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CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY The Campaign for Phi Gamma Delta at DePauw

CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for

Jun 12, 2020



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Page 1: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for

CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACYThe Campaign for Phi Gamma Delta at DePauw

Page 2: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for

1959-1964Era Captains: Thomas O. Dawson ’62 and George C. Lortz ’62

1965-1966Era Captain: Jeffrey E. Lortz ’65 1967-1974Era Captains: Robert K. Kleinops ’70 and John P. Doan ’71

Craig R. Stokely ’67Steven F. Pope ’70Michael J. Scalzo ’70Steven R. Jacobs ’71Joseph F. Vosicky Jr. ’71Wade Nichols ’72Edward B. Martin ’73F.L. Dennis Logan ’74

1975-1979 Era Captain: Paul S. Detlefs ’77

1980-1984Era Captain: Paul B. Qua ’82

1985-1989Era Captains: David P. Holub ’87 and Russell O. LaMore ’88

J. Michael Pickett ’86

1992-1997Era Captains: Justin T. Glass ’93 and David W. Qua ’94

Daniel E. Kiely ’92Jay Cullen Howe ’95John W. Malloy ’95James J. Bell ’96David B. Seawell ’96Philip Lee McFarland ’97

2000-2008Era Captain: Matthew T. Cahill ’05

Aaron J. Hackman ’02Sean M. Barrie ’03

Eric A. Wolfe ’04Nicholas P. Dimos ’05Michael B. Knight ’06 Andrew B. Cole ’07

2008-2013Era Captains: Camron M. Parker ’09, Avery Archer ’11, and Bryan Edwards ’12

Nicholas A. Johnson ’10Martin Hughes ’11Kevin Milne ’11Gerard Pannekoek ’11Jared P. Norman ’12Reid Conner ’13Matthew P. Hellmann ’13Orlando Ramirez ’13

2014-2016Era Captain: Timothy K. Zaletel ’15


Philip G. Heyde ’72, Graduate Relations Chair

George “Kit” Lortz ’62, Jeffrey E. Lortz ’65, Jay Moore ’74,

Paul B. Qua ’82, John Axelberg ’83, and Russell O. LaMore ’88


Douglas D. Mitchell ’70, Chairman

Clark H. “Bud” Orr ’65, Robert K. Kleinops ’70, David Bergland

’82, Peter Fellegy ’05 (graduate affiliate), and Samuel Leist ’14

Era Captains & Class Agent Teams

Page 3: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for

We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for the chapter house at 916 South College Avenue.

Chartered on June 24, 1856, Lambda Chapter has been part of the DePauw community for 158 years. It is the old-est chapter of Phi Gamma Delta in continuous existence—a remarkable legacy by any measure! Throughout these years, Lambda brothers have been campus leaders, outstanding scholars, athletes, and prominent citizens noted for their accomplish-ments after DePauw. Many have been leaders of DePauw after graduation,

serving on the Board of Trustees, the Alumni Board—and strongly supporting DePauw to enhance the educational experience for students today and in the future.

To ensure that Lambda’s proud and distinguished legacy continues for future genera-tions of Lambda FIJIs, Lambda Corporation (the house corporation) has determined that a once-in-a-generation building campaign is necessary to renovate, improve, and expand the existing chapter house—which is nearly 50 years old—with a more modern structure designed to meet the needs of today’s student. We have all been the beneficia-ries of the efforts of previous generations of Lambda FIJIs who provided a comfortable chapter house for us to live in. Now it is our generation’s turn to take the necessary steps to assure that future generations of Lambda FIJIs will enjoy the same benefits we en-joyed. Join us and your Lambda brothers in supporting this campaign!

Distinguished Lambda Graduates—Stan McCoy ’93, Bob Kleinops ’70, Buck Thornburg ’63, and George “Kit” Lortz ’62.

Members of the class of 1958—Lois Goetz, James Hannah, Carol Hannah, Kay Coffin, Robert Coffin, Robert Erickson, Thomas Winks, Charles Kingman, and Arthur Goetz—celebrated their 50th Reunion by “hanging out” at the UB while the house was being improved.

Class of 1936.

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Page 4: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for

Our plans have been developing since 2005. Several studies were conducted to as-sess the structure and the feasibility of renovation. Graduate brothers were con-tacted for input and were involved on an ongoing basis. Undergraduate students have been involved each year as well. The ideas and especially the involvement have been extraordinary! An architectural committee consisting of Clark “Bud” Orr ’65, Robert Kleinops ’70, Doug Mitchell ’70, David Bergland ’82, Peter Fellegy ’05 (graduate affiliate), and Samuel Leist ’14 worked together to select architects, a project manager, and designs for house improvements. The proposed plans and drawings that follow are the result of the architectural committee’s dedication to make the house the best on campus!

The house corporation considered building a new house as well as renovating the current structure—the “new house” built in 1965 and 1974. Architects, engi-neers, and contractors were consulted over several years. After extensive discus-sion of both options, the house corporation decided to renovate and remain at 916 South College.

The current house is now older than the “old house” at 1002 South College, built in 1925, that it replaced. The “old, old house” was also located on South College Avenue. Lambda has been located on South College Avenue since at least the early 20th century. We like the neighborhood and the history of the location, especially being next door to our sister sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta!

It is essential that Lambda provide the best housing to attract the most talented brothers possible. Prospective members and their parents have high expecta-tions for the living conditions and environment where students live today. Other fraternities on campus are planning to renovate their houses or have al-ready done so. To remain competitive, Lambda needs to be proactive in taking care of our aging chapter house!

At 48 years of age, the FIJI house is due for an update, with infrastructure needs (plumbing, heating, electrical, boiler, kitchen, room accommodations, and more) top-ping the list. These are described in the following pages. The planned renovations will serve Lambda and DePauw for years to come. The designs and improvements are for the 21st century. Please read on!

Old Annex

The old house built in 1925.

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Page 5: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for

Our 150th anniversary celebration in 2006 cemented the bonds of brotherhood among Lambda FIJIs across generations. With more than 300 brothers and spouses attending, this was an exceptional experience to renew friend-ships and build new ones. It became a spring-board for renewed graduate brother support for Lambda Chapter, its progress and achieve-ments. We hope and expect that as brothers and friends join together in support of this once-in-a-generation endeavor, the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy building campaign will also serve as a catalyst to reunite graduate and un-dergraduate brothers and friends, rekindling old friendships and building new ones. Upon the successful completion of the campaign, the new chapter house will be welcoming to under-graduate brothers, graduate brothers, families, and friends alike, demonstrating to all that the slogan “Not For College Days Alone” is more than just our fraternity’s motto.

The chapter continues to be strong and di-verse, embracing scholarship, music, and athletics, both varsity and intramural, and a myriad of other extracurricular activities. The chapter conducts philanthropy and com-munity service events each year and par-ticipates in events sponsored by other orga-nizations on campus, such as Relay for Life. DePauw faculty members and President Casey attend our scholarship dinners. With 65 undergraduate brothers, the chapter is healthy, and the finances of both the chapter and house corporation are strong.

!!P.O. Box 37 • Greencastle, Indiana 46135-0037 765-658-4800 •


To the Brothers of Phi Gamma Delta:

Since 1856, Lambda Chapter has been an integral part of the DePauw community and I am proud to note that your fraternity’s alumni have an outstanding record of achievement, service and support for the University, including memberships with the Board of Trustees and Alumni Board. Chapter members’ generosity has helped advance DePauw as a preeminent liberal arts college, their contributions helping build campus infrastructure, as evidenced by facilities ranging from the Green Center for the Performing Arts to Boswell Field, and supplying monies for scholarships, equipment and other needs.

As you launch your “Continuing Lambda’s Legacy” campaign, please know that your support

strengthens the FIJI and DePauw experience of both current and future students. While the most important asset of Lambda Chapter is the strength of your brotherhood, both students and parents expect an appealing living environment and a safe dwelling. I hope you will join other FIJI alumni in this effort to renew and enhance your chapter house so that it provides the high quality fraternity experience that you enjoyed.

DePauw has long partnered with the Greek community which houses a substantial portion of the

institution’s students and plays a crucial role in sustaining DePauw’s culture and traditions. We count on Lambda Chapter to provide a residence where young people can thrive and grow, and to promote an intergenerational community with lifelong bonds to both Phi Gamma Delta and Old Gold.

Please accept my best wishes for a successful campaign and continued excellence as leaders at

DePauw and beyond.

Sincerely, Brian W. Casey



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Page 6: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for

Lambda Chapter’s Success Since 2005 MEMBERSHIPLambda remains a fraternity focused on the university’s liberal arts traditions. Since 2005, membership has grown to 70-plus and is maintained at 60-65. Our membership upholds high standards in scholarship, philanthropy, community service, and extra-curricular activities. Recruiting emphasizes inclusion. The chapter’s diversity exceeds DePauw’s levels:

- 10% Hispanic compared with 2% DePauw- 76% Caucasian compared with 82% DePauw- International students from Vietnam, China, India, Zimbabwe, Ecuador,

Russia, and Serbia- Most undergraduates (usually 8-10 per year) study off campus for a semes-

ter or a year. Some (5-7) serve as RAs in university housing to help pay for their education and to gain experience.

SCHOLARSHIPThe chapter is recognized for scholarship by faculty, students, administration, and the International Fraternity, including the Fraternity’s Owen Cup for Most Improved Scholarship in 2012-2013.

Since 2005, Lambda’s GPA ranked first among fraternities for 14 semesters—five in a row at one point—and in the top three every semester.

Chapter scholarship dinners are attended by 10-15 faculty members.

36 Phi Beta Kappa graduates since 2005. Thirteen brothers elected to Pi Kappa Lambda honorary for scholarship and musicianship, School of Music.

One Goldwater Scholar in Science (nationally competitive).

Since 2005, approximately 20 FIJIs each year are recognized at the Academ-ic Awards Convocation, including Science Research Fellows, Media Fellows, Management Fellows, Honors Scholars, student leadership and character awards, merit scholarship awards, various honoraries for specific disciplines, and other awards.

Three Lambda FIJIs were national finalists in the Microsoft Imagine Cup competition in 2013. Two have developed software applications for use by college students.

POST-GRADUATE PERFORMANCE- One Jack Kent Cook Scholarship to London School of Economics. - Three Fulbright Scholars and one JTEP fellowship in Japan (both nation-

ally competitive). - Law school (14), medical school (8, some pursuing PhD/MD degrees), den-

tal school (1) or other professional programs since 2005; 27 are completing or have completed PhD programs at universities such as Stanford, Duke, Vanderbilt, Carnegie-Mellon, Northwestern, Michigan, University of Illi-nois—Champaign, Ohio State, Arizona, Cincinnati, Oklahoma, IUPUI and Class of 2008

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Page 7: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for

Texas—Austin, Texas—San Antonio and the University of South Florida. Brothers are also pursuing master’s degrees at the Manhattan School of Music, Bienen School of Music at Northwestern and IUPUI, among others.

- Two U.S. Navy officers (one on a destroyer, another in nuclear submarines)

SERVICE IS A PRIORITY- A strong, aggressive “sustainability” program is in place. - FIJIs initiated/continue to support the campus-wide “Energy Wars” and

other sustainability-related cultural changes on campus. A Lambda FIJI (2011) is now assistant director of sustainability at DePauw.

- Four undergraduates represented DePauw on climate-change initiatives in Copenhagen in 2010.

- Undergraduates are resources for the house corporation’s plans to “build green.” - Community and social service are very high priorities for the chapter and

its members, including brothers who coach Putnam County youth soccer teams; tutor Greencastle students in math, science, English, and other sub-jects; and brothers who tutor fellow DePauw students. Some also serve as translators for non-English-speaking children in town.

- Post-graduation: One recent graduate brother founded the Chicago Furni-ture Recycling Center to aid victims of domestic violence and socio-eco-

nomically challenged families. - One Bonner Scholars President (community service leadership).

PHILANTHROPY- Undergraduates created an innovative approach to philanthropy, establishing a new endowed fund to perpetuate the chap-

ter’s annual giving to local charities. - FIJI is recognized regularly by the Order of Omega at DePauw and by the International Fraternity for its philanthropy/

social service efforts, along with scholarship, pledge education, and risk management.- Seven graduates joined Teach for America; four joined AmeriCorps since 2005. Others regularly participate in charitable tri-

athlons and bike rides for various charities, including cancer and heart research and housing for underserved communities, after graduation. Graduate brothers frequently contribute to these fund-raising efforts!

- FIJI-Theta Bark-B-Q benefits animal shelters. - FIJI Pumpkin Bash benefits the USO. - The chapter is very active in DePauw Relay for Life, the Alpha Chi Ring Sing competition, Delta Gamma Anchor Splash,

Theta Mr. University, and Pi Phi Volleyball charity events.

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Page 8: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for


o Since 2005, four FIJIs have served as editors-in-chief of The DePauw student newspaper.

o Continuous staffing as photographer/photo editor, business manager, editors, plus other positions.

- Walker Cup recipient as the Outstanding Senior in 2012 and executive vice president of student government.

- Music and Arts o Most of the chapter members are involved in music—some as music

majors or minors, others not.o FIJIs actively participate in the DePauw University orchestra, jazz

band and chamber symphony, among others.o Many chapter members are very active in theatre and other perform-

ing arts. The chapter usually has a house dance band, jazz band and other musical groups. They perform at FIJI Fest in The Den (Longden Hall) and at non-alcoholic events sponsored by the Office of Multi-Cultural and Community Life.

- Athleticso Varsity track and field and cross-country teams, including the team

captain for two years.

o One varsity golfer and one varsity swimmer. o Cycling is very popular, with the chapter winning Little 5 in 2009,

breaking a 14-year winning streak by DU. Bob Kirk ’71 and Rob Wun-derlich ‘88 funded the chapter’s efforts with bikes, training equip-ment, and uniforms.

- Forensicso For several years, all male members of the DePauw debate and forensic

team were FIJIs, including members of a national championship team.- Graduate relations (program is run by the undergraduate chapter)

o Regular publication of Tiger FIJI newsletters.o website and Facebook pages.o Pig Dinner.o Old Gold Weekend activities.o Alumni Weekend activities. o Special graduate events: In 2009, Jim Yoder ’70 visited DePauw for a Sci-

ence Research Program on oceanography. FIJI hosted the luncheon for Jim, his wife (Ellen), and other Science Research Program participants.

o Distinguished Lambda Graduate program hosted by the chapter dur-ing Pig Dinner.

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Page 9: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for

LAMBDA CHAPTER HOUSELambda Chapter has overcome critical challenges over the past decade. In doing so, it has become an example to the campus and to the International Fraternity of diversity, scholarship, service, moral-ity, friendship, and excellence.

Over the past few years, the house corporation has been preparing to put in place the infrastructure and financial foundation necessary for Lambda Chap-ter to continue its legacy —for its members and the DePauw community—over the long term.

- Assessments of the building were made by architects, engineers, and con-tractors.

- A series of “listening sessions” among graduates and undergraduates took

place over several years to define the functions and facilities needed to remain competitive and achieve the fraternity’s objectives.- Prospective designs for refurbishing and upgrad-ing the facilities were prepared by an architect.- A detailed listing of project components was

compiled, including cost estimates and programs.- A feasibility study of our graduates’ support for raising capital funds was


We look forward to the challenges of refurbishing the chapter house and to using this challenge to put the chapter on a firm footing to lead the DePauw community for the long term. We can report with pride to graduate brothers that Lambda is truly one of the strongest fraternities on campus, deserving your support!

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Page 10: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for


SUMMARY: The assessment showed that general exterior and interior condition is in good shape, but infrastructure (plumbing, tile, electrical, heating) is in need of refurbishment after 48 years. [Since the assessment, the second and third floor bathrooms have been replaced, including all plumbing, electrical, tile, and fix-tures.] The roof was replaced within the past five years.

PLUMBING: The original piping is galvanized. Failures of this piping should be expected if not already occurring. It is recommended that all plumbing piping, including waste and vent, be replaced as part of any renovation.

MECHANICAL: The mechanical system is original with the exception of the boil-ers and toilet exhaust fans and is at the end of its service life. Only a couple of areas have cooling available from something other than window air conditioners. The window air conditioners, while inexpensive, are not energy efficient.

The four-boiler system currently has one failed boiler, improper combustion air, and is either low on pressure or has trapped air. The selection of a cooling system may eliminate the need for a boiler system, depending on what is selected.

ELECTRICAL: While sufficient when originally built, service would be consid-ered marginal today, especially during summer months when window air con-ditioners are being used. It is apparent that there is not enough panel space.

Original drawings show two rooms per circuit. Typically a single dedicated cir-cuit would be provided for each room as a minimum.

Consideration should be given to replacing lighting with more efficient lights as part of any renovation, particularly in shower areas, where non-sealed fixtures are used. This could be a potentially critical item. [Since the assess-ment, the second and third floor bathroom shower fixtures have been replaced, and new GFI outlets have been installed.]


Lambda’s house corporation began renovations in 2007 while assessments, lis-tening sessions, and prospective renovation designs were underway.

- All bathrooms were replaced, including floor and wall tile, showers, plumbing and electrical service. The first floor guest bathroom and phone room were converted to an ADA-compliant guest facility with shower and a main floor ADA-compliant bathroom.

- The Formal Room was refurnished in 2008 (including a new piano), along with installation of a fire suppression (sprinkler) and security system throughout the house.

The current schematic design proposes to improve the internal “flow” within the facility and to provide enhanced features that set a tone conducive to academic development, in a living environment that meets and exceeds facilities available elsewhere on campus. Though not final, the design is believed to be financially achievable with everyone’s enthusiastic support!

- Enlarge the interior foyer capacity and open a direct view and access to the dining area (see the view of the interior foyer below).

* The Detailed Assessment by Design Collaborative Architects and Engineers document is available upon request. - 8 -

Page 11: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for

o Widen the front exterior door to improve access and light from the outside.

o Replace the “green room” with open area and a direct view/access to the dining area.

- Expand the dining area to include study space, accommodate Pig Dinner and other functions (see dining room views above).

o All day long, “study” becomes the tone, with soft seating/lighting areas for study, gathering.

o Enhanced view from inside by “turning” the dining area 90º, with large windows that look south to a larger landscaped patio and lawn.

- Relocate “food-using areas” close to the kitchen. Expand the kitchen and serving areas (see basement and first-floor schematics, page 11).

o Relocate main floor Brotherhood Room in new south wing near courtyard and kitchen, an area more suitable for entertaining guests without compromising private (second floor) space.

o Relocate an ADA-accessible Bumroom to new basement area near courtyard and kitchen.

o Larger dining room with study areas adjacent to the kitchen.- Add seven new study areas throughout second and third floors—some

conducive to collaborative study.- Substantially enlarge the Lortz Library with ample space and wiring for


The exterior design proposes to raise the facility’s perceived appearance and to improve the usefulness of the property, but also to add variety and attractive-ness to the interior spaces.

- Move the south parking spaces to the rear of the property to enhance curb appeal, integrate the view of the property from College Ave., and increase convenient ADA-compliant access to public areas.

- A glass-enclosed portico to improve front entry appearance and integrate other improvements.

o Permits further expansion of the interior foyer and improves weath-er/thermal protection.

o Permits a glass-enclosed second-floor interior space study area that improves lighting and diminishes the “long dark hallways” in the current floor. [See second-floor schematic]

o Provides further emphasis upon attractive study areas, especially for seniors.

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Page 12: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for

o Enables an expanded, more active front porch area.- An expanded, more functional outdoor patio, grill and

lawnscape.- A new border of trees to beautify the lawn, add priva-

cy to south lot, and reduce disruptions to our neigh-bors. (A strong hope exists for moving Pine Street south to fully accommodate this plan!)

- A low serpentine wall is proposed as a unifying ele-ment, and a small gazebo in matching architecture to broaden the perceived balance in land use across the entire property.

Top: View of frontage; bottom left: Aerial view of southeast; bottom right: view from southeast.

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Page 13: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for

- Relocate the Bumroom to rear of house, near kitchen. Restrooms adjacent with private access.

- Relocate and enlarge the Chapter Room to 85-plus capacity, with supple-mental storage areas.

- “Accessible” via stairlifter and nearby outside parking.

- Single-width stairs permit outside lighting to reach downstairs.- Window wells on south, west walls add outside lighting.- Sufficient size to accommodate additional storage space

as necessary.- Enlarge Little 5 bike room 25%. “Privatize” bathroom access.

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- Food-using areas are close to kitchen- Expanded entrance and foyer.

- Enlarged, multi-purpose dining area and south view.- Single-width stairwell provides ADA-compliant access from base-

ment to second floor.

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- “Accessible” floor via a single-width stairwell from basement to second floor. 30-bed capacity.

- Attract seniors with expanded use of single rooms in the front “desir-able” room locations.

- Diversify interior space with a glass-enclosed study area expanded

under the portico.- Expanded storage areas in hallway ends.- Three added study areas—individual, collaborative five-person,

glassed-in conference area.


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- Same general floor plan as second floor—four study areas, single rooms, 29-beds.

- Expanded Lortz Library study area with outside lighting, cathedral ceiling, furnishings.

- Exception: Front outside balcony instead of glassed-in expanded front study area.

- Exception: Not “accessible.”

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Page 17: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for

General Requirements Development $53,824 Selective Demolition, Earthwork & Utilities, Asphalt & Concrete $356,188 Masonry, Metals, Carpentry, Roofing, Insulation, Waterproofing, Interior Hardware, Painting, Drywall, etc. $1,009,179 Fire Protection $36,860 Plumbing $161,775 HVAC - Base Hot Water System $150,720 Electrical $251,200 New Electrical Throughout $400,000 Kitchen Equipment $230,000

Front Entry/Glass $60,000 TOTAL DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST $2,709,746 Insurance $40,199 Preconstruction and Construction Admin. $185,798 Contingency and Profit $217,322 Architectural Fees $196,263 Total “Soft Costs” $639,582 TOTAL COST $3,349,328

Campaign Goal = $2,500,000

Rental Payments Applied to Building $849,328 Total Projected Funding $3,349,328

Lambda Chapter - Phi Gamma Delta Additions and RenovationsSCHEMATIC DESIGN COST ESTIMATES

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Reserve Funds to Preserve Your InvestmentThis campaign provides for replacement of depreciable assets within the structure, such as roof, appliances, major painting, etc., over the next 30 years. Provision has been made for these in the planning.

Page 18: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for

Ready to Donate or Make a Pledge?Pledged gifts may be given over five years. Because of the magnitude of our goal, we have structured a five-year pledge commitment for the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign.

GIVING SOCIETIESTo pay fitting tribute to contributors who support the campaign, the campaign committee has designated several “giving societ-ies.” Naming rights to rooms or other tangible features of the new structure will be considered by house corporation for appropri-ate and generous individual or group pledge commitments. Major gifts are essential to our success, so please consider giving as generously as you can. We recognize that different people have different financial circumstances, and gift of all sizes are much needed and greatly appreciated.

Won’t you join your brothers in supporting our Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign? Your generous contribution will help assure that Lambda remains a vital part of the DePauw community—and that Lambda will have a chapter house in which it will celebrate its 175th anniversary in 2021 and its 200th in 2056! You are invited to both!

1856 Society$250,000 or more

Lambda Leadership Society$100,000 - $249,000

Purple Legionnaire Society$50,000 - $99,999

South College Avenue Society$25,000 - $49,999

Royal Purple Society$10,000 - $24,999

Black Diamond Society$5,000 - $9,999

White Star Society$2,500 - $4,999

Tiger Fiji Society$1,000 - $2,499

Loyal LambdaUp to $999

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Page 19: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for

NON-BUILDING ITEMS:Academic Excellence: In addition to re-establishing the physical plant, Lambda Chapter intends to enhance its capability to set the pace for excellence in the De-Pauw community with modern interior improvements designed to assist undergraduates as they strive to achieve high academic standards. A portion of the funds raised will be used to provide furnishings and equipment for the new conference room and Lortz Library facilities so that the fraternity can provide space for classes and academic discussions that involve students and faculty from the campus at large.

How you can support Continuing Lambda’s Legacy!RECOGNITIONTo demonstrate proper appreciation for those who make the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign successful, all donors will be permanently and prominently recognized on a commemorative wall that identifies each donor to the campaign by name and class year. This wall will be a constant reminder to all of Lambda’s legacy at DePauw, especially your loyalty and support for the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign, and will be a welcoming place where graduate and under-graduate brothers alike can meet, demonstrating that the chapter house belongs to all of us and that truly “Phi Gamma Delta is not for college days alone!”

TAx STATUS OF GIFTSDonations to a portion of the renovations may be deductible for tax purposes. This includes the work to areas of the house that are dedicated for educational purposes. These include improvements to educational utilities (Internet/WiFi), areas used for academic purposes (study areas and Lortz Library) and changes required to meet ADA requirements (e.g. elevator or stair lift and rooms modified for ADA compliance). The portions of the cost that do not qualify for ADA or educational purposes are covered only by donations that are not tax deductible. These non-tax-deduct-ible improvements include engineering and planning fees, improvements to the kitchen, plumbing, heating, mechanical, and non-ADA modifications of rooms and certain common areas, such as the dining room.

The “Continuing Lambda’s Legacy” leadership team has been in quiet discussions with potential lead donors for roughly two years. Through the generosity of these few brothers, significant commitments have been made that will cover a significant portion of the tax-deductible renovations and enhancements. As such, we are primarily seeking non-tax deductible donations made directly to Lambda Corporation.

If you are in a position where the availability of tax deductibility would have a dramatic impact on your ability to support our campaign—perhaps your gift will come from a private foundation; you or your spouse work for a firm that matches contributions to qualifying 501(c)(3) foundations; or making a commitment of appreciated securities would be personally helpful—please notify your class agent or any of the campaign volunteers for further discussions.In addition, the house corporation has retained Stewart Howe Alumni Service (Charlie Frick, DePauw ’73, and Dorothy Wysocki) for advice and assistance with this campaign, including tax-related issues. Charlie and Dorothy can be reached at 607/533-9200 (ext. 224).

Please send non-tax-deductible contributions to:LAMBDA CORPORATION

Continuing Lambda’s Legacy CampaignP. O. BOx 876

ITHACA, NY 14851-0876

Page 20: CONTINUING LAMBDA’S LEGACY - DePauw FIJI · 2018-01-09 · We are excited to announce the Continuing Lambda’s Legacy campaign to renovate, upgrade, and construct a new wing for