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Copyright © 2016 SuccessVantage Group Pte Limited · © Flu Typical symptoms experienced by someone suffering from the flu often include a fever, headache, muscle

Jun 25, 2020



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Page 1: Copyright © 2016 SuccessVantage Group Pte Limited · © Flu Typical symptoms experienced by someone suffering from the flu often include a fever, headache, muscle
Page 2: Copyright © 2016 SuccessVantage Group Pte Limited · © Flu Typical symptoms experienced by someone suffering from the flu often include a fever, headache, muscle


Copyright © 2016 SuccessVantage Group Pte Limited All rights reserved. Published by Kevin Richardson Notes to the Reader: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise, except as permitted under U.S copyright law, without the prior written permission of the author. The statements found within the pages of this book have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. If a product or treatment is recommended in these pages, it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is meant to be used to educate the reader and is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. The publisher and the contributors are not engaged in rendering medical advice. All information contained in this book is received from sources believed to be accurate, but no guarantee, express or implied, can be made. Readers are encouraged to verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, the accuracy of all information, recommendations, conclusions, comments, opinions or anything else contained within these pages before making any kind of decisions based upon what they have read herein. The author of this e-book is not a licensed practitioner of medicine; therefore, the techniques, ideas, and opinions here are not intended as a substitute for proper medical advice! The information provided here is solely for informational purposes only. If medical advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting from any health decisions made by purchasers of this book. The words contained in this text which are believed to be trademarked, service marked, or to otherwise hold proprietary rights have been designated as such by the use of initial capitalization. Inclusion, exclusion, or definition of a word or term is not intended to affect, or to express judgment upon the validity of legal status of any proprietary right which may be claimed for a specific word or term. Individual results may vary.

Page 3: Copyright © 2016 SuccessVantage Group Pte Limited · © Flu Typical symptoms experienced by someone suffering from the flu often include a fever, headache, muscle


Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 4

The Challenges of Treating the Common Cold or Flu ............................................................................ 8

How Infection Begins............................................................................................................................... 11

The Best Preventative is Cleanliness ...................................................................................................... 13

14 Simple and Natural Steps To Relief.................................................................................................... 17

Water Makes It Better ............................................................................................................................ 22

An Age Old Remedy Gets New Respect................................................................................................. 23

Vitamin C.................................................................................................................................................. 25

Zinc ........................................................................................................................................................... 27

Ginger...................................................................................................................................................... 29

Garlic ........................................................................................................................................................ 31

Cayenne Pepper ...................................................................................................................................... 33

Yarrow .................................................................................................................................................... 34

Elderberry ................................................................................................................................................35

Cinnamon ................................................................................................................................................ 36

West Indian Punch .................................................................................................................................. 37

Yogurt ..................................................................................................................................................... 38

Echinacea ................................................................................................................................................ 40

Marshmallow Root ................................................................................................................................ 42

Immune-Boosting Aromatic Oils ........................................................................................................... 43

Homeopathic Options............................................................................................................................ 46

Lifestyle Changes Can Protect You from Colds and Flu ....................................................................... 49

Vaccinations .............................................................................................................................................53

The Questionable Value of Milk ............................................................................................................ 55

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 57

Page 4: Copyright © 2016 SuccessVantage Group Pte Limited · © Flu Typical symptoms experienced by someone suffering from the flu often include a fever, headache, muscle


Introduction Colds and flu are without a doubt, the most frequently occurring

illnesses – all over the world. These pesky irritants affect virtually

everyone at some point in their lives. And if there was one thing

almost everyone would agree on, it would be that colds and flu are

no fun at all. They leave you feeling weakened, weary and older

than you felt when you were much healthier just a few days earlier.

Although not as serious as a life-threatening affliction, a

troublesome cold or flu can beat you down and leave you feeling

completely helpless.

But perhaps what's most hocking about these nuisance illnesses is the frequency with which they

return on average and seriously interrupt lives – often without any apparent warning. By most

estimates, young children are the most vulnerable, averaging six to ten colds in a single year. For

adults, the numbers range from two to four bouts every 365 days. More than ninety million people

in the United States alone are saddled with a cold or flu each year and as you can see, many of

them contact these viruses more than once a year. You probably know someone quite well who

always seems to be sick with one condition or another. Hopefully that person isn't you. But if you

are the one, you can rest assured that with the following information, things are about to change

for you in a positive way.

Both colds and flu are upper respiratory infections. Each routinely impacts the lining of the nose,

throat, sinuses and bronchial passages. Infection spreads rapidly and can become more than the

body's natural defences can handle. Usually there are other mitigating factors at play – factors like

extra stress in our lives, poor diet, or an overload of work that leaves us less rested and less

protected, leaving is vulnerable to whatever virus lurks, impervious to the senses.

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In the case of influenza, infection may also affect the lungs. In normal circumstances, with an

otherwise healthy body, most cold and flu symptoms subside within about two weeks.

But there are many things you can do, as you are about to discover that can slash recover time by

seventy-five percent or more, whenever you or someone close to you contracts the common cold

or flu.

Though they are completely different types of infections, there are some striking similarities

between colds and flu including the following:

Both could be described as respiratory tract infections

Both are contagious and caused by viruses

Both can vary widely in duration and intensity of discomfort

Both make you feel miserable and wanting only to head straight back to bed

The biggest difference between colds and flu is that colds are mostly minor inconveniences

(though they feel anything but minor at times) while the flu is a much more serious condition that

can actually be fatal. More than twenty thousand deaths each year in North America are

reportedly attributed to the flu.

That's a huge number and one that I suspect most people are not aware of. While the flu takes

root in the same locations as a cold – the nose, mouth, throat, sinuses and head – it can also settle

in the lungs and cause pneumonia – a serious condition that needs to be addressed by a medical

doctor. When you're young, vibrant and strong, your body is better equipped to fight off these

infections and are seen as more of an inconvenience than an illness. But for those not so blessed,

contracting the flu can be a serious issue that places them in harm’s way.

What happens with colds and flu is that somewhere along the line, we come into contact with a

virus. But the problem is that usually, we have no idea where the infection comes from. Someone

who was already infected sneezes or coughs and when they do, they spread virus-bearing mucous

and saliva into the environment. Often it's only a microscopic droplet of the infection that gets

expelled – but until it dries out completely, that droplet can easily infect somebody else.

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For this invisible virus to penetrate and do its damage, it must first find its way to the nose, which

is always open and unguarded. This is the turning point where infection begins to quickly take

over, though we are still completely in the dark and have no clue about what is going to happen.

Once this virus comes into contact with the nasal cells, it rapidly begins to multiply itself, inflicting

its damage and quickly spreading in the first twelve to twenty-four hours. At this time, you may

not even notice the extra sneezing or the slightly runny nose – or you might simply pass it off as

being nothing of significance. But that's where you would be making the biggest mistake – an

error that could result in a couple of weeks – or more – of pure misery.

It's the very first sign of illness that you need to condition yourself to become more aware of and

responsive to, in order to defeat the invading forces before they stake their claim and settle in the


Most of the remedies mentioned in this report are more effective when taken early in the process

– before much damage can be done. That's why it's so important to pay attention to the sneezes

and sniffles, the extra facial tissues you're going though, the slightly dry mouth, scratchy or

irritated throat, or the mild congestion of your sinuses.

Before thinking that it's “nothing” or simply “dust in the air” or “allergies”, it's important that you

stop and take preventative action. The sooner you do, the greater the likelihood of staving off the

invading army and maintaining your health and active lifestyle, instead of being laid up and

temporarily out of commission.

Currently, there are more than two hundred known viruses that cause the

common cold. That's why there’s no “one size fits all” solution.

Remarkably, that number will only continue to grow because these

viruses are constantly changing their genetic structure. What emerges is a

new form of the virus, one that the body's one best defence – the

immune system – doesn't recognize. T's the same thing with the flu.

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These viruses are constantly morphing into newer, more potent strains, making any kind of

artificial immunization of questionable value. Even manufacturers are forced to play the guessing

game, having no real idea which mutation will emerge during the next flu season, making the

creation of their vaccines a challenging and often futile exercise.

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The Challenges of Treating the Common Cold or Flu

In addition to paying attention to those seemingly

insignificant symptoms when they first appear, it's also

important to isolate what it is that you've come down with as

soon as possible. First things first... so before you can

properly address any issue – health or otherwise – you must

first clearly identify what the problem is.

But you should know that if it's a cold you're suffering from, there's precious little any doctor can

do for you except prescribe symptom-easing medications

For example, often the one thing that most notably distinguishes the flu from the common cold is

the presence of a fever. You can have similar symptoms like a sore throat, frequent sneezing, or

congestion, but whenever it's accompanied by a fever, it may be sign of flu, instead of a cold.

Similarly, your sniffles may actually be seasonal allergies and nothing more. It can all spell misery

for you, but realizing that they are separate health issues helps you to address the problem

accurately and effectively.

The following summary will help you to narrow it down, though it's still a good idea to get an

accurate diagnosis for a medical professional if you have any doubt whatsoever.


Usual symptoms of a cold include: sneezing, sore throat, runny nose, and sometimes a headache

too. Occasionally, a cold may also include a fever. But it's very rare with just a cold to experience

muscle aches, dizziness, tiredness, dry cough or a hoarse voice. When these symptoms appear, it

may very well be something more than the common cold. A cough, sore throat, sneezing,

congestion, listlessness and sometimes fever are likely symptoms of the common cold.

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Typical symptoms experienced by someone suffering from the flu often include a fever, headache,

muscle aches, a feeling of being tired and weak, sore throat, dry cough, dizziness and a hoarse


Occasionally, a runny nose is another flu symptom, but sneezing is definitely not.

When you have the chills, feel fatigued, have an aching body, cough, congestion, headache and

possibly vomiting or diarrhea – it could be a case of the flu.

For the very young and the elderly, contacting the flu can be serious – even fatal. So you don't

want to mess around in these cases. Similarly, anyone of any age suffering from heart disease,

diabetes, kidney disease or even asthma is at greater risk and requires medical supervision.

Both colds and flu and highly-contagious and are easily spread through secretions expelled from

the nose or mouth through sneezing or coughing. All it takes is a microscopic droplet dispersed

into the air to trigger an infection in another person.

About one quarter or so of all flu cases turn out to be fairly mild in nature. So although they have

been identified as an influenza virus, in these mild cases, symptoms are no more severe than are

the symptoms of a cold. But most of the times, flu symptoms are harsher than the average cold

symptoms, though degrees of discomfort can vary widely.

Allergies Allergies are another common cause of some of the things that may at first appear to be cold

symptoms. For example, a runny nose and sneezing are common symptoms among allergy

sufferers. Those with allergies may also experience headaches or a dry cough. It's rare for an

allergy to trigger any dizziness – although it can happen. But allergies alone never trigger a fever,

sore throat, hoarse voice, muscle aches, or an overall feeling of tiredness or weakness.

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To avoid colds and flu, stay away from those who are infected. Unfortunately, this only helps when

you know who is sick in a given situation or environment.

Another challenge in combating a cold is that your body is in a compromised state. When you're

sick with a cold, not only do you feel worn out and weak – you are in more ways than one. Much of

the body's resources and energy is directed towards fighting off the virus. This leaves your

immune system less capable of protecting you from other invaders. This ultimately leaves you at a

disadvantage and therefore much more likely to develop a more serious condition like sinus

infection, bronchitis, or pneumonia.

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How Infection Begins

The truth is that there is really only one way to catch a cold.

You can only become infected from someone else who is

already infected. It's not a matter of dressing warmly and

drinking plenty of orange juice. When you come into contact

with an infected person, you risk become infected too.

Cold viruses are easily passed in one of three ways: 1. Hand to hand... 2. Through the air and... 3. by

touching contaminated surfaces.

Most colds spread by hand contact. A simple handshake can be enough to plant the seed of

infection. It goes from one's hand to another's. Then that hand touches the nose or rubs the eyes

and the virus quickly settles in. You can also catch a cold by breathing in a tiny droplet of infection

someone spewed when they coughed or sneezed.

Even those sneezing away from others may be inadvertently passing the virus when it penetrates

the tissue and lands on the hands. But the runaway leader in spreading the cold virus has got to be

contaminated surfaces that get touched by the hands and then spread to the eyes or nasal

passage without the victim even noticing.

Germs are everywhere – in the air, in the water, and most notably as far as viral infections are

concerned – on virtually every surface in the world we are exposed to. And it's germs that trigger

those nasty viral infections that can take you out of the game for days or weeks, forcing you to lay

low until the body can work its magic, purge the toxins and perform a natural healing.

Think about all the surfaces you come into contact with on a daily basis. Anything that is shared is

a potential transmission zone and no matter what you do, unless you live alone in a cave and never

come out – exposure is a very real threat.

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Some potentially problematic surfaces include ATM's and other transactional terminals, pay

phones, counters and doors in public washrooms, menus in restaurants, public pens or styluses

used by courier drivers, in banks and at lottery kiosks, armrests on chairs in hospitals and other

waiting areas, handrails on stairs and escalators, elevator buttons, switches of all kinds, grocery

store freezer handles and shopping carts and baskets.

Now that you know where most colds come from, you can make a more diligent effort to avoid

them or otherwise protect yourself whenever and wherever you can. Minimizing your exposure to

germs makes you much less vulnerable to picking up an annoying bug of some kind or another.

Be aware that the cold virus can exist on any surface for up to seventy-two hours. This means that

even the slightest, invisible microbe that is spread by a sneeze, cough or touch can make anyone

else sick who comes in contact with it for up to three full days. It should be noted however, that a

cold is most contagious as soon as symptoms first appear and for the next three days. So

someone with a cough two weeks later would probably not still be infectious and capable of

spreading something that can make others ill too.

Often there's a lapse in time between the moment a microbe enters the body and when the

natural protective services – the immune system – can successfully kill it off. When the body is

otherwise healthy and well, the immune system is better equipped to do its job. But when it gets

overwhelmed, that's when infections seize the opportunity and take root. Also, the time between

when a germ makes its appearance and the body kills off the invader – the damage is inflicted by

the killing of healthy cells and the spreading of harmful toxins.

More toxins are produced as the germs multiply, continuing to wreck havoc inside the body. These

pesky germs are responsible for igniting the dreaded symptoms like sore throat and runny nose.

Even after the body has stopped the invading germs in their tracks, it still takes time to recover

back to a normal state of wellness and that means that the symptoms still persist, even though the

source of the problem has been corralled.

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The Best Preventative is Cleanliness

Avoidance would be your best strategy – if it was at all possible.

But since invasive viruses don't show up as colored warning signs,

you're going to be exposed to some degree. Of course it's best to

minimize any exposure by avoiding trouble zone altogether if you

can. Since it's easy to get infected by simply using a vending

machine in the cafeteria or passing an envelope to a receptionist,

the next best thing you can do to protect yourself is to wash your


You can't be too careful these days so one of the very best preventative strategies is to wash your

hands thoroughly and often. Don't simply rinse for a second or two – use soap and warm water

and really scrub. A thorough hand washing gets rid of any viruses before they have a chance to get

transferred from your hands to your nose or eyes. Think of a surgeon scrubbing between their

fingers and under the nails before doing their work. Maybe you don't have to be that complete,

but you should at least ensure that all areas are lathered-up, rinsed under warm water and gently


Sure, washing your hands may not always be convenient or accessible. That's why I heartily

recommend carrying in your pocket or purse a small bottle of anti-bacterial soap. With this

product, you don't need a sink or running water. Just dab some of the solution onto your hands

and scrub vigorously until the hands are dry – and it doesn't take long at all – maybe just thirty

seconds to a minute will do the trick and protect you from infection. You will really appreciate

having a supply of antibacterial soap in your coat pocket after refueling your car and handling the

usually dirty gas pump nozzle.

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In your home and office, it's important to regularly clean and disinfect door knobs, telephones,

switches and appliances that are shared. Creating a disinfectant cleaning solution is easy. Just

combine one part bleach and nine parts of water. Doing this just once or twice a week can make a

huge difference in helping to keep yourself and everyone around you healthy and infection-free.

Monitor your results and you may be astounded at how this one strategy can slash the number of

cases of colds and flu in your home and work environments.

Kids very often touch everything in sight. Even if they can't

reach it... they will try and find a way. Then they rub their

eyes, nose or mouth, ensuring that whatever insidious

invader they've picked up in their activities has a warm,

wet environment in which to flourish – which it most

certainly will.

Kids are the champions when it comes to both picking up and spreading germs. Most are exposed

to dozens of other kids at school or daycare, so if they're not transmitting, they're probably

receiving at any given time. And adults with kids typically get sick twice as often as those without

young children. One study showed that thirty-six percent of playgrounds and forty-six percent of

the surfaces at daycare centers were contaminated with illness-causing microbes.

Not all exposure to germs has a negative result however. Kids exposed to other kids develop a

more robust immune system than those who are kept away, as in a home-schooling environment.

Just as it's potentially damaging to shield a child from emotional upset, so too is the case with

germs. But if your child is getting sick frequently, start with a determined mindset and disinfect

everything you can.

While there may not be a whole you can do when they're outside of your control, you can do your

part to keep them and everyone healthy at home. When disinfecting, don't forget the children's

toys. These can be among the most contaminated items, so be sure to give them a regular scrub-

down to make them safer.

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Freshen-up the air inside your home and office. Many North Americans spend ninety percent or

more of their time indoors. That's a whole lot of time spend in confined places where the air is of

considerably lesser quality. But there are natural and inexpensive ways to freshen and purify that

air. Indoor plants are terrific in this regard and you should aim for having about one house plant

for every 15 square feet of living space.

There are plenty of green plants that can thrive indoors, as well as flowering plants like mums, wax

begonias and gerbera daisies. The latter is especially effective in purging the air of toxic chemicals

that are released by furniture finishes, carpeting and other indoor items.

When you make a conscious effort at protecting yourself and those around you from the spread of

infectious colds and flu, you make a difference in the quality of life. While the media shares stories

and information about getting vaccinated, you'll have much more knowledge than the average

person and can then make a more informed decision about what's best for you.

The so called “flu season” hits every year and judging by some stories in the media, you might

think that missing out on a flu shot would put you at significantly greater risk. Don't be

unnecessarily alarmed. Instead, look towards the healthier preventative and therapeutic

treatments you can take.

Most importantly, avoid contact with those who are sick and in particular, stay out of their

sneezing or coughing path. Wash your hands at every opportunity and wash away those harmful

germs that you will inevitably pick up in shopping malls, restaurants, grocery stores, libraries,

recreation centers, shopping malls and any other public place you happen to visit.

Find positive ways to deal with the stress in your life. Stress is a reality – it's a given. There's really

no way to avoid all stress and still lead a happy and productive life. But when you let stress get the

best of you, you're living at a serious disadvantage with a compromised immune system. This isn't

some half-baked theory – it's a fact that has been proven through countless studies.

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Mental and emotional stress depletes the body's natural defences. But the thing to keep in mind is

that it's not the stressors in life that cause the damage – it's how you react to them that makes all

the difference. Exercise is the best antidote to feeling stress, pressure or anxiety. Get out there

and get moving around. Burn off that stress.

Then, take care of yourself by paying attention to what you eat and be sure to get lots of rest too.

If you eat fast foods and short-change yourself on sleep – you will pay a price and any times that

manifests in a bad cold or the flu. It's also a good idea to learn some basic mind control techniques

like meditation or visualization. These can be used anytime to lower stress levels and to redirect

your thinking in positive ways.

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14 Simple and Natural Steps To Relief

1. Drink more water. Many of the things that are good for you to

do at anytime, are just as helpful – if not more so – whenever

you're feeling under the weather. An obvious example is drinking

lots of water – eight to ten glasses every day. When all is well

and good and you're feeling up to par, you may prefer your eight

to ten glasses cold, perhaps with a slice of fresh lemon or lime.

But when you're down for the count with a cold or flu, as important as it is to keep drinking

plenty of water, you would probably prefer a warm beverage instead.

Green tea or chamomile tea are excellent choices and do count towards your total daily

water consumption. Black tea (orange pekoe) and coffee do not. Coffee and tea are

caffeinated and considered to be diuretic, meaning it drains the body of fluids rather than

restoring those levels. You want to drink lots of water to stay well-hydrated.

2. Give up the smokes. If you smoke, refraining from doing so while you're sick can only help

you. Smoking impedes the natural healing process and the last thing your body needs when

it has already been hammered with a busload of toxins, is more highly-toxic chemicals

floating around. Smoking causes any lung congestion to get worse by lowering the ability

of the cells of the lungs to keep the air channels clear and unobstructed. Oh, and if you can

quit for a week or two while your body heals, you can just as easily quit for good and enjoy

a longer, healthier and more vibrant life. All it takes is decision and commitment.

3. Act swiftly and decisively. As soon as you notice that something isn't quite right, that's the

time to swing into action. The challenge is that this takes time and careful attention to

master. But the more you tune into your body, thee more in touch you are when illness

strikes. When you can respond positively and decisively early in the development of the

infection – you've get the best chance of wiping it out early and not having to endure a few

weeks of suffering.

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But there's something else you need to begin doing as well

and that is to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Just

say no. Catch yourself falling back into old habits and stop

often enough that you begin to break them. That's how it

usually happens.

It's easy to rub your nose without thinking about it. But that's all it takes for a brutal virus

to stake its claim and upset your life. Most colds and flu spread in exactly this manner.

Those warm, wet and easily accessible areas are open targets, providing an easy point of

entry and allowing the cold virus free and fast access.

4. Let nature do its thing. If you've got a runny nose – don't panic or get stressed-out about it.

Let your nose run and keep a box of facial tissues at your side. A runny nose is one of the

ways the body naturally flushes out the cold virus. Although it feels terrible and you wish it

would stop immediately – know that your body's doing exactly what it needs to do to drain

away the toxins that have temporarily taken over.

5. Use a natural solution for congestion. If your nasal passages are clogged, you are better off

avoiding most of those over the counter nasal sprays that can be highly-addictive and

dangerous to your health. Most drugstore type, chemical nasal decongestants like Afrin

and Neosynephrine are liquid medications. When sprayed into the nose, it triggers small

blood vessels in the nasal lining to constrict.

Congestion quickly decreases and near normal breathing is temporarily recovered. But

shooting drugs up your nose can easily become a dangerous addiction that causes serious

damage. Instead, look for a natural decongestant that contains cayenne pepper or

capsaicin – the key ingredient contained in cayenne that is tremendously effective in

opening up and draining clogged nasal passages.

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6. Listen to your mother. If you have a fever, often the best thing you can do is stay in bed,

drink plenty of liquids and get lots of sleep – just as your mom encouraged you to do years

ago. Liquids keep you hydrated and they loosen mucous and phlegm that causes

congestion. Fever is one way the body actually fights off illness. Obviously you must

monitor any fever closely. If it gets too high or sticks around beyond a day or two – it may

be more than a cold and you should seek medical attention.

7. Let the coughing happen. If you're coughing up mucous and phlegm, continue to let nature

take its course. Whenever you have a bout of what is often referred to as a “productive”

cough, you're allowing the body to naturally clean any excess and unwanted substances

that seem to settle into the lungs whenever one is saddled with a bad cold.

8. Drink hot liquids. Another way to help clear the lungs is to drink lots of hot fluids.

Specifically, the best drinks to consume are soup broths, herbal teas and green teas. Green

tea is a powerful health food that does the body good at any time and when you're feeling

sick, it can help soothe and nourish. Hot, broth-based soups are also helpful by providing

warm moisture that loosens any mucous, making it easier to cough and expel unwanted

substances – the by-products of a viral infection.

9. Moisturize the air around you. You can help ease breathing when the stuffiness of a head

cold becomes a problem by adding a humidifier to the bedroom. A humidifier helps keep

the throat from drying out and becoming even more irritated. Make sure you keep the door

closed to keep as much of that moist air inside the room. Taking in moist air with each

inhale helps to loosen-up any congestion. Standing in a hot shower can have the same

effect. Make it as hot as you can tolerate. Even step aside because you don't have to be in

the line of fire to get the benefits of the moist air that is generated. Simply breathing in all

that hot, steamy air will help pry loose any mucous accumulation in the lungs.

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10. Monitor your condition carefully and get help when it's needed. Pay attention to any

phlegm that is expelled through coughing. If it smells particularly harsh, or is a green or

yellowish color – it could be the sign of another condition, perhaps more serious than the

common cold. In this case, see a doctor. It's always best in this case to get an accurate

diagnosis. When you know what the condition is, you can then begin to treat it effectively.

11. Watch out for sharp pain. Another symptom you should watch for is any sharp pain in the

chest area or a shortness of breath. Chest pain may be most noticeable when you breathe

in deeply. If you notice any pain beyond the normal congestion, don't hesitate to get a

thorough medical evaluation. That's one of the big problems with colds and flu. These

common viral infections are most often seen as inconveniences and annoyances. But they

do take their toll on the body and deploy the resources of the body's natural immunity,

leaving it wide open for other more sinister illnesses to get in and inflict even more


12. Choose broths and teas over milk. For a sore throat due to a cold or flu, it's a good idea to

drink plenty of hot broth, herbal teas and green teas. Hot drinks made from water are

naturally soothing, without causing any additional build-up of mucous that can occur from

drinking milk. Another terrific sore throat easing beverage is to add a thick slice of fresh

lemon to a mug of steaming hot water, then top if with a little pure honey. Squeeze the

lemon and blend it all together and sip it slowly. It's soothing and comforting – without the

chemical ingredients found in those over the counter lemon-flavoured drinks often

recommended for sore throats from colds or flu.

13. Use throat lozenges to relieve irritation. Throat lozenges can also be quite helpful in easing

the discomfort of sore throats. Not only do they soothe irritation, they also serve to keep

the throat moist and well lubricated. Shop carefully though, as not all throat lozenges or

“cough drops” are created equal. Some are little more than candy, loaded with sugar.

Others are too mild for a severe sore throat.

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Lozenges with a menthol base tend to do the job and the most effective throat lozenge

we've ever tried is the original extra strong “Fisherman's Friend” brand. First formulated

back in 1865, these potent tablets include natural ingredients like menthol, eucalyptus oil,

licorice power and capsicum (from cayenne pepper).

14. Drink hot lemon and honey. If you normally drink any of the herbal

teas, green teas, even regular black tea (without milk) – try adding

the fresh juice of a one half of a lemon to each cup, with a good

dash of pure honey too. Stir it up and sip it down. For a raw,

scratchy throat, this traditional home remedy might be just what

you need most. Lemon is believed to stimulate the salivary glands,

helping to get more moisture into the mouth and making it easier

to swallow. Honey helps soothe the throat. It may also inhibit the

ability of bacteria to spread, allowing the body that much-needed

time to recover.

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Water Makes It Better

A hot bath can soothe an aching body and the steam that rises from

the water can help relieve any congestion. Inhaling steam helps

decongest the sinuses, throat and chest by getting the mucous

moving. This is the key to beating the symptoms of congestion

because bacteria flourish whenever the mucous gets stuck. But you

can keep it moving by breathing deeply as much as possible as you

take in the moist air from the hot water.

You can also get a similar effect by setting up a bowl or pot of freshly-boiled water on a table and

draping a towel over your head to contain the steam and inhaling. Just make sure that your face is

far enough away from the water so you don't scald yourself. To increase the decongestant effect,

add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the water after it has boiled.

If you're suffering from a fever, it may be a quick shower in cold water that does you the most

good as it can help bring the fever down. You've got to stay in there long enough to lower the

body's temperature, but this can likely be accomplished in as little as thirty seconds to a minute.

The trick is to begin with water at a comfortable temperature and then gradually it. That way it

won't be such a sudden shock to the body.

Speaking of water, it's vital that you're getting enough – particularly when you're under the

weather. Even if you drink lots of fresh water when you're well, chances are that all that changes

when you're saddled with a cold or flu bug. But it's not just the drinking of water that makes it

such a valuable and versatile tool in becoming well. Breathing in steam helps ease congestion,

while gargling with cayenne pepper or salt and warm water can instantly soothe a painfully

irritated throat. The point is that water makes all these options readily available to you. All you've

got to do is use them to find relief.

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An Age Old Remedy Gets New Respect

It seems like one ancient remedy is finally being accepted as a valid

method for easing the symptoms of colds and flu. Way back in the twelfth

century, a doctor by the name of Moses Maimonides began to prescribe

chicken soup to all his patients who suffered from upper respiratory

ailments such as the common cold.

Since then, it has been passed down from generation to generation, mostly as a home-based

remedy for feeling a little better whenever a severe cold or flu takes its toll and gets the best of

you. Mothers have known it for a long time, but few in science and medicine ever took chicken

soup seriously as an effective therapy. But it would seem that the majority of people given chicken

soup when saddled with a cold felt at least somewhat better – even if they couldn't pinpoint what

it was or how they happened to feel better.

Fast-forward eight hundred years, give or take, and some folks in the medical establishment are

now recognizing the merits of chicken soup in fighting off viral infections and soothing

discomfort. What science now concedes is that there is real immune-enhancing, cold-relieving

benefits delivered when one consumes a bowl of warm chicken soup. It is believed that chicken

soup slows down the inflammatory processes that worsen the symptoms of colds.

The inflammation that typically occurs as the cold virus spreads its toxins throughout the body and

makes you feel even sicker than you were before. So anything that stifles inflammation is a

welcome thing and chicken soup is one substance that seems to do this. Chicken soup also

contains compounds like cysteine, which is similar to some compounds used in cold medicines.

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Fresh homemade soup can be tremendously healthy and is always preferred to store-bought

varieties. But when you just don't feel like cooking – and who does when they don't feel well? If

you don't have someone else to cook for you or you find yourself pinched for time and need quick

relief, commercial blends can be helpful too.

Look first in the fresh foods section and fresh, additive-free soups have recently been brought to

market. It's best if you can find a soup that's low in salt and has little or no additives. Then chop up

a few fresh garlic cloves and drop this natural wonder right into the soup. Maybe add some diced

onion too and few generous pinches of cayenne pepper. Now what you have is a whole lot of

healing power from a one pot concoction.

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Vitamin C

Vitamin C has long been recommended as an antidote for the relief

of colds and respiratory infections – and for good reason. If you're

one of those people who regularly gets sick with a cold – it could be

an indication of a vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C offers a wide

variety of health benefits by strengthening the functions of the

immune system. One of the things vitamin C does is it assists in the

building and maintenance of the mucous membranes.

It has also shown to help neutralize the effects of harmful molecules in the body that diminish the

effectiveness of the immune system. Vitamin C is also required for the body to make hormones.

These hormones help the body deal with various forms of stress, while also aiding in the

conversion of toxins into water-soluble material that can be released from the body through the


Large doses of vitamin C was first advocated by Dr. Linus Pauling in Vitamin C and the Common

Cold back in the 1970's. Today, well-known alternative medicine specialist, Dr. Joseph Mercola also

suggests larger doses of vitamin C to combat colds. Others who claim that while vitamin C may fail

to prevent you from catching a cold, concede that it may relieve symptoms faster and make you

feel better.

Dr. Mercola advises five hundred to two thousand milligrams every few hours during a cold. But he

also warns that one should stop taking vitamin C if they develop loose or runny stools. It seems

that some people have a low tolerance to vitamin C and in these specific cases the nutrient

actually acts in a way that is similar to that of laxatives.

Since the body cannot store vitamin C – it needs to acquire a steady and healthy dose every single

day. It's easy to get all the vitamin C the body normally needs through fresh fruits and vegetables –

though you may want to add supplements for an added boost – particularly when you have

symptoms of a cold or flu. Consuming more vitamin C regularly usually means that you'll have

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fewer bouts of colds and flu and the systems will likely be less

severe when you do come down with a viral infection.

Terrific natural sources of vitamin C include: papaya, bell

peppers, strawberries, broccoli, pineapple, brussel sprouts,

kiwi, grapefruits, oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes,

cantaloupe and kale. You can also drink your vitamin C by

making fresh juice from any of the above foods too and when

you're sick in bed with a troublesome cold, there's just nothing better than a large glass of freshly-

squeezed orange or pineapple juice.

It may not cure the cold as some seem to think, but it can certainly boost one's own defences in

preventing colds, while helping to revitalize a depleted immune system.

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Zinc can be an important ally in the fight against colds – not

just after a cold invades the body – but as a preventative too.

Scientists have discovered that as zinc lozenges dissolve, they

release the mineral to fight off the cold virus at the exact

location of the infection – in the mucous membranes of the

throat and mouth.

They also suspect that zinc may help ward off infections by raising the quantity and quality of T-

cells. At the same time, this key mineral helps to inhibit the replication of the cold-causing virus.

Testing was performed on one hundred patients who all demonstrated symptoms of the common

cold. Fifty of the patients were given one, twenty-five milligram zinc throat lozenges every one

hundred and twenty minutes – during waking hours. While sleeping, no additional zinc was

provided. The other half of the group were given placebo lozenges, with the same frequency and

allowed to sleep in peace. Results indicated that those who were given the zinc lozenges had

significantly less congestion, coughing and other symptoms.

Zinc can provide relief from colds faster. The length of time one suffers from coughing, sore

throats, nasal drainage and the overall feeling of being stuffed-up can be cut in half by taking zinc

lozenges. Zinc can also reduce the number of days one suffers from a hoarse voice and headache


The difficulty some people experience in taking zinc tablets has to do with the unpleasant taste

and nausea that can at times occur. And zinc lozenges don't always work. Manufacturers have

been quick to jump on an opportunity by flavouring zinc lozenges with citrus fruit flavours and

enhancing them with such things as vitamin C.

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But these types of zinc products tend to be largely ineffective in relieving any cold symptoms.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why studies involving zinc usage in combating colds is all over

the map. Some studies, like the one above clearly indicate that something is at work here in a

positive way and can help ease the pain and discomfort brought on by a cold.

The real difference seems to be in the type of zinc formulation used as a natural therapy to soothe

cold symptoms. This discovery was made by Dr. Guy Berthon. What Dr. Berthon found out was

that zinc throat lozenges showed noticeable improvement in both the severity of the cold and its

duration when zinc acetate was used in the lozenge.

Reportedly, zinc acetate releases a powerfully potent amount of positively-charged zinc ions at a

specific PH level – and this is what makes all the difference in terms of the tablet's ability to knock

out a cold. According to Dr. Berthon, the other forms of zinc – those mixed with citric acids,

vitamin C and sweeteners – may taste a whole lot better. But those blends are not nearly as

effective because they eliminate the proper zinc ionization and deliver a different PH level.

Dr. Berthon concludes that it's easy to tell which zinc lozenges may help the most and which ones

probably won't help at all and it's all in the taste. The way a lozenge feels in your mouth is what

tips you off to its effectiveness in reducing symptoms of a cold. If the right ionization exists, it will

make your mouth pucker, giving a drying effect. It's not supposed to taste like candy and if it does,

it likely won't do you much good. Recommended brands include: Cold-Eeze, Cold Season Plus, Fast

Dry and Cold-Free.

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Ginger is a cold remedy that has been used for centuries.

Long known as a natural method to ease the symptoms

once saddled with a cold or flu, science now acknowledges

the healing powers of this life-enhancing herb. What

researchers have discovered is that ginger has the ability to

boost the immune system, fight inflammation, suppress a

cough and reduce a fewer.

Ginger also helps to relieve the chills, soothe aching muscles and ease the discomfort of nausea.

That's quite a punch – all from a root that's available year round at the grocery store. You can

consume ginger a number of different ways.

Fresh ginger is sold in the produce section. Finely diced and tossed into stir fries, sautés and

sauces, it adds flavour and nutritional value. You can also buy ginger in powdered form from the

spice section of supermarkets, or in capsules from any health food store.

Taking one half to one gram of ginger powder every hour for the first two or three days of a cold

can help stop it in its tracks, saving you days – or perhaps weeks – of potential misery. If you're

suffering from stomach flu and experiencing nausea or vomiting, take four to six ginger capsules

at the first sign of the nausea. This alone can help you to steer clear of the unpleasant symptoms

most people are forced to suffer through when coming down with the flu.

In normal immune response to invasive viruses, prostaglandins are released causing inflammation

and the associated body aches and pains that accompany colds and flu. What ginger does is it

shuts down the production of those prostaglandins. Consuming more ginger can definitely help

reduce the pain and discomfort experienced from colds and flu.

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You can also get the benefit of ginger by drinking it in tea form. Simply slice off a one-half inch

piece of peeled ginger, place it on a tea cup, fill the cup with freshly-boiled water and let it steep

for around five minutes – give or take. If you don't have any fresh ginger on hand, try combining

one teaspoon of dried ginger root with eight ounces of hot water. Slowly sip the tea and feel

nature's gift go to work in helping you to heal. You can also find commercial blends of ginger tea,

which makes getting your ginger fix fast and convenient – wherever you are. When you're feeling

worn out from a cold or flu, try to drink three to six cups every day of ginger tea.

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Garlic is another potent, one hundred percent

natural weapon for fighting off cold viruses. Garlic

invigorates the immune system by adding natural

“killer cells” which then go out and attack and

remove the cells that have been infected by the

virus. It's the compound found in garlic – allicin –

that makes it a powerful decongestant and cold

fighter that helps loosen mucous and phlegm,

making it easier to discharge by coughing.

Garlic is antibacterial, antifungal and a natural blood thinner too. It's also an expectorant, so it

helps you cough up any stubborn bacteria that tends to stick around in the lungs when hit with a

harsh cold.

Add fresh, crushed garlic to your Caesar salad and you're getting it at its most effective stage. But

you can also add garlic to soups and stir fries and whenever you roast or sauté vegetables. Not

only is it a terrific flavour enhancer, it will help your body flush out the toxins that cause cold

symptoms. You can also find garlic in supplement form. Be sure to read the ingredients and

choose those with the highest levels of allicin. For fighting colds however, the most potent

antibacterial power comes from consuming raw garlic.

If you want to clear your head, sharpen your senses and wake up from an extended slumber,

feeling somewhat more alert and alive, try munching a whole fresh clove of garlic. Just be sure to

have a glass of water nearby as it can get quite hot. Another option is to eat garlic with natural,

unsweetened and plain yogurt or cottage cheese. It makes it easier to take than going solo with

the garlic alone. If you can eat of a few of these pungent wonders early in the life of the infection,

you stand a good chance of kicking it to the curb much faster and possibly avoiding the worst of all


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Garlic goes to work right away and you will notice its effect immediately. And although those

around you may have to deal with the odor that spews from your breath and skin pores, it's a

small price to pay for the natural assistance fresh garlic can deliver when you need a boost the

most. By the way, you can quickly alleviate much of the breath odor by chewing on a couple of

coffee, beans, flossing and brushing your teeth thoroughly and by sipping on green tea

afterwards. Try it if you're brave enough and you will feel the natural healing power of garlic at


If you're taking any medication, be sure to check with your doctor medications can interact with

garlic – even in supplement form.

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Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is another powerful cold and flu fighter straight

from Mother Nature. It's a natural warming agent that easily clears

the nasal passages, making breathing much easier. What makes

cayenne pepper effective as a cold fighter is the compound it's

loaded with – capsaicin.

Cayenne may help ease a fever associated with a cold of flu and lower the body temperature by

stimulating the sweat glands.

Cayenne is powerful immune system booster. It is said to relax muscles, boost circulation, increase

body heat and stimulate metabolism. Cayenne pepper also boosts the secretions of the body,

helping to flush out bacteria from the eyes, sinuses and mouth.

Look for ground cayenne pepper in the spice isle of any grocery store. Add it to your evening

meals, but be careful with the amounts you use as it is much hotter than the traditional ground

black pepper.

Another way to use cayenne is to gargle with it to relieve a sore throat. Once again, a little goes a

long way. Just take a coffee mug and sprinkle in a pinch of two of cayenne, then add warm water

and gargle for a few minutes. This will bring instant, though temporary relief. Do it once an hour

and soon your sore throat should be a thing of the past.

Another way to use cayenne pepper is to add anywhere from one eight of a teaspoon (a good

amount to start with) to one full teaspoon and place it in a coffee mug. Fill the mug with slightly-

warmed water (cool enough so can drink it down quickly) and stir. Then in one shot, drink all the

contents. Do this when you're sick and you will soon feel better. But you don't have to wait to get

the benefits of cayenne pepper. You can make this drink once or twice a day and get the full

health-inducing, cholesterol and triglyceride-lowering benefits of cayenne in your system.

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Yarrow is a plant from the daisy family with small white, yellow

and pink flowers. It can be used as a remedy for colds –

specifically sore throats and early fever, due to its ability to

induce sweating in the body. The flowers and leaves of the

yarrow plant contain more than one hundred biologically active

compounds. You might be able to find yarrow as a supplement,

but the most popular way to take it is in tea. Yarrow tea may be prepared by adding one to two

teaspoons of dried yarrow in a mug containing one cup of boiling water. Let it steep for ten to

fifteen minutes before drinking and shoot for three cups of this tea every day.

Another way to use yarrow is to combine it with boneset, an ancient healing and bitter-tasting

herb that has been used for more than three thousand years. Boneset was reportedly given its

name by its ability to ease “break-bone fever” or typhus – an affliction in which ones bones ache

and become itchy. Today, boneset is still a respected herbal remedy for beating a fever, though it

does so in an unusual way by first raising the body's temperature, which then triggers profuse

sweating. Often it is used in conjunction with yarrow to knock out a fever and stimulate the body's

natural immune defenses to fight off any viral or bacterial infection.

To prepare yarrow-boneset tea, combine one half teaspoon of dried yarrow with one half

teaspoon of dried boneset in about eight ounces of hot water. Let this blend steep for a full thirty

minutes to make it as potent as can be. Then, reheat the tea, making it as hot as you can tolerate

and drink it down. This tea is naturally bitter and for some reason, adding a sweetener like honey

only seems to increase the bitterness. But rest assured, if you're down in the dumps with a cold or

flu and feeling better fast is high on your list of priorities, you will want to give this combination

beverage a fair shot.

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Elderberry is yet another option for relieving your cold and flu

symptoms and unlike many of the remedies that have evolved over

the years, elderberry actually tastes good. Elderberry seems to

possess the power of preventing the flu virus from attaching itself to

the cells of the body, preventing it from replicating and rapidly

spreading throughout the organism.

In one test, patients given elderberry extract four times a day, recovered in just four days, as

opposed to the eight days it took those who were given the placebo instead.

Elderberry has been used for centuries in Europe where people would fend off symptoms of colds

and flu by drinking hot elderberry wine blended with lemon. These days, elderberry is often

recommended by natural herbalists as a treatment for viral infections, bronchitis, colds and flu.

Some claim that by taking elderberry, one can realistically shorten the duration of an illness by

thirty to forty percent. And like so many natural healing remedies, if you can notice the beginning

stages of a cold or flu very early one – you can wipe it out completely by taking elderberry right

away. Elderberry is available today from any health food store as an extract in syrup, tincture or

lozenge form.

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You may not have heard of cinnamon as a solution to a

cold before, but it's one of those age-old home

remedies that give comfort, while it helps you beat the

common cold. It seems that there is a substance found

in cinnamon bark called cinnamaldhyde – and it's this

ingredient that kills off the bacteria that has made one


Cinnamon is also known as an anti-inflammatory food and one that can also lower a fever. To fight

off a cold, here's a simple, hot drink suggested by Dr. James Duke, author of The Green Pharmacy.

Take eight ounces of freshly-boiled water and add one full tablespoon of ground cinnamon and

two whole cloves. Allow it to steep covered for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then, add a squirt of

fresh lemon and shot of pure, natural honey to taste. Enjoy this home-brewed cinnamon tea up to

three times a day to naturally speed the healing of the body.

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West Indian Punch

Here's a unique blend of natural ingredients that has been around

for a long time in one form or another. Just look at the list of

ingredients – cayenne pepper, garlic, ginger, vinegar and lemon juice

– and you know straight away that it's going to pack quite a punch.

All those cold-fighting ingredients combined make this concoction a

force to be reckoned with.

Cayenne pepper packs heat and ginger has that special warming quality too. And both cayenne

and lemon juice act as natural astringents – making them valuable ingredients that help to clear up

any mucous. And with garlic serving as both an antifungal and antibacterial agent – you're got a

whole army ready to go to war against this nasty affliction.

Here's a recipe that Dr. Ben Kligler, medical director of the Beth-Israel Center in New York,

recommends for his own patients because of the positive results it has delivered. Blend the

following ingredients – one half cup of fresh lemon juice, one crushed clove of fresh garlic, one

teaspoon of grated fresh ginger, a pinch of cayenne pepper and two tablespoons of apple cider

vinegar. Once blended, all you have to do is get is drink it down.

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You may never have heard of yogurt as a cold fighter before. But

it’s a valuable food to add to your arsenal. Some folks consider

yogurt to be the ultimate health food and it's difficult to argue their

position. Of course, that only applies to all-natural, unsweetened,

low-fat yogurt.

Natural yogurt is a protein-rich, fermented dairy product that possesses greater potency and

immune-enhancing substances than pretty much any other food. What this delicious food offers

the body is live, beneficial bacteria – live bacteria that attaches itself to the mucous membrane

linings of the intestines and reproductive tract, crowding out bad, illness-causing bad bacteria that

settles in during a bout of the common cold. Some of the acids produced by the yogurt actually kill

off the bad bacteria, wiping out those toxic cells that have left you feeling miserable.

The live bacteria in yogurt – lactobacillus bulgaricus -- help protect the gastrointestinal tract but

stimulating the immune system cells, according to the American Journal of Gastroenterology. One

University of California study, a quantity of five hundred milliliters (about two cups) of fresh, all-

natural yogurt consumed daily, increased the levels of virus-fighting gamma interferon produced

by the white blood cells by a factor of four. This dramatically enhances the body's ability to stave

off colds.

When shopping for yogurt, be sure to look for natural yogurt without any sweetener like the

sugary fruit blends that go into most commercial yogurts. If you can get even a small amount of

all-natural yogurt to use as a “starter” you can make your own quite easily.

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Here's how to do it:

Take two tablespoons full of natural, plain yogurt and set it aside.

Bring three cups of fresh milk to a boil in a heavy pot.

Watch closely and as soon as the milk begins to rise, turn the heat to very low and continue

to simmer for one minute.

Next, turn off the heat and let the milk cool for exactly thirty minutes. At this point the milk

should be slightly warm to the touch.

Place the yogurt in a medium-sized ceramic mixing bowl (avoid using a metallic mixing


After the milk has cooled for thirty minutes, begin adding it to the yogurt in the bowl – one

tablespoon at a time and vigorously whisk the milk and yogurt starter together.

After the first four to five tablespoons, you can add the milk at a faster rate.

Just keep stirring as you add more milk to the mix.

Once you've added and whisked all the milk, cover the bowl with cling wrap.

Then being careful not to tip the bowl, surround it with a thick, warm towel and place the

towel-wrapped bowl inside an unused oven and leave it for approximately eight hours until

it sets.

At this point, the yogurt should be refrigerated and it will stay fresh for at least four to five

days. You can use the last two tablespoons from this yogurt to start another batch by

repeating the process.

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Echinacea has been used in Europe and elsewhere for many years

to treat the symptoms of a cold or flu In Germany it is considered

standard practice to take Echinacea in relief of sore throats and

coughs from colds. Many routinely take Echinacea during the

entire cold and flu season as a preventative measure and to

strengthen their natural defences.

It appears that Echinacea does have some apparent anti-viral qualities. For any achy throat, try

mixing one quarter to one half teaspoon of Echinacea with eight ounces of water and gargling.

After gargling, drink the remainder of the solution for an even more soothing effect.

After the onset of the symptoms of respiratory tract infections, ear infections and so on appear –

taking Echinacea can help speed healing and avert the most troubling annoyances altogether

when taken early in the establishment of the infection. In some cases, the illness has been

completely reversed or wiped out in about twenty four hours.

At other times, Echinacea seemed to have little impact. Studies seem to suggest conflicting

results. So it seems that Echinacea may work better for some than others and that some people

may not any improvement at all. It's probably worth a try, but be prepared to switch to other,

seemingly more consistent natural remedies if you don't notice any positive benefits from taking


Naturopathic physician, Dr. Mark Stengler offers a natural Echinacea cocktail as a healing beverage

and as a flu preventative. Add combine these ingredients – thirty drops of Echinacea, thirty drops

of stragalus, thirty drops of reishi, thirty drops of lomatium and ten drops of licorice root. Add the

mix to half a cup of warm water, blend well and drink it all up.

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If flu has hit your neighborhood, office or home – drinking this cocktail twice a day can help you

avoid contracting the flu altogether – despite its close proximity. If you've already been nailed

with the flu, drink the cocktail every two to three hours until your flu symptoms are gone.

Alternatively, Dr. Stengler suggests combining a five hundred milligram capsule of Echinacea with

one of the other cocktail ingredients, since it isn't a must that you have all four.

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Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root is yet another natural remedy for treating

sore throats and inflammation of the mucous membranes. It is

said to ease the pain and irritation of both respiratory tracts

and digestive tracts too. Some claim that marshmallow root

works better than anything else for relieving a sore throat.

Marshmallow root also helps alleviate the symptoms of


For maximum results, it is recommended that you combine one teaspoon of marshmallow root

with one cup of freshly-boiled water. After leaving this highly-effective tonic steeping for about

twenty minutes, simply drink it as you would a cup of tea. Prepare this concoction as many as six

times a day until you feel noticeable relief.

Marshmallow root assists the body in the expelling of excess fluids. Since it's a rich source of

healing mucilage, marshmallow root makes an ideal natural soothing agent. It eases a dry, hacking

cough and soothes irritated mucous membranes and that's why it's one of the ingredients often

found in cough medicines.

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Immune-Boosting Aromatic Oils

You can also use essential oils to help speed the healing process when a

cold has knocked you off your feet. Numerous options exist and in this

section, we will briefly touch on those scents that are readily available in

health stores. One thing to keep in mind is that all essential oils are

provided in concentrated form – so all you need is a small amount.

Sometimes two or three drops are more than enough to get the positive

advantages of these naturally healing aromatic oils.

Cedarwood – Cedarwood oil that is primarily derived from the juniper plant and it is believed to

provide relief from coughing and other cold and flu-related symptoms. You can inhale the fumes

from this essential oil directly, or create a compress. To create a compress, combine ten drops of

oil with four ounces of water. Then soak a facecloth in the mixture and then wrap the cloth around

your head or throat area. Breathe in deeply and enjoy the scent as it helps ease the symptoms.

Avoid cedarwood oil if you're pregnant. For some people, cedarwood oil may irritate the skin, so

be on the lookout when you first apply this natural oil.

Cypress – Cypress oil is made through a distillation process that uses the cones of the cypress tree.

The scent of cypress is believed to help ease the discomfort of sore throat and other symptoms of

respiratory infections. With cypress oil, all you need to do is place several drops in a saucepan and

place it on a radiator or next to a baseboard heater and let the heated air brings out the scent of

cypress so it floods the whole room. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you should avoid

using cypress oil. Also, you should know that cypress may trigger an allergic reaction in some

people, so if this is a possibility for you – simply choose another option.

Eucalyptus – Not only is eucalyptus a favourite when it comes to treating respiratory ailments like

colds and flu, it is also a powerful soother and healing agent with antiseptic properties. Did you

know that eucalyptus oil is the key ingredient in Vick's Vaporub? It's true. One of the most popular

“doctor recommended” medicinal treatments of all time for easing a stuffy chest and throat finds

its origin in nature – specifically in the eucalyptus tree.

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But you can go right to the source and benefit from the natural healing power of pure eucalyptus

(without any other chemicals) working for you. Combine six drops of eucalyptus oil with twelve

drops of vegetable oil and rub it directly onto the congested chest. Eucalyptus can be a powerful,

nontoxic ally when applied externally – but seriously harmful even deadly if taken internally.

Always combine a few drops of eucalyptus with “carrier oil” and apply it to the chest area and rub

it in thoroughly. You can also use it on the throat for the same kind of relief. Another terrific use

for this particular oil – and one that helps improve the air quality of your home – is to add a few

drops to the dust bag of your vacuum cleaner. What the eucalyptus does is it repels dust mites. It

also gives the air a healthy, clean and natural scent.

Ginger – ginger is most commonly used other ways – as a fresh herb, powered spice, or tea. It's a

staple of Asian cuisine and has been used in India for centuries, mostly for its healing properties.

As an oil, ginger acts as a decongestant, can lower a fever and as a preventative, it helps fight off

colds and flu. Ginger has a naturally warming quality about it. It's soothing and comforting –

particularly when you feel beat down from a nasty cold.

It's usually best to use ginger in conjunction with carrier oils because undiluted, it can cause skin

irritation in some people. Another powerful way to feel the healing effects of this essential oil is to

add half a dozen drops – or more – into a tub full of warm water. Almost instantly, you'll begin to

feel the benefits of ginger oil. Inhaling helps you breathe easier.

Lavender- Lavender oil has a wonderful scent and that's because this oil is derived from the fresh

flower spikes – those natural blue wonders that are a sure sign of spring. Lavender oil is best used

to help one relax. When you're saddled with a bad cold or flu symptoms, all you want is peaceful

relaxation and sleep.

That's where lavender oil can come to your aid. It induces a feeling of relaxation, lowers stress

levels and promotes healthy blood circulation. The aromatic scent of lavender can even help to

ease depression. Lavender can be applied topically, or try adding half a dozen to a full dozen drops

of this wonderful essential oil to a warm bath.

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Another wonderful way to experience the invigorating and relaxing effect of lavender is to add a

few drops to the water whenever you wash your bedding. Not only will it smell fresh, but it can

also help you sleep better – and you don't have to worry about chemical additives used in many of

the commercially available cleaning solutions. One thing you need to be aware of is that although

nontoxic, it is possible to get too much of a god thing and if you are overexposed to lavender oil –

it may cause nausea.

Peppermint – Peppermint oil is potent, so you only need to use a small amount to experience its

benefits. It can be used topically when mixed with a carrier like vegetable oil. What peppermint

does very well is help to ease the pain of a headache. Peppermint also fights fever and other

symptoms of respiratory infections. Once you get it on your hands, apply it immediately and then

be sure to wash your hands thoroughly. Keep peppermint oil away from the face and close your

eyes as you inhale its strong scent. Peppermint is a powerful that can help reduce your pain. But in

some people, it can trigger a wheezing attack or a gagging feeling – so use with caution.

Tea Tree – Tea tree oil – or melaleuca as it is sometimes called – is a multi-purpose essential oil and

is widely used as a natural way to combat viruses, bacteria, fungi, molds and parasites. Its vapor is

distinctive and powerful. To help alleviate respiratory congestion, add a few drops to a mixing

bowl full of steaming hot water and inhale the vapors for about five minutes at a time. You should

feel an easing of throat, nasal and chest congestion each time you apply this method.

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Homeopathic Options

Numerous homeopathic remedies abound for overcoming the energy-

depleting effects of colds and flu. Some health food stores carry plenty of

homeopathic solutions, while others don’t. If you visit a naturopath or

homeopath, they will steer you in the right direction, but you can always

seek out these solutions on your own as well. What is particularly

interesting about many homeopathic remedies – including some of the

most popular ones – is that they are often derived from some of nature's

most dangerous and deadly manifestations.

The good news is that any of these components that exist in a homeopathic remedy is of such a

minute amount that is considered completely safe and totally harmless to use. It is odd however,

that a natural based philosophy of healing often has its origins in the most unlikely of places – as

you are about to discover.

Belladonna – Belladonna is extracted from the deadly nightshade plant, which is known for its

poisonous black and red berries. As a homeopathic remedy, it has become a favourite way to

reduce a fever and restore the body to a normal temperature. Belladonna is also recommended by

homeopaths to reverse a full range of inflammatory conditions including sinus infection, flu and

sore throat.

Mercurius – Mercurius, as its name implies, is made from mercury – a heavy metal and one of the

most dangerous environmental pollutants on earth. But you can relax. As a homeopathic fix for

the common cold and flu, mercurius can be quite helpful. So you can go ahead and take it without

worry. This remedy is also good for sinusitis and ear aches – conditions that can develop from

colds or flu – especially when the symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, intense thirst, night

sweating, drooling during sleep, or excessive mucous discharge. If any of these symptoms sound

familiar, you may want to get your hands on mercurius.

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Lachesis – once again we have an alternative, homeopathic therapy that comes from something

most people wouldn't normally go near – a snake. More specifically, lachesis is made from the

poisonous fangs of the bushmaster snake. It is this origin that is thought to give lachesis its potent

power as a healing agent. Homeopathic practitioners often recommend this remedy for sore

throats and headaches associated with colds and flu – but they also recommend for menstrual

problems and hot flashes.

Oscillococcinum – his product is available in health food stores as a natural flu fighter. It's a

completely homeopathic remedy that has been shown to stop the flu quickly and decidedly when

it's taken early enough in the cycle. It's best to keep a package of these capsules on hand at the

earliest sign that you may have come down with the flu – start taking these wonders as directed

and you could completely divert the infection.

Cold-FX – Cold-FX is a brand name of a powerfully-effective cold-fighting remedy. It's a fairly recent

development and one that can seriously help you stop an oncoming cold before the infection

spreads far enough to take you down. One of the key ingredients of ColdFX is highly purified

extract from North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), yet this ginseng component does not

provide the other health benefits normally associated with ginseng like enhanced vitality and

improved mood.

It is however, highly effective in stopping respiratory tract infections. Again, taking this

supplement early on can make all the difference in the world. When you catch it early enough –

you can wipe out the virus. If you're too late, you will still have to endure the pain and discomfort

of the infection, even if you keep taking Cold-FX – just as is the case with virtually all remedies. But

you may be able to reduce the severity and duration of the illness.

Propolis – Propolis is a product from bees ad as a therapeutic tool, it goes back as far as three

hundred and fifty BC. In its original form, propolis is a resinous found in budding trees and it's a

substance that's packed full of flavonoids. Propolis is extracted from tree buds and collected by

honey bees that use this substance to seal their honeycombs.

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Propolis is a highly-effective cold and flu remedy because of its antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal

and anti-inflammatory qualities. You can buy propolis extract in tincture form, as capsules, or as a

throat spray for instant and direct application.

Propolis extract is said to have tremendous antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, making it

another item from the health food store you may want to keep in stock. You never know when

those symptoms are going to appear and typically, they catch people on the blind side. But if have

several of these all-natural remedies on hand and you detect your cold or flu quickly – you'll have

what you need to effectively deal with the invading force and sweep it away before it gets the

chance to wear you down.

There are a couple of other natural, anti-viral products in health food stores you may also want to

add to your shopping list. These include maitake mushroom extract and olive leaf extract or throat

spray. Three to seven grams daily of maitake extract helps support a healthy immune system

function. And one thousand to two thousand milligrams daily of olive leaf extract helps you fight

off the fatigue, inflammation and infection related to colds and flu.

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Lifestyle Changes Can Protect You from Colds and Flu

Life is what you make of it. Truer words were never spoken –

especially when it comes to your health. If you're sick and tired of

being sick and tired, it's time to do something about it. Healthier

living can spare you the discomfort, inconvenience and lost days of

productivity that commonly represent one's temporary reality every

time the pick up a cold or flu bug. But this need not be the case at all.

If you're like the average person who gets a couple of colds every

year – you've actually programmed yourself to create this reality – whether you know and accept it

or not. You get what you expect and most people expect to get sick – at least one a year.

Even employers bought into this mass consciousness years ago with the allowance of “sick leave”.

What we need to do is take more responsibility for the state of our bodies and minds. We need to

recognize our true power in facilitating health and wellness instead of illness and days spent lying

in bed, unable to do much of anything else. Illness is not your normal state of being – wellness is.

Part of taking more responsibility is conducting your own due diligence. Don't take my work for

any of this and don't necessary buy into the collective wisdom either. Open your eyes to today's

reality and you soon realize that the power brokers are the huge pharmaceuticals who continue to

crank out chemical creations aimed at addressing symptoms, but that are not without

consequences like side effects.

Natural solutions are lesser known than the medicinal “fixes” prescribed by doctors and readily

supplied by “big pharma”. Such is the case with every affliction known to humankind – including

the common cold and flu. Media outlets are advertising supported and the big pharmaceuticals

with their billion-dollar profits can and do easily command all the airtime they want and like sheep,

many of us accept and follow whatever they have to offer. After all, we heard about it on

television, so it must be good, correct, okay, etc. That's the danger of mass mind thinking and it's

clear to see just how prevalent it is these days.

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Billions of dollars worth of potential advertising revenue ensures that the media plays along too.

It's hardly a level playing field and true objectivity as it relates to alternative therapies isn't going

to happen. Any natural cure that comes along is a perceived threat to drug manufactures who

feed off of illness and the desire to treat that illness with a pill or injection. Natural cures becoming

widely known would render the pharmaceutical giants largely insignificant. If fresh air was proven

to heal a specific ailment – no corporation would be able to profit from it exclusively and

therefore, you wouldn't see any ads or promotions of any sort telling you about the advantages of

breathing fresh air.

According to Dr. Kligler, “we've gotten into the habit of

believing that anything that fights cold and flu has to come in a

pill” when in reality, “we need to reconsider natural

alternatives that work as well as – and, in many cases, better

than over-the-counter remedies.”

Some people are simply brainwashed. They buy into passed along beliefs without taking the time

to examine and evaluate things for themselves. It's similar to the way many of us learn certain

words by rote. We become exposed to a particular word or message and through nothing more

than unquestioned routine, it becomes accepted and habitual. Offer an alternative to some people

and they'll quickly snap back, “my doctor told me to do ____ (whatever) and so that's what I'm

doing”. But they do so blindly, unaware of any natural or alternative solution and in the process,

refusing to accept any responsibility for their illness. They don't want to hear about anything else –

irrespective of effectiveness – preferring to believe instead that their doctor is handling it.

I'm sure you're NOT one of those people or you wouldn't be reading this report right now. But my

message to you is to check things out for yourself before accepting or dismissing them. And be

cognizant of the power of advertising and the driving forces behind it.

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Observe what you put into your body every day. Changes are that many of your dietary choices are

out of habit rather than conscious choice.

If you had to decide before consumption, whether or not a particular food would provide good

nourishment for the body, or was mostly empty calories – would you continue to eat it? If you're

even the least bit concerned about protecting your health and lengthening your life, you would

want to see to it that your body gets all the nutrients it needs. But it's very easy to get busy in life

and to just eat because we feel hunger coming on – or because it's our “usual” meal time. But

when you continue to put less than healthy contents in and you keep the good stuff out – sooner

or later – something's got to give.

That amazing machine you've been blessed with – the body – will wear down. Illness sets it and

what often begins as the common cold or flu can quickly develop into a chronic condition or

something much more sinister. When the body is neglected, it breaks down and doesn't last

anywhere near its capacity. The simple answer is to stop the poisons from getting in – not the


Ultimately, it's the body that heals itself. So anything you can do to facilitate a natural healing is a

wise choice. It's a holistic, natural approach that coincides with the body's design and function.

But when you look at the traditional medicines offered for colds and flu, do they encourage

natural healing or are they simply designed to “manage” one's symptoms? Symptom management

can be very profitable – or big pharma wouldn't bother paying the game. But treating the

symptom alone doesn't address the problematic cause.

When the immune system is healthy and functioning as it should, it usually catches and kills

invasive infections before they can inflict severe damage. Getting sick is in itself a revelation that

the immune system is not as strong as it should be. It could be diet-related, a lack of proper sleep,

inadequate amounts of exercise, a heaping load of stress – or a combination of any or all of these

factors. By addressing the problem, you're giving the body the kind of care and respect it


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Eating healthier food and drinking more water can go a long way towards establishing a healthier

foundation and a stronger immune system. While this may be a message that you've heard many

times before, it bears repeating for no other reason that its vital importance. Healthy eating and

good hydration are cornerstones to peak health and vitality.

When you're getting enough, you are far less likely to get slammed by a cold or flu virus. As we

age, we tend to become more dehydrated as a result of too many years of not drinking enough

water. Since the body is about seventy percent water and the brain, eighty-five percent – it only

makes sense that the continuous intake of fresh water is essential to god health and wellness.

When your body's cells don't get enough water, they don't work as efficiently.

A feeling of thirst is the last sign that the body needs water. For optimal health, you should never

that level of depletion happen. Don't wait for last call, drink continuously. Hunger can also be a

signal that what the body needs most is water. To prove this to yourself, the next time you feel

hungry, pour yourself a tall, cold glass of water, drink it down and then see if you're still as hungry

as you were before. Changes are that your hunger signs have subsided an all it took was water.

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When it comes to the flu, almost all the talk in the media

centers around getting the flu shot. Once again, who supplies

these shots anyway? Correct. It's the pharmaceutical

companies that want everyone to enthusiastically embrace

yearly immunization as a safe way to guard against coming

down with the flu.

Just listen to most media reports and you'll see how one-side the arguments appear. Even

government gets in on the act by supposedly supporting its population by “protecting” it from

infectious disease. Best is getting the vaccine in your best interest? If you listen to the propaganda

machine of big pharma, you'd think it was a necessary safety measure. But researchers led by

vaccination expert, Dr. Danuto Skowronski in Vancouver found that those who received the

seasonal flu vaccine in 2008 actually had twice the risk of contacting H1N1 “swine flu” compared to

those who never received the shot.

The real problem seems to be that there's a significant difference between naturally-acquired

immunity and the kind of immunity that is supposed to happen when given a vaccine. With the

vaccine, an antibody is artificially created. But research indicates that unvaccinated children build

up more antibodies against a variety of strains NATURALLY than do kids who get vaccines. Flu

shots are only temporary and therefore never one hundred percent protective. And many who do

get he shot, still get sick with the very thing they are supposed to be immunized against.

Typically the “protection” offered when getting a shot is less effective in protecting those

receiving it, compared to the protection one would build by contracting and then naturally

recovering from the flu. Letting the body deal with the flu and heal from it may be a far safer

option that being subjected to a chemically-produced injection.

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But that's not the only danger of vaccines. Many vaccines contain the preservative, thiomersal,

which happens to be loaded with mercury, one of the most brain-toxic substances known. This

chemical is completely unnatural and poisonous. It's a danger for anyone and may be even more

of a threat to young children, whose bodies might be less capable of getting rid of any toxins.

Some studies suggest that as much as twenty percent of children could suffer some form of brain

impairment like dyslexia, lower IQ, sociopathic behaviour, allergies, asthma or hyperactivity.

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The Questionable Value of Milk

When you're sick with a cold or flu, the last thing you should be consuming is

milk. The quick answer is that milk increases mucous production and often it’s

the build-up of mucous that you are seeking relief from. Some people are

sensitive to milk and they should avoid at all times. But is today's commercially-

produced milk actually safe? Research indicates that milk may be downright

harmful on one end of the scale and of little nutritional value, if any on the


So in other words, if you've accepted the belief that cow's milk is a healthy product for humans,

you may want to look into this issue yourself at a deeper level. It could be causing health problems

far beyond the obvious.

What I've discovered is that the problem with milk is not just how it is processed – but how it

evolves. Today's commercial farms have replaced the fresh green grass cows once were fed with

high-protein, soy-based feeds. Cows are now raised to produce three times the milk as normal,

which is far more than nature designed.

It's all about production and profits and not about the health of the animals or the end users.

Cows are also given bovine growth hormone and are treated with antibiotics. Whatever milk is

taken from the cow is pasteurized and during this process, all the enzymes in the milk are

destroyed. Without these enzymes, milk is far more difficult to digest, hence the common

problem of lactose intolerance.

In humans, the pancreas can produce these enzymes essential to digestion of the milk, but not

always, as the pancreas can get overloaded, which can in turn lead to diabetes. Despite what you

may have been taught as a child, milk is definitely not required in a healthy diet. Far better options

exist in organic soy, hemp, brown rice and pure almond milk.

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Sure the flavour is different and it takes some getting used to. But who ever came up with the idea

that one species (humans) should consume the milk of another in cows? As it turns out, that's not

the real problem however. It's all the ways humans have intervened and significantly changed the

product in the process. Despite the claims of the milk marketing boards and the big money

producers, how healthy can the milk you buy at the store really be?

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Treating the common cold or flu can be challenging because there are so

many viruses out there that represent the root of the problem. Each virus

attacks the body in its own way and every individual often reacts differently

to any given treatment. Finding the right remedy can be as difficult as

playing darts at night, without the benefit of any light source. Something

that relieves a vicious cough in one person may have little or no effect on

the next person with symptoms that appear to be identical.

It seems that there are multiple factors at play, including the specific characteristic of individual

symptoms, as well as diet and whatever happens to be going on in an individual's life. What we do

know is that stress is often a factor and it’s something that needs to be addressed in one's life, or

the same kinds of symptoms – or worse – will tend to reoccur.

These days, it seems that we've all been conditioned to look for a quick fix. It's the age of the pill

and most of us would prefer to pop a few of them and wake up in the morning symptom-free.

Despite our collective efforts, it seems that we're no closer to this utopia then we were twenty-

five or thirty years ago. But that's no reason to throw up your hands and surrender. It's time to use

what we know to stave off colds and flu by supporting the body naturally through diet, exercise,

rest and cleanliness.

Most people are aware of how these viruses transfer from one to another, yet it's as though

they're either living in a fog or they just don't care. But it's only common courtesy to at least try to

keep those germs to yourself instead of carelessly sharing and infecting others who cannot sense

your illness. And remember to consistently and thoroughly wash your hands to get rid of as many

of those infectious germs as you possibly can. Keep a small bottle of antiviral soap – the kind that

requires no water and can be applied anywhere – on you wherever you go.

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Remain alert and know that everything you touch and are exposed to that comes into contact

with others is a potential danger zone. Some of these can be avoided, while others cannot. But

washing up after making physical contact with door handles, cream dispensers and the like can

help you stay healthy where you might have otherwise taken ill.

Health and wellness takes a concerted effort and sometimes we become impatient. Avoidance is

the optimal strategy, but when things happen and we get infected – swift, corrective action can

help us make a quick detour and avoid the crash just ahead.

Whenever a cold or flu gets the best of us, all that we want more than anything else is an instant

fix. But we need to remember that with some remedies, there's a period of adjustment involved,

where it seems like we're going the other way. So at times you might even feel worse before you

start feeling any better.

Detection is one of the keys – and perhaps the single most important one – to handling any upper

respiratory infection. Detect it early and act on it swiftly. The sooner you get on the path of taking

corrective measures, the greater your odds of wiping out the virus before it has the chance to take

you down.