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CONTACT THE PHOENIX PROJECT / "YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU MAD!" VOLUME 3, NUMBER 12 NEWS REVIEW $ 2.00 DECEMBER 14, 1993 How Your Votes Are Stolen 1219193 81 HATONN LOUEPTONSHOW 10-21-93 GUEST: JIM COLLIER, Author, VOTESCAM QUOTING: LE: Please hear thismy friends, whether you believe it or not; whether you know it or not, your vote has been stolen from you by a Cartel of Federal, National Security, Bureaucrats who include higher-ups in the Central Intelligence Agency, political party leaders, Congressmen,co-optedjour- nalists and the owners and managers of have decided in concert as to how ~rnerica's votes are counted-who theywant, bywhom they are counted and how the results will be "verifiedw and delivered to the public. As one of them put it not long ago: 'Not a Proper Area of Inquiry". A book, a good book: VOTESCAM, THE STEALING OF AMERICA, that indicts Attorney General Janet 'Murder" Reno-is a shocking inves- tigation. Our guest is a co-author of this book, Mr. James M. Collier. [Mr. Epton continues with greetings and then remarks]: We here in Clark County (Nevada) are aware of how votes are stolen. In our election last year there are more questions than you can 'shake a stick atn. JC: I know because I have been talking to people who have called me from Las down-what is happening thereand it is really frightening. I got started in 1970. It has been a 23- year investigation into how the vote is counted in the United States. I am NOT the only one who is doing this. There are newspaper men all over the country find- ing this same story-EVERYWHERE. I'm just the first to come out with an in-depth book on the matter. Actually the first guy to come out with a pamphlet was a news- man from the state of Washington, up near Puyallup, a man by the name of Robert Cochran, DONT GET PUNCHED OUT. It was a little pamphlet on how your elections are being stolen by computer (punchcards). It was a terrific little pamphlet and people all over the country wanted that pamphlet. So we have updated all that and enlarged he major establishment news media. They Vegas and I k ; FIRST CLASS MAIL low some of what's going [Please see VOTESCAM, p.4 1 INSIDE TWIS ISSUE: PHOENIX Shall Rise Again, p.2 "300n Connection To Railroads-America's Opium Dens, p.3 Perot: All Show And No Go? p.6 Update On Russbacher, p.6 Orchestrated News For Your Demise, p.7 What Exactly Is Christian Behavior? p.8 Nevada Corporations: No More State Taxes, p.13 Rick's News Desk, p.13 GREAT Update On Guntber Russbacher, p. 13 Explosive Interview With Gary Wean, p.15

CONTACT - The Phoenix Project 931214

Jun 09, 2022



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Page 1: CONTACT - The Phoenix Project 931214





How Your Votes Are Stolen

1219193 8 1 HATONN




LE: Please hear thismy friends, whether you believe it or not; whether you know it or not, your vote has been stolen from you by a Cartel of Federal, National Security, Bureaucrats who include higher-ups in the Central Intelligence Agency, political party leaders, Congressmen, co-opted jour- nalists and the owners and managers of

have decided in concert as to how ~rnerica's votes are counted-who theywant, bywhom they are counted and how the results will be "verifiedw and delivered to the public.

A s one of them put it not long ago: 'Not a Proper Area of Inquiry". A book, a good book: VOTESCAM, THE STEALING OF AMERICA, that indicts Attorney General Janet 'Murder" Reno-is a shocking inves- tigation. Our guest is a co-author of this book, Mr. James M. Collier.

[Mr. Epton continues with greetings and then remarks]: We here in Clark County (Nevada) are aware of how votes are stolen. In our election last year there are more questions than you can 'shake a stick atn.

JC: I know because I have been talking to people who have called me from Las

down-what is happening the reand it is really frightening.

I got started in 1970. It has been a 23- year investigation into how the vote is counted in the United States. I am NOT the only one who is doing this. There are newspaper men all over the country find- ing this same story-EVERYWHERE. I'm just the first to come out with an in-depth book on the matter. Actually the first guy to come out with a pamphlet was a news- man from the state of Washington, up near Puyallup, a man by the name of Robert Cochran, DONT GET PUNCHED OUT. It was a little pamphlet on how your elections are being stolen by computer (punch cards). It was a terrific little pamphlet and people all over the country wanted that pamphlet. So we have updated all that and enlarged

he major establishment news media. They Vegas and I k

; FIRST CLASS MAIL low some of what's going [Please see VOTESCAM, p.4 1


"300n Connection To Railroads-America's Opium Dens, p.3 Perot: All Show And No Go? p.6

Update On Russbacher, p.6 Orchestrated News For Your Demise, p.7 What Exactly Is Christian Behavior? p.8

Nevada Corporations: No More State Taxes, p.13 Rick's News Desk, p.13

GREAT Update On Guntber Russbacher, p. 13 Explosive Interview With Gary Wean, p.15

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PHOENIX truthfully with you as we can. What do you do when you see the headlines this morning: U.S. REVEALS RADIATION EXPERIMENTS??? Since the very ear- liest onset of our writings we have told you of these things! We have repeated

Shall Rise Again it and repeated until you complain about the repetition. YOU ARE IN TROUBLE, WORLD, AND IT IS YOUR SLEEPING SICKNESS WHICH IS DE- STROYING YOU AND YOUR WORLD.

12/8/93 #l HATONN his bilious insipid activities. I can only We can continue ad nauseam in the tell Christ's children to hold strong for "telling you about it" and proving it to

LILIES OF THE VALLEY in God is thine shelter. You have done you-but at some point you must take well, verily magnificently and your truth up the PEN to STOP THE INSANITY.

In the beauty of the winter LILIES- is well pleased. THE ENEMY CANNOT LONG STAND which spring forth in flower as the renewal George Green has written, yea even IN THE FOCUS OF LIGHT UPON HIS comes upon the Earth-lies the very se- called, Cort and Jenny's parents in Min- EVIL. - -

crets of life. Even though the fortunes and nesota to destroy their connections with LEGAL DRUGS? impacts of a world in change come upon the children. the lily, SO too is it actually-strengthened This person, I shall not call him a I wonder how long your new Surgeon that it might bloom in the spring. In every "man", has lied, cheated and now General will last after her most recent place upon your globe-even unto the hid- presses his deceit upon those who are boo-boo? Ms . Elders thinks legaliza- den under-ice world grow LILIES in their only brought total pain and agonizing tion of drugs, etc., would cut down on time, their bulbs or tubers flourishing in hurt against them. This idiotic scaven- crime and, actually, on usage of illegal that which would seem unendurable to life ger has, after telling 'everybody" (his substance. She is right, but "right" forms. Will YOU make it? OF COURSE. words) about Cort and Jenny's DI- doesn't play in the game here. THE Just as the waters flow again from the VORCE FROM EACH OTHER OVERTHE BIGGEST BUSINESS ON THE FACE OF frozen ice cakes when melted-so too will' PAST 8 MONTHS-NOW TELLS THEIR THE GLOBE IS STILL BEING PLAYED the lands be able to flourish again, again, PARENTS THAT IF THEY DON'T STOP OUT WITH YOUR GOVERNMENT-IN and again. Even that which would "seem" AND DESTROY THE "INSTITUTE" AND ILLEGAL DRUGS. DO YOU REALLY totally devastating as it is burned into GET OUT OF THE "CORPORATION" THINK THE GOVERNMENT IS GOING ashes-so too are theveryashesand mol- BUSINESS THAT THEY WILL BE TO BRING DOWN THE PRICES ten material rendered as renewable land in CAUSED TO DIVORCE AND BE DE- THROUGH LOGICAL ACTION? IT IS its "time" and proper breakdown by God's STROYED BY THE LAW AND, IN BUSI- ALSO THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY TO instruction. When all is chaos in the lands NESS, WILL NEVER SURVIVE. GARNER GOLD IN TRADE AND CON- and there is no further "down" to de- He tells them that Cort is breaking TROL CURRENCY. scend-then shall the Phoenixrise again to the law daily. H e tells them LIES One of the article's statements was, soar about the lands recreating order and about the arrangements in this place "Americans must be wondering if the balance. and discounts the very HOSTS OF surgeon general is hazardous to our

Asit seemsyou cannot scrape the dung GOD into some cute little alien health." Say what? MEDICINE, SUR- which is flung upon your beings by those swamp-creatures. Well, I guess he GERY, GOVERNMENT, MILITARY, IN- who would destroy as they serve the Evil would know-about those slimy little TELLIGENCE,-Y OU NAME IT: IS HAZ- Prince, so too shall those flingings be uti- legless swamp-creatures which slither ARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH. lized in the lessons and the passage as they about on their bellies. This is a new bring discredit and humiliation upon them- "low" in decadence that you would OTHER FRONT-PAGE-WORTHY selves. He who would humiliate his neigh- effort to destroy young people just NEWS? bor-remember, shall be humiliated. starting their family and careers

Do not allow yourselves to unduly dwell through your lies and deceit. "PRESENTS GETTING A BAD WRAP: on the assaults or that which focuses ON I find it doubly despicable since he Officials urge more creativity with SELF-look at the impact on ANOTHER- told ones in Colorado and other places Christmas packaging:" It turns out and you ghall not find self so put-upon. It of his audience at his uexpert" semi- that you use in the U.S. some 240,000 is as the*Ancient Wisdomkeepers tell you: nars that Corporations in Nevada are tons of Christmas wrapping paper- h y for thine bnother that the gif;C the "only way to go" and that he has "...enough to fill the Capitol Dome in might'- worthiness in its fruifirl "...many, MANY!!" Further, he told Sacramento 800 times." =turn unto sew for the genedty of Ueverybody" (his words) that he And what of the "garbage" inside the sey. YOU cannot rrecei-UlVTIL YOU U...put up a million dollars to start wrappings? I s THIS the attribution to HAVEGIVENFORTH-NEVER! Moreover, Cort in the business1 Right up Christ on HIS day to accept honoring? a man who would effort to pull down a front ...." , Who might be in charge of the Christ- brother, especially asyounger brothei" who YOU LYING SCAPEGRACE, GREEN. mas lies? Well, WHO owns the biggest looked unto him for teaching, and then YOU DISHONOR THE NAME GIVEN and most used department stores which stabs his backside-is the lowest fonn of BY YOUR FATHER UNTO YOU. SO BE push you on and on into that which immoral characterization. IT. grows further from Christ every year,

every day? IN MIND? PLAYING GAMES? This person (writer of the article)

suggests wrapping a gift with another Do I have one in mind? Always! And We are NOT playing games with you, gift. For example, "put toy animals

lately it does seem to be George Green in all readers. We are working as quickly and inside a cowboy hat, or use decorative

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DECEMBER 14, 1993 Page 3

hat boxes to hold gifts. Put kitchen utensils inside an oven mitt or wrap them in kitchen towels.. ..." I agree- why don't you just put them unwrapped in a garbage pail-there will still be enough. left-over unneeded trash in packaging to fill the same sized con- tainer-or perhaps, just put the "stuff' in that garbage pail and take the whole thing to the landfill. (33) The "exchange rate" after Christmas (the 26th) is said to be more than 50% return. Why? I thought a 'gift" was a "remembrance* from one who loves and wishes to express his/ her caring. I guess not.. . . To me there is only ONE thing which would cause a return-and then only in exchangeif an item sent for wear- ing does not fit and cannot be used by the receiver as is.

What will you good people do when the gifts are bombs? Will you go exchange a nuclear fission bomb for a fusion bomb or will you demand a neutron bomb so that only people are killed without destruction to "stuff"? Your enemies are right there AMONG YOU-not somewhere else, good friends-RIGHT THERE WITH YOU!

PROGRAM STARTING PACKAGE 1 Bottle Gaiandriana (1 Quart) 1 Bottle AquaGaia (1 Quart)

2 Bottles GaiRZyte (2 Liters each) 4 Packages Spelt Bread Mix

5 Audio-cassettes @> COST: $150 (for CONTACT subscribers onlv) $180 (for non-subscribers)

(Special: N e w Gaia h d u d s will pay for all packaging and shippang charges on Starter Packages ordered during the month of December for subscribers and non- su bscn'bers.)

MAINTENANCE PACKAGE 1 Bottle Gaiandriana (1 Quart)

2 Bottles GaiaLyte (2 Liters each) 4 Packages Spelt Bread Mix

COST: $90 (for CONTACT subscribers onlv) $1 15 (for non-subscribers) -

99 "300 Connection To Railroads: Opium Dens & Chinese Laborers!

12/8/93#1 HATONN doc # 13 in a seriesfrom the Committee of - Harriman family's railroad needed Ycoolies" 300 availablefim John Cdeman, WR25.33 to push the rail connection westward to the

RAILROAD DILEMMA N. Carson St., Carson City, NV89706.) California coast, or so they said. Strangely enough, very few Negroes were given the

This is just a reminder for the morning QUOTING: manual labor jobs they were used to at that sickness: This is the month when the Rail- OPIUM DENS time and could have done a better job than roads are supposed to begin foreclosing on the emaciated opium addicts who arrived you nice people--remember under law, THEY In the period of 179 1 - 1894, the number of from China. OWN THE UNITED STATES! You will have to licensed opiumdensin the Shanghai Interna- The problem was that there was no mar- look up the writings (CONTACT Vol. l # 12, tionalsettlement rose from 87 to 663. Opium ket for opium among the Negroes and, more- June 15, 1993, p.2) we were offering you flowinginto theunited Stateswasalso stepped over, Lord Inchcape, son of the founder of P when we got complaints and other things of up. Sensing that they might have some and 0 needed the "coolies" to smuggle in living took precedence. Is it REAL? Well, problems in Chinawith the spotlight of world thousands of pounds of raw opium into North enough that the Patriots through the FAX concern shininguponthem,theplutocratsof America, something the Negroes could not NETWORK are showing confuming docu- the Knights of St. John and the Order of the do. It was the same Lard Inchcape who in mentation of the authenticity. If you realize Cbrter transferred some of their attention to 1923 wamed that there must be no diminish- that the SAME WOULD-BE KINGS--OWN Persia (Iran). ing of opium poppy cultivation in Bengal. THE RAILROADS AS OWN THE WORLD Lord Inchcape, who founded the biggest This most important source of revenue must BANKS, IT DOESN T LOOK EXACTLY steamship company in the world at the turn be safeguarded," he told the commission 'GOOD". of the 19th century, the legendary Peninsula allegedly investigating the production ofopium

I bring this up right here because we will and Orient Steam Navigation Company, was gum in India be moving directly into the subject of rail- the principal mover and shaker in establish- By 1846, sorne 120,000 'coolies" had roads as connected to Opium Trade and ing the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, already arrived in the U.S. to work on Chinese laborers brought in. This has been which remains the largest and least con- Hamiman's railroad pushingwestward. The a topic in the news as late (currently) as day- trolled clearinghouse bank for the opium "pig trade" was in full pmfitable mving be- before-yesterday, the "coolie" situation and trade, which also financed the 'pig trade" cause, ofthisnumber, itwasestimated bythe the influx of Asians. with the United States. U.S. government 1 15,000 wem opium ad-

(Editofs note: Following is a mnfimcrtion The British had set up a scam whereby dicts. Once the railroad was finished, the of quotingjhm the 12/ 1/93 # 1 uniting in the Chinese "coolies" were sent to the U.S. as so- Chinese did not go back to where they came Declember 7th CONTACT, pages 2-6, Continu- called 'indentured laborers. The rapacious, from, but settled in San FYancisco, Los Ange-

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les, Vancouver and Portland. They created a ring that ~sulted in 129,000 American opium huge cultural problem that has never ceased addicts. Whatwith the known 1 15,000 Chinese to exist. addicts, Lord Inchcape and his hmily were

It is interesting to note that Cecil John raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars a Rhodes, a Committee of 300 member who year from this source alone which, in terns of fronted for the Rothschilds in South Africa, today's dollar, would represent at least a $100 followed the Inchcape pattern, bringing hun- million dollar income every year. dreds of thousands of Indian "cooliesn to work Thevery same British and American f a d e s on the sugarcaneplantationsinNatalprovince. who had combined to wreck the Indian textile AmongthernwasMahatmaGhandi, aComrnu- industry in the promotion of the opium trade, nist agitator and troublemaker. Like the Chi- and who brought African slaves to the U.S., nese coolies, they were not returned to their combined to make the "pig trade" a valuable country of origin once their contracts expired. soume of revenue. Later they were to combine They, too, went on to create a massive social to cause and promote the Wble War Between pmgmm, and their descendants became law- The States, also known as the American Civil yers who spearheaded the drive to infiltrate the War. government on behalf of the African National The decadent American familes of the un- ~ W Y = = . holy partnership, thoroughly corrupted and

By 1875 the Chinese "coolies" operatingout wallowing in filthy lum, went on to become of San F'x-ancisco had set up an opium supply what we know today as the Eastern Liberal

Establishment whose members, under the care- ful guidance and dhction of the Crown and subsequently its foreign policy executive arm, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIM), rn this countrl)r-and still does-hm top to bottom through their secret upper-level, padlel government, which is tghtly meshed with the Committeeof300,theULTlMATE secret society.



Dharma is needed elsewhere as we prepare to release new products so I have to ask her to cut this writing short. We will continue on this subject as we can with the topic of The Menace as was allowed through this invasion of sorts into the United States.

sacks when the possibility of vote fraud was brought to the attention of the public. One of our fine people here managed to get vo TEs cA IM hold of a number of those bags of ballots

(Continued from page 1,'

it into a fully-fledged book on our adven- there because the computers in most cases tures, my brother and I, over the last 23 are rigged IN ADVANCE. They will come years. out with pre-determined answers no mat-

It started originally with a book contract ter what happens. It is probably happen- from the Dell Publishing Company, during ing like that in Vegas. ... Look at that city.. . the 'Chicago 7" trials which would have LE: Well, it's not a "badn city but it is a been called Running Throughthe System by politically corrupt city from any viewpoint. Ballots, Not Bullets. We had hoped to prove JC: New York and Miami, as well as that the System would work and not lead to Cincinnati-well, we write about the cor- riots in the streets. In doing that research, ruption in those cities. And how about however, we found that it can't. The facts Chicago? are that almost no one who votes knows LE: Between me and thee, I'll tell you, HOW their votes are counted. It is in an back in 1960 I was back in Chicago cover- area wherein the media will not talk-ver. ing the election and I literally watched This is because the media is involved in boxes of ballots BEING THROWN AWAY. rigging the vote in MUCH OF AMERICA. Obviously they were the ballots from what

LE: In other words, the media is part of they called the bedroom communities, or the problem? suburbs of the Republican strongholds

JC: The media IS the problem. The and the excuses used were absolutely ri- media is the most powerful entity in the diculous. world. In the U.S. it is absolutely THE . JC: Chicago, yes, but that's a scapegoat MOST POWERFUL ENTITY. So, this power city that everybody knows about because has corrupted. We have discovered that they 'stole" the Kennedy election, etc. But over a period of time they have the ability to what they don't realize is that there is a tap into the main-frame computers in pattern throughout the US and it's the America in every county that counts the same in every city. 'The computer opera- vote by computer in a central location. I tions are in a back room where the public suspect you people do it this way. Do you can't get access. The League of Women have any idea how your votes are counted Voters is in the system somehow, getting there? paid by the head, per hour to fiddle with the

LE: By computer. vote cards if that is what is being used. Do JC: By computer! It is probably taken you have punch cards?

from the precinct after you vote through a LE: Yes, we have punch-cardeand downtown main-frame. Right! other-in fact, an interesting thineafter

LE: I11 tell you the interesting thing is the election was done and down there were, that any high school kid who knows com- I don't know how many, but thousands of puters can rig the computer. supposedly OLD ballotefrom the previ-

JC: Absolutely, they can tap-in. It's that ous election. Now, regulations require that simple. There is no evidence--nothing. they be destroyed but, for whatever reason, Anybody can do it and they know that out these were not. They were stuffed into

before the trash company picked them up. They were identical to the ballots used in our last election and there is just no way, it seems, of fighting it other than to say, "What are these ballots doing here, they're all punched, how do they figure in?"

JC: I understand that the election rig- ging in Las Vegas is a MISDEMEANOR1 And NOT a criminal offense. This is what I am told from people who have formed a 'People's Grand Jury" there. These people have told me that they went to the State Attorney there and were told that whatever the evidence, they "didn't want to get in- volved" because it is only a 'misdemeanor" and they simply didn't want to become involved. Now, I don't know factually if that is true or not--other than if you have listeners who call in, you can ask them.

LE: Yes, that's true, we get a lot of calls on this subject and it wouldn't surprise me. The Attorney General for the State of Nevada is certainly part of THE problem.

[Discussion about several other sub- jects such as the 'Fairnessn Doctrineto cause equal time to all parties in order to shut-down talk-radio.]

JC: Well, I'm an average guy who is a reporter and a business man in Miami who simply ran for election to do a book to find out what it was like to run through the election system. What I found led to this book which has now, 23 years later, come out. The whole book explains how it is done everywhere in the country. It names names of people involved in doing the actual cor- ruption, right up through Janet Reno who should be indicted.

LE: ... On a NUMBER OF CHARGES! The only point on which I slightly disagree is that I think it is all being done by design and I don't like to sound like an off-the- wall-crazy, but there is a conspiracy going

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on and it is done by the Elitists and Bank- ers and' takes us right to the Bank of England, through the Federal Reserve Bank and more.

/Radio break]

LE: We are back with Jim Collier, VOTESCAM. Jim, you mentioned Janet Reno, we call her "Murderer" Reno and we think she should be brought-up on a LOT of charges. She is a corrupt woman. Please tie her in, if you will, to the votescam.

JC: Alright. In 1970 when we ran against Claude Pepper in Miami, he was a Congressman. Pepper is the "father" of Social Security. He was 70-years old and his birthdate was on election day, Septem- ber 8 th. We ran a campaign and used no money because part of the Dell contract was that we would run as the poorest "any man" in America. We would just shake hands, walk through the Black, Jewish, etc., communities, which is Miami Beach area (Claude Pepper's area). That's where we lived. We would go shake hands, go to Churches, do all the things usually done and when we got to election day, if it was one percent or ten percent, it was alright with us. Our intent was just to know what grass roots was worth, ifwe did it diligently like nobody else had done it. My brother was a great speaker and he really did a terrific job.

On election night at four minutes after the polls closed (7:04 p.m.) the CBS Mi- ate in Miami tells us the EXACT percent- ages that every one of 250 candidates IS GOING TO GET. Now, remember, that is in four minutes. At 24 minutes after the hour the NBC afliliate does the same thing but it names exactly the amount of final numbers that those percentages repre- sent, like 2,926 votes. Later when we got the read-outs on the television from the stations that were shown on the air, in- deed, all of THAT did happen. They did this on the information from ONE VOTING MACHINE CALLED-IN FROM DADE COUNTY-it said.

So, now, in tracking that down we found it to be ludicrous. There is a formula for doing this that is interesting. If you get the information off of ONE machine, which they stated and testified to (definitely one machine)-how dumb. If there were ten votes, say, on that one machine for my brother Ken, any mathematician in the world would say that now you need to have a formula in the computer to multiply that forward, right? So, if Ken is A, you need times B for whatever the formula is, right? And then it equals how many votes he will get by the end of the night. That's basically the formula if you use ONE voting ma- chine.

Well, in any A times B = C formula, you must know two out of three (A, B oI' C). You

must know the vote before the, polls are over this very story and that's why they are closed and the final vote and then you get trying to hide it. They don't want to con- the multiplier or you must know the final front me. I want to face Janet Reno in a vote and the multiplier and then you divide public arena over this issue. it and you get how many votes the guy is LE: A lot of us would like to face her on getting. Either way you rig the election if a number of issues, but go on.... you do it. They held to the 'one" in this JC: In the back of our book, if people get incident and that was deadly for them. it and it can be ordered through a book

LE: How about exit polling? store or write to Victoria Hoare Press in JC: What a fraud. That is the biggest New York, there is so much that we got

fraud that I have found. Have you ever met through the years about how the vote is an exit poll person or do you know anyone counted in the United States and we will who has ever been polled? look at the end portion. In the end'is how

LE: Actually, no. Occasionally you see we found out that the television. stations them shown on TV but that is as near as I themselves, the networks, ABC, NBC, CNN, have ever seen. CBS, the two wire services, The Washing-

JC: That is what is so mysterious. I ton Post, The New York Times and the asked election supervisors around the various other clients, belong to a'network country, 'Do you know where it's being pool". This is called "News Election Ser- done"? And they tell me no, they have no vices". Do you think that the networks idea who is doing it or in what precinct. I compete for the vote on election night? asked so I could go and watch it being done. The "Network Pool" is really that the Some people say, yeah, but when we started networks DO NOT COMPETE and haven't analyzingnationwide, the networks, right- done so since 1964. This was right after they come on at 7:00 p.m. or 9:00 p.m. and JFKwas shot-within sixmonths following they tell you one minute later how the vote the assassination, the networks took over is going to come out, right? They've "done the vote count in the United States. TOOK exit polls". OVER THE VOTE COUNT. Anyone who

Do you realize how many states would wants to research that information can get have to be calling back how many numbers EZedi~nAdm'nisf~on Reports. Every Elec- to some central point, to pull that off? I also tion Supervisor pays about $30 a year and tracked down how that was done and it IS they get this newsletter-strictly for Elec- A SCAM. It isn't being done! tion Supervisors in America. This carried

LE: Well, there must be samples of it a story in April 1983 entirely detailing this. somewhere.. . You can get it from the Library of Congress.

JC: Of these exit polls? But you can't That and also a report from the Air Force get them1 I wish that all you listeners who College in Colorado offers the Bibliography are mad as hell and won't take it any more so that people can check where we got our would call up all their friends and tell them - information. I also did my own research. to turn on this show right now, because I'm They formed a'central board" in New York going to tell them stuff that is gonna curl City. It's now on 34th street near 6th Ave. their hair. It is REALLY going to make them near the Empire State Bldg. All the supposed angry and you shouldn't have to tell it "exit polls" during the day which are taken second hand to your buddy .... Also, call are called back to Chilton Publishing in the State Attorney's office 'cause I've got Radner, Pennsylvania. They are like a clear- something to say to "whoever" that is. ing house. They call back on 67 telephone

lines coming in nationwide. You couldn't do Fme out for calling. ..) one state on 67 lines, much less 50 states. In

the field, largely made of representatives of Resume.. . . :) the League of Women Voters, one hundred

ten thousand of them on election lllght after JC: Recap: I am Jim Collier and I wrote the primary, run-off and final, get paid to be

a book, with my brother, called VOTESCAM, in the field to call back ' this information to THE S T W G OFAMEREA, the book that Chilton in Pennsylvania. They get paid very indicts Attorney General Janet Reno.. . . It big money to do this. They also get paid by the was put out this last Summer and I am now elections departments of big cities, probably doing the talk-radio thing because it is the yours too, m u n d America, to be involved only way to get a story out, in this country, with the cleaning of the "chad" off of these that is absolutely TABU by the media. cards. They get paid around $25 per person

LE: You mean that we won't read about per hour. The persons in point don't get it- it in the local papers? it goes into the national coffers.

JC: No. I am pushing all these people. We have women in precincts, on video We are trying every way to get on Posner, tapes, TAMPERING with the vote cards in Donahue, Lany King, and all that but the both Miami and Cincinnati. On video! networks themselves are involved in the stealing of this country. They are not END QUOTING sacrosanct-they're not Big Brother-they would like to be and they can be crushed * *

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This interview went on for over an hour woodpile. If arnan is "too busy" to make a phone while going into details about 'how" punch Perot? call for a fellow citizen who is proven to be cards are utilized and computers simply unconstitutionally raihaded, regardless of fac- loaded with pre-doctored information and tual complaints against him, then is this man tallies. We have spoken of this on several All Show And No Go? theoneyou wantrunningthisnation??? Iwould prior occasions so I don't want to take any rather be called a "Judasgoat" by a genuine more of Dharrna's time in transcribing this 12/9/93 #1 HATONN "believer" than have a bow and suape h m interview. However, AMERICA, I suggest another impostor after another set forth to dupe you get this book. You will have trouble Did Perot know all about this when he was you-the-people. finding it because it is not allowed to be running? It begins to appear that he did! It is I asked all of you "independents" to vote for carried in any book "chain". However, it is certainly CLAIMED that he knew and that was Perot-TO OVERWHELM THIS SET-UP listed and any bookstore is obligated to why it was such a "lark" and "dance across "VOTESCAM" SYSTEM BUTNO ONESAVE MY look it up and get it for you. Texas". We shall see, wont we. FEW READERS ACTED IN SUCH MANNER

I believe the price is less than $7.00. I Perot has off-hand declined any help to YOU HAVETO TAKE ONE STEP AT ATIMETO don't have any further inclination to spend Gunther Russbacher-through his secr%tary. SHOW THE ADVERSARY FOR WHAT HE IS more time on it-but if you don't get back The CLCisstill ttyingto speakwith him person- AND ON "CANDIDATES" I HAVE LXlTLE ELSE to an honest system cf voting-the whole ally. We shallcerbidysee, won'twe? 'Manw can TO SAY-ALL, SO FAR, ARE TOTALLY DISAP- present process is totally worthless at best- sayalot of things-but ACTIONS always tell the POINI'ING. WILL 'GRIIZI HAVE AN OPPOR- dtstructive at worst. tale. TUNTlY TO EVER RALLY THIS COUNTRY? I

You would have some opportunity to KEASE KEEP UPTHE BUSHELS OF LET- CANT SAY-HE IS 'CHOSEN FOR LEADER- survive the system if you demanded to go TERSANDPEnnONSFORHISP~CIPAnON. SHIP AND POSSIBLY HE CAN GAIN SOME back to paper ballots and three or four rISMAI(INGADIFFERENCEANDY0UCANT KIND OF SUPPORT BUT LOOKS PREMY states have done exactly that just to de- EVER TELL WHERE YOUR INPUT MAY BE BLEAK ATTHIS POINT. He is certamly going to mand some credibility. THAT WHICH WILL TURN THE KEY IN THE have to look hard at a few acquaintances and

This is EXACTLY what happened in this LOCK lT IS DIFFICULTTO BELIEVE ANY MAN fellow-travelersbefore hecan regain respect and last major election when Clinton won while WHO PLAYS WITH AND IS CLOSE FRIENDS followinghmoneswhomaxhed to hisdrumin actually Pero t WON. However, you will WITH THE ELITE, SUCH AS ROCKEFELLER the last election, He is working to rally ones to note Perot got EXACTLY THE PERCENT-. (PERSONALLY),WOULDBETOTALLYUBLIND" join him at the White House or Capitol in AGE OF VOTES PROJECTED DAYS PRIOR TOTHATWHICHISAFOOT. OURPMmONTO Washington at some time to make apoint, Will TO THE ELECTION-TO THE EXACT PER- HIM WAS DIRECTED BECAUSE 'WHO ELSE" enough attend to make a difference? It didn't CENTAGE. DO YOU HAVE? I SUGGEST THAT lT MAY BE workwithDee Kiddasfltratomwerepresent

You as a nation of goodly people who are DIFFICULTTO FIND A 'GENUINEn AKI'ICLE IN and the movement fell into disruption. Bo's just too nice to think that anyone would do THE WORLD THIS DAY. rally-motto was "Ballots in 1992 or Bullets in unto you-must wake up and look about COULDl'I'BETHATONE,PEROT,HASTIED 96. At this time in your evolvement-the you. Then ifyou can remember that less than THE WORKING HANDS OF MILUONS OF bullets will all be in the hands of only the 3% control everything about your nation and "Ui'WED WE STAM), AMERCAMERK=A(h3" HANDS aimirds-NOTYOU-THEPEOPLE! Couldyou life-you will begin to see the advantage of FROM DOING THEIR DUTY TO NATION AND do it? Yes. Will you do it? It doesntlook toogood awakening, uniting with your brother and GOD? WE SHALL SEE!! TODAY, IT DOESNT h m where I sit. You certainly do have enough stopping this insanity. Easy? No! But what LOOK TOO GOOD! people to do it if you would but open your eyes else are you going to do? We can tell you and SO+VZ WE BACK TO ' G m ? WELL, and take a stand. tell you and now even offer you PROOF and STRANGERTHINGS HAVEHAPPENED INTHE It was stated all along that 'Perot was no still-YOU have to get the job done or forget MYSTERIOUS AND WONDROUS WAYS IN REALthmattotheBigBays." Isthistrue? Looks freedom in a Republic. WHICH GOD RESPO.NDSTO PRAYERS. FIRST like it. They probably KNOW something you

All of the outcomes are pre-entered into YOU HAVE TO "JUDGE" ACTIONS OF ONES don't. Readers, aworld in tmnslation isaworld the central computer base which is con- WHO in distraction and disorder. You DO NOT test a trolled by the national networks of media WHAT IS ACTUALLY TAKING PLACE. THEN, man in a political ma of who can best lie to TV-and you are simply told what they de- YOU CAN DISCERN THE W, LOOK AT you-you "test him" pitted against an ordinary cided would be the outcome. You will find WHAT HE TOUrS AND WHAT IS OFFERED AS problem faced by you-the-peopleoneononeand votes being shredded immediately, back- BLASED BEIdEFS IN EARTH DOCTRINESAND see WHAT hewilldo FORYOU. Ifhe is'too busy" mmswherein new ballotsare being punched "DO-DADS". THENAND ONLYTHEN CANYOU to make a phone call-BEWARE! and placed in the "black boxes", etc. If you MAKE GOOD DISCERNMENIS AND JUDG had transparent boxes and paper ballots you MENI'S ABOUT WHAT IS WORTHY OF YOUR would at least have visual monitoring of NUIE AND SUPPOW. IF POU HIVE BEEN tampefing in front of everyone. YOU have no fWWAGTOTHETUNEWAPPJZ& P45ROT,

Comments On idea how those boxes are rigged inside. It W l l a E R ~ I U B B ~ Y O U I U I V E T O Gunther Russbacher beats any magician's closet anywhere. Of KMWlT, DON'T YOU? IF A MAN IS 'TOO course, it is now such that a majority of many BUSY'' TO PICK UP THE PHONE AND MAKE A 12/9/93 W1 HATONN pmincts vote 'absenteew and that turns the CALL TO MISSOURI ON BEHALF OF A PA- vote it is claimed. Come on, WHO checks out TRIOT. GOOD OR BAD. BUT VERY DEFI- I am WeW of the harangue and misin- theballots? The same committeeswho tamper NITELY BEING ABUSED UNDER OUR JACK formation being put forth regarding the the ballots!!! OFCONmONALLAW-THENTHATMAN case of Gunther Russbacher. The.distrac-

What of thisoverview bunch called League IS SORELY MISSING SOMETHING! tions are almost blinding in their obvious- of Women's Voters? It is a CORPORATION The wording of Mr. Dixlon's letter h m the ness. fundedmassivelyby Corporationsinarnounts CLC was such t i k t no "action" other than a of around a million dollars per corporation. It phone* was asked or expectd. When a so- WHAT DO I MEAN? is not what it appears to be, friends. I t is THE called cofipassionate Patriot will not take less corrupt tamparrswho are ostensibly moni- than five minutes to save theverylifk ofabmther What are you t m g to accomplish and toring the system to keep it clean. in m u b l d e r e is some- dirty in the why? You are NOT here to judge a man on

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DECEMBER 14, 1993 Page 7

criminal, or otherwise, actions save that trained into you until you function like a instance, r e fu~es to do -then you have which is presented in the court. THE lawless renegade or get kicked out of the no one in point who is dedicated to just law FACTS ARE, THAT NO MATTER WHATTHE corps. OR THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED MAN MAY HAVE DONE, CITIZENS, THAT My intent is NOT TO JUDGE ONE PATES OFAMERICA, ONE NATION, UN- FOR WHICH HE IS BEING HELD IS GAR- GUNTHER RUSSBACHER-it is to take DER GOD! YOU HAVE AN ELITIST IN BAGE AND UNCONSTITWTIONAM special note that his constitutional RIGHTS SERVICE TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER-

If, indeed, the man is wanted because are violated from the beginning through EVEN IF HE KNOWS IT NOT. he "stole" $15 million from the CIA, how did the ending of this little corrhption game of I shan't even take up those 'other" he do that? Harry Martin of Napa Valley political power. 1 REPEAT: IF THE BIG charges now being flung about for they Sentinel paper and Ken Varden of APFN BOYS WANT HIM ON OTHER RIGHTFUL have NOTHING to do with ANYTHING. If a claim that "that" is why he is actually being CHARGESLETTHEM MAKETHE RIGHT- man be accused-let him be accused by his held and that there are "securities" to prove FUL CHARGES BECAUSE WHAT THEY accuser in the proper chambers within the it. ARE DOING NOW I S UNCONSTITU- LAW. THISiswhatweareaboutandify~u

AH-BUT- HE IS NOT CWARGED TIONIQL. It is for the rights of Constitutional forget it, you possibly don'tdeserve better ON SUCH ACCOUNTS!! If the CIA wants Law for each and every citizen that we than that which has come upon you. It is to bring charges now, after lapse of time for center ourfocus-not on aman who may or said that there are securities floating same, it proves that 1) Gunther is a CIA may not be guilty of something or 0 t h ~ . around-so, bring them forth and show operative who was in charge of proprietary Further, those who would DISTRACT them that ALL may see and discern. So be corporations of the CIA and 2) the charges you through other presentations of pos- it, readers-let Mr. Perot know how you feel thus far are total garbage-and UNCON- sible this or that--are nothing save mis- about it. Thank you. STITUTIONAL AT ANY DEFINITION. THE informed dishformation outputters. You might want to lay off the poor CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CENTER IS Gunther may well be "guilty" of all the physicians in the responsibility of car- ABOUT INTEGRITP OF THE JUDICML charges ewer mentioned in the world- ing for Gunther-they are feeling ha- SYSTEM AND CONSTlTuTIONRL LA w. however, "HE IS PRESUMED INNOCENT rassed and it is no t fair. Gunther is We do not get in the game simply because UNTIL AND UNLESS PROVEN GUILTY IN doing medically well and they have done one man says he is weary of prison and A JUST COURT OF LAW BY A JURY OF a worthy job-let u s not make an error another wants to squash and silence him. HISPEERS!" REMEMBER??????? FUR- of negative pressure-let u s make our The point is to either release the man THER, HE IS IN PRISON FOR NOTHING voices heard in the ears and in the light ACCORDING TO LAW or CHARGE HIM VALIDANDIFTHEREAREOTHERVALID of the public where the power can be WITH THAT WHICHIS CLALMED TO BE CHARGES-WHY ARE THEY NOT CON- brought under control of you-the- CR1-MlAM.L AND HANDLE ALL OF TWE STITUTIONALLY ENTERED AGAINST people-CONSTITUTIONALLPI PROCEDURE UNDER THE CONSTITU- HIM? AmeriKa, ifyou miss this important In closing I would like you to ponder TION. focus-you have missed the entire mean- on the following statement until it be-

I s Gunther Russbacher a perfect and ing of freedom. comes CLEAR: "He who is not aware of Godly man? Who knows? God! Has Moreover, if one such as Perot, who his ignorance will be only misled by his Gunther been a good little boy all his life? could make amassive difference in this one knowledge. " Thank you. Nope! He was (is) a trained assassin, killer and CIA operative as well as a Naval Intel- ligence Officer from the highest ranks of the intelligence communities. This hardly 0 rch es tra te d Ne ws makes him a boy-scout. However, HIS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS A S A CITI- ZEN ARB BEING TROUNCED INTO THE MUD-PITS BY T B SWINE IN POWER. THERE, BUT FOR TIYE GRACE OF GOD GO ALL OF PE ONES.

Should he "plea bargain"? Well, I sup-

For Your Demise pose he has already tried that approach- I don't know-what is 'plea bargaining"? It 121 10193 #1 HATONN narios taking place all about your nation. The is not a "bargain" for something, it is a cop- man who supposedly killed the child-RE- out on the charges in favor of something SPIRITUAL GROWTH MEMBERS NOT THE DEED! And why the else-and indeed, he has done that. So, cutback in the Reserves gnd Guard? So that plea-bargaining is simply a way for your It is time to be the "preacher" for a few you willnot have local protectors-you will be already corrupt system to do unto a person minutes for the bombardment is so hard and controlled by strangers and an International on charges which have absolutely NOTH- so constant against God's people as the Police Force. It has nothing to do with ING to do with a crime in point. In other shroud descends. "monfl-it has EVERYTHING to do with words, a man drives while intoxicated and We must hold tightly toTRUTH lest we be CONTROL. But, you WILL come into con- commits murder. He will be allowed to SO distracted by the opinionsand perceptions tml-you WILL DEMAND CONTROL to "stopw "plea-bargain" for reckless driving (a far, of "others" as to lose perceptions for self. these heinous crimes such as little Polly far lesser charge) and it's all over--except You can see that which is happening in endured. for the dead-person at which point it is every facet of your daily lives from all the already over anyway. politicians showing up and speaking at a MICHAEL JACKSON?

You show me one top-level "Intelligence" child's funeral to the massive cutback in the Special Forces person who hasn't broken National Guard and Resewes ofyour nation. I even have inquiries and petitions to just about every law in the world and God's I cannot point each thing out to you EVERY speak on whether or not Michael Jackson is and I11 show you a man who didn't make it day. You have to remember what we told "guilty" of child molestation. YES-OF f a r in the Intelligence services. This is THE you-the Polly Klaas murder was orches- COURSE HE IS! As to whether or not he is place where every trick of law-breaking is tratedl So too are there other similar sce- "guilty" of touching, fondling, or actually

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having physical relationships with children, adults or trees-is of no interest or conse- quence. The "child" (Michael) had some redeeming qualities in affording his people What Exactly IS - (race) to see some success-but with presen- tation of "Bad" and Thriller" he lost all redeeming grace as to focus and direction. THAT, IN ITS MOST HEINOUS FORM, IS CHILD MOLESTATION-THROUGH THE

3 Christian Behavior. MINDS OF THOSE WHO WATCHED. THE EXPRESSIONS OF PUBLIC IMMORALITY 12/10/93#1 HATONN way? Why would you WANT to be "here"? HAVE BEEN DEGRADING IN HIS PRE- The ones here have PROBLEMS just for the SENTATIONS EVER SINCE. You tell me how CHRISTIANS "being here". Dharrna and E.J. are literally the "child" (Michael) in point could discern a assaulted by the hounds of hell EVERY simple act of friendship and caring (actual What exactly is "Christian" behavior? DAY OF THEIR LIVES, while the hounds physicaltouching]fmmthehomndousthings This is another blast often felt around are PROTECTED by the law enforcers set being portrayed in his concerts and videos these parts. Why? Because we claim no forth to protect the citizen. Much more, and make any RATIONAL definitions of ac- "groups. We effort to set foundations for WHY WOULD ANYONE COME HERE TO tidns? All status of morality, as you have "business" which will endure through de- SIMPLY TELL US TO DO OUR JOB SOME recognized it for generations past-has come pression and assault with which to pre- OTHER WAY FOR S 0 ME OTHER to be placed in opposition as far as the serve as many assets and products as SPEAKER? Idon~tevenhaveaUroll-ca1l"or controllers thrust upon you through a"moren possible through the oncoming upheavals membership list, no employees or club. COWTROLLED media When you raise MONEY in social, economic and biological arenas. Why do you think you have right to impose to assist in the carrying on of worse indisaeet What do YOU think represents "Christian" your "druthers" off on ones who ask you for behaviors in the "gay" community and then behavior? Is it living in Truth? Is it having NOTHING? Why, moreover, would these bringdowntheworldonaperfomaforpossibly a weekly "potluckn? Is it passing a "collec- ones go forth and form groups to do these touching a child no more mentally advanced tionn plate? Is it a pious countenance? I s persons "in"? What is wrong with you? If, than the molester-where is your balance? it washing thine hands a hundred times a further, you don't like what is happening What does Lizy Taylor offer in support? She day? I s it to speak as if your mouth is here-WHY DO YOU INPUT YOURSELF pushes AIDS help for the 'trims" of a disease stuffed with sugar and dripping syrup? Is INTO THAT WHICH HAS NOTHING TO DO thrust upon selves and hides guilt in oneswho it kissing and hugging constantly? Is it a WITH YOU? GO YOUR WAY! THERE ARE "have aproblemn and what have you? You have stoppage of work to face East and chant? I s ONLY TWO ALTERNATIVES IN FACT-Y OU chaos, lackofudirection", and societaldownfall. it a stopping of labor to hold hands and ARE EITHER FOR GOD OR YOU ARE You who tellme to "go backto Jesus Christ" had meditate every little while? WHO CAUSES AGAINST GOD AND ACTING, ALBEIT OF- better take a long, hard look at the rest of that YOU TO "THINK* THESE THINGS ARE TEN IN IGNORANCE, FOR THE ADVER- "book" in point. You have EXACTLY THE SAME SIGNS OFTRUTH AND CHRISI'? ONYOUR SARY. Mostly you are, however, simply THINGS COMING DOWN AS CAME DOWN AT PLACE-HE DID UNONE" OF THESE acting out in insecurity that which you THE FALL OF EVERY C-TION AND A THINGS! W E m WORKED WIS FANNP have been taught by world brainwashers. DEAD-RINGER (NO PUN INTENDED) AS HAP- OFF, SPAKE TR UTHAND RARELY BORE If you know so little about u s as to not read PENED AT SODOM AND GOMORRAH. How A "PIOUS" FACE! ISUGGEST YOULOOK the books and STILL think you have valid mnyouhow? BecauseTHOSEPLACESwm AT W m R E YOU COME UP WITH YOUR INPUT to our work, whatever that might totally destroyed by nuclear qlosionsl--after IDEAS! AND, IF YOU COME UP WmH b e 1 suggest you think again-most care- the total moral W into the SAME life-styles as THEM FROM SOMEWHERE AND S O B - fully! We serve ONE master here-GOD! If you find today. GOD told you not to do these 0N.E PRIOR TO ENTERING INTO "THIS" your perception differs as to who that things and you voted-it-in as OK--, now the ARENA AND TR UTH-YOU HAD BETTER might b e t h e n go find the ones who serve consequences come full cycle wherein you also LOOK A T WWP AND WNA T YOU HAVE according to YOUR PERCEPTION AND kill the "messengertf and blame God as always DOlvE. BLESS US WITHYOUR ABSENCE, PLEASE. it was. If you have come to this place or to any Oh, I see-you like "me" but you can't

I, further,fmditinterestingthatyoucantake other place in the NAME OF GOD and say stand that bossy old E.J. and that recluse, onecalled"MadonnaAandshecan haveacrude that you "gave up everything" to serve and Dharma?? Well, you have just said it all, and vulgar book published in evely nation on 'be heren-watch out. NO-ONE HAS EVER friends, you have just said thatyou have no your Earth, doing pomogmphic acts with any- BEEN TOLD TO COME TO THIS PLACE!!, trust in MY JUDGMENT OR DISCERN- thing and ev d callit "art"! Is this a MUCH LESS GIVE UP ANYTHING SUB- MENT IN MY CHOICES OF RECEIVER OR adouble" b u d d i H R , it is STANTIAL TO DO SO-ALWAYS ONES WRITER-MUCHLESSDOYOUAPPROVE simply "no standards of acceptable behavior at HAVE BEEN TOLD BY ME TO BE VERY MY APPROACH TO EITHER BUSINESS OR all? I cannot e that this female's video run on SURE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING--BE- MANAGEMENT. YOU DONT HAVE TO BE M W can possi'bly be better than that in her CAUSE THIS "PLACEw OFFERS NO JOBS, IN THIS PLACE TO BE A CLOSE WORKING "secretfanwtext-book-THATISWHAT NO SECURITY OF PHYSICALTHINGS AND MEMBER OF MY CREW-HOWEVER, YOU YOUR CHILDREN WATCH EVE-DAY OF YOU MUST BE, OF ALL THINGS, SELF DO HAVE TO BELIEVE IN MY PRESENCE THEIR MODERN -IN LIVING COLON SUFFICIENT UNTO YOUR OWN NEEDS. AND POSITION TO BE SO-JUST AS YOU

Bytheway--Ihavenopatienceoracclaimfor OURCREW HAS ENOUGH BURDEN WITH- HAVE TO BE IN GODLY INTENT TO EX- theonesbringingchargesagainstMichaelJack- OUT TAKING UP ANOTHER'S RESPONSI- PECT "GODs TO DO ANYTHING IN RE- son-in case you wonder. They cared not for the BILITIES. SPONSE TO YOUR PETITIONS. WHY DO children in point+@ the failure of extortion If you think you speak with 'Me", YOU THINK YOU CAN DENY GOD AND @ l a c W ) p y o f f . ~ e ~ t s o f t h e s e c h i l d r e n Hatonn,, what does that mean to anyone THEN GM'EVERYTHINGYOU WANT FROM KNEW what wasgoing on AS DID THE LmLE here? S h p l y put--confusion. Why would GOD? WHO ARE YOU?? THE great teach- CONSORTS INVOLVED. There are MANY I or any other guide, teacher or Com- ers have told you that you err in such TYPES OF PROSTITUTION!


' mander interfere with a mission under- perception. One even told you that if you

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Page 9

'...deny me then I shall deny you before my AND LIFE. I am denounced because I often ONES DENOUNCED. Why would you ones FATHER who sent me." offer 'truth" from the Native American "An- RATHER believe the LIE than the TRUTH?

Well-I COME FROM THAT SAME OLD cients" who are "PAGAN". Say what?? Ponder it and look within at WHY THIS IS FATHER, AS TEACHER, AS 'HOST" AND "Pagan" is representative of false gods and SO? Who puts on the better show? Look JUST BECAUSEYOU PREFERTO HONOR bunches of them. The Ancients have ONE again! Go forth on a star-filled night and FALWELL OR SCHULLER ABOVE THE GOD, good friends--JUST ONE-and still look around and tell me again-who puts MESSENGERS OF YOUR TIME--SO BE IT they can honor all the other ideas of truth on the BETTER SHOW? You are NOT going AND WELCOME UNTO YOU-I HAVE NO to allow for focus on that ehergy through to make a safe, physical transition to any- WISH NOR INTENT TO "RUIN YOUR DAY" familiar bonding and reverence. If you where, cloud or otherwise, through MAGIC. WITH HAVING TO "THINK". think they be "PAGAN" in the "Christian" If you don't like my suggestions--go do

Am I (or we) politically correct? I cer- reference-you had better go look again- your thing and blessings rest upon you- tainly HOPE NOT! We ARE, however, to- and see just WHO set such a definition on also a lot of sympathy and sadness at such tally observant of all laws of the Land and their beings. Your speakers of authority blindness and foolish perceptions. ALL LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION, at all over such definition show their own igno- times, under all conditions. So, ifyou don't rance of truthful manifestation of God and OTHER SPEAKERS like something we do or say-so be it. Don't singular intent. In other words-you are AND TEACHERS hang out around us so that we somehow listening to stupid non-informed hot-air continue in your annoyance. If you don't machines with no notion as to what' is Am I saying that there are no resources like what I write-throw out the writing- righteous and/or Truth. other than myself-take it or leave it? No. do you agree with everything in the How can I know that this is SO? LOOK I AM saying that My compatriots DO NOT Enquirer?? AT YOUR WORLD AND CHECK IT OUT. in any way make waves in that which is MY

I have someone from Utah just writing, ARE YOU INTO CHAOS AND TROUBLE OR CREW as is happening in several corners of again, anonymously, to complain about ARE YOU IN THE MIDST OF HARMONY the geographical locations of PERCEIVED my approach to Mormonism. What ap- AND BALANCE IN GODLY TRUTH? Maybe central "occupation". For instance, the proach?? I have no approach to "Mormon- your way and "wisdom" didn't work? So commanders with whom this mission is ism" or any other religion. YOU are what what gives you right to pounce and pound most closely affiliated, as to our purpose you are and if you choose this church or on MINE? SO FAR, EVERYTHING I HAVE specifically, DO NOT make even remotely that doctrine above another it is YOUR TOLD YOU IS PROVING TO BE ABSOLUTE directional changes, presentations or even business. I can say, however, that Mor- TRUTH AND IS CONFIRMED AND I PRO- "what if' without my direct and immediate monism, as is Catholicism of today, has NOUNCE NOTHING "ON" YOU. Therefore, input. If this is happening-look again! been based on a foundation of Freema- why do I seem to bother so many people? I You are being misled as is the receiver in sonry and Illuminati-secrecy and "pay have no group, no force, no money, mind point. Am I saying that somehow a receiver your way" if you want acceptance in the our own business and, still, we seem to be has gotten out of "whack"? I am not saying "religious" sanctuaryof the most high. And the biggest "botheration" of almost anyone "anything" except what I just said. More- WHO isTHE MOST HIGH? Come again? It ever set down on your placementll How so? over, "private" readings directed at MY is a MAN, good children--GOD IS ONLY I f~nd the "books" (JOURNALS) are de- PEOPLE are not acceptable--from any of 'OFFERED THROUGH THE RITUAL" AS nounced without so much as holding a my joint commanders. "BEING FIRST" BUT "HE" IS NOT! Almost copy in hand, much less the reading of . Dharrna DOES have trouble equating everything in the 'churches" is FIRST be- such documents. Perhaps it HAS TO BE what she experiences with that which is fore the ACTUALITY OF GOD PRESENCE. THAT WAY, however, or the eyes and soul 'told" to her. It is not her problem- That, too, is your business; why take up a (if one is present) would see Truth?? (???) however, I suppose you need an example. quarrel with me? I have no quarrel-I I apologize to all of you who wanted ME Just yesterday it was stated that Sananda KNOW of that which I speak and need no to be a "little grayR something or other with and Soltec "are away" or words similar as debate or quarrel. I s this narrow on my mirror eyes. I have NEVER SEEN A MES- if to indicate that there is 'NO" writing. part? No-because you are WELCOME to SENGER SENT FROM LIGHTED CREATOR Funny thing about it is that BOTH were at go forth and do whatever you want to do. GOWWHO ISA LITTLE GRAY ANYTHING! her keyboard, in presence, and Soltec was On the perchance I MAY BE CORRECT, You have been "had", little brothers and requesting a scribe. Now what do you do? however, it MIGHT BE GOOD TO PONDER sisters of the lies. It is time to grow up and Dharrna had pretty much turned over all SOME POINTS I N YOUR "CHURCH" look around you-"TRUTH" is not in those Soltec "work" to another-who says "he is RULEBOOKS! IF ANYTHING BE PLACED who feed you garbage and excitement just away" and yet "he" stands waiting for a BEFORE GOD-IT IS EVIL, GOOD because you prefer to dream of "loving" writer because of URGENT need to get FRIENDS! abductions, torture and freeloading information through.

Do not give me the "TalmucP as an UFOlogists. THAT IS ALL LIE! So why do Further, Dharrna has all but refused to example of holy rules, either, good unin- you turn and denounce me because I offer accept a job of so much as "reading" infor- formed so-called Jews. You of today who you now thrill-a-minute bloodletting?? mation from other receivers-not because consider yourselves to be "Hebrew" are not Worse, I suggest that you aren't going to get she deems it "incorrect" but in the past she Jews under any circumstances. The raptured on God of Light's ship passing in has been expected to read and even correct "TERM" "Jew" DID NOT EXIST until the the day or night. So, go with YOUR GOD some misperceptions in receiving BY THE 18th century. Moreover, the book in point and see who gets off the old terra-firma in ONE "CLAIMED" TO HAVE GIVEN THE is WRITTEN SOLELY BY MEN AND IT IS the "holocaust"! I am not in some kind of ORIGINAL INFORMATION. Ones involved SO-STATED ON ALL REFERENCES, even "competition" for YOUR "grace". GOD OF get totally bent out of shape at the results by the so-called Jews. GRACE is my resource-not YOUR opinion and yet-SHE KNOWS THESE PARTIES

I am reprimanded by ones because I through a bunch of "unnamed" groupies INVOLVED AND HAS WRITTEN FOR ALL often write something out of the Book of from here or there-be it a bunch of OFTHEMFORMANYYEARSNOW. DOES Monnonor something--so? Sowhat? There Pleiadians (We Pleiadians") or "Cosmic THIS MAKE HER THE 'ONLY" VALID IS TRUTH to some extent in all thing-IN Awareness" or, or, or. We come, we identify WRITER AROUND? NO, BUT THIS IS HER FACT, ALL THINGS ARE ALL TRUTH- individually, we offer specific truth, no RESPONSIBILITY IN THIS PLACE AT THIS JUST NOT THE TRUTH OF GOODNESS magic or terror and still WE ARE THE TIME AND SHE WILL NOT COMPROMISE

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HER RESPONSIBILITY TO "PLEASE" AN- cause that is your reflected 'sister'galaxy- YOUR PLANET GEARED TO "POWER" OF OTHER ANYBODY SO SHE FINDS IT no more and no less). I COME FROM THE PHYSICAL EGO EXPRESSION. WE WANT EASIER TO SIMPLY REFUSE TO COM- REALMS OF THE LIGHTED EXISTENCE NO CONTROL OVER ANYTHING, ESPE- MENT. This IS causing a lot of problems for OF GOD-and THAT is not some planet CLALLY YOUR BEINGS. I simply ask you her right now because we have some who anywhere definable in your vocabularies to take note at how many people pro- would like to change positions and don't or dimensional expression. However, I nounce edicts regarding our work and really know how to give up the tasks as- needed, and still need, some recognizable word and how many of YOU labor long and signed and are blundering on a physical form of IDENTIFICATION which you can hard in trying to change perceptions- Earth level pretty consistently and pretty recognize-and I USE IT. To refuse to when the persons involved have not, nor often now. With intent? Of course not- identify myself for your consumption and have any intentions of so much as reading the adversaq doesn't give you that much confirmation-would be as unthinkable as the work and word in point. I am continu- quarter, my friends--NEVER. Moreover having Charles Manson claim to be an ally amused at how many tell me to "go the changes and desires are foisted off on "Earthian Christ Consciousness Abound- back to Christ!" How so--I TRAVEL WITH the unsuspecting in such a subtle and ing". Further, IF YOUR SPEAKER(S) ARE YOUR "CHRIST"!! AND, FURTHERMORE, indirect manner as to deceive the persons VALID, THEY WILL NOT ANNOY YOU WITH IF ANYONE BOTHERED TO READ MY involved almost all the time while in as- HESITATION AT FINITE IDENTIFICATION WRITINGS-IT CAN NOT BE REFUTED. sault. IN INSTANCES. Check and see who So, WHO is the fool? Well, perhaps "me" for

Bytheway,whenyouspeakofSananda, gains what by failure to do so and espe- wasting your time with it for, after all, I readers-you are not recognizing the one- cially why would that speaker or witness have all the "time" in the Universeand ness of this entity WITH GOD. Sanandais denounce one who would demand such? you are VERY LIMITED IN THAT COM- simply a label MEANING "one with God". It You will usually find your TRUTH in the MODITY. I would ask you, however, WHAT is an ancient Egyptian word, translated watching-and I can guarantee that "you ELSE ARE YOU DOING THAT TAKES SO now, just as was "Aton". Sananda is rep- will most often NOT LIKEYOUR ANSWER". MUCH TIME"? resentative of a state of being and specifi- cally is now recognized as that which indi- CHRIST'S PICTURE "THEY" cates perfection in a "state of Christness" which is applied to that being you expect Number one: The picture of "Esu" which And-what is it that disturbs you so back on your place as "God" of Lighted. we have would be accepted directly by you much about puttingyour truth onto that of presence. That means you can call that IF you were not told from whence it came. another? You can say to me: "Because I one Babaj ee, Maharishjee, J e s u s Further, the ideological paintings ofUChrist want 'them' to have truth and I want my Emmanuel, Immanuel, Jmmanuel or Eas- Jesus" are that-interpretations of some- family to have life'in this truth." This may ter Bunny or Corn Husker as long as you one long ago invisible to your eyes. Now, we well be worthy-but, friends, as ones reach understand WHAT YOU ARE DOING IN get abundant argument about such things physical maturity--even if idiots by all INTENT. However, to say that "Sananda is as "pictures"-why? Check within and see accounts-you CANNOT DEMAND THAT A not around" or is "not writing today be- "why". We are denounced and told that PERSON BELIEVE ANYTHING. Therefore, cause HE IS ELSEWHERE" is a WRONG "our" picture is false and represents evil what is your RESPONSIBILITY? Always it PERCEPTION, HE might not be writing false claims. Oh, HOW DO YOU know so gets down to "responsibility". You can through you or for you or, or, or-BUT HE much? WHO TOLD YOU? ON WHAT DO "offer" but more than that-you are efforting AINT AWAY!! EVEN IF HE WERE "AWAY" YOU BASE SUCH ARGUMENT? WHY to "causen through one form or coercion or IT WOULD NOT INTERFERE WITH ANY- WOULD THAT SOURCE BE VALID AND another-your"opinions"uponanotherand THING HE WOULD HAVE GOING WITH MINE NOT? Maybe it has been long since manipulate that "other's" responsibility "YOU"! I suggest you place no more limita- you used REASON, my friends. Ifyou hear aspect. tions on this energy form than you do on or see an image of Clinton on the vidiot box Remember Little Crow's rather "crude" GOD because you cannot tell the differ- or hear his voice on the airwaves or on a but impressive statement?: "People are too ence in any way whatsoever-for there is telephone lin-o you accept or deny the lazy, wanting somebody to help them see not any difference! possibility that IT IS Clinton? Then why is the light. Get off your dead ass and look for

What about me? It depends on what I it so hard to accept that GOD and his the light yourself. Find the switch, turn it am doing and where and in what capacity MESSENGERS just MIGHT be allowed the on ...." You cannot do a thing FOR some- I am serving. I don't suggest you limit my same possibility3 After all-you don't even body else any more than you can have the capabilities very much either, however, for like Clinton and yet you claim to be await- right nor the capability to take on another's I have a very broad spectrum of possibili- ing God's return! By the way-the ones responsibility. ties. Do I need other speakers? No-I don't who deny ME are the ones who also tell you This responsibility isn't outside of your- NEED this one--YOU DO! We certainly do to not witness this materialalUthrow it out". self for somebody else to do. It's within you not, however, need a bunch of them-to You tell ME, how anyone can make judg- and it's for you to do in every moment of your confuse you-however, if you find others ment or discernment through NOT EXPE- life the best you can. Not perfect. Not perfect, who claim to speak for me or any of these RIENCING? PSYCHICS? OH I THINK NOT! but the best you can. Say you don't get it done energie-LISTEN AND YOU WILL FIND Even the ones who CLAIM to hear regu- the best you can this time. What happens? YOUR CONFIRMATION. larly from God and speak FOR and in the You come back and you do it again, the best

By the way, to say "The Pleiadians" or NAME-OF this Christ and pronounce HIS you can. That's all." Again, Little Crow. something is like going into space and into edicts on your heads cannot abide the More? "This responsibility that we want God another galaxy a n d saying those POSSIBILITY that God may well have sent to have is the same responsibility that we "Earthians". You have FAR MORE, BY MESSENGERSJUSTASPROWSED. Why should have ... for our lives. Not blaming INFINITE COUNT, EVIL ENERGIES ON do they object? Because they are going to anyone forwhatever comes along that seems EARTH THAN GODLY INSTRUCTORS IN find that "our presentation" is TRUTH and to not let us do what we want to do." and, TRUTH. To limit MY place, origin or loca- that means THEIRS IS NOT and IF YOU "....That is part of the Great Mystery that is tion by saying "he is a Pleiadian" is a FALSE FIND OUT ABOUT THEM-THEY LOSE left to us as human beings--to be able to get STATEMENT. I come by way of Hatonn ALL POWER OVER YOUR BEINGS AND off of our ass and to stand up independently planet in training with Earth Humans (be- THIS IS NO SMALL LOSS TO "MAN" ON in the face of God, Wakan Tanka, and take

Page 11: CONTACT - The Phoenix Project 931214

DECEMBER 14, 1993 Page 11

res~onsibilitv for what it is we choose to think a n i do and &y-because each thought per- meates the universe with our energy-and NEVADA CORPORATIONS that energy is created from what we think."

So, who do YOU blame if you have not enough of this or that, from money to posi- NO MORE STATE TAXES tion? Is your perceived lack somehow Dharma's fault, or mine? Why is not that Nevada, the NOTAXSTATE, hasquickly your current business. Using these strat- which comes against THEM, YOUR FAULT? become a haven to those individuals and egies for clear business reasons makes a Why do you not create enough for yourself businesses who are looking to lower their lot of sense and is perfectly legal; (remem- and leave them alone-and/or get ENOUGH overall tax liability. Today's government ber there is nothing wrong with not being for the both of you-it is as much YOUR statistics tell u s that our country is making able to make a prbfit, and in this case there responsibility to self, nation, and God as it is its way out of a sluggish economy; well is everything right with it). Considering theirs or mine. We are doing OUR jobs! I am those cooked statistics just don't tell it as how funds are currently being misman- not picking at you-I am inquiring of you. it actually is out there. All across this aged by most states, doesn't it make more WHY MUST MAN BLAME SOMEONE ELSE country the depressed economy is making sense for you to put your own money to FOR HIS SHORTFALLSAND HARDLY EVER it harder and harder for small businesses good use where you decide how it will be GIVES CREDIT FOR HIS SUCCESSES? tostayprofitable. This depressedeconomy used? Why do you so often ask God for more and has forced many entrepreneurs to come up The elimination of state taxes can be more and mo-d rarely see the gifts, with new and creative ways to operate. achieved by utilizinga Nevada Corporation which you toss aside as chaff in the wheat- If you are self employed, or plan to be in in conjunction with your home state busi- field, for that which they are? the future, a Nevada Corporation can be ness or by just operating your business

used in conjunction with your home state with a Nevada base which we can help you CONNECTED! business to help you eliminate your state achieve. With a legitimate Nevada base

taxes. Because Nevada has no personal you can live anywhere you want and still You people will come to realize in one split income tax or corporate tax, there are operate your Nevada Corporation effec-

second in "time" that you are all that IS. You many strategies to allow you to funnel tively. can deny that which annoys you and cast money out of your home state and into For information about how Nevada "blamen until that split second in "time". But Nevada for tax purposes. Corporations can benefit your situation in that moment you will come to know Truth One of the simplest ways of handling call Corporate Advisors Corporation at and there will be no one ELSE to blame or this is to contract your home state busi- 702-896-7002 and ask for Cort Christie upon which to place YOUR responsibilities. ness with a Nevada Corporation. The or write to him at P.O. BOX 27740 Las All is Sacred-YOU are Sacred and you have Nevada corporation could provide some Vegas , NV 89 126. a responsibility to all that is for it, too, is intangible service for your home state op- FOR GENERAL BACKGROUND INFOR- SACRED. You are connected to EVERY- eration. A few services that every business MATION ABOUT PRIVACY, THE VALUE THING else in creation and until you recog- might contract out for may be marketing, OF NEVADA CORPORATIONS, THE MAS- nize xsponsibility and truth unto the "Cre- advertising or management consulting. If SIVE DECEPTION OF THE FEDERAL RE- atof' of this wondrous romp through con- your home state business sold products of SERVE AND ITS IRS EXTORTION RACKET, sciousne~youhavenot~alizedanythin~ any kind, you may want to broker those AND THE GENERAL TRUTH BEHIND OUR you have simply existed in a non-expression products through a Nevada Corporation MODERN ECONOMIC MALAISE, SEE THE of LIFE by 'IMITATING" that motion in mind first, where the profit on the sale would end PHOENIX JOURNALS: SPIRAL TO ECO- which somehow "representsn the mecha- up in Nevada. Your purpose for creating NOMIC DISASTER (#4), PRIVACY IN A nism of "life" but IS NOT. this arrangement is to eliminate any prof- FISHBOWL (# 1 O) , YOU CAN SLAY THE

If you look upon an acorn and plant this its in your home state that would be taxed. DRAGON (#16), AND THE NAKED PHOE- acorn seed--will you get corn? I think not! If you can do this successfully, you com- =(#17). Who has the responsibility of planting your pletely eliminate any of your home state tax (See back page for ordering informcltion) seed crop? Sad it is for those who care so little legally. of the truth of their own expression to allow To cover yourself properly, you should another to plant your crops which you must create written agreements that disclose have for sustenancewhat if he plants poi- what the relationship between these two son hemlock? I see, you will just "blame him businesses is. Also, invoices and billings for your demise". So be it. Have a nice trip- should be kept to prove that you have a and it's the tummy-ache that youll first legitimate business relationship. If your notice! home state tax agency ever decides to audit

I would remind you that no matter WHO your business, these formalities coveryour tells you whatever-it is YOU who is going to home state business to prove that there is face the "maker". You may josh about it and legitimate action taking place between these decide that "aJl my friends will be there so two businesses. Corporate Advisors can what difference does it make"? A LOTI To me? help you create the necessary documenta- No-unless1 fail to bring theTRUTH and then tion for this tax strategy. itisMYfailure. IAMNOTFAILING,FRIENDS- It must be remembered that in Nevada HOLD IT IN YOrJR HEARTS! your corporation would still be liable for

May I ask that you think on these things any Federal taxes that were due on its very, very carefully for a closed mind is by far profits, but by eliminating your state tax, and away worse than a closed door. A locked some states businesses could save up to door cannot hold a soul-a locked mind can 1 1% on their profits. imprison into eternity. These strategies can be kept quite simple

Salu . in order not to create more work for you in

Oral Tradition The courage that w e talk a6out in the OraC Tradition is the courage to 6e yourse Cf individu- a n y and yet t o be p a r t of the community , toyespia. l o do for the cornmunit the b a n 4 the tri p e, thefarnicy, the wor ld a n d the universe t ha t wfiich you know to be correct instinc- t ive[ w i th in your heart. Tun ashila has g iven you this gift. 2

N o one can take it f rom you.

6/24/90 Little Crow

Page 12: CONTACT - The Phoenix Project 931214


This Holiday Season Treat Yourself Or A Friend

The Gift Of TRUTH One of t h e best gifts one can give i s the gift of Truth. This holiday season i s a great t ime t o sha re with a special friend or to t reat yourself to a gift of a PHOENIX JOURNAL L


BY CYEORCOS CERES HATONN ( J18 ) $6.00 231 pages

"To understand the lies given unto you this day i n your 'Middle East' you must know o f the lies told to you by your government during the decade past. The traitorous Zionist plan to win world domina t ion t h r o u g h an American nuclear f i rst strike on Russia has not been abandoned, even though Russia has thwarted several attempts." "The 'Biblical Prophecies', written not by God but by Satan, are being played out by a mankind brainwashed and blinded t o believe them to be 'inevi- table'."


BY CYEORCOS CERES HATONN ( J2 1 ) $ 6.00 210 pages

( A21 ) $30 BOOK ON TAPE (7 Tapes)

We are given information about the his- tory o f this planet and origins o f the humans here. Other topics: The Mo- ment o f "No Time"--Cities o f Light--The Geological Processes o f Vulcanism--Learn How Water (Babylon Achilles' Heel) Will Play a Major Role in the Starting of Arma- geddon--The "Global Agenda" and How Oil is o f Key Importance--Russia's Supe- rior Weapons Determine What We Can Do in Space--The POWs We Abandoned-- The Origin and Purpose of the Bird Tribes.


History is repeating itself--in ever short- ening cycles. It i s he who can learn from history who wil l prevail. This JOURNAL is a review o f the several attempts t o start Nuclear War I during the past ten years and how that relates t o the Middle East "Crisis in the Gulf". The world teeters on the abyss o f total all-out nuclear war, the military bases o f the U.S., foreign and domestic, have been stripped o f men and equipment, and the (controlled) news media works diligently to obscure the TRUTH. Also included: United Nations Charter (22 pgs).


Hatonn gives us an excellent overview o f why the world is on the downward path t o ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, the "NEW WORLD ORDER" that President Bush mentions many times and how the Middle East War is the beginning of the Battle o f Armageddon, the greatest battle t o ever be fought on this planet. He gives us details o f hardships even the Americans must be prepared for, including: invasion, destruction o f our troops, starvation, terrorists and even concentration camps here in the United States.


BY CYEORCOS CERES HATONN ( 520 ) $ 6.00 253 pages

The "Thirteenth Tribe" o f Israel, now self- designated as "ZIONISTS", is in control o f both Israel and, through i t s political in- fluence over the majority o f the U.S. Con- gress and its working relationship with the White House, the United States of America. This J Q J R . identifies those connec- tions and clearly outlays the only poten- t ial ly successful course o f action open to the people o f America t o regain control o f their Nation. Also included: The Proto- cols o f Zion--The Banking System--Lib- erty Amendment.


BY CYEORCOS CERES HATONN ( J24 ) $6.00 198 pages

This JOURNAL is MUST reading for any- one who desires to know the TRUTH about the causes o f the war i n the Middle East. We are given information about: Mental Health among the U.S. Troops--1s the U.S. Sending Soldiers to the Persian Gulf i n Chains?--Political Zionism is Born- -Israel's Racist Policies and Arms Indus- try--Zionists Simply Eliminate Opposi- tion--Doubles, Robotoids and Replicas-- Executive Orders and The Protocols-- Blood and Destruction Behind the Cur- tain o f American-Sponsored Censorship.


"The subject o f this JOURNAL is an ongo- ing outlaying o f that which has come upon you--it is our 'commission' given forth by God Creator and our commit- ment unto Him and that unto Creation to set the records to straight so that the Truth is known in the final days." Some o f the topics covered are: Israelis and the U.S.S. Liberty--How To Recog- nize the Anti-Christ Within--Who Is A Jew--Domination By The Khazar-Zionists- -Definition o f Terminologies--"Kol Nidre"- -The Vatican o f Judaism.

CORRECTION: Please be advised that the NEW JOURNAL price is $6.00 not $7.95 a s adver- t i s ed in last week's CONTACT. We are very sorry for any confusion this may have caused.




In this JOURNAL we are given the actions we MUST take if we are going to stop these well-organized groups from put- t ing together the final pieces o f their WORLD WITHOUT FREEDOM (the NEW WORLD ORDER). Hatonn stresses t h e h is tory o f the Khazars, Judeans and the "Jews" and how the Khazars have labeled themselves as Zionists and "Jews" to deceive our planet and take total control o f it IN THE NAME OF THE ANTI-CHRIST. Other topics: Ter- minology--Mindcontrol--Factual Defini- tions--ADL--Ban ks--Russia.


Hatonn continues to give detailed his- tory o f the Khazars who today masquer- ade as "Jews", where they came from, how they got to the position o f govern- ing most o f the lives on this planet and what type o f life they have planned for us IF WE DO NOT GET OFF OUR DUFFS AND STOP THEM. This JOURNAL con- tains many solutions and clearly out- lines the "counter attack" needed t o over- come the Khazar/Elite lead. Also: The Makings and Workings o f Robotoids, Syn- thetics, Duplicates, Humanoids, etc.-- Gun Control--The IRS--Shan: The Cos- mic Name For Earth.

Page 13: CONTACT - The Phoenix Project 931214

3ECEMBER 14, 1993 Page 13

GREAT Update On Gunther Russbacher

12/13/93 RICK MARTIN

Late Mondav evenina we received the good news that "thevw have come t o an acareement wherebv Cunther exDects t o be RELEASED bv noon o n Tuesday, December 14! Otherwise, he i s feel ing well except - for the residual soreness f r om his recent quintuple-bypass heart surgery.

Earlier today we received this message from Cunther's wife, Rayelan. For those of you CONTACT readers who have been writing to Cunther, please make a note of his new mailing address (should the above event not occur).

"He is being held in the St. Louis County Jail, 7900 Forsythe, Clayton, MO 631 05 (3 14) 889- 2 5 7 7 . The man in charge of the St. Louis County jail i s Cal Hall, the Director of Justice Services. His fax number is (3 14) 889-3 1 79.

"The ACLU in S t . Louis is working with us, but because no attorney has yet been appointed, they too are stymied for the moment. I f the

public defender's office does not appoint an attorney by Monday, we will t ry to find an attorney who will take the case pro bono, either through the ACLU or as a friend o f Political Prisoner, Cunther Russbacher.

"Most lawyers who are familiar with our case know that one of our lawyers was mur- dered in June of 1993 and another was dis- barred in 1993. This doesn't make it easy to find a lawyer, especially one who will take the case pro bono due to the fact that the last four years of incarceration have financially bank- rupted Russbacher and his family."

And as a reminder to you readers who are actively participating in correspondence on Cunther's behalf, keep up the fine work. Here are two who should continue to hear from you about helping Cunther Russbacher:

Governor Mel Carnahan State Capitol Building Jefferson City, MO 65101 Office (3 14) 75 1-3222 Fax (3 1 4) 7 5 1 -44 58

H. Ross Perot c/o: United We Stand America 761 7 LBJ Freeway, #727 Dallas, T X 75251 (2 1 4) 960-9 1 00


In an article appearing in the No- vember 20 edition of the MONTEREY COUNTY HERALD, "A German appeals court yesterday upheld the jail sen- tence of an 81-year-old Nazi general convicted of publishing pamphlets claiming the Holocaust was fabricated by the Jews."


In the November 20 edition of the ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS comes the following story: "A company said Friday it will help collect saliva samples a t a Budapest, Hungary, rock concert next week in what it called the largest mass testing for the AIDS virus that ever has taken place.

"Saliva Diagnostic Systems, Inc. said it has been asked by a Hungarian health organization to distribute its Omni-SAL saliva collection at a concert in Nov. 26 in honor of World AIDS day on Dec. 1 ."


In the December 6 edition of the DAYTON DAILY NEWS, in an article hy

121 1 1 / 93 RICK MARTIN on Sunday called on nations around the Sandy Theis, "State officials should world to unite and 'sock America in the consider converting idle military i r -

CAMPS FOR HOMELESS mouth,' Tehran television reported." stallations to short-term, low-security prisons, the Governor's Select Commit-

In an AP article which was faxed to the DRlVER LICENSE PHOTOS tee on Corrections recommends in a CONTACT offices on 12/ 10/93, "More local draft report. governments are passing laws that restrict Also h m theALBUQUEFQI%E JOURNAL, "Such facilities could be turned into homeless people, with a trend toward isolat- in an article written by Martin Finucane, 'theme prisons' for nonviolent felons ing them in remote camps and arresting "Fourteen states, including New Mexico, and with less than 18 months of actual time those who won't go, an advocacy p u p said two Canadian provinces are planning to use to be served ." Thursday. digitized photographs of drivers on licenses, Theme prisons? Good grief.

"A study by the National Law Center on adding people's faces to their already-vast Homelessness and Poverty said anti-vagrancy computer files. WAC0 SUIT statutes were enacted in 16 cities as a reac- "Once a photo is scanned into a computer tion to growing concerns about sanitation, to be stored digitally, the image can easily be In the November edition of THE OB- civic image and safety. altered,matchedwithsimhimagesoreven SERVER, 'The CAUSE Foundation, the

The laws have been passed steadily over transmitted around the world." legal organization dedicated to protect- the past two years, reflecting increased gov- ing the rights of politically incorrect emment frustmtion with homeless people, a STATEBYSTATE dissidents, has filed the first of 'numer- population the 1990 census placed at 400,000 ous lawsuits under the Federal Civil and advocacy groups estimate anywhere be- States embarking on plans to use dig- Rights Act' on behalf of surviving Branch tween 700,000 and 3 million. itized photographs on driver's licenses,

according to the American Association Davidians, according to CAUSE Execu- "But researchers insist 'the general public of Motor Vehicle Administrators: tive ~ i r e c t o r Kirk D. Lyons.

does not share the governments' frustration. m California 'The suit accuses the ATF of uncon- They cited a Harris poll, released in Novern- 8 Connecticut stitutional use of excessive force in ber, that said 8 1 percent of Americans would 8 Delaware conducting the initial raid that left six be willing to pay higher taxes if the tax money m Florida Davidians dead, and that the ATF had is used to get homeless people off the street. • Louisiana

8 Maryland no probable cause to support the search "'Instead of attacking the problem of

8 Massachusetts warrant that led to the raid. The suit homelessness, some cities are now attacking 8 Montana adds that the ATF provided the court homeless people themselves,'the group said." *NEW MEXICO * with false information to secure the

New York warrant, fired indiscriminately and IRAN'S SPIRITUAL LEADER 8 North Carolina

South Carolina killed innocent citizens, established a

8 Texas de facto state of martial law, used psy- In an article appearing in the November Virginia chological terror, and willfully and

22 edition of the ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL, In additiod, there are two Canadian maliciously attp-cked and killed the sur- 'Iran's spiritual leader, Ayatollah Ali Kamernei, provinces: Ontario and Nova Scotia. viving members of the Branch Davidians.

Page 14: CONTACT - The Phoenix Project 931214


The suit also alleges that the ATF is engaged UFOs. The committee, however, notes that *Peter Gleick, a senior research as- in a oonspiracy to deprive citizens of their Sepm mce's space study unit in Toulouse] sociate, said, The implications of these rights, privileges and immunities under the hasreported2 ,3OO~o~FOsigb~inthe decreases in runoff for hydroelectricity SecondArnendmenttotheConstitution. p a s t 1 5 ~ m e h o a x e s , s o m e ~ l e o f production, salinity, reservoir levels,

'CAUSE has also charged the ATF with I*atonalexplanation,butmmthantw0-msof and water deliveries to different users violation of the Racketeer Influenced and which cannot easily be explained. could be quite dramatic. We already Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute." "A Belgian institution called Sobeps has fight over scarce water in the western

logged 1,500sightings basedon reportstothe U.S.-climatic changes could make RUSSIA AND ARMS gendarmerie, while the Italian air force reported things a whole lot worse . "

32 sightings last year." In the December 1 edition of the FZNNAN- WORLD BANK AND CHINA

C m TlMES [London), in an article by John BUSH KNIGHTED Lloyd, 'Russia yesterday announced a big In an article by Tony Walker from the boost to its arms trade, with measures to In an article h m the November 2 7, THE November 30 edition of the FINANCLAL support the increased export of weapons." G-, Montreal, the following is old news TIMES, 'The World Bank has urged

but was news to me. "In an event almost China to stay the course in its inflation PRAYER devoid of ceremony, Queen Elizabeth yester- fight and has warned of the risks of a

day gave George Bush the highest honorary painful retrenchment if credit restric- In the November 26 edition of the ROCKY citation Britain can confer on a foreigner. tions are eased prematurely.

MOUNT' NEWS, "A public high school The f0rmerU.S. presidentwasdeclared a 'The assessment, published promi- principal says he has been fired for letting a Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honorable nen tly in People 's Daily yesterday, student recite adaily prayer over the school's Order of Bath, or GBC, at a private seemed designed to bolster the argu- intercom ~ys t em.~ Buckingham Palace lunch with the queen, ments of those in the Chinese leader-

prince Philip and Barbara Bush. There was ship advocating continued restraint. CHILD PORNOGRAPHY no kneeling and, as an American, Bushwon't "Relating the credit squeeze too early

be dubbed 'sir'." could ruin the hard-won fruit of con- In an article from the December 4 trolling inflation, and inflationary pres-

AfODESTO BEE, "A firestorm is burning in THAILAND AIDS sures could emerge again,' wrote Mr. Washington, D.C. that typically has gone E.C. Hua, a senior economist in the virtually unreported. InaDecember2articlebyWilliamBranigin World Bank's Beijing bureau.

The Department of Justice, under Attor- appearing in ~HONOLUZUADVERTISER, "The conspicuous use of the views of t-iey General Janet Reno, is making efforts to Bangkok--Nine years after the AIDS virus international institutions to influence iiberalize and redefine child pornography. first appeared here, Thailand has developed a bruising internal debate in China is a

"The department is asking the Supreme one of the world's highest infection rates, relatively new phenomenon and one Court, in effect, to protect the so-called rights propellingwhat authorities on AIDS describe that indicate s the growing importance of producers of child pornography and those as a rapid shift of the disease's center of of bodies like the World Bank and IMF who consume it at the expense of the children gravity from Africa to Asia. as sources of advice." who ,are victimized by it. "In the most aggressive campaign in Asia

'Thanks to alternative news sources, this against AIDS, this country of 59 million JANET RENO issue has generated an avalanche of outrage. appears to be fighting a losing battle and A hundred senators condemned Janet Reno faces the prospect of an economic and social In an article by Carolyn Skorneck, in this matter. She also received a letter of catastrophe, health experts say. appearing in the December 4 edition of reprimand from her boss, President Clinton." "Anestimated600,000 to700,OOOThais- the ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL, "The FBI

more than 1 percent of the population--are is being ordered by Attorney General HEPATITIS OUTBREAK currently infected with HN." Janet Reno to discard a policy making

it difficult for homosexuals to be hired. In the December 1 edition of the ALBU- COMMENTARY The bureau now will forbid discrimina-

QUERQU73 JOURNAL, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico: tion based on sexual orientation." "The Federal Health Department in Juarez, In a recent major newspaper, William A. across the border h r n El Paso, said there Rusher wrote a commentary on considering have been 282 cases of the disease [hepatitis] Pst Buchanan for president. He ended his t h s year." article with the startling suggestion that now

is the time to bring forth this new conserva- UFOs tive populist candidate, namely, Margaret

Thatcher! ... Ouch ... On the front page of the December 2 edition

of the FmANCL4L iTMES, David M e r in CLIMATE CHANGES i3russels notes, The European Union, which at ~ t s last five summits has acknowledged its In an article from the December 3 edition failure to bringEmdoings tlosertothe citizen', of the ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL, Grand is king offered the chance to plug another Junction, Colo-"Future climate changes communications gap-by setting up an EU could severely impact the quantity and qual- obsmatory to watch for unidentified fEylng ity of water available in the Colorado River objects. Basin, says a report released by the Pacific

'The committee's reporter-responsible for Institute. producing the committee report-is the Italian The basin provides water for Wyoming, nuclear physicist Mr. Tullio Regge, who is un- Qlorado, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, Ne- derstood not to believe in the rnefuphzjsics of vada, California, and Mexico.

Frayer ~f o u really have a question a k? out i t , jus t 6e a t ient and the N o t h e r - y a t 2' e r Creator is goin to answer your inquiry. I t dB oesn't take the question to ge t the response. I t takes yourpatience, f a i t h and our ? disciyline t o w a i t u n t i you ge t the sign. y o u have to 6e observant along the w a y and that wouCdmean you have to

p a y a t tent ion to what 's go- ing on around you.

6/2/91 Li t t l eCrow

Page 15: CONTACT - The Phoenix Project 931214

DECEMBER 14, 1993 Page 15

Explosive Interview With Gary Wean

by Rick Martin

On November 29, Gary Wean phoned the CONTACT office to give an interview, which turned out to be one hot conversa- tion. Gary began his work with the Los Angeles Police Department in 1946 and rose through the ranks of law enforcement throughout Southern California. Conse- quently, he has seen, heard, and docu- mented a lot. His material was so compre- hensive, covering such awide span ofyears and conspiracies, it is simply not possible for us anymore to run all of the interview in the paper. This interview will, however, appd& in it's entirety in an -upcoming PHOENIX JOURNAL, title as yet unknown. Those of you familiar with Ray Renick's material (j\ugust 24, 1993 COA~ACT, Vol. 2, #9) on Judge William P. Clark and the San Luis Obispo, California branch of the New World Order crooks, will find this remarkably confirming. So we don't leave you hanging, here are afew excerpts, albeit out of context, from that interview.

* T h e thing is, regarding William P. Clark, 1958, or even earlier than that, I was Detective Sergeant of the Ventura Police Department and I came across some people that were involved deep in intrigue in the government, one of whom was William P. Clark and the people that owned a large law firm down there. Judge Berenson who was a Superior Court Judge, and his law partner Ben Nordham, who owned the Bank of Bay Levy, were very powerful people. Well, they were mixed up with people like A.B. Phillips, who was a bail bondsman in Los Angeles. He was also a long time friend of Mickey Cohen, a Los Angeles gangster."

* "I don't know ifyou remember the Don Scott [recently shot by Sheriffs in his home, on his large Malibu, CA ranch) killing. For years Don was avery wealthy man who had many contacts in Europe, Asia and he traveled a lot. He was Connected with the CIA, getting information and giving it to them."

* "My partner and I, back in the 409, were working Chinatown narcotics. We connected Hany Pregerson, Mickey Cohen, and A.B. Phillips with a guy by the name of Davidian. And this part about Davidian, his name was Abraham Davidian and he belongs to the Davidian family which was an international gun running, narcotics gang outflt. See, this is the same Davidian outfit that is mixed up in Waco and it goes back to what I'm going to say about A.B. Phillips coming up through Ventura. In those days everybody needed arms. The

Israelis needed arrns and they needed them down in Cuba and there was big money in running those. Anyway, Menachem Begin was over here, basically, to get arrns and money for Israel."

* "Alright, in 1958 there were National Guard Armories all over the country being burglarized. There were a lot of machine guns, 30 caliber machine guns, 50 caliber and everything taken. Then, later on through some of my informants I found out that William P. Clark had one of the 50 caliber machine guns and he had it mounted in his house in Oxnard and he's kind of a right wing. I don't believe that there is right wing, left wing and all that stuff--every- body is involved in everything. But, the way they would describe somebody like that, he was making statements that when the revolution comes that any Niggers or Mexicans that come around his house he's going to blow them down and statements like that."

* "I'm not sure whether you are familiar with it, but this guy William P. Clark is one of the huge holders of the Pacific Telesis Group." [Holding company for Pacific Bell.]

* "[Judge] William P. Clark didn't have a degree from a university, a law degree, but did pass the bar in some way, shape, or form."

* "Back in 1987, when I got my book printed, I had to print it in a garage with a couple of has-been printers and a beat-up printing press in the middle of the night to keep from getting killed."

* 'I took 100 of them back to Washing- ton, D.C. and delivered one to each and every one of the United States Senators along with a petition for them to investi- gate."

* "The FBI could never figure out where the weapons went. I know where they went. They went to Mickey Cohen's outfit a t that time, which later on was transferred to what they call the ADL and the Jewish Defense League which was led by a guy named Rueben."

* This precipitated a lot of this talk about JFK and Bobby Kennedy and the big Marilyn Monroe love affair. The way this comes in, I believe, was Mickey Cohen and Menachem Begin were to get an in with Marilyn Monroe to pick her brain, so she could find the inside scoop from J.F. Kennedy. Oswald didn't kill JFK, no way, shape, or form. They were blind-sided by this organization of Menachem Begin that infiltrated this thing and committed the actual murder. .That's why so much cover- up. Everybody was scared to death. They

didn't know who the heck had done it." * "That's Mishpucka. Now, in Jewish

that means family, just the same thing as mafia means family in Italian. That's the Jewish and Italian crime families. Well, the Jewish crime family was far more influ- ential moneywise and powerwise and so- phistication wise and everything else; be that as it may, they all wanted to get back into Cuba."

* 'In 1957, when we put all of this stuff on the United States Senate, they were not dead. John Tower was not dead. I didn't reveal John Tower's name at that time but nobody, they all covered all this stuff up and at that time I was prepared to give them documented evidence and everything else about the murder of JFK and the involvement of Menachem Begin, Mickey Cohen and these other people and William P. Clark. I was ready, willing and able."

* "Pete Wilson ICalifornia's current governor] knows the &hole thing."

* "Harlow Smith, the District Attorney of San Francisco County ran for state Attorney General. Daniel Lungren, a Re- publican with Malcolm Lucas and Pete Wilson and William P. Clark, millions and millions of dollars behind him. A s I say, Harlow Smith had it won, kind of like a Dewey and Harry Truman thing. And then, they come in with an absentee ballot and the next thing you know Lungren wins by a small majority. And so, Lungren goes into office."

* These officers got almost two tons of records of the ADL that shows them how they control the Judicial positions. You check and see how many Judges are Jew- ish Judges and APPOINTED (now that the California State Constitution has been changed to allow appointment rather than election) in that office. Take a look at the San Francisco office or the Federal Depart- ment. My God, it looks like a registry of the Israeli Bar Association and you can't defy them."

* What we were talking about was the 100 Senators when they read the contents of my book and how William P. Clark and everybody else was involved-Strom Thurmond-naturally, they had secret con- ferences as to what steps they were going to take to cover all of this up, and now, one of the people that was there was Bob Packwood."

* 'People contacted me and I told them 1 would be willing, if I received a subpoena, to actively testify as to what I knew and to what I could honestly say and everything else at what's his name, Ray Renick's trial. Bob Packwood and his diary-these things they tried to cover up regarding William P. Clark, and the 50 caliber machine gun and the burglary of the National Guard Armory and all those things because I t e got wit- nesses, several lqwyers and I hope it takes place pretty soon and then I can testify as

Page 16: CONTACT - The Phoenix Project 931214


to seeing the actual [machine-]gun setup Israel wanted to know in the most dire in William P. Clark's home." way what JFK's reaction and relation

'See, Lloyd Bentsen is the ... and was going to be to Israel. They wanted ~ef;auding America

the purpose for them going into Waco to get any information they could from and getting these weapons and destroy- Marilyn Monroe.",

6y mmsflcti ing any evidence because it would lead Well, it doesn't take an Einstein to 8

right back to Menachem Begin, and if it realize that these crooks who would be led back to Menachem Begin and Mickey kings yield an awesome power and have Cohen, then it would lead back to the tangled themselves in some very com- Israeli government. What they did to plicated webs of treachery, deceit, and Waco, to wipe out any evidence of this corruption. Those brave enough to come DEFRAUDING trail back to the National Guard Armor- against these power-brokers inevitably ies and to other people. Caspar end up paying a very heavy price as the

AMERICA A Pattern of Related &andah

Weinberger-this was a desperation noose tightens still further in the move- play." ment toward completion of the New Makes tht Go&atbu Saga Pale By Compariwn

* "At this time Menachem Begin and World Order. D@vScere6Of the CUandOtb

G o ~ n l O p r ~ n s


Some of you who have purchased the most recent Gaiandriana and AquaGaia products may have noticed a W~ by an insider

Rodney Stich potent smell. Do not be alarmed; it does not mean your Author of Unfriendly Skies

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wide-mouth jar and expose to the air. If you choose to place the jar outside, cover it with a fine cloth. The Gaiandtiana and AquaGaia are utilizing their available food (fuel), thus creating an odor. Again, do not be concerned about it. The products are fine.

Thank you. I * One of the most explosive books ever written on how corrupt federal officials I in control of the threk branches of the federal government are defrauding the American people. * Written by an insider, with additional input from many former CIA and DEA deep-cover personnel. * Exposes the corruption in the U.S. bureaucracy, the courts, and Congress, making fools of the American people. * Explains how Americans are duped by every government check and balance, and taken to the "cleaners." * Reveals where some of the billions of dollars stolen from the American public is concealed.

Explains how crooked federal judges are bribed, and the source of the money. * The heart-rending story of a small group of concerned citizens seeking to expose deeply-ingrained criminal ac- tivities by federal officials, and much, much' more.

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Page 17: CONTACT - The Phoenix Project 931214

DECEMBER 14, 1993 Page 17

New Gaia Products GAIANDRIANA of AquaGaia, with its asshilatable supply of an effort to explain WHAT takes place within

healthy mitochondria - like "ksh batter- the cellular structures of living organisms. Gaiandriana is a non-alcoholic health ies" for the body's cells.

tonic which provides basic "foods" to help The better our cells function, the p t e r NOTE cells, weakened by the stresses of modern is the stamina returned to our internal de- life, to return to a state of health. fense systems, and the better we can counter If any product you receive has an un-

The better our cells function, the greater the constant onslaught of biological and viral pleasant odor - it is from the finishing is the stamina returned to our internal invaders. culture p m s s . b v e the bottle open to air defense systems, and the better we can and it will quickly dissipate. Then, depend- counter the constant onslaught of biologi- 21 11/93 #2 HATONN ing on taste and preference--reWgerate cal and viral in-raders. The end result is a after opening and reclosing. feeling of well-being by, of course, being GAIANDRIANA & AOUACWA IMPORTANT: Do not mix the two, well. GaiaPdrianaandAquaGaia,tugetherfas;tar-

The Gaiandriana (commonly referred to To help in understanding the workings of age as the A q q g a h (mitmdmdrh) are ag- as "chondriana" in the Biological litera- these organic "pac-men" you must realize andbegin to ue& the Gatandriana ture) are capable of intelligent, organized that there is a protein covering "cap" on for fuel. Once ingested, they goabout their attack against cellular invaders like vi- viruses. The protein cap is centered on a appointed tasks, but in bottle prisons they ruses. Think of it as aUpac-man" operation charged zinc atom and is the part of the virus are not paddar ly compatible once the of sorts. However, beyond that, the that recognizes and binds to DNA-in turn availablefuelsupplyisexhausted. Juinesare Gaiandriana are capable of stimulating allowing the virus to reproduce. excebnttotakewiththeAquaGaiabecause cellular structural repairs due to damage AquaGaia, in conjunction with the themitochondriamusthavethefuelderiwed caused by, for instance, free radicals and Gaiandriana, knock out the zinc atom (a &om same, the most e6bcth-e juice being cumulative levels of so-called "background" simple 'charge" change), which renders the &om the tropicaluGuman hit. Any juice is radiation in our modern environment. protein ineffective. This is a breakdown of h, hawever, and is most pleasant to in- Healthy DNA and RNA within the nuclei of "parts" of the Gaiandriana male-female DNA take. Diabetics should utike wha- our cells then lead to properly formed and structure which releases many working vari- juices are mdhble on their ?.bod plan to concentrated enzymes, upon which healthy ants but the Gaiandrionettes or "kill- keep within the safe guidelines foo calo- cellular function depends. ers" to take out that zinc atom and pass right ries and other requiremepts.

Gaiandrianaliquid is made entirely from into the affected cell. Without the "cap", the The mast innocuous and easy intake wholesome natural ingredients. virus cannot reproduce and infect more aPailable is simply a fw d q m under the

cells-hther, the damaged virus feeds the tongue, both products takem at the same AOUAGAIA Gaiandriana unified dls and the circulating time or at Merent times ofthe day. Once

mitochondria. the Uinitialn prugram k, completed, and Complementary to the Gaiandriana Healthy cells are not affected because the ~~ lnreel of inCalPe h being

product, AquaGaia is also a non-alcoholic they lack the zinccenteml protein cap on ftalhmd, cerWn& the drop. under the health tonic which provides basic "foods" the virus. ~ a r e t h e l e a s t ~ t o a n y ~ to help cells, weakened by the stresses of These "Gaia" compounds have an effect regimen. modern life, to return to a state of healthy on cancer cells because they stop an enzyme function. on the cancer cells fbm producing a "mes- A G E ANTI-OXIDANT FORMULA

AquaGaiacontains mitochondria. These sen@ molecule that blocks a second en- are the major biochemical energy "proces- zyme fmm attacking the cancer cell's DNA. There is growing evidence that essen- sors" within cellular metabolism. First, The compounds (Gaia) have been seen to tially everyone in our society is exposed to enzymes begin the breakdown process of actually take out leukemia, breast, brain free radicals, now more than ever. While organic nutrients (like fats, carbohydrates and colon cancer ells. We have no claim to free radicals are normal products of our and proteins) to intermediate substances anything other than stating that people uti- cells and have certain beneficial roles in such as amino and pyruvic acids. Then, in lizing these simple and n a W substances the body, increased levels of free radicals in the next "bucket brigade" step, these vari- do show improved well-being and do report our body tissues can be detrimental to our ous acid molecules are processed within &ding genera& and, often mmarkably, im- health. Free radicals are highly unstable the mitochondria to release chemical en- proved as to state of health, thought PIP- substances produced in the body through, ergy recognized as adenosine triphosphate cesses and stamina among other routes, metabolism of oxy- (ATP) . The obvious amclusion is that there might gen. Free radicals multiply through a

About 95% of the energy needed to #run well be good reports of better health and series of chain reactions and can attack the the machinery" that keeps each cell going hskr recovery, following infection by other polyunsaturated fatty acids of cell mem- and healthy is produced in the mitochon- viruses, than those mentioned above. All branes. Unless excess free radicals are dria. Unfortunately, the mitochondria are viruses hown react m Owngenerally the same neutralized, they can cause considerable particularly damaged by free radicals and manner. damage to the structure and function of cumulative levels of so-called %ackgmund" It is known that many diseases are due to cell membranes and thus, the cells them- radiation in our modem environment These retroviral DNA and these are the most af- selves. compromised mitochondria, like half-dead f& viruses by the Gaiadondrianas (liv- The products h m fkz radical reactions batteries, then lead to impahd cellular h c - ing crystal forms). We, again, make no m implicated in the pmgessive acmmula- tioning and health. Thus is the importan= medical &h&e are simply mporting in tion of deleterious cellular changes over time,

Page 18: CONTACT - The Phoenix Project 931214


which may eventually result in mmgrhble GINKGO B W B A tyrsine, phenylalanine, omithine, tryptophan. disease. Fnx radical damage is implicated in the (u BiMa =-CG 24%) The suggested daily consumption is 3 initiation and promotion of many cancers, as &rams per day. well as a t h e d d s . The Ginkgo Biloba extract is a complex

One area of aging research suggests that compound. The green leaves of the a~ ECHINACEA GOLD PLUS free radicals damage body cells and cause usually harvested b m txes grown on plan- (with American G h w q ) the pathological changes associated with tations in South ~~ Japan and France. aging. Besides being by-products of the Ginkgo is reported to have a natural In recent years few medicinal plants have metabolism of oxygen, such as during m u - affinity for the nervous system. It also seems garnered as much attention as Echinacea ous exercise, we are also exposed to signifi- to stimulate the vascular and endocrine (Echinacea Purpurea and Echinacea cant sources of fi-ee xdcals h m the envi- systems that, in turn, strongly affect the Anqud~oEia). ronment, such as from so-called 'back- function of the nervous system, possibly Echinacea is a non-specific stimulant to ground" levels of ionizing radiation. increasing the capacity for normal physical the immune system. Claims for Echinacea

Cooperative defense systems that can activity, and the flow of blood to the M. include: stimulation of leukocytes, mild anti- ptect the body firm & radical damage Some resear& indicates the possible effec- biotic activity, anti-inflammatory activity, include certain e q m ~ s and the anthidant tiveness of Ginkgo in the treatment of stimulation of the adrenal cortex, stimula- vitamins A, C, and E and Beta-Camtene, Alzheimer's disease. tion of the properdin-complement system, which protect cell membranes h m &a- .Due to its pharmacological properties, interferon-like activity, stimulation of gen- tive damage. Vitamin E, one of the kt- Ginkgo is now widely used throughout Eu- eral cellular immunity, and anti* activity. soluble vitamins, is prsent in the blood as d- rope for treating many forms of vascular Internal preparations are said to assist in alpha-tocopherol and is well accepted as the disease. In a survey of paclcaging infonna- alleviating cold and flu symptoms, resph- major antioxidant in lipd body tissues. Vi- tion of E m p a n products, Gir&p has been tory infections, and arthritis, to name a few. tamin E is considered the frst line of defense recornmended for such ailments as head- Goldenseal (Hydmstis CQnadensis) is against cell-membrane damage due 20 aches, vertigo, inner-ear disturbances, di- among the most popular herbs in the Ameri- peroxidation. Vitamin E scavenges free Icadi- minished intellectual capacity and alertness can health food market. Usesare numerous, A s , texminating chain reactions and con- as a result of indlicient chulation to the including but not limited to: antiseptic, he- fining damage to limited areas of the mem- brain, anxiety, and depression, to name a mostatic, diuretic, laxative, and tonic/anti- brane. Selenium contained in the enzyme few. inflammatory for the mucous membranes, glytathione e a s e is the second line of Ginkgo Biloba &tract (24%) is conam- hemorrhoids, nasal congestion, mouth and defense that destroys pemxides befom they trated b m the leases of the Ginkgo Biloba gum sores and eye afllictions. can damage cell membranes. Beta-Cam- tree. The highly qxxkked extraction pro- Few medicinal plant sin the world possess tene, a pnxursor of Vitamin A, also Imps free cess yields a 50: 1 concentrate from the Ginseng's nw-legendary status. Dating radicals. Vitamin C is water soluble and lmes (50 grams of leaf produce 1 gram of back thousands ofyears, its history of use in serves to neutrake k e radicals in aqueous extract). The extract is then further stan- the Orient records therapeutic properties so systems. daxdkd to contain 24% of the active Ginkgo wide ranging that it was first dismissed by

The antioxidants show p m i s e as can- Mavoglycosides. Western doctors as a "panacea*. When cer-prevention agents, alone and in combi- fatigued, Ginseng reportedly restores both nation. CHLORELLA physical and mental hnctions to peak effi-

ciency and, with regular use, improves resis- ALOE COMPLETE C U d l a is anutritionally IAanced whole tance to disease and stress. American

Leaf, PfaWJed food and contributes to the health and growth Ginseng'sgenusnameisW-f& A h Vem Comcemtrate) of human cells like no single vitamin or Over 40,000 species of mushrooms exist,

mined possiily can. many of which are used as medicines. Qf Aloe Vera has a long and impressive Chlarella is extremely high in protein particularnote are suchremediesaspenicil-

history that spans hundreds of centuries, (60%) and contains more than 20 vitamins lin- and ergot-based extracts used in mi- countries and cultures, and appears in count- and minerals, 19 of the 22 essential and non- graine treatment, to name a few. Extensive less "folk remedies" as a plant revered for its essential amino acids, enzymes and chlo- research has been done with one mushroom healing qualities. rella growth ktor. It is one of the richest in particular, namely, Reishi. This mush-

Aloe Camplste is a whole-leaf concen- s o w s of RNA and DNA known and has room is now considered a tried and true trate prepared from the freshly harvested twenty times as much chlorophyll as alfhlfa, immune system fortifier. leaves of the &ubadensis Miller Aloe Vern 10 times more than other edible algae in- plant. Aloe Cormplete gumtees a mini- cluding spiruljna, and 10 times mom than OXY TODDY mum of 10,000 mg. of m u c o p o l y s a ~ e s barley grass. per liter. C Y h r d a is a natural vitality enhancer. Made from pure Aloe Vera juice from

The nutrients ported in Aloe Vera in- The vitamins found in chlorella cells include: organic Aloe Vera plants, this product is dude m u c o p o l y s a ~ d e s and polysaccha- vitamin C, pmvitamin A, B-camtene, chloro- oxygen-enhanced with 35% food grade hy- rides (glucomannans), glycoproteins, glu- phyll-A, chlorophyll-B, thiamine (Bl), r i b drogen peroxide, minerals, whole Aloe Vera cose, mannose, galactose, xylose, arabinose, &win (B2), pyridoxine (Eifj), niacin (B3), pan- pulp, 60 colloidal plant minerals (an aqueous tannins, steroids, organic acids, antibiotic tothenic acid, folic acid, vitamin B-12, biotin, solution), and natural flavors. principles, g lumnic acids, enzymes (oxi- choline, vitamin K, PABA, lipoic acid, inositol One ounce of Oxg Toddy contains ap- dase, catalase and amylase), trace sugars, and para-aminobenzoic acid. The minerals proximately 20 drops of 35% food grade calcium oxalate, a protein containing 18 include: phosphorus, potassium, iodine, mag- hydrogen peroxide. This product contains no amino acids, "wound healing" hormones, nesium, sulphur, iron, calcium, manganese, sugar, ,fillers or starches and is cold pro- biogenic stimulators, saponins, vitamins B 1, copper, zinc and cobalt. cessed to ensure maximum enzymatic activ- B2, niacin, B6, choline, folic acid, chloride, Theaminoacidsinclude: lysine, histidine, ity. sukte, iron, Acium, copper, sodium, po- arginine, aspartic acid, threohhe, sefie, (For ordering information, tassium, silicon, manganese, plus many other glutamic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, cys- nee enclosed rt metabolism-assisting components. tine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine,

Page 19: CONTACT - The Phoenix Project 931214

DECEMBER 14, 1993 Page 19

Tapes, Transcriptions & Videos

In addition to audio tapes of meet ings with Commander Hatonn and wr i t ten transcriptions of some taped topics, T?4€ WORD also of fers other tapes and videos on selected topics.

Donat ions to cover t h e costs of tapes are $4.00 for one tape, 56.00 for two tapes and 82.50 p e r tape for three or more, except where otherwise noted. The transcriptions are 53.00 each. (Mexico or Canada add $0.25 and o ther foreign countr ies add $0.50 per tape or transcription.) Postage i s included in tape and t ransc r i p t i on prices.

Please send check or money order to: W E WORD, P.O. Box 6 1 94, Tehachapi, CA 93582 or ca l l 805-822-41 76 if you have q u e s t i o n s or you wish to use your Visa, Discover or Mas te r Card.

lfyou desire to automatically receive tapes from future meetings, please send at least a $50 donation from which tape costs will be deducted. We will try to notify you as your balance reaches zero.

Special Order tapes are noted below by * and are not automatical ly sent since this material is usually either already in print or will be soon. Available writ ten transcriptions are noted by #.

The following is a complete l i s t of meeting dates with the number of tapes in bold in parentheses and mentioning if the meeting has a special focus:

2/2 2/92(4); 3/14/92(4); 10/4/92(3); 10/10/92(2); 3/2 1 /92(2); 3/28/92(1); 4/4/92(3); 1 0/17/92(2) radio program, KTKK; 4/12/92(2) a talk at local Community 10/24/92(2); 1 111 /g2(2); Church; 1 1 /1/92(lj ; idio'piogri i , New Mexico; 4/13/92(1) # "What is a Semite?"; 1 1 /8/92(2);11/14/92(3);11/22/92(2); 4/17/92(1) - - # w h o Were the First Chris- 11/25/92(1) radio program, Gallup, NM; tians?" 1 1 /29/92(2); 1 2/6/92(2); 4/25/92(2)* # "The Photon Belt"; 1 2/6/92(2) Cosmos Patriot Group-I; 4/26/92(3); 5/1/92(1) "L-A- Riots and The 1 2/7/92(1) Cosmos Patriot croup-11; Bigger Plan"; 12/12/92(2) Cosmos Patriot ~ r o u ~ - l l l ; 5/2/92(3); 1 2/13/92(2); 1 2/20/92(2); 5/8/92(2) radio talk show; 1 2/3 1 /92(1)* Constitutional Law Center; 5/9/92(4); 1 /2/93(2); 5 / l 1 /92(3)*"SilentWeapons ForQuiet Wars"; 1 /14/93(2) Seminar speech by Retired 5/13/92(3) meeting with European visitors Police Officer Jack McLamb. over lunch; 1 /1 6/93(2); 1 /23/93(3); 1 /i0/93(2); 5/16/92(3); 5/23/92(2); 2/6/93(1); 2/13/93(2); 2/18/93(2); 5/30/92(3)* "The Divine Plan and Places In 2/20/93(2) radio program on KTKK featur- Between" tapes 1-3; ing Soltec with Hatonn; 6/1/92(3); 6/4/92(2); 6/6/92(4); 4/4/93(3) including Soltec and Sananda; 6/13/92(3); 6/21 /92(3); 6/27/92(2); 4/10/93(2) radio program KTKK; 6/28/92(2) radio Program, KTKKI Salt Lake 4/24/93(3); 5/2/93(2); 5/16/93(2); City, UT; s i z 3 i g 3 i 3 j I 6/20/93( i ) ; 6/30/92(3)* "The ~ i v i n e plan and Places in 6/20/93(1)*Mystery Virus in N~~ Mexico Between" tapes 4-6; 7/4/92(2) radio program, KTKK; 7/12/92(3); 7/18/92(2) radio program, KTKK; 7/26/92(3); 8/3/92(2) radio program, KTKK; 8/8/92(2); 8/31 /92(2) Anti-Christ Banksters; 9/5/92(2); 9/12/92(2) radio program, KTKK;

7/2/93(2)* Rayelan Russbacher on KTKK; 7/11 /93(3); 7/18/93(2); 7/30/93(3); 7/31 /93(1) KTKK Little Crow; 8/8/93(2); 8/2 1 /93(2); 8/22/93(3) Gunther Russbacher interview; 8/29/93(2); 9/5/93(3); 9/14/93(2); 9/19/93(3); 1 0/9/93(3); 1 0/16/9 3(3): 1 0/30/93(2); 1 1 /13/93(2); 1 1 /21/93(3); 1 1 /27/93(2); 12/5/93(2); 12/12/93(2).


#1-#5 Corporation Lectures ($5 each tape).

ff 72 Hour Kit Checklist if

Water Stored in a portable container. Rotate regu- larly. Have at least three gallons per person (for a three day supply). Have a water purifica- tion method.

Food Suitable for long term storage. Packaged to prevent water damage. lnclude cups, utensils, paper plates and a can opener, if needed.

Extra Clothing A complete outfit of warm clothing for each family member. lnclude extra socks, and un- derwear. lnclude walking shoes.

Warmth & Shelter 1 Coats, hats, scarves, and gloves for everyone include warm blankets (wool or emergency blankets are best). Rain ponchos, garbage bags, and/or umbrellas to keep off the rain. Warm Packs or other heat source. Pup tent or tarp.

C] Light Source Flashlight with extra batteries or a chemical lightstick. Kerosene lanterns are fine, but any flame may pose a hazard, especially near po- tential as leaks. Have at least two quick and safe lig 1 t sources in your kit.

Tools Pocket knife, lightweight shovel, duct tape, matches, pocket sewing kit, screwdriver.

Important Papers Important family documents (such as birth cer- tificates, marriage certificates, insurance forms, wills), addresses and phone numbers of rela- tives, and places to meet i f separated.

First Aid Supplies Pain relievers, bandages, antiseptics, clean cloths, burn ointment. lnclude any personal medications.

Money Keep at least 520 in your kit. Be sure to include quarters for phone calls, etc.

S ecial Needs For babies: c? iapers, ointment, bottles & pacifi- ers, hand towels, special foods, and other su plies as needed. Consider the needs of elder f'- y people as well as those with handicaps or other special needs.


Stress Relievers Card games, books, small hobbies, hard candy, Bible. For childen: small toys, paper and pen, favorite security items.

Communications Portable radio with batteries, signal mirrors, whistles, red flags, signal flares.

Portable Container Such as a book bag, back ack, or duffel bag. B Should be easy to carry an lightweight. Shoul- der straps are best for traveling long distances.


AdditionalItemr Added as carrying weight and expense of

Personal Sanitation Sanitary napkins, razors, toothbrush, hand soap, dish soap, towels, toilet paper. I

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