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Adar –Nisan 5777 6525 Sylvania Avenue Sylvania OH 43560 (419) 517-8400 A Congregation Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism 150 Years of Consecrated Service to God, Torah and Israel Congregation B’nai Israel Please join us for New Member Shabbat Followed by a gala Kiddush luncheon See page 5 for details Congregation Bnai Israel Sunday March 26, 2017 2:00- 4:00p.m. Join us for a complimentary dessert reception and exciting video presentation in celebration of CBI’s 150th Anniversary See page 5 for details PURIM IS HERE! Join us at 10:15 a.m. for the Join us for a traditional Purim Celebration! 5:30 p.m. Mincha Followed by Seudah Shlishit – Third Meal Featuring delicious Mediterranean cuisine from Oasis There is NO Charge, but kindly RSVP to the office by Tuesday March 7 419-517-8400 Saturday, March 11, 2017 Sunday, March 12, 2017 7:00 p.m. Maariv and Traditional Megillah Reading

Congregation B’nai Israel - · Congregation B’nai Israel Sunday March 26, ... This is the second in my series of articles on Jews in music, ... patrol car parked

Jun 04, 2018



Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
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Adar –Nisan 5777

6525 Sylvania Avenue Sylvania OH 43560 (419) 517-8400

A Congregation Affiliated with the

United Synagogue of Conservative


150 Years of

Consecrated Service to God, Torah and Israel

Congregation B’nai Israel

Please join us for

New Member Shabbat

Followed by a gala Kiddush luncheon

See page 5 for details

Congregation B’nai Israel

Sunday March 26, 2017 2:00- 4:00p.m.

Join us for a complimentary dessert reception and

exciting video presentation in celebration of CBI’s

150th Anniversary

See page 5 for details


Join us at 10:15 a.m. for


Join us for a traditional Purim Celebration!

5:30 p.m. Mincha

Followed by Seudah Shlishit – Third Meal Featuring delicious Mediterranean cuisine from Oasis

There is

NO Charge, but kindly RSVP to the office by

Tuesday March 7


Saturday, March 11, 2017 Sunday, March 12, 2017

7:00 p.m. Maariv and Traditional Megillah Reading

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Notes from the Cantor………………………………………..

A MUSICAL GIANT - PART II This is the second in my series of articles on Jews in music, in honor of Jewish Music Season that began with Shabbat Shira – The Sabbath of Song, Parshat B’shalach when we read in the Torah the Song of the Crossing of the Sea from Exodus chapter 15.

Last month’s bulletin article was dedicated to Leonard Cohen, the great Canadian Jewish composer, performer and poet, who passed away on November 7, 2016 at the age of 82. This column is dedicated to Rabbi Ben Zion Shenker z”l, the great Chasidic composer and performer who passed away on November 20, 2016 at the age of 91.

Just as Cohen greatly influenced the secular musical world, similarly Rabbi Shenker profoundly impacted the world of Jewish music, specifically Chasidic music with his some 800 com-positions. Many people sing his popular melodies without realizing their origin, such as Eishet Chayil – A Woman of Valor sung on Friday nights around the Shabbat table, his unforgettable version of Mizmor L’David – Psalm 23, sung on Shabbat and heard now even at funerals, his hypnotic and catchy Urei Vanim, and Yasis Alayich sung at many weddings.

Shenker was influenced by the great Cantor Yossele Rosenblatt and sang as a child soloist in the famous Cantor Joshua Weisser’s choir. A chance encounter with the then Modzitz Rabbi Shaul Taub in Brooklyn, led to his official appointment at a young age as the official musician of the Rebbe. Shenker was the first person in the USA to record an LP of Chasidic music when in 1956 he released “Modzitzer Melave Malka.” (Melave Malka, literally “Accompanying the Sabbath,” is a post-Shabbat, festive, musical Saturday evening event). The success of this recording influenced other Chasidic groups to follow suit.

When I immigrated to the USA in 1976 as a young, poor student, I immediately set about learning local melodies by cassette recording as many Jewish records as I could find from friends, as it was too expensive to purchase music and LPs. If you visit my office at CBI you will see hundreds of those old, irreplaceable cassettes I refuse to part with! Being a “greenhorn” from South Africa, many of the melodies I was accustomed to were different, and having been hired as soon as I arrived in the USA as a young 26-year-old cantor in a synagogue on Long Island, NY so I could support myself, I needed to familiarize myself quickly with local melodic usage. Amongst the first melodies I heard, fell in love with and incorporated into my repertoire, were those of Ben Zion Shenker whose cassettes I still have.

As a child soloist for my father in South Africa, I learnt the Modzitz Yism’chu V’mal’chut’cha from the Shabbat service, that I have since taught to hundreds of my students including here at CBI. But it was only after I arrived in the USA, that I learnt that Shenker’s compositions were associated with Modzitz, one of the most musical of all Chasidic groups. Since then I have since learnt to appreciate and use Modzitz music, such as Titkabel from Kaddish Shalem that I sang this past Shabbat Shira and on other occasions.

One of the hallmarks of Shenker’s dedication to Chasidic music, was his constant pursuit of authenticity, which is often lacking in the rather loose world of Jewish music. In his recordings and musical notations of the compositions of others, particularly the Grand Rabbis of his Modzitz dynasty, four of whom he worked with over seven decades, he made sure every note was accurate.

In an article in the Forward of December 9, 2016, Binyamin Ehrenkranz reports that Rabbi Shenker attended a performance last year by one of his proteges of the first Modzitz Rabbi Yisrael Taub’s famous and intricate Ezkera melo-dy. It is a 36-part masterpiece that takes 20 minutes to perform. With the music score in hand, Shenker followed every note to ensure the accuracy of the rendition, and proudly exclaimed “A-plus!” at its conclusion.

Shenker’s melodies have influenced and been recorded by great Klezmer and other musicians like Andy Stat-man, violinist Itzhak Perlman, and the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. The late great singer and composer Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach attributed some of his musical influences to Shenker.

Florida Atlantic University has one of the largest and most impressive digital libraries of Jewish music record-ings. If you are interested in hearing Ben Zion Shenker sing his fantastic music, simply google their recorded sound ar-chives by entering Where it says ’search’ simply enter his name and 16 recordings will pop up. Click on any and enjoy. I would love to hear from my Wednesday SOAP class or any of my students, that you accessed and enjoyed some of these amazing recordings.

Rabbi Shenker’s survivors include almost 100 great-grandchildren, and certainly his legacy will live on through his over 800 melodies many of which are integral to Jewish musical life.

I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming tribute Shabbat and Kiddush on March 11, 2017 as we bid l’hitra’ot to our beloved Inge Horowitz who is moving east to be with her children. Don’t miss our joyous Purim celebra-tions on Saturday evening March 11, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. with traditional full Megillah reading, and Sunday morning’s fab-ulous Purim Spiel at 10:15 a.m., Sisterhood Shabbat, New Member Shabbat, more 150th events… Chag Purim sameach! Hazzan Ivor Lichterman

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President’s Message…………………………….……….

Howard Rosenberg

Help is at Your Fingertips.

We live in the information age. Instead of a trip to the library, we turn to the computer or smart phone. But the huge amount of information can be overwhelming. I would like to offer some suggestions related to Judaism. Though some of us have a rich background in Jew-ish study and practice, others, myself included, do not. We have books, such as “The Jewish Book of Why” and “To Be a Jew”, which are still useful, and often consulted. But it is tempt-ing to visit the universe of information readily available at our fingertips. So I have visited a few internet sites and thought I might share a bit of what I found. I came across “Judaism 101” [] some time ago. Since then, I have gone back many times, and have learned a little with each visit. It has a lot of information, presented in an easy-to-read style. The website is the work of Tracey Rich, who describes himself as “just a traditional, observant Jew who has put in a lot of research.” Much of it is written from an Orthodox perspective, but has information about Conservative, Reform, and sometimes other viewpoints. In fact, there is much information comparing the flavors of our faith. Spending more time exploring the website is on my list of things to do. For someone who is just learning about Judaism, or maybe needs a refresher on some topics, I think it is a good use of your time. You can look for specific information, such as all about Pesach. Among the things I have learned is the right way to wear the tallit, though there are many who I greatly respect who wear it the “wrong way”. There is a nice table to review printed and written Hebrew letters and you can see different fonts. There is a table of numerical equiva-lents for the letters, so you can have a little fun with Cantor Lichterman who, as we all know, enjoys finding connections between a number, such as your birthday, and an appropriate word. You can learn the history of the Ashkenazim and Sephardim, and even a little about other populations, such as Ethiopian Jews. You can check the proper way to greet someone on a particular holiday. There is the list of all 613 commandments. We found the prayer for putting up a mezuzah in our new house. There are recipes for traditional foods. Anyone interested in Kasha Varnishkes? There is a lot to find here. Learning to read and speak Hebrew better is an area that may be of interest. I imagine that some of us never learned, learned only a little, or don’t remember much of it. Of course, there are some highly-recommended methods. One is to come to worship service. Hearing the prayers many times certainly must have some impact, especially if you can follow the written Hebrew, even if only a few words. The other sure-fire benefit is to take a Hebrew class, such as the one our synagogue is sponsoring with teacher Sharon Lapitsky. Of course, you don’t have to pick only one method. If you still need to learn, or re-learn the aleph-bet, you can find lots of help. There is an old series of videos recorded by Rabbi Mark Golub years ago. Just go to and search for “From the Aleph-Bet”. It will get the job done, and you will learn more than just the letters. The site “” starts with letters and some vocabulary, but you can move on as much as you wish. Anoth-er source is “Mango Languages”. You will want to learn the letters before you use it for Hebrew. This is availa-ble without charge if you have a Toledo-Lucas County Public Library Card. You will need to go to the library web site, and follow this path: main page> research> research topics> Language and Learning> Mango languages. Or take your tablet computer to the library and ask for help. There are 72 languages to choose from! Besides con-versational Hebrew, you can study Yiddish. Under the Specialty Courses listing you can find biblical Hebrew – learn to read B’reishit so you can be ready for next Simchat Torah! If you do try these sites, let me know your thoughts, and any suggestions you might have for other resources you wish to share.

SECURITY UPDATE CBI to Employ Guards on Shabbat

Our security committee, with advice from representatives of the police department, has recommended that we hire an

off-duty Sylvania Township Police officer for Shabbat mornings. This plan has been approved by the Board of Trustees, and

was implemented on Feb. 18, 2017. When you come to synagogue, there will be a uniformed officer at the door, and a marked

patrol car parked nearby. The officer will be there from 9:30 until noon, after which the outside doors will be locked.

We have not had any specific threats against our congregation, or any other indication of increased risk. However,

it was felt that this is a prudent and cost-effective measure. We trust that you will continue to feel welcome and safe

in your synagogue.

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March Special Birthdays 6 Devorah Shulamit 13 Fran Weinblatt 13 Jonathan Frankel 26 Andrew Sattler 30 Jerry Russell

March Special Anniversaries

3 Zhanna and Yakov Ravin 55 Years

Condolences Our synagogue family mourns the loss of

our dear member Shirley Bader

Aunt of David (Michelle) Alexa, and Kyle Bader

Ted Helberg Brother of our member Tom (Shelley) Helberg

May their families be comforted amongst all who

mourn in Zion.

Congregational News………………………………………….

Mazel Tov to

Grandparents Hindea and Allen Markowicz, Great Grandparents Phillip And JoJo Markowicz and the late Ruth Markowicz z”l on the birth of Idina Ruth Markowicz, daughter of Daniel and Yael Markowicz

Grandparents Fred and JoAnne Okun, and Harriet Goldberg, and Parents Shelly and Gary Fruchtman and Stuart and JoJo Goldberg, on the marriage of

Adam Goldberg to Andrea Baer, Daughter of Mark and Cathy Baer

Please let the office know about your simcha so we can include it in the bulletin!

Todah Rabah To

Lannie Katzman for all his skillful efforts documenting CBI events in pictures and video

Ellie Williams for all her hard work keeping the CBI website current

Inge Horowitz for her recent contribution of books to

the CBI Library

The Okun and Goldberg Families for sponsoring the Kiddush luncheon on February 11, 2017 in honor of the

upcoming wedding of their son Adam Goldberg to Andrea Baer

The Lichterman Family for sponsoring the Kiddush

luncheon on February 18, 2017 in honor of the upcoming wedding of their daughter Jackie Lichterman to Alex Strauss



Follow us at


B’nai Israel

Use #b’naiisraeltoledo

Howard Rosenbaum would like to thank everyone for the well wishes and contri-butions in honor of his special




If you have a change of mailing address, email or phone number, please let us know!

Call the office at 419-517-8400 or email [email protected]

Dr. Blair Grubb, director of UT’s Medical Center Cardiac Electrophysiology Program, who has been

named the 2015-2016 winner of the Dion D. Raftopolous/Sigma Xi Award for Outstanding Research

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Join us for a Complimentary Dessert Reception and a video presentation created by

Lannie Katzman, and dedication and presentation of the newly published book of oral histories of

Congregation B'nai Israel members. The program will be moderated by

Dr. David Weinberg.

Please RSVP to the office by Friday March 17


Congregational Events……………………………………….

Congregation B’nai Israel

“A Look Back”

Sunday March 26, 2017

2:00- 4:00 p.m.

Please join us for

New Member Shabbat

Saturday March 25, 2017

9:30 a.m.

We will honor and extend a warm welcome to new and prospective members, including those who are studying toward conversion

to Judaism with Cantor Lichterman.

A gala Kiddush luncheon will follow.

Please RSVP to the office by Friday, March 17 419-517-8400

Alice Applebaum Bonnie, Becca and Seth Berland

Rachel, David, Hannah and Sophia Chernow

Adrienne Goldberg Helen Grubb

Daniel, Holley, Eva and Joseph LaPlante

Sheila and Stan Odesky Bonnie Ross Jim Wilson

Artem Zaurov

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Sunday March 5 , 2017 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

“Jews in Uniform”

Presenter: Rabbi Alan Sokobin

Sunday March 19 , 2017 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

“The Passover Haggadah and Jewish-Christian Tensions”

We will explore how numerous seemingly innocuous parts of the Haggadah (such as Dayyenu and the afikoman) are actually engaged in subtle anti-Christian polemics.

Presenter: Dr. Yonatan Miller

Dr. Yonatan Miller is the Philip Markowicz Visiting Assistant Professor of Judaism and Jewish Biblical Studies and the Director of the Center for Religious Understanding at the University of Toledo. He holds an MA and PhD in Jewish Studies from Harvard University’s Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. His research examines the interpretive reception of the Hebrew Bible among ancient Jewish writers, with particular focus on the continuities, adaptations, and appropriations of biblical motifs in Jewish literature, from the Dead Sea Scrolls through the Babylonian Talmud.

Jewish Lives, Jewish Learning:

Adult Education Series

Sunday Mar 12, 2017 Film To Be Announced 2:30 p.m. (doors open at 2 p.m.)

Please watch for updates in CBI Weekly emails!

B’nai Israel

Film Festival

Adult Education……...………………………………………..

Synagogue Organized Afternoon


Join us for a lively discussion of Jewish current events led by Hazzan Lichterman.


1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

ALL ARE WELCOME No charge Refreshments served!


Please join us on

Saturday March 11, 2017 9:30 a.m.

As we honor Inge Horowitz

The Shabbat morning extended CBI family invites the congregation to a special Shabbat and festive Kiddush luncheon. We will shower Inge with love, and good wishes as she moves to Maryland. Inge has been a valued and cherished member of our shul for over five decades. She will surely be missed.

Please RSVP to the office by March 3, 2017.


Congregational Events……………………………………..

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Sisterhood News……………………………………………….

Sunday March 19, 2017 in the CBI Library

Join us for a fabulous evening of food and fun!

6:00 p.m.– Enjoy dinner and book discussion 7:00 p.m.– Stick around for Maj! Beginners and experienced players welcome!


Sisterhood BOOK CLUB

Tuesday March 28th, 2017 10:30 a.m. in the CBI Library

My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me

A Black Woman Discovers Her Family's Nazi Past Author, Jennifer Teege

Jennifer Teege will be speaking at Lourdes University on April 5th at a

program sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo, The Blade, and Lourdes University.

We have ordered 2 copies of the book and have them at the synagogue. There are copies of the book at the library in different formats, and many copies are also available through the Search Ohio feature of the library. It is also availa-

ble at and Barnes and Noble (

Sisterhood and Sisterhood 2.0



Saturday March 18, 2017 9:30 a.m.

Share Shabbat with All Our Special Ladies! The D’var Torah will feature the enormous contribution of Sisterhood leadership to Congregation B’nai Israel

Please RSVP to the office by March 10, 2017 419-517-8400

We will be reading the same book as the Sisterhood Book Club (see above):

My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me

A Black Woman Discovers Her Family's Nazi Past Author, Jennifer Teege

Please RSVP to Cindy Robertson at

419-297-4815 by Wednesday

March 15.

We'd love to have YOU participate!

Call Judy Scheinbach


Sisterhood 2.0 Book Club & Maj Night

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Youth & Education News…………………………………….

David S. Stone Religious School Purim is coming soon with a lot of exciting programs approaching. Mrs. Sherline’s class will bake hamentashen on Wednesday, March 1st with students at Shomer Emunim. They will make and take shaloch manot baskets to Jewish residents of Kingston on Sunday, March 5th . The residents loved their visit last year and we are very much looking forward to this wonderful joint project once again. The cast of this year’s Purim spiel includes many of our Religious School students who are very excited to perform on Sunday March 12th. Please mark your calendars for this tremendous show! We will have hamentashen for all after the spiel. We are working on twinning Purim activities with our chaverim in the Western Galilee. Three classes are currently twin-ning with schools in Israel and we are dedicated learning more about our friends in Israel throughout the process. Our parent/child class with Megan Van Dyke is sure to be a great time this month with fun filled Purim activities. Kim Brody, Principal

March, 2017

Wednesday 1 RS 4:30– 6:00 p.m.

Sunday 5 RS 9:30-12:00 p.m. Mrs. Sherline’s class deliver shaloch manot bags to Kingston residents Parent/ child 3 and under class 10:30-12:00 p.m. Wednesday 8 RS 4:30– 6:00 p.m. Sunday 12 RS 9:30-12:00 p.m. PURIM Spiel at 10:15 followed by hamentaschen snack

Wednesday 15 RS 4:30– 6:00 p.m.

Sunday 19 RS 9:30-12:00 p.m. Parent/ child 3 and under class 10:30-12:00 p.m. Wednesday 22 RS 4:30– 6:00 p.m.

Sunday 26 RS 9:30-12:00 p.m. Wednesday 29 RS 4:30– 6:00 p.m.

David S. Stone Religious School Calendar

Sunday March 12 , 2017 at 10:15 a.m.

Don’t Miss the

Religious School Fun!

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Youth & Education News………………………………………

Lounge Night

Wednesday March 8, 2017

6:00– 7:30 p.m.

It’s Game Night!!


Sky Zone

Jump Party

Sunday March 19, 2017

12:00 – 2:30 p.m.

Please meet right after Religious School for a quick snack and we will carpool to sky zone. Pick up will be at 2:30 p.m. at CBI.

RSVP is required by March 1, 2017!

Megan 419-376-7169

BITUSY members Eleanora Richards, Emmie Brody,

and Dahlia Zack are having fun in Cincinnati at the USY

Specialty Kinnus

BITUSY members Emmie Brody, Ian and Daniel Mahoney, Quinn Murphy, and Dahlia Zack are cooking delicious pancakes for the BITUSY Fundraiser.

Sisterhood 2.0

Comfy, Cozy Winter Soiree and Game Night

BITUSY's Second Annual Pancake Breakfast was once again a huge success!

Thank you to everyone who either stopped in for breakfast to join us and to those who could not but sent in a contribution.

The kids expanded their pancake menu to include, chocolate chip, banana, and blueberry with a variety of toppings to choose from. If you didn't make it, no worries. There will always be next year!

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March Yahrzeits………………………………………………….


Ivor Lichterman .......................................... Hazzan

[email protected]

Howard Rosenbaum ................... Minyan Leader

Kim Brody ................... Religious School Principal

[email protected]

Chuck Traugott .......... Synagogue Administrator

[email protected]

Rhoda Miller Community Outreach Coordinator

[email protected]

Leslie Podolsky... Communications Coordinator

[email protected]

Megan Miller .................................. Youth Director

[email protected]

Cindy Robertson .................... Sisterhood 2.0 Rep

[email protected]

Dahlia Zack ..................................... USY President


President…………………………………….Howard Rosenberg

Vice President of Administration………...Bennett Romanoff

Vice President of Ritual Affairs…………………….Greg Davis

Vice President of Youth Activities………….Michael Portnoy

Secretary………………………………………….Fran Weinblatt

Treasurer……………………………………..Stephen Goldberg

Past President………………………………………….Jeff Bauer


Ellen Federman, Marc Glasser, Stuart Goldberg,

Chad Kripke, Jill Kripke, Michael Leizerman, Gabrielle

Mallin, Helen Michaels, Bruce Post, Jerry Russell,

Mindy Slutsky

Honorary Trustees: Phyllis Diamond, Howard Rosenbaum

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* denotes B’nai Mitzvah $13.00 ** denotes Chai $18.00 *** denotes Silver $25.00 **** denotes double Chai $36.00 A box denotes Gold $50.00

A bold box denotes Diamond $100.00+ All contributions listed are before February 15, 2017

Shabbat Prayer Book $65.00 Etz Hayim Bible $100.00 Tree of Life Leaf $100.00 Tree of Life Stone $1000.00 Memorial Plaque $500.00

Minimum Contributions are $10.00 Please note: More generous contributions will be indicated in the following ways:

Yahrzeit Goody and Jean Liber Sherry Zaft**

Yahrzeit Arthur Berkowitz Kathryn Linver**

In Honor of Hazzan Ivor and Jan Lichterman, in honor of

their Daughter Jackie’s upcoming Marriage Dave and Lil Perlman Greg and Irina Zaurov** The Podolsky Family** Sandy and Chuck Traugott**

In Memory of Marvin Hochberg Jim and Kathy Sack** Ilise Shafransky Hedva and Buz Romanoff Shirley Bader Shirley Tochtermann

Yahrzeit Frieda Russell Ida Rubin Merv and Marlene Russell* Leland Rubinstein Abraham Altman Merv and Marlene Russell Julius Boxenbaum Helen Boxenbaum***

Abraham Altman, Beloved Grandfather Frieda Russell, Beloved Grandmother Leland Rubinstein, Beloved Brother in Law Jerry and Arlene Russell Barry Liber Marcia Greenspoon Liber Corey and Scott Liber and Families****

Yahrzeit Anne Kalmanson Rita and Martin Katcher*

Wilfred Williams

David and Debbie Williams Perlmutter**** Ralph Harris Harold and Adrienne Harris***

In Honor of Jeff Bauer, Special Birthday Rabbi Jason and Elissa Miller, in honor of Joshua’s Bar Mitzvah Howard and Ann Rosenberg*** Shirley and Zale Kohler, Special Anniversary Fagie and Eli Benstein Joe and Marcia Goldberg, In Honor of Son’s Wedding Anne and Jeff Bauer Stuart and JoJo Goldberg, Adam’s Wedding Howard and Ann Rosenberg*** Anne Bauer, Speedy recovery Bill and Luann Garber**

Hazzan Ivor and Jan Lichterman, in honor of their Daughter Jackie’s upcoming Marriage Howard and Ann Rosenberg*** Michelle and Cary Kart Eli and Fagie Benstein** Sanford and Sharon Stein*

In Memory of Marvin Hochberg Howard and Ann Rosenberg*** Stephen and Cheryl Rothschild** Shirley Gerber Fagie and Eli Benstein** Sanford and Sharon Stein* Jack Stone Howard and Ann Rosenberg**

Yahrzeit Beatrice Kaplan, beloved Mother and Grandmother Sharon and Chuck Schwartz and Family** Albert Burg Shira Burg** Esther Schulak Charles Liber Elsie Liber Louis Lipszyc Jacob Lipszyc*** Esther Garber Clara Bustow Shuer Bill and Luann Garber*** Irene Steinberg David and Laura Steinberg***

Yahrzeit Deena Kaufman, Beloved Mother Susan and Steve Kaufman***


Contributions …………………………………………………..





Oscar Soldinger Roanne and Lannie Katzman


You have supported B’nai Israel during your lifetime. Please consider B’nai Israel in your will and other estate planning.

Julius Barry Alan and Karen Barry

Lois Steinberg The Dan Steinberg Family

Rose Scheer Marianne Scheer and Family

Beryl Harris, Ralph Harris Sheldon Harris

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Contributions …………………………………………………..

In Honor of Hazzan Ivor and Jan Lichterman, in honor of

their Daughter Jackie’s upcoming Marriage Esther Kezur and Harvey Malone


Marcia Greenspoon Liber Cathy and Steve Sperling** Barry Liber, Beloved Brother Cathy and Steve Sperling***

In Honor of Jerry Levison, Happy Birthday Chad Kripke, Happy Birthday Joanie and Larry Kripke Rona Rothschild, Speedy Recovery Jeff and Alison Sherman and Family**

Inge Horowitz, Good Luck on your move Eleanor Golding*

Hazzan Ivor and Jan Lichterman, in honor of their Daughter Jackie’s upcoming Marriage Rhoda Miller and Family**

In Memory of George Bernstein Jeff and Alison Sherman and Family*** Beloved Sister of Claire Darenholtz Eleanor Golding

Yahrzeit Belle Swartz Bonnie and Jim Swartz** Samuel Gallis Sondra Gallis and Family**** Lois Young Eisner Michael and Leslie Podolsky and Family** Charles Rabinowitz Ada and Beryl Rabinowitz**

In Memory of Shirley Bader Charles Petler***


Susana Bernstein Jonathan, Jeannette, Natalie and Kayla Bernstein** Morris Baker Irene Baker*** Irwin Fruchtman Sue and Joel Zanville*** Lillian Petler Chuck and Brett Petler*** Ellen and Gary Petler

In Memory of


In Honor of

Greg Zaurov, Special Birthday Ruth and Jerry Gold

In Memory of Betty Quiroga Richard Schroeder Susan Hirsch Marlene and Arnie Remer** Marvin Abraham Yvette Levin Ruth and Jerry Gold

Yahrzeit Jack Gallon Kathryn Gallon***

Yahrzeit Eva Goldman Frieda Morgan*** James M. Levison Lois Levison** Manuel Goldman Frieda Morgan*** Silka Engel Tova and Jim Eisenberg and Family****

In Honor of

Shirley and Zale Kohler, Special Anniversary Irky Rosenbloom and Rochelle Russell****

In Honor of Gail Kwait, Speedy Recovery Howard and Karen Rosenbaum

In Memory of Marvin Hochberg Howard and Karen Rosenbaum

In Honor of

Hazzan Ivor and Jan Lichterman, in honor of their Daughter Jackie’s upcoming Marriage Nancy and Nate Danziger**

In Memory of Rabbi Morris Adler Eli Benstein*** Lori Kremer Immergluck Lyn Kremer and Jeff Kremer Family***

In Honor of Shirley and Zale Kohler, Special Anniversary Barbara and Bud McGrew** Shirley Tochtermann Gary Beren, Speedy Recovery Phyllis Diamond Dorothy and William Goldberg, Special Anniversary Shirley Tochtermann







James Oberlin Jeff and Lorrie Daube, Dani, Sergio, Ryan and Andi

Chief Petty Officer Ryan Owens Seal Team 6

Jeff and Lorrie Daube, Dani, Sergio, Ryan and Andi




Jean Liber , Beloved Mother Goody Liber, Beloved Father Cathy and Steve Sperling


Inge Horowitz, Dear and Loving Friend The Benstein and Morse Families

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If you or someone you know is in the

hospital or would appreciate a visit at home from the Hazzan, please call the office at



Being called to the bimah is a great way to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or other occasion. If you will be observing a yahrzeit and would like an aliyah, please let the office know by Thursday of that week by calling (419) 517-8400. This insures your name is included in the weekly Torah Guide. If that is not possible, please find

our gabbai, Jerry Russell, at services on Saturday morning.

Special Donation Opportunity Torah Mantle

Some of our Torah mantles have become worn and are in need of replacement. Please consider a donation of a new mantle for CBI. It can be inscribed in honor

or memory of your loved one.

For more information, please call the office at 419-517-8400.

March 11, 2017

The dressing of the Holy Torah scroll represents the honor and reverence to God and His Commandments. The Torah cover, or Torah mantle, is an ornate covering that both protects and beautifies the Sefer Torah, typically made of velvet and embroidered with metallic thread, silk, and ornamental beads.

In Memory of The Honorable Judge David A. Katz Steve Erd*** Sylvia Zyndorf Dave and Bobbye Shall** Betty Quiroga Yvette Levin David and Debbie Perlmutter Marvin Hochberg David and Debbie Perlmutter Shirley Bader Marilyn Reinstein** Dave and Lil Perlman Bonnie Ross Jim Sinnott David and Diane Treuhaft Jerry Paul Bonnie Ross

Yahrzeit Mary Pintis Zale and Shirley Kohler*** Jeremy Connor Leah Connor** Harry Chabler Ellen Chabler** Frances Swolsky Jeff and Sherry Phillips, and Elaine Aubin Julius Barry Cathy and Michael Barry** Doris Goldberg Roggie Siegel Stuart and Jo Jo Goldberg Sadie Aiduss Peggy and Marvin Damrauer** Abraham Smith Sondra Gallis and Family****

Phil Hening Ervine Frankel and Karen Kearns** Samuel and Florence Bransdorf Helene Sherman and Family** Annette Greenspoon Diane and Jim Perlman Betty Fogel Helen Boxenbam** Samuel Alloy Abraham Leibovitz Camille and Irv Alloy and Family***

Yahrzeit Lois Young Eisner Brad, Sarah and Evan Ziker


TRIBUTE FUND Marvin Hochberg E.J. and Betty Leizerman and Family

Sylvia Zyndorf Mark Zyndorf

Page 14: Congregation B’nai Israel - · Congregation B’nai Israel Sunday March 26, ... This is the second in my series of articles on Jews in music, ... patrol car parked


Page 15: Congregation B’nai Israel - · Congregation B’nai Israel Sunday March 26, ... This is the second in my series of articles on Jews in music, ... patrol car parked


12:00 BITUSY– Sky zone

6:00 BITUSY– Lounge Night

Page 16: Congregation B’nai Israel - · Congregation B’nai Israel Sunday March 26, ... This is the second in my series of articles on Jews in music, ... patrol car parked


CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL BULLETIN 6525 Sylvania Ave Sylvania OH 43560

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PAID Sylvania, OH Permit No. 42

Daily Services Schedule

Mon.-Friday: 7:00 a.m., 5:45 p.m.

Saturday: 9:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m.

Sunday: 9:30 a.m.

(When Religious School is in session)

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Phyllis’ Favorites

featured in the March



Sundays 9:30 a.m. -
