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We are the LARGESTsupplier of ozone products

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Ozone Application Catalog:

Cooling TowersAbout Ozone Solutions 3Ozone Properties 4Effect of Ozone on Bacteria 5FAQ about Ozone 6Ozone and Color Removal 7Ozone Compatible Materials 8Ozone Disinfection/Ozone Contact Time Kinetics 9Ozone Formation 10Ozone Advantages 11K-7402, KIT DISCONTINUED (Refills still available for order) 12AS-500, AS-500 Dissolved Ozone Monitor 12C-30ZX, Inexpensive Ozone Sensor with relay outputs! 13EZ-1X, Inexpensive Ambient Ozone Sensor 13S-500, Ozone Monitor with Integrated Data Logging 14WT-100, Ozone Compatible Water Trap 14STATIC MIXERS, Static Mixers for Ozone Applications 15OSW-10, Low Cost Ozone Injection Skid 15Ozone Compatible Pressure Gauges, Stainless Steel Pressure Gauges 16TS-20, 20 g/hr Turnkey Ozone Generation System 16TS-30 Rental, 30 g/hr Turnkey Ozone Generation System 17WATERZONE-10, 10 Gram/Hour Ozone Injection System 17WATERZONE-40, 40 Grams/Hour Ozone Injection System 18Custom Built Ozone Injection Systems, Turn-Key Ozone Systems 18

451 Black Forest Rd.Hull, IA 51239 USA

Toll Free: (888) 892-0303Ph: (712) 439-6880Fax: (712) 439-6733

The information in this catalog is for the private use of the customers of Ozone Solutions, Inc. Anyand all information in this catalog including features, specifications, descriptions, images, prices, andother statistics are subject to change at any time without notice.

October 3, 2013


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Ozone Solutions, Inc. | Toll Free: (888) 892-0303 | Ph: (712) 439-6880

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | | [email protected]

Who is Ozone Solutions?Ozone Solutions is a supplier of ozone equipment &integrated systems. We carry hundreds of ozone productsspecifically designed for an ozone environment. We alsoassemble turnkey ozone systems used for GroundwaterRemediation, Odor Control & Water Treatment.

Our Goal:We desire to implement ozone in a safe & cost-effectivemanner. We strive to demonstrate excellence & leadershipthrough your satisfaction.

The Issue:Environmental regulations along with customer expectationsare more difficult to meet than ever before. As a result,companies are now forced to find innovative ways ofimproving the end product for customers. Ozone isincreasingly turned to as an oxidant of choice for manyindustries.

History:For over ten years, Ozone Solutions in conjunctionwith industry leaders has been devoted to designinga reliable and innovative system to assist businessessolve food processing and groundwater remediationproblems. Ozone is the logical alternative, if not thebest, for food processing and water treatment. Wedesign and build turnkey systems that require verylittle maintenance.

Ozone:Ozone is an unstable form of oxygen which consistof 3 oxygen atoms (O3). It reacts with other gases,changing their chemical structure. As ozone oxidizes/disinfects, it destroys harmfulbacteria & contaminants, then reverts to normal oxygen.


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Ozone Solutions, Inc. | Toll Free: (888) 892-0303 | Ph: (712) 439-6880

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | | [email protected]

Ozone PropertiesOzone is one of the most powerful oxidants used in water & airapplications. See the different properties of ozone below.

PropertyMolecular Formula:Molecular Weight:Smell:

Color:Boilint Point:Density:Electrochemical Potential:Specific gravity @ STP (air =1):Solubility in Water (0-deg C):CAS numberOdor Threshold:

OzoneO348 g/mol- clothes after being outside on clothesline- photocopy machines- smell after lightning stormslight blue-111.3 deg C (-168.4 deg F)2.141 kg/m3 (0.133 lb/ft3)2.071.612190 mg/l10028-15-65-20 PPB (0.005 - 0.02 PPM)

vs. OxygenO232 g/molodorless

colorless-183 deg C (-297.4 degF)1.429 kg/m31.231.10514.6 mg/l7782-44-7odorless

Ozone Half-Life vs. TemperatureTemp(C)-50-35-2520120250

half-life in air *3-months18-days8-days3-days1.5-hours1.5-seconds

* These values are based on thermaldecomposition only. No wall effects,humidity, organic loading or othercatalytic effects are considered.

Temp (C)1520253035

half-life in water (minutes)302015128


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Ozone Solutions, Inc. | Toll Free: (888) 892-0303 | Ph: (712) 439-6880

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | | [email protected]

Effect of Ozone on Bacteria

Computer generated image of a bacteria cellClose-up of ozone molecule coming into contact with bacterial wallOzone penetrating and creating hole in bacterial wallClose-up effect of ozone on cell wallBacterial cell after a few ozone molecules come into contactDestruction of cell after ozone (cell lysing)

As a comparison based on 99.99% of bacterial concentration being killed and timetaken: Ozone is

25 times of that of HOCl (Hypochlorous Acid)

2,500 times of that of OCl (Hypochlorite)

5,000 times of that of NH2Cl (Chloramine).

Further more, ozone is at least 10 times stronger than chlorine as a disinfectant.Chlorine reacts with meat forming highly toxic and carcinogen compounds called THMsor tri-halomethanes - rendering meats lesser quality products. THMs was alsoimplicated as carcinogens in developing kidney, bladder, and colon cancers. Chlorinealso results in the production of chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, chloromethanebesides THMs. On the other hand, ozone does not even leave any trace of residualproduct upon its oxidative reaction.


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Ozone Solutions, Inc. | Toll Free: (888) 892-0303 | Ph: (712) 439-6880

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | | [email protected]

FAQ about Ozone

WHAT IS OZONE?Ozone, (O3), sometimes called "activated oxygen", contains three atoms of oxygen rather than thetwo atoms we normally breathe. Ozone is the second most powerful oxidizer in the world and can beused to destroy bacteria, viruses and odors. Interestingly ozone occurs quite readily in nature, mostoften as a result of lightning strikes that occur during thunderstorms. In fact the "fresh, clean, springrain" smell that we notice after a storm most often results from nature's creation of ozone. However,we are probably most familiar with ozone from reading about the "ozone layer" that circles the planetabove the earth's atmosphere. Here ozone is created by the sun's ultra-violet rays.

HOW DOES OZONE WORK?The third oxygen atom of ozone makes it extremely unstable, and therefore reactive. This atom readily attaches itself to other odormolecules. When contaminants such as odors, bacteria or viruses make contact with ozone, their chemical structure is changed toless odorous compounds. As more ozone attacks the remaining compounds, the odor is eventually destroyed. This process iscalled oxidation. Ozone essentially reverts back to oxygen after it is used. This makes it a very environmentally friendly oxidant.

HOW IS OZONE PRODUCED?There are basically two methods of producing ozone...ultra-violet and corona discharge. Corona discharge creates ozone byapplying high voltage to a metallic grid sandwiched between two dielectrics. The high voltage passes through the dielectric to agrounded screen/plate and in the process, creates ozone from oxygen present in the chamber. Ultra-violet (UV) light creates ozonewhen a wavelength at 254 nm (nanometers) hits an oxygen atom. Both processes split oxygen molecules into single oxygen atoms(O). These atoms combine with another oxygen molecule (O2) to form ozone (O3).

HOW LONG DOES THE OZONE LAST?As soon as ozone is formed in the generator and dispersed in a room, it will start to revert back to oxygen. This step occurs byseveral processes including the following: Oxidation reactions with an organic material such as odors or smoke. Reactions withbacteria etc., which again consumes ozone by oxidation reactions. Additionally ozone breaks down thermally. Higher temperaturesdestroy ozone quicker than lower temperatures. The ozone that remains is referred to as Residual ozone.

"Residual" ozone created will return to oxygen usually within 30 minutes, in amounts equal to half its level. What this means is thatafter each subsequent 30 minute period there would be half as much residual ozone left at the end of the period as was present atthe beginning of the period. This is similar to a geometric progression of 16;8;4;2;1. In practice the half life is usually less than 30minutes due to temperature, dust, and other contaminants in the air. Therefore, ozone, while very powerful, doesn't last long.

WILL THE ODOR COME BACK?No. If ozone is applied properly it destroys the source of the odor. Treatment times may vary depending on the strength of the odorbut close to 99% of ozone treatments are successful.

WHAT IS THE RIGHT LEVEL OF OZONE?The right level is when all the generated ozone is being consumed. This only applies to continuous ozone use in occupiedenvironments, not for shock treating. However, this is difficult to attain because it becomes a balancing act. Initially the machine'soutput is set high to get rid of the problem odor as quickly as possible. As this is being accomplished less ozone is required for thediminishing odor etc., thereby leaving some residual ozone in the air. If the machine output is not turned down, then more residualozone will remain. If a strong smell of ozone is noticed, then there is more ozone present than is required. Simply decrease therheostat (output level control). With ozone, MORE IS NOT CONSIDERED BETTER! One must be careful when using ozone in aoccupied environment.

IS OZONE HARMFUL AND WHAT IF ANY ARE THE LONG TERMEFFECTS?Ozone has been known for almost a century, so a great deal is known about it. Several regulatory agencies, including theOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), have stipulated that the safe allowable level of residual is 0.10-ppm (partsper million). Note that this permissible level is for continuous exposure throughout an entire 8 hour day. The temporary affects ofsuch a low exposure would range from headaches, to sore throats, irritation in the eyes, and nose. No long term effects have everbeen documented from ozone exposure. Ask Ozone Solutions for MSDS sheets if desired.


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Ozone Solutions, Inc. | Toll Free: (888) 892-0303 | Ph: (712) 439-6880

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | | [email protected]

Ozone and Color RemovalMany wastewater and textile processors are gradually substituting chlorine with ozone. Ozone is a powerful oxidizing mean and safer inuse in comparison with other oxidizing means.

Wastewater & Dye color removal

Water is shown colored when visible radiation is absorbed from dissolved materials, or when light is reflected on suspended solids. Thesetwo sources of color are the base for the distinction between the pseudo and true color. The pseudo color is due to absorption as well aslight reflection. The true color depends exclusively from the kind and quantity of the dissolved substances. Particles with a size of 400-800nm, that means within the wavelength of visible light, are responsible for light reflection. It is possible with filtering (membrane 0.45 μm) the phenomenon of reflection to be eliminated. It must also be noted that the difference between the pseudo and true color is related towater's turbidity.

The units Pt-Co (USA), or mg Pt-Co / l (Europe) are defined as color measurement units. These units are considered equivalent. Theacceptable limits of color values for the disposal of treated wastewater ranges from 50-100 units Pt-Co, depending on the nature of thereceiver (river, sea, lake etc).

True color is created by the presence of compounds that absorb visible light in wavelengths of 400-800 nm, or from compounds thatfluoresce in the 200-400 nm spectrum. These are compounds of poly-aromatic structure, substituted aromatic structure, polyenia,concentrated hetero-circular molecules or perplex ions. It should be noted that π bonds absorb into the UV (~200nm ) spectrum andthe existence of conjugate bonds (polyenia) is necessary for the absorption in visible light spectrum. Most compounds responsible forcolor creation contain one or more aromatic rings and start absorbing color at 250 nm.

The synthetic color carriers come mainly from industrial plants as dye-houses, clothing industries with washing-machines, food andbeverage industries, slaughterhouses etc.

Wastewater is processed with ozone after its exit from the chemical or/and biological treatment plant and the usual dosage varies from50-150 mg/l, according to the wastewater origin, its temperature, and the degree of its previous process.

Ozone-wastewater contact system:

The contact system consists of a three-chamber tank, height of 4.5-5 meters with inside splits that guide the wastewater to a verticallabyrinthine flow. Ozone is supplied to the tanks through diffusers made of a special porous material of high resistance. These diffusershave the ability to create multi-numbered and very thin ozone bubbles, with a diameter of 220μm. With their appropriate geometricinstallation in the bottom of the contact tank, better distribution but also increase in the liquid-gas contact surface to its maximum, isachieved.

The diffuser is used due to the high rate of transport (70%) and its trivial energy consumption. In a tank of three-chambers, diffusers areinstalled in depth of 5 meters and succeed a transport rate more than 75%. The wastewater must have a hydraulic retention time greaterthan 45 minutes.

Color Removal Quality:

The quality of the ozone treatment effluent in terms of color removal, depends on:The color values of the feedThe ozone dosagethe wastewater type (Typically color values do not decrease below 200 Pt-Co units even if an especially high ozone dosage is applied)the wastewater temperature (better results with effluent from the existing treatment whose temperature is much lower than thetemperature of wastewater from the equalization tank)the values of the other wastewater characteristics that ozone also affects (better results if BOD, COD and SS have already beendecreased in a previous treatment level)

The best results concerning color removal are achieved if the wastewater has been previously treated in order to lower the values of theother characteristics so that the ozone oxidizing effect is consumed only or at least at a maximum proportion in color removal. Additionallythe temperature must be below 30-deg C in order to achieve the best physical conditions for its solubility.

The above remark certainly concerns the practical usage of ozone technology in wastewater treatment, as it indicates that the increase ofthe ozone dosage could give good results even in unprocessed wastewater as long as it has been efficiently cooled.

Wastewater color removal requires an ozone dosage which in most cases fluctuates from 50 to 100 mg/l, for color reduction of 85-92%.This dosage succeeds simultaneously a COD reduction about 40%, while small increases of BOD in the area of 3-7% have been noticed.

The ozone treatment installation represent a significant construction and purchase cost. On the other hand a conventional treatmentscheme using chemical coagulants for color removal, has high operational costs (cost of the coagulants themselves and cost for theproduced sludge management requirements). In general and for the same effluent quality, the investment of an ozone installation can bepaid off in 3-5 years, depending on the size and other specific details of each case.

Written by: Konstantinos J. Delimpasis - Chemical Engineer


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Ozone Solutions, Inc. | Toll Free: (888) 892-0303 | Ph: (712) 439-6880

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | | [email protected]

Ozone Compatible Materials

MaterialABS plasticAcetal (Delrin®)Aluminum

BrassBronzeBuna-N (Nitrile)ButylCast IronChemrazCopperCPVCCross-Linked Polyethylene(PEX)Durachlor-51EPDM

EPREthylene-PropyleneFlexeleneFluorosiliconeGalvanized SteelGlassHastelloy-C®HDPEHypalon®Hytrel®InconelKalrezKel-F® (PCTFE)LDPEMagnesiumMonelNatural rubberNeopreneNylonPEEKPolyacrylatePolyamide (PA)PolycarbonatePolyethelynePolypropylenePolysulfidePolyurethane, MillablePVC

PVDF (Kynar®)SantopreneSiliconeStainless steel - 304/316Stainless Steel-other gradesSteel (Mild)TeflonTitaniumTygonVamacVitonZinc

RatingB-GoodC-FairC-Fair - Wet OzoneB-Good - Dry OzoneB-GoodB-GoodD-PoorA-ExcellentC-FairA-ExcellentB-GoodA-Excellent - Does get brittleA-ExcellentA-ExcellentB-Good - Dry OzoneC-Fair - Wet OzoneA-ExcellentA-ExcellentB-GoodA-Excellentc-FairA-ExcellentA-ExcellentA-ExcellentC-FairC-FairA-ExcellentA-ExcellentA-ExcellentB-GoodD-PoorC-FairD-Very PoorC-FairD-Very PoorA-ExcellentB-GoodC-FairA - ExcellentB-GoodC-FairB-GoodA-ExcellentA-Excellent - Ozone in water - does getbrittleB-Good - Ozone in Air - does get brittleA-ExcellentA-ExcellentA-ExcellentA-ExcellentB-GoodD-Very PoorA-ExcellentA-ExcellentB-GoodA-ExcellentA-ExcellentD-Poor

Rating DefinitionsA-ExcellentB-Good



Ozone has No effect on these materialsOzone has minor effect on these materialsProlonged use with high concentrations of ozone will break down or corrode these materials beyondusefulnessOzone will break down these materials within weeks of useProlonged use with any ozone concentration will break down or corrode these materials beyond usefulnessOzone will break down these materials within hours or days of useThese materials are not recommended for any use with ozone

Many of these materials were tested in house at Ozone Solutions. Some are commonly known and rated as shown by others. All testswere performed at very high levels of ozone concentrations.

For any materials not shown please call, we may have data on file or can test your material for you!


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Ozone Solutions, Inc. | Toll Free: (888) 892-0303 | Ph: (712) 439-6880

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | | [email protected]

Ozone Disinfection/Ozone Contact Time KineticsWater is disinfected but never completely sterilized in the water treatment process. This disinfection is a two part process that includes:

1. Removal of particulate matter by filtration. A rule of thumb is that high turbidity in the effluent is a potential health risk, because viruses and bacteria can hide within the rough texture of particulates.Therefore, removal of the particulates reduces the chance of pathogenic microorganisms in the effluent. (Refer to Figure 1)

2. Inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms by chlorine, chlorine dioxide, ozone, or other disinfectants

Contact time and kinetics are simply a measure of the inactivation due to time and concentration of the disinfectant. The USEPA has developed regulations for the minimum kill percentages(inactivation) necessary for public water to be considered potable. These regulations include a minimum disinfection of:

3 log (99.9%) for Giardia lamblia cysts4 log (99.99%) for enteric viruses

In "water treatment terms" 1 log inactivation is referred to as 1 credit inactivation. Different types of filtration are assigned certain removal credits. For example, conventional filtration is worth 2.5credits for Giardia cysts. Since the EPA requires 3 log (credit) removal, an additional 0.5 credit inactivation from disinfection must be attained.

Varying degrees of disinfection can be attained by altering the type and concentration of disinfectant, as well as the time water is in contact with the disinfectant. The decision to use one type ofdisinfectant versus another will set the precedence for the remainder of the values needed to attain the proper disinfection. The time untreated water is exposed to the disinfectant and theconcentration of that disinfectant are the main factors in the equation that will be discussed in the next section. (Notice that the units of contact time are (mg/l)(min).)

A relationship between kill efficiency and contact time, was developed by Harriet Chick while she was a Fellow in the Pasteur institute in Paris, France. The research yielded data supporting herrelationship that is shown in Figure 2 below. (No) represents the initial number of organisms and N is the number of organisms at time t. As contact time between water and disinfectant increases, theratio of No/N decreases as Chick's Law predicts.

Figure 2 Taken from R.C. Hoehn’s CE 4104 Spring Notes

Watson later modified Chick's equation to account for varying types of disinfectants. He developed coefficients that better represented the strength of the disinfectant as well as the pH of the water.From this research, the coefficient of specific lethality (lambda) was developed. Watson’s modification of Chick’s equation is shown below.

Factors Affecting C*t Values

As pH increases the value of C*t also needs to be increased. This can be explained by examining the effects of pH on free chlorine. As the pH increases, more of the weak disinfectant (OCl-) existsthan the strong disinfectant (HOCl-), thus increasing the C*t value. Refer to Table 1 below.The greater log removal needed, the greater the C*t needs to be, as can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1: C*t for Removal of Giardia Cysts in Relation to Log Removal and pH


pH less than 6466991114

pH 6.55482109136

pH 7.06598130163


Information from the Virginia Department of Health Waterworks Regulations

The strength of a disinfectant directly affects the C*t. For a weak disinfectant, the C*t will have to be higher than for a strong disinfectant. As Table 2 below shows, ozone is the strongestdisinfectant, thus the C*t value required is less when compared to chlorine and chlorine dioxide.Different organisms have different resistances to disinfectants. If an organism has a strong resistance to a certain disinfectant, the C*t will be higher than for an organism with a weaker resistance.Refer to Table 2 below.Different organisms have different resistances to disinfectants. If an organism has a strong resistance to a certain disinfectant, the C*t will be higher than for an organism with a weaker resistance.Refer to Table 2 below.

Table 2: C*t Values for the 99% Inactivation at 5 Degrees Celsius of Organisms Using Various Disinfectants

OrganismE.ColiRotavirusGiardia lamblia cystsCrytosporidium parvum

Free Chlorine (pH 6-7) 0.034-0.05 0.01-0.05 47-150 7200*

Chlorine Dioxide (pH 6-7)0.4-0.75 0.2-2.1 - 79*

Ozone (pH6-7)0.02 0.006-0.06 0.5-0.6 5-10*

* 99% inactivation at 25 degrees CHoff, J.C., Inactivation of Microbial Agents by Chemical Disinfectants, EPA/600/2-86/067, 1986


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Ozone Solutions, Inc. | Toll Free: (888) 892-0303 | Ph: (712) 439-6880

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | | [email protected]

Ozone Formation via Corona Discharge

An electrical discharge (a spark) splits an oxygen molecule into two oxygen atoms. (Electrical discharge is alsoreferred to as corona discharge.) These unstable oxygen atoms combine with other oxygen molecules. This

combination forms ozone.

Ozone Formation from Lightning

Hundreds of pounds of ozone can be created with each lighting strike. Ozone is responsible for the "fresh air"smell after a lighting or thunder storm.


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Ozone Solutions, Inc. | Toll Free: (888) 892-0303 | Ph: (712) 439-6880

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | | [email protected]

Advantages of Ozone

Ozone is the strongest oxidant and disinfectant available for the treatment ofaqueous solutions and gaseous mixtures.Although ozone is only partially soluble in water, it is sufficiently soluble and stablesuch that its oxidation or disinfectant properties can be fully utilized.After ozone oxidizes or disinfects, it decomposes into oxygenOzone reacts with a large variety of organic compounds resulting in oxygen-containing organic by-products.Although ozone is the strongest oxidizing agent commercially available, it is safe tohandle. The primary reason is that it cannot be stored and, therefore must begenerated and used on-site.Ozone in its gaseous phase is a proven deodorizer for a variety of odorousmaterials.In treating potable water, wastewater, and landfill leachate, ozone has the provenability to convert biorefractory organic materials to biodegradable materials. As aresult, combining ozone oxidation with subsequent biological treatment can producewater or wastewater with lower concentrations of problematic organic compoundsmore cost-effectively than either process used individually.Applying ozone to any medium (liquid or gaseous) does not add other chemicals.


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Ozone Solutions, Inc. | Toll Free: (888) 892-0303 | Ph: (712) 439-6880

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | | [email protected]


KIT DISCONTINUED (Refills still available for order)K-7402 Kit

The K-7402 kit comeswith everything youneed to measuredissolved ozone.

Ampule Action

To use the K-7402 kitsimply add 25 ml ofwater into the graduatedcylinder and add 5 dropsof the activator solution.

Features:low cost (less than $75)simple useeasily distinguishable colors30 tests in one kitReady to Use Upon Delivery

New kits with expanded range and DPDchemistry available:

Product ID: K-7402Lead Time: 2 weeksPrice: $74

AS-500 Dissolved Ozone MonitorThe AS-500 is a very versatile ozone monitor that can be used in manydifferent applications. The sensor can work at pressures from 0 - 30 PSI.This allows the sensor to be used in-line with no flow extra flow cell!

Product ID: AS-500In Stock: YesPrice: $2,195

Features:0 - 10 PPM RangeDisplays Ozone Level and WaterTemperatureBacklit High Contrast Display2 Line x 16 Character DisplayTwo Alarm/Control RelaysSimple Membrane Replacement

AS-500 With Probe

The AS-500 is shippedwith 10 feet of cableattached to the probeready to use.

Specifications:Display Range: 0 - 10 PPM Dissolved Ozone

Resolution: 0.01 PPMOperating Temperature: 23 - 122 deg F (-5 - 50 deg C)

Maximum Operating Pressure: 30 PSI

Page 13: Cooling_Towers.pdf

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | Toll Free: (888) 892-0303 | Ph: (712) 439-6880

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | | [email protected]


Inexpensive Ozone Sensor with relay outputs!Easy to Read


The C-30ZX ozonemonitor is colorful andwell marked for quickand accurate levelreadings.

C-30ZX andAccessories

The C-30ZX comeswith an owners manual,calibration certificate,and an AC adapter.

Features:Range: 0.00-0.14Display: LEDAlarm: 85dB alarmOutputs: YesIndoor/outdoor: Indoor

Inexpensive ozone sensor with relayoutputs & LED display. Low cost ozonesensor. NO/NC relays with audiblealarm.

Product ID: C-30ZXIn Stock: YesPrice: $505

Inexpensive Ambient Ozone SensorEZ-1X Ozone Monitor for ambient ozone detection. Internal batteryprovides portable ozone detection anywhere you go. 0.02-0.14 PPMrange. Ensures you and your personnel are safe.

Product ID: EZ-1XIn Stock: YesPrice: $325

Features:Constantly monitors your workenvironmentNo installation required. Easilyunderstood by non-technical personnelLowest costAC Adapter Included

EZ-1X Side by side atdifferent levels

Colorful and wellmarked, the EZ-1Xsensor is easy to read.

Specifications:Range 0.02-0.14 ppm

Accuracy 20% in the 0.05-0.1 ppm rangeResolution 0.01

Response time Will be less than 10 seconds, after sensing theozone

Page 14: Cooling_Towers.pdf

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | Toll Free: (888) 892-0303 | Ph: (712) 439-6880

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | | [email protected]


Ozone Monitor with Integrated Data LoggingS-500 with the R-10

& R-20

The Remote Sensor isinside the Ozone Pack-Out room or facility andthe Monitor can beread outside the OzonePack-Out room, orfacility.R-20 with the S-500

Features:Integrated DataloggingExternal control signalsRemote sensor capabilityPortable and/or wall mountableHigh/low audible alarm

Ozone Monitor with integrated datalogging records ozone levels for laterviewing on a PC. 0.005-10.00 PPMrange possible with the choice of 1 of 3different ozone heads. Battery, ACAdapter, RS-232/USB cable, WindowsXP compatible software included &Calibration Certificate included.

Product ID: S-500Lead Time: 2 weeksPrice: $1,395

Ozone Compatible Water TrapProtect your ozone generator by preventing water from entering the corona cell. This unit isplaced between the ozone generator and ozone injector. Any water that may back up towardthe ozone generator will be trapped in this vent and be drained out the bottom fitting.

Product ID: WT-100In Stock: YesPrice: $249

Features:Ozone Compatible Water Trapguaranteed to prevent water fromback-flowing into the ozone generatorGreat replacement for J-TubeEasy to useNo maintenanceTrapped water will drain away safely

Water Trap in Use

This water trap isprotecting an OZV-8ozone generator fromwater backing into itfrom a venturi injector.

Specifications:Connections 1/4-in barb fittings (ozone inlet & ozone outlet)

(other connections available upon request)Mounting: bracket included to mount with 2 bolts

Page 15: Cooling_Towers.pdf

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | Toll Free: (888) 892-0303 | Ph: (712) 439-6880

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | | [email protected]


Static Mixers for Ozone ApplicationsClose-Up of Static


Notice how the bubbles aremade into a fine mist asthey move from left to rightresulting in significantlygreater ozone masstransfer than using a venturialone.

Mixers with PVCInsert

Image shows theMX-375P & MX-500Pwith PVC mixingelement.

Features:completely ozone compatibleSimple, rugged & economicalNo moving parts - no motors,impellers, etc.Low-cost, long life, no servicerequired, and quick to installAvailable in a variety of sizes

Static mixers dramatically improve theozone mass transfer performance.Static mixers shear ozone bubbles apartresulting in a 22x increase in the surfacearea and contact time. Product ID: STATIC MIXERS

In Stock: Yes

Low Cost Ozone Injection SkidLow Cost Ozone Injection Skid quickly integrates into an existing pressurized water line.

Ozone from will be very efficiently introduced into the water since it can handle up to 50 PSI of operating pressure.Very good mass transfer will be realized, all undissolved gas will be off gassed through degassing vent. [OzoneGenerator & Feed gas System not included]

Product ID: OSW-10Lead Time: 1 weekPrice: $1,950

Features:CPVC Construction ensures lowsystem costready to install - simply provide ozonegasWill treat 10 GPM of Water Flow UnderPressuresmall footprintvery affordable!Simple operation

Side View

Specifications:Flowrate Capacity: 10 GPM (38 lpm)

Maximum Working WaterPressure:

30-PSI (2 bar)

higher operating pressures areavailable

Installation Configurations Either Once-Pass or Recirculation-LoopSetup

Page 16: Cooling_Towers.pdf

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | Toll Free: (888) 892-0303 | Ph: (712) 439-6880

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | | [email protected]


Stainless Steel Pressure GaugesPressure Gauges

Bottom mount andLower Center MountGauges are available.

Features:All Ozone Resistant Materials UsedComplete Stainless Steel ConstructionGlycerin FilledEasy to read 2.5-inch DialRugged Construction1/4-in MNPT connection

Knowing your pressures means quick problem solving ofozone gas flow and pressure issues. These stainless steelpressure gauges are constructed of all ozone resistantmaterials. Excellent choice for any applications where ozoneresistance is a requirement.

Product ID: Ozone CompatiblePressure GaugesIn Stock: YesPrice: $49

20 g/hr Turnkey Ozone Generation SystemThe TS-20 generates 20 g/hr of ozone from 7 LPM oxygen at 3.6% by weight, with delivery pressures up to 15 PSI.

The TS-20 comes ready to produce ozone. The only resource required is 120V power to produce ozone immediately.Ready to use upon arrival.

Product ID: TS-20Lead Time: 3 daysPrice: $5,950

Features:20 g/hr Turnkey Ozone GeneratorIntegrated Oxygen ConcentratorAdjustable Ozone Output From0-100%Integrated Flow Meter and PressureGaugeOzone concentrations up to 8% arepossibleVery Simple operationSimply provide electrical power andconnect ozone output!

Disaster RestorationModification

The TS-20 can bespecially modified for adisaster restorationapplication.

Specifications:Ozone Output: 20 g/hr (1 lb/day) Ozone

Oxygen Output: 7 LPM @ 95% PurityDelivery Pressure: Up to 15 PSIAdjustable output: Adjustable from 0-100% with potentiometer

Page 17: Cooling_Towers.pdf

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | Toll Free: (888) 892-0303 | Ph: (712) 439-6880

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | | [email protected]


30 g/hr Turnkey Ozone Generation SystemDetailed TS-30


This image describesthe functions on theTS-30 Control panel.

Side View of theTS-30

Cooling air is broughtthrough the TS-30enclosure.

Features:Rental ozone generator can beshipped anywhere in the US, Mexico,or CanadaTurn Key Ozone Generation System,O2 Concentrator is built inReduced rates for longer term rentalsavailableSimple operation and setup, ready tooperate within 15 minutes of deliveryOzone concentrations up to 8% arepossibleVery Simple operationSimply provide electrical power andconnect ozone output!

Ozone generator and oxygen concentrator in oneunit! This generator can be shipped anywhere inthe US, Canada, and Mexico. This is perfect forpilot tests or any short term ozone needs.less thanpgreater thanSimply plug it into electrical power and this unitwill produce up to 30 g/hr of ozone from 10 LPMof oxygen at up to 10 PSI of delivery pressures.less thanpgreater thanThe TS-30 is also available with an ozoneinjection system for water systems, or a 3 pointmanifold for groundwater remediation pilot tests.

Product ID: TS-30 RentalIn Stock: Yes

10 Gram/Hour Ozone Injection SystemOzone Injection System designed to quickly integrate into an existing water line. TheWATERZONE system produces and introduces 10 g/hr of ozone into up to 30 GPM of waterflow. This water can be used for food processing, surface disinfection or basic water treatment.

Product ID: WATERZONE-10Lead Time: 2 weeks

Features:Introduces 10 grams/hour ozone intoup to 30 GPM water flowsProduces ozone from integratedOxygen ConcentratorWill provide 17 GPM Water Flow with2.0 PPM Dissolved Ozone LevelDimensions: 18-in Deep x 39-in Widex 70.5-in High - 350 LbsCustomizable system can beconfigured for your specific application

WATERZONE-10 CornerImage

The WATERZONE-10is an extremelyversatile OzoneInjection System.

Specifications:Flowrates: Up to 30 GPM water flow (flow rates from 5-30

GPM are acceptable)Ozone

Production:10 gm/hr



Capacity: Will dissolve ozone into water at the followingrates

Page 18: Cooling_Towers.pdf

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | Toll Free: (888) 892-0303 | Ph: (712) 439-6880

Ozone Solutions, Inc. | | [email protected]


40 Grams/Hour Ozone Injection SystemWATERZONE-40

The WATERZONE-40is an extremelyversatile OzoneInjection System.


All water plumbing islaid out in a straightforward easy tomaintain fashion.

Features:Introduces 40 grams/hour ozone intoup to 70 GPM water flowsProduces ozone from integratedOxygen ConcentratorWill provide 70 GPM Water Flow with2.0 PPM Dissolved Ozone LevelDimensions: 18-in Deep x 44-in Widex 70.5-in High - 450 LbsCustomizable system can beconfigured for your specific applicationVery efficient with excellent masstransfer of ozoneStainless Steel ASME off-gas tank Stainless Steel pump with Viton Seal

The Waterzone-40 will generate 40 g/hr ofozone to inject into water. These systems usethe latest in ozone generation design, and areextremely compact and energy efficient.

Ozone Injection System designed to quicklyintegrate into an existing water line. TheWATERZONE system produces and introduces40 g/hr of ozone into up to 70 GPM of waterflow. This water can be used for foodprocessing, surface disinfection or basic watertreatment.

Product ID: WATERZONE-40Lead Time: 2 weeks

Turn-Key Ozone Systems Ozone Solutions, Inc. will build Turn-Key ozone injection systems to your specific requirements. OzoneSystems capable of up to 1,000 g/hr of ozone are available as skid mounted turn-key systems.Ozone Injection Systems may be used for the following applications: Wastewater Treatment, FoodProcessing, Drinking water, Color reduction, Water Reuse

Product ID: Custom Built OzoneInjection Systems

Features:Complete Turn-Key ozone systemsdone right!Call the professionals at OzoneSolutions, Inc. with all your ozonesystem needsWe are willing to supply componentsseparate or provide a turn-keysolution for your application

Wastewater TreatmentSystem

Images on this pageare of a custom builtwastewater treatmentssystem.