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Magic Emails by JT Pierce Consider upgrading to Inbox Overload 1

Consider upgrading to Inbox Overload :// · 2015. 4. 21. · to get women to email them, I got a ton of requests for advice for sending emails.

Aug 24, 2020



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Page 1: Consider upgrading to Inbox Overload :// · 2015. 4. 21. · to get women to email them, I got a ton of requests for advice for sending emails.

Magic Emails by JT Pierce

Consider upgrading to Inbox Overload


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Magic Emails by JT Pierce

Consider upgrading to Inbox Overload


Magic Emails: Writing First

Messages That Make

Women Respond

Copyright May 2015


JT Pierce

Don't Mess With My Copyright!

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Magic Emails by JT Pierce

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This book is copyright 2015 by JT Pierce. We actively search for

people attempting to violate my copyright. If you try to copy,

steal, give away or distribute any part of my book, we will find

you and have my attorney contact you.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,

including photocopy, recording, or by any information storage and

retrieval system, without permission in writing from JT Pierce.

You understand that this publication is an opinion and for entertainment

purposes only. It’s not intended to be legal or personal advice. We make

no claims this publication should be used for any purpose beyond

entertainment and discourage the use of this publication for any reason

other than amusement. You are responsible for your own behavior.

You browse use this book at your own risk, and JT Pierce, online-dating- and its owners and agents are not liable for any direct,

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Magic Emails by JT Pierce

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About This Book

As Magnetic Profiles has gained in popularity and guys have been using it

to get women to email them, I got a ton of requests for advice for

sending emails.

In the second edition I added a whole chapter with cut and paste emails

and email templates to make responding to her messages really easy for


As the need grows, I wanted to have a whole new book for you just

on writing first emails since guys wanted to venture out on their own and

not wait for a certain girl to find them first.

If you already have Magnetic Profiles, you'll notice that a couple of emails

here are also in the book. It wouldn't make sense if I didn't have a couple

of those examples in here for you too. Plus you'll find a lot more here...

and if you use these ideas, you'll find a lot more women emailing you!

I'm excited for you to see firsthand what a difference these principles can

make for getting your inbox full of replies from women you've started

conversations with.

And I'm also excited because we are doing a lot of work on first emails

right now to include in my new system, Inbox Overload.

See, a lot of guys have been asking me for some advanced tactics and

methods to use for emailing women.

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Magic Emails by JT Pierce

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I knew I needed a full-on system dedicated just on sending emails. I

wanted a copy and paste system that anyone could use. Inbox Overload

was born!

It covers everything you need to be successful when emailing women...

Email tactics and techniques that set her up psychologically to

want to meet you

A sequence of copy and paste emails that get her out on a date-


Emails to send when a woman doesn't reply to your first message-

these are great to use when you really like someone but she's just

not emailing you back

Ideas to change the copy and paste messages just a little bit to

make the message totally personalized. These are great for

someone you don't mind investing an extra minute or two in to


What to say to women who turn you down at first and how to

spark their interest with this great message.

A killer message to use if a woman "disappears" on you. This is

for those times when things seemed to be going great and then

your girl vanishes into thin air.

I'm pumped that you can get it and complete your emailing education!!!

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Magic Emails by JT Pierce

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You can get the complete system and not miss out on any women by

getting Inbox Overload here.

Otherwise, enjoy using this book on sending first emails, and enjoy your



Hey Guys... Please note: The emails you have in this book are for you to

use when you are sending first emails to women...

There are a few techniques for sending replies to her first message in

Magnetic Profiles. And Inbox Overload has the complete system.

Me and a bunch of guys have worked really hard the last few months to

test out first emails so that I could bring you a method for writing

messages that women actually reply to. I think you are really going to

appreciate the effort!!!

Writing first emails that get women to reply is tricky. First of all, you have

to have a good profile. No matter how good your message is, if your

profile sucks, a woman isn't going to respond to your message.

This is doubly true of your profile picture. Every site shows a thumbnail

picture of you next to your message, and if the picture isn't good, that

will hurt your chances before she even reads your message. So, if you

need work on your profile and your pictures, take a quick look at

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Magnetic Profiles and re-do those sections of your profile before sending


Now, if your profile is good, and you have a decent picture for your main

image, you're ready to start sending messages to women!

When I used to send first emails to women, I would be lucky if one in 50

responded. That has gone up considerably by using the messages you

have in this book. These are tested and proven to get women to respond

the highest percentage of the time.

We are still experimenting with some different messages and some

different styles of writing messages. I have a couple of those

experimental ones in here for you, and I'll have more in Inbox Overload

as we fine-tune them and get them ready for you!

I wrote the emails in this book so you can pretty much just copy the

method here to get great messages that women reply to. You want to

stay true to the principles and use the tone of these messages. I've

broken each section of the email down for you to make this really, really

easy for you.

Sending First Emails

When you write a first emails, there are a few things you have to get


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The biggest problem centers around a basic attraction principle that says

the person who invests the least in a relationship has the most

control in the relationship.

If we send a girl an email before she even knows we exist, we are

automatically investing more than she is and automatically seen as less


The good news is we have been experimenting with a few ways around

this and have a system for keeping the power- even when you email first.

But... no matter what you do or say in the first message, she still has

more control than you and therefore your response rates will be lower

compared to the success you have when a woman emails you first.

Knowing we weren't going to get as high a response rate by writing first

emails, my goal was to come up with first emails that got the highest

percentage of women to respond. Then I wanted to create a

pattern or a method that YOU could reproduce over and over again to

get the largest number of women to reply to your messages.

How Long Should Your Message Be?

This is a question I get a lot and it's a tough one. Tough because there

isn't a clear-cut answer. Honestly though...

It doesn't matter that much as long as you hit the right buttons and

show the right things in your message. If you can create interest or

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attraction, the same woman who will respond to your long message will

respond to your short message regardless of length.

Longer Messages

Longer messages have the disadvantage that you have more places to

mess up, and you are investing a lot up front. Some women tell me that

they think it's a little weird when a guy sends them a two page email

when he doesn’t even know her.

But... longer messages are good because you can get more across and

paradoxically they let a woman know you are serious about her, which in

the right context can really boost response.

Shorter Messages

Shorter messages are faster and easier to write, but they can convey a

lack of real commitment on your part if you don't word them right or if it

seems like you could have sent the same message to 50 women.

So... really it's a toss-up.

Since the messages you have here, regardless if they are long or short,

all get about the same response rates—you might as well just send a

short one unless you're like me and you like to write a lot.

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What NOT To Do

Before we get into what to do, I want to take a minute to go over what

you shouldn't do.

I have a couple of fake female profiles up and I get hundreds of

messages from guys hitting on these girls. I also have a lot of female

friends who I consult on this stuff. So, here are a few things that I've

seen and a few things my friends tell me that makes them hit the 'delete'

button immediately.

Don't write much about yourself

Don't try to sell yourself

Don't write in ALL CAPS or use text message abbreviations

Don't talk about sex

Don't write a one line "Hey what's up?" message

Don't tell them how hot or sexy they are (saying they are

interesting or attractive in the right context can be okay though)

A Completed Email

The first thing I'm going to do for you is give you an example of a really

good first email to send someone. Then I'm going to go into detail on

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each section of the message so you can write emails that look like they

are totally personalized to the women you're sending them to.

Hi Steph,

Arg... like I'm not behind enough already! Seriously, I'm packing for a

weekend camping trip, but I stumbled on your profile as I went to shut

down my computer. And... I just have to write you quick before I stuff

the last of my gear in my car. You sound interesting.

I get the sense from reading your profile that you are kind and enjoy

helping others. If that's true, I think that's great! I'm impressed.

Take a look at my profile, don’t be intimidated, shoot me a quick

message back, and we’ll take it from there!

Talk soon—JT

p.s. Cool that you're into biking. You're scoring points. You do the trip

around Red Rock yet?

Let's Break This Down...

The Greeting Of Your Email

This is pretty straight forward, but important. Say "Hi" or "Hey" then her

name if she gives it in her profile. You want to use her name so she

knows right off the bat that you're talking to HER and not copying and

pasting the same message to tons of other women.

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If you don't know her name, you can use her username, an abbreviation

of her username, or a nickname you give her after reading her profile. If

use a nickname, make sure it's something obvious from her profile. For

one, you don't want her to think you are writing the wrong person if she

doesn't get the nickname.

Remember, women usually don't read their profiles after they've written

them so they might not remember what's in their profile anymore or why

you're using a certain nickname.

So... your first line simply looks like this:

Hi Michelle, Hey Mich, or Hi LVRunner.

(Not too tough)

Opening Your Email

After we let her know that we are writing to her specifically by using her

name, we are going to show her that she has EARNED an email from


You want to let her know that there is something special about her that

COMPELLED you to write her, even though you are busy, picky, or


One reason we do this is to counter the investment we make when we

send the first email. We are perceived as more invested/less attractive if

we write first, BUT... if we explain that we were overpowered by her

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profile and couldn't help ourselves, we are let off the hook. And when we

take that a step further and say that we have a life, especially a unique

and interesting life, or we tell her we are selective about our women, we

are just about on even ground.

Here are some examples for you, and I have completed examples with all

the necessary parts to a winning email for you later so you can cut and

paste or make quick modifications to use with a specific woman.


Arg... like I'm not behind enough already! Seriously, I'm packing for a

weekend camping trip, but I stumbled on your profile as I went to shut

down my computer. And.. I just have to write you quick before I stuff the

last of my gear in my car. You are really intriguing.


Wow. Loved your profile. Damn though, I'm on my way out the door to

fly my glider, but I HAD to write quick. There are a couple of things in

your profile that really stand out.


Seriously. I don't have time for this!!! I'm almost late to meet friends at

the beach for Frisbee and volleyball but your profile pops up... and I have

to write quick before I go. You seem really interesting.


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Jeez, so here I am with one foot out the door to meet my buddies at the

club, and then your profile comes up and I have to write quick or I know

I'm going to kick myself tomorrow. Seriously, there were a few things I

thought were attractive about you in your profile.


Grrrrr... I only have about 15 minutes here before meeting my parents

and brother for dinner, but I just have to write you quick. There are a

couple of things in your profile that blew me away.


Just got done reading your profile and just had to send you something

despite myself. : ) I’m really picky, but there are a few things about

you that really stand out. You're going to make me late to my own

birthday party, but what's a guy to do?

Notice that with these examples you tell her you're on your way to do

"something". When you choose this "something," pick something

social, something you think she'd enjoy doing, or something that

she dreams of doing.

If she's into art, say you are running out the door to hit the showing of

Monet's work at the Civic Center. If she is into hiking, say you are going

to meet some friends to check out the face at Whatever Mountain. If you

can tell by her profile that she values family, say you need to meet up

with your mom and dad for dinner. And for real, actually do whatever

that "something" is that you said you are on your way to do. Or, if you

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simply can't, make sure it's something that you have actually done in the


See, I'm not trying to make a liar out of you. What I'd really like you to

do is BECOME that guy, from the inside out, who is incredibly attractive

to women. That takes time though, and it's not the focus of this book.

Another thing these openers do is let her know that there is something

special about her profile that is so overwhelming that you couldn't stop

yourself, and you just had to write her quick.

Women love to have a certain amount of control over a guy, and they

especially love it when a man loses control over her. If you've read any of

the stories that women gobble up, you know that almost every single one

of them has a scene where the guy totally loses control over himself

because of his insatiable desire for the female lead.

Now, what we are doing here is a really tame version of that, but it builds

an incredible amount of interest and often attraction. And it has the

added benefit of making it so you aren't responsible for your actions... in

this case investing more than she is by writing her first.

And the last important thing that opening does is make it easy for you to

transition into a couple of things about her that you appreciate.

The Body of the Email


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After that opening paragraph, you don't talk about yourself anymore. It's

all about HER and your judgment of her from that point on.

We are going to use a little variation on a technique called "cold reading".

I used to use two of these in my messages, but ONE works better with

first emails.

When you are writing to her before she writes you, you have to tone it

down a little compared to when you're responding to her first message

and you know she is interested. We don't want to over-do it here and

have her think that we are giving her so much credit that she will never

be able to live up to our expectations. She doesn't want to disappoint you

if you end up meeting her face-to-face.

The goal is to get her to think you are an attractive, interesting person.

We want her to like you and trust you. We also want to let her know we

really did read her profile.

People are pretty much the same and they want the same things. The

further we can break someone down into specific categories and the

more we know about them... the more we can accurately assume about


These assumptions are important for two reasons. One, we want her to

think you are this incredibly intuitive person who borders on psychic.

And two, everything we say about her is going to be something positive

and you are going to come out and say you like that in her.

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There are two reasons you do this. One, people like people who like

them. And two, everyone thinks the BEST of themselves but feel that no

one appreciates how great they are.

You are going to be the guy who likes and appreciates the best

things in her and her ego isn't going to be able to resist you.


I'm going to give you a list of things that most people think about

themselves and then break that down further to give you the things

women of broad age groups believe. Then I'm going to give you some

examples on how to use this information in your message to make her

like and trust you.

Beliefs most people have about themselves...

• Communicate well

• Faithful and honest

• Fun to be with

• Work hard

• Family-orientated

• Intelligent and competent

• Well liked

• Good problem solvers

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• Natural leaders

• Independent and creative

• Cooperative and friendly

• Dependable

• Have excellent social skills

• Caring and understanding

• Kind and agreeable

• Flexible and willing to change

• Fun and easy going

Enjoy helping others

Are willing to put other's needs before their own, especially family

and friends

Are good at reading other people

Have good intuition and might even be psychic

Will sometimes take on too much responsibility

Aren't appreciated for the things they do

Are sensitive to other people's feelings

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Things that most people don't like...

• Having no control in a situation

• Feeling as though they are being taken advantage of

• Having to do things that don't have a purpose

• Changing when there isn't an obvious reason to

Beliefs College girls have...

• Her parents want her to do better than they did.

• She does well in classes she enjoys, but in some of the ones she

has to take, she doesn’t always do as well as she could.

• She expects to be in a professional career when she finishes

school and because she is a natural leader and reads people so

well, she will do well whatever she does.

• Her parents still think she is young and innocent and they are

sometimes over-protective and won't let her live her own life.

• Her parents pressure her and are living their goals through her.

• She probably has a friend who is more like a sister to her than

just a friend.

Beliefs women under 35 have...

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• She's turned off by guys who are jealous or who aren't confident in


• She doesn’t like to compromise her principles.

• When she meets her soulmate, she will know it instantly and there

will be strong chemistry between her and the guy.

• Her soulmate is out there and she wants to find him.

• If she goes out with a guy more than three times, it has potential to

be an LTR.

• Her family is always bugging her about getting married and starting a


• She sometimes attracts the wrong kind of guy.

• She sometimes feels like she has been more successful in her career

than in her personal life. Older guys find her attractive, but she's

looking for a certain kind of guy and most guys don't meet her

standards in one way or another.

• She's not interested in the bar or single's scene.

Beliefs women over 35 have...

She enjoys traveling and the finer things in life" fine wine, art,

good food, art and literature.

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Younger men are attracted to her, but they don't have the

emotional maturity she needs in a real partner. She's more likely

to be with a guy 7 to 12 years older than she is.

She has a strong sense of intuition about whether or not a guy is

a good guy or not and whether or not he has a good heart.

Her family and friends ask about whether or not she's going to get

married or married again. But, she isn't going to settle for


She has grown stronger because of her life experiences and even

though some people make the same mistakes again and again,

she learns from the past.

Now, we have to use this information. All you do is take something

from her profile and say what that might mean about her. Then

you say that you like that about her.

I'll give you a few examples, and let you loose on your own from there. I

think you'll get the idea and can come up with things that work for you

for any woman you findt. And, these same principles can be used on the

phone or on your dates.

You'll find that the long list that most women think about themselves is

the easiest to use in your messages. The beliefs they have at different

ages are good to use in person to connect with her and show her you

understand her on a deeper level—which builds an emotional connection.

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I see that you're a nurse/mom/doctor/waitress/in sales. I'm assuming

you're faithful and honest/fun to be with and work hard/well liked and a

good problem solver. I'm impressed/You're scoring points with me/I like

that/Very nice.


I get the sense from reading your profile that you are kind and enjoy

helping others, but that you aren't always appreciated for the things you

do. Well, I for one think you sound interesting and I'm impressed.


I like what you said about X in your profile. Do you ever get the feeling

your parents are trying to live through you/feel like your parents are a bit

overprotective? Either way, it sounds like you're independent and

creative. I like that.


From what you said about X, it sounds like you won't compromise your

principles but most guys don't meet your standards. There's something

attractive about someone who knows who they are and what they want.

I'm impressed.


You know, you said in your profile that you X. I'm impressed. It seems

like your life experiences have made you a strong, independent person.

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I could be wrong, but from what I read about X in your profile, it seems

like you are caring and understanding. If so, you just scored major points

with me. I'm impressed.

See how each one of these examples takes something from her profile

and uses that as "proof" that she has some great quality? Also note that

there's a snowball's chance in hell she's going to disagree with you!

Closing Your Email

In the close of your message you are going to tell her to read your profile

and get back to you.

Notice I said you are going to "tell" her to read your profile, not ask, not

beg, not say "please". You are simply going to tell her to do it.

You are also going to sign off with "Talk soon" and your name. You want

to assume she is interested in you, so you will be talking soon. If you

want to use a different salutation, you can say "See you soon," but DO

NOT take the easy way out and say something like "Bye," "Later," "Best

regards," "Sincerely," or any other lame-ass crap like that. Stay strong.

Here are some good examples:

Take a look at my profile, send me a message when you're done and let's

see where this goes.

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Talk soon—JT


Tell you what, take a look at my profile and get back to me and we'll see

where this takes us.

Talk soon—JT


So... read my profile and shoot an email my way, and we'll see what

happens from there.

See you soon—JT

Your P.S.

You are going to close your message with a quick one-line p.s. where you

mention one other thing you read in her profile that you can give her

your approval on... or you're going to ask her a question about something

in her profile.

This should be short and sweet, with no cold read. Just bring up

something in her profile and tell her you like it.

AND... you can ask a quick question here if you want to. A question

makes it easy for her to come up with something to say to you when they


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Note that some women might see your question at the end of the

message as trying too hard.

Some examples for you...

p.s. Oh, and you scored some points when you mentioned you're into



p.s. Love that you've worked hard to get where you are today!


p.s. Awesome that you got to meet the President.


p.s. Oh, and before I forget... love that you're into white water rafting.

Ten points for that. You ever see the video "The Red Helmet"?


p.s. Love your list of things you want in a guy. I'm assuming you have

some of those same qualities?

Putting It All Together

Okay, I want to give you some more examples of how these will look

when you send them...

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Hi Carmen,

I've got softball practice in 5 minutes, but ran across your profile and it's

good enough that I have to write quick so I don't lose track of you in this

jungle. You seem interesting.

I could be wrong, but from reading your profile it seems like you have

worked hard to be where you are now. Impressive. I'd love to hear more.

Take a look at my profile, send me a message, and let's see what


Talk soon, JT

p.s. Oh, and you get bonus points for being a bit dorky!


Hey LVRunner,

I've got to get to a recital in 20 minutes but I stumbled on your profile

and have to write despite myself. There were 3 or 4 things in your profile

that jumped out at me. You seem like an interesting person.

I get the feeling from the way you value your friends and family that you

are well liked and fun to be with. I'm impressed, and I need that in


Check out my profile send me a message. It will be interesting to see

what happens here. We might just have some fun together.

Talk soon—JT

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Magic Emails by JT Pierce

Consider upgrading to Inbox Overload


Oh, I'm impressed that you decided to go back to school. I'd love to hear

more about it.


Hi BusyBee,

I'm meeting friends at First Friday down on Fremont in a few minutes,

but your profile came up and I just have to write you before I go. You

have a couple of things in there that just made me have to write you


You seem like you have good intuition. You ever feel like you might be

psychic? I swear it's like you read my mind. Weird, and I'm strangely


Tell you what, read my profile and shoot me a quick message. It will be

interesting to see if we click or not.

Talk soon—JT

Oh yeah, and I love that you're into West Coast Swing. Aerials your


A Longer Email

I recently had a subscriber send me a method for sending an email

to a woman if she has a list of things she wants or doesn’t want.

He has been getting about a 50% response rate with this, and that

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Magic Emails by JT Pierce

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is GREAT so I wanted to include it here for you in case you want to

adapt it to use for yourself.

Here's what he wrote to me:

I would like to share a good first email that seems to work on

more than half the women I try it on. It's a kind of a "thanks" for

the quality articles I've already read on your website.

I don't know why it works, but when I see one of those stupid lists

from women about what they're looking for, I make a smart-assed

comment on each one of the points in the list, like this recent one

I'm pasting below.

She replied with an "okay, you got my attention," and started

telling me a little bit about herself. :)

Here's the email he sent to this girl who had a list of

things she wanted in a guy:


Here, let's have some fun:

-Would Laugh at my stupid jokes stupid we talking here?

-Would hold my hand just because

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Magic Emails by JT Pierce

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Especially when crossing the street.

-Would kiss me spontaneously

We'll wait to see if the first date or two goes well.

-Would hold me like he never wants to let go

I promise I won't crush you!

-Would call me just to say goodnight

But it's too early to even have your phone number!

-Would cuddle with me every night that we are together and when

we aren't, he's thinking about cuddling with me

Well, what's best for me is if I lie on my side like this, and

you spoon up beside me, your arm draped over me. If we

do it the other way- (rolls over) I get your hair caught in my

throat and I choke in the night.

-Would move the hair from my eyes and then kiss me

Do you have a problem with your hair over your eyes?

-Would sing to me at random moments

You REALLY don't want me doing that.

-Would kiss me in the pouring rain

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Magic Emails by JT Pierce

Consider upgrading to Inbox Overload


But what if we catch cold!?

-Would make me the happiest woman alive.

We'll even get you a Guinness Book write-up.

More On Emails Is Coming!

I am in the process of putting together an online system for

sending messages that will have an even more detailed system for

writing emails for every situation, including for when she

doesn't write back. It will also have fleshed out, time-tested

improvements on what we have here. (As you know, we are always

testing and experimenting.) That will be in Inbox Overload, and if

it's not available by the time you are reading this, I'll send you an

email and let you know when we have it perfected and how you

can get it!

Have Fun...

Okay, you should be all set to send out first emails. Copy and paste

where you can from here, and adapt your messages to particular

women. Also, keep me posted of your success, any ideas you have,

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Magic Emails by JT Pierce

Consider upgrading to Inbox Overload


and let me know how I can help you. Send any messages to

[email protected].

Above all, have fun and enjoy your girl!

My best—JT

P.S. If you want to go beyond what you have here and really

master the email game, you will want to pick up Inbox Overload by

clicking here.