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CORPORATE COURSE CATALOGCourse+Catalog+2019... · INTRO TO CASSANDRA 3 FOR DEVELOPERS The Cassandra (C*) database is a massively scalable NoSQL database that provides high availability

Feb 02, 2020



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Page 1: CORPORATE COURSE CATALOGCourse+Catalog+2019... · INTRO TO CASSANDRA 3 FOR DEVELOPERS The Cassandra (C*) database is a massively scalable NoSQL database that provides high availability


Page 2: CORPORATE COURSE CATALOGCourse+Catalog+2019... · INTRO TO CASSANDRA 3 FOR DEVELOPERS The Cassandra (C*) database is a massively scalable NoSQL database that provides high availability

Contents BIG DATA AND IOT .................................................................................................................................. 4

INTRO TO CASSANDRA 3 FOR DEVELOPERS ............................................................................ 4

BIG DATA ENGINEERING ON AWS.................................................................................................. 8

INTRODUCTION TO SPARK PROGRAMMING............................................................................... 9

INTERNET OF THINGS ON AWS .................................................................................................... 12

HADOOP-BASED SECURITY AND DATA GOVERNANCE ........................................................ 12

MICROSERVICES, DEVOPS AND CONTAINERIZATION .............................................................. 13

MICROSERVICES DATA ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................... 13

DEVOPS ENGINEERING ................................................................................................................... 17

INTRODUCTION TO KUBERNETES ............................................................................................... 17

INTRODUCTION TO SWAGGER API .............................................................................................. 19

WORKING WITH THE ELK STACK .................................................................................................. 20

CLOUD COMPUTING AND DEVOPS ................................................................................................. 22

ARCHITECTING CLOUD NATIVE APPLICATIONS ...................................................................... 22

PREP FOR AWS SOLUTION ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION ..................................................... 22

DEVOPS FUNDAMENTALS .............................................................................................................. 23

SAASIFY APPLICATIONS IN THE CLOUD .................................................................................... 24

MODERN APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................... 24

DEVOPS AND ITSM ............................................................................................................................ 25

MACHINE LEARNING AND DATA SCIENCE ................................................................................... 27

DATA SCIENCE WITH DEEP LEARNING ...................................................................................... 27

DATA ANALYTICS WITH TABLEAU ................................................................................................ 28

PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND APPLICATION SERVERS ................................................. 30

INTRODUCTION TO PYTHON 3.X .................................................................................................. 30

SQL BEGINNER................................................................................................................................... 30

SQL INTERMEDIATE .......................................................................................................................... 31

INTRODUCTION TO RUBY ............................................................................................................... 31

GROOVY PROGRAMMING ............................................................................................................... 33


FAST TRACK TO JAVA FOR OO DEVELOPERS ......................................................................... 35

INTRODUCTION TO SPRING (INCLUDING MVC/REST, SECURITY, BOOT AND MICROSERVICES) .............................................................................................................................. 36

QUALITY ASSURANCE ......................................................................................................................... 38

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INTRODUCTION TO SOAPUI ........................................................................................................... 38

AGILE TESTING .................................................................................................................................. 40

AUTOMATED SOFTWARE TESTING ............................................................................................. 41

END TO END TESTING WITH SELENIUM & CUCUMBER ......................................................... 42

SCALED AGILE AND IT CERTIFICATIONS ...................................................................................... 44

SAFE® FOR TEAMS ........................................................................................................................... 44

IMPLEMENTING SAFE ....................................................................................................................... 45

AGILE PLANNING & ESTIMATION .................................................................................................. 46

SAFE SCRUM MASTER ..................................................................................................................... 46

SAFE PRODUCT OWNER ................................................................................................................. 48

ITIL FOUNDATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 48

AGILE TESTING .................................................................................................................................. 50

SECURITY ................................................................................................................................................ 52

COMPTIA NETWORK+ ...................................................................................................................... 52

VENDOR SPECIFIC TOOLS ................................................................................................................. 52


JIRA FUNDAMENTALS ...................................................................................................................... 54

Page 4: CORPORATE COURSE CATALOGCourse+Catalog+2019... · INTRO TO CASSANDRA 3 FOR DEVELOPERS The Cassandra (C*) database is a massively scalable NoSQL database that provides high availability



The Cassandra (C*) database is a massively scalable NoSQL database that provides high availability and fault tolerance, as well as linear scalability when adding new nodes to a cluster. It has many powerful capabilities, such as tunable and eventual consistency, that allow it to meet the needs of modern applications, but also introduce a new paradigm for data modeling that many organizations do not have the expertise to use in the best way This course provides an in-depth introduction to using Cassandra and creating good data models with Cassandra. It is technical and comprehensive, with a focus on the practical aspects of working with C*. It introduces all the important concepts needed to understand Cassandra, including enough coverage of internal architecture to make good decisions. It is hands-on, with labs that provide experience in all the important areas. It covers CQL (Cassandra Query Language) in depth, as well as covering the Java API for writing Cassandra clients After taking this course, you will have learned what you need to productively work with Cassandra as well as guidelines for using it in an optimal manner. You'll also understand some of the "anti-patterns" that lead to non-optimal C* data models. You'll be familiar with CQL and with the Java client library and be ready to work on production systems involving Cassandra. Duration: 3 days Prerequisites: Reasonable Java experience for the Java driver labs, some knowledge of databases Objectives:

• Understand the needs that C* addresses • Be familiar with the operation and structure of C* • Be able to install and set up a C* database • Use the C* tools, including cqlsh, nodetool, and ccm (Cassandra Cluster Manager) • Be familiar with the C* architecture, and how a C* cluster is structured • Understand how data is distributed and replicated in a C* cluster • Understand core C* data modeling concepts, and use them to create well-structured

data models • Use data replication and eventual consistency intelligently • Understand and use CQL to create tables and query for data • Know and use the CQL data types (numerical, textual, uuid, etc.) • Understand the various kinds of primary keys available (simple, compound, and

composite primary keys) • Use more advanced capabilities like collections, counters, secondary indexes, CAS

(Compare and Set), static columns, and batches • Be familiar with the Java client API • Use the Java client API to write client programs that work with C* • Build and use dynamic queries with QueryBuilder

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• Understand and use asynchronous queries with the Java API Outline: Cassandra Overview

• Why We Need Cassandra • High level Cassandra Overview • Cassandra Features • Basic Cassandra Installation and Configuration

Cassandra Architecture and CQL Overview

• Cassandra Architecture Overview • Cassandra Clusters and Rings • Data Replication in Cassandra • Cassandra Consistency / Eventual Consistency • Introduction to CQL • Defining Tables with a Single Primary Key • Using cqlsh for Interactive Querying • Selecting and Inserting/Upserting Data with CQL • Data Replication and Distribution • Basic Data Types (including uuid, timeuuid)

Data Modeling and CQL Core Concepts

• Defining a Compound Primary Key o CQL for Compound Primary Keys o Partition Keys and Data Distribution o Clustering Columns o Overview of Internal Data Organization

• Additional Querying Capabilities o Result Ordering - ORDER BY and CLUSTERING ORDER BY o UPDATE and DELETE Queries o Result Filtering, ALLOW FILTERING o Batch Queries

• Data Modeling Guidelines o Denormalization o Data Modeling Workflow o Data Modeling Principles o Primary Key Considerations

• Composite Partition Keys o Defining with CQL o Data Distribution with Composite Partition Key o Overview of Internal Data Organization

Additional CQL Capabilities

• Indexing o Primary/Partition Keys and Pagination with token()

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o Secondary Indexes and Usage Guidelines • Cassandra Counters

o Counter Structure and Definition o Using Counters o Counter Limitations

• Cassandra collections o Collection Structure and Uses o Defining Collections (set, list, and map) o Querying Collections (Including Insert, Update, Delete) o Limitations o Overview of Internal Storage Organization

• Static Column: Overview and Usage • Static Column Guidelines • Materialized View: Overview and Usage • Materialized View Guidelines

Data Consistency In Cassandra

• Overview of Consistency in Cassandra • CAP Theorem • Eventual (Tunable) Consistency in C* - ONE, QUORUM, ALL • Choosing CL ONE • Choosing CL QUORUM • Achieving Immediate Consistency • Using other Consistency Levels • Internal Repair Mechanisms (Read Repair, Hinted Handoff)

Lightweight Transactions (LWT)/ Compare and Set (CAS)

• Overview of Lightweight Transactions • Using LWT, the [applied] Column • IF EXISTS, IF NOT EXISTS, Other IF conditions • Basic CAS Internals • Overhead and Guidelines

Practical Considerations

• Dealing with Write Failure o Unavailable Nodes and Node Failure o Requirements for Write Operations

• Key and Row Caches o Cache Overview o Usage Guidelines

• Multi-Data Center Support o Overview o Replication Factor Configuration o Additional Consistency Levels - LOCAL/EACH QUORUM

• Deletes o CQL for Deletion

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o Tombstones o Usage Guidelines

The Java Client API

• API Overview o Introduction o Architecture and Features

• Connecting to a Cluster o Cluster and Cluster.Builder o Contact Points, Connecting to a Cluster o Session Overview and API o Working with Sessions

• The Query API o Overview o Dynamic Queries, Statement, SimpleStatement o Processing Query Results, ResultSet, Row o PreparedStatement, BoundStatement o Binding Values and Querying with PreparedStatements o CQL to Java Type Mapping o Working with UUIDs o Working with Time/Date Values o Working with Batches of SimpleStatement and PreparedStatement

• Dynamic Queries and QueryBuilder o QueryBuilder Overview and API o Building SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE Queries o Creating WHERE Clauses o Other Query Examples

• Configuring Query Behavior o Setting LIMIT and TTL o Working with Consistency o Using LWT o Working with Driver Policies o Load Balancing Policies - RoundRobinPolicy, DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy o Retry Policies - DefaultRetryPolicy, DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy, Other

Policies o Reconnection Policies

• Asynchronous Querying Overview o Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Querying o Executing Asynchronous Queries o java.util.concurrent.Future o Cassandra ResultSetFuture o Future Result Processing

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BIG DATA ENGINEERING ON AWS This course provides a deep introduction to Big Data stack and HDFS Architecture; Apache Yarn, Data Analytics and Metadata using Hive and Pig. Other AWS Big Data resources include Amazon RedShift and Kinesis, QuickSight and Athena. Duration: 4 Days

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This course introduces the Apache Spark distributed computing engine, and is suitable for developers, data analysts, architects, technical managers, and anyone who needs to use Spark in a hands-on manner. It is based on the Spark 2.x release. The course provides a solid technical introduction to the Spark architecture and how Spark works. It covers the basic building blocks of Spark (e.g. RDDs and the distributed compute engine), as well as higher-level constructs that provide a simpler and more capable interface (e.g. DataSets/DataFrames and Spark SQL). It includes in-depth coverage of Spark SQL, DataFrames, and DataSets, which are now the preferred programming API. This includes exploring possible performance issues and strategies for optimization. The course also covers more advanced capabilities such as the use of Spark Streaming to process streaming data and integrating with the Kafka server. The course is very hands-on, with many labs. Participants will interact with Spark through the Spark shell (for interactive, ad-hoc processing) as well as through programs using the Spark API.

Supported Platforms: Spark 2.1+


• Understand the need for Spark in data processing • Understand the Spark architecture and how it distributes computations to cluster nodes • Be familiar with basic installation / setup / layout of Spark • Use the Spark shell for interactive and ad-hoc operations • Understand RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets), and data partitioning, pipelining, and

computations • Understand/use RDD ops such as map(), filter() and others. • Understand and use Spark SQL and the DataFrame/DataSet API. • Understand DataSet/DataFrame capabilities, including the Catalyst query optimizer and

Tungsten memory/cpu optimizations. • Be familiar with performance issues, and use the DataSet/DataFrame and Spark SQL

for efficient computations • Understand Spark's data caching and use it for efficient data transfer • Write/run standalone Spark programs with the Spark API • Use Spark Streaming / Structured Streaming to process streaming (real-time) data • Ingest streaming data from Kafka, and process via Spark Structured Streaming • Understand performance implications and optimizations when using Spark


Scala Ramp Up

• Scala Introduction, Variables, Data Types, Control Flow

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• The Scala Interpreter • Collections and their Standard Methods (e.g. map()) • Functions, Methods, Function Literals • Class, Object, Trait, case Class

Introduction to Spark

• Overview, Motivations, Spark Systems • Spark Ecosystem • Spark vs. Hadoop • Acquiring and Installing Spark • The Spark Shell, SparkContext

RDDs and Spark Architecture

• RDD Concepts, Lifecycle, Lazy Evaluation • RDD Partitioning and Transformations • Working with RDDs - Creating and Transforming (map, filter, etc.)

Spark SQL, DataFrames, and DataSets

• Overview • SparkSession, Loading/Saving Data, Data Formats (JSON, CSV, Parquet, text ...) • Introducing DataFrames and DataSets (Creation and Schema Inference) • Supported Data Formats (JSON, Text, CSV, Parquet) • Working with the DataFrame (untyped) Query DSL (Column, Filtering, Grouping,

Aggregation) • SQL-based Queries • Working with the DataSet (typed) API • Mapping and Splitting (flatMap(), explode(), and split()) • DataSets vs. DataFrames vs. RDDs

Shuffling Transformations and Performance

• Grouping, Reducing, Joining • Shuffling, Narrow vs. Wide Dependencies, and Performance Implications • Exploring the Catalyst Query Optimizer (explain(), Query Plans, Issues with lambdas) • The Tungsten Optimizer (Binary Format, Cache Awareness, Whole-Stage Code Gen)

Performance Tuning

• Caching - Concepts, Storage Type, Guidelines • Minimizing Shuffling for Increased Performance • Using Broadcast Variables and Accumulators • General Performance Guidelines

Creating Standalone Applications

• Core API, SparkSession.Builder

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• Configuring and Creating a SparkSession • Building and Running Applications - sbt/build.sbt and spark-submit • Application Lifecycle (Driver, Executors, and Tasks) • Cluster Managers (Standalone, YARN, Mesos) • Logging and Debugging

Spark Streaming

• Introduction and Streaming Basics • Spark Streaming (Spark 1.0+)

o DStreams, Receivers, Batching o Stateless Transformation o Windowed Transformation o Stateful Transformation

• Structured Streaming (Spark 2+) o Continuous Applications o Table Paradigm, Result Table o Steps for Structured Streaming o Sources and Sinks

• Consuming Kafka Data o Kafka Overview o Structured Streaming - "kafka" format o Processing the Stream

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This two-day course provides the fundamentals to build and deploy an IoT application to collect, process, and visualize streaming data from devices using AWS IoT.

Duration: 2 Days


This 2-day course provides a solid introduction to Apache Atlas, Apache Ranger and the Atlas/Ranger integration for Data governance, and dynamic classification-based security.

Duration: 2 Days

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While microservices may use containerization, not every containerized application is a microservice. This is an important aspect to understand before we proceed to discuss best practices. Over the four-day course, attendees will learn the fundamentals of Microservices, building applications that scale including monitoring and deployment.

Duration: 4 Days

Objectives: • Microservices Fundamentals • The architecture of a Microservice • Obtaining and Deploying the Docker platform • How to model Microservices • Integrating multiple Microservices • Testing Microservices • Going live • Maintaining healthy Microservices • Microservices Security • Scaling up your Microservices • Serverless


SysAdmins and Developers who wish to develop and deploy Microservices.


Delegates should have some understanding of systems architecture and design. Experience of administering Linux or Windows servers may also be useful. Some basic editing of code will happen during the course, so experience with a language such as Bash, Java, C#, C++,Python, or Ruby would be advantageous.


Microservices Fundamentals • How did we get here • What’s in a name • What is a Microservice Architecture

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• What is a Microservice • Benefits of Microservices • Downsides of Microservices • Use Cases for Microservices

Introducing Docker

• What is a Container • What is Docker • Alternatives to Docker • The Evolution of Containers • Hypervisor Virtual Machines • How containers work • Containers and Microservice Architectures

Getting Started with Docker

• Prerequisites • Installing Docker – Native Linux • Installing Docker – Other Operating Systems • Docker Toolbox • Docker Machine Basics • Running your first Container

Developing a Microservice

• Template Microservice • Docker


• Dockerfile • Instructions and images • FROM • RUN • Building Images • The Build Context • Adding files to an Image • Executing Commands • Specifying an Entrypoint

Docker Port Mapping

• Multi Container Hosting • Automatic Port Mapping • Specific Port Mapping

Deployment Patterns

• Service instance per host • Multiple service instances per host • Service instance per VM

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• Service instance per container Communication Patterns

• API Gateway • Partial Failures • Circuit Breaker

Service Discovery Patterns

• Client Side Discovery • Server Side Discovery • Service Registry • Self Registration • 3rd Party Registration

Data Management Patterns

• Shared Database • Database per Service • Event Driven Architecture • Event Sourcing • Transaction Log Tailing • Database Triggers • Application Events • CQRS

Docker Hub

• What is Docker Hub • Creating an account • Creating a Repository • Markdown Format • Pushing an Image

Integrating Multiple Microservices

• Keep it simple • Avoid Breaking Changes • Sync and Async • Logging • Docker Logging

Microservices Security

• Kerckhoff’s Principle • Shannon’s Maxim • Security through obscurity • General Security Considerations • Middleware Security Considerations • Edge Services Security Considerations • Web & Other Client Security Considerations • People and Process Security Considerations

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REST Interfaces to Microservices

• What is a RESTful Web service? • HTTP verbs • HTTP response codes • Versioning Strategy • Richardson Maturity Model • Example scenario • Key Principles of RESTful Web Services

Other Interfaces to Microservices

• Protocol Buffers • Web Sockets

Asynchronous Requests

• Message Brokers • JMS • AMQP • STOMP • Point to Point • Publish – Subscribe • SQS - SNS, and CloudWatch

Software Development Process

• Speed over Efficiency • Test Your Assumptions • High Freedom, High Responsibility • Conway’s Law • DevOps

o Continuous Integration o Continuous Delivery / Deployment

Deliver Early, Deliver Often • Immutable Infrastructure


• Serverless Overview • Serverless Application Architectures • Introduction to DynamoDB • Introduction to AWS Lambda • API Gateway Concepts • What are Static Sites

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DEVOPS ENGINEERING DevOps on Cloud with AWS, App deployment and scalable app architectures. Tools include Git Version Control, Jenkins continuous deployment pipeline, Docker containerization, Ansible Nagios, AWS Code Commit, Code Deploy and other Cloud based continuous delivery and continuous deployment tools, container management platform Kubernetes for application infrastructure. Introduction to configuration management concepts and software options, getting Started with Ansible which covers everything from Ansible components to writing and debugging playbooks in YAML, and managing Ansible Infrastructure.

Duration: 4 Days

INTRODUCTION TO KUBERNETES Audience: Developers and system administrators who want to get started with Kubernetes and gain more skills. Duration: 3 Days Objectives: • Kubernetes architecture • Deployment • How to access the cluster • Secrets and ConfigMaps

Outline Core Concepts

• Understand the Kubernetes API primitives. • Understand the Kubernetes cluster architecture. • Understand Services and other network primitives.


• Use label selectors to schedule Pods. • Understand the role of DaemonSets. • Understand how resource limits can affect Pod scheduling. • Understand how to run multiple schedulers and how to configure Pods to use them. • Manually schedule a pod without a scheduler. • Display scheduler events. • Know how to configure the Kubernetes scheduler.

Application Lifecycle Management

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• Understand Deployments and how to perform rolling updates and rollbacks. • Know various ways to configure applications. • Know how to scale applications. • Understand the primitives necessary to create a self-healing application.


• Understand how to monitor all cluster components. • Understand how to monitor applications. • Manage cluster component logs. • Manage application logs.

Cluster Maintenance

• Understand Kubernetes cluster upgrade process. • Facilitate operating system upgrades. • Implement backup and restore methodologies.


• Know how to configure authentication and authorization. • Understand Kubernetes security primitives. • Know to configure network policies. • Create and manage TLS certificates for cluster components. • Work with images securely. • Define security contexts. • Secure persistent key value store. • Work with role-based access control.


• Understand persistent volumes and know how to create them. • Understand access modes for volumes. • Understand persistent volume claims primitive. • Understand Kubernetes storage objects. • Know how to configure applications with persistent storage.


• Troubleshoot application failure. • Troubleshoot control plane failure. • Troubleshoot worker node failure. • Troubleshoot networking.


• Understand the networking configuration on the cluster nodes. • Understand Pod networking concepts. • Understand service networking. • Deploy and configure network load balancer. • Know how to use Ingress rules. • Know how to configure and use the cluster DNS. • Understand CNI.

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Installation, Configuration & Validation • Design a Kubernetes cluster. • Install Kubernetes masters and nodes, including the use of TLS bootstrapping. • Configure secure cluster communications. • Configure a Highly-Available Kubernetes cluster. • Know where to get the Kubernetes release binaries. • Provision underlying infrastructure to deploy a Kubernetes cluster. • Choose a network solution. • Choose your Kubernetes infrastructure configuration. • Run end-to-end tests on your cluster. • Analyze end-to-end tests results. • Run Node end-to-end tests.

Configuration for Applications

• Understand ConfigMaps • Understand SecurityContexts • Define an application’s resource requirements • Create & consume Secrets • Understand ServiceAccounts

Multi-Container Pods

• Understand Multi-Container Pod design patterns (e .g. ambassador, adapter, sidecare)

Pod Design

• Understand Deployments and how to perform rolling updates • Understand Deployments and how to perform rollbacks • Understand Jobs and CronJobs

State Persistence

• Understand PersistentVolumeClaims for storage Observability

• Understand LivenessProbes and ReadinessProbes • Understand container logging • Understand how to monitor applications in Kubernetes • Understand debugging in Kubernetes

Services & Networking

• Understand Services • Demonstrate basic understanding of NetworkPolicies

INTRODUCTION TO SWAGGER API This course is a one-day hands on class that explores the Swagger/Open API specification, SwaggerHub and third party tooling that architects, business users, developers and devops are

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employing when creating APIs. The course exposes attendees to real world use of Swagger/OpenAPI documentation and its impacts on designing, collaborating, developing and releasing APIs. Objectives:

• Fast ramp up to get the most out of using Swagger and SwaggerHub • Understanding of the specification • Use the specification to modify, develop, package and govern APIs


• Hands on examination of the Swagger / OpenAPI specification • Creating Swagger/OpenAPI documents via Swagger Editor and Third party solutions. • Overview of SwaggerHub collaboration, versioning and code generation features. • Detailed walkthrough of API development using top-down and bottom-up approaches via

Swagger/OpenAPI documents. • Creation of API Testing using Swagger/OpenAPI documents. • Integration of Swagger into CI pipeline

• Generation of API Proxies inside AWS Gateway and WSO2 API Manager using Swagger/OpenAPI documents.

WORKING WITH THE ELK STACK The course is designed for attendees to learn the Overview of Elasticsearch with Kibana; Elasticsearch, Lucene, and Splunk, Installing and Running Elasticsearch and Kibana; Loading and Mapping data into Elasticsearch; Querying data using Kibana; Intermediate Elasticsearch, Deeper into how Elasticsearch Works, Indexing and Analysis Configuration, Using the Elasticsearch APIs with Python, Log Ingest Architectures, Installing and configuring Logstash, Building Simple Logstash Pipelines, Adding data Parsing and Enhancements.

Audience: Software Developer

Duration: 3 Days


• Describe the advantages of using Elasticsearch • Describe at a high-level the architecture and key elements used within Elasticsearch • Perform searches and analysis using Kibana. • Describe how indexing and search is performed by Elasticsearch • Configure indexing and search parameters • Query Elasticsearch using the HTTP APIs • Describe various possible logging ingestion solutions and options • Ingest data using Logstash

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• Construct data pipelines in Logstash and query log data from Kibana.


Foundations • Overview of Elasticsearch with Kibana • Elasticsearch, Lucene, and Splunk • Installing and Running Elasticsearch and Kibana • Loading and Mapping data into Elasticsearch • Querying data using Kibana

Intermediate Elasticsearch

• Deeper into how Elasticsearch Works • Indexing and Analysis Configuration • Using the Elasticsearch APIs with Python


• Log Ingest Architectures • Installing and configuring Logstash • Building Simple Logstash Pipelines • Adding data Parsing and Enhancements

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This course provides a solid introduction to the Twelve-Factor App - a collection of cloud-native app architecture patterns, Microservices - independently deployable services that do one thing well, Self-Service Agile Infrastructure - platforms for rapid, repeatable, and consistent provisioning of app environments and backing services, API-based Collaboration - published and versioned APIs that allow interaction between services in a cloud-native app architecture, Anti-Fragility - systems that get stronger when subjected to stress

Duration: 3-Days Outline

• Twelve-Factor App - a collection of cloud-native app architecture patterns • Microservices - independently deployable services that do one thing well • Self-Service Agile Infrastructure - platforms for rapid, repeatable, and

consistent provisioning of app environments and backing services • API-based Collaboration - published and versioned APIs that allow interaction

between services in a cloud-native app architecture • Anti-Fragility - systems that get stronger when subjected to stress

PREP FOR AWS SOLUTION ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This course is a 4-day hands-on course on Amazon Web Services (AWS) where attendees will deep-dive into the advance architecture and design patterns used on the AWS infrastructure by performing labs. Another aim of the course is to prepare attendees for AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam.

Duration: 4 Days Outline: AWS Fundamentals

• Fundamentals of Amazon Web Services (AWS) • Amazon S3 • Hands-on: S3 Lab; Creating Buckets, objects, and managing access control • Amazon EC2 • Hands-on: Hosting an Application on EC2

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Elastic Load Balancer and Auto-scaling

• Amazon Relational Database Services (RDS) • Hands-on: Deploying and scaling and application using RDS • Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) • Hands-on: Scaling the Application using Amazon ELB • Amazon CloudWatch • Auto-Scaling • Use Case Study and Lab: Deploying an auto-scaling app on the cloud using

auto-scaling, EC2, RDS, ELB Security and Virtual Private Cloud

• Amazon VPC • Hands-on: Hosting secure applications using public and private subnets • Identity & Access Management (IAM) • Hands-on: Generating groups, users, access policies and control CloudFront • Hands-on: Setup CloudFront CDN for an Application • Route 53 • Hands-on: Moving an existing domain name to Route53 and configuring multi-

location Routing Cloud Formation and Design Patterns

• Cloud Formation • Hands-on: Generating and Deploying Cloud Formation Templates • Dynamo DB • AWS Frequently Used Design Patterns

DEVOPS FUNDAMENTALS Duration: 24 Hours DevOps Fundamentals is the starting point for anyone involved in an agile and/or DevOps team. Improved workflows and faster deployment start with a core understanding of DevOps fundamentals by all team members. This course is designed to provide the core knowledge necessary to build your DevOps vocabulary and to understand its principles and practices. With the help of key DevOps concepts and terminology, real life case studies, examples and interactive group discussions and extensive exercises in each module you will acquire a fundamental understanding of DevOps. The concepts come to life through a DevOps simulation which allows teams to experiment, explore and capture shared insights. Audience:

• Individuals involved in IT development, IT operations or IT service management. • Individuals whose role are touched by DevOps and continuous delivery, such as

the following IT roles: o Product owners o Integration specialists

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o Operations managers o Incident and change managers o System administrators o Network administrators o Business managers o Automation architects o Enterprise architects

o Testers SAASIFY APPLICATIONS IN THE CLOUD Duration: 16 Hours SaaSification is the transformation of application delivery in a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model. Simply, it is the enablement of a software license and delivery model that is charged on a subscription basis. Ultimately, it is a transformation of a business with modernization of app delivery, IT infrastructure, and business model. This course will provide an overview of the benefits, considerations, and options available to SaaSify an application. The key topics of this course are 1) Options to SaaSify Legacy Applications 2) Delivery of Legacy Application in the Cloud. These topics will help Developers, Project Managers and Leaders think through risks and outcomes as the strategy is being developed. Audience:

• Individuals involved in IT development, IT operations or IT service management. • Individuals whose role are touched by DevOps and continuous delivery, such as

the following IT roles: o Product owners o Integration specialists o Business managers o Automation architects o Enterprise architects o Testers

MODERN APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Duration: 16 Hours Companies are increasingly building products that are the technology itself or heavily influenced by technology. In order to be more competitive, companies must create better products, and to do that, they must increase agility and innovate faster. Modern application development is an approach to designing, building, and managing applications. This approach increases the agility of your teams and the reliability, security, and scalability of your applications. Through modern application development, you can build better products faster so you can have happier customers. The best practices of modern application development arose from observed common approaches that enable customers to increase agility and build better applications that support the success of their businesses. While you can approach these practices from any starting

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point and in any order, the outcome is the same: applications that are more secure, reliable, scalable, and quickly available for customers. The course covers the overview of topics related to Serverless technologies, Microservices, Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery, Infrastructure as Code, Observability, Security & Compliance, and Culture of experimentation. Audience:

• Individuals involved in IT development, IT operations or IT service management. • Individuals whose role are touched by DevOps and continuous delivery, such as

the following IT roles: o Product owners o Integration specialists o Operations managers o Incident and change managers o System administrators o Network administrators o Business managers o Automation architects o Enterprise architects o Testers

DEVOPS AND ITSM Duration: 16 Hours This 1-day training provides you with the basic knowledge required for the effective utilization of ITSM skill sets in any DevOps organization. The training focuses on the essential knowledge of the two different worlds, ITSM and DevOps, and how they complement each other. It helps you know how the DevOps movement fits perfectly with ITSM. The various group discussions and the case study are the primary ingredients of this course that help you understand a DevOps movement in an organization. As DevOps is gaining momentum this course will prepare participants in aligning this new, agile way of thinking with the traditional ITSM processes. The concepts come to life via a Mars Lander simulation which allows teams to share knowledge, reduce handoffs, prevent miscommunication and ensure all are aligned to realizing customer needs and to increase the flow of work. Learning Objectives:

• Relate and complement DevOps and ITSM. • Discuss the value of ITSM in a DevOps environment. • Explain how to utilize ITSM processes in DevOps teams.


• Individuals involved in IT development, IT operations or IT service management. • Individuals whose role are touched by DevOps and continuous delivery, such as

the following IT roles:

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o Product owners o Integration specialists o Business managers o Automation architects o Enterprise architects o Testers

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DATA SCIENCE WITH DEEP LEARNING This is a five-day intermediate level data science course that introduces attendees to the interdisciplinary field of data science and machine learning, which is at the intersection of computer science, statistics, and business. The attendees will learn to use the programming languages, tools, and technologies to help you acquire, clean, parse, and filter your data. A significant portion of the course will be a hands-on approach to the fundamental modeling techniques and machine learning algorithms that will enable them to build robust predictive models about real-world data and test their validity. They will also gain practice communicating your results and insights about how to build systems that are more intelligent using the data that you have gathered. The attendees will also be able to understand the core principles behind neural networks and deep learning by working on a concrete problem: the problem of teaching a computer to recognize problems like Dogs vs Cats. This problem is extremely difficult to solve using the conventional approach to programming. And yet it can be solved well using a simple neural network and with just a few lines of code. What’s more, we’ll improve the program through many iterations, gradually incorporating more and more of the core ideas about neural networks and deep learning. Duration: 5 days Objectives:

• Acquire, clean, and parse large sets of data using Python • Choose the appropriate modeling technique to apply to your data • Programmatically create predictive data models using machine learning

technique • Apply probability and statistics concepts to create and validate predictions about

your data • Communicate your results to an appropriate audience


• Data Science Foundations & Exploratory Data Analysis: Build on Descriptive Statistics, Probability Theory, and explore distributions using charts.

• Machine Learning, Bias-Variance and Model Evaluation: Model selection and diagnostics.

• Web Scraping, Regression and Classification: Gather data from internet sources, and start with building classical regression and classification models.

• Naïve Bayes, Natural Language Processing: Modeling with Naïve Bayes classifiers, social media data collection and storage, and sentiment analysis.

• Deep Learning: Convolution Neural Networks (CNN), Overfitting, Embeddings and Natural Language Processing, Recursive Neural Networks, Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) Architectures

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• Decision Trees and Ensembles, Clustering: Supervised learning beyond classical models and Unsupervised learning with K-means.

• Big Data Analytics: Scaling data analysis with large datasets on Spark and Hadoop Map-Reduce


Tableau Desktop 10 is one of the most widely used data visualization, reporting and business intelligence tools in the world and has regularly been ranked as a “leader” in the Gartner Magic Quadrant. Tableau is simple to use and has extensive visualization capabilities that make it the reporting tool of choice for enterprises around the world. The course is focused in helping attendees learn how to truly derive insight from data using Tableau Software's powerful visual analytics and business intelligence platform; acquire important skills so that attendees can apply statistical tools and analytics, creating reports and dashboards, and mastering the many aspects of data visualization. This course also covers the use of Key Performance Indicators and scorecards to communicate Technical Data to stakeholders in the areas of DevOps, and SCRUM backlogs. Duration: 4 Days Objectives:

• Understand the concepts of Tableau Desktop 10 • Attain proficiency in Tableau statistics and build interactive dashboards • Master data sources and datable blending, create data extracts and organize and

format data • Master arithmetic, logical, table and LOD calculations and ad-hoc analytics • Apply visualization techniques such as heat map, tree map, waterfall, Pareto,

Gantt chart and market basket analysis • Learn to analyze data using Tableau Desktop as well as clustering and

forecasting techniques • Gain command of mapping concepts such as custom geocoding and radial

selections • Master Special Field Types and Tableau Generated Fields and the process of

creating and using parameters • Build interactive dashboards, story interfaces and share them with others

Audience: Analytics professionals, IT developers and testers, Data analysts, Data scientists, BI and reporting professionals, Project managers Outline

• Introduction to Tableau Desktop • Tableau Desktop Interface • Connecting Data Sources

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• Organizing Data • Formatting Data • Calculations • Visualizations • Analysis using Desktop • Mapping • Fields in Tableau • Parameters • Create Dashboards and Stories

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INTRODUCTION TO PYTHON 3.X This four-day course leads the student from the basics of writing and running Python scripts to more advanced features such as file operations, regular expressions, working with binary data, and using the extensive functionality of Python modules. Extra emphasis is placed on features unique to Python, such as tuples, array slices, and output formatting. This is a hands-on programming class. All concepts are reinforced by informal practice during the lecture followed by graduated lab exercises. Python Programming is a practical introduction to a working programming language, not an academic overview of syntax and grammar. Attendees will immediately be able to use Python to complete tasks in the real world. Audience: Users who want to learn Python and use it for application development, system administration, or just to automate tasks in a simple, yet powerful way. Prerequisites: Working/user level knowledge of an operating system such as Linux, Windows, or MacOS. Basic skill with at least one other programming language is desirable.


This course is the right first course for anyone who wants to become a database administrator or a Project Analyst and a Report Developer. Although this course doesn’t present all the skills that are needed by a DBA, it will get the attendee started. Once they have finished they course, they will be prepared for more advanced books on the subject. SQL is a standard language for accessing database data. So, most of the SQL code in this course will work with any database management system. As a result, the course will help attendee how to use SQL to work with SQL Server database, and transfer most of what you have learned to another DBMS such as Oracle, DB2, or MySQL.

Duration: 2 Days Audience:

• Anyone who wants to become a database administrator • Anyone who wants to learn standard SQL

Prerequisites: Although the attendees will progress through this course more quickly if they have some development experience, but everything they need to know about databases and SQL is presented in this course. As a result, they do not need to have any programming background to be in this course to learn SQL. Outline

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• An introduction to relational databases and SQL • How to use the Management Studio • How to retrieve data from a single table • How to retrieve data from two or more tables • How to code summary queries


This is an intermediate level 3-day course after the attendees have attained SQL fundamental skills. The course deep dives into advanced SQL Query types that include subqueries, Read/Update/Delete, functions, and DDL scripts to design databases.

Duration: 3 Days

Prerequisites: SQL Beginner


• How to code subqueries (Go Deeper) • How to insert, update, and delete data • How to work with data types • How to use functions • How to design a database • How to work with data types • How to work with views • How to create and maintain databases, tables, and sequences with SQL

statements • How to use the Management Studio for database design


This course introduces attendees to the Ruby programming language, which is the basis of the Ruby On Rails web development framework that has taken the web development world by storm. Attendees will learn how to develop code which is elegant and maintainable. They will explore how to write solid object orientated code using best practices using live coding sessions, participatory discussion and practical examples to collectively explore Ruby. Prerequisites The course is suitable for anyone who has experience with programming in a language such as PHP, Java, C#, VB, Pascal or C.


• What is Ruby?

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• IRB (Interactive Ruby) • Strings • Symbols • Blocks • Arrays • Hashes • Boolean and nil • Ruby Coding Standards

Control Flow

• Conditionals with if and case • Looping with while, for and friends • Error Handling and Exceptions

Object Orientation

• Object Instances • Class construction • The Inheritance Chain • Object State and Persistence


• Local & Instance Variables • Getting & Setting Attributes

Modules & Classes

• Open Class Definitions • Adding Behaviour with Mixins • Modules or Inheritance? • Modules In Practice

Ruby in practice

• The Core Library In Depth • Strings • Numbers • Times & Dates

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Collections & Enumerable

• The Array, Hash, Range & Set Classes • Code Blocks & Iteration • Filtering & Processing Collections

Files and IO

• Reading and Writing files • Interacting with the File System • Configuration with YAML • Templating with Erb

Metaprogramming & Dynamic Ruby

• What is Metaprogramming? • "Method Missing" Techniques • What are (Domain Specific Languages) DSL’s? • A look at Sinatra & Rake DSLs • On-the-fly Code Generation • Examples & Techniques

Interpreters & Virtual Machines

• An evaluation of the options • Ruby 1.9 New Features • The future for Ruby...


This course is an intermediate course for Java developer who want to adopt Grails but need a deeper understanding of Groovy.

Audience: Web Developer - Software Developer

Introduction to Groovy

• Getting Started with Groovy • Installing Groovy • Compiling Groovy • The Groovy Shell and Console • Creating your first Groovlet

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• New to Groovy • Groovy and Java • Harnessing the power of Groovy • Groovy syntax (Imports, semicolons, parenthesis, returns, etc.) • Datatypes, Operator overloading, and Collections • Closures • Java and Groovy Integration • GroovyBeans (or POGOs) • Autogeneration of getters and setters • Construtors, optional method parameters, etc. • Calling Java from Groovy and Groovy from Java

Groovy as a Scripting Language

• Groovy from the Command-line • Groovy as a operating systems scripting language • Running uncompiled Groovy scripts • Working with command line arguments • File I/O • Working with Files in Groovy • Groovy extensions to • Creating archives • Integrating with ANT • Working with XML • Review of XML concepts • Consuming XML • Parsing XML with XmlParser • Slurping XML with XmlSlurper • Generating XML • Generating XML with MarkupBuilder • Generating XML with StreamingMarkupBuilder • Writing XML to a file

Working with Groovy

• Network and Web Services Programming with Groovy • Review of network programming concepts, IP addresses, and DNS • Creating a RESTful web service client • Working with SOAP, XML-RPC, Atom and RSS feeds • Database Development • Using Groovy to query databases • Exporting Database content using Groovy and XML • Object-rational database development • Testing • Review of JUnit and testing concepts • Integrating Groovy with JUnit

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• Determining code coverage with Cobertura • Working with Mock Objects

ADMINISTERING THE WILDFLY 10 / JBOSS EAP 7 APPLICATION SERVER This course provides hands-on and in-depth coverage on configuring and managing WildFly 10 and JBoss EAP 7 servers - the latest release in the very popular JBoss® series of application servers. This course incorporates WildFly 10's new features and changes compared to earlier WildFly releases. EAP 7 is the supported release of the WildFly 10 server. The course is very hands-on, with brief hands-on mini-labs throughout the material which illustrate a topic and help with retention. It also includes numerous larger hands-on labs to dig deeply into a topic. This course covers all the important administrative tasks that are required to administer this new version of the server. It starts with basic structure, architecture and installation, and moves on to working with the various management tools and deploying applications. Configuration and management of all the important services and subsystems are covered, as is security, domains, and clustering. All management tools are covered, including direct editing of XML configuration files, using the CLI (Command Line Interface), and using the Web-based Management Console.


Fast Track to Java for OO Developers is a demanding, fast paced course suitable for programmers with existing experience in other OO languages such as C++ or C#. It builds on the knowledge that Object-Oriented programmers already possess to provide an accelerated approach to learning the Java programming language and good Java programming practice.

In addition to teaching you everything you need to become productive in basic Java programming, this course draws on our extensive experience to provide a solid understanding of the core OO and Java concepts and practices needed to create well designed Java programs. It leverages the student's existing knowledge about OO programming to show how to use Java at an accelerated pace. This includes material on creating well designed Java classes, using encapsulation, building more complex functionality with composition, and using inheritance to share functionality and create specialized types. It also covers more advanced concepts such as using interfaces, working with the Java Collections Framework, and accessing databases with JDBC/JPA.

The material includes coverage of all current Java capabilities that are within the scope of the material, including new Java capabilities such as strings in switch statements, and Multi-catch. It also stresses the use of good coding practices for all the examples and labs. All labs are doable in any of the supported Java environments.

Be prepared to work hard and learn a great deal! The course can be held on-site & customized to fit your needs.

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Duration: 3 days

Labs: Minimum 50% hands-on labs

Skills Gained:

Understand Java’s importance, uses, strengths and weaknesses Understand Java language basics Write, compile, and run Java programs Understand and use classes, inheritance, polymorphism Create well designed classes and use them in your Java programs Use composition and delegation to create objects from other objects Understand and use packages to organize code Understand interfaces, their importance, and their uses Use interfaces to implement abstraction Learn good Java coding style Create well-structured Java programs Compile and execute programs with the JDK development tools and with an

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of your choice Use the core Java libraries (java.lang, java.util) Understand and use exceptions for error handling Understand the basics of using JDBC and JPA, and use them to access databases

from Java Use the Java Collections Framework Be aware of, and use the new features of Java 8, as well as important advanced

features of earlier Java versions


Over the years, Spring has added many new capabilities, in line with the increasing capabilities of the Java platform. As well as being current with Spring 5, this course introduces techniques for using these powerful capabilities. It includes complete coverage of the three main configuration styles: Java-based (@Configuration), annotation-based (@Component), and the traditional XML-based configuration that may still play an important role in existing and new projects. It also provides guidelines for when and how to use each one. It covers all the major topics that are in the Spring Professional Certification Exam.

This course is hands on with labs to reinforce all the important concepts. It will enable you to build working Spring applications and give you an understanding of the important concepts and technology in a very short time.


Duration: 7 days

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Hands-on: Minimum 50% hands-on labs

Skills Gained:

Understand the core principles of Spring, and of Dependency Injection (DI) / Inversion of Control

Use the Spring Core module and DI to configure and wire application objects (beans) together

Configure Spring via XML, annotations/@Component, and Java Configuration/@Configuration, and know when to use them

Understand and use the such as lifecycle events, bean scopes, and the other parts of the Spring API

Use Spring to work with databases, including JBDC access, JPA access, and using Spring Data for ease of use

Understand and use Spring's AOP capabilities for programming cross-cutting concerns

Learn safe and maintainable techniques for programming with AOP Understand and use Spring's transaction support, including annotations and the

tx/aop XML configuration elements Integrate Spring with Java EE Web applications Use Spring MVC to build Web applications /li> Understand REST, and use Spring MVC to build RESTful services Use Ajax-based front ends with Spring MVC / Spring REST Be familiar with Spring Boot's structure and architecture, and use it to ease creation

of Spring applications Understand the basics of Spring Security, and how to secure Web apps and Spring

managed beans with it Understand microservices, and build one with Spring Cloud

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Service Testing Best Practices

• Thoroughly test your services • Test using large amounts of realistic data • Make sure your services are secure • Get the most productivity from your developers and testers • Fully track your test results • Test your services under realistic loads • Make sure you govern your services

soapUI architecture

• Major components • Comparing soapUI with soapUI Pro • soapUI test structure and terminology • Choosing optimal settings and preferences • soapUI user interface • Optimal soapUI workflow • Project structure • Properties • Security tests • Events

Interfaces, Operations, Requests

• Interface-level properties • Setting security options • Navigating, documenting, and exporting WSDL • Operation-level properties • Request structure • Request-level properties • Validating request inputs • Creating multiple requests • Response structure • Response-level properties • Working with endpoints


• Protocol-oriented TestSteps • Test Request

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• Mock Response • JDBC Request • AMF Request • REST Test Request • HTTP Test Request • Flow control-oriented TestSteps • Properties • Property transfer • Conditional Goto • Delay • Run TestCase • Groovy script • Manual • Data-oriented TestSteps: DataSource, DataSource Loop, DataSink, DataGen


• SOAP/non-SOAP • CONTAINS/Not CONTAINS • SOAP fault/non-SOAP fault • Response SLA • XPath/XQuery match • Script • Security status • Addressing status • JMS status and timeouts


• Project-level requirements • TestCase-level requirements • Importing requirements • Exporting requirements • Linking to an external requirements system

Data-driven tests

• Types of DataSource • Feeding a test with data • Associating assertions with data-driven tests • Writing test results

Functional tests

• Unit vs. functional tests • Common TestSteps • Complete end-to-end testing • Case study

Mock services

• Generating mock services • Configuring properties and scripts

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• Setting mock responses • Invoking mock services

Load testing

• Functional • Behavioral

Performance • Requirements-driven • Introduction to loadUI

The Groovy programming language

• Language overview • Flow control • The soapUI object model • Dynamic test management


• Messages • Operations • XPath expressions

Test coverage

• Configuring measurements • Determining basic TestSuite coverage • Determining assertion coverage

Web service interoperability

• Basic profile • Identifying and correcting problems


• SOAP traffic • TCP/IP traffic


• JUnit • Data export • Jasper

AGILE TESTING Duration: 16 Hours Iterative development also means iterative testing. This can be a challenge for teams who are used to the traditional view of testing as the final phase of a project. This Agile Testing Training course will help your team learn how to strategize, plan, design and

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execute tests in an Agile environment. We will particularly address the challenges and strategies for testing in short development iterations and walk through the four quadrants of Agile Testing. We will cover topics such as writing acceptance criteria as upfront requirements, Test Driven Development, test automation, exploratory testing, usability testing, non-functional and performance testing, continuous builds and inspections and much more. We will discuss the importance of transitioning from ‘waterfall thinking’ to ‘agile/iterative thinking’. We will discuss and share Real World practical tips of the Agile Tester role, expectations and how they can work within cross-functional teams. This is a must-have workshop that will help your team define new testing and quality norms to improve their current processes! Audience:

• Individuals involved in IT development, IT operations or IT service management. • Individuals whose role are touched by DevOps and continuous delivery, such as

the following IT roles: o Product owners o Integration specialists o Business managers o Automation architects o Software Developers o Enterprise architects o Testers

AUTOMATED SOFTWARE TESTING Duration: 16 Hours Automated testing is a process to validate that software functions appropriately and meets requirements before it is released into production. This form of software testing uses scripted sequences that are executed by testing tools. Selenium is the well-known open source test automation tool. The other tools include FitNesse, Robotium and Cypress. This course content outlines the tester’s role in planning and strategizing for Test Automation in an agile project. Through the example of a case study, the you will learn to address real-life challenges that could arise when applying automation strategies in a testing environment. You will understand the cost-benefit analysis, the approaches to be taken, and the opportunities and risks that arise when following an Agile test-first strategy to drive project quality. You will be introduced to ATDD and TDD using pairing techniques of XP, and to automation tools such as JUnit, FitNesse and Selenium. Audience:

• Individuals whose role are touched by DevOps and continuous delivery, such as the following IT roles:

o Integration specialists o Automation architects o Software Developers o Testers

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Prerequisites - All attendees must have substantial prior experience developing with Java. If attendees will not have prior Java experience, we would be delighted to proceed this class with a one- or two-day intensive Java primer.

• Prior testing and/or automation experience • Good command of the Java language • Good command of HTML and DOM fundamentals

Objectives - By the end of this course, the attendees will be able to:

• Create test scripts using Selenium Builder. • Know how to use the online documentation, and the WebDriver API. • Create, debug and maintain Selenium test scripts. • Understand and be able to communicate the concepts necessary for testing with

Selenium. • Interact and verify web elements using selectors • Refactor existing scripts to leverage the Page Object Model. • Use Behavior Driven Development techniques


• Understanding BDD • Compare BDD with TDD • Understand that BDD defines specifies requirements • Be able to classify Selenium vs Cucumber • Understand Automated Testing • Acceptance vs Regression Tests

Getting Started with JUnit & Selenium

• Selenium Overview • Create an new project with JUnit • Create your first test • Write assertions & run tests. • Generate tests with Selenium Builder • Running Tests & TestSuites

Refactoring Test Scripts (with IntelliJ)

• Understanding the Web Driver API • Element IDs & Name Selectors • CSS & XPath Selectors • Mouse & Keyboard Input • Timeouts and Waits • Debugging

Page Object Model & Page Factory

• Maintaining tests using the Page Object model • Refactor existing scripts to leverage Page Object Model

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• @FindBy(...) Cucumber Acceptance Tests using Selenium

• Cucumber Overview • Following the user story style • Defining Cucumber steps as maintainable functions • Best practices for creating maintainable test scenarios and step definitions • Scenario Outlines

WebDriver & Multiple Browsers

• Requirements for running tests in multiple browsers • Creating test suites for multiple browsers • Creating portable tests • Installing and maintaining WebDrivers for multiple browsers

Best Practices (touched on throughout the course)

• TDD • Refactoring • Scrum • Continuous Integration • Iterative Development

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SCALED AGILE AND IT CERTIFICATIONS SAFE® FOR TEAMS Build the skills needed to become a high-performing team member of an Agile Release Train (ART)—and learn how to collaborate effectively with other teams—by becoming a SAFe® 4 Practitioner (SP). During this two-day course, attendees will gain an in-depth understanding of the ART, how it delivers value, and what they can do to effectively perform their role using Scrum, Kanban, and XP. They will also learn how to write stories and break down features, plan and execute iterations, and plan Program Increments. Finally, they’ll learn about the continuous delivery pipeline and DevOps culture, how to effectively integrate with other teams in the program, and what it takes to continuously improve the train. Attending the class prepares individuals to take the exam and become a certified SAFe® 4 Practitioner (SP) Objectives - To perform the role of a SAFe® Practitioner, attendees should be able to:

• Apply SAFe to scale Lean and Agile development in their enterprise • Know their team and its role on the Agile Release Train • Know all other teams on the train, their roles, and the dependencies between the teams • Plan Iterations • Execute Iterations and demonstrate value • Plan Program Increments • Integrate and work with other teams on the train


• Introducing the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) • Building an Agile Team • Planning the Iteration • Executing the Iteration • Executing the Program Increment


• Team members who apply Lean and Agile at scale • All members of an Agile Release Train preparing for launch

Prerequisites All are welcome to attend the course, regardless of experience. However, the following prerequisites are highly recommended for those who intend to take the SAFe® Practitioner (SP) certification exam:

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• Familiarity with Agile concepts and principles • Awareness of Scrum, Kanban, and XP • Working knowledge of software and hardware development processes

IMPLEMENTING SAFE This course is intended for those who will be materially and directly involved in a SAFe implementation. This includes practitioners, change agents, and consultants responsible for implementing Agile programs and portfolios as part of an enterprise Lean-Agile change initiative. Audience:

• Professional Services Consultants • Internal Change Agents, Lean-Agile Center for Excellence (LACE) participants, Agile

Working Groups • Business and Technology Executives, Leaders, Managers, and Directors • Portfolio Managers and Fiduciaries, Project/Program Management Office (PMO)

personnel • Development, QA, and IT Managers • Program and Project Managers • Product and Product Line Managers • Process Leads and Lifecycle Governance personnel • Enterprise, System, and Solution Architects

Leading SAFe

• Introducing the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) • Embracing a Lean-Agile Mindset • Understanding SAFe Principles • Creating High-Performing Teams and Programs • Experiencing Program Increment (PI) Planning • Exploring, Executing, and Releasing Value • Leading a Lean-Agile Enterprise • Empowering a Lean Portfolio • Building Large Solutions

Implementing SAFe

• Reaching the SAFe Tipping Point • Designing the Implementation • Launching an ART • Coaching ART Execution • Extending to the Portfolio • Sustaining and Improving • Becoming a SAFe 4 Program Consultant (SPC)

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AGILE PLANNING & ESTIMATION Duration: 24 Hours Description: This course takes a deeper dive into the topic of Agile Planning at the Program Level and at the Release Level. Many teams struggle with the topic of ‘Just Enough’ upfront requirements, ‘Just Enough’ upfront sizing and design and ‘Just Enough’ planning so this course is dedicated to demystifying these concepts and walking through practical real-world approaches to successful Agile planning. Participants will learn about the 6 levels of planning and then dive deeper into levels 3,4,5 (Product, Release and Iteration planning) with a heavier focus on answering questions such as:

• How do I define a clear product Vision and Roadmap that spans multiple releases?

• How do we plan for large Program with multiple teams? • How do we identify the right level of requirements upfront and size them without

going into the details? • How can we account for architectural and non-functional requirements as part of

our planning? • How does Agile work with fixed scope and fixed time projects? • How do we slice and breakdown requirements into smaller chunks in a release

and prioritize/order them the right way? • What are some new Agile metrics we can track for Agile Projects? Audience: • Individuals involved in IT development, IT operations or IT service management. • Individuals whose role are touched by DevOps and continuous delivery, such as

the following IT roles: o Product owners o Operations managers o Business managers o Enterprise architects o Testers

SAFE SCRUM MASTER In this two-day course, attendees will gain an understanding of the role of a Scrum Master in a SAFe enterprise. Unlike traditional Scrum Master training that focuses on the fundamentals of team-level Scrum, the SAFe Scrum Master course explores the role of the Scrum Master in the context of the entire enterprise and prepares attendees to successfully plan and execute the Program Increment (PI), the primary enabler of alignment throughout all levels of a SAFe organization. This includes learning the key components of Agile at scale development, how Scrum is facilitated throughout the enterprise, and how to execute Iteration Planning. Attendees will also discover how to build high performing Agile teams by becoming a servant leader and coach, and how to coach those teams to deliver the maximum business value at scale. SAFe 4 Scrum Master (SSM) certification signifies that people are prepared to perform

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the role of Scrum Master in a SAFe environment, increasing their value to teams and organizations that are implementing SAFe. Audience:

• New Scrum Masters who need to perform the role • Existing Scrum Masters who would like to understand their role in the context of a SAFe

enterprise • Team Leads who want to understand the Scrum Master role • SAFe Release Train Engineers who want to coach Scrum Masters on their role

Objectives: To perform the role of a SAFe® Scrum Master, attendees should be able to:

• Describe Scrum in a SAFe enterprise • Facilitate Scrum events • Facilitate effective Iteration execution • Support effective Program Increment execution • Support relentless improvement • Coach Agile teams for maximum business results • Support DevOps implementation


• Introducing Scrum in SAFe • Characterizing the role of the Scrum Master • Experiencing Program Increment planning • Facilitating Iteration execution • Finishing the Program Increment • Coaching the Agile team

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SAFE PRODUCT OWNER Develop the skillsets needed to guide the delivery of value in a Lean enterprise—and learn about the activities, tools, and mechanics used to manage backlogs and programs—by becoming a SAFe® 4 Product Owner/Product Manager (POPM). During this two-day course, attendees will gain an in-depth understanding of the Agile Release Train (ART), how it delivers value, and what they can do to effectively perform their role. They will also learn how to apply Lean thinking to write Epics, break them down into Features and Stories, plan and execute Iterations, and plan Program Increments. Finally, attendees learn about the Continuous Delivery Pipeline and DevOps culture, how to effectively integrate as Product Owners and Product Managers, and what it takes to relentlessly improve the ART. Audience: The following individuals will benefit from this course:

• Product Managers, Product Line Managers, Product Owners, Business Owners, and Business Analysts

• Solution Managers, Portfolio Managers, Program Managers, PMO personnel, and Process Leads

• Enterprise, Solution, and System Architects Objectives: To perform the role of a SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager, attendees should be able to:

• Apply SAFe in the Lean enterprise • Connect SAFe Lean-Agile principles and values to the PO/PM roles • Collaborate with Lean Portfolio Management • Explore continuous value with Program Increment Planning • Execute the Program Increment and deliver continuous value • Articulate the Product Owner and Product Manager roles • Create a role action plan


• Applying SAFe in the Lean enterprise • Relating a Lean-Agile Mindset to the Product Owner and Product Manager roles • Collaborating with Lean Portfolio Management • Continuously explore customer needs • Executing the Program Increment • Defining the Product Owner/Product Manager roles and responsibilities • Creating a Product Owner/Product Manager action plan


This 3-day course covers the ITIL® Version 3 best practices which are composed of five core disciplines: Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operations, and Continual Service Improvement. These disciplines represent a service life cycle framework that further enhances alignment to the business while demonstrating business value, ROI and enabling IT to solve specific operational needs. Upon completion of the ITIL® V3 Foundations

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course, students will have foundational knowledge of the functions, roles, and processes that span the service lifecycle.

Introduction to ITIL

• ITIL® History • Service Management as a Practice • Common IT Pain Points • What is a Service? • What is Service Management • Best Practice vs. Good Practice? • Governance • What is a Process? • Calculating Value • Role vs. Function vs. Process • RACI Model • Service Operation Functions • Process Owner vs. Service Owner • The Service Lifecycle Risk Management

Service Strategy

• Service Strategy Key Concepts • Service Strategy Processes • Strategy Generation • Service Portfolio Management • Business Case • Financial Management • ROI vs. VOI • Demand Management

Service Design

• The 5 Aspects of Service Design • Choosing the Right Tools • The Four Ps

Service Design Constraints

• The Big Picture • The Service Design Package • Delivery Models • Service Design Processes • Service Catalog Management • Service Level management • Capacity Management • Availability Management • IT Service Continuity Management • Information Security Management

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• Supplier Management

Service Transition

• The Service V Model • Service Transition Scope • Service Transition Processes • Service Asset and Configuration


• Change Management • Types of Change Requests • Release and Deployment Management • Knowledge Management • The Service Knowledge Management • System (SKMS)

Service Operation

• Service Operation Scope • Service Operation Key Concepts: • Achieving Balance • Service Operation Functions • Service Desk • Service Desk Structures • Choosing an ITSM / Service Desk Tool • Technical management – Role • IT Operation Role • Application Management • Service Operation Processes • Event Management • Incident Management • Request Fulfillment • Problem Management • Access Management

Continual Service Improvement

• CSI Purpose • The Deming cycle • The CSI Model • The 7-Step Improvement Process • Metrics and Measurement • CSI Roles

AGILE TESTING Duration: 16 Hours

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Description: Iterative development also means iterative testing. This can be a challenge for teams who are used to the traditional view of testing as the final phase of a project. This Agile Testing Training course will help your team learn how to strategize, plan, design and execute tests in an Agile environment. We will particularly address the challenges and strategies for testing in short development iterations and walk through the four quadrants of Agile Testing. We will cover topics such as writing acceptance criteria as upfront requirements, Test Driven Development, test automation, exploratory testing, usability testing, non-functional and performance testing, continuous builds and inspections and much more. We will discuss the importance of transitioning from ‘waterfall thinking’ to ‘agile/iterative thinking’. We will discuss and share Real World practical tips of the Agile Tester role, expectations and how they can work within cross-functional teams. This is a must-have workshop that will help your team define new testing and quality norms to improve their current processes! Audience:

• Individuals involved in IT development, IT operations or IT service management. • Individuals whose role are touched by DevOps and continuous delivery, such as

the following IT roles: o Product owners o Integration specialists o Business managers o Automation architects o Software Developers o Enterprise architects o Testers

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SECURITY COMPTIA NETWORK+ CompTIA Network+ is a performance-based certification that helps you develop a career in IT infrastructure by validating the hands-on skills needed to troubleshoot, configure, and manage both wired and wireless networks. Duration: 5 days Objectives: Network+ ensures an IT professional has the knowledge and skills to:

• Design and implement functional networks • Configure, manage, and maintain essential network devices • Use devices such as switches and routers to segment network traffic and create resilient

networks • Identify benefits and drawbacks of existing network configurations • Implement network security, standards, and protocols • Troubleshoot network problems • Support the creation of virtualized networks


• Network Concepts: Explain the purpose of a variety of networking concepts and implement them appropriately

• Network Security: Summarize physical security & common attacks while securing the wired and wireless network

• Infrastructure: Determine & explain the appropriate cabling, device and storage technologies

• Network Troubleshooting & Tools: Explain the network troubleshooting methodology & appropriate tools to support connectivity & performance

• Network Operations: Use best practices to manage the network, determine policies & ensure business continuity



Splunk is a well-known software used for searching, monitoring and analyzing the voluminous amount of data. It is used to generate the reports, dashboards and an effective visualization of data on real-time basis. It is commonly applied in web analytics, security and application management. This 4-day course is for the aspiring Developers and Administrators that want to acquire an in-depth knowledge of implementing Splunk. The attendees will learn the Splunk Basics, Licensing, Setting up Splunk Search head, and Splunk Admin roles.

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Audience: System Administrators and Software Developers, Analytics Managers who are leading a team of analysts, Individual Contributors/Architects willing to implement Splunk in their organizations

Duration: 4 days


• Splunk development concepts • Coordinating with Splunk Support • Splunk Basic search queries • Defining event types and their usefulness • Conditional statements • Defining a lookup


Splunk Basics, Licensing and Configuration Files

• What is Splunk? • Prerequisites

o Setting up Splunk search head, indexer o Setting up Splunk forwarder o Splunk Licensing, Configuration files on Linux o Configuration files on Windows o Difference between Linux and Windows OS in Splunk configuration

• Types of files supported in Splunk: o Common Splunk configuration files o Configuring inputs.conf and outputs.conf o Configuring props.conf o Configuring index.conf o Configuring savedsearches.conf

Managing Users, Indexes, Splunk Admin Roles and Clustering

• User creation and management • Managing indexes • Importance of roles • Different permissions of each indexes • Splunk development concepts • Roles and responsibilities of Splunk Developer • How to configure LDAP authentication in Splunk • Admin role in managing Splunk • What is alert?

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• Reports and dashboards • Coordinating with Splunk Support • Implement Search Head Clustering • Implement Indexer Clustering

Splunk Search Commands and Reporting Commands

• Different keywords • Splunk Basic search queries and using various commands to perform searches: fields,

table, rename, rex&erex, multikv • Usage of following commands and their functions: Top, Rare, Stats, Addcoltotals,

Addtotals • Explore the available visualizations • Creation of charts and timecharts • Omit null values and format results

Deployment Process, Alerts, Tags and Event Types

• Deploy Apps using Deployment server • Creating tags and using them in search • Defining event types and their usefulness • Creating and using event types in search • Creating and modifying alerts and use of Alerts

Analyzing & Calculating Results, Fields Extraction and Lookups

• Using eval command • Perform calculations • Value Conversion • Round values • Format values • Conditional statements • Filtering calculated results • Raw Data Manipulation • Extraction of Fields • What are lookups? • Lookup file example • Creating a lookup table • Defining a lookup • Configuring an automatic lookup • Using the lookup in searches and reports

Splunk Visualizations, Reports and Dashboards

• Explore the available visualizations • Creating reports and charts • Creating dashboards and adding reports


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JIRA is a world-leading tracker used by large and small teams for planning, building, and releasing great software. In this course, JIRA Fundamentals, the focus is on the fundamentals of JIRA. The course is suited both for those who will be using the JIRA cloud platform as well as for those who will host it. First, the attendees will learn JIRA planning and installation. Next, they will configure a project JQL, Finally, the attendees will learn reporting, dashboards, and administrating and extending. JIRA Fundamentals is packed with practical examples and experienced based advice. By the end of this course, the attendees will know everything that they need to know to be productive and get started with managing their software development projects with JIRA. Duration: 2 Days Outline Introduction to JIRA

• Introduction and Basic Concepts • Why JIRA?

JIRA Setup

• The Different Options • Server and Data Center • JIRA Cloud • Preparation, Migration and Summary • Installing and Configuring JIRA

Project Setup

• Introduction and Basic Setup • JIRA structure • Custom Fields • Custom Issue Type • JIRA Workflow

JIRA Query Language and Reporting

• Intro and JQL Basics • Advanced Searching • Reporting • Dashboards

Administration and Extending

• Introduction and Routine Follow Up • Effective Teams and Evolving with JIRA • Add-on and other Products Integration • Webhooks

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