copensation toreward desired cultural behavior

    @ire new anagers and eployees who have

    desired cultural traits and can serve as role odels

    +eplace *ey eecutives strongly

    associated with old culture

    +evise policies and procedures

    to help drive cultural change

    ,ym+olic Culture,ym+olic Culture

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    ,ym+olic Culture-,ym+olic Culture-Changing )ctionsChanging )ctions

    #phasi9e frugality

    #liinate eecutive per*s

    +euire eecutives to spend

    tie tal*ing with custoers

    0ereonial events to praise people and

    teas who get with the progra

    6lter practices identified as cultural hindrances

    isible awards to honor heroes

    ,u+stanti'e Culture,u+stanti'e Culture

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    ,u+stanti'e Culture-,u+stanti'e Culture-Changing )ctionsChanging )ctions

    #ngineer uic* successes to highlightbenefits of proposed cultural changes

    Cring in new blood, replacing

    traditional anagers

    0hange dysfunctional policies

    0hange reward structure

    +eallocate budget, downsi9ing and upsi9ing

    +einforce culture through both word and deed

    #nlist support of cultural nors fro frontline

    supervisors and eployee opinion leaders

    1rounding the Culture in1rounding the Culture in

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    1rounding the Culture in1rounding the Culture inCore 2alues and &thicsCore 2alues and &thics

    6 culture based on ethical principles isvital to long-ter strategic success

    #thics progras help a*e

    ethical conduct a way of life

    #ecutives ust provide genuine support

    of personnel displaying ethical standards

    in conducting the copany"s business

    alue stateents serve as a

    cornerstone for culture-building

    Our ethics


    consists of . . .

    )pproaches to &sta+lishing)pproaches to &sta+lishing

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    )pproaches to &sta+lishing)pproaches to &sta+lishing&thical ,tandards&thical ,tandards

    Bord-of-outh indoctrination and tradition 6nnual reports and Bebsites

    !rientation courses for new eployees

    $raining courses for anagers and eployees

    =a*ing sta*eholders aware of a coitentto ethical business conduct is attributable toDreater anageent understanding of role

    these stateents play in culture building

    +enewed focus on ethical standardssteing fro recent corporate scandals

    Drowing nubers of consuers whoprefer to patroni9e ethical copanies

    !nstilling 2alues and!nstilling 2alues and

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    !nstilling 2alues and!nstilling 2alues and&thics in the Culture&thics in the Culture

    Incorporate values stateent and ethicscode in eployee training progras

    )creen out applicants who do not

    ehibit copatible character traits

    (reuent counications of thevalues and ethics code to all eployees

    =anageent involveent and oversight

    )trong endorseent by 0#! 0ereonies and awards for individuals

    and groups who display the values

    Institute ethics enforceent procedures

    ,tructuring the &thics,tructuring the &thics

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    ggCompliance and &norcementCompliance and &norcement


    &evelop procedures for #nforcing ethical standards and

    @andling potential violations

    )crutini9e attitudes, character, and wor* history of

    prospective eployees #ducate eployees about what is ethical and what is not

    #ncourage eployees to raiseissues with ethical diensions

    #plain how copany values and the ethicscode apply at all levels of a copany

    Insist that copany values and ethicalstandards becoe a way of life

    ,tructuring the &thics,tructuring the &thics

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    ggCompliance and &norcementCompliance and &norcement

    %rocess%rocess (continued)(continued)

    (or an ethics coittee to give guidance on ethicsatters

    6ppoint an ethics officer to head copliance effort

    #stablish an ethics hotlineABeb site eployees can use to

    6nonyously report a possible violation

    Det confidential advice on a

    troubling ethics-related situation

    0onduct an annual ethics auditto easure etent of

    #thical behavior and

    Identify proble areas

    3ey )pproaches to3ey )pproaches to

  • 5/18/2018 Corporate Culture and Leadership


    13 31

    3ey )pproaches to3ey )pproaches to&norcing &thical .eha'ior&norcing &thical .eha'ior

    @ave andatory ethics trainings for eployees

    0onduct an annual audit to assess

    Each managers efforts to

    uphold ethical standards

    !ctions taken #y managersto remedy deficient conduct

    +euire all eployees to sign a stateent annually certifying

    they have coplied with copany"s code of ethics

    !penly encourage eployees to report possible infractions via

    !nonymous calls to a hotline or

    Posting to a special company We# site

    &sta+lishing a ,trategy Culture Fit in&sta+lishing a ,trategy-Culture Fit in

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    13 32

    &sta+lishing a ,trategy-Culture Fit in&sta+lishing a ,trategy-Culture Fit in

    Multinational and 1lo+al CompaniesMultinational and 1lo+al Companies

    Institute training progras to 0ounicate the eaning of core values and

    #plain the case for coon operating

    principles and practices

    &raw on full range of otivational and

    copensation incentives to induce personnel

    to adopt and practice desired behaviors

    6llow soe leeway for certain core values and principles

    to be interpreted and applied soewhat differently, if

    necessary, to accoodate local custos and traditions

    Leadership )cti'ities o theLeadership )cti'ities o the

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    13 33

    Leadership )cti'ities o theLeadership )cti'ities o the,trategy !mplementer,trategy !mplementer

    56 )tay on top of what"s happening76 Put constructive pressure on

    copany to achieve good results

    86 Eeep copany focusedon operating ecellence

    96 .ead developent of stronger core

    copetencies and copetitive capabilities

    :6 #ercise ethics leadership

    ;6 $a*e corrective actions to iprove overall strategic


    Carly Fiorina


    Role 45( ,tay on TopRole 45( ,tay on Top

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    13 3%

    Role 45( ,tay on TopRole 45( ,tay on Topo Whats #appeningo Whats #appening

    &evelop a broad networ* of foral and inforal sourcesof inforation

    $al* with any people at all levels

    Ce an avid practitioner of =CB6

    !bserve situation firsthand

    =onitor operating results regularly

    Det feedbac* fro custoers

    Batch copetitive reactions of rivals

    Role 46( %ut Constructi'e %ressureRole 46( %ut Constructi'e %ressure

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    13 3/

    on Company to )chie'e 1ood Resultson Company to )chie'e 1ood Results

    )uccessful leaders spend tie=obili9ing organi9ational energy behind

    Good strategy execution and

    "perating excellence

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    Role 47( 3eep *rgani8ationRole 47( 3eep *rgani8ation

    Focused on *perating &cellenceFocused on *perating &cellence

    Proote openness to iprovinghow things are done

    )upport averic*s with creative

    ideas to iprove ways of operating

    #nsure rewards for successful chapionsare large and visible

    se all *inds of ad hoc organi9ational fors

    to support eperientation

    se tools of benchar*ing, best practices, reengineering,

    $F=, and )i )iga to focus attention on continuous


    Role 49( %romote ,tronger CoreRole 49( %romote ,tronger Core

  • 5/18/2018 Corporate Culture and Leadership



    Role 49( %romote ,tronger CoreRole 49( %romote ,tronger CoreCompetences and Capa+ilitiesCompetences and Capa+ilities

    $op anageent intervention isreuired to establish better or new

    +esource strengths and copetences

    0opetitive capabilities

    )enior anagers ust lead the effort because

    0opetences reside in cobined

    efforts of different wor* groups and

    departents, thus reuiringcross-functional collaboration

    )tronger copetencies and capabilities

    can lead to a copetitive edge over rivals

    Role 4:( &erciseRole 4:( &ercise

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    Role 4:( &erciseo e : e c se&thics Leadership&thics Leadership

    )et an ecellent eaple in&isplaying ethical behaviors and

    &eonstrating character and personal

    integrity in actions and decisions =a*e it a duty for eployees to

    !bserve ethical codes

    +eport ethical violations

    #ncourage copliance and establish tough

    conseuences for unethical behavior

    Our ethics

    code is . . .

    Role 4;( Lead the %rocess oRole 4;( Lead the %rocess o

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    Role 4;( Lead the %rocess oMaing Correcti'e )d