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Contacts StreamchemDB Long-term goals Interested in databases? Adding sites and data Consensus on metadata and terminology Saving the nation’s long- term.

Jan 02, 2016



Caitlin Dalton
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ContactsStreamchemDBLong-term goalsInterested in databases?Adding sites and data

Consensus on metadata and terminology

Saving the nations long-term stream chemistry data in danger of being lost

Looking for other chemistry data?Why stream chemistry?Click here to see the database design behind StreamchemDBClick here to learn more about the utility of this dataClick here for linksDownload dataCross-site syntheses & analysesPublicationsAnalytical labsDataSynthesesPublications(Click on sites for more info)EFR sitesLTER sitesLTER-EFR sitesUSDA Forest Service Experimental Forests and Ranges

National Science Foundation Long-term Ecological Research Sites

Stream chemistry data since 1960About StreamchemDBCLOSE xLuquillo Experimental Forest/LTERKey researchers: William McDowell, Clyde Asbury, (more)Graph a different basin pair or parameterPhotos of siteDownload this dataKey references: McDowell & Asbury 1994, Schaefer et al. 2000, (more)About this siteBasinsRio Sabana (RS)Rio Espiritu Santo (RES4)Rio Mameyes Puente Roto (MPR)Rio Mameyes Gage (MG)Rio Icacos (RI)Quebrada Toronja (QT)Quebrada Sonadora (QS)Quebrada Prieta (QP)Quebrada Prieta A (QPA)Quebrada Prieta B (QPB)Quebrada Guaba (QG)Quebrada Bisley 1 (Q1)Quebrada Bisley 2 (Q2)Quebrada Bisley 3 (Q3)xxAnalytesAmmoniumCalciumChlorideConductivityDissolved inorganic carbonDissolved organic carbonDissolved organic nitrogenMagnesiumNitratepHPotassiumSoluble reactive phosphorusTotal dissolved nitrogenTotal dissolved phosphorusx2

ContactsStreamchemDBLong-term goalsInterested in databases?Adding sites and data

Consensus on metadata and terminology

Saving the nations long-term stream chemistry data in danger of being lost

Looking for other chemistry data?Why stream chemistry?Click here to see the database design behind StreamchemDBClick here to learn more about the utility of this dataClick here for linksDownload dataCross-site syntheses & analysesPublicationsAnalytical labsDataSynthesesPublications(Click on sites for more info)EFR sitesLTER sitesLTER-EFR sitesUSDA Forest Service Experimental Forests and Ranges

National Science Foundation Long-term Ecological Research Sites

Stream chemistry data since 1960About StreamchemDBCLOSE xLuquillo Experimental Forest/LTERKey researchers: William McDowell, Clyde Asbury, (more)Graph a different basin pair or parameterPhotos of siteDownload this dataKey references: McDowell & Asbury 1994, Schaefer et al. 2000, (more)About this siteSonadora (QS) and Toronja (QT) watersheds3

StreamChemDBNitrate19861971196919701968196419831966197919761992Ammonium19951971197019821968196419831967197919761993Dissolved1995200520051968199519671976Unfiltered19901978199319671993Orthophosphorus19991971198219681972198919691976Dissolved1983196819832003Unfiltered200819741992Anions (Cl, S04)19861969196919651968196319831964197919761992 Cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na)1986197119691970197019641983196719761992Conductivity19951960198219701983196419761992pH2002197119601982196819631983196419761992Alkalinity/carbonate19861971197619841968196719761992Silica198619711970196919641983Carbon19951979199020011995198319662004Total NTotal PBonanzaSan DimasFraserMarcellTenderfootSanteeHubbard BrookFernowCoweetaAndrewsLuquilloEarliest year of stream chemistry data available:Orthophosphorus: Soluble reactive phosphorus and/or orthophosphorus by ICTotal N: Kjeldahl and/or Total Nitrogen by alkaline persulfate method Carbon: Various forms of carbon: dissolved organic, dissolved inorganic, particulate organic, total organic

Additional analytes collected by one or two sites: Al, F, Fe, Mn, Color, Nitrite, Hardness

7StreamChemDBSitesBasinsData tablesMethods & parameter tablesDATABASE DESIGN8StreamChemDBSitesBasinsData tablesMethods & parameter tablesSite web sitesContactsSite disclaimers & agreementsStatus of the dataDATABASE DESIGN9StreamChemDBSitesBasinsData tablesMethods & parameter tablesDisturbancesDisturbance detailsSite web sitesContactsSite disclaimers & agreementsStatus of the dataDATABASE DESIGN10StreamChemDBSitesBasinsData tablesMethods & parameter tablesDisturbancesDisturbance detailsSite web sitesContactsSite disclaimers & agreementsStatus of the dataDischargeSamplesChem data instantaneous & composite concChem data monthly derived concDATABASE DESIGN11StreamChemDBSitesBasinsData tablesMethods & parameter tablesDisturbancesDisturbance detailsSite web sitesContactsSite disclaimers & agreementsStatus of the dataDischargeSamplesChem data instantaneous & composite concChem data monthly derived concSampling methodsDetection limitsParametersPrecisionUnitsAnalytesAnalytical methodsDATABASE DESIGNAfegir

cv internannual vs trends- Sen Slopescs intraannual vs trends Sen Slopes12StreamChemDBSitesBasinsData tablesMethods & parameter tablesDisturbancesDisturbance detailsSite web sitesContactsSite disclaimers & agreementsStatus of the dataDischargeSamplesChem data instantaneous & composite concChem data monthly derived concSampling methodsDetection limitsParametersPrecisionUnitsAnalytesAnalytical methodsLabsInstrumentsNEMI methodsMajor methodsDATABASE DESIGN13Questions? For more information: http://