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Consumer on in Big Bazzar Edited by Raj(Rj)

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/6/2019 Consumer on in Big Bazzar Edited by Raj(Rj)


  • 8/6/2019 Consumer on in Big Bazzar Edited by Raj(Rj)









    Anjani and Nileema

    Roll No

    109R1E0002 & 109R1E0007






  • 8/6/2019 Consumer on in Big Bazzar Edited by Raj(Rj)


    Retail Industries In


    India has one of the largest numbers of retail outlets in the world. Of

    the 12 million retail outlets present in the country, nearly 5 million sell

    food and related products. Thought the market has been dominated by

    unorganized players, the entry of domestic and international

    organized players is set to change the scenario.

    Organized retail segment has been growing at a blistering pace,

    exceeding all previous estimates. According to a study by Deloitte

    Haskins and Sells, organised retail has increased its share from 8 per

    cent of total retail sales in

    2007 to 10 per cent in 2008. The fastest growing segments have been

    the wholesale cash and carry stores (150 per cent) followed by

    supermarkets (100 per cent) and hypermarkets (75-80 per cent).

    Further, it estimates the organised segment to account for 25 per

    cent of the total sales by 2011.

    India retail industry is the largest industry in India, with an

    employment of around 8% and contributing to over 10% of the

    country's GDP. Retail industry in India is expected to rise 25% yearly

    being driven by strong income growth, changing lifestyles, and

    favourable demographic patterns.

    It is expected that by 2016 modern retail industry in India will be worthUS$

    175- 200 billion. India retail industry is one of the fastest growing

    industries with revenue expected in 2008 to amount US$ 350 billion and

    is increasing at a rate of 5% yearly. A further increase of 7-8% is

    expected in the industry of retail in India by growth in consumerism in

    urban areas, rising incomes, and a steep rise in rural consumption. It

    has further been predicted that the retailing industry in India will

    amount to US$ 21.5 billion by 2010 from the current size of US$ 7.5

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  • 8/6/2019 Consumer on in Big Bazzar Edited by Raj(Rj)


    Shopping in India has witnessed a revolution with the change in the consumer buying

    behaviour and the whole format of shopping also altering. Industry of retail in India

    which has become modern can be seen from the fact that there are multi- stored malls,

    huge shopping centres, and sprawling complexes which offer food, shopping, and

    entertainment all under the same roof.

    India retail industry is expanding itself most aggressively; as a result a great demand

    for real estate is being created. Indian retailers preferred means of expansion is to

    expand to other regions and to increase the number of their outlets in a city. It is

    expected that by 2010, India may have 600 new shopping centres. India retail industry

    is progressing well and for this to continue retailers as well as the Indian government

    will have to make a combined effort.

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    Big Bazaar is not just another hypermarket. It caters to every need of a family. Where

    Big Bazaar scores over other stores is its value for money proposition for the Indian

    customers. At Big Bazaar, one can get the best products at the best prices that is

    what they guarantee. With the ever increasing array of private labels, it has opened the

    doors into the world of fashion and general merchandise including home furnishings,

    utensils, crockery, cutlery, sports goods and much more at prices that will surprise

    you. And this is just the beginning. Big Bazaar plans to add much more to complete

    the shopping experience. Food is the main shopped for category in this store.

    Parent Company:-

    Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited, is Indias leading retailer that operates multiple retail

    formats in both the value and lifestyle segment of the Indian consumer market.





    Home Solution General

    Merchandise Leisure and

    Entertainment Wellness and

    Beauty Books and Music

    Sampling :-

    Sample Size 75 customers/cons umers

    Sample Unit Consumers in the age group 18 to 50 yea rs

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    Scope and Uses :

    1. It will extend to the actual field study of these outlets in

    Bangalo re.

    2. It will give inf ormat ion to prospective cus tomers.

    3. Help us gain independent knowledge about the con sumer

    percept ion of the outlets identifie d.

    4. The study can help the companies getadditional resea rch

    informati on.

    5. It facilit ates eval uation of brand nameand customer satisfact ion.

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    10 | P a g e


    Dear Cus tomer,

    I am a stud ent of VGIH, conduct ing a study on the cus tomer

    percept ion and Satisfactio n in retail outlet in LB.Nagar Big

    Bazza r.Please fill in the fo llowing questionnai reto helpme in my

    Survey .


    AGE: 18-28. 28-38. 38-48. 48-58.

    GENDER: Male Female.

    1) How often do you shop?

    a) Once a week .b) Fortnightly. c) Once a month

    2) Which of the following stores do youshop at?

    Big Bazaar Shopp er's Stop Marks & Spencer

    others (spec ify)

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    11 | P a g e

    3) What do you mos tly shop for at the mentioned stores?

    a) Clothing. b) Acces sories. c) Groceries

    Oth ers (speci fy)

    4) Why do you prefer to shop in Big Bazaar at the above-

    mentioned store ?

    a) Yes. b) No.

    5) Rank your prefe rences for shopping:

    a) Proximity. b) Qua lity.

    c) B rand. d) Price.

    e) S tore Lay out. f) On e-stop shopping.

    6) Does advertising and promotion influence your shopping

    decisi ons?

    a) Yes. b) No.

    7) Which form of promotio ndo you think is most effective?

    a) P rint. b) TV. c) Radio

    Indicate your satisfaction level based on the following

    Parameters for the foll owing stores:

    Retail Outlet

    Unsat isfied Satisfied





    Big Bazaar

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    The tools and methods ofdata collect ion identified earlier were employed to

    gather data on the consumer p ercepti on on Big Bazaa r.The data accrued,

    especia lly from the interviews and quest ionnai res circulate d, are tabulated

    and depicted on graphs in the fol lowing pages. The data thus gathered and

    tabulated is analyzed. The data is then scrutinized and relevant

    interpretat ions are drawn.

    The major object ives of analysis of data are:

    1. To evaluate and enh ance dataquality

    2. Examine effects of other relev ant fact ors





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    13 | P a g e

    The data collect ion plan, including proced ures, ins truments, and forms,

    was designed and pre-tested to maximize acc urac y. All data collect ion

    activities we re monito red to ensure adherence to the data collection

    protocol and to prompt actions to minimize and resolve missing and

    ques tionable dat a.Moni toring

    procedu res were instituted at the outset and main tained

    throughout the stud y, since the faster irregul arities can be detected;

    the great erthe likelihood that they can be resolved in a satisfac tory

    mann er and the soone r preven tive meas ures can be instit uted.

    Age of the respondents

    Age Total Perc e nt ag


    18-28 37 49.33%

    28-38 16 21.33%

    38-48 8 10.67%

    48-58 9 12.00%58-65 5 6.67%

    75 100%

    Age of Respondents

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    14 | P a g e

    Age ofRespondents











    From the tabl e, bar graph and pie chart depicted

    abov e, the dis tributi on of the populat ion under study is

    eviden t. Of the 75 respondents who answ ered the

    quest ionnai re, 37 indicated that their ages fell in the

    categ ory 18-28 years.

    This accounts for 49.33% of the respondents .

    Of the 75 respondents who answ ered the quest ionnai re, only

    5 indicated that the ir ages fell in the category 58-65

    year s. This accounts for 6.67% of the resp ondents who fall in

    this age group. It is evident from the responses and the

    subsequent tabulatio n tha t, on an averag e, the

    respondents can be cate gorized in the foll owing descendi ng

    order of age groups: 18-28, 28-38, 48-58,


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    and 58-


  • 8/6/2019 Consumer on in Big Bazzar Edited by Raj(Rj)


    Interpretation :

    Of the consumers approa ched, 75 people agreed to fill in the

    quest ionnai reand this specific question. This question is aimed at

    analyzing the dis tributi on of ages of the population that visit the stores

    und er stud y. The age groups laid befo re the responde nt have been

    the result of observation and intervie w. By analysing the resp onses to

    this quest ion, I, as a resea rcher, as well as companie s, can ide ntify

    the demo graphics of the population that visit retail outlets.

    The highest number of respondents falls in the age group 18-28. It can

    be deduced that most of the consumers who visit retail outlets

    regul arly are the youth. They ma ke up almost half of the po pulatio n

    who shop at reta il stores.

    The rest of the populat ion who visit the retail outlets under study can

    be listed in the following descending order of distribu tion the

    worki ng age group, the older age group, the middle age group, and

    sen ior citizens.

    It is not surpris ing that the youth most frequent malls and retail stores.

    What is unexpected, however , is the fact that morepeople who fall into

    the older age group visit the retail stores than those who fall in the

    middle age group. Then agai n, this dedu ction cannot be applied to

    the enti re po pulatio n of Bangalo re. The disp arity can be at tributed

    to the small size of the sample und er stud y.

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    Q. 2) Gender of the respondents:

    Gender Total Perc ent ag


    Male 35 46.67%

    Female 40 53.33%

    75 100%

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    17 | P a g e

    Gender of Respondents











    Male Female

    Gender ofRespondents






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    18 | P a g e

    Data Collected

    Consumers were asked to indicate their gende r. The object of this

    quest ion is to understan d the demographics of the po pulatio n und er

    stud y.

    Ana lysis

    From the tabl e, bar graph and pie chart depicted abov e, the

    dis tributi on of the consumers is evident. Of the 75 responden ts who

    answ ered the quest ionnai re, 40 were female. This acc ounts for 53.33%

    of the respondents , almost half of the population und erstud y.

    Ofthe 75 respo ndents who answe red the questionnai re, the rest

    35 we re male. This accounts for 46.67% of the population under stud y.

    It is evident from the responses and the subsequent tabulatio n that

    the number of female respo ndents was high er than that ofthe male

    resp ondents in the populat ion under study. Interpretation

    Of the consumers approa ched, 75 people agreed to fill in the

    quest ionnai re and this specific question. This question is aimed at

    identi fying the distribution be tween the two gend ers and how many

    of them visit the retail stores under study. By analysing the responses

    to this quest ion, I as ,a resea rcher, as well as

    companie s, can ide ntify the distrib ution in the number of men and

    women who

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    visit the retail outlets and appropriate decisions can be made

    keeping these numbers in min d.

    The highest number of respondents were female, as is depicted by the

    graph and chart presented abov e. The number of male respondents

    was less compa red to the female respondents .

    Two deduct ions can be made from the above data collected:

    on e,mo rewomen visit retail outlets than men. Two, morewomen are

    willing to fill outquest ionn aires and takea survey than me n. This can

    help the companies and rese archers in undertaking fut ure decisi ons

    and studies. Since mo re women can be inf erred to visit retail

    stores than men, companies can target their offerings and

    mar keting strategies in two areas.Retail outlets c an appeal to the

    women customers by offe ring more products gea red

    especially towards wome n. They can provide a shopping

    experience that women are particu larly at tracted to.

    Another way that retail chains can use the above data is to appeal

    to the men rathe r than the women. Since, fewer men visit retail stores

    as against wome n, the companies have a large base of pote ntial

    cus tomers. By providing products that are gea red towards men

    and by providing a shopping experience that

    attracts men, the retail cha ins can expand the ircus tomer base.

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    20 | P a g e

    Q. 3) How often do you sho p?

    Frequency Total Perc ent ag


    Once a week 14 18.67%

    Fortnightl y 27 36.00%

    Once a mon th 34 45.33%

    75 100%

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    21 | P a g e

    How often do you shop?










    Once a week Fortnightly Once a month


    Data collected

    Consumers approached were asked their frequency in visits to

    the shops. The frequency points furnished were: once a week,

    fortnightly and once a month. These frequency points were

    identified by observation and interview as the average times that

    consumers shop.

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    .Ana lysis

    From the tabl e, bar graph and pie chart depicted

    abov e, the frequency of shopping of the respo ndents is

    eviden t. Of the 75 respondents who answ ered the

    quest ionnai re, 34 indicated that they shopped once a

    mont h. This accounts for 45.33% of the respondents ,

    who visit shops including retail stores once a mo nth.

    Of the 75 respo ndents who answe red the

    questionnai re, 14 indicated that they

    shopped once a wee k. This accounts for

    18.67% of the respondents, who visit shops, malls or retail

    stores once every week.

    It is evident from the responses and the subsequent

    tabulatio n tha t, on an ave rage,

    the frequency of shopping among

    the respondents can be listed in the foll owing

    descen ding order: Once a month, Fortnightly, and Once a


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    Of the consumers approa ched, 75 people agreed to fill in the

    quest ionnai re and this specific question. This question is aimed at

    und erstand ing how frequ ently consumers visit shops and buy their

    products or avail of the ir services. The frequency points laid befo re the

    respo ndent have been the result of obser vation and intervie w. By

    analysing the respo nses to this question, I as a

    ,resea rcher, as well as companies, can identi fy the number oftimes

    a customer is likely to shop in a mont hs time.

    The highest responses have been attributed to once a mon th

    shopping . It can be deduced that consumers who shop only once a

    month look to buy groceries and other essentials to last them a mont h.

    Therefore, retail outlets have tough customers in those who shop once

    a mon th. Such cus tomers look to buy in bulk. Moreove r, such

    customers may not be open to exp erimenting with new stores.

    Hence, to captu re this mar ket, retail outlets must put in place

    strategies that attract them. Once they profess a liking to a

    cer tain store, they turn out to be very loya l

    customers .

    Consumers who shop once a week, on the oth er hand, pose very

    diffe rent cha llenges to retail stores. Such cus tomers can be

    presumed to have a high disposable income and may buy more lifestyle

    or fashion products. Since they shop so frequently, they must continually

    be entertained and at tracted to ma ke repe at purchases at stores.

    When targeting this segment, companies must be able to get new

    stock every week, and update their mar keting strategies continu ousl y.

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    Q. 4) What do you mostly shop at Big Ba zzar ?

    Detai ls Total Perc ent age

    Clot hing 33 44.00%

    Acces sories 12 16.00%

    Groceries 25 33.33%

    Others 3 4.00%

    75 100%

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    25 | P a g e

    What do you mostly shopfor at theabove-


    3 5 33

    3 025

    2 5

    2 0

    1 5 12

    1 0



    Cloth ing A cces sories Groce rie s Others


    Data Collected

    Consumers approached we re asked to indicate the types ofproducts they mostly shopped for at the stores they had selected

    earlie r. The types of products presented were Clothi ng,

    Acces sories , Groceries and others. These products were identified by

    observation and interview as the most popular products that

    con sumers shop for frequentl y.

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    Ana lysis

    From the tabl e, bar graph and pie chart depicted abov e, the

    products frequently shopped for by consumers is eviden t. Of the

    75 resp ondents who answ ered the quest ionnai re, 33 indicated that

    they essentially shopped for clothing at the store they had indicated

    earlier. This accounts for 44.00% of the respondents .

    Of the 75 respondents who answ ered the quest ionnai re, only 3

    indicated other products they frequently shop for at the stores

    indicated earlier. This accounts for 4.00% of the respondents , who gave

    imp ortance to products such as home furnishi ngs, book s, and kitchen

    appl iances.

    It is evident from the responses and the subsequent tabulatio n that

    con sumers, on an average, frequently shop for products in the

    following descending order: Clothing, Grocerie s, Access ories, and

    Other s.

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    Of the consumers approached, 75 people agreed to fill in the

    quest ionnai reand this specific question. This question is aimed at

    identi fying the products consumers shop for frequently at retail outlets.

    The product categ ories laid bef ore the respondent are the resu lt of

    observation and intervie w. By anal ysing the resp onses to this question,

    we, the rese archer s, as well as companie s, can identi fy the main

    attractions of products and services off ered.

    The high number of responses indi cate that a large number of

    con sumers visit retail ou tlets for clothes/d resses/ap parel.

    Accou trement is the hottest sell ing item that any retail outlet can

    provide. One- third of the respondents indicated that the visit retail

    outlets to purchase grocerie s.

    To the retail stores, the ab ove tabulated resp onses lead to a very

    important result. Clothi ng is the fastest mov ing con sumer good. Retail

    outlets that provide app arel can see a higher rate ofturnover and

    sales volume.

    Howev er, the above results cannot be assumed to berepresentative of the entire population of Bangalo re cit y. The sample

    size consists of only 75 respondents , who were

    approached on a random basis as they visited the retail outlets .

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    Q. 5) Why do you cho ose Big Bazzar ?

    Factors Total Perc e nt ag


    Quality 20 26.67%

    Fashion 5 6.67%

    Affordabili ty 10 13.33%

    Variety 4 5.33%

    All under one roof 10 13.33%

    Brand name 11 14.67%

    Service 4 5.33%Store atmosph ere 3 4.00%

    Loyalty 5 6.67%

    Proximity 3 4.00%

    75 100%

    Why do you shop at the above store?










    5 4


    3 5



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    Why do you shop at the above store?

    StoreLoyalty, 6.67% Proxim ity, 4.00%



    Service, 5.33%

    Quality, 26.67%




    14 .67%

    Fas hion, 6.67%












    Consumers app roached we re as ked an open-ended

    question to indicate the reas ons they select a particu lar

    store to shop at as aga inst any other retail outlet. The ir

    responses wererecorded and a broad idea of the factors

    that influence shopping and buying decisi ons was formed.

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    The respo nses of the interviewees and consumers have

    been broadly categ orised into 10 fact ors that they find

    impact their shopping decisi on and result in their

    choos ing one store over ano the r.

    From the tabl e, bar graph and pie chart depictedabov e, the influenc ing factors are eviden t. The reas ons

    include: Quality,

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  • 8/6/2019 Consumer on in Big Bazzar Edited by Raj(Rj)


    Affordabili ty, All products und er one roof, Fashion, Loyalty,

    Servic e, Variet y,Proximity, and Store atmos phere.

    From the tabl e, graph and chart depicted ab ove, it is evident that

    customers give value to a great ma ny number of fac tors when

    deciding which store to shop at. It would be prudent on the part of the

    compa ny to iden tify their strong and weak areas, which attract or

    drive away customers to/from their stores.

    Q. 6) Rank your preferences for shopping:

    Detai ls Total Perc e nt ag


    Quality 23 30.67%

    Brand 11 14.67%

    Price 16 21.33%

    Store layo ut 6 8.00%

    Proximity 5 6.67%

    One-s top shop 14 18.66%

    75 100%

    Data collected

    Consumers app roa ched we reas ked to rank their prefe rences on a scale

    of 1 to 6 of their preferences when choosing to shop at particular

    stores. The prefe rence points placed before them we re

    Quality, Brand, Price, Store Layout, Proximity , One-stop shop.These prefe rence poin tswe reidentified by obs ervation and interview asthe most popular reas ons that beget the attraction ofcon sumers and actas inducements to shop at particular stores.

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    32 | P a g e

    ta Collected

    Preferences forShopping









    Quality, 30.67%

    Brand, 14.67%

    Price, 21.33%

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    33 | P a g e

  • 8/6/2019 Consumer on in Big Bazzar Edited by Raj(Rj)


    Ana lysis

    From the tabl e, bar graph and pie chart depicted abov e, the

    prefe rence points ofcon sumers is eviden t.Of the 75 respondents who answ ered the quest ionnai re, 23 give first

    imp ortance to quality when choosing which store to shop at. This

    accounts for 30.67% of the respondents , who gave rank #1 to Qual ity .

    Of the 75 respondents who answ ered the quest ionnai re, only 5 gave

    first importa nce to proximity of the store when choosing wh ere to

    shop at. This accounts for 6.67% of the respondents , who gave rank

    #1 to Proximit y.

    It is evident from the responses and the subsequent tabulatio n that

    con sumers, on an average, rank the prefe rence points in the foll owing

    descendi ng order of at tractio n: Quali ty, Price, and One- stop shop,

    Brand, Store Layou t, and Proximit y.


    Of the consumers approa ched, 75 people agreed to fill in the

    quest ionnai re and this specific question. This question is aimed at

    und erstand ing what elements attract the consumer the most. The

    prefe rence points laid bef ore the respondent have been the result of

    observation and intervie w. By analysing the responses to this quest ion,

    we, the resea rchers, as well as companies, can identi fy the biggest

    fac tors that influence the consumers in favo uring one storeover other s.

    The highest responses and the highest ranking have been

    attributed to quality of the products on sale. When choosing to shop at

    a particul ar store, or when favo uring one store over the

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    oth ers, it is seen that most consumers ma ke this decision based on the

    quality of the products on offe r.

    The next criteria that influence the consumers in favouring a

    particular store over oth ers are (in desc ending order) Price, One-

    stop shop, Brand, Store layou t, and Proximit y.

    Although it is said that the most important things in retail are

    Location , locatio n, and locatio n, from the consumers point of view,

    proximity is of little conc ern. The quality, price and variety of goods play

    big roles in the decisi on making process.

    Q. 7) Do advertisement and promotion influence your

    shopping decision?

    Detai ls Total Perc e nt ag


    Yes 33 44.00%

    No 42 56.00%

    75 100%

    Data Collected

    Consumers app roached we re asked if adver tise ments and

    promotional activities influence their shopping decisi ons. This

    quest ion was answe red by 75 consumer s.Adv ertisements refer to those

    that appe ar in any/all types of medi a. Promotional activities refer to

    sales, coup on s,gifts, free products etc.

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    35 | P a g e

    Do advertisement and promotion influence yourshopping decision?












    From the tabl e, bar graph and pie chart depicted

    abov e, the influence of advertisements and promot ions

    on the psyche of con sumers is eviden t. Of the 75

    respo ndents who answe red the quest ionnai re, 42 replied

    that advertisements have little or no effect when

    decidi ng wh ere to shop at. This accounts for 56.00% of the

    respondent s, who indicated the choice No.

    Of the 75 respo ndents who answe red the

    questionnai re, 33 replied that advertisements

    and promot ional activities do affect their decisi on when

    favo uring one store over other s. This

    accounts for 44.00% of the respo ndents, who indicated the

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    Of the consumers approa ched, 75 people agreed to fill in the

    quest ionnai re and this specific question. This question is aimed at

    und erstand ing the effect of advertisements and promotional

    activities on the psyche of the consumers. The object is also to anal yze

    how far advertisements, promo tions and oth er mar keting stra tegies

    have an impact on the shopping and buying behavio ur of consumers.

    By ana lysing the respo nses to this quest ion, I as a , the resea rcher, as

    well as companies, can identi fy the effect ofadvertising and mar keting

    campa igns on the con sumers minds and how far advertisements

    translate into sales.

    From the tabulated data depicted above and responses of the

    con sumers, it is evident that a slightly high er number of

    respondents do not give much imp ortance to advert ise ments and

    promotional act ivities. The number of resp ondents who indicated that

    advertisements and promotional activities do have an impa ct on their

    shopping decis ions was slightly lesse r.

    This indicates that although most consumers are aware of the

    adver tise ments and promotio nal campaig ns, a slightly higher

    percen tage of con sumers are not swayed by the mar keting

    strategies instituted by the companies.

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    This is no t, however , to say that advertisements and promo tional

    activities have no bearing on the minds of the con sumers at all. Theresponses only indi cate that advertisements serve to keep the brand

    in reten tion alt hough they do not guarantee sales. The products sold

    at the stores have the biggest impa ct on at tracting and reta ining

    customers .

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    Q. 8) Which form of advertisement do you think is most effective?

    Detai ls Total Perc e nt ag


    Print 28 37.33%

    TV 40 53.33%

    Radio 7 9.34%

    75 100%

    Consumers app roached we re as ked which form of advert ise ment they

    thought was most effective. This ques tion was answe red by

    75 consumers. The met hods of adv ertising were restricted to three

    Television, Print and Radio. The options laid bef ore the respondents

    were the result of observation and interview as being the most

    popul ar which the consumers identi fy as means ofadver tising .

    Ana lysis

    From the tabl e, bar graph and pie chart depicted abov e, the

    effectiveness of the variou s modes of advertisin g on the psy che of

    con sumers is eviden t. Of the 75 respo ndents who answe red the

    question nai re, 40 indicated that the televisi on is the most effective

    means of advertising for a store. This accounts for

    53.33% of the respondents ,who indi cated the choice TV.

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    Of the 75 respondents who answ ered the quest ionnai re, only 7

    indicated that the radio is an effective means in advertisin g to the

    consumers. This accounts for 9.34% of the respo ndents, who indicated

    the choice Radio.

    It is evident from the graph and chart presented above tha t, in the

    min ds of the consumers, the effectiveness of the three kinds of media

    are classified as fol lows (in the descendi ng order): Televisi on, Print,

    and Radi o.


    Of the consumers approached, 75 people agreed to fill in the

    quest ionnai re and this specific question. This question is aimed at

    und erstand ing the effectiveness of the three means of

    advertising. The object is also to analyze how far advertisements

    broadcast through these media percolate into the minds of the

    con sumers.

    By analysing the resp onses to this question, we, the rese arche rs, as

    well as companies, can identi fy the effectiveness ofadver tise ments through the media identified. This helps to

    und erstand which media is more influential and attracts more


    From the tabulated data depicted above and responses of the

    con sumers, it is evident that the majority of the respondents feel that

    televisi on advertisin g is the mo st effective means of

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    advertising. This is indi cative in spite of large number of

    comme rcials that the public is bomba rded with.

    The respondents give very little credit to radio advertisements. This is

    indi cative of the fact that most of the public igno re radio

    adver tise ments or else that radio advertising does not translate into

    sale s.

    Thus, it can be surmised that when advertising, more effective media

    to reach the consumer and persuade them to buy are the televisi on

    and print media, moreso than radioadvertisin g.

    Q. 9) Indi cate your satisfaction level based on the given

    parameters for the Big Ba zzar :



    Unsat isfie





    Visited Total

























    Data collected:

    Conisfactionsumers asked about their approach and sat isfaction with the

    three stores cove red in this study. This question was

    answe red by 75 con sumers.

    The satisfaction scale comprised of four ranks Unsatisfie d, Satisfie d,

    High ly Satisfied and Never Visited.

  • 8/6/2019 Consumer on in Big Bazzar Edited by Raj(Rj)


    ta Collected

    sumers approached we re asked about their sat isfac

    41 | P a g e

    Satisfaction level

    Satisfaction Levelswith









    Unsatisfied, 26.67%

    Satisf ied, 57.33%








    From the tabl e, bar graph and pie chart

    depicted above, satisfact ion levels with the

    ab ove 75 respo ndents who answe red the quest ionnai re,

    43 indicated a satisfactor y resp onse towards Big Bazaar,

    and 2 had not visited the store.

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    Of the consumers approa ched, 75 people agreed to fill

    in the quest ionnai re and this specific question. This

    question is aimed at und erstand ing the sat isfaction

    levels of the consumers und er

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    42 | P a g e

    study Big Bazzar. The object is also to analyze how far the

    mar keting stra tegies, brand imag e, advertisements, layout,

    quality etc ., con tribute towa rds consumer perception and

    satisfact ion.

    By analysing the resp onses to this question, we, the rese arche rs, as well

    as companies, can identi fy the effectiveness of

    adver tise ment s, locatio n, brand, price, promot ion, product variety etc .,

    on the target con sumers. This helps to und erstand the current

    consumer percepti on about Big Bazzar and the

    corresponding satisfaction level s.

    From the tabulated data depicted above and responses of the

    con sumers, it is evident that a good number of target consumers are

    satisfied with the stores at large. However, the re are those who are

    unsatisfied or who have never visited the store at all. Such consumers

    form the potential mar ket that the companies must strive to attract .

    There are also quite a few resp ondents who were highly satisfied wi th the

    reta il chains. It is imperative for the stores to find out why this is so.They can modi fy and apply the same at tracti ons towards the

    consumers who are less satisfied.

    The ab ove table and graph give a worms eye -view of thecon sumer perception about Big Bazzar. This can help the

    mar keters under stand how effective the irstrategies have been.

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    43 | P a g


    Ana lysis

    From the pie chart depicted above, satisfaction levels wi th Big Bazaar

    are evident. Of the 75 consumers who answe red this quest ion,

    57.33% indicate that they aresatisfied with Big Bazaa r.

    Of the 75 respondents , who indicated their satisfaction levels wi th Big

    Baza ar, 26.67% indicated that they are unsatisfied with Big Bazaa r. Of

    the total number of resp ondent s, 13.33% indicated that they

    we re highly satisfied wi th Big Bazaa r. And 2.67%

    indicated that they had not visited the store up to the date of filling in

    this questio nnai re.

    Interpretation :

    Of the consumers approa ched, 75 agreed to fill in the

    quest ionnai re and answer the above quest ion. The aim of this

    quest ion is to underst and the level of satisfaction that consumers feel

    wi th regards to the retail chain Big Bazaa r.

    As is evid ent from the pie chart presented ab ove, a little more than

    half of the respondent s indicated that they are satisfied with Big

    Bazaa r, while almost on e-eighth indicated that they are high ly satisfied

    with the store. However , almost one-fourth of the

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    44 | P a g


    number of respo ndents indi cated that they we re unsatisfied with

    Big Bazaa r.

    This goes to show that alt hough Big Bazaar may have an overa ll

    goodwill from the consumers, the re are still some things that they are

    not doing righ t. Big Bazaar must identi fy exactly what the problem

    areas are and must address themquickly and swiftly.

    The above pie chart shows that almost 30% of the respo ndents fall into

    the categ ory of potential cus tomers. Big Baza ar must take effective

    steps to at tract these consumers.

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    45 | P a g



    In the surveys, int ervi ews and study conducted ab ove, I came across

    ma ny fact ors that influence the consumers percept ion ofa store and

    their subsequent shopping and buyin g decisions. Here, I present the

    findings gathered and the suggestions we offer to companies based

    on the data ga thered and analyzed

    Respo ndents were asked to choose am ong five age group

    categ ories, viz., 18-2 8, 28-3 8, 38-48, 48-58 and 58-65 yea rs. The age

    groups were iden tified as key factors impac ting shopping and purchase

    decis ions of consumers. By analysing the responses to this question, I

    as, a rese arche r, as well as companie s, can identi fy the

    demographics of the po pulatio n that visit retailoutlets .

    It is not surpris ing that the youth most frequent malls and retail stores.

    What is unexpected, however , is the fact that more people who fall into

    the older age group visit the retail stores than those who fall in the

    middle age group. Then again, this deduction cannot be applied to the entire

    population of Bangalore. The disparity can be attributed to the small size of the sample

    under study.

    Consumers were also asked to indicate their gender. The object of this question is to

    understand the demographics of the population under study. By analysing theresponses to this question, we, the researchers, as well as companies, can identify the

    distribution in the number of men and women who visit the retail outlets and

    appropriate decisions can be made keeping these numbers in mind.

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    46 | P a g


    The highest number of respondents were female, as is depicted by the graph and chart

    presented above. The number of male respondents was less compared to the female


    Two deductions can be made from the above data collected: one, more women visit

    retail outlets than men. Two, more women are willing to fill out

    questionnaires and take a survey than men.

    This can help the companies and researchers in undertaking future decisions and

    studies. Since more women can be inferred to visit retail stores than men,

    companies can target their offerings and marketing strategies in two areas. Retail outlets

    can appeal to the women customers by offering more products geared especially

    towards women. They can provide a shopping experience that women are particularly

    attracted to.

    Another way that retail chains can use the above data is to appeal to the men rather than

    the women. Since, fewer men visit retail stores as against women, the companies

    have a large base of potential customers. By providing products that are geared towards

    men and by providing a shopping experience that attracts men, the retail chains can

    expand their customer base.

    Consumers approached were asked about their frequency in visits to shops. The

    frequency points furnished were: Once a week, Fortnightly, and Once a month. By

    analysing the responses to this question, we, the researchers, as well as companies, can

    identify the number of times a customer is likely to shop in a months time.

    The highest responses have been attributed to once a month shopping. It can be

    deduced that consumers who shop only once a month look to buy groceries and otheressentials to last them a month. Therefore, retail outlets have tough

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    customers in those who shop once a month. Such customers look to buy in bulk.

    Moreover, such customers may not be open to experimenting with new stores. Hence, to

    capture this market, retail outlets must put in place strategies that attract them. Once

    they profess a liking to a certain store, they turn out to be very loyal customers.

    Consumers who shop once a week, on the other hand, pose very different

    challenges to retail stores. Such customers can be presumed to have a high

    disposable income and may buy more lifestyle or fashion products. Since they shop so

    frequently, they must continually be entertained and attracted to make repeat purchases

    at stores. When targeting this segment, companies must be able to get new stock every

    week, and update their marketing strategies continuously.

    Consumers approached were asked which stores they shopped at frequently. The retail

    store brands placed before them were Big Bazaar, Shoppers Stop, Marks & Spencer,

    and others. By analysing the responses to this question, I as, a researcher, as well as

    companies, can identify customer preferences among the varied choices of stores, and can

    calculate how much market share they hold.

    The highest number of responses has been attributed to Big Bazaar. Big Bazaar attracts

    people of many income groups, and offers products that appeal to a wide array of


    The other stores can be ranked in descending order of preference or frequency of visits

    as: Shoppers Stop, Others, and Marks & Spencer.

    It can be deduced from the above figures that the category Others was indicated by

    more number of respondents than those who indicated they frequent Marks & Spencer.

    This may be because Marks & Spencer targets only the elite classes in a city where a

    higher percentage of the population belong to the middle income group.

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    48 | P a g


    In analyzing the other stores that consumers frequent, outlets such as Westside, Monday

    to Sunday, More, Central etc., featured. This indicates that more people frequent stores

    that cater to the middle income group. This is not to say that Marks

    & Spencer has no customer base. However, they may be unable to generate a high volume

    of repeat sales.

    Consumers approached were asked to indicate the types of products they mostly

    shopped for at the stores they had selected earlier. The types of products presented were

    Clothing, Accessories, Groceries and others. By analysing the responses to this question,

    we, the researchers, as well as companies, can identify the main attractions of products

    and services offered.

    The high number of responses indicate that a large number of consumers visit retail

    outlets for clothes/dresses/apparel. Accoutrement is the hottest selling item that any

    retail outlet can provide. One-third of the respondents indicated that the visit retail

    outlets to purchase groceries.

    To the retail stores, the above tabulated responses lead to a very important result.

    Clothing is the fastest moving consumer good. Retail outlets that provide apparel can see

    a higher rate of turnover and sales volume.

    However, the above results cannot be assumed to be representative of the entire

    population of Bangalore city. The sample size consists of only 75 respondents, who were

    approached on a random basis as they visited the retail outlets. Consumers approached

    were asked an open-ended question to indicate the reasons

    they select a particular store to shop at as against any other retail outlet.

    By analysing the responses to this question, we, the researchers, as well as

    companies, can identify the biggest factors that influence the consumers infavouring one store over others, direct from the horses mouth.

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    If set in descending order of influence as indicated by the consumers, the factors can be

    listed as: Quality, Brand name, Affordability, All products under one roof, Fashion,

    Loyalty, Service, Variety, Proximity, and Store atmosphere.

    From the table, graph and chart depicted above, it is evident that customers give value

    to a great many number of factors when deciding which store to shop at. It would be

    prudent on the part of the company to identify their strong and weak areas, which

    attract or drive away customers to/from their stores.

    Consumers approached were asked to rank their preferences on a scale of 1 to 6 of their

    preferences when choosing to shop at particular stores. The preference points placed

    before them were Quality, Brand, Price, Store Layout, Proximity,

    One-stop shop. By analysing the responses to this question, we, the researchers, as well

    as companies, can identify the biggest factors that influence the consumers in favouring

    one store over others.

    The highest responses and the highest ranking have been attributed to quality of the

    products on sale. When choosing to shop at a particular store, or when favouring

    one store over the others, it is seen that most consumers make this decision based on

    the quality of the products on offer.

    The next criteria that influence the consumers in favouring a particular store over others

    are (in descending order) Price, One-stop shop, Brand, Store layout, and Proximity.

    Although it is said that the most important things in retail are Location, location, and

    location, from the consumers point of view, proximity is of little concern. The quality,

    price and variety of goods play big roles in the decision making process.

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    50 | P a g


    Consumers approached were asked if advertisements and promotional activities

    influence their shopping decisions. By analysing the responses to this question, we, the

    researchers, as well as companies, can identify the effect of advertising and marketing

    campaigns on the consumers minds and how far advertisements translate into sales.

    From the tabulated data depicted above and responses of the consumers, it is evident

    that a slightly higher number of respondents do not give much importance to

    advertisements and promotional activities. The number of respondents who indicated

    that advertisements and promotional activities do have an impact on their shopping

    decisions was slightly lesser.

    This indicates that although most consumers are aware of the advertisements and

    promotional campaigns, a slightly higher percentage of consumers are not swayed by the

    marketing strategies instituted by the companies.

    This is not, however, to say that advertisements and promotional activities have no bearing

    on the minds of the consumers at all. The responses only indicate that advertisements

    serve to keep the brand in retention although they do not guarantee sales. The products

    sold at the stores have the biggest impact on attracting and retaining customers.

    Consumers approached were asked which form of advertisement they thought was most

    effective. The methods of advertising were restricted to three Television, Print and

    Radio. By analysing the responses to this question, I as, a the researcher, as well as

    companies, can identify the effectiveness of advertisements through the media identified.

    From the tabulated data depicted above and responses of the consumers, it is evident

    that the majority of the respondents feel that television advertising is the

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    51 | P a g


    most effective means of advertising. This is indicative in spite of large number of

    commercials that the public is bombarded with.

    The respondents give very little credit to radio advertisements. This is indicative of the fact

    that most of the public ignore radio advertisements or else that radio advertising does

    not translate into sales.

    Thus, it can be surmised that when advertising, more effective media to reach the

    consumer and persuade them to buy are the television and print media, more so than

    radio advertising.

    Consumers approached were asked about their satisfaction covered in this study. The

    satisfaction scale of Big Bazzar comprised of four ranks Unsatisfied,

    Satisfied, Highly Satisfied and Never Visited. The object is also to analyze how far the

    marketing strategies, brand image, advertisements, layout, quality etc., contribute

    towards consumer perception and satisfaction.

    By analysing the responses to this question, we, the researchers, as well as

    companies, can identify the effectiveness of advertisements, location, brand, price,

    promotion, product variety etc., on the target consumers. This helps to understand the

    current consumer perception of the three stores identified and the

    corresponding satisfaction levels.

    From the tabulated data depicted above and responses of the consumers, it is evident

    that a good number of target consumers are satisfied with the stores at large. However,

    there are those who are unsatisfied or who have never visited the store at all. Such

    consumers form the potential market that the companies must strive to attract.

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    52 | P a g


    There are also quite a few respondents who were highly satisfied with the retail chains.

    It is imperative for the stores to find out why this is so. They can modify and apply the

    same attractions towards the consumers who are less satisfied.

    The above table and graph give a worms eye-view of the consumer perception of the

    three stores. This can help the marketers understand how effective their strategies

    have been.

    A little more than half of the respondents indicated that they are satisfied with Big

    Bazaar, while almost one-eighth indicated that they are highly satisfied with the store.

    However, almost one-fourth of the number of respondents indicated that they were

    unsatisfied with Big Bazaar.

    This goes to show that although Big Bazaar may have an overall goodwill from the

    consumers, there are still some things that they are not doing right. Big Bazaar must

    identify exactly what the problem areas are and must address them quickly and swiftly.

    The above pie chart shows that almost 30% of the respondents fall into the

    category of potential customers. Big Bazaar must take effective steps to attract

    these consumers.

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    53 | P a g e




    1. V ariet y : Big Baza ar offers a wide variety of products of

    diffe rent prices and diffe rent qualities satis fying most of its

    customers .

    2. Qual it y : Providing quality at low prices and having diffe rent types

    of products for diffe rent income customers is another adv antage.

    3. Price: As noted the prices and offers in Big Bazaar have been one

    of the main attractions and reasons for its po pulari ty. The price

    ranges and the products offe red are very

    satis fying to the customers.

    4. Location: The location of Big Bazaar has been mainly in the

    heart of the city or in the out ski rts giving a chance to both the

    City and the people living outside the city to shop.

    5. Advertis e m ents : Big bazaar has end orsed very popular figure

    like M S Dhoni and other famous person alities which has

    attracted a lot of customers. This has resulted in increase ofsale

    and the outdo or advertising techniques have also

    helped Big Bazaa r.

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    54 | P a g e

    6. Middle cla s s appeal : Considering the fact that there are a lot

    middle cla ss families in Indi a, Big baza ar has had a huge

    impact on the middle class sect ion of Ind ia, the prices, quality

    and sales strategy has helped in getting the middle income

    groups get ting attracted towards Big Bazaa r.

    7. Attra c tive sal es: Big bazaar has been known for its great sale

    and great offer s. Big bazaar has had long lines of people waiting

    to get into the sto re for the sale. The refore, the sales that Big

    Bazaar has had has increased sales in a huge way

    due to the sales and offer s, thus this has been one of the

    of the big bazzar.

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    55 | P a g e

    Di sadv antages :

    1. Sto r e layou t : The store layout and the assortment of goods is not the

    best at Big Bazaa r, as the quantity of goods sold is mo re the

    arrangement and assor tment of goods in the store is the

    greatest. Hence at times cus tomers find it hard to find what they

    requi re,this lea dsto dissatisfaction of customers .

    2. Lower qual ity o f good s: As Big bazaar aims more toward the

    middle income group, the qua lity of goods is not of the highest

    quality, and this is somet imes a dis advanta ge as some would

    prefer better qua lity to the price, maki ng

    customers to sea rch for diffe rent place s.

    3. Do e s n o t appeal to t he elit e : As mentioned ab ove, the main

    customers are middle income and a few high income groups, The

    elite do not like to shop at Big Bazaar as the quality of goods is

    lower and they would prefer a higher price and get a better

    brand, this decreases sales from the elite class .

    4. Not accla i m e d f o r ve ry good service : Big Baza ar is not known for

    high class service. The staffrecruited is not very well trained and

    the billing queues take a long time to move, this

    irrita tes customers which ma kes them visit the store mo re


    5. Lower q uali t y o f good s: As the sore is trying to concentrate on the

    middle income group the type of products used is not of the

    most sup erior quality and most of the times nor

    branded, this may dissatis fycer tain customers

    6. Cons u m e r satisfa ctio n: Long queues and lower quality leads to

    dissati sfaction of customers. Due to factors mentioned

    ab ove Big Bazaar shoppers are not always satisfied, this is not a

    positive for the store.

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