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25th – 27th May, 2018 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow Congressional Forecast

Congressional Forecast - Satellite 6 · 2017-11-07 · Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Programme Programme The Satellite 6 programme will run from mid-afternoon on Friday

Apr 25, 2020



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Page 1: Congressional Forecast - Satellite 6 · 2017-11-07 · Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Programme Programme The Satellite 6 programme will run from mid-afternoon on Friday

25th – 27th May, 2018Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow

Congressional Forecast

Page 2: Congressional Forecast - Satellite 6 · 2017-11-07 · Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Programme Programme The Satellite 6 programme will run from mid-afternoon on Friday

A Piece of Cake ― Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast

A Piece of CakeA Piece of CakeA Piece of CakeA Piece of Cake‘Write an introduction for the Progress Report’ asks Mad

Elf, ‘the deadline is several weeks away’. ‘No problem,’ I

say. Except I haven’t written it, and the deadline is not

weeks away but days… where did the time go? I was sure

I had plenty of it but now Elf is asking again, and his face

is going slightly red with rage as there is, as yet, no


‘Relax’, I say, ‘there is still days before the deadline’.

Well, that was days ago and they have all gone by with a flurry of inactivity

on the Introduction Writing front. So now the Deadline is hours away and

Elf’s skin hue has gone through light red to pillar box red and now

something that might be described as crimson? I could just pop up to B&Q

and get a colour chart to see if I can match it better… NO! Time is running

out, focus on the Introduction! I will just save what I have written so far in

case I lose the nothing I have.

A few days later. I have just opened the file — the ‘days to go’ has now

become ‘hours to go’. Elf’s face is now off the colour spectrum visible to

human eyes and is radiating in the Exasperated Copy Editor range of


If only I had started days ago, I would have written at length extolling the

virtues of the rest of the committee, how they are well organised and on

top of the job. Christine has already lined up some seriously interesting

programme (once we tell the volunteers they are doing it), Mark has just

opened hotel bookings, Elf is producing this PR once he has my blurb and

Morag is in constant communication with Paul McAuley, our Guest of Honour.

Well that is what I could write about and now, with a few minutes to go to

the Deadline and with Mad Elf having chewed his fingernails off and giving

me a look so hard that diamond is putty in comparison, here goes…

‘Welcome to the Satellite 6 Progress… Oh, bugger, out of time!!

Michael, Chair of the Venusian Congress

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Page 3: Congressional Forecast - Satellite 6 · 2017-11-07 · Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Programme Programme The Satellite 6 programme will run from mid-afternoon on Friday

Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Programme

ProgrammeProgrammeProgrammeProgrammeThe Satellite 6 programme will run from mid-afternoon on Friday 25th May

until early evening on Sunday 27th May 2018. It will include our usual

mixture of talks, panels, workshops, games and quizzes, with the focus as

always on Science Fiction, Science Fact, Science Fun i.e. exploring the

worlds of speculative fiction and real world science, with lots of light-

hearted silliness along the way. This time our featured planet is Venus — a

great place to consider how changing scientific knowledge has impacted on

SF. A highlight of the weekend will of course be contributions from our

wonderful Guest of Honour, Paul McAuley.

The committee are already working hard on their programme items. Mark

will soon be sending out the (extensive!) reading list for the Venus in

Literature book panel; Elf (despairing over the rest of the committee’s

ignorance of the sub-genre medium) is preparing a talk entitled Anime 101;

and Christine is scouring the ‘offies’ of Glasgow to re-stock Quark’s Bar —

Another Round. Committee scribe Tig will oversee a limericks competition.

If you ever wanted to speculate on what should come after the line ‘There

was a young being from Venus’ then this is your opportunity!

The programme is still under development so — whether you are a Satellite

Stalwart (you know who you are!) who has contributed many times in the

past, or someone new to our convention series — please don’t hesitate to

send us your programme ideas and volunteer to take part. You can let us

know by emailing [email protected]

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............In This IssueIn This IssueIn This IssueIn This IssueA Piece of Cake........................................................................2Programme.............................................................................3When, Where, Who, Which...........................................................4Miscellany...............................................................................6Guest of Honour: Paul McAuley......................................................8Satellite 6 – the T-shirt!.............................................................10Satellite 6 Drabble Competition...................................................11The Hotel..............................................................................12Austral Launched.....................................................................13Membership List......................................................................15

Page 4: Congressional Forecast - Satellite 6 · 2017-11-07 · Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Programme Programme The Satellite 6 programme will run from mid-afternoon on Friday

When, Where, Who, Which ― Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast

, , ,, , ,, , ,, , ,When Where Who WhichWhen Where Who WhichWhen Where Who WhichWhen Where Who Which

::::Our Dates and LocationOur Dates and LocationOur Dates and LocationOur Dates and Location

Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow, UK

25th ‒ 27th May, 2018

::::Our Guest of HonourOur Guest of HonourOur Guest of HonourOur Guest of Honour

Author Paul McAuley

( ):( ):( ):( ):The Venusian Congress CommitteeThe Venusian Congress CommitteeThe Venusian Congress CommitteeThe Venusian Congress Committee

Chair / Treasurer


Hotel Liaison

Publicity / Publications

Guest Liaison

::::Our Contact DetailsOur Contact DetailsOur Contact DetailsOur Contact Details

General enquiries: [email protected]

Membership: [email protected]

Programme: [email protected]

Hotel: [email protected]

Postal Enquiries: Satellite 6

c/o 11 Skye Crescent

Old Kilpatrick


G60 5ER

Other contact information is available on the website:

Credits: Cover art by Christine Davidson and Mad Elf. Material by Michael Davidson, Mad Elf,

Mark Meenan, Christine Davidson, Morag O’Neill. Edited and set on OpenOffice by Mad Elf.

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Michael DavidsonChristine DavidsonMark MeenanMad ElfMorag O’Neill

Page 5: Congressional Forecast - Satellite 6 · 2017-11-07 · Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Programme Programme The Satellite 6 programme will run from mid-afternoon on Friday

Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― When, Where, Who, Which

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Page 6: Congressional Forecast - Satellite 6 · 2017-11-07 · Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Programme Programme The Satellite 6 programme will run from mid-afternoon on Friday

Miscellany ― Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast

MiscellanyMiscellanyMiscellanyMiscellanySome other information you may need to know...

’’’’Dealers RoomDealers RoomDealers RoomDealers Room

Satellite 6 will have a small dealers’ room. So far we have two dealers

signed up: NewCon Press and Shoreline of Infinity. If you are interested in

having a dealers’ table, please contact us at [email protected]

Fan TablesFan TablesFan TablesFan Tables

Satellite 6 will have space for fan tables. If you are interested in having

one, please contact us at [email protected]

Art ShowArt ShowArt ShowArt Show

Our Dealers’ Room will also be home to the Satellite 6 Art Show. If you

would like to exhibit work please contact [email protected]

There will be no formal Art Auction, but bidding sheets will be provided for

those wishing to sell their work.

Updating your MembershipUpdating your MembershipUpdating your MembershipUpdating your Membership

If you need to change any of your registration details, you can now edit

them online by visiting the “Your Details” page of our website:

Simply enter the email address you registered with, and you’ll be sent a link

to the editing form.


Hall costumes are welcome at Satellite 6 but any weapons carried as part of

a costume must be clearly ‘non-realistic’ e.g. bright pink water pistols or

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Page 7: Congressional Forecast - Satellite 6 · 2017-11-07 · Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Programme Programme The Satellite 6 programme will run from mid-afternoon on Friday

Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Miscellany


We will be running a Hall Costume competition, with a small prize for the

winner. We’ll be using the Token system, so you can vote for your favourites.


Satellite 6 is aimed mainly at adult fans, but children are more than

welcome to attend provided they are accompanied by a responsible adult.

Much of Satellite 6’s programme will be accessible to younger fans, but a

few items may be age-restricted. We are unable to offer crèche facilities at

the convention.

Fans with Special NeedsFans with Special NeedsFans with Special NeedsFans with Special Needs

The Crowne Plaza is fully wheelchair-accessible. Seating will be reserved at

the front of programme items for use by fans that have, for example,

mobility or hearing difficulties.

Code of ConductCode of ConductCode of ConductCode of Conduct

We want everyone to enjoy Satellite 6… so please be considerate of other

members. It is unacceptable to harass or abuse someone for any reason, but

especially on the grounds of their:

age race

appearance or costume religion or beliefs

disability sex or gender

gender reassignment sexual orientation or practice

This applies not only to the physical world, but also to electronic media

relevant to the convention.

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Page 8: Congressional Forecast - Satellite 6 · 2017-11-07 · Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Programme Programme The Satellite 6 programme will run from mid-afternoon on Friday

Guest of Honour: Paul McAuley ― Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast

::::Guest of Honour Paul McAuleyGuest of Honour Paul McAuleyGuest of Honour Paul McAuleyGuest of Honour Paul McAuleyPaul McAuley started writing at the age of 15, when he

borrowed a typewriter and produced half a science

fiction novel set on Mars. After writing two unpublish-

able novels, he then turned to a life of academia. He

graduated with a BSc in Botany and Zoology from

Bristol University, completed a PhD on plant animal

symbiosis, worked as a researcher at Oxford and at

UCLA and then became a lecturer at the University of

St Andrews. During this time, he published 6 novels, including “Fairyland”,

which won the Arthur C. Clarke and John W. Campbell Awards. In 1996, Paul

decided to become a full-time writer when he realized it was getting harder

to find time to write and think about writing while also working on the “day


Paul’s work is described as ‘hard science fiction’ and he says himself that

his scientific background has influenced and informed his writing. He has a

curiosity about how the world works and the way technology has changed it

in the past, is changing it now and may change it in the future. He has now

written more than 20 books, including science fiction, thrillers and crime

novels, a Doctor Who novella, and has also written over 80 short stories.

Recently he completed a BFI Classic Guide on Terry Gilliam’s “Brazil”. His

latest novel, “Austral”, is being published in October 2017.

Paul describes himself as a huge science junky who spends too much time

tweeting about weird and wonderful stuff and was listed in Time magazine’s

140 most interesting tweeters in 2013. He lives in North London with his

partner and is occasionally haunted by a cat.

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Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Guest of Honour: Paul McAuley

Bibliography Bibliography Bibliography Bibliography (per Wikipedia)


Four Hundred Billion Stars series

• Four Hundred Billion Stars (1988) — Philip K. Dick Award winner, 1988

• Secret Harmonies (Of the Fall in the US) (1989)

• Eternal Light (1991) — BSFA Award nominee 1991; Clarke Award nominee, 1992

The Confluence series

• Child of the River (1997)

• Ancients of Days (1998)

• Shrine of Stars (1999)

• Confluence – The Trilogy (2014)

The Quiet War series

• The Quiet War (2008) — Clarke Award nominee, 2009

• Gardens of the Sun (2009)

• In the Mouth of the Whale (2012)

• Evening’s Empires (2013)

• Stories from the Quiet War (2011), a collection of five stories

The Choice series

• Something Coming Through (2015)

• Into Everywhere (2016)

Other novels

• Red Dust (1993)

• Pasquale’s Angel (1994) — Clarke and British Fantasy Awards nominee, 1995

• Fairyland (1995) — BSFA Award nominee, 1995; Clarke Award winner, 1996; Campbell Award winner, 1997

• The Secret of Life (2001) — BSFA Awardnominee, 2001; Clarke Award nominee,2002

• Whole Wide World (2002)

• White Devils (2004) — Campbell Award nominee, 2005

• Mind’s Eye (2005) — Campbell Award nominee, 2006

• Players (2007)

• Cowboy Angels (2007)


• Making History (2000)

• The Eye of the Tyger (2003) (a Doctor Who novella)


• King of the Hill (1988)

• The Invisible Country (1996) — Philip K. Dick Award nominee, 1998

• Little Machines (2005)

• A Very British History (2013).

Short StoriesShort StoriesShort StoriesShort Stories

• “Antarctica starts here”; Asimov’s Science Fiction 36 (10 & 11): 48–56. Oct–Nov 2012.

• “A Brief Guide To Other Histories”

• “Edna Sharrow”

• “Inheritance”

• “Planet of Fear” (2015) in Old Venus (anthology)

• “Rocket Boy”

• “Winning Peace” (2016), in the collec-tion Galactic Empires by Neil Clarke

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Satellite 6 – the T-shirt! ― Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast

– - !– - !– - !– - !Satellite 6 the T shirtSatellite 6 the T shirtSatellite 6 the T shirtSatellite 6 the T shirtCon t-shirts are available for sale on

our website ( for

£16. They can be collected in person,

or posted anywhere in the UK for an

additional £4 per t-shirt.

T-shirts are a single-sided print, with

the con logo on the front and the

mission patch on the sleeve. They are

available in eight colours (see below),

and all sizes from Small to 5XL.

Also available are the Satellite Series

t-shirts, featuring the series logo on the front and our motto on the back.

Colours: Black Navy Red Royal Grey Green Orange White

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Page 11: Congressional Forecast - Satellite 6 · 2017-11-07 · Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Programme Programme The Satellite 6 programme will run from mid-afternoon on Friday

Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Satellite 6 Drabble Competition

Satellite 6 Drabble CompetitionSatellite 6 Drabble CompetitionSatellite 6 Drabble CompetitionSatellite 6 Drabble CompetitionThe Satellite 6 Committee has been asked to run the Newsletter for

Follycon ( this coming Easter.

We intend to use this opportunity to educate discerning fans with

information on the latest pScientific discoveries (e.g. perpetual motion

machines, galactic travel by mushroom) and will publish a pScience column

in the newsletter. To this end we are asking for submissions, the most

amusing and/or outrageous of which we will publish in the newsletter.

No time wasters please... unless you are announcing a new device powered

by waste time.

Submission guidelinesSubmission guidelinesSubmission guidelinesSubmission guidelines

Entries should be in the form of a Drabble of exactly 100 words and a title

of up to 15 additional words. For detals and examples, see:

Submissions should be emailed to [email protected]

For example, the late Dr Asimov could have submitted this:

The Endochronic Properties of Resublimated ThiotimolineThe Endochronic Properties of Resublimated ThiotimolineThe Endochronic Properties of Resublimated ThiotimolineThe Endochronic Properties of Resublimated Thiotimoline

Recent research into the solubility of Thiotimoline has surprising

results. Thiotimoline is known as an extremely hydrophillic

compound. Earlier research has shown that Thiotimoline

dissolves immediately it is added to water. The author will

prove, in this paper, that a sufficiently highly refined sample of

this solute will in actual fact dissolve more than one second

before it is added to water. To remove observer effect an

automated system is employed to add the Thiotimoline to the

water. The author also investigates the effect of removing the

water before the Thiotimoline has been added but after the

solute has dissolved.

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The Hotel ― Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast

The HotelThe HotelThe HotelThe HotelThe Convention will take place in the

Crowne Plaza Hotel, Congress Road,

Glasgow G3 8QT. The hotel is situated

about two miles from Glasgow City

Centre and beside the Scottish Exhibition

and Conference Centre. The hotel is

familiar to SF fans, having hosted

Satellite 2 in 2009 and Satellite 4, the

2014 Eastercon. In addition it was, of course, the hotel for the 2006

Eastercon, Concussion, and was the principal hotel for both the 1995

Worldcon, Intersection, and the 2005 Worldcon, Interaction. For further

information see:


Convention rates are available from 25/05/2018 to 27/05/2018 inclusive.

We have also secured a few rooms at these rates for Thursday 24/05/2018.

Single Occupancy: £105

Double Occupancy: £130

Rates are inclusive of Breakfast and VAT at the current rate.


To book a room please call the Hotel on 0141 306 9988 during Office

hours, ask for reservations and quote “Satellite 4 allocation”. Credit card

details will need to be provided at the time of booking, but no payment will

be takent until you check out. You can also contact the hotel using the

email address [email protected]

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Page 13: Congressional Forecast - Satellite 6 · 2017-11-07 · Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Programme Programme The Satellite 6 programme will run from mid-afternoon on Friday

Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Austral Launched

Austral LaunchedAustral LaunchedAustral LaunchedAustral LaunchedPaul McAuley’s latest book, Austral, was

published as an e-book on October 19th.

A plot synopsis reads as follows:

The great geoengineering projects have failed.

The world is still warming, sea levels are still

rising, and the Antarctic Peninsula is home to

Earth’s newest nation, with life quickened by

ecopoets spreading across valleys and fjords

exposed by the retreat of the ice. Austral

Morales Ferrado, a child of the last generation

of ecopoets, is a husky: an edited person

adapted to the unforgiving climate of the far

south, feared and despised by most of its

population. She’s been a convict, a corrections

officer in a labour camp, and consort to a criminal, and now, out of

desperation, she has committed the kidnapping of the century. But before

she can collect the ransom and make a new life elsewhere, she must find a

place of safety amongst the peninsula’s forests and icy plateaus, and evade

a criminal gang that has its own plans for the teenage girl she’s taken


Blending the story of Austral’s flight with the fractured history of her family

and its role in the colonisation of Antarctica, Austral is a vivid portrayal of a

treacherous new world created by climate change, and shaped by the

betrayals and mistakes of the past.

Paul’s book is available as an e-book from Hachette UK (,

and Amazon ( The paperback is due to be released in

August 2018.

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Austral Launched ― Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast

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Page 15: Congressional Forecast - Satellite 6 · 2017-11-07 · Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Programme Programme The Satellite 6 programme will run from mid-afternoon on Friday

Satellite 6: Congressional Forecast ― Membership List

Membership ListMembership ListMembership ListMembership ListAs of 1745 hours on the 5th of November, 2017, we have 91 members

(including guests and non-sentients).

No. Type Name

33 A AC40 A Alan Woodford (Alan Woodford)35 A Alison Richards66 A Alligator Descartes13 N Ambassador Harold15 A Andy Nimmo89 A Ann Mair (Ann)39 A Anne Woodford (Anne Woodford)22 A Barbara Stewart71 A Cameron Johnston65 A Carolyn Sleith (Dyllanne)5 E Charles Stross

60 A dakkar75 A Dave Ellis7 A Davidson, Christine8 A Davidson, Michael

32 A DC69 A E.M. Faulds41 A Ed Buckley42 A Elsie WK Donald6 E Fluff the Plush Cthulhu

78 A Gryphon25 A Harpal Singh (Harpal)19 A Heather Turnbull (The Fossil)23 A Helenex54 A Ian Maughan (Square Bear)79 A Incognito63 Y Jackson, Ayaka Elouise16 A Jamie Scott72 A Jan van’t Ent56 A Jean Thompson (Rhionnach)61 A Jesper Stage59 N Jofli A Bear14 A John Bray29 A John Brown (John Brown)21 A John Stewart43 A Julian Heathcock67 A June Strachan3 E MacLeod, Ken9 A Mad Elf

48 A Margaret Austin49 A Martin Easterbrook1 G McAuley, Paul

10 A Meenan, Mark

No. Type Name

34 A Mike Richards76 A Miriam Moss36 A Misha85 A Miss Fairchild57 A Morag Kerr81 A Munchkin31 A Nicholas Lakin (Nick)73 A Nick Mills70 A Nik Whitehead84 A Noel Chidwick11 A O’Neill, Morag18 A Paul Taylor50 A Paul van Oven86 A Pete Alex Harris47 A Peter Redfarn (Captain)53 A Phil55 A Raj24 A Red62 A Richard Stephenson (The Legend that is)20 A Roger Octon (Oregor of the North)83 A Ruth EJ Booth87 A Sacha Haworth82 A Sha28 A Stephen R Cooper (Steve Cooper)58 A Stevie Carroll88 A Stuart Leitch (Stevie)27 A Sue Edwards (Sue Edwards)37 I Sylvianne74 A Tig77 A Traci Whitehead68 A Val Nolan46 A Vincent Docherty64 A Walker, Samantha (Kallakatz)38 A Zoe Sumra (Zoe Sumra)

Membership Types

G Guest

E Guest Emeritus

A Attending Member

Y Youth

C Child

I Infant

N Non-sentient (Toys, Mascots)

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