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Coptic Alphabetic concepts

Apr 03, 2018



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  • 7/28/2019 Coptic Alphabetic concepts


    Aziz S. AtiyaEDITOR IN CHIEF

    Volume 8

    Macmillan Publishing CompanyNEW 'lOR/(Collier Macmillan Canada

    TORONTO.Maxwell Macmillan International


  • 7/28/2019 Coptic Alphabetic concepts


    R&ch, F. 8mchslilcke des ernell CJelll/!l1shrie/c.f ll(Jchde", achmimischCIl PtJpyrus der Strassburger Un;vtwtiil$. ulld umdesbibliOlllek, mil bib/ischenTuttll d e r ~ / M J l lIalll/sellri/l. Stra.TR. u Hilhel10 Unnoticed Coptic Trip'lI1lte ConjugationFonn andIts Diachronic Connections." Orlen/alia 43 (1974):369-81."Akhmimoid F c a l u r c ~ in Shenoule's IdiolKL" M l u ~ o t l 89 (1976):157-80.SinlOn. J. "Note su r Ie d o s . ~ i e r des textcs illmlmiqucs." Ci"qlluute"uirfl de J'&oIe bib/ique ellIfChiologiqlle de Jin15afem. MemQrial (Mariestph) lAgrange, pp. 197-201. Paris. 1940.Steindorff. G. Die ApokalypK des Elias, eine llllbekamr/e Apolwlypst lw d 8l'l1chstllc der S o p h o r l i a . ~ApoblJpst. Tcxle und Untersuchungen 17. leipzig. 1899.Thompson. H. 11rc Gospel of St. 101m According 10 theEarliest Cop/ie Marti/script. London, 1924.Till, W. C. "Die SteHung des Achmlmischen." Aegyp-tlU 8 (l927a):249-57._. Die acJtmimische Vcrsioll der ~ w i J l f HeinenProphCtCH (Codex RaineriamlS, WiclI). Coptica 4.Copenhagen, 1927b.__ . Adll11imisdl-kop/ische Grmmllfl/ik. Leipzig,1928. Os/erbrief ,/lid PredlCr 11/1 uchmimisclwllDIlIlek/. Leipzig, 1931._. "Coptic mblit::ll Tcxts Published MlerVa\Chalde's List." Blllle/itr of the folm Rylll lrds Library 42 (1959-1960):220-40.Vaschalc1e, A. A. "Ce qui a ete public des versionscoptes de la Bible, quahieme groupe, lexlesakhmimiqucs.' Museo" 46 (1933):306-313.VcrgOlc, J. Grammaire cop/c. Vol. la, /lIIrodl/c/iQIl.phOlli:tique ct pho/lofogie. morplrologie syti/helllutiqlle (stl'llcturc dcs s i " , a l l t ~ l P l c s } . JH2rtie synehro-nique. Louvain, 1973. Vol. lb./mrodllclioJl, phone./iquf! d plronologie. "'QrpllOIogie s ) ' t l t l l ~ l I I a l i q l l e(struc/lire df!5 s i m a l l / ~ l I I e s ) . partie diuehro.tiqlte.

    ALEPH 27

    Louvain. 1'173. Vol. 2a, Morphologic S)'II/oglllotiquc,syllloxe, partie S)'nchro"iqlle. Louvain. 1983. Vo\.2b, Morphologic s)'lIfagmoliqllt', partie diachro"ique.I...oll\'nin. 1983.WClI;lcndorf. W. Kop/ischts lIulld...fjrttrouch.lX:llrbf!itet

    auf Gnmd des Koprischell Halld...(jrterollchs VOIIWi/)rdm Spiegelberg. Heidelberg, 1977.Won-ell, W. H. Coptic SOImds. Ann Arbor, Mich .1934.

    PIlTER NAGEl..

    ALEPH. NOI onl) ' in Coptic but in olher languagesalso. aleph ( - rJ) is a consonant or a \ 'el ) ' sJX.'(:ia[kind: it is cCl1ainly a laryngt:al occlusive, bUl is ilret,ll)' unvoiced? For some, it clearly Is (e.g.,Vergote, 1973, Vol. la, pp. 12-13), whik others hesilate to plnt:c il eilht:r tlmong the unvoiced 01 ' amongthe voiced sounds, 01' resign themselves to pUlling ilS ( ) l l l e w h e n ~ betwecn the two (e.g., Dicth, 1950, I'. 98;Dubois et al.. 1973. p. 25; Kassel'. 1981a). It is beslthought of as a stop followed by an abrupt cmissionor sound, ~ ' S J X . ' ( : i a l l y a stop sept'lraling two adjacent\'Owcls, for instance al the beginning of a sylltlbleafler a hiatus (e.g. in "rccnlcr" or in French "13maine" [la cn]). or as a "glol lal stop" replacing aconsonant hurried over in pronunc ia tion (e.g.," ....oncr" ror "water"; d. thc Arabic hanlZS).In Coptic. so rar as it is really preserved, it is in

    every case a CRYI"TOPIIOSEME (that is, a phonemc notrendered by any writtcn 1t.-lIer of its own). and it isno doubt for this reason that its eXislcnce in Ihislanguage has long becn ignored or disputed; eventoday it is not universally accepted. For this occupies a very special place in the Coptic phonological inventory.

    II is true thal pharaonic Egyptian, down to ils lastfull manifestation prior 10 Coptic (i.e. demotic). p0ssessed both thc phoneme aleph - J and the CUlTesranding gmphcmc (lhe "Egypti:lIl vullure" of Gar'dineI', 1957, p. 27, tl hieroglyph Ilmt, among other

    l h i n g . ~ , hecurnc :L.> in demotic; cf. du Buurguct ,1976, pp. 3,75). Now this J was, on the onc hand,almost evcl'ywhen: muled and disappeared (d.Vergole, 1945, pp. 80-98, and 1973, Vol. lb . Ilfl.28-33; and 'AY1N); but, on the other hand. the alephdocs indeed st:em 10 have reappean:d in Coptic as aphoneme rl and as a prodUCI or the transfOlmalionof various other cotlSOnants. 11 is appropriatc in thisconnection 10 examine above al l what can be observed in P. Bodmcr VI. the sole witness to DtAUlCT P(which In ilS orthography and phonology orten lookslike what can be known about a primith'e proto-

  • 7/28/2019 Coptic Alphabetic concepts


    ,28 ALEPH

    Suhidic. ppS. that became a more evolved pr'OtoSahidic. 'pS, a reconstructed pTotoSahidic, however, nol s ituated in its regiun of origin bu t probablyimmigmlll into Ihe Thehan region. whet't' it was suopClimposed on II and probably also on some varietyof L; d. Vcrgotc, 1973b, and Kassel', 1982). One canlher'e see the scribe rendering what seems indeed tohe 1'1 by a quite particular grapheme J., but onlysponulically, for in lhe same or similar cases he also,through confusion, uses - (normally equivalent toI?(); or again, as in S properly so called, he practices graphic vocalic gemination; or finally he omicsany graph ic proceeding thaI might rcmlcr /'1 amIpresentS an orthogronphy without vocalic gemination,in the manner of M, for example (where it is admilted that the phonological system has lost its primitive /'1>. Here al"e these unique vestiges of .L(Kassel", 19R1c, p. 35): ::&.Jo..L.;, (to put) one case, hut

    ~ J o . ' ; ' one case;

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  • 7/28/2019 Coptic Alphabetic concepts



    __ , Kop/ischl! Gramllw/ik (Sai'dischcr IJiulck/), milBibliugruphie, Lesesliickell wrd Wiirlerverzeidmin-en,Lcip1.ig, 1955,__ . KaJllisehe Dial

    Vtrtlott, J. Phr.melique Iris/uriq/Je de l'egyplien, lesC U l l s o m w ~ ' , Louvain, 1945.__ . Gramlllairt' caple, Vol. I a, III/mdlic/ion, plIO'm!liqlll! eI phOflOfogie, morphologie syllihemalique(s/rue/ure des semmrlemes), pur/Ie synchroll iqlle,and Vol. Ib, Inlrudlle/io,r, pho'Jetique el pllOllologie,/Ilorplro";;gie sy,r/hemaliqlle (siruclure dessCl/lamimll.'s), parlie diaclrrolliqllC. Louvain, 1973a,__ , "Le Dialecte copte P (P. Bodmel' VI; Prover'bes), essai d'idelltificalion," ReVljl! d'cgyp/ologie25 (\973b):50-57,

    ROOO1.l'llE KASSER

    ALPHABET IN COl-TIC, CREEK. The Greekalphabet is much in evidem:c in Coptic; in fact,among the var ious Coptic alphabets (cr. AU'IIABETS,