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condition & warranties

Apr 04, 2018



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  • 7/30/2019 condition & warranties



    A condition is a stipulation essential tothe main purpose of the contract, thebreach of which gives rise to treat the

    contract as repudiated.

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    A warranty is a stipulation collateral to the mainpurpose of the contract, the breach of whichgives rise to a claim for damages but not to aright to reject the goods and treat the contractas repudiated.

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    Consequences /remedies for breach

    of condition

    Repudiation of contract: The buyer canrepudiate the contract.

    Waive the condition: The buyer has anoption to waive the condition. Once he

    waives the condition, he cannot

    afterwards insist on its performance.

    Reject the goods: The buyer can rejectthe goods.

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    Option to treat condition as warranty and claimdamages: Buyer has the option to treat the breach ofcondition as a breach of warranty. In such a case, heis entitled to claim damages for loss caused due to

    breach of condition. Compulsion to treat the condition as warranty and

    to claim damages: In such a cases a buyer iscompelled to treat the conditions as a breach ofwarranty, the buyer may sue the seller for damages for

    the same. No remedy when the seller is excused by law:

    Where the fulfillment of a condition is excused by lawby reason of impossibility or otherwise, the buyer shallhave no remedy against the seller for the breach of thecondition.

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    Consequences/remedies of breach

    of warranty

    Claim for damages: The buyer cannotrepudiate the contract. He cannot even

    reject the goods. He can claim damages

    for the breach of warranty.

    Right of diminution or extinction ofprice: The buyer may diminish or extinct

    the price of goods by the amount ofdamages.

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    Refuse to pay price: The buyer mayrefuse to pay price altogether if the loss

    is more than the price.

    Sue for excess loss: The buyer mayalso sue for the amount of damages

    which exceeds the price of the goods.

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    When condition to be treated as


    Voluntary waiver:

    Waiver may be express or implied.

    A buyer has a right to waive or give upany condition of contract of sale.

    If he waives any condition, he agrees to

    accept defective goods. It should be noted that a party may

    always waive a condition which is for

    own benefit.

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    Voluntary election:

    A buyer has an option to elect the breach of a

    condition as breach of warranty.

    If a buyer elects this option, he can claim onlydamages and loses his right to treat the contract

    as repudiated.

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    Compulsory treatment:

    Where the contract is not severable and thebuyer has accepted whole or any part of the

    goods, the breach of any condition of suchcontract can only be treated as breach ofwarranty.

    The buyer has no option to repudiate the

    contract but can claim damages unless thereis a term of the contract to that effect.

    The term may be express or implied.

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    Types of condition and warranties

    In contract of sale, conditions and warranties

    may be of two types:

    Express conditions and warranties: These are

    those conditions and warranties which areexpressly agreed upon by the parties in the

    contract of sale.

    Implied condition and warranties: These are

    those warranties which are implied by the law

    or imposed by the law on the seller.

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    Implied condition

    Following are the implied conditions incorporatedin the sales of goods act:

    Condition as to title:

    In a contract of sale, there is an impliedcondition on the part of the seller that

    1)In case of sale, he has a right to sell the goodsand

    2)In case of agreement to sell, he will have aright to sell the goods at the time when theproperty is to pass.

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    Condition as to description:

    Where there is a contract for sale of goods bydescription, there is an implied condition that

    the goods shall correspond with thedescription.

    The description may include physicalcharacteristics like class or grade, trade

    marks, brand name label, etc.. If the goods are not according to the

    description then the buyer has full right toreject the goods tendered.

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    Condition as to sample:

    When the sale is made by showing a

    sample, the implied condition is that the

    goods supplied shall be of the kind and

    quality as the sample is.

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    Condition as to sample as well as


    Where the goods are sold by sample as

    well as description, the implied authority

    is that the goods must correspond with


    If not, the buyer con reject the goods.

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    Condition as to quality or fitness:

    General rule is that there is no impliedcondition as to quality or fitness for any

    particular purpose of goods supplied. The buyer himself must ensure that the

    goods suits his purpose before he buys.

    If the goods are subsequently foundunsuitable for his purpose he cannotblame the seller and return them.

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    Condition as to merchantable quality:

    Where goods are bought by description

    from the seller who deals in goods of that

    description, there is an implied condition

    that the goods shall be of the

    merchantable quality.

    Merchantable goods are also free from

    latent defects.

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    Condition implied by custom:

    An implied condition as to quality or

    fitness for a particular purpose may be

    annexed by the usage of trade.

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    Implied warranties

    Warranty as quiet possession of goods:

    In every contract of sale, unless thereare intentions to the contrary, there is an

    implied warranty that the buyer shallhave and enjoy quiet possession of thegoods.

    This warranty assures the buyer that noperson will interfere or disturb in his quietenjoyment and possession of the goods.

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    Warranty as to freedom from charge or


    In a contract of sale, there is also an

    implied warranty that the goods shall be

    free from any charge or encumbrance in

    favour of third party.

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    Warranty as to quality or fitness by

    usage of trade:

    In every contract of sale, an implied

    warranty as to quality or fitness of goods

    for a particular purpose may be annexed

    by the usage of trade.

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    Warranty to disclose dangerous nature

    of goods:

    Any person who sells goods which he


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    Warranty to disclose dangerous nature

    of goods:

    Any person who sells goods which he

    knows to be dangerous, he must warn

    the buyer of the probable danger.

    If he sells without giving fair warning to

    the buyer, he is liable for the


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    The Latin expression caveat emptorenunciates thedoctrine of caveat emptorof English common law.

    Caveat emptormeans buyer beware or buyer takecare but does not mean that the buyer must take

    chance. The doctrine of caveat emptor is based on the

    presumption that a buyer relies on and uses his skilland judgment while buying the goods.

    If the buyer distrusts his own skill or judgment, he mayask the seller to give a guarantee or warranty.

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    Following are the exceptions of doctrine of caveatemptor:

    When purpose of buying is made known to the seller:In such a case seller is under a duty of the buyer

    subject to the following three conditions:o The buyer makes known to the seller the particular

    purpose for which the goods are required.

    o The buyer relies on the sellers skill or judgment.

    o The goods are of the description dealt in by the seller,whether he is the manufacturer or producer.

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    When the goods are bought by

    description i.e. merchantable goods: In

    such case the seller is bound to supply

    the goods